Quaker Religious Thought
Volume 120 Article 8
Contributors -- Quaker Religious Thought, no. 120
Howard R. Macy
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Macy, Howard R. (2013) "Contributors -- Quaker Religious Thought, no. 120," Quaker Religious Thought:
Vol. 120 , Article 8.
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PAUL N. ANDERSON is in his 25th year of teaching at George PAUL N. ANDERSON is in his 25th year of teaching at George
Fox University, where he serves as Professor of Biblical and Quaker Fox University, where he serves as Professor of Biblical and Quaker
Studies. Author of over 180 essays, his latest book, The Riddles of the Studies. Author of over 180 essays, his latest book, The Riddles of the
Fourth Gospel(Fortress 2011) provides a new introduction to John. He Fourth Gospel(Fortress 2011) provides a new introduction to John. He
is a founder of the internationally engaged John, Jesus, and History is a founder of the internationally engaged John, Jesus, and History
Project (SBL) and is editing its works for publication. He participates Project (SBL) and is editing its works for publication. He participates
actively in North Valley Friends Church and is working to get some of actively in North Valley Friends Church and is working to get some of
the works of Elton Trueblood back into print. the works of Elton Trueblood back into print.
RICHARD BAILEY is Assistant Professor of History at Queen’s RICHARD BAILEY is Assistant Professor of History at Queen’s
University, Kingston, Canada. His research is the history of heterodoxy University, Kingston, Canada. His research is the history of heterodoxy
with special focus on sixteenth century Anabaptism and seventeenth with special focus on sixteenth century Anabaptism and seventeenth
century British Quakerism. His research focus has expanded in recent century British Quakerism. His research focus has expanded in recent
years to include the history of utopian thought. years to include the history of utopian thought.
SALLY BRUYNEEL lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota with her husband SALLY BRUYNEEL lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota with her husband
Alan G. Padgett. A United Methodist, she also attends the Prospect Alan G. Padgett. A United Methodist, she also attends the Prospect
Hill Friends’ Meeting. She currently divides her time between Hill Friends’ Meeting. She currently divides her time between
research and writing and teaching at Bethel University. Her latest research and writing and teaching at Bethel University. Her latest
book is Margaret Fell and the End of Time: The Theology of the Mother book is Margaret Fell and the End of Time: The Theology of the Mother
of Quakerism, with Baylor University Press. of Quakerism, with Baylor University Press.
DAVID L. JOHNS taught theology for twelve years at the Earlham DAVID L. JOHNS taught theology for twelve years at the Earlham
School of Religion and before that was on the faculty at Wilmington School of Religion and before that was on the faculty at Wilmington
College. He is now Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean College. He is now Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean
of the College at Union College in Kentucky. David is the author of of the College at Union College in Kentucky. David is the author of
Quakering Theology: Essays on Worship, Tradition and Christian Faith Quakering Theology: Essays on Worship, Tradition and Christian Faith
(Ashgate 2013) and editor of The Collected Essays of Maurice Creasey (Ashgate 2013) and editor of The Collected Essays of Maurice Creasey
(Edwin Mellen, 2011). (Edwin Mellen, 2011).
JOHN KERSHNER has degrees from George Fox University, JOHN KERSHNER has degrees from George Fox University,
Princeton Theological Seminary and is completing doctoral research Princeton Theological Seminary and is completing doctoral research
into the theology of John Woolman at the University of Birmingham into the theology of John Woolman at the University of Birmingham
(UK). He has been a recipient of the David Adshead Award for (UK). He has been a recipient of the David Adshead Award for
Quaker Studies and the Elizabeth Bogert Memorial Scholarship for Quaker Studies and the Elizabeth Bogert Memorial Scholarship for
Studies in Christian Mysticism. He has served as a NWYM pastor Studies in Christian Mysticism. He has served as a NWYM pastor
and is currently an elder at North Seattle Friends Church and a board and is currently an elder at North Seattle Friends Church and a board
member at Pendle Hill. member at Pendle Hill.
54 • contributors 54 • contributors
HOWARD R. MACY is Professor Emeritus at George Fox University HOWARD R. MACY is Professor Emeritus at George Fox University
and in retirement continues to write and to serve in teaching and and in retirement continues to write and to serve in teaching and
public ministry. Friends United Press gathered a collection of his public ministry. Friends United Press gathered a collection of his
essays in Stepping in the Light: Life in Joy and Power (2007). Howard essays in Stepping in the Light: Life in Joy and Power (2007). Howard
currently is the editor of Quaker Religious Thought. He participates currently is the editor of Quaker Religious Thought. He participates
actively in the life of Newberg Friends Church. actively in the life of Newberg Friends Church.