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I developed an original classroom activity to apply Uncertainty Reduction Theory to initial relationship development using "Hitch." Using my "Uncertainty Reduction Strategies" worksheet to screen a scene between the film's protagonists (played by Eva Mendez and Will Smith), students discover that initiating interpersonal relationships is both rule-governed and imaginative.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2018
The relatively little research on disclosure of mental illness has mainly presented the perspective of the individual who copes with a mental illness. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of serious mental illness disclosure during dating from the perspective of the person to whom the information was disclosed. In-depth semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted with five participants, and the transcripts were subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. The findings indicated that the participants who experienced late and partial disclosure had more negative reactions than those who experienced early and full disclosure. Disclosure of a mental illness within the context of dating relationship seems to have implications on the intimate partner and the relationship. The findings highlight the need to support dating couples where one of the partners copes with a mental illness. This support should be provided at an early stage of the relationship. Keywords Mental illness. Disclosure. Dating. Intimate relationship. Well-being. Interpretative phenomenological analysis The process of revealing personal information about oneself to another, referred to as Bselfdisclosure,^is an important aspect of social communication (Derlaga and Berg 2013). Persons with invisible disabilities or chronic illnesses, such as HIV, epilepsy, and serious mental illness (SMI), such as schizophrenia, major depression, and bipolar disorder, may face a dilemma of concealment or disclosure (Lingsom 2008; Seeman 2013). The benefits associated with disclosure of an invisible health condition include receiving support and help, possible social acceptance (e.g., getting the approval of family and friends), and a sense of community with others who share the same condition (Farber 2006
Harv. JL & Gender, 2005
Sight and Sound, 2012
An account of scoring the silent version of Hitchcock's 1929 BLACKMAIL.
ANGLO-SAXON: Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
This objective of the study was to describe The Esteem Need . How does healthy self esteem manifest in Margaret Tate’s life viewed from term the psychology self esteem theory. The data analyzed by using the kind of qualitative research. This study tells about Margaret Tate is the professionally well-respected but personally loathed senior editor at a prestigious New York publishing house. Margaret learns that she is being deported back to Canada on expiration of her work visa. To avoid that deportation she and Andrew are engaged and about to get married. In private with Margaret, Andrew agrees to her proposal on the guarantee that he immediately gets promoted to editor and that his own manuscript. From the result of the research showed that Psychological needs have been part of the human needs for life, especially Self-Esteem Needs. It is a powerful of human need and It is life process; the feeling of being worthy, deserving; Experience that we are appropriate to life and to the re...
Psychiatric Quarterly, 2013
Clinicians are frequently asked for advice on what to tell prospective marriage partners about a history of mental illness. The aim of this paper is to develop guidelines for disclosure. An electronic search was conducted of the stigma, secrecy, communication, sociology, and matchmaking literatures as they pertain to mental illness, especially to schizophrenia. The conclusion was that pre-existing psychiatric conditions must be shared with prospective marriage partners once these partners have proven trustworthy. The recommendation is that disclosure be done in stages and that discussions continue, with attempts made to address all relevant issues and address the partner's concerns. Although schizophrenia does not define who a person is, Disclosure 2 the diagnosis and its implications are important and need to be shared with prospective marriage partners.
