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This protocol describes how to perform Voronoi tesselation analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular sociology and is based on a model of parametrization and quantitation of cellular population topographies developed by Marcelpoil and Usson (1992). It is advantageous to analyze cellular migration and dispersion in longitudinal studies.
Neurocomputing, 2010
The study of the spatial relations between neural populations has shown its importance to investigate possible constrains or connectivities between different cell types. In this paper we present the application of the Voronoi diagram to detect possible spatial relations between cells.
Frontiers in Physiology, 2016
It is well accepted that cells in the tissue can be regarded as tiles tessellating space. A number of approaches were developed to find an appropriate mathematical description of such cell tiling. A particularly useful approach is the so called Voronoi tessellation, built from centers of mass of the cell nuclei (CMVT), which is commonly used for estimating the morphology of cells in epithelial tissues. However, a study providing a statistically sound analysis of this method's accuracy is not available in the literature. We addressed this issue here by comparing a number of morphological measures of the cells, including area, perimeter, and elongation obtained from such a tessellation with identical measures extracted from direct imaging acquired by staining the cell membranes. After analyzing the shapes of 15,000 MDCK II epithelial cells under several conditions, we find that CMVT reasonably well reproduces many of the morphological properties of the tissue with an error that is between 10 and 15%. Moreover, cross-correlations between different morphological measures are reproduced qualitatively correctly by this method. However, all of the properties including the cell perimeters, number of neighbors, and anisotropy measures often suffer from systematic or size dependent errors. These discrepancies originate from the polygonal nature of the tessellation which sets the limits of the applicability of CMVT.
2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2013
The superior cerebellar peduncles (SCPs) are white matter tracts that serve as the major efferent pathways from the cerebellum to the thalamus. With diffusion tensor images (DTI), tractography algorithms or volumetric segmentation methods have been able to reconstruct part of the SCPs. However, when the fibers cross, the primary eigenvector (PEV) no longer represents the primary diffusion direction. Therefore, at the crossing of the left and right SCP, known as the decussation of the SCPs (dSCP), fiber tracts propagate incorrectly. To our knowledge, previous methods have not been able to segment the SCPs correctly. In this work, we explore the diffusion properties and seek to volumetrically segment the complete SCPs. The non-crossing SCPs and dSCP are modeled as different objects. A multi-object geometric deformable model is employed to define the boundaries of each piece of the SCPs, with the forces derived from diffusion properties as well as the PEV. We tested our method on a software phantom and real subjects. Results indicate that our method is able to the resolve the crossing and segment the complete SCPs with repeatability.
Given the current emphasis on research into human neurodegenerative diseases, an effective computing approach for the analysis of complex brain morphological changes would represent a significant technological innovation. The availability of mouse models of such disorders provides an experimental system to test novel approaches to brain image analysis. Here we utilize a mouse model of a neurodegenerative disorder to model changes to cerebellar morphology during the postnatal period, and have applied the GeoEntropy algorithm to measure the complexity of morphological changes.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2010
Voronoi tessellations have been used to model the geometric arrangement of cells in morphogenetic or cancerous tissues, however so far only with flat hypersurfaces as cell-cell contact borders. In order to reproduce the experimentally observed piecewise spherical boundary shapes, we develop a consistent theoretical framework of multiplicatively weighted distance functions, defining generalized finite Voronoi neighborhoods around cell bodies of varying radius, which serve as heterogeneous generators of the resulting model tissue. The interactions between cells are represented by adhesive and repelling force densities on the cell contact borders. In addition, protrusive locomotion forces are implemented along the cell boundaries at the tissue margin, and stochastic perturbations allow for non-deterministic motility effects. Simulations of the emerging system of stochastic differential equations for position and velocity of cell centers show the feasibility of this Voronoi method generating realistic cell shapes. In the limiting case of a single cell pair in brief contact, the dynamical nonlinear Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is analytically investigated. In general, topologically distinct tissue conformations are observed, exhibiting stability on different time scales, and tissue coherence is quantified by suitable characteristics. Finally, an argument is derived pointing to a tradeoff in natural tissues between cell size heterogeneity and the extension of cellular lamellae.
