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2016, Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz
8 pages
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Gas hydrate , 2018
Natural gas hydrates are a source of energy been discovered since 1811 and were not of much interest at that time, because of the abundance of conventional resources and lack of technology to produce the resource. Now as time goes on, techniques are being experimented in the Laboratory on how to release gas from hydrate bearing sediments. It is necessary to decompose the gas hydrate. They are three primary gas hydrates production concepts that has been proposed to date, all based on the concept of in situ dissociation of gas hydrates to release free gas that can be delivered to the surface. These techniques are; Depressurization, Thermal injection, Inhibitor injection. Like all resources it is not easy to acquire them, they all have some challenges which make the production difficult and some of this challenges are; Equipment failure, Sand and Water production. Gas hydrates are primarily found in unconsolidated sands or clays. Methane Hydrate (MH) reservoirs are classified into three types: pore filling type MH reservoir, naturally fractured type MH reservoir and massive/nodule MH deposit. The properties of pore filling type MH reservoirs range widely; MH reservoirs with depth from 1,000 m to 1,500 m, thickness from a few meters to over 100 m, porosity from a few percent to over 40%, absolute permeability from a few milidarcy over 1,000 mD, initial effective permeability to water in the presence of MH from almost zero to over 10 mD, MH saturation from almost zero to over 90% have been confirmed. Gas hydrates can be stable over a wide range of pressures and temperatures. All gases can form hydrates under different pressure and temperature. Formation of gas hydrate occurs when water and natural gas are present at low temperature and high pressure. Such conditions often exist in oil and gas wells and pipelines. The crystalline structure of solid gas hydrate crystals has a strong dependence on gas composition, pressure and temperature. Presently three crystalline structures are known: structure I, II, and H. It has not been long that some techniques have been brought out for the production of natural gas from gas hydrate, though some techniques are still in the laboratory. Others have already been experimented in some countries such as; India, Japan, Canada, and Russia for the production of this resource. Key Words: Formation, Reservoir, Production, Depressurization, Thermal injection, Inhibitor injection
AGH Drilling,Oil,Gas, 2015
Journal of the Geological Society of India, 2017
Interest in natural gas hydrates has been steadily increasing over the last few decades, with the understanding that exploitation of this abundant unconventional source may help meet the ever-increasing energy demand and assist in reduction of CO2 emission (by replacing coal). Unfortunately, conventional technologies for oil and gas exploitation are not fully appropriate for the specific exploitation of gas hydrate. Consequently, the technology chain, from exploration through production to monitoring, needs to be further developed and adapted to the specific properties and conditions associated with gas hydrates, in order to allow for a commercially and environmentally sound extraction of gas from gas hydrate deposits. Various academic groups and companies within the European region have been heavily involved in theoretical and applied research of gas hydrate for more than a decade. To demonstrate this, Fig. 1.1 shows a selection of leading European institutes that are actively invo...
Technology audit and production reserves, 2021
The object of research is the use of a pipeline system for the production of methane and utilization of carbon dioxide. One of the most problematic areas in this scheme is the substantiation of the effectiveness and the possibility of using the existing pipeline system of countries that are gradually moving towards carbon neutrality of the economy based on the principles of sustainable development. In this case, these principles are implemented through the consumer’s access to clean energy by burning gas obtained from offshore hydrate fields at thermal power plants with the simultaneous utilization of carbon dioxide. In the course of the study, the methods of mathematical modelling of the development of offshore gas hydrate fields were used, which were developed earlier in the study of methane production from hydrate deposits by the replacement method. Comparison of the block diagram of the development of offshore gas hydrate fields using the existing pipeline system by means of log...
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016
Gas hydrate deposits which are found in deep ocean sediments and in permafrost regions are supposed to be a fossil fuel reserve for the future. The Black Sea is also considered rich in terms of gas hydrates. It abundantly contains gas hydrates as methane (CH 4~8 0e99.9%) source. In this study, by using the literature seismic and other data of the Black Sea such as salinity, porosity of the sediments, common gas type, temperature distribution and pressure gradient, the optimum gas production method for the Black Sea gas hydrates was selected as mainly depressurization method. It was proposed that CO 2 /N 2 injection as a production method from the potential Black Sea gas hydrates might not be favorable. Experimental setup (high pressure cell, gas flow meter, water-gas separator, mass balance, pressure transducers and thermocouples) for gas production from the Black gas hydrates by using depressurization method was designed according to the results of HydrateResSim numerical simulator. It was shown that cylindrical high pressure cell (METU Cell) with 30 cm inner length and 30 cm inner diameter with a volume 21.64 L in this study might reflect flow controlled conditions as in the real gas hydrate reservoirs. Moreover, 100 mesh portable separator in METU cell might be very useful to mimic Class 1 hydrate reservoirs and horizontal wells in gas hydrate reservoirs experimentally.
