Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology
1979, Vol. 93, No. 4, 648-G67
Chemical Senses Involved in Garter Snake Prey Trailing
John L. Kubie
Mimi Halpern
Program in Biological Psychology
State University of New York
Downstate Medical Center
Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology
and Program in Biological Psychology
State University of New York
Downstate Medical Center
In a preliminary experiment, garter snakes were trained to follow earthwormextract trails in a multiple-choice maze and were subjected to either sham surgery (n = 4) or complete bilateral vomeronasal nerve transection (n = 4).
Snakes with sham surgery trailed and ate at preoperative levels, whereas
snakes lacking a functional vomeronasal system developed a feeding deficit
and trailed at chance levels. In a second experiment, 16 snakes were preoperatively tested for their abilities to follow a battery of trails including a range of
trail concentrations and two trail manipulations. After baseline testing, the
snakes were subjected to sham surgery (n = 2), olfactory nerve transection (n
= 7), or vomeronasal nerve transection (four partial; three complete). Snakes
with vomeronasal nerve lesions demonstrated trailing and feeding deficits
commensurate with the extent of nerve damage. In contrast, snakes with olfactory nerve cuts and sham surgery continued to follow all trails at preoperative levels and maintained high tongue-flick rates when following the stronger
extract trails. Four of the snakes (two with sham lesions, one with olfactory
nerve lesion, and one with a partial vomeronasal nerve lesion) were subsequently tested with the vomeronasal ducts sutured closed. These snakes were
unable to follow any of the extract trails at better than chance levels, but in
contrast to snakes with vomeronasal nerve cuts, most of these snakes continued to attack and ingest earthworm bits. These results suggest that garter
snakes are heavily dependent on their vomeronasal system for following chemical prey trails.
Garter snake feeding is guided by the
chemical senses (Burghardt, 1970). Garter
snakes readily follow odor trails to locate
potential prey (Kubie & Halpern, 1975,
1978), and once in the vicinity of the prey,
they attack objects coated with appropriate
chemicals (Burghardt, 1966; Wilde, 1938).
This research was part of a doctoral dissertation
submitted by John L. Kubie to the State University of
New York Downstate Medical Center. The research
was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant
NS11713. We wish to thank Sarah Winans and RuuTong Wang for their thoughtful advice, Vincent Tuonv
for teaching us the duct-suture technique, Alice
Vagvolgyi for data collection and historical processing,
Jack Illari and Bruce Culver for the illustrations, and
Rose Kraus for typing the manuscript.
J.L. Kubie is now at the Department of Physiology,
University of Pennsylvania Medical School.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Mimi Halpern, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, State
University of New York Downstate Medical Center,
Brooklyn, New York 11203.
The prey attack appears to be elicited by
vomeronasal stimulation, since snakes
without a functioning vomeronasal system
do not exhibit the behavior (Burghardt &
Hess, 1968; Burghardt & Pruitt, 1975; Wilde,
1938). It is not clear, however, which sense
modalities garter snakes use when following
prey-odor trails. In addition to garter
snakes, a variety of snakes can use odor trails
notpntial nrpv Vinprs and rohi
f lorflf
?° .locate Potential prey. V ipers and CO1Ubn
d snakes follow prey trails in an Open
arena, and when doing so, they are described
as exhibiting rapid tongue flicks and keeping
their headg low to the groun(} (Baumann,
-,c.r,n n UIK i \\i *^] •
v v n -ian-t
> ^ehlback, Watkms, & Kroll, 1971,
Kahmann, 1932; Naulleau, 1965).
Since snakes can use their tongues to deliver substrate-borne odorants to the vomeronasal organs (Kahmann, 1932; Kubie,
th actjve tonffue flickinff observed
, y '/'' tne actlve ™ngue IllCKing ODservea
during trailing suggests that the vomeronasal
system is in operation. In fact, several au-
Copyright 1979 hy the American Psychological Association, Inc. Q021-9940/79/9304-0648I00.7S
thors have speculated that snake prey trailing may represent the archetypical function
of the vertebrate vomeronasal organ (Broman, 1920; Gloor, Murphy, & Dreifuss,
A few studies have investigated the role of
the olfactory and vomeronasal systems in
prey trailing. The olfactory and vomeronasal systems—both well developed in
snakes—represent the snake's two major
chemosensory systems since the taste system
is much reduced in snakes and there are no
taste buds on the tongue (Burns, 1969;
Klauber, 1956; Oliver, 1955; Payne, 1945).
When vipers have severe damage to their
vomeronasal systems (e.g., cautery of the
vomeronasal organs), they cannot follow
prey trails (Kahmann, 1932; Naulleau, 1965).
It has not been determined whether similar
mutilation of the olfactory system would
cause a similar deficit, although Naulleau
(1965) reported that blocking the nostrils
had no effect on prey trailing. The situation
with colubrid snakes is less clear. Kahmann
(1932) found that cauterizing the vomeronasal organs of a grass snake (Natrix natrix)
or cutting off the tongue would disrupt
trailing but that plugging the external nares
had little effect. Noble and Clausen (1936),
studying the prey trailing of two species
closely related to Natrix (Storeria dekayi
and Thamnophis sirtalis), found that
plugging the external nares had a much more
disruptive effect on prey trailing than any
vomeronasal system lesion.
The major objective of the following
studies was to reinvestigate the relative
contributions of the olfactory and vomeronasal systems to garter snake prey trailing.
In contrast to earlier studies, these studies
utilize training procedures to obtain stable,
repeated measurements of individual performance (Kubie & Halpern, 1975), a multiple-choice maze to quantify trail discrimination, several concentrations of odor trails
to assess thresholds (Kubie & Halpern,
1978), and experimentally controlled
nerve-cut procedures, with histological verification of the lesions for interpretable results. In one study (Kubie & Halpern,
1975), we demonstrated that garter snakes
would follow trails of earthworm extract
accurately in a multiple-choice maze for
earthworm-bit rewards and that behavioral
measures, such as tongue-flick rate, were
stable from trial to trial for individual animals. In a second study (Kubie & Halpern,
1978), we found that garter snakes exhibit
greater trailing accuracy, higher tongue-flick
rates, and slower trailing speeds when following high concentration earthworm-extract trails than when following dilute extract or pure-water trails. We speculated
that the elevated tongue-flick rates during
odor trailing could be due either to olfactory
stimulation, which aroused tongue flicking,
or to vomeronasal stimulation, which had a
"positive" feedback on tongue flicking (and
would have a subsequent effect on odorant
delivery to the vomeronasal organs).
Therefore a second objective of this study
was to determine whether any nerve-cut
procedure would affect a snake's tongue-flick
response to trail odorants. Finally, our
previous studies demonstrated that garter
snakes can follow dried trails but cannot
follow trails removed from direct lingual
contact (Kubie & Halpern, 1978). If snakes
deprived of all olfactory information continued to follow these and other trails as they
had before surgery, then the earlier findings
could be taken to indicate the nature of adequate vomeronasal stimuli, i.e., the tongue
or snout must directly touch the odorant
source to deliver odorants to the vomeronasal organs.
