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2016, Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 1. Mathematica. Physica
12 pages
1 file
This paper is devoted to the development of technology advisory intelligent systems and artificial intelligence methods intended for analysis, modeling and interpretation of medical thermometer data. During the last decade 160 Интеллектуальный анализ многомерных термометрических данных
This monograph discusses the basic methods and tools for processing thermographic information obtained from systems with applications in medical diagnostics and ecology. Chapter 1. General principles in methods and means for recording, measuring and processing thermographic information Applications of thermography, mainly in the fields of medicine and ecology, are presented. Problems related to the accuracy of measurement with an infrared camera are discussed. External (Atmosphere, Physical characteristics of body coverings, Geometric factors, Environment, Infrared characteristics of the object under study and Behavioral factors) and internal (Stressor, Blood circulation, Physical activity, Sweating, etc.) factors that affect the accuracy of measurement are described. The causes leading to errors in thermographic measurements are analyzed, the main ones being: water vapor, ozone and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. An analysis is made of the methods and means of recording, measuring, processing and evaluating thermographic information with applications directed to the fields of medical diagnostics and ecology. Methods of diagnosis by analysis of data provided by the thermal camera are discussed. An approach using a system of small satellites and specialized drones for environmental monitoring is proposed. The analysis shows the relevance and wide application of thermography in fields such as medicine, ecology, industry and many others. The existing methods and tools presented in the literature poorly cover those proposed in the monograph. Based on the findings, this monograph proposes to develop the following new methods and tools in the field of thermography: 1. Development of methods and tools for recording, measuring, processing and evaluating thermographic information for application in medical diagnostic systems. 2. Development of methods and means for recording, measuring, processing and evaluating thermographic information for application in environmental systems. Chapter 2. Development of methods and means for recording, measuring, processing and evaluation of thermographic information for application in medical diagnostic systems. The influence of mental workload on deviations in infrared thermography of the human face is investigated. A methodology has been developed whereby thermographic imaging of the change in skin surface temperature of specific areas of the human face allows the recording of the change in brain activity. It has been applied in reliable mechanisms to assess the impact of various thought processes on the mind and hence on the physiological responses of the human body. The proposed methodologies would contribute to the improvement of diagnostics using biofeedback systems. Chapter 3. Development of methods and tools for recording, measuring, processing and evaluation of thermographic information for application in ecological systems. 1. A model using multiple sensors to measure different objects or areas is proposed. This allows to reduce the measurement error of the same area of the object in question. The reduction of the variance of the resulting signal when the number of independently measuring sensors increases is calculated. 2. A block diagram of a module for non-contact surface temperature measurement of distributed objects in a thermal zone within a room in a building is developed. The module has been designed and integrated as part of a larger building energy efficiency, monitoring and management system. Measurement of several zones of interest simultaneously is implemented in order to search for connections related to cooling or heating. 3. An optoelectronic system model has been developed for sensing passing objects, in particular vehicles. Some of the problems and their corresponding solutions in creating a prototype system for counting objects based on optical emission are described. Experimental research related to the counting of cars for the purpose of traffic counting its reduction is conducted. 4. A methodology has been developed to cover large areas and many objects using infrared thermography to detect objects with temperatures significantly different from ambient. It has been used to count populations, detect habitat areas, study migration processes, identify movement patterns in large herds, and study the natural habitat of particular groups and breeds of wildlife. 5. An intelligent system has been developed to measure and monitor the main parameters of beehives: moisture, temperature, noise, store weight(honeycombs), pesticide content in the air, etc. This would lead to an increase in honey production, optimization of the activity in this field and prolongation of the life of bee colonies, as well as their protection from adverse external influences. The benefit of the system is the ability to: monitor in real time the temperature and humidity inside the hive against the same parameters outside, reacting in time if necessary to prevent the hive from overheating due to severe weather conditions and perishing. The system is very applicable, especially if the worst can be prevented for the bee colony, because nowadays they are endangered to a huge extent. 6. Designed and implemented a Smart Farming system including modules for measuring soil and air moisture, temperature and pH. The aim is to automate and optimize agricultural labor. Efficient farming is a complex set of multiple factors. The main objectives are: reducing the cost of irrigation and fertilization , fuel for agricultural machinery; Increasing yields by 50% to 70%; Increasing crop quality and reducing culling; Taking care of the land and preserving nature thanks to less use of artificial fertilizers; Helping to fight plant diseases and reducing the use of pesticides. 7. A system consisting of nanosatellites and specialized drones is proposed which can be used for: Detection of forest fires, forest plantation development, etc.; Environmental monitoring - measurement of air and soil pollution; Gas leakage on highway gas pipelines. The system is to be implemented. Chapter 4. Conclusions The results and guidelines presented in the previous chapters are summarized. The tasks related to future developments in the field of medicine and ecology are set.
