Simultaneous double N-inversion pathway

1984, Acta Crystallographica Section A

C-104 04. ATOMIC SCALE MECHANISM AND CHEMrCAL PROPERTIES 04.2-7 EVOLUTION OF BaC204, H2C204, xHZO STRUCTURE IN RELATION WITH x. By 0. Chaix-Pluchery, J. Bouillot, Institut Laue-Langevin, 156X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France and J.e. Mutin, J.e. Niepce, Laboratoire de Reactivite des Solides, Fac. Sciences Nirallde, Dij on, France In the framework of the study of the precursor states preceding the crystalline structure transformation associated with a decomposition reaction of the type Solid I + Solid Z + Gas, we have studied the dehydration reaction of Ba CZ0 4 , HZC 2 0 4 , ZHZO into S-BaCZ04, HZC Z0 4 (or I/I/Z into SI/I/0). Precursor states of the struc-' tural transformation associated with a modification of the chemical composition of the initial material have been observed. 1/1/2 progressively looses water. without any transformation of its crystalline structure ilito SI/I/0. It happens for various amounts of water lost depending on the Hater vapour pressure. If this pressure is sufficiently low, 1/1/2 can loose all its 2 water molecules and becomes anhydrous (cd II /0). The main framework of the crystalline structure of 1/l /Z is "preserved during the loss of 'tvater. Neutron diffraction experiments shows how the hydrogens behave during the dehydration. 04.2-8 SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MAGNETIC INTERACTING BIMETALLIC CDTA COMPLEX ES. By A. Fuertes, C. Miravitlles, E. Escriva, D. Beltran. Instituto tlJaime Almera tl del CSIC, Barcelona y Departamento de Quimica Inorganica Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Valencia. Spain. Solid bimetallic ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid (ED TA) complexes of bivalent transition metal ions, M(H20)~ M'(EDTA) 2H 0, constituted by alternating ordered chain2 forming paramagnetic metal complex ions, were the first example of "ferrimagnetic-like one-dimensional systems H • EDTA-like polycarboxilic ligans are good candidate to form similar compounds. CDTA(1,2-trans cyclohexylenedini trilotetraacetic acid) is a more rigid liga~d than EDTA11 2 04.3-1 CHEMICAL REACTION PATHWAYS FROM CRYSTAL STRUCTURES: SUBSTITUTION REACTIONS AT TETRAHEDRAL ZINC AND SQUARE-PLANAR NICKEL COMPLEXES. By T.P.E. Auf der Heyde, University of the \<lestern Cape. Bellville, South Africa and L.R. Nassimbeni, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. The structure correlation principle (Burgi, H.B.; Dunitz, J.D.; Ace. Chern. Res. 1983, 16, 153-161) has been applied to five-coordinate zinc and nickel complexes in order to map the mechanism for a bimolecular ligand substitution reaction at typical tetrahedraland square-planar centres. Evidence for the following mechanistic pathways is presented: .~, 1 c,. -;-C .~, 1 • ,,*., 1 . c;~.-{, 10 • Tetrahedral zinc complexes are shown to undergo a reversible ligand association reaction (~'), yielding a trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) intermediate, which can then either dissociate ('~) or pseudorotate via the Berry mechanism (~') into a square-pyramidal (SQP) conformation. This latter step is shown to lead into a "cul-desac ll in terms of dissociation of the intermediate, since TBP conformation seems to be a prerequisite for axial departure of the leaving group. Square planar nickel complexes are ShOlID to undergo a reversible ligand association reaction ('K) leading to a SQP intermediate, which may pseudo rotate via the Berry mechanism (~') into a TBP. Dissociation of the five-coordinate intermediate may proceed either via apical departure from the SQP CK), or via axial departure from the TBP CC'). The reaction coordinates thus derived are compared with theoretically predicted ones, and are supported by a large amount of experimental observations. 04.3-2 Simultaneous Double N-Inversion Pathway M. Kaftory and I. Agmon Department of Chemistry Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 32000 Haifa, Israel The pathway for simultaneous double N-inversion has been derived from geometric data given by crystal structure determinations of various compounds containing the 1,2,4-triazolidinedione ring. Bond lengths and angles in this fragment are functions of the degree of flateni~g at the two mutually-bonded N atoms. and forms hexadentate M CDTA - complexes in solution that are however very inert versus metal displacement re actions due to hindering on the chelate rings from the repulsions with the cyclohexane moiety. Because that, Two parameters "Tere used to define the flattening at the N atoms; the out-of-plane displacement of the N-N bond (n) and the average of the valence angles at the N atoms (aav). Bond non-equilibrium systems like M' CDTA 2- (aq )+M2+ (aq) (where the formation constants are K(M»>K(M')) can exist indefinitely in solution. This allow us to desing synthetic paths of "metaestable crystalline bimetallic complexes II , M(H20)xM'CDTA yH 0 that are compositional isomers of 2 the "stable" ones M' (H 0) xMCDTA yH 0. Various crystalli2 2 ne structures have been distinguished by X-ray diffraction: (I) Cu CDTA 4H 0 (isolated S~1/2 chains); (II) M 2 2 MrCDTA 6H 0(m= Ni,Zn,Co,Mn;Mr= Cu,Ni)-that behave as 2 magnetic dimers at T<10K; (III) CuNiCDTA 6H 0, that is 2 an 1/2-1 alternating spin ordered chain; (IV) Zn CDTA 2 9H 0. The study of compounds r~ZnCDTA,t-lo and t-lMnCDTA 2 is in progress. lengths and angles are linearly reI a ted to a av and logarithmically to n. Extrapolation of the internal parameters according to their dependence on the degree of planarity, provides the fragmentls geometry at the transition state of the inversion. The results also show pronounced effect of the different substituents at the triazolidinedione ring. Statistical treatment suggests that only three independent factors concerning three molecular centres dominate the changes in the geometry of the molecular fragment during the inversion.