A Formal Architecture for the 3APL Agent
Programming Language
Mark d’Inverno, Koen Hindriksy , and Michael Luckz
Cavendish School of Computer Science, 115 New Cavendish Street, University of
Westminster, London W1M 8JS, UK
[email protected]
Dept. of Computer Science, Universiteit Utrecht, P.O. Box 80.089; 3508 TB Utrecht,
The Netherlands
[email protected]
z Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
[email protected]
Abstract. The notion of agents has provided a way of imbuing traditional computing systems with an extra degree of flexibility that allows them to be more
resilient and robust in the face of more varied and unpredictable forms of interaction. One class of agents, typically called intelligent agents, represent their world
symbolically according to their beliefs, have goals which need to be achieved, and
adopt plans or intentions to achieve them. Now, one approach to building agents
is to design a programming language whose semantics are based on some theory
of rational or intentional agency and to program the desired behaviour of individual agents directly using mental attitudes. Such a technique is referred to as
agent oriented programming. Arguably, the most innovative of these languages is
3APL (pronounced “triple-a-p-l”) which supports the construction of intelligent
agents for the development of complex systems through a set of intuitive concepts like beliefs, goals and plans. In this paper, we provide a Z specification of
the programming language 3APL which provides a basis for implementation and
also adds to a growing library of agent techniques and features.
1 Introduction
Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in agent-based systems and the related
subfield of distributed artificial intelligence (DAI). The focus of much agent-based work
is on building architectures for intelligent agents, providing information about essential
data structures, relationships between these data structures, the processes or functions
that operate on them and the operation or execution cycle of an agent.
Deliberative Agent Systems symbolically model their environment and manipulate
these symbols in order to act. In order to model rational or intentional agency, an abstraction level is chosen for the symbols such that they represent mental attitudes. Most
agent systems include a deliberative architecture to support deliberative reasoning at the
mental-attitude level.
Mental attitudes used to describe and characterise the behaviour of agents include
beliefs, goals, assumptions, desires, knowledge, plans, motivations and intentions, and
are commonly grouped into three categories, informative, motivational and deliberative [9]. The first refers to that which a system considers to be true about the world and
includes knowledge, beliefs and assumptions, the second to the ‘wants’ of a system including goals, desires and motivations, and the third concerns how an agent’s behaviour
is directed and includes plans and intentions. The distinction between the second and
third categories is subtle since it is possible that a system may desire a certain state
without planning for it, or intending it to happen.
There are several compelling reasons why agents defined using mental attitudes
might be useful. First, if an agent can be described in terms of what it knows, what
it wants and what it intends then, since it is modelled on familiar concepts, it becomes
possible for users to understand and predict its behaviour. Second, understanding the relationship between these different attitudes and how they affect behaviour could provide
the control mechanism for ‘intelligent action’ in general. Third, computational agents
designed in this way may be able to interpret the behaviour of others independently of
any implementation.
Rather than defining an architecture, agent oriented programming is a paradigm for
directly programming the behaviour of agents using computational languages whose
semantics capture some theory of rational agency [14]. Typically agents have an initial
set of beliefs, goals and plans and an interpreter that details how agents should achieve
their goals given an environmental context.
1.1 The 3APL Programming Language
One such agent programming language is 3APL which supports the design and construction of intelligent agents for the development of complex systems through a set of
intuitive concepts like beliefs, goals and plans. In turn, these can be used to describe
and understand the computational system in a natural way. Indeed, applications such as
personal assistants [12] are naturally seen as agents that act on behalf of their users and
in pursuit of user goals, using these concepts.
3APL supports this style of programming by means of an expressive set of primitives to program agents, which consist of sets of beliefs, goals and practical reasoning
rules. Beliefs represent the issues the agent must deal with, while goals allow the agent
both to focus on what it must achieve and to represent the way in which it can achieve it.
In 3APL, goals are thus used to represent achievement goals and as plans. The practical
reasoning rules provide the agent with planning capabilities to find an appropriate plan
to achieve a goal, capabilities to create new goals to deal with a particular situation, and
capabilities to use the rules to revise a plan. The architecture for 3APL [8] is based on
the think-act cycle, which is divided into two parts. The first part corresponds to a phase
of practical reasoning by using practical reasoning rules, and the second corresponds to
an execution phase in which the agent performs some action.
Originally, the operational semantics of 3APL was specified by means of Plotkinstyle transition semantics [7]. In this work, we provide a re-specification of 3APL in Z,
which has a number of benefits. First, it helps to get closer to a good implementation of
3APL, because of the tools available for Z which support type-checking, animation, and
so on. By specifying 3APL, we can provide a computational model that includes data
structures, operation and architecture, thereby isolating the data-types for an efficient
implementation of 3APL. Second, the process of re-specification provides a different
perspective, highlighting different aspects of the language and architecture that are not
manifested in a similar way in the transition style semantics. In carrying out this work,
we aim to provide a clearer analysis and insight into agent languages and architectures,
and add to a growing library (written in Z) of desirable and reusable agent features.
The next section introduces the basic types used to build the 3APL model, comprising beliefs, actions, goals and practical reasoning rules. Then we define 3APL agents
and finally we describe their operation.
