Aim Millions have fled from the Civil unrest in Syria and half of these are children and youth. A... more Aim Millions have fled from the Civil unrest in Syria and half of these are children and youth. Although they are a population with elevated risk for health problems due to adverse pre-migratory and post-migratory experiences, few studies have explored their Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). This is considered a fundamental construct in public health and might provide complementary descriptions of their health and wellbeing after resettling in a new country. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 160 Syrian youth aged 13-24 years recently resettled in Norway, was carried out in 23 schools. Using KIDSCREEN-27, results from five dimensions of HRQoL (physical and psychological wellbeing, parental relations, school environment and friends) was compared to norm populations and analysed with associated sociodemographic factors and war related adverse events. Results Preliminary results indicate that for most participants the overall HRQoL was good, but lower in the dimensions for physi...
Background The importance of resilience factors in the positive adaptation of refugee youth is wi... more Background The importance of resilience factors in the positive adaptation of refugee youth is widely recognised. However, their actual mechanism of impact remains under-researched. The aim of this study was therefore to explore protective and promotive resilience mechanisms on both negative and positive mental health outcomes. Promotive resilience is seen as a direct main effect and protective resilience as a moderating effect. Methods Cross-sectional study with 160 Syrian youth aged 13-24 years, who recently resettled in Norway. A multi-dimensional measure for resilience was used to explore the potential impact of resilience factors on pathways between potentially traumatic events from war and flight (PTE), post-migration stress, mental distress and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Analyses included regression, moderation and moderated mediation using the PROCESS macro for SPSS. Results A direct main effect of resilience factors (promotive resilience mechanism) was found fo...
Norsk: Bakgrunn: Ventilator assosiert pneumoni (VAP), forårsaker flere dødsfall enn noen annen sy... more Norsk: Bakgrunn: Ventilator assosiert pneumoni (VAP), forårsaker flere dødsfall enn noen annen sykehusassosiert infeksjon, gir økt antall liggedøgn og medfører høye kostnader. Mellom 10–20 % av pasienter som er intubert lenger enn 48 timer, utvikler VAP. Intensivavdelingene manglet en overbyggende prosedyre og erkjente ulik praksis i de ulike intensivavdelingene i forhold til å forebygge VAP. Studenter ved videreutdanning i intensivsykepleie ved Høgskolen ga tilbakemelding på ulikheter mellom det de lærer på skolen og det de lærer i praksis. Hensikt: Hensikt med samarbeidsprosjektet er å fremme sykepleiere i intensivavdelingene og studenter i videreutdanning i intensivsykepleie sin kompetanse i å forebygge VAP for oralintuberte respiratorpasienter. Metode: Et fagutviklende prosjekt med en kvantitativ og kvalitativ tilnærming, som er inspirert av handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. Det ble utarbeidet kunnskapsbaserte prosedyrer for VAP forebygging som så ble implementert i avde...
Hensikten med studien er å klarlegge begrepet pårørende, få økt forståelse for begrepet i en syke... more Hensikten med studien er å klarlegge begrepet pårørende, få økt forståelse for begrepet i en sykepleiesammenheng og undersøke hvilken status pårørende kan ha i sykepleieutøvelse. Studien har et deskriptivt design. Begrepsanalysen skjer i tråd med de mest brukte faser hos Koort. Begrepet tolkes ut fra aktuelle norske helselover og ut fra hvordan det er anvendt i relevant sykepleieforskning. Datakilder for den semantiske analysen har vært norske ordbøker. I tolkning av begrepsbruken har en lagt til grunn norske, nordiske og internasjonale studier i sykepleieforskning om pårørende fra 1984 til 2001. Funnene viser at synonymene nærmeste familie og nær slektning hovedsakelig brukes om pårørende i det norsk språk. I helselover anvendes synonymer til pårørende som ektefelle, registrert partner, samboer, myndige barn, foreldre, myndige søsken, besteforeldre og verge. Innen norsk sykepleieforskning om pårørende er familie og foreldre valgt som synonymer til pårørende, mens begrep som ektefel...
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2014
Objective: Several studies demonstrate the need for a unified effort by the Norwegian Labour and ... more Objective: Several studies demonstrate the need for a unified effort by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and health services to support people with mental illness who wish to return to work and simultaneously receive treatment. The aim of the present qualitative evaluation study is to develop a deeper understanding of the participants' experiences of being involved in the NAV project called "Work, Substance Abuse and Mental Health", which helps service recipients to combine work and treatment. Methods: The study involved the use of qualitative research interviews. Seven NAV project participants completed an interview and their data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The results suggest that this project is effective from both a salutogenic perspective and a recovery-oriented perspective. Increased lust for life as a result of diverse forms of support and a flexible personalized service with rapid intervention was identified. The results also show phenomena that contributed to stagnation and life longings, or a decrease in quality of life. Conclusion: The success of the project depends on the NAV office. Future research should investigate cooperation between therapists and NAV advisers, participants' ambivalence, and explore other factors important for relationship building.
