Supplement to
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations
Dallas, Texas
February 1–3, 2015
Mary Fran Hazinski (AHA)
Jerry P. Nolan (ERC)
International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Editorial Board
Vinay M. Nadkarni (ILCOR Co-Chair, AHA)
Gavin D. Perkins (ILCOR Co-Chair, ERC)
William H. Montgomery (C2015 Consensus
Conference Coordinator, AHA)
Monica E. Kleinman (Conference
Co-Chair, AHA)
Maaret Castren (Conference Co-Chair, ERC)
Richard Aickin (COI Co-Chair, ERC)
John E. Billi (COI Co-Chair, AHA)
Farhan Bhanji (HSFC)
Clifton W. Callaway (AHA)
Allan R. de Caen (HSFC)
Judith C. Finn (ANZCOR)
Lana M. Gent (AHA)
Participating ILCOR Resuscitation Councils
American Heart Association (AHA)
Australian and New Zealand Committee on
Resuscitation (ANZCOR)
European Resuscitation Council (ERC)
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC)
InterAmerican Heart Foundation (IAHF)
Resuscitation Council of Asia (RCA)
Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa (RCSA)
Eddy Lang (Grade Expert, HSFC)
Swee Han Lim (RCA)
Ian K. Maconochie (ERC)
Peter T. Morley (Evidence
Evaluation Expert, ANZCOR)
Nikolaos I. Nikolaou (ERC)
Robert W. Neumar (AHA)
Jeffrey M. Perlman (AHA)
Eunice M. Singletary (AHA)
Jasmeet Soar (ERC)
Andrew H. Travers (HSFC)
Michelle Welsford (HSFC)
Jonathan Wyllie (ERC)
David A. Zideman (ERC)
2015 ILCOR Honorees
Tom P. Aufderheide
Karl B. Kern
Vinay M. Nadkarni
Jerry P. Nolan
Roger D. White
Alicia G. Pederson
Russell E. Griffin
Jose Maria E. Ferrer
Mandy L. Cootes
Kara Robinson
Jody Hundley
Sandra Iverson
Joe Loftin
We acknowledge the considerable contributions made by the late Professor Ian Jacobs, PhD, to this 2015 International Consensus
on CPR Science. Professor Jacobs led ILCOR with passion and vision from 2010 to October 19, 2014.
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Editorial Board
Circulation. 2015;132:S1
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000302
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Part 1: Executive Summary
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Mary Fran Hazinski, Co-Chair*; Jerry P. Nolan, Co-Chair*; Richard Aickin; Farhan Bhanji;
John E. Billi; Clifton W. Callaway; Maaret Castren; Allan R. de Caen; Jose Maria E. Ferrer;
Judith C. Finn; Lana M. Gent; Russell E. Griffin; Sandra Iverson; Eddy Lang; Swee Han Lim;
Ian K. Maconochie; William H. Montgomery; Peter T. Morley; Vinay M. Nadkarni;
Robert W. Neumar; Nikolaos I. Nikolaou; Gavin D. Perkins; Jeffrey M. Perlman;
Eunice M. Singletary; Jasmeet Soar; Andrew H. Travers; Michelle Welsford;
Jonathan Wyllie; David A. Zideman
Toward International Consensus on Science
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR) was formed in 1993 and currently includes representatives from the American Heart Association (AHA),
the European Resuscitation Council, the Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada, the Australian and New Zealand
Committee on Resuscitation, the Resuscitation Council of
Southern Africa, the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, and the
Resuscitation Council of Asia. The ILCOR mission is to identify and review international science and information relevant
to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) and to offer consensus on treatment
recommendations. ECC includes all responses necessary to
treat sudden life-threatening events affecting the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, with a particular focus on sudden
cardiac arrest. For this 2015 consensus publication, ILCOR
also included first aid topics in its international review and
consensus recommendations.
In 1999, the AHA hosted the first ILCOR conference to
evaluate resuscitation science and develop common resuscitation guidelines. The conference recommendations were
published in the Guidelines 2000 for CPR and ECC.1 Since
2000, researchers from the ILCOR member councils have
evaluated and reported their International Consensus on
CPR and ECC Science With Treatment Recommendations
(CoSTR) in 5-year cycles. The conclusions and recommendations of the 2010 CoSTR were published at the end
of 2010.2,3 Since that time, ILCOR meetings and webinars
have continued to identify and evaluate resuscitation science. The most recent ILCOR 2015 International Consensus
Conference on CPR and ECC Science With Treatment
Recommendations was held in Dallas in February 2015, and
this publication contains the consensus science statements
and treatment recommendations developed with input from
the ILCOR task forces, the invited participants, and public
The Parts of this CoSTR publication include a summary
of the ILCOR processes of evidence evaluation and management of potential or perceived conflicts of interest, and then
reports of the consensus of the task forces on adult basic life
support (BLS; including CPR quality and use of an automated external defibrillator [AED]); advanced life support
(ALS; including post–cardiac arrest care); acute coronary
syndromes (ACS); pediatric BLS and ALS; neonatal resuscitation; education, implementation, and teams (EIT); and
first aid.
The 2015 CoSTR publication is not a comprehensive
review of every aspect of resuscitation medicine; not all topics
reviewed in 2010 were rereviewed in 2015. This Executive
Summary highlights the evidence evaluation and treatment
recommendations of this 2015 evidence evaluation process.
Not all relevant references are cited here, because the detailed
systematic reviews are included in the individual Parts of the
2015 CoSTR publication.
A list of all topics reviewed can be found in the Appendix.
Evidence Evaluation Process
The 2015 evidence evaluation process started in 2012 when
ILCOR representatives formed 7 task forces: BLS, ALS, ACS,
pediatric BLS and ALS, neonatal resuscitation, EIT, and, for
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Hazinski MF, Nolan JP, Aickin R, Bhanji F, Billi JE, Callaway
CW, Castren M, de Caen AR, Ferrer JME, Finn JC, Gent LM, Griffin RE, Iverson S, Lang E, Lim SH, Maconochie IK, Montgomery WH, Morley
PT, Nadkarni VM, Neumar RW, Nikolaou NI, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Singletary EM, Soar J, Travers AH, Welsford M, Wyllie J, Zideman DA. Part
1: executive summary: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S2–S39.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S2–S39. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000270.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000270
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Hazinski et al
the first time, first aid. Each task force performed detailed systematic reviews based on the recommendations of the Institute
of Medicine of the National Academies,4 and the criteria of a
measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR).5
The task forces used the methodologic approach for evidence
evaluation and development of recommendations proposed by
the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group.6 Each task force
identified and prioritized the questions to be addressed (using
the PICO [population, intervention, comparator, outcome] format)7 and identified and prioritized the outcomes to be reported.
Then, with the assistance of information scientists, a detailed
search for relevant articles was performed in each of 3 online
databases (PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library).
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles
were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for each
question created a reconciled risk-of-bias assessment for each
of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools: Cochrane
for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),8 Quality Assessment
of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2 for studies of
diagnostic accuracy,9 and GRADE for observational studies
that inform both therapy and prognosis questions.10
Using the online GRADE Guideline Development Tool,
the evidence reviewers created evidence profile tables11 to
facilitate evaluation of the evidence in support of each of the
critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence
(or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as
high, moderate, low, or very low,12 based on the study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk of bias,
inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and publication bias
(and occasionally other considerations).6
These evidence profile tables were then used to create a written summary of evidence for each outcome (the
Consensus on Science statements). These statements were
drafted by the evidence reviewers and then discussed and
debated by the task forces until consensus was reached.
Whenever possible, consensus-based treatment recommendations were created. These recommendations (designated
as strong or weak and either for or against a therapy or diagnostic test) were accompanied by an overall assessment of
the evidence, and a statement from the task force about the
values and preferences that underlie the recommendations.
Further details of the methodology of the evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and
Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
This summary uses wording consistent with the wording
recommended by GRADE and used throughout this publication. Weak recommendations use the word suggest, as in, “We
suggest….” Strong recommendations are indicated by the use
of the word recommend, as in, “We recommend….”
In the years 2012–2015, 250 evidence reviewers from 39
countries completed 169 systematic reviews addressing resuscitation or first aid questions. The ILCOR 2015 Consensus
Conference was attended by 232 participants representing 39
countries; 64% of the attendees came from outside the United
States. This participation ensured that this final publication
represents a truly international consensus process.
Many of the systematic reviews included in this 2015
CoSTR publication were presented and discussed at
Part 1: Executive Summary
monthly or semimonthly task force webinars as well as at
the ILCOR 2015 Consensus Conference. Public comment
was sought at 2 stages in the process. Initial feedback was
sought about the specific wording of the PICO questions
and the initial search strategies, and subsequent feedback
was sought after creation of the initial draft consensus
on science statements and treatment recommendations.13
A total of 492 comments were received. At each of these
points in the process, the public comments were made
available to the evidence reviewers and task forces for their
With the support of science and technology specialists at
the AHA, a Web-based information system was built to support the creation of scientific statements and recommendations. An online platform known as the Scientific Evaluation
and Evidence Review System (SEERS) was developed to
guide the task forces and their individual evidence reviewers.
The SEERS system was also used to capture public comments
and suggestions.
To provide the widest possible dissemination of the science reviews performed for the 2015 consensus, as noted
above, the list of completed systematic reviews is included
in the Appendix. In addition, in each Part of the 2015 CoSTR
document, each summary of the consensus on science and the
treatment recommendations contains a live link to the relevant
systematic review on the SEERS site. This link is identified
by 3 or 4 letters followed by 3 numbers. These systematic
reviews will be updated as additional science is published.
This publication was ultimately approved by all ILCOR
member organizations and by an international editorial board
(listed on the title page of this supplement). The AHA Science
Advisory and Coordinating Committee and the Editorin-Chief of Circulation obtained peer reviews of each Part
of this supplement before it was accepted for publication.
The supplement is being published online simultaneously by
Circulation and Resuscitation.
Management of Potential Conflicts of Interest
A rigorous conflict of interest (COI) management policy
was followed at all times and is described in more detail in
“Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of
Interest” of this 2015 CoSTR. A full description of these policies and their implementation can be found in “Part 4: Conflict
of Interest Management Before, During, and After the 2010
International Consensus Conference on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
With Treatment Recommendations” in the 2010 CoSTR.14
As in 2010, anyone involved in any part of the 2015 process
disclosed all commercial relationships and other potential
conflicts; in total, the AHA processed more than 1000 COI
declarations. These disclosures were taken into account in
assignment of task force co-chairs and members, writing
group co-chairs, and other leadership roles. In keeping with
the AHA COI policy, a majority of the members of each
task force writing group had to be free of relevant conflicts.
Relationships were also screened for conflicts in assigning
evidence reviewers for each systematic review.
As in 2010, dual-screen projection was used for all
sessions of the ILCOR 2015 Consensus Conference. One
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screen displayed the presenter’s COI disclosures continuously throughout his or her presentation. Whenever participants or task force members spoke, their relationships
were displayed on one screen, so all participants could see
potential conflicts in real time, even while slides were projected on the second screen. During all other ILCOR meetings and during all conference calls and webinars, relevant
conflicts were declared at the beginning of each meeting and
preceded any comments made by participants with relevant
Applying Science to Improve Survival
From Consensus on Science to Guidelines
This publication presents international consensus statements
that summarize the science of resuscitation and first aid and,
wherever possible, treatment recommendations. ILCOR
member organizations will subsequently publish resuscitation guidelines that are consistent with the science in this
consensus publication, but they will also take into account
geographic, economic, and system differences in practice and
the availability of medical devices and drugs and the ease or
difficulty of training. All ILCOR member organizations are
committed to minimizing international differences in resuscitation practice and to optimizing the effectiveness of resuscitation practice, instructional methods, teaching aids, and
training networks.
The recommendations of the ILCOR 2015 Consensus
Conference confirm the safety and effectiveness of various current approaches, acknowledge other approaches as
ineffective, and introduce new treatments resulting from
evidence-based evaluation. New and revised treatment recommendations do not imply that clinical care that involves
the use of previously published guidelines is either unsafe
or ineffective. Implications for education and retention
were also considered when developing the final treatment
Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in
the world,15 and in the United States cardiovascular disease is responsible for 1 in 3 deaths, approximately 786 641
deaths every year.16 Annually in the United States, there
are approximately 326 200 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
(OHCAs) assessed by emergency medical services (EMS)
providers, and there are an additional estimated 209 000
treated in-hospital cardiac arrests (IHCAs).16 There are no
significant differences between Europe, North America,
Asia, and Australia in the incidence of OHCA. The incidence of patients with OHCA considered for resuscitation
is lower in Asia (55 per year per 100 000 population) than
in Europe (86), North America (103), and Australia (113).17
The incidence of patients in OHCA with presumed cardiac
cause in whom resuscitation was attempted is higher in
North America (58 per 100 000 population) than in the other
3 continents (35 in Europe, 32 in Asia, and 44 in Australia).17
However, most victims die out of hospital without receiving
the interventions described in this publication.
The actions linking the adult victim of sudden cardiac arrest
with survival are characterized as the adult Chain of Survival.
The links in this Chain of Survival are early recognition of
the emergency and activation of the EMS system, early CPR,
early defibrillation, early ALS, and skilled post–cardiac
arrest/postresuscitation care. The links in the infant and child
Chain of Survival are prevention of conditions leading to cardiopulmonary arrest, early CPR, early activation of the EMS
system, early ALS, and skilled post–cardiac arrest/postresuscitation care.
Newest Developments in
Resuscitation: 2010–2015
There is good evidence that survival rates after OHCA are
improving.18–22 This is particularly true for those cases of
witnessed arrest when the first monitored rhythm is shockable (ie, associated with ventricular fibrillation [VF] or pulseless ventricular tachycardia [pVT]), but increases in survival
from nonshockable rhythms are also well documented.23
These improvements in survival have been associated with
the increased emphasis on CPR quality as well as improved
consistency in the quality of post–cardiac arrest/postresuscitation care.
Each task force identified important developments in
resuscitation science since the publication of the 2010 CoSTR.
These developments are noted in brief below. After the brief
list of developments, summaries of the evidence reviews are
organized by task force.
Adult Basic Life Support
The following is a summary of the most important evidencebased recommendations for performance of adult BLS:
• The EMS dispatcher plays a critical role in identifying
cardiac arrest, providing CPR instructions to the caller,
and activating the emergency response.24–28
• The duration of submersion is a key prognostic factor
when predicting outcome from drowning.29–40
• The fundamental performance metrics of high-quality
CPR remain the same, with an emphasis on compressions of adequate rate and depth, allowing full chest
recoil after each compression, minimizing pauses in
compressions, and avoiding excessive ventilation. Some
additional registry data suggest an optimal range for
compression rate and depth.41,42
• Public access defibrillation programs providing early
defibrillation have the potential to save many lives if the
programs are carefully planned and coordinated.43–55
Advanced Life Support
The most important developments in ALS included the
publication of additional studies of the effects of mechanical CPR devices, drug therapy, and insertion of advanced
airway devices on survival from cardiac arrest. In addition,
the task force evaluated several studies regarding post–cardiac arrest care and the use of targeted temperature management (TTM).
• The evidence in support of mechanical CPR devices was
again reviewed. Three large trials of mechanical chest
compression devices56–58 enrolling 7582 patients showed
outcomes are similar to those resulting from manual
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chest compressions. While these devices should not
routinely replace manual chest compressions, they may
have a role in circumstances where high-quality manual
compressions are not feasible.
• The Executive Summary for the 2010 CoSTR2,3 noted
the insufficient evidence that drug administration
improved survival from cardiac arrest. The 2015 systematic review identified large observational studies that
challenged the routine use of advanced airways59–65 and
the use of epinephrine66–68 as part of ALS. Because of
the inherent risk of bias in observational studies, these
data did not prompt a recommendation to change practice but do provide sufficient equipoise for large RCTs
to test whether advanced airways and epinephrine are
helpful during CPR.
• Post–cardiac arrest care is probably the area of resuscitation that has undergone the greatest evolution since
2010, with substantial potential to improve survival from
cardiac arrest. Recent improvements include further
delineation of the effects, timing, and components of
TTM, and awareness of the need to control oxygenation
and ventilation and optimize cardiovascular function.
• The effect and timing of TTM continues to be defined by
many studies published after 2010. One high-quality trial
could not demonstrate an advantage to a temperature goal
of either 33°C or 36°C for TTM,69 and 5 trials could not
identify any benefit from prehospital initiation of hypothermia with the use of cold intravenous fluids.70–74 The excellent outcomes for all patients in these trials reinforced the
opinion that post–cardiac arrest patients should be treated
with a care plan that includes TTM, but there is uncertainty
about the optimal target temperature, how it is achieved,
and for how long temperature should be controlled.
Part 1: Executive Summary
to identify those patients who have a less than 1% 30-day
risk of a major adverse cardiac event (MACE).
• We suggest withholding oxygen in normoxic patients
with ACS.
• Primary PCI is generally preferred to fibrinolysis for
STEMI reperfusion, but that decision should be individualized based on time from symptom onset (early
presenters), anticipated time (delay) to PCI, relative contraindications to fibrinolysis, and other patient factors.
• For adult patients presenting with STEMI in the emergency department (ED) of a non–PCI-capable hospital,
either transport expeditiously for primary PCI (without
fibrinolysis) or administer fibrinolysis and transport
early for routine angiography in the first 3 to 6 hours (or
up to 24 hours).
• For select adult patients with return of spontaneous
circulation (ROSC) after OHCA of suspected cardiac
origin with ST-elevation on electrocardiogram (ECG),
we recommend emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation (in comparison with delayed or no
catheterization). In select comatose adult patients with
ROSC after OHCA of suspected cardiac origin but without ST-elevation on ECG, we suggest emergency cardiac
catheterization evaluation.
Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
The most important new developments in pediatric resuscitation since 2010 include the publication of the results of a study
of TTM in children following ROSC after OHCA. Additional
new developments include refinement of long-standing recommendations regarding fluid therapy and antiarrhythmics.
These new developments are summarized here:
• When
Acute Coronary Syndromes
The following are the most important evidenced-based recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of ACS since the 2010
ILCOR review:
• Prehospital
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
(STEMI) activation of the catheterization laboratory reduces
treatment delays and also improves patient mortality.
• Adenosine diphosphate receptor antagonists and unfractionated heparin (UFH) can be given either prehospital or in-hospital for suspected STEMI patients with a
planned primary percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI) approach.
• Prehospital enoxaparin may be used as an alternative
to prehospital UFH as an adjunct for primary PCI for
STEMI. There is insufficient evidence to recommend
prehospital bivalirudin as an alternative.
• The use of troponins at 0 and 2 hours as a stand-alone
measure for excluding the diagnosis of ACS is strongly
• We recommend against using troponins alone to exclude
the diagnosis of ACS. We suggest that negative high-sensitivity troponin I (hs-cTnI) measured at 0 and 2 hours may
be used together with low-risk stratification or negative cardiac troponin I (cTnI) or cardiac troponin T (cTnT) measured at 0 and 3 to 6 hours with very-low risk stratification
caring for children remaining unconscious after
OHCA, outcomes are improved when fever is prevented,
and a period of moderate therapeutic hypothermia or
strict maintenance of normothermia is provided.75
• The use of restricted volumes of isotonic crystalloid may
lead to improved outcomes from pediatric septic shock
in specific settings. When caring for children with febrile
illnesses (especially in the absence of signs of overt septic shock), a cautious approach to fluid therapy should be
used, punctuated with frequent patient reassessment.76
• The use of lidocaine or amiodarone for treatment of
shock-resistant pediatric VF/pVT improves short-term
outcomes, but there remains a paucity of information
about their effects on long-term outcomes.77
Neonatal Resuscitation
The Neonatal Task Force identified new information about the
association between admission temperature in newly born infants
and morbidity and mortality, evaluated new evidence regarding
the role of routine intubation of nonvigorous infants born through
meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and evaluated new evidence
regarding the use of the ECG to assess heart rate. The systematic
reviews of these topics will result in new recommendations.
• The admission temperature of newly born nonasphyxiated
infants is a strong predictor of mortality and morbidity at
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all gestations. For this reason, it should be recorded as a
predictor of outcomes as well as a quality indicator.78–82
• There is insufficient published human evidence to
suggest routine tracheal intubation for suctioning of
meconium in nonvigorous infants born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid as opposed to no tracheal
intubation for suctioning.83
• It is suggested in babies requiring resuscitation that the
ECG can be used to provide a rapid and accurate estimation of heart rate.84–86
Education, Implementation, and Teams
The most noteworthy reviews or changes in recommendations
for EIT since the last ILCOR review in 2010 pertain to training and the importance of systems of care focused on continuous quality improvement.
It is now recognized that training should be more frequent and
less time consuming (high frequency, low dose) to prevent
skill degradation; however, the evidence for this is weak.
• High-fidelity
manikins may be preferred to standard
manikins at training centers/organizations that have the
infrastructure, trained personnel, and resources to maintain the program.
• The importance of performance measurement and feedback in cardiac arrest response systems (in-hospital and
out-of-hospital) is well recognized but remains supported by data of low quality. CPR feedback devices
(providing directive feedback) are useful to learn psychomotor CPR skills.
• Retraining cycles of 1 to 2 years are not adequate to
maintain competence in resuscitation skills. The optimal retraining intervals are yet to be defined, but more
frequent training may be helpful for providers likely to
encounter a cardiac arrest.
in patients with diabetes, and on the injury topics of first aid
treatment of open chest wounds and severe bleeding and on
identification of concussion.
• The single most important new treatment recommenda-
tion of the 2015 International Consensus on First Aid
Science With Treatment Recommendations is the recommendation in favor of the use of stroke assessment
systems by first aid providers to improve early identification of possible stroke and enable subsequent referral
for definitive treatment. The FAST (Face, Arm, Speech,
Time)89,90 tool and the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke
Scale91 are recommended, with the important caveat that
recognition specificity can be improved by including
blood glucose measurement.
• First aid providers are often faced with the signs and
symptoms of hypoglycemia. Failure to treat this effectively can lead to serious consequences such as loss of
consciousness and seizures. The 2015 CoSTR recommends the administration of glucose tablets for conscious
individuals who can swallow. If glucose tablets are not
immediately available, then recommendations for various
substitute forms of dietary sugars have been made.92–94
• The recommendation for the management of open chest
wounds by not using an occlusive dressing or device,
or any dressing or device that may become occlusive,
emphasizes the inherent serious life-threatening risk of
creating a tension pneumothorax.95
• Recommendations for the management of severe bleeding include the use of direct pressure, hemostatic dressings,96–99 and tourniquets.100–106 However, formal training
in the use of hemostatic dressings and tourniquets will
be required to ensure their effective application and use.
• The 2015 First Aid Task Force recommends the development of a simple validated concussion scoring system
for use by first aid providers in the accurate identification
and management of concussion (minor traumatic brain
injury), a condition commonly encountered by first aid
providers in the prehospital environment.
• You can’t improve what you don’t measure, so systems
that facilitate performance measurement and quality
improvement initiatives are to be used where possible.
• Data-driven, performance-focused debriefing can help
improve performance of resuscitation teams.
• There is increasing evidence (albeit of low quality) that
treatment of post–cardiac arrest patients in regionalized
cardiac arrest centers is associated with increased survival.87,88 OHCA victims should be considered for transport to a specialist cardiac arrest center as part of a wider
regional system of care.
• Advances in the use of technology and social media
for notification of the occurrence of suspected OHCA
and sourcing of bystanders willing to provide CPR. The
role of technology/social media in the bystander CPR
response for OHCA is evolving rapidly.
First Aid
The First Aid Task Force reviewed evidence on the medical topics of stroke assessment, treatment of hypoglycemia
Summary of the 2015 ILCOR Consensus on
Science With Treatment Recommendations
The following sections contain summaries of the key systematic reviews of the 2015 CoSTR. These summaries are organized by task force. Note that there are few references cited in
the summaries; we refer the reader to the detailed information
prepared by each task force in other Parts of the 2015 CoSTR.
Adult Basic Life Support
The ILCOR 2015 Consensus Conference addressed intervention, diagnostic, and prognostic questions related to the performance of BLS. The body of knowledge encompassed in
this Part comprises 23 systematic reviews, with 32 treatment
recommendations, derived from a GRADE evaluation of 27
randomized clinical trials and 181 observational studies of
variable design and quality conducted over a 35-year period.
These have been grouped into (1) early access and cardiac
arrest prevention, (2) early high-quality CPR, and (3) early
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Early Access and Cardiac Arrest Prevention
Early access for the victim of OHCA begins when a bystander
contacts the EMS dispatcher, who then coordinates the emergency response to that cardiac arrest. The dispatcher’s role in
identifying possible cardiac arrest, dispatching responders,
and providing instructions to facilitate bystander performance
of chest compressions has been demonstrated in multiple
countries with consistent improvement in cardiac arrest survival. Dispatchers should be educated to identify unconsciousness with abnormal breathing. This education should include
recognition of, and significance of, agonal breaths across a
range of clinical presentations and descriptions. If the victim
is unconscious with abnormal or absent breathing, it is reasonable to assume that the patient is in cardiac arrest at the time of
the call. On the basis of these assessments, dispatchers should
provide instructions to callers for compression-only CPR for
adults with suspected OHCA.
Two systematic reviews involved cardiac arrest prevention: one addressed deployment of search-and-rescue
operations for drowning, and the other addressed education
regarding opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies. In
reviewing the evidence to support the rational and judicious
deployment of search-and-rescue operations for drowning
victims, evidence demonstrates that submersion duration can
be used to predict outcome. In contrast, age, EMS response
interval, water type (fresh/salt), water temperature, and witness status should not be used when making prognostic decisions. The systematic reviews in 2015 also demonstrated that
rescuers should consider opioid overdose response education
with or without naloxone distribution to persons at risk for
opioid overdose in any setting.
Early High-Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Similar to the 2010 ILCOR BLS treatment recommendations,
the importance of high-quality CPR was re-emphasized, with
a goal of optimizing all measures of CPR quality, which
include adequate compression rate and depth, allowing full
chest recoil after each compression, minimizing interruptions in chest compressions, and avoiding excessive ventilation. The systematic reviews clearly showed that all rescuers
should be providing chest compressions to all victims of cardiac arrest. Those with additional training, who are able and
willing, should also give rescue breaths. Laypersons should
initiate CPR for presumed cardiac arrest without concern of
harm to patients not in cardiac arrest.
With respect to skills, laypersons and healthcare providers
should compress the chest on the lower half of the sternum at
a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute (not to exceed
120 compressions per minute) with a compression depth of
approximately 2 inches (5 cm) while avoiding excessive chest
compression depths of greater than 2.4 inches (6 cm) in an
average-sized adult. All rescuers need to avoid leaning on the
chest between compressions to allow full chest-wall recoil.
Rescuers must attempt to minimize the frequency and
duration of interruptions in compressions to maximize the
number of compressions actually delivered per minute. For
adult patients receiving CPR with no advanced airway, the
interruption of chest compressions for delivery of 2 breaths
should be less than 10 seconds, and the chest compression
Part 1: Executive Summary
fraction (ie, total CPR time devoted to compressions) should
be as high as possible, and at least 60%. Results from systematic reviews propose the use of real-time audiovisual feedback
and prompt devices during CPR in clinical practice as part of
a comprehensive system of care for patients in cardiac arrest.
With respect to sequencing, a compression-ventilation
ratio of 30:2 is recommended, commencing CPR with compressions rather than ventilations, and pausing chest compressions every 2 minutes to assess the cardiac rhythm.
Other highlights in 2015 included evidence from EMS
systems that use bundles of care focusing on providing highquality, minimally interrupted chest compressions while
transporting the patient from the scene of cardiac arrest to the
hospital system of care. Where similar EMS systems* have
adopted bundles of care involving minimally interrupted cardiac resuscitation,† the bundle of care is a reasonable alternative to conventional CPR for witnessed shockable OHCA.
The task force noted a large ongoing trial of continuous
chest compressions by EMS staff compared with conventional
(30 compressions to 2 breaths) CPR (
ct2/show/NCT01372748). Until the results of this study are
available, based on the available evidence, it is reasonable for
EMS systems that have already introduced bundles of care
including minimally interrupted chest compressions to continue to use them for adult patients with a witnessed cardiac
arrest and an initial shockable rhythm.
Early Defibrillation
Rapid defibrillation with CPR is the treatment of choice for
VF/pVT in the out-of-hospital and in-hospital settings. The
2015 CoSTR highlights the evidence surrounding the clinical benefit of the use of automatic external defibrillators in
the out-of-hospital setting by laypeople and healthcare providers alike.
At the system level, one of the major 2015 highlights is
the affirmation of the global importance of the implementation of public access defibrillation programs for patients with
At the rescuer level for an unmonitored cardiac arrest,
the 2015 CoSTR advises a short period of CPR followed by
rhythm analysis and shock delivery, if indicated, as soon as
the defibrillator is ready for use. With respect to the timing
of rhythm check, rescuers must resume chest compressions
after shock delivery for adults in cardiac arrest in any setting.
CPR should be continued for 2 minutes before reassessing for
signs of life.
Advanced Life Support
The topics reviewed by the ILCOR ALS Task Force are
grouped as follows: (1) defibrillation strategies for VF or pVT;
(2) airway, oxygenation, and ventilation; (3) circulatory support during CPR; (4) physiologic monitoring during CPR; (5)
drugs during CPR; (6) cardiac arrest in special circumstances;
and (7) postresuscitation care.
*Such EMS systems have priority-based dispatch systems, multitiered
response, and EMS in urban and rural communities.
†Minimally interrupted CPR for witnessed shockable OHCA includes
up to 3 cycles of passive oxygen insufflation, airway adjunct insertion,
and 200 continuous chest compressions with interposed shocks.
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The systematic reviews showed that the quality of evidence for many ALS interventions is low or very low, and
this led to predominantly weak recommendations. For some
issues, despite a low quality of evidence, the values and preferences of the task force led to a strong recommendation for an
intervention. This was especially true when there was consensus that not undertaking the intervention could lead to harm.
Treatment recommendations were left unchanged unless there
were compelling reasons for a change. The rationale for any
change is addressed in the values, preferences, and insights
that follow treatment recommendations. The most important
developments and recommendations in ALS since the 2010
ILCOR review are described below.
Defibrillation Strategies for VF or Pulseless VT
There were no major developments since 2010. We suggest
that if the first shock is not successful and the defibrillator is
capable of delivering shocks of higher energy, it is reasonable
to increase the energy for subsequent shocks.
Airway, Oxygenation, and Ventilation
We suggest using the highest possible inspired oxygen concentration during CPR. The evidence showed equipoise between
the choice of an advanced airway or a bag-mask device for
airway management during CPR, and the choice between a
supraglottic airway or tracheal tube as the initial advanced airway during CPR. The role of waveform capnography during
ALS is emphasized, including to confirm and to continuously
monitor the position of a tracheal tube during CPR.
Circulatory Support During CPR
We recommend against the routine use of the impedance
threshold device in addition to conventional CPR but could
not achieve consensus for or against the use of the impedance
threshold device when used together with active compressiondecompression CPR. We suggest against the routine use of
automated mechanical chest compression devices but suggest
that they are a reasonable alternative to use in situations where
sustained high-quality manual chest compressions are impractical or compromise provider safety. We suggest that extracorporeal CPR is a reasonable rescue therapy for selected patients
with cardiac arrest when initial conventional CPR is failing in
settings where this can be implemented.
Physiologic Monitoring During CPR
Using physiologic measurement in addition to clinical signs
and ECG monitoring has the potential to help guide interventions during ALS. We have not made a recommendation for
any particular physiologic measure to guide CPR, because the
available evidence would make any estimate of effect speculative. We recommend against using end-tidal carbon dioxide
(ETCO2) threshold or cutoff values alone to predict mortality
or to decide to stop a resuscitation attempt. We suggest that if
cardiac ultrasound can be performed without interfering with
the standard advanced cardiovascular life support protocol, it
may be considered as an additional diagnostic tool to identify
potentially reversible causes of cardiac arrest.
Drug Therapy During CPR
We suggest that standard-dose (defined as 1 mg) epinephrine
be administered to patients in cardiac arrest after considering
the observed benefit in short-term outcomes (ROSC and
admission to hospital) and our uncertainty about the benefit
or harm on survival to discharge and neurologic outcome. We
suggest the use of amiodarone in adult patients with refractory
VF/pVT to improve rates of ROSC. These statements are not
intended to change current practice until there are high-quality
data on long-term outcomes.
Cardiac Arrest in Special Circumstances
The systematic review found a very low quality of evidence
for specific interventions for ALS in pregnant women. We
suggest delivery of the fetus by perimortem cesarean delivery
for women in cardiac arrest in the second half of pregnancy.
As a result of the lack of comparative studies, the task force
is unable to make any evidence-based treatment recommendation about the use of intravenous lipid emulsion to treat toxininduced cardiac arrest. We recommend the use of naloxone
by intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intraosseous, or
intranasal routes in respiratory arrest associated with opioid
toxicity, but make no recommendation on modifying standard
ALS in opioid-induced cardiac arrest.
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
We recommend avoiding hypoxia and also suggest avoiding
hyperoxia in adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest. We suggest the use of 100% inspired oxygen until the arterial oxygen saturation or the partial pressure of arterial oxygen can
be measured reliably in adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest.
We suggest maintaining the PaCO2 within a normal physiologic
range as part of a post-ROSC bundle of care. We suggest that
hemodynamic goals (eg, mean arterial pressure, systolic blood
pressure) be considered during postresuscitation care and as
part of any bundle of postresuscitation interventions.
We recommend selecting and maintaining a constant target temperature between 32°C and 36°C for those patients in
whom temperature control is used. In adults who remain unresponsive after OHCA, we recommend TTM for those with an
initial shockable rhythm and suggest TTM for those with an
initial nonshockable rhythm. We suggest TTM for adults with
IHCA with any initial rhythm who remain unresponsive after
ROSC. If TTM is used, we suggest a duration of at least 24
hours. We recommend against routine use of prehospital cooling with rapid infusion of large volumes of cold intravenous
fluid immediately after ROSC.
We suggest prevention and treatment of fever in persistently comatose adults after completion of TTM between
32°C and 36°C.
We recommend the treatment of seizures in post–cardiac
arrest patients but suggest that routine seizure prophylaxis
is not used in these patients. We suggest no modification of
standard glucose management protocols for adults with ROSC
after cardiac arrest.
In comatose post–cardiac arrest patients treated with
TTM, we suggest that clinical criteria alone are not used to
estimate prognosis after ROSC. We suggest prolonging the
observation of clinical signs when interference from residual
sedation or paralysis is suspected, to minimize results that
inaccurately suggest a poor outcome. We recommend that the
earliest time to prognosticate a poor neurologic outcome is 72
hours after ROSC, and the interval should be extended longer
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if the residual effect of sedation and/or paralysis confounds
the clinical examination. We suggest that multiple modalities
of testing (clinical examination, neurophysiologic measures,
imaging, or blood markers) be used to estimate prognosis
instead of relying on single tests or findings.
We recommend that all patients who have restoration of
circulation after CPR and who subsequently progress to death
be evaluated as potential organ donors.
Acute Coronary Syndromes
The ACS Task Force reviewed the evidence related specifically
to the diagnosis and treatment of ACS in the out-of-hospital
setting and during the first hours of care in-hospital, typically
in the ED. The topics reviewed by the ACS Task Force are
grouped as follows: (1) diagnostic interventions in ACS, (2)
therapeutic interventions in ACS, (3) reperfusion decisions in
STEMI, and (4) hospital reperfusion decisions after ROSC.
The most important developments and recommendations in
ACS since the 2010 ILCOR review are described below.
Diagnostic Interventions in ACS
Prehospital ECG acquisition may not only facilitate earlier
diagnosis of STEMI and provide the opportunity for rapid
prehospital and in-hospital reperfusion, but there is evidence
of a substantial mortality benefit. We recommend prehospital
12-lead ECG acquisition with hospital notification for adult
patients with suspected STEMI. Nonphysicians may perform
ECG interpretation to recognize STEMI in a system where
there is a strong initial education program, ongoing oversight,
possible adjunctive computer interpretation, and a quality
assurance program. The computer-assisted ECG interpretation can be used as an adjunct or in conjunction with the interpretation of a physician or other trained professional. In this
way, recognition of STEMI by the computer interpretation
can be verified by individual interpretation, and lack of recognition by the computer would not be used solely to rule out
STEMI. When STEMI is recognized prehospital and primary
PCI is the planned reperfusion strategy, prehospital STEMI
activation of the catheterization laboratory reduces treatment
delays and mortality.
There is renewed focus on the use of troponins to exclude
the likelihood of ACS and enable safe discharge from the
ED. The use of troponins at 0 and 2 hours as a stand-alone
measure for excluding the diagnosis of ACS is strongly discouraged. The diagnosis of MACE (defined as future ACS or
major adverse cardiac events within the next month) may be
excluded by combining negative (defined as less than 99th
percentile) hs-cTnI measured at 0 and 2 hours with low-risk
stratification or by combining cTnI or cTnT measured at 0 and
3 to 6 hours with very-low-risk stratification.
Therapeutic Interventions in ACS
Adenosine diphosphate receptor antagonists and UFH can
be administered either in the prehospital or in-hospital setting for suspected STEMI patients with a planned primary
PCI approach. They have been shown to be safe and effective when given prehospital, although the benefit of prehospital administration is insufficiently clear to recommend this
as routine practice. Prehospital enoxaparin may be used as an
alternative to prehospital UFH as an adjunct for primary PCI
Part 1: Executive Summary
for STEMI. There is insufficient evidence to suggest prehospital administration of bivalirudin compared with prehospital
administration of UFH in identified STEMI patients to recommend a change in existing practice.
We suggest withholding oxygen in normoxic patients with
ACS. This is based on absence of a detectable difference in
mortality and potential benefit in reduced infarct size when
oxygen is withheld. Although much of the evidence for oxygen use in ACS comes from studies before the modern reperfusion era, there is 1 recently published RCT and 2 RCTs that
have yet to be published that will provide further evidence on
this topic.107
Reperfusion Decisions in STEMI
STEMI systems-of-care decisions will depend on the regional
resources, including the capability of the local prehospital system and availability of PCI centers. When fibrinolysis is the
planned treatment strategy for patients with STEMI, prehospital fibrinolysis is preferable to in-hospital fibrinolysis, where
the transport times are commonly greater than 30 minutes,
because it is associated with decreased mortality without
evidence of increased intracerebral or major hemorrhage.
Prehospital fibrinolysis requires knowledgeable prehospital
personnel using well-established protocols, comprehensive
training programs, and quality assurance programs under
medical oversight. In geographic regions where PCI facilities
exist and are available, direct triage and transport for PCI is
preferred to prehospital fibrinolysis because it is associated
with less intracranial hemorrhage, although it has not been
shown to provide a survival benefit.
When making individual decisions about primary PCI versus fibrinolysis, important features include time from symptom onset, anticipated time (delay) to PCI, and other patient
factors such as comorbidities, infarct location, and infarct size.
Fibrinolysis is most effective in terms of myocardial salvation
and survival in patients with STEMI presenting within 2 to 3
hours after the onset of symptoms. In patients with STEMI
presenting less than 2 hours after symptom onset, primary PCI
is preferred only when it can be performed with a time delay
of less than 60 minutes. In patients presenting 2 to 3 hours
after symptom onset, either fibrinolysis or primary PCI can
be selected as reperfusion strategy, provided that the primary
PCI delay will be within 60 to 120 minutes. In patients with
STEMI presenting 3 to 6 hours after symptom onset, primary
PCI is the treatment of choice when it can be accomplished
with a delay of no more than 120 minutes. In patients presenting more than 6 hours after symptom onset, primary PCI may
represent the best option for reperfusion even if this can only
be accomplished with a long delay to primary PCI (eg, more
than 120 minutes). If fibrinolysis is chosen, it should be followed by routine early (within 3–24 hours) angiography and
PCI if indicated.
Adult patients presenting with STEMI in the ED of a
non–PCI-capable hospital should be transferred emergently
to a PCI center for primary PCI if this can be accomplished
within an appropriate timeframe as discussed above. This is
associated with a reduced incidence of mortality, reinfarction, and stroke with no additional harm in terms of major
hemorrhage in comparison with immediate in-hospital
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fibrinolysis and transfer only for rescue PCI. When these
patients cannot be transported to PCI in a timely manner,
fibrinolytic therapy followed by routine transfer for angiography within 3 to 6 and up to 24 hours may represent an
equally effective and safe alternative to immediate transfer
to primary PCI. Routine transport of patients with STEMI
undergoing fibrinolytic therapy in the ED of a non-PCI hospital for early routine angiography in the first 3 to 6 hours
(or up to 24 hours) is associated with less reinfarction and
may be preferred to fibrinolysis, and then transfer only for
ischemia-guided angiography. The routine use of PCI immediately (within 2 hours) after fibrinolysis is strongly discouraged because it is associated with increased incidence of
major and intracranial bleeding without any expected additional benefit to primary PCI alone.
Hospital Reperfusion Decisions After ROSC
The majority of patients who have an OHCA have underlying ischemic heart disease. Acute coronary artery occlusion is
known to be the precipitating factor in many of these patients.
It may be manifested by ST-segment elevation or left bundle
branch block on post-ROSC 12-lead ECG but may also be
present in the absence of these findings.
Patients who experience ROSC after OHCA and remain
comatose with ST-elevation on post-ROSC 12-lead ECG
should be transferred immediately for cardiac catheterization
laboratory evaluation. This has been associated with considerable benefit in terms of survival to hospital discharge and
neurologically intact survival in select groups of patients in
comparison with cardiac catheterization later in hospital stay
or no catheterization. Emergency cardiac catheterization is
suggested for select adult patients who have no ST-elevation
on ECG but remain comatose following ROSC from OHCA
of suspected cardiac origin.
Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
The Pediatric Task Force evaluated 21 PICO questions by way
of systematic reviews. They are grouped here into categories
of pre–cardiac arrest care, BLS care during cardiac arrest,
ALS care during cardiac arrest, and post–cardiac arrest care.
The most important evidence-based treatment recommendations chosen by the task force co-chairs are listed here.
Pre–Cardiac Arrest Care
Response Systems and Assessment
The Pediatric Task Force suggested the use of pediatric rapid
response team/medical emergency team systems within hospitals that care for children. The use of early warning scores in
pediatrics was assessed, but the evidence was so limited that
no specific recommendation could be made.
Atropine for Emergent Tracheal Intubation
The task force concluded that, in light of the limited literature
available, no specific recommendation could be made for the
use of atropine during emergency tracheal intubation.
Prearrest Care of Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy or
The task force concluded that, in light of the limited literature
available, no specific recommendation could be made.
Prearrest Care of Shock
The use of restricted volumes of isotonic crystalloid may
lead to improved outcomes from pediatric septic shock in
specific settings. For children with febrile illnesses, particularly without signs of overt septic shock, a cautious approach
to fluid therapy should be combined with frequent patient
BLS Care During Cardiac Arrest
Sequence of Chest Compressions and Ventilation:
Compressions-Airway-Breathing Versus Airway-BreathingCompressions
The task force concluded that, in light of the limited literature
available, no specific recommendation could be made. The
task force acknowledged the equipoise that exists to allow
resuscitation councils to decide on using either compressionsairway-breathing (C-A-B) or airway-breathing-compressions
(A-B-C) in their guidelines.
Chest Compression Depth
The task force suggested that rescuers compress the chests
of infants in cardiac arrest by at least one third the anteriorposterior dimension or approximately 1½ inches (4 cm), and
compress the chest of children in cardiac arrest by at least
one third the anterior-posterior dimension or approximately
2 inches (5 cm).
Compression-Only CPR Versus Conventional CPR (ie,
Compressions Plus Breaths)
The pediatric task force recommends that rescuers provide
rescue breaths and chest compressions for pediatric IHCA
and OHCA, because most pediatric cardiac arrests are caused
by asphyxia. If rescuers cannot provide rescue breaths, they
should at least perform chest compressions.
Pediatric Advanced Life Support During Cardiac Arrest
Energy Doses for Defibrillation
The task force suggested the routine use of an initial dose of 2
to 4 J/kg of monophasic or biphasic defibrillation waveforms
for infants or children in VF or pVT cardiac arrest. There was
insufficient evidence from which to base a recommendation
for second and subsequent defibrillation doses.
The Use of Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring or ETCO2
Monitoring to Guide CPR Quality
The task force suggested that, in light of the limited literature
available, no specific recommendation could be made for the
routine use of invasive blood pressure or ETCO2 monitoring
to guide CPR quality.
The Use of Vasopressors and Antiarrhythmics in Cardiac
The task force suggested that, in light of the limited pediatric literature available, no specific recommendation could
be made regarding the use of vasopressors during pediatric
cardiac arrest. The task force considered that the short-term
outcomes of ROSC and survival to hospital admission overrode any uncertainty of the absolute effect on long-term survival and neurologic outcome with the use of epinephrine.
Consensus by the task force was that providers continue to
use epinephrine for pediatric cardiac arrest per their current
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council-specific practice, albeit that the evidence in pediatrics
is poor.
Although the use of lidocaine or amiodarone for treatment
of shock-resistant pediatric VF/pVT improves short-term
outcomes, there are few data on their effects on long-term
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for CPR
The task force suggested that extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with resuscitation may be considered for infants and
children with cardiac diagnoses who have IHCA in settings
that provide the expertise, resources, and systems to optimize the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during and after resuscitation. The task force believes that there
was insufficient evidence from which to suggest for or against
the routine use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation with
resuscitation in infants and children without cardiac diagnoses who have IHCA.
Intra-arrest Prognostication
The task force suggested that for infants and children in
IHCA, predictors of positive patient outcome such as age
younger than 1 year and the presence of an initial shockable
rhythm were helpful in aiding prognostication. For infants and
children in OHCA, age older than 1 year and the presence of
VF/pVT as the presenting rhythm were important predictors
of positive outcome. Duration of cardiac arrest was not found
to be helpful by itself. Importantly, the task force considers it
obligatory to assimilate multiple factors to help guide prognostication and decision making during resuscitation, while
not adhering to unproven expectations of outcomes.
Post–Cardiac Arrest Care
Postresuscitation care begins when a patient develops sustained ROSC. For children remaining unconscious after
OHCA, outcomes are improved when fever is prevented, and
a period of moderate therapeutic hypothermia or strict maintenance of normothermia is provided.75
Post-ROSC PaO2 and Post-ROSC Ventilation
The task force suggested that rescuers measure the patient’s
PaO2 after ROSC and target a value appropriate to the specific
patient’s condition. In the absence of specific patient data, they
suggested that rescuers target normoxemia after ROSC. The
task force suggested that rescuers measure PaCO2 after ROSC
and target a value appropriate to the specific patient’s condition. The evidence was insufficient to make a recommendation
for a specific PaCO2 target.
Post-ROSC Fluid/Inotropes
The task force made a strong recommendation that for infants
and children after ROSC, parenteral fluids and/or inotropes or
vasopressors should be used to maintain a systolic blood pressure of at least greater than fifth percentile for age.
Post-ROSC Electroencephalogram as a Prognosticator
The task force suggested that the use of electroencephalogram within the first 7 days after pediatric cardiac arrest may
assist in prognostication. The evidence surrounding the use
of electroencephalogram by itself as a prognostic tool after
pediatric cardiac arrest was thought to be insufficient to make
a recommendation.
Part 1: Executive Summary
Post-ROSC Predictive Factors
The task force agreed that multiple variables should be used to
predict outcomes for infants and children after cardiac arrest,
and that it was unclear what the impact of evolving post-ROSC
care (therapeutic hypothermia or TTM, fever avoidance, prevention of hypotension/optimizing cardiovascular function)
will have on tentative predictors of outcome.
Neonatal Resuscitation
Since the last publication of CoSTR, several controversial
neonatal resuscitation issues have been identified. The highlights of these topics are below.
Initial Stabilization
ECG Assessment of Heart Rate
Neonatal resuscitation success has traditionally been determined by detecting an increase in heart rate through auscultation. The data suggest that the ECG provides a more accurate
heart rate in the first 3 minutes of life, but there were no available data to determine whether this changes outcome.
Delayed Cord Clamping and Milking of the Umbilical Cord
Delayed umbilical cord clamping can be associated with
increased placental transfusion and cardiac output and more
stable neonatal blood pressure. The existing RCTs had
small sample sizes and enrolled very few extremely premature infants or infants who required resuscitation. Although
delayed cord clamping is suggested for preterm infants not
requiring immediate resuscitation after birth, there is insufficient evidence to recommend an approach to cord clamping
for preterm infants who do require resuscitation immediately
after birth.
There is some evidence that milking the umbilical cord
(from the placenta toward the infant) may have beneficial
effects similar to delayed cord clamping, so it may be a rapid
alternative to delayed cord clamping. However, there is insufficient published human evidence of benefit, particularly in
very premature (less than 29 weeks of gestation) infants.
Cord milking may be considered on an individual basis or
in a research setting, because it may improve initial mean
blood pressure, hematologic indices, and intracranial hemorrhage. This technique should be studied in infants requiring
Temperature Management
Maintaining Temperature
The admission temperature of newly born nonasphyxiated
infants is a strong predictor of mortality and morbidity at
all gestations, and it should be recorded as a predictor of
outcomes as well as a quality indicator. The temperature of
newly born nonasphyxiated infants should be maintained
between 36.5°C and 37.5°C after birth through admission
and stabilization.
To maintain the temperature of preterm infants of less than
32 weeks of gestation under radiant warmers in the hospital
delivery room, a combination of interventions (including an
environmental temperature of 23°C to 25°C, warm blankets,
plastic wrapping without drying, cap, and thermal mattress)
are effective in reducing hypothermia (temperature less than
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36.0°C). However, the effect of any one intervention has not
been established.
In a resource-limited setting, it can be difficult to maintain
the infant’s temperature, especially for the first 1 to 2 hours
after birth, and there is a dose-dependent increase in mortality for temperatures below 36.5°C. Premature infants demonstrate a 12-fold increase in mortality compared with term
babies. Once a well baby of more than 30 weeks of gestation
has been dried, the infant’s legs, torso, and arms may be put in
a clean food-grade plastic bag and swaddled or can be nursed
with skin-to-skin contact with the mother or with kangaroo
mother care; these approaches are favored over swaddling or
placement in an open cot, crib, or incubator.
Rate of Rewarming the Newborn
When the infant is unintentionally hypothermic (temperature
less than 36°C) at hospital admission, there is insufficient evidence to determine if rapid (0.5°C/h or greater) or slow (less
than 0.5°C/h) rewarming is more effective and associated with
better outcome.
Respiratory Support in the Delivery Room
Several randomized clinical trials and animal studies have
provided additional information about the potential effect of
several ventilation strategies designed to establish functional
residual capacity immediately after birth.
For spontaneously breathing preterm infants with respiratory distress requiring respiratory support in the delivery
room, the task force suggests that the initial use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) rather than immediate
intubation and positive-pressure ventilation may be sufficient
to augment the infant’s respiratory effort with a low risk of
adverse outcome. It is important to note that infants included
in the studies were likely to have been treated with antenatal
steroids, so this approach should be studied in infants who
have not received antenatal steroids and in high-risk preterm
infants with lower gestational age.
Administration of a sustained positive-pressure inflation to preterm infants who have not established spontaneous
respiration at birth may reduce the need for intubation at 72
hours, but the optimal method to administer sustained lung
inflations and long-term effects of the inflations have not been
established. For this reason, the task force suggests against the
routine use of initial sustained inflation (greater than 5 seconds’ duration) for preterm infants without spontaneous respirations immediately after birth, but a sustained inflation may
be considered in individual clinical circumstances or research
There is benefit to using positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to assist in establishment of a functional residual
capacity during transition of the fluid-filled lung to an airbreathing organ. The task force reviewed evidence regarding
the effect of the use of PEEP during intermittent mandatory
ventilation and the value of specific devices to maintain the
PEEP. The task force suggests the use of PEEP maintained with
either a self-inflating bag, a flow-inflating bag, or a T-piece for
premature newborns during delivery room resuscitation. No
recommendation is possible for term infants because of insufficient data. There is also insufficient evidence to support the
use of one device over another.
Intubation and Tracheal Suctioning in Nonvigorous
Infants Born Through Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid
Versus No Intubation for Tracheal Suctioning
Aspiration of meconium before delivery, during birth, or
during resuscitation can cause severe meconium aspiration
syndrome, but it is unclear if intervention at or after birth
can affect the outcome. For more than 25 years, providers
routinely performed tracheal intubation and direct tracheal
suctioning for all meconium-stained newborns, until a randomized trial showed it was unnecessary in infants who were
vigorous at birth.108 The practice of direct tracheal suctioning of infants who had respiratory compromise at birth (ie,
they were depressed/nonvigorous at birth) has persisted, but
the practice is controversial, with only a very low quality of
evidence (ie, historic controls) to suggest benefit. After the
2015 systematic review, the Neonatal Task Force concluded
that there is insufficient published evidence to support routine tracheal intubation for suctioning of meconium in even
nonvigorous infants born through meconium-stained amniotic
fluid, because it likely delays ventilation.
Oxygen Concentration for Initiating Resuscitation of
Premature Newborns
High concentrations of inspired oxygen can be toxic to newborn lungs, so the oxygen concentration for term babies is
generally started at 21% (room air). There has been ongoing
controversy regarding the optimal inspired oxygen concentration for resuscitation of preterm babies. After the systematic
review, the Neonatal Task Force recommends against initiating resuscitation of preterm newborns (less than 35 weeks’
gestational age) with high-oxygen concentrations (65%–
100%) and instead recommends initiating resuscitation with
a low-oxygen concentration (21%–30%).
Circulatory Support: Chest Compressions
Although the evidence supporting the 2-thumb over the 2-finger
technique of chest compressions is based on manikin rather than
human data, the 2-thumb technique with fingers encircling the
chest generated higher blood pressure and less fatigue than use of
2 fingers. As a result, the 2 thumb–encircling hands technique is
the preferred technique for newborn chest compressions during
2-rescuer CPR. These chest compressions should still be delivered over the lower third of sternum, using a 3:1 compressionto-ventilation ratio. This ratio has been shown to deliver more
breaths than the 15:2 ratio used for 2-rescuer pediatric CPR in
animal models and in a manikin study. The task force considers
the 3:1 ratio appropriate, because asphyxia is the predominant
cause of cardiovascular collapse in the newborn and effective
resuscitation requires significant focus on ventilation.
Oxygen Delivery During CPR (Neonatal)
Despite animal evidence showing no advantage to the use
of 100% oxygen, by the time resuscitation of a newborn has
reached the stage of chest compressions, the rescuers should
already have attempted to achieve ROSC by using effective ventilation with low-concentration oxygen. Thus, once
chest compressions are needed, it would seem prudent to try
increasing the supplementary oxygen concentration. If used,
the supplementary oxygen should be weaned as soon as the
heart rate has recovered. It is important to note that there are
no human data to inform this question.
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Assisted-Ventilation Devices and CPR Feedback Devices
Tracheal intubation is a difficult skill to learn and perform,
and it is difficult to maintain competence in the technique.
After review of 3 randomized trials involving 469 patients,
the task force suggests that the laryngeal mask may be used
as an alternative to tracheal intubation during resuscitation
of the late-preterm and term newborn (more than 34 weeks
of gestation) if ventilation via the face mask or intubation is
Although use of flow and volume monitors and capnography are feasible, because there is no evidence that they are
effective in improving important outcomes, the task force suggests against the routine use of flow and volume monitoring or
capnography for babies who receive positive-pressure ventilation at birth, until more evidence becomes available.
Use of CPR Feedback Devices During Neonatal Cardiac
In asystolic/bradycardic neonates, the task force suggests
against the routine use of any single feedback device such as
ETCO2 monitors or pulse oximeters for detection of ROSC
until more evidence becomes available.
For the critical outcomes of improved perfusion, decreased
time to ROSC, decreased hands-off time, increased survival
rates, or “improved neurologic outcomes,” no specific data
were identified.
Induced Hypothermia in Resource-Limited Settings
The task force suggests that newly born infants at term or near
term with evolving moderate-to-severe hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy in low-income countries and/or other settings with limited resources may be treated with therapeutic
Cooling should be considered, initiated, and conducted
only under clearly defined protocols with treatment in neonatal care facilities with the capabilities for multidisciplinary
care and availability of adequate resources to offer intravenous therapy, respiratory support, pulse oximetry, antibiotics,
anticonvulsants, and pathology testing. Treatment should be
consistent with the protocols used in the randomized clinical
trials in developed countries, ie, cooling to commence within
6 hours, strict temperature control at 33°C to 34°C for 72
hours, and rewarming over at least 4 hours.
Part 1: Executive Summary
by region-specific guidelines established by regional resuscitation councils.
Apgar Score of 0 for 10 or More Minutes
An Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes is a strong predictor of mortality and morbidity in late-preterm and term infants. The task
force suggests that, in babies with an Apgar score of 0 after
10 minutes of resuscitation, if the heart rate remains undetectable, it may be reasonable to stop resuscitation; however, the
decision to continue or discontinue resuscitative efforts should
be individualized. Variables to be considered may include
whether the resuscitation was considered to be optimal; availability of advanced neonatal care, such as therapeutic hypothermia; specific circumstances before delivery (eg, known
timing of the insult); and wishes expressed by the family.
Among infants of 35 weeks of gestation or more with an
Apgar score of 0 for 10 or more minutes, the likelihood of
dying or having severe or moderate developmental disabilities at 18 to 24 months is very high. Studies that included 69
infants with an Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes after birth who
were successfully resuscitated and randomized to hypothermia or normothermia, and case series of 21 additional infants
who were managed with therapeutic hypothermia, suggest
improvement in outcome compared with previously reported
cohorts. Among these 90 infants, 45 (50%) died, and 22 (24%)
survived without major or moderate disability at 18 to 24
months. However, the number of infants with no heart rate at
10 minutes who died in the delivery room is unknown.
Predicting Death or Disability in Resource-Limited Settings
of Newborns of More Than 34 Weeks of Gestation Based on
Apgar Score and/or Absence of Breathing
Absence of spontaneous breathing or an Apgar score of 1 to
3 at 20 minutes of age, in babies of more than 34 weeks of
gestation but with a detectable heart rate, are strong predictors of mortality or significant morbidity. In settings where
resources are limited, we suggest that it may be reasonable to
stop assisted ventilation in babies with no spontaneous breathing despite presence of heart rate or Apgar score of 1 to 3 at
20 or more minutes. Importantly, each of the studies reviewed
was conducted in a setting where therapeutic hypothermia was
likely to be available.
Resuscitation Training
Delivery Room Assessment at Less Than 25 Weeks of
Gestation and Prognostic Score
There is insufficient evidence to support the prospective use of
any delivery room prognostic score presently described over
estimated gestational age assessment alone in preterm infants
of less than 25 weeks of gestation. No score has been shown
to improve the ability to estimate the likelihood of survival
through either 30 days or in the first 18 to 22 months after birth.
In individual cases, when constructing a prognosis for
survival at gestation below 25 weeks, it is reasonable to consider variables including perceived accuracy of gestational
age assignment, the presence or absence of chorioamnionitis,
and the level of care available at the delivery facility. It is also
recognized that decisions about appropriateness of resuscitation of those below 25 weeks of gestation will be influenced
The task force suggests that training should be recurrent and
considered more frequently than once per year. This retraining
may be composed of specific tasks and/or behavioral skills,
depending on the needs of the trainees.
Neonatal Resuscitation Instructors
The task force suggests that training of resuscitation instructors
incorporate timely, objective, structured, individually targeted
verbal and/or written feedback. There was no evidence identified to show improvement in critical outcomes. There was some
evidence to show that training instructors improved some important outcomes. While common sense dictates that instructors be
properly prepared before engaging learners, it is clear that such
instruction must be based on specific learning objectives targeting the specific skills that are necessary to facilitate learning.
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October 20, 2015
The ILCOR EIT Task Force organized its work into 3
major sections: (1) BLS training, (2) ALS training, and (3)
There remains considerable variability in cardiac arrest
survival in and out of hospital and, therefore, substantial
opportunity to save many more lives.109–111 The Formula for
Survival112 postulates that optimal survival from cardiac arrest
requires high-quality science, education of lay providers and
healthcare professionals, and a well-functioning Chain of
Survival113 (implementation). Organizations providing care
for cardiac arrest victims should train healthcare providers
in teams, using evidence-informed educational practice and
tailoring the training to the required skills of the practitioner and team. Additionally, organizations should implement
systems-level processes such as data-driven continuous quality improvement to optimize survival from cardiac arrest. The
most important developments and recommendations in EIT
since the 2010 ILCOR review are described below.
(examples include music and metronome) during training to
improve compression rate.
The ILCOR EIT Task Force recommends BLS training for
individuals (family or caregivers) caring for high-risk populations, based on the willingness to be trained and the fact
that there is low risk of harm and high potential of benefit.
We placed lesser value on associated costs and the potential
that skills may not be retained without ongoing CPR training. Because cardiac arrest is life threatening, the likelihood
of benefit is high relative to possible harm.
Communities may train bystanders in compression-only
CPR for adult OHCA as an alternative to training in conventional CPR. In making this recommendation, we took into
account that willingness to perform bystander CPR in the
community may be increased when compression-only CPR is
offered as an alternative technique.120–123 Communities should
consider existing bystander CPR rates and other factors such
as local epidemiology of OHCA and cultural preferences when
deciding on the optimal community CPR training strategy.
Basic Life Support Training
BLS is critically important to the care of cardiac arrest victims,
but, unfortunately, only a minority of cardiac arrest victims
actually receive bystander CPR. Recent training in CPR,114
along with dispatcher-assisted CPR,115 may help overcome
barriers and save more lives. For healthcare professionals, the
quality of CPR delivered is critical because poor compliance
with recommended guidelines has been associated with lower
survival.116,117 Suboptimal CPR harms patients118 and is preventable.119 Quality improvement processes are needed to try
to minimize its occurrence.
Video- or computer-based instruction may enable more
rescuers to be trained in CPR. Despite heterogeneity in the
delivery of video- and/or computer-based instruction, and in
the evaluation methods among different studies, we suggest
that video- and/or computer-based self-instruction with synchronous or asynchronous hands-on practice may be an effective alternative to instructor-led courses.
Although use of an AED does not require formal training, it may be helpful for the lay rescuer to have consolidated
some of these skills through an instructional program. For lay
providers learning AED skills, self-instruction combined with
short, instructor-led training may be acceptable to replace longer traditional courses. For healthcare providers learning AED
skills, self-directed training (as short as 40 minutes) may be
useful in place of traditional training.
CPR skills are known to deteriorate within the weeks to
months after resuscitation training, well before the current
recertification timeline for resuscitation organizations. We
suggest that individuals likely to encounter cardiac arrest consider more frequent retraining to optimize their skills so they
are best prepared to deal with an arrest. Part of the decay in
skills may be related to poor training in the initial course or
retraining sessions. Instructors are often unable to identify
poor-quality compressions, which limits the quality of corrective feedback that is provided. We suggest the use of feedback
devices that provide directive feedback on compression rate,
depth, release, and hand position during training. If feedback
devices are not available, we suggest the use of tonal guidance
Advanced Life Support Training
Published data suggest that without ongoing education,
the skills learned in ALS courses are lost over a period of
months.114,124 Coupled with increasing pressure from administrators to justify the time and costs of training away from
the clinical workplace, there needs to be thoughtful evidencebased decision making in educational practice.
Primarily on the basis of studies demonstrating improved
skill performance at course conclusion, we suggest the use of
high-fidelity manikins when training centers/organizations
have the infrastructure, trained personnel, and resources to
maintain the program. If high-fidelity manikins are not available, we suggest the use of low-fidelity manikins is acceptable
for standard ALS training in an educational setting. In making
these recommendations, we took into account the well-documented, self-reported participant preference for high-fidelity
manikins (versus low-fidelity manikins) and the likely impact
of this preference on willingness to train.124 We considered the
positive impact of skill acquisition at course completion, as
well as the lack of evidence of sustained impact on the learner.
We also considered the relative costs of high- versus lowfidelity manikins.
The ILCOR EIT Task Force suggested that team and leadership training be included as part of ALS training for healthcare providers. In making this recommendation, we placed
emphasis on the potential benefit, lack of harm, and high level
of acceptance of team and leadership training and lesser value
on associated costs.
Compared with standard retraining intervals of 12 to 24
months, the ILCOR EIT Task Force suggested that more frequent manikin-based refresher training for students of ALS
courses may better maintain competence. The optimal frequency and duration of this retraining has not yet been determined. We consider the rapid decay in skills after standard
ALS training may compromise patient care. Refresher training, in the form of frequent, low-dose in situ training with
the use of manikins, offers promise.125 The potential cost savings of integrating these sessions into daily workflow rather
than removing staff for standard refresher training may be
Education, Implementation, and Teams
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Hazinski et al
important, as might a reduced total time of retraining. A recent
study demonstrates improved learning from “frequent, lowdose” compared with “comprehensive, all-at-once” instruction and a learner preference for this format.126
Barriers within an organization may delay implementation
of guidelines into practice by years, and modifying caregiver behaviors may take several years more.127–132 Publishing
guidelines is not sufficient without including the tools to get
them implemented.
The ILCOR EIT Task Force suggested that OHCA patients
should be considered for transport to a specialist cardiac arrest
center as part of a regionalized system of care. In making this
recommendation, the task force recognized that the development of cardiac arrest centers should be considered as a health
improvement initiative, without supportive evidence from randomized trials, such as has been performed for other conditions (eg, myocardial infarction, stroke, major trauma).
Technology, including social media, may serve to notify
citizen CPR responders of cardiac arrests, thereby shortening
the time to onset of bystander CPR and defibrillation, which
can be achieved before EMS arrives. Despite limited evidence, the EIT Task Force suggested that individuals in close
proximity to a suspected OHCA who are willing and able to
perform CPR be notified of the event via technology or social
media. In making this recommendation, we place value on the
time-sensitive benefit of CPR and AED use in OHCA and the
limitations of optimized EMS systems to improve response
times. We also recognize that there are individuals willing
and able to provide BLS in most communities and these novel
technologies can help to engage these individuals.
Performance measurement and quality-improvement initiatives in organizations that treat cardiac arrest may be critical in preventing cardiac arrest and improving outcomes from
cardiac arrest, and should be implemented. Greater value is
placed on the potential for lives saved and the concept that
you can only improve what you can measure, and lesser value
is placed on the costs associated with performance measurement and quality-improvement interventions. Assessing clinical performance and using a system to continuously assess
and improve quality can improve compliance with guidelines.
One potential quality-improvement activity might be teambased debriefing of CPR team performance. Data-driven, performance-focused debriefing of rescuers after IHCA in both
adults and children may help to improve subsequent performance. Data-driven, performance-focused debriefing of rescuers after OHCA in both adults and children may also be helpful.
Prevention of cardiac arrest is an important step in our
goal to save more lives. We suggest hospitals consider the
introduction of an early warning scoring system or rapid
response team/medical emergency team system to reduce the
incidence of IHCA and in-hospital mortality. This recommendation places a high value on the prevention of IHCA and
death relative to the cost of the system. Such a system should
provide elements of care that include (1) staff education about
the signs of patient deterioration; (2) appropriate and regular
vital signs monitoring of patients; (3) clear guidance (eg, via
calling criteria or early warning scores) to assist staff in the
Part 1: Executive Summary
early detection of patient deterioration; (4) a clear, uniform
system of calling for assistance; and (5) a clinical response to
calls for assistance. The best method for the delivery of these
components is unclear.124
First Aid
Important medical topics reviewed for 2015 include use of
supplementary oxygen for purposes other than patients with
chest pain, positioning for shock and recovery, use of bronchodilators for patients with asthma who have acute shortness
of breath, use of a second dose of epinephrine for anaphylaxis,
and the administration of aspirin for chest pain.
• No evidence was found to support a change in current
practice for the use of supplementary oxygen by first aid
• The position recommended for the patient in shock
remains the supine position, although there is some evidence suggesting passive raising of the legs between 30°
and 60° may have a transient (7 minutes or less) benefit.
• There is a change in recommendations for the position
of a normally breathing, unresponsive person. Because a
potential need has been shown for advanced airway management in the supine position versus a lateral recumbent position, we are now recommending that the lateral
recumbent position be used as a “recovery” position.
• Assisting with the administration of inhaled bronchodilators is recommended for patients with asthma who
have acute shortness of breath.
• Although questions remain regarding the ability of a
first aid provider to recognize anaphylaxis, the use of a
second dose of epinephrine via autoinjector is beneficial
when a first dose fails to improve symptoms. Adverse
effects were not reported in studies included, although
this may reflect the administration of epinephrine with
an autoinjector, thus limiting opportunity for an inadvertent overdose injection.
• The use of aspirin for chest pain has been previously
reviewed; however, the task force agreed that this topic
should be looked at again in light of the newly implemented GRADE methodology and the emergence of
newer medications used for acute myocardial infarction.
Thus, the original question asking if aspirin should be
administered for patients with myocardial infarction was
reviewed, followed by a review of the early (ie, prehospital) use of aspirin for chest pain versus delayed (ie,
in-hospital) administration of aspirin.
• A new review topic is the use of Stroke Assessment
Systems to aid with recognition of stroke, with findings
that will have enormous implications for first aid and
public health. This review found a significant decrease
in time between symptom onset and arrival at hospital
or ED with the use of these assessment “tools”—use of
such tools may reduce the degree of damage from stroke
when treatment is initiated early.
• A new review looks at use of oral dietary sugars for
symptomatic hypoglycemia in diabetics. The studies
for this review administered various forms of dietary
sugars—such as specific candies, dried fruit strips,
juice, or milk—in a dose-equivalent amount compared
with glucose tablets to diabetics with symptomatic
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October 20, 2015
hypoglycemia who were conscious and able to swallow
and follow commands. It was concluded that, as a group,
dietary sugar products were not as effective as glucose
tablets for relief of hypoglycemia, but all studied forms
showed benefit and potential usefulness in cases where
glucose tablets are not available.
First Aid Trauma Emergencies
Important trauma topics reviewed for 2015 included the first
aid management of hemorrhage, angulated fractures, open
chest wounds, burns (cooling of burns and burns dressings),
and dental avulsion. Two additional important trauma topics
were cervical spinal motion restriction and the recognition of
concussion by first aid providers.
The correct management of hemorrhage and the enhancement of hemostasis in the first aid setting are essential to
maintaining the circulating blood volume in acute trauma.
Three PICO reviews focused on critical interventions for
severe bleeding:
• There was inadequate evidence to support the use of prox-
imal pressure points or limb elevation to control bleeding.
The use of localized cold therapy is suggested for closed
bleeding in extremities to aid hemostasis, but there was no
evidence to support this therapy for open bleeding.
• The use of hemostatic dressings in first aid is supported
when standard first aid hemorrhage control (eg, direct
wound pressure) fails to control severe bleeding or cannot be applied.
• Similarly, the evidence supports the use of tourniquets in
the civilian setting when standard first aid hemorrhage
control (eg, direct wound pressure) fails to control severe
external limb bleeding.
The task force recognized that the use of hemostatic dressings and tourniquets will have cost and training implications.
However, the task force thought that these costs would be
moderate and justified considering the benefit of maintaining
circulating blood volume in the management of trauma.
There was no evidence to support the straightening of an
angulated fracture in the first aid situation, and the task force
did not make a recommendation. The task force recognized
the need to protect the victim from further injury by splinting
the fracture in position to reduce pain or to enable safe extrication and transportation.
The application of an occlusive dressing or device by first
aid providers to an open chest wound may lead to an unrecognized tension pneumothorax. The task force suggested that
these wounds be left open with local control of bleeding,
rather than risk occlusion.
There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing complications related to use of cervical collars. This evidence, combined with concern for potential secondary injury due to neck
movement during attempts to apply a collar, has led to a suggestion (weak recommendation) against the use of cervical collars
by first aid providers. The task force acknowledges that first
aid providers may not be able to distinguish between high- and
low-risk criteria for spinal injuries, and recognizes the possible
need for alternative methods of cervical spine motion restriction
or stabilization, but these were not formally reviewed. The task
force thought that formal spinal motion restriction in high-risk
individuals is best accomplished by trained emergency medical
rescuers or healthcare professionals.
The recognition of concussion after head trauma is a
common challenge for first aid. No simple concussion scoring system was found that would assist the first aid provider
in making this important diagnosis; however, there are more
advanced scoring systems for use by healthcare professionals.
The correct first aid management of burns is critical to
their eventual outcome. Cooling burns is a widespread first
aid practice, but it is supported by only a low quality of scientific evidence. No evidence was found as to the preferred
method of cooling, the temperature of the coolant, or the duration of cooling. It was recommended that active cooling begin
as soon as possible by using cool or nonfreezing water or cooling adjuncts such as gel pads.
A comparison of wet with dry dressings for thermal burns
yielded no recommendation. There were no studies comparing
plastic wrap, considered a dry dressing, with a wet dressing.
It is widely recommended that an avulsed tooth be
replanted immediately in the conscious victim. However,
first aid providers may not have the skills or the willingness
to undertake this procedure. This review suggests a series of
commercially available storage solutions and simple household mediums, when available, for the short-term storage of
an avulsed tooth until reimplantation can be accomplished.
Education in first aid continues to be a topic with few scientific studies. In the 2010 review of educational topics, no
evidence was found to support or recommend any method of
evaluating or monitoring a first aid trainee’s educational progress or the specific frequency of retraining to retain skills and
knowledge.133 The task force decided to investigate the basic
question, is there documented evidence of benefit in terms of
patient outcomes as a result of first aid training?
Many questions remain and research is desperately
needed, particularly in the realm of teaching techniques for
first aid and methods to evaluate the retention of skills.
Future Directions
The science of resuscitation is evolving rapidly. It would not
be in the best interests of patients if we waited 5 or more years
to inform healthcare professionals of therapeutic advances
in this field. ILCOR members will continue to review new
science and, when necessary, publish interim advisory
statements to update treatment guidelines so that resuscitation practitioners may provide state-of-the-art patient care.
Existing gaps in our knowledge will be closed only by continuing high-quality research into all facets of CPR. Readers
are encouraged to review the information on the SEERS site
to learn of new developments and recommendations for resuscitation and first aid (SEERS).
We acknowledge the considerable contributions made by the
late Professor Ian Jacobs, PhD, to this 2015 CoSTR. Professor
Jacobs led ILCOR with passion and vision from 2011 to
October 19, 2014.
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Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
2015 CoSTR Part 1: Executive Summary: Writing Group Disclosures
Research Grant
Jerry P. Nolan
Royal United Hospital,
NIHR Programme
Grant*; NIHR
Health Technology
Programme Grant*
Richard Aickin
Starship Children’s Hospital
Farhan Bhanji
McGill University
The University of Michigan
Medical School
University of Pittsburgh
Karolinska Institutet
University of Alberta and
Stollery Children’s Hospital
Judith C. Finn
Curtin University
Swee Han Lim
Writing Group
Mary Fran
John E. Billi
Clifton W.
Allan R. de
Singapore General Hospital
Ian K.
St. Mary’s Hospital
Vinay M.
Children’s Hospital
Zoll Foundation/
Laerdal Medical
Robert W.
University of Michigan
Nikolaos I.
Konstantopouleio General
Gavin D.
Warwick Medical School
and Heart of England NHS
Foundation Trust
Jeffrey M.
Weill Cornell Medical
Eunice M.
University of Virginia
Jasmeet Soar
Southmead Hospital
Centre for Paramedic
Education and Research,
Hamilton Health Sciences
James Cook University
David A.
Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust
(Continued )
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October 20, 2015
2015 CoSTR Part 1: Executive Summary: Writing Group Disclosures, Continued
Writing Group
Research Grant
Jose Maria E.
American Heart Association
Lana M. Gent
American Heart Association
American Heart
St. Michael’s Hospital
Eddy Lang
University of Calgary
American Heart Association
University of Melbourne
Emergency Health Services,
Nova Scotia
Russell E.
William H.
Peter T.
Andrew H.
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10,000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the
entity, or owns $10,000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 3
BLS 343
Chest compression rate
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does any specific rate for external chest compressions (I), compared
with a compression rate of about 100/min (C), change survival with
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR quality (O)?
Julie Considine,
Nicolas Mpotos,
Swee Lim
Part 3
BLS 345
Rhythm check timing
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does checking the cardiac rhythm immediately after defibrillation
(I), compared with immediate resumption of chest compressions
with delayed check of the cardiac rhythm (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; recurrence of VF (O)?
Giuseppe Ristagno,
Husein Lockhat
Part 3
BLS 346
Timing of CPR cycles
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
pausing chest compressions at another interval (I), compared with
pausing chest compressions every every 2 minutes to assess the
cardiac rhythm (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; coronary perfusion pressure; cardiac output (O)?
Joshua Reynolds,
Violetta Raffay
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(Continued )
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 3
BLS 347
Part 3
Part 3
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a
hospital (P), does implementation of a public-access AED program
(I), compared with traditional EMS response (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time to first shock; bystander CPR rates;
bystander use of AED; time to commence CPR (O)?
Andrew Travers,
Ian Drennan
BLS 348
Check for circulation
during BLS
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does interruption of CPR to check circulation (I), compared
with no interruption of CPR (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; chest compression fraction (O)?
BLS 352
Passive ventilation
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does addition of any passive ventilation technique (eg, positioning
the body, opening the airway, passive oxygen administration) to chest
compression–only CPR (I), compared with just chest compression–
only CPR (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
ROSC; bystander initiated CPR; oxygenation (O)?
Bourdon, Volker
Part 3
BLS 353
Harm From CPR to
Victims Not in Cardiac
Among adults and children who are not in cardiac arrest outside of a
hospital (P), does provision of chest compressions from lay rescuers
(I), compared with no use of chest compressions (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; harm (eg, rib fracture);
complications; major bleeding; risk of complications (eg, aspiration);
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; survival to admission (O)?
Raul Gazmuri,
Hermann Brugger
Part 3
BLS 357
Hand position during
Among adults and children who are receiving chest compressions
in any setting (P), does delivery of chest compressions on the
lower half of the sternum (I), compared with any other location for
chest compressions (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; cardiac output; harm (eg, rib fracture);
coronary perfusion pressure (O)?
Ian Drennan, Sung
Phil Chung
Part 3
BLS 358
Minimizing pauses in
chest compressions
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does minimization of pauses in chest compressions for cardiac
rhythm analysis or ventilations (I), compared with prolonged pauses
in chest compressions for rhythm analysis or ventilations (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time
to first shock; CPR quality; rhythm control (O)?
Rudolph Koster,
Tetsuya Sakamoto
Part 3
BLS 359
instruction in CPR
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a
hospital (P), does the ability of a dispatch system to provide CPR
instructions (I), compared with a dispatch system where no CPR
instructions are ever provided (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; delivery of bystander CPR; time to
first shock; time to commence CPR; CPR parameters (O)?
Michael Sayre
Part 3
BLS 360
EMS Chest
Versus Conventional
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital (P), does
provision of chest compressions with delayed ventilation by EMS (I),
compared with chest compressions with early ventilation by EMS (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic outcome; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time to
first shock; time to first compressions; CPR quality (O)?
David Stanton,
Andrew Travers
Martin Botha,
Andrea Scapigliati
(Continued )
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October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 3
BLS 361
Part 3
Part 3
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Feedback for
CPR quality
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does real-time feedback and prompt device regarding the mechanics
of CPR quality (eg, rate and depth of compressions and/or ventilations)
(I), compared with no feedback (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; bystander CPR rates; time to first
compressions; time to first shock; CPR quality (O)?
Julie Considine,
Joyce Yeung
BLS 362
ventilation ratio
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does delivery of CPR with another specific compression-ventilation
ratio (I), compared with CPR that uses a 30:2 compression-ventilation
ratio (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; hands-off
time (O)?
Bo Lofgren,
Jason Buick
BLS 363
CPR Before
Among adults and children who are in VF or pulseless VT (pVT) in any
setting (P), does a prolonged period of chest compressions before
defibrillation (I), compared with a short period of chest compressions
before defibrillation (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; rhythm control (O)?
Mohamud Daya,
Part 3
BLS 366
Chest compression
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does a
different chest compression depth during CPR (I), compared with
chest compression depth to 5 cm (2 inches) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR quality; coronary
perfusion pressure; cardiac output; bystander CPR performance (O)?
Ahamed Idris,
Koen Monsieurs
Part 3
BLS 367
Chest wall recoil
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does maximizing chest wall recoil (I), compared with ignoring chest
wall recoil (C), change Survival with Favorable neurological/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days AND/OR 1 year,
Survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days AND/OR
1 year, ROSC, coronary perfusion pressure, cardiac output (O)?
Tyler Vadeboncoeur,
Keith Couper
Part 3
BLS 372
Chest Compression–
Only CPR Versus
Conventional CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital (P),
does provision of chest compressions (without ventilation) by
untrained/trained laypersons (I), compared with chest compressions
with ventilation (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC; bystander CPR performance; CPR quality (O)?
Andrew Travers,
E. Brooke Lerner
Part 3
BLS 373
Analysis of rhythm
during chest
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does analysis of cardiac rhythm during chest compressions (I),
compared with standard care (analysis of cardiac rhythm during
pauses in chest compressions) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time to first shock; time to
commence CPR; CPR quality (O)?
Alfredo Sierra,
Kevin Nation
Part 3
BLS 661
Starting CPR
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does CPR beginning with compressions first (30:2) (I), compared
with CPR beginning with ventilation first (2:30) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Carl McQueen,
Julie Considine
Part 3
BLS 740
Dispatcher recognition
of cardiac arrest
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a
hospital (P), does the description of any specific symptoms to the
dispatcher (I), compared with the absence of any specific description
(C), change the likelihood of cardiac arrest recognition (O)?
Manya Charette,
Mike Smyth
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 3
BLS 811
Resuscitation care
for suspected
Adults and children with suspected opioid-associated cardio/
respiratory arrest in the pre-hospital setting (P), does bystander
naloxone administration (intramuscular or intranasal), in addition
to standard CPR (I), compared with conventional CPR (I), compared
with conventional CPR only (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Aaron Orkin
Part 3
BLS 856
Drowning Search
and Rescue
In adults and children who are submerged in water (P), does any
particular factors in search and rescue operations (eg, duration of
submersion, salinity of water, water temperature, age of victim)
(I), compared with no factors (C), change Survival with Favorable
neurological/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days AND/OR 1 year, Survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days AND/OR 1 year, ROSC (O)?
Joost Bierens,
Linda Quan
Part 3
BLS 891
Opioid overdose
response education
Adults and children at risk of suspected cardio/respiratory arrest due
to opioids in the prehospital setting (P), does opioid overdose response
education with or without naloxone distribution (I), compared with no
overdose response education or overdose prevention education only
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Aaron Orkin,
Part 4
ALS 428
Antiarrhythmic drugs
for cardiac arrest
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
administration of antiarrhythmic drugs (eg, amiodarone, lidocaine,
other) (I), compared with not using antiarrhythmic drugs (no drug or
placebo) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC (O)?
Katie Dainty,
Thomas Pellis,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 431
Seizure Prophylaxis
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does seizure prophylaxis (I), compared with no prophylaxis (C),
reduce the incidence of seizures, or improve survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Geocadin, William
Part 4
ALS 433
Steroids for
Cardiac Arrest
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
corticosteroid or mineralocorticoid administration during CPR (I),
compared with not using steroids (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Sarah Todhunter,
Tonia Nicholson
Part 4
ALS 435
Cardiac Arrest
Associated with
Pulmonary Embolism
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest due to PE or suspected PE
in any setting (P), does any specific alteration in treatment algorithm
(eg, fibrinolytics, or any other) (I), compared with standard care
(according to 2010 treatment algorithm) (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Wolfgang Wetsch,
Bernd Boettiger
Part 4
ALS 436
Cardiac Arrest
during Pregnancy
Among pregnant women who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), do any specific interventions (I), compared with standard care
(usual resuscitation practice) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Carolyn Zelop,
Jill Mhyre
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 4
ALS 441
Part 4
Part 4
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Opioid toxicity
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest due
to opioid toxicity in any setting (P), does any specific therapy (eg,
naloxone, bicarbonate, or other drugs) (I), compared with usual ALS
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Allan Mottram,
Fred Severyn,
Mohammed Alhelail
ALS 448
Oxygen dose after
ROSC in adults
Among adults who have ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does an inspired oxygen concentration titrated to oxygenation
(normal oxygen saturation or partial pressure of oxygen) (I),
compared with the use of 100% inspired oxygen concentration (C),
change survival to 30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival
to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, improve
survival, survival to 30 days, survival to hospital discharge (O)?
Jasmeet Soar,
Michael Donnino
ALS 449
Organ donation
In adults and children who are receiving an organ transplant in any
setting (P), do organs retrieved from a donor who has had CPR (I),
compared with organs retrieved from a donor who did not have CPR
(C), have improved immediate graft function (30 days), 1-year graft
function, or 5-year graft function (O)?
Stephen West,
Clifton Callaway
Part 4
ALS 450
Prognostication in
Comatose Patients
Treated with
Hypothermic TTM
Among adults with ROSC who are treated with hypothermia (P), does any
clinical variable when abnormal (eg, clinical exam, EEG, somatosensory
evoked potentials [SSEPs], imaging, other) (I), compared with any clinical
variable when normal (C), reliably predict death or poor neurologic
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; death
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Claudio Sandroni,
Eyal Golan
Part 4
ALS 459
ETCO2 to predict
outcome of cardiac
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does any
ETCO2 level value, when present (I), compared with any ETCO2 level
below that value (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Brian O’Neil,
Edison Paiva
Part 4
ALS 469
Confirmation of
Correct Tracheal Tube
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest, needing/with an advanced
airway, in any setting (P), does use of devices (eg, 1. Waveform
Capnography, 2. CO2 Detection Device, 3. Esophageal detector
device, or 4. Tracheal ultrasound) (I), compared with not using
devices (C), change placement of the ET tube between the vocal
cords and the carina, success of intubation (O)?
Sarah Heikal,
Markus Skifvars
Part 4
ALS 470
Defibrillation Strategies
for Ventricular
Fibrillation (VF) or
Pulseless Ventricular
Tachycardia (pVT)
Among adults who are in ventricular fibrillation or pulseless
ventricular tachycardia in any setting (P), does any specific
defibrillation strategy (eg, 1. energy dose, or 2. shock waveform)
(I), compared with standard management (or other defibrillation
strategy) (C), change Survival with Favorable neurological/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days AND/OR 1 year,
Survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days AND/OR 1
year, ROSC, termination of arrhythmia (O)?
Giuseppe Ristagno,
Charles Deakin
Part 4
ALS 479
Cardiac Arrest
During Coronary
Among adults who have a cardiac arrest in the cardiac catheterization
laboratory (P), does any special intervention or change in care (eg,
catheterization during CPR, cardiopulmonary bypass, balloon pump,
different timing of shocks) (I), compared with standard resuscitation care
(eg, CPR, drugs, and shocks according to 2010 treatment algorithm)
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Ian Drennan,
Peter Kudenchuk
Part 4
ALS 493
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), do
prophylactic antiarrhythmic drugs given immediately after ROSC (I),
compared with not giving antiarrhythmic drugs (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; development of cardiac arrest;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; recurrence of VF; incidence of arrhythmias (O)?
Thomas Pellis,
Steve Lin
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
(Continued )
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 570
Hemodynamic Support
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does titration of therapy to achieve a specific hemodynamic
goal (eg, MAP greater than 65 mm Hg) (I), compared with no
hemodynamic goal (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year (O)?
Michael Fries,
Michael Parr
Part 4
ALS 571
Ventilation Strategy
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
ventilation to a specific PaCO2 goal (I), compared with no specific
strategy or a different PaCO2 goal (C), change survival at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Asger Granfeldt,
Bo Lofgren
Part 4
ALS 579
threshold device
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of an inspiratory ITD during CPR (I), compared with no ITD (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Peter Morley,
Jasmeet Soar
Part 4
ALS 580
Glucose Control After
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does a specific target range for blood glucose management (eg,
strict 4–6 mmol/L) (I), compared with any other target range (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Janice Zimmerman,
Jonathon Sullivan
Part 4
ALS 656
Parameters During CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does the
use of physiological feedback regarding CPR quality (eg, arterial
lines, ETCO2 monitoring, SpO2 waveforms, or others) (I), compared
with no feedback (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC; change in physiologic values by modifications
in CPR (O)?
Amit Chopra,
Natalie Wong
Part 4
ALS 658
Ultrasound during CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of ultrasound (including echocardiography or other organ
assessments) during CPR (I), compared with conventional CPR and
resuscitation without use of ultrasound (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Katherine Berg,
Lars Wiuff Andersen
Part 4
ALS 659
Epinephrine Versus
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does use of
epinephrine (I), compared with vasopressin (C), change survival to
30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 30 days, survival to
hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital
discharge, ROSC (O)?
Laurie Morrison,
Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 713
Prognostication in
Absence of TTM
Among adults who are comatose after cardiac arrest and are not
treated with TTM (P), does any clinical finding when normal (eg,
clinical exam, EEG, SSEPs, imaging, other) (I), compared with any
clinical finding when abnormal (C), reliably predict death or poor
neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; death only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year (O)?
Claudio Sandroni,
Tobias Cronberg
Part 4
ALS 714
SGAs Versus Tracheal
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does SGA
insertion as first advanced airway (I), compared with insertion of
a tracheal tube as first advanced airway (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters;
development of aspiration pneumonia (O)?
Jerry Nolan,
Charles Deakin
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 723
ECPR Versus Manual or
Mechanical CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does the use
of ECPR techniques (including extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or
cardiopulmonary bypass) (I), compared with manual CPR or mechanical
CPR (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Mayuki Aibiki,
Tzong-luen Wang
Part 4
ALS 778
SDE Versus HDE
In adult patients in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does HDE (at
least 0.2 mg/kg or 5 mg bolus dose) (I), compared with SDE (1 mg
bolus dose) (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic
outcome, survival to 180 days, survival to hospital discharge with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Laurie Morrison,
Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 782
Mechanical CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), do
automated mechanical chest compression devices (I), compared
with standard manual chest compressions (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Steven Brooks,
Laurie Morrison
Part 4
ALS 783
Basic Versus
Advanced Airway
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal tube or SGA) (I),
compared with basic airway (bag-mask device with or without
oropharyngeal airway) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters; development of
aspiration pneumonia (O)?
