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2006, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
8 pages
1 file
The antibandwidth problem is to label vertices of a n-vertex graph injectively by 1, 2, 3,. .. n, such that the minimum difference of labels of adjacent vertices is maximised. The problem is motivated by obnoxious facility location problem, radiocolouring, work and game scheduling and is dual to the well known bandwidth problem. We prove exact results for the antibandwidth of complete k-ary trees, k even, and estimate the parameter for odd k up to the second order term. This extends previous results for complete binary trees.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2010
A radio labelling of a connected graph G is a mapping f :
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2013
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2008
Frequency planning consists in allocating frequencies to the transmitters of a cellular network so as to ensure that no pair of transmitters interfere. We study the problem of reducing interference by modeling this by a radio k-labeling problem on graphs: For a graph G and an integer k ≥ 1, a radio k-labeling of G is an assignment f of non negative integers to the vertices of G such that |f (x) − f (y)| ≥ k + 1 − d G (x, y), for any two vertices x and y, where d G (x, y) is the distance between x and y in G. The radio k-chromatic number is the minimum of max{f (x) − f (y) : x, y ∈ V (G)} over all radio k-labelings f of G. In this paper we present the radio k-labeling for the Cartesian product of two graphs, providing upper bounds on the radio k-chromatic number for this product. These results help to determine upper and lower bounds for radio k-chromatic numbers of hypercubes and grids. In particular, we show that the ratio of upper and lower bounds of the radio number and the radio antipodal number of the square grid is asymptotically 3 2 .
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2007
Motivated by problems in radio channel assignments, we consider radio k-labelings of graphs. For a connected graph G and an integer k ≥ 1, a linear radio k-labeling of G is an assignment f of non negative integers to the vertices of G such that |f (x) − f (y)| ≥ k + 1 − d G (x, y), for any two distinct vertices x and y, where d G (x, y) is the distance between x and y in G. A cyclic k-labeling of G is defined analogously by using the cyclic metric on the labels. In both cases, we are interested in minimizing the span of the labeling. The linear (cyclic, respectively) radio k-labeling number of G is the minimum span of a linear (cyclic, respectively) radio k-labeling of G. In this paper, linear and cyclic radio k-labeling numbers of paths, stars and trees are studied. For the path P n of order n ≤ k + 1, we completely determine the cyclic and linear radio k-labeling numbers. For 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 2, a new improved lower bound for the linear radio k-labeling number is presented. Moreover, we give the exact value of the linear radio k-labeling number of stars and we present an upper bound for the linear radio k-labeling number of trees.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2021
A radio labeling of a graph G is a mapping f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2,...} such that |f (u) − f (v)| d(G) + 1 − d(u, v) holds for every pair of vertices u and v, where d(G) is the diameter of G and d(u, v) is the distance between u and v in G. The radio number of G, denoted by rn(G), is the smallest t such that G admits a radio labeling with t = max{|f (v) − f (u)| : v, u ∈ V (G)}. A block graph is a graph such that each block (induced maximal 2-connected subgraph) is a complete graph. In this paper, a lower bound for the radio number of block graphs is established. The block graph which achieves this bound is called a lower bound block graph. We prove three necessary and sufficient conditions for lower bound block graphs. Moreover, we give three sufficient conditions for a graph to be a lower bound block graph. Applying the established bound and conditions, we show that several families of block graphs are lower bound block graphs, including the level-wise regular block graphs and the extended star of blocks. The line graph of a graph G(V, E) has E(G) as the vertex set, where two vertices are adjacent if they are incident edges in G. We extend our results to trees as trees and its line graphs are block graphs. We prove that if a tree is a lower bound block graph then, under certain conditions, its line graph is also a lower bound block graph, and vice versa. Consequently, we show that the line graphs of many known lower bound trees, excluding paths, are lower bound block graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 1994
In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives.
