
2012, Advances in healthcare information systems and administration book series

Many of the top causes of death in the world are directly related to risk factors that can be avoided with changes in lifestyle behaviors. Computers with Internet access are widely available, and their multimedia capabilities show great potential for e-learning. Furthermore, most of the frequent Internet users already look for health related information online. This chapter presents an interactive simulator that educates people on how to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The application is named SimBody and was initially developed in the context of a Master Thesis at Technical University of Lisbon (IST), in collaboration with ZPX, a multimedia software development company. SimBody allows the users to control the behaviors of an avatar. Besides showing the contribution of each decision towards the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it offers contextualized lifestyle advices and depicts the progression of atherosclerosis. After knowledge transmission tests, the majority of the participants stated that after using SimBody they are more aware of the dangers and intend to introduce changes to their lifestyle.

265 Chapter 13 SimBody: An Interactive Simulator for Health Education Bruno Vidal Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal João Madeiras Pereira Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigacao e Desenvolvimento em Lisbao, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Guilherme Santos Zona Paradoxal, Portugal ABSTRACT Many of the top causes of death in the world are directly related to risk factors that can be avoided with changes in lifestyle behaviors. Computers with Internet access are widely available, and their multimedia capabilities show great potential for e-learning. Furthermore, most of the frequent Internet users already look for health related information online. This chapter presents an interactive simulator that educates people on how to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The application is named SimBody and was initially developed in the context of a Master Thesis at Technical University of Lisbon (IST), in collaboration with ZPX, a multimedia software development company. SimBody allows the users to control the behaviors of an avatar. Besides showing the contribution of each decision towards the risk of cardiovascular diseases, it offers contextualized lifestyle advices and depicts the progression of atherosclerosis. After knowledge transmission tests, the majority of the participants stated that after using SimBody they are more aware of the dangers and intend to introduce changes to their lifestyle. INTRODUCTION a change in life habits, led to a dramatic increase in the average life expectancy, all around the world. For centuries, public health has been one of the In the past, better hygiene habits helped over- main society concerns (Rosen 1993). Since the come the Black Death. In the present, we are Industrial Revolution, Medicine evolved in many faced with an equivalent challenge. The World different areas. This improvement, combined with Health Organization (WHO) stated in its 2008 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1903-6.ch013 Copyright © 2013, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. SimBody report that chronic diseases like cardiovascular last two decades and, today, even an entry-level complications, cancer or diabetes are the cause device has great multimedia capabilities that can of 60% of the deaths in the world. Many of these be explored to build powerful learning tools. diseases are connected to obesity, another serious These possibilities have sparked the Multimedia threat to global health. Most of them have one Learning research field, which dedicates itself to thing in common: risk factors directly related to explore new ways to combine different media to habits and behaviors, such as smoking or having provide more effective learning experiences. “One an unbalanced diet. picture is worth more than a thousand words.”, Many of the worst health problems of our so- that is the common conception and, while not ciety are directly related to controllable behaviors. always true, several research studies have showed People need to be educated and able to understand that combining text with images effectively the actual risks in which they incur by keeping their leads to a better knowledge transmission (Mayer dangerous habits. The information is available in 2009). Furthermore, “For the things we have to many different forms, from pamphlets to TV ads, learn before we can do them, we learn by doing but, judging by the aforementioned number, the them.” Aristotle said, in a quote that summarizes health education process needs to be reinvented, in the concept of learning by experience, which is order to become more effective and efficient. This constant in human life and has been studied and means that the health education battle needs new theoretically formalized by several researchers weapons and interactive computer applications (Silberman 2007). have great potential to assume that role. Interactive simulations and serious games Currently, society has absorbed information promote the marriage between these two ap- technologies into the quotidian life. The global ac- proaches, multimedia and experiential learning. cess to computers and the Internet presents a great This project described in this chapter aims to ex- opportunity to reach citizens across the world. The plore the promise of learning through interactive Internet has emerged as one of the main sources multimedia applications, applying them to one of of information (Seybert 2010), related to virtually humanity’s educational priorities: health. In this any area of knowledge. Health is not an exception. context, the chapter also presents an interactive According to data from the 2007 European survey simulator that educates people on how to mitigate on eHealth consumer trends (Andreassen 2007), a the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The applica- WHO project supported by the European Commis- tion is named SimBody and is available for the sion, 44% of the European citizens have used the web. Initially, this simulator was developed in the Internet to search for health related information. context of a Master’s degree thesis at the Technical That number corresponds to 71% of the frequent University of Lisbon (Vidal 2011), which resulted Internet users. Looking at the United States of from a collaboration with ZPX – Zona Paradoxal, America, those numbers are even higher: 56% a software development company and multimedia and 79%, respectively. In Portugal, 30% of the content provider. population (62% of the Internet users) has looked for health content online (Santana 2007). These numbers show that people are interested and con- RELATED WORK firm the potential opportunity of using information technologies to educate society, promoting those With the evolution of computer hardware and the much-needed changes in life habits. advent of new computer graphics techniques, it From another perspective, personal comput- became possible to create accurate visual repre- ers and smartphones have rapidly evolved in the sentations of large quantities of data. Over the last 266 16 more pages are available in the full version of this document, which may be purchased using the "Add to Cart" button on the product's webpage: education/67966?camid=4v1 This title is available in e-Book Collection, Medical, Healthcare, and Life Sciences e-Book Collection, Communications, Social Science, and Healthcare e-Book Collection, e-Book Collection Select, Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration, Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration, e-Book Collection Select, e-Book Collection Select, e-Book Collection Select, Social Sciences Knowledge Solutions e-Book Collection, Evidence Based Acquisition (Preselection). Recommend this product to your librarian: Related Content Surviving the Game Linda van Ryneveld (2009). Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education (pp. 560- 575). From a Game Story to a Real 2D Game Chong-wei Xu and Daniel N. Xu (2012). 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