To answer these questions, we set out to
determine the effects of olfactory and vomeronasal system disruptions on the earthworm-extract trailing behavior of garter
snakes. Two types of test were employed:
a short test series using one intense concentration of worm extract for 20 trials in a
four-choice maze and a longer test series
using 140 trials including seven concentrations of earthworm extract. The short test
block was used to answer the question, Can
this snake trail? The second test block was
used to answer the question, If this snake can
trail, are there any significant changes in its
trailing profile?
General Method
The subjects were adult male and female garter
snakes of the species Thamnophis radix. All snakes.
were purchased from either Chicago Zoological Supply
or a local pet dealer and lived in our laboratory at least
3 mo prior to the beginning of an experiment. During
this period they were fed chopped raw fish weekly.
Snakes were housed in rooms lit for 12 hr a day and
maintained between 23 and 25 °C.
Snakes were selected from the common colony for
pretraining on the basis of eating earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) and exhibiting prey attacks at cotton
swabs dipped in earthworm extract (Burghardt, 1966;
Wilde, 1938). During the study, snakes were fed only
during testing, as a reward for correct trailing. All
snakes used in this study appeared to be adult animals.
The females ranged in snout-vent length from 41 to 67
cm and in weight from 38 to 203 g. The males ranged
in snout-vent length from 35 to 50 cm and in weight
from 25 to 66 g.
The apparatus was a radial four-choice maze (previously described and illustrated, Kubie & Halpern, 1978)
with wooden sides, a Plexiglas floor, and a removable
Plexiglas roof. This maze had a runway (6.2 X 22 cm)
which led to a choice point; from the choice point, four
alleys (15 cm long) led to goal boxes. Drop gates separated the start box and the goal boxes from the runway
and alleys. The maze was used in two configurations:
(a) as a two-choice Y-maze and (b) as a four-choice star
maze. When the maze was used in the Y configuration
during training, the left and right alleys closest to the
runway were blocked off with alley blocks.
Earthworm extract was prepared by the method of
Wilde (1938) and Burghardt (1966) at concentrations
of 6 g of earthworm per 20 ml of water (Ix) and 18 g per
20 ml of water (3x). The extract was stored frozen in
capped vials. On each test day vials of the appropriate
extract were thawed. For testing in Experiment 2,
dilutions of earthworm extract were made up from Ix
extract daily (Kubie & Halpern, 1978).
Snakes were tested 5 days a week. During pretraining, each snake was given 4 trials per test session
and after pretraining as many as 14 trials per test session. When the spectacle of a snake's eye became
opaque prior to shedding, the snake's behavior deteriorated, and testing was discontinued until the day after
the snake shed.
Trials were run as described in our previous studies
(Kubie & Halpern, 1975,1978). Autoclave tape was cut,
brushed with a suede brush to roughen the surface, and
placed on the floor of the choice arms and the runway.
Earthworm extract (Ix) was applied with a cotton swab
to the tape in the runway and the arm selected for that
trial as the "correct" arm. As a control trail, distilled
water was applied to the tape in the "incorrect" alley(s).
A small bit cut from a live earthworm was placed on the
end of the tape in each goal box.
The correct alley on four-choice trials was selected
Figure 1. Schemas of dorsal view of the brain, olfactory sacs, and vomeronasal organs as seen through
transparent scales. (The position of the vomeronasal nerve transections is indicated in the left diagram
[arrow]. The position of the olfactory nerve lesions is indicated by the arrows in the right diagram.
Abbreviations: VNO = vomeronasal organ; VNN = vomeronasal nerves; AOB = accessory olfactory
bulb; MOB = main olfactory bulb; OS = olfactory sac.)
with a randomized series constructed with the following
constraints: An alley could be correct on no more than
two consecutive trials, and each alley was the correct
alley five times in each 20-trial block. On each trial the
snake was confined to the start box for 60 sec before the
start gate was raised. A trial was scored as correct if the
first stop-count mark (located 4 cm from the goal box
gate) that the snake's head crossed was in the correct
alley. On such trials the snake progressed to the goal
box and ate the worm bit. If the snake first crossed a
stop-count mark in an incorrect alley, the trial was
scored as incorrect, the goal box gate of that alley was
lowered, and the snake was either removed from the
maze (noncorrection procedure) or allowed to correct
itself (correction procedure). For each trial the time
taken by the snake to travel between the start-count
mark (located 11 cm from the start box gate) and the
stop-count mark was recorded, and the number of
.tongue flicks (tongue excursions from the mouth) was
counted. Stopwatches and hand talleys were used in
recording these events.
In preparation for surgical procedures, snakes were
anesthetized with Sodium Brevital (.015 mg/g of body
weight injected ip in a solution of .5% Brevital in saline;
Figure 2. Photomicrographs of Bodian-stained horizontal sections through the olfactory and vomeronasal mucosae. (A: Intact olfactory mucosa. S = supporting cell nuclei; r = receptor cell nuclei;
b = basal cell nuclei. B: Degenerate olfactory mucosa. Note absence of receptor cell layer [d]. C:
Intact vomeronasal mucosa. Sc = supporting cell layer; re = receptor cell layer; Ud = undifferentiated
cell layer. D: Degenerate vomeronasal mucosa. Note absence of receptor cell layer [d]. E: Partially
degenerate vomeronasal mucosa. A sharp boundary exists between intact and degenerate areas of the
mucosa. Bar = 100 /urn.)
Wang, Kubie, & Halpern, 1977a). The surgical procedures, performed under visual guidance by means of a
dissecting microscope, were described in detail elsewhere (Kubie, Vagvolgyi, & Halpern, 1978). For
complete olfactory nerve cuts, the rostral end of each
olfactory bulb was exposed, and the bulbs were lifted
by the dura with a fine forceps. The olfactory nerves
were severed either by the tension of the lifting or by
snipping with fine iris scissors (Figure 1). For complete
vomeronasal nerve cuts, the vomeronasal nerves were
exposed as they travel between the two main olfactory
bulbs (Figure 1). The nerves were cut with iris scissors
lowered to the base of the cranium, and the region of the
nerve cut was cauterized with a fine (.005 in.; .127 mm)
tungsten-wire cautery. For partial vomeronasal nerve
cuts, the iris scissors were lowered approximately
halfway to the floor of the cranium before cutting, and
cautery was not used. After the partial nerve cuts there
was little bleeding, and the dorsal fascicles of the vomeronasal nerve bundle could usually be seen pulling
apart at the lesion site. Sham surgeries were performed
by drilling holes in the skull over each olfactory bulb and
tearing the dura. Following nerve-cut surgical procedures, a piece of Gelfoam was placed over the exposed
nervous tissue. After all bleeding had stopped, the
holes in the skull were sealed with dental cement or
adhesive tape.