Discrete Mathematics, 2009
The antibandwidth problem consists of placing the vertices of a graph on a line in consecutive integer points in such a way that the minimum difference of adjacent vertices is maximized. The problem was originally introduced in [15] in connection with multiprocessor scheduling problems and can be also understood as a dual problem to the well known bandwidth problem, as a special radiocolouring problem or as a variant of obnoxious facility location problems. The antibandwidth problem is NP-hard, there are a few classes of graphs with polynomial time complexities. Exact results for nontrivial graphs are very rare. Miller and Pritikin showed tight bounds for 2-dimensional meshes and hypercubes. We solve the antibandwidth problem precisely for two dimensional meshes, tori and estimate the antibandwidth value for hypercubes up to the third order term. The cyclic antibandwidth problem is to embed an n-vertex graph into the cycle C n , such that the minimum distance (measured in the cycle) of adjacent vertices is maximised. This is a natural extension of the antibandwidth problem or a dual problem to the cyclic bandwidth problem. We start investigating this invariant for typical graphs and prove basic facts and exact results for the same product graphs as for the antibandwidth.
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2020
The Channel Assignment Problem (CAP) is the problem of assigning channels (nonnegative integers) to the transmitters in an optimal way such that interference is avoided. The problem, often modeled as a labeling problem on the graph where vertices represent transmitters and edges indicate closeness of the transmitters. A radio k-labeling of graphs is a variation of CAP. For a simple connected graph G = (V (G), E(G)) and a positive integer k with 1 ≤ k ≤ diam(G), a radio k-labeling of G is a mapping f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2,. . .} such that |f (u) − f (v)| ≥ k + 1 − d(u, v) for each pair of distinct vertices u and v of G, where diam(G) is the diameter of G and d(u, v) is the distance between u and v in G. The span of a radio k-labeling f is the largest integer assigned to a vertex of G. The radio k-chromatic number of G, denoted by rc k (G), is the minimum of spans of all possible radio k-labelings of G. This article presents the exact value of rc k (P n) for even integer k ∈ {⌈
Wireless Networks, 2019
For a positive integer k, a radio k-coloring of a simple connected graph G = (V(G), E(G)) is a mapping f : VðGÞ ! f0; 1; 2;. . .g such that jf ðuÞ À f ðvÞj ! k þ 1 À dðu; vÞ for each pair of distinct vertices u and v of G, where d(u, v) is the distance between u and v in G. The span of a radio k-coloring f, rc k (f), is the maximum integer assigned by it to some vertex of G. The radio k-chromatic number, rc k (G) of G is min{rc k (f)}, where the minimum is taken over all radio k-colorings f of G. If k is the diameter of G, then rc k (G) is known as the radio number of G. In this paper, we propose an improved upper bound of radio k-chromatic number for a given graph against the other which is due to Saha and Panigrahi (in: Arumugan, Smyth (eds) Combinatorial algorithms (IWOCA 2012). Lecure notes in computer science, vol 7643, Springer, Berlin, 2012). The computational study shows that the proposed algorithm overcomes the previous algorithm. We introduce a polynomial algorithm [differs from the other that is due to Liu and Zhu (SIAM J Discrete Math 19(3):610-621, 2005)] which determines the radio number of the path graph P n. Finally, we propose a new integer linear programming model for the radio k-coloring problem. The computational study between the proposed algorithm and LINGO solver shows that the proposed algorithm overcomes LINGO solver. Keywords Radio k-coloring Á Radio number Á Upper bound Á Path Á Cycles Á Binomial tree Á Triangular snakes Á Ladder Á Friendship and book graphs Mathematics Subject Classification 05CO7 Á 05C12 Á 05C15 Wireless Networks
Siam Journal on Computing, 1995
This paper investigates a zero-sum game played on a weighted connected graph G between two players, the tree player and the edge player. At each play, the tree player chooses a spanning tree T and the edge player chooses an edge e. The payo to the edge player is cost(T ; e), de ned as follows: If e lies in the tree T then cost(T ; e) = 0; if e does not lie in the tree then cost(T ; e) = cycle(T ; e)=w(e), where w(e) is the weight of edge e and cycle(T ; e) is the weight of the unique cycle formed when edge e is added to the tree T . Our main result is that the value of the game on an n-vertex graph is bounded above by exp(O( p log n log log n)). The game arises in connection with the k-server problem on a road network; i.e., a metric space that can be represented as a multigraph G in which each edge e represents a road of length w(e). We show that, if the value of the game on G is V al(G; w), then there is a randomized strategy that achieves a competitive ratio of k(1 + V al(G; w)) against any oblivious adversary. Thus, on any n-vertex road network, there is a randomized algorithm for the k-server problem that is k exp(O( p log n log log n))competitive against oblivious adversaries.
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