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1992, Clinical Neuropharmacology
2 pages
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A field experiment was carried out during the period from November 2015 to May 2016 at Horticultural farm of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh to investigate the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and yield of chilli. The two factorial experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Four levels of nitrogen N 0 : 0 kg N ha-1 , N 1 : 100 kg N ha-1 , N 2 : 120 kg N ha-1 , N 3 : 140 kg N ha-1 and three levels of phosphorous P 0 : 0 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 , P 1 : 30 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 , P 2 : 45 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 and P 3 : 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 were used in this experiment. Growth and yield contributing parameters significantly influenced by different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. The dose of N 2 gave the highest plant height (cm) and most of the growth parameters increased with increasing nitrogen levels up to N 3. The dose of P 2 gave the highest plant height (cm) and most of the growth parameters increased with increasing phosphorus levels up to P 3 .The treatment combinationN 3 and P 3 gave the highest plant canopy(33.25 cm), fruit diameter (0.95 cm), fruit pedicel (2.87 cm), fruit length (5.60 cm), yield of fruits plant-1 (235.00 g), average fruit yield plot-1 (3.39 kg), individual fruit weight (2.52 g) and average fruit yield (12.32 tha-1). Based on the present results, it can be suggested that the combined use of 140 kg N ha-1 with 60 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 increased plant growth and fruit yield of chilli.
This paper is an attempt to bring out the importance of understanding the subordinate’s ability and willingness to perform a task and how it could attribute for effective leadership based on LMX theory. The concepts used for carrying out this study are the MBTI and situational leadership.
Ignite: A Decolonial Approach to Higher Education Through Space, Place and Culture, 2023
Liberation theology, theological reflection on revolutionary social processes in alliance with oppressed peoples, offers spiritual grounds for a shift in pedagogy that directly involves students in the creation of a relevant and freeing educational program. This chapter describes four classroom practices inspired by Latin American liberation theology that turn students into the protagonists of their intellectual formation and invite them into projects that model and inspire broader social transformation, including material projects of decolonization. The author, a member of the Catholic religious group the Society of Jesus and a humanities instructor at Xavier University, situates these practices in personal experiences of pedagogical transformation from a dominant teaching philosophy to a subversive one. The liberative practices include: (1) empowering students to become owners of the means of their academic production via the common selection of course materials; (2) constructing group projects to encourage the prioritization of the common good; (3) developing an assessment model in conjunction with student input; and (4) crafting experiences of solidarity with the oppressed as loci of learning. A theology that envisions salvation not as the positive outcome of a spiritual test but as a historical process in which God and humanity co-create a new society of love provides a theoretical framework for these practices. The praxis described here is a helpful contribution not only to those affiliated with Christian, Catholic, or Jesuit institutions and/or religious traditions but also to every educator seeking to democratize and revolutionize their learning environments.
Nonostante l’elevata percentuale di donne romaní presenti nelle carceri, specialmente negli istituti minorili, pochi sono ancora i contributi accademici che prendono in considerazione la loro specifica posizione e ancor meno quelli che si strutturano anche grazie al contributo diretto dei soggetti stessi. Il presente contributo prende in considerazioni tutti questi fattori e tenta di restituire, seppur con un piccolo campione e in uno spazio limitato, la parola per la narrazione di sé alle soggettività romaní.
IJCSMC, 2019
Information technology adoption is nearly universal among all part of business including Hospitals. However, Hospitals specially in developing and under developed country like Nepal has many limitations & Challenges. Such hospital are struggling to adopt those technologies & systems, which meet regulatory, legitimacy, statutory mandates and clinician expectations too.
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2024
This article, emphasizing Peter Byrne's thought, one of the most important figures of contemporary religious philosophy, in addition to explaining his views on realism and nonrealism as well as theism, religion, and theology, analyzes the philosophical foundations of this issue. Byrne's critical approach to various dimensions of non-realism contains a fundamental distinction between theism and theology in adopting a realist and non-realist point of view about them; considering the separation of the two fields of theology and theism, he believes in the unrealistic nature of liberal theology as an academic discipline and the realism of religion, God, and theistic discourse; the purpose of the theistic discourse refers to an extra-mental, extramundane, transcendent entity. Ultimately, has analyzed the philosophical foundations of this issue; and Peter Byrne's brief reference in examining the origin of the distinction between realism and non-realism, and also highlighted the modern non-realistic interpretation of religion, and in addition to analyzing the roots of the problem of religious realism and non-realism and by emphasizing the relationship between subject and object-especially in Kant's philosophy, he has reviewed this philosophical foundation in the opinion of Peter Byrne.
Éditions de l’IHEAL eBooks, 2021
Dix ans après le viol et l'assassinat de Cassandre Bouvier et Houria Moumni en Argentine, le travail de recherche auquel Cassandre s'était longuement consacrée et qui était sur le point d'être achevé au moment de sa disparition est enfin publié aux Éditions de l'IHEAL. Ce livre est d'abord un hommage rendu par l'ensemble de notre communauté universitaire à l'une des siennes, un ouvrage dont la production fut ponctuée d'interrogations, de doutes et de tentatives avortées tant chaque relecture rendait plus cruelle encore l'absence de son auteure. Mais il s'agit aussi d'une recherche au sens propre du terme. Cassandre travaillait sur la réception de la révolution sandiniste de 1979 dans la presse espagnole, sur les échos que les événements nicaraguayens ont renvoyés dans une Espagne en pleine transition démocratique, encore meurtrie par le souvenir de la guerre civile de 1936-1939 et des années du franquisme. Histoire politique, histoire des représentations, histoire des relations internationales et des circulations transatlantiques : autant de perspectives chères au corps enseignant de l'IHEAL dans lesquelles Cassandre s'était plongée à bras-le-corps et qui alimentent le fil de ces pages. S'il est resté inachevé, ce mémoire n'en est pas moins le témoin de la vivacité d'esprit et de la maturité intellectuelle d'une des étudiantes les plus prometteuses de sa promotion, ainsi que des doutes inhérents à la recherche en train de se faire. CASSANDRE BOUVIER Après une licence, un master 1 d'histoire et une maîtrise en science politique réalisés à l'Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre, Cassandre Bouvier intègre l'IHEAL en Dela en 2008 et poursuit en master de recherche entre 2009 et 2011. Elle est violée et assassinée dans les environs de Salta ce même été alors qu'elle s'octroyait quelques jours de vacances après avoir coorganisé un colloque à Buenos Aires sur l'Orientalisme en Amérique latine.