2 3APL types
Beliefs and goals are the basic types of expressions in 3APL from which rule expressions are derived. In this specification, beliefs are a subset of first order formulae
(though in principle any knowledge representation language could be used), and this
first order language is defined in the usual way. First order terms are defined by means
of given sets of constants, first order variables, and function symbols. Since the programming language distinguishes between first order variables and variables that range
over goals, we first define a partition of the set of variables, and use FOVar to denote
the set of first order variables and Gvar to denote the set of goal variables.
Const Var Fun Sym ℄
FOVar : P Var
GVar : P Var
FOVar \ GVar = ?
FOVar [ GVar = Var
The sets of all constants and function symbols are respectively denoted as [Const ℄
and [Fun Sym ℄. In terms of this specification, the contents of these sets are unimportant, and we use them directly without further elaboration. A first order term is either
a constant, a first order variable, or a function symbol with a non-empty sequence of
terms as a parameter. The auxiliary function fovars returns the set of all first order
variables in a (first order) term.
FOTerm ::= onst hhConst ii
j var hhFOVar ii
j fun tor hhFun Sym seq1 FOTerm ii
fovars : FOTerm ! (P FOVar )
8 : Const ; v : FOVar ; f : Fun Sym ; ts : seq FOTerm
fovars ( onst ) = ? ^
fovars (var v ) = fv g ^ S
fovars (fun tor (f ts )) = ft : FOTerm j t 2 (ran ts ) fovars t g
2.1 Beliefs
Beliefs are defined by building types from the above primitives. The set of all predicate symbols is denoted by [PredSym ℄, and a belief atom is a predicate symbol with a
(possibly empty) sequence of terms as its argument. Beliefs are then either an atom, the
negation of an atom, the conjunction of two beliefs, or the implication of one belief by
some other belief.
PredSym ℄
head : PredSym
terms : seq FOTerm
pos hhAtom ii j not hhAtom ii j and hhBelief Belief ii
j imply hhBelief Belief ii j false j true
The running example in this paper concerns a personal assistant for scheduling
meetings and other activities, which acts on behalf of its user, monitors the need to
schedule activities, and helps the user to find appropriate slots. The agent might also
provide its user with information concerning the appropriate means of transportation to
go to the location of a scheduled meeting.
Part of the knowledge representation language of a personal assistant for scheduling (PAS) consists of predicates to represent, for example, the agenda of the user and
the means of transportation to get from A to B. In particular, the predicate agenda
represents the user’s agenda, with five arguments:
agenda (A tivity Time Duration People Lo
Each variable, respectively, represents the activity scheduled (such as meetings, lunch,
etc), the date and time, the duration of the activity, the set of people involved, and
the location. For example, the PAS may have the following belief concerning the user’s
agenda, indicating that an hour meeting is scheduled for May 5th at 12:00 with John and
Peter in Utrecht: pos agenda(meeting; may5th12 : 00; 60min; fjohn; peterg; utre ht)
Other predicates include free (Time ; Length ), indicating that a free slot of length
Length at time Time , and transport (Means ; FromLo ; ToLo ; Time ; DurTrans ), indicating that a possible means of moving from FromLo to ToLo at (date and) time
Time is Means , and taking DurTrans time. Finally, lo ation (Lo ; Time ) keeps track
of the location of the user at a particular time, which is assumed to be persistent. That
is, without information to the contrary, the location of the user at a time T 0 after time
T will be assumed to be the same as that at time T .
2.2 Actions
In order to achieve goals or accomplish tasks, an agent must perform actions, represented by action symbols specified in the same way as atoms.
A tionSym ℄
A tion
name : A tionSym
terms : seq FOTerm
A basic action used by the PAS agent is the action ins agenda for inserting items in
the belief base. The action has five associated arguments matching the arguments of the
predicate agenda , and is used to insert a particular item in the agenda. Specifically,
ins agenda (A tivity ; Time ; Length ; People ; Lo ) inserts the corresponding agenda
predicate into the belief base of the PAS. For example,
ins agenda(meeting; may5th12 : 00; 60min; [john; peter℄; utre ht)
inserts an hour-long meeting scheduled for May 5th with John and Peter in Utrecht in
the agenda of the agent.
At this point, a number of auxiliary functions may also be defined to return the set
of variables in an atom, a belief, or an action, and which are used in the specification of
the operation of an agent.
atomvars : Atom ! (P FOVar )
beliefvars : Belief ! (P FOVar )
a tionvars : A tion ! (P FOVar )
8 : Const ; v : FOVar ; f : Fun Sym ; ts : seq FOTerm ;
at : Atom ; b1 b2 : Belief ; a : A tion
fovars ( onst ) = ? ^
fovars (var v ) = fv g ^ S
fovars (fun tor (Sf ts )) = ft : FOTerm j t 2 (ran ts ) fovars t g ^
atomvars at = ft : FOTerm j t 2 (ran at terms ) fovars t g ^
beliefvars (pos at ) = atomvars at ^
beliefvars (not at ) = atomvars at ^
beliefvars (and (Sb1 b2 )) = beliefvars b1 [ beliefvars b2 ^
a tionvars a = ft : FOTerm j t 2 (ran a terms ) fovars t g
2.3 Goals, Contexts and Front Contexts
In 3APL, goals are used to represent both the goals and the plans to achieve these goals
of the agent. Goals are program-like structures that are built from basic constructs,
such as actions, and regular imperative programming constructs, such as sequential
composition and nondeterministic choice. 3APL goals can be characterised as goalsto-do, which are mental attitudes corresponding to plans of action to achieve a state
of affairs, or goals-to-be, which are mental attitude corresponding to the state of affairs
desired by an agent. For example, an agent may have adopted the goal-to-do of learning
to play the piano, and then performing at the ZB conference dinner. This might be done
in pursuit of the agent’s goal-to-be of wanting to be a pop-star rather than an academic.
