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1994, Proceedings of SPIE
28 pages
1 file
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
Collection "20 ans d'avancées et de perspectives en sciences du numérique" par les chercheurs d'équipes Inria de Grenoble et Lyon.
Face au defi de comprendre les processus d’apprentissage humain, notre programme de recherche interdisciplinaire vise donc a combiner d’une part des modelisations developpee en neurosciences computationnelles et en intelligence artificielle bio-inspiree et d’autre part la modelisation en sciences de l’education de la personne apprenante et la situation d’apprentissage dans une tâche bien definie. Ce programme doit contribuer aux travaux inities dans ce domaine emergent des sciences computationnelles de l’education (Computational Learning Sciences).
Academia Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, 2024
This paper provides an overview of citizen science and its applicability to sustainability and the promotion of a healthy planet. It begins by defining citizen science and highlighting its significance in engaging volunteers in scientific research and data collection. The study then examines the wide-ranging applicability of citizen science across various domains, including biodiversity monitoring, environmental monitoring, public health research, community science and advocacy, climate change research, education, urban planning, disaster response, and resilience. Each domain is explored in detail, showing how citizen science initiatives contribute valuable data and insights to inform decision-making processes and support sustainable development efforts. Furthermore, this paper discusses the linkage between indigenous knowledge and citizen science, emphasizing the complementary nature of these two knowledge systems. Through desktop research and the author's own experiences as a citizen scientist, key similarities between citizen science and indigenous knowledge are identified, highlighting the importance of recognizing and respecting diverse perspectives in addressing environmental challenges. This paper provides a theoretical framework for understanding citizen science and its interrelationship with indigenous knowledge and tradition. Recognizing the value of both traditional and scientific knowledge systems, citizen science offers a promising approach to building a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world.
Analytica, 2022
Aristotle examines the notion of teleion in chapter 16 of Metaphysics‘ Delta, the book in which he discriminates the various senses certain words of philosophical interest have. There are two senses of teleion, being complete and being perfect, but a third one is also pinpointed, as this paper endeavours to show when Aristotle considers the use of superlatives corresponding to the notion of perfection, either as relative or as absolute. The aim of this paper is to study the application of these three different senses in Aristotle‘s Ethics and to see to which extent their distinction can cast some light on certain hotly disputed issues of Aristotelian ethics.
Royal Studies Podcast, University of Winchester, 2024
Susannah Lyon-Whaley, from the Royal Studies Podcast, interviewed me on early Egyptian kingship, Queens as rulers, and the Early Dynastic period generally. We also discussed tikanga/Egyptology in Aotearoa New Zealand and how it relates to our modern times.
ABSTRAK Nilai hasil performance appraisal di PT. Emerio Indonesia belum dijadikan Emerio sebagai acuan dalam proses rekruitmen sehingga masih ditemukan proses rekruitmen yang belum maksimal dalam mendapatkan Software Engineer yang berkualitas. Dengan mengimplementasikan teknik klasifikasi data mining yaitu decision tree, data personal dan performance appraisal yang dimiliki oleh Emerio diolah sebagai sumber data untuk memprediksi performance Software Engineer di PT. Emerio Indonesia. Langkah-langkah implementasi dilakukan sesuai dengan tahapan penyelesaian data mining yaitu CRISP-DM. Sejumlah 103 data di Microsoft Excel diolah menjadi 101 data di CSV sebagai sumber data bagi pemodelan yang dilakukan melalui tools data mining, WEKA. Pemodelan klasifikasi dengan menggunakan WEKA menghasilkan satu model dan tujuh rule decision tree dari prediksi performance Software Engineer. Performance Software Engineer diprediksi ke dalam tiga kategori yaitu very competent, competent dan development needed. Masing-masing kategori ditentukan oleh kemampuan desain, pengujian, implementasi, analisis dan softskill dari Software Engineer. Tingkat akurasi model decision tree yang dihasilkan adalah 97.0297% dengan tingkat kesalahan sebesar 2.9703%. Implementasi data mining dalam prediksi performance Software Engineer di PT. Emerio Indonesia dengan menggunakan decision tree ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai acuan bagi Emerio dalam membuat kebijakan proses rekruitmen Software Engineer yang lebih baik sehingga akan diperoleh hasil rekruitmen dari Software Engineer yang berkualitas. ABSTRACT Result of performance appraisal at PT. Emerio Indonesia has not been used as a reference in recruitment process, some recruitment process are missing to get qualified Software Engineer arise thereafter. By implementing data mining classification technique namely decision tree, personal and performance appraisal data that was owned by Emerio are treated as a data source to predict Software Engineer performance at PT. Emerio Indonesia. Step by step of implementation are based on data mining completion methodology, CRISP-DM. A number of 103 data within Microsoft Excel are processed into 101 data within CSV as a data source of modeling process through data mining tools, WEKA. Classification modeling using WEKA produced one model and seven rule decision tree of Software Engineer performance prediction. Software Engineer performance is predicted into three categories: very competent, competent and development needed. Each category is determined by the ability of design, testing, implementation, analysis and soft skill of Software Engineer. Accuracy level of decision tree model result is 97.0297% with an error rate of 2.9703%. Data mining
İktisadi Sistemlerin Sosyolojisi, 2024
Ekonomi kurumu, tıpkı diğer kurumlar gibi ihtiyaçlarca ortaya çıkmış ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda ilerlemiştir. İlk olarak ekonomi felsefesine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan bu kurum ilerleyen vakitlerde bilimsel bir tema kazanarak kendini yasalara tabi kılmıştır. Ksenefon'dan Fizyokratlara kadar olan metafizik ve felsefe üzerinden yapılan ekonomi incelemeleri, Adam Smith ile birlikte yerini bilime ve yasalara bırakmıştır. Sonrasında klasik ekonomiye yönelik getirilen eleştirilerce yeni ekonomi bilimi önerileri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sistemler sosyolojiden büyük oranda yararlanmışlardır. Özellikle Komünizm ve Solidarizm sosyolojiyi ve toplumsallığı esas alması bakımından yasalarını bireyler üzerinden değil toplumlar üzerinden kurgulamıştır. Kısaca ekonomi bilimi sosyoloji ile sıkı ilişkiler geliştirmiş ve sistemin eleştirilmesi ve yapılandırılması konusunda sosyolojiye ihtiyaç duymuştur.
Вестник РГГУ. Серия «Литературоведение. Языкознание. Культурология», 2023
Journal of financial crime, 2024
International journal of higher education, 2014
Horticulturae, 2022
Haematology and Blood Transfusion / Hämatologie und Bluttransfusion, 1977
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023