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2021, 8th International Conference on Research in Behavioral &Social Sciences
10 pages
1 file
The present paper aims at identifying some changes in the associative dimension of the concepts of "family", Freedom" and "life". The research of the associative dimension of the concepts is implemented by applying the method of the free associative experiment aimed at revealing informants' (English and Georgian speakers) associates-reactions to certain stimuli). The frequency ratios of reactions have been defined and the specifics of the core-periphery relationship has been identified in the associative fields. The analysis of the material of the free associative experiment revealed that the concepts of "family", "freedom" and "life" perceived and interpreted by the respondents have been manifested in the cause-effect, temporal, and spatial relations. The comparison of the lexical-semantic and associative fields has been made. The mentioned entities have been constructed by applying the principle of significance. According to the mentioned principle, each element of the field has been included in the system due to its meaning and significance determined on the basis of the system as a whole.
7th International Conference on Social Science, Humanities&Education, 2022
The article deals with the problem of detecting shifts in the associative continuum of the concept of "family" in the linguistic consciousness of modern English native speakers. The study of kinship systems has always been one of the central topics in anthropology. The fact that in most societies' kinship is one of the most important social institutions, determines the significance of the research topic. From the perspective of the anthropocentric paradigm a man perceives the universe, in other words, a man creates anthropocentric center in his consciousness which determines his spiritual essence, intentions of his actions and hierarchy of values. The regulators we need to perform in the universe are historically preconditionedthey are variable in time. The shifts in the world view and its subjects give impetus to values, hierarchy and thinking paradigms. Detection of the shifts in the associative continuum of the concept provides an opportunity to observe the dynamics of linguistic consciousness, more precisely, to observe the changes in the ideals, principles of perception, values, and spiritual orientation of the linguo-cultural community. The research of the associative continuum of the concept of "family" has been implemented by applying the method of constructing the associative field on the basis of the analysis of the results of the free associative experiment aimed at revealing respondents' (English native speakers) reactions to the stimulus "family".
This paper is focused on description of phenomenological characteristics of associative fields of mental states. The method of free association is used in the study. 61 students of both sexes aged 18 to 21 took part in the research. Group 1 had to write down their associations with 25 concepts of mental states. Group 2 participated in an associative experiment: participants had to name orally a single association with each of 25 mentioned mental states. The analysis of associative fields having been reconstructed on the basis of written and oral associations, demonstrated that all of them bear both equal and specific marks. Most of the states under study (as reflection, delight, joy, melancholy, hesitation, fatigue, tranquility ) led to written and verbal associations that form the core and perinuclear layers coincided with only few differences, in particular, the forms of their expression. Written and oral associations with individual states (as happiness, love, gaiety, loneliness ...
12th International Conference on Humanities, Psychology and Social Sciences , 2021
Any major transformation occurring in the world causes changes in the regulation of human activities. Ideals and principles of perception, activities, values, and spiritual orientation are variable in time. The regulators we need to perform in the universe are historically preconditionedthey imply a constant change of the world view and its subjects, they give impetus to values, hierarchy and thinking paradigms. The research of the linguistic consciousness is implemented by applying the method of the free associative experiment aimed at revealing informants' (English and Georgian speakers) associates-reactions to certain stimuli. The frequency ratios of reactions have been defined and the specifics of the core-periphery relationship has been identified in the associative fields. The procedure of the free associative experiment revealed: a. the similarities and differences between the linguistic world view depicted in the dictionaries; b. the specifics of the perception of certain concepts by modern native speakers; c. the character of the transformation of the linguistic world view according to the new extra linguistic realities. The comparison of the lexical-semantic and associative fields has been made. The mentioned entities have been constructed by applying the principle of significance. According to the mentioned principle, each element of the field has been included in the system due to its meaning and significance determined on the basis of the system as a whole.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The topicality of the research is based on the interest in the study of the concept of "home" in Kyrgyz cognitive linguistics. The concept of home is topical from the cultural, spiritual, and moral values of any culture including Kyrgyz. The novelty of the research is that the concept of home has been analyzed in the framework of the Kyrgyz Language. The aim of the paper is to study the concept of home in the Kyrgyz linguistic view of the world based on the associative experiment. To reach the aim of the paper, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, observation, statistical analysis, interpretation, and an associative experiment. In this paper, we have shared the results of the survey hold in Kyrgyzstan and 60 people participated as native speakers of the Kyrgyz language. This research provides an in-depth analysis of the results of the sociolinguistic survey and interviews, to determine the understanding of the concept of "home" in the Kyrgyz language view of the world. We have made up several detailed questions in order to learn the true meaning of the concept of home in current world of Kyrgyz people.
