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Final Performance Report
3. DATES COVERED (From - To)
12/01/2008 - 11/30/2009
Christopher W. Myers & Nancy J. Cooke
Cognitive Engineering
Research Institute
5810 S. Sossaman
Mesa, AZ 85212
Dr. Paul Bello
Office of Naval Research
875 N. Randolph St. Suite
425 Arlington, Va 22203
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
The research was focused on the development of a synthetic teammate over the course of a year. The scientific and technical objectives
were to develop and integrate computational accounts of macrocognitive processes identified as necessary for working as part of a team
(e.g., language, task behavior, situation assessment/awareness, etc.). Each of the proposed project milestones have been achieved: 1) we
integrated language comprehension, agent-environment interaction, and language generation components into a single system that behaves
as a synthetic teammate; 2) we developed a situation component and integrated it with the synthetic teammate; 3) we continued to refine the
synthetic teammate through test-develop-retest iterations; however, instead of adding humans as teammates we developed agents that were
low in cognitive fidelity using systems of finite state machines that acted as the photographer and navigator.
Cognitive model,
situation assessment, language comprehension and generation, uninhabited air
Christopher Myers
19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area
code; 480-988-6561 x687
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39 18
Developing & Validating a Synthetic Teammate
PI: Dr. Christopher W. Myers*
711th Human Performance Wing / RHAC
Air Force Research Laboratory
6030 South Kent Street
Mesa, AZ 85212
Co-PI: Dr. Nancy J. Cooke
Cognitive Engineering Research Institute
5810 South Sossaman Road, Suite 106
Mesa, AZ 85212
ONR Award: N000140910201
Report Date: January 31, 2010
Duration of Effort: December 1, 2008 - November 30, 2009
*Dr. Myers was employed at the Cognitive Engineering Research Institute throughout the
duration of the award.
Scientific and Technical Objectives
The research was focused on the development of a synthetic teammate over the course of
a year. The scientific and technical objectives were to develop and integrate
computational accounts of macrocognitive processes identified as necessary for working
as part of a team (e.g., language, task behavior, situation assessment/awareness, etc.).
Each of the proposed project milestones have been achieved: 1) we integrated language
comprehension, agent-environment interaction, and language generation components into
a single system that behaves as a synthetic teammate; 2) we developed a situation
component and integrated it with the synthetic teammate; 3) we continued to refine the
synthetic teammate through test-develop-retest iterations; however, instead of adding
humans as teammates we developed agents that were low in cognitive fidelity using
systems of finite state machines that acted as the photographer and navigator. The
following sections provide more specifics regarding our proposed scientific and technical
For the two years prior to the current ONR award, a team of scientists at the Cognitive
Engineering Research Institute (CERI, an independent not-for-profit research institute in
Mesa, AZ) and the Performance and Learning Models team (PALM) at the Air Force
Research Laboratory (AFRL) have worked on the development, integration, and
validation of a synthetic teammate (Myers et al., under review). The synthetic teammate
will interact with human teammates in real-time to accomplish a reconnaissance task
within an Uninhabited Air Vehicle synthetic task environment (UAV-STE).
The UAV-STE is a team-based task that involves three interdependent team
members, each with a different role. The team members are the Data Exploitation
Mission Planning and Communications operator (DEMPC, the navigator) who is
responsible for producing a dynamic flight plan, including speed and altitude restrictions,
an Air Vehicle Operator (AVO, the pilot) who controls flight systems, and a Payload
Operator (PLO, the photographer) who monitors sensor equipment and photographs
ground targets. The team members' common goal is to photograph ground targets and
this requires interaction between team members. A single UAV-STE mission consists of
11-12 targets and lasts a maximum of 40 minutes; each team performs five 40-minute
The synthetic teammate will act as the AVO in the UAV-STE, and is being developed
using the ACT-R computational cognitive architecture (Anderson, 2007). ACT-R has
been under continuous development for several decades and is now capable of accurately
reproducing human microcognitive processes (e.g., memory retrieval, skill acquisition,
etc.) Without detailing ACT-R, cognition revolves around the interaction between a
central procedural system and several peripheral modules. There are modules for vision,
motor capabilities, memory, one for storing the model's intentions for completing the
task (i.e., the control state), and a module for storing the mental representation of the task
at hand (problem state, see Figure 1). (For more detail on ACT-R, see Anderson, 2007.)