Jerry Nolan,
Part 4
ALS 784
Timing of
Administration of
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does early
epinephrine delivery by IV or IO route (eg, less than 10 minutes after
the beginning of resuscitation) (I), compared with delayed timing of
epinephrine delivery (eg, more than 10 minutes after the beginning
of resuscitation) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Tonia Nicholson,
Michael Donnino
Part 4
ALS 788
Epinephrine Versus
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
the use of epinephrine (I), compared with placebo or not using
epinephrine (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC (O)?
Laurie Morrison,
Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 789
Epinephrine Versus
Vasopressin in
Combination With
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of both vasopressin and epinephrine (I), compared with using
epinephrine alone (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Clifton Callaway,
Laurie Morrison,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 790
Targeted Temperature
Among patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does inducing mild hypothermia (target temperature 32°C–34°C)
(I), compared with normothermia (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Joshua Reynolds,
Katherine Berg
Part 4
ALS 791
Duration of TTM
In patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
induction and maintenance of hypothermia for any duration other
than 24 hours (I), compared with induction and maintenance of
hypothermia for a duration of 24 hours (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Theodoros Xanthos,
Lars Wiuff Andersen
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 4
ALS 802
Part 4
Part 4
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Timing of Induced
Among patients with return of pulses after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does induction of hypothermia before some time point
(eg, 1 hour after ROSC or before hospital arrival) (I), compared with
induction of hypothermia after that time point (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Theodoros Xanthos,
Michael Cocchi
ALS 808
Ventilation rate during
continuous chest
Among adults with cardiac arrest with a secure airway receiving chest
compressions (in any setting, and with standard tidal volume) (P), does a
ventilation rate of 10 breaths/min (I), compared with any other ventilation
rate (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Koen Monsieurs,
Jasmeet Soar,
Gino Vissers
ALS 834
Lipid Therapy for
Cardiac Arrest
In adult patients with cardiac arrest due to suspected drug toxicity
(eg, local anesthetics, tricyclic antidepressants, others) (P), does
administration of IV lipid (I), compared with no IV lipid (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Eric Lavonas,
Mohammed Alhelail
Part 4
ALS 868
Seizure Treatment
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
effective seizure treatment (I), compared with no seizure control (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
William Stacey
Part 4
ALS 879
Prevention of Fever
After Cardiac Arrest
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
prevention of fever to maintain strict normothermia (I), compared with
no fever control (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Katherine Berg,
Lars Wiuff Andersen
Part 4
ALS 889
Oxygen dose
during CPR
In adults with cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does administering
a maximal oxygen concentration (eg, 100% by face mask or closed
circuit) (I), compared with no supplementary oxygen (eg, 21%) or a
reduced oxygen concentration (eg, 40%–50%) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Anthony Lagina,
Jasmeet Soar
Part 5
ACS 332
ED Fibrinolysis and
Transport Only for
Rescue PCI Versus
Transport for PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–PCI-capable
hospital) (P), does transfer to a PCI center (I), compared with
immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemiadriven PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours (C), change short-term
survival, stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Nikolaos Nikolaou,
Abdulaziz Alali
Part 5
ACS 334
ED Fibrinolysis and
Then Routine Early
Angiography Versus
Only Rescue PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–PCI-capable
hospital) who have received immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis
(P), does routine transport for angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up
to 24 hours) (I), compared with only transfer for ischemia-driven
PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours (C), change death, intracranial
hemorrhage, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Michelle Welsford,
Robert O’Connor
Part 5
ACS 335
Prehospital ADPReceptor Antagonists
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of the
hospital (P), does prehospital administration of an ADP-receptor
antagonist (clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor) in addition to
usual therapy (I), compared with administration of an ADP-receptor
antagonist in-hospital (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
revascularization, stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Karen Woolfrey,
Daniel Pichel
Part 5
ACS 336
Prehospital ECG
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does prehospital 12-lead ECG with transmission or notification (I),
compared with no ECG or no transmission/notification (C), change
death, or time to treatment (first medical contact–to–balloon time,
first medical contact–to–needle time, door-to-balloon time, door-toneedle time) (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Michelle Welsford,
Abdulaziz Alali
(Continued )
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 5
ACS 337
Delayed PCI Versus
Fibrinolysis Stratified by
Time From Symptoms
Among patients with STEMI stratified by time from symptom onset
to presentation when fibrinolysis is readily available (P), does
delayed PCI (I), compared with fibrinolysis (C), change mortality,
reinfarction, major bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage (O)?
Anthony Scott,
Hiroshi Nonogi
Part 5
ACS 338
Prehospital Fibrinolysis
Versus ED Fibrinolysis
Among adults who are suspected of having STEMI outside of
a hospital (P), does prehospital fibrinolysis (I), compared with
in-hospital fibrinolysis(C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
revascularization, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Darren Walters
Part 5
ACS 340
With ST Elevation
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest with evidence
of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac catheterization
laboratory evaluation* (I), compared with cardiac catheterization
later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C), change hospital
mortality and neurologically favorable survival (O)?
Walters, Chris
Part 5
ACS 341
Prehospital Triage
to PCI Center Versus
Prehospital Fibrinolysis
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does direct triage and transport to a PCI center (I), compared with
prehospital fibrinolysis (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
major bleeding (O)?
Michelle Welsford,
Michael Longeway
Part 5
ACS 559
Computer-Assisted ECG
STEMI Interpretation
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does the use of computer-assisted ECG interpretation (I), compared
with physician ECG interpretation and/or clinical diagnosis of STEMI
(C), change identification of STEMI on an ECG with acceptable
rates of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs, minimizing
unnecessary intervention (O)?
Chi Keong Ching,
Catherine Patocka
Part 5
ACS 562
Anticoagulants Versus
None in STEMI
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of hospital
transferred for primary PCI (P), does any anticoagulant administered
prehospital (eg, bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux,
UFH) (I), compared with no anticoagulant administered prehospital
(C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage, revascularization, major
bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Farzin Beygui,
Vincent Roule
Part 5
ACS 568
Anticoagulants vs UFH
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital
transferred for primary PCI (P), does any anticoagulants prehospital
(eg: bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux) (I), compared
with UFH pre-hospital (C), change death, ICH, revascularization,
major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Farzin Beygui,
Vincent Roule
Part 5
ACS 737
Biomarkers to Rule
In patients presenting to the ED with chest pain suspected to be of
cardiac etiology (P), does a negative troponin test at presentation
and 1, 2, 3, and 6 hours (I), compared with a positive test (C),
exclude the diagnosis of ACS (O)?
Robert O’Connor,
Michelle Welsford
Part 5
ACS 779
ED Fibrinolysis
and Routine Early
Angiography Versus
Transport for PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED of a non–PCI-capable
hospital (P), does immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine
transfer for angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24 hours) (I),
compared with transfer to a PCI center (C), change 30-day mortality,
stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Nikolaos Nikolaou,
Farzin Beygui
Part 5
ACS 873
Prehospital STEMI
Activation of the
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital
(P), does prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory (I),
compared with no prehospital activation of the catheterization
laboratory (C), change mortality, major bleeding, stroke,
reinfarction (O)?
Karen Woolfrey,
Daniel Pichel
Part 5
ACS 882
ED Fibrinolysis and
Immediate PCI Versus
Immediate PCI Alone
Among adults who are having STEMI in the ED (P), does fibrinolytic
administration combined with immediate PCI (I), compared with
immediate PCI alone (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
reinfarction, urgent target vessel revascularization, major bleeding (O)?
Hiroshi Nonogi,
Anthony Scott
Part 5
ACS 884
Non-physician STEMI
ECG interpretation
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital
(P), do nonphysicians (eg, nurses and paramedics) (I), compared
with physicians (C), change identification of STEMI on an ECG with
acceptable rates of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs,
minimizing unnecessary angiography (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Evidence Reviewers
Chi Keong Ching,
Catherine Patocka
(Continued )
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 5
ACS 885
PCI After ROSC Without
ST Elevation
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest without
evidence of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac
catheterization laboratory evaluation (I), compared with cardiac
catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C),
change hospital mortality and neurologically favorable survival (O)?
Darren Walters
Part 5
ACS 887
Oxygen in ACS
Among adult patients with suspected ACS and normal oxygen
saturation in any setting (prehospital, emergency, or in-hospital) (P),
does withholding oxygen (I), compared with routine supplementary
oxygen (C), change death, infarct size, chest pain resolution, ECG
resolution (O)?
Anthony Scott,
Anthony Seto
Part 6
Peds 387
Among infants and children who are experiencing ROSC after
cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does the use of TTM (eg, therapeutic
hypothermia) (I), compared with the use of normothermia (C), change
survival to hospital discharge, ICU LOS (O)?
Ian Maconochie,
Mark Coulthard
Part 6
Peds 394
Chest Compression
In infants and children receiving chest compressions (in or out of
hospital) (P), does the use of any specific chest compression depth
(I), compared with the depth specified in the current treatment
algorithm (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic
outcome, survival to hospital discharge, complication rate, or
intermediate physiological endpoints (O)?
Gabrielle Nuthall,
Fernanda Sá
Part 6
Peds 397
Pediatric METs and
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does the use
of pediatric METs/RRTs (I), compared with not using METs/RRTs
(C), change cardiac or pulmonary arrest frequency outside of the
intensive care unit (ICU), overall hospital mortality (O)?
Kee Chong Ng,
Dianne Atkins
Part 6
Peds 405
Energy Doses for
Among infants and children who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P),
does a specific energy dose or regimen of energy doses for the
initial or subsequent defibrillation attempt(s) (I), compared with 2
to 4 J/kg (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival to hospital discharge; ROSC; termination of arrhythmia (O)?
Robert Bingham,
Stuart Dalziel
Part 6
Peds 407
In infants and children with IHCA (P), does the use of ECMO for
resuscitation, also called ECPR (I), when compared with conventional
resuscitative treatment (CPR without the use of ECMO) (C), change
survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, or survival to intensive care discharge (O)?
Ericka Fink
Part 6
Peds 414
Chest Compression–
Only CPR Versus
Conventional CPR
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does compression-only CPR (I), compared with the use of
conventional CPR (C), change neurologically intact survival at 1 year,
survival to hospital discharge, improved ICU LOS, neurologically
intact survival at 30 days (O)?
Jonathan Duff,
Dominique Biarent
Part 6
Peds 424
Vasopressor Use During
Cardiac Arrest
Among infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does the use
of no vasopressor (epinephrine, vasopressin, combination of
vasopressors) (I), compared with any use of vasopressors (C),
change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival
to hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Vinay Nadkarni,
David Kloeck
Part 6
Peds 544
Post-ROSC PaO2
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest (in- or
out-of-hospital setting) (P), does the use of a targeted PaO2 strategy
(I), compared with a strategy of no targeted PaO2 (C), change ICU
LOS, survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, survival to ICU discharge, survival to 6 months (O)?
Allan de Caen,
Amelia Reis
Part 6
Peds 545
Fluid Resuscitation in
Septic Shock
Among infants and children who are in septic shock in any setting
(P), does the use of restricted volumes of resuscitation fluid (I1)
when compared with nonrestricted volumes (C1), or the use of
noncrystalloid fluids (I2) when compared with crystalloid fluids
(C2), change survival to hospital discharge, need for mechanical
ventilation or vasopressor support, complications, time to resolution
of shock, hospital length of stay (LOS), ventilator-free days, total
intravenous (IV) fluids administered (O)?
Richard Aickin,
Peter Meaney
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 6
Peds 709
Part 6
Part 6
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Sequence of Chest
Compressions and
Ventilations: C-A-B
Versus A-B-C
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does the use of a circulation-airway-breathing approach
to initial management (I), compared with the use of an airwaybreathing-circulation approach to initial management (C), change
ROSC, survival to hospital discharge, survival to 180 days with good
neurologic outcome, time to first compressions (O)?
Naoki Shimizu,
Christoph Eich
Peds 813
Predictive Factors
Among infants and children with return of circulation (P),
does the presence of any specific factors (I), compared with
the absence of those factors (C), change survival to 180 days
with good neurologic outcome; survival to 60 days with good
neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to 30 days with good
neurologic outcome; survival to hospital discharge with good
neurologic outcome (O)?
Thomaz Bittencourt
Couto, Marc Berg
Peds 814
Prognostic Factors
Among infants and children during cardiac arrest (P), does
the presence of any specific intra-arrest prognostic factors (I),
compared with the absence of these factors (C), change survival
to 180 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to 60 days
with good neurologic outcome; survival to hospital discharge with
good neurologic outcome; survival to 30 days with good neurologic
outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year (O)?
Audrey Shibata,
Steve Schexnayder
Part 6
Peds 815
Post-ROSC Ventilation:
PaCO2 Goals
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does ventilation to a specific PaCO2 target (I), compared
with ventilation to no specific PaCO2 target (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic outcome, survival to 180 days with good
neurologic outcome, survival to 30 days with good neurologic
outcome, the likelihood of a good quality of life after discharge
from the hospital, survival to hospital discharge, survival to hospital
discharge, survival to 30 days, survival to 60 days, survival to
6 months, survival to ICU discharge (O)?
Javier Urbano,
Janice Tijssen
Part 6
Peds 818
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does the use
of a pediatric early warning score (I), compared with not using a
pediatric early warning score (C), change overall hospital mortality,
Cardiac arrest frequency outside of the ICU (O)?
Alexis Topjian,
Part 6
Peds 819
Prearrest Care of
Pediatric Dilated
Cardiomyopathy or
For infants and children with myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy
and impending cardiac arrest (P), does a specific approach (I),
compared with the usual management of shock or cardiac arrest
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to
hospital discharge; cardiac arrest frequency; ROSC (O)?
Graeme MacLaren,
Ravi Thiagarajan
Part 6
Peds 820
Post-ROSC Fluid/
In infants and children after ROSC (P), does the use of parenteral
fluids and inotropes and/or vasopressors to maintain targeted
measures of perfusion such as blood pressure (I), as compared
with not using these interventions (C), change patient satisfaction;
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to hospital discharge; harm to
patient (O)?
Melissa Parker,
Takanari Ikeyama
Part 6
Peds 821
Atropine for Emergency
In infants and children requiring emergency tracheal intubation (P),
does the use of atropine as a premedication (I), compared with
not using atropine (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year after event; the incidence of cardiac arrest;
survival to hospital discharge; the incidence of peri-intubation shock
or arrhythmias (O)?
Gene Ong,
Jos Bruinenberg
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 6
Peds 822
Part 6
Part 6
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
For infants and children who have had cardiac arrests in the
in-hospital or out-of-hospital setting (P), does any use of
neuroelectrophysiology information (EEG) (I), compared with none
(C), predict survival at 1 year with good neurologic outcome, survival
to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 60 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to 6 months, survival to
30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital
discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival with favorable
neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge (O)?
Stuart Friess,
Corsino Rey
Peds 825
Amiodarone Versus
Lidocaine for ShockResistant VF or pVT
In children and infants with shock-refractory VF or pVT (P), does
amiodarone (I), compared with lidocaine (C), change survival to hospital
discharge, ROSC, recurrence of VF, termination of arrhythmia, risk of
complications (eg, need for tube change, airway injury, aspiration) (O)?
Dianne Atkins,
Mary McBride,
Brad Marino
Peds 826
Invasive Blood Pressure
Monitoring During CPR
In children and infants undergoing CPR (P), does using invasive
hemodynamic monitoring to titrate to a specific systolic/diastolic
blood pressure (I), compared with not using invasive hemodynamic
monitoring to titrate to a specific systolic/diastolic blood pressure
(C), change survival to hospital discharge, 60 days after event,
180 days after event with favorable neurologic outcome, or the
likelihood of ROSC or survival to hospital discharge (O)?
Tia Raymond,
Jonathan Egan
Part 6
Peds 827
ETCO2 Monitoring
During CPR
In infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does adjustment of
chest compression technique to achieve a specific ETCO2 threshold
(I), compared with not using ETCO2 to adjust chest compression
technique (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic
outcome, the likelihood of survival to discharge, ROSC (O)?
Remigio Veliz,
Monica Kleinman
Part 7
NRP 589
in the Delivery
In nonasphyxiated babies at birth (P), does maintenance of
normothermia (core temperature 36.5°C or greater and 37.5°C or
less) from delivery to admission (I), compared with hypothermia (less
than 36°C) or hyperthermia (greater than 37.5°C) (C), change survival
to hospital discharge, respiratory distress, survival to admission,
hypoglycemia, intracranial hemorrhage, or infection rate (O)?
Jonathan Wyllie,
Jeffrey Perlman
Part 7
NRP 590
CPAP and
In spontaneously breathing preterm infants with respiratory distress
requiring respiratory support in the delivery room (P), does the use of
CPAP (I), compared with intubation and IPPV (C), improve outcome (O)?
Tetsuya Isayama,
Ben Stenson
Part 7
NRP 599
Maintaining Infant
Temperature During
Delivery Room
Among preterm neonates who are under radiant warmers in the
hospital delivery room (P), does increased room temperature,
thermal mattress, or another intervention (I), compared with plastic
wraps alone (C), reduce hypothermia (less than 36°C) on admission
to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (O)?
Daniele Trevisanuto,
Maria Fernanda de
Part 7
NRP 605
Thumb Versus 2-Finger
Techniques for Chest
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does the use
of a 2-thumb technique (I), compared with a 2-finger technique
(C), result in return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), improved
neurologic outcomes, improved survival, improved perfusion and
gas exchange during CPR, and decreased compressor fatigue (O)?
Myra Wyckoff,
Lindsay Mildenhall
Part 7
NRP 618
Laryngeal Mask
In newborn infants at near term (greater than 34 weeks) or term who
have indications for intermittent positive pressure for resuscitation
(P), does use of a laryngeal mask as a primary or secondary device
(I), compared with mask ventilation or endotracheal intubation (C),
improve response to resuscitation or change outcome (O), including
indicators of neonatal brain injury, achieving stable vital signs,
increasing Apgar scores, long-term outcomes, reducing the need for
subsequent intubation, or neonatal morbidity and mortality?
Edgardo Szyld,
Enrique Udaeta
Part 7
NRP 734
Induced Hypothermia—
In term infants with moderate/severe hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy managed in resource-limited countries (P), does
therapeutic hypothermia to core temperature of approximately
33.5°C for 72 hours delivered by passive hypothermia and/or ice
packs (I), versus standard therapy (C), improve the rates of death,
neurodevelopmental impairments at 18 months to 2 years (O)?
Jeffrey Perlman
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
(Continued )
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 7
NRP 738
Oxygen Delivery
During CPR
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does 100% O2
as the ventilation gas (I), compared with lower concentrations of
oxygen (C), increase survival rates, improve neurologic outcomes,
decrease time to ROSC, or decrease oxidative injury (O)?
Myra Wyckoff,
Lindsay Mildenhall
Part 7
NRP 787
Delayed Cord Clamping
in Preterm Infants
Requiring Resuscitation
In preterm infants, including those who received resuscitation
(P), does delayed cord clamping (greater than 30 seconds) (I),
compared with immediate cord clamping (C), improve survival,
long-term developmental outcome, cardiovascular stability,
occurrence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing
enterocolitis, temperature on admission to a newborn area, and
hyperbilirubinemia (O)?
Masanori Tamura,
Susan Niermeyer
Part 7
NRP 793
Maintaining Infant
Temperature During
Delivery Room
In newborn infants (greater than 30 weeks of gestation) in lowresource settings during and/or after resuscitation/stabilization (P),
does drying and skin-to-skin contact or covering with plastic (I),
compared with drying and no skin-to-skin or use of radiant warmer
or incubator (C), change body temperature (O)?
Sithembiso Velaphi,
Hege Ersdal,
Nalini Singhal
Part 7
NRP 804
Babies Born to Mothers
Who Are Hypothermic
or Hyperthermic in
In newborn babies (P), does maternal hypothermia or hyperthermia
in labor (I), versus normal maternal temperature (C), result in
adverse neonatal effects (O)? Outcomes include mortality, neonatal
seizures, and adverse neurologic states.
Henry Lee,
Marilyn Escobedo
Part 7
NRP 805
Delivery Room
Assessment for Less
Than 25 Weeks and
Prognostic Score
In extremely preterm infants (less than 25 weeks) (P), does delivery
room assessment with a prognostic score (I), compared with
gestational age assessment alone (C), change survival to 18 to
22 months (O)?
Steven Ringer,
Steve Byrne
Part 7
NRP 806
Newborn Infants
Who Receive PPV for
Resuscitation, and
Use of a Device to
Assess Respiratory
In newborn infants who receive PPV for resuscitation (P), does use
of a device to assess respiratory function with or without pressure
monitoring (I), compared with no device (C), change survival to
hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, IVH, time to
heart rate greater than 100/min, bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
pneumothorax (O)?
Helen Liley,
Vishal Kapadia
Part 7
NRP 809
In term and preterm newborn infants who do not establish
spontaneous respiration at birth (P), does administration of 1 or
more pressure-limited sustained lung inflations (I), compared with
intermittent PPV with short inspiratory times (C), change Apgar score
at 5 minutes, establishment of FRC, requirement for mechanical
ventilation in first 72 hours, time to heart rate greater than 100/min,
rate of tracheal intubation, overall mortality (O)?
Jane McGowan,
David Boyle
Part 7
NRP 849
Umbilical Cord
In very preterm infants (28 weeks or less) (P), does umbilical
cord milking (I), in comparison with immediate umbilical cord
clamping (C), affect death, neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 to 3
years, cardiovascular stability, ie, need for pressors, need for fluid
bolus, initial mean blood pressure, IVH (any grade, severe grade),
temperature on admission, hematologic indices (initial hemoglobin,
need for transfusion), hyperbilirubinemia, need for phototherapy, or
need for exchange transfusion (O)?
Marya Strand,
Takahiro Sugiura
Part 7
NRP 858
Warming of
In newborns who are hypothermic (temperature less than
36.0°C) on admission (P), does rapid rewarming (I), compared
with slow rewarming (C), change mortality rate, short and longterm neurologic outcome, hemorrhage, episodes of apnea and
hypoglycemia, or need for respiratory support (O)?
Part 7
NRP 859
Resuscitation Training
For course participants including (a) trainees and (b) practitioners
(P), does frequent training (I), compared with less frequent training
(annual or biennial) (C), change all levels of education or practice,
prevention of adverse outcomes, overall mortality, scenario
performance, medical knowledge, psychomotor performance,
provider confidence, course satisfaction (O)?
Cheo Yeo,
Daniele Trevisanuto
Chris Colby,
Khalid Aziz
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 7
NRP 860
Predicting Death or
Disability of Newborns
of Greater Than 34
Weeks Based on Apgar
and/or Absence of
In newborn infants of greater than 34 weeks of gestation, receiving
PPV at birth in settings where resources are limited (P), does
presence of heart rate with no spontaneous breathing or Apgar
scores of 1 to 3 at greater than 5 minutes predict mortality or
morbidity or cerebral palsy (O)?
Sithembiso Velaphi,
Nalini Singhal,
Hege Ersdal
Part 7
NRP 862
Use of Feedback
CPR Devices for
Neonatal Cardiac
In asystolic/bradycardic neonates receiving cardiac compressions
(P), does the use of feedback devices such as end-tidal carbon
dioxide (ETCO2) monitors, pulse oximeters, or automated
compression feedback devices (I), compared with clinical
assessments of compression efficacy (C), decrease hands-off time,
decrease time to ROSC, improve perfusion, increase survival rates,
or improve neurologic outcomes (O)?
Lindsay Mildenhall,
Takahiro Sugiura
Part 7
NRP 864
Oxygen Concentration
for Resuscitating
Among preterm newborns (less than 37 weeks of gestation)
who receive PPV in the delivery room (P), does the use of
high O2 (50%–100%) as the ventilation gas (I), compared with
low concentrations of O2 (21%–30%) (C), decrease mortality,
decrease bronchopulmonary dysplasia, decrease retinopathy,
decrease IVH (O)?
Gary Weiner,
Douglas McMillan
Part 7
NRP 865
Intubation and
Tracheal Suctioning
in nonvigorous Infants
Born Though MSAF
Versus No Intubation for
Tracheal Suctioning—
In nonvigorous infants at birth born through MSAF (P), does tracheal
intubation for suctioning (I), compared with no tracheal intubation
(C), reduce meconium syndrome or prevent death (O)?
Sithembiso Velaphi,
Jeffrey Perlman
Part 7
NRP 867
Neonatal Resuscitation
In neonatal resuscitation instructors (P), does formal training on
specific aspects of how to facilitate learning (I), compared with
generic or nonspecific training (C), change clinical outcome, improve
all levels of education or practice (O)?
Helen Liley,
Louis Halamek
Part 7
NRP 870
T-Piece Resuscitator
and Self-Inflating
In newborns (preterm and term) receiving ventilation (PPV) during
resuscitation (P), does using a T-piece resuscitator with PEEP (I),
compared with using a self-inflating bag without PEEP (C), achieve
spontaneous breathing sooner and/or reduce the incidence of
pneumothorax, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and mortality (O)?
Yacov Rabi,
Han Suk Kim
Part 7
NRP 895
Chest Compression
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), do other ratios (5:1,
9:3, 15:2, synchronous, etc) (I), compared with 3:1 compressions
to ventilations (C), increase survival rates, improve neurologic
outcomes, improve perfusion and gas exchange during CPR,
decrease time to ROSC, decrease tissue injury, or decrease
compressor fatigue (O)?
Qi Feng,
Myra Wyckoff
Part 7
NRP 896
Apgar Score of 0
for 10 Minutes or
In infants with a gestational age of 36 weeks or greater and
an Apgar score of 0 for 10 minutes or longer, despite ongoing
resuscitation (P), what is the rate of survival to NICU admission and
death or neurocognitive impairment at 18 to 22 months (O)?
Ruth Guinsburg,
Jane McGowan
Part 7
NRP 897
Outcomes for PEEP
Versus No PEEP
in the Delivery
In preterm/term newborn infants who do not establish respiration
at birth (P), does the use of PEEP as part of the initial ventilation
strategy (I), compared with no PEEP (C), improve Apgar score at
5 minutes, intubation in the delivery room, chest compressions in
the delivery room, heart rate greater than 100/min by 2 minutes
of life, time for heart rate to rise above 100/min, air leaks, oxygen
saturation/oxygenation, FIO2 in the delivery room, mechanical
ventilation in the first 72 hours, bronchopulmonary dysplasia,
survival to discharge (O)?
Yacov Rabi,
Colm O’Donnell
Part 7
NRP 898
ECG/EKG (I) in
Comparison to Oximetry
or Auscultation for the
Detection of Heart Rate
In babies requiring resuscitation (P), does electrocardiography
(ECG/EKG) (I), compared with oximetry or auscultation (C),
measure heart rate faster and more accurately (O)?
Marya Strand,
Hege Ersdal
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 8
EIT 623
Part 8
Part 8
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
High-Fidelity Manikins
in Training
Among participants undertaking ALS training in an education setting
(P), does the use of high-fidelity manikins (I), compared with the
use of low-fidelity manikins (C), change patient outcomes, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year,
skill performance at time between course conclusion and 1 year,
skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Adam Cheng,
Andy Lockey
EIT 624
Cardiac Arrest Centers
Adults and children in OHCA (P), does transport to a specialist
cardiac arrest center (I), compared with no directed transport (C),
change neurologically intact survival at 30 days, survival to hospital
discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital
discharge, hospital admission, ROSC (O)?
Judith Finn,
Dion Stub
EIT 628
Timing for BLS
Among students who are taking BLS courses (P), does any specific
interval for update or retraining (I), compared with standard
practice (ie, 12 or 24 monthly) (C), change patient outcomes, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year,
skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Taku Iwami,
Part 8
EIT 631
Team and Leadership
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational
setting (P), does inclusion of specific leadership or team training
(I), compared with no such specific training (C), change patient
outcomes, bystander CPR performance, skill performance in actual
resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at
course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Koen Monsieurs,
Elaine Gilfoyle
Part 8
EIT 633
Timing for Advanced
Resuscitation Training
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational
setting (P), does any specific interval for update or retraining
(I), compared with standard practice (ie, 12 or 24 monthly) (C),
change/improve patient outcomes, skill performance in actual
resuscitations, skill performance between course completion and
1 year; skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course
conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Matthew Ma,
Chih-wei Yang,
Farhan Bhanji
Part 8
EIT 634
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in a resourcelimited educational setting (P), does any educational approach (I),
compared with other approaches (C), change clinical outcome, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year,
skill performance at time between course conclusion and 1 year,
skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
David Kloeck,
Traci Wolbrink
Part 8
EIT 637
Precourse Preparation
for Advanced Life
Support Courses
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational
setting (P), does inclusion of specific precourse preparation (eg,
eLearning and pretesting) (I), compared with no such preparation
(C), change survival rates, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
cognitive knowledge, skill performance at course conclusion, skill
performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between course
conclusion and 1 year (O)?
Andy Lockey,
Mary Mancini,
John Billi
Part 8
EIT 638
Medical Emergency
Teams for Adults
Among adults who are at risk for cardiac or respiratory arrest in the
hospital (P), does use of the Early Warning Score (EWS)/response
teams/MET systems (I), compared with no such responses (C),
change survival to hospital discharge, in-hospital incidence of
cardiac/respiratory arrest, survival to hospital discharge with good
neurologic outcome (O)?
Mary Mancini,
Robert Frengley
Part 8
EIT 640
Measuring Performance
of Resuscitation
Among resuscitation systems caring for patients in cardiac arrest
in any setting (P), does a performance measurement system (I),
compared with no system (C), change survival to hospital discharge,
skill performance in actual resuscitations, survival to admission,
system-level variables (O)?
Blair Bigham,
Robert Schultz
Part 8
EIT 641
of Guidelines in
Within organizations that provide care for patients in cardiac arrest
in any setting (P), does implementation of resuscitation guidelines
(I), compared with no such use (C), change survival to 180 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, bystander
CPR performance, ROSC (O)?
Jon Rittenberger,
Patrick Ko
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
(Continued )
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 8
EIT 645
Part 8
Part 8
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Debriefing of
Among rescuers who are caring for patients in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does briefing or debriefing (I), compared with no briefing
or debriefing (C), change survival, skill performance in actual
resuscitations, improve quality of resuscitation (eg, reduce hands-off
time), cognitive knowledge (O)?
Robert Greif,
Dana Edelson
EIT 647
CPR Instruction
Methods (SelfInstruction Versus
Among students who are taking BLS courses in an educational
setting (P), does video or computer self-instructions (I), compared
with traditional instructor-led courses (C), change survival, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year,
skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Ming-Ju Hsieh,
Matthew Ma,
Judy Young
EIT 648
CPR Feedback Devices
in Training
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in an educational
setting (P), does CPR feedback device use (I), compared with no use
of CPR feedback devices (C), change improve patient outcomes, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill
performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Joyce Yeung,
Mary Ann McNeil
Part 8
EIT 649
Basic Life Support
Training for High-Risk
For people at high risk of OHCA (P), does focused training of likely
rescuers (eg, family or caregivers) (I) compared with no such
targeting (C), change survival with favorable neurologic outcome at
discharge, ROSC, bystander CPR performance, number of people
trained in CPR, willingness to provide CPR (O)?
Janet Bray,
Marion Leary
Part 8
EIT 651
AED Training Methods
Among students who are taking AED courses in an educational setting
(P), does any specific training intervention (I), compared with traditional
lecture/practice sessions (C), change clinical outcome, skill performance
in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at
course conclusion, cognitive knowledge, use of AEDs (O)?
Jan Breckwoldt,
Henrik Fischer
Part 8
EIT 878
Social Media
For OHCA (P), does having a citizen CPR responder notified of the event
via technology or social media (I), compared with no such notification
(C), change survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic
outcome, survival to hospital discharge, hospital admission, ROSC,
bystander CPR rates, time to first compressions (O)?
Zuzana Triska,
Steven Brooks
Part 8
EIT 881
CPR Training
Among communities that are caring for patients in cardiac arrest in
any setting (P), does teaching compression-only CPR (I), compared
with conventional CPR (C), change survival rates, bystander CPR
rates, willingness to provide CPR (O)?
Jonathan Duff,
Aaron Donoghue
Part 9
First Aid
FA 500
Second Dose of
Epinephrine for
Among adults and children experiencing severe anaphylaxis requiring
the use of epinephrine (P), does administration of a second dose
of epinephrine (I), compared with administration of only 1 dose (C),
change resolution of symptoms, adverse effects, complications (O)?
Athanasios Chalkias,
Barbara Caracci,
Emmy De Buck
Part 9
First Aid
FA 503
Straightening of an
Angulated Fracture
Among adults and children who receive first aid for an angulated long
bone fracture (P), does realignment of the fracture prior to splinting
(I), compared with splinting as found (C), change neurologic injury,
vascular injury, splinting, pain, time to medical transportation (O)?
Ryan Fringer,
Catherine Patocka
Part 9
First Aid
FA 517
Recovery Position
Among adults who are breathing and unresponsive outside of a
hospital (P), does positioning in a lateral, side-lying, recovery position
(I), compared with supine position (C), change overall mortality, need
for airway management, the incidence of aspiration, the likelihood of
cervical spinal injury, complications, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Janel Swain, S Seitz
Part 9
First Aid
FA 519
Oxygen Administration
for First Aid
Among adults and children who exhibit symptoms or signs of shortness
of breath, difficulty breathing, or hypoxemia outside of a hospital (P),
does administration of supplementary oxygen (I), compared with no
administration of oxygen (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; shortness of breath; time to resolution of symptoms; or
therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and ventilation) (O)?
Michael Nemeth,
Chih-Hung Wang
Part 9
First Aid
FA 520
Optimal Position
for Shock
Among adults and children who receive first aid for shock (P), does
positioning of the patient (I), compared with not positioning the
patient (C), change overall mortality, complications, incidence of
cardiac arrest, vital signs, hospital length of stay (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Anthony Handley,
Luis Lojero-Wheatley,
Justin DeVoge
(Continued )
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 9
First Aid
FA 525
First Aid Treatment for
an Open Chest Wound
Among adults and children who are being treated for an open chest
wound outside of a hospital (P), does occlusive bandage application
or occlusive device (I), compared with a nonocclusive dressing (C),
change or improve survival, respiratory arrest, oxygen saturation,
vital signs, the rate of cardiac and respiratory arrests, improve
therapeutic endpoints (oxygenation and ventilation) (O)?
Wei-tien Chang,
Kyee Han
Part 9
First Aid
FA 530
Control of Bleeding
Among adults and children with bleeding (P), does application of
localized cold therapy, elevation of extremity, and/or application of
pressure over proximal pressure points (I), compared with direct
pressure alone (C), change overall mortality, hemostasis, major
bleeding, complications, hospital length of stay (O)?
Richard Bradley,
Jae-Hyug Woo
Part 9
First Aid
FA 534
Bronchodilator Use for
Asthma with Difficulty
Among adults and children in the prehospital setting who have
asthma and are experiencing difficulty in breathing (P), does
bronchodilator administration (I), compared with no bronchodilator
administration (C), change time to resolution of symptoms, time
to resumption of usual activity, complications, harm to patient,
therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and ventilation), need for
advanced medical care (O)?
Nathan Charlton,
Ian Blanchard
Part 9
First Aid
FA 540
Eye Chemical Injury:
Among adults and children who have a chemical or other unknown
substance enter the conjunctival sac (P), does irrigation with isotonic
saline, balanced salt solution, or other commercial eye irrigation
solutions (I), compared with irrigation with water (C), change tissue
healing, functional recovery, pain, complications, time to resumption
of usual activity, restoration to the preexposure condition, time to
resolution of symptoms (O)?
Ralph Shenefelt,
L. Kristian Arnold,
Janel Swain
Part 9
First Aid
FA 584
Exertional Dehydration
and Oral Rehydration
Among adults and children with exertion-related dehydration (P),
does drinking oral carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) liquids (I), compared
with drinking water (C), change volume/hydration status, vital signs,
development of hyperthermia, development of hyponatremia, need
for advanced medical care, blood glucose, patient satisfaction (O)?
Rita Herrington,
Amy Kule,
Jestin Carlson
Part 9
First Aid
FA 586
Aspirin for Chest Pain
(Early vs. Late)
Among adults who are experiencing chest pain outside of a hospital
(P), does early administration of aspirin (I), compared with later
administration of aspirin (C), change cardiovascular mortality,
complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac functional outcome,
infarct size, hospital length of stay, chest pain resolution (O)?
Janel Swain,
Thomas Evans
Part 9
First Aid
FA 768
Use of a Tourniquet
Among adults and children with severe external limb bleeding (P),
does the application of a tourniquet (I), compared with not applying
a tourniquet (C), change hemostasis, overall mortality, vital signs,
functional limb recovery, complications, blood loss, incidence of
cardiac arrest (O)?
Jan Jensen,
Michael Reilly
Part 9
First Aid
FA 769
Hemostatic Dressings
In patients with severe external bleeding (P), does the application
of topical hemostatic dressings plus standard first aid (I), compared
with standard first aid alone (C), change overall mortality, vital signs,
hemostasis, complications, blood loss, major bleeding, incidence of
cardiac arrest (O)?
Jan Jensen,
Richard Bradley
Part 9
First Aid
FA 770
Cooling of Burns
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does active
cooling of burns (I), compared with passive cooling (C), change pain,
complications, wound healing, need for advanced medical care,
patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy, depth or breadth of burn (O)?
Natalie Hood,
Nathan Charlton
Part 9
First Aid
FA 771
Wet Compared With Dry
Burn Dressings
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does the
use of a wet dressing (I), compared with dry dressing (C), change
complications, pain, tissue healing, need for advanced medical care,
patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy (O)?
Emmy De Buck,
Ian Blanchard
Part 9
First Aid
FA 772
Cervical Spinal Motion
Among adults and children with suspected blunt traumatic cervical
spinal injury (P), does cervical spinal motion restriction (I), compared
with no cervical spinal motion restriction (C), change neurologic
injury, complications, overall mortality, pain, patient comfort,
movement of the spine, hospital length of stay (O)?
Tessa Dieltjens,
Jeff Woodin
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Hazinski et al
Part 1: Executive Summary
CoSTR Evidence-Based PICO Worksheets: Master Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 9
First Aid
FA 773
First Aid Training
Among adults and children receiving first aid (P), does care from a
trained first aid provider (I), compared with care from an untrained
person (C), change increase survival rates, recognition of acute
injury or illness, prevent further illness or injury (ie., harm), time
to resolution of injury, the likelihood of harm (eg infection), time to
resolution of symptoms (O)?
Jeffrey Pellegrino,
Danita Koehler
Part 9
First Aid
FA 794
Dental Avulsion
Among adults and children with an avulsed permanent tooth (P),
does storage of the tooth in any solution prior to replantation
(I), compared with storage in whole milk or the patient’s saliva
(C), change success of reimplantation, tooth survival or viability,
infection rate, pain, malfunction (eating, speech), color of the
tooth (O)?
Nele Pauwels,
Bryan Kitch
Part 9
First Aid
FA 795
Among adults and children with symptomatic hypoglycemia (P),
does administration of dietary forms of sugar (I), compared with
standard dose (15–20 g) of glucose tablets (C), change time to
resolution of symptoms, risk of complications (eg, aspiration), blood
glucose, hypoglycemia, hospital length of stay (O)?
Jestin Carlson,
Part 9
First Aid
FA 799
Among adults and children with suspected head injury without
loss of consciousness (P), does use of a simple concussion scoring
system (I), compared with standard first aid assessment without a
scoring system (C), change time to recognition of the deteriorating
patient, the likelihood of a poor neurologic outcome, survival to
30 days with good neurologic outcome, need for advanced medical
care, time to medical transportation, or likelihood of differentiating
between minor head contusion and more serious concussion (O)?
Richard Rusk,
Christina Gruber
Part 9
First Aid
FA 801
Stroke Recognition
Among adults with suspected acute stroke (P), does the use of a
rapid stroke scoring system or scale (I), compared with standard
first aid assessment (C), change time to treatment (eg, door to
drug), recognition of acute injury or illness, discharge with favorable
neurologic status, survival with favorable neurologic outcome, or
increased public/layperson recognition of stroke signs (O)?
Pascal Cassan,
Jeffrey Ferguson,
Daniel Meyran
Part 9
First Aid
FA 871
Aspirin for Chest Pain:
Among adults experiencing chest pain due to suspected MI (P), does
administration of aspirin (I), compared with no administration of
aspirin (C), change cardiovascular mortality, complications, adverse
effects, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac functional outcome,
infarct size, hospital length of stay (O)?
Thomas Evans,
Janel Swain
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118. Wallace SK, Abella BS, Becker LB. Quantifying the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality on cardiac arrest outcome: a systematic
review and meta-analysis. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2013;6:148156. doi: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.111.000041.
119. Sutton RM, Wolfe H, Nishisaki A, Leffelman J, Niles D, Meaney PA,
Donoghue A, Maltese MR, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM. Pushing harder,
pushing faster, minimizing interruptions… but falling short of 2010
Part 1: Executive Summary
cardiopulmonary resuscitation targets during in-hospital pediatric
and adolescent resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2013;84:1680–1684. doi:
Cho GC, Sohn YD, Kang KH, Lee WW, Lim KS, Kim W, Oh BJ, Choi
DH, Yeom SR, Lim H. The effect of basic life support education on
laypersons’ willingness in performing bystander hands only cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2010;81:691–694. doi: 10.1016/j.
Lam KK, Lau FL, Chan WK, Wong WN. Effect of severe acute respiratory syndrome on bystander willingness to perform cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR)–is compression-only preferred to standard CPR?
Prehosp Disaster Med. 2007;22:325–329.
Shibata K, Taniguchi T, Yoshida M, Yamamoto K. Obstacles to bystander
cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Japan. Resuscitation. 2000;44:187–193.
Taniguchi T, Omi W, Inaba H. Attitudes toward the performance of
bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Japan. Resuscitation.
2007;75:82–87. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2007.02.019.
Mancini ME, Soar J, Bhanji F, Billi JE, Dennett J, Finn J, Ma MH,
Perkins GD, Rodgers DL, Hazinski MF, Jacobs I, Morley PT; Education,
Implementation, and Teams Chapter Collaborators. Part 12: education, implementation, and teams: 2010 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2010;122(Suppl
2):S539–S581. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.971143.
Kurosawa H, Ikeyama T, Achuff P, Perkel M, Watson C, Monachino A,
Remy D, Deutsch E, Buchanan N, Anderson J, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM,
Nishisaki A. A randomized, controlled trial of in situ pediatric advanced
life support recertification (“pediatric advanced life support reconstructed”) compared with standard pediatric advanced life support recertification for ICU frontline providers*. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:610–618.
doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000024.
Patocka C, Khan F, Dubrovsky AS, Brody D, Bank I, Bhanji F. Pediatric
resuscitation training-instruction all at once or spaced over time?
Resuscitation. 2015;88:6–11. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2014.12.003.
Olasveengen TM, Vik E, Kuzovlev A, Sunde K. Effect of implementation
of new resuscitation guidelines on quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and survival. Resuscitation. 2009;80:407–411. doi: 10.1016/j.
Bigham BL, Koprowicz K, Rea T, Dorian P, Aufderheide TP, Davis DP,
Powell J, Morrison LJ; ROC Investigators. Cardiac arrest survival did
not increase in the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium after implementation of the 2005 AHA CPR and ECC guidelines. Resuscitation.
2011;82:979–983. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.03.024.
Bigham BL, Aufderheide TP, Davis DP, Powell J, Donn S, Suffoletto
B, Nafziger S, Stouffer J, Morrison LJ; ROC Investigators. Knowledge
translation in emergency medical services: a qualitative survey of barriers to guideline implementation. Resuscitation. 2010;81:836–840. doi:
Bigham BL, Koprowicz K, Aufderheide TP, Davis DP, Donn S, Powell
J, Suffoletto B, Nafziger S, Stouffer J, Idris A, Morrison LJ; ROC
Investigators. Delayed prehospital implementation of the 2005 American
Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
emergency cardiac care. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2010;14:355–360. doi:
Aufderheide TP, Yannopoulos D, Lick CJ, Myers B, Romig LA, Stothert
JC, Barnard J, Vartanian L, Pilgrim AJ, Benditt DG. Implementing the
2005 American Heart Association Guidelines improves outcomes after
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Heart Rhythm. 2010;7:1357–1362. doi:
Rea TD, Helbock M, Perry S, Garcia M, Cloyd D, Becker L, Eisenberg
M. Increasing use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during outof-hospital ventricular fibrillation arrest: survival implications of
guideline changes. Circulation. 2006;114:2760–2765. doi: 10.1161/
Markenson D, Ferguson JD, Chameides L, Cassan P, Chung KL, Epstein JL,
Gonzales L, Hazinski MF, Herrington RA, Pellegrino JL, Ratcliff N, Singer
AJ; First Aid Chapter Collaborators. Part 13: first aid: 2010 American Heart
Association and American Red Cross International Consensus on First Aid
Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2010;122(Suppl
2):S582–S605. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.971168.
KEY WORDS: arrhythmia ◼ cardiac arrest ◼ emergency department ◼
myocardial infarction ◼ resuscitation
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Part 1: Executive Summary: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Mary Fran Hazinski, Jerry P. Nolan, Richard Aickin, Farhan Bhanji, John E. Billi, Clifton W.
Callaway, Maaret Castren, Allan R. de Caen, Jose Maria E. Ferrer, Judith C. Finn, Lana M.
Gent, Russell E. Griffin, Sandra Iverson, Eddy Lang, Swee Han Lim, Ian K. Maconochie,
William H. Montgomery, Peter T. Morley, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Robert W. Neumar, Nikolaos I.
Nikolaou, Gavin D. Perkins, Jeffrey M. Perlman, Eunice M. Singletary, Jasmeet Soar, Andrew
H. Travers, Michelle Welsford, Jonathan Wyllie and David A. Zideman
Circulation. 2015;132:S2-S39
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000270
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Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and
Management of Conflicts of Interest
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Peter T. Morley; Eddy Lang; Richard Aickin; John E. Billi; Brian Eigel;
Jose Maria E. Ferrer; Judith C. Finn; Lana M. Gent; Russell E. Griffin;
Mary Fran Hazinski; Ian K. Maconochie; William H. Montgomery; Laurie J. Morrison;
Vinay M. Nadkarni; Nikolaos I. Nikolaou; Jerry P. Nolan; Gavin D. Perkins;
Michael R. Sayre; Andrew H. Travers; Jonathan Wyllie; David A. Zideman
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our
wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions,
they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
—John Adams, second President of the United States
The international resuscitation community, under the guidance of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR), has continued its process to identify and summarize the published resuscitation science in the documents
known as the ILCOR Consensus on Science with Treatment
Recommendations (CoSTR). The accompanying articles
represent the culmination of many years work, where a total
of 250 evidence reviewers from 39 countries completed 165
systematic reviews on resuscitation related questions.
Process Before 2015
The processes previously used by ILCOR in the development
of their CoSTR were specifically tailored to the complex
needs of resuscitation science. At the time that the evidence
evaluation was undertaken for the 2010 publication, there
were still no other processes which could deal with the complexity of literature that we need to evaluate: from randomized
controlled trials (RCTs) to case series, and from mathematical models to animal studies. The 2010 evidence evaluation
process required completion of an electronic worksheet,1
that included a table, summarizing the evidence addressing
individual questions. It included 3 options for the direction
of support (supportive, neutral and opposing), 5 Levels of
Evidence, and a quality assessment of the individual studies
(good, fair or poor).2,3
Improvements for the 2015 Process
When developing the process to be adopted for the 2015
CoSTR, ILCOR made a commitment to use the best available methodological tools to conduct its evaluation of the published resuscitation literature. To this end, ILCOR agreed to
perform systematic reviews based on the recommendations of
the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies,4 and to
use the methodological approach proposed by the Grading of
Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation
(GRADE) Working Group.5
In addition, ILCOR leveraged technologic innovations,
with the support of science and technology specialists at the
American Heart Association, to build a Web-based information system that would support the creation of scientific
statements and recommendations that adhere to the GRADE
methodology. An online platform known as the Scientific
Evaluation and Evidence Review System (SEERS: www.ilcor.
org/seers) was developed to guide the task forces and their
individual evidence reviewers, and enabled those responsible
for tasks to better monitor progress in real time and receive
assignments as indicated by the progression in work flow.
One key feature of the SEERS system is the ability to open
all components of the process to the public for comments
and suggestions. SEERS functions as the repository of all
the information and reviews processed since 2012 by the task
forces, and Evidence Reviewers and discussions at the C2015
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Morley PT, Lang E, Aickin R, Billi JE, Eigel B, Ferrer JME, Finn
JC, Gent LM, Griffin RE, Hazinski MF, Maconochie IK, Montgomery WH, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni VM, Nikolaou NI, Nolan JP, Perkins GD, Sayre MR,
Travers AH, Wyllie J, Zideman DA. Part 2: evidence evaluation and management of conflicts of interest: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S40–S50.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S40-S50. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000271.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000271
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Morley et al
Conference. It remains the home for the 15 GRADE tutorials
and 13 GRADE “ask the expert” seminars, as well as housing
the training videos produced by AHA staff.
The GRADE Process
The 2015 ILCOR Evidence Evaluation Process
Task Forces, Task Force Question Owners, Evidence
Reviewers, Evidence Evaluation Specialist/GRADE/
Methodology Experts
Seven task forces evaluated the resuscitation literature: Acute
Coronary Syndromes; Advanced Life Support; Basic Life
Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; First Aid;
Neonatal Resuscitation; and Pediatric Life Support. Each task
force appoints Task Force Question Owners and Evidence
Reviewers to oversee the evidence evaluation process for
each question. The task forces were supported by online
resources5,8 as well as telephone, face-to-face, and Web-based
Task forces allocate level of importance to individual outcomes
Task forces allocate PICO question to task force question owner and 2
evidence reviewers
Task force works with information specialists to develop and fine-tune
search strategies (for PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane)
Public invited to comment on PICO question wording, as well as the
proposed search strategies
Revised search strategies used to search databases (PubMed, Embase, and
The articles identified by the search are screened by the evidence reviewers
using inclusion and exclusion criteria
Evidence reviewers agree on final list of studies to include
Evidence reviewers agree on assessment of bias for individual studies
GRADE evidence profile table created
What Is Different About the GRADE Process?
The 2015 ILCOR evidence evaluation followed a complex
but systematic process. In general, the steps followed are
consistent with those outlined by the Institute of Medicine.4
During the development of this process, a transition was made
to a more complete online process, using a combination of
existing and newly developed tools. The steps in the evidence
review process are outlined in Table 1.
Task forces select, prioritize, and refine questions (using PICO format)
The GRADE process outlines a systematic and explicit consideration of study design, study quality, consistency, and directness of evidence to be used in judgments about the quality
of evidence for each outcome of each specific question. The
GRADE process is, therefore, much more outcome-centric
than our previous processes. GRADE considers evidence as
a function of the totality of data that informs a prioritized outcome across studies, as opposed to information evaluated at
the level of the individual study. The GRADE approach facilitates appropriate consideration of each outcome when grading
overall quality of evidence and strength of recommendations,
and it reduces the likelihood of mislabeling the overall quality
of evidence when evidence for a critical outcome is lacking.6
Table 1. Summary Outline of the Evidence Evaluation
Process for the ILCOR 2015 CoSTR
Why Introduce the GRADE Process?
The methodological approach proposed by the GRADE
Working Group has been developed over the past decade by
key health professionals, researchers, and guideline developers
in an attempt to provide a consistent and transparent process for
use in guideline development.6 It provides guidance for the rating of quality of evidence and the grading of strength of recommendations in health care. It is now widely used in the guideline
development processes throughout the world including by
organizations such as the Cochrane Collaboration, the World
Health Organization, the National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE), the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
Network (SIGN), and the American Thoracic Society.7 The
GRADE approach has been refined to the point that it is now
able to incorporate the variety of studies that make up the body
of resuscitation science.
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation Process
Draft consensus on science statements and treatment recommendations
Public invited to comment on draft consensus on science and treatment
Detailed iterative review of consensus on science and treatment
recommendations to create final version
Peer review of final CoSTR document
CoSTR indicates Consensus on Science With Treatment Recommendations;
GRADE, Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and
Evaluation; ILCOR, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation; and PICO,
population, intervention, comparator, outcome.
educational sessions provided by a GRADE methodologist
and an evidence evaluation expert, with advice from a specifically formed ILCOR Methods Group.
Components of the 2015 ILCOR
Systematic Reviews
The evidence evaluation follows a standard format. The key
components of this format are described in detail below.
Agree on PICO-Formatted Question and Prioritizing
Each task force identified the potential questions to be
addressed on the basis of known knowledge gaps, priorities
as part of previous recommendations, current issues raised
by individual resuscitation councils, the known published literature, and areas of controversy. The task forces were then
required to prioritize these questions for formal review, and to
develop agreed-upon wording by using the PICO (population,
intervention, comparator, outcome) format.9
As part of the PICO question development, the GRADE
process required designation of up to 7 key outcomes for
each PICO question. The task force then allocated a score for
each outcome on a scale from 1 to 9.10 Critical outcomes were
scored 7 to 9, important outcomes were scored 4 to 6, and
those of limited importance were scored 1 to 3. The types of
outcomes used (and their possible relevant importance score)
included neurologically intact survival (eg, critical 9), discharge from hospital alive (eg, critical 8), and return of spontaneous circulation (eg, important 6).
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October 20, 2015
The explicit preference of this process was that if evidence
was lacking for a key outcome, this was acknowledged rather
than excluding that outcome.
Develop Search Strategy
Detailed strategies to search the published literature were
developed in conjunction with information specialists. Initial
draft search strategies were developed for each of 3 databases: PubMed (National Library of Medicine, Washington,
DC), Embase (Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands), and
the Cochrane Library (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford,
England). These strategies were developed to optimize the
sensitivity and specificity of the search and then refined on the
basis of feedback from the resuscitation community and public comment. The articles identified by the final search strategies were combined into a single database for more detailed
analysis by the evidence reviewers.
Identify Articles for Inclusion and Exclusion
Each evidence reviewer used the SEERS online process to
screen the identified articles for further review. The initial
screening, based on formal inclusion and exclusion criteria, was
performed by using each article’s title and abstract, and then a
review of the full text of the article was performed if needed.
Specific inclusion and exclusion criteria varied according to the
individual PICO questions, but generic criteria included such
items as a requirement for the study to be published in the peerreviewed literature (not just in abstract form) and to specifically
address the individual components of the PICO question. The
evidence reviewers were also asked to check for studies that
may have been missed in the initial search, by reviewing the
references of the identified studies, and performing a forward
search on key studies (eg, by the use of “cited by” in PubMed).
Bias Assessment of Individual Studies
The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool was used for assessing the
risk of bias for RCTs.11 The GRADE tool was used to assess
the risk of bias of observational studies (for both therapy and
prognosis questions) (Table 2).12,13
The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
(QUADAS)-2 tool was used for assessing risk of bias in studies of diagnostic accuracy.14 If there were significant differences in the risks of bias for different outcomes, evidence
reviewers were instructed to create a separate row in the table
for each outcome. Individual studies can be allocated an overall “low” risk of bias if most or all key criteria listed are met,
and any violations are not crucial. Individual studies that have
a crucial limitation in 1 criterion or some limitations in multiple criteria, sufficient to lower the confidence in the estimate
of effect, are considered at “moderate” risk of bias. Individual
studies that have a crucial limitation in 1 or more criteria, sufficient to substantially lower the confidence in the estimate of
effect, are considered at “high” risk of bias.
The 2 (or more) individual evidence reviewers for each
question created a reconciled (agreed) risk of bias assessment
for each of the included studies, which was recorded by using
an electronic template (Figure 1).
GRADE Evidence Profile Tables
The GRADE working group has developed validated evidence tables known as evidence profile tables. These tables
Table 2. Bias Assessment Tools
Randomized Controlled Trials
Selection bias
Performance bias
Detection bias
Attrition bias
Reporting bias
Other bias
Was the method used to generate the allocation
sequence described in sufficient detail to allow
an assessment of whether it should produce
comparable groups?
Was the method used to conceal the allocation
sequence described in sufficient detail to
determine whether intervention allocations could
have been foreseen in advance of, or during,
Were measures used to blind study participants
and personnel from knowledge of which
intervention a participant received?
Was the intended blinding effective?
Were measures used to blind outcome assessors
from knowledge of which intervention a
participant received?
Was the intended blinding effective?
Were the outcome data complete for each main
outcome, including attrition and exclusions from
the analysis?
Did the study report appropriate outcomes (ie, to
avoid selective outcome reporting)?
Was the study otherwise free of important
sources of bias not already reported previously?
Observational Studies
Selection bias
Detection bias
Attrition bias
Were appropriate eligibility criteria developed
and applied to both the cohort of interest and the
comparison cohort?
Was confounding adequately controlled for?
Was measurement of exposure and outcome
appropriate and consistently applied to both
the cohort of interest and the comparison
Was follow-up complete?
incorporate information on the quality of evidence for each
outcome-dedicated row and provide information on effect size
and precision, and they can provide information about varying
effects across a variety of baseline risks.15 The evaluation of
the evidence supporting each outcome incorporates the information from study design and the 5 core GRADE domains:
risk of bias, imprecision, indirectness, inconsistency, and
other considerations (eg, publication bias).5 An overall assessment is then made of the quality of evidence to support each
outcome (high, moderate, low, or very low).
The completion of these evidence profile tables was facilitated by online access to the Guideline Development Tool
(GDT).16 See Figure 2.
GRADE Evidence Profile Tables: Study Design
The methodological type of study is used by the GRADE process as the starting point for the estimate of overall risk of
bias. The rating for each type of study varies according to type
of question being asked.
For PICO questions related to therapeutic interventions,
evidence supported by RCTs starts as high-quality evidence
(����). Evidence supported by observational studies starts
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Morley et al
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation Process
Allocation: Generation
Allocation: Concealment
Binding: Participants
Binding: Assessors
Outcome: Complete
Outcome: Selective
Other Bias
RCT bias assessment
Eligibility Criteria
Follow up
Non-RCT bias assessment
Figure 1. Example of bias assessment tables (RCTs and non-RCTs).
as low-quality evidence (��).17 For PICO questions related to
diagnostic accuracy, evidence supported by valid diagnostic accuracy studies (cross-sectional or cohort studies, in patients with
diagnostic uncertainty and direct comparison with an appropriate
reference standard) starts as high-quality evidence (����).18
The overwhelming majority of outcomes for the PICO questions
were associated with very low quality of evidence (�).
GRADE Evidence Profile Tables: Core Domains
Risk of Bias. The overall risk of bias for each study relevant to
each key outcome was allocated in the bias assessment in individual studies process. In the evidence profile table, a summary assessment is required across the included studies for
each outcome. The 3 possible categories are as follows:
• No serious limitations: most information is from studies
at low risk of bias
• Serious limitations: most information is from studies at
moderate risk of bias
• Very serious limitations: most information is from studies at high risk of bias
Evidence across studies may be ranked down for risk of
bias by either 1 level, for serious limitations, or 2 levels, for
very serious limitations.
Inconsistency. Inconsistency is a concept that considers the
extent to which the findings of studies that look at the same
outcomes agree with each other in a consistent way. Variability
in the magnitude of effect may be because of differences in
Author(s): Peter Morley, Eddy Lang
Question: Drug X compared to Standard Care for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests
Setting: Prehospital Arrests in Victoria, Australia
Bibliography (systematic reviews): Ruessel, 2014 75; Jinas, 2013 342
Quality assessment
No. of
Risk of
No. of patients
Drug X
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
RR 0.81
(0.48 to
62 fewer per 1000 (from 122 more
to 171 fewer)
RR 1.09
(0.75 to
39 fewer per 1000 (from 107 fewer
to 253 more)
Survival to hospital discharge (Ruessel, 2014 75; Jinas 2013 342)
not serious
not serious
Survival to hospital (Ruessel, 2014 75; Jinas 2013 342)
not serious
not serious
MD – mean difference, RR – relative risk
1. Inadequate control for confounders
2. 95% CI unable to exclude significant harm
3. Total numbers <100 patients
Figure 2. Example of GRADE evidence profile table completed by using the Guideline Development Tool.
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October 20, 2015
PICO or other differences in study design. Reviewers were
asked to document limitations when (1) point estimates varied
widely across studies, (2) confidence intervals (CIs) showed
minimal or no overlap (ie, studies appear to have different
effects), or (3) statistical tests of heterogeneity were suggestive of inconsistency.19 Again reviewers were asked to assess
the studies that report that outcome as having
• No serious inconsistency
• Serious inconsistency
• Very serious inconsistency
Evidence across studies may be ranked down for inconsistency (by either 1 [for serious limitations] or 2 levels [for very
serious limitations]).
Indirectness of Evidence. The GRADE process describes
direct evidence as “research that directly compares the
interventions in which we are interested, delivered to the
populations in which we are interested, and measures the
outcomes important to patients.”20 Concerns about directness
therefore arise when there are differences in the Population
(eg, patients in cardiac arrest versus not in cardiac arrest),
Intervention (eg, different techniques to induce therapeutic hypothermia), Comparison (eg, conventional CPR using
2010 guidelines versus conventional CPR using 2000 guidelines), or outcomes (eg, return of spontaneous circulation versus termination of ventricular fibrillation for 5 seconds), or
where there are no head-to-head comparisons between interventions. Important differences in outcome measures include
time frame (eg, hospital discharge vs 6-month survival) or
other surrogate outcomes (eg, hospital admission vs neurologically intact survival). Usually data that rely on surrogate
outcomes would result in an allocation of serious or very serious limitations.
Limitations in more than one type of directness may
suggest a need to rate the studies as having very serious
In general, allocating limitations as serious or very serious
should be considered only where there is a compelling reason
to think that the biology in the population of interest is so different that the magnitude of effect will differ substantially (eg,
cardiac arrest victim vs stroke victim). Evidence from animal
studies, manikins, or other models would generally be rated as
having very serious limitations (but this would be dependent
on the key outcomes listed).
Again reviewers are asked to assess the studies that report
that outcome as
• No serious indirectness
• Serious indirectness
• Very serious indirectness
Any of these concerns may result in a rating down of the
quality of evidence for directness (by either one [serious limitations] or two levels [very serious limitations]).
Imprecision. The assessment of precision and imprecision is
complex. The CI around a result enable us to assess the range
in which the true effect lies. If the CIs were not sufficiently narrow (such as overlap with a clinical decision threshold, eg, a 1%
absolute difference in survival to hospital discharge), the quality
would be rated as having serious limitations (or as very serious
limitations if the CI is very wide). Another way of describing
this is where the recommendation would be altered if the upper
boundary of the CI or the lower boundary of the CI represented
the true effect. Factors that may further influence this decision
include the importance of the outcome, the adverse effects, the
burden to the patient, the resources required, and the difficulty
of introducing a technique into practice.21 If the total number
of patients included in the evidence for each outcome being
evaluated does not exceed the number of patients generated by
a conventional sample size calculation for a single adequately
powered trial, evidence reviewers were advised to consider rating down for imprecision. This “optimal information size” can
be estimated using calculators and tables.21 Even if the optimal
information size is met, and the CI overlaps no effect (ie, CI
includes relative risk [RR] of 1.0), evidence reviewers were
instructed to rate down the quality of the evidence for imprecision if the CI fails to exclude important benefit or important
harm (eg, a 25% increase in mortality).21
Reviewers were asked to assess the studies that reported
that outcome as:
• No serious imprecision
• Serious imprecision
• Very serious imprecision
If problems with precision were detected, the quality of
evidence for precision was rated down (by either one [for serious limitations] or two levels [for very serious limitations]).
Publication Bias. Unidentified studies may yield systematically different estimates of beneficial effects of an intervention. Studies with positive results are much more likely to be
published (odds ratio, 3.9; 95% CI, 2.68–5.68).22 Biased conclusions can result from early review (missing studies with
delayed publication [even more likely with negative studies]),
restricting the search to English language journals, or not
including gray literature (eg, clinical trial registers, abstracts,
theses). Discrepancies between meta-analyses of small studies
and subsequent large RCTs occur in approximately 20% of
cases, in part due to publication bias.
Reviewers should allocate strongly suspected (bias) when
the evidence consists of a number of small studies, especially
if these are industry sponsored or if the investigators share
another conflict of interest.23 The risk of publication bias in
observational studies is probably larger than in RCTs (particularly small studies, data collected automatically, or data collected for a previous study). The use of graphical or statistical
testing for publication bias may be useful but has limitations,
and is not routinely recommended. Additional information
about unpublished trials can be found in databases such as GRADE suggests that the rating for
publication bias across studies should be allocated:
• Undetected, or
• Strongly suspected
If publication bias is strongly suspected the quality of evidence is rated down by one level.
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Rating up the Quality of Observational Studies
The GRADE group recommends that methodologically rigorous observational studies may have their quality rated up
where there is a large magnitude of effect, where there is a
dose-response gradient, or when all plausible confounders or
biases would reduce the demonstrated effect. Obviously consideration for rating down the quality of evidence (risk of bias,
imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and publication bias)
must precede considerations for rating up the quality.24 Only
a very small number of the systematic reviews identified evidence that met these criteria.
Magnitude of Effect. A large magnitude effect would be considered justification to increase the rating by 1 level (eg, from
low to moderate) if the RR was 2 to 5, or 0.2 to 0.5 with no
plausible confounders. The reviewer would be more likely to
rate up if the above size of effects occurred rapidly and out
of keeping with prior gradient of change; in these situations,
they would usually be supported by indirect or lower levels of
evidence. If above criteria are all met, and the RR is very large
(eg, greater than 5–10) or very low (RR less than 0.2), rating
up by 2 levels (from low to high) could be considered.
Dose-Response Effect. A dose-response gradient, such as
increased effect with an increased dose, or decreased time to
intervention, or increased intensity or duration of an educational intervention, increases the confidence in the findings of
observational studies. In this setting, rating up the quality of
evidence by 1 level could be considered.
Issues Around Confounding. If all plausible prognostic factors are accurately measured in observational studies, and if
all the observed residual confounders and biases would diminish the observed effect, then the effect estimate would be
strengthened. In this setting, rating up the quality of evidence
by 1 level could be considered.
GRADE Evidence Profile Tables: Estimate of Effect
We asked evidence reviewers to complete the effect size
column for each row in the evidence profile tables with an
estimate for both relative and absolute effects. For example,
binary outcomes required RR (or odds ratio), of the intervention compared to control, with 95% CIs and absolute effect of
intervention − control as absolute percentage, with 95% CIs.
It is the absolute differences that allow accurate assessment
of precision.
There was significant discussion about the exact principles
to be employed to determine whether a meta-analysis of data
should be performed. There are statistical concerns about the
simple combining of results from trials,25 but there are also
significant concerns about performing a meta-analysis when it
would not be appropriate.26
If several RCTs or observational studies were identified that published results for outcomes considered critical
or important, and these studies were closely matched to the
PICO question, the evidence reviewers were encouraged
to complete an Assessing the Methodological Quality of
Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) checklist to ensure that the
appropriate principles for performance of the meta-analysis
were considered.27 In scenarios where it was thought that
the data should not be combined into a meta-analysis, the
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation Process
authors were instructed to list the outcomes for each study,
or, if a simple mathematical combination of data was performed, this would be accompanied by a statement suggesting that the data were simply pooled (combined without
being weighted).
Guideline Development Tool
The GRADE process takes a very comprehensive approach to
the determination of the direction and strength of any recommendations. During the conduct of the systematic reviews, an
updated online tool developed by the GRADE Working Group
became available for use. An online Guideline Development
Tool16 developed by the GRADE Working Group was used to
help assess the overall balance between benefits and risks or
harms for each option, including consideration of dimensions
such as patient values and preferences and resource considerations.28 The ILCOR task forces were encouraged to use this
tool to assist in their deliberations.
Creation of Consensus on Science Statements
The completed evidence profile tables were then used to create a written summary of evidence for each outcome: the consensus on science statements. The structure of the new 2015
consensus on science statement was developed as a means of
providing an explicit narrative to communicate the evidence
synthesis and quality judgments found in the evidence profiles. These statements are supported by a categorization of the
overall quality of the evidence (high, moderate, low, or very
low) and include reasons for their downgrading or upgrading.
The recommended standard consensus on science format was
as follows:
For the important outcome of Z (eg, return of spontaneous circulation), we have identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 2 observational studies (#1, #2)
enrolling 421 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.81;
95% CI, 0.33–2.01).
Creation of Agreed Treatment Recommendations
Consensus-based treatment recommendations were then
created whenever possible. These recommendations were
accompanied by an overall assessment of the evidence and a
statement from the task force about the values and preferences
that underlie the recommendations. These are supported by
a categorization of the overall quality of the evidence (high,
moderate, low, or very low) and strength of recommendation
(strong or weak).
The recommended standard treatment recommendation
format was as follows:
We suggest/recommend for/against X in comparison
with Y for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (weak/strong
recommendation, very low/low/moderate/high quality
of evidence).
The GRADE process encourages organizations to commit
to making a recommendation by using “we recommend” for
strong recommendations and “we suggest” for weak recommendations in either a positive or negative direction (ie, “suggest/recommend,” “for/against”). In the unusual circumstances
in which task forces chose not to make recommendations,
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October 20, 2015
they were encouraged to specify whether this was because
they had very low confidence in effect estimates (very limited
data), because they felt that the balance between desirable and
undesirable consequences was so close they could not make a
recommendation (data exist, but no clear benefits), or because
the 2 management options had very different undesirable consequences (and local values and preferences would decide
which direction to take).
Values and Preferences and Task Force Insights
The task forces were encouraged to provide a values and
preferences statement whenever a treatment recommendation was made. This is an overarching term that includes
perspectives, beliefs, expectations, and goals for health and
life as well as the processes used in considering the potential
benefits, harms, costs, limitations, and inconvenience of the
management options in relation to one another.28 Task forces
were encouraged to provide additional explanatory comments
whenever possible to help readers gain more insight into the
perspectives of the discussion.
Developing Consensus
Each task force used regular audio conferencing and webinars,
where the systematic reviews were electronically presented
for discussion and feedback. Additional face-to-face meetings
were held at least once each year to provide opportunities to
learn about the process and to facilitate collaboration between
the 7 task forces. Consensus was obtained through detailed
discussion and feedback provided by the ILCOR task force
members, the GRADE and evidence evaluation experts, the
ILCOR methods group, the public, and the individual international resuscitation councils.
Public Consultation
To ensure as much broad input as possible during the evidence
evaluation process, public comment was sought at 2 main
points. Initial feedback was sought about the specific wording of the PICO questions and the initial search strategies.
Subsequent feedback was sought after creation of the initial
draft consensus on science statements and treatment recommendations.29 A total of 492 comments were received. At each
of these points in the process, the public comments were made
available to the evidence reviewers and task forces for their
Challenging Areas
Lower Levels of Evidence
In many resuscitation scenarios, there are no RCTs or even
good observational studies, so there is a need to explore other
population groups. The GRADE process is very explicit about
the allocation of quality of evidence to support the individual
outcomes. Extrapolation of data from other patient groups
(eg, adult versus pediatric, cardiac arrest versus shock), mathematical models, and animal studies means that this evidence,
irrespective of methodological quality, would be downgraded
for at least serious indirectness. This usually resulted in a very
low quality of evidence, and many task forces found this initially challenging.
Diagnostic and Prognostic Questions
The GRADE process has been developed specifically to deal
with questions that address alternative management strategies.
It has been modified to enable consideration of questions that
relate to diagnosis,18 but it was not developed to address questions about risk or prognosis.
A few diagnostic questions were addressed in the 2015
process, and ideally the best diagnostic questions relate their
outcomes to when a particular diagnostic strategy is used or
not used (ie, actually an intervention question).
The first of a series of GRADE articles about studies
addressing prognosis has been published only recently,30 so,
unfortunately, these details were not available to the evidence
reviewers for this process. A couple of approaches to prognosis were used, including the use of existing observational
study bias assessment tools or a modification of these.
Discordant Recommendations
There were several situations when task forces were keen to
use a strong recommendation when the quality of evidence
did not support this. This is not unexpected given the few published RCTs and good observational studies available in the
resuscitation literature. Task forces were made aware of the
importance of clarifying their rationale when they wished to
make such discordant recommendations. They were encouraged to use standardized wording (eg, “Intervention may
reduce mortality in a life-threatening situation, and adverse
events not prohibitive” or “A very high value is placed on an
uncertain but potentially life-preserving benefit”).31 In keeping with this approach, the number of discordant recommendations in ILCOR was limited in the 2015 process, as were the
number of strong recommendations.
Management of Conflicts of Interest
Throughout the CoSTR Process
To ensure the integrity of the evidence evaluation and consensus
on science development process, ILCOR followed its rigorous
conflict of interest (COI) management policies at all times. A
full description of these policies and their implementation can
be found in Part 4 of the 2010 CoSTR.32,33 All persons involved
in any part of the process disclosed all commercial relationships
and other potential conflicts, and in total, the AHA processed
more than 1000 COI declarations. These disclosures were
taken into account in assignment of task force co-chairs and
members, writing group co-chairs, and other leadership roles.
Relationships were also screened for conflicts in assigning task
force question owners and evidence reviewer roles for individual PICO questions. Individuals were reassigned when potential conflicts surfaced. Participants, co-chairs, and staff raised
COI questions and issues throughout the process and referred
them to the COI co-chairs if they could not be resolved within
their group. The COI co-chairs kept a complete log of all COIrelated issues and their resolutions. None of the issues required
serious intervention, such as replacement of any leader roles.
As a result of commercial relationships, however, several PICO
questions were reassigned to evidence reviewers or question
owners without potential conflicts. As in 2010, the phone number for the COI hotline was broadly disseminated throughout
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Morley et al
the 2015 Consensus Conference for anonymous reporting; no
calls were received.
As in 2010, the dual-screen projection method was used for
all sessions at the 2015 Consensus Conference. One screen displayed the presenter’s COI disclosures continuously throughout
his or her presentation. The same was true for all questions or
comments from participants or task force members: whenever
they spoke, their relationships were displayed on one screen,
so that all participants could see potential conflicts in real time,
while slides were projected on the second screen. Individuals
also abstained from voting on any issue for which they had a
conflict. Such abstentions, along with any other issues that arose,
were recorded on a COI attestation completed by the COI monitor for each session. As in 2010, the COI system ran smoothly
and did not impede the progress of the evidence discussions.
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation Process
The process for evaluating the resuscitation science has
evolved considerably over the past 2 decades. The current
process, which incorporates the use of the GRADE methodology, culminated in the 2015 CoSTR publication, which in turn
will inform the international resuscitation councils’ guideline
development processes. Over the next few years, the process
will continue to evolve as ILCOR moves toward a more continuous evaluation of the resuscitation science.
The writing group gratefully acknowledges the leadership and contributions of the late Professor Ian Jacobs, PhD, as both ILCOR
Co-Chair and inaugural Chair of the ILCOR Methods Group. Ian is
greatly missed by the international resuscitation community.
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October 20, 2015
2015 CoSTR Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest: Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group
Richard Aickin
John E. Billi
Judith C. Finn
Eddy Lang
Ian K. Maconochie
Peter T. Morley
Research Grant
Advisory Board
Starship Children’s
The University of Michigan
Medical School
Curtin University
NHMRC (Australia)†
St John
University of Calgary
American Heart
St. Mary’s Hospital
University of Melbourne
American Heart
Laurie J. Morrison
University of Toronto
Vinay M. Nadkarni
Children’s Hospital
Corporation†; NihonKohden Corporation*
Konstantopouleio General
Royal United Hospital,
NIHR Programme
Development Grant*;
NIHR Health Technology
Assessment Programme
Gavin D. Perkins
Warwick Medical School
and Heart of England NHS
Foundation Trust
Nikolaos I.
Jerry P. Nolan
Michael R. Sayre
University of Washington
Jonathan Wyllie
James Cook University
David A. Zideman
Imperial College
Healthcare NHS Trust
Brian Eigel
American Heart
Jose Maria
E. Ferrer
American Heart
Lana M. Gent
American Heart
Russell E. Griffin
American Heart
American Heart
American Heart
American Heart
Emergency Health
Services, Nova Scotia
American Heart
Mary Fran
William H.
Andrew H.
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the
entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
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Morley et al
1. Morley PT. Evidence evaluation worksheets: the systematic reviews for
the evidence evaluation process for the 2010 International Consensus on
Resuscitation Science. Resuscitation. 2009;80:719–721. doi: 10.1016/j.
2. Morley PT, Atkins DL, Billi JE, Bossaert L, Callaway CW, de Caen AR,
Deakin CD, Eigel B, Hazinski MF, Hickey RW, Jacobs I, Kleinman ME,
Koster RW, Mancini ME, Montgomery WH, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni
VM, Nolan JP, O’Connor RE, Perlman JM, Sayre MR, Semenko TI,
Shuster M, Soar J, Wyllie J, Zideman D. Part 3: evidence evaluation process: 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. Circulation. 2010;122(Suppl 2):S283–S290. doi:
3. Morley PT, Atkins DL, Billi JE, Bossaert L, Callaway CW, de Caen AR,
Deakin CD, Eigel B, Hazinski MF, Hickey RW, Jacobs I, Kleinman ME,
Koster RW, Mancini ME, Montgomery WH, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni
VM, Nolan JP, O’Connor RE, Perlman JM, Sayre MR, Semenko TI,
Shuster M, Soar J, Wyllie J, Zideman D. Part 3: evidence evaluation process: 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment
Recommendations. Resuscitation. 2010;81 Suppl 1:e32–e40. doi:
4. Institute of Medicine. Standards for Systematic Reviews. 2011. http:// Accessed May 6,
5. Schünemann H, Brożek J, Guyatt G, Oxman A. GRADE Handbook. 2013. Accessed May 6, 2015.
6. Guyatt G, Oxman AD, Akl EA, Kunz R, Vist G, Brozek J, Norris S, FalckYtter Y, Glasziou P, DeBeer H, Jaeschke R, Rind D, Meerpohl J, Dahm P,
Schünemann HJ. GRADE guidelines: 1. Introduction-GRADE evidence
profiles and summary of findings tables. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:383–
394. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.04.026.
7. GRADE Working Group. Organizations that have endorsed or that are
using GRADE. 2015.
htm. Accessed May 10, 2015.
8. American Heart Association, American Stroke Association, International
Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). GRADE Presentations:
SEERS Presentation Library.
ILCOR---GRADE-Presentations.aspx. Accessed May 10, 2015.
9. O’Connor D, Green S, Higgins J, eds. Chapter 5: Defining the review
questions and developing criteria for including studies. In: The Cochrane
Collaboration. Higgins J, Green, S, eds. Cochrane Handbook for
Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Version 5.1.0. 2011. http://handbook. Accessed May 6, 2015.
10. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Atkins D, Brozek J, Vist G, Alderson
P, Glasziou P, Falck-Ytter Y, Schünemann HJ. GRADE guidelines:
2. Framing the question and deciding on important outcomes. J Clin
Epidemiol. 2011;64:395–400. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.09.012.
11. Higgins JPT, Altman DG, Sterne J, eds. Chapter 8.5: The Cochrane
Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias. In: The Cochrane
Collaboration. Higgins J, Green, S, eds. Cochrane Handbook for
Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Version 5.1.0. 2011. http://handbook. Accessed May 6, 2015.
12. Schünemann H, Brożek J, Guyatt G, Oxman A. 5.2.1 Study limitations
(risk of bias). In: GRADE Handbook. 2013. Accessed May 6, 2015.
13. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist G, Kunz R, Brozek J, Alonso-Coello P,
Montori V, Akl EA, Djulbegovic B, Falck-Ytter Y, Norris SL, Williams JW
Jr, Atkins D, Meerpohl J, Schünemann HJ. GRADE guidelines: 4. Rating
the quality of evidence–study limitations (risk of bias). J Clin Epidemiol.
2011;64:407–415. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.07.017.
14. Whiting PF, Rutjes AW, Westwood ME, Mallett S, Deeks JJ, Reitsma
JB, Leeflang MM, Sterne JA, Bossuyt PM; QUADAS-2 Group.
QUADAS-2: a revised tool for the quality assessment of diagnostic accuracy studies. Ann Intern Med. 2011;155:529–536. doi:
15. Vandvik PO, Santesso N, Akl EA, You J, Mulla S, Spencer FA, Johnston
BC, Brozek J, Kreis J, Brandt L, Zhou Q, Schünemann HJ, Guyatt G.
Formatting modifications in GRADE evidence profiles improved guideline panelists comprehension and accessibility to information. A randomized trial. J Clin Epidemiol. 2012;65:748–755. doi: 10.1016/j.
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation Process
16. Evidence Prime Inc. GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool. http:// Accessed May 6, 2015.
17. Balshem H, Helfand M, Schünemann HJ, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Brozek J,
Vist GE, Falck-Ytter Y, Meerpohl J, Norris S, Guyatt GH. GRADE guidelines: 3. Rating the quality of evidence. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:401–
406. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.07.015.
18. Schünemann HJ, Schünemann AH, Oxman AD, Brozek J, Glasziou P,
Jaeschke R, Vist GE, Williams JW Jr, Kunz R, Craig J, Montori VM,
Bossuyt P, Guyatt GH; GRADE Working Group. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommendations for diagnostic tests and strategies.
BMJ. 2008;336:1106–1110. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39500.677199.AE.
19. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Woodcock J, Brozek J, Helfand M,
Alonso-Coello P, Glasziou P, Jaeschke R, Akl EA, Norris S, Vist G, Dahm
P, Shukla VK, Higgins J, Falck-Ytter Y, Schünemann HJ; GRADE Working
Group. GRADE guidelines: 7. Rating the quality of evidence–inconsistency.
J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:1294–1302. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2011.03.017.
20. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Woodcock J, Brozek J, Helfand M,
Alonso-Coello P, Falck-Ytter Y, Jaeschke R, Vist G, Akl EA, Post PN,
Norris S, Meerpohl J, Shukla VK, Nasser M, Schünemann HJ; GRADE
Working Group. GRADE guidelines: 8. Rating the quality of evidence–
indirectness. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:1303–1310. doi: 10.1016/j.
21. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Brozek J, Alonso-Coello P, Rind D,
Devereaux PJ, Montori VM, Freyschuss B, Vist G, Jaeschke R, Williams
JW Jr, Murad MH, Sinclair D, Falck-Ytter Y, Meerpohl J, Whittington C,
Thorlund K, Andrews J, Schünemann HJ. GRADE guidelines 6. Rating
the quality of evidence–imprecision. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:1283–
1293. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2011.01.012.
22. Hopewell S, McDonald S, Clarke M, Egger M. Grey literature in metaanalyses of randomized trials of health care interventions. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2007:MR000010.
23. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Montori V, Vist G, Kunz R, Brozek J, AlonsoCoello P, Djulbegovic B, Atkins D, Falck-Ytter Y, Williams JW Jr,
Meerpohl J, Norris SL, Akl EA, Schünemann HJ. GRADE guidelines:
5. Rating the quality of evidence–publication bias. J Clin Epidemiol.
2011;64:1277–1282. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2011.01.011.
24. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Sultan S, Glasziou P, Akl EA, Alonso-Coello
P, Atkins D, Kunz R, Brozek J, Montori V, Jaeschke R, Rind D, Dahm
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Schünemann HJ; GRADE Working Group. GRADE guidelines: 9. Rating
up the quality of evidence. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:1311–1316. doi:
25. Rücker G, Schumacher M. Simpson’s paradox visualized: the example of
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26. Sharpe D. Of apples and oranges, file drawers and garbage: why
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27. Shea BJ, Hamel C, Wells GA, Bouter LM, Kristjansson E, Grimshaw J,
Henry DA, Boers M. AMSTAR is a reliable and valid measurement tool to
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2009;62:1013–1020. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.10.009.
28. Andrews JC, Schünemann HJ, Oxman AD, Pottie K, Meerpohl JJ, Coello
PA, Rind D, Montori VM, Brito JP, Norris S, Elbarbary M, Post P, Nasser
M, Shukla V, Jaeschke R, Brozek J, Djulbegovic B, Guyatt G. GRADE
guidelines: 15. Going from evidence to recommendation-determinants of a
recommendation’s direction and strength. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66:726–
735. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2013.02.003.
29. American Heart Association, American Stroke Association, International
Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). ILCOR Scientific Evidence
Evaluation and Review System (SEERS). 2015.
apps/pico/Pages/default.aspx. Accessed May 10, 2015.
30. Iorio A, Spencer FA, Falavigna M, Alba C, Lang E, Burnand B, McGinn T,
Hayden J, Williams K, Shea B, Wolff R, Kujpers T, Perel P, Vandvik PO,
Glasziou P, Schunemann H, Guyatt G. Use of GRADE for assessment of
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31. Alexander PE, Bero L, Montori VM, Brito JP, Stoltzfus R, Djulbegovic B,
Neumann I, Rave S, Guyatt G. World Health Organization recommendations are often strong based on low confidence in effect estimates. J Clin
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32. Billi JE, Shuster M, Bossaert L, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Eigel B, Hazinski
MF, Hickey RW, Jacobs I, Kleinman ME, Koster RW, Mancini ME,
Montgomery WH, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Munoz H, Nadkarni VM, Nolan
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
JP, O’Connor RE, Perlman JM, Richmond S, Sayre MR, Soar J, Wyllie J,
Zideman D; International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation; American
Heart Association. Part 4: conflict of interest management before, during,
and after the 2010 International Consensus Conference on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With
Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2010;122(Suppl 2):S291–S297.
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.970962.
33. Shuster M, Billi JE, Bossaert L, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Eigel B,
Hazinski MF, Hickey RW, Jacobs I, Kleinman ME, Koster RW, Mancini
ME, Montgomery WH, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Munoz H, Nadkarni VM,
Nolan JP, O’Connor RE, Perlman JM, Richmond S, Sayre MR, Soar J,
Wyllie J, Zideman D; International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation;
American Heart Association. Part 4: conflict of interest management
before, during, and after the 2010 International Consensus Conference
on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Science with Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation. 2010;81 Suppl
1:e41–e47. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2010.08.024.
KEY WORDS: cardiac arrest ◼ conflict of interest ◼ evidence evaluation
◼ resuscitation
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest: 2015 International
Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Science With Treatment Recommendations
Peter T. Morley, Eddy Lang, Richard Aickin, John E. Billi, Brian Eigel, Jose Maria E. Ferrer,
Judith C. Finn, Lana M. Gent, Russell E. Griffin, Mary Fran Hazinski, Ian K. Maconochie,
William H. Montgomery, Laurie J. Morrison, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Nikolaos I. Nikolaou, Jerry P.
Nolan, Gavin D. Perkins, Michael R. Sayre, Andrew H. Travers, Jonathan Wyllie and David A.
Circulation. 2015;132:S40-S50
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000271
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and
Automated External Defibrillation
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Andrew H. Travers, Co-Chair*; Gavin D. Perkins, Co-Chair*; Robert A. Berg; Maaret Castren;
Julie Considine; Raffo Escalante; Raul J. Gazmuri; Rudolph W. Koster; Swee Han Lim;
Kevin J. Nation; Theresa M. Olasveengen; Tetsuya Sakamoto; Michael R. Sayre;
Alfredo Sierra; Michael A. Smyth; David Stanton; Christian Vaillancourt;
on behalf of the Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators
This Part of the 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular
Care (ECC) Science With Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR)
presents the consensus on science and treatment recommendations for adult basic life support (BLS) and automated external
defibrillation (AED). After the publication of the 2010 CoSTR,
the Adult BLS Task Force developed review questions in PICO
(population, intervention, comparator, outcome) format.1 This
resulted in the generation of 36 PICO questions for systematic
reviews. The task force discussed the topics and then voted to prioritize the most important questions to be tackled in 2015. From
the pool of 36 questions, 14 were rated low priority and were
deferred from this round of evidence evaluation. Two new questions
were submitted by task force members, and 1 was submitted via the
public portal. Two of these (BLS 856 and BLS 891) were taken
forward for evidence review. The third question (368: ForeignBody Airway Obstruction) was deferred after a preliminary
review of the evidence failed to identify compelling evidence that
would alter the treatment recommendations made when the topic
was last reviewed in 2005.2
Each task force performed a systematic review using
detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the National
Academies.3 With the assistance of information specialists,
a detailed search for relevant articles was performed in each
of 3 online databases (PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane
Reviewers were unable to identify any relevant evidence
for 3 questions (BLS 811, BLS 373, and BLS 348), and the
evidence review was not completed in time for a further question (BLS 370). A revised PICO question was developed for
the opioid question (BLS 891). The task force reviewed 23
PICO questions for the 2015 consensus on science and treatment recommendations, including BLS 811, BLS 373, and
BLS 348. The PICO flow is summarized in Figure 1.
Using the methodological approach proposed by the
Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group,4 the reviewers
for each question created a reconciled risk-of-bias assessment for each of the included studies, using state-of-the-art
tools: Cochrane for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),5
Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies
(QUADAS)-2 for studies of diagnostic accuracy,6 and
GRADE for observational studies that inform both therapy
and prognosis questions.7 GRADE evidence profile tables8
were then created to facilitate an evaluation of the evidence
in support of each of the critical and important outcomes.
Critical outcomes were defined as neurologically favorable
outcome (level 9), survival (level 8), and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC; level 7). Given the heterogeneity
of time points evaluated in the studies related to BLS/AED,
time intervals were pooled across outcomes. For neurologic outcome and survival, we considered the outcomes
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year.
Important outcomes included physiologic and process end
The quality of the evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high, moderate, low,
or very low,9 based on the study methodologies and the 5
core GRADE domains of risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other considerations (including publication bias).10 These evidence profile tables were then used
to create a written summary of evidence for each outcome
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Travers AH, Perkins GD, Berg RA, Castren M, Considine J, Escalante R,
Gazmuri RJ, Koster RW, Lim SH, Nation KJ, Olasveengen TM, Sakamoto T, Sayre MR, Sierra A, Smyth MA, Stanton D, Vaillancourt C; on behalf of the Basic
Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 3: adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S51–S83.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S51–S83. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000272.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000272
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October 20, 2015
• EMS chest compression–only versus conventional CPR
(BLS 360)
• Passive ventilation technique (BLS 352)
• Harm from CPR to victims not in cardiac arrest (BLS 353)
Early Defibrillation
Figure 1. Flow of PICO questions in the BLS Task Force.
