Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
A New Gateway Location Protocol for Mesh
Giresse M. Komba, Okuthe P. Kogeda and T. Zuva
Abstract—Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is a promising
technology that can provide broadband Internet access.
Traffic often routed in Wireless Mesh Backbone (WMB).
This also extended to the mesh clients and the Internet and
forward to then to mesh gateways. Strategically providing
efficient and supervising of WMN is a tedious task in
connecting places gateway. In this paper, we provide a New
Gateway Location Algorithm (NGLA) to address the
challenges of gateway location in WMN. This algorithm
incrementally identifies gateways, allocates mesh routers to
recognize gateways and guarantees to find a feasible gateway
location to satisfy the all Quality of Service (QoS)
constraints. Simulation results of our proposed NGLA
algorithm when compared with other algorithm outperform
others with a large margin with 50% less gateway.
Furthermore the NGLA is easy to implement thus, it can be
employed for WMB.
Index Terms—Wireless Mesh Network,
Location Protocol, Quality of Service.
IRELESS Mesh Network (WMN) consists of
mesh routers and mesh clients. The mesh routers
are immobile nodes and form a multi-hop wireless mesh
backbone between the mesh clients and the gateway
straight linked to the wired network [1]. Every mesh router
operates not only as a host but also as a router, transferring
package of information on behalf of other nodes that may
not be within direct wireless transmission range of their
WMN offers all the benefits of ad hoc wireless networks
including several additional benefits from the architecture
and rapidly deployed with minimal cost, efficient and
flexible system that supports the network access for mesh
clients [2]. The Gateway and bridge functionalities in mesh
routers allow the WMNs integrations through several
existing Wireless Networks such as cellular network,
Wireless Sensor, Microwave Access (WiMAX), and
Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) [3].
Manuscript received June 23, 2014; revised July 30, 2014. This work
was supported in part by Tshwane University of Technology, Department
of Computer System Engineering.
G. M. Komba. Author is with the Tshwane University of Technology,
Pretoria, South Africa. (e-mail:
[email protected]).
O . P. Kogeda. Author is with the Tshwane University of Technology,
Computer Science Department Pretoria, South Africa. Private bag X680,
Pretoria 0001. South Africa. (e-mail:
[email protected]).
T. Z. Author is with the, Tshwane University of Technology, Computer
Systems Engineering Pretoria, South Africa (email:
[email protected]).
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Each of these benefices supplements WMNs as a
promising wireless technology for numerous applications,
such as, broadband home networking, enterprise
networking, community, etc.
Several research problems still stay open in WMNs [4]
Gateway location is a meaningful issue in the design
of Wireless Mesh Backbone. It determines network
points, or gateways, through which a Mesh Backbone
communicates with other networks.
The a i m is to minimize the entire number of
gateways issue to QoS constraints. There are three
common QoS constraints in the design of WMB:
Gateways throughput constraint, delay constraint and
relay constraint[5]. The throughput capacity of a WMB
consequently hinges on the bandwidth and processing
speed of the gateways. The delay is a function of
the number of communication hops among the mesh
router and its gateway. It is imperative to optimize
the throughput for individual traffic flows [6] .
In this research, it is presumed that a Wireless Mesh
Backbone has several communication channels, which
allow interfering wireless links work on diverse
communication channels simultaneously, the bottleneck
on throughput is consequently reduced to the load on
the link individual links between mesh routers as
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm,
namely New Gateway Location Algorithm (NGLA) for
gateway location problem. Compared with
existing algorithms for the gateway location problem,
the novel algorithm has the following benefits: first, it
guarantees to find a gateway location satisfying all the
second, it
performance; third, it can be used for the Mesh
The remaining of the paper is structured as follows: In
Section I we present a background on the Wireless Mesh
Network and some related works while in Section II the
gateway location problem is formulated. We present
clustering approach in Section III. We discuss our
NGLA in Section IV. We discussed in Section VII an
experimentation Comparison with existing algorithm
We present a demonstration of the NGLA in Section
V. Simulation Results is provided in Section VI. Finally
we draw Conclusion in the succeeding Section.
Gateway location protocol in Wireless Mesh Network
has attracted various researchers with distinctive point of
Sanni [7] presents a gateway location problems for
deployment cost and this algorithm increased to take into
WCECS 2014
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
account delay, scalability and throughput constraint, and
this algorithm claim two hops for sharing.
Vinh addressed [8] a WMN planning schemes where
the placement of routers and gateways are fixed in
advance. All this researches consider in a way or another
minimization of a single objective based on the
deployment cost. We stressed the fact that users
reliability is not considered in [9] while QoS claims, such
as delay, throughput and relay are not take into account
in [10].