We have chosen ACT-R for two important reasons. First, there is an abundance of
ACT-R expertise between PALM and CERI. Second, and more importantly, ACT-R
provides a good foundation to investigate how macrocognitive processes (e.g., meta-
cognition, situation assessment/awareness, etc.) affect microcognitive processes, and vice
versa (Cooke & Myers, 2008). Because ACT-R provides good quantitative predictions of
human performance across many microcognitive processes, using them as a foundation
for developing macrocognitive processes will help to uncover how micro and macro
processes interact within complex task environments.
Task Environment
Figure 1. The modules of the ACT-R 6.0 computational cognitive architecture. Adapted from
Anderson (2007)
Synthetic teammate development has been, and will continue to be, managed through
a divide-and-conquer strategy across a set of components, combined with a synthesis
strategy for component integration. To support synthesis and cognitive plausibility of the
three major components, they are all being developed using the ACT-R architecture. The
major components include: 1) language comprehension, 2) language generation and
dialog management, and 3) task behavior. Each of these components will interact through
a central situation component (see Figure 2).
Generation &
Visual Information
(text chat, flight
parameters, etc.)
Manual Output
(typing, mousedicks, etc.)
Figure 2. Functional components of the synthetic teammate
Language Comprehension
The language comprehension system has been under development since 2002 (Ball,
Heiberg & Silber, 2007). It is based on a linguistic theory of the grammatical encoding of
referential and relational meaning (Ball, 2007a) combined with a theory of language
processing based on the activation, selection, and integration of constructions
corresponding to a wide range of linguistic input (Ball, 2007b). The component
incrementally processes input in real-time, constructing a linguistic representation that
encodes referential and relational meaning.
Language Generation and Dialog Modeling
The language generation and dialog component was developed over the course of 18
months, beginning in November 2006. The component does an adequate job of matching
human behavior using variabilized "utterance templates" in concert with a strict
constraint hierarchy based on principles of optimality theory (Prince & Smolensky,
1993/2004). The constraint hierarchy is implemented using ACT-R's spreading activation
mechanism. Situational constraints activate utterance templates that are instantiated as
chunks within ACT-R's declarative memory, and the template with the greatest activation
is selected for language generation. Despite the constraint hierarchy, noise in ACT-R's
spreading activation mechanism allows for occasional hierarchy reversals. Furthermore,
the constraint hierarchy is adaptive, resulting in variation in the constraint hierarchy over
time as a function of communication experience with different teammates.
Task Behavior Component
The task behavior component has been under development since summer 2007. The task
model was developed as a flat goal-subgoal hierarchy based on task environment
constraints. Task goals are stored as chunks in declarative memory, and are retrieved
when appropriate. For example, a declarative memory chunk representing a task-related
activity (i.e, a goal) is retrieved from memory as a function of the model's situation. As
the situation changes, different goal chunks are retrieved from memory, producing
flexible and robust goal selection and execution.
Situation Component
The situation component was implemented as one ACT-R declarative memory chunk that
was stored in the synthetic teammate's problem state buffer, and was used in a similar
capacity to the "blackboard" in blackboard architectures used in artificial intelligence
research. The chunk contained 49 slots for storing information associated with task
environment and language generation states. As the synthetic teammate operated as the
AVO in the UAV reconnaissance task, information within the situation component chunk
was updated to reflect the state of the task environment and communications between
teammates. The information held in the situation component is used to retrieve and
execute specific goals, leading to situated cognitive control within each functional
component of the synthetic teammate (see Figure 2). Information held in the situation
component implementation did not decay, making situation information potentially
eternally available to the synthetic teammate, going well above human situation
assessment/awareness capabi 1 ities.