Apertura, 2024
The general purpose of the study was to develop a website to improve the teaching-learning experience of high school students. A mixed methods exploratory sequential design was followed by using the Research and Development design as a basis supported with an inferential analysis. The sample was made up of 161 educational actors belonging to seven high schools. An online questionnaire was used with access links to the website under development for qualitative assessment, and Fisher’s exact test for hypotheses testing. The findings indicated that there is a significant association between different categorical variables studied, suggesting a correlation between various aspects of the user experience on the educational website and its influence on the educational field of high school. However, several challenges were identified, such as the reliability of the content and the availability of technological resources. It was concluded that high school educational actors have a mostly positive perception of the educational website, valuing their interactivity and accessibility.
Bloco B -sala 1B139 FACOM39801 Sistemas de Bancos de Dados -2°semestre de 2016 2 Discussão aula passada SELECTs aninhados Atividades em sala: 1) Especifique uma consulta que selecione o nome e a data de nascimento do autor mais velho 2) Modifique a consulta anterior para selecionar o nome e a data de nascimento do(s) autor(es) mais velho(s) do que o(s) autor(es) da editora com COD_EDITORA = 1 3) Especifique uma consulta que retorne os nomes dos autores que possuam apenas um livro registrado no sistema FACOM39801 Sistemas de Bancos de Dados -2°semestre de 2016 3 Discussão aula passada SELECTs aninhados Atividades em sala: 1) Especifique uma consulta que selecione o nome e a data de nascimento do autor mais velho AUTOR = { COD_AUTOR, NOME, NASCIMENTO } ESCREVE = { COD_AUTOR, COD_LIVRO } LIVRO = { COD_LIVRO, TITULO, VALOR, VOLUME, COD_EDITORA } EDITORA = { COD_EDITORA, RAZAO, ENDERECO, CIDADE } FACOM39801 Sistemas de Bancos de Dados -2°semestre de 2016 5 Discussão aula passada SELECTs aninhados Atividades em sala: 2) Modifique a consulta anterior para selecionar o nome e a data de nascimento do(s) autor(es) mais velho(s) do que o(s) autor(es) da editora com COD_EDITORA = 1 AUTOR = { COD_AUTOR, NOME, NASCIMENTO } ESCREVE = { COD_AUTOR, COD_LIVRO } LIVRO = { COD_LIVRO, TITULO, VALOR, VOLUME, COD_EDITORA } EDITORA = { COD_EDITORA, RAZAO, ENDERECO, CIDADE } FACOM39801 Sistemas de Bancos de Dados -2°semestre de 2016 6 Discussão aula passada SELECTs aninhados Atividades em sala: 2) Modifique a consulta anterior para selecionar o nome e a data de nascimento do(s) autor(es) mais velho(s) do que o(s) autor(es) da editora com COD_EDITORA = 1 SELECT NOME, NASCIMENTO FROM AUTOR WHERE NASCIMENTO <= ALL (SELECT AU.NASCIMENTO FROM AUTOR AU, ESCREVE ES, LIVRO LI WHERE (AU.COD_AUTOR = ES.COD_AUTOR_ESC) AND (ES.COD_LIVRO_ESC = LI.COD_LIVRO) AND (LI.COD_EDITORA = 1)); FACOM39801 Sistemas de Bancos de Dados -2°semestre de 2016 7 Discussão aula passada SELECTs aninhados Atividades em sala: 3) Especifique uma consulta que retorne os nomes dos autores que possuam apenas um livro registrado no sistema AUTOR = { COD_AUTOR, NOME, NASCIMENTO } ESCREVE = { COD_AUTOR, COD_LIVRO } LIVRO = { COD_LIVRO, TITULO, VALOR, VOLUME, COD_EDITORA } EDITORA = { COD_EDITORA, RAZAO, ENDERECO, CIDADE }
En la revisión de los conceptos, se establece cómo son definidos los elementos que son objeto de este ejercicio respecto a la búsqueda de una respuesta sobre las consecuencias o los efectos que se produce al interrelacionar dos sistemas, por un lado el de partidos y, por otro, el electoral sobre el desempeño o calidad de la democracia. A continuación se revisarán las diversas respuestas que autores han buscado establecer en la disciplina.
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Revista de la Educación Superior, 2019
Elementary School: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran ke-SD-an
Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 35, Special Issue “Current Perspectives on Codeswitching”, Emma Vanden Wyngaerd, Renata Enghels, Mena B. Lafkioui, and Marie Steffens (eds.), 2021: 34-50., 2021
Comparative Civilizations Review, 2015
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1994
Journal of Crystal Growth, 2013
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2012
Aufklärung: journal of philosophy, 2021