The Algorithm proposed by Zhang in [11] benefits of
the clustering method and optimize the gateway
placement issue in four stages: appoint each node and
select cluster head to a recognize cluster optimization
delay constraint, break down the clusters that do not
gratify the coverage constraint or the gateway delay
constraint, and select gateways to decrease the maximum
coverage. However, the algorithm does not involve any
competition of performance.
The work similar to ours is the algorithm suggested by
Sanni [7], which transformers the gateway location
problem into the minimum dominating set problem. The
algorithm considers the throughput, delay, relay
constraint and improves better than Vinh’s algorithm, the
Sanni’s algorithm, and Zhang’s algorithm. Nevertheless,
it has the following deficiencies: first, it can be utilized
for the WMB that form a connect component; second, it
requests to set the initial radius size correctly; besides, it
would not produce sufficient results.
Network Model: A mesh network is modelled
by a
directed graph G = (V, E). Where V = (a, b, r) ∈ V mesh
router, where a and b are the a -coordinate
and b-coordinate of the location of V and r is the radius
of the circular transmission range of V. Arc (vi, vj) ∈ E if
range of mesh router VI, or
vi is in the transmission
b b
ri ,
where vi a , b , r v j (a j ,b j , k j ) Note that (vi , v j ) E
i i i
does not hint because the radiuses of their transmission
range may be distinctive.
A mesh cluster is a set of vertices C ⊆ V. A mesh
cluster has a cluster head h ∈ C. The nodes in C, the
arcs between them explain a cluster graph GC = (C,
EC ), where an arc (vi, vj) ∈ EC if and only if vi ∈ C,
vj ∈ C, and (vi, vj)∈ E. A mesh cluster is connected if
and if only the corresponding cluster graph is
connected. The delay constraint is translated into upper
bound D on the mesh cluster radius.
The shortest path spanning tree is a Gc, T(Gc)
spanning tree, which is made by composing the shortest
path from the cluster heard h to all the other node in c.
The nodes at ith level of the shortest path spanning
tree have i hops to the cluster head h. The depth of
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
d Ck R ,where 1 k n ;(d) v T GCk , v L .
The shortest path three give a gateway location
solution where the roots represent the mesh router
where a gateway is located and the links specify the
communication topology. Condition (a) guarantees
that a WMB gateway location solution covers all
mesh routers; Condition (b) ensures that the throughput
constraint S is satisfied; Condition (c) enforces that the
delay constraint D is met; Condition (d) makes sure that
the Relay constraint S is respected.
The purpose of our clustering approach is to guarantee
a maximum bound length for each mesh node capability
path between any Mesh Node and its nearby Gateway. In
this paper, the transitive closure of a directed graph G=
(V, E) is a directed graph G+ =(V, E+) such that for ∀ <
u,v > ∈ E+ if and only if there exists a non-null path
from u to v. The n-step transitive closure of a directed
graph G = (V, E) is a directed graph Gn =(V, En) such
and only if the mesh router
T(Gc) is denoted d(T(Gc)). Let v be a node in T(Gc).
The number of nodes in the sub tree rooted v is denoted
π(v). Given a WMB represented by a directed graph
G V , E , a delay constraint D, a relay constraint S
and a gateway throughput constraint Q , the WMB
gateway location problem is to find a set of connected
clusters {C1,C2,… ,Cn} and their corresponding clusters’
shortest path spanning threes such as n is minimal subject
(a) C1 C2 ... Cn V ; (b) C k S , where 1 k n ;
that for ∀( u,v)∈ En if and only if there exists a non-null
path from u to v and the length of the path is less than or
equals to n. Figure 1 shows WMB graph. The transitive
closure and the 2-step transitive closure are displayed
in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively.
A WMB graph G =(V, E) can be represented by n×n
adjacency matrix A aij nn where
1, if vi , v j V and < vi , v j > E ;
0, otherwise
For example, WMB graph show in Equation 2. The
adjacent matrix representations for its transitive closure
and its 2-step transitive closure are displayed in Equation
3 and Equation 4 respectively.
0 1 11
WCECS 2014
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
Algorithm 2 is the algorithm for recognizing or
identifying gateway.
Algorithm 2 Location gateways
U do
if resembling mesh router cluster of the i row of the
R-step transitive closure is discover mesh network
the mesh router cluster head is selected as a gateway;
end for
if no discover mesh cluster discovered then find a
mesh router cluster has a maximum size; the head of the
mesh router is selected as a gateway.
