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2019, Journal of Nepal Medical Association
4 pages
1 file
Introduction: Human nose is one of the important anthropometric parameters for identification of ethnicity and sex of an individual of an unknown identity. The nasal index holds a great value in anthropological studies, because it is one of the anthropometric indices acknowledged in nasal surgery as well as management. The study aims to find the mean nasal index and the nose type of dental students of Kantipur Dental College of Nepal. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 140 dental students of age groups 17-25 years, in the Department of Anatomy, Kantipur Dental College Teaching Hospital and Research Center, Basundhara, Kathmandu. The studied population belongs to dental students of Kantipur Dental College and Research Centre. The nasal parameters including the nasal height, nasal width was measured using Digital Vernier Caliper and the nose was classified in three different types based on the value of nasal index. Results: The mean nasal index of tota...
IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd, 2019
Introduction: Anthropometry is the measurement of human body parts and is used in anthropology for classifying people into various races and ethnicity. Nasal index serves as an important anthropometric tool and also very useful in reconstructive surgeries of nose along with nasal height and breadth. Aim: To study the values of the nasal height, nasal breadth and nasal Index in South Indian population. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in Vinayaka Missions Medical College, Karaikal including volunteers aged between 17-23 years and of both sexes. Nasal height and breadth were measured using Digital Vernier Caliper. Nasal index was calculated and the results were statistically analysed. Results: The present study showed the mean height and breadth of nose in males were 55.75 mm and 37.26 mm and for females were 53.89 mm and 34.59 mm. Nasal index was found to be 67.0 for males and for 64.8 females. And moreover the most common nasal type was found to be Leptorrhine followed by Mesorrhine type. Conclusion: The data obtained from the present study will be useful when repairing the nose and also in forensic investigation.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2014
Introduction: Nasal index is a sensitive anthropometric index. It also exhibits sexual differences and it has become a useful tool in Forensic Medicine and reconstructive surgery. It is an important anthropometric parameter for classifying the race and sex of an individual whose identity is unknown. Aim: The present study was undertaken to provide baseline data of the nasal ergonomics for male and female of Hindu community of Gwalior region. Material and Method: A random sample of males of 19 to 45 years age group was chosen for examination. Nasal length, nasal breadth, nasal height and nasal depth were measured with the help of Digital Vernier Caliper. Nasal index (NI) were calculated as NB/NH×100. The data was analyzed statistically using Unpaired Student t-test. Result: Our results are comparable with other studies with mean NI ± SD of 80.59±9.122 in male which was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of females who has NI ± SD of 77.29±8.472. Except for nasal depth, the other nasal parameters shows sexual dimorphism. Conclusion: Based on the mean NI, the predominant nose type is Mesorrhine in 63.73% of male and female (Hindu community) of Gwalior region. This study provides a baseline data for people of Gwalior region which will be valuable in nasal anthropometry for clinical practice, in reconstructive surgery, rhinoplasty and in forensic science. This study should be subjected to further investigation.
1Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal 2PhD Scholar, Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 3Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, Devdaha Medical College Teaching Hospital, Devdaha, Nepal 4Medical Officer, Dadeldhura Hospital, Dadeldhura, Nepal. Anthropometric Study of Nasal Index Among the Youth of Madheshis Community of Nepal
Data on nasal index of 808 adult males and females distributed in four major states India were taken for present investigation, to study the morphometric variation. Nasal Index was computed and compared among male and female and among different states. Comparison of coefficient of variations shows that there exists variation in nasal breadth and nasal height, hence in nasal index. The study explained 3 types of nose in the population; Leptorhine, Mesorhine, and Platyrhine. The study found leptorhine or mesorhine type of nose are commonly found whereas platyrrhine is a rare finding in Indian population. Males of Uttar Pradesh has higher nasal index as compared to females of the same state. The study also found that leptorhine nose is commoner in Kerala and Jammu and Kashmir. The nasal index of overall males and females was 73.09 ± 0.46 and 72.85± 0.36 respectively. The nasal index for females from UP, Bihar, Jammu and Kerala were 76.94 ± 0.32, 80.38 ± 1.27, 62.96 ± 0.40 and 72.50 ± 0...