The cognitive approach to studying languages creates new opportunities for investigating conceptual structures of human consciousness via their language manifestations. Until recently, most of the assumptions within the field have been based on the linguistic introspection and/or intuition of the researcher. Although these "phenomenological methods" are quite informative, nowadays many proponents of Cognitive Linguistics desire to expand their investigative repertory incorporating empirical methods. In particular, the psychological relevance of the linguistic analyses may be supported by the application of the associative experiment method as responses evoked by a certain stimulus can be seen as the reflection of corresponding conceptual structures. This chapter describes the results of an associative experiment that was conducted with Ukrainian native speakers. The responses evoked by the derivatives represented by the Ukrainian words siryj ADJ 'grey', sirist N 'grey-ness', sirity V IMPERF 'to grow grey', and posirity V PERF 'to become grey' which conceptualise colour sensation as an attribute, an abstract entity and a process respectively, discover specific domains and reveal distinctive prototypical reference points for each of the stimuli. These semantic modifications accompanying the changes in grammatical conceptualization of the grey colour in the form of an adjective, noun, and verbs of different aspects can be explained as having derived their origin from our everyday experience, namely from the knowledge of specificity of the signified colour sensations.
Connotation and denotation are two important topics in semantics. Connotation of words can be examined by applying so-called semantic differential technique. It can help us to describe and estimate metaphorical as well as emotional meanings of words. In this study, we estimated the meaning of the following words: ''mum'', ''mother'', ''home'', ''house'', ''man'', and ''person''. We used a seven-point Likert scale, with ten pairs of opposites (adjectives). This scale was distributed among 76 students at the University of Sarajevo, where 21 of them were males and 55 were females. Our results pointed out the three following things. First, the word ''mum'' compared to the word ''mother'' sounds ''younger'', more ''active'', ''stronger'', more ''beautiful'', and ''closer''. The word ''home'' compared to the word ''house'' was somehow ''hotter'', ''softer'', more ''active'', more, ''beautiful'', ''closer'', and more ''clear''. Connotative meanings seem to be a very interesting subject of semiotics/semantics
Applied Linguistics-3D: Language, IT, ELT: III International Scientific and Practical Conference (May 23-24, 2024). – Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, 2024
In this article, we will try to find answers to the questions: how information as a concept is reflected in the language consciousness of Ukrainians. Let's trace the dynamics of changes lasting 10 years. Has the core of associative meaning of information changed? How information forms the language consciousness of Ukrainian society. Comparing the two associative fields also gives us the opportunity to track how the method of conducting an experiment affects the associative behavior of respondents.
Tujuan pendidikan ITB ini hendaknya menjadi acuan pokok dalam setiap matakuliah yang tercantum dalam kurikulum. Beberapa tujuan pendidikan yang dapat dijadikan acuan adalah:
As equipes de liderança estão se desenvolvendo e trazem novos pensamentos; há um aprofundamento na relação do líder com seu liderado, e sentimentos de companheirismo e amizade, cada vez mais presentes nas equipes de trabalho, têm apresentado bons resultados para as organizações. Este artigo visa identificar o papel do líder no processo de motivação das equipes de trabalho e procurar características influenciadoras que ele possa ter que refletem positivamente nos resultados das equipes e, por consequência, na empresa. Para isto, inicialmente desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas a uma equipe de liderança e, posteriormente, procedeu-se à análise dos dados coletados a fim de extrair resultados pertinentes ao assunto. Conclui-se que o estudo apresentou resultados satisfatórios, identificando os sentimentos dos líderes e de liderados quanto à cultura da organização em que atuam, podendo-se, a partir deles, iniciar um processo de reflexão para oportunizar melhori...
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