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Rock cores from Putrajaya consists of various materials including calc-silicate hornfels, granite, carbonaceous schist and quartz-mica schist. Sheared materials were common and difficult to trace. In order to appreciate the geology of this area, especially the structural geology, outcrops in the adjacent areas were assessed. The Cyberjaya and Putrajaya areas have experienced several phases of deformation.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Putrajaya, the new federal administrative capital of Malaysia which is being designed as a paperless city, is still under construction. The geology of Putrajaya was reported as being underlain mainly by Hawthorden Schist and interbedded sandstone and shale of the Kenny Hill Formation with a localised granite body. This paper discusses the occurrence of a very hard and abrasive rock body in Putrajaya. The name "Putrajaya Gneiss" is introduced for this rock body for discussion purposes for this paper based on preliminary study. Even though the distribution of this rock was only within a limited area, its occurrence was not expected, hence it created problems to the construction activities
Warta Geologi, 2021
New outcrops of Paleozoic meta-sediments northwest of Kuala Lumpur expose the deformational effects of the Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic collisions between various Gondwana-derived continental fragments as they amalgamated to form the core of SE Asia. Over a duration of 6 months, beginning in August 2020, we conducted field trips within northern Selangor to new laterally extensive outcrops for field observations, structural mapping and to measure and log the stratigraphic section. This paper focuses on Upper Paleozoic Kenny Hill Formation outcrops in northern Selangor. The most studied is the heavily weathered Jalan Rawang-Bestari Jaya (JRBJ) outcrop, which is characterised by a steeply dipping (southwest), upward-coarsening succession of sandstones and shales interpreted as a system of ephemeral fluvial channels possibly related to Gondwana glaciation. Concretions within bedding planes and fractures were possibly formed around organic material. Less than 4 km to the east, the Scientex de...
The western Himalayan syntaxis represents the region where the major Himalayan structures abruptly curve and the cause of the curvature and the tectonic geomorphology of the region has not been fully explored. The lack of detailed structural maps with extensive field-based data is missing, which is mainly because of the political problems related to border sharing between Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. However, and fortunately, the usage of satellite-derived images has overcome such constraints by providing a robust platform to remotely map such regions. Therefore, the present study was aimed to supplement our previous works in the region by exploring the western portions of the Hazara-Kashmir-Syntaxis. We have used Google Terrain imagery to map the evidence for active faulting that involves mapping of triangular facets, displaced and/or faulted topographic ridges, river terraces, alluvial fans and so on. The cross-cutting relationships are used to date the faulting events where ...
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 2018
The Klang Gates Quartz Ridge was formally named as the Gombak Selangor Quartz Ridge (GSQR) by the Selangor State Government by 24 June 2015. It was built entirely of quartz vein formed when residual magma crystallized and consolidated within vertical slab of dyke through large linear fissures within massive granitic rock known as Kuala Lumpur Granite about 200 million years ago. The GSQR can be divided into the eastern and western section by the dam. Three type of quartz crystal growth was identified as rutile quartz growth, milky quartz and smoky quartz. The milky quartz was found dominantly at the eastern section; whilst at the western section consists of smoky and milky quartz. At least three phases of quartz vein intrusions were recognized in our survey which is identified as major phase, fault phase and minor phase. The petrography study show the most abundant mineral is quartz (> 90%), alkali feldspar and plagioclase is less than 5%, while zircon and apatite occurs as acces...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
The Western and Northern part of Sa bah, consisting of sedimentary and igneous rocks of Early Cretaceous to Pliocene in age, has undergone several episodes of deformation, the earliest episode of deformation which was responsible for the deformation and uplift of the basement rock (chert-spilite formation), probably occurred during Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene time. This early deformation is thought to have controlled the development of an elongate basin trending approximately N-S and E-W in Western and Northern Sabah respectively which later became the site for the deposition of Middle Eocene to Early Miocene sediments of the Crocker, Trusmadi and Kudat Formations. These sediments were subsequently deformed by NW-SE and N-S compressive directions in Western and Northern Sabah respectively during Middle Miocene times to form a series of imbricate thrust slices. Chaotic deposits developed along major fault zones. The NW-SE and N-S compressive directions controlled the development ofNE-SW and E-W trending basins in Western and Northern Sabah respectively for the deposition of younger sediments during Upper Miocene to Pliocene times. The continued NW-SE and N-S compression gently deformed these sediments.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