Batch production of natural gas hydrate (NGH) is carried out by enhancing the formation process using specific materials at about 100 bar and 4 o C. On the onset of hydrate formation suitable low dosage hydrate stabilizer was injected into the pressure reactor to stabilize the produced hydrate for the subsequent storage and transportation. In order to obtain a gas-rich dry-hydrate a heating-cooling regime was applied inside the hydrate metastable zone leading to melting the present ice, filling the hydrate cages and converting the remaining liquid water to hydrate. The used additives are able to produce gas-rich NGH (increasing storage capacity), enhancing hydrate formation rate, and stabilizing the hydrate structure for lower pressure storage and transportation.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021 Even as petroleum E&P activities increase to meet the ever-increasing global energy demand, there is need to address the environmental concerns associated with burning of fossil fuels. Natural gas is a cleaner fuel that has been identified as a strategic energy resource that will meet the present demand while minimizing carbon dioxide emissions. The presence of massive natural gas hydrate deposits widely distributed globally presents enormous potential that can be harnessed to attain energy sustainability. India, China and Japan have been at the forefront of research and exploration of gas hydrates in Asia. Though remarkable exploration and production results in the field tests have been observed, sustained efficient production, maintaining mechanical integrity of the formation and disposal of the produced water remain as challenges that must be addressed before commencing production at a commercial scale. This paper presents comprehensive insights on natural gas hydrates as an energy source and reviews the advancements made in exploring natural gas hydrates in Asia as well as the challenges encountered.
Advertisement plays an essential role in changing the consumer behavior towards a particular product. This study is conducted to explore the collision of environmental and emotional response on consumer buying behavior. Advertisement reminds its impact on consumer mind which attracts them to buy that particular product. The responses of 200 respondents are gathered from different universities of Faisalabad region of Pakistan through a circulated well-structured questionnaire. Multiple regression technique is used as a statistical tool and empirical results reveal that emotional response play positive and significant role to influence the consumer buying behavior. On the other hand, negative and significant role of environmental response has been seen in determining the consumer buying behavior.
Um Filme em Forma de Assim [trad. PT/ESP], 2024
Título Original: Um Filme em Forma de Assim (2022) Realizado por: João Botelho Elenco: Gabriela Barros , Maria Leite , Rita Blanco , Soraia Chaves , Inês Castel-Branco , Isabél Zuaa Sinopse: “Um Filme em Forma de Assim” – que vai buscar o nome à obra “Uma Coisa em Forma de Assim”, onde está reunida toda a prosa de Alexandre O'Neill (1924-1986) – conta com realização de João Botelho (“Um Adeus Português” "A Corte do Norte", "Filme do Desassossego", "Os Maias" ou “Peregrinação”, “O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis”) segundo um argumento seu e de Maria Antónia Oliveira. É, segundo as palavras do realizador, “organizado como um sonho, estruturado como um musical e com textos, tanto ditos como cantados, que nos conduzem a situações inesperadas, caóticas e emocionantes, na tentativa de agarrar parte do que o inalcançável Alexandre O'Neill nos deixou.” O elenco conta com um longo elenco de actores, onde se destacam Pedro Lacerda, Inês Castel-Branco, Cláudio da Silva, Crista Alfaiate, Ana Quintans, Carmen Santos, Rita Blanco, Joana Botelho e Luís Lima Barreto. Em Portugal, "Um Filme em Forma de Assim" foi lançado comercialmente a 12 de maio de 2022.
International Journal of Statistics and Systems, 2017
Histoire & Mesure, 2022
La respuesta de los estudiantes indígenas frente al COVID-19: el caso de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador, 2023
INCOSE International Symposium, 2020
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2008
Systematic Biology, 1996
Kaygı: Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 2024
Current Health Sciences Journal, 2021
Molecular Physics, 2000
Historia. Instituciones. Documentos, 1998