Integrated Components
The task behavior and the language generation and dialog components were combined
into a single, integrated cognitive system (Gray, 2007) capable of behaving in the UAVSTE and sharing task-related information with teammates as a function of a
representation stored in the situation component prior to the current ONR award. A key
to this initial integration was the introduction of implicit task switching between the two
Background Summary
There have been significant advances made in developing a cognitively plausible model
that that can interact with teammates using the ACT-R architecture. First, language
comprehension capabilities have been steadily advancing over the past two years.
Second, language generation capabilities have advanced to the point that the synthetic
teammate is capable of generating utterances based on a primitive situation
representation. Third, knowledge and rules enabling task-relevant behavior have been
integrated with the language generation component, producing a composite component.
Although much progress was made, more needed to occur to ultimately reach the goal
of developing a synthetic teammate that can interact with humans in real-time and
provide insight into how macrocognitive and microcognitive process interact. The
following section covers the statement of work for the current ONR award.
Statement of Work
The following sections detail the planned improvements to the situation component,
deliverables, and milestones associated with the current ONR award.
Planned Improvements to the Situation Component
The situation component is important for representing complex agent states resulting
from agent-task-team interactions. Inputs to the situation component will include task
environment states (e.g., the UAV's current altitude, speed, course, etc.) combined with
communication from teammates (e.g., desired UAV airspeeds and altitudes, upcoming
targets, etc.), and background knowledge (e.g. information about the other teammates).
Development of the situation component will contribute some of the groundwork
necessary for developing high-level, or macrocognitive, processes (e.g., reasoning over
complex scenarios, simulating others beliefs, predicting future states, etc.) within a
computational cognitive architecture that operates at a relatively low-level of cognitive
and perceptual/motor behavior (i.e., ACT-R 'operates' at 50 ms cycles, Anderson, 2007).
Although the blackboard implementation has worked well for developing and
integrating the task behavior and language generation and dialog components, the
situation component must be improved to reflect human capabilities. Furthermore,
improvement to the situation component will facilitate the integration of the language
comprehension component and provide a sufficient foundation for other macrocognitive
processes (i.e, reasoning, predicting future states, etc.) within the ACT-R architecture.
The situation component will combine relevant information gleaned from linguistic
and task environment inputs, supporting language generation and continuing task
behavior. Different from the blackboard implementation, the planned implementation of
the situation component will be primarily propositional in nature—information and
relationships between information described in the linguistic input and derived from the
task environment and background knowledge will be encoded in a propositional manner.
Because the synthetic teammate is modeled using ACT-R, propositional representations
will ultimately be implemented using ACT-R's chunk-based representations.
Integrating the Language Comprehension Component. A key commitment of the
language comprehension component is a general capability to handle basic grammatical
constructions of English, enabling use of the component across different applications and
models. Issues like lexical and structural ambiguity, ungrammatical inputs, and
variability in input forms cannot be ignored. Despite the advanced state of the
component, the requirements for adequate language comprehension over an open-ended
range of input are significant, and much remains to be done.
Another key commitment is the position that adherence to well-established
constraints on human language processing may actually facilitate the goal of building a
functional language comprehension component (Ball, 2006). For example, the common
use of a separate part-of-speech tagging routine whose output feeds a separate parsing
process is eschewed in favor of an integrated approach that is capable of operating
incrementally in real-time.
Moving the situation component to a propositional format will facilitate integrating
the language comprehension component with the task behavior/language generation
system since the linguistic representations derived from the language comprehension
component contain much of the information needed to generate propositional
representations. Complete component integration will result in a combined computational
cognitive model that is likely to exceed most existing cognitive models in size. Questions
of efficiency and complexity will need to be addressed to ensure that the synthetic
teammate is capable of functioning in real-time without exceeding resource capacities
within the timeframe for a mission in the UAV-STE (~40 minutes).
