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The study entitled 'Attitude of Couples towards Family-Planning' was conducted with an aim to assess the knowledge, understanding and attitude of couples towards family planning across the two ecological settings of Jammu district. The influence of education on the attitude under consideration was also evaluated. Sample for the study comprised 200 married couples drawn from Jammu district through stratified random sampling technique. The tools for data collection included interview schedule, questionnaire and a rating scale. The results witnessed a high prevalence of illiteracy and associated ignorance among rural masses (35%) especially regarding the concepts and measures of family planning (χ 2 = 14.24, Sig. 1%). Majority of rural respondents especially women folk (51%) were unaware of concepts related to family planning. Condoms were by far the most favourable contraceptive measures across both settings (81% males and 77.5% females) followed by birth spacing pills (39%). The appropriate knowledge regarding other measures e.g. Copper-T (13.5%) and male sterilization was lacking. Further, urban respondent entrusted the contraceptive responsibility on their respective partners (43% males, 44% females), while rural couples (74% females and 64% males) followed the same age-old traditional concept of male dominance and superiority. Television and magazines were found to be the major accessible sources of information. Results from rating scale revealed a major difference (χ 2 = 54.66, Sig. 1%) in the attitude of respondents. Education was found to be significantly associated with the respective attitude of respondents towards family planning.
National Journal of Community Medicine, 2018
Introduction: Population explosion has been India's major problem since independence. Adoption of family planning methods is one of the best solutions to tackle this problem. To achieve targets in family planning programme active involvement of men is required hence exploring the role of men regarding contraceptive practices is important. Objective: The study conducted to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding Family planning among the married men. Material and method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural health-training center area of Jhalawar Medical College, Rajasthan from June, 2018 to Oct. 2018. A pretested semi structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: Among the 220 participants, (75.45%) were using some family planning method. 30% participant has average knowledge, 65.5% good knowledge about contraceptive method. 93.18% has good attitude and 6.82% has poor attitude. 80% participant had good practice regarding family planning. Conclusion: majority of participants were having good knowledge and attitude towards family planning methods and the current use of family planning methods was good.
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2016
Background: By 2050, the world's population is expected to reach 9 billion. India accounts for 17.5% of the world's population. In the year 2011, the couple protection rate was about 40% for India, which is still far behind to achieve the 60% couple protection rate goal. Since the inception of the program, several knowledge, attitude, and practice studies have been conducted. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the family planning methods and various sociodemographic parameters and enhance the contraceptive practice among the eligible couples in an urban area of Haryana. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban health-training center area of Rohtak district, Haryana. The study participants involved were currently married women aged 15-45 years (eligible couples). The line listing of all the eligible couples was done, and by systematic random sampling methodology, 10% of the currently married women were selected, which came out to be 320. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software, version 16.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); we calculated percentages and applied the c 2-test wherever necessary and required. Results: In this study, the total sample consisted of 318 participants, and the mean age of the participants was 32.76 ± 4.6 years. Moving to other variables, it was observed in this study that most of the participants were presenting socioeconomic status (SES) as middle class (35.7%) and lower-middle class (37.2%), followed by upper-middle class (19.6%), and the least participants belonged to the upper class (3.3%) and lower class (4.2%). Around 62% participants were currently using one or more of the various family planning methods. Female sterilization (45.6%) was the most common chosen method used among the contraceptive users, followed by intrauterine contraceptive device (23%) and condom (22%); the least preference was given to oral contraceptive pill (OCP) (9.2%). When asked specifically regarding the individual type of family planning method, most awareness was toward OCP (97.7%) and the least awareness observed for the traditional methods (30.5%). The awareness source for family planning methods were mainly doctors/multipurpose health workers/ anganwadi workers (70.4%). Conclusion: On the basis of observations of our study, it was concluded that education and contraceptive practices were directly related. Health workers and mass media are playing very important roles in disseminating information about the promotion of contraceptive practices and can overcome the knowledge/practice gap.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, 2013
Background Human fertility is determined by many factors such as customs, morals and habits of social groups with regard to marital obligation of life. Acceptance of family planning methods varies within and between societies and there are many factors which are responsible for such variation at community, family and individual level. Socioeconomic environment, culture and education are few of them that play a vital role. Jammu and Kashmir state in general and Kashmir valley in particular is a Muslimdominated population with traditionally a conservative society. Apart from family customs and influence of the elders, religious background has always been behind the passive resistance, or at the best indifference towards contraception. This study makes an attempt to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception in rural Kashmir. Objective To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of contraception in rural Kashmir. Study Design Community-based Cross-Sectional study. Study period December 2006 to May 2008. Participants 1900 currently married women in the age group of 15-49 years of age. Setting Rural households. Methods 1900 currently married women, aged 15-49 years, selected by multi-stage random sampling technique from three districts of Kashmir valley who were interviewed at home using a pretested oral questionnaire. The assessment of various socioeconomic and other variables made as per the available standard procedures and scales. Analysis Percentage, Chi square test and Bivariate analysis. Results Knowledge of the contraceptive methods was fairly good especially for terminal methods i.e. female sterilization (97.7 %). Main source of information on contraception was obtained from mass media (60.4 %). Contraceptive practice was significantly related to number of living children, literacy, socioeconomic status and type of family. Conclusion What is needed is to promote and stress contraceptive methods and their advantages using mass media approach and to explore more and more participation of private sector.
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2015
Contraception means preventing the union of the sperm and ovum, suppressing ovulation or interfering with implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus. 1 Family planning should be made accessible to every woman and man who needs it so that they can exercise their reproductive health rights, according to which everyone should be able to freely and responsibly decide how many children to have and when (that is, children "By Choice, and not by Chance").