Contexts Before formally describing goals, we introduce the notion of contexts, which
are goals with an extra feature called ‘holes’ that act as placeholders within the structure of goals1 . Contexts are well-known structures in programming language semantics,
closely related to the concept of goals, and are used to describe the operation and architecture of 3APL agents. Use of contexts in this way differs substantially from the
transition style semantics presented in [7], which is inappropriate in this Z specification, since it would require a recursive relationship between schemas. While contexts,
by contrast, allow us to give an elegant specification of the operation of a 3APL agent,
we must stress that their role is in the presentation of an architecture for 3APL, rather
than in the 3APL language itself.
More precisely, a context is either a basic action, a query goal, an achieve goal, the
sequential composition of two contexts, the nondeterministic choice of two contexts,
a goal variable or “” which represents a place within a context that might contain
another context. In the definition below, we use the set of goal variables, GVar , to
allow a process called goal revision to take place as will be described later.
Context ::= ba hhA tion ii j query hhBelief ii j a hieve hhAtom ii j
seq omp hhContext Context ii j hoi e hhContext Context ii j
goalvar hhGVar ii j
The , which denotes the placeholder or hole within a context, is distinct from a
goal variable. Although both and a goal variable are placeholders, is a facility used
for specifying 3APL, whereas goal variables are part of 3APL itself. Five examples of
contexts are shown in Figure 1.
Goals We can now define a goal as a context without any occurrences of . Only
the third context in Figure 1 is a goal since it contains no squares. None of the other
contexts are goals because they contain at least one occurrence of . The auxiliary
function square ount counts the occurrences of in a context.
square ount : Context ! N
8 a : A tion ; b : Belief ; at : Atom ; 1 2 : Context ; gv : GVar
square ount (ba a ) = 0 ^ square ount (query b ) = 0 ^
square ount (a hieve at ) = 0 ^
square ount (seq omp ( 1 2 )) = square ount 1 + square ount 2 ^
square ount ( hoi e ( 1 2 )) = square ount 1 + square ount 2 ^
square ount (goalvar gv ) = 0 ^ square ount = 1
Goal == fg : Context j square ount g = 0g
Front Contexts An important type of context, known as a front context, is used to illustrate significant properties of 3APL. Front contexts are contexts with precisely one
Note that our use of the term context is distinct from the notion of a context in such systems as
AgentSpeak(L) [13, 3], which is defined as the pre-condition of a plan.
hoi e (seq omp (; ba ins agenda(meeting; Time; Dur; People; Lo
omp (seq omp (query pos free(Time; Length); ); goalvar X)
3:goalvar X
4:seq omp (; ba ins(agenda(meeting; Time; Dur; People; Lo ))
5: hoi e (seq omp (; ba ins(agenda(meeting; Time; Dur; People; Lo
query (pos free(Time; Length)))
Fig. 1. Examples of Contexts
occurrence of at the front of the context. Informally, an element at the front of a context means that an agent could choose to perform this element first, so that if a at the
front of a context was replaced by a goal, then that goal could be performed first, before
the remainder of the overall goal.
A front context is defined formally as either a single square, the sequential composition of a front context with a goal, or the choice (in either order) of a front context and
a goal. In Figure 1, neither Context 1, 2, nor 3 are front contexts, but both 4 and 5 are.
front ontext : P(Context )
8 f f 1 : Context ; g : Goal front ontext (f ) ,
f =_
(f = seq omp (f 1 g ) ^ front ontext f 1 ) _
(f = hoi e (f 1 g ) ^ front ontext f 1 ) _
(f = hoi e (g f 1 ) ^ front ontext f 1 )
The type FrontContext is the set of contexts satisfying front
FrontContext == ff : Context j front ontext f
ontext .
Clearly any front context has only one occurrence of a ‘hole’.