Continued Development with Humans In-the-Loop. The development of the synthetic
teammate will be in vain without validation, and we view validation as more than
producing a working agent. It is possible that the synthetic teammate's interactions are
unnatural, disruptive, or unfaithful to those of humans performing the same task even
though it adequately pilots the UAV in the STE. Consequently, we plan on beginning
human-in-the-loop validation procedures as soon as practically possible. Looking to
previous research on synthetic teammates for direction, it is clear that validation is rarely
accomplished, or goes beyond anecdotal comments from human participants. We are
planning a hierarchical validation procedure:
• Key-press level - comparing model data to human data within a goal, such as
setting airspeed, altitude, course, current waypoint, sending a message, etc.
• Goal-selection level - comparing goal execution sequences to humans (general
order of goals executed to reach waypoints. This level of analysis will help
validate the situation component, as the component has a direct influence on
which goal is selected and when.
• Mission level - comparing synthetic teammate mission performance to human
performance across a set of UAV-STE missions.
• Team level - comparing team performance between teams that have an
incorporated synthetic teammate and all-human teams.
Validation at the key-press and goal-selection levels began with official start of the
proposed research (Myers, 2009). Mission level and team level validation procedures will
begin on once the synthetic teammate is fully capable of interacting with human
Prototype demonstration*
8/01 /2009
Final technical report
Publication and presentation
1 /31 /2010
*We recognized that a fully functional and valid synthetic teammate was likely
unattainable within a year; however we nonetheless planned to have a partially functional
prototype to showcase the accomplishments of our year-long effort. Also in the interest
of risk mitigation this effort has advanced the state-of-the-art of cognitive modeling and
synthetic teammates in the following ways (Ball, Myers, Heiberg, et al., submitted):
• Improved understanding for managing and coordinating the development of large
scale computational cognitive models
• Improved understanding of how to develop macrocognitive processes in a
cognitive architecture situated around microcognitive processes.
• Advantages and disadvantages of propositional representations within the
situation component
• Advantages and disadvantages of using a situation component as a large scale
model's form of cognitive control
• Advantages and disadvantages associated with modeling approaches for each of
the components
• Improved understanding about solutions to software and hardware issues
associated with developing large scale models
Project Schedule and Milestones
December 1,2008
Project kick-off
March 1, 2009
Situation component specification finalized
June 1,2009
Begin integrating language comprehension component with task
behavior/language generation and dialog management system.
August 1,2009
Prototype demonstration
September 1,2i
November 30, 2009
in model validation with teammat
Project end
Summary of Scientific and Technical Objectives, Background, &
The synthetic teammate is being developed using the ACT-R computational cognitive
architecture (Anderson, 2007). The synthetic teammate will interact with two humans in
real-time to accomplish a UAV reconnaissance task within a synthetic task environment.
The UAV-STE is a dynamic command and control task which requires three teammates
(photographer, navigator, and pilot) to interact with each other to attain the common goal
of photographing as many reconnaissance targets as possible over a the course of
multiple 40-minute missions. The synthetic teammate plays the role of the pilot in the
Four macrocognitive components have been identified for the synthetic teammate to
adequately interact with its environment and teammates: language comprehension,
language generation/dialog management, situation assessment, and agent-environment
interaction. As part of a larger collaboration with scientists at AFRL and Michael
Matessa of Alion, each of the components have been developed and integrated, facilitated
through the use of the ACT-R cognitive architecture. The language generation/dialog
management component was successfully integrated with the agent-environment
interaction component prior to the beginning of the current ONR award. The current
ONR award provided support for the successful development and integration of the
situation assessment and language comprehension components with the agentenvironment interaction and language generation components.
The refinement of each synthetic teammate macrocognitive component, as well as the
interactions among them, have benefited from development iteration with teammates in
the loop. Failures of the model working with teammates have provided fodder for further
development of the synthetic teammate's components. Eventually, the synthetic
teammate will provide insight into how individual teammates affect team processes, and
how team processes affect individuals' cognitive processes.