For sacrifice and histology a snake was anesthetized
with Sodium Brevital (.020 mg/g of body weight) and
perfused transcardially with physiological saline followed by Bodian's fixative. The details of the histological procedures were previously described (Kubie et
al., 1978). Ten-micrometer sections of the decalcified
and paraffin-embedded heads were cut in a horizontal
plane. A series of every fifth section was mounted,
impregnated with 1% Protargol S (without copper) for
48 hr at either 37 °C or 23 °C and reduced, gold toned,
and fixed according to the method of Bodian (1936,
Two independent observers examined the olfactory
and vomeronasal nerves through serial sections to determine the extent of the lesion. In addition, since
previous studies in this laboratory demonstrated that
following olfactory and vomeronasal nerve cuts the
appropriate sensory mucosa degenerates (Kubie, Wang,
& Halpern, 1977), it was possible to independently assess the extent of the nerve cuts by analyzing the extent
of the degenerate olfactory and vomeronasal mucosae
(Figure 2). A region of mucosa was considered degenerate when that portion of the epithelium normally
occupied by differentiated receptor cells was replaced
with an empty strip (Kubie et al., 1978; Wang, Kubie,
& Halpern, 1977b). Serial sections separated by 240 //m
were projected (12X for the nasal cavity and 35X for the
vomeronasal organs) and traced. The amount of normal and degenerate chemosensory mucosa found in
each nasal cavity and each vomeronasal organ was
"measured" with a map measure (as in Winans &
Powers, 1977) and calculated as a percentage of the
entire epithelium. In our experience, nerve cuts followed by a 1- or 2-wk survival always result in degeneration. We think that the percentage of apparently
degenerate mucosa at this survival is a useful index of
the proportion of the nerve damaged during surgery.
Experiment 1
This experiment uses 20-trial test blocks
as pre- and postoperative measures of trailing performance. The question asked is
whether snakes with complete vomeronasal
nerve cuts continue to eat or trail after surgery.
Ten adult Thamnophis radix were selected on the
basis of eating earthworms and exhibiting prey attacks
at cotton swabs dipped in earthworm extract. Snakes
were pretrained for 3 days with the star maze in a twochoice configuration followed by 5 days with it in a
four-choice configuration. A Ix earthworm-extract trail
and correction procedures were used. Eight of these
snakes were selected on the basis of consistency of
trailing and eating. They were tested for five additional
sessions (20 trials) in the four-choice maze and then
subjected to either vomeronasal (n = 4) or sham (n =
4) nerve-cut surgeries. After 3-days recovery from
surgery the snakes were tested for five additional sessions and sacrificed.
Trailing. All eight animals trailed between 70% and 85% correct on four-choice
preoperative trials (Figure 3). This represents a performance significantly above
chance for each animal (according to the
binomial, if P correct = .25 for one trial, then
the probability of an animal equaling or exceeding 45% correct after 20 trials is less than
5%). After surgery the four snakes with
vomeronasal nerve cuts followed trails with
accuracies ranging from 20% to 35% correct,
all of which are in the range expected by
chance. Preoperative performance of the
sham-treated snakes ranged from 75% to
85% correct, and postoperative performance
ranged from 50% to 95% correct, all above
chance in a 20-trial block.
Feeding. Preoperatively, all snakes ate
on no fewer than 80% of the trials (Figure 3).
During postoperative testing, all snakes with
sham lesions ate on all trials. Of the four
snakes with vomeronasal nerve lesions, all
ate on the first postoperative trial, but none
ate on more than 20% of the trials. Three of
the snakes with vomeronasal nerve cuts ate
on at least one of the first four postoperative
trials and refused to eat thereafter. The
Figure 3. Trailing performance and feeding behavior of snakes receiving vomeronasal and sham nerve
lesions. (Trailing performance is depicted as percentage correct prior to and following surgery. Chance
performance is 25% correct. Feeding behavior is reported as total number of worm bits eaten on each
test day. Since four trials were run each day, the maximum number of worm bits available was
fourth, Snake 8C, ate during the first and
last test session. This snake was subsequently tested for 5 days, and it continued
to eat irregularly (not illustrated in Figure 3).
Since three of the four snakes with vomeronasal nerve cuts ate on only the first postoperative test day, the postoperative feeding
of those snakes can be described as decaying
rapidly. Snake 1A struck at the worm bit on
the first trial of the second postoperative day
but spit the worm bit out and did not eat
thereafter. Snakes IB and 67s tongue
flicked the worm bit repeatedly on the first
few trials after they had stopped eating but
showed no interest in the worm bits thereafter.
Histological verification of lesions. All
four of the snakes with intended vomeronasal nerve cuts had completely transected
vomeronasal nerves with only mild damage
to the olfactory nerves. By tracing the
course of vomeronasal and olfactory nerve
fascicles in each animal, we determined that
all, vomeronasal nerve fascicles were cut.
The vomeronasal organs were severely degenerated throughout. In the four animals
numerous intact nerve fascicles could be seen
entering both main olfactory bulbs. The
olfactory mucosae of three of the four snakes
were not uniformly well preserved, but the
well-preserved regions appeared to be intact.
Snake 8c had degenerate olfactory epithelium in restricted areas covering anterior regions of the nasal septum bilaterally. These
small degenerate regions of epithelium
probably resulted from scissor-cut damage
to medial fibers entering the main olfactory
The four snakes sustaining vomeronasal
nerve cuts had successful and consistent
bilateral vomeronasal denervation with only
minimal damage to the olfactory nerves.
There was no evidence of successful regeneration of the vomeronasal nerves.
The immediate and total trailing deficit
exhibited by snakes with complete vomeronasal nerve cuts is most likely due to an inability of these animals to perceive the location of the trail. If normal snakes rely
solely on the tongue-flick delivery of odorant
molecules to the vomeronasal organs for
accurate trail following, then we would expect snakes with severed vomeronasal nerves
to be unable to follow extract trails. The
deficit we observed in snakes with vomero-
nasal nerve cuts compared with the normal
trailing of sham animals is consistent with
this hypothesis.
An alternate hypothesis is that the trailing
deficits were motivational, not sensory, since
the snakes with vomeronasal nerve cuts
stopped eating the worm-bit rewards.
Possibly they ceased following the earthworm-extract trails not because they could
no longer detect the trails but because the
trails no longer led to attractive goals. This
explanation, however, is not likely, since the
trailing deficit was immediate whereas the
feeding deficit developed over time. Although, admittedly, the sample was small,
trailing accuracy on the first postoperative
test day, the day when all snakes were still
eating, was 31.25% correct, an accuracy
within the range expected by chance alone.
In short, it does not appear that the trailing
deficits we observed after vomeronasal nerve
cuts were due to decreased hunger or to the
unpalatability of worm-bit rewards. The
best guess from the results of this experiment is that the trailing deficit is primarily
sensory, not motivational.
Experiment 2
Although it is clear that snakes with their
vomeronasal nerves completely severed do
not trail, it is not totally clear whether the
failure is due to a deficit in detection or motivation. Will vomeronasal system disruptions that do not affect feeding affect trailing? Will elimination of a snake's other
major chemoreceptor system, the olfactory
system, affect the snake's sensitivity to
trails? A second study was designed to answer these questions, utilizing a daily test
sequence (previously described in Kubie &
Halpern, 1978) in which trials differed in
trail extract concentration or trail type1 (wet,
dry, and dry-rewet extract trails). The rationale for testing each snake with a variety
of trail types and concentrations was to be
able to assess both complete and subtle
trailing deficits. It seemed particularly
important to be able to determine whether
olfactory nerve transections caused even
slightly noticeable changes in sensitivity to
In a study of this sort, each animal's be-
havior should be considered individually,
and each animal's postoperative behavior
compared with its behavior prior to surgery.