FrontContext square ount f
A goal may contain both goal variables as well as first order variables. We therefore
define three functions that return the set of all variables, goal variables and first order
variables, respectively, of a goal. A definition of optional and related elements can be
found in [3].
goalvars : optional [Goal ℄ ! (P Var )
goalgvars : optional [Goal ℄ ! (P GVar )
goalfovars : optional [Goal ℄ ! (P FOVar )
8 g : optional [Goal ℄; a : A tion ; b : Belief
at : Atom ; g1 g2 : Goal ; gv : GVar
goalvars ? = ? ^
goalvars fba a g = a tionvars a ^
goalvars fquery b g = beliefvars b ^
goalvars fa hieve at g = atomvars at ^
goalvars fseq omp (g1 g2 )g = goalvars fg1 g [ goalvars fg2 g ^
goalvars f hoi e (g1 g2 )g = goalvars fg1 g [ goalvars fg2 g ^
goalvars fgoalvar gv g = fgv g ^
goalgvars g = (goalvars g ) \ GVar ^
goalfovars g = (goalvars g ) \ FOVar
2.4 Practical Reasoning Rules
A 3APL agent uses practical reasoning rules not only to plan in the more conventional
sense, but also to reflect on its goals. Whilst the use of rules for planning is a familiar
concept from the literature, using rules for reflection on goals or plans is less well
known. Reflection allows an agent to re-consider one of its plans in a situation in which
the plan will fail with respect to the goal it is trying to achieve or has already failed, or
where a more optimal strategy can be pursued.
Practical reasoning rules are divided into four classes: reactive rules, which are used
not only to respond to the current situation but also to create new goals; plan-rules,
which are used to find plans for achievement goals; failure-rules, which are used to
replan when plans fail; and optimisation-rules, which can replace less effective plans
with more optimal plans. (This classification of rules was first proposed in [8].)
We introduce a type to correspond to each of these categories.
PRType ::= rea tive j failure j plan j optimisation
A practical reasoning rule consists of an (optional) head, which is a goal, an (optional) body which is a goal, a guard which is a belief and a type to define its purpose.
Informally, a practical reasoning rule with head g , body p and guard b , states that if
the agent tries to achieve goal g and finds itself in a situation b , then it might consider
replacing g by a plan p as a means to achieve it. If it is a plan-rule, the goal g is of the
form a hieve s where s is a simple formula, and the rule states that to achieve goal g in
situation b , consider plan p . If it is a failure-rule, then g may be any goal and the rule
states that if g fails in situation b , consider dropping g and instead, adopting strategy p
to deal with the failure. Finally, if it is an optimisation-rule, then g may be any goal and
the rule states that if g is not so efficient in situation b , consider dropping g and instead,
adopting strategy p .
Formally, we define a practical reasoning rule in the schema below, in which the
conditions specify that a reactive-rule has an empty head (and it can be applied whenever the guard is true) and that a plan-rule has an achieve goal as its head.
head = fa hieve s hedule(A tivity; Time; DurationA t; People; Lo )g;
guard = and (pos free(Time; DurationA t); pos lo ation(FromLo ; Time));
body = fseq omp (seq omp (
query (pos transport(Means; FromLo ; Lo ; Time; DurationTrans));
ba ins agenda(Means; Time DurationTrans; DurationTrans; agent; FromLo
ba ins agenda(A tivity; Time; Duration; People; Lo )))g
head = fseq omp (goalvar X; ba ins(agenda(A t; Time; Dur; People; Lo )))g;
guard = neg free(Time; Dur);
body = fa hieve find alternative time(A t; Time; Dur; People; Lo ; AltTime)g
Fig. 2. Two Practical Reasoning Rules
head body : optional [Goal ℄
guard : Belief
type : PRType
head = ? , type = rea tive ^
thehead 2 (ran a hieve ) ^ body 6= ? , type = plan
Whilst there is a correspondence between the syntax of a PRrule and its purpose for
reactive and plan rules, there is none for optimisation and failure rules because it is not
possible to syntactically distinguish plans that fail or plans that can be optimised.
The first rule in Figure 2 inserts an activity in the agenda. It states that a plan to
achieve the scheduling of an activity is to find a means of transportation to the specified
location, then reserve the time needed for transport in the agenda, and finally insert the
activity itself in the agenda. This plan should only be used if the slot at time Time of
length DurationA t is still free in the agenda. The second conjunct in the guard of
the rule is used to retrieve the location of the user at time Time. Note that FromLo
does not occur in the head of the rule so that the binding for it must be retrieved from
the agent’s beliefs. This illustrates the two uses of a guard as specifying the situation
in which the rule might be considered by the agent and alternatively to retrieve some
parameters from the agent’s beliefs.
The second rule of Figure 2 is a revision rule that deals with failure. It states that
if the agent has a sequential goal of doing anything (denoted by the goal variable X)
followed by the goal of inserting an activity in the agenda of a user at a slot which is
not free (specified by the guard), then the agent should consider revising that goal and
replacing it with the goal of finding an alternative time for the activity.
Note that the variables that occur in the head and guard of a rule, are called the
global variables of the rule, and those that occur in the body but not in the head or
guard of the rule, are called the local variables. This distinction is made to separate
the local data-processing in the body from the global variables that may also be used
in other parts of a (complex) goal. In the first rule of Figure 2, the variables Means and
DurationTrans are local variables that can only be used in the body of the goal and
cannot transfer information to other parts of a (more complex) goal. Global variables,
however, can be used to ‘communicate with the rest of the goal’ by parameter passing.
3 3APL Agents
3.1 Agents and Mental State
An agent can be characterised by specifying its beliefs, goals, practical reasoning rules
and expertise. The main difference between these components of an agent are that the
former two sets are dynamically updated while the latter two are fixed and do not
change. We define an agent as an entity consisting of the static expertise and rulebase,
i.e. a set of practical reasoning rules.
expertise P A tion
rulebase P PRrule
8 a expertise a tionvars a ?