Concise Accomplishments
(Accomplishments resulting directly from the current ONR award are italicized)
• Major expansion of the linguistic coverage of the language comprehension
component (language comprehension; Dr. Jerry Ball of AFRL)
• Addition of an externalized, persistent Declarative Memory (DM) system to
ACT-R 6 (persistent DM: Drs. Scott Douglass and Jerry Ball of AFRL)
• Significant improvement in the handling of variability in the linguistic input
(linguistic input variability: Mrs. Mary Freiman of L3 Communications)
• Modification of the ACT-R cognitive architecture to improve the word
recognition subcomponent (improved word recognition; Mary Freiman of L3
• Situation assessment component specified in sufficient detail to support
processing of scripted communication and is poisedfor expansion beyond
scripted communication (situation assessment)
• Situation assessment component fully integrated with synthetic teammate model
(full integration)
• Specification (Dr. Scott Douglass) and development of low cognitive fidelity
teammates in-the-loop development and testing of synthetic teammate (lowfidelity agents)
• Keypress level model validation effort demonstrated an excellent fit between
model and human data (key-press level validation)
• Demonstration of synthetic teammate after integration of language
comprehension, agent-environment interaction, language generation, and
situation components (demonstration)
Data analysis of human teams from an experiment that manipulated
communication mode (text-chat vs. audio) that serves as baseline data for
comparisons with the synthetic teammate incorporated in teams (further analyses)
Expanded Accomplishments
Language comprehension. A key commitment of the project was for the synthetic
teammate to be capable of handling a broad range of linguistic inputs. To support this, the
language comprehension component has been significantly expanded over the last year.
In particular, the language comprehension component is now capable of handling a broad
range of linguistic constructions including declarative, interrogative and imperative
sentences of various types, sentences including a broad range of verbal constructions
including intransitive, transitive, and ditransitive verbs, and verbs which take a clausal or
locative complement. Besides expanding the general linguistic coverage, the language
comprehension component has been expanded to handle the specific constructions that
occur in the corpus collected in past experiments. These include existential there
constructions (e.g. "there are no restrictions"), predicate nominal constructions (e.g. "the
next waypoint is a target"), and contractions of subject and auxiliary (e.g. "It's a target").
Efforts are currently underway to develop mechanisms for automatically expanding the
lexical coverage of the language comprehension component. In particular, we are using
the British National Corpus and WordNet as resources for expanding the coverage of the
system. To take advantage of these resources, the lexical entries they contain must be
mapped into the lexical ontology used by the language comprehension component. We
are very near to having a capability to do this.
Persistent DM. To meet the large declarative memory (DM) requirements of the synthetic
teammate, we have developed an external DM storage and retrieval capability in ACT-R
6 based on PostgreSQL, a powerful, open source object-relational database management
system (DBMS). This "persistent-DM" module outsources the storage of ACT-R DM
elements, or chunks, to an industrial-strength external DBMS while leaving ACT-R's
DM retrieval calculus untouched. The persistent-DM module modifies the behavior of
ACT-R's declarative module by: (1) introducing seven control parameters; (2) providing
programmatic support for managing the interaction between ACT-R and the PostgreSQL
DBMS; (3) extending the retrieval process; and (4) modifying the comparison of chunk
slots. The addition of the persistent-DM DBMS does not interfere with ACT-R
predictions associated with the retrieval and storage of declarative knowledge, but instead
outsources the declarative system from Lisp to improve computational efficiency.
Linguistic input variability and improved word recognition. Whereas previous
experiments were based on audio communications, the most recent experiment (funded
by AFOSR in the precursor to the current ONR award) involved text messaging and we
now have a corpus of text messages that reveals tremendous variability in the form of the
linguistic input (i.e., misspellings, abbreviations, etc.). The word recognition
subcomponent of the language comprehension component has been significantly
modified to handle this variability. In addition, the perceptual encoding mechanism of the
ACT-R cognitive architecture was modified to support the perception of a perceptual
span that is not limited to space delimited words as in ACT-R's default mechanism. This
modification improves the performance of the word recognition component at the same
time that it improves cognitive fidelity.
Situation assessment. The situation assessment component of the synthetic teammate
represents the current situation as informed by the linguistic input, the task environment,
the discourse context, and background knowledge. Further, the situation component
constitutes the primary meaning representation of the system, although the linguistic
representations that are mapped into the situation component also encode important
aspects of meaning. Consequently, the situation component grounds the meaning of
referring expressions in the linguistic input in the objects and situations from the task
environment, discourse context and background knowledge, all of which can be stored in
the situation component.