End if
Fig 2. Graph G of MB
for i =1 to
Once gateways have been recognizing applying the
technique depicted above, we appoint as many mesh
routers as possible to those recognized gateway subjects to
delay, relay and throughput constraints decrease the total
number of gateways. Algorithm 3 is the algorithm
appointing mesh routers to locate gateways.
Fig. 3. Graph G’s transitive closure
The New Gateway Location Algorithm (NGLA) resolves
the gateway location problem by repetitively and
incrementally recognizing gateways and appointing mesh
routers to recognize gateways.
Algorithm 1 is the descriptive Algorithm.
Algorithm1 New Gateway location Algorithm
While U do
Design a WMB graph from U;
Construct the R-step transitive closure;
Appoint mesh routers U to recognize gateways
subject to the R, L and S constraint;
Delete the appointed mesh routers from U.
End while
U is the group of mesh routers in the algorithm 1: R, L
and S illustrate the delay, relay and throughput constraint,
The NGLA begins with building a WMB graph in
every iteration graph from the current not signed mesh
routers to the recognized mesh router set U, design the Rstep transitive closure of MB graph, recognizes gateways
based on R-step transitive closure, and finally appoints
mesh routers to the recognized gateways and removes the
recognized mesh routers from U. This algorithm is
incremental as it incrementally identifies gateways and
appoints mesh routers to recognize gateways. The
router is the head of the mesh cluster.
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
i th mesh
Algorithm 3 Appointing mesh routers to Locate
for each gateway g do
for h=0 to R do
for any mesh router that is covered by g the shortest
distance to g is h do
if not transgressing any of the constraints
appoint the mesh router to g;
remove the mesh router from the gateways,
if any;
end if
end for
This paragraph uses an example to demonstrate how the
NGLA works. The WMB gateway location problem is
provided in WMB graph shown in Figure 4. The coverage
radiuses may have nine different mesh router R8 .The
coverage radius of mesh router
reached R8 .
R8 can reach router R9 , but
representation of the WMB graph shown in Figure 4. For
this WMB gateway location problem, we suppose that the
delay constraint R=2, the relay constraint L=2, the gateway
throughput S=3, for this WMB gateway location problem.
A solution needs to be found such the optimum hop from
whatever mesh router to its gateway must not surpass 2.
Each mesh router must not relay packets for more than 2
mesh routers, and every gateway must not serve for more
WCECS 2014
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
Fig. 4: Mesh backbone graph.
Fig 5: WMB graph matrix representation
The 2 transitive closure of the WMB is found by the
algorithm in the beginning. Figure 6 reveals the matrix
representation of the 2-step transitive closure of the BB
graph. Afterwards, the algorithm recognizes gateways
using the technique described in Algorithm 2.
Since the mesh router clusters corresponding to 1th and
the 8th rows of the 2-step transitive closure are the only
uncovered mesh router clusters, R1 and R8 are recognized
as gateways. The algorithm afterwards exploits the
procedure depicted in A U to R1 and R8 as much as
possible subject to R, L and S constrains. The appointing
procedure starts with R1.
The WMB intermediate state considers all the mesh
routers than covered by R1 according to the information
given in the 2-step transitive closure in Figure 6 in the
descending order of the hops numbers from the mesh
router to R1.
The result shows R1, R4 and R2 are allocated to
gateway R1 in the order. The allocating procedure,
then the same idea is used to allocate mesh routers to
R8, R7 and R9 to gateway R8. The state has been
shown in Figure 7 after this iteration of recognizing
gateways and allocating mesh routers.
In the figure 7, the components drawn in broken
lines symbolize the allocated mesh routers and the
components drawn in solid lines symbolize the mesh
routers that have not been allocated to any gateway, the
algorithm reprises the above method. It generates a
Wireless Mesh Backbone graph for the remaining
mesh routers and then generates a 2-step transitive
closure of the backbone wireless graph.
Figures 8 and 9 display the matrix illustration of
the WMB and the 2-step transitive closure of the
Wireless Mesh Backbone graph, respectively. From the
2-step transitive closure of the Wireless Mesh
Backbone graph, the algorithm identifies gateways
using the technique described in Algorithm 2.
Since the entire mesh router is covered ones, the
mesh router that has the largest size, which is R5, is
selected as a gateway. The NGLA then allocates the
rest mesh routers to gateway R5. Figure 10 showed
the final location result. As displayed in the figure,
three gateways are required to be located.
Fig. 7: WMB graph’s intermediate state
Fig. 8. Matrix of WMB graph
Fig 6: WMB graph matrix representation of the 2 transitive closures.