Considerable variability is likely among
animals in preoperative behavior, in the location and size of the lesion, and in each
animal's response to its lesion. Although the
design of the experiment was to put animals
into "experimental groups," each animal
represents an experiment in and of itself.
Conclusions must be consistent with the
results of each of these experiments.
Subjects and procedure. Adult male and female
Thamnophis radix were pretrained for four trials per
test session for 16 test sessions. They were given three
sessions (12 trials) with the maze in the two-choice
configuration, five sessions (20 trials) with the maze in
the four-choice configuration, and, finally, eight sessions
(32 trials) with dry trails and with the maze in the
two-choice configuration.
Following pretraining, each snake was given 14 trials
per daily test session. The first two "warm-up" trials
of the session were with the standard Ix concentration
of aqueous earthworm extract prepared by Burghardt's
(1966) method. If a snake attacked the worm bit reward on a warm-up trial, the rest of the day's test sequence was presented. The remaining trials included
seven concentrations of earthworm extract (3x, Ix, V3,
Vg. '/27, Vsi, and V243), two trials with dry trails, two trials
with dry-rewet trails, and a distilled water trail. The
daily sequence of trials was determined by a 10 X 10
balanced Latin square (Williams, 1949) which created
test sequences for a 10-day period.2 The experiment
was organized into 10-day test blocks which were exact
replications of the Latin square sequence.
Snakes were also tested in an open-field apparatus
before and following surgery. The apparatus and
procedure used were slightly modified from the apparatus and procedure of Chiszar and Carter (1975). The
Dry trails were prepared by coating strips of autoclave tape with Ix extract and drying the tape two feet
below a heat lamp for 3-4 hr. This tape was placed in
the runway and the "correct" alley of the maze; untreated tape was placed in the "incorrect" alley. Dryrewet extract trails were prepared identically to the dry
extract trails except that just prior to a trial, distilled
water was applied to the dry tape in the runway and
correct choice arm and to the untreated tape in the incorrect arms.
The 10 X 10 test sequence scheduled 10 trail types
for each test day. The 12 trials (two drys, two dryrewets, one water, and seven concentrations of earthworm extract) were scheduled by inserting an "unscheduled" dry-rewet trial after the scheduled dry trial
and an "unscheduled" dry trial after the scheduled
dry-rewet trial.
field was an 80 X 80 cm box with an underlit milkglass
floor, 25-cm opaque walls, and a clear glass roof. The
floor was marked off in 5-cm squares. A snake was
placed in the box, allowed 1 min to adapt, and observed
for the following 5 min. For each of the 5 test minutes
the number of tongue flicks and the number of lines
crossed were recorded, and it was observed whether the
snake was consistently moving. Open-field trials were
run on alternate test days so that a snake had five
open-field trials during each test-block period.
The experimental paradigm, organized in 10-day test
blocks, is depicted in Figure 4. Each test block was
administered over a 2-wk interval. All snakes were
tested for one test block, given an injection of Sodium
Brevital anesthesia (.015 mg/g), allowed 3 days to recover, and tested for a second test block. Following the
second test block, each animal was given one of four
intended surgical procedures: complete vomeronasal
nerve cut, complete olfactory nerve cut, partial vomeronasal nerve cut, or sham nerve cut. Most snakes
were sacrificed after three test blocks. Four snakes (one
olfactory nerve cut, one partial vomeronasal nerve cut,
and two sham nerve cut) had their vomeronasal ducts
sutured closed prior to a fourth test block and the duct
sutures removed prior to a fifth test block.
Duct-suture procedures were also performed under
Sodium Brevital anesthesia. A snake was placed on its
back, and a wooden rod was placed in its mouth to keep
the mouth open. Using 9-0 suture material and fine
forceps, we inserted four to five individual sutures
tieing together the two lateral ridges of the fenestra
vomeronasalis (Figure 5).
Behavior analysis. The purpose of presenting two
preoperative test blocks was three-fold. First, it provided an initial training block to give a snake time to
adapt to the daily testing schedule. Second, the effects
of anesthesia alone on each animal's trailing performance could be determined. And third, it permitted
a determination of which trails each snake was capable
of following so that, without bias, a snake's performance
on effective trails could be compared before and after
The most sensitive measure of differences between
a snake's trailing performance on two test blocks is a test
for the significance of the difference between correlated
proportions. If we match each trial in one test block
with the corresponding trial in the second test block, we
can treat the two test blocks as correlated proportions.
The null hypothesis is that a statistically equivalent
number of trials went from correct to incorrect (i.e.,
preopjeratively to postoperatively) as went from incorrect to correct. To increase the sensitivity of this statistic, we included in later comparisons only trail types
the snake gave evidence of trailing in the first test block.
Any trail types followed at or above 50% correct on the
first test block and the strongest extract concentration
trailed below 50% correct were considered "criterion"
trail types and were included in the pre- and postoperative comparisons. In other words, if a snake followed
trails of l/g, Vs, Ix, 3x, dry, and dry-rewet above 50%
correct on the first test block, trials with these trail
types, plus the l/27th, were used to compare trailing
accuracy on the second (preoperative) test block with
all subsequent (postoperative) test blocks.
Tongue-flick rates (number of tongue flicks emitted
divided by the time to traverse the maze segment) were
calculated for each trial. For eight of the snakes (Males
63, 71, 57, 54, 71, 1, and 6, and Female XL) two
tongue-flick rates were available for each trial: a
tongue-flick rate for the time spent in the runway and
a tongue-flick rate for the entire trial. For these snakes
the tongue-flick rate for the time spent in the runway
was used for all calculations, and tongue-flick rates on
correct and incorrect trials were not separated. When
snakes were tested with all trail concentrations, a t test
was used to compare tongue-flick rates on distilled
water trails with rates on Ix and 3x trails. When snakes
did not eat after surgery, a t test was used to compare
tongue-flick rates on pre- and postoperative Ix warm-up
trials. For several subjects postoperative freezing behavior interfered with calculating a meaningful
tongue-flick rate (the variance was too high to meet the
constraint of homogeneity of variance), and tongue-flick
rate analyses were not done.
Figure 4. Experimental paradigm.
Figure 5.
Roof of a snake's mouth with sutures in place (left) and with sutures removed (right).
Preoperative behavior. The 16 snakes
of this study exhibited similar and consistent
preoperative trailing behaviors. Although
criteria ranged from all seven trail concentrations (1/243 and greater) up to four concentrations (1/9 and greater), 13 of the 16
snakes achieved the same criterion of five
concentrations (1/27 and greater). All
snakes followed the Ix warm-up trails, the
dry trails, and the dry-rewet trails above
criterion levels. Each animal trailed correctly on more than 68% of all criterion trials,
and all animals followed the intense trails (Ix
and 3x) correctly 90%-100% of the time. As
we reported previously (Kubie & Halpern,
1978), trailing accuracies increased as a
function of extract concentration.