Kibernetika i vyčislitelʹnaâ tehnika
сьогодні розроблено багато математичних моделей прогнозування фізіологічних реакцій людини, але більшість з них орієнтовано на розв'язання вузького спектру виконуваних завдань і не враховують поєднання різноманітних чинників, які можуть впливати на людину. Метою роботи є розроблення мультифункціональної інформаційної системи моделювання термофізіологічного стану людини, яка дає змогу комплексно оцінити вплив екстремальних умов на організм людини. Результати. Запропонована інформаційна система уможливлює виконання великого класу завдань, пов'язаних з оцінюванням одночасного впливу на людину різноманітних екстремальних умов: високі та низькі температури середовища, вологе та сухе повітря, пронизливий вітер, інтенсивна фізична активність, перебування у холодній воді, паронепроникний захисний одяг, довгохвильова та короткохвильова сонячна радіація, температурна неоднорідність приміщення і вплив електромагнітних полів. Висновки. Розроблена інформаційна система надає можливість отримати попередні рекомендації щодо фізіологічних резервів організму, ризиків погіршення функціонального стану людини, часу безпечного перебування людини в заданих умовах середовища, температурного комфорту людини у приміщенні під час професійної діяльності, впливу електромагнітної гіпертермії на людину у радіочастотному діапазоні тощо.
Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation
This paper discusses the effectiveness of using the method of microwave radiothermometry in examinations of brain diseases, namely the state of disordered consciousness. In contrast to most methods of examinations by this method, the measurements of the brain were carried out in only 2 different frontal areas for 2 days with a frequency of 4 hours. Therefore, the aim of the study was to identify the effectiveness of a diagnostic model based on the dynamics of temperature changes. The work showed that in healthy patients there is a circadian rhythm: during the day the temperature rises, at night it decreases. At the same time, such dynamics is not observed in patients with disordered consciousness. Based on this knowledge, a conceptual and mathematical model were proposed. The first of them describes the characteristic features of healthy and sick patients. The second one quantifies these features. The constructed mathematical model was tested in the classification problem. The Naive...
Theoretical & Applied Science
ISRA (India) = 4.971 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 GIF (Australia) = 0.564 JIF = 1.500 SIS (USA) = 0.912 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 PIF (India) = 1.940 IBI (India) = 4.260 OAJI (USA) =
Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov, 2018
В статье исследуется метод аппроксимации экспериментальных данных, содержащих разного уровня погрешности, обусловленные как алгоритмом работы измерительной аппаратуры, так и нелинейным характером тепловых процессов, протекающих в работающем станке. Приведены результаты натурных испытаний сверлильно-фрезерно-расточного станка модели 400V на холостом ходу. Представлена фотография четырех установленных термодатчиков. Информация о температуре фиксировалась с помощью отечественного многоканального измерителя температуры МИТ-12ТП. Результатом проведенных исследований стала разработка и практическая реализация алгоритма построения аппроксимирующих функций на основе степенных полиномов. Алгоритм разработан для построения как интерполирующей, так и экстраполирующей функции. Установлено, что для экспериментальных кривых, не содержащих точки перегиба, разработанный алгоритм построения экстраполяционных функций позволяет практически вдвое сократить время сбора экспериментальных данных, то есть реализовать методику сокращения во времени натурного эксперимента. Ключевые слова: тепловые испытания станков, погрешность обработки, тепловые характеристики, степенной полином, метод Гаусса. Парфёнов Игорь Валентинович, кандидат технических наук, доцент, декан факультета дистанционных образовательных технологий.
Interexpo GEO-Siberia
The development directions of the classical method for measuring the thermophysical parameters of the medium on the basis of a linear source are investigated. The influence of the thermal waveform source on the sensitivity of the probe termogram (temperature change over time) to medium thermal diffusivity is considered. The possibility of determining thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity using a single-needle probe whit known thermal properties is considered. The possibility of determining thermophysical parameters using thermograms of a saw-tooth heat pulse is substantiated.
Mathematical Physics and Computer Simulation
просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация Аннотация. Статья посвящена разработке нового метода формирования пространства диагностических признаков по данным микроволновой радиотермометрии, предназначенного для создания на его основе консультативной интеллектуальной диагностической системы. Предъявлен метод формирования высокоинформативных признаков на базе количественного описания медицинских знаний и математических моделей поведения температурных полей молочных желез. Ключевые слова: интеллектуальный анализ данных, микроволновая радиотермометрия, консультативные интеллектуальные системы, высокоинформативные признаки, рак молочной железы.
Системи обробки інформації, 2020
У статті наведено результати аналізу методів нечіткої кластеризації даних поточних спостережень в технічних системах. Запропоновано і протестовано комбінований підхід до нечіткої кластеризації даних з використанням комбінації алгоритму Густафсона-Кесселя, методу остовного лісу та фільтра Калмана, що може бути використаний в системах технічної діагностики (зокрема, діагностики стану основних параметрів технологічних процесів). Розглянуто можливість подальшого розширення функціональних можливостей наведеного комбінованого методу кластеризації з наданням йому адаптивних властивостей. Наведено результати тестування та визначено переваги запропонованого підходу.
The results of reconstruction of a special test object containing materials with known densities and effective atomic numbers for the four dual energy projections are submitted. The accuracy of the reconstruction is assessed.
Informe Epidemiológico, 2024
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Procedia Computer Science, 2018
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International Journal of Medical Students, 2023
Bioilmi: Jurnal Pendidikan
8 th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression NIME08, 2008