(the consensus on science statements). Whenever possible,
consensus-based treatment recommendations were then created. These recommendations (designated as strong or weak)
were accompanied by an overall assessment of the evidence
and a statement from the task force about the values and preferences that underlie the recommendations. A strong recommendation typically contains the words “we recommend,”
while a weak recommendation contains the words “we suggest.” Further details of the methodology that underpinned the
evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence
Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
The body of knowledge encompassed in this CoSTR
comprises 23 individual systematic reviews with 32 treatment recommendations, derived from a GRADE evaluation of 27 randomized clinical trials and 181 observational
studies of variable design and quality conducted over a
35-year period. The treatment recommendations in this Part
are limited to recommendations for adults. Where there is
overlap with pediatric topics, readers are referred to “Part
6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life
The actions linking the victim of sudden cardiac arrest
with survival are called the Chain of Survival and form the
order of presentation of the systematic reviews in this publication, as follows:
Early Access and Cardiac Arrest Prevention
• Dispatcher recognition of cardiac arrest (BLS 740)
• Dispatcher instruction (BLS 359)
• Resuscitation care for suspected opioid-associated emergencies (BLS 811)
• Opioid overdose response education (BLS 891)
• Drowning (BLS 856)
Early, High-Quality CPR
• Starting CPR (BLS 661)
• Chest compression-only
CPR vs conventional CPR
(BLS 372)
• CPR before defibrillation (BLS 363)
• Hand position during compressions (BLS 357)
• Chest compression rate (BLS 343)
• Chest compression depth (BLS 366)
• Chest wall recoil (BLS 367)
• Minimizing pauses in chest compressions (BLS 358)
• Compression-ventilation ratio (BLS 362)
• Timing of CPR cycles (BLS 346)
• Check for circulation during BLS (BLS 348)
• Feedback for CPR quality (BLS 361)
• Public-access defibrillation (BLS 347)
• Rhythm check timing (BLS 345)
• Analysis of rhythm during chest compression (BLS 373)
Early Access and Cardiac Arrest Prevention
Early Access: Emergency Medical Dispatch
The first contact with emergency medical services (EMS)
is usually via a 9-1-1 or 1-1-2 emergency call. The correct
and timely identification of cardiac arrest is critical to ensuring (1) the appropriate dispatch of a high-priority response,
(2) the provision of telephone CPR instructions, and (3) the
activation of community first responders carrying AEDs. In
an observational study in the Netherlands, cases of cardiac
arrest that were missed at initial telephone triage had much
worse outcomes, 5% survival versus 14%.11 Optimizing
EMS dispatch is likely to be one of the most cost-effective
solutions to improving outcomes from cardiac arrest. Thus,
optimizing the ability of dispatchers to identify cardiac
arrest and deliver telephone CPR instructions is critical to
improving outcomes.
Dispatcher Recognition of Cardiac Arrest (BLS 740)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside
of a hospital (P), does the description of any specific symptoms to the dispatcher (I), compared with the absence of any
specific description (C), change the likelihood of cardiac
arrest recognition (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of cardiac arrest recognition, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 cluster RCT,12 as
well as very-low-quality evidence from 26 non-RCTs comprising 8 before-after observational studies,13–20 9 prospective single-arm observational studies,13,21–28 8 retrospective
single-arm observational studies,29–36 and 1 case-control
study.11 A total of 17 420 patients were included in these 27
“Cardiac arrest recognition” was reported heterogeneously across the included studies, precluding meta-analysis. Seven observational studies reported the sensitivity of
dispatch protocols to recognize cardiac arrest,17,18,21,29–32 with
results that ranged from 38% to 96.9% and specificity that
exceeded 99% in the 2 studies that reported this outcome.29,30
Recognition rates of cardiac arrest ranged from 18% to 83%
where reported.22,25
The majority of the study dispatch centers used scripted
dispatch protocols with questions to identify patients who are
unconscious and not breathing or not breathing normally. Four
before-after studies16–18,20 suggested that introducing scripted
dispatch protocols or modifying existing protocols can help
increase cardiac arrest recognition. One study reported an
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increase in cardiac arrest recognition16 while 3 reported an
increase in the rates of telephone-assisted CPR after the introduction of scripted dispatch protocols.17,18,20 One study also
reported an increase in “high-acuity” calls after a modification
to the seizure protocol.19
Recognition of unconsciousness with abnormal breathing is central to dispatcher recognition of cardiac arrest.
Many terms may be used by callers to describe abnormal
breathing: difficulty breathing, poorly breathing, gasping
breathing, wheezing breathing, impaired breathing,22 occasional breathing, barely/hardly breathing, heavy breathing,
labored or noisy breathing, sighing, and strange breathing.11 Agonal breaths were reported in approximately 30%
of cases in 1 study,13 which can make obtaining an accurate description of the patient’s breathing pattern challenging for dispatchers. The presence of agonal breaths were
mentioned as a factor negatively affecting cardiac arrest
recognition in 10 studies,13–15,18,22,23,25,33,35,37 with 1 study
reporting that agonal breaths were present in 50% of nonidentified cardiac arrest calls.18 Other terms reported in the
studies that may help identify possible cardiac arrest cases
include “dead,” “is dead,” “cold and stiff,” “blue,” “gray,” or
“pale.”27 The aforementioned descriptions, however, may be
limited, owing to cultural influences and language translation limitations.
Three before-after studies suggested that offering dispatchers additional education that specifically addresses
agonal breaths can increase the rates of telephone-assisted
CPR14,15 and decrease the number of missed cases.37
There is evidence from 3 studies that failure to recognize
cardiac arrest may be associated with failure to follow scripted
protocols by omitting specified questions about consciousness
and breathing.23,24,26
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that dispatchers determine if a patient
is unconscious with abnormal breathing. If the victim is
unconscious with abnormal or absent breathing, it is reasonable to assume that the patient is in cardiac arrest at the
time of the call (strong recommendation, very-low-quality
We recommend that dispatchers be educated to identify
unconsciousness with abnormal breathing. This education
should include recognition and significance of agonal breaths
across a range of clinical presentations and descriptions
(strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we placed a higher value
on the recognition of cardiac arrest by dispatchers, and we
placed a lower value on the potential harms arising from inappropriate CPR and the potential need for increased resources.
In this situation, we believe that the benefits associated with
increased numbers of cardiac arrest patients receiving timely
and appropriate interventions outweigh the undesirable effects
(potential for patients not in cardiac arrest to inappropriately
receive chest compressions, potential need for increased
We recognize that the evidence in support of these recommendations comes from mainly observational studies of
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
very low quality. Large, high-quality RCTs addressing this
question are unlikely to be conducted. We believe that the
available evidence shows consistent results favoring scripted
dispatch protocols and that education including a description
of the presenting signs of cardiac arrest and populations at
risk (eg, patients presenting with seizures) enables dispatchers
to identify cardiac arrest. We recognize that dispatch protocols for a range of conditions (including but not limited to
“seizures,” “breathing problems,” “chest pains,” “falls,” and
“unknown problem”) optimized to identify potential cardiac
arrest without undue delay may further improve early recognition of cardiac arrest.
Knowledge Gaps
High-quality data from RCTs are currently lacking. Further
studies are required to determine the following:
• What are the identifying key words used by callers that
are associated with cardiac arrest?
there be “trigger” words or phrases from the
bystander that are so likely to indicate cardiac arrest that
the dispatcher can skip parts of the protocol and shorten
the time to dispatch and to CPR instruction?
• What is the impact of adherence to or failure to follow
dispatch protocols?
• What is the most appropriate educational content to
ensure that dispatchers are able to recognize the significance of abnormal and agonal breaths?
• What is the most appropriate refresher training interval
for dispatchers?
• Is there a difference in recognition rates between dispatchers with a clinical background and those without a
clinical background?
• Should
Dispatcher Instructions (BLS 359)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside
of a hospital (P), does the ability of a dispatch system to provide CPR instructions (I), compared with a dispatch system
where no CPR instructions are ever provided (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
ROSC; delivery of bystander CPR; time to first shock; time to
commence CPR; CPR parameters (O)?
Bystander CPR rates remain relatively low in most communities. Dispatcher-assisted telephone CPR instructions have
been demonstrated to improve bystander CPR rates.
This review identified 1 meta-analysis,38 3 randomized tri39–41
and 11 observational studies.15,17,18,20,27,34,42–46 The population evaluated in most studies were adults with a presumed
cardiac cause of their cardiac arrest and excluded traumatic
and/or asphyxial causes of cardiac arrest.17,20,41,42,44 Two studies
evaluated all out-of-hospital arrests,15,34 although benefit was
limited to the cardiac cause subgroup in 1 of these studies.15
Two studies evaluated telephone-assisted CPR in children.45,46
Some studies evaluated the survival benefit of dispatchassisted CPR instructions and compared systems where such
instructions can be offered to systems where they were never
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or infrequently offered.15,17,18,20,27,34,43–45 Other studies compared
traditional CPR to chest compression–only CPR instructions
delivered by telephone.39–42
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
from 2 RCTs,39,40 2 cohort studies,45,46 and 1 before-after
study.15 The level of evidence was downgraded for risk of
bias, indirectness, and imprecision. Four studies reported no
benefit in neurologic outcomes.39,40,45,46 The before-after study,
which included dispatcher instructions to start compressiononly CPR as part of a bundle of interventions used as part of
a quality improvement initiative, noted improved neurologic
outcomes at 12 months (odds ratio [OR], 1.81; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.2–2.76).15
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified verylow-quality evidence from 3 RCTs.39–41 The level of evidence
was downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision.
Meta-analysis of these trials found an absolute survival benefit
of 2.4% (95% CI, 0.1%–4.9%) in favor of telephone-assisted
continuous chest compressions over telephone-assisted traditional CPR (number needed to treat [NNT], 41; 95% CI,
20–1250; relative risk [RR], 1.22; 95% CI, 1.01–1.46).38
We also identified 6 before-after studies.15,17,18,20,42,43 One
study was inconsistent with the others and found decreased
survival, although it was not powered to evaluate survival
outcomes.18 One study showed a survival benefit at 1 year
(population of 73 patients) from an educational program for
dispatchers on continuous chest compressions and agonal
breaths (adjusted OR, 1.81; 95% CI, 1.20–2.76).15
We also identified 5 cohort studies.27,34,44–46 One study
showed a survival benefit at 30 days when, after an educational
program, telephone-assisted CPR was provided to a pediatric
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) population versus not
(adjusted OR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.05–2.03).45 A second cohort
study in the pediatric (less than 18 years of age) population
showed survival benefit at 30 days when telephone-assisted
CPR was provided (adjusted OR for group not receiving CPR,
0.70; 95% CI, 0.56–0.88).46
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we identified very-lowquality evidence from 1 RCT40 and 1 before-after study.18 The
studies were downgraded for indirectness and imprecision.
Neither study showed a statistically significant benefit.
For the important outcome of delivery of bystander CPR,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 6 before-after
studies: 1 study compared 2 medical priority dispatch system
versions,42 3 studies compared telephone-assisted CPR versus
not,17,18,43 and 2 studies15,20 compared various educational programs. In addition, we identified 1 cohort study.45 The level of
evidence was downgraded for indirectness and imprecision.
All showed a strong association between telephone-assisted
CPR and bystander CPR. The cohort study showed increased
performed chest compressions (adjusted OR, 6.04; 95% CI,
4.72–7.72) and ventilation (adjusted OR, 3.10; 95% CI, 2.44–
3.95) from telephone-assisted CPR, and an absolute increase
in bystander CPR rate of 40.9% (95% CI, 36.1–45.5).45
For the important outcome of time to commence CPR, we
have identified very-low-quality evidence from 4 before-after
studies15,17,20,43 and 1 cohort study.44 The level of evidence was
downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and
imprecision. None of these reported a statistically significant
For the important outcome of CPR parameter, assessed
with initial rhythm of ventricular fibrillation (VF)/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (pVT), we have identified very-low-quality
evidence from 1 RCT41 and 1 before-after study.18 The studies
were downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision. Neither study showed a statistically significant benefit.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that dispatchers provide chest compression–
only CPR instructions to callers for adults with suspected
OHCA (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we placed a higher value
on the initiation of bystander CPR and a lower value on the
harms of performing CPR on patients who are not in cardiac
arrest. We recognize that the evidence in support of these
recommendations comes from randomized trials and observational data of variable quality. However, the available evidence consistently favors telephone CPR protocols that use
a compression-only CPR instruction set, suggesting a dose
effect—that is, quick telephone instructions in chest compressions result in more compressions and faster administration of
CPR to the patient.
Knowledge Gaps
• What is the optimal instruction sequence for coaching
callers in telephone-assisted CPR?
• What is the impact of telephone CPR instructions on noncardiac etiology arrests in adult and pediatric patients?
• What is the impact of the dispatchers’ background (non–
healthcare professional versus paramedic or nurse)?
• What are the time-interval benchmarks for the comple-
tion of each step in the instruction process (transfer to
ambulance dispatch, cardiac arrest recognition, dispatch
of resources, initiation of instructions, etc)?
• What is the benefit or role in the use of an AED locator
or enhanced citizen response or “dual-dispatch” system?
• What is the impact of language barriers to performance?
• What are the best methods to optimize initial training
methodology, retraining frequency interval, and quality
improvement programs for optimal dispatcher performance and effectiveness?
• What is the optimal system approach to provide instructions to the highest number of cardiac arrest patients?
• How many chest compressions should be given, and for
how long, before ventilation instructions are introduced?
Resuscitation Care for Suspected Opioid-Associated
Emergencies (BLS 811)
In adults and children with suspected opioid-associated cardio/respiratory arrest in the prehospital setting (P), does
bystander naloxone administration (intramuscular or intranasal), in addition to conventional CPR (I), compared with
conventional CPR only (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
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180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Opioid overdose is a leading cause of death in many communities and at-risk populations. With widespread implementation of community naloxone distribution programs, there is a
need for evaluating the evidence of such initiatives to provide
guidance for policy makers.
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any published studies to determine if
adding intranasal or intramuscular naloxone to conventional
CPR is superior to conventional CPR alone for the management of adults and children with suspected opioid-associated
cardiac or respiratory arrest in the prehospital setting. An
additional search was performed to assess available evidence
for overdose education and naloxone distribution programs
(see BLS 891).
Treatment Recommendation
No treatment recommendation can be made for adding naloxone to existing BLS practices for the BLS management of
adults and children with suspected opioid-associated cardiac
or respiratory arrest in the prehospital setting.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
All patients with suspected opioid-associated cardiac or respiratory arrest should receive standard BLS care, with or without the addition of naloxone. In making this recommendation,
we place greater value on the potential for lives saved by recommending immediate BLS care and education, with or without naloxone, and lesser value on the costs associated with
naloxone administration, distribution, or education.
Knowledge Gaps
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from
3 observational before-after studies.49,50 Only 1 of 3 studies51
attempted to correct for any confounding factors expected in
interventional studies by using historic controls. This study
did observe a dose-response gradient with 0.73 (95% CI,
0.57–0.91) and 0.54 (95% CI, 0.39–0.76) adjusted-rate ratios
for lethal overdose in communities with low and high implementation, respectively.51 The remaining 2 observational studies reported reductions in rate ratios for lethal overdose in
communities, 0.62 (95% CI, 0.54–0.72)52 and 0.70 (95% CI,
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest offering opioid overdose response education,
with or without naloxone distribution, to persons at risk for
opioid overdose in any setting (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place greater value
on the potential for lives saved by recommending overdose
response education, with or without naloxone, and lesser
value on the costs associated with naloxone administration,
distribution, or education.
Knowledge Gaps
• Further
research is needed to determine the optimal
components of opioid overdose response education, the
role of naloxone, and how these educational programs
should be implemented and evaluated.
Drowning Search and Rescue (BLS 856)
• Further
research is needed to determine the optimal
components of overdose response education for BLS
and first aid providers, the role of naloxone, and how
these educational programs should be implemented and
Opioid Overdose Response Education (BLS 891)
In adults and children at risk of suspected cardio/respiratory
arrest due to opioids in the prehospital setting (P), does opioid
overdose response education, with or without naloxone distribution (I), compared with no overdose response education
or overdose prevention education only (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Opioid overdose events have increased dramatically and
become a leading cause of premature, preventable mortality
in many communities. With widespread implementation of
various community programs, there is a need for evaluating
the evidence of such initiatives to provide guidance for policy
In adults and children who are submerged in water (P), does
any particular factor in search-and-rescue operations (eg, duration of submersion, salinity of water, water temperature, age
of victim) (I), compared with no factors (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
This question was initiated in response to a request that ILCOR
review the evidence for prognostic factors that predict outcome
in relation to a drowning incident. Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for nearly 400 000 deaths annually. Care of a submersion
victim in high-income countries often involves a multiagency
approach, with several different organizations being independently responsible for different phases of the victim’s care,
from the initial aquatic rescue, on-scene resuscitation, transfer
to hospital, and hospital and rehabilitative care. Attempting to
rescue a submerged victim has substantial resource implications and may place rescuers at risk themselves.
The systematic review included observational studies with
control groups, which presented data enabling us to calculate
RRs or reported ORs for the following prognostic factors:
(1) age, (2) EMS response time, (3) salinity, (4) submersion
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duration, and (5) water temperature. The review excluded
single case reports and case series less than 5 or without comparator groups. Full details of the search strategy and included
articles are summarized in Scientific Evidence Evaluation
and Review System (SEERS). It is worth highlighting that,
in accordance with GRADE guidelines for prognostic studies, evidence from observational studies starts as high. In
reviewing the summaries of evidence, one should note that
the studies reviewed extended over a 30-year period. It is possible that outcomes may have changed over time, although
this was not observed in the 2 studies that evaluated outcomes
over time.53,54 The populations evaluated varied between studies and included emergency service data, coroners’ registries,
emergency department, and intensive care admissions.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 11 observational studies (downgraded for risk of bias inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) comprising 4054 patients.53,55–64
Of the 7 pediatric studies, 6 found that young age, variably
defined as less than 3, 4, 5, or 6 years, was not associated with
favorable neurologic outcome.55–59,61 A single pediatric study
including 166 children aged less than 15 years reported better
outcomes in children aged less than 5 years (RR, 0.12; 95%
CI, 0.03–0.44).60
Four studies considered drowning victims of all ages;
3 found no relationship between age and outcome.62–64 One
reported worse outcomes among children aged greater than 5
years (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.51–0.85).53
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 6 observational
studies, which included 1313 patients.65–70 Three studies found
that age was not associated with outcome.66,68,70 Two showed
better outcomes associated with younger ages (less than 58
years: RR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.08–0.9667; less than 46 years: RR,
0.98; 95% CI, 0.99–0.99),69 and 1 favored older age (3 years
or older: RR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.19–1.9).65
EMS Response Interval
No studies were identified that addressed the critical outcome
of favorable neurologic outcome.
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 2 observational studies, including
746 patients in the Swedish EMS OHCA registry.67,71 EMS
response intervals of less than 10 minutes were associated
with better survival: RR of 0.29 (95% CI, 0.13–0.66)71 and
reported OR of 0.44 (95% CI, 0.06–0.83).67
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 4 observational
studies,53,59,63,72 which included 1842 drowning victims, of
which 370 occurred in salt water and 1427 in fresh water. Two
showed salt water was associated with better outcomes (RR,
1.3; 95% CI, 1.12–1.563; RR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1–1.459), and 2
showed water type was not associated with outcome (RR, 1.1;
95% CI, 0.95–1.272; RR, 1.14; 95% CI, 0.9–1.453).
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias imprecision, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 3
studies.65,68,73 One reported better outcomes for salt water (RR,
1.34; 95% CI, 1.19–1.52),73 1 showed no difference (RR, 1.22;
95% CI, 0.95–1.56),65 and 1 showed worse survival in cases
with salt water drowning (RR, 0.18; 95% CI, 0.03–1.43).68
Submersion Duration
For the purposes of this review, we considered studies in 3
groups. We defined those with short submersion intervals (less
than 5–6 minutes), those with intermediate duration (less than
10 minutes), and those with prolonged submersion intervals
(less than 20–25 minutes).
Short Submersion Intervals (Less Than 5–6 Minutes). For the
critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 12 observational studies
(downgraded for bias and indirectness, upgraded for doseresponse gradient), which included 2409 cases.53–55,57–61,64,74–76
All studies noted worse outcomes among patients with submersion durations exceeding 5 minutes (RRs ranged between 0.0553
and 0.6160). The 713/826 patients (86.3%) who had outcome
information available and were submerged for short durations
had good outcomes compared to 128/1150 (11%) with longer
submersion durations.
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision; upgraded for dose-response gradient) from
5 observational studies comprising 317 cases.65,66,73,77,78 All
studies noted worse outcomes among patients with prolonged
compared to short submersion durations (RRs ranged between
0.2777 and 0.8378). The 159/170 patients (93.5%) submerged
for short durations had good outcomes compared to 45/84
(53%) with longer submersion durations.
Intermediate Submersion Intervals (Less Than 10 Minutes).
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
bias, indirectness, and imprecision; upgraded for doseresponse relationship) from 9 observational studies that
included 2453 cases.53,54,57,59,60,74,75,79,80 All studies noted worse
outcomes among patients with prolonged submersion durations compared with intermediate submersion durations
(RRs ranged between 0.0253 and 0.4560,75). The 787/1019
patients (77.2%) submerged for intermediate durations had
good outcomes compared to the 36/962 (3.7%) with longer
submersion durations.
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for bias, indirectness, and
imprecision; upgraded for dose-response gradient) from 2
observational studies73,81 comprising 121 cases. The first
study73 reported 56/73 (77%) of those submerged for less than
10 minutes survived compared with none of the 7 patients who
were submerged for more prolonged periods survived (RR
not estimable; absolute difference, 76.7%; 39.7%–94.9%).
The second study81 also noted better survival among those
submerged for less than 10 minutes (46/50 [96%] survived)
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compared with those submerged for more than 10 minutes
(2/5 [40%] survived).81
Prolonged Submersion Intervals (Less Than 15–25
Minutes). For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic
outcome, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision, upgraded for dose-response
relationship) from 3 observational studies that included 739
cases.54,57,59 In 1 study (n=398),59 submersion less than 20 minutes was associated with improved survival (289/370 [78%]
good outcome versus 1/27 [4%] good outcome; RR, 0.05; 95%
CI, 0.01–0.31). The second study57 reported better outcomes
if submersion duration was less than 25 minutes (68/101, or
67%) versus submersion duration longer than 25 minutes (0/4,
0%). The third study, which included hypothermic children
in cardiac arrest, observed 12/66 (18%) survivors who were
submerged for less than 25 minutes compared with 0/39 who
were submerged for more than 25 minutes.54
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from a single study77 comprising 49
patients. Cases with a submersion interval of less than 15
minutes had an overall survival rate of 82% (33/39) compared with none of the 2 victims whose submersion duration
exceeded 15 minutes (RR not estimable; absolute difference,
84.6% [17.3%–92.8%]).
Water Temperature
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 2
studies53,54 of 1254 cases. The largest study (n=1094) included
all unintentional drownings in open waters (lakes, ponds, rivers, ocean) in a single large region, collected from medical
examiners, EMS systems, and all regional hospitals.53 Water
temperatures were measured within a month of the drowning incident. Univariate analysis according to temperatures
less than or greater than 6°C or less than or greater than 16°C
found no difference in neurologic survival: RR, 1.11 (95% CI,
0.9–1.37); RR, 1.02 (95% CI, 0.81–1.27); absolute difference,
−0.5% (−7.5% to 6.1%), respectively. Multivariate analysis
also showed that water temperature was not associated with
outcome. The second study included 160 hypothermic children who required resuscitation after submersion. Water temperatures were estimated based on the season. Submersion
in the winter (water temperature estimated as 0°C–8°C) was
associated with better outcomes than submersion in spring or
summer (water temperature 6°C–28°C) (univariate OR, 4.55;
95% CI, 1.37–15.09).
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from a single study67 that
included 250 patients. This study included only drowning
victims who had an OHCA and received EMS care, and
it included those with intentional (suicide and homicide)
drowning. This study showed no relationship between
water temperature less than or greater than 15°C and outcome (RR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.34–2.62; absolute difference,
0.36%, −6.4% to 6.5%).
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
Witnessed Status
The definition of witnessed versus unwitnessed was inconsistently defined in the studies reviewed. It was often unclear if
witnessed related to the submersion or time of cardiac arrest.
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational study62
involving 1737 patients. Univariate analysis reported by the
study authors indicates an unadjusted OR for good outcomes
in the group where submersion was witnessed (OR, 16.33;
95% CI, 5.58–47.77). In multivariate analysis, witnessed status was related to favorable outcome (adjusted OR, 11.8; 95%
CI, 2.84–49.08); however, the analysis did not include submersion duration, which several studies have reported is an
independent predictor.
For the critical outcome of survival, we found lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 4 studies62,68,69,71 involving a total of
2857 victims. Two studies67,69 were from the same EMS system, and both used multivariate analysis. The smaller study
(255 victims) showed that witnessed status was not significantly associated with improved survival (RR, 0.55; 95%
CI, 0.17–1.75; absolute difference, 3%; −3.1% to 11.2%).67
However, in the larger subsequent study from that same EMS
system, witnessed status predicted better outcome (reported
univariate analysis P=0.05; adjusted OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.38–
4.52).69 A further study68 showed no association of witnessed
status with improved survival (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.26–2.59).
A large observational study from Japan62 reported an unadjusted OR of 7.38 (95% CI, 3.81–14.3) and an adjusted OR
of 6.5 (95% CI, 2.81–15.02), although the unusual population
of much older victims, most drowning in bathtubs, with very
low favorable outcomes limited the generalizability of these
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend that submersion duration be used as a prognostic indicator when making decisions surrounding search
and rescue resource management/operations (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence for prognostic
We suggest against the use of age, EMS response time,
water type (fresh or salt), water temperature, and witness status when making prognostic decisions (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence for prognostic significance).
We acknowledge that this review excluded exceptional
and rare case reports that identify good outcomes after prolonged submersion in icy cold water.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, the task force placed
priority on producing simple guidance that may assist those
responsible for managing search and rescue operations. The
public comments highlighted the difficult moral dilemmas
facing the rescuer in these often emotionally charged and fastmoving environments. While it is hoped that the information
will also be of interest to those managing the initial resuscitation and intensive care treatment of drowning victims, the
factors evaluated were limited to those available at the scene
of the drowning incident and excluded factors available after
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the victim was rescued (eg, patient regurgitation, cardiopulmonary arrest duration, EMS response time, CPR duration,
The recommendations presented place a relatively high
value on the associations demonstrated in the exploratory
prognostication modeling but acknowledge that these have
not been prospectively validated as clinical decision rules.
Submersion durations of less than 10 minutes are associated
with a very high chance of favorable outcome, and submersion durations more than 25 minutes are associated with a
low chance of favorable outcomes. Given the known difficulties with accurate timing, we suggest the time of the emergency service call as the start point for estimating submersion
This question raised significant debate during the plenary conference session, task force discussion, and public
comment. The main areas of controversy related to (1) how
ILCOR intended the information presented would be used,
and (2) the prognostic value of water temperature. We clarified
in the introduction to this section that the review is intended
to provide evidence from the published literature to support
those responsible for search-and-rescue operations about
chances of survival.
In recommending submersion duration as a factor, we
acknowledge that definitions of submersion were either
absent or varied between studies, and, in many studies,
the precise submersion duration was not known. The 2015
Utstein consensus on drowning defines submersion duration as the duration of time that liquid covering the nose
and mouth prevents air from entering the lungs.84 We suggest that the studies are interpreted as assuming the point
from which continuous submersion started (ie, not when
the person is struggling and intermittently submerging then
drawing breath). Because the underwater interval is seldom
documented with a timepiece, estimates can be imprecise.
The Utstein consensus recommended cross-referencing submersion point with the emergency call and ambulance arrival
times when possible.
The scope of this systematic review was limited to
large case series and cohort studies with control groups.
The review, therefore, excluded rare and exceptional case
reports of survival after prolonged submersion in ice-cold
water. One such example is the series of case reports presented by Tipton and Golden, which identified 26 survivors after submersion, 8 reports documented favorable
outcomes in victims submerged for longer than 25 minutes
in mostly ice-cold water.85 A further case series noted 80%
of victims surviving after cardiac arrest after immersion
in ice-cold water (2°C) for up to 2.5 hours.86 This review
included more than 1000 drowning victims and produced
conflicting results on the role of water temperature. Both
studies noted difficulty in estimating water temperature,
which is likely to be reflected in real-life rescue situations.
Thus, a combination of uncertainty in the published evidence and practical difficulties of measurement led us to
suggest against the routine use of water temperature as a
prognostic factor.
The task force is very grateful for insightful comments
submitted during the public commenting process.
Early High-Quality CPR
Early high-quality CPR saves lives. This section reviews the
evidence surrounding how to start CPR, as well as optimal chest
compression characteristics, compression-only CPR, pulse
checks, and ventilation. Although the systematic reviews considered adult and pediatric data, treatment recommendations in
this Part are limited to adult patients. The reader is referred to
“Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support” for related pediatric recommendations.
In making these recommendations, we note that several
components of chest compressions can alter their effectiveness: hand position, position of the rescuer, position of the
victim, and depth and rate of compression and release. The
relative importance of each of these components remains to be
determined; thus, optimal chest compressions are defined by
compressions of the correct position, depth, and rate, ensuring
full release and minimizing interruptions.
Collectively, we continue to place strong emphasis on the
importance of delivering high-quality CPR.
Starting CPR (BLS 661)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does CPR beginning with compressions first (30:2)
(I), compared with CPR beginning with ventilation first (2:30)
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC (O)?
Delivering high-quality chest compressions as early as possible is vital to high-quality CPR and optimizes the chance of
ROSC and survival after cardiac arrest. Thus, a major change
after publication of the 2010 International Consensus on CPR
and ECC Science With Treatment Recommendations was the
recommendation that, for adult victims of cardiac arrest, CPR
should begin with giving chest compressions rather than opening the airway and delivering rescue breaths. This treatment
recommendation is based on a review of science from the perspective of developing a treatment recommendation for adults.
Consensus on Science
There were no human studies identified in this evidence review,
but 4 manikin studies were identified; 1 randomized study87
focused on adult resuscitation, 1 randomized study focused on
pediatric resuscitation,88 and 2 observational studies focused
on adult resuscitation.89,90 Compared with the previous review
in 2010, this review also identified 3 new studies that were
included for analysis.87,88,90 Overall, the reviewers had serious
concerns for trial methodology of included studies. The nature
of comparing 2 different resuscitation protocols meant that all
studies suffered from performance and detection bias because
healthcare professionals were not blinded to the intervention
(C-A-B versus A-B-C).
For the important outcome of time to commencement of
chest compressions, we identified very-low-quality evidence
from 1 randomized manikin study88 representing 155 two-person teams and very-low-quality evidence from 2 observational
manikin studies89,90 representing 40 individual rescuers90 and
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33 six-person teams.89 All studies were downgraded due to
risk of bias. All studies found that C-A-B decreased the time
to commencement of chest compression. The randomized
trial found a statistically significant 24.13-second difference
(P<0.05) in favor of C-A-B.88 The observational studies found
statistically significant decreases of 20.6 seconds (P<0.001)90
and 26 seconds (P<0.001),89 respectively.
For the important outcome of time to commencement
of rescue breaths, we identified very-low-quality evidence
from 2 randomized manikin studies87,88 representing 210 twoperson teams. Both studies were downgraded due to risk of
bias. Lubrano88 found a statistically significant 3.53-second
difference (P<0.05) in favor of C-A-B during a respiratory
arrest scenario; however, in a cardiac arrest scenario, A-B-C
decreased the time to commencement of rescue breaths by 5.74
seconds (P<0.05).87 Marsch found that C-A-B decreased time
to commencement of rescue breaths by 5 seconds (P=0.003).
The clinical significance of these differences is unknown.87
For the important outcome of time to completion of first
CPR cycle (30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths), we
identified low-quality evidence from 1 randomized manikin
study87 representing 55 two-person teams. Marsch87 found that
C-A-B decreased time to completion of first CPR cycle by 15
seconds (P<0.001). The clinical significance of this difference
is unknown.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest commencing CPR with compressions rather
than ventilations (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation in the absence of human data,
we placed a high value on time to specific elements of CPR
(chest compressions, rescue breathing, completion of first
CPR cycle). In making this recommendation in the absence
of human data, given that most cardiac arrests in adults are
cardiac in cause, we placed a high value on reducing time to
specific elements of CPR (chest compressions and completion
of first CPR cycle).
We refer the reader to the systematic review Peds 709 (see
“Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support”) for recommendations in children.
Chest Compression–Only CPR Versus Conventional
CPR (BLS 372)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital
(P), does provision of chest compressions (without ventilation) by untrained/trained laypersons (I), compared with chest
compressions with ventilation (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; bystander CPR
performance; CPR quality (O)?
Bystander CPR is a key life-saving factor in the Chain of Survival.
This foundational principle was evaluated in the ILCOR 2000
Consensus on Science and was accepted in the 2005, 2010, and
2015 consensuses without reevaluation. The review in 2000
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
found that CPR before EMS arrival can (1) prevent VF/pVT
from deteriorating to asystole, (2) increase the chance of defibrillation, (3) contribute to preservation of heart and brain function, and (4) improve survival.91 A large systematic review from
79 studies involving 142 740 patients confirmed that bystander
CPR improves survival from 3.9% to 16.1%.92
Although the practice of bystander CPR is accepted, a key
question is whether bystanders should perform chest compression–only CPR or conventional CPR. Advocates of chest
compression–only CPR note that it is easier to teach, remember, and perform compared with chest compressions with
assisted ventilation. Others are concerned that chest compressions without assisted ventilation are less effective because of
inadequate oxygenation and worse respiratory acidosis. These
concerns are especially pertinent in the setting of asphyxial
cardiac arrests (and perhaps others with a noncardiac cause)
and in the setting of prolonged CPR.93
It is not feasible to conduct RCTs of bystander-initiated,
compression-only CPR versus bystander conventional CPR.
Therefore, the clinical evidence for this question is derived
from 2 sources: observational studies, and RCTs of dispatcher-assisted CPR. The benefits of telephone-assisted CPR
are summarized in our EMS dispatch question (see BLS 359).
Further, much of the research on this topic has been
done on patients whose arrests are presumed to be of cardiac origin, which would be difficult, if not impossible, to
coach bystanders to determine in a brief training session. In
addition, the research was often conducted in settings with
short EMS response intervals. It is likely that a time threshold exists beyond which the absence of ventilation may be
harmful.94,95 Thus, the generalizability of the findings from
the studies to all settings is cautioned. These factors taken
together mean that the data available for considering this
question are indirect.
When observational studies are conducted for bystander
CPR, a key factor in evaluating the data is determining how
the investigator determined the type of bystander CPR that
was performed. In some cases, providers stayed on the scene
and interviewed the bystanders about the care they provided.
However, in studies of registry data, EMS providers visually
evaluated bystanders’ actions as they took over care during
this high-stress, high-risk, and time-intensive event. This issue
led to many studies being downgraded for validity because
determination of the type of bystander CPR may have been
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at 12 months, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and
imprecision) from a single observational study of 1327 adult
cardiac arrest victims of a presumed cardiac cause. The study
reported no overall difference between compression-only and
conventional CPR (OR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.54–1.77).94
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at 30 days, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from
4 observational studies that enrolled 40 646 patients.93,95–97
These studies reported no overall difference in outcomes.
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For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and
indirectness) from 1 randomized trial40 and 3 observational
studies.98–100 The randomized trial enrolled 1268 patients and
reported no difference in outcomes (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.94–
1.66). The observational studies enrolled 2195 patients and
also found no overall differences between compression-only
and conventional CPR.
For the critical outcome of survival at 30 days, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and indirectness) from 1 randomized trial41 and 2 observational studies.101,102 The randomized trial enrolled 1276
patients and found no difference in outcomes (OR, 1.24; 95%
CI, 0.85–1.81).41 The observational studies enrolled 11 444
patients, and found no overall difference between compression-only and conventional CPR.101,102
For the critical outcome of survival at 14 days, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and indirectness) from 1 observational study103 enrolling 829
patients, which found no difference between compressiononly and conventional CPR (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.46–1.24).
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, inconsistency, and indirectness) from 1 randomized
trial104 and 2 observational studies.105,106 The randomized trial
enrolled 520 patients and found no difference in outcomes
(OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.88–2.22).104 The observational studied
enrolled 2486 patients and reported no difference between
compression-only and conventional CPR.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend that chest compressions should be performed
for all patients in cardiac arrest (strong recommendation,
very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest that those who are trained and willing to give
rescue breaths do so for all adult patients in cardiac arrest
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, the task force strongly
endorsed the 2010 ILCOR Consensus on Science that all
rescuers should perform chest compressions for all patients
in cardiac arrest.107,108 We also highlight the 2015 dispatcher
CPR recommendation that “dispatchers should provide chest
compression–only CPR instructions to callers for adults with
suspected OHCA.”
The task force draws attention to the potential gains from
the simplicity of teaching compression-only CPR.
The task force further acknowledges the potential additional benefits of conventional CPR when delivered by trained
laypersons, particularly in settings where EMS response intervals are long and for asphyxial causes of cardiac arrest.
We refer the reader to Ped 414 systematic review (see
“Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support”) for recommendations in children.
CPR Before Defibrillation (BLS 363)
Among adults and children who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does a prolonged period of chest compressions before
defibrillation (I), compared with a short period of chest compressions before defibrillation (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; rhythm control (O)?
The optimal initial approach to a patient found in VF outside of
the hospital has been unclear. Observational studies have supported a short period of CPR followed by early analysis of cardiac
rhythm and administration of a shock, if indicated. Other studies
support a longer period of CPR before administration of a shock.
Our literature review retained 13 articles. These included 5
RCTs,109–113 4 observational cohort studies,114–117 3 meta-analyses,118–120 and 1 subgroup analysis of data reported in the RCT
by Rea et al.121 For the purposes of this evidence review, the
GRADE table is limited to pooled data from the 5 RCTs. All
of the studies were conducted in the out-of-hospital setting.
The intervention assessed was a short period of chest
compressions before attempted defibrillation with a longer
period of chest compressions, defined as between 90 and 180
seconds, before attempted defibrillation. In all of the RCTs
reviewed, chest compressions were performed before initial
analysis while the defibrillator equipment was being applied.
The exact duration of this period was documented precisely in
only 1 RCT112 and was noted to be between 30 and 60 seconds.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 1 year with favorable
neurologic outcome (Cerebral Performance Category [CPC]
of 2 or less), we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for bias and imprecision) from a single randomized trial that
showed no benefit from a short period of CPR before shock
delivery (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.522–2.667).113
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome (defined as CPC score of
2 or less, modified Rankin Scale score of 3 or less), we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency
and imprecision) from 4 RCTs that showed no benefit from a
short period of CPR before shock delivery (OR, 0.95; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to 1 year, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs that showed no benefit from a short
period of CPR before shock delivery (OR, 1.15; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
bias and imprecision) from 4 RCTs that showed no benefit
from a short period of CPR before shock delivery (OR, 1.095;
95% CI, 0.695–1.725).109–111,113
With respect to ROSC, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for bias and imprecision) from 4 RCTs that
showed no benefit from a short period of CPR before shock
delivery (OR, 1.193; 95% CI, 0.871–1.634).109–111,113
Subgroup Analyses
Two subgroup analyses were also considered in this review.
One subgroup analysis looked at enrollments based on EMS
response interval, comparing those with intervals of less than
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4 to 5 minutes versus those with intervals of 4 to 5 minutes or
more. Within this subgroup, 1 study113 found a favorable relationship with CPR for 180 seconds before defibrillation when
the response interval was 5 minutes or more, but this relationship was not confirmed in 3 other RCTs.109,110,112
The second subgroup analysis121 examined outcomes from
early versus late analysis based on baseline EMS agency VF/
pVT survival rates. Among EMS agencies with low baseline
survival to hospital discharge (defined as less than 20% for an
initial rhythm of VF/pVT), higher neurologically favorable survival was associated with early analysis and shock delivery, as
opposed to CPR and delayed analysis and shock delivery. Yet
for EMS agencies with higher baseline survival to hospital discharge (greater than 20%), 3 minutes of CPR followed by analysis and defibrillation resulted in higher neurologically favorable
survival. Although no study has suggested harmful effects from
up to 180 seconds of CPR before defibrillation, an exploratory
analysis from 1 RCT112 suggested a decline in survival to hospital
discharge from a prolonged period of CPR (180 seconds) with
delayed shock delivery in patients with an initial rhythm of VF/
pVT that had received bystander CPR, compared with a shorter
period of CPR (30–60 seconds) followed by shock delivery.
Evidence Summary
In summary, the evidence suggests that among unmonitored
patients with cardiac arrest outside of the hospital and an initial rhythm of VF/pVT, there is no benefit to a period of CPR
of 90 to 180 seconds before defibrillation when compared with
immediate defibrillation with CPR being performed while the
defibrillator equipment is being applied.
Treatment Recommendation
During an unmonitored cardiac arrest, we suggest a short
period of CPR until the defibrillator is ready for analysis and,
if indicated, defibrillation.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we placed a higher value
on the delivery of early defibrillation and a lower value on
the as-yet-unproven benefits of performing CPR for a longer
period of time. We recognize that the evidence in support of
these recommendations comes from randomized trials of variable quality conducted in several countries with a variety of
EMS system configurations. The available evidence suggests
a minimal effect size overall, while recognizing that it remains
possible that, in systems with higher baseline survival rates, a
longer period of CPR may be superior.
The task force notes that these recommendations apply
to unmonitored victims in cardiac arrest. In witnessed, monitored VF/pVT arrest where a patient is attached to a defibrillator, shock delivery should not be delayed.
Knowledge Gap
• What
system level characteristics might influence
adopted strategy?
• What effect does the quality of bystander CPR have?
• Can electrocardiographic waveform characteristics be
used to determine optimal strategy?
• If CPR first strategy is adopted, what is the optimal duration of CPR (90 seconds, 120 seconds, or 180 seconds)?
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
Hand Position During Compressions (BLS 357)
Among adults and children who are receiving chest compressions in any setting (P), does delivery of chest compressions on the lower half of the sternum (I), compared with any
other location for chest compressions (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
cardiac output; harm (eg, rib fracture); coronary perfusion
pressure (O)?
Hand position is just one of several components of chest compressions that can alter effectiveness. In making this recommendation, we considered the evidence in an attempt to define
the optimal compression method. We balanced this against
the current recommendation for using the lower half of the
sternum107 and the resource implications of changing current
The task force also noted previous recommendations that
the lower half of the sternum could be identified by instructing a rescuer, “Place the heel of your hand in the center of the
chest with the other hand on top.”122,123 This instruction should
be accompanied by a demonstration of placing the hands on
the lower half of the sternum.123
This review focused on studies reporting clinical or physiologic outcomes related to hand position during chest compression. The scope differed from the 2010 CoSTR review,
which also included computed tomographic, echocardiographic, and manikin studies reporting on the anatomic structures that would be compressed with different hand positions
and the efficiency of different instructional techniques for
locating hand position.
Consensus on Science
There were no studies reporting the critical outcomes of favorable neurologic outcome, survival, or ROSC.
For the important outcome of physiologic end points,
we identified 3 very-low-quality studies (downgraded for
risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision).124–126 One crossover study in 17 adults with prolonged resuscitation from
nontraumatic cardiac arrest observed improved peak arterial
pressure during compression systole (114 ± 51 mm Hg versus
95 ± 42 mm Hg) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2; 11.0
± 6.7 mm Hg versus 9.6 ± 6.9 mm Hg) when compressions
were performed in the lower third of the sternum compared
with the center of the chest, whereas arterial pressure during
compression recoil, peak right atrial pressure and coronary
perfusion pressure did not differ.124 A second crossover study
in 30 adults observed no difference between ETCO2 values
and hand placement.125 A further crossover study in 10 children observed higher peak systolic pressure and higher mean
arterial blood pressure when compressions were performed
on the lower third of the sternum compared with the middle
of the sternum.126
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest performing chest compressions on the lower half
of the sternum on adults in cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
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Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a high value on
consistency with current treatment recommendations in the
absence of compelling data suggesting the need to change the
recommended approach.
Knowledge Gaps
• The use of physiologic feedback to optimize hand position in individual patients
Chest Compression Rate (BLS 343)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does any specific rate for external chest compressions (I), compared with a compression rate of about 100/min
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; CPR quality (O)?
Chest compression rate can be defined as the actual rate used
during each continuous period of chest compressions over
1 minute, excluding any pauses. It differs from the number
of chest compressions actually delivered in 1 minute, which
takes into account any interruptions in chest compressions.
In the 2010 CoSTR, we recommended a manual chest
compression rate of at least 100/min in adults. We noted the
absence of a specific upper limit for compression rate.107 This
review notes the publication of important new observational
studies in humans that suggest the need to limit the upper rate
of chest compressions.127,128
Consensus on Science
No studies addressed the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 2 observational
studies127,128 representing 13 469 adult patients. Both studies
were downgraded due to risk of bias.127 They compared chest
compression rates of greater than 140/min, 120 to 139/min,
less than 80/min, and 80 to 99/min with the control rate of 100
to 119/min. When compared with the control chest compression rate of 100 to 119/min, there was a
• 4% decrease in survival to hospital discharge with compression rates of greater than 140/min
• 2% decrease in survival to hospital discharge with compression rates of 120 to 139/min
• 1% decrease in survival to hospital discharge with compression rates of less than 80/min
• 2% decrease in survival to hospital discharge with compression rates of 80 to 99/min
The study found a significant relationship between chest
compression rate categories and survival without adjustment
and when adjusted for covariates, including CPR quality measures such as compression depth and fraction (global test,
P=0.02). The study showed chest compression depth declined
with increasing chest compression rate. The relationship of
reduced compression depth at different compression rates was
as follows: for a compression rate of 100 to119/min, 35% of
compressions had a depth less than 3.8 cm; for a compression
rate of 120 to 139/min, 50% of compressions had a depth less
than 3.8 cm; and for a compression rate of 140/min or greater,
70% of the compressions had a depth less than 3.8 cm.
In the second study,128 there was a 4.1% decrease in survival
to hospital discharge with chest compression rates of greater than
140/min and a 1.9% increase in survival to hospital discharge
with rates of less than 80/min when compared with the control
rate of 80 to 140/min. The adjusted ORs for survival to hospital
discharge were 0.61 (P=0.18) for rates of greater than 140/min
and 1.32 (P=0.42) for rates of less than 80/min and, therefore,
showed no significant difference in survival to hospital discharge.
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we identified very-lowquality evidence from 3 observational studies127–129 representing 13 566 adult patients. All studies were downgraded due to
risk of bias. All studies had different interventions and different control chest compression rates: 100 to 119/min,127 80 to
140/min,128 and 80 to 119/min.129
High Compression Rates
There was a significant decrease in ROSC with chest compression rates of greater than 140/min (OR, 0.72; P=0.006).
However, significance was lost when the model was adjusted
for covariates (gender, witnessed arrest, bystander CPR, first
known EMS rhythm, location).127 There was a 5% decrease in
ROSC with rates of greater than 140/min,128 and 9% increase
in ROSC with rates of greater than 120/min129 when compared
with their respective control chest compression rates.
Low Compression Rates
With chest compression rates of less than 80/min, there was a
3% increase in ROSC in 1 study128 and 25% decrease in ROSC
in other.129 The adjusted ORs for ROSC were 1.01 (P=0.95)
for rates of greater than 140/min128 and 1.18 (P=0.79) for rates
of less than 80/min.128 Comparison of mean chest compression
rates of 95.5 to 138.7/min with 40.3 to 72.0/min showed a
+33% increase in ROSC (P=0.00925).129 Comparison of mean
chest compression rates of 87.1 to 94.8/min with 40.3 to 72.0/min
showed a +33% increase in ROSC (P=0.00371).129
For the important outcome of systolic blood pressure, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 observational study130
where a mechanical CPR device (Thumper, Michigan Instruments,
MI) was used to deliver incremental increases in chest compression rate (from 80 to 140/min) among 18 adult patients. Within
subject comparisons showed increasing the compression rate
reduced systolic blood pressure (to 74% of baseline at a rate of
140/min, P<0.05) but had no effect on diastolic pressure.
For the important outcome of ETCO2 levels, very-lowquality evidence from 2 observational studies130,131 included 41
adult patients. Both studies were downgraded due to risk of
bias. One study showed no difference for compression rates in
the range of 60 to 140/min,130 while the second showed a small
(2 mm Hg) increase at higher compression rates.131
For the important outcome of number of chest compressions per minute, very-low-quality evidence from 1 observational study128 representing 3098 adult patients was identified.
This study was downgraded due to risk of bias. This study
compared chest compression rates of greater than 140/min and
less than 80/min with the control rate of 80 to 140/min. The
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number of chest compressions delivered per minute increased
with higher chest compression rates.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend a manual chest compression rate of 100 to
120/min (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a high value on compatibility with the previous guidelines recommendation of a lower
compression threshold of at least 100/min to minimize additional
training and equipment costs (eg, reprogramming feedback
devices, educational programs). We consider the new evidence
that has emerged since 2010 CoSTR as sufficient to suggest that
the upper threshold should be limited to no more than 120/min.
Knowledge Gaps
• Does
optimizing chest compression rate based on a
patient’s physiologic response improve outcome?
Chest Compression Depth (BLS 366)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
a different chest compression depth during CPR (I), compared
with chest compression depth to 5 cm (2 inches) (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
ROSC; CPR quality; coronary perfusion pressure; cardiac
output; bystander CPR performance (O)?
In 2010, we recommended that it is reasonable to compress
the sternum at least 5 cm (2 inches) for all adult cardiac
arrest victims. We stated that there was insufficient evidence
to recommend a specific upper limit for chest compression
depth. Important new data have emerged since 2010, which
has prompted the revision of our treatment recommendation.
The reader is reminded of our 2010 recommendation that
CPR should be performed on a firm surface when possible.
Air-filled mattresses should be routinely deflated during CPR.
There was insufficient evidence for or against the use of backboards during CPR. If a backboard is used, rescuers should
minimize delay in initiation of chest compressions, minimize
interruption in chest compressions, and take care to avoid dislodging catheters and tubes during backboard placement.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with good neurologic outcome (CPC 1-2), we found low-quality evidence (downgraded
for imprecision, upgraded for a dose-response gradient),
from 1 observational study132 suggesting that a compression
depth in adults of more than 5 cm (2 inches) is better than
all other compression depths during manual CPR. Adjusted
OR for each 5 mm increase in mean chest compression depth
was 1.33 (1.03-1.71) for favorable functional outcome. Upon
review by the evidence evaluation experts during the final
iterative ILCOR process (see Part 2), 1 citation was excluded
from the final consensus on science.133
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision), from 3 observational studies132,134,135 suggesting that
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
survival may improve with increasing compression depth.
The adjusted ORs for survival to hospital discharge per 5
mm increase in mean chest compression depth were 1.09
(95% CI, 0.94 to 1.27),134 1.04 (95% CI, 1.00 to 1.08),135
and 1.30 (95% CI, 1.03 to 1.65).132 In the largest study (9136
patients) a covariate-adjusted spline analysis showed a maximum survival at a mean depth of 4.0 to 5.5 cm (1.6 to 2.2
inches), with a peak at 4.6 cm (1.8 inches).135
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we found low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision, upgraded for a doseresponse gradient) from 4 observational studies134,135,137,140
suggesting that a compression depth of more than 5 cm (2
inches) in adults is better than all other compression depths
during manual CPR. The largest study reported that ROSC
increased with each 5 mm increment (adjusted OR 1.06 [95%
CI: 1.04 to 1.08, P<0.001]) and that the adjusted OR for
ROSC for patients receiving chest compressions with a depth
of 3.8 to 5.1 cm (1.5 to 2 inches) compared with more than
5.1 cm (more than 2 inches) was 0.86 (95% CI, 0.75-0.97).135
Upon review by the evidence evaluation experts during the
final iterative ILCOR process (see Part 2), 4 citations were
excluded from the final consensus on science.133,136,138,139
For the important outcome of injury, we found very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias, imprecision, and very serious indirectness) from 1 observational
study suggesting that a compression depth of more than 6
cm (2.4 inches) is associated with an increased rate of injury
in adults when compared with compression depths of 5 to 6
cm (2 to 2.4 inches) during manual CPR. This study included
170 of 353 patients (183 excluded for incomplete data), and
injuries were reported in 63% with compression depth more
than 6 cm (more than 2.4 inches) and 31% with compression
depth less than 6 cm. Further, injuries were reported in 28%,
27%, and 49% with compression depths less than 5 cm (less
than 2 inches), 5 to 6 cm (2 to 2.4 inches), and more than 6
cm (more than 2.4 inches), respectively.141
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend a chest compression depth of approximately 5
cm (2 inches) (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence)
while avoiding excessive chest compression depths (greater
than 6 cm [greater than 2.4 inches] in an average adult) (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence) during manual CPR.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a high value on
the consistency with our previous recommendations given
the resource implications (eg, training, reprogramming CPR
devices) of making a change, and consistency in data showing harm from compressions that are too shallow. In addition,
we note new data from the US and Canadian Resuscitation
Outcomes Consortium group reporting a “sweet spot” for compression depth between 4.03 and 5.53 cm (between 1.59 and
2.2 inches; peak, 4.56 cm [1.8 inches]) and harm from excessive compression depths.135 We used the term approximately 5
cm (approximately 2 inches) to reflect these findings plus the
known variation in patient shapes and sizes around the world.
We refer the reader to Ped 394 systematic review (see
“Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support”) for recommendations in children.
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Knowledge Gaps
• We need additional studies on the relationship of com-
pression depth and injuries, and how these factors may
vary in relation to differences in body/chest size and differences in chest wall compliance and between adults
and children. We also need additional studies on the
relationship and interaction between chest compression
rate and depth.
Chest Wall Recoil (BLS 367)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does maximizing chest wall recoil (I), compared with
ignoring chest wall recoil (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; coronary perfusion
pressure; cardiac output (O)?
Critical to hemodynamically effective CPR is blood returning to the chest between compressions. Venous return is in
part influenced by the pressure gradient between extrathoracic
and intrathoracic veins. Leaning on the chest wall between
compressions, precluding full chest wall recoil, could raise
intrathoracic pressure and reduce right heart filling, coronary perfusion pressure, and myocardial blood flow.142,143
Observational studies indicate that leaning is common during CPR in adults and children.143,144 This question sought
to examine the effect of chest wall leaning during standard
manual CPR on outcome.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of ROSC, survival at hospital discharge, and survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome, we found no evidence to address the question.
For the important outcome of coronary perfusion pressure, we found 3 observational studies: 2 in animal models142,145 and 1 in anesthetized children not in cardiac arrest,146
which provided very-low-quality evidence, downgraded
for serious risk of bias and very serious indirectness. All 3
studies reported a reduced coronary perfusion pressure with
incomplete chest recoil. In anesthetized children undergoing
mechanical ventilation during cardiac catheterization, Glatz
et al analyzed the effect of leaning by applying a force on
the chest corresponding to 10% and 20% of body weight;
this resulted in a proportional reduction in coronary perfusion
pressure.146 Yannopoulos et al and Zuercher et al reported in
swine models of VF that leaning on the chest precluding full
chest recoil reduced the coronary perfusion pressure in a dosedependent manner.142,145
For the important outcome of cardiac output/cardiac
index, we found 2 observational studies (1 in an animal model
and 1 in anesthetized children not in cardiac arrest) also representing very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious
risk of bias and very serious indirectness.142,146 The study in
animals reported a proportional reduction in cardiac index
when 10% and 20% of the forces applied during compression remained between compressions.142 In contrast, Glatz et
al found that leaning forces had no effect on cardiac output.146
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that rescuers performing manual CPR avoid leaning on the chest between compressions to allow full chest wall
recoil (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, the task force placed high
value on consistency with previous recommendations and in
ensuring that a clear recommendation is provided for CPR
training and practice. We acknowledge that some studies have
reported a leaning threshold below which there are possibly
no adverse hemodynamic effects, but the task force anticipates
that this would be difficult to measure and teach.
Knowledge Gaps
• Impact of full chest recoil in humans and the impact of
this recommendation on rescuer performance when factoring in depth, rate, and duty cycle
• Identification of best options to monitor full chest recoil
Minimizing Pauses in Chest Compressions
(BLS 358)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does minimization of pauses in chest compressions for
cardiac rhythm analysis or ventilations (I), compared with prolonged pauses in chest compressions for rhythm analysis or ventilations (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; ROSC; time to first shock; CPR quality; rhythm control (O)?
For adults in cardiac arrest without an advanced airway, such
as an endotracheal tube, chest compressions are often briefly
paused to allow for ventilation. Some CPR guidelines suggest
that the duration of pauses for ventilation should not exceed
5 seconds. However, forceful insufflations to comply with the
guideline carry a risk of gastric insufflation, and may not be
feasible for mouth-to-mouth ventilation.
Preshock intervals include the time required for assessment of the rhythm, charging, and actually delivering a shock.
Postshock intervals reflect the time from shock delivery to
resumption of chest compression. Achieving short preshock
and postshock pauses requires awareness of the importance of
minimizing the pause, attention during training, and an excellent interplay among the rescuers working together during a
resuscitation attempt. In this systematic review, we examine
the possible consequences of interruptions of chest compressions on various critical and important outcomes.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we found 1 low-quality observational study (downgraded for
imprecision)147 enrolling 199 patients. This study compared
survival against a reference ventilation range of 5 to 6 seconds and found no difference with longer ranges of time for 2
breaths delivered by lay rescuers, ranging over 10 to 12 seconds (adjusted OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 0.29–5.97) and 13 seconds
or greater (adjusted OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 0.46–12.1). We found
no studies addressing pauses for rhythm analysis and shock.
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For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, there were no studies examining duration required
to deliver 2 breaths. For perishock pauses, we identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness)
from 1 RCT that compared 2 AED algorithms.148 The study
enrolled 845 patients but found no benefit (OR, 0.81; 95% CI,
0.33–2.01) of reducing preshock and postshock pauses. We
found moderate-quality evidence from 3 observational studies (upgraded for dose-response gradient)149–151 including 3327
patients showing a strong relationship with shorter preshock
and postshock pauses (less so for postshock pauses) or higher
chest compression fraction.
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we found no studies addressing the duration required to deliver 2 breaths. For
perishock pause, we found 1 very-low-quality observational
study152 (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) including 35 patients, indicating benefit from limiting preshock and
postshock pauses and 1 very-low-quality study (downgraded
for risk of bias)153 including 2103 patients, suggesting benefit from achieving chest compression fractions (ie, total CPR
time devoted to compressions) greater than 40%.
For the important outcome of shock success, we found 1
very-low-quality observational study (downgraded for imprecision)138 including 60 patients, indicating benefit of shorter
preshock pauses: OR of 1.86 (95% CI, 1.10–3.15) for every
5 seconds.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that in adult patients receiving CPR with no
advanced airway, the interruption of chest compressions for
delivery of 2 breaths should be less than 10 seconds (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We recommend that total preshock and postshock pauses
in chest compressions be as short as possible. For manual defibrillation, we suggest that preshock pauses be as short as possible and no more than 10 seconds (strong recommendation,
low-quality evidence).
We suggest during conventional CPR that chest compression fraction (ie, total CPR time devoted to compressions)
should be as high as possible and at least 60% (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a high priority
on minimizing interruptions for chest compressions. We seek
to achieve this overall objective by balancing it with the practicalities of delivering 2 effective breaths between cycles of
chest compressions to the patient without an advanced airway.
Knowledge Gaps
• Analysis of causes and consequences of pauses for other
reasons or without obvious reason
• Measures to avoid (unnecessary) pauses for rhythm analysis, such as rhythm analysis during chest compressions
Compression-Ventilation Ratio (BLS 362)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does delivery of CPR with another specific compression-ventilation ratio (I), compared with CPR that uses
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
a 30:2 compression-ventilation ratio (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
hands-off time (O)?
For adults in cardiac arrest without an advanced airway, such
as an endotracheal tube, chest compressions are often briefly
paused to allow for ventilation. In 2005, many guidelines for
adults in cardiac arrest were changed from a compression-ventilation ratio of 15:2 to a ratio of 30:2. This structured review
identified 4 observational cohort before-after studies, all conducted in the out-of-hospital setting, that evaluated a bundle of
care interventions implemented after the 2005 guidelines and
used a 30:2 compression-ventilation ratio, compared with care
before the 2005 guidelines that used a 15:2 compression-ventilation ratio.154–157 No studies were identified that compared a
30:2 compression-ventilation ratio to a compression-ventilation ratio other than 15:2. One observational cohort study,158
although meeting our inclusion criteria, was excluded due to
concerns regarding the study design, analytical technique, and
challenges with data reporting and abstraction.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic
outcome at discharge, we found very-low-quality evidence
from 2 observational studies154,155 that were downgraded for risk
of bias and indirectness. Of the 1711 patients included, those who
were treated under the 2005 guidelines with a compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2 had slightly higher survival than those patients
treated under the 2000 guidelines with a compression-ventilation
ratio of 15:2 (8.9% versus 6.5%; RR 1.37 [0.98–1.91]).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 4 observational
studies.154–157 The level of evidence was downgraded for risk of
bias and indirectness. Of the 4183 patients included, those who
were treated under the 2005 guidelines with a compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2 had slightly higher survival than those patients
treated under the 2000 guidelines with a compression-ventilation
ratio of 15:2 (11.0% versus 7.0%; RR 1.75 [1.32–2.04]).
For the critical outcome of survival to 30 days, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 observational study157
that was downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness. Patients
treated under the 2005 guidelines had slightly higher survival
than those patients treated under the 2000 guidelines (16.0%
versus 8.3%; RR 1.92 [1.28-2.87]).
For the critical outcome of any ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence from 2 observational studies.154,155 The
studies were downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness.
Patients treated under the 2005 guidelines had a ROSC more
often than those patients treated under the 2000 guidelines
(38.7% versus 30.0%; RR 1.30 [1.14–1.49]).
For the critical outcome of ROSC at hospital admission,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 2 observational
studies.155,157 The studies were downgraded for risk of bias
and indirectness. Of the 1708 patients included, those treated
under the 2005 guidelines had ROSC at hospital admission
more often than those patients treated under the 2000 guidelines (34.5% versus 17.1%; RR 2.02 [1.69–2.41]).
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For the important outcome of hands-off time, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 2 observational studies155,156 that were downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness.
Patients who were treated with the use of the 2005 guidelines
had less hands-off time than those patients treated under the
2000 guidelines.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest a compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2 compared
with any other compression-ventilation ratio in patients in cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we placed a high priority on
consistency with our 2005 and 2010 treatment recommendations and the findings identified in this review, which suggest that the bundle of care (which included changing to a
compression to ventilation ratio of 30:2 from 15:2) resulted
in more lives being saved. We note that there would likely
be substantial resource implications (eg, reprogramming,
retraining) associated with a change in recommendation, and
an absence of any data addressing our critical outcomes to
suggest our current recommendation should be changed.
Timing of CPR Cycles (BLS 346)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
pausing chest compressions at another interval (I), compared
with pausing chest compressions every 2 minutes to assess
the cardiac rhythm (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; coronary perfusion
pressure; cardiac output (O)?
The 2005 and 2010 CoSTR publications recommended that
pausing chest compressions to undertake a rhythm check
should occur every 2 minutes. This recommendation is supported by indirect evidence that rescuer fatigue occurs by
about 2 minutes, and a rhythm check is a natural time point,
when possible, to change the compressor.
Feedback from the public comment period for this publication supported maintaining consistency with previous
Consensus on Science
There are currently no studies that directly address the question of optimal CPR intervals and their effect on the identified critical outcomes of survival with favorable neurologic or
functional outcome at discharge or survival only at discharge
or the important outcomes of ROSC, coronary perfusion pressure, cardiac output.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest pausing chest compressions every 2 minutes to
assess the cardiac rhythm (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we placed a high priority on
consistency with previous recommendations and the absence
of contradictory evidence to prompt a change. We placed value
on simplifying resuscitation logistics by coordinating rhythm
and pulse checks with standard recommendations for rotating
the provider performing chest compressions every 2 minutes.
Knowledge Gaps
• Does the optimal interval for rhythm checks differ for
patients with different initial cardiac rhythms?
the duration between collapse and EMS arrival
affect the optimal interval to interrupt compressions to
check rhythm?
• Do different intervals interfere with the overriding goal
of minimizing interruptions in chest compressions?
• What is the relationship between rescuer fatigue, chest
compression quality, and the optimal interval to check
• What effect does the timing of rhythm checks have on
the timing of drug administration?
• Does
Check for Circulation During BLS (BLS 348)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does interruption of CPR to check circulation (I),
compared with no interruption of CPR (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
chest compression fraction (O)?
In the 2015 PICO development process, additional questions
were developed to address knowledge gaps identified in 2010.
As a result of significant similarities in other BLS PICO questions, very rigid study inclusion criteria were applied. Only
comparative human studies assessing the PICO listed outcomes were considered.
Consensus on Science
Of the 654 articles found during the search, and a follow-up
search performed in early 2015 identifying a potential additional
112 studies, none were found to relate to the specific question.
Treatment Recommendation
Outside of the ALS environment where invasive monitoring is
available, there is insufficient data around the value of a pulse
check while performing CPR. We therefore do not make a treatment recommendation regarding the value of a pulse check.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Emphasis should remain on minimizing interruptions in chest
compressions and avoiding pausing for a pulse check without
strong suspicion of ROSC (eg, clinically or by hemodynamic
Knowledge Gaps
• Human
data around value/accuracy of circulation
Feedback for CPR Quality (BLS 361)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in
any setting (P), does real-time feedback and prompt device
regarding the mechanics of CPR quality (eg, rate and depth of
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compressions and/or ventilations) (I), compared with no feedback (C), change survival with favorable neurologic outcome;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; ROSC; bystander CPR rates; time to first compressions; time to first shock; CPR quality (O)?
The use of CPR feedback or prompt devices during CPR
in clinical practice or CPR training is intended to improve
CPR quality as a means to improving ROSC and survival.
The forms of CPR feedback or prompt devices include audio
and visual components such as voice prompts, metronomes,
visual dials, numerical displays, waveforms, verbal prompts,
and visual alarms. Visual displays enable the rescuer to see
compression-to-compression quality parameters, including
compression depth and rate, in real time. All audio prompts
may guide CPR rate (eg, metronome) and may offer verbal
prompts to rescuers (eg, “push harder,” “good compressions”).
The use of CPR feedback or prompt devices should be considered as part of a broader system of care that should include
comprehensive CPR quality improvement initiatives, rather
than an isolated intervention. The reader is referred to the relevant sections of the Education, Implementation, and Teams
Task Force recommendations, EIT 640: Measuring Quality of
Systems, EIT 645: Debriefing of Resuscitation Performance,
and EIT 648: CPR Feedback Devices During Training (see
“Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams”).
Consensus on Science
This review identified 12 studies, of which 2 studies were
randomized studies133,137 and 10 studies were observational of
before-after design.131,140,143,159–165 The included studies were
9 studies in 3716 adults131,133,137,140,159,161–164 and 3 studies of
34 pediatric patients.143,160,165 Four studies included patients
with in-hospital cardiac arrest,143,159,160,165 7 studies with
OHCA133,137,140,161–164 and 1 study131 had a mixture of patients
from in and out-of-hospital settings.
Feedback devices examined included accelerometer-based
devices133,137,140,143,159,161,163–165 and audiotape of prompts.131,160,162
Compared with the previous evidence review performed in
2010, this review identified 8 new studies that were included
for analysis.133,137,140,143,161,163–165 The nature of using feedback
or prompt devices meant that all studies suffered from performance and detection bias because healthcare professionals
were not blinded to intervention (feedback or no feedback).
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1 cluster-randomized study133 representing 1586 patients, and very-lowquality evidence from 2 observational studies in adults161,164
representing 670 patients. All studies were downgraded due
to risk of bias. The randomized trial found no difference in
the number of patients who achieved favorable neurologic
outcome (control 10.1% versus 10.3%, P=0.855). No studies showed a statistically significant difference in favorable
neurologic outcome with the use of CPR feedback. Effect of
CPR feedback on survival with favorable neurologic outcome
ranged from −0.8 to 5.8%.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1
cluster-randomized study133 representing 1586 patients, and
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
very-low-quality evidence from 4 observational studies in
adults,140,159,161,164 and 1 observational study in children165 representing 1192 patients. All studies were downgraded due
to risk of bias. The randomized trial found no difference in
the number of patients who achieved survival to hospital discharge (control 44.7% versus 44.3%, P=0.962). No studies
showed a statistically significant difference in survival to hospital discharge with the use of CPR feedback. The effect of
CPR feedback on survival to hospital discharge ranged from
−0.9 to 5.2.
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 2 randomized studies133,137 representing 1886 patients, and very-low-quality evidence from
7 observational studies in adults137,140,159,161–164 and 1 observational study in children165 representing 3447 patients. All
studies were downgraded due to risk of bias. The randomized trial found no difference in the number of patients who
achieved ROSC (control 44.7% versus 44.3%, P=0.962).
Only 1 study164 showed a statistically significant difference in
ROSC with the use of feedback; however, in this study, feedback was activated at the discretion of the physician, and no
details were provided regarding the decision-making process
to activate or not activate feedback. Effect of CPR feedback
on ROSC ranged from −4.4% to 17.5%: 1 study demonstrated
a 50% increase in ROSC with CPR feedback; however, this
small study had only 4 patients in each group.165
For the important outcome of chest compression rate,
we identified moderate-quality evidence from 2 randomized
studies133,137 representing 1474 patients, and very-low-quality
evidence from 4 observational studies: 3 in adults140,159,161
representing 777 patients, and 1 in children165 representing
8 patients. All studies were downgraded due to risk of bias.
The cluster RCT133 found a significant difference of −4.7/min
(95% CI, −6.4 to −3.0/min) when feedback was used, and the
prospective randomized trial137 showed no difference in compression rates with and without feedback. In both randomized
trials, compression rates were all close to international recommendations of 100/min. One observational study159 showed no
difference in chest compression rates with and without feedback, and, again, all compression rates were close to international recommendations of 100/min. The other 2 observational
studies140,161 showed lower compression rates in the group with
CPR feedback: 128 to 106/min (difference, −23; 95% CI, −26
to −19)161 and 121 to 109/min (difference, −12; 95% CI, −16
to −9).140 The pediatric study165 found a median difference of
−10/min with feedback, and, again, the chest compression rate
in the control group exceeded 120/min. The use of CPR feedback devices may be effective in limiting compression rates
that are too fast.
For the important outcome of chest compression depth,
we identified moderate-quality evidence from 2 randomized
studies133,137 representing 1296 patients, and very-low-quality
evidence from 4 observational studies: 3 in adults140,159,161
representing 777 patients and 1 in children165 representing 8
patients. All studies were downgraded due to risk of bias. The
cluster RCT133 found a significant +1.6 mm (95% CI, 0.5–2.7)
(cluster adjusted) difference in chest compression depth with
feedback. However, this is of questionable clinical significance, and the average compression depths in both arms were
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less than international recommendations of 5 cm (2 inches) in
adults (3.96 cm [1.55 inches] and 3.87 cm [1.52 inches]). The
prospective randomized trial137 found no significant difference in compression depth with and without feedback, and all
compression depths were close to, but slightly less than, international recommendations of 5 cm (2 inches) in adults. One
observational study159 showed no difference in chest compression depth with and without feedback, and all compression
rates were close to, but less than, international recommendations of 5 cm (2 inches) in adult patients (4.4 and 4.3 cm or 1.7
inches). Two observational studies140,161 showed significantly
deeper chest compressions in the groups with CPR feedback:
Bobrow et al161 found a 1.06 cm (0.42 inches) increase with
feedback (5.46 versus 4.52 cm, or 2.15 versus 1.78 inches)
(mean difference, 0.97 cm; 95% CI, 0.71–1.19 cm), while the
findings by Kramer-Johansen140 were more modest (increase
from 3.4 to 3.88 cm, or [from 1.3 to 1.5 inches]) (mean difference, 0.4 cm; 95% CI, 0.2–0.6). The pediatric study165 found
no median difference in compression depth. The use of CPR
feedback devices did not seem to make an appreciable difference in chest compression depth.
For the important outcome of chest compression fraction,
we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1 randomized
study133 and very-low-quality evidence from 3 observational
studies in adults140,159,161 and 1 in children.165 All studies were
downgraded due to risk of bias. The randomized study found
a cluster adjusted difference of +1.9% (65.9% versus 64.0%;
P=0.016) when CPR prompt devices were used. Although statistically significant, such a small difference has questionable
clinical significance. The adult studies found no significant
difference between groups, and the sample size of the pediatric study was too small to enable inferential statistical analysis. The use of CPR feedback devices did not seem to make an
appreciable difference in chest compression fraction.
For the important outcome of ventilation rate, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 3 observational studies in
adults140,159,161 representing 532 patients. All studies were downgraded due to risk of bias. None of the studies showed a significant
difference in ventilation rate with and without CPR feedback.
For the important outcome of ETCO2, we identified
very-low-quality evidence from 2 observational studies in
adults131,161 representing 131 patients. All studies were downgraded due to risk of bias. Kern131 found that the ETCO2 was
significantly higher when CPR feedback was used (+6.3
mm Hg with compression rate feedback of 120/min and
+4.3 mm Hg with compression rate feedback of 80/min).
Bobrow161 found an absolute difference of −2.2 mm Hg with
CPR feedback. The clinical significance of these differences
is questionable.
For the important outcome of leaning force during chest
compressions, we identified very-low-quality evidence from
1 observational study in children143 representing 20 patients.
This study was downgraded due to risk of bias. Leaning force
was decreased by 0.9 kg with the use of feedback.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the use of real-time audiovisual feedback and
prompt devices during CPR in clinical practice as part of a
comprehensive system for care for cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest against the use of real-time audiovisual
feedback and prompt devices in isolation (ie, not part of a
comprehensive system of care) (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value
on development of systems of care with continuous quality
improvement than on cost. Resource-poor environments may
choose not to adopt this technology in favor of allocating
resources to other system developments. Devices that provide
real-time CPR feedback also document CPR metrics that may
be used to debrief and inform strategies aimed at improving
CPR quality. Currently available audiovisual feedback devices
provide information on key CPR parameters such as compressions and ventilation; however, the optimal targets and
the relationships among different targets have not been fully
Knowledge Gaps
• In adults and children sustaining in-hospital or out-of-
hospital cardiac arrest, what effect does a chest compression rate of 100 to 120/min, compared with rates of
less than 100/min or greater than 120/min, have on CPR
quality improvement initiatives compared with no such
initiatives on survival and other clinical and cost-effectiveness outcomes?
EMS Chest Compression–Only Versus Conventional
CPR (BLS 360)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital
(P), does provision of chest compressions with delayed ventilation by EMS (I), compared with chest compressions with
early ventilation by EMS (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time to first shock; time
to first compressions; CPR quality (O)?
The treatment of a patient with OHCA is extremely complex
from several perspectives. Operationally, there is very significant heterogeneity in EMS systems design (eg, emergency
medical responder versus emergency medical technician versus paramedic versus physician based) and resource availability (eg, number of rescuers, equipment, evidence-based
protocols, quality improvement programs). Clinically, there is
extreme patient and arrest location variability, with patients
located in urban, rural, and remote patient settings and in
unpredictable and diverse environments with variable rates
of bystander CPR and AED use. Logistically, the initial EMS
care of an OHCA victim involves several concurrent goals
with complex interactions of scene safety, patient assessment,
patient care, communication, extrication, and transport.
This systematic review found no studies that directly
addressed the question of EMS compression-only CPR compared with conventional CPR. Four North American observational studies were identified, which adopted a bundled
intervention for adult patients with a presumed cardiac cause
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Perkins et al
of their cardiac arrest.166–169 EMS response intervals in these
settings were generally within 5 to 6 minutes. The bundled
interventions were broadly similar and comprised 200 initial
chest compressions, a single shock rather than stacked shocks,
and immediate resumption of a further 200 chest compressions before rhythm/pulse check. Epinephrine was given early
and endotracheal intubation delayed. Basic airway adjuncts
were used with either passive oxygen insufflation or bagmask ventilation (ventilation rate 8/min). The findings from
the review provide evidence about the effects of the bundled
intervention rather than delayed ventilation in isolation.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome in all OHCAs, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational trial168 that
enrolled 1019 patients showing no benefit (unadjusted OR,
1.07; 95% CI, 1.41–8.79).
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome in the subset of witnessed arrest/shockable rhythm OHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 3 observational studies166–168 that enrolled 1325 patients showing
benefit: OR, 3.6 (95% CI, 1.77–7.35)166; OR, 5.24 (95% CI,
2.16–12.75)167; and adjusted OR, 2.5 (95% CI, 1.3–4.6).168
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
in the subgroup of all OHCAs, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 3 observational studies169,170 showing benefit: OR,
3.26 (95% CI, 2.46–4.34)169; OR, 2.50 (95% CI, 1.75–3.58;
cohort)170; and OR, 3.05 (95% CI, 1.07–8.66; before-after).170
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
in the subgroup of witnessed arrest/shockable rhythm cardiac arrest, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) in 3 observational
studies166,167,170 that showed benefit: OR, 3.67 (95% CI, 1.98–
7.12)166; OR, 5.58 (95% CI, 2.36–13.20)167; OR, 2.94 (95% CI,
1.82–4.74); and OR, 4.3 (95% CI, 0.98–19.35).170
For the critical outcome of ROSC in all out of hospital
cardiac arrest patients, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) in 1
observational study168 showing no benefit (OR, 0.85; 95%
CI, 0.64–1.11) to EMS provision of chest compressions with
delayed ventilation.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that where EMS systems* have adopted bundles
of care involving minimally interrupted cardiac resuscitation†,
the bundle of care is a reasonable alternative to conventional
CPR for witnessed shockable out of hospital cardiac arrest
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
This recommendation places a relatively high value on (1) the
importance of provision of high-quality chest compressions
*Priority-based dispatch systems, multitiered response, EMS in urban
and rural communities.
†Up to 3 cycles of passive oxygen insufflation, airway adjunct insertion,
and 200 continuous chest compressions with interposed shocks.
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
and (2) simplifying resuscitation logistics in the out-of-hospital setting in a defined EMS system with demonstrated clinical
benefit, and a relatively low value on the uncertain effectiveness, acceptability, feasibility, and resource use in different
EMS systems compared with those in this CoSTR.
We acknowledge the pending results of the important and
very large clinical trial NCT01372748 with a primary aim to
compare survival at hospital discharge after continuous chest
compressions versus conventional CPR with interrupted chest
compressions in patients with OHCA.
Knowledge Gaps
The following knowledge gaps currently exist:
• The need for higher-quality evidence (eg, RCT)
• The effect of delayed ventilation versus 30:2 high-quality CPR
duration of maximum delay in positive-pressure
• The
Passive Ventilation Technique (BLS 352)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does addition of any passive ventilation technique
(eg, positioning the body, opening the airway, passive oxygen
administration) to chest compression–only CPR (I), compared
with just chest compression–only CPR (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
bystander initiated CPR; oxygenation (O)?
During chest compression–only CPR in the out of hospital
setting, some described EMS systems have chosen to provide passive ventilation in the form of an airway maneuver
and/or device combined with an oxygen-delivery mask. No
studies were found describing this in the lay rescuer setting.
Three studies were identified. Two compared intermittent
positive-pressure ventilation via an endotracheal tube with
continuous insufflation of oxygen through a modified endotracheal tube.171,172 The third study compared placement of an
oropharyngeal airway and administration of oxygen by nonrebreather mask or by bag-mask ventilation during a bundle
of care involving 200 continuous chest compressions and
delayed intubation.168
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded due
to serious risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 retrospective
study, which involved 1019 patients that showed no difference
between passive (nonrebreather mask) and active (bag-mask)
ventilation168 (adjusted OR, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.8–1.9).
For the critical outcome of survival, we found very-lowquality evidence from a single retrospective study (downgraded for serious indirectness and risk of bias).168 This study
reported no significant difference in survival (RR, 1.1; 95%
CI, 0.72–1.54).
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we found very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious indirectness and
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October 20, 2015
risk of bias) from 2 RCTs171,172 and 1 observational study.168
None of the studies showed any significant difference: OR,
0.88 (95% CI, 0.6–1.3)172; OR, 0.8 (95% CI, 0.7–1.0)168; and
RR, 1.27 (95% CI, 0.6–2.61).171
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against the routine use of passive ventilation techniques during conventional CPR (weak recommendation,
very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest that where EMS systems have adopted bundles of care involving continuous chest compressions, the use
of passive ventilation techniques may be considered as part
of that bundle for patients in OHCA (weak recommendation,
very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place priority on consistency with our previous recommendations in the absence of
compelling evidence for improvement in any of our critical
outcomes. We acknowledge that where EMS systems have
adopted a bundle of care that includes passive ventilation, it is
reasonable to continue in the absence of compelling evidence
to the contrary.
Knowledge Gaps
• Which elements of the bundled care (compressions, ventilations, delayed defibrillation) are most important?
• What is the optimal method for ensuring a patent airway?
• Is there a critical volume of air movement required to
maintain effectiveness?
• How effective is passive insufflation in children?
Harm From CPR to Victims Not in Cardiac Arrest
(BLS 353)
Among adults and children who are not in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital (P), does provision of chest compressions
from lay rescuers (I), compared with no use of chest compressions (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; harm (eg, rib fracture); complications; major
bleeding; risk of complications (eg, aspiration); survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to admission (O)?
Many lay rescuers are concerned that delivering chest compressions to a person who is not in cardiac arrest could lead
to serious complications and, thus, are reluctant to initiate
CPR even when a person is actually in cardiac arrest. Studies
reporting harm from CPR to persons not in cardiac arrest were
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of “harm,” we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 4 observational studies enrolling 762 patients who
were not in cardiac arrest and received CPR by lay rescuers
outside the hospital.173–176 Three of the studies173–175 reviewed
the medical records to identify harm, and 1 included followup telephone interviews.173 Pooled data from these 3 studies,
encompassing 345 patients, found an incidence of bone fracture (ribs and clavicle) of 1.7% (95% CI, 0.4%–3.1%), pain in
the area of chest compression of 8.7% (95% CI, 5.7%–11.7%),
and no clinically relevant visceral injury. The fourth study176
relied on fire department observations at the scene, and there
were no reported injuries in 417 patients.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that laypersons initiate CPR for presumed cardiac arrest without concerns of harm to patients not in cardiac
arrest (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the survival benefit of CPR initiated by laypersons for patients
in cardiac arrest against the low risk of injury in patients not
in cardiac arrest.
Knowledge Gaps
• More
studies are needed with robust methodology to
identify harm and provide follow-up after hospital discharge. Many of the conditions prompting initiation
of CPR for those not in cardiac arrest are associated
with reduced responsiveness and have poor prognosis.
Whether chest compressions and rescue breaths could
accentuate these conditions independent of physical
injury, though unlikely, is not known at the present time.
• The incidence of chest wall bone fractures was substantially lower than the incidence reported after CPR
in patients who were in cardiac arrest. This is likely
the result of shorter duration of CPR (approximately 6
minutes) initiated by laypersons but stopped by professional rescuers, and younger patient age in the studies
reviewed. However, the possibility of underreporting due
to nonsystematic diagnostic studies cannot be excluded,
and further research is warranted.
• Could the accuracy of dispatcher-assisted protocol be
enhanced to reduce the frequency of CPR performed on
patients not in cardiac arrest without compromising the
initiation of CPR on patients in cardiac arrest?
Early Defibrillation
This section reviews (1) the evidence surrounding the clinical
benefit of AEDs in the out-of-hospital setting by laypeople
and healthcare providers, and (2) the complex choreography
of care needed to ensure high-quality CPR and effective defibrillation. Collectively, we continue to place strong emphasis on the importance of rapid defibrillation as the treatment
of choice for VF/pVT in the out-of-hospital and hospitalized
Public-Access Defibrillation (BLS 347)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside
of a hospital (P), does implementation of a public-access
AED program (I), compared with traditional EMS response
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; ROSC; time to first shock; bystander CPR rates;
bystander use of AED; time to commence CPR (O)?
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Perkins et al
Population (eg, rates of witnessed arrest) and EMS program
(eg, response intervals) characteristics affect survival and can
vary considerably. The concept of early defibrillation is well
established in improving outcome from cardiac arrest. This
review identified 15 relevant studies (1 RCT and 14 observational studies) spanning the years 2002–2013, with the associated variations in recommended practice of bystander CPR
during these periods. The authors recognize that some studies
may involve repeat analysis and reporting of the same cardiac
arrest population, which limits the ability to provide a summative effect measure in the reported analyses.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 1 year with favorable neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 1 observational
trial177 enrolling 1394 patients showing improved outcomes
with public-access defibrillation (unadjusted OR, 3.53; 95%
CI, 1.41–8.79).
For the critical outcome of survival 30 days with favorable neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency and indirectness) from
3 observational studies178–180 enrolling 182 119 patients demonstrating improved survival (range, 31.6%–55%) with public-access defibrillation compared with no program (range,
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge with
favorable neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and
imprecision) from 1 randomized trial181 and 3 observational
studies.177,182,183 The randomized trial enrolled 235 patients and
found no difference in favorable neurologic outcomes (CPC,
1–2; RR, 1.73; 95% CI, 0.95–3.19). The observational studies included 4581 patients demonstrating improved survival
(range, 4.1%–50%) with public-access defibrillation compared with no program (1.4%–14.8%), and 1 observational
pilot study (20 patients)184 showing reduced survival (0% versus 30.7) with public-access defibrillation compared with no
For survival to 30 days, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 3 observational studies178,180,185 enrolling 14 135 patients demonstrating
improved survival (range, 37.2%–65.5%) with public-access
defibrillation compared with no program (23.3%–48.5%). If
combined in a formal meta-analysis, a summary effect measure of OR 1.63 (95% CI, 1.41–1.88) would be generated.
However, we recognize the limitations of significant heterogeneity in the study populations and the fact that some patient
data were reported in more than 1 publication.
For survival to discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and
imprecision) from 1 randomized trial181 and 9 observational
studies.177,182,183,186–191 The randomized trial enrolled 235 participants and observed improved survival (adjusted RR, 2.0; 95%
CI, 1.07–3.77). The observational studies enrolled 46 070
patients demonstrating improved survival (range, 4.4%–51%)
with public -access defibrillation compared with no program
(1.4%–25.0%) and 1 observation pilot study (20 patients)184
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
showing reduced survival (0% versus 30.7%) when publicaccess defibrillation programs were present.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend the implementation of public-access defibrillation programs for patients with OHCAs (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we considered the societal
impact of delayed defibrillation and balanced this against the
costs of setting up a comprehensive public-access defibrillation program. We place a higher value on a single randomized
trial supported by multiple large-scale, international observational studies. Together, these indicate that the magnitude of
change on outcome may vary based on the setting or community within which programs are introduced. Public sites with
large population densities may benefit the most from publicaccess defibrillation programs.
Knowledge Gaps
The following knowledge gaps currently exist:
• Community or program characteristics of effective pub-
lic AED programs
cost-effectiveness, cost-utility of public
AED programs
• Optimal public AED deployment strategies
• Effectiveness of public AED with chest compression–
only CPR versus 30:2 high-quality CPR
• Effectiveness of public AED programs with optimal
postarrest care
• Effectiveness of public AED programs with volunteerenhanced EMS response models and/or digital/social
media tools/applications for public AED deployment
• Cost-benefit,
Rhythm Check Timing (BLS 345)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does checking the cardiac rhythm immediately
after defibrillation (I), compared with immediate resumption of chest compressions with delayed check of the cardiac
rhythm (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; recurrence of VF (O)?
The 2010 CoSTR stated that interruptions in chest compressions during CPR must be minimized. Legitimate reasons
for the interruption of CPR were highlighted as the needs
to ventilate, to assess the rhythm or ROSC, and to defibrillate. This question sought to identify the optimal timing of
rhythm checks in relation to attempted defibrillation. Public
comments on this question during the consultation process
highlighted concerns about drug administration without first
confirming whether ROSC had been achieved after shock
delivery. This latter concern fell outside the remit of this
question but has been highlighted as an area requiring future
This review identified 5 observational studies relevant to
this question. In each case, the studies evaluated omitting a
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rhythm check immediately after CPR as part of a bundle of
interventions (eg, elimination of 3 stacked shocks and postshock rhythm and pulse checks). Thus, the evidence presented
in this review must be considered as indirect evidence with
respect to this narrow question.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 3 observational studies enrolling 763
OHCAs showing a harmful effect for interrupting chest compressions to check rhythm immediately after shock delivery
(RR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.51–0.75).167,170,192
For the critical outcome of survival hospital discharge,
we identified low-quality evidence from 1 RCT enrolling 845
OHCAs showing no benefit for interrupting chest compressions to check rhythm immediately after shock delivery (RR,
0.80; 95% CI, 0.55–1.15)148 and very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for serious risk of bias and indirectness) from
3 observational studies enrolling 3094 OHCAs showing a
harm effect for checking rhythm immediately after defibrillation (RR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.45–0.67).167,170,192 In addition, for
the same outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence
from 1 observational study of 528 victims of OHCA showing
potential harm for interrupting chest compressions to check
rhythm immediately after shock delivery (RR, 0.42; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital admission, we identified low-quality evidence from 1 RCT enrolling 845 victims of OHCA showing no benefit for interrupting
chest compressions to check rhythm immediately after shock
delivery (RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.85–1.15).148
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and
indirectness) from 2 observational studies enrolling 2969 victims of OHCA showing a harm effect for interrupting chest
compressions to check rhythm immediately after shock delivery (RR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.61–0.78).170,192
For the important outcome of recurrence of VF, we
identified low-quality evidence from 1 RCT, enrolling 136
OHCAs showing no benefit for interrupting chest compressions to check rhythm immediately after shock delivery (RR,
1.00; 95% CI, 0.81–1.23).193
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest immediate resumption of chest compressions after
shock delivery for adults in cardiac arrest in any setting (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
If there is alternative physiologic evidence of ROSC (eg,
arterial waveform or rapid rise in ETCO2), chest compressions
can be paused briefly for rhythm analysis.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
avoiding interruptions in chest compressions for an intervention showing no benefit for critical and important outcomes.
Also, this recommendation assumes that shocks are generally
effective and that a perfusing rhythm is generally not present
immediately after elimination of VF.
Knowledge Gaps
• Utility of other monitoring methods (eg, arterial waveform, ETCO2)
• The timing of rhythm checks during advanced life support interventions, including drug administration
Analysis of Rhythm During Chest Compression
(BLS 373)
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does analysis of cardiac rhythm during chest compressions (I), compared with standard care (analysis of cardiac rhythm during pauses in chest compressions) (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
time to first shock; time to commence CPR; CPR quality (O)?
