Voronoi tesselation v1


This protocol describes how to perform Voronoi tesselation analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular sociology and is based on a model of parametrization and quantitation of cellular population topographies developed by Marcelpoil and Usson (1992). It is advantageous to analyze cellular migration and dispersion in longitudinal studies.

Voronoi tesselation Adalberto Merighi1, Laura Lossi1 1Department Adalber Merighi OCT 07, 2022 of Veterinary Sciences - University of Turin, Italy Adalberto Merighi DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER – FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; USE AT YOUR OWN RISK The protocol content here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, clinical, or safety advice, or otherwise; content added to is not peer reviewed and may not have undergone a formal approval of any kind. Information presented in this protocol should not substitute for independent professional judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any action you take or refrain from taking using or relying upon the information presented here is strictly at your own risk. You agree that neither the Company nor any of the authors, DOI: xmvmnrx6g3p/v1 Protocol Citation: Adalberto Merighi, Laura Lossi 2022. Voronoi tesselation. contributors, administrators, or anyone else associated with, can be held responsible for your use of the information contained in or linked to this protocol or any of our Sites/Apps and Services. ABSTRACT This protocol describes how to perform Voronoi tesselation analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular sociology and is based on a MANUSCRIPT CITATION: Marcelpoil, R.; Usson, Y. (1992) Methods for the study of cellular sociology: Voronoi diagrams and parametrization of the spatial relationships. Journal of Theoretical Biology 154, 359-369. License: This is an open access protocol distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited model of parametrization and quantitation of cellular population topographies developed by Marcelpoil and Usson (1992). It is advantageous to analyze cellular migration and dispersion in longitudinal studies. GUIDELINES N/A | Oct 7 2022 1 Protocol status: Working We use this protocol and it's working MATERIALS Created: Jul 24, 2022 Last Modified: Oct 07, 2022 Software PROTOCOL integer ID: 67460 Voronoi Diagram Generator Keywords: Brain slices, Cellular sociology, Cell migration, Cell dispersion Frederik Brasz NAME DEVELOPER Software NAME FIJI (Image J) DEVELOPER NIH Software NAME Microsoft OS Windows 10 DEVELOPER Microsoft SAFETY WARNINGS None | Oct 7 2022 2 BEFORE START INSTRUCTIONS Be sure to familiarize yourself with the theory of Voronoi tessellation Image processing with the Voronoi generator 1 Open the interactive Voronoi diagram (Thiessen polygon) generator ( | Oct 7 2022 3 The aspect of the Voronoi diagram generator mask | Oct 7 2022 4 2 Upload the image to be analyzed as indicated in the gure above. To do so your image (size must be 900x900 pixels and preferably saved as a PNG le) has to be uploaded to the internet rst so that it is possible to copy and paste its URL in the Voronoi generator. After uploading the generator displays the image in its working space as shown in the gure below. | Oct 7 2022 5 The image to be analyzed is uploaded to the Voronoi generator | Oct 7 2022 6 3 Using the mouse click above the center of each cell to generate the Voronoi polygons. In the end, you will obtain the image shown below. Save the image on your computer (right-click on the image and choose "save" from the drop-down menu). Voronoi tesselation of the uploaded image 4 Choose "Visualization Normal" from the Visualization mode drop-down menu of the generator. The tesselation appears as shown in the image below. Again save the image on your computer (right-click on the image and choose "save" from the drop-down menu). | Oct 7 2022 7 Voronoi polygons in the Normal visualization mode (Elaboration 1) 5 Select "Hide sites" from the Options menu of the generator. The tesselation appears as shown in the image below (black dots corresponding to cell centers disappear). Again save the image on your computer (rightclick on the image and choose "save" from the drop-down menu). | Oct 7 2022 8 Voronoi tesselation with cell sites hidden (Elaboration 2) Elimination of the marginal polygons with Photoshop 6 Due to the properties of the Voronoi partition, some polygons of the paving are not statistically representative of the set of polygons - see Marcelpoil, R.; Usson, Y. (1992) Methods for the study of cellular sociology: Voronoi diagrams and parametrization of the spatial relationships. Journal of Theoretical Biology 154, 359-369. Those polygons are associated with points located on the border of the cell population and have one or more summits that do not contain total information on their "surround" (marginal polygons). Such summits are created by points that belong to a half-plane that does not contain this particular summit. Therefore, every point of the cell population whose associated polygon satis es one of the two following conditions is not taken into account in the further calculations. | Oct 7 2022 9 - The polygon is open (the point belongs to the convex hull), - At Ieast one of the