Gender & History, 2008
One could hardly find a more cautionary depiction of the perils of dating than the 1960 film, Where the Boys Are. The movie was part of a genre of mainstream Hollywood releases from the 1950s and 1960s that explored teenage sexuality in surprisingly open, if conservative, ways. This particular film used the common college experience of unchaperoned group travels for fun, sun and the hope of a relationship to emphasise the risks of sexual experience for young women. Billed as a light-hearted comedy about students on spring break in Fort Lauderdale (Florida), the movie provided clear warnings to young women about the dangers of sexual intimacy. Collectively, the experiences of Tuggle, Angie, Merritt and Melanie, the four main female characters, showed that rejecting sexual experimentation was the only sure way to win a man worth having. Tuggle set her sights on TeeVee, a funny and unorthodox man she picked for a spouse because he was 'basically sincere'. Her hopes were nearly dashed when a floozy caught TeeVee's eye, and offered him easy sexual access that Tuggle withheld. Angie, an athlete, pined for a boyfriend who would overlook her masculine traits. She gratefully accepted the reluctant attention of Basil, a moody jazz musician. Merritt snagged Rider Smith, the wealthy grandson of a millionaire. Melanie, however, barely made it out of Florida alive. She met Dill and, whatever they did together on their first date, she desperately inquired, 'Dill, you'd never say anything? Tell anyone?' Dill was no gentleman, and apparently told all his friends that Melanie was an easy score. Over the course of the movie, Dill's friends passed her around as a sexual partner. By the end, Melanie lay in a hospital bed, raped and hit by a car in a half-hearted suicide attempt. Where the Boys Are thus presented four cautionary tales, all centred around men's predatory desire for sex. 'Going all the way' won Melanie no respect, no promise of marriage and indeed spelt her demise. But in this movie, there was little difference between 'nice' boys and cads when it came to sex. All boys pressured women for sexual relations. Even Rider and TeeVee, the 'good' guys, continually pushed Merritt and Tuggle for ever greater degrees of sexual intimacy. Tuggle at one point confided, 'he keeps hinting at what he wants; I keep hinting at matrimony'. She went on, 'he certainly is persistent though. He keeps knocking on the door; just a question of how long I can keep it locked'. Merritt was more frank with Rider about the inevitable contest of wills between men and women over sex. When she insisted that only love justified sex, he replied that such moralistic
Behavior Therapy, 1983
This study investigated how men's cue-reading skills relate to their dating frequency and Survey of Heterosexual Interactions (SHI) scores. A series of 2-min male-female conversations was shown to 106 male undergraduates. After each conversation, participants rated: (a) whether the woman was positive, neutral, or negative toward the man, (b) how certain they were of their ratings, and (c) the probability of the woman's accepting a date with the man. Cue-reading skill was measured in terms of how well participants judged what each woman was trying to convey and how close they were to the group consensus. High-and lowfrequency daters did not differ significantly on any measure of cue-reading skill or certainty about their ratings. Participants with high, moderate, and low SHI scores differed significantly on only one of three measures of cue-reading skill: Moderate-SHIs were closer to the consensus than high-SHIs on the probability of the woman's accepting a date. Although high-SHIs were not superior on any cue-reading skill measure, they were significantly more certain of their ratings. Neither dating frequency nor SHI scores were related to how optimistically participants interpreted the woman's cues. Cue-reading problems have been implicated in men's heterosocial difficulties. Twentyman, Boland, and McFall (1981) found that male daters were more able than nondaters to list cues indicative of a woman's interest in beginning or continuing a conversation. The authors noted that the daters seemed much more confident than the nondaters about the cues they listed, even though these cues sometimes seemed insensitive and invalid. Perhaps daters and nondaters differ not in their cue-reading skills, but rather in their confidence about their skills.
Social psychological bulletin, 2023
When a romantic relationship ends, individuals often look back and wish they had done things differently. What may seem clear in hindsight, however, is often unclear in foresight. We investigated the effects of outcome knowledge on individuals' judgments of a dating couple. In Study 1 (181 U.S. college students, 334 U.S. community adults), participants read about a couple with an uncertain relationship trajectory; then, experimental group participants received knowledge about the couple's status six months down the road as broken up or still together, while control group participants received no outcome knowledge. Individuals who were told the dating couple broke up perceived that outcome as more likely and obvious compared to those who were not given outcome knowledge or who were told the couple stayed together. In Study 2 (262 U.S. college students, 333 U.S. community adults), participants in the experimental conditions received knowledge about the couple's status six months later as broken up or engaged, while control group participants received no outcome knowledge. In both samples, outcome knowledge of a breakup had a negative effect on individuals' judgments about the couple. Among community adults, but not among college students, outcome knowledge of an engagement positively affected judgments of the couple. We offer directions for future research and discuss the mechanisms by which hindsight bias might affect evaluations of our own and others' relationships.
Tempo [online], 28, 2, pp. 43-58, 2022
Новый филологический вестник. № 3 (58). С. 155–169, 2021
The African Journal of Information and Communication, 2018
La Valle Roveto e il sacro - Atti del II° convegno di archeologia, 2002
Pós-Limiar, 2023
Proceedings TMM CH2023 in Athens, 2023
Plattform, Zeitschrift des Vereins für Pfahlbau und Heimatkunde e.V., 30-31, 2020-2021 (2023) 48-61
L'immagine dell'assemblea liturgica , 2023
International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy and Biotechnology, 2020
Trends in Biotechnology, 1996
Journal Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai Negotia, 2007
Tropical Doctor, 2012
Saudi Medical Horizons Journal
Chemical Communications, 2002