This differs slightly from earlier work, in that the expertise of an agent is explicitly
included as part of an agent. The predicate part of the schema indicates that the agent
is only capable of performing grounded actions, since it is not clear how to specify the
semantics of actions that contain variables. The interpretation of the instantiation of
free variables in an action as a sensing act which semantically could be specified as a
function of the environment of the agent fall outside the scope of this paper. We only
deal with the specification of the components of a single agent in this paper.
The beliefs of an agent are recorded in its beliefbase and the goals of an agent in its
goalbase. Together, these comprise the mental state of an agent. During the execution
of an agent, its mental state is updated; the goals and beliefs of the agent are dynamic.
beliefbase P Belief
goalbase P Goal
Only the mental state of the agent may change during the operation of an agent, not
the expertise or the rulebase. This is shown in the schema below by the convention,
which indicates that some state variables change, and the convention, which states
that the dashed variables are equal to their undashed counterparts (i.e. no state change).
3.2 Initial Agent State
A 3APL agent specifies the expertise (repertoire of basic actions), and a set of practical
reasoning rules, but does not specify the initial beliefbase or goalbase of the agent,
however. The first step in the operation of an agent, therefore, is to initialise the mental
state. In the schema below, b 0? and g 0? denote input variables.
b 0? : P Belief
g 0? : P Goal
beliefbase = b 0?
goalbase = g 0?
The operation of an agent is parameterised by two semantic notions. First, the semantics of basic actions is defined by a global function, exe ute , which specifies that
a basic action is an update operator on the beliefs of the agent. For example, the basic
action ba ins(agenda(A t Time Dur People Lo )) of a scheduling agent updates
the beliefs by inserting a new item in the agenda. Since exe ute is a global function,
any two agents capable of performing an action are guaranteed to do the same thing
when executing that action. This is particularly important to prevent confusion when
specifying and programming agents.
exe ute : A tion P Belief !7 P Belief
The second semantic notion needed to specify the semantics of agents is a logical
consequence relation. The logical consequence relation determines which implications
the agent is allowed to derive from its beliefs. Formally, the consequence relation is a
relation between two sets of beliefs such that the first set of beliefs implies all the beliefs
in the second set. The logical consequence relation is also global. This makes sure that
all agents draw conclusions from their beliefs in the same way, which guarantees a
“minimal amount of global consistency”. That is, one agent will not derive the negation
of a belief b from the same set of beliefs from which another agent derives b .
LogCon : P(P Belief P Belief )
4 3APL Agent Operation
4.1 Applying Practical Reasoning Rules
Practical reasoning rules provide 3APL agents with reflective capabilities. The rules can
be used to plan, revise, and create goals. The application of a rule is formally defined
in this section. The application of a rule r to a goal g results in the replacement of a
subgoal g 0 which matches with the head of rule r by the body of rule r in case the head
of the rule is non-empty. If the body of the rule is empty, the subgoal is simply dropped.
The application yields a substitution which is applied to the entire resulting goal. In
head = fseq omp (goalvar X; ba ins agenda(A t; Time; Dur; People; Lo )))g;
Rule: guard = negfree(Time; Dur);
body = fa hievefind alternative time(A t; Time; Dur; People; Lo ; AltTime)g
Bel: neg free(may5th10 : 00; 60min)
seq omp (seq omp
(ba ins(agenda(train; may5th9 : 30; 30min; [john℄; utre ht));
ba ins(agenda(meeting; may5th10 : 00; 60min; [john; peter℄; amsterdam)));
a hieve (new s heduling task))
Fig. 3. Example Scenario for Practical Reasoning Rules
New Plan
fX=ba ins(agenda(train; may5th9 : 30; 30min; [john℄; utre ht));
A t=meeting; Time=may5th10 : 00; Dur=60min;
People=[john; peter℄; Lo =amsterdamg
neg free(may5th10 : 00; 60min)
seq omp (
a hieve find alternative time(meeting; may5th10 : 00; 60min;
[john; peter℄; amsterdam; AltTime) ;
a hieve (new s heduling task))
Fig. 4. Results of Applying the Rule (and Substitution)
case the head of a rule is empty only the guard of the rule needs to be derivable from
the beliefs of the agent, and a new goal (the body of the rule) is added to the goalbase
of the agent.
Consider the example in Figure 3, with the practical reasoning rule of dealing with
a failure of the scheduling of an activity, and a goal and belief as specified. Since the
belief is an instance of the guard of the rule, and the goal can be unified with the head
of the rule, the rule is applicable. Unifying the head of a rule with a (subgoal of a) goal
of an agent amounts to finding a unifier (or substitution) which, when applied to the
head of the rule and the goal makes them identical. In this example, unification yields
a most general unifier, shown in Figure 4 which, when applied to the guard of the rule,
gives the instantiated guard that is implied by the belief. Applying a rule to a subgoal
means replacing that subgoal by the body of the rule, so that the new plan that replaces
the original goal of the agent by applying the substitution, as also shown in the figure.