summits of the polygon is outside the convex hull. 6.1 Elimination of the open polygons is carried out with Photoshop using the Magic wand tool to select and cancel them from the image above named Elaboration 1, as shown in the image below. Elimination of the polygons with an open side, i.e. a side that is part of the border of the image (Elaboration 3) | Oct 7 2022 10 7 Construct the convex hull from the image Elaboration 3. The convex hull is constructed with the Line tool by drawing segments that join the site points (cell centers) of the eliminated open polygons so that there are no concavities, as shown in the image below. Construction of the convex hull 8 Eliminate the polygons intersected by the convex hull and the polygons with open sides using the image Elaboration 2 (without cell sites) as shown in the image below. | Oct 7 2022 11 All marginal polygons are eliminated (Elaboration 4) 9 Cancel the sides of the marginal polygons. Use the Magic wand tool of photoshop followed by the commands Selection → Expand 2px; Selection → Contract 1px; Cancel; Modify → Stroke (color black) 2px. You should obtain an image in which the area of the marginal polygons is empty as in the gure below. This is the last elaboration that will be used for the subsequent steps of analysis. | Oct 7 2022 12 Last elaboration of Voroni tessalation (Elaboration 5) Analysis of Voronoi polygons with ImageJ 10 Open the image to be analyzed with ImageJ. Set the appropriate scale with Analyze → Set scale. Run the following Macro by selecting Plugins → Macros → Run → Voronoi Macro Voronoi Macro run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=2"); run("8-bit"); run("Find Edges"); //run("Brightness/Contrast..."); setMinAndMax(0, 0); run("Apply LUT"); run("Set Measurements...", "area perimeter shape limit display redirect=None decimal=6"); | Oct 7 2022 13 run("Analyze Particles...", "display summarize add in_situ"); The macro enhances image contrast (optional), converts the image into a B&W 8-bit image, nds the edges of the Voronoi polygons, and optimizes their contrast as in the gure below. Image of Voronoi polygons after application of the Find Edges command and optimization of contrast (Elaboration 6) It then sets up the measurements necessary for the following analysis of polygons: Area, Shape descriptors, and Perimeter. It also permits the creation of an image (below) with the overlay indication of the individual polygons that the program has measured (Add to overlay and Display label). It nally sets the number of Decimal places to 6. When run, the Macro performs the command Analyze Particles. | Oct 7 2022 14 Image of the Voronoi polygons after performing the Analyze Particles command. Each polygon is assigned a progressive number. Note the number 1 at the center of the image (encircled in red). This corresponds to the rst counted particle that the program considers being the ensemble of the marginal polygons (highlighted in red in the following image). Note that the red circle is added here for clarity but the program does not display it at all. | Oct 7 2022 15 The image displays in red the particle that the program numbers as particle 1 that must be discarded in the following analysis. At the end of the Macro, all computed values are saved in a .csv or a .xls le (according to the version of ImageJ used) that must be converted into a .xlsx Excel le. Analysis of data 11 Open the .csv or .xls le generated by ImageJ with Microsoft excel. The le appears as follows | Oct 7 2022 16 Screenshot of the .xls le generated by ImageJ (the le is created from the analysis of the image elaborated as described above and contains 318 lines, i.e. the information about the 317 particles (polygons) counted by the program. The le contains the following information: Column A: progressive numbering of the particles (polygons) counted by ImageJ; Column B: Identi cation of image analyzed; Column C: Area (in µm2 if the Set scale command has been set properly); Column D: Perimeter (in µm if the Set scale command has been set properly); Column E: Circularity (or Roundness factor); Columns F-H: Other shape descriptors computed by ImageJ that are not used in the analysis. Note that line 2 (highlighted in yellow) corresponding to Particle 1 must be deleted (as indicated above). Save the le as a .xlsx le. 12 Open the .xlsx le in Excel and calculate the following: - Mean of area, perimeter, and circularity (roundness) - Standard deviation of area, perimeter, and circularity (roundness) - Area Disorder (AD) - Roundness Factor Homogeneity (RFH) | Oct 7 2022 17 The mean circularity (roundness) (RFav) is computed directly by the ImageJ program using the following formula RF av = 1/N ∑( i = 1)N 4πA(Xi )/(L(Xi )2 ) where A(x) is the area and L(x) is the perimeter of the N polygons generated by the Voronoi generator. RFav is a pure number (0< RFav≤1). The AD is calculated as follows: AD = 1 − (1 + σA /Aa v)− 1 where σA is the area standard deviation, and Aav is the mean area. The RFH is calculated as follows: RF H = (1 + σR F /RFa v)− 1 where σRF is the roundness factor standard deviation, and RFav is the mean roundness factor. Both are pure numbers with values >0 and ≤1. 13 Transfer the values of RFav, AD, and RFH to a new Excel spreadsheet for subsequent statistical analysis. | Oct 7 2022 18