This protocol describes how to perform a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based spatial analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular or molecular spatial distributions, or, more generally, the distribution of any biological feature of interest. The procedures described here can be employed singularly or in combination to analyze clustering/dispersion by GIS spatially. It is based on the use of ESRI ArcMap to calculate the Average Nearest Neighbor, the High/Low Clustering (G tool), the Multi-distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripley's K Function), and the Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I). It is also shown how to represent the features' distribution graphically.
This study applies terms and methods for describing spatial interactions between multivariate spatial point patterns, which are, to our knowledge, new in neurobiology. We consider two categories of points, type 1 and 2, distributed within a certain reference volume (such as a nucleus of the brainstem or a cortical area). The points may, for example, represent different categories of labelled cells or axonal fields of termination. We say that there is spatial neutrality between points of type 1 and 2 if the types are signed by random labelling. If a mechanism drives the two point categories together, we say that the point patterns are positively associated. Conversely, if a mechanism drives type 1 and 2 points apart, we say that they are segregated. By comparing two cumulative distribution functions of distances between points, we can distinguish neutrality, positive association, and segregation. One function, H,,(t), is the cumulative distribution function of the distance t between a pair of randomly selected points of type 1 and 2. The other, H,,(t), is the corresponding function for a pair of points randomly selected without reference to type. Plots of the estimated difference between these two functions give a n indication of positive association, neutrality, or segregation. A statistical test, based on simulations of random (neutral) distributions, can be used to see whether deviations from neutrality are significant.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
We present a method for finding the boundaries between adjacent regions in an image, where "seed" areas have already been identified in the individual regions to be segmented. This method was motivated by the problem of finding the borders of cells in microscopy images, given a labelling of the nuclei in the images. The method finds the Voronoi region of each seed on a manifold with a metric controlled by local image properties. We discuss similarities to other methods based on image-controlled metrics, such as Geodesic Active Contours, and give a fast algorithm for computing the Voronoi regions. We validate our method against hand-traced boundaries for cell images.
Cytometry Part A, 2010
Analyzing cellular morphologies on a cell-by-cell basis is vital for drug discovery, cell biology, and many other biological studies. Interactions between cells in their culture environments cause cells to touch each other in acquired microscopy images. Because of this phenomenon, cell segmentation is a challenging task, especially when the cells are of similar brightness and of highly variable shapes. The concept of topological dependence and the maximum common boundary (MCB) algorithm are presented in our previous work (Yu et al., Cytometry Part A 2009;75A:289-297). However, the MCB algorithm suffers a few shortcomings, such as low computational efficiency and difficulties in generalizing to higher dimensions. To overcome these limitations, we present the evolving generalized Voronoi diagram (EGVD) algorithm. Utilizing image intensity and geometric information, EGVD preserves topological dependence easily in both 2D and 3D images, such that touching cells can be segmented satisfactorily. A systematic comparison with other methods demonstrates that EGVD is accurate and much more efficient. ' 2010 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry Key terms image cytometry; cell segmentation; fluorescence microscopy; generalized Voronoi diagram ANALYZING cellular morphology is crucial in drug discovery, cell and developmental biology. Automated high-content image-based approaches are preeminent tools, which enable thousands of images to be acquired. However, acquiring high quality images is only the first step towards biological discoveries. Image processingcomputer-based interrogation is essential to extract useful data from the images acquired. To extract the quantitative information on a cell-by-cell basis, a critical but challenging task is to segment individual cells. Once cells have been segmented successfully, subsequent analysis including cell counting, morphology, and migration becomes possible.
Every biological image contains quantitative data that can be used to test hypotheses about how patterns were formed, what entities are associated with one another, and whether standard mathematical methods inform our understanding of biological phenomena. In particular, spatial point distributions and polygonal tessellations are particularly amendable to analysis with a variety of graph theoretic, computational geometric, and spatial statistical tools such as: Voronoi Polygons; Delaunay Triangulations; Perpendicular Bisectors; Circumcenters; Convex Hulls; Minimal Spanning Trees; Ulam Trees; Pitteway Violations; Circularity; Clark-Evans spatial statistics; Variance to Mean Ratios; Gabriel Graphs; and, Minimal Spanning Trees. Furthermore, biologists have developed a number of empirically related correlations for polygonal tessellations such as: Lewis’s Law (the number of edges of convex polygons are positively correlated with the areas of these polygons): Desch’s Law (the number of e...
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Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2019
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Parasites & Vectors, 2024
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR, 2017
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2020
International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2017
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 2002
Haematologica, 2016
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2014