The example illustrates that a subgoal at the front of a goal of the agent is replaced,
rather than just any subgoal, and this is the case for all rule applications. Consequently,
the front contexts introduced earlier are very useful in specifying rule application.
Suppose that g 0 is a subgoal of some goal g that appears at the front of g , and
g matches with the head of a rule r . The task is to find a front context f such that
if the subgoal g 0 is inserted for (at the front of f ), the resulting goal is identical
to g . Applying r then amounts to updating the f with the body of the rule. There is
a crucial difference here between inserting and updating. Inserting a goal in a front
context means substituting the goal for the in the front context; while updating a
front context with a goal means replacing with that goal and also committing to the
choices made (pursuing a subgoal in a choice goal means committing to the branch in
which the subgoal appears in the choice goal).
To formalise this, we define two functions, one to insert a goal into the square of a
front context and one to update a front context with a goal.
Insert : (Goal FrontContext ) ! Goal
8 g g : Goal ; f : FrontContext
Insert (g ) = g ^
Insert (g seq omp (f g )) = seq omp (Insert (g f ) g ) ^
Insert (g hoi e (f g )) = hoi e (Insert (g f ) g ) ^
Insert (g hoi e (g f )) = hoi e (g Insert (g f ))
Now, since a front context may be updated with the empty goal if a rule with empty
body is applied or an execution step is performed (see below), the goal types of the
function UpdateGoal are optional goals. Note that if the front context is a choice context, this commits to the branch where the occurs. The latter branch is the one the
agent has chosen to pursue. This is different from Insert , which left these branches
UpdateGoal : (optional [Goal ℄ FrontContext ) ! optional [Goal ℄
8 g : optional [Goal ℄; f : FrontContext ; g : Goal
UpdateGoal (g ) = g ^
non empty UpdateGoal (g f ) )
(UpdateGoal (g seq omp (f g )) =
fseq omp (the (UpdateGoal (g f )) g )g ^
UpdateGoal (g hoi e (f g )) = UpdateGoal (g f ) ^
UpdateGoal (g hoi e (g f )) = UpdateGoal (g f )) ^
empty UpdateGoal (g f ) )
(UpdateGoal (g seq omp (f g )) = fg g ^
UpdateGoal (g hoi e (f g )) = ? ^
UpdateGoal (g hoi e (g f )) = ?)
Note that if the front context is of the form hoi e (; g ) for some goal g , and the
empty goal is inserted for , Insert yields Insert ( hoi e (; g )) = fg g. This is a
natural definition, but the empty goal could result with a different view on dropping a
branch from a choice goal. A rule with empty body prevents an agent from attempting to
execute a particular goal. If the dropped goal is a branch of a choice goal, Insert simply
removes this branch. The definition of Insert above does not remove the alternative
branch, however, so that the choice goal thus is still not completed. If there is a reason
to remove the choice goal, then this reason should be stated in the guard of a rule which
removes the choice goal completely.
A rule is applicable if the head unifies with a (sub)goal of the agent and the guard of
the rule follows from the agent’s beliefs. If the rule has no head, it is applicable simply
if the guard follows from the beliefbase. For a treatment of substitutions, binding and
unification please see Appendix A.
appli able : P(PRrule Goal (P Belief ))
8 g : Goal ; r : PRrule ; bb : P Belief
non empty r :head ) (appli able (r ; g ; bb ) ,
(9 #; : Substitution ; subg : Goal ; f : FrontContext
Insert (subg ; f ) = g ^ mgu ((the r :head ); subg ) = # ^
(dom ) (beliefvars r :guard ) ^
LogCon (bb ; fASBelief (# z )r :guard g))) ^
empty r :head ) (appli able (r ; g ; bb ) ,
(9 # : Substitution j (dom #) (beliefvars r :guard )
LogCon (bb ; fASBelief # r :guard g)))
Using this definition, we can now specify the rule application. If the head of the
rule is not empty, applying the rule amounts to replacing a subgoal by the body of
the rule. Otherwise, we simply add the body of the rule to the goalbase of the agent.
Care must be taken here to avoid interference of variables occurring in rules and those
variables occurring in goals (cf. [7]. For this reason, all variables in the rule applied are
renamed to variables not occurring in the target goal. A function RuleRename (r V ),
which is not defined in this paper due to space constraints (but available on request from
the authors), renames the variables in the rule r so that no variable from the set V of
variables occurs in the renamed rule.
RuleRename : (PRrule (P Var )) ! PRrule
g ? : Goal ; r ? : PRrule ; rr : PRrule
rr = RuleRename (r ?; goalvars fg ?g)
r ?:type =
6 rea tive )
(9 f : FrontContext ; subg : Goal Insert (subg ; f ) = g ? ^
(9 #; : Substitution j (dom ) (beliefvars rr :guard )
mgu (the rr :head ; subg ) = # ^
LogCon (beliefbase ; fASBelief (# z )rr :guard g) ^
beliefbase = beliefbase ^
goalbase = goalbase n fg ?g[
ASGoal (# z ) f(Insert (the (rr :body ); f ))g))
r ?:type = rea tive )
(9 : Substitution j (dom ) (beliefvars rr :guard )
LogCon (beliefbase ; fASBelief rr :guard g) ^
beliefbase = beliefbase ^
goalbase = goalbase [ ASGoal rr :body )
4.2 Goal Execution
The execution of a goal is specified through the computation steps an agent can perform
on a goal. A computation step corresponds to a simple action of the agent, which is
either a basic action or else a query on the beliefs of the agent. Recall that the semantics
of basic actions is given by a global function exe ute and the semantics of beliefs is
specified by the LogCon relation.
