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2020, Ethnic and Racial Studies
4 pages
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KULT_online. Review Journal for the Study of Culture, 2020
In Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory Patricia Hill Collins explores intersectionality’s potential to become a critical social theory. Collins asserts that in order for intersectionality to develop fully as a critical social theory, its scholars and practitioners have to profoundly engage with its methodologies, epistemologies, and the activist works upon which it is based. Collin’s monograph can be seen as a dialogical engagement of intersectionality with other theoretical schools of thought and furthers its development into a theory of its own.
Culture e Studi del Sociale, 2022
European Journal of Social Theory, 2020
Intersectionality has become quite the buzzword in contemporary sociology, yet scholars still debate whether it is a concept, a theory, a methodology, or all three. In Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory, Patricia Hill Collins extends the genealogy of foundational literature on this framework, contextualizing the usefulness of intersectional standpoints in understanding social inequality. With eight substantive chapters, plus an introduction and an epilogue, Collins intriguingly poses more questions than she provides answers. Rather than definitively charting out the nuanced utility of intersectionality as a critical social theory, Collins provides readers with the theoretical and conceptual foundations necessary for us to do this work ourselves.
The increasing popularity of the concept of intersectionality in the social sciences, including in psychology, represents an opportunity to reflect on the state of stewardship of this concept, its roots, and its promise. In this context, the authors aim to promote responsible stewardship of intersectionality and to tip the momentum of intersectionality's flourishing toward fuller use and engagement of its roots and promise for understanding and challenging dynamics of power, privilege, and oppression. To this end, this article provides a set of guidelines for reflection and action. The authors organize these guidelines along three major formulations of intersectionality: intersectionality as a field of study, as analytic strategy or disposition, and as critical praxis for social justice. Ultimately, the authors call for expanding the use of intersectionality toward fuller engagement with its roots in Black feminist thought, its current interdisciplinary richness and potential, and its central aims to challenge and transform structures and systems of power, privilege, and oppression. Public Significance Statement: This article makes the case that an intersectional perspective is necessary in research, teaching, practice, and activism. The article provides guidelines for how to integrate intersectionality meaningfully and substantively, rather than merely rhetorically.
European Journal of Politics and Gender, 2018
Since its coinage in the 1980s, intersectionality has journeyed across borders and disciplines, which is a testament to its resonance. We examine how intersectionality has travelled within political science and the potential impact that this has had on its political project, with particular attention to the politics of knowledge production. The analysis draws on: (1) an original database of articles published in political science journals; (2) descriptive citation analysis; (3) a content analysis of the articles; and (4) an online survey of authors. We find that positionality plays an important role in shaping the field and political project of intersectionality.
It is impossible to be familiar with the contemporary field of feminism and gender studies and not be aware of the massive intellectual influence of intersectionality. Having emerged in the late 1980s, intersectionality has now come to be not only the way to do feminist research, but has also been exported to other fields and disciplines. Many believe intersectionality has brought about a paradigm shift within gender studies. However, this supposed shift has taken on a performative rather than concrete form. The use of intersectionality today does not necessarily produce critical research that is vastly distinguishable from previous liberal approaches to gender studies. Instead, the claim to intersectionality is often only a performance of both something new and something critical that has increasingly reproduced older approaches to gender research, most notably liberal approaches. In this article, we address this performativity as emerging forms of identity politics that are distin...
In a roundtable discussion held at the American Studies Association’s annual meeting in 2013, the authors interrogate intersectionality’s uptake in diverse settings, considering how its radical potential may be coopted and conflated with “diversity,” “multiculturalism,” “inclusion,” and similarly neoliberal institutional imperatives. The authors also discuss opportunities for resistance and transformation. Resume Lors d’une table ronde tenue dans le cadre de la reunion annuelle de l’American Studies Association en 2013, les auteurs s’interrogent sur l’adoption de l’intersectionnalite dans divers contextes, en considerant comment son potentiel radical peut etre coopte et confondu avec « la diversite », « le multiculturalisme », « l’inclusion » et des imperatifs institutionnels egalement neo-liberaux. Les auteurs discutent egalement des occasions de resistance et de transformation.
Gender Place and Culture, 2018
This short comment on intersectionality raises three points for further thought and discussion: The first has to do with the rich tradition of feminist interventions in academe and in political struggles which adopted intersectional approaches before a field of 'intersectionality studies' was developed. The second is a note about the difficult and complex passage from individual subject formation to the constitution of collective identities, following the logic of intersectional analysis and theorizing, Finally, the third point puts forward some thoughts on positionality as 'perspective' from which to interpret the complexities of intersectional analyses and seek to forge solidarities and alliances beyond individual identification.
Cacicazgos en las Américas, 2023
Sintesis de las investigaciones arqueológicas en el Cauca a una escala regional o microregional
D. Zori & J. Byock (eds.), Viking Archaeology in Iceland. Mosfell Archaeological Project. Cursor Mundi 20 (Turnhout 2014) , 2014
Alpha Omega, Anno XXI. N. 2. Maggio-Agosto, 2018
Slavica TerGestina, 2002
Nuntius Antiquus, 2020
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), 2023
Persona y Familia, 2021
Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction, 2003
Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience, 2021
International Journal for Parasitology, 2008
Journal of Education and Learning, 2019
Environmental science and pollution research international, 2017