Papers by Vladan Pavlović
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2018
The paper addresses superordinate and subordinate clauses in English. It focuses on how blurred t... more The paper addresses superordinate and subordinate clauses in English. It focuses on how blurred the distinction between the two categories becomes when syntactic criteria are paired with discourse ones-the structures that are syntactically superordinate may turn out to be "discourse subordinate", and vice versa. More generally, the paper aims to show that the various aspects of linguistic analysis, in this case primarily the syntactic and discourse ones, are tightly intertwined, and that viewing syntactic structures in terms of their discourse functions may help us perceive the gradient and fuzzy nature of the boundaries of linguistic categories, and point to their gradient contribution to overall discourse progress.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 2017
The paper presents a set of anti-proverbsinnovative and typically satirical, ironic, or humorous ... more The paper presents a set of anti-proverbsinnovative and typically satirical, ironic, or humorous alterations of traditional proverbs, from English and Serbian (e. g. Taste makes waist < Haste makes waste; Dobro se dobro zaboravlja < Dobro se dobrim vraća), and examines the strategies employed in the two languages in the process of their creation. The paper concludes that the process of creation of anti-proverbs from proverbs involves a number of strategies, all of them typically leading to the emergence of a new expression with a clear communicative message. Those strategies generally involve lexical substitution or lexical addition, whereby the overall syntactic pattern can be either preserved or changed. It also concludes that the strategies used in the creation of anti-proverbs, as well as their topics, are quite comparable both in English and in Serbian. The paper also presents a number of theoretical and methodological implications for further research.
Studia Neophilologica, 2016
The paper aims to investigate whether prototypicality effects (e.g., Rosch 1973a, b; Lakoff 1987)... more The paper aims to investigate whether prototypicality effects (e.g., Rosch 1973a, b; Lakoff 1987) correlate with selecting Serbian translation equivalents of English motion verbs in cases in which we have no context determined (one-word translation). By applying three empirical stages, we have generated a potential prototypicality list for English motion verbs. We have then tested 60 translators in another procedure, so as to check whether there were statistically valid links between a verb's typicality and the choice of a translation equivalent. The results indicate that a higher degree of prototypicality positively correlates with a more consistent choice of a translation equivalent. At the same time, there is a negative correlation between the determined prototypicality and the diversity of translation equivalents offered for the verb in question. These results may reveal certain psychological aspects of translation, while simultaneously corroborating the tenets of prototype theory.
Studia Neophilologica, 2018
The paper aims to test the view put forward in Matthiessen/Thompson 1988, Verhagen 2005 and Langa... more The paper aims to test the view put forward in Matthiessen/Thompson 1988, Verhagen 2005 and Langacker 2008 (among others) that there is an important difference between adjunct and complement clauses – whereas the former provide additional pieces of information and can be viewed as satellite discourse fragments with respect to the main clauses (which provide the skeleton of the discourse, determining its overall structure), the latter, though viewed as syntactically subordinate, actually present the basic discourse content. The paper attempts to do so by analysing a group of (stylistically varied) texts, thereby especially focusing on the contribution of the two given types of clauses to discourse. In addition, the implications of such analysis are also discussed in terms of their pedagogical implications.
Studia Neophilologica, Apr 22, 2017
The paper aims to investigate whether prototypicality effects (e.g., Rosch 1973a, b; Lakoff 1987)... more The paper aims to investigate whether prototypicality effects (e.g., Rosch 1973a, b; Lakoff 1987) correlate with selecting Serbian translation equivalents of English motion verbs in cases in which we have no context determined (one-word translation). By applying three empirical stages, we have generated a potential prototypicality list for English motion verbs. We have then tested 60 translators in another procedure, so as to check whether there were statistically valid links between a verb’s typicality and the choice of a translation equivalent. The results indicate that a higher degree of prototypicality positively correlates with a more consistent choice of a translation equivalent. At the same time, there is a negative correlation between the determined prototypicality and the diversity of translation equivalents offered for the verb in question. These results may reveal certain psychological aspects of translation, while simultaneously corroborating the tenets of prototype theory.