We term the amount the mean tongueflick rate on Ix and 3x trails exceeds the
mean tongue-flick rate on water trails the
tongue-flick-rate elevation (Kubie & Halpern, 1978). All snakes exhibited statistically significant tongue-flick-rate elevations,
ranging from 19 to 60 flicks per minute above
the distilled water means. Tongue-flick
rates .increased consistently with increasing extract concentrations. Open-field
tongue-flick rates were dramatically below
any of the tongue-flick rates recorded in the
trailing maze. The snakes' mean open-field
tongue-flick rates while moving ranged from
27.5 to 51.4 flicks per minute.
With one exception, all snakes ate on all
trials prior to surgery. This. one animal
(Male I) failed to eat on four trials.
Sham surgery. Anesthesia and sham
surgery had no effect on trailing accuracy,
tongue-flick-rate elevation, or feeding behavior. The behavior of snakes prior to
these procedures was indistinguishable from
their behavior following the procedures
(Tables 1 and 2).
Olfactory nerve cuts. Of the seven snakes
subjected to olfactory nerve transection, six
had damage to more than 94% of the olfactory nerve and less than 33% of the vomeronasal nerves (Table 3). Following surgery
these snakes trailed at preoperative levels,
demonstrated elevated tongue-flick rates,
and ate on every opportunity (Tables 1 and
2; Figures 6 and 7). Male 63, in addition to
having all olfactory nerve fibers severed,
sustained complete disruption of its vomeronasal nerves and is considered separately below. Two snakes had more than
A thorough analysis of the preoperative behavior of
these animals is included in a previous publication
(Kubie & Halpern, 1978).
95% of their olfactory nerve fascicles severed,
with little or no damage to their vomeronasal
nerves (Female 48 and Male 54). They exhibited no trailing deficits. The four snakes
(Females 49 and XL; Males 1 and 6) that had
their olfactory nerves totally severed bilaterally also sustained greater damage to their
vomeronasal nerves, which caused up to 32%
of the vomeronasal epithelium to degenerate,
These animals continued to trail and trailed
with accuracies not significantly below preoperative levels. The trailing, tongueflicking, and feeding behavior of snakes in
the olfactory nerve cut group were indistin-
Table 1
Trailing Accuracy on Criterion Trials
Test block
Criterion trial
Female 37
1/27 and greater
Female 4A
1/27 and greater
(z = .00)
(z = .37)
(2 = 6.55*)
(z = 6.58*)
(2 = .68)
(z = .60)
1/27 and greater
(2 = 8.58*)
(2 = 1.37)
1/27 and greater
(2 = 1.27)
(2 = 7.10*)
(z = 2.34*)
Olfactory nerve cut
Female 48
Female 49
' 4
(2 = .22)
Female XL
1/27 and greater
(2 = .00)
Male 54
1/27 and greater
(2 = .62)
Male 1
1/27 and greater
(2 = 1.24)
Male 6
1/27 and greater
(z = .00)
Partial vomeronasal nerve cut
Female 38
1/27 and greater
Male 57
1/27 and greater
Male 74
1/243 and greater
Male 71
Complete vomeronasal nerve cut
Female 45
Male 3A
Female 145
Olfactory and vomeronasal nerve cut
Male 63
1/27 and greater
1/27 and greater
1/27 and greater
1/81 and greater
1/9 and greater
(2 = 2.05*
(2 = 4.15*)
(2 = 1.26)
(2 = 6.50*)
Note. Criterion trials include dry, dry-rewet, and Ix warm-up trials for all animals. After Test Block 2, nerves were cut; after
Test Block 3, ducts were sutured; after Test Block 4, sutures were removed. Data are expressed as percentages. Surgery on Female
145 was originally an intended olfactory nerve cut, but histological examination revealed a complete vomeronasal nerve cut. Surgery
on Male 63 was originally an intended olfactory nerve cut, but histological examination revealed complete bilateral destruction
of both olfactory and vomeronasal nerves. For snakes that did not eat postoperatively, percentage correct on Ix warm-up trials
is presented below those on criterion trials.
Accuracy above chance.
For 3 days (2 = 4.46, p <.01).
All below chance and significantly below preoperative levels (p <.01).
* p <.01.
Table 2
Tongue-Flick-Rate Elevation for Snakes Prior to and Following Operative Procedures
Test block
Female 37
Female 4A
Olfactory nerve cut
Female 48
Female 49
Female XL
Male 54
Male 6
Partial vomeronasal nerve cut
Female 38
Male 57
Male 74
Female 71
Complete vomeronasal nerve cut
Female 45
Male 3A
Female 145
Olfactory and vomeronasal nerve cut
Male 63
Note. Tongue-flick-rate elevation is the mean amount that tongue-flick rates on Ix and 3x trails exceed mean tongue-flick rates
on water trails. After Test Block 1, snakes were given anesthesia; after Test Block 2, they had surgery; after Test Block 3, ducts
were sutured; after Test Block 4, sutures were removed.
* Not significantly different from tongue-flick rate on water trails.
guishable from their preoperative behavior
and the behavior of control animals.
Male 63 whose olfactory and vomeronasal
nerves were bilaterally severed did not eat or
trail after surgery (Figure 8). Since this
snake never ate following surgery, it was
tested only on Ix warm-up trails. It followed Ix trails at chance levels (40% correct)
which was significantly below preoperative
trailing accuracy (2 = 2.01, p < .05).
Tongue-flick rates on these trails (Af = 62.5)
were significantly below preoperative
tongue-flick rates on Ix warm-up trials (M
= 89.0 flicks per minute), £(39) = 8.40, p <
.01. Postoperative open-field tongue-flick
rates (M = 23 flicks/min) were not significantly below preoperative open-field rates
(M = 28 flicks/min), £(23) = 1.43, p > .05.
Table 3
Summary of Nerve and Mucosa Damage for Olfactory Nerve Cut Group
% destruction in
olfactory nerve
% destruction
ore vomeronasal1
Male 6
Male 54
Female XL
Female 48
Female 49
Male 63
1/243 1/9 3X
1/243 1/9
1/243 1/9
1/243 1/9
1/243 1/9
Figure 6. Trailing accuracy (percentage correct) as a function of trail extract concentration for one
snake in each experimental group. (For Female 45 the percent correct on IX warm up trials is depicted
for Block 2 to provide a comparison with Block 3. Since this animal ate only on three test days, the
concentration profile is for three test days only. VN = vomeronasal.)
Complete vomeronasal nerve cuts. We
attempted complete vomeronasal nerve-cut
surgery on three snakes. All three sustained
lesions that appeared complete and caused
total degeneration in the vomeronasal organs
but left more than 78% of the main olfactory
system apparently intact (Table 4). Fol-
lowing surgery all three snakes exhibited
severe feeding deficits (Figure 8). Two of
these three ate one or fewer times and were
tested only on Ix warm-up trails after surgery. They followed these trails in the
chance range (Table 1). The third snake
(Female 45) continued to eat sporadically for
SNAKE z °~
I 40FEMAUE48 £ .
F E M A L E 4A
I 40-
1/243 1/9 3X
1/243 1/9 3X
1/243 1/9 3X
1/243 1/9 3X
Figure 7. Tongue-flick-rate elevation for one snake in each experimental group. (Each point is the
mean tongue-flick-rate elevation the snake exhibited during correct trailing of one extract concentration
over the 10-day period. VN = vomeronasal.)