Motion artifacts effectively preclude the possibility of reliably
assessing the heart rhythm during chest compressions. This has
2 undesirable consequences: first, it forces the rescuer to stop
chest compressions to assess the rhythm to determine if a shock
(or another shock) is required. Second, during chest compressions, possible recurrence of VF cannot be recognized, eliminating the possible beneficial effect of immediate defibrillation
in case of refibrillation. Some modern defibrillators contain filtering modalities that allow visual or automated rhythm analysis during chest compressions. This review sought to examine
the use of such technology to determine if it leads to better clinically meaningful outcomes in human cardiac arrest.
Consensus on Science
There are currently no human studies that address the identified critical outcomes criteria of favorable neurologic outcome, survival, or ROSC or the important outcomes criteria of
CPR quality, time to commencing CPR, or time to first shock.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest against the introduction of artifact-filtering algorithms for analysis of electrocardiographic rhythm during
CPR unless as part of a research program.
We suggest that where EMS systems have already integrated artifact-filtering algorithms into clinical practice, it is
reasonable to continue with their use.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we placed priority on avoiding
the costs of introducing a new technology where the effectiveness or harm on patient outcomes remains to be determined.
Where such technologies have already been implemented, we
place priority on avoiding the likely costs and inconvenience of
their withdrawal from practice. We encourage such systems to
report on their experiences to build the evidence base regarding
the use of these technologies in clinical practice.
Knowledge Gaps
• Among adults and children in cardiac arrest, the analysis
of cardiac rhythm during chest compressions offers the
potential to reduce pauses in chest compressions. The
clinical value of this requires evaluation.
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Perkins et al
2005 and 2010 Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
The following topics were included in 2010 but not in this
publication (deferred standardized reviews):
• Etiology of cardiac arrest
• Incidence of cardiac arrest
• Recognition of cardiac arrest
• Facedown victim
• Finding the right hand placement
• Lay rescuer compression-only versus no CPR
• Rescuer fatigue in chest compression–only CPR
• Alternative compression techniques
• Interposed abdominal compressions (IAC) CPR
• Harm to rescuers from CPR
• Opening the airway
• Foreign-body airway obstruction
• Barrier devices
• Oropharyngeal adjuncts
• Tidal volumes and ventilation rates
The reader is referred to the 2010 CoSTR publication for
the reviews.194,195
The following topics were included in 2005 but not in this
• Devices for airway positioning
• Duty cycle
• CPR in prone position
• Leg-foot chest compressions
• Mouth-to-nose ventilation
• Mouth-to–tracheal stoma ventilation
• Recovery position
• Airway opening
• CPR for drowning victim in water
• Removing drowning victim from water
• Improving EMS response interval
The reader is referred to the 2005 publication for the
This review comprises the most extensive literature search
and evidence evaluation to date on the most important international BLS interventions, diagnostics, and prognostic factors for cardiac arrest victims. It reemphasizes that the critical
lifesaving steps of BLS are (1) prevention, (2) immediate
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
recognition and activation of the emergency response system,
(3) early high-quality CPR, and (4) rapid defibrillation for
shockable rhythms.
Highlights in prevention indicate the rational and judicious
deployment of search-and-rescue operations in drowning victims and the importance of education on opioid-associated
emergencies. Other 2015 highlights in recognition and activation include the critical role of dispatcher recognition and
dispatch-assisted chest compressions, which has been demonstrated in multiple international jurisdictions with consistent
improvements in cardiac arrest survival.
Similar to the 2010 ILCOR BLS treatment recommendations, the importance of high quality was reemphasized across
all measures of CPR quality: rate, depth, recoil, and minimal
chest compression pauses, with a universal understanding that
we all should be providing chest compressions to all victims
of cardiac arrest. This review continued to focus on the interface of BLS sequencing and ensuring high-quality CPR with
other important BLS interventions, such as ventilation and
defibrillation. In addition, this consensus statement highlights
the importance of EMS systems, which employ bundles of
care focusing on providing high-quality chest compressions
while extricating the patient from the scene to the next level
of care. Highlights in defibrillation indicate the global importance of increasing the number of sites with public-access
defibrillation programs.
Whereas the 2010 ILCOR Consensus on Science provided
important direction for the “what” in resuscitation (ie, what to
do), the 2015 consensus has begun with the GRADE methodology to provide direction for the quality of resuscitation. We hope
that resuscitation councils and other stakeholders will be able
to translate this body of knowledge of international consensus
statements to build their own effective resuscitation guidelines.
We thank the following individuals (the Basic Life Support Chapter
Collaborators) for their collaborations on the worksheets contained in
this section: Joost J.L.M. Bierens, Emmanuelle Bourdon, Hermann
Brugger, Jason E. Buick, Manya L. Charette, Sung Phil Chung, Keith
Couper, Mohamud R. Daya, Ian R. Drennan, Jan-Thorsten Gräsner,
Ahamed H. Idris, E. Brooke Lerner, Husein Lockhat, Bo Løfgren,
Carl McQueen, Koenraad G. Monsieurs, Nicolas Mpotos, Aaron M.
Orkin, Linda Quan, Violetta Raffay, Joshua C. Reynolds, Giuseppe
Ristagno, Andrea Scapigliati, Tyler F. Vadeboncoeur, Volker Wenzel,
and Joyce Yeung.
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
2015 CoSTR Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation: Writing Group Disclosures
Research Grant
Emergency Health
Services, Nova Scotia
Warwick Medical School
and Heart of England
NHS Foundation Trust
Robert A. Berg
Children’s Hospital of
Maaret Castren
Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm County Council*;
ERC- Chair*
Julie Considine
Deakin University
University Professor†;
Eastern Health
- Professor†;
College of
Raffo Escalante
Inter-American Heart
Raul J. Gazmuri
Rosalind Franklin
University of Medicine
and Science
VA Merit Review†; Defense
Medical Research and
Development Program (DMRDP),
Applied Research and Technology
Development Award (ARADTA)†;
Chicago Medical School and
Advocate Lutheran General
Hospital Translational Research
Pilot Grant Program†; Baxter
Healthcare Corporation†; ZOLL
Medical Corporation†; Friends
Medical Research Institute†
Academic Medical Center
Physio Control†; Zoll Medical†;
Cardiac Science†; Defibtech†
Swee Han Lim
Singapore General
Kevin J. Nation
Waikato Hospital
New Zealand Resuscitation
K J Nation
Theresa M.
Ulleval University
Oslo Cardiopolmonary
Resuscitation Research
Teikyo University
School of Medicine
Michael R.
University of Washington
Inter-American Heart
Writing Group
Andrew H.
Gavin D.
Rudolph W.
Alfredo Sierra
Bureau/ Expert
Honoraria Witness
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Perkins et al
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
2015 CoSTR Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation: Writing Group Disclosures, Continued
Research Grant
Michael A.
University of Warwick
David Stanton
Resuscitation Council
of Southern Africa
University of Ottawa,
Ottawa Hospital
Research Institute
Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada*
Writing Group
Bureau/ Expert
Honoraria Witness
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the
person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock
or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under
the preceding definition.
CoSTR Part 3: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 3
BLS 343 Chest compression rate
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does any specific rate for external chest compressions (I), compared with
a compression rate of about 100/min (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; CPR quality (O)?
Julie Considine,
Nicolas Mpotos,
Swee Lim
Part 3
BLS 345
Rhythm check timing
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
checking the cardiac rhythm immediately after defibrillation (I), compared
with immediate resumption of chest compressions with delayed check of
the cardiac rhythm (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
recurrence of VF (O)?
Giuseppe Ristagno,
Husein Lockhat
Part 3
BLS 346
Timing of CPR cycles
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does pausing
chest compressions at another interval (I), compared with pausing chest
compressions every 2 minutes to assess the cardiac rhythm (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; coronary perfusion pressure;
cardiac output (O)?
Joshua Reynolds,
Violetta Raffay
Part 3
BLS 347
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital
(P), does implementation of a public-access AED program (I), compared with
traditional EMS response (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
time to first shock; bystander CPR rates; bystander use of AED; time to
commence CPR (O)?
Andrew Travers, Ian
Part 3
BLS 348
Check for circulation
during BLS
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
interruption of CPR to check circulation (I), compared with no interruption
of CPR (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; chest
compression fraction (O)?
Martin Botha,
Andrea Scapigliati
(Continued )
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October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 3: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 3
BLS 352
Passive ventilation
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does addition of any passive ventilation technique (eg, positioning
the body, opening the airway, passive oxygen administration) to chest
compression–only CPR (I), compared with just chest compression–only
CPR (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; bystander
initiated CPR; oxygenation (O)?
Bourdon, Volker
Part 3
BLS 353
Harm From CPR
to Victims Not in
Cardiac Arrest
Among adults and children who are not in cardiac arrest outside of a
hospital (P), does provision of chest compressions from lay rescuers (I),
compared with no use of chest compressions (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; harm (eg, rib fracture); complications; major
bleeding; risk of complications (eg, aspiration); survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to admission (O)?
Raul Gazmuri,
Hermann Brugger
Part 3
BLS 357
Hand position during
Among adults and children who are receiving chest compressions in any setting (P),
does delivery of chest compressions on the lower half of the sternum (I), compared
with any other location for chest compressions (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
cardiac output; harm (eg, rib fracture); coronary perfusion pressure (0)?
Ian Drennan,
Sung Phil Chung
Part 3
BLS 358
Minimizing pauses in
chest compressions
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does minimization of pauses in chest compressions for cardiac rhythm analysis
or ventilations (I), compared with prolonged pauses in chest compressions for
rhythm analysis or ventilations (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
time to first shock; CPR quality; rhythm control (O)?
Rudolph Koster,
Tetsuya Sakamoto
Part 3
BLS 359
instruction in CPR
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital
(P), does the ability of a dispatch system to provide CPR instructions
(I), compared with a dispatch system where no CPR instructions are
ever provided (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
delivery of bystander CPR; time to first shock; time to commence CPR;
CPR parameters (O)?
Michael Sayre
Part 3
BLS 360
EMS Chest
Only Versus
Conventional CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital (P), does provision
of chest compressions with delayed ventilation by EMS (I), compared with chest
compressions with early ventilation by EMS (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; ROSC; time to first shock; time to first compressions; CPR quality (O)?
David Stanton,
Andrew Travers
Part 3
BLS 361
Feedback for
CPR quality
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
real-time feedback and prompt device regarding the mechanics of CPR
quality (eg, rate and depth of compressions and/or ventilations) (I), compared
with no feedback (C), change survival with favorable neurologic outcome;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
bystander CPR rates; time to first compressions; time to first shock; CPR
quality (O)?
Julie Considine,
Joyce Yeung
Part 3
BLS 362
ventilation ratio
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does delivery of CPR with another specific compression-ventilation ratio
(I), compared with CPR that uses a 30:2 compression-ventilation ratio (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; hands-off time (O)?
Part 3
BLS 363
CPR Before
Among adults and children who are in VF or pulseless VT (pVT) in any
setting (P), does a prolonged period of chest compressions before
defibrillation (I), compared with a short period of chest compressions before
defibrillation (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; rhythm
control (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Evidence Reviewers
Bo Lofgren, Jason
Mohamud Daya,
(Continued )
Perkins et al
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support
CoSTR Part 3: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 3
BLS 366
Part 3
Part 3
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Chest compression
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does a different
chest compression depth during CPR (I), compared with chest compression
depth to 5 cm (2 inches) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
CPR quality; coronary perfusion pressure; cardiac output; bystander CPR
performance (O)?
Ahamed Idris, Koen
BLS 367
Chest wall recoil
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
maximizing chest wall recoil (I), compared with ignoring chest wall recoil (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; coronary perfusion pressure;
cardiac output (O)?
Tyler Vadeboncoeur,
Keith Couper
BLS 372
Chest Compression–
Only CPR Versus
Conventional CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital (P), does
provision of chest compressions (without ventilation) by untrained/trained
laypersons (I), compared with chest compressions with ventilation (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; bystander CPR performance;
CPR quality (O)?
Andrew Travers, E.
Brooke Lerner
Part 3
BLS 373
Analysis of rhythm
during chest
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does analysis of cardiac rhythm during chest compressions (I), compared
with standard care (analysis of cardiac rhythm during pauses in chest
compressions) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; time to
first shock; time to commence CPR; CPR quality (O)?
Alfredo Sierra,
Kevin Nation
Part 3
BLS 661
Starting CPR
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does CPR beginning with compressions first (30:2) (I), compared with CPR
beginning with ventilation first (2:30) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC (O)?
Carl McQueen,
Julie Considine
Part 3
BLS 740
Dispatcher recognition
of cardiac arrest
Among adults and children who are in cardiac arrest outside of a hospital
(P), does the description of any specific symptoms to the dispatcher (I),
compared with the absence of any specific description (C), change the
likelihood of cardiac arrest recognition (O)?
Manya Charette,
Mike Smyth
Part 3
BLS 811
Resuscitation care
for suspected
Adults and children with suspected opioid-associated cardiorespiratory
arrest in the pre-hospital setting (P), does bystander naloxone administration
(intramuscular or intranasal), in addition to conventional CPR (I), compared with
conventional CPR only (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Aaron Orkin
Part 3
BLS 856
Drowning Search
and Rescue
In adults and children who are submerged in water (P), does any particular
factors in search and rescue operations (eg, duration of submersion, salinity
of water, water temperature, age of victim) (I), compared with no factors (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Joost Bierens,
Linda Quan
Part 3
BLS 891
Opioid overdose
response education
Adults and children at risk of suspected cardio/respiratory arrest due to
opioids in the prehospital setting (P), does opioid overdose response education
with or without naloxone distribution (I), compared with no overdose response
education or overdose prevention education only (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Aaron Orkin, Theresa
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
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2005 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and
Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations.
Part 4: adult basic life support. Circulation. 2005;112:IV-18-IV-34.
2005 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and
Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science with Treatment Recommendations.
Part 4: advanced life support. Resuscitation. 2005;67:213-247.
KEY WORDS: arrhythmia ◼ cardiac arrest ◼ cardiopulmonary resuscitation
◼ emergency department ◼ resuscitation
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation: 2015
International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations
Andrew H. Travers, Gavin D. Perkins, Robert A. Berg, Maaret Castren, Julie Considine, Raffo
Escalante, Raul J. Gazmuri, Rudolph W. Koster, Swee Han Lim, Kevin J. Nation, Theresa M.
Olasveengen, Tetsuya Sakamoto, Michael R. Sayre, Alfredo Sierra, Michael A. Smyth, David
Stanton, Christian Vaillancourt and on behalf of the Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S51-S83
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000272
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Part 4: Advanced Life Support
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Clifton W. Callaway, Co-Chair*; Jasmeet Soar, Co-Chair*; Mayuki Aibiki; Bernd W. Böttiger;
Steven C. Brooks; Charles D. Deakin; Michael W. Donnino; Saul Drajer; Walter Kloeck;
Peter T. Morley; Laurie J. Morrison; Robert W. Neumar; Tonia C. Nicholson; Jerry P. Nolan;
Kazuo Okada; Brian J. O’Neil; Edison F. Paiva; Michael J. Parr; Tzong-Luen Wang; Jonathan Witt;
on behalf of the Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR) Advanced Life Support (ALS) Task Force performed detailed systematic reviews based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the National
Academies1 and using the methodological approach proposed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group.2
Questions to be addressed (using the PICO [population,
intervention, comparator, outcome] format)3 were prioritized by ALS Task Force members (by voting). Prioritization
criteria included awareness of significant new data and new
controversies or questions about practice. Questions about
topics no longer relevant to contemporary practice or where
little new research has occurred were given lower priority. The ALS Task Force prioritized 42 PICO questions for
review. With the assistance of information specialists, a
detailed search for relevant articles was performed in each
of 3 online databases (PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for
each question created a reconciled risk of bias assessment
for each of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools:
Cochrane for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),4 Quality
Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2
for studies of diagnostic accuracy,5 and GRADE for observational studies that inform both therapy and prognosis
GRADE evidence profile tables7 were then created to facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of each of the
critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence
(or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as
high, moderate, low, or very low,8 based on the study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other considerations
(including publication bias).9
These evidence profile tables were then used to create a written summary of evidence for each outcome (the
consensus on science statements). Whenever possible,
consensus-based treatment recommendations were then
created. These recommendations (designated as strong or
weak) were accompanied by an overall assessment of the
evidence and a statement from the task force about the values, preferences, and task force insights that underlie the
recommendations. Further details of the methodology that
underpinned the evidence evaluation process are found in
“Part 2: Evidence Evaluation and Management of Conflicts
of Interest.”
The task force preselected and ranked outcome measures
that were used as consistently as possible for all PICO questions. Longer-term, patient-centered outcomes were considered more important than process variables and shorter-term
outcomes. For most questions, we used the following hierarchy starting with the most important: long-term survival
with neurologically favorable survival, long-term survival,
short-term survival, and process variable. In general, longterm was defined as from hospital discharge to 180 days or
longer, and short-term was defined as shorter than to hospital
discharge. For certain questions (eg, related to defibrillation
or confirmation of tracheal tube position), process variables
such as termination of fibrillation and correct tube placement
were important. A few questions (eg, organ donation) required
unique outcomes.
The International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Callaway CW, Soar J, Aibiki M, Böttiger BW, Brooks SC, Deakin CD,
Donnino MW, Drajer S, Kloeck W, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Neumar RW, Nicholson TC, Nolan JP, Okada K, O’Neil BJ, Paiva EF, Parr MJ, Wang TL,
Witt J; on behalf of the Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 4: advanced life support: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S84–S145.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S84-S145. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000273.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000273
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by guest on October 25, 2015
Callaway et al
With Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR) statements in this
Part are organized in the approximate sequence of interventions
for a patient: defibrillation, airway, oxygenation and ventilation,
circulatory support, monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), drugs during CPR, and special circumstances.
We also include statements for postresuscitation care, prognostication of neurologic outcome, and organ donation.
Defibrillation Strategies for Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)
or Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (pVT)
• Biphasic waveform (ALS 470)
• Pulsed biphasic waveform (ALS 470)
• First-shock energy (ALS 470)
• Single shock versus stacked shocks (ALS 470)
• Fixed versus escalating defibrillation energy
(ALS 470)
• Recurrent VF (ALS 470)
Airway, Oxygenation, and Ventilation
• Oxygen dose during CPR (ALS 889)
• Basic versus advanced airway (ALS 783)
• Supraglottic airways (SGAs) versus tracheal intubation
(ALS 714)
• Confirmation
of correct tracheal tube placement
(ALS 469)
• Ventilation rate during continuous chest compressions
(ALS 808)
Circulatory Support During CPR
• Impedance threshold device (ITD) (ALS 579)
• Mechanical CPR devices (ALS 782)
• Extracorporeal CPR (ECPR) versus manual or mechanical CPR (ALS 723)
Physiological Monitoring During CPR
• End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) to predict outcome of
cardiac arrest (ALS 459)
• Monitoring physiological parameters during CPR (ALS 656)
• Ultrasound during CPR (ALS 658)
Drugs During CPR
• Epinephrine versus placebo (ALS 788)
• Epinephrine versus vasopressin (ALS 659)
• Epinephrine versus vasopressin in combination with epinephrine (ALS 789)
• Standard-dose epinephrine (SDE) versus high-dose epinephrine (HDE) (ALS 778)
• Timing of administration of epinephrine (ALS 784)
• Steroids for cardiac arrest (ALS 433)
• Antiarrhythmic drugs for cardiac arrest (ALS 428)
Cardiac Arrest in Special Circumstances
• Cardiac arrest during pregnancy (ALS 436)
• Lipid therapy for cardiac arrest (ALS 834)
• Opioid toxicity (ALS 441)
• Cardiac arrest associated with pulmonary
(PE) (ALS 435)
Cardiac arrest during coronary catheterization (ALS 479)
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
Postresuscitation Care
• Oxygen
dose after return of spontaneous circulation
(ROSC) in adults (ALS 448)
• Postresuscitation ventilation strategy (ALS 571)
• Postresuscitation hemodynamic support (ALS 570)
• Postresuscitation antiarrhythmic drugs (ALS 493)
• Targeted temperature management (ALS 790)
• Timing of induced hypothermia (ALS 802)
• Prevention of fever after cardiac arrest (ALS 879)
• Postresuscitation seizure prophylaxis (ALS 431)
• Seizure treatment (ALS 868)
• Glucose control after resuscitation (ALS 580)
• Prognostication in comatose patients treated with
hypothermic targeted temperature management (TTM)
(ALS 450)
• Prognostication in the absence of TTM (ALS 713)
• Organ donation (ALS 449)
The 2010 CoSTR statements10,11 that have not been
addressed in 2015 are listed under the relevant section.
Summary of ALS Treatment Recommendations
The systematic reviews showed that the quality of evidence for
many ALS interventions is low or very low, and this led to predominantly weak recommendations. For some issues, despite
a low quality of evidence, the values and preferences of the
task force led to a strong recommendation. This was especially so when there was consensus that not doing so could
lead to harm. In addition, treatment recommendations were
left unchanged unless there were compelling reasons not to
do so. The rationale for any change is addressed in the values,
preferences, and insights that follow treatment recommendations. The most important developments and recommendations in ALS since the 2010 ILCOR review are as follows:
Defibrillation strategies for VF or pVT:
• There were no major developments since 2010. We suggest if the first shock is not successful and the defibrillator is capable of delivering shocks of higher energy, it is
reasonable to increase the energy for subsequent shocks.
Airway, oxygenation, and ventilation:
• We suggest using the highest possible inspired oxygen
concentration during CPR.
• There was equipoise between the choice of an advanced
airway or a bag-mask device for airway management
during CPR, and the choice between a SGA or tracheal
tube as the initial advanced airway during CPR.
• The role of waveform capnography during ALS was
emphasized, including its use to confirm and to continuously monitor the position of a tracheal tube during CPR.
Circulatory support during CPR:
• We
recommend against the routine use of the ITD in
addition to conventional CPR but could not achieve
consensus for or against the use of the ITD when
used together with active compression-decompression
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October 20, 2015
• We
suggest against the routine use of automated
mechanical chest compression devices but suggest they
are a reasonable alternative to use in situations where
sustained high-quality manual chest compressions are
impractical or compromise provider safety.
• We suggest ECPR is a reasonable rescue therapy for
select patients with cardiac arrest when initial conventional CPR is failing in settings where this can be
Physiological monitoring during CPR:
• Physiological measurement in addition to clinical signs
and electrocardiographic monitoring has the potential to
help guide interventions during ALS.
• We have not made a recommendation for any particular physiological measure to guide CPR, because the
available evidence would make any estimate of effect
• We recommend against using ETCO2 cutoff values alone
as a mortality predictor or for the decision to stop a
resuscitation attempt.
• We suggest that if cardiac ultrasound can be performed
without interfering with standard advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) protocol, it may be considered
as an additional diagnostic tool to identify potentially
reversible causes.
Drugs during CPR:
• We suggest SDE (defined as 1 mg) be administered to
patients in cardiac arrest after considering the observed
benefit in short-term outcomes (ROSC and admission to
hospital) and our uncertainty about the benefit or harm
on survival to discharge and neurologic outcome. Our
statement is not intended to change current practice until
there are high-quality data on long-term outcomes.
• We suggest the use of amiodarone in adult patients with
refractory VF/pVT to improve rates of ROSC. Our statement is not intended to change current practice until
there are high-quality data on long-term outcomes.
Cardiac arrest in special circumstances:
• The
systematic review found very-low-quality evidence for specific interventions for ALS in the pregnant
woman. We suggest delivery of the fetus by perimortem
cesarean delivery for women in cardiac arrest in the second half of pregnancy.
• The lack of comparative studies led to the task force
being unable to make any evidence-based treatment
recommendation about the use of intravenous (IV) lipid
emulsion to treat toxin-induced cardiac arrest.
• We recommend the use of naloxone by IV, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intraosseous (IO), or intranasal routes
in respiratory arrest associated with opioid toxicity but
make no recommendation regarding the modification of
standard ALS in opioid-induced cardiac arrest.
Postresuscitation care:
• We recommend avoiding hypoxia in adults with ROSC
after cardiac arrest.
• We
suggest avoiding hyperoxia in adults with ROSC
after cardiac arrest.
• We suggest the use of 100% inspired oxygen until the
arterial oxygen saturation or the partial pressure of arterial oxygen can be measured reliably in adults with
ROSC after cardiac arrest.
• We suggest maintaining PaCO2 within a normal physiological range as part of a post-ROSC bundle of care.
• We suggest hemodynamic goals (eg, mean arterial pressure [MAP], systolic blood pressure [SBP]) be considered during postresuscitation care and as part of any
bundle of postresuscitation interventions.
• We recommend selecting and maintaining a constant
target temperature between 32°C and 36°C for those
patients in whom temperature control is used.
• We recommend TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults
with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) with an initial
shockable rhythm who remain unresponsive after ROSC.
• We suggest TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults with
OHCA with an initial nonshockable rhythm who remain
unresponsive after ROSC.
• We suggest TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults with
in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) with any initial rhythm
who remain unresponsive after ROSC.
• We suggest that if TTM is used, duration should be at
least 24 hours.
• We recommend against routine use of prehospital cooling with rapid infusion of large volumes of cold IV fluid
immediately after ROSC.
• We suggest prevention and treatment of fever in persistently comatose adults after completion of TTM between
32°C and 36°C.
• We suggest against routine seizure prophylaxis in post–
cardiac arrest patients.
• We recommend the treatment of seizures in post–cardiac
arrest patients.
• We suggest no modification of standard glucose management protocols for adults with ROSC after cardiac
• Comatose patients treated with TTM:
◦ We suggest against the use of clinical criteria alone
before 72 hours after ROSC to estimate prognosis.
◦ We suggest prolonging the observation of clinical
signs when interference from residual sedation or
paralysis is suspected, so that the possibility of incorrectly predicting poor outcome is minimized.
◦ We recommend that the earliest time to prognosticate
a poor neurologic outcome is 72 hours after ROSC,
and should be extended longer if the residual effect
of sedation and/or paralysis confounds the clinical
◦ We suggest that multiple modalities of testing (clinical exam, neurophysiological measures, imaging, or
blood markers) be used to estimate prognosis instead
of relying on single tests or findings.
• We recommend that all patients who have restoration of
circulation after CPR and who subsequently progress to
death be evaluated for organ donation.
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Callaway et al
Defibrillation Strategies for VF or pVT
The task force restricted its review to new studies since the
2010 CoSTR12,13 and topics not reviewed in 2010. There are
no major differences between the recommendations made in
2015 and those made in 2010. The PICO questions have been
grouped into (1) waveforms, (2) first-shock energy, (3) single
shock versus 3 shocks, (4) fixed versus escalating energy levels, and (5) refibrillation. In reviewing these, shock success is
usually defined as termination of VF 5 seconds after the shock.
Consensus on science and treatment recommendations
for the use of automated external defibrillators can be found
in “Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External
Defibrillation,” and for infants or children requiring defibrillation in “Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric
Advanced Life Support.”
Biphasic Waveform (ALS 470)
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy, such as biphasic waveform
(I), compared with standard management (or other defibrillation strategy), such as monophasic waveform (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
ROSC; termination of arrhythmia (O)?
All newly manufactured defibrillators currently deliver shocks
using biphasic waveforms. Although it has not been shown
conclusively in randomized clinical studies that biphasic
defibrillators save more lives than monophasic defibrillators,
biphasic defibrillators achieve higher first-shock success rates
at lower energy levels and appear to cause less postshock
myocardial dysfunction.12,13
Consensus on Science
No new randomized trials of biphasic waveforms since 2010
were identified.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that a biphasic waveform (biphasic truncated
exponential [BTE] or rectilinear-biphasic [RLB]) is used
for both atrial and ventricular arrhythmias in preference to a
monophasic waveform (strong recommendation, very-lowquality evidence). In the absence of biphasic defibrillators,
monophasic defibrillators are acceptable.
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
other defibrillation strategy) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; termination of
arrhythmia (O)?
The pulsed biphasic waveform that is used in clinical practice
had not previously been reviewed in 2010. The single published study14 of this waveform used a non–impedance compensated waveform (ie, the current delivered is not adjusted
for the impedance of the chest), whereas the waveform in
clinical use is an impedance-compensated waveform (ie, the
current delivered is adjusted for the impedance of the chest).
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and serious indirectness) from 1 cohort study (ie, no
control group)14 with a total of 104 patients that used a 130
J-130 J-180 J pulsed biphasic waveform protocol documented
a survival rate of 9.8%. This compares with a weighted average BTE survival rate of 33.1% at 150 to 200 J.14
For the important outcome of termination of fibrillation,
the same very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of bias and serious indirectness) from 1 cohort
study14 with a total of 104 patients documented first-shock
termination rates at 130 J of 90.4% with a pulsed biphasic
waveform, comparable with BTE waveforms (weighted average 91.8%) at 150 to 200 J.14
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend following the manufacturer’s instructions for
first and subsequent shock energy levels for the pulsed biphasic waveform (strong recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this strong recommendation, we have placed a high
value on following the manufacturer’s guidance in the absence
of high-quality data to suggest otherwise. The available verylow-quality data showing the efficacy of a non–impedance
compensated pulsed biphasic waveform do not enable direct
comparison with other biphasic waveforms. In addition, no
clinical studies attest to the efficacy of this waveform in its
current impedance-compensated form.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this strong recommendation, we place a high value
on the reported higher first-shock success rate for termination of fibrillation with a biphasic waveform, the potential for
less postshock myocardial dysfunction, and the existing 2010
CoSTR.12,13 The task force acknowledges that many emergency medical services (EMS) systems and hospitals around
the world continue to use older monophasic devices.
First-Shock Energy (ALS 470)
Pulsed Biphasic Waveform (ALS 470)
In 2010, it was concluded that it was reasonable to start at a
selected energy level of 150 to 200 J for a BTE waveform, and
no lower than 120 J for an RLB waveform for defibrillation of
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy, such as pulsed biphasic waveform (I), compared with standard management (or
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy, such as specific first-shock
energy level (I), compared with standard management (or
other defibrillation strategy), such as a different first-shock
energy level (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; termination of arrhythmia (O)?
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October 20, 2015
VF/pVT cardiac arrest, acknowledging that the evidence was
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of termination of VF/pVT, lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and risk of
bias, respectively) from a post hoc report from an RCT and
a cohort study showed a first-shock success rate of 73 of 86
(85%) and 79 of 90 (87.8%), respectively, when using a 120 J
initial shock with an RLB waveform.15,16
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend an initial biphasic shock energy of 150 J or
greater for BTE waveforms, and 120 J or greater for RLB
waveforms (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence). If a monophasic defibrillator is used, we recommend
an initial monophasic shock energy of 360 J (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these strong recommendations, the working group
was keen to acknowledge manufacturer’s instructions and recognize that evidence for the optimal first-shock energy level
was lacking. We also considered that although monophasic
defibrillators are no longer manufactured, they are still used
in many countries.
Single Shock Versus Stacked Shocks (ALS 470)
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy, such as a single shock (I),
compared with standard management (or other defibrillation strategy), such as 3 stacked shocks (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC;
termination of arrhythmia (O)?
In 2010, it was recommended that when defibrillation was
required, a single shock should be provided with immediate
resumption of chest compressions after the shock.12,13 This
recommendation was made for 2 reasons: (1) in an attempt to
minimize perishock interruptions to chest compressions, and
(2) because it was thought that with the greater efficacy of
biphasic shocks, if a biphasic shock failed to defibrillate, a further period of chest compressions could be beneficial. It was
acknowledged that there was no clinical evidence to support
improved outcomes from this strategy.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 1 year, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias
and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT enrolling 845 OHCA
patients showing no difference in single versus 3 stacked
shocks (odds ratio [OR], 1.64; 95% confidence interval [CI],
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for serious risk of bias and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT
enrolling 845 OHCA patients showing no difference in single
versus 3 stacked shocks (OR, 1.29; 95% CI, 0.85–1.96).17
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital
admission, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for serious risk of bias and serious indirectness)
from 1 RCT enrolling 845 OHCA patients showing no difference in single versus 3 stacked shocks (OR, 1.02; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we have identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT enrolling 845 OHCA patients
showing no difference in single versus 3 stacked shocks (OR,
0.94; 95% CI, 0.72–1.23).17
For the important outcome of recurrence of VF (refibrillation), we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for serious risk of bias, serious indirectness, and serious
imprecision) from 1 RCT enrolling 136 OHCA patients showing no difference in single versus 3 stacked shocks (OR, 1.00;
95% CI, 0.47–2.13).18
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend a single-shock strategy when defibrillation is
required (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this strong recommendation, the task force has placed
a greater value on not changing current practice and minimizing interruptions in chest compressions whilst acknowledging that studies since 2010 have not shown that any specific
shock strategy is of benefit for any survival end point. There is
no conclusive evidence that a single-shock strategy is of benefit for ROSC or recurrence of VF compared with 3 stacked
shocks, but in view of the evidence suggesting that outcome is
improved by minimizing interruptions to chest compressions,
we continue to recommend single shocks. The task force is
aware that there are some circumstances (eg, witnessed, monitored VF cardiac arrest with defibrillator immediately available) when 3 rapid stacked shocks could be considered.
Fixed Versus Escalating Defibrillation Energy
Levels (ALS 470)
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy, such as fixed shock energy
level (I), compared with standard management (or other defibrillation strategy), such as escalating shock energy level (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; termination of arrhythmia (O)?
In 2010, we recommended that for second and subsequent
biphasic shocks, the same initial energy level was acceptable,
but that it was reasonable to increase the energy level when
possible (ie, with manual defibrillators).12,13
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at hospital discharge, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias, serious
imprecision, and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT enrolling
221 OHCA patients showing no benefit of one strategy over
the other (OR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.34–1.78).19
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Callaway et al
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for serious risk of bias, serious imprecision, and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT enrolling 221 OHCA patients showing
no benefit of one strategy over the other (OR, 1.06; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we have identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of
bias, serious imprecision, and serious indirectness) from 1
RCT enrolling 221 OHCA patients showing no benefit of one
strategy over the other (OR, 1.095; 95% CI, 0.65–1.86).19
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest if the first shock is not successful and the defibrillator is capable of delivering shocks of higher energy, it is
reasonable to increase the energy for subsequent shocks (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we have considered that an
escalating shock energy may prevent the risk of refibrillation
(see ALS 470). We also consider this to be in line with current
practices where rescuers will escalate shock energy if initial
defibrillation attempts fail and the defibrillator is capable of
delivering a higher shock energy.
Recurrent VF (Refibrillation) (ALS 470)
Among adults who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy (I), compared with standard
management (or other defibrillation strategy) (C), improve
termination of refibrillation (O)?
Refibrillation is common and occurs in the majority of patients
after initial first-shock termination of VF.20 Refibrillation was
not specifically addressed in 2010 guidelines. Distinct from
refractory VF, defined as fibrillation that persists after 1 or
more shocks, recurrence of fibrillation is usually defined as
recurrence of VF during a documented cardiac arrest, occurring after initial termination of VF while the patient remains
under the care of the same providers (usually out-of-hospital).
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of termination of refibrillation,
low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias)
from 2 observational studies16,21 with a total of 191 cases of
initial fibrillation showed termination rates of subsequent
refibrillation were unchanged when using fixed 120 or 150 J
shocks, respectively, and another observational study20 (downgraded for confounding factors) with a total of 467 cases of
initial fibrillation showed termination rates of refibrillation declined when using repeated 200 J shocks, unless an
increased energy level (360 J) was selected.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest an escalating defibrillation energy protocol to
prevent refibrillation (weak recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this weak recommendation, we considered the
lack of studies showing myocardial injury from biphasic
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
waveforms, making it reasonable to consider increasing defibrillation energy levels when delivering shocks for refibrillation if the energy dose delivered by the defibrillator can be
increased. It is unclear from current studies whether repeated
episodes of VF are more resistant to defibrillation and require a
higher energy level or whether a fixed energy level is adequate.
Defibrillation Knowledge Gaps
• Considering
that defibrillation is one of the few interventions that improves outcome from cardiac arrest,
high-quality studies of optimal defibrillation strategies
are sparse.
• The dose response curves for defibrillation of shockable
rhythms is unknown and the initial shock energy, subsequent shock energies, and maximum shock energies for
each waveform are unknown. In particular, the strategy
of delivering shock energy at maximum defibrillation
output to improve current defibrillation efficacy rates
remains unanswered.
• Studies of optimal defibrillation energies for refibrillation are contradictory, and it remains unclear whether
refibrillation is a different form of fibrillation that
requires the same or higher energy levels for successful
termination of fibrillation.
• The selected energy is a poor comparator for assessing different waveforms, as impedance compensation
and subtleties in waveform shape result in a different
transmyocardial current between devices for any given
selected energy. The optimal energy levels may ultimately vary between different manufacturers and associated waveforms.
• We would encourage manufacturers to undertake highquality clinical trials to support their defibrillation
strategy recommendations. Caution is also urged in
attributing the outcomes observed to any one portion of
the elements of bundled care.
• The task force did not address the topic of hands-on defibrillation strategies, its efficacy, and safety, although we
realize it is a topic of interest for future studies.
2010 CoSTR Defibrillation Topics Not
Reviewed in 2015
• CPR before defibrillation
• Self-adhesive defibrillation pads compared with paddles
• Placement of paddles/pads
• Size of paddles/pads
• Composition of conductive material
• Biphasic compared with monophasic defibrillation
• Multiphasic
compared with biphasic defibrillation
• Waveforms, energy levels, and myocardial damage
• Shock using manual versus semiautomatic mode
• Cardioversion strategy in atrial fibrillation
• Pacing (eg, transcutaneous, transvenous, needle, and fist)
• Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator or pacemaker
• Predicting success of defibrillation and outcome (VF
waveform analysis)
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
• Defibrillation
in the immediate vicinity of supplementary oxygen
• Algorithm for transition from shockable to nonshockable rhythm
Airway, Oxygenation, and Ventilation
The use of supplementary oxygen (when it is available) during CPR is accepted practice, but in other circumstances (eg,
acute myocardial infarction), there is increasing evidence that
administration of high-concentration oxygen may be harmful.
The optimal strategy for managing the airway has yet to be
determined, but several observational studies have challenged
the premise that tracheal intubation improves outcomes.
Options for airway management can be categorized broadly
into bag-mask ventilation with simple airway adjuncts, SGAs,
and tracheal intubation. In this section, we present the evidence for the use of oxygen and airway devices during CPR,
for how to confirm correct tracheal tube placement, and for
ventilation rate once an advanced airway device (either a tracheal tube or SGA) has been inserted.
Oxygen Dose During CPR (ALS 889)
In adults with cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does administering a maximal oxygen concentration (eg, 100% by face
mask or closed circuit) (I), compared with no supplementary
oxygen (eg, 21%) or a reduced oxygen concentration (eg,
40%–50%) (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
It has generally been considered appropriate to administer
100% oxygen, whenever available, during cardiac arrest; however, in some other medical emergencies, the use of 100% is
now being challenged.
Consensus on Science
There are no adult human studies that directly compare
maximal inspired oxygen with any other inspired oxygen
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome (Cerebral Performance
Category [CPC] 1 or 2), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias, very serious
indirectness, and serious imprecision) from 1 observational
study22 enrolling 145 OHCA patients who had a PaO2 measured during CPR that showed no difference between an
intermediate PaO2 and low PaO2 (11/83 [13.3%] versus 1/32
[3.1%]; relative risk [RR], 4.2; 95% CI, 0.57–31.52; P=0.16),
or between a high PaO2 and low PaO2 (7/30 [23.3%] versus
1/32 [3.1%]; RR, 7.45; 95% CI, 0.98–57.15; P=0.053).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of
bias, very serious indirectness, and serious imprecision)
from 1 observational study22 enrolling 145 OHCA patients
who had a PaO2 measured during CPR that showed improved
ROSC in those with a higher PaO2: intermediate PaO2 versus
low PaO2 (47/83 [56.6%] versus 7/32 [21.9%]; RR, 2.59; 95%
CI, 1.31–5.12; P=0.006); high PaO2 versus low PaO2 (25/30
[83.3%] versus 7/32 [21.9%]; RR, 3.81; 95% CI, 1.94–7.48;
P=0.0001); high PaO2 versus intermediate PaO2 (25/30 [83.3%]
versus 47/83 [56.6%]; RR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.15–1.88; P=0.002).
In the single identified study,22 all patients had tracheal
intubation and received 100% inspired oxygen during CPR.
The worse outcomes associated with a low PaO2 during CPR
could be an indication of illness severity.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the use of the highest possible inspired oxygen
concentration during CPR (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we have considered the limited available evidence and the need to correct tissue hypoxia
during CPR, and see no reason to change the current treatment
Knowledge Gaps
• The optimal arterial or tissue oxygen targets during CPR
are unknown.
• A method of reliably monitoring oxygen targets during
CPR has not been established.
• The feasibility of controlling inspired oxygen concentration during CPR remains unclear.
• Prospective clinical trials may be warranted to explore
different inspired oxygen concentrations during CPR.
role and feasibility of alternatives to oxygen/air
mixtures during CPR are unknown.
• The
Basic Versus Advanced Airway (ALS 783)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal tube or SGA) (I),
compared with basic airway (bag-mask device with or without oropharyngeal airway) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters;
development of aspiration pneumonia (O)?
The optimal approach to managing the airway during cardiac
arrest has been unclear, and several recent observational studies have challenged the assumption that advanced airways are
necessarily superior to basic airway techniques.
Consensus on Science
All Advanced Airways (I) Versus Bag-Mask Device (C)
For the critical outcome of 1-year survival, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious
risk of bias, indirectness and imprecision, and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational study of 1278 OHCAs showing a similar unadjusted rate of survival with insertion of an
advanced airway (tracheal tube, esophageal obturator airway
[EOA] or laryngeal mask airway [LMA]) compared with a
bag-mask device (3.7% versus 5.6%; OR, 0.65; 95% CI,
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Callaway et al
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival
at 1 month, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness,
and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational study of
648 549 OHCAs showing a lower unadjusted rate of survival
with insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal tube, LMA,
laryngeal tube, or Combitube) compared with management
with a bag-mask device (1.1% versus 2.9%; OR, 0.38; 95%
CI, 0.36–0.39).24 When adjusted for all known variables, the
OR was 0.32 (95% CI, 0.30–0.33).
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival
to hospital discharge, we have identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational
study of 10 691 OHCAs showing a lower unadjusted rate of
survival with insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal tube,
LMA, laryngeal tube, or Combitube) compared with management with a bag-mask device (5.3% versus 18.6%; OR, 0.25;
95% CI, 0.2–0.3).25 In an analysis of 3398 propensity-matched
patients from the same study, the OR for favorable neurologic survival at hospital discharge (bag-mask device versus
advanced airway) adjusted for all variables was 4.19 (95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency) from 2 observational studies: 1 of 10 691 OHCAs
showed a lower unadjusted rate of survival with insertion of
an advanced airway (tracheal tube or LMA) compared with
a bag-mask device (7.7% versus 21.9%; OR, 0.30; 95% CI,
0.3–0.3)25; 1 of 5278 OHCAs showed a similar unadjusted
rate of survival with insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal
tube or LMA) compared with a bag-mask device (6.6% versus
7.0%; OR, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.7–1.3).26
Tracheal Intubation (I) Versus Bag-Mask Device (C)
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival
at 1 month, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and
serious inconsistency) from 1 observational study of 409 809
OHCAs showing a lower unadjusted rate of survival with
tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask device (1.0%
versus 2.9%; OR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.31–0.38).24 In an analysis
of 357 228 propensity-matched patients from the same study,
the OR for favorable neurologic survival at 1 month (tracheal
intubation versus bag-mask device) adjusted for all variables
was 0.42 (95% CI, 0.34–0.53).
For the critical outcome of survival at 1 month, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency) from 2 observational studies. One of 409 809 OHCAs
showed a lower unadjusted rate of survival with tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask device (4.2% versus 5.3%;
OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.74–0.81).24 In an analysis of 357 228
propensity-matched patients from the same study, the OR
for survival at 1 month (tracheal intubation versus bag-mask
device) adjusted for all variables was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.79–
0.98). Another study of 10 783 OHCAs also showed a lower
unadjusted rate of survival with tracheal intubation compared
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
with a bag-mask device (3.6% versus 6.4%; OR, 0.54; 95%
CI, 0.5–0.7).27
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival
to hospital discharge, we have identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational
study of 7520 OHCAs showing a lower unadjusted rate of
survival with tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask
device (5.4% versus 18.6%; OR, 0.25; 95% CI 0.2–0.3).25
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision,
and serious inconsistency) from 6 observational studies. One
observational study of 7520 OHCAs showed a lower unadjusted rate of survival with tracheal intubation compared with
a bag-mask device (8.3% versus 21.9%; OR, 0.25; 95% CI,
0.2–0.3).25 One study of 4887 OHCAs showed a similar unadjusted rate of survival with insertion of a tracheal tube compared with a bag-mask device (8.0% versus 7.0%; OR, 1.16;
95% CI, 0.7–1.9).26 Among 496 propensity-matched OHCAs
in the same study, the OR for survival to discharge (tracheal
intubation versus bag-mask device) was 1.44 (95% CI, 0.66–
3.15).26 One observational study of 1158 OHCAs showed a
lower unadjusted rate of survival with tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask device (3.7% versus 10.8%; OR, 0.32;
95% CI, 0.2–0.6).28 One observational study of 8651 OHCAs
showed a lower unadjusted rate of survival with tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask device (3.7% versus 9.1%;
OR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.3–0.5).29 One observational study of
1142 OHCAs showed a lower unadjusted rate of survival with
tracheal intubation compared with a bag-mask device (6.3%
versus 28.6%; OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.1–0.2).30
Supraglottic Airways (I) Versus Bag-Mask Device (C)
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival at
1 month, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious
inconsistency) from 1 observational study of 607 387 OHCAs
showing a lower unadjusted rate of survival with insertion
of an SGA (LMA, laryngeal tube, or Combitube) compared
with a bag-mask device (1.1% versus 2.9%; OR, 0.38; 95%
CI, 0.37–0.40).24 In an analysis of 357 228 propensity-matched
patients from the same study, the OR for favorable neurologic
survival at 1 month (SGA versus bag-mask device) adjusted
for all variables was 0.36 (95% CI, 0.33–0.40).
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival
to hospital discharge, we have identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational
study of 5039 OHCAs showing a lower unadjusted rate of survival with an SGA compared with a bag-mask device (5.2%
versus 18.6%; OR, 0.24; 95% CI, 0.2–0.3).25
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for very serious risk of bias, indirectness, and
imprecision, and serious inconsistency) from 2 observational
studies. One observational study of 5039 OHCAs showed a
lower unadjusted rate of survival with an SGA compared with
a bag-mask device (6.7% versus 21.9%; OR, 0.26; 95% CI,
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0.2–0.3).25 Another study of 262 OHCAs also showed a lower
unadjusted rate of survival with an SGA compared with a bagmask device (0.0% versus 10.7%).28
Laryngeal Mask Airway (I) Versus Bag-Mask Device (C)
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision, and serious inconsistency) from 1 observational study of 5028 OHCAs
showing a similar unadjusted rate of survival with insertion of
an LMA compared with a bag-mask device (5.6% versus 7.0%;
OR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.5–1.2).26 Among 772 propensity-matched
OHCAs in the same study, the OR for survival to discharge
(LMA versus bag-mask device) was 0.45 (95% CI, 0.25–0.82).26
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest using either an advanced airway or a bag-mask
device for airway management during CPR (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence) for cardiac arrest in any setting.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In the absence of sufficient data obtained from studies of IHCA,
it is necessary to extrapolate from data derived from OHCA.
The type of airway used may depend on the skills and
training of the healthcare provider. Tracheal intubation may
result in unrecognized esophageal intubation and increased
hands-off time in comparison with insertion of an SGA or a
bag-mask device. Both a bag-mask device and an advanced
airway are frequently used in the same patient as part of a
stepwise approach to airway management, but this has not
been formally assessed.
Knowledge Gaps
• There are no RCTs of initial airway management during
cardiac arrest.
type and duration of training required for each
device is unknown.
• During cardiac arrest, is a stepwise approach to airway
management commonly used? It is not clear how this
can be studied rigorously.
• The
SGAs Versus Tracheal Intubation (ALS 714)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does SGA insertion as first advanced airway (I), compared
with insertion of a tracheal tube as first advanced airway (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters; development of aspiration
pneumonia (O)?
SGAs are generally considered easier to insert than tracheal
tubes are, and their use in cardiac arrest has been increasing.
Consensus on Science
SGAs (Combitube, LMA, Laryngeal Tube) Versus Tracheal
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic survival,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious concerns about risk of bias, inconsistency,
and indirectness) from 1 observational study of 5377 OHCAs
showing no difference between tracheal intubation and insertion of a SGA (adjusted OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.39–1.30),31 from
1 observational study of 281 522 OHCAs showing higher rates
of favorable neurologic outcome between insertion of an SGA
and tracheal intubation (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.0–1.2),24 and
from 2 studies showing higher rates of favorable neurologic
outcome between tracheal intubation and insertion of an SGA
(8701 OHCAs: adjusted OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.10–1.8825 and
10 455 OHCAs: adjusted OR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.04–1.89).32
SGAs (EOA and LMA) Versus Tracheal Intubation
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable 1-month
survival, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study of 138 248
OHCAs that showed higher rates of neurologically favorable
1-month survival with tracheal intubation compared with
insertion of an EOA or LMA (OR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.8–1.0).33
For the critical outcome of 1-month survival, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious concerns about risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study that showed
no difference in 1-month survival between tracheal intubation
and insertion of an EOA of an LMA (OR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.3–
1.9)23 and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from another observation study that showed higher
1-month survival with tracheal intubation compared with
insertion of an EOA of an LMA (OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.9–1.1).33
LMA (I) Versus Tracheal Intubation (C)
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and
imprecision) from 1 observational study of 641 OHCAs that
showed lower rates of survival to hospital discharge with
insertion of an LMA compared with tracheal tube (OR, 0.69;
95% CI, 0.4–1.3).26
Esophageal Gastric Tube Airway (I) Versus Tracheal
Intubation (C)
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT enrolling 175 OHCAs showing no difference between esophageal
gastric tube airway and tracheal intubation (OR, 1.19; 95%
CI, 0.5–3.0).34
Combitube (I) Versus Tracheal Intubation (C)
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and
imprecision) from 1 RCT enrolling 173 OHCAs that showed
no difference between Combitube and tracheal intubation
(OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 0.5–12.1)35 and very-low-quality evidence
from 1 observational study of 5822 OHCAs that showed no
difference between tracheal intubation by paramedics, and
Combitube insertion by emergency medical technicians
(adjusted OR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.79–1.30).36
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Treatment Recommendation
We suggest using either an SGA or tracheal tube as the initial
advanced airway during CPR (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence) for cardiac arrest in any setting.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In the absence of sufficient data obtained from studies of
IHCA, it is necessary to extrapolate from data derived from
The type of airway used may depend on the skills and
training of the healthcare provider. Tracheal intubation
requires considerably more training and practice. Tracheal
intubation may result in unrecognized esophageal intubation
and increased hands-off time in comparison with insertion of
an SGA. Both an SGA and tracheal tube are frequently used
in the same patients as part of a stepwise approach to airway
management, but this has not been formally assessed.
Knowledge Gaps
• There are no RCTs of initial airway management during
cardiac arrest.
type and duration of training required for each
device is unknown.
• During the management of cardiac arrest, is a stepwise
approach to airway management commonly used? It is
not clear how this can be studied rigorously.
• The
Confirmation of Correct Tracheal Tube Placement
(ALS 469)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest, needing/with an
advanced airway during CPR in any setting (P), does use of
devices (eg, waveform capnography, CO2 detection device,
esophageal detector device, or tracheal ultrasound) (I), compared with not using devices (C), change placement of the tracheal tube in the trachea and above the carina, or success of
intubation (O)?
Unrecognized esophageal intubation is a serious complication of attempted tracheal intubation during CPR. There are
several potential methods for confirming correct placement of
a tracheal tube: capnography and detection of CO2, use of an
esophageal detection device, and tracheal ultrasound.
Consensus on Science
Waveform Capnography
For the important outcome of detection of correct placement
of a tracheal tube during CPR, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness)
from 1 observational study37 showing that the use of waveform
capnography compared with no waveform capnography in
153 critically ill patients (51 with cardiac arrest) decreased the
occurrence of unrecognized esophageal intubation on hospital
arrival from 23% to 0% (OR, 29; 95% CI, 4–122).
For the important outcome of detection of correct placement of a tracheal tube during CPR, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and
imprecision) from 3 observational studies38–40 with 401 patients
and 1 randomized study41 including 48 patients that showed
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
that the specificity for waveform capnography to detect correct tracheal placement was 100% (95% CI, 87%–100%). The
sensitivity was 100% in 1 study38,39 when waveform capnography was used in the prehospital setting immediately after
intubation, and esophageal intubation was less common than
the average (1.5%). The sensitivity was between 65% and
68% in the other 3 studies39–41 when the device was used in
OHCA patients after intubation in the emergency department
(ED). The difference may be related to prolonged resuscitation with compromised or nonexistent pulmonary blood flow.
Based on the pooled sensitivity/specificity from these studies
and assumed esophageal intubation prevalence of 4.5%, the
false-positive rate (FPR) of waveform capnography was 0%
(95% CI, 0%–0.6%).
Colorimetric CO2 Detection Devices
For the important outcome of detection of correct placement
of a tracheal tube during CPR, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness)
from 7 observational studies38,42–47 including 1119 patients
that evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of colorimetric CO2
devices. The specificity was 97% (95% CI, 84%–99%), the
sensitivity was 87% (95% CI, 85%–89%), and the FPR was
0.3% (95% CI, 0%–1%).
Esophageal Detection Devices
For the important outcome of detection of correct placement
of a tracheal tube during CPR, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, inconsistency, and a strong suspicion of publication bias) from 4 observational studies39,40,43,48 including 228 patients, low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from
1 randomized study41 including 48 patients, and very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
inconsistency, and a strong suspicion of publication bias) from
1 observational study50 including 168 patients that evaluated
esophageal detection devices. The pooled specificity was 92%
(95% CI, 84%–96%), the pooled sensitivity was 88% (95%
CI, 84%–192%), and the FPR was 0.2% (95% CI, 0%–0.6%).
Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and suspected publication bias) from 1 observational study41 showed
no statistically significant difference between the performance
of a bulb (sensitivity 71%, specificity 100%)- and a syringe
(sensitivity 73%, specificity 100%)-type esophageal detection
devices in the detection of tracheal placement of a tracheal tube.
Ultrasound for Tracheal Tube Detection
For the important outcome of detection of correct placement
of a tracheal tube during CPR, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for suspicion of publication bias and
indirectness) from 3 observational studies51–53 including 254
patients in cardiac arrest that evaluated the use of ultrasound
to detect tracheal tube placement. The pooled specificity was
90% (95% CI, 68%–98%), the sensitivity was 100% (95% CI,
98%–100%), and the FPR was 0.8% (95% CI, 0.2%–2.6%).
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend using waveform capnography to confirm and
continuously monitor the position of a tracheal tube during
CPR in addition to clinical assessment (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
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We recommend that if waveform capnography is not
available, a nonwaveform CO2 detector, esophageal detector
device, or ultrasound in addition to clinical assessment is an
alternative (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these strong recommendations, and despite the
low-quality evidence, we place a high value on avoiding
unrecognized esophageal intubation. The mean incidence of
unrecognized esophageal intubation in cardiac arrest was 4.3%
(range, 0%–14%) in the 11 studies we assessed. Unrecognized
esophageal placement of an advanced airway is associated
with a very high mortality. We, therefore, place value on recommending devices with a low FPR (ie, the device indicates
tracheal placement but the tube is in the esophagus).
In addition, waveform capnography is given a strong recommendation, because it may have other potential uses during CPR (eg, monitoring ventilation rate, assessing quality
of CPR).
Knowledge Gaps
• The evidence is limited on the value of CO2 devices after
prolonged cardiac arrest.
are very few studies comparing the practical
implications (cost, timeliness) of these devices.
• The use of ultrasound requires further studies.
• There
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we have valued the need to
suggest a ventilation rate that is already in use. We note that
the Australian and New Zealand Committee on Resuscitation
(ANZCOR) currently recommends a ventilation rate of 6 to
10 breaths/min and would see no reason for this to change. We
did not assess effect of tidal volume and any other ventilation
variables during CPR and have therefore not addressed these
in the treatment recommendation.
Knowledge Gaps
• Ventilation rates lower than 10/min need to be assessed
during ALS.
do not know the ideal tidal volume and any other
ventilation variables during CPR.
• We
2010 CoSTR Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
• Oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal adjuncts
• Monitoring ventilator parameters during CPR
• Thoracic impedance to confirm airway placement
• Cricoid pressure
• Automatic ventilators versus manual ventilation
during CPR
Circulatory Support During CPR
Ventilation Rate During Continuous Chest
Compression (ALS 808)
Among adults with cardiac arrest with a secure airway receiving chest compressions (in any setting, and with standard tidal
volume) (P), does a ventilation rate of 10 breaths/min (I),
compared with any other ventilation rate (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Hyperventilation during CPR has been shown to be harmful,
but once an advanced airway has been placed, the optimal
ventilation rate remains uncertain.
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical outcomes of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year.
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias and indirectness, and serious inconsistency and imprecision) from 10 animal studies54–63 and 1
human observational study64 that does not enable us to estimate with confidence the effect of a ventilation rate of 10/
min compared with any other rate for the important outcome
of ROSC.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest a ventilation rate of 10 breaths/min in adults
with cardiac arrest with a secure airway receiving continuous
chest compressions (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
The ALS Task Force reviewed the evidence for 3 technologies for which there have been significant developments since
2010: (1) the ITD, (2) automated mechanical chest compression devices, and (3) ECPR. All are already in use in some
settings, have strong proponents for their use, and have cost
implications for their implementation such that there was
considerable debate in reaching a consensus on science and
treatment recommendation. In addition, some studies of these
technologies had support and involvement of device manufacturers. Some of this debate is presented in the narrative that
follows each treatment recommendation.
Impedance Threshold Device (ALS 579)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of an inspiratory ITD during CPR (I), compared with no
ITD (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
The ITD is designed to reduce the intrathoracic pressure during the decompression phase of chest compression. There is
some evidence the ITD increases blood flow during CPR. The
ITD has been studied during conventional CPR and during
Consensus on Science
ITD Plus Conventional CPR (I) Versus
Conventional CPR (C)
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival
at hospital discharge (assessed with modified Rankin Scale
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[mRS] score of 3 or less), there was 1 RCT65 of high quality in
8718 OHCAs that was unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit from the addition of the ITD to conventional
CPR (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.82–1.15).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, there was 1 RCT65 of high quality in 8718 OHCAs
that was unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit
from the addition of the ITD to conventional CPR (RR, 1;
95% CI, 0.87–1.15).
ITD Plus ACD CPR (I) Versus ACD CPR (C)
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival, there were no studies identified that compared the use
of ITD with ACD CPR with ACD CPR in cardiac arrests.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
there were 2 RCTs66,67 of very low quality (downgraded for
serious imprecision and very serious indirectness because of
pre-2000 resuscitation practices) that that were unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit from the addition of the
ITD to ACD CPR in a total of 421 OHCAs (RR, 0.91; 95% CI,
0.07–12.766 and RR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.5–3.1).67
ITD Plus ACD CPR (I) Versus Conventional CPR (C)
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival
(CPC ≤2) at 12 months, there was 1 publication reporting
results from a randomized study68 of very low quality (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and serious imprecision)
in 2738 OHCAs that was unable to demonstrate a clinically
significant benefit from the addition of the ITD to ACD CPR
(when compared with conventional CPR: RR, 1.34; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival at hospital discharge, there was 1 RCT68 that incorporated the presumed cardiac etiology subset published in 201169
of very low quality (downgraded for very serious risk of
bias, serious inconsistency, and serious imprecision) in 2738
OHCAs that was unable to demonstrate a clinically significant
benefit (using CPC ≤2) from the addition of the ITD to ACD
CPR (when compared with conventional CPR: RR, 1.28; 95%
CI, 0.98–1.69). Similar data (neurologically intact survival
at hospital discharge) were also reported that used mRS of
3 or less, and were unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit (lower CI was 3 more/1000 in Frascone [number
needed to treat, NNT, of 333] and 6 more/1000 [NNT of 167]
in Aufderheide).68,69
For the critical outcome of survival to 12 months, there
were 2 publications reporting results from a single randomized
study,68 which incorporated the presumed cardiac etiology
subset published in 2011,69 of very low quality (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias and serious imprecision) in 2738
OHCAs that was unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit from the addition of the ITD to ACD CPR (when
compared with conventional CPR): Frascone: RR, 1.39
(95% CI, 1.04–1.85; lower CI was 2 more/1000; NNT, 500);
Aufderheide: RR, 1.49 (95% CI, 1.05–2.12; lower CI was 4
more/1000; NNT, 250).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, there were 3 publications reporting results from 2
randomized studies69,70 (which incorporated the presumed
cardiac etiology subset published in Aufderheide69) of very
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
low quality (downgraded for very serious risk of bias, serious indirectness, and serious imprecision) in a total of 2948
OHCAs that were unable to demonstrate a clinically significant benefit from the addition of the ITD to ACD CPR (when
compared with conventional CPR): Frascone: RR, 1.17 (95%
CI, 0.94–1.45); Aufderheide: RR, 1.26 (95% CI, 0.96–1.66);
Wolcke: RR, 1.41 (95% CI, 0.75–2.66).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend against the routine use of the ITD in addition
to conventional CPR (strong recommendation, high-quality
A consensus recommendation could not be reached for the
use of the ITD when used together with ACD CPR.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making a recommendation against the routine use of the
ITD alone, we place a higher value on not allocating resources
to an ineffective intervention over any yet-to-be-proven benefit for critical or important outcomes.
Because of the concern about allocating resources to an
intervention with equivocal benefit for critical or important
outcomes, a consensus recommendation could not be reached
for ITD combined with ACD CPR. The task force thought that
the decision on use of the ITD plus ACD combination should
be left to individual Council guidelines.
Public comments posted online were reviewed and considered by the task force, specifically regarding the use of
the ITD and ACD CPR combination and the task force’s
interpretation of the data from 2 publications from the same
study68,69 using the GRADE process, and how the data from
these studies had been analyzed and interpreted. The task
force received feedback from the investigator(s) of this
study in the public commenting period and in an open session. In addition, it considered an editorial on the analysis
of this study71 and discussed the publications68,69 and their
clinical significance in its closed sessions. The NNTs were
discussed and the use of the CI closest to unity as a measure
of study precision. It was also noted that the critical and
important endpoints for this and the other ALS PICO questions were agreed a priori and posted for public commenting before searches took place, hence the difference in our
hierarchy of outcomes compared with the actual primary
and secondary outcomes reported in the study that made
up the 2 publications. The task force appreciated the challenges of studying a combined intervention and conducting
a large cardiac arrest study. There was also discussion of the
involvement of the manufacturer in the design and reporting of the study and that sponsorship of drug and device
studies by manufacturers can lead to more favorable results
and conclusions.72 There was considerable debate on this
topic in both closed and open task force sessions such that
a consensus could not be achieved by the task force on a
treatment recommendation for the use of the ITD when used
together with ACD CPR.
Knowledge Gaps
• Optimal compression and ventilation rates for ITD CPR
and ACD plus ITD CPR may or may not be different
from those for conventional CPR.
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• The
independent effects of ITD and ACD CPR are
• Effectiveness studies should examine other geographical
settings and populations.
Mechanical CPR Devices (ALS 782)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), do
automated mechanical chest compression devices (I), compared with standard manual chest compressions (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
Providing high-quality manual CPR is tiring, and there is evidence that CPR quality deteriorates with time. Mechanical
CPR devices may enable the delivery of high-quality CPR for
a sustained period, but at the time of writing the 2010 CoSTR,
their impact on outcome was unclear.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 1 year, we identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of
bias) from 1 cluster RCT73 using the Lund University Cardiac
Arrest System (LUCAS) device showing no benefit or harm
when compared with manual chest compressions (5.4% versus 6.2%; RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.68–1.11).
For the critical outcomes of survival at 180 days with
good neurologic outcome and survival at 30 days with
favorable neurologic outcome, we identified moderatequality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
1 RCT74 using a LUCAS device and enrolling 2589 OHCA
patients that did not show benefit or harm when compared
with manual chest compressions at 180 days (8.5% versus
7.6%; RR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.86–1.45) or 30 days (7.3% versus
8.1%; RR, 1.11; 95% CI, 0.84–1.45).
For the critical outcome of survival to 180 days, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias) from 1 RCT74 using a LUCAS device enrolling 2589
OHCA patients showing no benefit or harm when compared
with manual chest compressions where quality of chest compressions in the manual arm was not measured (8.5% versus
8.1%; RR, 1.06; 95% CI, 0.81–1.41).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome (defined as CPC 1–2
or mRS 0–3), we have identified moderate-quality evidence
(downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 3 RCTs enrolling 7582 OHCA patients showing variable results.74–76 One
study75 (n=767) showed harm with the use of a load-distributing band mechanical chest compression device compared with
manual chest compressions (7.5% of patients in the control
group versus 3.1% in the intervention group; P=0.006; RR,
0.41; 95% CI, 0.21–0.79). Two other RCTs74,76 (n=6820), one
using a load-distributing band and the other using a LUCAS,
did not show benefit or harm when compared with manual
chest compressions: load-distributing band study: 4.14%
survival in the intervention group versus 5.25% for manual
compressions (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.60–1.03); LUCAS: 8.31%
intervention versus 7.76% manual compressions (RR, 1.07;
95% CI, 0.83–1.39).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
serious risk of bias) from 5 RCTs74–78 enrolling 7734 OHCA
patients and 150 IHCA patients showing heterogeneous
results. One study of patients with IHCAs77 (n=150) showed
benefit with use of a piston device compared with manual
chest compressions (32.9% versus 14.7%; P=0.02; RR, 2.21;
95% CI, 1.17–4.17). Two other RCTs74,78 of LUCAS did not
show benefit or harm (9.0% versus 9.15%; RR, 0.98; 95% CI,
0.77–1.25 and 8.0% versus 9.72%; RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.29–
2.33, respectively, for LUCAS versus manual compressions).
One large RCT76 (n=4231) using a load-distributing band
device showed equivalence when compared with high-quality
manual chest compressions (9.34% versus 10.93%; RR, 0.85;
95% CI, 0.71–1.02).
For the critical outcome of survival to 30 days, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias) from 2 RCTs73,74 (n=7060) using the LUCAS device
showing no benefit or harm when compared with manual
chest compressions and where quality of compressions in the
manual arm was not measured (6.3% versus 6.85%; RR, 0.92;
95% CI, 0.73–1.16 and 8.82% versus 8.07%; RR, 1.02; 95%
CI, 0.97–1.31, respectively).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and
serious inconsistency) from 7 RCTs enrolling 11 638 cardiac
arrest patients (IHCA and OHCA).73,74,76–80 Two studies77,79
(n=167) showed benefit with mechanical chest compression
devices compared with manual compressions: 14.29% versus 0% (RR, not applicable) and 55.26% versus 37.84% (RR,
1.46; 95% CI, 1.02–2.08), respectively. One study76 (n=4231)
showed harm with mechanical devices; however, there was no
adjustment for interim analyses: 28.59% versus 32.32% (RR,
0.88; 95% CI, 0.81–0.97). Four studies73,74,78,80 (n=7240) did
not show benefit or harm when compared with manual chest
compressions: 47.06% versus 17.75% (RR, 2.67; 95% CI,
0.85–8.37), 31.60% versus 31.39% (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.92–
1.10), 35.38% versus 34.60% (RR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.92–1.14),
and 40.54% versus 31.94% (RR, 1.27; 95% CI, 0.82–1.96),
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest against the routine use of automated mechanical
chest compression devices to replace manual chest compressions (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
We suggest that automated mechanical chest compression
devices are a reasonable alternative to high-quality manual
chest compressions in situations where sustained high-quality manual chest compressions are impractical or compromise provider safety (weak recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
The task force placed value on ensuring high-quality chest
compressions with adequate depth, rate, and minimal interruptions, regardless of whether they are delivered by machine
or human. The task force also considered that application of
a mechanical chest compression device without a focus on
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minimizing interruptions in compressions and delay to defibrillation could cause harm.
In making a recommendation for mechanical compression devices for use in some settings, we place value on the
results from a large, high-quality RCT76 showing equivalence
between very-high-quality manual chest compressions and
mechanical chest compressions delivered with a load-distributing band in a setting with rigorous training and CPR quality
monitoring. Also, the task force acknowledges the existence
of situations where sustained high-quality manual chest compressions may not be practical. Examples include CPR in a
moving ambulance where provider safety is at risk, the need
for prolonged CPR where provider fatigue may impair highquality manual compressions (eg, hypothermic arrest), and
CPR during certain procedures (eg, coronary angiography or
preparation for ECPR).
Our task force agreed that there was an adequate amount
of data generated from RCTs for the systematic review to
exclude observational studies. We agreed that despite the
availability of several observational studies comparing manual and mechanical chest compressions, the inherent risk of
bias related to patient selection, group allocation, and uncontrolled confounders supports a decision to exclude them from
the process of developing this CoSTR statement.
We conducted a universal literature search for RCTs
studying any type of automated mechanical chest compression device. Prior to initiating the review, we planned to parse
the data by device type if an effect specific to device was
observed in the analysis. Although we did not undertake a formal analysis by device, there were no obvious device-specific
effects observed.
The task force did consider some data that are not included
in the evidence profile tables or CoSTR statement. Specifically,
the PARAMEDIC (prehospital randomized assessment of
a mechanical compression device in cardiac arrest) study73
showed an association between mechanical chest compressions and worse survival with good neurologic outcome (CPC
1–2) at 3 months (adjusted OR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.52–0.99).
This was not included in our consensus on science, because
survival with good neurologic outcome at 90 days was not an
a priori outcome identified by the group.
After assessing the evidence, there was much debate over
the ultimate wording of our recommendation. Some members thought a weak recommendation supporting mechanical chest compression devices as a reasonable alternative to
manual chest compressions was most appropriate, whereas
others thought a recommendation against the routine use of
mechanical chest compression devices was more appropriate. There was general agreement that the bulk of evidence
reviewed suggests no significant difference or equivalence
between mechanical and manual chest compressions related
to critical and important clinical outcomes. The task force
weighed this with the data from a few studies suggesting a
negative association between mechanical chest compression
and outcomes as well as the potential resource implications
associated with implementation of mechanical devices in any
setting. With these factors in mind, the task force concluded
that available clinical evidence did not support a recommendation for broad and universal implementation of mechanical
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
chest compression devices across all clinical settings in favor
of high-quality manual chest compressions.
Public comments provided online were reviewed by the
task force. Comments suggested that we consider special circumstances where mechanical chest compressions may be
more practical than the continued provision of high-quality
chest compression and circumstances where provider safety
might be improved with the use of mechanical versus manual chest compressions. Delivery of manual compressions in
a moving ambulance by an unrestrained provider was seen
as a particularly unsafe situation. Mechanical devices may
allow providers to remain seated and restrained in this situation while chest compressions continue. Accordingly, we
have included a treatment recommendation to address these
situations not directly addressed in the literature reviewed but
deemed to represent reasonable situations for the use of this
Knowledge Gaps
• Are
mechanical chest compression devices superior to
manual chest compressions in special situations such as
the moving ambulance, prolonged CPR, or during procedures such as coronary angiography?
• Are there certain subgroups of patients who may benefit
differentially from mechanical or manual chest compressions (eg, shockable versus nonshockable initial
• Is one type of mechanical chest compression device
superior to another with respect to important clinical
ECPR Versus Manual or Mechanical
CPR (ALS 723)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
the use of ECPR techniques (including extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or cardiopulmonary bypass) (I), compared
with manual CPR or mechanical CPR (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Extracorporeal techniques require vascular access and a circuit with a pump and oxygenator and can provide a circulation of oxygenated blood to restore tissue perfusion. This
has the potential to buy time for restoration of an adequate
spontaneous circulation and treatment of reversible underlying conditions. This is commonly called extracorporeal life
support (ECLS), and more specifically ECPR when done during cardiac arrest. These techniques are increasingly being
used for OHCA. We considered ECLS for IHCA and OHCA
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of favorable functional survival
at 180 days or 1 year after IHCA, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias from selection
of cases for ECPR, crossover in treatments, and imprecision)
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
from 2 non-RCTs,81,82 comparing 144 patients treated with
ECPR to 434 patients treated with conventional CPR. At 180
days, favorable outcome increased with ECPR (RR, 3.78;
95% CI, 2.26–6.31), even in propensity-matched samples.82
At 1 year, favorable outcome was not different with ECPR
(RR, 1.72; 95% CI, 0.74–4.01).
For the critical outcome of survival to 30, 180 days,
or 1 year after IHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias from selection of cases
for ECPR, crossover in treatments, and imprecision) from 2
non-RCTs,81,82 comparing 144 patients treated with ECPR
to 434 patients treated with conventional CPR. These studies found improved survival at 30 days (RR, 2.25; 95% CI,
1.28–3.96) and 180 days (RR, 2.81; 95% CI, 1.79–4.39
and RR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.31–4.80), but not 1 year (RR,
1.92; 95% CI, 0.88–4.15). A propensity-matched sample
found improved survival at 180 days82 (RR, 3.20; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of favorable functional
survival at hospital discharge after IHCA, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias from
selection of cases for ECPR, crossover in treatments, and
imprecision) from 2 non-RCTs,81,82 comparing 144 patients
treated with ECPR to 434 patients treated with conventional
CPR. These studies found improved favorable outcome with
ECPR (RR, 2.23; 95% CI, 1.11–4.52 and adjusted RR, 3.63;
95% CI, 2.18–6.02), even in propensity-matched samples
(RR, 4.67; 95% CI, 1.41–15.41).82
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge after IHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias from selection of cases
for ECPR, crossover in treatments, and imprecision) from 2
non-RCTs,81,82 comparing 144 patients treated with ECPR
to 434 patients treated with conventional CPR. These studies found improved survival to hospital discharge in the entire
cohort (RR, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.23–4.38 and RR, 2.81; 95% CI,
1.85–4.26). One of these studies found improved survival to
hospital discharge in propensity-matched samples (RR, 3.17;
95% CI, 1.36–7.37).82
at 30 days (RR, 3.94; 95% CI, 2.24–6.92) and 180 days (RR,
5.42; 95% CI, 2.65–11.09),84 and the other study reported
increased survival with ECPR at 90 days (RR, 6.17; 95% CI,
2.37–16.07), even in a propensity-matched sample (RR, 4.50;
95% CI, 1.08–18.69).83
For the important outcome of favorable functional survival at hospital discharge after OHCA, we identified no
comparative studies.
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge after OHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias from selection of cases
for ECPR and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT comparing 53
patients treated with ECPR to 109 patients treated with conventional CPR.83 Survival to hospital discharge was higher in
patients treated with ECPR (RR, 4.99; 95% CI, 2.21–11.30),
though not in propensity matched samples (RR, 3.00; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of favorable functional survival at
30, 90, or 180 days after OHCA, we identified very-lowquality evidence from 2 non-RCTs (downgraded for risk of
bias for selection of cases for ECPR and imprecision), comparing 311 patients treated with ECPR to 312 patients treated
with conventional CPR.83,84 One study reported increased
favorable outcome with ECPR at 30 days (RR, 7.92; 95% CI,
2.46–25.48) and 180 days (RR, 4.34; 95% CI, 1.71–11.00).84
The other study reported increased favorable outcome at 90
days (RR, 5.48; 95% CI, 1.52–19.84), but this association was
not present in the propensity-matched sample (RR, 3.50; 95%
CI, 0.81–15.16).83
For the critical outcome of survival to 30, 90, or 180
days after OHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias from selection of cases for ECPR
and imprecision) from 2 non-RCTs, comparing 311 patients
treated with ECPR to 312 patients treated with conventional
CPR.83,84 One study reported increased survival with ECPR
of ECPR versus traditional CPR on clinical outcomes in
patients with cardiac arrest.
• What is the optimal flow rate for ECPR in the treatment
for cardiac arrest?
• Which subgroups of patients can benefit most from a
strategy of ECPR?
• What type of patients should be considered for ECPR?
• What role, if any, should prehospital ECPR play in
resuscitating patients from OHCA?
• What is the optimal target temperature for patients on
ECPR after cardiac arrest?
• What are reliable prognostic factors for patients treated
with ECPR after cardiac arrest?
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest ECPR is a reasonable rescue therapy for selected
patients with cardiac arrest when initial conventional CPR is
failing in settings where this can be implemented (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this weak recommendation, we note that the
published series used selected patients for ECPR and that
guidelines for clinical practice should apply to similar populations. Published comparative studies are limited by the bias
created when experienced clinicians select the best candidates to receive ECPR, perhaps using unmeasured variables.
We acknowledge that ECPR is a complex intervention that
requires considerable resource and training that is not universally available, but put value on an intervention that may be
successful in individuals where usual CPR techniques have
failed. In addition, ECPR can buy time for another treatment
such as coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI).
Knowledge Gaps
• Controlled clinical trials are needed to assess the effect
2010 CoSTR Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
• Interposed abdominal compression CPR
• Open-chest CPR
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Callaway et al
Physiological Monitoring During CPR
The ability to monitor real-time physiological variables and
obtain ultrasound images during CPR, in addition to clinical
signs and electrocardiographic monitoring, has the potential
to enable rescuers to tailor ALS interventions. Strategies for
physiological monitoring include the use of ETCO2, arterial
pressure, central venous pressure (enabling monitoring of
coronary perfusion pressure and aortic diastolic pressure), and
cerebral oximetry (regional cerebral oxygenation).
ETCO2 to Predict Outcome of Cardiac
Arrest (ALS 459)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
any ETCO2 level value, when present (I), compared with any
ETCO2 level below that value (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
ETCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 at the end of an exhaled
breath. It reflects cardiac output (CO) and pulmonary blood
flow, as CO2 is transported by the venous system to the right
side of the heart and then pumped to the lungs by the right ventricle. During CPR, ETCO2 values are low, reflecting the low
CO generated by chest compression. Although ETCO2 values higher than 10 mm Hg have been correlated to ROSC,85–89
there is uncertainty if any ETCO2 value measured during CPR
can reliably predict survival or survival with good neurologic
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical outcome of neurologically intact survival.
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias and serious imprecision) from 1 observational study
enrolling 127 patients90 showing a correlation with initial
ETCO2 10 mm Hg (1.33 kPa) or greater when compared with
less than 10 mm Hg (OR, 11.4; 95% CI, 1.4–90.2).
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias and serious imprecision) from 1 observational study
enrolling 127 patients90 showing a correlation with 20 minutes
of ETCO2 20 mm Hg (2.67 kPa) or greater when compared
with less than 20 mm Hg (OR, 20.0; 95% CI, 2.0–203.3).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we have identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of
bias) from 3 observational studies enrolling 302 patients90–92
showing a correlation with initial ETCO2 10 mm Hg or greater
when compared with less than 10 mm Hg (OR, 10.7; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of ROSC, we have identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias, serious inconsistency, and serious imprecision) from
3 observational studies enrolling 367 patients90,93,94 showing
correlation with 20 minutes ETCO2 10 mm Hg or greater
when compared with less than 10 mm Hg (OR, 181.6; 95%
CI, 40.1–822.6).
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend against using ETCO2 cutoff values alone as a
mortality predictor or for the decision to stop a resuscitation
attempt (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest that an ETCO2 10 mm Hg or greater measured
after tracheal intubation or after 20 minutes of resuscitation
may be a predictor of ROSC (weak recommendation, lowquality evidence).
We suggest that an ETCO2 10 mm Hg or greater measured
after tracheal intubation or an ETCO2 20 mm Hg or greater
measured after 20 minutes of resuscitation may be a predictor
of survival to discharge (weak recommendation, moderatequality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making the strong recommendations against using a specific ETCO2 cutoff value alone as a mortality predictor or for
the decision to stop a resuscitation attempt, we have put a
higher value on not relying on a single variable (ETCO2) and
cutoff value when their usefulness in actual clinical practice,
and variability according to the underlying cause of cardiac
arrest, has not been established and there are considerable
knowledge gaps.
The task force was concerned that the etiology (eg,
asphyxia, PE) of cardiac arrest could affect ETCO2 values,
and that there was a risk of self-fulfilling prophecy if specific
threshold values were followed. There was concern about the
accuracy of ETCO2 values measured during CPR. During
open discussions there were requests that the ILCOR recommendation be far more prescriptive to prevent futile and prolonged resuscitation attempts.
Knowledge Gaps
• The effects on ETCO2 of timing, etiology of arrest, ven-
tilation rate, and chest compression quality are not fully
• The role of ETCO2 with a bag-mask device or SGA
requires further study.
• Are ETCO2 values measured during CPR accurate?
• The ETCO2 cutoff values to reliably predict short- and
long-term outcomes is not known.
Monitoring Physiological Parameters During CPR
(ALS 656)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does the use of physiological feedback regarding CPR quality (eg, arterial lines, ETCO2 monitoring, SpO2 waveforms,
or others) (I), compared with no feedback (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
ROSC; change in physiologic values by modifications in
CPR (O)?
Several physiological variables such as ETCO2, coronary perfusion pressure, aortic diastolic pressure, and cerebral oximetry measurements have been used to assess and guide the
quality of CPR.
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October 20, 2015
Consensus on Science
We found no studies that addressed the critical and important
For the outcome of change in physiologic values by
modifications in CPR, we identified 13 observational studies
that provided very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias, serious inconsistency, serious indirectness,
and serious imprecision) comparing different CPR techniques
(standard, lower sternal, active compression-decompression,
intra-abdominal compression, mechanical thumper, ITD, band
chest compression, load-distributing band, vest CPR) with the
use of physiologic monitoring (arterial line, ETCO2, oxygen
saturation as measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2), coronary
perfusion pressure, cerebral oximetry, near-infrared spectroscopy) in 469 subjects.66,80,95–105 Differences were detected
between different CPR techniques, although this was not consistent across different modalities. Given the heterogeneity of
CPR techniques used across studies, data could not be pooled.
There were no studies that were found that used physiologic
feedback to evaluate CPR quality.
Treatment Recommendation
We make no treatment recommendation for any particular
physiological measure to guide CPR, because the available
evidence would make any estimate of effect speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making no recommendation, we have placed high value
on the lack of evidence and the need for further studies in
this area.
Knowledge Gaps
• Studies
of the effect of using physiologic feedback to
evaluate CPR quality and modifications in CPR technique are required.
• Studies that measure the effect of physiological monitoring to guide resuscitation on ROSC and survival with
good neurologic outcome are required.
high risk of bias (significant confounding, selection bias) and
imprecision (small sample size). Therefore, we concluded that
the data do not provide enough evidence to address the PICO
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision [small
sample size] and very high risk of bias [no information about
randomization allocation, lack of blinding, lack of blinding in
outcome assessors]) from 1 RCT investigating the use of cardiac ultrasound during ACLS, compared with no use of cardiac ultrasound during ACLS in adult patients with pulseless
electrical activity arrest.109 This study enrolled 100 patients in
a convenience sample and reported ROSC for at least 10 seconds in 34% of patients in the ultrasound group versus 28% in
the group with no ultrasound (P=0.52).
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that if cardiac ultrasound can be performed without interfering with standard ACLS protocol, it may be considered as an additional diagnostic tool to identify potentially
reversible causes (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation we have placed a higher
value on the potential harm from interruptions in chest compressions. There is currently inadequate evidence to evaluate whether there is any benefit of cardiac ultrasound during
ACLS. Although this was not specifically part of the question, the task force discussed the importance of the need for an
individual trained in ultrasound during resuscitation to minimize interruption in chest compression. The task force agreed
there will be circumstances where ultrasound identification
of a potentially reversible cause of cardiac arrest or ‘pseudo’
pulseless electrical activity may be useful.
Knowledge Gaps
It remains unclear if the addition of ultrasound during ACLS
improves outcomes:
• All
Ultrasound During CPR (ALS 658)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of ultrasound (including echocardiography or other organ
assessments) during CPR (I), compared with conventional CPR
and resuscitation without use of ultrasound (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Ultrasound has been increasingly used as a diagnostic and
prognostic tool for critically ill patients, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs).106 Specific protocols for evaluation during CPR enable assessment of myocardial contractility and may
help identify potentially treatable causes, such as hypovolemia,
pneumothorax, pulmonary thromboembolism, or restrictive
pericardial effusion, without interfering in patient care.107
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival, we identified 1 observational study.108 The evidence was downgraded for very
data are from OHCA. All data are from non-VF
patients, primarily assessing pulseless electrical activity.
• A systematic review of the diagnostic utility of ultrasound should be done. There are some articles investigating whether ultrasound findings predict probability of
• Pretest probability (suspicion of an ultrasound-detectable etiology) is important for choosing to do ultrasound, because ultrasound will interfere to some extent
with CPR.
• It is unknown if the findings of ultrasound during CPR
are correctly interpreted, because images are compared
with findings from patients with pulse (eg, right ventricular dilation occurs in all cardiac arrest, separate
from PE).
• It remains unclear if the addition of ultrasound during CPR improves outcomes. The vast majority of literature on ultrasound during cardiac arrest has focused
on the prognostic value of cardiac ultrasound findings.
Randomized trials investigating whether use of ultrasound during CPR has an effect on patient outcomes are
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Callaway et al
Drugs During CPR
In 2010, ILCOR reduced routine drug administration in adult
cardiac arrest to vasopressor and antiarrhythmic drugs. The
science was insufficient to comment on critical outcomes such
as survival to discharge and survival to discharge with good
neurologic outcome with either vasopressors or antiarrhythmic drugs. There was also insufficient evidence to comment
on the best time to give drugs to optimize outcome. The task
force made a decision to include only RCTs in this systematic
review and meta-analysis. Where the number of RCTs was
few, we looked for recent published systematic reviews or
where there were no recent reviews, expanded the search to
include observational studies.
Epinephrine Versus Placebo (ALS 788)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
the use of epinephrine (I), compared with placebo or not using
epinephrine (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Since 2010, there have been 2 randomized drug trials in cardiac arrest: one compared drugs with no drugs110 and another
compared epinephrine with placebo.111 The Olasveengen trial
compared a bundle of drugs given intravenously to a control
group of patients randomized to no intravenous access and,
therefore, no drugs. A post hoc subgroup analysis of the trial
comparing those patients who did or did not receive epinephrine112 revealed an advantage with epinephrine for admission
to hospital but suggested an association with harm for the outcomes of survival to discharge and functional survival as measured by CPC. The Olasveengen original trial110 was excluded
from our review; however, the post hoc subgroup analysis was
included in the systematic review of observational and randomized trials, which we have used to comment on the body
of work defined by adjusted and unadjusted observational
Consensus on Science
For all 4 long-term and short-term outcomes, we found 1
underpowered RCT that provided low-quality evidence
(downgraded for selection and ascertainment bias) comparing
SDE with placebo111 in 534 subjects.
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge, there
was uncertain benefit or harm of SDE over placebo (RR, 2.12;
95% CI, 0.75–6.02; P=0.16; absolute risk reduction [ARR],
2.14%; 95% CI, −0.91% to 5.38%, or 21 more patients/1000
survived with epinephrine [95% CI, 9 fewer patients/1000 to
54 more patients/1000 survived with epinephrine]).
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge with
good neurologic outcome (defined as CPC of 1–2), there
was uncertain benefit or harm of SDE over placebo (RR, 1.73;
95% CI, 0.59–5.11; P=0.32; ARR, 1.4%; 95% CI, −1.5% to
4.5%, which translates to 14 more patients/1000 survived with
a CPC score of 1 or 2 with epinephrine [95% CI, 15 fewer
patients/1000 to 45 more patients/1000 survived with a CPC
score of 1 or 2 when given epinephrine]).
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
For the important outcome of survival to admission,
patients who received SDE had higher rates of survival to
admission (RR, 1.95; 95% CI, 1.34–2.84; P=0.0004; ARR,
12%; 95% CI, 5.7%–18.9%, which translates to 124 more
patients/1000 survived to admission with epinephrine [95%
CI, 57–189 more patients/1000 survived to admission]).
For the important outcome of ROSC in the prehospital setting, 151 more patients/1000 achieved ROSC with
epinephrine (95% CI, 90–212 more patients/1000 achieved
ROSC with epinephrine) when compared with those who
received placebo (RR, 2.80; 95% CI, 1.78–4.41; P<0.000 01;
ARR, 15%; 95% CI, 9%–21%).
While observational studies were excluded from the primary evidence evaluation, the task force did make some comparison of the randomized trial data with prior conclusions
drawn from large observational data sets. Using the analysis
published by Patanwala113 in 2014 when the Jacobs trial111 is
compared with adjusted observational trials114,115 for the critical outcome of survival to discharge and functional survival with a CPC of 1 or 2, in settings with very low survival
rates after cardiac arrest, 4.7% OHCA114 and 14% IHCA,115
in the OHCA setting, the use of epinephrine was associated
with worse outcomes for survival to discharge (5.4% with
epinephrine versus 4.7% without epinephrine; unadjusted
OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.07–1.53; adjusted OR, 0.46; 95% CI,
0.42–0.51) and for functional survival (1.4% with epinephrine
versus 2.2% without epinephrine; unadjusted OR, 0.61; 95%
CI, 0.53%–0.71%; adjusted OR, 0.31; 95% CI, 0.26–0.36).114
In the in-hospital setting, the use of epinephrine was not significantly associated with either survival to discharge (OR,
1.16; 95% CI, 0.52–2.58) or functional survival (CPC, 1–2;
OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.08–2.29).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest SDE be administered to patients in cardiac arrest
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We make this statement after considering the observed benefit in
short-term outcomes (ROSC and admission to hospital) and our
uncertainty about the benefit or harm on survival to discharge
and neurologic outcome given the limitations of the observational studies. Our statement is not intended to change current
practice until there are high-quality data on long-term outcomes.
We have considered 1 mg to be the standard dose of epinephrine.