The paper addresses three pairs of common near-synonymous syntactic constructions in English: the... more The paper addresses three pairs of common near-synonymous syntactic constructions in English: the get vs have something done, the will V-inf vs be going to V-inf, and the ditransitive vs the prepositional dative constructions. It does so with the following aims: a) to present an overview of the results of the distinctive collexeme analysis (as a type of collostructional analysis suited to investigating alternative constructions) applied to the given pairs of constructions in the literature, and b) to check those results against their view in various TEFL-oriented reference books and establish how much the views presented there and the results of the given type of (statistical) analysis tie in with one another. It concludes that TEFL-oriented reference books, albeit quite valuable, tend to overlook at least a part of semantic and / or pragmatic differences between the given periphrastic constructions. The paper thus argues for a tighter integration of the results of theoretical lingu...
Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, 2020
The paper addresses the English ADJ enough to V construction. It first performs distinctive colle... more The paper addresses the English ADJ enough to V construction. It first performs distinctive collexeme analysis of the ADJ-V pairs appearing in the given construction in American and British English based on the GloWbE corpus. The obtained results are then discussed in view of a model of cross-cultural communication styles and general culture-related knowledge of the two countries. The paper shows that the combination of reliance on a massive corpus approached by a statistical method, the results of which are interpreted qualitatively, can produce some relevant insights into language-culture interrelation. Generally, the paper presents a contribution to the investigation of the language-culture interrelation and belongs to the areas of corpus-based sociolinguistics, usage-based construction grammar and cultural linguistics.
Ova monografija proistekla je iz mog interesovanja za konstrukcione pristupe uopšte i goldbergovs... more Ova monografija proistekla je iz mog interesovanja za konstrukcione pristupe uopšte i goldbergovsku konstrukcionu gramatiku posebno. To interesovanje podstakla je prof. dr Katarina Rasulić, koja je bila mentor mog magistarskog rada, odbranjenog 2007. godine na Filološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, čiji je deo teorijskih osnova činila upravo goldbergovska konstrukciona gramatika. Datu porodicu teorija u okviru kognitivne lingvistike u užem smislu, a posebno pomenutu goldbergovsku konstrukcionu gramatiku, do danas smatram najsmislenijim pristupom u oblasti proučavanja gramatičko-leksičkog interfejsa. Uz to, ova monografija proizašla je i iz mog interesovanja za kolostrukcionu analizu, na koju mi je pažnju takođe skrenula prof. Rasulić upravo u vreme pisanja magistarskog rada, kada je dati statistički postupak bio tek u povoju, a kada sam i sâm bio vrlo skeptičan po pitanju korišćenja strogih statističkih procedura u lingvističkoj analizi.
Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 2019
The paper addresses a pair of construction variants: the N1 V for N2 to-infinitive construction a... more The paper addresses a pair of construction variants: the N1 V for N2 to-infinitive construction and its version without for, in the cases when both are possible with the same main verb (I need for him leave / I need you to stop). It aims to point to the importance of the use of massive e-corpora in gaining better insight into the given construction pair. It also aims to test the hypothesis that the obtained quantitative data from such corpora can at least partially be accounted for by the interplay of: (1) the differences in the semantics of the two construction variants (based on combining relevant cognitive-linguistic insights), (2) the differences in the lexical semantics of the main verbs, and (3) extra-linguistic factors dealt with by models of cross-cultural communication styles. The paper thus argues for a tighter integration of cognitive-linguistic insights and a social-interactional perspective on language phenomena.
The paper analyses the use of the full as opposed to the bare infinitive in N1 V (N2) (to-) infin... more The paper analyses the use of the full as opposed to the bare infinitive in N1 V (N2) (to-) infinitive construction in English (e.g. I helped them carry the load / I helped them to carry the load; I saw him cross the street / *I saw him to cross the street, I saw him to be obnoxious / *I saw him be obnoxious; I made him do it / I forced him to do it / *I forced him do it). While the opposition in the use of the two infinitives has been aptly analysed in literature, the paper puts forward the view that it may also be felicitously and insightfully approached via the CLOSENESS IS STRENGTH OF EFFECT metaphor posited in Lakoff / Johnson 1980, i.e. in terms of a metaphor that attempts to make a link between the form of a sentence as it is conceived of spatially, on the one hand, and its meaning, on the other hand.