Gjesteforelesning ved fagseminar på Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane - Førde 08.02.2012.Studiens hens... more Gjesteforelesning ved fagseminar på Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane - Førde 08.02.2012.Studiens hensikt: Å belyse fortolkende repertoir som viser seg blant døtre til innvandrere i deres møter med vestlige intensivavdelinger. Forskningsspørsmål: hva erfarer innvandrerdøtre eller -søstre om generasjonsdiskurser i familier med omfattende kritisk sykdom i møte med norske intensivsykepleiere
Supplemental material, SJP929833_Supplemental_material for Health-related quality of life in youn... more Supplemental material, SJP929833_Supplemental_material for Health-related quality of life in young Syrian refugees recently resettled in Norway by Cecilie R. Dangmann, Øivind Solberg, Anne K.M. Steffenak, Sevald Høye and Per N. Andersen in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Aims: Millions have fled from the civil unrest in Syria, and half of these are children and youth... more Aims: Millions have fled from the civil unrest in Syria, and half of these are children and youth. Although they are a population with an elevated risk of health problems due to adverse pre-migratory and post-migratory experiences, few studies have explored their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This is considered a fundamental construct in public health and might provide complementary descriptions of their health and well-being after resettling in a new country. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 160 Syrian youth aged 13–24 years. Using KIDSCREEN-27, the results for five dimensions of HRQoL was compared to population norm data. Demographic factors and war-related adverse events were used to predict HRQoL in hierarchical regression. Results: For most participants, the overall HRQoL was good, but it was lower in the dimensions for friends, physical well-being and psychological well-being compared to population norms. Scores in the dimensions for autonomy/parental rel...
The increase in people on the move creates populations that are culturally diverse. People meet v... more The increase in people on the move creates populations that are culturally diverse. People meet various challenges regarding the migration process, social life, jobs and health issues. When a person suffers from acute and critical illness, he/she may be in need of intensive care. The aim of this study was to explore the comprehension of culture, caring and gender among first and second generation immigrant women as relatives on their encounters with intensive care nurses in Norwegian hospitals. A design based upon discursive psychology to explore subject positions, interpretative repertoires and ideological dilemmas focused immigrant female relatives' experiences with a cultural and gender perspective. Immigrants who were relatives to critically ill people were interviewed. The results of the discourse analysis revealed the following themes: being the caring person as woman, being intertwined between the Western hospital culture and the original family culture and belonging to a minority in a Western majority culture. Conclusion: The women in the families with a critically ill family member mainly act as the caring person. There are dilemmas in how much every family transfer the responsibility for their loved one to the nurses. Anxious attitudes regarding caring activities are rarely linked to their cultural background.
Rigor has important ramifications for the entire qualitative research process. The aim of this st... more Rigor has important ramifications for the entire qualitative research process. The aim of this study was to evaluate aspects of methodological congruence by focusing on four dimensions of rigor in qualitative nursing research related to the presence of patients' family members in the intensive care unit. Eight research papers covering the years 1990-2004 were analyzed by means of one of Burns and Grove's standards, methodological congruence, for critique and consistency. The results show that there are varying degrees of focus on procedural rigor, such as limitations and bias. Ethical rigor is described clearly in some papers, while others lack descriptions of confidentiality and the voluntary nature of participation. However, all papers contain descriptions of qualitative data analysis. In conclusion, there were strengths in procedural rigor and auditability, but also some limitations in the identification of theoretical development and the scientific tradition on which the article is based.
The aim of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of their encounters with multicultural f... more The aim of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of their encounters with multicultural families in intensive care units in Norwegian hospitals. Immigrants from non-Western countries make up 6.1% of the population in Norway. When a person suffers an acute and critical illness the person's family may experience crises. Nurses' previous experiences of caring for culturally diverse patients and families is challenging due to linguistic differences, and contextual factors. Family members should be near their critically ill spouse to reduce the impact from a frightening environment. The study had a descriptive exploratory qualitative design with a retrospective focus. Three multistage focus groups consisting of 16 nurses were set up in intensive care units. The data were analysed by interpretive content analysis. The theme ‗Cultural diversity and workplace stressors' emerged. This theme was characterised by four categories: ‗impact on work patterns'; ‗communication challenges'; ‗responses to crises' and ‗professional status and gender issues'. In conclusion, nurses' perception of their encounters with multicultural families in intensive care units seem to be ambiguous with challenges in interaction, and the nurses' stressors emanating from linguistic, cultural and ethnic differentness. To diminish cultural diversity the nurses strive for increased knowledge of different cultures and religions.