We have developed a situation component that handles propositional and discourse
content, and designed the component to eventually handle spatial and imaginal content
within the ACT-R cognitive architecture. The result was a new ACT-R module that
contains eight buffers. The buffers are used for maintaining declarative memory chunks
that represent the perceived situation of the synthetic teammate. These chunks are
retrieved from memory and used to process received communications, reason, and make
Full integration. The initial integration of the four cognitive components of the synthetic
teammate was grounded in the ability of the integrated synthetic teammate to handle the
communications required to fly thru the first two waypoints of a UAV reconnaissance
mission. Because the amount of communications required to achieve this is limited, we
refer to these as scripted communication. For the initial integration, the focus was on
getting the components to work together. Once this was achieved, the focus shifted to
expanding the capability of the synthetic teammate to process a broader range of
communications and behaviors over the course of a 40-minute reconnaissance mission
involving more than 10 waypoints. The language comprehension component is currently
capable of generating the situation representations corresponding to communications
from the scripted communications. The agent-environment interaction component is
capable of responding to changes in the situation assessment component, such as
changing airspeed, altitude, waypoints, et cetera. The language generation/dialog
management component is capable of generating the synthetic teammate's text-based
communications for responding to comprehended communications and/or providing
updates to teammates on the performance of the UAV.
Low-fidelity agents. In order to test the synthetic teammate's macrocognitive processes
when interacting with teammates, we developed low-cognitive-fidelity photographer and
navigator agents using systems of finite state automata. The formalism for developing the
agents was developed by Dr. Scott Douglass at AFRL as an existence proof for
developing models using a hybrid of text and a graphical modeling language (e.g.,
General Modeling Environment, GME) that can be automatically transformed into an
executable model. The models of the photographer and navigator were developed by the
PI of the grant and interact with the synthetic teammate through the instant messaging
system. The models can be scaled-up in a simple manner to produce communications
based on increased environmental complexity and were developed to eliminate the need
and cost of having humans play the role of the synthetic teammate's navigator and
Key-press level validation. An effort to validate the agent-environment interaction
component of the synthetic teammate at the key press and strategy level of analysis was
completed. The results demonstrated that the model adequately approximated the
performance of human operators performing for necessary setting tasks for flying the
UAV from one location to another: setting the airspeed, course, altitude, and new
location. Consequently, the model is a good approximation to human performance at the
key press and setting task strategy levels of analysis. The next validation effort of the
agent-environment interaction component is to compare the synthetic teammate's
strategies for choosing which setting task is performed, and the environment state/context
when it was selected (Myers, 2009).
Demonstration. A demonstration was performed for Dr. Paul Bello, the project's manager
at the Office of Naval Research. A video version of the demonstration provided to Dr.
Bello is included as supplemental information with this report.
Further analyses. Recent data analyses have revealed that there is no statistical difference
in team performance between teams that communicate using audio and teams that
communicate with a text-based communication system. However, evidence has emerged
that teams using text-based communications coordinate in patterns that differ from
communication patterns of teams that use audio communications. Specifically, there is an
inherent lag in communication reception when using text-based communications that
does not occur in audio-based communications. The average lag time for the text-based
communications was 10.52 seconds. A 3 (teammate) x 4 (mission) mixed Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) revealed that communication reception lag was a function of mission
and teammate, where the lag decreased as mission number increased, but did so
differentially based on teammate role (navigator, pilot, photographer, see Figure 1).
25 -r
Figure 1. The teammate x mission interaction effect on communication lag time.