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Fig. 9. Matrix of 2 transitive WMB graph
WCECS 2014
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
generator used in [8] randomly creates a test problem
that contains up to n mesh routers.
A. Effects of Delay
In this section, we appraise the impact of the delay
constraint on the rendering of the four algorithms. The
delay value constraint varies from 1 to 10. The appraisal
result has been shown in Figure 11.
The figure 11 shows the performance of the NGLA that
is similar to the iterative greedy algorithm and the
augmenting algorithm; however it has improved than that
of the weighted recursive algorithm under the delay
Fig. 10. The solution.
The Simulation results of the NGLA performance
by comparing it with three top algorithms for the
gateway location problem has been evaluated in this
Section. The three algorithms are the weighted recursive
algorithm addressed by Sanni [7], the iterative greedy
algorithm suggested by Vinh [8], and an augmenting
algorithm similar to those proposed by Sanni [7] and by
Zhang [11]. The performance of the four algorithms is
evaluated and compared in terms of the delay constraint,
the relay constraint, and the gateway throughput
constraint respectively.
We designed a Matlab program randomly to create
gateway location problems have 180 mesh routers on a
9x9 plane. 1.5 is the connecting radius, and 0.5 is the
lowest distance between any pair of mesh routers. The
program has been utilized to create 29 instances for
every of the setups, and lastly the four algorithms have
been utilized to resolve the gateway location problems.
The algorithm performance has been evaluated by the 31
runs average number gateways for every of the set-ups
in every of the evaluations.
The employment of the augmenting algorithm
weighted recursive algorithm, the iterative greedy
algorithm, and the utilized in the valuations is the ones
used by Sanni [7].
However, the program developed in [7] is altered
from the program utilized for randomly creating check
problems. Given a parameter n, the test problem
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
B. Effects of Relay
The effects of the relay constraint on the four algorithm
performance are evaluated in this section. In this
evaluation, the link capacity constraint is relaxed and the
delay constraint is stabilized or fixed to 8. Figure 12
embellishes the evaluation results.
The evaluation result shows that the NGLA achieved
much better than of the iterative greedy algorithm and the
augmenting algorithm. The weighted recursive algorithm
also outperforms when the relay constraint is 1 and when
the relay constraint is greater than 8. But, it is not as good
as that of the weighted recursive algorithm when the link
throughput is between 2 and 8.
In general, the NGLA performance is as good as that of
the weighted recursive algorithm, In general .Which is the
highest between the existing gateway location algorithms,
under the relay constraints.
C. Effects of Throughput
In this section Throughput Constraint’s effect on the
performance of the four algorithms are studied. The
four algorithms are tested in this estimation. The relay
constraint is relaxed when the throughput constraint
varies from 1 to 16 and the delay is set to 7. Figure 13
shows the performance of the four algorithms in
relation to the throughput constraint.
The figure displays that the performance of the
weighted recursive algorithm is the best among the
four algorithms.
The NGLA performance is similar to that of the
weighted recursive algorithm, and it is better than that
of the iterative algorithm and the augmenting algorithm
when the throughput constraint is tight.
When the throughput constraint is relaxed, the
performances of the recursive clustering, the
assignment algorithm, the iterative greedy algorithm,
and the augmenting algorithm are close.
WCECS 2014
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol II
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA
Iterative Greedy
Weight Recursive
Gateways number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
the performance of the NGLA outperforms the best
algorithm. Moreover, the NGLA has the following
first, it guarantees to find a gateway location
sustaining all the QoS constraints; second, it has
competitive performance; third, it is utilized in the
WMB that does not form a linked component;
fourth, it is easy to implement. The possible direction
for future work is to take into account wireless
interference would provide a better estimation of the
capacity available for Mesh Routers to generate traffic.
Delay Constraint
Fig. 11. The impacts of the hop constraint on the algorithms.
Iterative Greedy
Weight Recursive
Gateways number
10 11 12 13
Relay constarint
Fig 12. The impacts of the link capacity constraint on the four algorithm
Gateways number
Iterative Greedy
weight recursive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Throughput constraint
Fig 13. The impact of the Throughput Constraint on the performance
of the algorithm.
This paper proposed a novel algorithm for the
location problem.
existing algorithms for the gateway location
problem, the NGLA increasingly recognizes
gateways and appoints remaining mesh routers to
By increasingly
recognizing gateways, the NGLA can fully explore
mesh router assignment options, thus benefit to
reduce in the number of gateways.
Simulation results have shown that in general
ISBN: 978-988-19253-7-4
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
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