The geo logy of the Kota Kinabalu area provides a favourab le settin g for enginee ring geological instabili ty. Kota Kinaba lu is underl a in by the Late Eocene-Early Miocene Crocker Formati on and Quaternary A lluvium. The Crocker Formation is composed of thick sa ndstone unit, interbed ded sandstone-shale unit and shale unit. These rock units are dissected by numerous lineaments w ith co mpl ex structural sty les developed during seri es of regiona l Tertiary tectoni c activities. The tectonic co mplexiti es reduced the phys ical and engineering properties of th e roc k masses and produced in tensive di splace ments and di scontinuiti es among the strata , res ulting in hi gh degree of weatherin g process and insta bili ty. The weathered materia ls are un stabl e and may cause subsidence, slidin g and fa lling indu ced by hi gh pore pressure subj ected by both sha llow and deep hydrodynamic processes. This paper describes the engineering geo log ica l investigation, appreciation of the complex geo logy, exami nation of material properties under spec ifi c geo logical laboratory tests, field test ing and mapping, verification of the mechani sm of fai lure and the deduced possible causes of s lope fa ilures, settlement, land subsidence and found ation instability. Much of the fi ndings could not have been ascertained w ithout sound understanding of the site geo log ical evoluti on, inh erited un fav ourable geo logical re lics and the peculi ar but hazardou s eng ineering properties in the Kota Kinaba lu area. Geo logical evaluation shou ld be pri oriti zed and take into consideration in th e ini tia l step in all infrastructure program. Thi s engineering geo logical study may playa vital ro le in eng ineering geo logica l pro bl ems assessment to ensure the publi c safety ..
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia
Kudat Peninsula, consist mostly of Lower Miocene sedimentary rocks that shows a complex structural style due to continuous deformation. The deformation produced large-scale folds on three major imbricate thrust slices that trends WNW-ESE in the northern, middle and southern part of the peninsula. The northern thrust slice shows a huge fold plunging steeply to the southeast. The middle thrust slice shows a Z-shaped drag fold, whereas the southern thrust slice shows a W-shaped fold pattern. The Bangau Fault Zone and Parapat Fault Zone which are characterised by melange separates the northern, middle and southern thrust slice, respectively. The southern thrust slice is separated from the Crocker Formation by the Laya-laya Fault Zone. The deformation was probably caused by progressive N-S transpression related to the collision of the Dangerous Grounds with NW Sabah along the NW Borneo Trough.
As China and the United States strive to be the primary global leader in AI, their visions are coming into conflict. This is frequently painted as a fundamental clash of civilisations, with evidence based primarily around each country's current political system and present geopolitical tensions. However, such a narrow view claims to extrapolate into the future from an analysis of a momentary situation, ignoring a wealth of historical factors that influence each country's prevailing philosophy of technology and thus their overarching AI strategies. In this article, we build a philosophy-oftechnology-grounded framework to analyse what differences in Chinese and American AI policies exist and, on a fundamental level, why they exist. We support this with Natural Language Processing methods to provide an evidentiary basis for our analysis of policy differences. By looking at documents from three different American presidential administrations-Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden-as well as both national and local policy documents (many available only in Chinese) from China, we provide a thorough comparative analysis of policy differences. This article fills a gap in US-China AI policy comparison and constructs a framework for understanding the origin and trajectory of policy differences. By investigating what factors are informing each country's philosophy of technology and thus their overall approach to AI policy, we argue that while significant obstacles to cooperation remain, there is room for dialogue and mutual growth.
Beyond Ruins: Reimagining Modernism , 2024
Failure in the sense of languages becoming ruins after their utility dies off, buildings becoming ruins for lack of management or maintenance, ideologies becoming ruins for the depletion of stamina. Costica Bradatan: Ruins seem indeed closely connected to failure and humility, but perhaps in a manner even more dramatic than the one you suggest. The sight of ruins, as you point out, may evoke poor management or even a complete failure of maintenance. It is almost common sense: bringing something into existence is only one half of the process; the other half is keeping it in existence, which makes it, I imagine, a process of continuous creation.
Agricultural Sciences
Journal of Policy Research, 2024
Lan Koadernoa, 2024
International Journal of Climatology, 2024
The Cracow Printer Stanisław Murmelius and his Book Collection (1571), 2018
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018
Vision Research, 2004
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019
Neurology - Neuroimmunology Neuroinflammation, 2019
Journal of Adolescent Health, 2020
Biophysical Journal, 2016
Circulation, 2013
Patient Preference and Adherence
Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique, 2017
Brookings papers on economic activity, 1997