Knowledge Gaps
• Dose
response and placebo-controlled efficacy trials
are needed to evaluate the use of epinephrine in cardiac
arrest. We are aware of an ongoing randomized study of
epinephrine (adrenaline) versus placebo for OHCA in
the United Kingdom (PARAMEDIC 2: The Adrenaline
Trial, ISRCTN73485024).
Epinephrine Versus Vasopressin (ALS 659)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of epinephrine (I), compared with vasopressin (C), change
survival to 30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to
30 days, survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic
outcome, survival to hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
Consensus on Science
A single RCT116 (n=336) of low quality (downgraded for high
risk of bias) compared multiple doses of SDE with multiple
doses of standard-dose vasopressin in the ED after OHCA.
Much of the methodology is unclear, and there was 37% postrandomization exclusion. The primary outcome measure was
a CPC score of 1 or 2; however, neither the sample size estimate nor power calculation were included in the article.
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge with
favorable neurologic outcome (CPC 1 or 2), there was no
advantage with vasopressin (RR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.25–1.82;
P=0.44 or ARR, −1.6; 95% CI, −6 to 2.4, which translates
to 16 fewer patients/1000 surviving with CPC 1 or 2 with
vasopressin [95% CI, 60 fewer patients/1000 to 24 more
patients/1000 survive with CPC 1 or 2]).
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge, RR
was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.25–1.82; P=0.44 or ARR, 1.8%; 95%
CI, −3.1 to 6.7, which translates to 18 more patients/1000
surviving to discharge with vasopressin [95% CI, 31 fewer
patients/1000 surviving to discharge with vasopressin to 67
more patients/1000 surviving to discharge]).
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was no
observed advantage with vasopressin (RR, 0.93; 95% CI,
0.66–1.31; P=0.67).
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest vasopressin should not be used instead of epinephrine in cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, low-quality
We suggest that those settings already using vasopressin
instead of epinephrine can continue to do so (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
The recommendation considers the fact that vasopressin is
already used in some settings, and the available data do not indicate any reason to stop using vasopressin if current treatment
protocols already include vasopressin instead of epinephrine.
Conversely, there is also no evidence to indicate that settings
that use epinephrine should switch to using vasopressin.
Knowledge Gaps
from 3 RCTs117–119 (n=2402) comparing SDE with vasopressin
and epinephrine combination therapy that showed no superiority with vasopressin and epinephrine combination (RR,
1.32; 95% CI, 0.88–1.98 and ARR, 0.5%; 95% CI, −0.2% to
1.3%, which translates to 5 more patients/1000 [95% CI, 2
fewer patients/1000 to 13 more/1000] surviving to hospital
discharge with a CPC of 1 or 2 with vasopressin in combination with epinephrine).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious bias and serious imprecision) from 5 RCTs117–
(n=2438) comparing SDE to vasopressin and epinephrine combination therapy that did not show superiority with
vasopressin and epinephrine combination therapy in survival to discharge (RR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.84–1.49; P=0.45
and ARR, −0.17%; 95% CI, −1.3 to 1, which translates to 2
fewer patients/1000 [95% CI, 13 fewer patients/1000 to 10
more/1000] surviving to hospital discharge with vasopressin
in combination with epinephrine).
For the important outcome of survival to admission,
we found moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious bias) from 5 RCTs117–121 (n=2438) showing no significant
differences in survival to hospital admission with vasopressin and epinephrine combination therapy (RR, 0.88; 95% CI,
0.73–1.06; P=0.17).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we found moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious bias) from 6
RCTs117–122 showing no ROSC advantage with vasopressin
and epinephrine combination therapy (RR, 0.96; 95% CI,
0.89–1.04; P=0.31).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against adding vasopressin to SDE during cardiac
arrest (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we preferred to avoid the
additional expense and implementation issues required to add
a drug (vasopressin) that has no evidence of additional benefit
for patients.
Knowledge Gaps
• Until
high-quality, adequately powered trials are completed comparing epinephrine with placebo, trials
involving vasopressin are not required unless as a third
arm against epinephrine and placebo.
Epinephrine Versus Vasopressin in Combination
With Epinephrine (ALS 789)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
use of both vasopressin and epinephrine (I), compared with
using epinephrine alone (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with CPC of 1 or 2, we found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for very serious bias and serious imprecision)
• Until high-quality, adequately powered trials are completed
comparing epinephrine with placebo, trials involving vasopressin in combination with epinephrine are not required
unless as a third arm against epinephrine and placebo.
SDE Versus HDE (ALS 778)
In adult patients in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does HDE
(at least 0.2 mg/kg or 5 mg bolus dose) (I), compared with
SDE (1 mg bolus dose) (C), change survival to 180 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to 180 days, survival to
hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with CPC 1 or 2, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious indirectness and serious imprecision)
from 2 RCTs comparing SDE with HDE123,124 (n=1920) and
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cumulative RR that did not show any CPC 1 or 2 survival to
discharge advantage with HDE (RR, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.74–1.96;
ARR, −0.4%, 95% CI, −1.2 to 0.5, which translates to 3 fewer
patients/1000 surviving to discharge with a CPC score of 1
or 2 [95% CI, 12 fewer to 5 more patients/1000 surviving to
discharge with a CPC score of 1–2]).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious indirectness and serious imprecision) from 5 RCTs
comparing SDE with HDE123–127 (n=2859) that did not show
any survival to discharge advantage with HDE (RR, 0.97; 95%
CI, 0.71–1.32; ARR, −0.1%; 95% CI, −0.1 to 0.7, which translated to 1 fewer patient/1000 surviving to discharge with HDE
[95% CI, 10 fewer patients/1000 to 7 more patients/1000]).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital
admission, we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious indirectness) from 4 RCTs comparing SDE with
HDE123–125,128 (n=2882) showing a survival to hospital admission advantage with HDE (RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.0–1.32).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious indirectness) from
6 RCTs comparing SDE with HDE123–128 (n=3130) showing a
ROSC advantage with HDE (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.03–1.34).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against the routine use of HDE in cardiac arrest
(weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this statement, we acknowledge that HDE improves
short-term outcomes but note that the low-quality evidence
failed to show an improvement in the critical outcomes of
survival and neurologic outcome. The absolute magnitude
of effects of HDE versus SDE on ROSC (RR, 1.17; 95% CI,
1.03–1.34) and admission to hospital (RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.0–
1.32) are modest. These HDE studies were published in the
1990s, and since then care and outcomes for cardiac arrest
have changed dramatically, making it hard to interpret the relevance of these results for current care.
Knowledge Gaps
• Until high-quality, well-powered trials are completed com-
paring epinephrine with placebo, trials addressing dose
response of epinephrine are not required except as a third
arm embedded in an epinephrine-versus-placebo trial.
Timing of Administration of Epinephrine (ALS 784)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
early epinephrine delivery by IV or IO route (eg, less than 10
minutes after the beginning of resuscitation) (I), compared with
delayed timing of epinephrine delivery (eg, more than 10 minutes after the beginning of resuscitation) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Consensus on Science
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
For IHCA, for the critical outcome of survival to hospital
discharge, there was 1 observational study129 of low quality
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
(downgraded for serious risk of bias and upgraded for doseresponse effect) in 25 095 IHCA patients with a nonshockable
rhythm that showed an improved outcome with early administration of adrenaline: compared with reference interval of 1
to 3 minutes, adjusted OR for survival to discharge was 0.91
(95% CI, 0.82–1.00) when epinephrine was given after 4 to
6 minutes, 0.74 (95% CI, 0.63–0.88) when given after 7 to 9
minutes, and 0.63 (95% CI, 0.52–0.76) when given at more
than 9 minutes after onset of arrest.
For IHCA, for the critical outcome of neurologically
favorable survival at hospital discharge (assessed with
CPC 1 or 2), there was 1 observational study129 of low quality (downgraded for serious risk of bias and upgraded for
dose-response effect) in 25 095 patients with IHCA with a
nonshockable rhythm that showed an improved outcome from
early administration of adrenaline: compared with reference
interval of 1 to 3 minutes, adjusted OR was 0.93 (95% CI,
0.82–1.06) with epinephrine given after 4 to 7 minutes, 0.77
(95% CI, 0.62–0.95) when given after 7 to 9 minutes, and 0.68
(95% CI, 0.53–0.86) when given at more than 9 minutes after
onset of arrest.
For IHCA, for the important outcome of ROSC, there
was 1 observational study129 of low quality (downgraded for
serious risk of bias and upgraded for dose-response effect) in
25 095 patients with IHCA with a nonshockable rhythm that
showed an improved outcome from early administration of
adrenaline: adjusted OR compared with reference interval of
1 to 3 minutes of 0.90 (95% CI, 0.85–0.94) when given after
4 to 7 minutes, 0.81 (95% CI, 0.74–0.89) when given after 7
to 9 minutes, and 0.70 (95% CI, 0.61–0.75) when given after
9 minutes.
No studies were identified that looked specifically at the
effect of timing on administration of epinephrine after IHCA
with an initial shockable rhythm.
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival at hospital discharge (assessed with CPC 1 or 2), there
was very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 4 observational studies130–133 involving more than 262 556 OHCAs,
showing variable benefit from early administration of epinephrine. One study of 1556 OHCAs who had achieved ROSC130
demonstrated an association between the administration of
epinephrine and worse CPC, but shorter times of administration were associated with less negative effects: adjusted OR
of 0.54 (95% CI, 0.32–0.91) for good CPC with epinephrine
at less than 9 minutes versus no prehospital epinephrine, and
adjusted OR of 0.17 (95% CI, 0.09–0.34) for epinephrine at
more than 22 minutes.
Another study enrolling 209 577 OHCAs131 did not show
any significant difference in 1-month CPC 1 or 2 with epinephrine given in less than 9 minutes compared with no epinephrine (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.54–0.92 and OR, 0.95; 95%
CI, 0.62–1.37).
Another study enrolling 3161 subjects132 showed an
association with improved 1-month neurologic outcome in
VF/pVT OHCA with early epinephrine (at 10 minutes or
less from EMS call to administration) compared with no
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epinephrine (OR, 6.34; 95% CI, 1.49–27.02). A fourth study
enrolling more than 49 000 cases133 demonstrated a nonsignificant association with improved neurologic survival with early
epinephrine (less than 10 minutes from EMS-initiated CPR):
OR of 1.39 (95% CI, 1.08–1.78) versus OR of 2.01 (95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
after OHCA, there was very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision), from 4 observational studies127,131,133,134 enrolling more
than 420 000 OHCAs that showed variable effect from early
administration of adrenaline. Goto131 showed no significant
difference in 1-month survival for shockable rhythms, but
improved 1-month survival for shockable rhythms with epinephrine at less than 9 minutes (OR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.77–1.16
and OR, 1.78; 95% CI, 1.5–2.1). Another study133 showed an
association with improved survival with early epinephrine
(less than 10 minutes from EMS CPR): for arrests of cardiac
origin: OR, 1.73 (95% CI, 1.46–2.04); for noncardiac origin:
OR, 1.89 (95% CI, 1.37–2.61). A third study134 did not show
any overall survival benefit for early epinephrine compared
with late (epinephrine at more or less than 10 minutes): OR,
0.91 (95% CI, 0.35–2.37).
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 4 observational studies127,131,134,135 of more than 210 000 OHCAs showing an
association with improved outcome and early administration of adrenaline. One study135 showed increased ROSC for
patients receiving the first vasopressor dose early (less than
10 versus more than 10 minutes after EMS call): OR, 1.91
(95% CI, 1.01–3.63).
Another study131 showed an association with improved
ROSC for epinephrine given at less than 9 minutes after arrest
versus none (for nonshockable rhythms: OR, 8.83; 95% CI,
8.01–9.73; for shockable rhythms: OR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.20–
1.75). A third study134 showed an association with improved
ROSC for early epinephrine versus late (more or less than 10
minutes after EMS call): OR, 1.78 (95% CI, 1.15–2.74).
The design flaws for most of the observational OHCA
studies included the use of a “no epinephrine” control group
as the comparator, thus not allowing for actual estimates of
the effect of timing, and the lack of known timing of epinephrine administration upon arrival in the ED. The relationship of
timing of defibrillation to timing of epinephrine is unknown
for studies including shockable rhythms. These design issues
make the question of timing of epinephrine difficult to interpret in the OHCA setting despite attempts to control for other
Treatment Recommendation
For cardiac arrest with an initial nonshockable rhythm, we
suggest that if epinephrine is to be administered, it is given
as soon as feasible after the onset of the arrest (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
For cardiac arrest with an initial shockable rhythm, we
found insufficient evidence to make a treatment suggestion regarding the timing of administration of epinephrine,
particularly in relation to defibrillation, and the optimal
timing may vary for different groups of patients and different
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making the recommendation for nonshockable rhythms, we
place a higher value on being able to modify a current (standard) treatment at minimal cost.
For shockable rhythms, we place a higher value on early
defibrillation than on administration of epinephrine but did
not think there is sufficient evidence to make a treatment recommendation. Although we acknowledge that the pathophysiology of IHCA and OHCA is likely to be different, we were
confident that the same recommendations could apply to both
Knowledge Gaps
• Until
high-quality, well-powered trials are completed
comparing epinephrine with placebo, trials addressing
the timing of epinephrine doses are not required except
as a third arm embedded in an epinephrine-versus-placebo trial.
Steroids for Cardiac Arrest (ALS 433)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does corticosteroid or mineralocorticoid administration during CPR (I), compared with not using steroids (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
We identified studies that assessed the use of methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, or dexamethasone during CPR. Studies
usually bundled the steroid with other vasoactive drugs. All
studies examined either IHCA or OHCA. Because the pathophysiology and epidemiology of IHCA and OHCA are so different, we considered these situations separately.
Consensus on Science
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge with favorable neurologic outcome, there was low-quality evidence
(downgraded for indirectness and for imprecision) from 1
RCT136 in 268 patients with IHCA that showed improved outcome with methylprednisolone, vasopressin, and epinephrine
during cardiac arrest, and hydrocortisone in those with postROSC shock compared with only epinephrine and placebo
(18/130 [13.9%] versus 7/138 [5.1%]; RR, 2.94; 95% CI,
1.16–6.50, which translates to 98 more/1000 surviving with
good neurologic outcome [95% CI, from 8–279 more/1000
surviving with good neurologic outcome]).
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge, there
was low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
for imprecision) from 1 RCT137 of 100 patients with IHCA
that showed improved outcome with the combination of methylprednisolone, vasopressin, and epinephrine during cardiac
arrest and hydrocortisone after ROSC for those with shock,
compared with the use of only epinephrine and placebo (9/48
[19%] versus 2/52 [4%]; RR, 4.87; 95% CI, 1.17–13.79, which
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translates to 149 more/1000 surviving to discharge [95% CI,
7–492 more/1000 surviving to discharge]).
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision)
from 2 RCTs136,137 involving 368 patients with IHCA showing
improved outcome with the use of methylprednisolone and
vasopressin in addition to epinephrine, compared with the use
of placebo and epinephrine alone (combined RR, 1.34; 95%
CI, 1.21–1.43, which translates to 130–267 more achieving
ROSC with the combination of methylprednisolone, vasopressin, and epinephrine during cardiac arrest, compared with the
use of only epinephrine and placebo [95% CI, 130–267 more
achieving ROSC]).
Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT and 1 observational
study138,139 showing no association with benefit with the use
of steroids. Paris had no long-term survivors and Tsai showed
survival to discharge in 8% (3/36) receiving hydrocortisone
compared with 10% (6/61) receiving placebo (P=0.805).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we found very-lowquality evidence from 1 RCT138 and 1 observational study139
with a combined total of 183 patients. The RCT138 showed no
improvement in ROSC (and ICU admission) with dexamethasone given during cardiac arrest compared with placebo (5.4%
[2/37] versus 8.7% [4/46]), but the observational study139
showed an association with improved ROSC with hydrocortisone compared with no hydrocortisone (58% versus 38%;
Treatment Recommendation
For IHCA, the task force was unable to reach a consensus
recommendation for or against the use of steroids in cardiac
We suggest against the routine use of steroids during
CPR for OHCA (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation for IHCA, it was noted that
there were no studies assessing the effect of the addition of
steroids alone to standard treatment for IHCA. Also, although
the triple-agent drug regimen appears to suggest an association
with improved outcome, the population studied had very rapid
ALS, a high incidence of asystolic cardiac arrest, and low baseline survival compared with other IHCA studies, so some of the
observed effects might be peculiar to the population studied.
In making this recommendation for OHCA, we considered
the cost and distraction from the addition of treatments for
which there is very low confidence in any effect. The different recommendation for OHCA and IHCA was influenced by
the physiological differences between these conditions, such
as the incidence of sepsis, adrenal insufficiency from critical
illness, and cardiovascular etiologies.
Knowledge Gaps
• It
is unclear which aspect of bundled treatments such
as epinephrine, vasopressin, and steroids are related to
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
any observed treatment effect. The alternative possibility is that bundled treatments require synergistic action,
because other studies with each agent (vasopressin and
steroids) have failed to find the same effect.
• Confidence in the treatment effects from bundled treatments will increase if confirmed in further studies.
Antiarrhythmic Drugs for Cardiac Arrest (ALS 428)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does administration of antiarrhythmic drugs (eg, amiodarone, lidocaine, other) (I), compared with not using antiarrhythmic drugs (no drug or placebo) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
Antiarrhythmic drugs can be used during cardiac arrest for
refractory ventricular dysrhythmias. Refractory VF/pVT is
defined differently in many trials but generally refers to failure
to terminate VF/pVT with 3 stacked shocks, or with the first
shock. In an ongoing clinical trial from which results are not
yet available, refractory VF refers to “persistent or recurrent
VF/pVT after 1 or more shocks.”140
Consensus on Science
Comparative data on the use of antiarrhythmic drugs were
identified for amiodarone, lidocaine, magnesium, and nifekalant. The data reviewed for magnesium only addressed the use
of this drug for undifferentiated VF/pVT and not the treatment
of torsades de pointes or known hypomagnesemic patients.
Nifekalant is only available in certain regions.
Amiodarone (I) Versus No Amiodarone (C)
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, there was moderate-quality evidence (downgraded due to serious risk of
indirectness) from 1 RCT involving 504 OHCA patients,
which detected no difference with administration of amiodarone (300 mg after 1 mg of adrenaline) compared with no drug
(7.3% versus 6.6%; P=not significant [NS]; RR, 1.11; 95%
CI, 0.59–2.10).141
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, there
was moderate-quality evidence (downgraded due to serious risk of indirectness) from 1 RCT involving 504 OHCA
patients that detected no difference with the administration
of amiodarone (300 mg after 1 mg of adrenaline) compared
with no drug (13.4% versus 13.2%; P=NS; RR, 1.02; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was moderatequality evidence (downgraded due to serious risk of indirectness) from 1 RCT involving 504 OHCA patients that showed
higher ROSC with administration of amiodarone (300 mg
after 1 mg of adrenaline) compared with no drug (64% versus
41%; P=0.03; RR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.31–1.85).141
Lidocaine (I) Versus No Lidocaine (C)
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
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of bias and serious indirectness) from 2 retrospective observational studies that did not detect a difference with treatment.
In 290 OHCA patients, rates of survival with administration of
lidocaine (50 mg, repeatable up to 200 mg) or with no drug did
not differ (14% versus 8%; P=NS).142 In 116 OHCA patients,
survival with administration of lidocaine (100 mg) compared
with no drug did not differ (11% versus 2%; P=NS).143
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias
and serious indirectness) from 2 retrospective observational
single-center studies, which showed conflicting results. In
290 OHCA patients, rates of ROSC were not different after
administration of lidocaine (50 mg, repeatable up to 200 mg)
compared with no drug (45% versus 23%; P<0.001).142 In
116 OHCA patients who had OHCA with VF refractory to 3
shocks, a similar rate of ROSC was documented with administration of lidocaine (100 mg) compared with no drug (55%
versus 54%; P=NS).143
Magnesium (I) Versus No Magnesium (C)
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, there was low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of imprecision and indirectness) from 1 single-center RCT of 156 IHCA patients with
all initial rhythms (50% in VF/pVT), which showed similar
survival with favorable neurologic outcome with administration of magnesium (2 g [8 mmol] bolus followed by infusion of
8 g [32 mmol] in 24 hours) compared with no drugs (favorable
return to independent living 14.5% versus 7.5%; P=NS; RR,
1.93; 95% CI, 0.75–4.96; median Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS]
score at hospital discharge 15 [interquartile range, 15–15] versus 15 [interquartile range, 15–15]; P=NS).144
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, there
was low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of
imprecision and indirectness) from 4 RCTs, which showed
no differences in outcome with treatment. One single-center
RCT of 156 IHCA patients with all initial rhythms (50% in
VF/pVT) showed similar survival with administration of
magnesium (2 g [8 mmol] bolus followed by infusion of 8 g
[32 mmol] in 24 hours) compared with no drugs (21% versus
21%; P=NS; adjusted OR, 1.22; 95% CI, 0.53–2.81).144 One
single-center trial of 67 OHCA patients with all rhythms and
ongoing CPR at ED arrival detected no difference with administration of magnesium (5 g [20 mmol] bolus) compared with
no drugs (1 versus 0 patients; P=0.46).145
A multicenter study of 109 OHCA patients with VF did not
detect a difference in survival with administration of magnesium (2 g [8 mmol] bolus) compared with no drugs (3.6% versus 3.7%; P=1.0; unadjusted RR of increased survival, 0.98;
95% CI, 0.53–2.81).146 A single-center trial of 105 OHCA
patients with VF did not detect a difference in survival with
administration of magnesium (2 g [8 mmol] bolus, repeatable
once) compared with no drugs (4% versus 2%; P=0.99).147
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of imprecision and
indirectness) from 3 RCTs that did not detect a difference with
treatment. One single-center trial of 67 OHCA patients with
all rhythms and ongoing CPR at ED arrival detected no difference with administration of magnesium (5 g [20 mmol] bolus)
compared with no drugs (23% versus 22%; P=0.97).145 A multicenter study of 109 OHCA patients with VF did not detect
difference in ROSC rates with administration of magnesium
(2 g [8 mmol] bolus) compared with no drugs (25% versus
19%; P=0.39).146 A single-center trial of 105 OHCA patients
with VF did not detect a difference in ROSC rates with administration of magnesium (2 g [8 mmol] bolus, repeatable once)
compared with no drugs (17% versus 13%; P=0.56).147
Nifekalant (I) Versus No Nifekalant (C)
For the critical outcome of survival at discharge, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias, very serious indirectness, and imprecision) from 1
retrospective single-center observational study of 63 patients
with cardiac arrest upon or during hospitalization, which found
improved survival with administration of nifekalant (loading
dose 0.27 mg/kg followed by infusion of 0.26 mg/kg/h) compared with no drug in historic controls (OR for cardiac death,
0.26; 95% CI, 0.07–0.95; P=0.041).148
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the use of amiodarone in adult patients with
refractory VF/pVT to improve rates of ROSC (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
We suggest the use of lidocaine or nifekalant as an alternative to amiodarone in adult patients with refractory VF/pVT
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We recommend against the routine use of magnesium in
adult patients (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we considered the reported
beneficial effects of amiodarone on the important outcome of
survival to hospital admission. We acknowledged that there
was the uncertainty about any beneficial or harmful effects of
these drugs on the critical outcomes of survival or favorable
neurologic survival. Although the evidence supporting their
use is weaker, in making a recommendation for lidocaine and
nifekalant as alternatives to amiodarone, the task force recognized that amiodarone is not available or currently used in
some countries. The small quantity of new data made the task
force place value on not changing current clinical practice.
Knowledge Gaps
• There is a need for sufficiently powered RCTs to detect
a difference in survival to hospital discharge or favorable
neurologic outcomes.
• A potential source of bias reducing confidence in prior
trials of amiodarone is use of the polysorbate solvent for
the drug. This solvent is known to reduce blood pressure,
and its use as placebo may have created a bias for worse
outcomes in placebo groups. Future studies should
account for this effect or use other solvents.
• There is an ongoing trial comparing amiodarone to lidocaine and to placebo designed and powered to evaluate
for functional survival.140
• No data address how to select a second-line agent when
VF/pVT is refractory to the first drug.
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2010 CoSTR Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
• IV fluids during cardiac arrest
• Drugs for atrial fibrillation
• Drugs for narrow complex tachycardia
• Drugs for monomorphic wide complex tachycardia
• Drugs for undifferentiated stable wide complex tachycardia
• Drugs for polymorphic wide complex tachycardia
• Drugs for torsades de pointes
• Drugs for bradycardia
• Atropine for cardiac arrest
• Calcium for cardiac arrest
• Fibrinolytics for cardiac arrest
• Buffering agents for cardiac arrest
Cardiac Arrest in Special Circumstances
There are numerous special circumstances where additional
interventions and/or modifications to ALS may be required.
The ILCOR ALS Task Force prioritized 5 topics for review:
(1) cardiac arrest during pregnancy, (2) lipid therapy for cardiac arrest associated with overdose, (3) opioid toxicity, (4)
cardiac arrest caused by PE, and (5) cardiac arrest during coronary catheterization.
Cardiac Arrest During Pregnancy (ALS 436)
Among pregnant women who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), do any specific interventions (I), compared with standard care (usual resuscitation practice) (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
The aim of this PICO review was to assess whether commonly
applied additions to the standard practice of resuscitation led
to improved outcomes in pregnant women. Specific emphasis was placed on uterine displacement for the purpose of
decreasing aortocaval compression, and perimortem cesarean
delivery as interventions to improve outcome in the mother
and newborn.
Consensus on Science
There were no comparative studies of uterine displacement for
women in cardiac arrest before delivery. No studies compared
different maneuvers (eg, manual displacement versus left pelvic tilt) to achieve optimal uterine displacement for women in
cardiac arrest before delivery.
Physiologic reviews and studies of uterine displacement
maneuvers in nonarrest pregnant women support that uterine
displacement might be physiologically beneficial for women
in cardiac arrest.149 Any benefit would have to be weighed
against the potential interference or delay with usual resuscitation care.
For the critical outcomes of survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year, and survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year, and
the important outcomes of ROSC, we found 3 observational studies of 154 subjects collectively150–152 that provided
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and imprecision, and serious inconsistency) comparing cardiac arrest resuscitation with or without perimortem
cesarean delivery. The procedures to ascertain cases and
controls in these studies were significantly different so that
the pooled comparison of any of the assigned outcomes is
considered inappropriate.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest delivery of the fetus by perimortem cesarean delivery for women in cardiac arrest in the second half of pregnancy (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence to define a specific time
interval by which delivery should begin. High-quality usual
resuscitation care and therapeutic interventions that target the
most likely cause(s) of cardiac arrest remain important in this
There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation
regarding the use of left lateral tilt and/or uterine displacement
during CPR in the pregnant patient.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this statement, we place value on maternal and
neonatal survival, on the absence of data on left lateral tilt
and uterine displacement in women with cardiac arrest, and
on our uncertainty about the absolute effect of either uterine
displacement or perimortem delivery during CPR on any of
the assigned outcomes. The task force thought not making a
recommendation for or against the use of left lateral tilt or
uterine tilt is unlikely to change current practice or guidelines.
Knowledge Gaps
• Research in the area of maternal resuscitation is lacking
because cardiac arrest in pregnancy is rare. Most evidence is extrapolated from nonpregnant people, manikin
or simulation studies, and case reports.
• The heterogeneous nature of the etiologies of maternal
cardiac arrest, variations in gestational age and body
mass index of the cases, variations in the location (eg,
out-of-hospital, ED, obstetric unit), and context of arrest
and personnel available to immediately respond, and
absence of information about the quality of usual resuscitation care all further hamper interpretation of the limited available data.
• Systematic data collection in pregnant women who
have experienced cardiac arrest will require a national
or international registry and/or coordinated prospective
population-level surveillance to compile a sufficiently
large and robust data set to evaluate the effect of either
uterine displacement or perimortem delivery on maternal ROSC, maternal survival, functionally intact maternal survival, neonatal survival, and functionally intact
neonatal survival.
• A particular emphasis on cardiovascular etiologies of
arrest is warranted given increasing numbers of women
with congenital heart conditions having children, the
increasing prevalence of cardiomyopathy among pregnant and postpartum women, and the preponderance of
cardiovascular disease evident in maternal mortality surveillance reports.153
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October 20, 2015
Lipid Therapy for Cardiac Arrest (ALS 834)
In adult patients with cardiac arrest due to suspected drug
toxicity (eg, local anesthetics, tricyclic antidepressants, others) (P), does administration of IV lipid (I), compared with
no IV lipid (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Lipid therapy for cardiac arrest associated with drug toxicity, and
in particular local anesthetic toxicity, is becoming increasingly
common. Based on laboratory and preclinical data showing that
IV administration of lipid solutions can absorb lipid-soluble
drugs, studies examined whether this therapy would be useful
for cardiac arrest related to drug overdose. We set out to identify
studies comparing outcomes with IV lipids to no IV lipids.
Consensus on Science
We identified no human comparative studies in cardiac arrest
and periarrest states relevant to the PICO question. Many case
reports and case series described resuscitation that included
administration of lipid.
Treatment Recommendation
We are unable to make any evidence-based treatment recommendation about the use of IV lipid emulsion to treat toxininduced cardiac arrest.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Although there are many case reports and case series of
patients who were resuscitated after administration of IV
lipid, the absence of any comparative data made it impossible
to determine anything besides temporal association of the
therapy with outcome. Despite the paucity of data, we do not
wish to discourage the use of an antidote with some theoretical basis in a dire clinical situation.
Knowledge Gaps
• Comparisons are needed of patients with similar clinical characteristics who were treated and who were not
treated with IV lipids after suspected drug toxicity.
modifications to ALS are required when cardiac arrest is precipitated by opioid toxicity.
Cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest were considered separately. We sought evidence that compared results with any
changes in usual resuscitation sequences or interventions in
the setting of opioid overdose. Administration of the opioid
antagonist naloxone was the only intervention for which literature was identified.
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year, survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year, ROSC, after opioid-induced cardiac arrest, we
found no study with comparative data beyond standard ALS care.
For the important outcome of survival with favorable
neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year, survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year, ROSC, after opioid-induced
respiratory arrest, we found no comparative studies. There
were 12 studies of which 5 compared intramuscular and
intranasal routes of naloxone administration (2 RCT,156,157 3
non-RCT,158–160 and 7 assessed the safety of naloxone use or
were observational studies of naloxone use).161–169, These studies report that naloxone is safe and effective in treatment of
opioid-induced respiratory depression, that complications are
rare and dose related, and that mortality is rare when patients
refuse transfer after initial naloxone administration.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend the use of naloxone by IV, intramuscular,
subcutaneous, IO, or intranasal routes in respiratory arrest
associated with opioid toxicity (strong recommendation, verylow-quality evidence). The dose of naloxone required will
depend on the route.
We can make no recommendation regarding the modification of standard ALS in opioid-induced cardiac arrest.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a high value on
the potential of the opioid antagonist naloxone to reverse opioid-induced respiratory depression.
Knowledge Gaps
Opioid Toxicity (ALS 441)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest
due to opioid toxicity in any setting (P), does any specific therapy (eg, naloxone, bicarbonate, or other drugs) (I), compared
with usual ALS (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Opioid toxicity is associated with respiratory depression
that can lead to cardiorespiratory arrest. This is becoming an
increasingly common cause of death in many countries.154
The specific role of education and availability of naloxone
for those with a high risk of opioid overdose is addressed in
“Part 3: Adult Basic Life Support and Automated External
Defibrillation.” Here we address whether any specific
• There are no data on the use of any additional ALS thera-
pies in opioid-induced cardiac arrest. In respiratory arrest,
there is only evidence for the use of naloxone—no other
adjuncts or changes in sequence of interventions. Studies
of naloxone use in respiratory arrest were observational,
looked at safety, or compared routes of administration.
Cardiac Arrest Associated With PE (ALS 435)
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest due to PE or suspected
PE in any setting (P), does any specific alteration in treatment
algorithm (eg, fibrinolytics, or any other) (I), compared with
standard care (according to 2010 treatment algorithm) (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; ROSC (O)?
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Callaway et al
The possible treatments for massive PE include fibrinolytic
therapy, surgical embolectomy, and percutaneous mechanical
thrombectomy. Most retrospective studies do not make subgroup
analysis of patients with suspected or confirmed PE. These treatments were assessed separately as therapies during cardiac arrest
as a consequence of PE. The reported outcomes and follow-up
of patients is very heterogeneous between studies.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic status at 30, 90, or 180 days, there was very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious imprecision) from
1 RCT comparing fibrinolytics versus placebo during cardiac arrest.170 In this double-blinded RCT, 37 of the 1050
patients randomized to receive either fibrinolytic treatment
(tenecteplase) or placebo during CPR had confirmed PE as
primary cause of cardiac arrest. However, this study was not
powered to reach significance in this small subgroup. Patients
in whom PE was suspected were furthermore subject to use
of open-label fibrinolysis and were not included in the trial at
all. The 30-day survival in this subgroup was not statistically
different (P=0.31; RR, 7.19; 95% CI, 0.37–139.9) between
tenecteplase (2/15, 13.3%) and placebo (0/22, 0%).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 retrospective observational studies showed there was no difference in discharge
rates: 9.5% fibrinolysis versus 4.8% control171 and 19.4% fibrinolysis versus 6.7% control (RR, 2.9; 95% CI, 0.75–13.8).172
For the important outcome of ROSC, very-low-quality
evidence from 2 studies (downgraded for very serious risk of
bias) showed benefit for the use of fibrinolytic drugs compared
with controls in patients with PE: ROSC was reported to be significantly higher in a retrospective analysis (81.0% fibrinolysis
versus 42.9% control; P=0.03).171 In a separate study, ROSC
(66.7% in fibrinolysis group versus 43.3% in control group; RR,
1.5; 95% CI, 0.8–8.6) was not different, but 24-hour survival
(52.8% fibrinolysis versus 23.3% control; RR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.1–
4.7) showed favorable results for the use of fibrinolytic drugs.172
Surgical Embolectomy
We found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of publication bias) from 2 case series173,174 with
no control groups and a total of 21 patients requiring CPR
with a 30-day survival rate of 12.5% and 71.4%, respectively.
Percutaneous Mechanical Thrombectomy
For the important outcome of ROSC, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and very serious
imprecision) from 1 case series of 7 patients with cardiac arrest
with no control group,175 ROSC was achieved in 6 of 7 patients
(85.7%) treated with percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest administering fibrinolytic drugs for cardiac arrest
when PE is the suspected cause of cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
We suggest the use of fibrinolytic drugs or surgical embolectomy or percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy for cardiac arrest when PE is the known cause of cardiac arrest (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we acknowledge the use
of thrombolytic drugs, surgical embolectomy or percutaneous
mechanical thrombectomy, or a combination for known PE in
non–cardiac arrest patients. We acknowledge the potential risk
of bleeding after fibrinolysis and place value in the choice of
intervention taking into account location, availability of interventions, and contraindications to fibrinolysis.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
is a paucity of data on the topic of pulmonary
embolus and its diagnosis and management during cardiac arrest. Further high-quality studies are required.
Cardiac Arrest During Coronary Catheterization
(ALS 479)
Among adults who have a cardiac arrest in the cardiac catheterization laboratory (P), does any special intervention or change in
care (eg, catheterization during CPR, cardiopulmonary bypass,
balloon pump, different timing of shocks) (I), compared with
standard resuscitation care (eg, CPR, drugs, and shocks according to 2010 treatment algorithm) (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
We examined the literature for any studies comparing novel
treatments during cardiac arrest that occurs during cardiac
catheterization in addition to standard ALS approaches (eg,
defibrillation) to cardiac arrest. The search was intended to
find studies about any changes in sequence of interventions or
about routine use of advanced circulatory support techniques.
Consensus on Science
There were no comparative studies evaluating the survival
benefit of mechanical CPR; however, individual noncomparative case series reported variable survival rates.
For the critical outcomes of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
90 days, 180 days, and 1 year, and the outcomes of survival
at 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 180 days, and 1 year, no
studies were identified.
For the critical outcomes of survival to discharge and
survival to 6 months, and the important outcome of ROSC,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious
imprecision and risk of bias) from 1 observational study176
compared ECLS with intra-aortic balloon pump and medical therapy for cardiogenic shock during PCI for ST-segment
elevation myocardial infarction. There were 21 subjects with
cardiac arrest during PCI, and all survivors were in the ECLS
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the use of ECLS as a rescue treatment when initial
therapy is failing for cardiac arrest that occurs during coronary
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October 20, 2015
catheterization (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this weak recommendation, the task force puts a
higher value on usual ALS measures such as defibrillation.
We have not made a specific recommendation here regarding
the use of automated mechanical chest compressions, because we
found no studies that addressed this question. We have suggested
previously that automated mechanical chest compression devices
are a reasonable alternative to high-quality manual chest compressions in situations where sustained high-quality manual chest
compressions are impractical or compromise provider safety. This
earlier weak recommendation could, therefore, apply to cardiac
arrest during coronary catheterization. ECLS encompasses ECPR.
We have already suggested ECPR is a reasonable rescue therapy
for selected patients with cardiac arrest when initial conventional
CPR is failing in settings where this can be implemented.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
is a lack of data about specific interventions to
treat cardiac arrest during coronary catheterization.
2010 CoSTR Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
• Anaphylaxis and cardiac arrest
• Asthma and cardiac arrest
• Post-op cardiothoracic surgery cardiac arrest
• Cardiac tamponade
• Noncardiac etiology cardiac arrest
• Benzodiazepine toxicity
• β-blocker toxicity
• Calcium channel blocker toxicity
• Carbon monoxide toxicity
• Cocaine toxicity
• Cyanide toxicity
• Tricyclic antidepressant toxicity
• Digoxin toxicity
• Electrolyte disturbances
• Avalanche victims
Postresuscitation Care
Since 2010, there has been a considerable quantity of data
published with the domain of postresuscitation care. The
ILCOR ALS Task Force prioritized 9 topics for review: (1)
oxygen dose after ROSC, (2) post-ROSC ventilation strategy,
(3) hemodynamic support, (4) antiarrhythmic drugs, (5) TTM,
(6) post–cardiac arrest seizures, (7) glucose control, (8) prognostication, and (9) organ donation.
Oxygen Dose After ROSC in Adults (ALS 448)
Among adults who have ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does an inspired oxygen concentration titrated to
oxygenation (normal oxygen saturation or partial pressure of
oxygen) (I), compared with the use of 100% inspired oxygen concentration (C), change survival to 30 days with good
neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge with good
neurologic outcome, improve survival, survival to 30 days,
survival to hospital discharge (O)?
Previous preclinical work suggests that hyperoxia may be
injurious in the post–cardiac arrest period. However, whether
these findings apply to humans remains unclear. This PICO
question evaluated whether titration of oxygen in post–cardiac
arrest patients alters outcome.
Consensus on Science
30% Versus 100% Inspired Oxygen for 60 Minutes After
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome (CPC 1 or 2), 1 RCT
enrolling 32 OHCA (of which 4 excluded) patients (very-lowquality evidence, downgraded for serious risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision)177 showed no difference between
30% inspired oxygen for 60 minutes after ROSC versus 100%
inspired oxygen for 60 minutes after ROSC (8/14 versus 6/14;
unadjusted RR for survival, 1.33; 95% CI, 0.63–2.84).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, 1 RCT (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for
small numbers, lack of blinding, indirectness, misallocation of
patients)177 showed no difference between 30% inspired oxygen for 60 minutes after ROSC and 100% inspired oxygen for
60 minutes after ROSC (10/14 versus 10/14; unadjusted RR
for survival, 1.0; 95% CI, 0.63–1.60).
Hyperoxia Versus Normoxia
For the critical outcome of survival to 12 months with favorable neurologic outcome (CPC 1 or 2), 1 study178 of verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of
bias and indirectness) showed no harmful effect associated
with hyperoxia during the first 24 hours of ICU care.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable neurologic outcome (CPC 1 or 2), 5 lowquality (downgraded as very serious bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness, confounding) observational studies
showed conflicting results.179–183 Two studies showed hyperoxia was worse than normoxia.179,181
Three studies reported favorable neurologic outcome as
CPC 1 or 2. Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded because
of very serious bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness,
confounding) from a single-center study of 170 ICU patients
treated with therapeutic hypothermia showed that the maximum PaO2 in the first 24 hours after arrest was associated with
a worse outcome (poor neurologic status at hospital discharge;
adjusted OR, 1.485; 95% CI, 1.032–2.136).181 Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded because of very serious bias and serious
inconsistency, indirectness, confounding) from a single-center
study of 193 ICU patients showed that the first PaO2 after
ROSC was not associated with outcome (hyperoxia adjusted
OR for poor neurologic outcome, 1.05; 95% CI, 0.45–2.42).182
Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded because of very serious bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness, confounding)
from a single-center study of 184 ICU patients showed that
oxygen exposure over first 24 hours of ventilation was not
associated with outcome with unadjusted and adjusted outcomes (effect size cannot be estimated from data).183
Two studies used surrogate measures of favorable neurologic outcome. Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
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because of very serious bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness, confounding) from an observational study179 showed
worse independent functional survival at hospital discharge
(hyperoxia versus normoxia, 124/1156 versus 245/1171 [29%
versus 38%]; unadjusted OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.36–0.58). Verylow-quality evidence (downgraded because of very serious
bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness, confounding)
from an observational study180 showed no difference in discharge to home (hyperoxia versus normoxia [27 versus 34%];
effect size cannot be estimated from data).
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge (or survival to 30 days), very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
because of very serious bias and serious inconsistency, indirectness, confounding) from 7 observational studies showed
conflicting results.179–181,183–186 Four studies showed hyperoxia
worse than normoxia.179,181,183,184
One study showed a worse outcome with hyperoxia versus
normoxia based on the first ICU PaO2 (in-hospital mortality
63% versus 45%; adjusted OR hyperoxia exposure, 1.8; 95%
CI, 1.5–2.2).179 Another study showed a 100 mm Hg increase
in PaO2 was associated with a 24% increase in mortality risk
(OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.18–1.31).184 One study showed no association between hyperoxia versus normoxia (based on the
worse PaO2 in first 24 hours on ICU; adjusted OR for hospital
mortality, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.0–1.5).180 A single-center study of
170 ICU patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia documented that the maximum PaO2 in the first 24 hours after arrest
was associated with a worse outcome.181 Survivors had lower
maximum PaO2 (198 mm Hg; interquartile range, 152.5–282)
versus nonsurvivors (254 mm Hg; interquartile range, 172–
363); adjusted OR—higher PaO2 increased in-hospital mortality (OR, 1.439; 95% CI, 1.028–2.015). In a data linkage study
of worse PaO2 (highest/lowest) in first 24 on ICU, hyperoxia
was not associated with outcome (hospital mortality 47% versus 41%; adjusted OR hyperoxia versus normoxia, 1.2; 95%
CI, 0.51–2.82).185 Another study of 122 ICU patients showed
no difference between patients with hyperoxia (PaO2 greater
than 300 mm Hg in first 24 hours after arrest) and normoxia
(22/49 versus 25/70; unadjusted OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.32–1.44)
for 30-day survival or survival to discharge (20/49 versus
24/70; unadjusted OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.36–1.61).186 In another
study of 184 ICU patients, the 36% with severe hyperoxia had
a mortality of 54%, and the presence of severe hyperoxia was
associated with decreased survival in both unadjusted and
adjusted analysis (adjusted OR for survival, 0.83 per hour
exposure; 95% CI, 0.69–0.99).183
For the important outcome of survival to ICU discharge,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded because of very serious bias, serious indirectness, confounding) from 2 observational studies showed no harm from hyperoxia.185,186 In a data
linkage study of worse PaO2 (highest/lowest) in first 24 on
ICU, hyperoxia was not associated with outcome (ICU mortality 35% versus 32% for hyperoxia versus normoxia; unadjusted OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.56–2.40).185 One observational
study enrolling 122 ICU admissions patients showed no difference in survival to 30 days between patients with hyperoxia
(PaO2 greater than 300 mm Hg in first 24 hours after arrest)
and normoxia (ICU discharge 53% versus 46%; adjusted OR,
0.75; 95% CI, 0.36–1.55).186
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
Hypoxia Versus Normoxia
For the critical outcome of survival to discharge (or survival
to 30 days), very-low-quality evidence (downgraded because
of very serious bias and serious indirectness, confounding)
from 2 of 3 observational studies showed worse outcomes
with hypoxia.179,180,185 One study showed a worse outcome with
hypoxia versus normoxia based on the first ICU PaO2 (57%
versus 45%; adjusted OR hypoxia exposure, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–
1.5).179 Another study documented that hypoxia versus normoxia (based on the worse PaO2 in first 24 hours on ICU) was
associated with higher hospital mortality of 60% versus 47%
(OR, 1.2; 95% CI, 1.1–1.4) but no difference in discharge to
home (hypoxia/poor oxygen exchange versus normoxia 26%
versus 24%).180 In a data linkage study of worse PaO2 (highest/lowest) in first 24 hours on ICU, there was no difference
in outcome between hypoxia and normoxia (for in-hospital
mortality, 51% versus 41%; adjusted OR hypoxia versus normoxia, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.47–1.87).185
For the important outcome of survival to ICU discharge,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded because of very serious bias, serious indirectness, and confounding) from 1 observational study showed hypoxia was associated with a worse
outcome.185 Worse PaO2 (highest/lowest) in first 24 hours in
ICU was associated with a worse unadjusted outcome (ICU
mortality 49% versus 32% for hypoxia versus normoxia;
unadjusted OR, 2.15; 95% CI, 1.23–3.77; RR, 0.74; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend avoiding hypoxia in adults with ROSC after
cardiac arrest in any setting (strong recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
We suggest avoiding hyperoxia in adults with ROSC after
cardiac arrest in any setting (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
We suggest the use of 100% inspired oxygen until the arterial oxygen saturation or the partial pressure of arterial oxygen
can be measured reliably in adults with ROSC after cardiac
arrest in any setting (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we think, despite the verylow-quality evidence, there is likely to be far greater actual
harm from hypoxia and, therefore, make a strong recommendation that hypoxia should be avoided. The evidence for harm
associated with hyperoxia is of very low quality and inconsistent, hence the weak recommendation.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
is a lack of clinical trials evaluating titration of
oxygen after ROSC.
• Observational data vary considerably on definitions
of hyperoxia and the optimal timing and mechanisms
for measurement (arterial oxygenation versus oxygen
• Future studies are necessary to define the optimal
approach to titration of oxygen in post–cardiac arrest
patients taking into account measurement as well as
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October 20, 2015
Postresuscitation Ventilation Strategy (ALS 571)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does ventilation to a specific PaCO2 goal (I), compared with no specific strategy or a different PaCO2 goal (C),
change survival at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year (O)?
Post–cardiac arrest patients often have pulmonary injury and/
or aspiration, and also have the added concern of ischemiareperfusion injury to the brain. Thus, the post–cardiac arrest
ventilator management may need to consider both brain and
lung injury when determining specific strategies for mechanical ventilation. This PICO question addressed whether
mechanical ventilation after cardiac arrest to achieve any specific PaCO2 goal was superior to any other PaCO2 goal.
Consensus on Science
No studies have specifically randomized patients to ventilation to a specific PaCO2 goal.
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival, 2 very-low-quality cohort studies182,187 with a total of
8376 patients (downgraded for very serious concerns about
risk of bias and imprecision) showed hypocapnia (less than
3.0 kPa and less than 4.7 kPa, respectively) was associated
with a worse outcome. For the critical outcome of death (or
failure to be discharged home), 1 very-low-quality cohort
study188 of 6881 patients (downgraded for very serious concerns about risk of bias and imprecision) showed hypocapnia
(less than 4.7 kPa) was associated with a worse outcome.
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival, 3 observational cohort studies showed inconsistent
associations between hypercapnia and outcome (very-lowquality evidence, downgraded for very serious concerns about
risk of bias, imprecision, and inconsistency). One study182
with a total of 123 patients showed worse outcome in patients
ventilated to hypercapnia (PaCO2 greater than 6.7 kPa). One
study187 with a total of 850 patients showed no difference in
outcome for patients ventilated to hypercapnia (PaCO2 greater
than 6.0 kPa). One study178 with a total of 409 patients showed
better outcome for patients ventilated to hypercapnia (PaCO2
5.1–10.1 kPa).
For the critical outcome of death (or failure to be discharged home), 2 cohort studies showed uncertain associations with outcome (downgraded for very serious concerns
about risk of bias and imprecision). One study188 with a total of
16 542 patients, showed no difference in outcome for patients
ventilated to hypercapnia (PaCO2 greater than 6.0 kPa). One
study187 with a total of 850 patients showed a higher mean
PaCO2 in survivors.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest maintaining PaCO2 within a normal physiological
range as part of a post-ROSC bundle of care (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, the task force did not find
good evidence to suggest or recommend either hypercarbia or
hypocarbia. In the absence of evidence to that end, combined
with a potential suggestion of harm, we suggest maintaining
normocarbia. Many physiological considerations may influence selection of PaCO2 goals for individual patients.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
are no randomized prospective controlled trials
evaluating different PaCO2 goals in post–cardiac arrest
• Evaluation of optimal PaCO2 goals may need to be determined in populations both with and without lung injury.
Postresuscitation Hemodynamic Support (ALS 570)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does titration of therapy to achieve a specific hemodynamic goal (eg, MAP greater than 65 mm Hg) (I), compared
with no hemodynamic goal (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
In the post–cardiac arrest period, patients often have persistent tissue hypoperfusion/hemodynamic instability. The optimal approach to resuscitation of patients after cardiac arrest
remains unknown.
Consensus on Science
There are no RCTs addressing hemodynamic goals after
Titration of Therapy to Achieve a Specific Hemodynamic
Goal (eg, MAP of More Than 65 mm Hg) Compared With No
Hemodynamic Goal
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome, very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and publication bias) from 1 multicenter retrospective nonintervention study including 8736
subjects showed post–cardiac arrest SBP less than 90 mm Hg
was associated with higher mortality (65% versus 37%) and
diminished discharge functional status in survivors (49% versus 38%).189
For the critical outcome of survival, very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risks of bias and publication bias)
from 2 retrospective single-center studies including 2282
patients showed reduced survival for patients with post-ROSC
SBP less than 90 mm Hg190 and less than 100 mm Hg.191
Bundle of Therapies With a Specific Blood Pressure Target
Compared With No Bundle
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risks of bias and publication bias)
from 7 studies that included 813 subjects. One pre-/poststudy of early goal-directed therapy of 36 patients with a
MAP target greater than 80 mm Hg showed no difference
in mortality or neurologic outcome at hospital discharge.192
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One prospective observational study of 118 patients using
historic controls showed that aiming for MAP greater than
65 mm Hg increased survival to hospital discharge with a
favorable neurologic outcome at 1 year in 34 of 61 (56%)
versus 15 of 58 (26%) in the control period (OR, 3.61; CI,
1.66–7.84; P=0.001).193 One cohort study of 148 patients
showed no difference in neurologic outcome at hospital discharge when a MAP less than 75 mm Hg was a threshold
for intervention.194 One retrospective study of 136 patients
identified groups with MAP greater than 100 mm Hg or less
than 100 mm Hg after ROSC. Good neurologic recovery was
independently and directly related to MAP measured during
2 hours after ROSC (r2=0.26).195 One before-and-after observational study of a care bundle, including 55 subjects aiming
for a MAP greater than 65 mm Hg within 6 hours, showed
no change of in-hospital mortality (55.2% [bundle] versus
69.2% [prebundle]) or CPC 1 or 2 (31% versus 12%).196 In 1
prospective single-center observational study of 151 patients
receiving a bundle of therapies where 44 (29%) experienced
good neurologic outcome, a time-weighted average MAP
threshold greater than 70 mm Hg had the strongest association with good neurologic outcome (OR, 4.11; 95% CI,
1.34–12.66; P=0.014).197 One retrospective study of bundle
therapy targeting a MAP greater than 80 mm Hg in 168
patients showed survivors had higher MAPs at 1 hour (96
versus 84 mm Hg), 6 hours (96 versus 90 mm Hg; P=0.014),
and 24 hours (86 versus 78 mm Hg) when compared with
nonsurvivors. Increased requirement for vasoactive drugs
was associated with mortality at all time points. Among those
requiring vasoactive drugs, survivors had higher MAPs than
nonsurvivors at 1 hour (97 versus 82 mm Hg) and 6 hours (94
versus 87 mm Hg).198
For the critical outcome of survival, we found very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risks of bias and publication bias) from 2 studies including 91 patients that assessed
the impact of postresuscitation goal-directed/bundles of care
(including blood pressure targets) on survival. One pre-/poststudy of early goal-directed therapy of 36 patients including
a MAP target greater than 80 mm Hg showed no difference in
mortality at hospital discharge.192 One pre-/postobservational
study of a care bundle including 55 patients aiming for a MAP
greater than 65 mm Hg within 6 hours resulted in an in-hospital mortality of 55.2% (bundle) versus 69.2% (prebundle)
(P=0.29; RR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.53–1.21).196
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest hemodynamic goals (eg, MAP, SBP) be considered during postresuscitation care and as part of any bundle of
postresuscitation interventions (weak recommendation, lowquality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence to recommend specific
hemodynamic goals; such goals should be considered on
an individual patient basis and are likely to be influenced
by post–cardiac arrest status and pre-existing comorbidities
(weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value
on the recognition that while hemodynamic goals are likely
important to optimize outcome, specific targets remain
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
unknown and likely vary depending on individual physiology
and comorbid status.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
are no prospective, randomized trials on specific hemodynamic targets or goals with respect to
• Comorbidities and the complexities of individual-based
physiology should ideally be taken into account in future
investigations into hemodynamic targets/goals.
• Future studies of measurement of actual blood flow and
tissue perfusion, particularly cerebral perfusion, and the
role of noninvasive technology are desirable.
Postresuscitation Antiarrhythmic Drugs (ALS 493)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), do prophylactic antiarrhythmic drugs given immediately
after ROSC (I), compared with not giving antiarrhythmic
drugs (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; development of cardiac arrest; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; recurrence
of VF; incidence of arrhythmias (O)?
After ROSC from cardiac arrest, the decision to initiate or
continue therapy with antiarrhythmic medications remains
uncertain. Literature was found for both β-blocking medications and lidocaine. We identified no studies of magnesium,
amiodarone, procainamide, bretylium, or nifekalant.
Consensus on Science
β-Blockers (I) Versus No β-Blockers (C)
For the critical outcome of survival at 6 months, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious
risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study of 98 patients resuscitated from OHCA showing
a higher rate of survival with administration of β-blockers
(metoprolol or bisoprolol) for 72 hours after ROSC compared
with no drug (55.7% versus 21.1%; P<0.001; RR, 2.65; 95%
CI, 1.08–6.46) and after adjusting for the Utstein variables
(specific OR data not available; P=0.002).199
Lidocaine (I) Versus No Lidocaine (C)
For the important outcome of recurrence of VF, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational study of 1721
patients resuscitated from OHCA showing a lower adjusted
(adjusted by the Utstein variables and matched by propensity
scores) rate of recurrence of VF following lidocaine bolus
and/or continuous infusion immediately after ROSC compared with no drug (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.26–0.44).200
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational study
of 1721 patients resuscitated from OHCA showing a higher
rate of survival to hospital discharge after adjusting for the
Utstein variables (OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.15–1.95) but no difference after propensity-matching analysis (OR, not reported).200
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Treatment Recommendation
We make no recommendation about the routine prophylactic
use of antiarrhythmic drugs post after ROSC (GRADE used
for evidence evaluation and synthesis only, very low confidence in effect estimate).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
The available data were too limited to have any confidence in
any effect, and, therefore, no recommendation is made. We
also place value on avoiding known side effects of medications when the treatment effect was unproven or unknown.
The studies evaluated were all observational, and no causal
relation could be determined. Moreover, they were performed
before changes in current practice (ie, currently amiodarone is
used during cardiac arrest more than lidocaine).
Knowledge Gaps
• There
are no randomized trials for any antiarrhythmic
drug in the post–cardiac arrest period.
• Patients resuscitated from VF/pVT who have received
an antiarrhythmic medication during the cardiac arrest
period are a specific population of interest.
Targeted Temperature Management (Induced
Post–cardiac arrest ischemia-reperfusion injury to the brain
may be attenuated by induced hypothermia. Several PICO
questions are addressed in this section: TTM for (a) OHCA
with shockable rhythm, (b) OHCA with nonshockable
rhythms, and (c) IHCA with any rhythm; the optimal target
temperature; the duration of TTM; and the timing of TTM.
Targeted Temperature Management (ALS 790)
Among patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does inducing mild hypothermia (target temperature
32°C–34°C) (I), compared with normothermia (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year (O)?
This PICO review was divided into 2 questions. The first
question evaluated whether induced hypothermia should
be initiated for postarrest patients. Evidence was evaluated
separately for OHCA with shockable rhythms, OHCA with
nonshockable rhythms, and IHCA (all rhythms). The second
question evaluated the optimal target temperature for postarrest patients.
Consensus on Science
OHCA Arrest With a Shockable Rhythm
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome, we have identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT201
and 1 quasi-randomized trial202 enrolling 275 and 77 patients,
showing a benefit in patients with OHCA with VF or pVT as
an initial rhythm. In these studies, cooling to 32°C to 34°C
compared with no temperature management was associated
with good neurologic outcome at 6 months (RR, 1.4; 95% CI,
1.08–1.81) and survival to hospital discharge (OR, 2.65; 95%
CI, 1.02–6.88). For the critical outcome of survival, 1 study201
showed benefit in patients treated with induced hypothermia
(RR for 180-day mortality, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.58–0.95), while
another study found no significant difference (51% versus
68% hospital mortality; RR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.52–1.10).202
OHCA With Nonshockable Rhythms
We found no RCTs comparing mild induced hypothermia
(32°C–34°C) to no temperature management in patients with
OHCA with pulseless electrical activity or asystole (ie, nonshockable) as the initial rhythm.
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome, we found 3 cohort studies including a total
of 1034 patients, providing overall very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) for no difference
in poor neurologic outcome in patients with nonshockable
OHCA (adjusted pooled OR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.45–1.82).203–205
One additional retrospective study that used a large registry,
including 1830 patients, provided very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) for an increase
in poor neurologic outcome in patients with nonshockable
OHCA (adjusted OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.039–2.006).206 These
data were not pooled with the above studies due to the lack
of temperature data and limited patient information available.
For the critical outcome of survival, we found very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) of a benefit in mortality at 6 months (OR, 0.56; 95% CI,
0.34–0.93) from one of these studies.204
We found no RCTs comparing mild induced hypothermia
(32°C–34°C) to no temperature management in patients with
IHCA. For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) in 1 retrospective cohort study
including 8316 patients that showed no benefit in patients
with IHCA of any initial rhythm who were treated with TTM
versus no active temperature management (OR, 0.9; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from the same observational
study showing no benefit (OR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.65–1.32).
Although we found numerous before-and-after studies on
the implementation of temperature management, these data
are extremely difficult to interpret in light of other changes
in post–cardiac arrest care that accompanied implementation,
making it impossible to isolate the effect of temperature on
outcomes after cardiac arrest. For this reason, we excluded
all before-and-after studies. Other observational studies with
concurrent controls also represent low-quality evidence due to
residual confounding and other factors. We, therefore, did not
include these in the consensus on science, except for specific
patient populations lacking higher quality (ie, RCT) evidence.
Target Temperature
For the critical outcomes of survival and survival with
favorable neurologic outcome, we found moderate-quality
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evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 RCT including
939 patients. This study compared cooling to 33°C compared
with tight temperature control at 36°C in adult patients with
OHCA of any initial rhythm except unwitnessed asystole, and
found no benefit (HR for mortality at end of trial, 1.06; 95%
CI, 0.89–1.28; RR for death or poor neurologic outcome at
6 months, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.88–1.16).208
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome, we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) in 1 additional small
pilot RCT enrolling 36 patients comparing 32°C with 34°C
in patients with OHCA VF/pVT or asystole. This study
found no benefit (neurologically intact survival 44.4% versus 11.1%; P=0.12), although with only 36 patients it was
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend selecting and maintaining a constant target
temperature between 32°C and 36°C for those patients in
whom temperature control is used (strong recommendation,
moderate-quality evidence). Whether certain subpopulations
of cardiac arrest patients may benefit from lower (32°C–34°C)
or higher (36°C) temperatures remains unknown, and further
research may help elucidate this.
We recommend TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults
with OHCA with an initial shockable rhythm who remain unresponsive after ROSC (strong recommendation, low-quality
We suggest TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults with
OHCA with an initial nonshockable rhythm who remain unresponsive after ROSC (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest TTM as opposed to no TTM for adults with
IHCA with any initial rhythm who remain unresponsive after
ROSC (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value
on the potential for increased survival with good neurologic
outcome as compared with the possible risks (which appear
to be minimal) and the cost of TTM. We emphasize that the
mortality after cardiac arrest is high and the treatment options
are limited. Although the evidence for TTM compared with
no temperature management is of low quality, it is the only
post-ROSC intervention that has been found to improve survival with good neurologic outcome. We have, therefore,
made our recommendation strong in spite of the low-quality
Knowledge Gaps
• There is no high-quality evidence to support or refute
the use of TTM in adults with OHCA and nonshockable initial rhythm, or adults with IHCA and any initial
• There is no evidence to support or refute specific temperature targets tailored to individual patients based on
post–cardiac arrest injury severity.
• Studies including more detailed neurocognitive evaluations to determine outcome in a more granular fashion
are also needed.
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
Duration of TTM (ALS 791)
In patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does induction and maintenance of hypothermia for any duration other than 24 hours (I), compared with induction and maintenance of hypothermia for a duration of 24 hours (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
The hypothermia trials published in 2002 used 12 hours
and 24 hours of cooling,201,202 which was adopted in subsequent guidelines.209 The optimal duration for TTM remains
Consensus on Science
We found no human trials comparing different durations of
TTM after cardiac arrest.
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 2 observational trials found no difference in duration of hypothermia210 and no difference in mortality or poor neurologic outcome with 24 hours compared with
72 hours of hypothermia.211 Previous trials treated patients
with 12 to 28 hours of TTM.201,202,208 One trial provided strict
normothermia (less than 37.5°C) after hypothermia until 72
hours after ROSC.208
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that if TTM is used, duration should be at least
24 hours, as done in the 2 largest previous RCTs201,208 (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a high value on not
changing current clinical practice, which most commonly is
a TTM duration of 24 hours. We further note that the 2 largest trials related to TTM both used at least 24 hours, one of
which found an outcome benefit when compared with not
using TTM.
Knowledge Gaps
• There is no direct evidence to support or refute any specific duration of TTM.
• Controlled, randomized, human trials to evaluate duration of TTM are needed.
Timing of Induced Hypothermia (ALS 802)
Among patients with return of pulses after cardiac arrest in
any setting (P), does induction of hypothermia before some
time point (eg, 1 hour after ROSC or before hospital arrival)
(I), compared with induction of hypothermia after that time
point (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Prior recommendations suggest that cooling should be initiated as soon as possible after ROSC, but this recommendation
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was based only on preclinical data and rational conjecture.209
This question addressed whether early cooling was superior
to delayed cooling. Early cooling was defined as prehospital
cooling before hospital arrival. Because multiple trials were
available, only RCTs were included.
Consensus on Science
Five RCTs212–216 used cold IV fluids after ROSC to induce
hypothermia, 1 trial used cold IV fluid during resuscitation,217
and 1 trial used intra-arrest intranasal cooling.218 The volume
of cold fluid ranged from 20 to 30 mL/kg and up to 2 L, though
some patients did not receive the full amount before hospital
arrival. One small feasibility trial was not included.219 All 7 trials suffered from the unavoidable lack of blinding of the clinical team, and 3 also failed to blind the outcomes assessors.
For the critical outcome of favorable neurologic outcome, 5 trials with a total of 1867 subjects with OHCA213–216,218
provided overall moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias), showing that neurologic outcomes did not differ after initiation of induced hypothermia in the prehospital
environment compared with later initiation (RR, 1.00; 95%
CI, 0.95–1.06).
For the critical outcome of mortality, 7 trials with a total
of 2237 subjects provided moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias), showing no overall difference in mortality for patients treated with prehospital cooling (RR, 0.98;
95% CI, 0.92–1.04) compared with those who did not receive
prehospital cooling. No individual trial found an effect on
either poor neurologic outcome or mortality.
For the outcome of rearrest, 4 RCTs provided lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and inconsistency) for an increased risk among subjects who received
prehospital induced hypothermia (RR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.01–
1.46).212,213,215,216 This result was driven by data from the largest
For the outcome of pulmonary edema, 3 trials reported
no pulmonary edema in any group. Two small pilot trials212,217
found no difference between groups, and 1 trial showed an
increase in pulmonary edema in patients who received prehospital cooling (RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.15–1.57).216 These trials
provided overall low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and inconsistency).
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend against routine use of prehospital cooling
with rapid infusion of large volumes of cold IV fluid immediately after ROSC (strong recommendation, moderate-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place high value on not
recommending an intervention with no proven benefit despite
a large number of patients studied. We further note that the
meta-analysis driven by the results from the largest study
found also noted an increased risk of rearrest with prehospital
induction of mild hypothermia using rapid infusion of cold
IV fluid.216 This recommendation is specific to the prehospital
setting after ROSC, and we acknowledge that cold IV fluid
might still be used in patients who have been further evaluated
or in other settings.
Knowledge Gaps
• Early cooling strategies, other than rapid infusion of large
volumes of cold IV fluid, and cooling during CPR in the
prehospital setting have not been studied adequately.
• Whether certain patient populations (eg, patients for
whom transport time to a hospital is longer than average) might benefit from early cooling strategies remains
Prevention of Fever After Cardiac Arrest (ALS 879)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does prevention of fever to maintain strict normothermia
(I), compared with no fever control (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Fever is associated with poor outcome in many critical illnesses with neurologic injury. Increased temperature may
aggravate ischemia-reperfusion injury and neuronal damage
through increased metabolic activity. We examined whether
fever prevention improves outcomes in patients not receiving
TTM and in patients after the use of TTM.
No interventional or observational studies were identified
addressing whether fever prevention (or treatment) after cardiac arrest improves outcome. We, therefore, included studies
that examined the association between fever and outcomes.
Consensus on Science
Fever After ROSC Without TTM
For the critical outcomes of survival with good neurologic/
functional outcome and/or survival only, we found verylow-quality evidence from 5 observational studies (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) that fever after ROSC
is associated with poor outcome when TTM is not used.221–225
Fever After TTM
For the critical outcomes of survival with good neurologic/
functional outcome and/or survival only, we found verylow-quality evidence from 6 observational studies (n=856)
(downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) that fever after
TTM is not associated with outcome.225–230 For the same critical outcomes, we also found very-low-quality evidence from
2 observational studies (n=411) (downgraded for risk of bias,
inconsistency, and indirectness) that fever after TTM is associated with poor outcome.231,232
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest prevention and treatment of fever in persistently
comatose adults after completion of TTM between 32°C and
36°C (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we recognize that TTM
always should be used in comatose patients after cardiac
arrest, and that fever will not occur during this time. Thus,
fever management is primarily a concern after TTM has been
completed. Despite substantial limitations of the included
studies, expert opinion within the task force combined with
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the fact that fever prevention is common practice for other
neurologic injuries in the ICU and the relative low risk of
harm associated with fever prevention prompted us to recommend in favor of fever prevention.
Knowledge Gaps
• In the absence of RCTs, whether the prevention or treat-
ment of fever after cardiac arrest is beneficial remains
• It is unclear how long fever prevention is necessary, and
what technique (eg, external, internal, pharmacologic) is
• Data to date cannot distinguish whether fever causes
increased neurologic injury or severe neurologic injury
causes temperature dysregulation.
Postresuscitation Seizure Prophylaxis (ALS 431)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does seizure prophylaxis (I), compared with no prophylaxis (C), reduce the incidence of seizures, or improve survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Seizures, and particularly status epilepticus (SE), are associated with poor outcomes in comatose post–cardiac arrest
patients. While seizure and SE can be the result of severe brain
injury caused by cardiac arrest, these disorders also have the
potential to exacerbate brain injury caused by cardiac arrest.
We examined whether seizure prophylaxis or effective seizure management improve outcomes of post–cardiac arrest
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome, moderate-quality evidence
(downgraded for indirectness) from 2 prospective doubleblinded randomized clinical trials involving a total of 312 subjects233,234 and 1 nonrandomized prospective clinical trial that
used historic controls with 107 subjects235 detected no benefit
of seizure prophylaxis.
In 1 block randomized trial,234 OHCA patients with ROSC
received either placebo, diazepam, magnesium sulfate, or
diazepam plus magnesium sulfate. The percentage of patients
independent at 3 months was 25.3% (19/75) in the placebo
group, 34.7% (26/75) in the magnesium group, 17.3% (13/75)
in the diazepam group, and 17.3% (13/75) in the diazepam
plus magnesium group (for magnesium: RR, 1.22; 95% CI,
0.81–1.83). After adjusting for baseline imbalances, outcomes
did not differ between groups. In a trial of thiopental versus
placebo within 1 hour of ROSC,233 1-year survival with good
cerebral function was 15% (20/131) in the placebo group and
18% (24/131) in the thiopental group (RR, 1.20; 95% CI,
0.70–2.06). After multivariate adjustment, groups did not differ (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.76–1.84). A nonrandomized clinical
trial235 showed no benefit of barbiturate therapy in comatose
post–cardiac arrest patients using a combination of thiopental
and phenobarbital when compared with historic controls. In
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
this study, survival to hospital discharge with favorable neurologic outcome was 38% (20/53) in the barbiturate group and
26% (14/54) in the historic control group (ARR, 11.8%; 95%
CI, −5.8 to 28.5; or 118 more patients/1000; 95% CI, 58 fewer
to 285 more patients/1000). One case series showed that 9 of
10 patients with anesthesia-associated cardiac arrest survived
with good neurologic outcome when single-dose phenytoin
was administered early after ROSC.236
For the important outcome of seizure prevention, we
identified low-quality evidence downgraded for indirectness
from 2 prospective double-blinded RCTs233,234 showing no
benefit of seizure prophylaxis. In 1 trial of thiopental treatment,233 21% (28/131) of control subjects and 13% (17/131)
of thiopental-treated subjects had seizures (ARR, −8.4%; 95%
CI, −17.5 to 0.8; 84 fewer patients/1000; 95% CI, 175 fewer
to 8 more patients/1000). The incidence of seizures in a second trial234 was 11.9% in all treatment groups (double placebo,
magnesium plus placebo, diazepam plus placebo, and diazepam plus magnesium).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against routine seizure prophylaxis in post–cardiac arrest patients (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, the task force acknowledged
the lack of confidence in a treatment effect on the critical outcome of survival with good neurologic function treatment. The
task force also considered that seizure prophylaxis in other
forms of acute brain injuries is not associated with improved
outcomes, and that most drugs have significant side effects.
Knowledge Gaps
• Standardized
definitions for diagnosing seizures in
comatose post–cardiac arrest patients have not been
• The utility of continuous electroencephalogram (EEG)
versus intermittent EEG monitoring versus no EEG in
the diagnosis and treatment of seizures in comatose
post–cardiac arrest patients remains controversial due to
resource utilization and lack of evidence for improved
• There are no RCTs designed to evaluate the impact of
seizure prophylaxis after ROSC on incidence of seizures
and neurologic outcome.
• There are inadequate data regarding the timing, duration,
dosing, and choice of antiepileptic drugs for seizure prophylaxis in comatose post–cardiac arrest patients.
Seizure Treatment (ALS 868)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does effective seizure treatment (I), compared with no seizure control (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Consensus on Science
There are no RCTs addressing this question.
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For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for lack of
concurrent comparative data) from 3 case series237–239 showed
only 1/47 post–cardiac arrest patient treated for seizures or
SE survived with good neurologic function. The antiepileptic
drugs used were widely variable (phenytoin, levetiracetam,
sodium valproate, clonazepam, propofol, and midazolam);
included general anesthetics; and the drug, dose, and timing
of therapy were not consistently reported. In these reports, no
post–cardiac arrest patients with seizures were left untreated,
providing no insight into the impact of antiepileptic drug therapy on survival or neurologic outcome. In 1 study, effective seizure control was achieved in 4/5 patients treated for seizures,
and 0/5 survived with good neurologic function.239 In 1 study,
effective seizure control was achieved in 0/24 patients with SE,
and 1/24 patients survived with good neurologic function.237
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend the treatment of seizures in post–cardiac arrest
patients (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we acknowledge very low
confidence in the estimated treatment effect. However, ongoing seizures have the potential to worsen brain injury, and
treatment of recurrent seizures and SE is the standard of care
in other patient populations.
Knowledge Gaps
• Standardized
definitions for diagnosing seizures in
comatose post–cardiac arrest patients have not been
• The utility of continuous EEG versus intermittent EEG
monitoring versus no EEG in the diagnosis and treatment of seizures in comatose post–cardiac arrest patients
remains controversial due to resource utilization and
lack of evidence for improved outcomes.
• There are no RCTs designed to evaluate the impact of
seizure prophylaxis after ROSC on incidence of seizures
and neurologic outcome.
• There are inadequate data regarding the timing, duration,
dosing, and choice of antiepileptic drugs for seizure prophylaxis in comatose post–cardiac arrest patients.
• The threshold for treating epileptiform activity other
than convulsive seizures (eg, generalized epileptiform
discharges) is poorly defined.
Glucose Control After Resuscitation (ALS 580)
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does a specific target range for blood glucose management (eg, strict 4–6 mmol/L) (I), compared with any other
target range (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Glycemic control with insulin is now common for critically ill
patients, and hyperglycemia after cardiac arrest is associated
with worse neurologic outcomes. We examined whether
specific glucose values other than those selected for other
critically ill patients should be targeted in patients after resuscitation from cardiac arrest.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
there was moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias due to lack of blinding) from 1 RCT of 90 subjects
showing reduced 30-day mortality (RR, 0.94; 95% CI,
0.53–1.68) when subjects were assigned to strict (4–6
mmol/L) versus moderate (6–8 mmol/L) glucose control.240
One before-and-after observational study of 119 subjects provided very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for multiple
potential confounding variables) of reduced in-hospital mortality (RR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.28–0.76) after implementation of
a bundle of care that included defined glucose management
(5–8 mmol/L).193 The effect of glucose management cannot be
separated from the effects of other parts of the bundle.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest no modification of standard glucose management
protocols for adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we considered the lack of
evidence that the approach to glucose management chosen for
other critical care populations should be modified for the post–
cardiac arrest patients. Moreover, we noted that strict glycemic
control is labor intensive, and in other populations, implementation of strict glycemic control is associated with increased
episodes of hypoglycemia, which might be detrimental.
Avoiding hypoglycemia was considered more important than
the unproven benefits of treating moderate hyperglycemia.
Knowledge Gaps
• It remains unknown whether maintaining serum glucose
within a specific range or minimizing variability in post–
cardiac arrest patients will improve survival and/or neurologic outcome.
Neurologic Prognostication
In contemporary practice, many comatose post–cardiac arrest
patients will not survive or will survive with an unfavorable
neurologic outcome. In some regions, family and treating
teams may limit or withdraw life-sustaining treatment when
unfavorable neurologic outcomes are expected. Therefore,
reliable strategies for timely prognostication are a critical
component of any cardiac arrest system of care.
The decision to limit treatment of comatose post–cardiac
arrest patients should never rely on a single prognostication
element. The consensus of the task force was that a multimodal
approach should be used in all cases, with all supplementary
tests considered in the context of the clinical examination. The
most reliable combination and timing for each assessment
remain to be determined and require further research.
Reported reliability (FPR and 95% CIs) of any predictor
of poor outcome in post–cardiac arrest patients is specific to
the time points after cardiac arrest or rewarming when they are
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measured. In addition, although several elements are associated with poor outcome when measured before 72 hours after
ROSC, it is the consensus of the task force that decisions to
limit treatments must consider that neurologic prognosis is
uncertain before at least 72 hours after ROSC. We acknowledge that other non-neurological factors may contribute to
decisions to limit treatment.
Separate PICO questions addressed prognostication of
comatose post–cardiac arrest patients treated with hypothermic TTM and patients not treated with hypothermic TTM.
This approach was chosen because hypothermic TTM can
alter the natural history of coma and may also delay recovery
of CNS function. Moreover, patients may be exposed to larger
doses and durations of pharmacologic sedation and neuromuscular blockade to prevent or treat shivering during TTM, and
the metabolism of these agents may be delayed during hypothermic TTM. Prognostic elements that are reliable in comatose post–cardiac arrest patients not treated with hypothermic
TTM may be less reliable at the same time point in patients
treated with TTM.
This review identified clinical signs, neurophysiological measurements, blood or cerebrospinal fluid markers, or
imaging studies that had high specificity for poor neurologic
outcome, defined as death, vegetative state, or severe cerebral
disability (CPC 3–5). This approach was justified by the need
to identify signs or measurements that might be used to justify
limiting life-sustaining treatment. To quantify the specificity
of the finding, we examined the FPR of each sign for predicting unfavorable neurologic outcome, with a goal of 0%
FPR. The 95% CI of the FPR was calculated, and we tended
to recommend a finding as useful if the FPR was less than
5%, and suggest that a finding might be useful if the FPR was
less than 10%. In most cases, clinical signs and findings were
considered individually, because few studies considered combinations of clinical findings.
Prognostication in Comatose Patients Treated With
Hypothermic TTM (ALS 450)
Among adults with ROSC who are treated with hypothermia (P), does any clinical variable when abnormal (eg, clinical exam, EEG, somatosensory evoked potentials [SSEPs],
imaging, other) (I), compared with any clinical variable when
normal (C), reliably predict death or poor neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
death only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year (O)?
Consensus on Science
Clinical Examination
No study on clinical examination reported blinding of the
treating team to the results of the index test.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and imprecision) from 4 studies on corneal reflex,
pupillary reflex, motor response, GCS, or myoclonus (295
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and very serious imprecision) from 5 studies on corneal
reflex, pupillary reflex, motor response, brainstem reflexes, or
myoclonus (388 patients).244–248
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified low- or
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and serious or very serious imprecision) from 4 studies
on corneal reflex, pupillary reflex, motor response, brainstem
reflexes, or myoclonus (642 patients).249–252
Corneal Reflex. In patients who are comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and are treated with TTM, bilaterally absent corneal reflexes at 72 to 120 hours from ROSC
predicted poor outcome, with 2 (0–7)% FPR and 25 (18–
32)% sensitivity241,248,251,253 (301 subjects; very-low-quality
Pupillary Reflex. Bilaterally absent pupillary light reflexes
(PLR) on hospital admission predicted poor outcome, with
32 (19–48)% FPR and 86 (71–95)% sensitivity242,254 (86
patients; very-low-quality evidence). Bilaterally absent PLR
at 72 to 108 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with
1 (0–3)% FPR and 19 (14–25)% sensitivity241,248,249,251,254 (5
studies, 383 subjects; low-quality evidence downgraded for
very serious bias).
Motor Response to Pain. On hospital admission, bilaterally
absent or extensor motor responses, corresponding to a motor
score 1 or 2 (M1–2) of the GCS, predicted a poor outcome,
with 53 (36–68)% FPR and 92 (75–99)% sensitivity242 (66
patients; very-low-quality evidence). At 36 to 108 hours from
ROSC, an M1–2 predicted a poor outcome, with 70 (65–74)%
sensitivity and 10 (7–15)% FPR245,247–251 (635 subjects; verylow-quality evidence).
One study248 indicated that both absent corneal reflexes
and motor response to pain at 72 hours predicted poor outcome (CPC 4–5) more accurately in patients who did not
receive any sedative drugs 12 hours or less before neurologic
assessment than in those who did.
Combination of Clinical Signs. Bilateral absence of 1 or
more brainstem reflexes (pupillary, corneal, or oculocephalic)
at 36 to 72 hours from arrest predicted a poor outcome, with
8 (4–14)% FPR and 56 (48–63)% sensitivity (3 studies; 304
patients; very-low-quality evidence).246,247,255 In 1 study (103
subjects; very-low-quality evidence), the combined absence
of corneal reflex, PLR, and M1–2 at 72 hours from ROSC
predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–8)% FPR and 15 (7–26)%
sensitivity.245 In that study, the index test was used as a criterion for withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. A GCS of 4
or less at 96 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with
5 (1–15)% FPR and 46 (28–66)% sensitivity243 (72 subjects;
very-low-quality evidence).
Myoclonus and Status Myoclonus. Presence of myoclonus within 72 hours from ROSC predicted a poor outcome,
with 5 (3–8)% FPR and 39 (35–44)% sensitivity (6 studies,238,246,247,249,250,252 845 subjects; very-low-quality evidence).
In 1 study245 (103 subjects; very-low-quality evidence),
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presence of myoclonus within 7 days after ROSC predicted
poor outcome, with 11 (3–26)% FPR and 54 (41–66)%
In 3 studies241,248,256 (215 patients; low-quality evidence)
presence of status myoclonus (defined as a continuous prolonged and generalized myoclonus) within 72 to 120 hours
from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–4)% FPR and
16 (11–22)% sensitivity. However, reports of good neurologic recovery despite an early-onset, prolonged, and generalized myoclonus have been published.252,257–259 In some of
these cases,252,257 myoclonus persisted after awakening and
evolved into a chronic action myoclonus (Lance-Adams
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for very serious bias and very
serious imprecision) from 8 studies on short-latency SSEPs,
EEG, or Bispectral Index (BIS; 571 subjects).238,241,254,256,260–262
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 30 days, we identified 1 study on
SSEPs (77 subjects; very-low-quality evidence, downgraded
for serious bias and very serious imprecision).263 For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status
or death at 60 days, we identified 1 study on brainstem auditory evoked potentials (26 subjects; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for serious bias and very serious imprecision).264
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified 5 studies on SSEPs or EEG (362 subjects; low- or very-low-quality
evidence, downgraded for serious or very serious bias and/or
very serious imprecision).245–248,265
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 10
studies on SSEPs, EEG, or BIS (566 subjects; moderate-,
low-, or very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or
very serious bias and/or very serious imprecision).249–251,266–272
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 1 year, we identified 1 study
on EEG (106 subjects; very-low-quality evidence).252
Short Latency SSEPs. In most prognostication studies, absence
of the N20 wave after rewarming has been used—alone or in
combination—as a criterion for deciding on withdrawal of lifesustaining treatment, with a consequent risk of self-fulfilling
In patients who are comatose after resuscitation from
cardiac arrest and who are treated with TTM, a bilaterally
absent N20 SSEP wave during TTM predicted poor outcome,
with 2 (0–4)% FPR and 28 (22–34)% sensitivity249,263,266,271
(424 subjects; moderate-quality evidence, downgraded for
serious bias). A bilaterally absent N20 SSEP wave after
rewarming predicted poor outcome, with 1 (0–3)% FPR (9
studies,245–251,254,261,265 629 subjects; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and serious inconsistency)
and 45 (41–50)% sensitivity.
SSEP recording is prone to electrical interference. In
1 study,249 3 subjects with a bilaterally absent N20 during
TTM rapidly recovered consciousness after rewarming and
ultimately had a good outcome. In a post hoc assessment, 2
experienced neurophysiologists reviewed blindly the original
tracings and concluded that the SSEP recordings were undeterminable because of excessive noise.
EEG. Definitions of burst suppression were inconsistent
among studies. Definitions of epileptiform activity, electrographic seizures, and SE were inconsistent among studies.
Absence of Background Reactivity. Absence of background reactivity on the EEG recorded during TTM predicted
poor outcome, with 2 (1–7)% FPR and 63 (54–72)% sensitivity (3 studies,238,246,247 249 subjects; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and serious imprecision).
Absence of background reactivity on the EEG recorded after
rewarming predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–3)% FPR and
62 (53–70)% sensitivity (3 studies,238,247,250 223 subjects; verylow-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and
serious imprecision). One group of investigators provided 3
of the 4 prognostication studies on absent EEG reactivity after
cardiac arrest.
Burst Suppression. Presence of burst suppression on initial EEG immediately after induction of TTM predicted poor
outcome, with 0 (0–5)% FPR and 31 (19–44)% sensitivity (2 studies,267,268 119 subjects; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and serious inconsistency).
Presence of burst suppression on EEG during TTM predicted
poor outcome, with 6 (1–15)% FPR and 70 (56–82)% sensitivity (2 studies,247,266 107 patients; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias, serious inconsistency, and
very serious imprecision). In 1 study268 (95 subjects; very-lowquality evidence) presence of burst suppression on EEG after
rewarming predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–5)% FPR and
18 (8–34)% sensitivity.
Epileptiform Activity. Presence of epileptiform discharges
on EEG during TTM262 (38 subjects) or after rewarming250
(108 patients) predicted poor outcome, with 8 (0–39)% and
12 (3–31)% FPR, respectively. Quality of evidence was very
low in both studies, downgraded for very serious bias and very
serious imprecision. Presence of electrographic seizures with
nonreactive EEG background during TTM247 (61 patients),
electrographic seizures during TTM262 (38 subjects), or electrographic seizures both during TTM and after rewarming238
(54 subjects) predicted poor outcome, with 0% FPR (95% CIs,
0–10, 0–22, and 0–9, respectively; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and serious or very serious
Presence of SE during TTM273 (51 subjects) or after
rewarming272 (30 subjects) predicted poor outcome, with 0%
FPR (95% CIs, 0–22 and 0–13, respectively). However, in
another study,252 the presence of an SE within 72 hours from
ROSC was associated with good outcome in 2 cases (FPR
6 [1–21]%). In both those patients, SE was first recorded
at 40 hours or greater from ROSC (shortly after rewarming), and the EEG was reactive (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious
In 1 study268 (95 subjects), presence of electrographic SE
on a burst suppression pattern was associated with an invariably poor outcome (CPC 4–5; FPR 0 [0–5]%), while an
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electrographic SE on a continuous background was still compatible with recovery of consciousness (FPR 4 [0–12]%; verylow-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and
very serious imprecision).
Flat or Low-Amplitude EEG. In 1 study266 (46 subjects),
a flat or low-amplitude (less than 20 mcV) EEG during TTM
at 24 hours from cardiac arrest predicted poor outcome, with
0 (0–11)% FPR and 40 (19–64)% sensitivity. In another
study268 (95 subjects), however, a flat (less than 10 mcV)
EEG recorded during TTM at a median of 8 hours from cardiac arrest or immediately after rewarming was followed by
recovery of consciousness (FPR 46 [32–59]% and 5 [1–15]%,
respectively; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious imprecision).
Bispectral Index. In 1 study270 (45 subjects), a lowest BIS
value of 0 during TTM, corresponding to a flat or low-amplitude EEG, predicted a poor outcome, with 0 (0–6)% FPR and
50 (31–69)% sensitivity. However, in another study269 (75 subjects), a lowest BIS value of 0 during TTM predicted poor
outcome, with 10 (3–23)% FPR. The quality of evidence was
very low (downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
EEG Grades. In 1 study238 (54 subjects; very-low-quality
evidence), a grade 3 EEG, corresponding to 1 pattern among
unreactive, burst suppression, focal or generalized seizures,
generalized periodic epileptiform discharges, SE, low amplitude (10 mcV or less), or alpha-theta coma, predicted poor
outcome, with 6 (1–20)% FPR during TH and 0 (0–9)% FPR
after rewarming.
Other Neurophysiological Tests. In 1 study264 (26 subjects;
very-low-quality evidence), absence of brainstem auditory
evoked potentials wave V during induction of TTM predicted
poor outcome, with 0 (0–31)% FPR and 56 (31–78)% sensitivity. In 1 pilot study265 (17 subjects; very-low-quality evidence), the bilateral absence of pain-related middle-latency
cortical evoked potentials predicted poor outcome, with 0
(0–53)% FPR and 85 (55–98)% sensitivity.
Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers
Blood marker thresholds vary because of heterogeneous
measurement techniques,274–276 the presence of extraneuronal
sources of biomarkers (hemolysis, non–central nervous system sources, and neuroendocrine tumors for neuron-specific
enolase [NSE],277 muscle and adipose tissue breakdown for
S100B),278 and the incomplete knowledge of the kinetics of
their blood concentrations in the first few days after ROSC.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 4 studies on NSE (354 subjects; low- or very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious
imprecision).241,279–281 For the critical outcome of survival with
unfavorable neurologic status or death at 60 days, we identified
1 study on NSE (73 subjects; very-low-quality evidence).282
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified
3 studies on NSE (248 patients, very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 8 studies
on NSE or S100B (810 patients; moderate-, low-, or very-lowquality evidence, downgraded for serious or very serious bias
and/or serious or very serious imprecision).249,251,269,272,283–286
NSE. In comatose resuscitated patients who are treated with
TTM, the threshold for prediction of poor outcome with 0%
FPR varied between 49.6 mcg/L and 151.4 mcg/L at 24 hours
from ROSC272,284,285,287 (309 subjects; very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very
serious imprecision), between 25 mcg/L and 151.5 mcg/L at
48 hours251,272,279,281,282,284–287 (10 studies, 919 subjects; moderate- to very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or
very serious bias and very serious imprecision), and between
57.2 mcg/L and 78.9 mcg/L at 72 hours280–282 (193 subjects;
low- or very-low-quality evidence).
Limited evidence282,284,288 suggests that not only the NSE
absolute concentrations but also their trends over time may
have predictive value. Limited evidence284,288 suggests that the
discriminative value of NSE levels at 48 to 72 hours is higher
than at 24 hours.
S100B. For S100B, the documented thresholds for a 0% FPR
were 0.18 and 0.21 mcg/L at 24 hours after ROSC283,285 (2 studies, total 66 subjects; very-low-quality evidence downgraded
for serious or very serious bias and very serious imprecision)
and 0.3 mcg/L at 48 hours (1 study, 75 subjects; very-lowquality evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias
and very serious imprecision).
All studies on prognostication after cardiac arrest using imaging have a small sample size with a consequent low precision
and are prone to selection bias, because the imaging studies
were performed at discretion of treating physician, which may
have caused a selection bias and overestimated their performance. Imaging studies depend partly on subjective human
decision in identifying the region of interest to be studied and
in the interpretation of results.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 3
studies on computed tomography (CT; 273 subjects; low- or
very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very
serious bias and serious or very serious imprecision).241,279,289
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 6 studies on CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; 246 subjects;
very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very
serious bias and very serious imprecision).251,287,290–293
CT Scan. The main CT finding of global anoxic-ischemic
cerebral insult after cardiac arrest is cerebral edema,294 which
appears as a reduction in the depth of cerebral sulci (sulcal
effacement) and an attenuation of the gray matter/white matter
(GM/WM) interface, due to a decreased density of the GM.