The agent is only allowed to execute a basic action or query that occurs at the front
of a goal, i.e. it is one of the first things the agent should consider doing. The notion of
front context is useful to find an action or query which the agent might execute. If there
is a front context f in which a basic action or query can be inserted for , and which
results in a goal of the agent, the agent might consider executing that basic action or
query. After executing the goal, the goal needs to be updated, and this updating is the
same as updating the front context by removing .
The execution of a basic action amounts to changing the beliefbase of the agent in
accordance with the function exe ute . The condition (a beliefbase ) 2 (dom exe ute )
expresses that the basic action a is enabled, and thus can be executed.
Exe uteBasi A tion
g ? : Goal
(9 f : FrontContext ; a : A tion j a 2 expertise ^
Insert ((ba a ); f ) = g ? ^ (a ; beliefbase ) 2 (dom exe ute )
beliefbase = exe ute (a ; beliefbase ) ^
goalbase = (goalbase n fg ?g) [ UpdateGoal (fg; f ))
Queries are goals to check if some condition follows from the beliefbase of the
agent. Any free variables in the condition of the query can be used to retrieve data from
the beliefbase. The values retrieved are recorded in a substitution . A query can only
be executed if it is a consequence of the beliefbase (otherwise, nothing happens).
Exe uteQueryGoal
g ? : Goal
(9 f : FrontContext ; b : Belief
Insert (query b ; f ) = g ? ^
(9 # : Substitution LogCon (beliefbase ; fASBelief # b g) ^
beliefbase = beliefbase ^
goalbase = (goalbase n fg ?g) [ (ASGoal # (UpdateGoal (fg; f
Executing a goal is then defined as the disjunction of these two functions.
Exe uteGoal == Exe uteBasi A tion _ Exe uteQueryGoal
5 Conclusions
In this paper we have described a specification of the agent-oriented programming language 3APL. The arguments for using Z in agent-based systems are well-rehearsed
(eg.[5, 3]), and we will not re-state them here. In particular, however, Z enables a uniform presentation of both the 3APL programming language and its architecture in a
clear and concise way. We are not familiar with any work that specifies both these aspects in this way, and believe that our work moves a step closer to a unified account of
agent languages and architectures.
The contribution of this work is threefold. First, we provide an operational specification of 3APL that can be used as the basis of a subsequent implementation, so that the
transition from what might be called theory to practice is facilitated. At lower levels,
this kind of transition is demonstrated, for example, through the provision of a simple
agent simulation environment [11], and a sophisticated Jini-based development environment [1], both based on an extensive agent framework [10]. This work addresses the
more detailed aspects involved in dealing with the transition of a fully designed system, rather than an outline structure. Second, we allow an easy and simple comparison
of 3APL and its competitor systems that have been specified in a similar style such as
AgentSpeak(L) [3] and dMARS [2], as illustrated in [6]. Third, we provide an accessible resource in the specification of techniques for the development of agent systems
that might not otherwise be available in a form relevant both to agent architects and
developers. This work can thus be viewed in a standalone fashion in contributing to the
understanding of 3APL on the one hand, and in using it to provide a window on the
larger area of generic agent architecture on the other.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank Jean-Jules Meyer for many constructive and helpful discussions during the preparation of this work, and the Universities of
Westminster and Utrecht for hosting and supporting the authors during their collaboration.
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Here, we provide further details of the standard definitions of binding and unification,
described in Z. First we define a substitution. This maps variables to terms, as well as
mapping goal variables to goals. We therefore introduce a new type in order to define a
substitution which we call SubTerm .
A substitution is represented as a partial function between variables and terms since,
in general, only some variables will be mapped to a term. (Remember that fovars is a
function that returns the variables of a term, as defined earlier, at the end of Section 4.1.)
SubTerm ::= term hhFOTerm ii
j goal hhGoal ii
allvars : SubTerm ! (P Var )
8 t : FOTerm ; g : Goal
allvars (term t ) = fovars t ^
allvars (goal g ) = goalvars fg g
Substitution == f# : Var !7 SubTerm g
The standard definition of a substitution is a mapping from variables to terms such
that no variable contained in any of the terms is in the domain of the mapping [4].
8 # : Substitution
(dom #) \ fs
SubTerm j s 2 (ran #) allvars s g = ?
We also have the following predicate concerning substitutions.
8 # : Substitution ; v : Var ; s : SubTerm ; t : FOTerm j (v ; s ) 2 #
(v 2 FOVar , s 2 (ran term )) ^ (v 2 GVar , s 2 (ran goal ))
A.1 Application of Substitutions
The function, ASFOVar , applies either the identity mapping to a variable if the variable
is not in the domain of the substitution, or it applies the substitution if it is in the domain.
