Papers by Adalberto Merighi
Progress in Neurobiology, Oct 1, 2018
The substantia gelatinosa Rolandi (SGR) was first described about two centuries ago. In the follo... more The substantia gelatinosa Rolandi (SGR) was first described about two centuries ago. In the following decades an enormous amount of information has permitted us to understand-at least in part-its role in the initial processing of pain and itch. Here, I will first provide a comprehensive picture of the histology, physiology, and neurochemistry the normal SGR. Then, I will analytically discuss the SGR circuits that have been directly demonstrated or deductively envisaged in the course of the intensive research on this area of the spinal cord, with particular emphasis on the pathways connecting the primary afferent fibers and the intrinsic neurons. The perspective existence of neurochemically-defined sets of primary afferent fibers giving rise to these circuits will be also discussed, with the proposition that a cross-talk between different subsets of peptidergic fibers may be the structural and functional substrate of additional gating mechanisms in SGR. Finally, I highlight the role played by slow acting high molecular weight modulators in these gating mechanisms.
Questa seconda edizione si presenta aggiornata e arricchita di alcune significative recenti acqui... more Questa seconda edizione si presenta aggiornata e arricchita di alcune significative recenti acquisizioni nel campo delle neuroscienze sperimentali e clinich
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Apr 1, 1989
The barren approach thus enabled dear visualization of CGRF tachykinin, and somatostatin immunore... more The barren approach thus enabled dear visualization of CGRF tachykinin, and somatostatin immunoreactivity restricted i Supported in part by grants from the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricenche, Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, and from the Conseil G#{233}n#{233}ral d'Aquitaine (EPR).
This protocol describes how to perform Voronoi tesselation analysis of cerebellar images. It can ... more This protocol describes how to perform Voronoi tesselation analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular sociology and is based on a model of parametrization and quantitation of cellular population topographies developed by Marcelpoil and Usson (1992). It is advantageous to analyze cellular migration and dispersion in longitudinal studies.
Springer-Lehrbuch, 2019
Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den neuroanatomischen Besonderheiten des autonomen Nervensystems ... more Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den neuroanatomischen Besonderheiten des autonomen Nervensystems bzw. der viszeromotorischen Bahnen. Parasympathische und sympathische Verbindungen und die allgemeine Organisation werden naher beleuchtet.
Springer-Lehrbuch, 2019
Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den wesentlichen neuroanatomischen Aspekten zum Mesencephalon, zu... more Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den wesentlichen neuroanatomischen Aspekten zum Mesencephalon, zur Pons und zur Medulla oblangata. Welche Kerngebiete und Zellsaulen gibt es? Welche kurzstreckige Bahnen existieren? Auf diese und weitere Fragen gibt das Kapitel Antworten.
Springer-Lehrbuch, 2019
In diesem Kapitel werden neben den makroskopischen Aspekten zum Thalamus, Epithalamus und Subthal... more In diesem Kapitel werden neben den makroskopischen Aspekten zum Thalamus, Epithalamus und Subthalamus auch die allgemeine Organisation, Konnektivitat, die wichtigsten Funktionen und Charakteristika dieser Abschnitte besprochen.
Elsevier eBooks, 2017
ABSTRACT The term 'neuropeptide' was originally coined to indicate small protein ... more ABSTRACT The term 'neuropeptide' was originally coined to indicate small protein molecules that are contained in neurons and that are composed of 3–100 amino-acid residues. These molecules are usually produced as large, inactive precursors, which are enzymatically cleaved to yield the biologically active peptide. Com-monly, precursors contain several molecules of the same neuropeptide and/or more or less structurally related compounds. Neuropeptides exert several different biological effe-cts, such the regulation of gene transcription, local blood flow, synaptogenesis, and glial cell architecture. Nota-bly, most neuropeptides also influence membrane excit-ability, and, although this should perhaps not be thought of as their main biological action, this has made them very attractive to neurobiologists. When thinking of neuropeptides as being involved in cell-to-cell commu-nication, the first consideration to be made is that they are about 50 times larger than low-molecular-weight 'classical' neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, bio-genic amines, and amino acids. As a consequence, neu-ropeptides possess several more recognition sites for receptors than do smaller neurotransmitters, and thus a higher receptor-binding affinity (about 1000 times greater, with values in nanomoles/liter vs. micromoles/ liter) and selectivity. For these reasons neuropeptides can elicit their biological effects even when released at lower quantities. Although large neuropeptide molecules can diffuse and bind slowly to receptors, their half-lives in the brain extracellular space are remarkably long: for example, the half-lives of oxytocin and vasopressin have been estimated to be in the order of about 20 min. Neuropeptide receptors are usually seven-transmembrane-region G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are internalized upon activation as a desensitization mechanism. For example, the neurokinin-1 receptor (the preferred substance P receptor) is internalized 5 min after agonist activa-tion, and is then recycled and restored to the cell membrane within 30 min.
Regulatory Peptides, Dec 1, 1985
This protocol describes how to perform a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based spatial analy... more This protocol describes how to perform a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based spatial analysis of cerebellar images. It can be used for any biological images to study cellular or molecular spatial distributions, or, more generally, the distribution of any biological feature of interest. The procedures described here can be employed singularly or in combination to analyze clustering/dispersion by GIS spatially. It is based on the use of ESRI ArcMap to calculate the Average Nearest Neighbor, the High/Low Clustering (G tool), the Multi-distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripley's K Function), and the Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I). It is also shown how to represent the features' distribution graphically.
F1000Research, Jun 12, 2016
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Jul 3, 2021
Pyramidal neurons (PNs) are the most abundant cells of the neocortex and display a vast dendritic... more Pyramidal neurons (PNs) are the most abundant cells of the neocortex and display a vast dendritic tree, divided into basal and apical compartments. Morphological and functional anomalies of PN dendrites are at the basis of virtually all neurological and mental disorders, including intellectual disability. Here, we provide evidence that the cognitive deficits observed in different types of intellectual disability might be sustained by different parts of the PN dendritic tree, or by a dysregulation of their interaction.
Neuroanatomie des Menschen, 2019
Neuroanatomie des Menschen, 2019
Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den neuroanatomischen Aspekten der Meningen (Hirnhaute) und des L... more Dieses Kapitel befasst sich mit den neuroanatomischen Aspekten der Meningen (Hirnhaute) und des Liquorsystems. Neben den allgemeinen Daten werden die wichtigsten Fakten zu den intrakraniellen und spinalen Meningen besprochen.
Neuroanatomie des Menschen, 2019
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 2021
Pyramidal neurons (PNs) are the most abundant cells of the neocortex and display a vast dendritic... more Pyramidal neurons (PNs) are the most abundant cells of the neocortex and display a vast dendritic tree, divided into basal and apical compartments. Morphological and functional anomalies of PN dendrites are at the basis of virtually all neurological and mental disorders, including intellectual disability. Here, we provide evidence that the cognitive deficits observed in different types of intellectual disability might be sustained by different parts of the PN dendritic tree, or by a dysregulation of their interaction.
Papers by Adalberto Merighi