This attenuation has been quantitatively measured as the ratio
(GWR) between the GM and the WM densities.
In 4 studies254,279,289,290 (total 276 subjects; low- or verylow-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious imprecision), a reduced GWR at
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the level of the basal ganglia on brain CT performed within
2 hours from ROSC predicted an almost invariably poor outcome (FPR from 0% to 8%). Measurement techniques and
thresholds for GWR varied among studies.
In 1 study241 (102 subjects; low-quality evidence downgraded for serious bias and serious imprecision), a global
cerebral edema on brain CT at a median of 1 day after cardiac
arrest predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–5)% FPR.
MRI. The main MRI finding of anoxic-ischemic cerebral
injury is a hyperintensity in diffusion weighted imaging
(DWI) sequences due to cytotoxic edema. Presence of DWI
abnormalities in cortex or basal ganglia (1 study, 21 subjects;
very-low-quality evidence) or both (2 studies, 30 subjects; verylow-quality evidence) between 2 and 6 days from ROSC was
associated with poor outcome (FPR, 0%–9%). Precision of prediction, however, was very low, due to the small size of these
Postischemic DWI abnormalities can be quantified using
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). ADC values between
700 and 800×10−6 mm2/s are considered normal. In 1 study293
(22 subjects; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very
serious bias and very serious imprecision), presence of more
than 10% of brain volume with ADC less than 650×10−6
mm2/s predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–28)% specificity. In
another study,295 a low ADC at the level of putamen, thalamus,
or occipital cortex also predicted poor outcome, with 0% FPR
(95% CIs, 0–24%). The ADC thresholds varied according to
the brain area studied.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest against the use of clinical criteria alone before 72
hours after ROSC to estimate prognosis (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest that multiple modalities of testing (clinical exam, neurophysiological measures, imaging, or blood
markers) be used to estimate prognosis instead of relying on
single tests or findings (weak recommendation, low-quality
Clinical Examination
We recommend using bilaterally absent PLRs or the combined absence of both pupillary and corneal reflexes at least
72 hours after ROSC to predict poor outcome in patients who
are comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and who
are treated with TTM (strong recommendation, low-quality
We suggest against using an absent (M1) or extensor motor
response to pain (M2) alone to predict poor outcome, given its
high FPR. However, due to its high sensitivity, this sign may
be used to identify the population with poor neurologic status
needing prognostication or to predict poor outcome in combination with other more robust predictors (weak recommendation, very low-quality evidence).
We suggest against the use of myoclonus during the first
72 hours from ROSC as a predictor for prognosticating a poor
neurologic outcome (weak recommendation, low-quality
We suggest that the presence of a status myoclonus during
the first 72 hours from ROSC be considered at 72 hours after
ROSC (in combination with other factors) as a predictor for
prognosticating a poor neurologic outcome (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest prolonging the observation of clinical signs
when interference from residual sedation or paralysis is
suspected, so that the possibility of obtaining false-positive results is minimized. We recommend that the earliest time to prognosticate a poor neurologic outcome is 72
hours after ROSC, and should be extended longer if the
residual effect of sedation and/or paralysis confounds the
clinical examination (weak recommendation, low-quality
We recommend using bilateral absence of N20 SSEP wave
measured at least 72 hours after ROSC to predict poor outcome in patients who are comatose after resuscitation from
cardiac arrest and who are treated with TTM (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
SSEP recording requires appropriate skills and experience, and utmost care should be taken to avoid electrical interference from muscle artifacts or from the ICU environment,
as well as confounding drugs. This test is only ordered in the
appropriate clinical context.
We suggest using persistent absence of EEG reactivity
to external stimuli at 72 hours or longer after ROSC (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence), presence of persistent burst suppression after rewarming, or intractable
and persistent SE (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence) to predict poor outcome in patients who are
comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and who are
treated with TTM.
We recommend against using BIS to predict poor outcome
during TTM in patients who are comatose after resuscitation
from cardiac arrest and are treated with TTM (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Blood Markers
We suggest using utmost care and preferably sampling at multiple serial time points (24–72 hours) when assessing NSE,
to avoid false-positive results due to hemolysis (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest using serial high-serum values of NSE at 48
to 72 hours from ROSC in combination with other predictors for predicting poor neurologic outcome in patients who
are comatose after cardiac arrest and who are treated with
TTM (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
However, no threshold-enabling prediction with 0 FPR can be
recommended, and NSE levels are insufficiently specific to be
used alone for estimating prognosis.
We suggest using brain imaging studies for prognostication
only in centers where specific experience is available (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest using the presence of a marked reduction of
the GM/WM ratio on brain CT within 2 hours after ROSC or
the presence of extensive diffusion restriction on brain MRI
at 2 to 6 days after ROSC in combination with other predictors for prognosticating a poor neurologic outcome in patients
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who are comatose after cardiac arrest and who are treated with
TTM (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Early imaging markers of poor prognosis should not prevent
support for a sufficient period of time to observe other clinical
features, although some extreme CT scan findings are consistent with herniation and brain death.
Knowledge Gaps
Clinical Examination
• Prospective studies are needed to investigate the pharma-
cokinetics of sedative drugs and neuromuscular blocking drugs in post–cardiac arrest patients, especially those
treated with controlled temperature.
• Studies are needed to investigate the reproducibility
of clinical signs used to predict outcome in comatose
postarrest patients.
• There is no universally accepted definition of status
myoclonus. A recently proposed definition296 suggests
using the term status myoclonus to indicate a continuous
and generalized myoclonus persisting for 30 minutes in
comatose survivors of cardiac arrest.
• In most prognostication studies, results of SSEPs were
not blinded and were used as a criterion for limitation
or suspension of life-sustaining treatment. Blinded studies on SSEPs are needed to assess the relevance of selffulfilling prophecies for SSEPs.
• Definitions of EEG-based predictors are inconsistent
among prognostication studies. Future studies should
comply with recently recommended definitions.297
• The stimulation modalities for eliciting EEG reactivity
have not been standardized.
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
Consensus on Science
No study on clinical examination reported blinding of the
treating team to the results of the index test. Blinding of the
treating team is very difficult to achieve for predictors based
on clinical examination, which implies a risk of self-fulfilling
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 2 studies on pupillary reflex and motor response or
oculocephalic reflex (151 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 30 days, we identified 1 study
on GCS (97 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded
for very serious bias and very serious imprecision).300
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified 2 studies
on corneal reflex, pupillary reflex, motor response, oculovestibular reflex, GCS, or myoclonus (97 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and
serious or very serious imprecision).301,302
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 4 studies on brainstem reflexes, motor response, or myoclonus (650
patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or
very serious bias and very serious imprecision).303–306
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 1 year, we identified
3 studies on brainstem reflexes, motor response, GCS, or
myoclonus (172 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious
Clinical Examination
Blood Markers
• There
is a need for standardization of the measuring techniques for NSE and S100 in cardiac arrest
• Little information is available on the kinetics of the
blood concentrations of biomarkers in the first few days
after cardiac arrest.
• Prospective studies in unselected patient populations are
needed for evaluating the prognostic accuracy of imaging studies in comatose patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest.
Prognostication in Absence of TTM (ALS 713)
Among adults who are comatose after cardiac arrest and
are not treated with TTM (P), does any clinical finding
when normal (eg, clinical exam, EEG, SSEPs, imaging,
other) (I), compared with any clinical finding when abnormal (C), reliably predict death or poor neurologic outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
death only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year (O)?
Pupillary Reflex. In 1 study299 (98 patients; very-low-quality evidence), an absent PLR on hospital admission predicted poor outcome, with 8 (1–25)% FPR and 56 (43–67)%
sensitivity. At 24 hours298,302,306 (3 studies, 496 patients), 48
hours298,303,306 (3 studies, 403 patients), and 72 hours298,306
(2 studies, 382 patients) from ROSC, the FPRs of PLR for
prediction of poor outcome were 9 (4–18)%, 4 (0–12)%,
and 0 (0–8)%, respectively. Sensitivity ranged from 18
(15–23)% to 21 (17–25)%; (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very serious imprecision).
Corneal Reflex. In patients who are comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and who are not treated with TTM,
an absent corneal reflex at 24 and 48 hours after ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 17 (9–27)% and 7 (2–20)% FPR.
Sensitivities were 37 (32–42)% and 30 (25–35)%, respectively302,303,306 (3 studies, 497 subjects; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias, serious inconsistency,
and very serious imprecision).
Oculovestibular Reflex. In 2 studies302,303 (65 patients; verylow-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias, serious inconsistency, and very serious imprecision), the bilateral
absence of oculovestibular reflex at 24 hours from ROSC
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predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–18)% FPR and 38 (25–
53)% sensitivity. In 1 study303 (19 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
imprecision), the bilateral absence of oculovestibular reflex at
48 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–35)%
FPR and 25 (5–57)% sensitivity.
Combination of Ocular Reflexes. In 1 study306 (386
patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very
serious bias and very serious imprecision), the combined
absence of both pupillary and corneal reflexes at 24, 48,
and 72 hours from ROSC predicted a poor outcome, with
5 (1–17)%, 3 (0–17)%, and 0 (0–15)% FPR, respectively,
and 13% to 14% sensitivity. In 1 study307 (60 patients; verylow-quality evidence downgraded for serious bias and very
serious imprecision), the absence of more than 1 among
pupillary, corneal, and oculocephalic reflex at 6 to 12, 24,
and 48 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0
(0–22)% FPR.
Motor Response to Pain. At 24 hours from ROSC, an absent
or extensor motor response, corresponding to a motor score
1 or 2 (M1–2) of the GCS, predicted a poor outcome, with
27 (12–48)% FPR and 76 (71–80)% sensitivity302,306 (2 studies, 462 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for
serious bias, serious inconsistency, and serious imprecision).
At 72 hours from ROSC, an M1–2 predicted a poor outcome,
with 15 (5–31)% FPR and 39 (33–44)% sensitivity301,306 (2
studies, 322 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded
for serious bias, serious inconsistency, and very serious
An absent extensor or abnormal flexion to pain (M1–3)
predicted a poor outcome at 12, 24, and 48 hours from ROSC
with 57 (37–76)%, 35 (21–52)%, and 10 (3–24)% FPR,
respectively298,303,307 (3 studies, 120 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias, serious inconsistency, and very serious imprecision). At 72 hours, the FPR
of this sign was 6 (0–29)%298 (1 study, 27 patients; very-lowquality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very
serious imprecision).
GCS. A GCS of 4 or less on admission, at 24 hours, and at 48
hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 40 (19–64)%,
25 (5–57)%, and 0 (0–22)% FPR, respectively307,308 (2 studies, 119 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for
serious bias and very serious imprecision). Sensitivity ranged
from 54 (37–71)% to 74 (58–86)%. A GCS of 5 or less at 72
hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 75 (63–86)%
sensitivity and 7 (1–24)% FPR.
Myoclonus and Status Myoclonus. Presence of myoclonus
on admission305 (1 study, 107 patients; very-low-quality evidence) or at 24 hours from ROSC302 (1 study, 75 patients;
very-low-quality evidence) predicts a poor outcome, with 0
(0–14)% and 0 (0–5)% FPR, respectively. A status myoclonus within 24 hours, at 36 to 48 hours, and 72 hours from
ROSC predicted a poor outcome, with 0 (0–7)%, 0 (0–5)%,
and 0 (0–14)% FPR, respectively304,306 (2 studies, 464
patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very
serious bias and serious imprecision). Sensitivity ranged
from 2% to 29%.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 2 studies on
short-latency SSEPs (63 patients; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and very serious imprecision)310,311 and 3 studies on EEG (46 patients; very-low-quality
evidence, downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 30 days, we identified 2 studies on SSEPs (80 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 60 days, we identified 2 studies on EEG (54 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified
2 studies on SSEPs or EEG (102 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 6 studies on SSEPs or EEG (733 patients; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for serious or very serious bias and serious or
very serious imprecision).271,303,320–323
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 1 year, we identified 6 studies on SSEPs or EEG (829 patients; low- or very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and very
serious imprecision).306,307,324–327
Short-Latency SSEPs. Bilateral absence of the N20 wave
of short-latency SSEPs predicted death or vegetative state,
with 0 (0–12)% FPR as early as 8 hours from cardiac arrest.
An FPR of 0% was also confirmed at 24, 48, and 72 hours
after ROSC (95% CIs from 0–3 to 0–9) with consistent sensitivity (43%–46%). Among all patients in whom N20 SSEP
wave was absent in the first 7 days from cardiac arrest,
there was only 1 case of false-positive result.302 Quality
of evidence was very low in all but 1 study, downgraded
for serious or very serious bias and serious or very serious
Studies assessing the predictive value of a delayed or
absent N70 SSEP from 24 hours to 72 hours after ROSC
reported a false-positive prediction from 1 (0–7)% to 58 (28–
85)%302,306,320,321,324 (5 studies, 657 subjects; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for serious or very serious bias and serious or very serious imprecision).
Blinding of SSEP results, along with criteria for withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment, was not reported in most
prognostication studies in resuscitated patients who were not
treated with TTM.
Electroencephalography. In 1 study303 (26 patients; very-lowquality evidence downgraded for serious bias and very serious
imprecision), an EEG grade 3 to 5 at 24 and 48 hours predicted
poor outcome (CPC 3–5), with 0% FPR (95% CIs, 0–22 and
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Callaway et al
0–24, respectively). An EEG grade 4 to 5 at 72 hours or less
from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–11)% FPR
and 44 (34–54)% sensitivity307,313,315 (3 studies, 125 patients;
very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias
and very serious imprecision). EEG grading systems were not
consistent among studies.
Presence of burst suppression within 48 hours from
ROSC was compatible with recovery of consciousness (FPR
5 [0–26]%302; 1 study, 72 patients; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and very serious imprecision), while a burst suppression at 72 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–11)% FPR306 (1 study, 277
patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious imprecision).
A low-voltage EEG (20–21 mcV or less) predicted a poor
outcome, with 0 (0–15)% FPR within 48 hours from ROSC302
(1 study, 72 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded
for very serious bias and very serious imprecision) and with 0
(0–11)% FPR at 72 hours from ROSC306 (1 study, 283 patients;
very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias
and very serious imprecision). Sensitivity was 15 (7–28)%
and 31 (25–37)%, respectively.
Presence of alpha coma within 72 hours or from 1 to 7
days after ROSC was not consistently associated with poor
outcome (positive predictive value, 96 [80–100]% and 88 [74–
96]%)303,312,314,318,325,326 (6 studies, 68 patients; very-low-quality
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
Blood Markers
In patients who are comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and who are not treated with TTM, high concentrations of biomarkers predict a poor outcome. Advantages
of biomarkers over other predictors such as EEG and
clinical examination include quantitative results and likely
independence from the effects of sedatives. However, the
thresholds associated with 0% FPR vary between studies,
and S100B thresholds are less well documented than NSE
The main reasons for the observed variability in biomarkers’ thresholds include the use of heterogeneous measurement
techniques,274–276 the presence of extraneuronal sources of biomarkers (hemolysis and neuroendocrine tumors for NSE,277
muscle and adipose tissue breakdown for S100B),278 and the
incomplete knowledge of the kinetics of their blood concentrations in the first few days after ROSC.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 2
studies on S100B (99 patients; low- or very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and/or very serious
imprecision)328,329 and 1 study on NSE (73 patients; very-lowquality evidence downgraded for serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 90 days, we identified
1 study on NSE (32 patients; very-low-quality evidence
downgraded for very serious bias and very serious imprecision)248 and 1 study on S100B (27 patients; very-low-quality
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 180 days, we identified 3
studies on NSE or S100B (618 patients; moderate-, low-, or
very-low-quality evidence downgraded for serious bias and/or
serious or very serious imprecision).285,323,330
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable
neurologic status or death at 1 year, we identified 2 studies on NSE or S100B (86 patients; very-low-quality evidence downgraded for very serious bias and very serious
Neuron-Specific Enolase. In resuscitated patients with poor
neurologic outcome, the blood levels of NSE are higher than
those in patients with good neurologic outcome. However, the
threshold for prediction of poor outcome with 0% FPR varied
between 13.3 and 47.6 mcg/L at 24 hours from ROSC285,306,319
(3 studies, 332 patients; very-low-quality evidence), between
8.8 and 65 mcg/L at 48 hours285,319,330,331 (4 studies, 277 patients;
moderate- to very-low-quality evidence), and between 15 and
90.9 mcg/L at 72 hours280,319,331 (3 studies, 301 patients; low- or
very-low-quality evidence).
S100B. For S100B, the documented thresholds for 0%
FPR ranged between 0.19 and 5.2 mcg/L at 24 hours after
ROSC285,319 (2 studies, total 60 patients; very-low-quality evidence) and between 0.12 and 0.8 mcg/L at 48 hours285,319,329,331
(4 studies, 158 patients; very-low-quality evidence). In 1
study (27 patients; very-low-quality evidence), the threshold
for prediction of poor outcome with 0% FPR at 72 hours was
0.5 mcg/L.
All prognostication studies on imaging have a small sample
size, and in all of them, imaging was performed at the discretion of the treating physician, which may have caused a selection bias and overestimated the performance of index tests.
Another limitation is that these methods depend partly on subjective human decision in identifying the region of interest to
be studied and in the interpretation of results.
For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at discharge, we identified 3 studies on CT (113 patients; very-low-quality
evidence)294,333,334 and 2 studies on MRI (40 patients; verylow-quality evidence).316,335 For the critical outcome of survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at 90
days, we identified 2 studies on MRI (61 patients; low- or
very-low-quality evidence).301,336 For the critical outcome of
survival with unfavorable neurologic status or death at
180 days, we identified 3 studies on MRI (34 patients; verylow-quality evidence).292,293,337
CT Scan. The main CT finding of global anoxic-ischemic
cerebral insult after cardiac arrest is cerebral edema,294 which
appears as a reduction in the depth of cerebral sulci (sulcal
effacement) and an attenuation of the GM/WM interface, due
to a decreased density of the GM. This attenuation has been
quantitatively measured as the GWR between the GM and the
WM densities.
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In 2 studies333,334 (total 60 patients; very-low-quality evidence), a GWR between the caudate nucleus and the posterior
limb of internal capsule (CN/PIC) below 1.22 within 24 hours
or below 1.18 within 48 hours from ROSC predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–28)% and 17 (0–64)% FPR, respectively. At
72 hours from ROSC, the presence of diffuse brain swelling
on CT predicts a poor outcome, with 0 (0–45)% FPR and 52
(37–67)% sensitivity294 (1 study, 53 patients; very-low-quality
MRI. The main MRI finding of anoxic-ischemic cerebral
injury is a hyperintensity in DWI sequences due to cytotoxic
edema. In a small study subpopulation292 (12 patients; verylow-quality evidence), presence of diffuse DWI abnormalities
in cortex or brainstem at a median of 80 hours from ROSC
predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–35)% FPR. In another
small study337 (12 patients; very-low-quality evidence), presence of extensive (cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum) DWI
changes predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–45)% FPR.
Postischemic DWI abnormalities can be quantified
by using ADC. ADC values between 700 and 800×10−6
mm2/s are considered normal.335 In 1 study338 (80 patients;
very-low-quality evidence), a whole-brain ADC less than
665×10−6 mm2/s predicted poor outcome, with 0 (0–21)%
FPR and 40 (28–53)% sensitivity. In a small subset of
another study293 (10 patients; very-low-quality evidence),
presence of more than 10% of brain volume with ADC
less than 650×10−6 mm2/s predicted poor outcome, with
88 (47–100)% sensitivity and 0 (0–78)% FPR. In another
study, an ADC below various thresholds at the level of
putamen, thalamus, or occipital cortex at less than 120
hours from ROSC also predicted poor outcome, with 0
(0–31)% FPR. Finally, in 2 studies301,335 (total 24 patients;
very-low-quality evidence), the presence of extensive cortical global DWI or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
changes within 7 days from arrest predicted poor outcome,
with 0 (0–78)% FPR.
Treatment Recommendations
Clinical Examination
We recommend using the absence of PLR (or the combined
absence of both pupillary and corneal reflexes) at 72 hours or
greater from ROSC to predict poor outcome in patients who
are comatose after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and who
are not treated with TTM (strong recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
We suggest against using an absent or extensor motor
response to pain (M≤2) alone to predict poor outcome, given
its high FPR (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence). However, due to its high sensitivity, this sign may be
used to identify the population with poor neurologic status
needing prognostication or to predict poor outcome in combination with other more-robust predictors.
We suggest using the presence of myoclonus or status
myoclonus within 72 hours from ROSC in combination with
other predictors to predict poor outcome in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest prolonging the observation of clinical signs
when interference from residual sedation or paralysis is
suspected, so that the possibility of obtaining false-positive
results is minimized (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We recommend using bilateral absence of the N20 SSEP
wave within 72 hours from ROSC to predict poor outcome
in patients who are comatose after cardiac arrest and who are
not treated with TTM (strong recommendation, very-lowquality evidence). SSEP recording requires appropriate skills
and experience, and utmost care should be taken to avoid
electrical interference from muscle artifacts or from the ICU
We suggest using the presence of burst suppression on
EEG at 72 hours from ROSC in combination with other predictors for prognosticating a poor neurologic outcome in
patients who are comatose after cardiac arrest and who are not
treated with TTM (strong recommendation, very-low-quality
We suggest against using EEG grades for prognostication
due to the inconsistencies in their definitions (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest against using low-voltage EEG for prognostication, given the potential interferences of technical factors
on EEG amplitude (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Blood Markers
We suggest using high serum values of NSE at 24 to 72
hours from ROSC in combination with other predictors for
prognosticating a poor neurologic outcome in patients who
are comatose after cardiac arrest and who are treated with
therapeutic hypothermia (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence). However, no threshold-enabling prediction with 0 FPR can be recommended. We suggest using
utmost care and preferably sampling at multiple time points
when assessing NSE, to avoid false-positive results due to
We suggest using the presence of a marked reduction of the
GM/WM ratio on brain CT within 48 hours after ROSC or the
presence of extensive reduction in diffusion on brain MRI at
2 to 6 days after ROSC only in combination with other moreestablished predictors for prognosticating a poor neurologic
outcome in patients who are comatose after resuscitation from
cardiac arrest and who are not treated with TTM (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest using brain-imaging studies for prognostication only in centers where specific experience is available
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Knowledge Gaps
Clinical Examination
• Prospective studies are needed to investigate the pharma-
cokinetics of sedative drugs and neuromuscular blocking
drugs in post–cardiac arrest patients, independently from
treatment with TTM.
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Callaway et al
• Clinical studies are needed to evaluate the reproducibility of clinical signs used to predict outcome in comatose
postarrest patients.
• There is no universally accepted definition of status
myoclonus. A recently proposed definition suggests
using the term status myoclonus to indicate a continuous
and generalized myoclonus persisting for 30 minutes or
more in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest.
• Blinded studies on SSEPs are needed to assess the relevance of self-fulfilling prophecy for this predictor.
• The definitions of low-voltage EEG and burst suppression, and the EEG grades are inconsistent among prognostication studies. Future studies should comply with
recently recommended definitions.
Blood Markers
• There
is a need for standardization of the measuring
techniques for NSE and S100 in cardiac arrest patients.
• Little information is available on the kinetics of the
blood concentrations of biomarkers in the first few days
after cardiac arrest.
• Prospective studies in unselected patient populations and
including evaluation of inter-rater agreement are needed
to determine the prognostic accuracy of imaging studies
in comatose patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest.
2010 CoSTR Topics Not Reviewed in 2015
• Postresuscitation hemofiltration
• IV fluids following cardiac arrest
• Neuroprotective drugs
• Postresuscitation treatment protocol
Organ Donation (ALS 449)
In adults and children who are receiving an organ transplant
in any setting (P), do organs retrieved from a donor who has
had CPR (I), compared with organs retrieved from a donor
who did not have CPR (C), have improved immediate graft
function (30 days), 1-year graft function, or 5-year graft function (O)?
Resuscitation from cardiac arrest is not always successful,
and many patients who are initially resuscitated from cardiac
arrest will subsequently die in the hospital. Whether these
nonsurviving patients can become organ donors has been
debated because of the potential injury to organs during the
initial cardiac arrest.
The committee reviewed experience about donation from
this population that has accumulated in recent years. Two situations were separately considered. In the first, an individual
who dies after being resuscitated by successful CPR may
become an organ donor after brain death or having withdrawal
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
of life-sustaining treatment. In the second situation, an individual may die because of unsuccessful CPR in a center with
a rapid response system that allows procurement of organs
after unsuccessful CPR. For kidney transplants, the primary
outcomes were graft function, because recipients can survive
with renal replacement therapy even with graft failure. For
other organs, recipient death was considered equivalent to
graft failure. Only studies that allowed comparison of organs
procured in these situations with other organs from non-CPR
donors were selected for review.
Consensus on Science
Donors With Prior CPR
Two nonrandomized studies provided low-quality evidence that the mean yield of organs procured from donors
who had been resuscitated by CPR before donation was
3.9339 or 2.9.340
For the important outcome of immediate graft survival, low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies
did not detect any worse outcome when donors have had
CPR and resuscitation for adult hearts (3239 organs340–347),
pediatric hearts (557 organs, 4 studies), adult lungs (1031
organs340,345,348), pediatric lungs (105 organs340), adult kidneys
(5000 organs340,349), pediatric kidneys (1122 organs340,350), adult
livers (2911 organs340,341), pediatric livers (689 organs340,350),
adult intestines (25 organs340,351), and pediatric intestines (79
For the important outcome of graft survival for 1 year,
low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies did not
detect any worse outcome when donors have had CPR and
resuscitation for adult hearts (3230 organs340–342,344–347), pediatric hearts (1605 organs340,350,352,353), adult lungs (1031
organs340,345,348), pediatric lungs (105 organs340), adult kidneys
(5000 organs340,341), pediatric kidneys (1122 organs340), adult
livers (2911 organs340,341), pediatric livers (689 organs340),
adult intestines (25 organs340,351), and pediatric intestines (79
For the important outcome of graft survival for 5 years,
low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies did not
detect any worse outcome when donors have had CPR and
resuscitation for adult hearts (3230 organs340–342,344–347),
pediatric hearts (1537 organs340,353,354), adult lungs (1031
organs340,345,348), pediatric lungs (105 organs340), adult kidneys
(5000 organs340,341), pediatric kidneys (1122 organs340), adult
livers (2911 organs340,341), pediatric livers (689 organs340),
adult intestines (25 organs340), and pediatric intestines (79
Donors With Ongoing CPR (Uncontrolled Non–HeartBeating Donors or Uncontrolled Donation After Circulatory
Two nonrandomized studies provided low-quality evidence
that the mean number of organs procured from donors with
ongoing CPR was 1.5355 and 3.2.356
For the important outcome of immediate graft survival,
low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies did not
detect any worse outcome when organs were recovered from
non–heart-beating donors with ongoing CPR compared with
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other types of donors for adult kidneys (203 organs357–360) or
adult livers (64 organs355,358,361,362).
For the important outcome of graft survival for 1 year,
low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies did not
detect any worse outcome when organs were recovered from
non–heart-beating donors with ongoing CPR compared with
other types of donors for adult kidneys (199 organs357,358,360) or
adult livers (60 organs355,358,361).
For the important outcome of graft survival for 5 years,
low-quality evidence from nonrandomized studies did not
detect any worse outcome when organs were recovered from
non–heart-beating donors with ongoing CPR compared with
other types of donors for adult kidneys (177 organs357,360) or
adult livers (34 organs355).
donation in settings where programs exist (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that all patients who have restoration of circulation after CPR and who subsequently progress to death be
evaluated for organ donation (strong recommendation, lowquality evidence).
• The optimal methods for organ procurement after failed
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we consider the absence of
any evidence of worse graft function from donors with antecedent CPR, the desirability of providing more organs to
waiting recipients, and the absence of any risk to the donor.
As in all organ donations, the function of the donated organ
determines whether procurement and transplantation proceed.
Therefore, there is also precaution to ensure the safety of the
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that patients who fail to have restoration of circulation after CPR and who would otherwise have termination
of CPR efforts be considered candidates for kidney or liver
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we consider the evidence
that kidney grafts obtained from donors in whom CPR failed
can function at rates comparable to kidneys obtained from
other donors, and that recipients can safely tolerate delayed
graft function that is common with kidneys obtained in this
manner. We also consider the immediate lifesaving potential
of liver grafts, which offsets the potentially greater rate of
long-term graft failure in livers obtained from donors with
ongoing CPR.
Knowledge Gaps
CPR are unknown.
to consenting to this organ donation and the
acceptability of these practices in different settings are
• Barriers
We thank the following individuals (the Advanced Life Support
Chapter Collaborators) for their collaborations on the worksheets contained in this section: Lars W. Andersen; Katherine M. Berg; Claudio
Sandroni; Steve Lin; Eric J. Lavonas; Eyal Golan; Mohammed
A. Alhelail; Amit Chopra; Michael N. Cocchi; Tobias Cronberg;
Katie N. Dainty; Ian R. Drennan; Michael Fries; Romergryko G.
Geocadin; Jan-Thorsten Gräsner; Asger Granfeldt; Sarah Heikal;
Peter J. Kudenchuk; Anthony T. Lagina III; Bo Løfgren; Jill Mhyre;
Koenraad G. Monsieurs; Allan R. Mottram; Tommaso Pellis;
Joshua C. Reynolds; Giuseppe Ristagno; Fred A. Severyn; Markus
Skrifvars; William C. Stacey; Jonathon Sullivan; Sarah L. Todhunter;
Gino Vissers; Stephen West; Wolfgang A. Wetsch; Natalie Wong;
Theodoros Xanthos; Carolyn M. Zelop; Janice Zimmerman.
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Callaway et al
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
2015 CoSTR Part 4: Advanced Life Support: Writing Group Disclosures
Research Grant
Expert Witness
University of
Jasmeet Soar
Mayuki Aibiki
Ehime University,
School of Med
Bernd W.
University of
Council (ERC)†
Steven C.
Queen’s University
Heart and Stroke Foundation of
Canada†; CIHR†; NIH†
Charles D.
University Hospital
NHS Trust
Resuscitation Council UK†;
National Institute for Health
cases relating
to oesophageal
intubation &
Saul Drajer
Heart Foundation
Council of
Southern Africa
Laurie J.
University of
Robert W.
University of
MC3, Ann Arbor, MI†; NIH†
Tonia C.
Waikato Hospital
Jerry P. Nolan
Royal United
Hospital, Bath
The Cardiac Arrest Individual
Registry and Outcomes (CAIRO)
Programme. 2013 - 2015†;
NIHR Programme Development
Grant (RP-DG-0612-10004)
Improving Outcomes from Out
of Hospital Cardiac Arrest NIHR
Health Technology Assessment
Programme Grant (HTA 12/127/126) for a randomised
placebo controlled trial of adrenaline
for out of hospital cardiac
arrest*; NIHR Health Technology
Assessment Programme Grant
(HTA-12/167/102) for a randomised
trial of the effectiveness of a supraglottic airway device versus tracheal
intubation in the initial airway
management of out of hospital
cardiac arrest (AIRWAYS-2)*
Kazuo Okada
Council of Asia
Writing Group
Clifton W.
Walter Kloeck
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
2015 CoSTR Part 4: Advanced Life Support: Writing Group Disclosures, Continued
Research Grant
Brian J. O’Neil
Wayne State
Zoll Circulation*
Edison F. Paiva
Hospital das
Michael J. Parr
Liverpool Hospital
Shin-Kong Wu
Ho-Su Memorial
Medical Minds
Beth Israel
Deaconess Med
American Heart Association†
University of
Melbourne Clinical
School, Royal
Melbourne Hospital
Writing Group
Jonathan Witt
Expert Witness
Michael W.
Peter T. Morley
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the
entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 428
Antiarrhythmic drugs for
cardiac arrest
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does administration of antiarrhythmic drugs (eg, amiodarone,
lidocaine, other) (I), compared with not using antiarrhythmic
drugs (no drug or placebo) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Katie Dainty, Thomas Pellis, Steve
Part 4
ALS 431
Postresuscitation Seizure
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does seizure prophylaxis (I), compared with
no prophylaxis (C), reduce the incidence of seizures, or
improve survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Romergryko Geocadin, William
Part 4
ALS 433
Steroids for Cardiac Arrest
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does corticosteroid or mineralocorticoid administration
during CPR (I), compared with not using steroids (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Sarah Todhunter,
Tonia Nicholson
Part 4
ALS 435
Cardiac Arrest Associated
with Pulmonary Embolism
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest due to PE
or suspected PE in any setting (P), does any specific
alteration in treatment algorithm (eg, fibrinolytics, or any
other) (I), compared with standard care (according to 2010
treatment algorithm) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Wolfgang Wetsch, Bernd Böttiger
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
(Continued )
Callaway et al
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 436
Cardiac Arrest
during Pregnancy
Among pregnant women who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), do any specific interventions (I), compared
with standard care (usual resuscitation practice) (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Carolyn Zelop, Jill Mhyre
Part 4
ALS 441
Opioid toxicity
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest or respiratory
arrest due to opioid toxicity in any setting (P), does
any specific therapy (eg, naloxone, bicarbonate, or
other drugs) (I), compared with usual ALS (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Allan Mottram, Fred Severyn,
Mohammed Alhelail
Part 4
ALS 448
Oxygen dose after
ROSC in adults
Among adults who have ROSC after cardiac arrest in
any setting (P), does an inspired oxygen concentration
titrated to oxygenation (normal oxygen saturation or
partial pressure of oxygen) (I), compared with the use of
100% inspired oxygen concentration (C), change survival
to 30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival
to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome,
improve survival, survival to 30 days, survival to hospital
discharge (O)?
Jasmeet Soar, Michael Donnino
Part 4
ALS 449
Organ donation
In adults and children who are receiving an organ
transplant in any setting (P), do organs retrieved from
a donor who has had CPR (I), compared with organs
retrieved from a donor who did not have CPR (C), have
improved immediate graft function (30 days), 1-year graft
function, or 5-year graft function (O)?
Stephen West, Clifton Callaway
Part 4
ALS 450
Prognostication in
Comatose Patients
Treated with Hypothermic
Among adults with ROSC who are treated with
hypothermia (P), does any clinical variable when
abnormal (eg, clinical exam, EEG, somatosensory evoked
potentials [SSEPs], imaging, other) (I), compared with any
clinical variable when normal (C), reliably predict death or
poor neurologic outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; death only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Claudio Sandroni, Eyal Golan
Part 4
ALS 459
ETCO2 to predict outcome
of cardiac arrest
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does any ETCO2 level value, when present (I), compared
with any ETCO2 level below that value (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Brian O’Neil, Edison Paiva
Part 4
ALS 469
Confirmation of Correct
Tracheal Tube Placement
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest, needing/with an
advanced airway, in any setting (P), does use of devices
(eg, 1. waveform capnography, 2. CO2 detection device,
3. esophageal detector device, or 4. tracheal ultrasound)
(I), compared with not using devices (C), change
placement of the ET tube between the vocal cords and
the carina, success of intubation (O)?
Sarah Heikal, Markus Skrifvars
Part 4
ALS 470
Defibrillation Strategies for
Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)
or Pulseless Ventricular
Tachycardia (pVT)
Among adults who are in ventricular fibrillation or
pulseless ventricular tachycardia in any setting (P), does
any specific defibrillation strategy (eg, 1. energy dose,
or 2. shock waveform) (I), compared with standard
management (or other defibrillation strategy) (C), change
Survival with Favorable neurological/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days and/or 1 year,
Survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days
and/or 1 year, ROSC, termination of arrhythmia (O)?
Giuseppe Ristagno, Charles Deakin
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 479
Cardiac Arrest During
Coronary Catheterization
Among adults who have a cardiac arrest in the cardiac
catheterization laboratory (P), does any special
intervention or change in care (eg, catheterization
during CPR, cardiopulmonary bypass, balloon pump,
different timing of shocks) (I), compared with standard
resuscitation care (eg, CPR, drugs, and shocks according
to 2010 treatment algorithm) (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
Ian Drennan, Peter Kudenchuk
Part 4
ALS 493
Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), do prophylactic antiarrhythmic drugs given
immediately after ROSC (I), compared with not giving
antiarrhythmic drugs (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; development of cardiac
arrest; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; recurrence of VF; incidence of
arrhythmias (O)?
Thomas Pellis, Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 570
Hemodynamic Support
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does titration of therapy to achieve a specific
hemodynamic goal (eg, MAP greater than 65 mm Hg)
(I), compared with no hemodynamic goal (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year (O)?
Michael Fries, Michael Parr
Part 4
ALS 571
Ventilation Strategy
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does ventilation to a specific PaCO2 goal (I),
compared with no specific strategy or a different PaCO2
goal (C), change survival at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Asger Granfeldt, Bo Lofgren
Part 4
ALS 579
Impedance threshold
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does use of an inspiratory ITD during CPR (I),
compared with no ITD (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; ROSC (O)?
Peter Morley, Jasmeet Soar
Part 4
ALS 580
Glucose Control After
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does a specific target range for blood
glucose management (eg, strict 4–6 mmol/L) (I),
compared with any other target range (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Janice Zimmerman, Jonathon
Part 4
ALS 656
Monitoring Physiological
Parameters During CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does the use of physiological feedback regarding
CPR quality (eg, arterial lines, ETCO2 monitoring, SpO2
waveforms, or others) (I), compared with no feedback
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; change in physiologic
values by modifications in CPR (O)?
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Amit Chopra, Natalie Wong
Callaway et al
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 658
Ultrasound during CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does use of ultrasound (including echocardiography
or other organ assessments) during CPR (I), compared
with conventional CPR and resuscitation without use of
ultrasound (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/
functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Katherine Berg, Lars Wiuff
Part 4
ALS 659
Epinephrine Versus
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does use of epinephrine (I), compared with vasopressin
(C), change survival to 30 days with good neurologic
outcome, survival to 30 days, survival to hospital
discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Laurie Morrison, Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 713
Prognostication in
Absence of TTM
Among adults who are comatose after cardiac arrest and
are not treated with TTM (P), does any clinical finding
when normal (eg, clinical exam, EEG, SSEPs, imaging,
other) (I), compared with any clinical finding when
abnormal (C), reliably predict death or poor neurologic
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; death only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Claudio Sandroni, Tobias Cronberg
Part 4
ALS 714
SGAs Versus Tracheal
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does SGA insertion as first advanced airway (I), compared
with insertion of a tracheal tube as first advanced airway
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters;
development of aspiration pneumonia (O)?
Jerry Nolan, Charles Deakin
Part 4
ALS 723
ECPR Versus Manual or
Mechanical CPR
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does the use of ECPR techniques
(including extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or
cardiopulmonary bypass) (I), compared with manual CPR
or mechanical CPR (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Mayuki Aibiki, Tzong-Luen Wang
Part 4
ALS 778
SDE Versus HDE
In adult patients in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does HDE (at least 0.2 mg/kg or 5 mg bolus dose) (I),
compared with SDE (1 mg bolus dose) (C), change
survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome,
survival to 180 days, survival to hospital discharge with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge,
Laurie Morrison, Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 782
Mechanical CPR Devices
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
do automated mechanical chest compression devices
(I), compared with standard manual chest compressions
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Steven Brooks, Laurie Morrison
Part 4
ALS 783
Basic Versus Advanced
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does insertion of an advanced airway (tracheal tube
or SGA) (I), compared with basic airway (bag-mask
device with or without oropharyngeal airway) (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC; CPR parameters; development of
aspiration pneumonia (O)?
Jerry Nolan, Jan-Thorsten Graesner
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 784
Timing of
Administration of
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does early epinephrine delivery by IV or IO route (eg,
less than 10 minutes after the beginning of resuscitation)
(I), compared with delayed timing of epinephrine
delivery (eg, more than 10 minutes after the beginning
of resuscitation) (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Tonia Nicholson, Michael Donnino
Part 4
ALS 788
Epinephrine Versus
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P),
does the use of epinephrine (I), compared with placebo or
not using epinephrine (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Laurie Morrison, Clifton Callaway,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 789
Epinephrine Versus
Vasopressin in
Combination With
Among adults who are in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does use of both vasopressin and epinephrine (I),
compared with using epinephrine alone (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Clifton Callaway, Laurie Morrison,
Steve Lin
Part 4
ALS 790
Targeted Temperature
Among patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in
any setting (P), does inducing mild hypothermia
(target temperature 32°C–34°C) (I), compared with
normothermia (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Joshua Reynolds, Katherine Berg
Part 4
ALS 791
Duration of TTM
In patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does induction and maintenance of hypothermia
for any duration other than 24 hours (I), compared
with induction and maintenance of hypothermia for a
duration of 24 hours (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Theodoros Xanthos, Lars Wiuff
Part 4
ALS 802
Timing of Induced
Among patients with return of pulses after cardiac arrest
in any setting (P), does induction of hypothermia before
some time point (eg, 1 hour after ROSC or before hospital
arrival) (I), compared with induction of hypothermia
after that time point (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Theodoros Xanthos, Michael Cocchi
Part 4
ALS 808
Ventilation rate during
continuous chest
Among adults with cardiac arrest with a secure airway
receiving chest compressions (in any setting, and with
standard tidal volume) (P), does a ventilation rate of 10
breaths/min (I), compared with any other ventilation rate
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Koen Monsieurs, Jasmeet Soar,
Gino Vissers
Part 4
ALS 834
Lipid Therapy for
Cardiac Arrest
In adult patients with cardiac arrest due to suspected
drug toxicity (eg, local anesthetics, tricyclic
antidepressants, others) (P), does administration of IV
lipid (I), compared with no IV lipid (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at
discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days,
and/or 1 year; ROSC (O)?
Eric Lavonas, Mohammed Alhelail
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Callaway et al
Part 4: Advanced Life Support
CoSTR Part 4: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 4
ALS 868
Seizure Treatment
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does effective seizure treatment (I), compared
with no seizure control (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60
days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Romergryko Geocadin, William
Part 4
ALS 879
Prevention of Fever
After Cardiac Arrest
Among adults with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does prevention of fever to maintain strict
normothermia (I), compared with no fever control (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Katherine Berg, Lars Wiuff
Part 4
ALS 889
Oxygen dose during CPR
In adults with cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
administering a maximal oxygen concentration (eg, 100%
by face mask or closed circuit) (I), compared with no
supplementary oxygen (eg, 21%) or a reduced oxygen
concentration (eg, 40%–50%) (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival only
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
Anthony Lagina, Jasmeet Soar
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Callaway et al
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Otero A, Gómez-Gutiérrez M, Suárez F, Arnal F, Fernández-García A,
Aguirrezabalaga J, García-Buitrón J, Alvarez J, Máñez R. Liver transplantation from maastricht category 2 non-heart-beating donors: a
source to increase the donor pool? Transplant Proc. 2004;36:747–750.
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Totsuka E, Fung JJ, Hakamada K, Narumi S, Sasaki M. [Experience of
orthotopic liver transplantation from non-heart-beating donors at the
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center]. Nihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi.
KEY WORDS: arrhythmia ◼ cardiac arrest ◼ emergency department
◼ postresuscitation care ◼ resuscitation
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Part 4: Advanced Life Support: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Clifton W. Callaway, Jasmeet Soar, Mayuki Aibiki, Bernd W. Böttiger, Steven C. Brooks,
Charles D. Deakin, Michael W. Donnino, Saul Drajer, Walter Kloeck, Peter T. Morley, Laurie J.
Morrison, Robert W. Neumar, Tonia C. Nicholson, Jerry P. Nolan, Kazuo Okada, Brian J.
O'Neil, Edison F. Paiva, Michael J. Parr, Tzong-Luen Wang, Jonathan Witt and on behalf of the
Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S84-S145
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000273
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Michelle Welsford, Co-Chair*; Nikolaos I. Nikolaou, Co-Chair*; Farzin Beygui; Leo Bossaert;
Chris Ghaemmaghami; Hiroshi Nonogi; Robert E. O’Connor; Daniel R. Pichel; Tony Scott;
Darren L. Walters; Karen G. H. Woolfrey; on behalf of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Chapter Collaborators
Since 2000, the International Liaison Committee on
Resuscitation (ILCOR) has published the International
Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and
Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations (CoSTR) every 5 years based on review
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) science. Seven task
forces with representatives from the 7 member resuscitation
organizations create the CoSTR that enables regional resuscitation organizations to create their individual guidelines. The
different guidelines are based on the scientific evidence and
incorporate or adjust for regional considerations.
Why Acute Coronary Syndromes?
Coronary heart disease remains among the leading causes of
mortality globally. There is considerable research focus worldwide on improving outcomes in patients with acute coronary
syndromes (ACS). Undoubtedly, this has led to improved
health and dramatically improved morbidity and mortality
in much of the world. Indeed, timely and appropriate care of
ACS can reduce and prevent cardiac arrest. Some of the recommended interventions for ACS, however, are considered
resource intensive and/or require significant infrastructure,
such as well-trained emergency medical services personnel to
administer fibrinolysis, and cardiac catheterization laboratories that require capital and experienced staff. These regional
disparities present challenges to regional and national health
authorities as guidelines evolve and become more complex.
The American College of Cardiology with the American
Heart Association, European Society of Cardiology, and other
organizations have developed guidelines for treatment and
management of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial
infarction (STEMI) and non-STEMI ACS. These guidelines
primarily focus on the hospital setting, and, for many years,
the prehospital and emergency department (ED) management
of patients was based on extrapolation of in-hospital evidence.
There is now increasing interest and evidence on the prehospital decisions and management of ACS. The time-sensitive
nature of ACS forces us to scrutinize not only the time goals
to deliver the interventions but also the proper sequencing of
them. For these reasons, the ACS Task Force emphasized the
evidence review for 2015 on the management of ACS before
the patient is admitted.
There has been renewed interest of late in focusing less on
the individual aspects of STEMI care and more on the systems
of care. This is in recognition that the system may be more
than the sum of its parts. In STEMI care, this system integrates
awareness and prevention, prehospital care, in-hospital care,
specialty centers, and rehabilitation and secondary prevention.
The ACS Task Force concentrated on the questions that will
inform regional systems-of-care decisions. If a patient with
ACS or STEMI presents to prehospital care, a local hospital,
or a specialty center, there needs to be a common but nuanced
approach to diagnosis and treatment. However, the specifics of
that treatment may depend on local resources. The questions
covered were intentionally focused to answer questions based
on different community resources.
Evidence Evaluation and GRADE Process
Each task force performed a detailed systematic review based
on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies1 and using the methodological approach
proposed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group.2
After identification and prioritization of the questions to be
addressed (using the PICO [population, intervention, comparator, outcome] format),3 with the assistance of information
specialists, a detailed search for relevant articles was performed in each of 3 online databases (PubMed, Embase, and
the Cochrane Library).
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Welsford M, Nikolaou NI, Beygui F, Bossaert L, Ghaemmaghami C,
Nonogi H, O’Connor RE, Pichel DR, Scott T, Walters DL, Woolfrey KGH; on behalf of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Chapter Collaborators. Part 5:
acute coronary syndromes: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S146–S176.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S146–S176. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000274.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000274
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by guest on October 25, 2015
Welsford et al
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for
each question created a reconciled risk of bias assessment
for each of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools:
Cochrane for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),4 Quality
Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2
for studies of diagnostic accuracy,5 and GRADE for observational studies that inform both therapy and prognosis
GRADE evidence profile tables7 were then created to
facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of each of
the critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high, moderate, low, or very low,8 based on the
study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk
of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other
considerations (including publication bias).9
These evidence profile tables were then used to create a
written summary of evidence for each outcome (the consensus
on science statements). Whenever possible, consensus-based
treatment recommendations were then created. These recommendations (designated as strong or weak) were accompanied
by an overall assessment of the evidence and a statement from
the task force about the values and preferences that underlie
the recommendations.
Further details of the methodology that underpinned the
evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence
Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
The ILCOR ACS Task Force Process
The 2015 ILCOR ACS Task Force included expert cardiology, emergency, and prehospital physicians from
Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Greece,
Belgium, France, the United States, Canada, and Panama.
These 12 experts, along with an additional 5 expert evaluators (paramedics and residents/fellows), reviewed 18 topics related to the acute initial management of ACS and
STEMI. The task force reviewed the evidence specifically
related to diagnosis and treatment of STEMI (and ACS) in
the out-of-hospital setting and the first hours of care in the
in-hospital setting, typically in the ED. The evidence evaluation took place over 3 years leading up to the ILCOR 2015
International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science With
Treatment Recommendations (C2015) meeting, with ongoing refinement of recommendations being made as new
evidence was published. The purpose of the review was to
generate current, evidence-based consensus on science and
treatment recommendations for healthcare providers who
serve as the initial point of contact for patients with signs
and symptoms suggestive of ACS.
The ACS Task Force spent considerable time preparing for
the introduction of the GRADE process through group in-person, online, and self-directed educational sessions. The ACS
Task Force had 5 in-person meetings (Vienna, Austria, October
2012; Melbourne, Australia, April 2013; Banff, Canada, April
2014; Chicago, United States, November 2014; Dallas, United
States, January/February 2015) plus 9 webinars (June 2014 to
January 2015). Use of the Scientific Evidence Evaluation and
Review System (SEERS) website facilitated offline evidence
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
review and online repository of progress and findings. This
enabled periodic review and approval by task force members
(TFMs), task force co-chairs, evidence evaluation experts, and
senior editors.
The major steps from selection of review topics to the final
CoSTR were:
• Topics prioritized for review
• 20 topics assigned to lead TFM. Two deferred after scant
new research found
• PICO questions formed for each topic
• Importance of potential outcomes graded
according to
GRADE methodology
• Comprehensive search strategies run, search results
uploaded online (SEERS)
• ACS TFMs, along with 5 additional external evidence
reviewers paired to perform the following blinded duplicate processes:
‒ Study inclusion/exclusion (non-RCTs excluded when
there was evidence from several RCTs)
‒ Data extraction
‒ Bias assessments
• GRADE evidence profile tables formed
• Formal meta-analysis performed if appropriate
• Consensus on science reported according to evidence
profile tables
• Quality of evidence determined across all outcomes
• Strength of recommendations determined
• Values, preferences, and resource implications, reported
• Additional commentary
• Potential gaps in the literature related to the systematic
reviews identified
• Systematic reviews posted for public comments
• Comments accessed and distributed to the TFMs
• Comments considered in the context of the draft recommendations; if necessary, amendments made by the TF
• Systematic reviews presented at the C2015
conference―invited topic matter experts provided critical commentary. Feedback from public commentary and
invited experts was reviewed and incorporated where
• Key new evidence reviewed and incorporated
• The CoSTR Editorial Board signs off on final CoSTR
An iterative process was used in which TFMs presented
their interim evidence evaluation and gained input from the
task force, evidence evaluation experts, public, and invited
topic matter experts. They presented the key articles and findings to the task force at face-to-face meetings or webinars to
enable discussion, refinement, and expert input. Additionally,
evidence evaluation experts acted as methodological support
advisors for GRADE and other aspects of systematic review
development. These were discussed during face-to-face and
webinar meetings and were collated for consideration into this
final document.
Regional resuscitation organizations will need to determine where the interventions are applicable in their systems
and thus how to implement the evidence into practice.
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October 20, 2015
ACS Task Force Summary
The ACS Task Force ultimately completed 18 systematic
reviews (14 based on meta-analyses) on more than 110 relevant studies spanning 40 years. The treatment recommendations were grouped by major topics as outlined below:
Diagnostic Interventions in ACS
• Prehospital electrocardiography (ECG) (ACS 336)
• Computer-assisted ECG STEMI interpretation (ACS 559)
• Nonphysician ECG STEMI interpretation (ACS 884)
• Prehospital STEMI activation of the catheterization laboratory (ACS 873)
• Biomarkers to rule out ACS (ACS 737)
Therapeutic Interventions in ACS
• Prehospital
adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-receptor
antagonists in STEMI (ACS 335)
• Prehospital anticoagulants versus none in STEMI
(ACS 562)
• Prehospital anticoagulants versus unfractionated heparin
(UFH) in STEMI (ACS 568)
• Supplementary oxygen in ACS (ACS 887)
Reperfusion Decisions in STEMI
• Prehospital fibrinolysis versus ED fibrinolysis (ACS 338)
• Prehospital triage to percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI) center versus prehospital fibrinolysis (ACS 341)
fibrinolysis and immediate PCI versus immediate
PCI alone (ACS 882)
• Delayed PCI versus fibrinolysis stratified by time from
symptoms (ACS 337)
• Transport for PCI versus ED fibrinolysis and transport
only for rescue PCI (ACS 332)
• ED fibrinolysis and routine early angiography versus
transport for PCI (ACS 779)
• ED fibrinolysis and then routine early angiography versus only rescue PCI (ACS 334)
• ED
Hospital Reperfusion Decisions After Return of Spontaneous
Circulation (ROSC)
• PCI after ROSC with ST elevation (ACS 340)
• PCI after ROSC without ST elevation (ACS 885)
Some topics were not prioritized for review in the 2015
ILCOR process. Those topics not reviewed from 2005 and
2010 and/or not yet reviewed are
• History and physical examination in the diagnosis of ACS
• Chest pain observation units and protocols
• Institutional requirements for performing interventions
in ACS
of new biomarkers or other imaging tests for the
diagnosis of ACS (rule-in)
• Use and timing of nitrates, β-blockers, ACE inhibitors,
morphine, statins, glycoprotein IIb-IIIa antagonists, antiarrhythmics, analgesics, and anxiolytics in the prehospital, ED, and in-hospital settings
• Use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications
• Use
• Administration of aspirin (early aspirin use was reviewed
by the First Aid Task Force for 2015; see FA 871 and
FA 586 in “Part 9: First Aid”)
• Optimal metrics of system performance/comparison
regarding prompt revascularization in STEMI
Summary of New Treatment Recommendations
The following is a summary of the most important new reviews
or changes in recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of
ACS since the last ILCOR review in 2010:
Diagnostic Interventions in ACS
• The role of prehospital ECG was reemphasized. Newer
evidence suggests that prehospital ECG may not only
facilitate earlier diagnosis of STEMI and provide the
opportunity for rapid prehospital and in-hospital reperfusion, but there is evidence of a substantial mortality benefit. This is relevant to patients that will undergo primary
percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) or fibrinolysis.
• Computer-assisted ECG STEMI interpretation is still
suggested as an adjunct to recognize STEMI, given the
high specificity of the computer algorithms evaluated.
The strength of recommendation is reduced to a weak
recommendation, because there was very low confidence
in the effect size provided by the existing literature.
• Nonphysician ECG STEMI interpretation is suggested
if adequate diagnostic performance can be maintained
through carefully monitored programs.
• For prehospital STEMI activation of the catheterization laboratory, newer evidence suggests that it can not
only reduce treatment delays but also improve patient
• The use of troponins at 0 and 2 hours as a stand-alone
measure for excluding the diagnosis of ACS is strongly
discouraged. Excluding the diagnosis of ACS (defined
as less than 1% 30-day major adverse cardiac event
[MACE]) can be accomplished by combining negative*
high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTnI) measured at
0 and 2 hours with low-risk stratification or by combining negative* cardiac troponin I (cTnI) or cardiac troponin T (cTnT) measured at 0 and 3 to 6 hours with very
low risk stratification.
Therapeutic Interventions in ACS
• ADP-receptor antagonists can be given either prehospital or in-hospital for suspected STEMI patients with a
planned primary PCI approach.
• UFH can be administered in either the prehospital or
in-hospital setting in suspected STEMI patients with a
planned primary PCI approach.
• Prehospital enoxaparin may be used as an alternative
to prehospital UFH as an adjunct for primary PCI for
STEMI. We have insufficient confidence in the treatment
effect for prehospital administration of bivalirudin compared with prehospital administration of UFH in prehospital-identified STEMI patients to recommend a change
in existing practice.
*Negative troponin value is less than 99th percentile.
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Welsford et al
• We
suggest withholding oxygen in comparison with
routine oxygen supplementation in normoxic patients
with ACS.
Reperfusion Decisions in STEMI
• When fibrinolysis is the planned treatment strategy, we
recommend using prehospital fibrinolysis in comparison
with in-hospital fibrinolysis for STEMI where transport
times are greater than 30 minutes and prehospital personnel are well trained.
• Where PCI facilities exist and are available in a geographic region we suggest that direct triage and transport
for PCI is preferred to prehospital fibrinolysis for STEMI.
• We recommend against the routine use of fibrinolytic
administration combined with immediate PCI, compared
with immediate PCI alone in patients with STEMI.
• We provide recommendations on PCI versus fibrinolysis
based on time from symptom onset and potential delay
to PCI.
• After fibrinolysis of STEMI patients in the ED (when
primary PCI is not available on-site), we suggest transport for early routine angiography in the first 3 to 6 hours
(or up to 24 hours) rather than only transport for ischemia-guided angiography.
• For adult patients presenting with STEMI in the ED of
a non–PCI-capable hospital, we recommend emergency
transfer without fibrinolysis to a PCI center as opposed
to immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and transfer only
for rescue PCI.
• For patients presenting with STEMI in the ED of a nonPCI hospital, we suggest fibrinolytic therapy with routine transfer for angiography within 3 to 6 and up to 24
hours as an alternative to immediate transfer to PPCI.
Hospital Reperfusion Decisions After ROSC
• We recommend emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation in comparison with cardiac catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization in
select adult patients with ROSC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) of suspected cardiac origin with ST
elevation on ECG.
• We suggest emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation in comparison with cardiac catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization in
select adult patients who are comatose with ROSC after
OHCA of suspected cardiac origin without ST elevation
on ECG.
Diagnostic Interventions in ACS
Acute coronary syndromes refers to a spectrum of clinical disorders that include acute myocardial infarction (AMI) with
and without ST elevation and unstable angina pectoris. The
term myocardial infarction, as defined by the World Health
Organization, is used when there is evidence of myocardial
necrosis in a clinical setting consistent with myocardial ischemia (no evidence of a cause other than ischemia). Criteria for
diagnosis of AMI include10
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
• Detection
of increase and/or decrease of cardiac biomarkers (preferably troponin) with at least 1 value above
the 99th percentile of the upper reference limit
• Evidence of myocardial ischemia with at least 1 of
the following: symptoms, ECG changes, or supportive
Symptoms of ischemia include various combinations of
chest, upper extremity, jaw, or epigastric discomfort with
exertion or at rest. The discomfort usually lasts 20 minutes
or less (may have any duration, but if it is greater than 20
minutes, then it is more likely an infarction); often is diffuse,
not localized, not positional, and not affected by movement of
the region; and may be accompanied by dyspnea, diaphoresis,
nausea, or syncope. ECG changes indicative of new ischemia
include new ST-T changes, new left bundle branch block, or
development of pathological Q waves in the ECG. Imaging
may show evidence of new loss of viable myocardium or new
regional wall motion abnormality.
This diagnostic interventions section will focus on the
value of the prehospital ECG in recognizing or “ruling in”
STEMI, and on the use of diagnostic tests including biomarkers to identify low-risk chest pain and thus “rule out” ACS.
In the ED and out-of-hospital settings, the ECG is essential for
the initial triage and initiation of management of patients with
possible ACS. It is well recognized that signs and symptoms
alone may not be sufficiently sensitive to diagnose AMI or
ischemia in the prehospital or ED setting. Prehospital ECG
acquisition and interpretation is critical in early recognition
of STEMI and other high-risk ACS patients. The ACS Task
Force focused its attention on the use of the prehospital ECG
for recognition of STEMI patients. Accurate recognition and
advance notification of the hospital has the potential of minimizing in-hospital treatment delays, thus improving patient
In many studies of prehospital ECG STEMI recognition,
physician interpretation is considered to be the gold standard.
This approach, however, is limited by the fact that physicians
are not always available on scene, which increases the possibility of false ECG readings. The prehospital ECG can be
interpreted in 4 ways: on-scene interpretation by a physician,
nonphysician, or computer, or transmission off-site to a physician or other experienced healthcare provider.
This section will review the evidence for the use of the
prehospital ECG in STEMI recognition, its value when used
to notify the hospital and/or activate the catheterization
laboratory, and the evidence for use of adjunctive computer
interpretation and/or interpretation by nonphysicians in the
prehospital setting.
This science review has focused on the ability of prehospital ECG recording with advance notification to affect
not only patient treatment delays but also patient outcomes.
We have also addressed accuracy of ECG interpretation by
nonphysicians with or without the aid of computer interpretation. In the latter 2 analyses, it was impossible to provide
pooled estimates for diagnostic performance because of considerable heterogeneity among the included studies. Rather,
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October 20, 2015
ranges for observed sensitivity and specificity across studies are provided. Based on these values, we have calculated
false-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) results over an
arbitrarily chosen spectrum of disease prevalence from 5% to
20%. Large variations within the existing evidence preclude
extrapolation from these data to other situations and recommendations with general applicability to all systems of care
that might be considering implementation of the reviewed
diagnostic strategies. Each system should make every effort to
achieve optimal diagnostic performance for prehospital ECG
interpretation and STEMI recognition regardless of the diagnostic strategy they are using. The sensitivity and specificity
of the diagnostic performance should be considered in conjunction with local prevalence of STEMI among transferred
patients to determine the expected FP and FN rates for a particular system. This is highly important for effective balancing between patient risk for undue treatment delays in those
with FN ECG readings and inappropriate resource allocation
from false system alarms in case of FP ECG interpretations.
Prehospital ECG (ACS 336)
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P), does prehospital 12-lead ECG with transmission or
notification (I), compared with no ECG or no transmission/
notification (C), change death, or time to treatment (first medical contact–to–balloon time, first medical contact–to–needle
time, door-to-balloon time, door-to-needle time) (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality in STEMI
patients who receive PCI, we have identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for bias, upgraded for treatment
effect) from 9 observational studies11–19 enrolling 20 402
patients showing benefit of prehospital 12-lead ECG and
hospital notification compared with no ECG or no notification (relative risk [RR], 0.68; 95% confidence interval [CI],
0.51–0.91) (Figure 1). This is a 32% relative reduction in
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality in STEMI
patients who receive fibrinolysis, we have identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for bias, upgraded for treatment effect) from 2 observational studies11,19 enrolling 59 631
patients showing benefit of prehospital ECG and hospital
notification compared with no 12-lead ECG or no notification
(RR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.71–0.82) (Figure 2). This is a 24% relative reduction in mortality.
For the important outcomes of first medical contact–to–
reperfusion, door-to-balloon, and door-to-needle time in
STEMI patients, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) in 7 observational
studies,12,15–17,20–22 14 observational studies,11–14,16–18,20–26 and 3
observational studies,11,26,27 respectively, of consistent reduction in times to reperfusion with prehospital 12-lead ECG and
hospital notification. The time to treatment results could not
be pooled because of heterogeneity in estimate of effect size.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend prehospital 12-lead ECG acquisition with
hospital notification for adult patients with suspected STEMI
(strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we are placing a higher value
on the consistent mortality-benefit and consistent reductionin-reperfusion times in a large number of patients (greater than
80 000) over the risk of bias inherent in observational studies.
Knowledge Gaps
• This question did not specifically address the method for
ECG interpretation. We did not find direct comparison of
different systems of ECG STEMI recognition (with and
without adjunctive computer algorithm).
Computer-Assisted ECG STEMI Interpretation
(ACS 559)
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P), does the use of computer-assisted ECG interpretation
(I), compared with physician ECG interpretation and/or clinical diagnosis of STEMI (C), change identification of STEMI
on an ECG with acceptable rates of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs, minimizing unnecessary intervention (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the important outcomes of FP and FN, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
inconsistency, and imprecision) from 2 cohort studies28,29
enrolling 1112 patients/ECGs of FP for STEMI recognition
ranging from 0% to 8.7% (assuming STEMI prevalence of 5%
[highest expected FP results]) and FN ranging from 4.4% to
8.4% (assuming STEMI prevalence of 20% [highest expected
FN results]). Note that sensitivity ranged from 0.58 to 0.78,
and specificity ranged from 0.91 to 1.
For the important outcome of FP/all positive results, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) from 6 observational
studies14,30–33 enrolling 1949 ECGs of FP/all positive results
for STEMI recognition ranging from 0% to 42.9%.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest computer-assisted ECG interpretation can be used
as an adjunct* to recognize STEMI, given the high specificity
of the computer algorithms evaluated (weak recommendation,
very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest computer-assisted ECG interpretation not be
used alone to rule out STEMI, because of the poor sensitivity
and thus the considerable risk for FN results of the computer
algorithms evaluated (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we put a higher value on
minimizing treatment delays of patients with STEMI over
possible wasted resources resulting from FP system activation.
Recognition of STEMI on ECG may achieve highest accuracy if computer-assisted interpretation is implemented as an
adjunct to on-site healthcare provider interpretation in the
*The computer-assisted ECG interpretation can be used as an adjunct
or in conjunction with the interpretation of a physician or other trained
professional. In this way, recognition of STEMI by the computer
interpretation can be verified by individual interpretation, and lack of
recognition by the computer would not be used solely to rule out STEMI.
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Figure 1. Thirty-day mortality in STEMI patients undergoing PPCI with and without prehospital ECG and hospital notification (random
effects model). Intervention = prehospital ECG; control = without prehospital ECG.
context of strong initial education programs, quality assurance
programs, and ongoing oversight.
As was pointed out in the public comments, it is difficult
to perform head-to-head comparisons or combine data from
these studies, because they have used different proprietary
computer interpretation algorithms and different gold standards. It is likely that different algorithms perform differently.
Computer interpretation algorithms can be updated periodically, which may change their effectiveness, making previous studies less relevant unless the algorithm and version are
the same as is used in your setting. Last, some of the algorithms can now be adjusted to favor either lower FP results or
lower FN results, depending on the needs or how it is used.
Therefore, in choosing to use such a computer algorithm as
an adjunct, careful consideration of the individual algorithm’s
reported performance and evaluation of this in your own setting are key.
The use of computer ECG interpretation did not yield
equally effective performances across the various systems of
care where it has been used with observed sensitivities ranging from 0.58 to 0.78 and specificity ranging from 0.91 to 1.
This may be due to the algorithm performance (different performance with different types of STEMI), but it may also be
related to the quality of obtained ECG and the level of training
and individual expertise in acquiring the ECG. It is possible
that the performance characteristics of a computer algorithm
are different in controlled, in-hospital settings in stable patients
compared with prehospital settings. Therefore, each system of
care has to evaluate performance of any specific algorithm in
the particular context where the algorithm is used. Diagnostic
performance should always be considered in conjunction with
local STEMI prevalence, because very high or low prevalence
rates may lead to unacceptable FP and/or FN rates despite
sensitivity and specificity rates that may seem satisfactory as
stand-alone values. This approach may give important clues
as to whether this method fits best in comparison with other
existing options of ECG interpretation such as transmission of
ECG for interpretation by an experienced provider.
Knowledge Gaps
• Different computer algorithms have not been compared.
The optimal ECG computer algorithm for implementation with adjunctive nonexpert interpretation has not
been determined.
Nonphysician STEMI ECG Interpretation (ACS 884)
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P), do nonphysicians (eg, nurses and paramedics) (I),
compared with physicians (C), change identification of STEMI
on an ECG with acceptable rates of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs, minimizing unnecessary angiography (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the important outcomes of FP and FN results, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, inconsistency, and publication bias) from 3 studies34–36
including 1360 ECGs of FP results of STEMI recognition
ranging from 0.3% to 30.5% (under the assumption of a disease prevalence of 5% [highest expected FP results]), and FN
results did not exceed 4% (under the assumption of 20% prevalence [highest expected FN results]). Sensitivity ranged from
80% to 99.6%, and specificity ranged from 68% to 96.8%.
For the important outcome of FP/all positive tests, we
have identified very-low-quality studies (downgraded for risk
of bias and inconsistency) from 9 observational studies34–41
including 900 ECGs of FP/all positive tests for STEMI recognition ranging from 8% to 40%.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that in adult patients with suspected STEMI outside
of a hospital, nonphysicians may perform ECG interpretation
to recognize STEMI in a system where the FP and FN rates are
low (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Figure 2. Thirty-day mortality in STEMI patients undergoing fibrinolysis with and without prehospital ECG and hospital notification (fixed
effects model). Experimental = prehospital ECG; control = without prehospital ECG.
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Figure 3. Thirty-day mortality for prehospital STEMI activation of the catheterization laboratory versus no prehospital activation.
Experimental = prehospital STEMI activation of the catheterization laboratory; control = no prehospital STEMI activation of the
catheterization laboratory.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we adopt a balanced
approach in between minimizing treatment delays of patients
with STEMI and avoiding excess waste of resources resulting
from FP system activations.
It is recognized that in many prehospital systems, physicians will not be available on-site, and the evidence indicates
that highly trained paramedics and nurses can reliably recognize STEMI. This should occur in an organized system of prehospital care where there is a strong initial education program,
ongoing oversight, possible adjunctive computer interpretation, and a quality assurance program.
It is impossible to provide pooled estimates from the
reviewed data, because different study methods and/or gold
standards have been used. Nonphysician STEMI ECG recognition was not equally reliable across the various reporting
systems of care. This may be relevant to the quality of the ECG
obtained and the ECG findings but also to the level of training
and individual expertise of healthcare providers. Therefore,
each system of care should make every effort to assure optimal diagnostic accuracy from healthcare providers by maintaining adequate training programs and meticulous care for
quality control. Timely feedback from STEMI receiving centers, including performance benchmarks, prehospital and inhospital ECGs, and catheterization findings, may be essential
in this regard. Diagnostic performance should always be considered in conjunction with local STEMI prevalence as very
high or low prevalence rates may lead to unacceptable FP
and/or FN rates despite sensitivity and specificity rates that
may seem satisfactory as stand-alone values. This may give
important clues as to whether nonphysician STEMI interpretation fits best in the setting of a particular system of care in
comparison with other existing options of on-site ECG interpretation such as transmission of ECG for interpretation by
an experienced provider or computer-assisted interpretation.
Knowledge Gaps
• We did not find evaluation of nonphysician ECG interpretation initial and maintenance training programs or
measurement of ECG interpretation performance based
on specific education or experience.
Prehospital STEMI Activation of the
Catheterization Laboratory (ACS 873)
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a
hospital (P), does prehospital activation of catheterization
laboratory (I), compared with no prehospital activation of the
catheterization laboratory (C), change mortality, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Prompt restoration of coronary flow in the affected area is
key to treatment of STEMI. Several system-related strategies
have been developed to minimize system-related delays to
reperfusion. For patients with suspected STEMI in the prehospital setting, the above strategies for ECG interpretation
are used to ensure prehospital STEMI recognition. Where
prehospital fibrinolysis is not possible or appropriate, the
focus should then be on prompt patient triage for transfer
to the medical institution where the most appropriate treatment would be offered in a timely manner. Advance hospital
notification and early activation of the catheterization laboratory can expedite invasive revascularization. This review has
focused on the potential of prehospital STEMI activation of
the catheterization laboratory to improve patient safety and
efficacy outcomes.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (upgraded for large effect size)
from 6 observational studies13,14,16,42–44 enrolling 1805 patients
in favor of prehospital activation of the catheterization laboratory over no activation of catheterization laboratory (odds
ratio [OR], 0.41; 95% CI, 0.30–0.56) (Figure 3).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study43 enrolling 188 patients
showing no benefit of prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory over no activation of catheterization laboratory
(OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.04–10.68).
For the important outcome of nonfatal stroke, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study13 enrolling 301 patients
showing no benefit of prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory over no activation of catheterization laboratory
(OR, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.00–1.13).
For the important outcome of nonfatal reinfarction, we
have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from 3 observational studies13,43,44 enrolling 748
patients showing no benefit of prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory over no activation of catheterization
laboratory (OR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.22–1.03).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that when primary PCI is the planned strategy,
that prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory for
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PPCI is preferred (strong recommendation, very-low-quality
evidence) over no prehospital activation.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place higher value of benefit to patient outcomes over the potential increased resource
Biomarkers to Rule Out ACS (ACS 737)
In patients presenting to the ED with chest pain suspected to
be of cardiac etiology (P), does a negative troponin test at presentation and 1, 2, 3, and 6 hours (I), compared with a positive
test (C), exclude the diagnosis of ACS (O)?
Troponin has become the most widely used and well-validated
diagnostic laboratory test for the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia and is the preferred biomarker for the international definition of myocardial infarction.45 There have been a variety of
biomarkers proposed for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, including myoglobin, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP),
NT-proBNP, D-dimer, C-reactive protein, ischemia-modified
albumin pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A),
and/or interleukin-6. There is insufficient evidence to support
the use of many of these in isolation as primary tests to evaluate patients with symptoms suspicious for cardiac ischemia.46,47
The diagnosis of AMI includes the increase and/or
decrease in the biomarker troponin; therefore, numerous studies have evaluated the effectiveness of different
timelines for ruling in an AMI by using various troponin
assays. Many cardiology guidelines have recommended
timelines for ruling in AMI. The accuracy and test characteristics of troponins for ruling out an AMI is an area of
interest, given the relatively new high-sensitivity troponin
tests available.
This evidence review is confined to the use of troponin in
the rule out of ACS. Although troponin use to rule out AMI is
feasible, non-AMI ACS may not have a rise of troponin, and
thus ruling out ACS with only troponin may not be possible.
However, troponin in combination with other investigations
may be able to identify a group of patients with very low frequency (defined as less than 1%) of MACE in the next 30
days, thus virtually able to rule out or exclude the diagnosis
of ACS.
In chest pain patients in the ED, early identification of a
group of patients with very low risk of 30-day MACE could
substantially decrease the number of chest pain patients admitted to hospital. This use of troponin at specific time intervals
with or without other tools may identify the very low risk of
patients that can be safely discharged home. These very-lowrisk patients may still need additional diagnostic workup for
coronary artery disease, but this could be accomplished as
This body of evidence reviewed consisted entirely of observational data, because no RCTs were found. In most of these
studies, the gold standard for the diagnosis of acute coronary
ischemia frequently was a diagnosis of a documented MACE
in a given time frame (30 days, 6 months, or 1 year). In the
ED setting, one of the most important imperatives is to identify patients in whom ACS can be safely excluded to facilitate
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
timely discharge. Hence, the critical measure of the value of
the diagnostic tests is the FN rate, which is the proportion of
FNs relative to all patients with ACS (FN/(FN+TP)). The incidence of FN is determined by the prevalence of the relevant
disease in the population. So, in patients with ACS, we sought
to review the evidence for combining clinical risk stratification tools with the troponin assay to improve the accuracy of
ACS identification. This is important, given the many patients
who present with chest pain to emergency healthcare providers and the adverse consequences for patients in whom the
diagnosis of ACS is missed.
Consensus on Science
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T (Table 1)
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS*, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study48 enrolling 939 patients presenting to the ED
with chest pain showing an FN rate (FN/(FN+TP)) of 2.5%
if both 0- and 2-hour high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T
(hs-cTnT) were less than 99th percentile and the increase
was less than 20% without the use of clinical scoring, using
the outcome of adjudicated 1-year events.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study49 enrolling 764 patients presenting to the ED with
chest pain showing an FN rate (FN/(FN+TP)) of 3.6% if both
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnT were less than 14 ng/L without the
use of clinical scoring, using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study49a enrolling 1635 patients presenting to the ED
with symptoms suggestive of ACS showing an FN rate (FN/
(FN+TP)) of 0.9% if both 0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI were less
than 99th percentile and met the Vancouver Rule, using the
outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias, inconsistency, and imprecision)
from 1 observational study50 enrolling 909 patients presenting to the ED with symptoms suggestive of ACS, finding
an FN rate (FN/(FN+TP)) of 0.8% if both 0- and 2-hour hscTnI were less than 99th percentile and a Thrombolysis in
Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score of 0 or 1, using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study50 enrolling 1635 patients presenting to the ED
with greater than 5 minutes of chest pressure showing an FN
rate of 0.8% if both 0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI were less than 99th
percentile and a TIMI score of 0 or 1, using the outcome of
30-day MACE.
*Exclude the diagnosis of ACS defined as less than 1% 30-day MACE.
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Table 1. Troponin and Risk Stratification to Rule Out MACE
Inclusion Criteria
Clinical Score
FN/(FN+TP), %
Marker: high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT)
Aldous,48 2011
Chest pain
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnT
<99th percentile and
delta <20%
Adjudicated 1-year
cardiac event
Chest pain
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnT
<14 ng/L
30-day MACE
Marker: high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI)
Cullen,49a 2014
Symptoms suggestive
of ACS
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI
<99th percentile
30-day MACE
Cullen,50 2013
<12 hours of symptoms
suggestive of ACS
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI
<99th percentile
TIMI score 0 or 1
30-day MACE
Cullen,50 2013
>5 minutes of chest
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI
<99th percentile
TIMI score 0 or 1
30-day MACE
Cullen,50 2013
<12 hours of symptoms
suggestive of ACS
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI
<99th percentile
TIMI score 0
30-day MACE
Cullen,50 2013
>5 minutes of chest
0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI
<99th percentile
TIMI score 0
30-day MACE
Markers: cardiac troponin I and troponin T (cTnI and cTnT)
Aldous,48 2011
Chest pain
0- and 2-hour cTnI
<0.056 mcg/L
Adjudicated 1-year
cardiac event
Cullen,49a 2014
Symptoms suggestive
of ACS
0- and 2-hour cTnI
<99th percentile
30-day MACE
Symptoms suggestive
of ACS
0- and 2-hour cTnT
<99th percentile
30-day MACE
Kelly,52 2014
>10 minutes of chest
0- and 2-hour cTnI
<99th percentile
TIMI score 0
30-day MACE
Mahler,53 2013
Anterior chest pain
0- and 3-hour cTnI
<99th percentile
Low risk using an
unstructured risk
30-day MACE
Mahler,53 2013
Anterior chest pain
0- and 3-hour cTnI
<99th percentile
Low-risk HEART score
30-day MACE
Mahler,53 2013
Anterior chest pain
0- and 3-hour cTnI
<99th percentile
Low-risk North
American CP score
30-day MACE
Hess,54 2013
Anterior chest pain
0- and 3- to 6-hour cTnI
or cTnT <99th percentile
North American CP
score of 0 and age <60
30-day MACE
Hess,54 2013
Anterior chest pain
0- and 3- to 6-hour cTnI
or cTnT <99th percentile
North American CP
score of 0 and age
<50 years
30-day MACE
ACS indicates acute coronary syndromes; CP, chest pain; FN, false negative; MACE, major adverse cardiac event; TIMI, Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction; and
TP, true positive.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias, inconsistency, and imprecision)
from 1 observational study50 enrolling 909 patients presenting to the ED with symptoms suggestive of ACS showing an
FN rate of 0% if both 0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI were less than
99th percentile and a TIMI score of 0, using the outcome of
30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study50 enrolling 1635 patients presenting to the ED
with greater than 5 minutes of chest pressure showing an
FN rate of 0% if both 0- and 2-hour hs-cTnI were less than
99th percentile and a TIMI score of 0, using the outcome of
30-day MACE.
Cardiac Troponin I and T
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of ACS,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study48
enrolling 939 patients presenting to the ED with chest pain
showing an FN rate (FN/(FN+TP)) of 7.8% if both 0- and
2-hour cTnI were less than 0.056 mcg/L without the use of
clinical scoring, using the outcome of adjudicated 1-year cardiac events.
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Welsford et al
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study49a enrolling 1635 patients presenting to the ED
with symptoms suggestive of ACS showing an FN rate (FN/
(FN+TP)) of 1.2% if both 0- and 2-hour cTnI were less than
99th percentile and met the Vancouver rule, using the outcome
of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational study51
enrolling 906 patients presenting to the ED with symptoms
suggestive of ACS showing an FN rate of 0.8% if 0- and 2-hour
cTnT were less than 99th percentile and met the Vancouver
rule, using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis
of ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational
study 52 enrolling 840 patients presenting to the ED with
greater than 10 minutes of chest pain showing an FN rate
of 0% if 0- and 2-hour cTnI were less than 99th percentile
and TIMI risk score of 0, using the outcome of 30-day
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational study53 enrolling 1002 patients presenting to the ED with anterior chest pain
showing an FN rate of 0.8% if 0- and 3-hour cTnI were less
than 99th percentile and a low-risk unstructured risk assessment, using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational study53 enrolling 1002 patients presenting to the ED with anterior chest pain
showing an FN rate of 0.8% if 0- and 3-hour cTnI were less
than 99th percentile and a low-risk HEART score, using the
outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational study53 enrolling 1002 patients presenting to the ED with anterior chest pain
showing an FN rate of 0.8% if 0- and 3-hour cTnI were less
than 99th percentile and a low-risk North American CP score,
using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis of
ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational study54 enrolling 2718 patients presenting to the ED with anterior chest pain
and had a troponin ordered showing an FN rate of 1.1% if both
0- and 3–6 hour cTnI or cTnT were less than 99th percentile, a
North American CP score of 0, and age was less than 60 years,
using the outcome of 30-day MACE.
For the critical outcome of excluding the diagnosis
of ACS, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for selection bias) from 1 observational
study54 enrolling 2718 patients presenting to the ED with
anterior chest pain and had a troponin ordered showing an
FN rate of 0% if both 0- and 3–6 hour cTnI or cTnT were
less than 99th percentile, a North American CP score of
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
0, and age was less than 50 years, using the outcome of
30-day MACE.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend against using hs-cTnT and cTnI alone measured at 0 and 2 hours to exclude the diagnosis of ACS*
(strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is no evidence of using hs-cTnI and cTnT alone to
exclude the diagnosis of ACS.
We suggest that negative† hs-cTnI measured at 0 and 2 hours
may be used together with low-risk patients (low risk defined by
Vancouver rule or TIMI score of 0 or 1) to exclude the diagnosis
of ACS* (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest negative† cTnI or cTnT measured at 0 and 3
to 6 hours may be used together with very-low-risk patients
(low risk defined by Vancouver rule, TIMI score of 0, low-risk
HEART score, low-risk North American CP rule) to exclude
the diagnosis of ACS* (weak recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place higher value
on reducing resource utilization by avoiding hospitalization,
only if these patients have a very low likelihood of subsequent
MACE. We defined the acceptable risk as less than 1% risk of
ACS, MACE, or death at 30-day or longer follow-up.
Knowledge Gaps
• We encourage further studies to evaluate the combination of troponin and clinical risk scores to determine
which patients with chest pain may be safely discharged
from the ED.
Therapeutic Interventions in ACS
Myocardial reperfusion therapy, by fibrinolysis or primary
PCI, is the pivotal treatment of STEMI. The development of
STEMI networks during the past decade has improved quick
access to reperfusion therapy and led to a reduction of mortality in this setting.55
Reperfusion therapy benefits from adjunctive antithrombotic therapy, which, depending on the logistics and organization of emergency medical services, may be provided in
the prehospital setting by physicians or in some regions by
nurses and paramedics under medical authority. Such therapy
includes antiplatelet agents (eg, aspirin, ADP inhibitors) and
anticoagulants (eg, UFH, enoxaparin, bivalirudin).
The benefit of aspirin administration in STEMI patients
is strong, and as there was no significant new research in this
area, this question was not prioritized for update in 2015. The
administration of aspirin by first aid providers was reviewed in
2015 (see FA 871 and FA 586 in “Part 9: First Aid”).
Although the administration of ADP-receptor inhibitors
is strongly recommended in STEMI (and other) patients, the
in-hospital use of these drugs was not addressed in this 2015
publication; however, their prehospital use was reviewed.
There were very few studies that evaluated the prehospital
versus in-hospital administration of these drugs, and this is
*Exclude the diagnosis of ACS defined as less than 1% 30-day MACE.
†Negative value is less than 99th percentile.
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October 20, 2015
Figure 4. Thirty-day mortality for prehospital versus in-hospital ADP-antagonist administration. Experimental = prehospital ADP-antagonist
administration; control = in-hospital ADP-antagonist administration.
a topic requiring further research. Our a priori outcomes did
not include stent thrombosis; thus, this was not included in
the 2015 consensus on science. However, where post hoc
evidence of increased stent thrombosis rates were available,
inclusion in treatment recommendations was considered.
The concomitant administration of adjunctive antithrombotic therapy in association with reperfusion therapy
is recommended widely based on consistent evidence in
international specialty guidelines.56,57 Nevertheless, whether
effort should be undertaken to include such additional therapy
in the prehospital management of STEMI patients, particularly in a planned primary PCI strategy, remains to be evaluated and is the subject of this section. Two related questions
reviewed the evidence for administration of anticoagulants
in the prehospital setting. One reviewed prehospital versus
in-hospital use, and the other reviewed prehospital administration of different agents. Interestingly, only UFH has been
evaluated directly in a comparison of prehospital versus inhospital use despite other agents being used in the prehospital setting. We encourage prospective RCTs on the relative
benefits of prehospital versus in-hospital administration of
anticoagulants. While stent thrombosis was not an a priori
outcome in our evaluations, it remains a major complication
of PCI, and, thus, where post hoc evidence of increased stent
thrombosis rates were available, this was considered for the
treatment recommendations and is discussed further in the
comments section.
In addition to the prehospital antiplatelet and anticoagulant treatments for STEMI patients above, this section also
includes oxygen supplementation in ACS patients. Although
the use of supplementary oxygen (regardless of oxygen saturation) had previously been considered standard of care,
its routine use for ACS patients (and postarrest patients,
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc)
has more recently been questioned. Most of the literature on
this topic is relatively old, some before reperfusion therapy
for STEMI (1970s) and, thus, this limits its generalizability.
These studies also used different nonstandardized outcomes,
which limits the ability to combine the studies. Despite these
numerous methodological concerns, in 2010 the ILCOR
ACS Task Force stated that the routine use of supplementary oxygen in ACS was not recommended. The review did
cite gaps in prospective studies of oxygen use in ACS in the
modern era. Since 2010, 3 prospective research studies on
the use of supplementary oxygen use in STEMI were started.
Therefore, this topic was reviewed for 2015 to update the
review with the use of the new GRADE methodology and in
anticipation of additional evidence in the near future. At the
time of final manuscript preparation, the published results
were available for only 1 of these trials. The other 2 studies
were not yet published.
Prehospital ADP-Receptor Antagonists in
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of the
hospital (P), does prehospital administration of an ADPreceptor antagonist (clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor) in
addition to usual therapy (I), compared with administration
of an ADP-receptor antagonist in-hospital (C), change death,
intracranial hemorrhage, revascularization, stroke, major
bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision
and reporting bias) from 3 RCTs58–60 enrolling 2365 patients
showing no additional benefit with prehospital administration of an ADP-receptor antagonist compared with in-hospital
administration (OR, 1.58; 95% CI, 0.90–2.78) (Figure 4).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and reporting bias) from 3 RCTs58–60 enrolling 2365
patients showing no additional benefit with prehospital
administration of an ADP-receptor antagonist compared with
in-hospital administration (OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.72–1.74).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that when ADP-receptor antagonists are given
to suspected STEMI patients with a planned primary PCI
approach, administration can occur in either the prehospital
or in-hospital setting, but there is insufficient evidence to
change existing practice (very-low-quality evidence, weak
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation we place a higher value on
not recommending adding complexity to prehospital treatment regimens over uncertain benefits.
There was no difference in mortality or major bleeding with either prehospital or in-hospital administration. We
acknowledge, however, that although stent thrombosis was
not considered as an outcome a priori, 1 study did report
lower early (≤24 hours) stent thrombosis rates with prehospital (0.8%) versus in-hospital administration (0%).60 However,
there were no differences in mortality, or their composite ischemic end points in this trial. The relevance of this very rare
occurrence of early stent thrombosis in balance with the rare
occurrence of additional bleeding if the patient underwent
an emergency surgical strategy rather than PCI will need to
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
be elucidated in further studies. Therefore, we find that the
relative benefit to administering these agents prehospital versus in-hospital is marginal at best and may be offset by additional harms that could only be evaluated by larger RCTs that
include these additional patient-oriented outcomes.
anticoagulant prehospital (eg, bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux) (I), compared with UFH prehospital
(C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage, revascularization,
major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Prehospital Anticoagulants Versus None in
Bivalirudin Versus UFH RCTs
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT62 enrolling 2218
patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital bivalirudin compared with prehospital UFH (OR,
0.96; 95% CI, 0.59–1.56).
For the important outcome of stroke, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT62 enrolling 2218
patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital bivalirudin compared with prehospital UFH (OR,
0.55; 95% CI, 0.2–1.5).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT62 enrolling 2218
patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital bivalirudin compared with prehospital UFH (OR,
1.95; 95% CI, 0.90–4.22).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT62 enrolling
2218 patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing a benefit of prehospital bivalirudin compared with prehospital UFH
(OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.26–0.96).
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of hospital transferred for primary PCI (P), does any anticoagulant
administered prehospital (eg, bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, UFH) (I), compared with no anticoagulant administered prehospital (C), change death, intracranial
hemorrhage, revascularization, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT61 enrolling 1702
patients undergoing PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital UFH versus in-hospital UFH (OR, 1.07; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of stroke, we have identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
imprecision) from 1 non-RCT61 enrolling 1702 patients undergoing PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital
UFH over in-hospital UFH (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.034–3.136).
For the important outcome of myocardial infarction,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT61 enrolling 1702 patients undergoing PPCI for STEMI showing no
benefit of prehospital UFH over in-hospital UFH (OR, 0.979;
95% CI, 0.366–2.62).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT61 enrolling 1702
patients undergoing PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital UFH over in-hospital UFH (OR, 0.699; 95% CI,
There was no direct evidence of other anticoagulant medications administered in the prehospital setting compared with
in-hospital setting for STEMI patients.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that when UFH is given in suspected STEMI
patients with a planned primary PCI approach, administration can occur in either the prehospital or in-hospital setting,
and there is insufficient evidence to change existing practice
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
not recommending adding complexity to prehospital treatment regimens over uncertain additional benefit.
Prehospital Anticoagulants Versus UFH in
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside
of a hospital transferred for primary PCI (P), does any
Consensus on Science
Bivalirudin Non-RCTs
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 2 non-RCTs63,64 enrolling
543 patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital bivalirudin compared with prehospital UFH
(OR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.39–1.56).
For the important outcomes of stroke and reinfarction,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT64 enrolling 369
patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of
prehospital bivalirudin over prehospital UFH for stroke (OR,
0.86; 95% CI, 0.12–6.19) or reinfarction (OR, 0.86; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 2 non-RCTs63,64 enrolling 543
patients transferred for PPCI for STEMI showing a benefit of
prehospital bivalirudin compared with UFH (OR, 0.39; 95%
CI, 0.2–0.76).