Female 3A
t t t t t t t t t
Female ifo
tr 0LJ
Female 45
Male 63
T T T T t t r t t t
Figure 8. Postoperative prey attack of snakes exhibiting feeding deficits. (VN = vomeronasal.)
3 test days during which time it was tested
on all trail types. During this period the
snake followed criterion trials below chance
levels (24.2% correct) and exhibited no
tongue-flick-rate elevation (Figures 6 and
Tongue-flick rates during trailing of
snakes with complete vomeronasal nerve
cuts dropped toward the preoperative
tongue-flick rates exhibited by these animals
in the open field. For all three snakes,
postoperative tongue-flick rates during
trailing were significantly below the rates
exhibited to any trail type (including distilled water) prior to surgery, but in the open
field they remained unchanged. Male 3A's
preoperative mean tongue-flick rate, for
example, ranged from 90.3 (distilled water)
to 118.1 (Ix) flicks per minute during trailing
and was 38.6 flicks per minute in the open
field. Following vomeronasal nerve transection this snake's mean tongue-flick rate
on Ix warm-up trials fell to 64.9 flicks per
minute—compared with preoperative Ix
Table 4
Summary of Nerve and Mucosa Damage for Vomeronasal (VN) Nerve Cut Groups
% destruction in
VN mucosa
Complete nerve cut
Female 45
Male 3A
Female 145
Partial nerve cut
Female 38
Male 71
Male 57
Male 74
Visible VN nerve
% destruction
of olfactory
warm-up, £(38) = 23, p < .01—whereas the
open-field mean tongue-flick rate (36.8
flicks/min) was not significantly depressed,
£(36) = .57,p>.l.
Partial uomeronasal nerve cuts. The
four snakes that sustained partial vomeronasal nerve cuts had either insignificant
(Male 74) or significant (Female 38, Male 57,
and Male 71) trailing deficits. The histological appearance of the accessory olfactory
bulbs of these snakes indicated that for all
four snakes there was scar formation dorsally
between the bulbs but ventrally vomeronasal
nerve fibers could be traced traveling unsevered into one or both accessory olfactory
bulbs (Table 4). In general, the degree of
the trailing deficit correlated with the severity of the nerve cut. The surgery inflicted
on Male 74 spared the olfactory epithelium
and caused bilateral degeneration in about
35% of the vomeronasal epithelium. This
snake's trailing accuracy dropped insignificantly from 78% correct to 71% (z = 1.26).
Male 57 apparently sustained damage to
more than half of the nerves emanating from
each vomeronasal organ, and its trailing accuracy dropped significantly from 80.8%
correct to 50.4% correct (z = 4.15) but remained well above chance levels. Female 38
was allowed to survive for three postoperative test blocks (47 days), and there was
minor histological evidence of vomeronasal
nerve damage or degeneration in the vomeronasal epithelium. Since vomeronasal
nerve fibers were clearly visualized separating during surgery, it may well be that this
snake's epithelium regenerated (Wang,
Guida, & Halpern, 1978) and therefore the
amount of degeneration may not indicate the
extent of the nerve cut. After surgery this
snake's trailing accuracy dropped from
73.6% correct to 59.8% correct (z = 2.05, p <
.01). Finally, Male 71 had the most complete vomeronasal nerve damage in this
group—about 95% degeneration bilaterally.
This snake's trailing accuracy dropped dramatically from 87% correct to 38.2% correct
(2 = 6.50) which for the 110 criterion trials
was significantly above chance.
Male 71 was the only snake in the partial
vomeronasal nerve cut group to refuse worm
bits on any trials after surgery. This snake
ate on all trials for nine test sessions, but on
the 10th test session ate only on the first
trial, spit out the worm bit on the second
trial, and refused to eat thereafter. This
pattern of feeding decay is considerably
more gradual than that seen in any of the
snakes with complete vomeronasal nerve
cuts, but it is similar to the feeding decay
seen in Female 4A when it had its vomeronasal ducts sutured closed (see below).
On the strongest trails three of the four
snakes continued to exhibit levels of
tongue-flick-rate elevation that were comparable with those seen before surgery.
After surgery these snakes exhibited smaller
tongue-flick-rate elevations to the trails with
intermediate concentrations of earthworm
extract. After Male 71 had its partial
nerve-cut surgery, it exhibited the most severe trailing deficit of the group and exhibited a statistically insignificant tongueflick-rate elevation of 5.76 flicks per minute
on Ix and 3x trails.
Vomeronasal duct suture. Four snakes
(Females 37, 4A, 48, and 38) had their vomeronasal ducts sutured closed after completion of Block 3 testing. Prior to Block 3
testing, Female 37 and Female 4A had been
subjected to sham surgeries, Female 48 to
olfactory nerve cut, and Female 38 to partial
vomeronasal nerve cut. All four snakes
trailed at chance levels following duct suture
and failed to exhibit tongue-flick-rate elevations. Three of the four snakes (Females
37,48, and 38) ate throughout this postsurgical period. During the second and fifth
test days of Block 4, Female 4A spat out
worm bits on the final trials of the day; on
the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth days it
spat out the worm bit on the first trial and
did not prey attack thereafter; finally, on the
last day it did not prey attack at all. Following completion of Block 4 testing, the
sutures closing the vomeronasal ducts were
removed. During test Block 5, Female 4A
ate on all trials, and all four snakes assumed
patterns of trailing and tongue flicking that
were indistinguishable from presuture patterns.
Trailing. The results of these experiments support the conclusion of Experiment
1 that vomeronasal nerve cuts in garter
snakes disrupt trailing. They also demon-
strate that the garter snake's vomeronasal
system acts as the critical sensory system in
earthworm-extract trailing. The behavior
of two snakes (Male 3A and Female 145)
with complete vomeronasal nerve cuts essentially replicated the results of the first
experiment: These snakes did not follow
earthworm-extract trails, and their feeding
decayed on the first postoperative test day.
Female 45, however, with a complete vomeronasal nerve cut, did continue to eat for
3 test days but gave no evidence of trail following during this period. Apparently,
during the period when Female 45 was motivated by worm bits, it could not follow
earthworm-extract trails.
Partial vomeronasal nerve cuts had little
or no effect on feeding behavior, yet three of
the snakes with these lesions trailed significantly below preoperative levels but above
chance. Partial nerve cuts appear to cause
a decrease in sensitivity to earthworm-extract trails, resulting in loss of accurate trail
following, especially of intermediate trail
concentrations. Again, the preponderance
of evidence suggests that the deficit is primarily sensory and not motivational.
Finally, we come to the four snakes that
had their vomeronasal ducts sutured closed.
This technique of sensory deprivation was
not used in Experiment 1. Its advantages
over the nerve-cut procedure are that it is
reversible and that it does not damage neural
structures. One problem with this procedure is that in a number of animals (two of
four) the duct sutures appeared to interfere
with the mechanics of tongue flicking.