Team coordination (K) was computed using a ratio of times associated with key
components of information sharing, such as information associated with upcoming
targets (i.e., information; Iw), altitude and airspeed negotiation between the photographer
and the pilot (negotiation; Nw), and feedback from the photographer that a good picture
was taken (feedback; Fw):
The formula for calculating coordination score (K) has been used in previous experiments
to determine differences in coordination dynamics between treatment groups in team
experiments (Cooke, Gorman, Pedersen, et al., 2007). To determine if there was a
difference in coordination score between audio-comm and text-comm teams, a 2
(communication mode) x 4 (mission) mixed ANOVA was conducted on coordination
scores. There was a significant main effect for which text-comm had a significantly lower
coordination score than audio-comm (p = 0.042). This is not to say that the audio comm
condition coordinated "better" but only to say that the two communication conditions
coordinated differently. Further, a measure that reveals the stability of team coordination
dynamics, the Hurst exponent, was also analyzed to determine if there was a coordination
stability difference between communication groups. An independent samples Mest on the
average Hurst exponents across teams revealed that text-comm teams were, on average,
coordinated in a more stable fashion (M= 0.9527, SD = 0.0131) than voice-comm teams
(M= 0.8988, SD = 0.061), f(15) = 2.287, p = 0.037.
Major Problems/Issues
There are no major problems other than the sheer amount of work necessary to get to the
point of bringing human teammates into the development loop. Mentioned above, the
integration of the situation assessment and language comprehension components with the
rest of the synthetic teammate has proven to be a challenge. The challenge results from
making changes to the components in order to accommodate integration while at the
same time maintaining the efficacy of each individual component. Although this is not a
"major problem" it should be noted that integration is also not trivial.
A further issue is synthetic teammate/CERTT UAV-STE integration. This type of
integration issue is a regular occurrence when integrating any modeling formalism with a
dynamic synthetic task environment. Stuart Rodgers and Dr. Steven Shope have
developed a mechanism for providing environment information to the synthetic
teammate, which is currently under refinement to improve system response times.
Technology Transfer
Interactions with Dr. Greg Trafton and Dr. Raj Ratwani of the Naval Research
Laboratory regarding approaches to embodied models of situation
Interactions with Dr. Wink Bennett, Craig Eidman and Dr. Gary Boyle at the Air
Force Research Laboratory on training applications of synthetic wingmen in the
Joint Terminal Attack Controller Dome at the Air Force Research Laboratory in
Mesa, AZ.
Interactions with the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board to provide input to
their study on the application of cognitive modeling to Virtual Training
Anderson, J. R. (2007). How Can the Human Mind Occur in the Physical Universe?
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ball, J. (2006). Can NLP Systems be a Cognitive Black Box? Papers from the AAAI
Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-06-02, 1-6. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI
Ball, J. (2007a). A Bi-Polar Theory of Nominal and Clause Structure and Function.
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 27-54. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Ball, J. (2007b). Construction-Driven Language Processing. Proceedings of the 2nd
European Cognitive Science Conference, 122-121. Edited by S. Vosniadou, D.
Kayser & A. Protopapas. NY: LEA.
Ball, J., Heiberg, A. & Silber, R. (2007). Toward a Large-Scale Model of Language
Comprehension in ACT-R 6. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Cognitive Modeling, 173-179. Ed by R. Lewis, T. Polk & J. Laird. NY:
Psychology Press.
Cooke, N. J., Gorman, J. C, Pedersen, H. K., Winner, J. L., Duran, J., Taylor, A.,
Amazeen, P. G, & Andrews, D. (2007). Acquisition and retention of team
coordination in command-and-control. Technical Report for AFOSR Grant
FA9550-04-1-0234 and AFRL Award No. FA8650-04-6442.
Cooke, N. J., & Myers, C. W. (2008). Agent Based Approaches to Macrocognition: An
ACT-R Model of a Synthetic Teammate.
Gray, W. D. (Ed.). (2007). Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems. Oxford: OUP.
Prince, A. & Smolensky, P. (1993/2004). Optimality Theory: Constraint Interaction in
Generative Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell.
Foreign Collaborations and Supported Foreign Nationals
Myers, C. W., Best, B., Cooke, N. J., Lewis, M., McNeese, M., Zachary, W. (2009).
Synthetic Agents as Full-fledged Teammates. Panel discussion at the 53rd Annual
Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, TX.
Ball, J. (2008). A Naturalistic, Functional Approach to Modeling Language
Comprehension. Papers from the AAAI Fall 2008 Symposium, Naturally Inspired
Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
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