Enoxaparin Versus UFH
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT65 enrolling 910 patients transferred
for PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital enoxaparin compared with prehospital UFH (OR, 0.58; 95% CI,
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Figure 5. Mortality in AMI patients when oxygen is withheld compared with routine administration. Experimental = oxygen withholding;
control = routine supplementary oxygen.
For the important outcome of stroke, we have identified
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT65 enrolling 910 patients transferred for PPCI
for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital enoxaparin compared with prehospital UFH (OR, 3.08; 95% CI, 0.32–29.73).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT65 enrolling 910 patients transferred for
PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital enoxaparin
compared with prehospital UFH (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.90–4.22).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT65 enrolling 910 patients transferred for
PPCI for STEMI showing no benefit of prehospital enoxaparin
compared with prehospital UFH (OR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.31–1.20).
Treatment Recommendations
We have insufficient confidence in the treatment effect for prehospital administration of bivalirudin compared with prehospital administration of UFH in prehospital-identified STEMI
patients to recommend a change in existing practice (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We suggest that prehospital enoxaparin may be used
as an alternative to prehospital UFH as an adjunct for primary PCI for STEMI (weak recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation regarding bivalirudin, we
place a higher value on not recommending new resource allocation for an intervention where the relative benefit is unclear.
In making this recommendation regarding enoxaparin, we
place a higher value on recommending agents that may provide benefit with regard to the ease of administration and lack
of need for monitoring.
In making these recommendations, it is important to also
consider the related review on anticoagulants given to STEMI
patients in the prehospital versus in-hospital setting. Only
UFH has been evaluated directly in this setting without clear
evidence of benefit. We are not recommending that systems
implement anticoagulant administration in the prehospital
setting. However, in recognizing that some systems are doing
this routinely, we conducted this review to look at the relative
benefit of one agent over another.
Although stent thrombosis was not considered as an a priori
outcome, bivalirudin was strongly associated with the risk of
acute stent thrombosis (RR, 6.11; 95% CI, 1.37–27.24).62 Such
association is also consistently reported in other published
in-hospital studies and meta-analyses of this agent in patients
undergoing PCI.66,67 While the benefit of bivalirudin over UFH
alone in reducing bleeding complications has been shown, this
benefit has been challenged by the additional consistent risk of
stent thrombosis. This stent thrombosis risk was considered by
the task force in making its treatment recommendations.
Supplementary Oxygen in ACS (ACS 887)
Among adult patients with suspected ACS and normal oxygen
saturation in any setting (prehospital, emergency, or in-hospital) (P), does withholding oxygen (I), compared with routine
supplementary oxygen (C), change death, infarct size, chest
pain resolution, ECG resolution (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality, we have identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, heterogeneity, and bias) from 4 RCTs68–71 enrolling 871 patients
showing no benefit (OR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.25–3.34) when oxygen is withheld compared with routine supplementary oxygen
administration (Figure 5).
For the important outcome of infarct size, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 3 RCTs68,70,71
enrolling 713 patients showing a small reduction in infarct
size when oxygen is withheld compared with routine supplementary oxygen administration. Data from a fourth RCT suggesting increased infarct size when oxygen is withheld could
not be used because of incomplete reporting and unvalidated
methods.69 The trial data generated for infarct size are too heterogeneous to enable combined assessment.
For the important outcome of chest pain resolution, we
have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 2
RCTs68,72 enrolling 199 patients showing no difference when
oxygen is withheld compared with routine supplementary
oxygen administration.
For the important outcome of ECG resolution, no evidence has been identified in RCTs.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest withholding oxygen in comparison with routine
oxygen supplementation in normoxic patients* with ACS†
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
*Two later studies of SpO2 greater than 93% or 93% to 96%.
†Patients with AMI, excluded previous myocardial infarction, severe
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respiratory failure, cardiogenic
shock, central cyanosis, SpO2 less than 85%, dyspnea from any other
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Table 2. Reperfusion Decisions in STEMI: 2015 Topics
Decision Setting
Prehospital fibrinolysis versus ED fibrinolysis
Prehospital FL
Prehospital triage to PCI center versus prehospital fibrinolysis341
Transfer to PPCI
Prehospital FL
ED fibrinolysis and immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone882
FL + immediate PCI (within 1–4 hours)
Any setting
FL (time dependent)
Transport for PCI versus ED fibrinolysis and transport only for
rescue PCI332
Transport to PPCI
FL+transport only for rescue PCI
ED fibrinolysis and routine early angiography versus transport
for PCI779
FL + routine transport to PCI
Transport to PCI
ED fibrinolysis and then transport for early angiography versus
only rescue PCI334
FL + routine transport to PCI
FL + transport only for rescue PCI
Delayed PCI versus fibrinolysis stratified by time from
ED indicates emergency department; FL, fibrinolysis; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; and PPCI, primary percutaneous coronary intervention.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
avoiding possible harm when the evidence available suggests
no mortality benefit and possible harm in providing routine
oxygen supplementation.
We acknowledge the pending results of 2 additional trials addressing this topic. No data were identified for routine
administration of oxygen with lower concentrations than
those used in the reviewed trials (4–8 L/min via mask or nasal
prongs). Oxygen saturation readings from pulse oximetry
should be interpreted with caution, and every effort should be
made to recognize and correct patient- or equipment-related
factors that might lead to inaccurate results.
Knowledge Gaps
• We await the pending results of 2 trials addressing the
benefit and safety of administration of supplementary
oxygen in ACS patients.
Reperfusion Decisions in STEMI
This section addresses the questions of which reperfusion
strategy is best under specific circumstances. Which options
are available for reperfusion will depend on the local prehospital system and availability of PCI centers. Some
prehospital systems include physicians or highly trained
personnel that can safely administer prehospital fibrinolysis. Some regions have short transport times to PCI, and
STEMI patients can be triaged and transported directly
to PCI. The questions in this section consider reperfusion
decisions in relation to regional availability (eg, prehospital
fibrinolysis versus ED fibrinolysis or prehospital fibrinolysis versus transport direct for PCI). Table 2 outlines the systematic reviews in this section including the setting where
the reperfusion is being made and the intervention versus
Where there are strong recommendations, regions should
consider if these could be implemented safely to provide
the same benefits found in the studies. Alternatively, where
there are weak recommendations, the current resources and
system may determine what option would work best. When
reperfusion is the planned strategy, this should occur as soon
as possible after diagnosis.
Prehospital fibrinolysis may have advantages when there
are long transport times. As the transport time shortens, any
expected advantage is lost. These advantages need to be
weighed against the resources required to implement this and
the alternatives available. Thus, if PCI is available, time to
transport to PCI is a more important determinant of the decision. Several of the systematic reviews focused on specific
decisions of fibrinolysis versus PCI based on the regional
resources or “system.”
As fibrinolysis is still a viable option in many systems,
some of the reviews addressed whether routine angiography
(with PCI if indicated) should be undertaken when fibrinolysis
has been administered versus only ischemia-guided (rescue)
angiography and in what time frame. These decisions may be
dependent on whether PCI is available on-site or via transport.
Although the 2010 CoSTR recommended PCI as the preferred reperfusion strategy for STEMI, the benefit is mostly
reflected in lower reinfarction rates, such that fibrinolysis
and early transfer for angiography may be a reasonable
alternative in settings where access to PCI may be limited
or delayed (geographic, resources, time of day).46 Benefit is
less clear if PCI is not performed in high-volume centers
by experienced operators. Patient transfer should be within
a well-organized system of care including adequate patient
surveillance and capability of treating complications such as
cardiac arrest.
One of the reviews specifically addressed PCI versus
fibrinolysis based on the time from symptoms to provide a
summary of the evidence for early presenters versus other
time frames. The recommendations depend on any associated delays to PCI and can be used to provide a framework
to make decisions for individual systems. Because the other
questions did not separately address early presenters or
time from symptom onset, this review is key to providing
context that can be incorporated into the specific system
decisions. These recommendations must be considered in
the context of specific patients (gender, age, comorbidities,
vascular territory of infarct); some patients have relative
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Figure 6. Hospital mortality for prehospital fibrinolysis versus in-hospital fibrinolysis. Experimental = prehospital fibrinolysis; control =
in-hospital fibrinolysis.
contraindications to fibrinolysis and/or may have such little additional benefit from reperfusion that only a low-risk
option is beneficial.
The PCI trials excluded patients with contraindications
to thrombolysis, high-risk patients who presented with cardiogenic shock, and those in whom femoral vascular access
was unobtainable. Patients who were excluded for contraindication to thrombolysis or were in shock usually underwent
primary PCI. Fibrinolysis may be relatively or absolutely contraindicated in some patients, making PPCI necessary regardless of the time frame.
Prehospital Fibrinolysis Versus ED Fibrinolysis
(ACS 338)
Among adults who are suspected of having STEMI outside
of a hospital (P), does prehospital fibrinolysis (I), compared
with in-hospital fibrinolysis (C), change death, intracranial
hemorrhage, revascularization, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
assurance programs under medical oversight (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the reduction of mortality compared with no increased evidence of complications and consideration of the significant
resource implications to implement a prehospital fibrinolysis
With the advent of more PPCI availability, in some areas
the comparison of prehospital fibrinolysis to PPCI is more relevant (see the next systematic review on this topic).
The 3 studies that formed this evidence were all conducted
more than 20 years ago. Since those studies showed combined
benefit in mortality, no further RCTs have directly addressed
this same question. To determine if there was more recent nonRCT evidence that might support or refute these early studies,
a post hoc review was done and 1 relevant non-RCT was found
from the last 5 years.76 The review of this study confirmed the
inherent risk of bias of a non-RCT. However, the study had similar findings of no greater harm from prehospital fibrinolysis,
although it did not show the same potential mortality benefit.
The real advantage of prehospital fibrinolysis is where transport times are greater than 30 minutes. These RCTs were conducted in healthcare settings with a difference in time between
prehospital treatment and in-hospital treatment of 33 to 52 minutes. Transport times to hospital were 38 to 60 minutes. As the
transport time shortens, any expected advantage is lost.
The systems in the included studies included physician
and other prehospital professionals who administered fibrinolysis by using well-established protocols, comprehensive
training programs, and quality assurance programs under
medical oversight.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of hospital mortality, we have
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from 3 RCTs73–75 enrolling 531 patients showing benefit for prehospital fibrinolysis compared with
in-hospital fibrinolysis (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.23–0.93)
(Figure 6).
For the critical outcome of intracranial hemorrhage, we
have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs74,75 enrolling 438 patients
showing no additional harm from prehospital fibrinolysis
compared with in-hospital fibrinolysis (OR, 2.14; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of bleeding, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from
2 RCTS74,75 enrolling 438 patients showing no additional harm
from prehospital fibrinolysis compared with in-hospital fibrinolysis (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.40–2.32).
For other outcomes (revascularization, reinfarction, and
ischemic stroke), no evidence from RCTs was found.
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a
hospital (P), does direct triage and transport to a PCI center
(I), compared with prehospital fibrinolysis (C), change death,
intracranial hemorrhage, major bleeding (O)?
Treatment Recommendation
When fibrinolysis is the planned treatment strategy, we recommend using prehospital fibrinolysis in comparison with
in-hospital fibrinolysis for STEMI in systems where the transport times are commonly greater than 30 minutes and can be
accomplished by prehospital personnel using well-established
protocols, comprehensive training programs, and quality
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 4 RCTs77–80 enrolling 2887 STEMI patients showing no
differential benefit to either therapy (direct triage and transport to a PCI center compared with prehospital fibrinolysis)
(OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.72–1.46) (Figure 7).
Prehospital Triage to PCI Center Versus Prehospital
Fibrinolysis (ACS 341)
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Figure 7. Thirty-day mortality for prehospital triage to PCI center versus prehospital fibrinolysis. Experimental = prehospital triage to PCI
center; control = prehospital fibrinolysis.
For the critical outcome of 1-year mortality, we have
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 2 RCTs80,81 enrolling 1877 STEMI patients showing no difference between direct triage and transport to a PCI
center compared with prehospital fibrinolysis (OR, 0.88; 95%
CI, 0.60–1.27).
For the critical outcome of intracranial hemorrhage, we
have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from 4 RCTs77–80 enrolling 2887 STEMI patients
showing less harm with direct triage and transport to a PCI
center compared with prehospital fibrinolysis (OR, 0.21; 95%
CI, 0.05–0.84).
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that where PCI facilities are available in a geographic region, that direct triage and transport for PCI is preferred (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence). There
is moderate evidence that mortality is not reduced and lowquality evidence of harm from fibrinolysis.
We suggest that where PCI facilities are not available in a
geographic region, that prehospital fibrinolysis is a reasonable
alternative to triage and transport directly to PCI.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we are placing a higher value
on avoiding iatrogenic harm and a lower value on uncertain
benefits on survival. Given the lack of mortality benefit, we
are not suggesting the addition of new PCI facilities for this
indication and recognize that concentration in fewer high-volume centers may provide better outcomes.
ED Fibrinolysis and Immediate PCI Versus
Immediate PCI Alone (ACS 882)
Among adults who are having STEMI in the ED (P), does
fibrinolytic administration combined with immediate PCI (I),
compared with immediate PCI alone (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage, reinfarction, urgent target vessel revascularization, major bleeding (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 5 RCTs82–86 enrolling 3533 patients showing no benefit
when fibrinolytic administration is combined with immediate
PCI versus immediate PCI alone (OR, 1.29; 95% CI, 0.96–
1.74) (Figure 8).
For the critical outcome of intracranial hemorrhage, we
have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from 3 RCTs82,83,86 enrolling 3342 patients showing harm when fibrinolytic administration is combined with
immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone (OR, 7.75; 95%
CI, 1.39–43.15) (Figure 9).
For the important outcome of nonfatal myocardial
infarction, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) from 5
RCTs82–86 enrolling 3498 patients showing no benefit when
fibrinolytic administration is combined with immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone (OR, 1.15; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of target vessel revascularization, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for inconsistency and imprecision) from 4 RCTs82–84,86 enrolling 3360 patients showing no benefit when fibrinolytic administration is combined with immediate PCI versus immediate
PCI alone (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.91–1.47).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified high-quality evidence from 5 RCTs82–86 enrolling
3543 patients showing harm when fibrinolytic administration
is combined with immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone
(OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.05–2.20).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend against the routine use of fibrinolytic administration combined with immediate* PCI, compared with
immediate PCI alone in patients with STEMI (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
avoiding harm (intracranial hemorrhage and major bleeding), given that the evidence suggests no mortality benefit for
fibrinolytic administration combined with immediate PCI.
Delayed PCI Versus Fibrinolysis Stratified by Time
From Symptoms (ACS 337)
Among patients with STEMI stratified by time from symptom onset to presentation when fibrinolysis is readily available (P), does delayed PCI (I), compared with fibrinolysis
(C), change mortality, reinfarction, major bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage (O)?
Consensus on Science
In STEMI Patients Presenting Less Than 2 Hours After
Symptom Onset in Whom Immediate PPCI Will Delay
Treatment 60 to 160 Minutes Compared With Fibrinolysis
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
*In these studies, the time frame from fibrinolysis to PCI ranged from
1 to 4 hours.
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Figure 8. Thirty-day mortality for ED fibrinolysis and immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone. Experimental = combined PCI; control =
primary PCI.
imprecision) from a combined analysis of 2 RCTs87 enrolling
646 patients showing greater harm with delayed PPCI compared with fibrinolysis (OR, 2.6; 95% CI, 1.2–5.64).
For the critical outcome of 5-year mortality, we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness
and imprecision) from 1 RCT88 enrolling 449 patients showing greater harm with delayed PPCI compared with fibrinolysis (OR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.1–4.08).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
imprecision) from a combined analysis of 2 RCTs87 enrolling 657 patients showing no difference between delayed PPCI
compared with fibrinolysis (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.17–1.1).
For the important outcome of severe bleeding we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness
and imprecision) from 1 RCT89 enrolling 455 patients showing no difference in delayed PPCI compared with fibrinolysis
(OR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.01–8.15).
In STEMI Patients Presenting 2 to 6 Hours After Symptom
Onset in Whom PPCI Will Delay Treatment 60 to 160
Minutes Compared With Fibrinolysis
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
imprecision) from a combined analysis of 2 RCTs87 enrolling
508 patients showing no benefit of delayed PPCI over fibrinolysis (1-year mortality OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.42–1.74).
For the critical outcome of 5-year mortality, we have found
low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 RCT88 enrolling 367 patients showing no benefit of
fibrinolysis over delayed PPCI (OR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.55–1.77).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and
imprecision) from a combined analysis of 2 RCTs87 enrolling 511 patients showing no difference (OR, 0.4; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of severe bleeding, we have
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness
and imprecision) from 1 RCT89 enrolling 375 patients showing
greater harm from delayed PPCI compared with fibrinolysis
(OR, 8.18; 95% CI, 1.01–66.04).
In STEMI Patients Presenting 3 to 12 Hours After Symptom
Onset in Whom PPCI Will Delay Treatment 60 to 140
Minutes Compared With Fibrinolysis
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT90 enrolling 295 patients
showing benefit of delayed PPCI (mean fibrinolysis-to-balloon delay of 85 ± 28 minutes) over immediate fibrinolysis
(OR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.16–0.79).
Other Analyses
A reanalysis of the raw data from 16 RCTs comparing 30-day
mortality between fibrin-specific fibrinolysis and PPCI91 has
suggested that the acceptable fibrinolysis to PPCI delay varies
depending on the patient’s baseline risk and presentation delay
(low-quality evidence, downgraded for inconsistency and indirectness). Patients with higher risk including Killip class >1,
may benefit from PPCI even when there are treatment delays
up to 120 minutes. The acceptable delay may range from 35
minutes when the risk is low (4%) through to greater than 5
hours for high risk (18%). A pragmatic simplification of the
formula derived in the analysis has been suggested in the associated editorial: Patients over 65 years of age, and all patients
in Killip class greater than 1, should be treated with PPCI.92
Patients less than 65 years of age in Killip class 1 should have
PPCI unless delay is greater than 35 minutes.
Two observational studies93,94 used propensity-matched
analysis of the National Registry of Myocardial Infarction
registry, so they were not included in the original search strategy of RCTs only. The findings suggest an upper time limit for
delay of 120 minutes overall.
Treatment Recommendations (Table 3)
In patients with STEMI presenting less than 2 hours after
symptom onset, when PPCI will result in a delay of greater
than 60 minutes, we suggest fibrinolysis in comparison with
PPCI (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Figure 9. Intracranial hemorrhage for ED fibrinolysis and immediate PCI versus immediate PCI alone. Experimental = combined PCI;
control = primary PCI.
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Table 3. Most Appropriate Reperfusion Strategy According to
Time From Symptom Onset and Anticipated Treatment Delays
Treatment delays,
Time From Symptom Onset
<2 Hours
2–3 Hours
3–6 Hours*
60 to 120
Patients with higher risk, including Killip class >1, may benefit from PPCI
even when there are treatment delays up to 120 minutes.
*If time from symptom onset is greater than 6 hours, PPCI is appropriate
regardless of treatment delays.
†In case of fibrinolytic therapy, immediate transfer to a percutaneous
coronary intervention center after fibrinolysis should be considered for cardiac
angiography within 3 to 24 hours.
FL indicates fibrinolysis; and PPCI, primary percutaneous coronary
In patients with STEMI presenting 2 to 3 hours after
symptom onset, when PPCI will result in a delay of 60 to 120
minutes, we suggest either fibrinolysis or PPCI (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
In patients with STEMI presenting 3 to 12 hours after
symptom onset, when PPCI will result in a delay of up to 120
minutes, we suggest PPCI in comparison with fibrinolysis
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
The evidence does not differentiate the late presenters with
long delays to PCI. It is acknowledged that fibrinolysis becomes
significantly less effective more than 6 hours after symptom onset
and, thus, a PPCI may be the ideal option in patients more than 6
hours after symptom onset, even if this can only be accomplished
with a long delay to PPCI (eg, more than 120 minutes).
When long delays to PPCI are anticipated (more than
120 minutes), a strategy of immediate fibrinolysis followed
by routine early (within 3–24 hours) angiography and PCI, if
indicated, is reasonable (ACS 334).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a high priority on the
evidence of mortality benefit; however, we acknowledge that geographic and resource factors may limit the availability of PPCI.
Knowledge Gaps
• Further evidence is required on the maximal treatment
delay for PCI versus fibrinolytic therapy by patient
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
ED Fibrinolysis and Transport Only for Rescue PCI
Versus Transport for PCI (ACS 332)
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–
PCI-capable hospital) (P), does transfer to a PCI center (I),
compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only
transfer for ischemia-driven PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours
(C), change short-term survival, stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias) from 8 RCTs90,95–101 enrolling 3119 patients showing
benefit of transfer without fibrinolysis to a PCI center compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI in the first 24 hours (OR, 0.66;
95% CI, 0.50–0.86) (Figure 10).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk
of bias) from the same 8 RCTs90,95–101 enrolling 3119 patients
showing benefit of transfer without fibrinolysis to a PCI center compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only
transfer for ischemia-driven PCI in the first 24 hours (OR,
0.33; 95% CI, 0.21–0.51).
For the important outcome of stroke, we have identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of
bias) from the same 8 RCTs90,95–101 enrolling 3119 patients
showing benefit of transfer without fibrinolysis to a PCI center compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only
transfer for ischemia-driven PCI in the first 24 hours (OR,
0.41; 95% CI, 0.22–0.76).
For the important outcome of major hemorrhage, we
have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for serious risk of bias, imprecision, and publication bias)
from 2 RCTs97,100 enrolling 550 patients showing no benefit of transfer without fibrinolysis to a PCI center compared
with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for
ischemia-driven PCI in the first 24 hours (OR, 0.68; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendation
For adult patients presenting with STEMI in the ED of a non–
PCI-capable hospital, we recommend emergency transfer
without fibrinolysis to a PCI center as opposed to immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and transfer only for rescue PCI
(strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Figure 10. Thirty-day mortality for ED transport for PCI versus fibrinolysis and transport only for rescue PCI. Experimental = transfer to
PCI; control = onsite fibrinolysis. FL indicates fibrinolysis.
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October 20, 2015
Figure 11. Thirty-day mortality for ED fibrinolysis and routine early angiography versus transport for PCI. Experimental = ED fibrinolysis
and routine early angiography; control = transport for PCI. FL indicates fibrinolysis.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we put great weight on the
patient benefits of mortality, reinfarction, and stroke with no
additional harm in terms of major hemorrhage.
ED Fibrinolysis and Routine Early Angiography
Versus Transport for PCI (ACS 779)
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED of a non–PCIcapable hospital (P), does immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis
and routine transfer for angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24
hours) (I), compared with transfer to a PCI center (C), change
30-day mortality, stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from 2 RCTs80,102 enrolling 337
patients with STEMI showing no differential benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer to a PCI center (OR, 0.84; 95%
CI, 0.24–2.98) (Figure 11).
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have also
identified 1 non-RCT enrolling 1714 patients103 of very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision), showing no differential benefit of immediate in-hospital
fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared
with transfer to a PCI center (OR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.48–1.55).
For the critical outcome of intracranial hemorrhage,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from the same
2 RCTs80,102 enrolling 337 patients with STEMI showing no
differential benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and
routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer to a
PCI center (OR, 3.14; 95% CI, 0.13–78.08).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from the same 2 RCTs80,102
enrolling 337 patients with STEMI showing no differential
benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer to a PCI center
(OR, 2.11; 95% CI, 0.51–8.64).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we also identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT enrolling 1714 patients103
showing no differential benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with
transfer to a PCI center (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 0.73–6.61).
For the important outcome of stroke, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from the same 2 RCTs80,102
enrolling 416 patients with STEMI showing no differential
benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer to a PCI center
(OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.06–15.58).
For the important outcome of stroke, we also identified 1
non-RCT enrolling 1714 patients103 of very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) showing
no differential benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis
and routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer
to a PCI center (OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 0.41–5.67).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from the same 2 RCTs80,102
enrolling 337 patients with STEMI showing no differential
benefit of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with transfer to a PCI center
(OR, 1.33; 95% CI, 0.32–5.47).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we also identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 non-RCT103 enrolling 1714 patients with
STEMI showing no differential benefit of immediate in-hospital
fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography compared with
transfer to a PCI center (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.26–1.63).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest fibrinolytic therapy with routine transfer for angiography as an alternative to immediate transfer to PCI for patients
presenting with STEMI in the ED of a non–PCI-capable hospital (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
This recommendation indicates that either therapy would
be appropriate according to the evidence. Fibrinolysis and
routine transfer may be appropriate where patients cannot
be transferred to a PCI-capable center in a timely manner.
Alternatively, transfer to PCI may be appropriate when this
can be accomplished quickly or the patient has greater risks
with fibrinolysis. Given the lack of mortality benefit, if transport directly to PCI is delayed, fibrinolysis before transport for
routine early angiography is a reasonable option. We are not
suggesting the addition of new PCI facilities for this indication and recognize that fewer high-volume centers may provide better outcomes.
ED Fibrinolysis and Then Routine Early
Angiography Versus Only Rescue PCI (ACS 334)
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–PCIcapable hospital) who have received immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis (P), does routine transport for angiography at 3 to 6 hours
(or up to 24 hours) (I), compared with only transfer for ischemiadriven PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Figure 12. Thirty-day mortality for ED fibrinolysis and then routine early angiography versus only rescue PCI. Experimental = ED
fibrinolysis and then routine early angiography; control = fibrinolysis and only rescue PCI.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 30-day mortality, we have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 7 RCTs80,101,104–108 enrolling 2355 patients showing no differential benefit to either therapy (immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography at 3 to 6 hours [or
up to 24 hours], compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI [rescue PCI]
in first 24 hours) (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.64–1.44) (Figure 12).
For the critical outcome of 1-year mortality, we have
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 6 RCTs80,104,105,108–110 enrolling 2275 STEMI
patients showing no benefit to either therapy (immediate inhospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography at 3
to 6 hours [or up to 24 hours], compared with immediate inhospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI
[rescue PCI] in first 24 hours) (OR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.16–1.89).
For the critical outcome of intracranial hemorrhage, we
have identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from 6 RCTs80,104–108 enrolling 2156 STEMI patients,
showing no differential harm from either therapy (immediate inhospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography at 3 to 6
hours [or up to 24 hours], compared with immediate in-hospital
fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI [rescue
PCI] in first 24 hours) (OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.34–1.44).
For the important outcome of major bleeding, we have
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 6 RCTs80,104–108 enrolling 2156 STEMI patients
showing no differential harm from either therapy (immediate
in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography
at 3 to 6 hours [or up to 24 hours], compared with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemiadriven PCI [rescue PCI] in first 24 hours) (OR, 0.88; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of stroke we have identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 4 RCTs101,104,106,108 enrolling 798 STEMI patients showing no differential harm from either therapy (immediate inhospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for angiography at 3
to 6 hours [or up to 24 hours], compared with immediate inhospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI
[rescue PCI] in first 24 hours) (OR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.39–2.51).
For the important outcome of reinfarction, we have
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias) from 7 RCTs80,101,104–108 in 2355 patients of benefit
of immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine transfer for
angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24 hours), compared
with immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for
ischemia-driven PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours (OR, 0.57;
95% CI, 0.38–0.85).
Treatment Recommendation
After fibrinolysis of STEMI patients in the ED (when primary
PCI is not available on-site), we suggest transport for early
routine angiography in the first 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24 hours)
rather than only transport for ischemia-guided angiography
(weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this suggestion, we place a higher value on a
measurable benefit in the important outcome of reinfarction
despite no apparent benefit in 30-day or 1-year mortality and
with no harm from bleeding or stroke. However, there may
be circumstances or geography where transfer for angiography within 24 hours is particularly difficult or not available. In
these cases, the small measurable benefit in reinfarction only
may not outweigh any prolonged or difficult transfer.
Knowledge Gaps
• The current evidence indicates that PCI at 3 to 24 hours
after fibrinolysis reduces reinfarction. The optimal timing within this time window has not been elucidated.
Similarly, the optimal management is unclear for patients
after fibrinolysis in remote areas where transport to PCI
is difficult or prolonged.
Hospital Reperfusion Decisions After ROSC
There are widely accepted published guidelines surrounding the
treatment of STEMI and NSTEMI in the general adult population that are endorsed by the ILCOR community. The evidence
used to generate these guidelines did not specifically address
patient populations who experienced OHCA and subsequently
had ROSC. The management of this patient group, particularly
patients having prolonged resuscitation and nonspecific ECG
changes, has been controversial because of the lack of specific
evidence and significant implications on use of resources.
The majority of patients who have an OHCA have underlying ischemic heart disease. Acute coronary artery occlusion is
known to be the precipitating factor in many of these patients.
While coronary artery occlusion after cardiac arrest is frequently
associated with ECG ST elevation or left bundle branch block,
it can also occur in the absence of these findings. In fact, it has
been recognized from several large observational series that
absence of ST elevation may be associated with acute coronary
occlusion in patients with ROSC after OHCA.111 Similarly, ST
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October 20, 2015
Figure 13. Hospital mortality for patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest with ST elevation: emergency cardiac catheterization versus
delayed or no cardiac catheterization. Experimental = emergency cardiac catheterization; control = delayed or no cardiac catheterization.
elevation after OHCA may be temporary and does not always
correlate with an acute coronary artery occlusion.
In 2010, ILCOR completed a single evidence review to
examine all adult patients with OHCA and ROSC, inclusive
of patients with and without ST elevation. In clinical practice,
ACS with and without ST elevation are clinically distinct syndromes that are managed with guidelines that promote specific
time to intervention targets for STEMI, while less time-sensitive strategies are recommended for non–ST elevation ACS. For
this reason, the evidence review of this topic has been stratified
to reflect the need to give guidance specific to each subset (ST
elevation and no ST elevation) of the post-OHCA population.
PCI After ROSC With ST Elevation (ACS 340)
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest with
evidence of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation* (I), compared with
cardiac catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C), change hospital mortality and neurologically
favorable survival (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of hospital mortality in patients
with ROSC after cardiac arrest with ST elevation on
ECG, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and inconsistency and upgraded
for large treatment effect) from 15 observational studies112–126
enrolling 3800 patients showing benefit of emergency cardiac
catheterization versus cardiac catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (OR, 0.35; 95% CI, 0.31–0.41)
(Figure 13).
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival in patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest with ST
elevation on ECG, we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and inconsistency
and upgraded for large treatment effect) from 9 observational
studies,112–114,117,119–122,124 enrolling 2919 patients showing
*Catheterization laboratory evaluation included coronary angiography
and early revascularization of acute coronary occlusions or significant
stenosis as indicated.
benefit of emergency cardiac catheterization versus cardiac
catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization
(OR, 2.54; 95% CI, 2.17–2.99).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend emergency† cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation in comparison with cardiac catheterization
later in the hospital stay or no catheterization in select†† adult
patients with ROSC after OHCA of suspected cardiac origin
with ST elevation on ECG (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
†Time Frame for Treatment
The time frame for emergency catheterization has been variably defined in the evidence reviewed. In general, patients
were managed to minimize door-to-reperfusion times in a
manner similar to the general STEMI patient population. The
complexity and heterogeneity of this patient group may delay
their resuscitation and management.
††Patient Selection
The evidence base was nonrandomized case-control studies
that were subject to a high level of selection bias. The decision to undertake emergency cardiac catheterization was frequently made at the discretion of the treating physician, and
the patient’s likelihood of survival is likely to have influenced
the decision to undertake the intervention. A variety of factors
were more likely to be associated with cardiac catheterization
(Table 4): male gender, younger age, ventricular fibrillation
as the presenting cardiac arrest rhythm; witnessed arrest; and
bystander CPR, being supported with vasopressors or left ventricular assist devices. Those patient characteristics that were
less likely to be associated with angiography were diabetes
mellitus, renal failure, and heart failure.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we placed a higher value on
survival and good neurologic outcome over resource utilization. Although the evidence was low-quality because it involved
observational studies of selected patients, the strength of the
benefit was large and consistent in numerous studies. Given that
the evidence derives from selected patients, this recommendation is not intended to apply to all post-ROSC patients with ST
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Welsford et al
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
Table 4. Patient Characteristics and Confounding Variables in Studies of Patients Selected for Angiography
After ROSC With ST Elevation
Number of
Number of
1.2 Male gender
1.3 Diabetes mellitus
1.4 Hypertension
No/Delayed CAG
Risk Difference (95% CI)
P Value
0.12 (0.0 to 0.19)
−0.05 (−0.1 to 0.00)
−0.06 (−0.12 to 0.01)
1.5 Renal failure
−0.04 (−0.08 to 0.00)
1.6 Stroke
−0.8 (−0.18 to 0.02)
1.7 VF rhythm
0.31 (0.26 to 0.35)
1.8 Witnessed CA
0.05 (0.01 to 0.09)
1.9 Bystander CPR
0.05 (−0.01 to 0.12)
1.10 Therapeutic hypothermia
0.09 (0.02 to 0.17)
1.11 LVSD
0.25 (0.18 to 0.31)
1.12 Vasopressors
0.18 (0.12 to 0.25)
1.13 Heart failure
−0.18 (−0.24 to −0.12)
Confounders found in the group that received cardiac angiography (CAG) and no/delayed CAG are reported as frequencies with 95%
confidence intervals (CIs) and P values. A positive risk difference indicates a higher frequency of confounder variable in patient cohort
undergoing early coronary angiography.
CA indicates cardiac arrest; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; LVSD, left ventricular support device, including aortic balloon pump; and
VF, ventricular fibrillation as presenting arrest rhythm.
elevation; however, a systematic emergency assessment and
consideration of all of these patients is warranted.
We recognize that the capacity to deliver emergency cardiac catheterization is not readily available in all healthcare
settings. These recommendations are particularly relevant
where primary PCI is available as part of the system of care.
We suggest that emergency cardiac catheterization be incorporated in a standardized post–cardiac arrest protocol as part
of an overall strategy to improve neurologically intact survival
in this patient group. Targeted temperature management is
now recommended in patients with ROSC after OHCA. The
evidence reviewed demonstrated the feasibility of combining emergency cardiac catheterization and PCI with the early
implementation of targeted temperature management.
PCI After ROSC Without ST Elevation (ACS 885)
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest without
evidence of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation (I), compared with
cardiac catheterization later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C), change hospital mortality and neurologically
favorable survival (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of hospital mortality in patients with
ROSC after cardiac arrest without ST elevation on ECG,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias) from 2 observational studies112,117 enrolling 513
patients showing benefit from emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory evaluation compared with catheterization
laboratory evaluation later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.35–0.73) (Figure 14).
For the critical outcome of neurologically favorable survival (CPC 1 or 2) in patients with ROSC after cardiac
arrest without ST elevation on ECG, we have identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from
2 observational studies112,117 enrolling 513 patients showing
benefit from emergency cardiac catheterization laboratory
evaluation compared with catheterization laboratory evaluation later in the hospital stay or no catheterization (OR, 1.96;
95% CI, 1.35–2.85).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest emergency* cardiac catheterization laboratory
evaluation in comparison with cardiac catheterization later in
the hospital stay or no catheterization in select† adult patients
who are comatose with ROSC after OHCA of suspected cardiac origin without ST elevation on ECG (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
*Time Frame for Treatment
In the evidence reviewed, the time frame was variably defined,
but patients were managed to minimize door-to-reperfusion
times in a manner similar to the general STEMI patient population. The complexity and heterogeneity of this patient group
may delay their resuscitation and management.
†Patient Selection
The evidence base was nonrandomized case-control studies
that were subject to a high level of selection bias. Unlike the
review pertaining to ST elevation, all of the studies without
ST elevation enrolled comatose patients exclusively. The decision to undertake emergency catheterization was frequently
made at the discretion of the treating physician. A variety of
factors such as patient age, duration of CPR, hemodynamic
instability, presenting cardiac rhythm, neurologic status upon
hospital arrival, and perceived likelihood of cardiac etiology
influenced the decision to undertake the intervention.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we are emphasizing similar
values to those outlined above for STEMI. There is a smaller
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October 20, 2015
Figure 14. Hospital mortality for patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest without ST elevation: emergency cardiac catheterization versus
delayed or no cardiac catheterization. Experimental = emergency cardiac catheterization; control = delayed or no cardiac catheterization.
body of evidence for emergency intervention in patients
without ST elevation after OHCA with ROSC in comparison to those with ST elevation: The population studied was
smaller, the magnitude of the effect was slightly smaller,
and the proportion of patients that went on to have PCI was
smaller. Therefore, we believed that a weak recommendation
was appropriate. We understand that this recommendation
represents a departure from most existing guidelines for the
treatment of the general population of non–ST elevation ACS
patients without OHCA.
Catheterization laboratory evaluation included coronary
angiography and early revascularization of acute coronary
occlusions or significant stenosis as indicated.
Knowledge Gaps
• Further investigation is needed to confirm the benefit seen
in the initial 2 observational studies. Ideally, randomized
studies would help identify if there are certain subgroups
of patients that would benefit most or least from angiography after ROSC.
We thank the following individuals (the Acute Coronary Syndrome
Chapter Collaborators) for their collaborations on the systematic
reviews contained in this section: Abdulaziz S. Ali; Chi Keong
Ching; Michael Longeway; Catherine Patocka; Vincent Roule; Simon
Salzberg; Anthony V. Seto.
The task force members are grateful for the expertise and late-night
assistance of the evidence evaluation experts and GRADE experts
Eddy Lang and Peter Morley. In addition to our chapter collaborators,
Anthony Camuglia and Julian Nam also assisted with insights from
their previous work on related meta-analyses. Last, our final work is
only as good as the foundation of the initial comprehensive search
strategy and, thus, we thank the experienced St Michael’s Hospital
Information Specialist group: Teruko Kishibe, Christine Neilson,
Carolyn Ziegler, and Sandy Iverson.
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Welsford et al
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
2015 CoSTR Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes: Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group Member
Michelle Welsford
Nikolaos I. Nikolaou
Centre for Paramedic None
Education and
Research, Hamilton
Health Sciences
General Hospital
Other Research
Speakers’ Bureau/
Expert Witness
Consultant/ Advisory
Farzin Beygui
CHU Caen
Leo Bossaert
University of
University of Virginia
Hospital Deputy,
Shizuoka General
Hiroshi Nonogi
Robert E. O’Connor
University of Virginia
Daniel R. Pichel
University of Panama
Tony Scott
Waitemata District
Health Board
Darren L. Walters
The Prince Charles
University of Toronto
Karen G. H. Woolfrey
Cardiac Society
Australia and New
Daiichi-Sankyo Lilly
alliance*; BMS*
Pfizer*; MSD*
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10,000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of
the entity, or owns $10,000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 5: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 5
ACS 332
ED Fibrinolysis and
Transport Only for Rescue
PCI Versus Transport
for PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–PCI-capable
hospital) (P), does transfer to a PCI center (I), compared with
immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and only transfer for ischemia-driven
PCI (rescue PCI) in first 24 hours (C), change short-term survival,
stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Nikolaos Nikolaou,
Abdulaziz S. Ali
Part 5
ACS 334
ED Fibrinolysis and Then
Routine Early Angiography
Versus Only Rescue PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED (of a non–PCI-capable
hospital) who have received immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis (P),
does routine transport for angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24
hours) (I), compared with only transfer for ischemia-driven PCI (rescue
PCI) in first 24 hours (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Michelle Welsford,
Robert O’Connor
Part 5
ACS 335
Prehospital ADP-Receptor
Antagonists in STEMI
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of the
hospital (P), does prehospital administration of an ADP-receptor
antagonist (clopidogrel, prasugrel, or ticagrelor) in addition to
usual therapy (I), compared with administration of an ADP-receptor
antagonist in-hospital (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
revascularization, stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Part 5
ACS 336
Prehospital ECG
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does prehospital 12-lead ECG with transmission or notification (I),
compared with no ECG or no transmission/notification (C), change
death, or time to treatment (first medical contact–to–balloon time, first
medical contact–to–needle time, door-to-balloon time, door-to-needle
time) (O)?
Michelle Welsford,
Abdulaziz S. Ali
Part 5
ACS 337
Delayed PCI Versus
Fibrinolysis Stratified by
Time From Symptoms
Among patients with STEMI stratified by time from symptom onset to
presentation when fibrinolysis is readily available (P), does delayed PCI
(I), compared with fibrinolysis (C), change mortality, reinfarction, major
bleeding, intracranial hemorrhage (O)?
Anthony Scott, Hiroshi
Part 5
ACS 338
Prehospital Fibrinolysis
Versus ED Fibrinolysis
Among adults who are suspected of having STEMI outside of
a hospital (P), does prehospital fibrinolysis (I), compared with
in-hospital fibrinolysis(C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
revascularization, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Chris Ghaemmaghami,
Darren Walters
Part 5
ACS 340
PCI After ROSC With ST
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest with evidence
of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac catheterization
laboratory evaluation* (I), compared with cardiac catheterization later
in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C), change hospital mortality
and neurologically favorable survival (O)?
Darren Walters, Chris
Part 5
ACS 341
Prehospital Triage to PCI
Center Versus Prehospital
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does direct triage and transport to a PCI center (I), compared with
prehospital fibrinolysis (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
major bleeding (O)?
Michelle Welsford,
Michael Longeway
Part 5
ACS 559
Computer-Assisted ECG
STEMI Interpretation
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does the use of computer-assisted ECG interpretation (I), compared
with physician ECG interpretation and/or clinical diagnosis of STEMI
(C), change identification of STEMI on an ECG with acceptable rates
of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs, minimizing unnecessary
intervention (O)?
Chi Keong Ching,
Catherine Patocka
Part 5
ACS 562
Anticoagulants Versus
None in STEMI
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of hospital
transferred for primary PCI (P), does any anticoagulant administered
prehospital (eg, bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux,
UFH) (I), compared with no anticoagulant administered prehospital
(C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage, revascularization, major
bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Farzin Beygui, Vincent
Part 5
ACS 568
Anticoagulants vs
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital
transferred for primary PCI (P), does any anticoagulants prehospital
(eg: bivalirudin, dalteparin, enoxaparin, fondaparinux) (I), compared
with UFH prehospital (C), change death, ICH, revascularization, major
bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Farzin Beygui, Vincent
Karen Woolfrey, Daniel
(Continued )
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Welsford et al
Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
CoSTR Part 5: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 5
ACS 737
Biomarkers to
Rule Out ACS
In patients presenting to the ED with chest pain suspected to be of
cardiac etiology (P), does a negative troponin test at presentation and
1, 2, 3, and 6 hours (I), compared with a positive test (C), exclude the
diagnosis of ACS (O)?
Robert O’Connor,
Michelle Welsford
Part 5
ACS 779
ED Fibrinolysis and
Routine Early Angiography
Versus Transport for PCI
Among adult patients with STEMI in the ED of a non–PCI-capable
hospital (P), does immediate in-hospital fibrinolysis and routine
transfer for angiography at 3 to 6 hours (or up to 24 hours) (I),
compared with transfer to a PCI center (C), change 30-day mortality,
stroke, major bleeding, reinfarction (O)?
Nikolaos Nikolaou,
Farzin Beygui
Part 5
ACS 873
Prehospital STEMI
Activation of the
Catheterization Laboratory
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital (P),
does prehospital activation of catheterization laboratory (I), compared
with no prehospital activation of the catheterization laboratory (C),
change mortality, major bleeding, stroke, reinfarction (O)?
Karen Woolfrey,
Daniel Pichel
Part 5
ACS 882
ED Fibrinolysis and
Immediate PCI Versus
Immediate PCI Alone
Among adults who are having STEMI in the ED (P), does fibrinolytic
administration combined with immediate PCI (I), compared with
immediate PCI alone (C), change death, intracranial hemorrhage,
reinfarction, urgent target vessel revascularization, major bleeding (O)?
Hiroshi Nonogi,
Anthony Scott
Part 5
ACS 884
Non-physician STEMI ECG
Among adult patients with suspected STEMI outside of a hospital
(P), do nonphysicians (eg, nurses and paramedics) (I), compared
with physicians (C), change identification of STEMI on an ECG with
acceptable rates of FNs to allow earlier identification and FPs,
minimizing unnecessary angiography (O)?
Part 5
ACS 885
Without ST Elevation
Among adult patients with ROSC after cardiac arrest without evidence
of ST elevation on ECG (P), does emergency cardiac catheterization
laboratory evaluation (I), compared with cardiac catheterization later
in the hospital stay or no catheterization (C), change hospital mortality
and neurologically favorable survival (O)?
Part 5
ACS 887
Oxygen in ACS
Among adult patients with suspected ACS and normal oxygen
saturation in any setting (prehospital, emergency, or in-hospital) (P),
does withholding oxygen (I), compared with routine supplementary
oxygen (C), change death, infarct size, chest pain resolution, ECG
resolution (O)?
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October 20, 2015
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Welsford et al
P, Hod H, Underwood R, Bax JJ, Bonow RO, Pinto F, Gibbons RJ, Fox
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Wijns W, Bassand JP, Menasché P, Ravkilde J, Ohman EM, Antman EM,
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Gheorghiade M, Filippatos G, Luepker RV, Fortmann SP, Rosamond WD,
Levy D, Wood D, Smith SC, Hu D, Lopez-Sendon JL, Robertson RM,
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Part 9: acute coronary syndromes: 2010 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
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47. Bossaert L, O’Connor RE, Arntz HR, Brooks SC, Diercks D, FeitosaFilho G, Nolan JP, Hoek TL, Walters DL, Wong A, Welsford M, Woolfrey
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51. Xavier Scheuermeyer F, Wong H, Yu E, Boychuk B, Innes G, Grafstein E,
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes
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KEY WORDS: fibrinolysis ◼ non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary
syndromes ◼ percutaneous coronary intervention ◼ STEMI
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Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Michelle Welsford, Nikolaos I. Nikolaou, Farzin Beygui, Leo Bossaert, Chris Ghaemmaghami,
Hiroshi Nonogi, Robert E. O'Connor, Daniel R. Pichel, Tony Scott, Darren L. Walters, Karen G.
H. Woolfrey and on behalf of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S146-S176
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000274
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Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and
Pediatric Advanced Life Support
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Allan R. de Caen, Co-Chair*; Ian K. Maconochie, Co-Chair*; Richard Aickin;
Dianne L. Atkins; Dominique Biarent; Anne-Marie Guerguerian; Monica E. Kleinman;
David A. Kloeck; Peter A. Meaney; Vinay M. Nadkarni; Kee-Chong Ng; Gabrielle Nuthall;
Amelia G. Reis; Naoki Shimizu; James Tibballs; Remigio Veliz Pintos;
on behalf of the Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support Chapter Collaborators
The Pediatric Task Force reviewed all questions submitted by
the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR)
member councils in 2010, reviewed all council training materials and resuscitation guidelines and algorithms, and conferred
on recent areas of interest and controversy. We identified a few
areas where there were key differences in council-specific guidelines based on historical recommendations, such as the A-B-C
(Airway, Breathing, Circulation) versus C-A-B (Circulation,
Airway, Breathing) sequence of provision of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR), initial back blows versus abdominal thrusts
for foreign-body airway obstruction, an upper limit for recommended chest compression rate, and initial defibrillation dose
for shockable rhythms (2 versus 4 J/kg). We produced a working list of prioritized questions and topics, which was adjusted
with the advent of new research evidence. This led to a prioritized palate of 21 PICO (population, intervention, comparator,
outcome) questions for ILCOR task force focus.
The 2015 process was supported by information specialists who performed in-depth systematic searches, liaising with
pediatric content experts so that the most appropriate terms
and outcomes and the most relevant publications were identified. Relevant adult literature was considered (extrapolated) in
those PICO questions that overlapped with other task forces,
or when there were insufficient pediatric data. In rare circumstances (in the absence of sufficient human data), appropriate
animal studies were incorporated into reviews of the literature.
However, these data were considered only when higher levels of evidence were not available and the topic was deemed
When formulating the PICO questions, the task force
felt it important to evaluate patient outcomes that extend
beyond return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) or discharge from the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). In
recognition that the measures must have meaning, not only
to clinicians but also to parents and caregivers, longer-term
outcomes at 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and 1 year with
favorable neurologic status were included in the relevant
PICO questions.
Each task force performed a detailed systematic review
based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine
of the National Academies1 and using the methodological
approach proposed by the Grading of Recommendations,
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) working group.2 After identifying and prioritizing the questions to
be addressed (by using the PICO format)3 with the assistance
of information specialists, a detailed search for relevant articles was performed in each of 3 online databases (PubMed,
Embase, and the Cochrane Library).
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for
each question created a reconciled risk-of-bias assessment
for each of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools:
Cochrane for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),4 Quality
Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2
for studies of diagnostic accuracy,5 and GRADE for observational studies that inform both therapy and prognosis
GRADE evidence profile tables7 were then created to
facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of each of
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: de Caen AR, Maconochie IK, Aickin R, Atkins DL, Biarent D,
Guerguerian AM, Kleinman ME, Kloeck DA, Meaney PA, Nadkarni VM, Ng KC, Nuthall G, Reis AG, Shimizu N, Tibballs J, Veliz Pintos R; on behalf of
the Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 6: pediatric basic life support and pediatric advanced life
support: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations.
Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S177–S203.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. This article has also been reprinted in Pediatrics.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S177–S203. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000275.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000275
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the critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high, moderate, low, or very low,8 based on the
study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk
of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other
considerations (including publication bias).9
These evidence profile tables were then used to create a
written summary of evidence for each outcome (the consensus
on science statements). Whenever possible, consensus-based
treatment recommendations were then created. These recommendations (designated as strong or weak) were accompanied
by an overall assessment of the evidence and a statement from
the task force about the values and preferences that underlie
the recommendations.
Further details of the methodology that underpinned the
evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence
Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
The Pediatric Task Force included several authors who
had produced some of the most important primary work
found in the literature. To ensure that there was transparency, and that there was not undue bias, the task force sought
opinions as a whole with the interests of the involved author
declared at the outset. At face-to-face meetings, this allowed
for examination in detail of those papers, producing better understanding of the limitations and interpretation of
the work of those authors. Consistent with the policies to
manage potential conflicts of interest, participants in discussions with any potential conflicts abstained from any voting on the wording of the consensus on science or treatment
External content experts attended the face-to-face
meeting in February 2015 in Dallas (ILCOR 2015
International Consensus Conference on CPR and
Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations), providing further independent review
beyond that achieved by public consultation. This conference included representation from the World Health
Organization (WHO) to add perspective on the global application of the guidelines. These collaborations enhanced
participants’ understanding of the variability of health care
in resource-replete settings, with the realization that the
“developed world” has certain parallels to resource-depleted
settings. It was clearly understood that the economic classifications of “low-,” “middle-,” or “high-income country”
are inadequate to explain the range of health care available
within each country and that the information derived as part
of any review of the scientific literature had to be viewed
in context of the resources available to appropriately shape
local guidelines. The WHO also uses the GRADE assessment process for its guidelines, and similarities were found
between ILCOR work and that of the WHO. Thanks must
go to the WHO representatives and associated clinicians for
their informed and helpful input into discussions about subjects common to both groups.
The Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights section
after each Treatment Recommendation section presents the
prioritization of outcomes in the decision-making processes
and the considerations that informed the direction and strength
of the treatment recommendations.10
Evidence Reviews Addressing Questions
Related to the Prearrest State
Although survival from pediatric cardiac arrest is improving in many (but not all) parts of the world,11–13 especially in
the in-hospital setting, the recognition and early treatment of
infants and children with deteriorating conditions remains a
priority to prevent cardiac arrest.
This section contains the following reviews:
• Pediatric
medical emergency team (MET) and rapid
response team (RRT) (Peds 397)
• Pediatric Early Warning Scores (PEWS) (Peds 818)
• Prearrest care of pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy or
myocarditis (Peds 819)
• Atropine for emergency intubation (Peds 821)
• Fluid resuscitation in septic shock (Peds 545)
MET, RRT, and PEWS systems have been widely implemented, and even mandated in many hospitals, but their effectiveness is difficult to measure. The implementation of the
afferent (event recognition) and efferent (team response) arms
of these systems is intimately related to providing education
about the detection and prevention of deterioration with critical illness. There may be a whole system impact as a consequence of developing a MET that leads to change beyond that
directly attributable to the MET itself. This may result in an
increased awareness of earlier stages of patient deterioration,
or increased communication about changes in a patient’s condition, so earlier interventions may prevent the need for MET
activation. The task force recognized that the PICO questions
of MET/RRT and PEWS are related components of an in-hospital safety net and are difficult to evaluate separately.
Pediatric METs and RRTs (Peds 397)
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does
the use of pediatric METs/RRTs (I), compared with not using
METs/RRTs (C), change cardiac or pulmonary arrest frequency outside of the intensive care unit (ICU), overall hospital mortality (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of cardiac arrest outside the ICU,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 7 pediatric
observational studies (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision). All 7 studies showed that the rate of
cardiac arrest outside the ICU declined after institution of a
MET/RRT system (unadjusted relative risk [RR] less than
1), but none achieved statistical significance.14–20 There was
enough potential variability between the studies (of both
patient and healthcare system factors, including the baseline
incidence of cardiac arrest) that a decision was made to not
pool the data.
For the critical outcome of all arrests (cardiac and respiratory) outside the ICU, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 4 pediatric observational studies (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision). One study21 demonstrated a statistically significant decline (P=0.0008), whereas the other 3
studies16,22,23 did not.
For the critical outcome of respiratory arrest, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric
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observational study16 (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) that observed a decline in respiratory arrests
(RR, 0.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.05–1.01;
For the important outcome of cardiac arrest frequency,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric
observational study15 (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) that was not statistically significant (RR, 0.3; 95% CI,
0–1.04; P=0.07).
For the important outcome of overall hospital mortality,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 6 pediatric
observational studies (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision). Three studies15,17,21 observed a decline
in deaths, and 3 did not.18,23,24
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the use of pediatric MET/RRT systems in hospitals that care for children (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the potential to recognize and intervene for patients with deteriorating illness over the expense incurred by a healthcare
system committing significant resources to implement a MET/
RRT system. We recognize that the decision to use a MET/
RRT system should be balanced by the existing resources and
capabilities of the institution.
PEWS (Peds 818)
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does
the use of a PEWS (I), compared with not using a PEWS (O),
change overall hospital mortality, cardiac arrest frequency
outside of the ICU (O)?
PEWS are systems with emphasis on the afferent limb of an
emergency response system to detect early clinical deterioration. PEWS assign numeric scores to specific abnormal observations in several clinical domains.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of reduced mortality from cardiac
arrest, we identified no evidence that showed changes in cardiac arrest rate or mortality outside of the PICU setting.
For the critical outcome of incidence of cardiac arrest,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric
observational study (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
imprecision, and possible publication bias) reporting that the
introduction of PEWS into a hospital with an established MET
system was associated with a fall in the incidence of cardiac
arrest from 0.15 to 0.12 events/1000 patient days.27
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in the estimate of predictive value is so low
that the panel decided a recommendation is too speculative.
Knowledge Gaps
• A large pediatric, cluster-randomized, multicenter study
Knowledge Gaps
• The
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
amount and quality of evidence in children compared with adults for the role of MET/RRT systems is
very low. A major limitation to evaluation of these systems is the low rate of pediatric cardiac arrest and mortality (especially outside the intensive care unit setting),
including within the hospitals from which the data in this
analysis originate. As such, demonstrating a statistically
significant effect after a new implementation is difficult.
This is apparent in that most studies demonstrated trends
of improving cardiac arrest rate or mortality, although
not to statistically significant levels. Use of a more proximate outcome metric, like a critical deterioration event,25
might further support implementation of a MET/RRT in
the pediatric inpatient setting.
• The other major limitation in our analysis is the use of
before-and-after studies, with the inherent limitations
of unaccounted or confounding variables and inability to develop a comparable control group. Joffe et al26
demonstrated the potential for risk of bias or confounding variables by comparing the mortality rate at their
institution, which did not initiate or organize a MET/
RRT, with 5 published studies (all reviewed here).
The reduction in mortality at their institution over the
same time period was similar to the published results,
illustrating the problems of confounding variables and
contemporaneous trends. Quality improvement methodology could be used to regulate the impact of a series
of changes that include educational processes, documentation review with feedback systems, and modification of other factors thought to improve the delivery
of care.
is currently under way examining the impact of implementing a PEWS.
• Additional outcome measures apart from cardiac arrest
rate or hospital mortality are required.
• Does PEWS, independent of other interventions, have an
impact on outcomes?
• Future specific research will need to focus on prospective evaluation of different PEWS for identifying and
predicting patients at risk for different forms of decompensation, including primary respiratory, circulatory,
and neurologic etiologies.
Prearrest Care of Pediatric Dilated
Cardiomyopathy or Myocarditis (Peds 819)
For infants and children with myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy and impending cardiac arrest (P), does a specific
approach (I), compared with the usual management of shock
or cardiac arrest (C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival to hospital discharge; cardiac
arrest frequency; ROSC (O)?
Although the question was intended to address populations
of children with either acute myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy, the available relevant literature is limited to acute
fulminant myocarditis.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we
identified no evidence that a specific prearrest management
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strategy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis shows a benefit.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified no evidence that a specific anesthetic technique
in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy shows any benefit.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from a pediatric
observational study (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision)28 of 20 children with acute fulminant myocarditis, which
demonstrated that the pre–cardiac arrest use of extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may be beneficial.
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a specific recommendation was too speculative.
Knowledge Gaps
• Factors
associated with cardiac arrest in patients with
dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis have not been
well studied.
• In addition, the amount and quality of literature addressing the benefits of specific approaches of prearrest care,
including anesthetic techniques and the use and timing
of inotropes and/or inodilator and/or mechanical ventilation and/or ECMO on survival and neurologic outcomes
in children with dilated cardiomyopathy or myocarditis
is very low. Consequently, these studies could not inform
the GRADE evaluation (or subsequent generation of a
treatment recommendation) in a substantive way, and
ultimately precluded the task force from making a treatment recommendation.
ratio [aOR], 1.3; 95% CI, 0.31–5.10; P=0.74; older children:
odds ratio [OR], 0.22; 95% CI, 0.06–0.85; P=0.028).
For the critical outcome of likelihood/incidence of cardiac arrest, we identified no evidence that addressed the
effect of atropine use for in-hospital emergency intubation on
cardiac arrest.
For the important outcome of likelihood or incidence of
shock or arrhythmias, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) from 2 pediatric observational studies. One study of
322 emergency pediatric intubations30 showed that the use of
atropine preintubation was associated with a reduced incidence of any arrhythmia (OR, 0.14; 95% CI, 0.06–0.35),
whereas the second study of 143 emergency pediatric intubations31 failed to find an association between the preintubation
use of atropine and a reduced incidence of bradycardia (OR,
1.11; 95% CI, 0.22–5.68).
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation was too speculative.
Knowledge Gaps
The available data are observational and highly confounded.
In light of the common use of atropine when intubating
acutely ill infants and children, robust prospective studies are
needed to identify potential adverse outcomes from the use of
atropine and to determine which patients (if any) benefit from
its use in reducing short-term complications of intubation (eg,
bradycardia) as well as a critical outcome such as survival.
Fluid Resuscitation in Septic Shock (Peds 545)
Atropine for Emergency Intubation (Peds 821)
In infants and children requiring emergency tracheal intubation (P), does the use of atropine as a premedication (I),
compared with not using atropine (C), change survival
with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge,
30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year after
event; the incidence of cardiac arrest; survival to hospital
discharge; the incidence of peri-intubation shock or arrhythmias (O)?
Because emergency intubation may pose a risk of cardiac arrest,
this question was designed to determine the utility of routine
use of atropine in prevention of an unfavorable outcome.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome, we identified no evidence that addressed any
effect on survival when atropine was used for in-hospital
emergency intubation.
For the critical outcome of survival to ICU discharge,
there was very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric observational study of
in-hospital emergency intubation29 of 264 infants and children
supporting the use of atropine preintubation for those patients
at more than 28 days of life. The use of atropine preintubation
for neonates was not significantly associated with survival
to ICU discharge (neonates: propensity score adjusted odds
Among infants and children who are in septic shock in any
setting (P), does the use of restrictive volumes of resuscitation fluid (less than 20 mL/kg) (I1) when compared with nonrestrictive volumes (greater than or equal to 20 mL/kg) (C1),
or the use of noncrystalloid fluids (I2) when compared with
crystalloid fluids (C2), change survival to hospital discharge,
need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support,
complications, time to resolution of shock, hospital length of
stay (LOS), ventilator-free days, total intravenous (IV) fluids
administered (O)?
The task force had difficulty generalizing treatment recommendations for all resource settings and considered different
categories to relate underlying pathophysiology with appropriate treatment regimens. Discussion balanced the arguments
of delayed bolus fluid therapy until more established signs of
shock are present (WHO criteria, hypotension) against the
importance of early identification of shock while it is still
treatable with available resources.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, for
the use of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT32 enrolling
147 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.86–1.16),
and from 1 observational pediatric study33 enrolling 34 patients
showing no benefit (RR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.35–1.44). For the use
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of restrictive fluids in severe malaria, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from
2 pediatric RCTs34,35 enrolling 106 patients showing no benefit
(RR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.94–1.27). For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no studies. For
the use of restrictive fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some
but not all signs of shock, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs36,37
enrolling 2091 patients showing benefit (RR, 1.05; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
for the use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT38 enrolling 60 patients
showing no benefit (RR, 1.13; 95% CI, 0.77–1.63). For the
use of noncrystalloid fluids in severe malaria, we identified no
studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock
syndrome, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 4 pediatric RCTs39–42 enrolling
682 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.96–
1.00). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in “severe febrile
illness” with some but not all signs of shock, we identified
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling 2097 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.97–1.03).
For the critical outcome of complications (need for
transfusion and diuretic therapy), for the use of restrictive
fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, imprecision) from 1 observational pediatric study33 enrolling 34
patients showing no benefit (RR, 1.43; 95% CI, 0.71–2.88).
For the use of restrictive fluids in severe malaria, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 2 pediatric RCTs34,35 enrolling 106 patients
showing no benefit (0% versus 5.4%; P=0.09). For the use
of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified
no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in “severe febrile
illness” with some but not all signs of shock, we identified
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling 2091 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.3–1.17).
For the critical outcome of complications (need for
transfusion and diuretic therapy), for the use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
pediatric RCT38 enrolling 60 patients showing no benefit (RR,
1.18; 95% CI, 0.48–2.87). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in severe malaria, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational pediatric
study43 enrolling 52 patients showing no benefit (0% versus
0%). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock
syndrome, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision) from 4 pediatric RCTs39–42
enrolling 682 patients showing no benefit (RR, 1.3; 95% CI,
0.95–1.79). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in “severe
febrile illness” with some but not all signs of shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling 2097 patients
showing no benefit (RR, 1.17; 95% CI, 0.68–2.02).
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
For the critical outcome of complications (need for
rescue fluid), for the use of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified no studies. For the use of restrictive
fluids in severe malaria, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 pediatric RCTs34,35 enrolling 106 patients showing harm (17.6%
versus 0.0%; P<0.005). For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no studies. For the use of
restrictive fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some but not
all signs of shock, we identified no studies.
For the critical outcome of complications (need for rescue fluid), for the use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic
shock, we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid
fluids in severe malaria, we identified no studies. For the use
of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 4 pediatric RCTs39–42 enrolling 655 patients
showing no benefit (RR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.76–1.27). For the use
of noncrystalloid fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some
but not all signs of shock, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric
RCT37 enrolling 2097 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.49;
95% CI, 0.05–5.49).
For the critical outcome of need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support, for the use of restrictive
fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT32 enrolling 147 patients showing no benefit (RR, 1.32; 95% CI, 0.91–1.91). For the use of
restrictive fluids in severe malaria, we identified no studies.
For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we
identified no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in “severe
febrile illness” and some but not all signs of shock, we identified no studies.
For the critical outcome of need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support, for the use of noncrystalloid
fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
pediatric RCT38 enrolling 60 patients showing no benefit (RR,
1.18; 95% CI, 0.83–1.69). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids
in severe malaria, we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no
studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in “severe febrile
illness” with some but not all signs of shock, we identified no
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of shock,
for the use of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, indirectness, imprecision) from 1 observational pediatric
study33 enrolling 34 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.63;
95% CI, 0.39–1.02). For the use of restrictive fluids in severe
malaria, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 pediatric RCTs34,35 enrolling 211 patients showing no benefit (base excess improvement
at 8 hours: 33% versus 24%; P=0.37 [restrictive versus bolus
arms]34; 42% versus 36%; P=0.81 [restrictive versus bolus
arms]35). For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock
syndrome, we identified no studies. For the use of restrictive
fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some but not all signs
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of shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling
2091 patients showing harm (RR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.68–0.85).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of shock, for
the use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT38 enrolling 60 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.68–1.38). For the use of
noncrystalloid fluids in severe malaria, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational pediatric study43 enrolling 52 patients showing no benefit
(percent change of base deficit ranging from −41% to −19% for
noncrystalloid versus −35% to −19% for crystalloid). For the use
of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified
moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from
1 pediatric RCT41 enrolling 222 patients showing benefit (RR,
1.09; 95% CI, 1.00–1.19). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids
in “severe febrile illness” with some but not all signs of shock,
we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling 2097 patients
showing no benefit (RR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.93–1.13).
For the important outcome of total IV fluids administered, for the use of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we
identified no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in severe
malaria, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT34 enrolling
68 patients showing no benefit in total fluid over the first 8
hours (total volume given: 35 mL/kg versus 48 mL/kg; P=0.14).
For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we
identified no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in “severe
febrile illness” with some but not all signs of shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling 2091 patients
showing no benefit in total fluid over the first 48 hours (49 mL/
kg versus 73.9 mL/kg; P=0.7).
For the important outcome of total IV fluids administered, for the use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic
shock, we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid
fluids in severe malaria, we identified no studies. For the use
of noncrystalloid fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 3 pediatric RCTs39–41 enrolling 632 patients showing no
benefit for total volume of initial bolus (mean 31.7 mL/kg
[intervention] versus 40.63 mL/kg [control], P=0.24; total IV
fluids: 134.3 mL/kg [dextran] versus 134.2 mL/kg [lactated
Ringer’s], P=0.98; 100 [66–163] mL/kg [intervention] versus
100 [5–157] mL/kg [control]). For the use of noncrystalloid
fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some but not all signs
of shock, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric RCT37 enrolling
2097 patients showing no benefit in total fluid over the first 48
hours (median 76.2 versus 78.1 mL/kg, not significant).
For the important outcome of hospital LOS, for the use
of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified no
studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in severe malaria, we
identified no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no studies. For the use of
restrictive fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some but not
all signs of shock, we identified no studies.
For the important outcome of hospital LOS, for the use of
noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified no
studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in severe malaria,
we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in
dengue shock syndrome, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric
RCT39 enrolling 27 patients showing no benefit (3.55 versus
3.31 ICU days; P=0.45). For the use of noncrystalloid fluids
in “severe febrile illness” with some but not all signs of shock,
we identified no studies.
For the important outcome of ventilator-free days, for the
use of restrictive fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified no
studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in severe malaria, we
identified no studies. For the use of restrictive fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no studies. For the use of
restrictive fluids in “severe febrile illness” with some but not
all signs of shock, we identified no studies.
For the important outcome of ventilator-free days, for the
use of noncrystalloid fluids in sepsis/septic shock, we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid fluids in severe
malaria, we identified no studies. For the use of noncrystalloid
fluids in dengue shock syndrome, we identified no studies. For
the use of noncrystalloid fluids in “severe febrile illness” with
some but not all signs of shock, we identified no studies.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest using an initial fluid bolus of 20 mL/kg for infants
and children with shock, with subsequent patient reassessment, for patients with the following disease states:
• Severe sepsis (weak recommendation, low quality)
• Severe malaria (weak recommendation, low quality)
• Dengue shock syndrome (weak recommendation, low
We suggest against the routine use of bolus intravenous
fluids (crystalloids or colloids) for infants and children with
a “severe febrile illness” and who are not in shock (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence). Reassessment, regardless of therapy administered, should be emphasized so that
deterioration is detected at an early stage.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value on
allocating resources to the frequent assessment of infants or
children with some or all signs of shock and to reassessment
of a patient’s response to fluid therapy or development of complications over any unproven benefit for critical or important
The Pediatric Task Force does not recommend limiting resuscitation fluids for children in septic shock, while
still recognizing the importance of information from the
Fluid Expansion as Supportive Therapy (FEAST) trial37
regarding attempts to treat children with “severe febrile
illness” with some but not all signs of shock (the FEAST
definition of “severe febrile illness” was febrile illness complicated by impaired consciousness [prostration
or coma], respiratory distress [increased work of breathing], or
both, and with impaired perfusion, as evidenced by 1 or more
of the following: a capillary refill time of 3 or more seconds,
lower-limb temperature gradient, weak radial-pulse volume,
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or severe tachycardia). Specific diseases such as dengue
shock syndrome appear to behave differently with respect to
response to fluid bolus therapy in comparison with bacterial
septic shock. We have grouped our analysis according to the
broad types of disease for which we identified evidence on
fluid bolus therapy. For further detail as to the fluid composition in each of the cited articles, see the Systematic Evidence
Evaluation and Review System (SEERS; Peds 545).
We recognize that the early diagnosis of septic shock
and institution of effective therapy is a high priority before
collapse of blood pressure with concomitant increased
risks of morbidity and mortality. Accurate early diagnosis
can be difficult and requires the integration of a range of
clinical signs together with consideration of patient- and
locality-specific information on prevalent diseases, malnutrition, and other vulnerability (such as severe anemia associated with malaria). “Severe febrile illness” is a modified
definition of shock as reported by the FEAST investigators.
The Pediatric Task Force is concerned that this expanded
definition may include children to whom fluid administration is beneficial.
The management of septic shock may require inotropic
therapy and mechanical ventilation in addition to fluids. These
modalities are not available in all settings, and we believe that
the approach to fluid therapy may need to be modified accordingly. We have avoided the use of “resource-limited settings”
in our recommendations because this is difficult to define and
can vary greatly, even within individual health systems and
small geographic regions.
Knowledge Gaps
• Early
recognition and treatment of septic shock is
required to prevent progression to critical illness, yet
most definitions of septic shock require advanced diagnostics or interventions to fulfill the criteria. The FEAST
trial is a paradigm-shifting study that highlights the need
to not only identify and treat children in septic shock, or
in shock from causes other than sepsis, but also avoid
the potential complications of fluid therapy in children
not in shock.
• There is a need for more studies to define patients with
septic shock earlier, as well as the type of monitoring
and support of complications of therapy that will impact
patient outcomes.
Basic Life Support Care
The major difference between council recommendations for
basic life support (BLS) care is the sequence of CPR (C-A-B
versus A-B-C) and the upper limit on recommendation for
chest compression rate. All other recommendations in this
area are similar between councils. Adult BLS currently
places greater emphasis on high-quality chest compressions
than on the complex interplay of chest compressions and
rescue breaths, with the rationale of simplifying lay rescuer education and increasing the rate of bystander CPR.
The Pediatric Task Force realized that uniformity of CPR
recommendations throughout ages and etiologies would
be of added value, but remained convinced that the current
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
evidence does not favor this approach for pediatrics, because
asphyxial cardiac arrest represents the majority of pediatric
events, which suggests the importance of ventilation as part
of effective CPR.
The task force decided to focus on the following areas of
BLS cardiac arrest care:
• Sequence of chest compressions and ventilations: C-A-B
versus A-B-C (Peds 709)
• Chest compression depth (Peds 394)
• Chest compression–only CPR versus conventional CPR
(Peds 414)
Sequence of Chest Compressions and Ventilations:
C-A-B Versus A-B-C (Peds 709)
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does the use of a circulation-airway-breathing
approach to initial management (I), compared with the use of
an airway-breathing-circulation approach to initial management (C), change ROSC, survival to hospital discharge, survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, time to first
compressions (O)?
In 2010, despite the absence of definitive evidence, some resuscitation councils implemented a C-A-B approach to initiating
CPR. Rationale included shortening the time to the initiation
of chest compressions and maintaining consistency across
pediatric and adult recommendations. Questions remain as to
whether the use of the C-A-B approach and the subsequent
delay in initiating ventilation impacts outcomes for infants
and children in cardiac arrest. The absence of human studies
(only manikin studies exist on the topic) led to debate within
the task force.
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of time to first chest compression (TFCC), we identified very-low-quality evidence from 3
simulation-based RCTs (all downgraded for imprecision and
very serious indirectness), including 2 adult manikin studies44,45 and 1 pediatric manikin study46 showing a reduced time
to first chest compression with the use of a C-A-B approach
as opposed to A-B-C.
Data from 3 simulation-based RCTs showed that TFCC
was 18.0 to 24.3 seconds shorter when using a C-A-B
sequence (15.4–25.0 seconds) as compared with A-B-C
(36.0–43.4 seconds).
Furthermore, data from 2 manikin studies44,46 showed that
time to first ventilation is delayed by only 5.7 to 6.0 seconds
when using a C-A-B sequence (28.4–43.0 seconds) as compared with A-B-C (22.7–37.0 seconds).
There were no clinical (human) studies comparing C-A-B
versus A-B-C approaches for the initial management of cardiac arrest that addressed the outcomes of ROSC, survival to
hospital admission, or survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome.
Treatment Recommendations
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation was too speculative.
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Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In considering making a recommendation, the task force placed a
higher value on the importance of timely rescue breathing as part
of CPR over a strategy that significantly delays ventilation when
pediatric cardiac arrest is so commonly asphyxial in nature. Both
C-A-B and A-B-C approaches for pediatric resuscitation have
supportive arguments. The use of a C-A-B approach will lead to
simplification of teaching because adult BLS providers use this
strategy. The use of an A-B-C approach recognizes the preponderance of asphyxial etiologies in pediatric cardiac arrest and the
importance of early ventilation for infants and children. With the
availability of only manikin data on this topic, and with the disparate recommendations previously made by various resuscitation councils, the task force concluded that the recommendation
would acknowledge that equipoise exists in councils making different guidelines that stem from either argument.
Knowledge Gaps
The only evidence specifically addressing this question is from
manikin studies. Clinical studies of surrogate outcomes for
the 2 approaches (eg, time to first chest compression/breath)
would be of use, in addition to critical patient outcomes such
as ROSC, survival to discharge, and survival with good functional outcome.
Chest Compression Depth (Peds 394)
In infants and children receiving chest compressions (in or out
of hospital) (P), does the use of any specific chest compression depth (I), compared with the depth specified in the current treatment algorithm (C), change survival to 180 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, complication rate, or intermediate physiological endpoints (O)?
The task force decided that providing high-quality CPR to
infants and children was of high priority, and, as a result, the
ideal depth of compression was addressed as a PICO question.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of survival with good neurologic outcome and survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision)
from 1 pediatric observational study of in-hospital cardiac arrest
(IHCA)47 (89 cardiac arrest events) showing that chest compression depths of greater than 51 mm (greater than 2 inches) are
associated with statistically significant improvement in outcomes
(good neurologic outcome: RR, 3.71; 95% CI, 0.90–15.33; survival to discharge: RR, 3.48; 95% CI, 1.02–11.84).
For the important outcomes of 24-hour survival and
ROSC, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA47 enrolling 89 cardiac arrest events
showing that events receiving chest compression of greater
than 51 mm are associated with better survival to 24 hours
(aOR, 10.3; 95% CI, 2.75–38.8; P<0.001) and ROSC (aOR,
4.21; 95% CI, 1.34–13.2; P=0.014).
For the important outcome of physiologic endpoints (a
predefined blood pressure target), we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 2 pediatric observational studies of
IHCA and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) (6 subjects48
and 9 subjects49) showing that targeting a real-time measured
chest compression depth or a subjective anterior-posterior
diameter during CPR is not associated with a statistically significant difference in outcome (Sutton49: OR, 1.04; 95% CI,
0.63–1.71; and Maher48: RR, 6.0; 95% CI, 1.00–35.91).
For the important outcome of complications, we identified
no evidence.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that rescuers compress the chests of infants by at
least one third the anterior-posterior dimension, or approximately 1½ inches (4 cm). We suggest that rescuers compress
the child’s chest by at least one third of the anterior-posterior
dimension, or approximately 2 inches (5 cm) (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value
on achieving adequate chest compression depth over the
modest risk of exceeding recommended depths and potentially harming the patient. A recently published study
of pediatric OHCA (released too late to be incorporated
into the GRADE evaluation process) studied associations
between chest compression depth and short-term outcomes
(ie, ROSC).50 Despite the limited pediatric evidence linking
chest compression depth to patient outcomes, recently published adult data51 convincingly demonstrate improved clinical outcomes with the use of deeper chest compressions but
also the potential for worse patient outcomes (ie, increased
injuries) with excessive chest compression depths.
Knowledge Gaps
• Most of the available pediatric data on this topic originate from a single research center, which may not be representative of all pediatric settings.
• The data are derived from very small patient sample
sizes and predominantly from adolescents. There are
minimal data generated from infants or young children.
• No out-of-hospital data exist in children, nor are there
data about the effect of different surfaces on the adequacy of chest compressions (ie, most of the data are not
adjusted for mattress compression). In intensive care settings, invasive monitoring data (eg, blood pressure and
capnography) at different depths of chest compression
would be helpful in guiding future recommendations.
• The need for a consistent approach to the delivery of
compressions of adequate depth was commented on in
task force discussions, and the use of feedback techniques to enhance BLS delivery was also discussed at
the face-to-face task force meetings.
Chest Compression–Only CPR Versus Conventional
CPR (Peds 414)
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any
setting (P), does compression-only CPR (I), compared with
the use of conventional CPR (C), change neurologically intact
survival at 1 year, survival to hospital discharge, improved
ICU LOS, neurologically intact survival at 30 days (O)?
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Chest compression–only CPR has been widely adopted in
adult BLS training for lay rescuers. Available data, however,
suggest that ventilation as part of CPR is critically important
for infants and children in cardiac arrest. The task force recognizes that rescuers must possess the knowledge and skills
to provide ventilation for pediatric patients, including adolescents, and CPR education must address this issue.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of 1-year neurologically intact survival and the important outcome of improved ICU LOS, we
identified no data.
For the critical outcome of 30-day neurologically intact survival, we identified low-quality evidence from 2 pediatric observational studies of OHCA (n=5170 patients52; n=5056 patients53),
downgraded for indirectness (dispatcher-assisted CPR), upgraded
for effect size, showing that the use of compression-only CPR
when compared with conventional CPR is associated with worse
30-day intact neurologic survival (RR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.34–0.62).
Further analysis of these 2 studies (pooled data) demonstrated no
benefit in 30-day neurologically intact survival when comparing
the use of bystander compression-only CPR with no bystander
CPR (RR, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.89–1.65).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, no pediatric evidence was identified.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend that rescuers provide rescue breaths and chest
compressions for pediatric IHCA and OHCA. If rescuers
cannot provide rescue breaths, they should at least perform
chest compressions (strong recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value
on the importance of rescue breaths as part of CPR over a
strategy that deemphasizes ventilation. The asphyxial nature
of most pediatric cardiac arrests necessitates ventilation as
part of effective CPR.
Despite the low-quality evidence, the task force advocated
for a strong recommendation to provide any CPR (including
compression-only) in both in- and out-of-hospital settings; this
is preferable to providing no intervention for a child in cardiac
arrest. Registry data52 do show that while infant outcomes are no
different whether no CPR or compression-only CPR is attempted,
children (older than infants) provided with at least compressiononly CPR have better survival and neurologic outcomes compared with those subjects who have no CPR attempted.
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
Advanced Life Support During Arrest
Advanced life support (ALS) as part of cardiac arrest care builds
on high-quality CPR by monitoring a patient’s physiology and
response to BLS, recognizing and intervening for life-threatening arrhythmias, and optimizing perfusion by medication or
mechanical support. Frequent monitoring of the patient’s physiologic response to these interventions allows individual titration
of care with the goal of optimizing outcome.
Not all patients will respond to standard BLS and ALS
care, and escalation to specific interventions for special resuscitation circumstances or advanced rescue therapies depends
on the ability to determine which patients are most likely to
benefit. Some of these interventions are limited to specific settings due to resource availability (IHCA versus OHCA), and
their use must focus on not only short-term outcomes (eg,
ROSC) but also longer-term benefit to the patient (eg, good
functional outcome). All councils currently have similar ALS
recommendations, with some differences in recommendation
of 2 versus 4 J/kg initial shock dose for a ventricular fibrillation (VF)/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (pVT) cardiac
arrest rhythm.
The task force decided to focus on the following areas of
ALS cardiac arrest care:
• Energy doses for defibrillation (Peds 405)
• Invasive blood pressure monitoring during CPR (Peds 826)
• End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring during
CPR (Peds 827)
• Amiodarone versus lidocaine for shock-resistant VF or
pVT (Peds 825)
• Vasopressor use during cardiac arrest (Peds 424)
• Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR)
for IHCA (Peds 407)
• Intra-arrest prognostic factors (Peds 814)
Energy Doses for Defibrillation (Peds 405)
Among infants and children who are in VF or pVT in any
setting (P), does a specific energy dose or regimen of energy
doses for the initial or subsequent defibrillation attempt(s) (I),
compared with 2 to 4 J/kg (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days,
180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to hospital discharge; ROSC;
termination of arrhythmia (O)?
• Additional data, separate for the out-of-hospital and in-
Many of the world’s resuscitation councils have different recommendations for defibrillation dosing for pediatric VF or
pVT. The task force debated the existing limited (generally
low-quality) science, while trying to arrive at consensus on
guidelines for energy dosing for first or subsequent defibrillation doses.
hospital settings, are needed, because both cited registrybased studies originate from a single region of the world.
• More data on witnessed pediatric arrest are needed, and
the potential to capture natural experiments (comparative effectiveness) is high, because different councils
are currently using different approaches. There is also
the potential to randomize or measure before-and-after
effect of dispatcher instructions for compression-only
CPR versus chest compressions plus rescue breaths.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 3 pediatric observational studies of IHCA and OHCA (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and serious risk of bias)54–56 of 108 subjects
showing no advantage to 2 to 4 J/kg as an initial defibrillation
dose over any other specific energy dose (possible absolute
effect size range, 18.5%–6.5%).
Knowledge Gaps
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For the important outcome of termination of VF/pVT,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 2 pediatric
observational studies of IHCA57 and OHCA.54 Conversion
from VF was demonstrated in both studies with either 2 J/kg57
or 2 to 4 J/kg.54
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of
IHCA (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and serious
risk of bias)55 of 40 subjects, showing no benefit to a specific
energy dose for initial defibrillation (P=0.11). In addition, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA (downgraded for imprecision and serious risk of bias)58 of 285 subjects showing that an initial shock
of greater than 3 to 5 J/kg is less effective than 1 to 3 J/kg (OR,
0.42; 95% CI, 0.18–0.98; P=0.04).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcome of survival at 1 year or the important outcome of
harm to patient.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the routine use of an initial dose of 2 to 4 J/kg of
monophasic or biphasic defibrillation waveforms for infants
or children in VF or pVT cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence from which to base a recommendation for second and subsequent defibrillation dosages.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a higher value
on immediate defibrillation of a shockable rhythm over delaying defibrillation to select a specific dose that is not supported
by scientific evidence. In addition, there are differing existing
recommendations among the world’s resuscitation councils
that span the 2 to 4 J/kg recommendations, without strong
evidence for one dose over the other. Practical considerations
must be weighed when contemplating a change to pediatric
defibrillation guidelines. Considerable challenges exist when
attempting to reach and teach a broad spectrum of healthcare
personnel using newly created educational materials, as well
as the necessary resetting of targets for clinical audit. When
faced with limited data, the risk-benefit assessment of changing to a different energy dose may be outweighed by maintaining the current recommendations.
Knowledge Gaps
Pediatric evidence to date is observational and biased by multiple confounders (eg, variable quality of CPR, duration of
VF, primary versus secondary VF, monophasic versus biphasic waveforms). The very-low-quality evidence identified by
this review highlights the need for further adequately powered
RCTs (or high-quality, appropriately powered observational
studies) addressing questions such as the effectiveness of
• An initial shock of 2 versus 4 J/kg
• An initial shock of 2 to 4 J/kg versus alternative energy
• Subsequent
shocks of 2 to 4 J/kg versus subsequent
shocks using alternative energy doses or regimens
Current pediatric literature cannot characterize risk of
harm, as the data are predominantly registry-based.
Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring During CPR
(Peds 826)
In infants and children undergoing CPR (P), does using invasive hemodynamic monitoring to titrate to a specific systolic/
diastolic blood pressure (I), compared with not using invasive hemodynamic monitoring to titrate to a specific systolic/
diastolic blood pressure (C), change survival to hospital discharge, 60 days after event, 180 days after event with favorable
neurologic outcome, or the likelihood of ROSC or survival to
hospital discharge (O)?
Children often have a cardiac arrest in settings where invasive blood pressure monitoring (eg, arterial blood pressure)
already exists or is rapidly obtained. This review addressed
whether the science exists to recommend using invasively
monitored hemodynamics to titrate to higher CPR quality.
Extensive discussion ensued within the task force so as to
arrive at the final wording of this PICO question. The “I” or
intervention in the PICO question was originally inferred to
be the use of invasive monitoring to titrate to improved CPR
quality. Some thought that the “I” should refer to a specific
numerical blood pressure target to be achieved as part of highquality CPR. Ultimately, the task force agreed that the review
should assess the simpler, broader question restricted to the
“use of invasive monitoring,” rather than focusing on a specific numeric blood pressure target.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 180 days and good
neurologic outcome, we identified no studies. For the critical
outcome of survival to 60 days and good neurologic outcome,
we identified no studies. For the critical outcome of survival
to hospital discharge and good neurologic outcome, we identified no studies.
For the critical outcome of the likelihood of survival to
discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, very serious inconsistency, very
serious indirectness, and imprecision) from 2 pediatric animal
RCTs59,60 involving 43 subjects, which showed benefit.
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, very serious indirectness, and imprecision) from
2 pediatric animal RCTs59,60 involving 43 subjects, which
showed benefit.
Treatment Recommendations
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation was too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In considering making a recommendation, the task force
placed a higher value on establishing and maintaining highquality CPR over the ability to invasively obtain hemodynamic
values by which to further titrate CPR. The potential exists
for interruption to and loss of focus on good CPR technique
while patients are being invasively instrumented for intraarterial monitoring. Although we conceptually value optimizing (monitored) hemodynamics during CPR, we recognize the
potential for harm to patients by targeting a specific parameter
that is informed only by unblinded animal data and subject to
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important confounding variables. Rescuers in advanced care
settings with access to invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring may continue to use targets based on expert consensus
Knowledge Gaps
• Given the suggestion of a possible effect in these studies,
prospective clinical studies and further laboratory studies are needed.
ETCO2 Monitoring During CPR (Peds 827)
In infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does adjustment
of chest compression technique to achieve a specific ETCO2
threshold (I), compared with not using ETCO2 to adjust chest
compression technique (C), change survival to 180 days with
good neurologic outcome, the likelihood of survival to discharge, ROSC (O)?
Animal and adult human data exist to support a direct association between ETCO2 and cardiac output. Capnography is used
during pediatric cardiac arrest to confirm endotracheal tube
placement, and to monitor for ROSC and CPR quality. This
review was constructed to determine how ETCO2 monitoring
could help improve CPR quality and patient outcomes.
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any evidence to address the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge or the critical outcome
of neurologically intact survival.
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious indirectness and imprecision) from 1 pediatric animal RCT study that
showed ETCO2-guided chest compressions are as effective as
standard chest compressions optimized by marker, video, and
verbal feedback.61
Treatment Recommendations
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation was too speculative.
Knowledge Gaps
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, imprecision, indirectness, and possible publication
bias) from 1 observational cohort study of pediatric IHCA62
that failed to show a significant association between the use
of either amiodarone or lidocaine and survival to hospital discharge (OR, 0.8; 95% CI, 0.51–1.25).
For the important outcome of ROSC, there was very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision,
indirectness, and possible publication bias) from 1 observational cohort study of pediatric IHCA62 showing improved
ROSC associated with lidocaine use when compared with
amiodarone use (50.9% [87/171], ROSC in the amiodarone
group and 62.4% [184/295] in the lidocaine group; P=0.002).
Use of lidocaine, compared with no lidocaine use, was significantly associated with an increased likelihood of ROSC (aOR,
2.02; 95% CI, 1.36–3).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital
admission, there was very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from
1 RCT in adult OHCA63 showing improved survival to hospital admission with intravenous amiodarone compared
with intravenous lidocaine (OR, 2.17; 95% CI, 1.21–3.83;
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that amiodarone or lidocaine may be used for the
treatment of pediatric shock–resistant VF/pVT (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the use of pediatric-registry data that demonstrate an uncertain
advantage to the use of either drug over the use of adult data.
While demonstrating improved outcomes with the use of amiodarone, the literature does so only for short-term outcomes.
Cost and availability of the 2 drugs may also be considerations
in making a specific drug choice.
Vasopressor Use During Cardiac Arrest (Peds 424)
• The use of capnography during pediatric cardiac arrest
has until now been informed by only animal data and
extrapolation from adult observational data.
Amiodarone Versus Lidocaine for Shock-Resistant
VF or pVT (Peds 825)
In infants and children with shock-refractory VF or pVT (P),
does amiodarone (I), compared with lidocaine (C), change
survival to hospital discharge, ROSC, recurrence of VF, termination of arrhythmia, risk of complications (eg, need for tube
change, airway injury, aspiration) (O)?
Amiodarone has been recommended for the treatment of pediatric VF or pVT arrest. Lidocaine and amiodarone have been
used in the treatment of adult VF/pVT cardiac arrest. The task
force sought to determine if there was evidence to support 1
antiarrhythmic over the other for the treatment of infants and
children with VF or pVT arrest.