The paper explores newspaper cartoons (primarily those characterized by the interplay of image an... more The paper explores newspaper cartoons (primarily those characterized by the interplay of image and text) related to the current Serbian political scene (the first half of 2009) in view of the conceptual blending theory. It first outlines the basic tenets of the given theory (which attempts to explain the process of novel, short-lived, often unique, highly context-dependent, dynamic construction of meaning, as opposed to the conceptual metaphor theory, which it complements). Then it moves on to investigate the explanatory potential of the given theory with regard to the material explored (excerpted from the daily newspapers Politika, Blic and Danas), and attempts to provide a possible classification of the given material along the lines set by the given theory.
The paper first shortly presents the basic postulates of cognitive linguistics, including A. Gold... more The paper first shortly presents the basic postulates of cognitive linguistics, including A. Goldberg's construction grammar, as an important theory developing within the cognitive linguistic approach to the grammatical level of language structure. Then it moves on to examine the ways the various theoretical insights of cognitive linguistics can practically be applied to language teaching at English departments, with the focus being primarily on the syntactic and the lexical levels. Apart from the relevant theoretical literature, the paper also builds on the works of various authors who have explored the actual relation between cognitive linguistics and foreign language teaching, and lists and evaluates various ELT books in which cognitive linguistic insights have been put to practice.
The paper presents the results of the questionnaire-based research related to the attitudes on la... more The paper presents the results of the questionnaire-based research related to the attitudes on language use and interpersonal relationships carried out on a representative sample of the students of the University of Niš during the winter semester 2012. In that sense, the paper presents the ways students have reacted to the use of the Latin alphabeth in Serbian, the use of the language of the national minorities and related issues, as well as to the various aspects of interpersonal relations, all of which has served as the basis for gauging the degree of marginalization of the other in the given areas with the given population. The paper partially confirms the hypothеsis that those involced in social sciences and the humanities are less prone to marginalization of the other in the given areas.
The paper analyses the attitudes of the students of the University of Niš related to the strength... more The paper analyses the attitudes of the students of the University of Niš related to the strength of the link between linguistic and national identity (at the collective and individual levels), that is, the possible dependence of these attitudes on a number of demographic variables, such as the participants' education and vocational orientation, sex, ethnicity, their place of birth, the education of their parents, and their degree of religiousness. The research instrument used in this study was a designed questionnaire, distributed to the students during the 2011/2012 spring semester, at four faculties of the University of Niš. The aim was to investigate which attitude or orientation towards the relation between language and national identity would be identified as predominant in the student population – linguistic nationalism or linguistic cosmopolitanism. The statistical analysis of the data showed that the most influential demographic variable was the participant's degree...
Serbian Abstract: Osnovni cilj rada je da analizira stavove studenata Univerziteta u Nisu vezane ... more Serbian Abstract: Osnovni cilj rada je da analizira stavove studenata Univerziteta u Nisu vezane za: 1) upotrebu jezika (upotrebu latinice u srpskom jeziku, upotrebu jezika nacionalnih manjina, i sl.); 2) razne vidove međuljudskih odnosa (bracne, međunacionalne, unutranacionalne) kao i stavove koji se odnose na to koji znacaj ispitanici pridaju razlicitim osobinama (polu, etnickoj pripadnosti, veri, itd.) ljudi sa kojima dolaze u kontakt. U tom smislu rad ispituje da li u datoj populaciji dominiraju stavovi koji se mogu smatrati ekspresijom nacionalizma ili kosmopolitizma (tj. vece/manje sklonosti ka marginalizaciji drugog i drugacijeg u datim oblasti kod date populacije), kao i da razmotri mogucu povezanost takvih stavova sa vise demografskih varijabli. Analizirani su podaci dobijeni u anketi sprovedenoj tokom akademske 2012/2013. godine, na reprezentativnom uzorku od 818 studenata datog univerziteta. Rad parcijalno potvrđuje polaznu hipotezu da studenti drustveno-humanistickih nau...
Papers by Vladan Pavlović