Aim Millions have fled from the Civil unrest in Syria and half of these are children and youth. A... more Aim Millions have fled from the Civil unrest in Syria and half of these are children and youth. Although they are a population with elevated risk for health problems due to adverse pre-migratory and post-migratory experiences, few studies have explored their Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL). This is considered a fundamental construct in public health and might provide complementary descriptions of their health and wellbeing after resettling in a new country. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 160 Syrian youth aged 13-24 years recently resettled in Norway, was carried out in 23 schools. Using KIDSCREEN-27, results from five dimensions of HRQoL (physical and psychological wellbeing, parental relations, school environment and friends) was compared to norm populations and analysed with associated sociodemographic factors and war related adverse events. Results Preliminary results indicate that for most participants the overall HRQoL was good, but lower in the dimensions for physi...
Background The importance of resilience factors in the positive adaptation of refugee youth is wi... more Background The importance of resilience factors in the positive adaptation of refugee youth is widely recognised. However, their actual mechanism of impact remains under-researched. The aim of this study was therefore to explore protective and promotive resilience mechanisms on both negative and positive mental health outcomes. Promotive resilience is seen as a direct main effect and protective resilience as a moderating effect. Methods Cross-sectional study with 160 Syrian youth aged 13-24 years, who recently resettled in Norway. A multi-dimensional measure for resilience was used to explore the potential impact of resilience factors on pathways between potentially traumatic events from war and flight (PTE), post-migration stress, mental distress and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Analyses included regression, moderation and moderated mediation using the PROCESS macro for SPSS. Results A direct main effect of resilience factors (promotive resilience mechanism) was found fo...
Norsk: Bakgrunn: Ventilator assosiert pneumoni (VAP), forårsaker flere dødsfall enn noen annen sy... more Norsk: Bakgrunn: Ventilator assosiert pneumoni (VAP), forårsaker flere dødsfall enn noen annen sykehusassosiert infeksjon, gir økt antall liggedøgn og medfører høye kostnader. Mellom 10–20 % av pasienter som er intubert lenger enn 48 timer, utvikler VAP. Intensivavdelingene manglet en overbyggende prosedyre og erkjente ulik praksis i de ulike intensivavdelingene i forhold til å forebygge VAP. Studenter ved videreutdanning i intensivsykepleie ved Høgskolen ga tilbakemelding på ulikheter mellom det de lærer på skolen og det de lærer i praksis. Hensikt: Hensikt med samarbeidsprosjektet er å fremme sykepleiere i intensivavdelingene og studenter i videreutdanning i intensivsykepleie sin kompetanse i å forebygge VAP for oralintuberte respiratorpasienter. Metode: Et fagutviklende prosjekt med en kvantitativ og kvalitativ tilnærming, som er inspirert av handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. Det ble utarbeidet kunnskapsbaserte prosedyrer for VAP forebygging som så ble implementert i avde...
Hensikten med studien er å klarlegge begrepet pårørende, få økt forståelse for begrepet i en syke... more Hensikten med studien er å klarlegge begrepet pårørende, få økt forståelse for begrepet i en sykepleiesammenheng og undersøke hvilken status pårørende kan ha i sykepleieutøvelse. Studien har et deskriptivt design. Begrepsanalysen skjer i tråd med de mest brukte faser hos Koort. Begrepet tolkes ut fra aktuelle norske helselover og ut fra hvordan det er anvendt i relevant sykepleieforskning. Datakilder for den semantiske analysen har vært norske ordbøker. I tolkning av begrepsbruken har en lagt til grunn norske, nordiske og internasjonale studier i sykepleieforskning om pårørende fra 1984 til 2001. Funnene viser at synonymene nærmeste familie og nær slektning hovedsakelig brukes om pårørende i det norsk språk. I helselover anvendes synonymer til pårørende som ektefelle, registrert partner, samboer, myndige barn, foreldre, myndige søsken, besteforeldre og verge. Innen norsk sykepleieforskning om pårørende er familie og foreldre valgt som synonymer til pårørende, mens begrep som ektefel...
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2014
Objective: Several studies demonstrate the need for a unified effort by the Norwegian Labour and ... more Objective: Several studies demonstrate the need for a unified effort by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) and health services to support people with mental illness who wish to return to work and simultaneously receive treatment. The aim of the present qualitative evaluation study is to develop a deeper understanding of the participants' experiences of being involved in the NAV project called "Work, Substance Abuse and Mental Health", which helps service recipients to combine work and treatment. Methods: The study involved the use of qualitative research interviews. Seven NAV project participants completed an interview and their data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The results suggest that this project is effective from both a salutogenic perspective and a recovery-oriented perspective. Increased lust for life as a result of diverse forms of support and a flexible personalized service with rapid intervention was identified. The results also show phenomena that contributed to stagnation and life longings, or a decrease in quality of life. Conclusion: The success of the project depends on the NAV office. Future research should investigate cooperation between therapists and NAV advisers, participants' ambivalence, and explore other factors important for relationship building.