Three of the four snakes with vomeronasal
duct sutures ate on every trial, the fourth
struck at worm bits until the final test session, but none gave any evidence of trail
following. When these snakes had their
duct sutures removed, their trailing accuracies returned to presuture levels. Both
the partial vomeronasal nerve cut procedure
and the vomeronasal duct suture procedure
produce trailing deficits without comparable
feeding deficits. We conclude, therefore,
that a loss of sensitivity to earthworm-extract trails, not a motivational disruption,
produces the trailing deficit seen in animals
with damaged vomeronasal systems.
Garter snakes with their vomeronasal
nerves cut or their vomeronasal ducts su-
tured closed still have a functioning olfactory
system—in fact, these snakes can be thought
of as olfactory preparations—yet this system
alone is unable to sustain trailing. The olfactory apparatus does not appear to be an
important receptor of earthworm-extracttrail-odor information. This conclusion is
supported by the observation that garter
snakes with lesions restricted to their olfactory nerves showed no trailing deficits.
None of the six snakes with 95%-100% of
their olfactory nerves severed exhibited
trailing deficits. Four of these snakes had
lesions that appeared to sever all olfactory
nerve fibers, and they, therefore, could not
have received any olfactory information
during trail following. Snakes with olfactory
nerves severed can be thought of as vomeronasal preparations. It appears that these
animals rely solely on their vomeronasal
organs for detecting trail odorants. Since
snakes without a functioning olfactory system trail normally and snakes without a
functioning vomeronasal system cannot
detect trail odorants, we conclude that garter
snakes are relying on their vomeronasal organs when they follow earthworm-extract
Tongue-flick patterns. We previously
reported that garter snakes flick their
tongues more rapidly when following intense
trails of earthworm extract than when following weak trails (Kubie & Halpern, 1978).
High-speed film analysis revealed that when
garter snakes were following intense trails
and exhibiting high tongue-flick rates, their
individual tongue flicks were of extremely
short excursion length and duration (Kubie,
1977). We were interested in whether
vomeronasal or olfactory stimulation produced these tongue-flick responses. The
two extreme alternatives are that during
trailing, olfactory stimulation arouses the
snake and causes increased tongue-flick exploration or that vomeronasal stimulation
feeds back on tongue-flick motor mechanisms and leads to an increased rate of
tongue flicking which affects subsequent
stimulation of the vomeronasal organs. The
present results support the latter speculation. Snakes without a functioning vomeronasal system (nerve cut or duct sutured)
failed to exhibit elevated tongue-flick rates
when following intense odor trails, and
snakes without a functioning olfactory system (olfactory nerve cut) exhibited normally
elevated tongue-flick rates while trailing.
We have other evidence from film analysis
that normal snakes and snakes with their
olfactory nerves cut exhibit short-excursion
and short-duration tongue flicks during
trailing (Kubie, 1977). Apparently, stimulation of the vomeronasal organ produces the
tongue-flick behaviors characteristic of
Olfactory stimulation from potential prey
may play an important role in activation of
a quiescent snake, leading to locomotion and
tongue flicking in search of the source of the
odorant (Cowles & Phelan, 1958; Fox, 1952).
Such a role for olfaction was not adequately
tested in this experiment since the snakes
after training were virtually always active in
the maze, even when there was no trail to
arouse them. This high level of activity may
have been due to handling, to the structure
of the maze, or to a conditioned expectation
of food. Our results, therefore, should not
be interpreted as evidence against the hypothesis that olfactory stimulation can
arouse a quiescent snake to explore for food.
Feeding. Although the primary purpose
of this experiment was to investigate prey
trailing, perplexing changes in feeding frequently accompanied vomeronasal system
disruptions. A number of snakes with
vomeronasal system disruptions showed a
postoperative decay of feeding behavior.
These snakes ate on the first postoperative
trial, but over a period of time ranging from
1 to 10 test sessions, they stopped eating. A
few snakes prey attacked and spit out worm
bits on several trials before they stopped
eating altogether. These changes suggest
that the garter snake vomeronasal system,
in addition to its critical role in prey trailing,
plays an important role in eliciting prey attack and swallowing. These changes also
suggest that the vomeronasal system may
help to determine the reinforcing value of
There is strong evidence that the vomeronasal organ is important in the feeding reactions of garter snakes. Wilde (1938)
demonstrated that garter snakes make
open-mouthed prey attacks at cotton swabs
dipped in earthworm extract. Garter snakes
do not make prey attacks at swabs dipped in
earthworm extract if their vomeronasal
nerves are cut (Halpern & Frumin, in press;
Wilde, 1938) or their tongues are removed
(Burghardt & Pruitt, 1975; Wilde, 1938).
Halpern (Note 1), on the other hand, demonstrated that when garter snakes are preoperatively trained to eat earthworm bits
from a dish, they continue to eat earthworm
bits from this dish after their vomeronasal
nerves are severed.
There are several alternative explanations
for the decay of feeding we observed. One
is that vomeronasal system disruptions cause
a slow physiological change in the snake
which decreases the snake's response to food.
One k'nown change that takes place after
vomeronasal nerve cuts is the degeneration
of the vomeronasal mucosa (Kubie et al.,
1977). One could speculate that a vomeronasal nerve lesion that was incomplete at
surgery caused a scattered degeneration
within the vomeronasal mucosa that slowly
destroyed the functioning of the remaining
bipolar neurons. The weaknesses in this
hypothesis are that (a) it does not explain the
spitting out behavior, (b) the snakes with
complete vomeronasal nerve cuts that extinguished feeding appeared to have complete nerve cuts at the site of the lesion, and
(c) Female 4A extinguished feeding when it
had its vomeronasal duct sutures in place
and resumed eating as soon as the duct sutures were removed. At present, we think
that a classical conditioning hypothesis effectively explains the observed feeding
decay. It postulates that for worm bits to
maintain their reinforcing value, they must
be accompanied by vomeronasal stimulation—vomeronasal stimulation is the unconditioned stimulus. According to this
hypothesis, after vomeronasal deafferentation snakes exhibit a prey attack conditioned
to the visual, tactile, and olfactory properties
of the worm bits, but the conditioned prey
attack extinguishes in the absence of reinforcing vomeronasal stimulation.
The decay of feeding described above,
especially the "spitting out" of worm bits, is
evidence for a third function of the vomeronasal organ in the feeding behavior of
snakes, the function of analyzing food that
is in the mouth. The spitting-out behavior
could be due to an expectation of sensation
from food in the mouth which is not met.
Normal garter snakes prey attack worms
that have pieces of dirt or twigs stuck to
them; the snakes frequently swallow the
worm bit and spit out the dirt or twig. Although there is no direct evidence, it may
well be that the vomeronasal organ is
screening food in the mouth and detecting its
reinforcing value before the final act of
We should note that although all seven
snakes in these experiments with complete
vomeronasal nerve cuts eventually stopped
eating, six other snakes with disruptions of
their vomeronasal systems continued eating
throughout postoperative testing. Three of
the snakes that continued to eat had partial
vomeronasal nerve cuts, and the absence of
a feeding deficit is easily accounted for on
the basis of the remaining intact vomeronasal nerve fibers. The other three snakes
had their vomeronasal ducts sutured closed.