The study was conducted to identify awareness and attitude level of rural adolescents regarding family planning methods in Simdega district of Jharkhand. The district constitutes nearly 90 percent of rural population, well-colored of traditions, customs and cultures which restrict the rural population from accessing family planning methods. The study found maximum awareness level in terms of temporary methods of family planning. Around 68 percent male adolescents were aware about condom, whereas 47 percent of female adolescents were aware about pills. Furthermore, 52 percent of male and 38 percent of female adolescents’ attitudes for timing on practicing the family planning methods were after two children to limit further off springs. However adolescents were less aware about other temporary methods. Some other traditional social remedies to improve the family planning methods in rural areas are also observed. It was found that awareness and acceptance of family planning methods is ...
Revista Profanações, 2024
O presente artigo pretende problematizar o antropocentrismo moderno e a inauguração não apenas de uma nova época no mundo, mas a regulação dos modos de vivência para determinar um "jeito de habitar essa terra". Um habitar que culminou na crise ecológica e evoca um abandono total e de devastação dos ecossistemas e sua biodiversidade. Por esse modo, em um diálogo com Ailton Krenak (2022), Antônio Bispo dos Santos (2023) e Malcom Ferdinand (2022), nós pensamos junto com saberes ancestrais preservados pela memória uma proposta de construir uma confluência entre cartografias de mundo, em especial, a voz das águas do rio Watu, considerado avô do povo Krenak, como exercício de escuta das vozes das águas como uma dinâmica relacional de afetos em que Watu descentraliza o antropocentrismo para outras formas plurais de existência enunciadas pelo anthropos e seu modelo colonial de habitar o mundo. Somado a esse exercício de escuta da voz das águas dos rios, em especial do rio Watu, propomos a ação de aquilombamento (Ferdinand 2022) como fundamento para a construção de novas cartografias do mundo e a recuperação de um vínculo transcendente com a Mãe Terra. Afinal, o ato de aquilombamento praticado pelos povos africanos vítimas da escravidão é uma recusa de viver em um mundo marcado pela violência e a destruição de outros humanos e não-humanos (natureza).
"Chih-yu Shih develops very important arguments against binary understandings of politics, directing our attention to more complex governmentalities, without necessarily legitimising them." Hartmut Behr, Newcastle University "Chih-yu Shih's analysis offers fascinating insights into the philosophical foundations of Chinese politics. His combination of Confucian cosmology and Foucauldian governmentality explores the hidden layers of state-society relations in the era of Xi Jinping." Nele Noesselt, University of Duisburg-Essen
Histology Systems - short atlas, 2019
Histology is an essential tool of biology and medicine; refers to the study of the anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals using microscopy. These aspects of human physiology are commonly studied using a light microscope or electron microscope. Prior to examination, the specimen will have been sectioned, stained, and mounted on a microscope slide. The focus is on the four basic types of human tissues: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nervous tissue, together with subtypes, in order to assess health and disease. Histological studies can be conducted using tissue culture, where live animal cells are isolated and maintained in an artificial environment for various research projects. The ability to visualize or differentially identify microscopic structures is frequently enhanced through the use of staining. For this purpose, staining is employed to give both contrast to the tissue as well as highlighting particular features of interest. There is often a lack of suitable reference books showing high quality histology stains for the medical student and medical practitioner to refer to. The aim of this Atlas is to provide such source material.
Buku ini ditulis oleh Dr. Candra Irawan, S.H., M.Hum Yang berjudul “Hukum Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa di Indonesia.” Terbitnya buku ini dilatar belakangi karena cukup banyaknya diminati oleh masyarakat yang ingin mengetahui aspek hukum dan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan di Indonesia. Setelah lebih kurang 7 tahun berlalu, tentu saja banyak hal yang berkembang dari hukum penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan. Oleh karena itu, maka buku ini sepatutnya direvisi sesuai perkembangan terbaru yang berkaitan dengan hukum penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan. Pengalaman seperti inilah yang mendorong penulis memuatkan hasil-hasil pemikirannya dalam buku ini. Sejak timbulnya hasrat dan tekat menulis buku ini, penulis telah menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa menulis buku tentang ” Hukum Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa di Indonesia” bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Namun kondisi seperti ini tidak mengendorkan semangat penulis untuk terus menulis dan menyajikan buku ini kehadapan para pembaca utamanya dari kalangan akademisi, pakar hukum dan lain sebagainya, dengan harapan nantinya buku ini dapat membantu para pelaku yang sedang dilanda persengketaan dapat mudah mendapatkan solusi dalam permasalahan yang sedang mereka alami. Terutama dalam konsep penyelessaian sengketa yang pada dasarnya mudah-mudah gampang untuk menemukan jalan terang. Buku yang berjudul “Hukum Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa di Indonesia” ini, dibagi menjadi beberapa bab. Pada Bab I tentang “pendahuluan”, Bab II Landasan Hukum Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Di Indonesia, Bab III Aspek etika (moral) dan alternatif penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadialan. Bab IV Konsultasi, Bab V Negosiasi, Bab VI Mediasi, bab VII Penilaian ahli, Bab VIII Arbitrase, Bab IX Penutup.
Teaching , 2024
Matthieu Brejon de Lavergnée and Emanuele Colombo (eds), Religous Orders, Public Health and Epidemics, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, p. 123-145, 2024
Revista Chilena de Neurocirugía
The Art Bulletin, 2021
George Washington Law Review, 2009
IEEE Access, 2019
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2004
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL, 2020
Systematic Parasitology, 2020
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2014