Gjesteforelesning ved fagseminar på Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane - Førde 08.02.2012.Studiens hens... more Gjesteforelesning ved fagseminar på Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane - Førde 08.02.2012.Studiens hensikt: Å belyse fortolkende repertoir som viser seg blant døtre til innvandrere i deres møter med vestlige intensivavdelinger. Forskningsspørsmål: hva erfarer innvandrerdøtre eller -søstre om generasjonsdiskurser i familier med omfattende kritisk sykdom i møte med norske intensivsykepleiere
Supplemental material, SJP929833_Supplemental_material for Health-related quality of life in youn... more Supplemental material, SJP929833_Supplemental_material for Health-related quality of life in young Syrian refugees recently resettled in Norway by Cecilie R. Dangmann, Øivind Solberg, Anne K.M. Steffenak, Sevald Høye and Per N. Andersen in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Aims: Millions have fled from the civil unrest in Syria, and half of these are children and youth... more Aims: Millions have fled from the civil unrest in Syria, and half of these are children and youth. Although they are a population with an elevated risk of health problems due to adverse pre-migratory and post-migratory experiences, few studies have explored their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This is considered a fundamental construct in public health and might provide complementary descriptions of their health and well-being after resettling in a new country. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 160 Syrian youth aged 13–24 years. Using KIDSCREEN-27, the results for five dimensions of HRQoL was compared to population norm data. Demographic factors and war-related adverse events were used to predict HRQoL in hierarchical regression. Results: For most participants, the overall HRQoL was good, but it was lower in the dimensions for friends, physical well-being and psychological well-being compared to population norms. Scores in the dimensions for autonomy/parental rel...
The increase in people on the move creates populations that are culturally diverse. People meet v... more The increase in people on the move creates populations that are culturally diverse. People meet various challenges regarding the migration process, social life, jobs and health issues. When a person suffers from acute and critical illness, he/she may be in need of intensive care. The aim of this study was to explore the comprehension of culture, caring and gender among first and second generation immigrant women as relatives on their encounters with intensive care nurses in Norwegian hospitals. A design based upon discursive psychology to explore subject positions, interpretative repertoires and ideological dilemmas focused immigrant female relatives' experiences with a cultural and gender perspective. Immigrants who were relatives to critically ill people were interviewed. The results of the discourse analysis revealed the following themes: being the caring person as woman, being intertwined between the Western hospital culture and the original family culture and belonging to a minority in a Western majority culture. Conclusion: The women in the families with a critically ill family member mainly act as the caring person. There are dilemmas in how much every family transfer the responsibility for their loved one to the nurses. Anxious attitudes regarding caring activities are rarely linked to their cultural background.
Rigor has important ramifications for the entire qualitative research process. The aim of this st... more Rigor has important ramifications for the entire qualitative research process. The aim of this study was to evaluate aspects of methodological congruence by focusing on four dimensions of rigor in qualitative nursing research related to the presence of patients' family members in the intensive care unit. Eight research papers covering the years 1990-2004 were analyzed by means of one of Burns and Grove's standards, methodological congruence, for critique and consistency. The results show that there are varying degrees of focus on procedural rigor, such as limitations and bias. Ethical rigor is described clearly in some papers, while others lack descriptions of confidentiality and the voluntary nature of participation. However, all papers contain descriptions of qualitative data analysis. In conclusion, there were strengths in procedural rigor and auditability, but also some limitations in the identification of theoretical development and the scientific tradition on which the article is based.
The aim of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of their encounters with multicultural f... more The aim of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of their encounters with multicultural families in intensive care units in Norwegian hospitals. Immigrants from non-Western countries make up 6.1% of the population in Norway. When a person suffers an acute and critical illness the person's family may experience crises. Nurses' previous experiences of caring for culturally diverse patients and families is challenging due to linguistic differences, and contextual factors. Family members should be near their critically ill spouse to reduce the impact from a frightening environment. The study had a descriptive exploratory qualitative design with a retrospective focus. Three multistage focus groups consisting of 16 nurses were set up in intensive care units. The data were analysed by interpretive content analysis. The theme ‗Cultural diversity and workplace stressors' emerged. This theme was characterised by four categories: ‗impact on work patterns'; ‗communication challenges'; ‗responses to crises' and ‗professional status and gender issues'. In conclusion, nurses' perception of their encounters with multicultural families in intensive care units seem to be ambiguous with challenges in interaction, and the nurses' stressors emanating from linguistic, cultural and ethnic differentness. To diminish cultural diversity the nurses strive for increased knowledge of different cultures and religions.
Papers by Sevald Høye