The difference between their behavior and
the behavior of snakes with complete vomeronasal nerve cuts is more difficult to
explain. One possible explanation is that
the vomeronasal duct suture does not eliminate all odorant access to the vomeronasal
organs. If a duct-sutured animal can still
detect food in its mouth with its vomeronasal
organs, it should continue to eat. The evidence against this hypothesis is that ductsutured snakes cannot detect earth worm extract trails and that duct-sutured snakes
cannot tongue flick radioactive proline into
their vomeronasal organs (Kubie, 1977).
The difference in the extinction pattern
between vomeronasal nerve cut and ductsutured animals remains an enigma.
General Discussion
We have found that garter snakes deprived of vomeronasal sensation cannot
follow earthworm-extract trails whereas
garter snakes deprived of olfactory sensation
trail normally, and we conclude that garter
snakes are uniquely reliant on vomeronasal
sensation for such prey trailing. Both the
results and the conclusions of this study are
in sharp contrast to those of Noble and
Clausen (1936) in their study on sensory
control of prey trailing in snakes. Using
intervention techniques different from ours
and studying the ability of snakes to follow
crushed earthworm trails in an open field,
they concluded that the olfactory system was
more important for prey trailing than the
vomeronasal system.
There are four general differences between
the Noble and Clausen study and our own.
First, the two studies used different species
of snakes. Noble and Clausen used Thamnophis sirtalis, whereas we used Thamnophis radix. Yet these two species of garter
snakes are closely related and when both
species were tested previously in this laboratory (Kubie & Halpern, 1978), they behaved similarly in the test situation employed here. The species differences,
therefore, probably do not account for the
differences observed. Second, Noble and
Clausen used trails of water extracts of
crushed earthworms, whereas we used trails
of water extract of whole earthworms.
Perhaps only crushing can release the olfactory stimulating components. Third, the
procedures of sensory elimination used in
these two studies are not comparable. We
have previously commented on Noble and
Clausen's use of nose plugs to block olfaction
(Kubie et al., 1978). We found that when we
plugged the nostrils of two garter snakes,
they were forced to resort to open-mouthed
breathing and one snake's breathing became
labored. We speculated that a snake forced
to resort to open-mouthed breathing was
stressed and probably could not adequately
tongue flick odorants to its vomeronasal organs. Noble and Clausen cut off the tongues
of snakes and observed partial trailing deficits, but Wilde (1938) and Burghardt and
Pruitt (1975) showed that tongueless snakes
can respond to earthworm extract (presumably with their vomeronasal organs) if
their lips contact the extract. Noble and
Clausen also cauterized the vomeronasal
organs and found partial trailing deficits. It
is hard to know exactly what they meant by
"cauterizing the Jacobson's organs." No
detail is given. Getting a cautery inside the
bony capsule of the vomeronasal organ
would in fact be quite difficult and mutilating. We have attempted to cauterize the
vomeronasal ducts of several snakes and
found that many snakes forced open the
ducts after several days (unpublished ob-
servations, 1975). Fourth, Noble and nonvolatile components of the prey trail may
Clausen used a very different testing proce- be critical for prey trailing.
We and others have observed that during
dure than the one described here. Burghardt (1970) criticized the Noble and prey trailing, a snake keeps its head low to
Clausen study for its qualitative data pre- the ground, exhibits pendular head movesentation, for its lack of statistical treatment, ments, and touches the substrate on virtually
and for its failure to compare each individual every tongue flick (Kahmann, 1932; Kubie
subject's trailing before and after surgery. & Halpern, 1975; Naulleau, 1965; Weideman,
We think that our testing and surgical pro- 1931; Brock & Means, Note 2). In addition,
cedures have demonstrated the garter its tongue-flick patterns change: The
snake's critical dependence on the vomero- tongue-flick rate is very fast, and the tongue
nasal system for earthworm-extract flicks are of a short-excursion, short-duratrailing.
tion type. Snakes with vomeronasal nerve
transection and normal snakes in the open
field rarely exhibit these "trailing" tongue
Role of the Tongue in Prey Trailing
flicks but instead produce long-excursion,
long-duration "exploratory" tongue flicks
The tongue presumably plays two im- (Kubie, 1977). The trailing tongue-flick
portant sensory roles in snake behavior. patterns that snakes exhibit in response to
First, it serves as a tactile organ to "feel" the vomeronasal stimulation may be an opporsnake's environment during tongue flicks, tunistic trailing strategy. The short, quick
and second, it serves to pick up odorants tongue flicks of trailing could provide precise
from the external environment and deliver information on trail location, set a relatively
them to the vomeronasal organs (Burghardt high threshold for detection, and deliver a
& Pruitt, 1975; Kahmann, 1932; Kubie, maximum number of data points within a
1977). The evidence reported above given time frame. It appears as if, after the
suggests that the tongue-flick delivery of tongue flick delivers odorants to the voodorants to the vomeronasal organs is critical meronasal organs, the snake uses the memfor prey trailing. We previously reported ory of previous tongue excursions to deter(Kubie & Halpern, 1978) that garter snakes mine the position of the odor trail. Whether
have great difficulty following trails if the a snake can compare odorant concentration
trails are removed from direct lingual access on the two tips of its tongue to determine a
by a perforated floor, that garter snakes can trail location is not known but is experireadily follow dry trails, and that they follow mentally testable. Since tongue-flicking
these dry trails more accurately if they are behavior samples the environments for vore-wet with water. These results suggest meronasal stimuli, careful analysis of this
that the snake's tongue must have direct behavior can demonstrate a snake's strategy
access to the chemical trail to follow it ac- for seeking odorants.
curately and that a water medium aids the
tongue in delivering odorants to the vomero- Prey Trailing as a Representative
nasal organs. Sheffield, Law, and Bur- Vertebrate Vomeronasal Function
ghardt (1968) demonstrated that at least
Broman (1920), using snake prey trailing
some of the components of earthworm extract that are effective in eliciting prey at- as an archetype, suggested that the functions
tacks from garter snakes are nonvolatile. of the vertebrate vomeronasal organ could
Tongue flicking is a behavioral mechanism best be summarized by the German word
capable of delivering nonvolatile chemicals, Spursinn which means, roughly, the tracksuch as carbon black or proline, to the vo- ing of odors. Although our data support the
meronasal organs (Kahmann, 1932; Kubie, contention that snakes do rely on their
1977), but no comparable mechanism for vomeronasal organs for prey trailing, the
delivering nonvolatile odorants to the ol- vertebrate behaviors for which the vomerofactory mucosa exists. For these reasons, we nasal organ have been shown to be of imsuspect that the tongue's ability to pick up portance are not well described by Spursinn.
Anatomical Record, 1937, 69, 153-162.
Broman, J. Das Organ vomeronasale Jacobsoni; ein
Wassergeruchs-organ. Anatomische Hefte: Abt.
1. Arbeiten aus Anatomischen Instituten, 1920,58,
Burghardt, G. M. Stimulus control of the prey attack
response in naive garter snakes. Psychonomic
Science, 1966,4, 37-38.
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The vomeronasal organs are of importance
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& Cuello, 1978; Hokfelt, Elde, Johansson,
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Nilsson, & Pernow, 1975; LaSalle & Ben-Ari,
1977; Pfaff, 1968; Sar & Stumpf, 1973).
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Received September 7,1978