L’intelligenza artificiale è intelligente? L’IA come imago hominis?, 2021
Lo straordinario sviluppo dell’Intel- ligenza artificiale mette in ombra l’intelligenza umana e mette in que- stione l’identità umana in rapporto alla tecnologia, suscitando diverse domande dal punto di vista filosofi- co. Nella presente riflessione si cerca di rispondere alla questione se l’IA possa essere imago hominis. Se l’IA è a nostra immagine e i computer sono i nostri «figli mentali», come li chia- ma H. Moravec, in che cosa consiste essere a immagine dell’uomo? L’in- telligenza umana, per quanto voglia essere razionale, solo per il fatto di essere umana rimane una conoscen- za incarnata. L’IA calcola bene, mol- to bene, tanto meglio di qualunque essere umano, ma rimane una intelli- genza più per omonimia in quanto in realtà non conosce veramente e non ama. Un approccio funzionalista dell’intelligenza rimane insufficiente per definire l’IA sia umana che per- sonale. La relazione che esiste tra l’essere umano e l’IA è in termini bu- beriani una relazione io-esso, una relazione tra una persona e un es- so-cosa, per quanto umanoide possa essere in apparenza. All’IA man- cherà sempre una dimensione unifi- catrice che comprenda tutte quelle dimensioni in cui la spiritualità si ri- vela: l’autocoscienza, la libera volon- tà, l‘intenzionalità e l’amore. Abstract The extraordinary development of Artificial Intelligence overshadows human intelligence and questions human identity in relation to tech- nology, raising several questions from a philosophical point of view. In the present essay, we try to answer the question: Can AI be imago hom- inis? If AI is in our image and com- puters are our ‘mental children’, as H. Moravec calls them, what does it mean to be in the image of man? Hu- man intelligence, no matter how ra- tional, remains an embodied knowl- edge precisely because it is human. AI calculates well, very well, so much better than any human being, but it remains an intelligence only by ho- monymy because it does not really know or love. A functionalist ap- proach to Intelligence remains insuf- ficient to qualify AI as both human and personal. The relationship that exists between human and AI is, in Buberian terms, an ‘I-it’ relation- ship, a relationship between a person and an it-thing, however humanoid in appearance it may be. AI will al- ways lack a unifying dimension that includes all those dimensions in which spirituality is revealed: self-consciousness, free will, inten- tionality, and love.
Karanos 6, 2023
This essay explores the tensions between two types of historical narrative of Hellenistic Thessaly, which was so integral to the fortunes of the Argead, Antipatrid, and Antignoid dynasties: one diachronic and event-based, the other synchronic and thematic in organization.
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 2017
concern in the United States that is uniquely associated with college students, that being the issue of college student well-being in light of the various stressors surrounding education financing. The majority of college students can be classified as "emerging adults" and they are faced with an array of complex decisions at a time in their lives when numerous changes are taking place (Arnett 2000; Worthy et al. 2010). It is common for college students to be faced with decisions regarding peer groups, career planning, and overall time management. The difficulties of navigating the complexity of emerging adulthood can be further compounded when financial issues are added to the mix, as is increasingly common for college students today. Rising costs of obtaining a degree, coupled with flagging support programs have resulted in an increased reliance on borrowing to cover critical education expenses (College Board 2014; Haughwout et al. 2015). At the start of the 21st century, the greatest concerns associated with student financial well-being stemmed from credit card acquisition and use (
PHS Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences, 2024
This article will take the following route to explore a reflective approach to the problem of mind and its possible contents. First, we will highlight the tension between psychology and semantics in order to explain the content of mental acts from a third-person perspective. We will examine how Kant's theory of apperception explored the conditions of objective representative expression to determine the content of the intentional acts of mind. Second, we will outline how Davidson's theory of interpretation, using an extensional semantic theory based on Tarski, explores the underdeterminacy of compatible in-terpretive hypotheses in order to arrive at a collectively-sensitive conception of the mutual understan-ding and internal content of beliefs. Kant and Davidson agree that the conditions for understanding mental (or intentional) content depend on a theory of truth (or judgement) that provides the non-unila-teral parameter for interpreting that content. We will then observe how this perspective accommodates skeptical notions of mind, content, and intention. We conclude with a series of remarks on the metho-dological tensions within psychology, showing that psychology and phenomenology face skepticism and possible absorption by sociologically infused conditions of study. The problem is that the study of the intentionality and content of mental beliefs can dissolve its object – the mind and consciousness – into a kind of ghost behind language or a mere reification of the normative conditions of rational behavior under the conditions of language influence.
Journal of Religion and Society, 2019
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Horizonte Histórico, 2023
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Psychological Warfare, 2023
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2018
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Designing Organizational Systems, 2013