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Marine life may be a huge ecosystem that faces many threats, the most important one being pollution. And one among the main contamination sources are oil spills. Oil spills are often devastating, especially when a large area of the ocean/sea is covered with it. The oil that gets leaked into the ocean pollutes the water and prevents algae from getting sunl ight and fish from getting the oxygen trapped in water. The oil also gets trapped within the wings of birds that feed on the fish, making it difficult for them to fly. In short, oil can pose an excellent threat to ocean life if not taken care of. Oil spill incidents occurred outside the Kamarajar Port in Ennore near Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India. The spill occurred on 28 January 2017 when an outbound empty tanker BW Maple collided with an inbound loaded oil tanker Dawn Kanchipuram at 04:00 local time.Image processing may be a rapidly growing technology, which has applications in computer vision also as remote sensing. Identifying oi...
This review paper aims to identify current advances in oil spill detections, oil spill cleanup, oil spill impacts on ecosystem and major oil spill occurrences around the world. More researches are being done to find out an effective way of monitoring, collecting data and analyzing them in order to recognize of any king of oil slicks on the land or sea surface. Collecting data deals with sea surface image capturing by using radars and satellites. Researches show that oil spillages are mainly caused by accidents from tanker collisions, corrosion of pipelines, and failure of equipment during transportation. Also, whenever oil spillage has been identified, immediate cleanup method and facilities must be put in place. This involves the use of dispersants, booms and other facilities for a removal of oil on the sea water or on land surface. Different researches reveal that oil spill have impacts on environment. Human lives, aquatic lives and economy of the society where oil spill has happened are under crisis because of harmful substances that contain in the petroleum compositions. Keywords: oil spill, cleanup method, monitoring, environment impact, economy
Environmental Forensics, 2009
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2018
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the use for detection of slicks features using kmeansalgorithm . Oil spills are seriously affecting the marine ecosystem and cause political and scientific concern since they seriously effect fragile marine and coastal ecosystem. Pollutant discharges affect the quality of sea water.Satellite images can improve the possibilities for the detection of oil spills as they cover large areas and offer an economical and easier way of continuous coast areas patrolling. Inorder to detect oil spills SAR iamges have been used.This paper provides an overview of the methodologies used to detect oil spills on the radar images. Approaches to distinguish oil spills from other natural phenomena are performed here.
Remote sensing provides an effective tool for timely oil pollution response. In this paper, the spectral signature in the optical and infrared domains of oil slicks observed in shallow coastal waters of the Arabian Gulf was investigated with MODIS, MERIS, and Landsat data. Images of the Floating Algae Index (FAI) and estimates of sea currents from hydrodynamic models supported the multi-sensor oil tracking technique. Scenes with and without sunglint were studied as the spectral signature of oil slicks in the optical domain depends upon the viewing geometry and the solar angle in addition to the type of oil and its thickness. Depending on the combination of those factors, oil slicks may exhibit dark or bright contrasts with respect to oil-free waters. Three oil spills events were thoroughly analyzed, namely, those detected on May 26 2000 by Landsat 7 ETM + and MODIS/Terra, on October 21 2007 by MERIS and MODIS, and on August 17 2013 by Landsat 8 and MODIS/Aqua. The oil slick with bright contrast observed by Landsat 7 ETM + on May 26 2000 showed lower temperature than oil-free areas. The spectral Rayleigh-corrected reflectance (R rc) signature of oil-covered areas indicated higher variability due to differences in oil fractions while the R rc spectra of the oil-free area were persistent. Combined with RGB composites, FAI images showed potentials in differentiating oil slicks from algal blooms. Ocean circulation and wind data were used to track oil slicks and forecast their potential landfall. The developed oil spill maps were in agreement with official records. The synergistic use of satellite observations and hydrodynamic modeling is recommended for establishing an early warning and decision support system for oil pollution response., " Environmental sensitivity Index (ESI) mapping for oil spills using remote sensing and geographic information system technology, " Int. J. Geogr. Info. Syst. 4(2), 181–201 (1990). 2. J. Lu, " Marine oil spill detection, statistics, and mapping with ERS SAR imagery in southeast Asia, " Int. J.
The Plymouth Student Scientist, 2015
Satellite and airborne remote sensing are the two main methods for mapping and identifying oil spills. It is important to accurately map oil spills so that a response effort is most effective. Although it is relatively easy to identify oil spills from remotely sensed imagery, it is more difficult to estimate oil thickness and type. However, it has been noted that due to an increasing issue of potential oil spills, technology is being developed to resolve some of these issues. Other ways that science is aiding in the identification of the specific oil characteristics is through developing models and algorithms by means of laboratory experimentation to update algorithms for oil dispersion rate etc.
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006
A new automated methodology for oil spill detection is presented, by which full synthetic aperture radar (SAR) high-resolution image scenes can be processed. The methodology relies on the object-oriented approach and profits from image segmentation techniques to detected dark formations. The detection of dark formations is based on a threshold definition that is fully adaptive to local contrast and brightness of large image segments. For the detection process, two empirical formulas are developed that also permit the classification of oil spills according to their brightness. A fuzzy classification method is used to classify dark formations as oil spills or look-alikes. Dark formations are not isolated and features of both dark areas and sea environment are considered. Various sea environments that affect oil spill shape and boundaries are grouped in two knowledge bases, used for the classification of dark formations. The accuracy of the method for the 12 SAR images used is 99.5% for the class of oil spills, and 98.8% for that of look-alikes. Fresh oil spills, fresh spills affected by natural phenomena, oil spills without clear stripping, small linear oil spills, oil spills with broken parts and amorphous oil spills can be successfully detected.
Terminologia A palavra "recurso" é proveniente do latim recursus, que contém a idéia de voltar atrás, de retroagir, retornar, recuar, retroceder, pressupondo um caminho já utilizado. Exatamente no significado da palavra, encontra-se a essência do instituto, pois a finalidade de qualquer via impugnativa a uma decisão é torná-la sem efeito, subsistindo a situação anterior. Em sentido técnico-processual, pode-se compreendê-lo com duas concepções: uma, ampla e outra, estrita. Assim, recurso pode ser todo instituto jurídico-processual que é utilizado para proteger direito. Ex.: contestação. Já em sentido estrito, o recurso será definido como o meio processual que permite, dentro da mesma relação jurídica processual, a anulação, a reforma, a integração ou o aclaramento da decisão judicial impugnada. Recorre-se da decisão que acolhe ou rejeita alguma pretensão no curso do processo sem pôr lhe fim (decisões interlocutórias), de decisões que põe fim ao processo com ou sem julgamento do mérito (sentenças), de decisões tomadas pelos tribunais (acórdãos). Só não comportam recurso os despachos de mero expediente, porque eles não contêm decisão alguma, limitando-se a dispor sobre o impulso do processo e ordenação dos atos processuais.
New Political Economy, 2016
Colour Literacy Forum #2, Teaching Colour Online, 2022
Revue de l’histoire des religions 4, 2015
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Transmídia Storytelling e complexidades narrativas, 2021
The Biblical Annals, 2022
Cervical cancer, 2021
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021
Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. Series in Audiovisual Art and Production
Cancer Genomics - Proteomics
Infection and Immunity, 2004
Saber & Educar, 2018
Malih Peddas (Majalah Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar), 2015
Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 2006