(Note that this function is only defined for elements of FOVar not of GVar .)
ASFOVar : Substitution ! FOVar ! FOTerm
8 # : Substitution ; v : FOVar
(v 62 (dom #)) ) ASFOVar # v
(v 2 (dom #)) ) ASFOVar # v
var v ^
term 1 (# v )
We can then define what it means for a substitution to be applied to a term.
ASTerm : Substitution ! FOTerm ! FOTerm
: Fun Sym ; ts : seq FOTerm ; # : Substitution j
fun tor (f ; ts )
t 2 ran onst ) ASTerm # t = t ^
t 2 ran var ) ASTerm # t = ASFOVar # (var 1 t ) ^
t 2 ran fun tor ) ASTerm # t =
( new : FOTerm j rst (fun tor 1 new ) = f ^
se ond (fun tor 1 new ) = map (ASTerm #) ts )
8 t : FOTerm ; f
A substitution to be applied to an atom and an action.
ASAtom : Substitution ! Atom ! Atom
ASA tion : Substitution ! A tion ! A tion
8 a ; a 0 : Atom ; a t ; a t 0 : A tion ; # : Substitution
ASAtom # a = a 0 , a 0 :head = a :head ^
a 0 :terms = map (ASTerm #)a :terms ^
ASA tion # a t = a t 0 , a t 0 :name = a t :name ^
a t 0 :terms
map (ASTerm #)a t :terms
ASBelief : Substitution ! Belief ! Belief
8 b;
: Belief ; l ; a : Atom ; s : Substitution
ASBelief s (pos a ) = (pos (ASAtom s a )) ^
ASBelief s (not a ) = (not (ASAtom s a )) ^
ASBelief s (true) = true ^
ASBelief s (false) = false
A substitution to be applied to a goal. Remember, goals contain goal variables as
well as terms variables so as well as using all our previous definitions for substitution
application we must define what it means to apply a substitution to a goal variable. This
is considered in the final two predicates.
ASGoal : Substitution ! optional [Goal ℄ ! optional [Goal ℄
8 s : Substitution ; a : A tion ; b : Belief ; at : Atom ;
g1 ; g2 : Goal ; gv : GVar
ASGoal s ? = ? ^
ASGoal s fba a g = fba (ASA tion s a )g ^
ASGoal s fquery b g = fquery (ASBelief s b )g ^
ASGoal s fa hieve at g = fa hieve (ASAtom s at )g ^
ASGoal s fseq omp (g1 ; g2 )g =
fseq omp (the (ASGoal s fg1 g); the (ASGoal s fg2 g))g ^
ASGoal s f hoi e (g1 ; g2 )g =
f hoi e (the (ASGoal s fg1 g); the (ASGoal s fg2 g))g ^
gv 62 (dom s ) )
ASGoal s fgoalvar gv g = fgoalvar gv g ^
gv 2 (dom s ) )
ASGoal s fgoalvar gv g = fgoal 1 (s gv )g
A.2 Composition of Substitutions
Consider two substitutions and such that no variable bound in appears anywhere
in . The composition of with , written z , is obtained by applying to the terms
in and combining these with the bindings from .
For example, if = fx =A; y =B ; z =C g and = fu =A; v =F (x ; y ; z )g then, since
none of the variables bound in (u ; v ) appear in , it is meaningful to compose with
. In this case z = fu =A; v =F (A; B ; C ); x =A; y =B ; z =C g.
The definition is a bit convoluted though because of the typing needed top include
goal variables.
Substitution Substitution ) ! Substitution
8 ; : Substitution j
Sft : FOTerm ; s : SubTerm j
(dom ) \ ((dom ) [
(s = term t ) ^ (s 2 (ran )) fovars t g) = ?
z = ( [ fx : Var ; t : FOTerm ; s : SubTerm j
(s = term t ) ^ (x ; s ) 2 (x ; term (ASTerm t ))g)
A.3 Unification
A substitution is a unifier for two terms if the substitution, applied to both of them,
makes them equal.
unifyterms : P(Substitution (Term FOTerm ))
8 t1 ; t2 : FOTerm ; s : Substitution
unifyterms (s ; (t1 ; t2)) , (ASTerm s t1 = ASTerm s t2 )
A substitution is a unifier for two goals if the substitution, applied to both of them,
makes them equal.
unifygoals : P(Substitution (Goal Goal ))
8 g1 ; g2 : Goal ; # : Substitution
unifygoals (#; (g1 ; g2 )) , (ASGoal # fg1 g) = (ASGoal # fg2 g)
A substitution is more general than another substitution if there exists a third substitution which, when composed with the first, gives the second.
8 #;
P(Substitution Substitution )
Substitution mg # , (9 ! : Substitution ( z !) = #)
The mgu of two goals is specified as follows.
mgu : (Goal Goal ) ! Substitution
8 g1 ; g2 : Goal ; : Substitution mgu (g1 ; g2 ) = ,
(unifygoals ( ; (g1 ; g2 )) ^
: (9 ! : Substitution (unifygoals (!; (g1 ; g2 )) ^ (! mg