Among infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does the use
of no vasopressor (epinephrine, vasopressin, combination of
vasopressors) (I), compared with any use of vasopressors (C),
change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome,
survival to hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
While the use of vasopressors during cardiac arrest remains
controversial, they continue to be recommended by resuscitation councils. Vasopressors are intended to help maintain
cerebral perfusion while restoring spontaneous circulation by
optimizing coronary blood flow. Vasopressor use comes at a
risk of intense vasoconstriction and increased myocardial O2
consumption. A randomized placebo-controlled trial in adults
confirmed improved short-term patient outcomes (ie, ROSC)
but not longer-term patient outcomes with the use of epinephrine during OHCA.64 This review was structured to ascertain
the evidence base for vasopressor use during pediatric cardiac
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Consensus on Science
For infants and children in cardiac arrest, there are no studies that directly inform whether the use of no vasopressors
(epinephrine, combination of vasopressors), compared with
the use of any vasopressors, change survival to 180 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, or
For the critical outcome of survival with good neurologic
outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, inconsistency, and high
risk of bias) from 2 pediatric out-of-hospital observational
studies including 74 patients suggesting that the use of vasopressors versus no vasopressors has an uncertain benefit65,66
(Dieckmann66: RR, 2.0; 95% CI, 0.50–7.98).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for indirectness, imprecision, inconsistency, and high risk
of bias) from 2 pediatric out-of-hospital observational studies including 74 patients suggesting that the use of vasopressors versus no vasopressors has an uncertain benefit65,66
(Dieckmann66: RR, 1.67; 95% CI, 0.82–3.41).
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision,
inconsistency, and high risk of bias) from 2 pediatric out-of-hospital observational studies including 74 patients suggesting that
the use of vasopressors versus no vasopressors has an uncertain
benefit65,66 (Dieckmann66: RR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.80–1.14).
For all critical and important outcomes, we reviewed and
considered a single underpowered adult OHCA RCT that
provided very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious indirectness, imprecision, and risk of bias) comparing standard-dose epinephrine to placebo.64 For the critical
outcome of good neurologic outcome and important outcome
of survival to discharge, there was uncertain benefit or harm
of standard-dose epinephrine compared with placebo. For
the important outcomes of survival to hospital admission and
ROSC, there was possible benefit of standard-dose epinephrine compared with placebo. (See also adult PICO question
788 in “Part 4: Advanced Life Support.”)
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation was too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In considering making a recommendation, owing to the paucity of pediatric evidence of benefit or harm, the task force
placed value on the short-term outcomes of ROSC and survival to hospital admission over uncertainty of the beneficial
or harmful effect on long-term survival and neurologic outcome. It is reasonable for providers to use standard-dose epinephrine for pediatric cardiac arrest management.
Knowledge Gaps
• If
adult studies in OHCA suggest that vasopressor
administration is associated with improved ROSC, but
with worse survival to hospital discharge and neurologic
outcome, then prospective studies of placebo versus epinephrine/vasopressors for pediatric cardiac arrest will be
• In
addition, are there selected resuscitation circumstances (eg, sudden witnessed adolescent cardiac arrest
during exercise, pulmonary hypertension, myocarditis,
imminent ECPR rescue) where the potential benefits
and harms of administration of vasopressors should be
ECPR for IHCA (Peds 407)
In infants and children with IHCA (P), does the use of ECMO
for resuscitation, also called ECPR (I), when compared with
conventional resuscitative treatment (CPR without the use of
ECMO) (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, or survival to
intensive care discharge (O)?
Pediatric case series from cardiac arrest registries,67 an extracorporeal life support registry,68 and institutional reports69,70
suggest that ECMO can be safely and effectively used in
pediatric resuscitation. This therapy may be associated with
added complications for individual patients (eg, hemorrhage) and significant costs for a healthcare system.71 The
motivation to examine this topic was to provide guidance on
the use of ECMO when used with conventional resuscitation
measures for the purpose of optimizing survival, recovery,
and neurologic outcome from pediatric IHCA. This review
did not evaluate the use of ECPR for the purpose of supporting a patient for the end point of organ donation for transplantation as this may involve different resuscitation goals
and targets.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival at 180 days with favorable
neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision)
from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA72 showing no
benefit to the use of ECPR when compared with CPR without
the use of ECMO (RR, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.67–2.17).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 4
pediatric observational studies of IHCA71–74 (downgraded for
indirectness, inconsistency, and residual confounding) and
very-low-quality evidence from 1 unpublished analysis of a
study’s public dataset75 (downgraded for serious risk of residual confounding) showing no benefit to the use of ECPR when
compared with CPR without the use of ECMO (RR range,
0.64–1.63). We also identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, inconsistency, and residual confounding) from a single pediatric study of IHCA76 that showed
benefit to ECPR when compared with CPR without the use of
ECMO (OR, 2.5; 95% CI, 1.3–4.5; P=0.007 in surgical cardiac diagnoses; OR, 3.8; 95% CI, 1.4–5.8; P=0.011 in medical
cardiac diagnoses).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that CPR with ECMO (ECPR) may be considered for infants and children with cardiac diagnoses who have
IHCA in settings that allow expertise, resources, and systems
to optimize the use of ECMO during and after resuscitation
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
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The confidence in effect estimates is so low that that there
is insufficient evidence to suggest for or against the routine use of ECMO with conventional resuscitation (ECPR)
in infants and children without cardiac diagnoses who have
IHCA (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we value the improved
survival of a select patient population (cardiac) over the
expense incurred and intensity of resources necessary for
universal deployment of ECMO for pediatric IHCA. All
of the reports to date are heavily influenced by selection
bias of ECPR candidates. There are significant expertise
and resource implications for this treatment strategy to be
appropriately applied. These should be taken into account
before implementation to in-patient settings, including the
risk-benefit analysis for patients without cardiac diagnoses
as well as those with cardiac conditions, whether or not
related to the cause of the cardiac arrest. The task force
acknowledged that selection of patients and local practice
is highly variable and that further controlled studies are
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
observational with Bayesian methodology. Several centers have adopted the use of ECMO in resuscitation as
standard practice in pediatric IHCA in selected pediatric
populations. Random allocation of ECMO for resuscitation at an individual patient level presents several
challenges that decrease the feasibility of traditional
RCT designs, suggesting that alternative study designs
may need to be considered to minimize bias to compare
interventions and generate clinical evidence to inform
practice. Studies on the ethical frameworks applied or
informed consent processes used with ECMO for resuscitation are also missing.
One of the largest obstacles identified in conducting traditional
patient-level RCTs is that, in some healthcare settings, the
perceived utility of ECMO may make those studies difficult
to undertake (perceived absence of equipoise). Nonetheless,
selection bias is prevalent, and the evidence base is limited.
The task force suggests that, particularly in settings or countries where these services are available, this knowledge would
be of considerable value.
Intra-Arrest Prognostic Factors (Peds 814)
Knowledge Gaps
• Comparative studies in pediatric IHCA or OHCA receiving resuscitation with and without ECMO are lacking.
• The quality of CPR (quality of perfusion of cerebral and
systemic circulations) before and during ECMO cannulation has not been studied in the pediatric setting.
• The optimal timing of initiation of ECMO during pediatric resuscitation measures in general has not been studied; both minimal interval and maximal intervals have
not been established (studies are needed to establish
these thresholds).
• The optimal timing of ECMO initiation during resuscitation measures in select populations such as patients
with deep hypothermic out-of-hospital arrest, pulmonary emboli, and high-risk, complex, congenital heart
disease (eg, in single-ventricle physiology) has not been
• The optimal anatomic vascular access for ECMO cannulation (neck versus femoral versus central) during resuscitation for optimal neuro- and cardio-protection has not
been studied.
• The effect of co-interventions delivered during ECMO
initiation and circulatory support (eg, therapeutic hypothermia) has not been studied in the pediatric IHCA
• Interventions that warrant further evaluation also include
the following: targeted temperature management (TTM)
and rate of rewarming, blood flow rate on reperfusion,
pulsatile versus nonpulsatile flow, oxygenation and
carbon dioxide targets, hemodilution (associated with
crystalloid circuit prime), hemofiltration, concurrent
mechanical ventilation, inotropes and vasoactive strategies, thrombolytics or steroids.
• Studies incorporating functional outcomes are urgently
• Application of alternative study designs to patientlevel randomization study designs to evaluate benefit is
needed, such as cluster-randomized trials or prospective
Among infants and children during cardiac arrest (P), does
the presence of any specific intra-arrest prognostic factors (I),
compared with the absence of these factors (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to
60 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to hospital
discharge with good neurologic outcome; survival to 30 days
with good neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
If resuscitation resources (human and technical) are to be used
appropriately, those patients who are most likely to benefit
should ideally be identified before or early during active CPR.
This review was structured to determine what evidence exists
to allow for prognostication by rescuers during pediatric cardiac arrest.
Consensus on Science
OHCA: Age Greater or Less Than 1 Year
For the important outcome of 30-day survival with good
neurologic outcome, we identified low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance (downgraded for serious risk of
bias and upgraded for moderate effect size) from 1 pediatric
observational study of OHCA (5158 subjects)52 in which age
greater than 1 year was associated with improved survival
when compared with age less than 1 year (relative risk [RR],
2.4; 95% CI, 1.7–3.4).
For the important outcome of 30-day survival, we identified very-low-quality evidence for prognostic significance
(downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 1 pediatric observational study of OHCA (5158 subjects)52 in which age greater
than 1 year (versus age less than 1 year) was associated with
improved survival (RR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.3–1.8).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital
discharge, we identified low-quality evidence for prognostic significance (downgraded for serious imprecision
and upgraded for moderate effect size) from 1 pediatric
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observational study of OHCA (621 subjects)77 in which age
greater than 1 year (versus age less than 1 year) was significantly associated with improved outcome (RR, 2.7; 95%
CI, 1.3–5.7). We identified very-low-quality evidence for
prognostic significance (downgraded for very serious risk of
bias and serious imprecision) from 2 pediatric observational
OHCA studies78,79 enrolling a total of 738 children that failed
to show any significant difference in outcomes in patients
older than 1 year when compared with patients younger than
1 year (Young78: RR, 1.3; 95% CI, 0.8–2.1; Moler79: RR, 1.4;
95% CI, 0.8–2.4).
OHCA: Shockable Versus Nonshockable Rhythms
For the important outcome of 30-day survival with good
neurologic outcome, we identified low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance (downgraded for serious risk
of bias and upgraded for large effect size) from 1 pediatric
observational study of OHCA (5170 subjects)52 that found
that VF as an initial rhythm compared with the combined
rhythm group of pulseless electrical activity (PEA)/asystole
was associated with improved survival (RR, 4.4; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of 30-day survival, we identified moderate-quality evidence for prognostic significance
(downgraded for serious risk of bias and upgraded for large
effect size) from 1 pediatric observational study of OHCA
(5170 subjects)52 that found that VF as an initial rhythm
compared with the combined rhythm group of PEA/asystole
was associated with improved survival (RR, 9.0; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence for prognostic significance (downgraded for very serious risk of bias and
serious imprecision and upgraded for moderate effect size)
from 2 pediatric observational studies of OHCA,77,79 enrolling a total of 504 children, that found VF/pVT as an initial
rhythm was significantly associated with improved outcome
compared with the combined rhythm group of PEA/asystole
(Atkins77: RR, 4.0; 95% CI, 1.8–8.9; and Moler79: RR, 2.7;
95% CI, 1.3–5.6). We identified very-low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias) from 1 pediatric observational study of OHCA (548
subjects)78 that failed to show a survival difference between
VF/pVT as an initial rhythm when compared with the
combined rhythm group of PEA/asystole (RR, 1.3; 95% CI,
OHCA: Duration of CPR
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge
and survival to 1 year, we identified very-low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance (downgraded for very serious
risk of bias and serious imprecision and upgraded for large
effect size) from 3 pediatric observational OHCA studies78–80
enrolling a total of 833 children, showing a higher likelihood
of survival with shorter duration of CPR. CPR for less than
20 minutes was associated with improved 1-year survival in
1 study (RR, 6.6; 95% CI, 2.9–14.9),80 while median durations of 16 (interquartile range [IQR], 10–30) and 19 (IQR,
3.5–28.5) minutes were associated with survival to hospital
discharge in 2 studies.78,79
IHCA: Age Greater or Less Than 1 Year
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we identified low-quality evidence for prognostic significance
from 1 pediatric observational IHCA study (3419 subjects)12
that showed that age greater than 1 year when compared with
age less than 1 year was associated with lower survival to discharge (RR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.6–0.8). There was low-quality evidence (not downgraded) from 1 pediatric observational study81
of 502 subjects, and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 pediatric
observational IHCA studies73,82 enrolling a total of 444 children subjects, that did not show a statistically significant difference for age greater than 1 year versus age less than 1 year.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, there was very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias) for prognostic significance from 1 pediatric observational IHCA study
(464 subjects)83 that did not show a difference for age greater
than 1 year when compared with age less than 1 year (RR, 0.7;
95% CI, 0.4–1.0).
IHCA: Shockable Versus Nonshockable Rhythms
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, there was low-quality evidence (not downgraded) for
prognostic significance from 1 pediatric observational IHCA
study (280 subjects)81 showing that the presence of an initial
arrest rhythm of VF/pVT when compared with asystole/PEA
was associated with improved outcomes (RR, 1.6; 95% CI,
1.1–2.4). There was low-quality evidence (not downgraded)
for prognostic significance from 1 pediatric observational
study12 (2903 subjects) that did not show statistical significance to the initial arrest rhythm (RR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.0–1.3).
For the important outcome of 1-year survival, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and imprecision) for prognostic significance from 1
pediatric observational IHCA study (37 subjects)84 that the
initial arrest rhythm of VF/pVT when compared with asystole/PEA was not statistically significant (RR, 2.2; 95% CI,
IHCA: Duration of CPR
For the important outcome of 30-day survival, there was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious risk
of bias and imprecision) for prognostic significance from 1
pediatric observational IHCA study (129 subjects)85 that
showed shorter duration of resuscitation events was associated
with improved outcomes (adjusted relative risk [aRR], 0.95;
95% CI, 0.91–0.98 for each elapsed minute of CPR).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, there was very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious risk of bias and imprecision) for prognostic
significance from 1 observational study of pediatric IHCA
(103 subjects)86 that showed shorter duration of resuscitation events was associated with improved survival (aRR, 5.8;
95% CI, 1.3–25.5). Low-quality evidence (not downgraded)
from 1 observational study of pediatric IHCA (3419 subjects)12 showed shorter duration of resuscitation events (10
[IQR, 4–25] minutes versus 25 [IQR, 12–45] minutes) was
associated with improved survival. This same study found
significantly improved outcomes for surgical cardiac patients
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compared with general medical patients for all durations of
resuscitation times (OR range, 2.2–3.7). Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious risk of bias) from
1 observational study of pediatric IHCA (330 subjects)82
showed shorter duration of resuscitation events (8 [IQR, 3–19]
minutes versus 13 [IQR, 5–31] minutes) was associated with
improved survival. Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for imprecision) from 1 observational study of pediatric IHCA
(451 subjects),81 when comparing resuscitation durations of
less than 20 minutes to greater than 20 minutes, failed to show
outcome differences that were statistically significant (RR,
0.8; 95% CI, 0.3–2.1).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, there was low-quality evidence from 1 observational study of pediatric IHCA (3419
subjects)12 that showed that shorter duration of resuscitation
was associated with improved survival to discharge with good
neurologic outcome among surgical cardiac patients when
compared with general medical patients for all durations of
resuscitation (OR range, 2.0–3.3).
We did not identify enough evidence to address the critical
outcomes of survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, or survival to 60 days with good neurologic outcome.
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcomes of survival only at 60 days, 180 days.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that for infants and children in cardiac arrest in
the in-hospital setting, the use of predictors of positive patient
outcome, such as patient age less than 1 year and the initial
presence of a shockable rhythm, be used to assist prognostic
decisions (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance).
We suggest that for infants and children in cardiac arrest
in the out-of-hospital setting, the use of predictors of positive
patient outcome, such as age greater than 1 year or VF/pVT
as an initial rhythm, be considered to assist prognostic decisions (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence for
prognostic significance).
The confidence in estimates for the use of duration of
resuscitation as a predictor of patient outcome in the in- or
out-of-hospital setting is so low that the panel decided a recommendation was too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we value the potential for
individual children to have functional outcomes from cardiac
arrest, despite the presence of individual poor prognostic factors, over the certainty of death associated with premature cessation of resuscitative efforts. We note that the measurement
and reporting of quality of CPR, in addition to duration of
CPR, confounds the attempt to define a cutoff duration. It is
prudent for clinicians to use multiple patient factors and clinical observations and tests to help guide prognostication and
decision making during resuscitation, to avoid “self-fulfilling
prophecies” of futility.
Knowledge Gaps
• Large prospective studies of the association of pediatric
cardiac arrest risk factors with outcomes are needed for
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
rescuers to accurately predict successful outcomes and,
in particular, to guide decisions on termination of resuscitation. In addition to age, arrest rhythm, and duration of
resuscitation, other prognostic variables include but are
not limited to illness etiology, initiating event (drowning,
trauma, drug overdose, etc), and location of resuscitation
(operating suite, ICU, emergency department). Studies
need to be performed that maintain similar resuscitation
protocols to reduce the risk of bias from changing treatment strategies, including post-ROSC care.
Post-ROSC Care
The postresuscitation care section focuses on specific interventions and predictive factors to optimize the recovery of
children after cardiac arrest and ROSC.
While the scope of postresuscitation syndrome care is
broad, the Pediatric Task Force limited their evidence review
to 6 topics. These are highlighted in Table 1 and include the
• Post-ROSC TTM (Peds 387)
• Post-ROSC PaO2 (Peds 544)
• Post-ROSC ventilation (Peds 815)
• Post-ROSC fluid/inotropes (Peds 820)
• Post-ROSC electroencephalography (EEG) (Peds 822)
• Post-ROSC predictive factors (Peds 813)
Post-ROSC TTM (Peds 387)
Among infants and children who are experiencing ROSC after
cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does the use of TTM (eg, therapeutic hypothermia) (I), compared with the use of normothermia (C), change survival to hospital discharge, ICU LOS (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of neurologic function at 1 year, we
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 RCT of pediatric OHCA,87 involving 260 infants
and children, that failed to show a significant difference in
the proportion of patients receiving a score higher than 70 at
1 year (27/138 versus 15/122; RR, 1.54; 95% CI, 0.85–2.76),
when comparing patients who received TTM to either 33°C
or 36.8°C (Vineland Adaptive Behavioral Scale, 2nd edition).
For the critical outcome of survival to 6 months with
good neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from
1 pediatric observational multicenter study of IHCA and
OHCA88 involving 79 patients that failed to show a significant difference in functional outcome (specifically Pediatric
Cerebral Performance Category [PCPC], 4–6; aOR, 2.00;
95% CI, 0.45–9.01) with the use of TTM.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pediatric observational study of asphyxial IHCA
and OHCA89 of 24 patients that failed to show significantly
improved outcomes (PCPC, 1–2) with the use of TTM (RR,
1.77; 95% CI, 0.92–3.40).
For the critical outcome of survival to 6 months, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
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Table 1. Postarrest Checklist
• Measure oxygenation and target normoxemia.
• Avoid hypoxia.
• Measure PaCO2, and target a clinically appropriate value.
• Avoid hypocapnia.
• Monitor blood pressure.
• Set hemodynamic goals during postresuscitation care.
• Use parenteral fluids and/or inotropes or
vasopressors to maintain a systolic blood pressure
greater than the fifth percentile.
• Measure and monitor core temperature; prevent
and treat fever.
• In children, apply TTM (32°C–34°C or 36°C–37.5°C)
for at least 24 hours if unresponsive after ROSC.
• In adults, select and maintain a constant target
temperature between 32°C and 36°C if unresponsive
after ROSC; if used, apply for at least 24 hours.
• Prevent fever after rewarming.
• Treat clinical seizures.
• Do not routinely use pharmacologic prophylaxis for
• Measure glucose.
• Avoid hypoglycemia.
• In adults, follow standard glucose control protocols.
• Always consider multiple modalities (clinical and
other) over any single predictor factor.
• EEG may be useful within the first 7 days.
• Somatosensory evoked potentials may be useful
after 72 hours.
• Blood biomarkers may be measured repeatedly over
72 hours.
• Neuroimaging such as CT in the initial hours and MRI
during the first 6 days may be valuable.
• Remember that assessments may be modified by
TTM or induced hypothermia.
Oxygenation and ventilation
Hemodynamic monitoring
Targeted temperature management
Glucose control
ALS indicates advanced life support; CT, computed tomography; EEG,
electroencephalography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ROSC, return of
spontaneous circulation; and TTM, targeted temperature management.
and imprecision) from 1 pediatric observational multicenter
study of IHCA and OHCA88 involving 79 patients that failed
to show a significant difference in outcome (aOR, 1.99; 95%
CI, 0.45–8.85).
For the critical outcome of survival to 30 days, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 pediatric observational multicenter
study of IHCA and OHCA88 involving 79 patients that failed
to show a significant difference in outcome (aOR, 2.50;
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 pediatric
observational studies, 1 with both in-hospital and out-ofhospital asphyxial cardiac arrest89 of 42 patients, that showed
improved outcomes with the use of TTM (RR, 1.69; 95% CI,
1.04–2.74) and a single-center observational study of pediatric OHCA,90 involving 73 children over a 6-year period,
that did not show a difference in survival at discharge from
hospital (13/38 TTM versus 8/35 standard temperature management [STM]; P=0.28).
For the important outcome of survival to 1 year, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 1 RCT of pediatric OHCA,87 involving 287 patients,
that failed to show a difference when comparing patients who
received TTM to either 33°C or 36.8°C (57/151, 33°C group;
39/136, 36.8°C group; RR, 1.29; 95% CI, 0.93–1.79).
For the important outcome of PICU LOS, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 3 pediatric observational studies of IHCA
and OHCA88,90,91 involving 79, 181, and 73 patients, respectively. Two of these studies failed to show any difference
in PICU LOS (Doherty88: TTM median LOS was 16 [IQR,
4–30.5] days compared with 9 [IQR 5–22.5] days; P=0.411;
Fink91: mean PICU LOS was TTM 20±47.7 days versus normothermia 20.1±35.9 days; P=0.5). One study90 found that
the LOS was longer for those treated with TTM than without
TTM (ie, median duration of 4.1 [IQR, 3.0–6.8] days as compared with 1.3 [IQR, 0.5–6.7] days; P<0.001). The authors
attributed this difference to more interventions in the TTM
group and to withdrawing treatment later than in patients
without TTM.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that for infants and children with OHCA, TTM
be used in the post–cardiac arrest period. While the ideal target temperature range and duration are unknown, it is reasonable to use either hypothermia (32°C–34°C) or normothermia
(36°C–37.5°C) (weak recommendation, moderate-quality
For pediatric survivors of IHCA, the confidence in effect
estimates for the use of TTM is so low that the task force
decided that a recommendation was too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, the task force preferred the
use of a targeted temperature of 32°C to 34°C as opposed
to the normothermic range, based on the fact that while the
Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
(THAPCA) study did not show success for the primary outcome (neurologic status at 1 year), it was underpowered to
show a significant difference for survival, for which the lower
95% CI approached 1, with the Kaplan-Meier survival curves
showing a tendency toward better outcomes at the lower
temperature ranges. Furthermore, the task force noted that
hyperthermia occurs frequently in the postarrest period, and
that this is potentially harmful and should be avoided. There
were insufficient data on IHCA patients, who may represent
a different population. The provision of TTM to an individual patient can be resource intensive. These resources, the
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associated expertise necessary to deliver and maintain TTM,
and the presence of appropriate systems of critical care are
required to provide optimal post-ROSC care. The task force
noted that the application of TTM may require sedation, analgesia, and neuromuscular blockade that will modify neurologic assessment.
Knowledge Gaps
OHCA trial suggests that, when comparing the use of TTM and temperature targets of 33°C
or 36.8°C, there is no difference in terms of mortality or neurologic functioning at 1 year after event.
This suggests that equipoise exists for further study,
including specific target temperatures, time to target
temperature, and duration of TTM. There is a requirement to monitor the long-term outcomes of postROSC children who undergo either TTM or STM, to
establish the associated risks and benefits. It remains
unclear as to whether certain subpopulations of cardiac
arrest patients, such as those with IHCA, may benefit
from TTM. The results are awaited from a multicenter
study of TTM for pediatric IHCA (THAPCA, in-hospital study arm).92 The RCTs are registered on www. (Trial NCT00880087, Therapeutic
Hypothermia to Improve Survival After Cardiac Arrest
in Pediatric Patients-THAPCA-IH [In Hospital] Trial).
See also
• There is insufficient information available on the possible complications associated with TTM or cooling.
Post-ROSC PaO2 (Peds 544)
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest
(in- or out-of-hospital setting) (P), does the use of a targeted
PaO2 strategy (I), compared with a strategy of no targeted PaO2
(C), change ICU LOS, survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, survival to ICU
discharge, survival to 6 months (O)?
Animal studies and some observational adult data suggest
that post-ROSC exposure to elevated levels of tissue PO2 may
worsen postresuscitation syndrome. In the absence of prospective studies of post-ROSC oxygenation, the task force
was reliant on retrospective cohort studies that evaluated differing post-ROSC PaO2 levels and looked for association with
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, we identified very-lowquality evidence from 1 observational study93 of 153 pediatric
IHCA and OHCA survivors (downgraded for indirectness,
imprecision, and very serious risk of bias) showing no association between post-ROSC normoxemia or hyperoxemia and
benefit or harm (RR, 1.27; 95% CI, 0.86–1.90).
For the critical outcome of survival to 6 months, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 observational study94
of 64 pediatric IHCA and OHCA survivors to PICU admission (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and very serious risk of bias) showing no association between post-ROSC
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
normoxemia or hyperoxemia and benefit or harm (RR, 1.09;
95% CI, 0.81–1.46).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1
observational study95 of 164 pediatric IHCA survivors
(downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and very serious
risk of bias) showing no association between post-ROSC
normoxemia or hyperoxemia and benefit or harm (RR, 1.25;
95% CI, 0.76–2.05).
For the important outcome of survival to PICU discharge,
we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 observational
study96 of 1427 pediatric IHCA and OHCA survivors to PICU
admission (downgraded for indirectness and very serious risk
of bias) showing no association between post-ROSC normoxemia or hyperoxemia and benefit or harm (RR, 1.08; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that rescuers measure PaO2 after ROSC and target a value appropriate to the specific patient condition. In the
absence of specific patient data, we suggest rescuers target
normoxemia after ROSC (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Accurate targeting of post-ROSC normoxemia might be achievable and acceptable in the in-hospital setting, but its use in the
prehospital setting has not been studied and is not without risk
of inadvertent patient hypoxemia. Any titration of oxygen delivery to children after ROSC must be balanced against the risk of
inadvertent hypoxemia stemming from overzealous weaning of
FIO2. Further challenges for pediatrics include identifying what
the appropriate targets should be for specific patient subpopulations (eg, infants and children with cyanotic heart disease).
Knowledge Gaps
• The
data from the 4 observational studies cited derive
from a diverse patient population (IHCA versus OHCA,
different etiologies of cardiac arrest, different patient
populations) that has been exposed to variable doses
of post-ROSC oxygen (FIO2 and duration of exposure),
and has reported association with different outcomes.
In addition, the timing of the evaluation of post-ROSC
arterial oxygen tension varied widely between and even
within studies. Attempts should be made to investigate
a larger and more homogenous patient population,
through a multi-institutional study design, with a defined
duration of exposure to a set FIO2, and with predefined
patient outcomes.
Post-ROSC Ventilation: PacO2 Goals (Peds 815)
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest
in any setting (P), does ventilation to a specific PaCO2 target
(I), compared with ventilation to no specific PaCO2 target (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic outcome, survival to
180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 30 days
with good neurologic outcome, the likelihood of a good quality of life after discharge from the hospital, survival to hospital
discharge, survival to 30 days, survival to 60 days, survival to
6 months, survival to ICU discharge (O)?
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October 20, 2015
The post-ROSC period may be associated with altered cardiocerebral interaction, and high ventilation tidal volumes and
intrathoracic pressures may affect cardiopulmonary interaction. A low PCO2 may affect vascular tone, affecting pulmonary
and cerebral blood flow, blood volume, and compartmental
pressures. Cerebral vascular autoregulation may be abnormal
after ROSC.
Consensus on Science
There are no studies specifically comparing ventilation to a
predetermined PaCO2 target in children after cardiac arrest.
Furthermore, there are no studies in the prehospital setting.
Part A: Hypercapnia Versus Normocapnia
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable/functional neurologic outcome (assessed
with PCPC 1–2 or no change from baseline before cardiac
arrest), we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA and OHCA (downgraded for
indirectness, imprecision, and serious risk of bias)93 involving 195 survivors to at least 6 hours after arrest that there
was no association between hypercapnia (PaCO2 greater than
50 mm Hg) and outcome (RR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.50–1.16).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA (downgraded for inconsistency,
indirectness, imprecision, and serious risk of bias)95 involving
223 subjects showing that worse outcomes were associated
with hypercapnia (PaCO2 50 mm Hg or greater) than when the
PaCO2 was less than 50 mm Hg (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.27–0.86).
Part B: Hypocapnia Versus Normocapnia
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with favorable/functional neurologic outcome (assessed
with PCPC 1–2 or no change with baseline before cardiac
arrest), we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA and OHCA (downgraded for
indirectness, imprecision, and serious risk of bias),93 involving 195 survivors to at least 6 hours postarrest, that failed to
show an association between hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 30
mm Hg) and outcome (RR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.43–1.14).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1
pediatric observational study of IHCA (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and serious risk of
bias),95 involving 223 subjects, that failed to show an association between hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 30 mm Hg) and
outcome (RR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.46–1.51).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that rescuers measure PaCO2 after ROSC and target
a value appropriate to the specific patient condition, although
the confidence in effect estimates is so low that the panel
decided a recommendation for a specific PaCO2 target was too
Knowledge Gaps
• No studies demonstrate better outcomes with ventilation
to any specific PaCO2 in pediatric patients with ROSC.
The upper and lower limits at which PaCO2 becomes
harmful are unknown. Hypocapnia during the postarrest
period is associated with worse outcome in adult studies.
Although mild hypercapnia may have some neuroprotective effect in adult studies, this has not been observed
in the pediatric population. We recognize that the criteria for normocapnia may be context-specific (prehospital versus in-hospital) and disease dependent. We do
not have pediatric evidence for or against PaCO2 targets
in patients treated with therapeutic hypothermia. For the
subgroup of adult patients being treated with therapeutic
hypothermia after ROSC, neither hypocapnia nor hypercapnia was associated with benefit.
• It is not known whether patients undergoing “permissive
hypercapnia” as a lung-protective ventilator strategy
before cardiac arrest may benefit from maintaining an
elevated PaCO2.
Post-ROSC Fluid/Inotropes (Peds 820)
In infants and children after ROSC (P), does the use of parenteral fluids and inotropes and/or vasopressors to maintain
targeted measures of perfusion such as blood pressure (I),
as compared with not using these interventions (C), change
patient satisfaction; survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/
or 1 year; survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival to hospital discharge; harm to patient (O)?
Shock occurs commonly in infants and children after ROSC.
This review was structured to study the evidence base that
would allow identification of an appropriate post-ROSC blood
pressure to avoid shock as well as the best interventions (intravenous fluid versus inotropes/vasopressors) to achieve that
blood pressure.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA and
OHCA (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision)97 involving 367 children, showing worse outcomes when
subjects experienced systolic blood pressures less than fifth
percentile for age after ROSC (RR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.62–0.99).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence from 3 pediatric observational studies of IHCA and OHCA (downgraded
for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision)97–99 involving a total of 615 subjects, showing worse outcomes when children experienced hypotension after ROSC.
Significant heterogeneity (I-squared value 0.87) did not support pooling the data from these 3 studies (Topjian97: OR,
0.62; 95% CI, 0.41–0.93; Lin98: OR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.03–0.32;
and Lin99: OR, 0.07; 95% CI, 0.02–0.25).
For the important outcome of harm to patient, we identified no evidence.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend that for infants and children after ROSC, parenteral fluids and/or inotropes or vasopressors should be used
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de Caen et al
to maintain a systolic blood pressure of at least greater than
the fifth percentile for age (strong recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
avoiding mortality and progressive organ failure from the
effects of hypotension than on unknown harms that may be
associated with the use of fluids, inotropes, or vasopressors.
Although the measurement of blood pressure has limitations
in determining perfusion of vital organs, it is a practical and
valued measurement of hemodynamic status. The task force
made a strong recommendation despite the weakness of the
available evidence, owing to the intuitive need to avoid hypotension where there is a likely association with reduced perfusion of vital organs.
Knowledge Gaps
• All
evidence was observational, so while associations
can be made between hypotension and outcomes, the
potential remains that unrecognized/unadjusted confounders might be contributing to these associations.
Other knowledge gaps include the following:
• The optimal strategy to avoid hypotension (ie, the relative use of parenteral fluids versus inotropes and/or vasopressors) in children post-ROSC after cardiac arrest is
currently unclear.
• The optimal perfusion endpoints to target have yet to be
defined but could include systolic blood pressure, mean
blood pressure, measures of cardiac output, and/or other
markers of perfusion such as serum lactate.
• The optimal time period during which targeted measures
of perfusion should be considered remains unclear.
• It is unclear whether any harm to the patient or adverse
effects may arise as a result of use of parenteral fluids
and inotropes and/or vasopressors to maintain targeted
measures of perfusion.
• It is unknown if there are subgroups of children who
respond differently to components of the intervention, such
as cardiac patients or trauma patients who may be particularly sensitive to preload status and changes in afterload.
Post-ROSC EEG (Peds 822)
For infants and children who have had cardiac arrests in the inhospital or out-of-hospital setting (P), does any use of neuroelectrophysiology information (EEG) (I), compared with none (C),
predict survival at 1 year with good neurologic outcome, survival
to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 60 days
with good neurologic outcome, survival to 6 months, survival to
30 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival with favorable
neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge (O)?
This review was undertaken to determine if abnormalities on
EEG or electrophysiological testing, which are common after
ROSC, could be used to help predict the outcomes of infants
and children after cardiac arrest.
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, imprecision,
and publication bias) for prognostic significance from 2 pediatric
observational studies of IHCA and OHCA100,101 enrolling 68 subjects, showing that an EEG performed within the first 7 days after
cardiac arrest and demonstrating a continuous and reactive tracing
is associated with a higher likelihood of good neurologic outcome
at hospital discharge (RR, 4.18; 95% CI, 2.25–7.75), compared
with an EEG demonstrating a discontinuous or isoelectric tracing
being associated with a higher likelihood of poor neurologic outcome at hospital discharge (RR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.51–3.77).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcome of survival to 180 days or 1 year with good neurologic outcome.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that the use of EEG within the first 7 days after
pediatric cardiac arrest may assist in prognostication (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
The confidence in predictive estimates for the use of EEG
alone as a predictor after pediatric IHCA and OHCA is so low
that the panel decided a recommendation to use EEG alone to
make decisions is too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We place greater value on preserving opportunities for recovery than on limiting therapy based on insufficiently studied
prognostic tools that might be used in isolation.
Knowledge Gaps
• As none of the studies blinded clinicians to EEG results,
a high risk of bias exists. The use of an investigation that
has not been validated as a prognostic tool may affect the
clinical course and create “self-fulfilling prophecies,”
leading to a worse outcome.
• The data from these 2 limited studies derive from a relatively limited patient sample that may not be representative of the broader pediatric population. Although IHCA
and OHCA and different etiologies of cardiac arrest were
included, both studies were single-center studies from the
same institution. Attempts should be made to incorporate
multicenter study samples as well as examine a standardized approach to EEG analysis (standardization of background analysis, timing of EEG after cardiac arrest).
• A well-defined consensus on classification of EEG background would be informative.
• Multicenter prospective studies that include longer-term
outcomes would be valuable.
Post-ROSC Predictive Factors (Peds 813)
Among infants and children with return of circulation (P), does
the presence of any specific factors (I), compared with the absence
of those factors (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to 60 days with good neurologic outcome;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; survival to 30 days with good neurologic outcome; survival
to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome (O)?
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October 20, 2015
The purpose of this review was to determine whether the presence of any specific variable after resuscitation (such as blood
or serum biomarkers and clinical examination) could assist in
predicting outcomes for children and infants after ROSC.
significance (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias)
from 1 pediatric observational study of IHCA and OHCA,105
enrolling 264 children showing that lower serum lactate levels
at 0 to 6 hours (P<0.001) and 7 to 12 hours (P<0.001) after
ROSC are associated with improved outcomes.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 180 days with good
neurologic outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence
for prognostic significance (downgraded for imprecision and
risk of bias) from 1 pediatric observational prospective cohort
study of IHCA and OHCA,102 enrolling 43 children showing
that reactive pupils at 24 hours after ROSC is associated with
improved outcomes (RR, 5.94; 95% CI, 1.5–22.8).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence for prognostic significance (downgraded for imprecision and risk of
bias, but with a moderate dose-response relationship) from 4
pediatric observational studies of IHCA and OHCA,79,82,101,103
enrolling a total of 513 children showing that pupils reactive
to light 12 to 24 hours after ROSC is associated with improved
outcomes (RR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.8–2.9).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, we identified verylow-quality evidence for prognostic significance (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision, but with a moderate effect
size) from 2 pediatric observational studies of IHCA and
OHCA,101,103 enrolling a total of 69 children showing that
pupils reactive to light before hypothermia or 24 hours after
ROSC is associated with improved outcomes (OR, 3.0; 95%
CI, 1.4–6.5).
For the important outcomes of survival to hospital
discharge and hospital discharge with good neurologic
outcome, we identified very-low-quality evidence for prognostic significance (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 pediatric observational studies of IHCA and
OHCA,102,104 enrolling a total of 78 children showing that
lower neuron-specific enolase (NSE) or S100B serum levels
at 24, 48, and 72 hours are associated with an increased likelihood of improved outcomes (P<0.001 to P<0.02).
For the important outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence for prognostic
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that practitioners use multiple variables when
attempting to predict outcomes for infants and children after
cardiac arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We place greater value on preserving opportunities for recovery than on limiting therapy based on as-yet-unvalidated prognostic tools.
Knowledge Gaps
Multiple knowledge gaps exist.
• What
is the effect of evolving post-ROSC care (TTM
hypotension/cardiovascular function, etc) on markers of
• In addition, causes of cardiac arrest and differences in
arrest location may have an effect on our ability to use
post-ROSC factors in prognostication.
• Prospective blinded studies are needed to validate the
use of prognostic factors; otherwise, these unvalidated
factors may create “self-fulfilling prophecies” of poor
We thank the following individuals (Pediatric Basic Life Support
and Pediatric Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators) for
their collaborations on the systematic reviews contained in this section: Andrew C. Argent, Marc D. Berg, Robert M. Bingham, Jos
Bruinenberg, Leon Chameides, Mark G. Coulthard, Thomaz B. Couto,
Stuart R. Dalziel, Jonathan P. Duff, Jonathan R. Egan, Christoph Eich,
Ong Yong-Kwang Gene, Ericka L. Fink, Stuart H. Friess, Susan Fuchs,
Robert Hickey, Elizabeth A. Hunt, Takanari Ikeyama, Niranjan
Kissoon, Graeme MacLaren, Bradley Marino, Mary E. McBride,
Melissa J. Parker, Tia T. Raymond, Corsino Rey, Antonio RodriguezNunez, Fernanda V.M. de Sá, Stephen M. Schexnayder, Audrey R.
Ogawa Shibata, Sunit C. Singhi, Ravi R. Thiagarajan, Janice A.
Tijssen, Alexis Topjian, Javier Urbano, and Wilson M. Were.
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de Caen et al
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
2015 CoSTR Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support: Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group
Allan R.
de Caen
Ian K.
Dianne L.
Monica E.
David A.
Peter A.
Vinay M.
Amelia G.
Remigio Veliz
Research Grant
University of Alberta and
Stollery Children’s Hospital
St. Mary’s Hospital
Zoll Foundation/
Laerdal Medical*
Starship Children’s
University of Iowa
Hopital Universitaire des
Enfants Reine Fabiola;
Pediatric Intensive Care
The Hospital for Sick
Children’s Hospital Boston
Resuscitation Council of
Southern Africa
Children’s Hospital
of Philadelphia;
Anesthesiology and
Critical Care
Children’s Hospital
Philadelphia Pediatric
Critical Care Medicine;
Anesthesia Critical Care
KK Hospital; Paeds
Starship Children’s
Hospital; PICU
Inter-American Heart
Tokyo Metropolitan
Children’s Medical Centre
Royal Children’s Hospital,
Melbourne Intensive
Care Unit
Inter-American Heart
Auckland District
Health Board*
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of
the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding
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October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 6: PICO Appendix
Part 6
Peds 387
Among infants and children who are experiencing ROSC after cardiac
arrest in any setting (P), does the use of TTM (eg, therapeutic hypothermia)
(I), compared with the use of normothermia (C), change survival to hospital
discharge, ICU LOS (O)?
Ian Maconochie,
Mark Coulthard
Part 6
Peds 394
Chest Compression
In infants and children receiving chest compressions (in or out of hospital)
(P), does the use of any specific chest compression depth (I), compared with
the depth specified in the current treatment algorithm (C), change survival
to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge,
complication rate, or intermediate physiological endpoints (O)?
Gabrielle Nuthall,
Fernanda Sá
Part 6
Peds 397
Pediatric METs
and RRTs
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does the use of pediatric
METs/RRTs (I), compared with not using METs/RRTs (C), change cardiac or
pulmonary arrest frequency outside of the ICU, overall hospital mortality (O)?
Kee Chong Ng,
Dianne Atkins
Part 6
Peds 405
Energy Doses for
Among infants and children who are in VF or pVT in any setting (P), does a specific
energy dose or regimen of energy doses for the initial or subsequent defibrillation
attempt(s) (I), compared with 2 to 4 J/kg (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1
year; survival to hospital discharge; ROSC; termination of arrhythmia (O)?
Part 6
Peds 407
In infants and children with IHCA (P), does the use of ECMO for resuscitation, also
called ECPR (I), when compared with conventional resuscitative treatment (CPR
without the use of ECMO) (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic
outcome, survival to hospital discharge, or survival to intensive care discharge (O)?
Ericka Fink
Part 6
Peds 414
Chest Compression–
Only CPR Versus
Conventional CPR
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
compression-only CPR (I), compared with the use of conventional CPR (C),
change neurologically intact survival at 1 year, survival to hospital discharge,
improved ICU LOS, neurologically intact survival at 30 days (O)?
Jonathan Duff,
Dominique Biarent
Part 6
Peds 424
Vasopressor Use
During Cardiac Arrest
Among infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does the use of no vasopressor
(epinephrine, vasopressin, combination of vasopressors) (I), compared with
any use of vasopressors (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic
outcome, survival to hospital discharge, ROSC (O)?
Vinay Nadkarni,
David Kloeck
Part 6
Peds 544
Post-ROSC PaO2
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest (in- or out-of-hospital
setting) (P), does the use of a targeted PaO2 strategy (I), compared with a
strategy of no targeted PaO2 (C), change ICU LOS, survival to 180 days with good
neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, survival to ICU discharge,
survival to 6 months (O)?
Allan de Caen,
Amelia Reis
Part 6
Peds 545
Fluid Resuscitation
in Septic Shock
Among infants and children who are in septic shock in any setting (P), does
the use of restricted volumes of resuscitation fluid (I1) when compared with
nonrestricted volumes (C1), or the use of noncrystalloid fluids (I2) when
compared with crystalloid fluids (C2), change survival to hospital discharge,
need for mechanical ventilation or vasopressor support, complications, time
to resolution of shock, hospital length of stay (LOS), ventilator-free days, total
intravenous (IV) fluids administered (O)?
Richard Aickin,
Peter Meaney
Part 6
Peds 709
Sequence of Chest
Compressions and
Ventilations: C-A-B
Versus A-B-C
Among infants and children who are in cardiac arrest in any setting (P), does
the use of a circulation-airway-breathing approach to initial management (I),
compared with the use of an airway-breathing-circulation approach to initial
management (C), change ROSC, survival to hospital discharge, survival to 180
days with good neurologic outcome, time to first compressions (O)?
Naoki Shimizu,
Christoph Eich
Part 6
Peds 813
Predictive Factors
Among infants and children with return of circulation (P), does the presence
of any specific factors (I), compared with the absence of those factors (C),
change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to 60
days with good neurologic outcome; survival only at discharge, 30 days,
60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival to 30 days with good neurologic
outcome; survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome (O)?
Thomaz Bittencourt
Couto, Marc Berg
Part 6
Peds 814
Prognostic Factors
Among infants and children during cardiac arrest (P), does the presence of any
specific intra-arrest prognostic factors (I), compared with the absence of these
factors (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to
60 days with good neurologic outcome; survival to hospital discharge with good
neurologic outcome; survival to 30 days with good neurologic outcome; survival
only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year (O)?
Audrey Shibata,
Steve Schexnayder
Short Title
PICO Question
Robert Bingham,
Stuart Dalziel
(Continued )
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de Caen et al
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
CoSTR Part 6: PICO Appendix, Continued
Part 6
Peds 815
Post-ROSC Ventilation:
PaCO2 Goals
Among infants and children with ROSC after cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does ventilation to a specific PaCO2 target (I), compared with ventilation
to no specific PaCO2 target (C), change survival with favorable neurologic
outcome, survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 30
days with good neurologic outcome, the likelihood of a good quality of life
after discharge from the hospital, survival to hospital discharge, survival to 30
days, survival to 60 days, survival to 6 months, survival to ICU discharge (O)?
Javier Urbano,
Janice Tijssen
Part 6
Peds 818
For infants and children in the in-hospital setting (P), does the use of a
pediatric early warning score (I), compared with not using a pediatric early
warning score (C), change overall hospital mortality, Cardiac arrest frequency
outside of the ICU (O)?
Alexis Topjian,
Part 6
Peds 819
Prearrest Care of
Pediatric Dilated
Cardiomyopathy or
For infants and children with myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy and
impending cardiac arrest (P), does a specific approach (I), compared with
the usual management of shock or cardiac arrest (C), change survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival to hospital discharge; cardiac arrest frequency;
Graeme MacLaren,
Ravi Thiagarajan
Part 6
Peds 820
Post-ROSC Fluid/
In infants and children after ROSC (P), does the use of parenteral fluids and
inotropes and/or vasopressors to maintain targeted measures of perfusion
such as blood pressure (I), as compared with not using these interventions
(C), change patient satisfaction; survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year; survival with
favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; survival to hospital discharge; harm to patient (O)?
Melissa Parker,
Takanari Ikeyama
Part 6
Peds 821
Atropine for
Emergency Intubation
In infants and children requiring emergency tracheal intubation (P), does the
use of atropine as a premedication (I), compared with not using atropine (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome at discharge, 30
days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year after event; the incidence of
cardiac arrest; survival to hospital discharge; the incidence of peri-intubation
shock or arrhythmias (O)?
Gene Ong, Jos
Part 6
Peds 822
For infants and children who have had cardiac arrests in the in-hospital or
out-of-hospital setting (P), does any use of neuroelectrophysiology information
(EEG) (I), compared with none (C), predict survival at 1 year with good neurologic
outcome, survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to 60 days
with good neurologic outcome, survival to 6 months, survival to 30 days with
good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic
outcome, survival with favorable neurologic outcome, survival to hospital
discharge (O)?
Stuart Friess,
Corsino Rey
Part 6
Peds 825
Amiodarone Versus
Lidocaine for ShockResistant VF or pVT
In children and infants with shock-refractory VF or pVT (P), does amiodarone
(I), compared with lidocaine (C), change survival to hospital discharge, ROSC,
recurrence of VF, termination of arrhythmia, risk of complications (eg, need for
tube change, airway injury, aspiration) (O)?
Dianne Atkins,
Mary McBride
Brad Marino
Part 6
Peds 826
Invasive Blood Pressure
Monitoring During CPR
In children and infants undergoing CPR (P), does using invasive hemodynamic
monitoring to titrate to a specific systolic/diastolic blood pressure (I),
compared with not using invasive hemodynamic monitoring to titrate to a
specific systolic/diastolic blood pressure (C), change survival to hospital
discharge, 60 days after event, 180 days after event with favorable
neurologic outcome, or the likelihood of ROSC or survival to hospital
discharge (O)?
Tia Raymond,
Jonathan Egan
Part 6
Peds 827
ETCO2 Monitoring
During CPR
In infants and children in cardiac arrest (P), does adjustment of chest
compression technique to achieve a specific ETCO2 threshold (I), compared
with not using ETCO2 to adjust chest compression technique (C), change
survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, the likelihood of survival
to discharge, ROSC (O)?
Remigio Veliz,
Monica Kleinman
Short Title
PICO Question
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88. Doherty DR, Parshuram CS, Gaboury I, Hoskote A, Lacroix J, Tucci
M, Joffe A, Choong K, Farrell R, Bohn DJ, Hutchison JS; Canadian
Critical Care Trials Group. Hypothermia therapy after pediatric cardiac arrest. Circulation. 2009;119:1492–1500. doi: 10.1161/
89. Lin JJ, Hsia SH, Wang HS, Chiang MC, Lin KL. Therapeutic hypothermia associated with increased survival after resuscitation in children. Pediatr Neurol. 2013;48:285–290. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.
90. Scholefield BR, Morris KP, Duncan HP, Perkins GD, Gosney J, Skone R,
Sanders V, Gao F. Evolution, safety and efficacy of targeted temperature
management after pediatric cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2015;92:19–
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91. Fink EL, Clark RS, Kochanek PM, Bell MJ, Watson RS. A tertiary
care center’s experience with therapeutic hypothermia after pediatric
cardiac arrest. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2010;11:66–74. doi: 10.1097/
92. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Therapeutic Hypothermia
After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest (THAPCA) Trials: clinical centers. 2015. Accessed May 11, 2015.
93. Bennett KS, Clark AE, Meert KL, Topjian AA, Schleien CL, Shaffner
DH, Dean JM, Moler FW; Pediatric Emergency Care Medicine
Applied Research Network. Early oxygenation and ventilation measurements after pediatric cardiac arrest: lack of association with
outcome. Crit Care Med. 2013;41:1534–1542. doi: 10.1097/CCM.
94. Guerra-Wallace MM, Casey FL 3rd, Bell MJ, Fink EL, Hickey
RW. Hyperoxia and hypoxia in children resuscitated from cardiac
arrest. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2013;14:e143–e148. doi: 10.1097/
95. Del Castillo J, López-Herce J, Matamoros M, Cañadas S, RodriguezCalvo A, Cechetti C, Rodriguez-Núñez A, Alvarez AC; Iberoamerican
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Study Network RIBEPCI. Hyperoxia,
hypocapnia and hypercapnia as outcome factors after cardiac arrest
in children. Resuscitation. 2012;83:1456–1461. doi: 10.1016/j.
96. Ferguson LP, Durward A, Tibby SM. Relationship between arterial partial oxygen pressure after resuscitation from cardiac arrest and
mortality in children. Circulation. 2012;126:335–342. doi: 10.1161/
97. Topjian AA, French B, Sutton RM, Conlon T, Nadkarni VM, Moler FW,
Dean JM, Berg RA. Early postresuscitation hypotension is associated
with increased mortality following pediatric cardiac arrest. Crit Care
Med. 2014;42:1518–1523. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000216.
98. Lin YR, Li CJ, Wu TK, Chang YJ, Lai SC, Liu TA, Hsiao MH, Chou
CC, Chang CF. Post-resuscitative clinical features in the first hour after
achieving sustained ROSC predict the duration of survival in children with non-traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation.
2010;81:410–417. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2010.01.006.
99. Lin YR, Wu HP, Chen WL, Wu KH, Teng TH, Yang MC, Chou CC,
Chang CF, Li CJ. Predictors of survival and neurologic outcomes in
children with traumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during the early
postresuscitative period. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013;75:439–447.
doi: 10.1097/TA.0b013e31829e2543.
100. Kessler SK, Topjian AA, Gutierrez-Colina AM, Ichord RN, Donnelly
M, Nadkarni VM, Berg RA, Dlugos DJ, Clancy RR, Abend NS. Shortterm outcome prediction by electroencephalographic features in children
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
de Caen et al
treated with therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Neurocrit Care.
2011;14:37–43. doi: 10.1007/s12028-010-9450-2.
101. Nishisaki A, Sullivan J 3rd, Steger B, Bayer CR, Dlugos D, Lin R, Ichord
R, Helfaer MA, Nadkarni V. Retrospective analysis of the prognostic
value of electroencephalography patterns obtained in pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest survivors during three years. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
2007;8:10–17. doi: 10.1097/01.pcc.0000256621.63135.4b.
102. Fink EL, Berger RP, Clark RS, Watson RS, Angus DC, Richichi R,
Panigrahy A, Callaway CW, Bell MJ, Kochanek PM. Serum biomarkers
of brain injury to classify outcome after pediatric cardiac arrest. Crit Care
Med. 2014;42:664–674. doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000435668.53188.80.
103. Abend NS, Topjian AA, Kessler SK, Gutierrez-Colina AM, Berg RA,
Nadkarni V, Dlugos DJ, Clancy RR, Ichord RN. Outcome prediction
by motor and pupillary responses in children treated with therapeutic
Part 6: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support
hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012;13:32–38.
doi: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e3182196a7b.
104. Topjian AA, Lin R, Morris MC, Ichord R, Drott H, Bayer CR, Helfaer
MA, Nadkarni V. Neuron-specific enolase and S-100B are associated
with neurologic outcome after pediatric cardiac arrest. Pediatr Crit Care
Med. 2009;10:479–490. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e318198bdb5.
105. Topjian AA, Clark AE, Casper TC, Berger JT, Schleien CL, Dean JM,
Moler FW; Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network.
Early lactate elevations following resuscitation from pediatric cardiac
arrest are associated with increased mortality. Pediatr Crit Care Med.
2013;14:e380–e387. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0b013e3182976402.
KEY WORDS: arrhythmia ◼ cardiopulmonary resuscitation ◼ pediatrics ◼
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Part 6: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support: 2015
International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations
Allan R. de Caen, Ian K. Maconochie, Richard Aickin, Dianne L. Atkins, Dominique Biarent,
Anne-Marie Guerguerian, Monica E. Kleinman, David A. Kloeck, Peter A. Meaney, Vinay M.
Nadkarni, Kee-Chong Ng, Gabrielle Nuthall, Amelia G. Reis, Naoki Shimizu, James Tibballs,
Remigio Veliz Pintos and on behalf of the Pediatric Basic Life Support and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S177-S203
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000275
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
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Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Jeffrey M. Perlman, Co-Chair*; Jonathan Wyllie, Co-Chair*; John Kattwinkel;
Myra H. Wyckoff; Khalid Aziz; Ruth Guinsburg; Han-Suk Kim; Helen G. Liley;
Lindsay Mildenhall; Wendy M. Simon; Edgardo Szyld; Masanori Tamura; Sithembiso Velaphi;
on behalf of the Neonatal Resuscitation Chapter Collaborators
Newborn Transition
The transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life that occurs
at the time of birth requires timely anatomic and physiologic
adjustments to achieve the conversion from placental gas
exchange to pulmonary respiration. This transition is brought
about by initiation of air breathing and cessation of the placental circulation. Air breathing initiates marked relaxation
of pulmonary vascular resistance, with considerable increase
in pulmonary blood flow and increased return of now-welloxygenated blood to the left atrium and left ventricle, as well
as increased left ventricular output. Removal of the lowresistance placental circuit will increase systemic vascular
resistance and blood pressure and reduce right-to-left shunting across the ductus arteriosus. The systemic organs must
equally and quickly adjust to the dramatic increase in blood
pressure and oxygen exposure. Similarly, intrauterine thermostability must be replaced by neonatal thermoregulation
with its inherent increase in oxygen consumption.
Approximately 85% of babies born at term will initiate
spontaneous respirations within 10 to 30 seconds of birth, an
additional 10% will respond during drying and stimulation,
approximately 3% will initiate respirations after positive-pressure ventilation (PPV), 2% will be intubated to support respiratory function, and 0.1% will require chest compressions
and/or epinephrine to achieve this transition.1–3 Although the
vast majority of newborn infants do not require intervention
to make these transitional changes, the large number of births
worldwide means that many infants require some assistance to
achieve cardiorespiratory stability each year.
Newly born infants who are breathing or crying and
have good tone immediately after birth must be dried and
kept warm so as to avoid hypothermia. These actions can
be provided with the baby lying on the mother’s chest and
should not require separation of mother and baby. This does
not preclude the need for clinical assessment of the baby. For
the approximately 5% of newly born infants who do not initiate respiratory effort after stimulation by drying, and providing warmth to avoid hypothermia, 1 or more of the following
actions should be undertaken: providing effective ventilation
with a face mask or endotracheal intubation, and administration of chest compressions with or without intravenous medications or volume expansion for those with a persistent heart
rate less than 60/min or asystole, despite strategies to achieve
effective ventilation (Figure 1).
The 2 vital signs that are used to identify the need for an
intervention as well as to assess the response to interventions
are heart rate and respirations. Progression down the algorithm
should proceed only after successful completion of each step,
the most critical being effective ventilation. A period of only
approximately 60 seconds after birth is allotted to complete
each of the first 2 steps, ie, determination of heart rate and institution of effective ventilation. Subsequent progression to the
next step will depend on the heart rate and respiratory response.
Evidence Evaluation
The task force performed a detailed systematic review based
on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the
National Academies4 and using the methodological approach
proposed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group.5
After identification and prioritization of the questions to be
addressed (using the PICO [population, intervention, comparator, outcomes] format),6 with the assistance of information specialists, a detailed search for relevant articles was
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Perlman JM, Wyllie J, Kattwinkel J, Wyckoff MH, Aziz K, Guinsburg
R, Kim HS, Liley HG, Mildenhall L, Simon WM, Szyld E, Tamura M, Velaphi S; on behalf of the Neonatal Resuscitation Chapter Collaborators. Part 7:
neonatal resuscitation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S204–S241.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. This article has also been reprinted in
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S204–S241. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000276.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000276
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by guest on October 25, 2015
Perlman et al
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm
Yes, stay
with mother
Term gestation?
Breathing or crying?
Good tone?
Routine Care
• Provide warmth
• Ensure open airway
• Dry
• Ongoing evaluation
Warm, open airway,
dry, stimulate
Maintain Temperature
HR below 100/min,
gasping, or apnea?
SpO2 monitoring
Consider CPAP
PPV, SpO2 monitoring
Consider ECG monitoring
or persistent
HR below 100/min?
Ensure adequate
Consider ET
HR below 60/min?
Chest compressions
Coordinate with PPV
HR below 60/min?
IV epinephrine
Figure 1. Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm.
performed in each of 3 online databases (PubMed, Embase,
and the Cochrane Library).
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles
were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for each
question created a reconciled risk of bias assessment for each
of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools: Cochrane
for randomized controlled trials,7 Quality Assessment of
Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2 for studies of
diagnostic accuracy,8 and GRADE for observational studies
that inform both therapy and prognosis questions.9
GRADE is an emerging consensus process that rates quality of evidence and strength of recommendations along with
values and preferences. GRADE evidence profile tables10 were
created to facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of
each of the critical and important outcomes. The quality of the
evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high (where one has high confidence in the estimate
of effect as reported in a synthesis of the literature), moderate
(where one has moderate confidence, but there may be differences from a further elucidated truth), low (where one has low
confidence in the estimate of the effect that may be substantially different from the true effect), or very low (where it is
possible that the estimate of the effect is substantially different from the true effect).11 These categorizations were based
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on the study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains
of risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness (ie, the population
studied was not the same as that for which the guideline will
be used), imprecision of effect estimates, and other considerations (including publication bias).12 Randomized studies
start as high quality but may be downgraded for methodological quality, whereas observational or cohort studies start off
as low quality and can be further downgraded or upgraded
depending on methodical quality or positive outcome effect.
Guideline users have to determine how much they can
trust that a recommendation will produce more favorable
rather than unfavorable consequences. The strength of a recommendation reflects a gradient in guidance, with a clearer
expectation for adherence with strong recommendations
(identified by the words we recommend) and lesser insistence
in weak recommendations (identified by the words we suggest). In addition, the direction of effect may be in favor of or
against the recommendation. GRADE points to several factors
that may influence the strength of a recommendation, including the risk-benefit balance, quality of evidence, patient values
and preferences, and, finally, costs and resource utilization. If
confidence in these values and preferences is high and variability is low, it is more likely that the recommendation will
be strong (and vice versa). Recommendations, whether strong
or weak, have different implications for patients, healthcare
professionals, or healthcare management.
Generation of Topics
After publication of the 2010 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations
(CoSTR),13–15 it was apparent that several unclear and contentious delivery room resuscitation issues remained. In 2012,
the Neonatal Task Force published an article titled “Neonatal
Resuscitation: In Pursuit of Evidence Gaps in Knowledge,”16 in
which the major gaps in knowledge were identified. The following critical randomized studies were proposed with the goal for
completion before the ILCOR 2015 International Consensus
Conference on CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
Science With Treatment Recommendations:
• Prophylactic
postdelivery endotracheal suctioning versus no suctioning in a depressed baby with meconium
• Comparison of different saturation percentiles to use for
targeting supplementary oxygen delivery in uncompromised and compromised premature infants
• Comparison of prolonged versus conventional inspiratory times to determine if the former is more effective
in establishing functional residual capacity (FRC) and
increasing the heart rate
• Studies to determine the optimum technique for maintaining the temperature of very low birth weight (VLBW)
infants from the time of delivery through admission to
intensive care
One small randomized study has addressed the question
of prophylactic endotracheal suctioning in the depressed
baby with meconium17 (see NRP 865), and 1 randomized
trial of sustained inflation (SI) has recently been published18
(see NRP 804). Additional studies addressing these critical
questions are ongoing but were not available for the 2015
CoSTR review.
To achieve the goal of identifying a series of relevant questions, the Neonatal Task Force group comprising 38 members
and representing 13 countries met for the first time in May
2012 in Washington, DC. At that meeting, a series of questions were identified, researched, culled, and eventually refined
into 26 questions at subsequent meetings by using the GRADE
approach. One additional question, related to the accurate and
timely detection of heart rate immediately after birth, was identified in December 2014 as a major gap in knowledge and was
introduced as a late-breaking PICO question. The meetings
since May 2012 included 3 ILCOR group meetings (in Vienna,
October 2012; Melbourne, April 2013; and Banff, April 2014)
and neonatal-specific ILCOR meetings (in Denver, CO, May
2013; Washington, DC, December 2013; Vancouver, Canada,
May 2014; and Washington, DC, December 2014).
The literature was researched and consensus was reached
on the following issues:
• Optimal assessment of heart rate (NRP 898)
• Delayed cord clamping in preterm infants
resuscitation (NRP 787)
• Umbilical cord milking (NRP 849)
• Temperature maintenance in the delivery room (NRP 589)
• Maintaining infant temperature during delivery room
resuscitation (NRP 599)
• Warming of hypothermic newborns (NRP 858)
• Babies born to mothers who are hypothermic or hyperthermic in labor (NRP 804)
• Maintaining infant temperature during delivery room
resuscitation—intervention (NRP 793)
• Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and intermittent positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV) (NRP 590)
• Sustained inflations (NRP 809)
• Outcomes for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
versus no PEEP in the delivery room (NRP 897)
• T-piece resuscitator and self-inflating bag (NRP 870)
• Intubation and tracheal suctioning in nonvigorous infants
born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid (MSAF)
versus no intubation for tracheal suctioning (NRP 865)
• Oxygen concentration for resuscitating premature newborns (NRP 864)
• 2-Thumb versus 2-finger techniques for chest compression (NRP 605)
• Chest compression ratio (NRP 895)
• Oxygen delivery during CPR—neonatal (NRP 738)
• Laryngeal mask airway (NRP 618)
• Newborn infants who receive PPV for resuscitation, and
use of a device to assess respiratory function (NRP 806)
• Use of feedback CPR devices for neonatal cardiac arrest
(NRP 862)
• Limited resource–induced hypothermia (NRP 734)
• Delivery room assessment for less than 25 weeks and
prognostic score (NRP 805)
• Apgar score of 0 for 10 minutes or greater (NRP 896)
• Predicting death or disability of newborns of greater than
34 weeks based on Apgar and/or absence of breathing
(NRP 860)
• Resuscitation training frequency (NRP 859)
• Neonatal resuscitation instructors (NRP 867)
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Perlman et al
Neonatal Algorithm
There was considerable debate with regard to modifying the
algorithm. The first debate related to the necessity of a timeline. Many thought that a 30-second time rule was unreasonable and not evidenced based. On the other hand, because this
is a global document, others advocated strongly that a reminder
to assess and intervene if necessary, within 60 seconds after
birth, should be retained to avoid critical delays in initiation
of resuscitation. Thus, more than 95% of newly born infants
will start breathing spontaneously or in response to stimulation within approximately 30 seconds.1 If apnea persists PPV
should be initiated within 60 seconds. As a compromise, the
30-second time point has been removed. Given the importance
of hypothermia as a predictor of mortality and evidence from
multiple studies that moderate hypothermia (temperature less
than 36°C) can be avoided with simple intervention strategies,
the new algorithm contains a running line reminding providers to maintain thermoregulation throughout the immediate
newborn period.
Initial Assessment and Intervention
ECG/EKG in Comparison to Oximetry or
Auscultation for the Detection of Heart Rate
(NRP 898)
In babies requiring resuscitation (P), does electrocardiography
(ECG/EKG) (I), compared with oximetry or auscultation (C),
measure heart rate faster and more accurately (O)?
Neonatal resuscitation success has classically been determined
by detecting an increase in heart rate through auscultation.
Heart rate also determines the need for changing interventions
and escalating care. However, recent evidence demonstrates
that auscultation of heart rate is inaccurate and pulse oximetry takes several minutes to achieve a signal and also may
be inaccurate during the early minutes after birth. This PICO
question is intended to review the evidence regarding how best
to determine heart rate after birth.
Consensus on Science
For the important outcomes of fast and accurate measurement
of heart rate in babies requiring resuscitation, we have identified
• Very-low-quality evidence from 5 nonrandomized studies enrolling 213 patients showing a benefit of ECG
compared with oximetry19–23
• Very-low-quality evidence from 1 nonrandomized study
enrolling 26 patients showing a benefit of ECG compared with auscultation24
The available evidence is from nonrandomized studies,
downgraded for indirectness and imprecision.
Treatment Recommendation
In babies requiring resuscitation, we suggest the ECG can be
used to provide a rapid and accurate estimation of heart rate
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
There was much discussion and heated debate about the use
of ECG to determine heart rate. Although the data suggest that
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
the ECG provides a more accurate heart rate in the first 3 minutes, there were no available data to determine how outcomes
would change by acting (or not acting) on the information.
Important issues were raised about inappropriate interventions being implemented based on a falsely low heart rate by
pulse oximetry or auscultation that might be avoided if the
heart rate could be determined by ECG. It was pointed out
that pulse oximetry is still very important for the measurement
of saturation values to define supplementary oxygen needs.
Introducing ECG leads in the delivery room will take time,
as will acquiring methods to rapidly apply electrodes. In view
of these findings of false-positive readings by conventional
means, we have no data on when to advise appropriate actions
for bradycardia detected by the conventional measures such
as pulse oximetry or auscultation. Some transient bradycardia
may be normal and be reflective of timing of cord clamping.
More studies are needed.
Knowledge Gaps
• Studies
delineating differences in interventions and/or
patient outcomes based on ECG versus pulse oximetry
• Studies of heart rate in VLBW infants requiring resuscitation and in relationship to timing of cord clamping
• Improved technology for rapid application of ECG
Delayed Cord Clamping in Preterm Infants
Requiring Resuscitation (Intervention) (NRP 787)
In preterm infants, including those who received resuscitation
(P), does delayed cord clamping (greater than 30 seconds)
(I), compared with immediate cord clamping (C), improve
survival, long-term developmental outcome, cardiovascular
stability, occurrence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH),
necrotizing enterocolitis, temperature on admission to a newborn area, and hyperbilirubinemia (O)?
In the past 50 years, the umbilical cords of babies born preterm have generally been cut soon after birth, so that the newborns can be transferred immediately to the neonatal team.
However, there is recent evidence that a delay of clamping by
30 to 60 seconds after birth results in a smoother transition,
particularly if the baby begins breathing before the cord is cut.
In both animal and human models, the delay is associated with
increased placental transfusion, increased cardiac output, and
higher and more stable neonatal blood pressure. There is controversy about how long it is appropriate to delay clamping if
the baby is perceived to require resuscitation.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of infant death, we identified verylow-quality (downgraded for imprecision and very high risk
of bias) evidence from 11 randomized clinical trials enrolling 591 patients showing no benefit to delayed cord clamping (odds ratio [OR], 0.6; 95% confidence interval [CI],
For the critical outcome of severe IVH, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and very
high risk of bias) from 5 randomized clinical trials enrolling
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265 patients showing no benefit to delayed cord clamping
(OR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.20–3.69).26,27,31,32
For the critical outcome of periventricular hemorrhage
(PVH)/IVH, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and very high risk of bias) from 9 randomized clinical trials enrolling 499 patients showing benefit of
delayed cord clamping (OR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.29–0.82).26,27,29–35
For the critical outcome of neurodevelopment, we did not
identify any evidence.
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular stability as
assessed by mean blood pressure at birth, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and very high risk
of bias) from 2 randomized clinical trials enrolling 97 patients
showing higher blood pressure associated with delayed cord
clamping (mean difference [MD], 3.52; 95% CI, 0.6–6.45).29,31
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular stability as
assessed by mean blood pressure at 4 hours after birth, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and very high risk of bias) from 3 randomized clinical
trials enrolling 143 patients showing increased mean blood
pressure at 4 hours of age after delayed cord clamping (MD,
2.49; 95% CI, 0.74–4.24).25,31,32
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular stability as
assessed by blood volume, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision and very high risk of bias) from 2
randomized clinical trials enrolling 81 patients showing benefit of
delayed cord clamping (MD, 8.25; 95% CI, 4.39–12.11).35,36
For the critical outcome of temperature, on admission we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and very high risk of bias) from 4 randomized clinical
trials enrolling 208 patients showing no statistically significant benefit from delayed cord clamping (MD, 0.1; 95% CI,
−0.04 to 0.24).29,31,32,34
For the important outcome of need for transfusion, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 7 randomized
clinical trials enrolling 398 patients showing less need for
transfusion after delayed cord clamping (OR, 0.44; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of necrotizing enterocolitis,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision and very high risk of bias) from 5 randomized
clinical trials enrolling 241 patients showing lower incidence
of necrotizing enterocolitis (OR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.19–0.8).29,31–34
For the important outcome of hyperbilirubinemia and
peak bilirubin concentrations (mmol/L), we identified moderate-quality evidence from 6 randomized clinical trials enrolling 280 patients showing higher peak bilirubin value in those
neonates with delayed cord clamping (MD, 16.15; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of treated hyperbilirubinemia (need for phototherapy), we identified low-quality evidence from 1 randomized clinical trial enrolling 143 patients
showing no statistically significant difference (relative risk
[RR], 1.29; 95% CI, 1.00–1.67).35
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest delayed umbilical cord clamping for preterm
infants not requiring immediate resuscitation after birth (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence to recommend an approach
to cord clamping for preterm infants who do receive resuscitation immediately after birth, because many babies who were
at high risk of requiring resuscitation were excluded from or
withdrawn from the studies.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Overall, the quality of evidence for the question was very low.
Despite drawing evidence from randomized controlled trials,
the small sample size in most trials and the associated imprecision limited the quality of evidence for all outcomes of interest. Although 2 larger observational trials were considered, the
quality and size of effect were not sufficient to influence the
conclusions. The quality of evidence for necrotizing enterocolitis and hyperbilirubinemia was limited by inconsistent
definitions of the outcome, and inconsistent thresholds for
treatment with phototherapy across studies.
• Balance
of consequences favors delayed cord clamping, as desirable consequences probably outweigh undesirable consequences in most settings. The results of
randomized controlled trials and nonrandomized observational studies with comparison groups were generally
consistent. However, small and sick infants who received
immediate resuscitation were generally excluded from
the available randomized controlled trials, so data are
very limited for this group at highest risk for physiologic
instability, complications of prematurity, and mortality
who may also realize highest benefit or harm from the
• Preferences (parents’) favor delayed clamping, which
has received strong popular support through social
media and Internet sites. The advantages of delayed cord
clamping assume heightened importance in resourcelimited settings where specialty care for preterm neonates may be limited. Improving initial cardiovascular
stability with maintenance of temperature and lower
risk of morbidities such as necrotizing enterocolitis and
severe intracranial hemorrhage may offer significant survival advantages, even where neonatal intensive care is
not available. In areas where maternal anemia is prevalent, iron supplementation is limited, and a safe blood
supply is often unavailable, the reduction in need for
transfusion and improved blood volume at birth may
have increased significance.
A major debate surrounded the issue as to whether the
quality of the studies was low or very low. Overall, the group
thought that downgrading the evidence as suggested by the
GRADE tool was not reasonable, given that this was one of
the areas with the most randomized trial data. However, eventually based on the GRADE criteria, it was necessary to classify most of the outcomes as very-low-quality evidence. It was
noted that the existing studies enrolled very few extremely
premature infants and very few who received resuscitation.
The group was unanimous in stressing the need for additional research, which parallels a Cochrane review reflecting
similar sentiments of a need for more high-quality evidence.
Some members questioned how to reconcile with obstetric guidelines, which has an out clause for babies requiring
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Knowledge Gaps
• Results of ongoing large randomized controlled trials
• Comparison of delayed versus immediate cord clamping
among preterm infants who receive resuscitation with
• Comparison of delayed cord clamping with cord milking
• Outcome data of high importance, such as long-term
• Need for resuscitative intervention at delivery
• Hyperbilirubinemia among high-risk populations
Umbilical Cord Milking—Intervention (NRP 849)
In very preterm infants (28 weeks or less) (P), does umbilical cord milking (I), in comparison with immediate umbilical
cord clamping (C), affect death, neurodevelopmental outcome
at 2 to 3 years, cardiovascular stability, ie, need for pressors,
need for fluid bolus, initial mean blood pressure, IVH (any
grade, severe grade), temperature on admission, hematologic
indices, (initial hemoglobin, need for transfusion), hyperbilirubinemia, need for phototherapy, or need for exchange transfusion (O)?
There is some evidence that “milking” of the umbilical cord
from the placental side toward the newborn may have a similar
effect to delayed cord clamping (ie, increased placental transfusion, improved cardiac output, and increased neonatal blood
pressure). If correct, this would offer a more rapid alternative
to delayed clamping of the cord.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of death, we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious imprecision) from 3 randomized clinical trials38–40 showing that there is no difference
in death (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.25–2.29).
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular stability, we
found low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 2 randomized studies38,39 showing that the initial mean
blood pressure was 5.43 mm Hg higher (range, 1.98–8.87
mm Hg) in the group receiving umbilical cord milking.
For the critical outcome of IVH, we found low-quality
evidence (downgraded for very serious imprecision) from
2 randomized clinical trials38,40 showing a reduction of IVH
(all grades: OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.18–0.77) but no difference
(from 1 randomized clinical trial38 in severe IVH; OR, 0.44;
95% CI, 0.07–2.76) (low-quality evidence, downgraded for
very serious imprecision) when umbilical cord milking was
For the critical outcome of neurologic outcome at 2 to 3
years, we did not identify any evidence to address this.
For the important outcome of hematologic indices, we
found low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 2 randomized clinical trials38,39 showing that cord milking increased the initial hemoglobin level (MD, 2.27 g/dL;
95% CI, 1.57–2.98 g/dL) and low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 3 randomized clinical trials38–40
showing that cord milking decreased transfusion (OR, 0.2;
95% CI, 0.09–0.44).
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
For the important outcome of temperature, we found
low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious imprecision) from 1 randomized clinical trial39 showing that the temperature of the milking group was not different on admission.
For the important outcome of bilirubin indices, we found
low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious imprecision) showing that the maximum bilirubin measurement (3
randomized clinical trials38–40) and use of phototherapy (1
study40) was not different between groups.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against the routine use of cord milking for infants
born at 28 weeks of gestation or less, because there is insufficient published human evidence of benefit. Cord milking may
be considered on an individual basis or in a research setting, as
it may improve initial mean blood pressure and hematologic
indices and reduce intracranial hemorrhage. There is no evidence for improvement in long-term outcomes (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
All studies included in this evidence review milked 20
cm of umbilical cord toward the umbilicus 3 times while the
infant was held at the level of the introitus or below the level
of the placenta before cord clamping.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the unknown safety profile and less value on the simplicity/
economy of this intervention.
Much of the deliberations focused on the wording of
the treatment recommendation. The first recommendation
proposed was, “We suggest that cord milking, as opposed
to immediate cord clamping, be performed at delivery for
VLBW infants.” A second recommendation was, “We suggest that cord milking, as opposed to immediate cord clamping, may be performed at delivery for VLBW but should not
be regarded as a standard of care.” A third recommendation
was, “We suggest that cord milking, as opposed to immediate
cord clamping, may be performed at delivery for VLBW to
improve initial mean blood pressure, hematologic indices, and
IVH (Grades 1 and 2).” However, concerns were raised related
to the absence of evidence pertinent to long-term outcomes
and, in particular, neurologic outcome. Moreover, there was
serious imprecision in the data. These factors led to the final
treatment recommendation.
Knowledge Gaps
• Evidence
regarding neurodevelopmental outcomes for
cord milking compared with immediate cord clamping
is necessary.
• Comparison of delayed cord clamping with cord milking
• Multiple studies of cord milking in this population are
under way at this time, and additional data will be available in 2020.
It has been known for more than a century that preterm babies
who become hypothermic after birth have a higher mortality than those who remain normothermic.41 The association
between hypothermia and neonatal mortality and morbidity,
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including respiratory distress syndrome, metabolic derangements, IVH, and late-onset sepsis, has long been recognized,
with premature infants being particularly vulnerable (see
below). Specifically, moderate hypothermia (temperature less
than 36°C) at birth has been recognized as an independent risk
factor for death in premature infants.42,43
These relationships reflect the fact that the premature
infant is at very high risk of net heat loss because of a large
surface area–to–volume ratio and increased evaporative fluid
losses from the skin. Strategies introduced to minimize heat
loss include use of occlusive wrapping, exothermic warming
mattress, warmed humidified resuscitation gases, polyethylene caps, and increasing delivery room temperature, and have
met with varying success. A by-product of these interventions
to prevent hypothermia is more-frequent hyperthermia (temperature greater than 37.5°C). Hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 37.5°C) also increases the risk for neonatal mortality and morbidity in both term and preterm infants. This
section will review the importance of maintaining temperature
in a goal range, interventions to minimize heat loss at delivery,
how quickly a low temperature should be raised into a normal
range, the impact of maternal hyperthermia and hypothermia
on the newborn, and strategies to avoid hypothermia in the
resource-limited setting.
Temperature Maintenance in the Delivery Room—
Prognosis (NRP 589)
In nonasphyxiated babies at birth (P), does maintenance
of normothermia (core temperature 36.5°C or greater and
37.5°C or less) from delivery to admission (I), compared with
hypothermia (less than 36°C) or hyperthermia (greater than
37.5°C) (C), change survival to hospital discharge, respiratory
distress, survival to admission, hypoglycemia, intracranial
hemorrhage, or infection rate (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality, there is evidence from
36 observational studies of increased risk of mortality associated with hypothermia at admission42–77 (low-quality evidence
but upgraded to moderate-quality evidence due to effect size,
dose-effect relationship, and single direction of evidence).
There is evidence of a dose effect on mortality, suggesting
an increased risk of at least 28% for each 1° below 36.5°C
body temperature at admission42,43 and dose-dependent effect
size.42,43,48,66 One small randomized clinical trial78 (very-lowquality evidence, downgraded for indirectness and serious
imprecision) showed a reduction in adverse events, including death, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis,
and oxygen dependence with improved temperature management, but 3 randomized controlled trials79–81 (low-quality
evidence, downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) did
not show any significant improvement in mortality with significantly improved temperature control. Four observational
studies60,61,63,82 (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision) did not find any improvement
in mortality with improved admission temperatures, but they
were not sufficiently powered for this outcome.
For the critical outcome of IVH, 8 observational studies
(very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for risk of bias and
indirectness) show hypothermia (temperature less than 36°C)
in preterm infants is associated with an increased likelihood
of developing IVH.48,55,66,83–87 Eight observational studies (lowquality, downgraded for indirectness) found no association
between hypothermia and IVH.43,60,61,88–92
For the important outcome of respiratory issues, there
is evidence from 9 observational studies44,48,50,67,83,93–96 (lowquality evidence) showing an association between hypothermia and respiratory disease. One large randomized controlled
trial79 (low-quality evidence, downgraded for imprecision
and risk of bias) found a reduction in pulmonary hemorrhage associated with improved admission temperature
(OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.35–0.94). Eight observational studies
(very-low-quality evidence) have shown an improvement in
respiratory outcomes after improved admission temperature maintenance.44,49,51,63,72,84,93,95 Two of these have shown a
decrease in respiratory support with improved temperature
maintenance.93,96 Two observational studies (very-low-quality
evidence, downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) did
not show any association.43,60
For the serious outcome of hypoglycemia, there were
seven observational studies (very-low-quality, downgraded
for risk of bias and indirectness) showing a significant association between hypothermia (less than 36°C) and hypoglycemia.44,67,70,97–100 Two of these studies, using historical
controls, showed improved glycemic control with improved
For the serious outcome of late sepsis, 2 observational
studies (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for risk of
bias and indirectness) indicated an association between hypothermia on admission and late sepsis.43,101 One observational
study (low-quality, downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) found no association after multivariate analysis.66
For the serious outcome of survival to admission, there is
no published evidence addressing any effect of delivery room
hypothermia upon survival to admission.
For the serious outcome of admission hyperthermia,
there is no published evidence about newborn hyperthermia
at admission.
Treatment Recommendations
Admission temperature of newly born nonasphyxiated infants
is a strong predictor of mortality and morbidity at all gestations. It should be recorded as a predictor of outcomes as well
as a quality indicator (strong recommendation, moderatequality evidence).
We recommend that the temperature of newly born nonasphyxiated infants be maintained between 36.5°C and 37.5°C
after birth through admission and stabilization (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these statements, we place a higher value on the
strong association of inadvertent hypothermia with mortality,
the apparent dose effect, the single direction of the evidence,
the universal applicability, and the evidence for intervention
improving respiratory outcomes over the lack of modern evidence for intervention changing mortality.
The group thought that this question should change to a
prognostic one. A recurring question is whether some of the
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babies stay cold because of intrinsic factors. However, there
are data that hypothermia upon admission impacts mortality through at least the first 6 months. It was suggested that a
low temperature may also be related to the quality of care and
environment. Most studies reviewed used an axillary temperature but some older studies utilized a rectal temperature. The
relative benefits of one over the other were not assessed in this
PICO. The task force felt that an axillary temperature should
be used in the delivery room but that on admission it should be
left to individual regional practice.
Knowledge Gaps
• Further studies are required to find if improved admission temperature improves mortality and other outcomes.
Maintaining Infant Temperature During Delivery
Room Resuscitation—Intervention (NRP 599)
Among preterm neonates who are under radiant warmers in the
hospital delivery room (P), does increased room temperature,
thermal mattress, or another intervention (I), compared with
plastic wraps alone (C), reduce hypothermia (less than 36°C)
on admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (O)?
A variety of strategies have been suggested to maintain a preterm infant’s temperature; it is unknown which of these strategies is/are most effective. This PICO question was intended
to identify the strategies and techniques that might be most
Consensus on Science
Thermal Mattress Plus Plastic Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer
(I) Versus Plastic Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer
For the critical outcome of hypothermia (temperature less
than 36.0°C) at NICU admission, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 1 randomized controlled trial102 enrolling 72 preterm infants of less
than 32 weeks of gestation showing no benefit to addition
of a thermal mattress to the use of plastic wrap and radiant
warmer (RR, 1.89; 95% CI, 0.18–19.95). Four observational
studies (low-quality evidence, downgraded for serious risk of
bias)82,103–105 including 612 patients of less than 32 weeks of
gestation showed benefit to the addition of the thermal mattress (OR, 0.27; 95% CI, 0.18–0.42).
For the important outcome of hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 38.0°C) at admission, we have identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
the same randomized controlled trial102 and 4 observational
studies82,103,105,106 including 426 patients showing no harm from
the thermal mattress (RR, 3.78; 95% CI, 0.86–16.60 and OR,
6.53; 95% CI, 0.80–53.30).
Environmental Temperature 26°C or Greater Plus Plastic
Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer (I) Versus Plastic Wrap Plus
Radiant Warmer (C)
For the critical outcome of hypothermia (temperature less
than 36.0°C) at NICU admission, we identified no studies
addressing this intervention alone.
For the important outcome of hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 38.0°C) at admission, we identified low-quality
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 1 observational study107 including 40 patients of less than 29 weeks
of gestation showing no harm from increasing the environmental temperature 26°C or greater (OR, 8.45; 95% CI,
Heated and Humidified Gases Plus Plastic Wrap Plus
Radiant Warmer (I) Versus Plastic Wrap Plus Radiant
Warmer (C)
For the critical outcome of hypothermia (temperature less
than 36.0°C) at NICU admission, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
1 randomized controlled trial78 enrolling 203 patients of less
than 32 weeks of gestation showing no benefit (RR, 0.64;
95% CI, 0.31–1.35), and 1 observational study (low-quality
evidence)108 including 112 patients of less than 33 weeks of
gestation showing benefit to the use of heated and humidified
gases and to the use of plastic wrap and the radiant warmer
(OR, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.08–0.47).
For the important outcome of hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 38.0°C) at admission, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from the same
observational study108 showing no harm (OR, not estimable).
Total Body and Head Plastic Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer (I)
Versus Body Plastic Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer (C)
For the critical outcome of hypothermia (temperature less
than 36.0°C) at NICU admission, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
1 randomized controlled trial109 enrolling 100 patients of less
than 29 weeks of gestation showing no benefit to the addition
of wrapping (RR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.24–1.53).
For the important outcome of hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 38.0°C) at admission, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from the same
randomized controlled trial109 showing no harm (RR, 0.33;
95% CI, 0.01–7.99).
Combination of Interventions (Environmental Temperature
23°C to 25°C Plus Plastic Wrap Without Drying Plus Cap
Plus Thermal Mattress Plus Radiant Warmer) Versus Plastic
Wrap Plus Radiant Warmer (C)
For the critical outcome of hypothermia (temperature less
than 36.0°C) at admission, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 4 observational studies93,95,96,110 enrolling 9334 patients of less than 35
weeks of gestation showing benefit from using a combination
of interventions (ie, environmental temperature 23°C to 25°C
plus plastic wrap without drying plus cap plus thermal mattress plus radiant warmer; OR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.35–0.46).
For the important outcome of hyperthermia (temperature
greater than 38.0°C) at admission, we have identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
3 observational studies93,95,110 enrolling 8985 patients showing
no harm to the combination of interventions (OR, 1.12; 95%
CI, 0.82–1.52).
Treatment Recommendations
Among newly born preterm infants of less than 32 weeks
of gestation under radiant warmers in the hospital delivery
room, we suggest using a combination of interventions, which
may include environmental temperature 23°C to 25°C, warm
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blankets, plastic wrapping without drying, cap, and thermal mattress to reduce hypothermia (temperature less than
36.0°C) on admission to NICU (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
We suggest that hyperthermia (greater than 38.0°C) be
avoided due to the potential associated risks (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We place value on the large numbers enrolled in the observational studies and consistent direction of effect.
Because many of the studies used multiple strategies, it
was not possible to identify the different specific interventions
that are effective in maintaining temperature. There was concern whether the recommendation should be so strong when
the CIs for hyperthermia (0.80–53.30) comprising 3 studies
are so wide, raising the potential chance for harm. A strong
recommendation was made because of the large numbers in
the studies and the consistent direction of effect. There was
concern about 1 randomized thermal mattress trial, which was
stopped for safety issues because of hyperthermia. However,
this is the only study that has demonstrated an adverse effect
with small numbers, suggesting some unclear negative (possible environmental) effect. In the treatment recommendation,
it was suggested to add the words may include after the word
Knowledge Gaps
• Although
a combination of interventions (increasing
environmental temperature, warm blankets, thermal mattress, and cap) linked to quality improvement initiatives
are effective in reducing hypothermia (less than 36°C)
on NICU admission among newly born preterm infants
of less than 32 weeks of gestation who are under radiant
warmers and plastic wrap, the contribution of each intervention (increasing environmental temperature, thermal
mattress, heated and humidified gases, and cap) remains
to be established.
Warming of Hypothermic Newborns—Intervention
(NRP 858)
In newborns who are hypothermic (temperature less than
36.0°C) on admission (P), does rapid rewarming (I), compared with slow rewarming (C), change mortality rate, short
and long-term neurologic outcome, hemorrhage, episodes of
apnea and hypoglycemia, or need for respiratory support (O)?
Neonates are at high risk for becoming hypothermic during
resuscitation. Some early teaching for rewarming these neonates has suggested that slow rewarming is preferable over
faster so as to avoid complications such as apnea and arrhythmias. This PICO question is intended to review the recent evidence on this issue.
Consensus on Science
We identified 2 randomized trials111,112 and 2 observational
studies113,114 comparing rapid (greater than 0.5°C/hour) versus slow (less than 0.5°C/hour) rewarming strategies for
hypothermic newborns (less than 36.0°C) on admission.
All studies were dated (the most recent study was published 28 years ago) and conducted in different settings
(2 in low-resource countries and 2 in high-resource countries); enrolled patients had different baseline characteristics (postnatal age, gestational age, proportion of outborn/
inborn, degree of hypothermia). The quality of the studies was very poor in terms of number of enrolled patients,
inclusion criteria, randomization methods, study design,
and outcome measures.
For the critical outcome of mortality, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from
1 randomized clinical trial112 including 30 patients showing no benefit (RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.36–2.10) and 2 observational studies113,114 including 99 patients showing benefit
in favor of a rapid rewarming strategy (OR, 0.23; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of convulsions/seizures, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious
risk of bias) from 1 randomized clinical trial112 including 30
patients showing no benefit to rapid versus slow rewarming
(RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.14–5.42).
For the critical outcome of hemorrhage/pulmonary
hemorrhage, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias) from 1 randomized clinical
trial112 including 30 patients and 1 observational study113
including 38 patients showing no benefit to rapid versus slow
rewarming (RR, 1.31; 95% CI, 0.26–6.76 and OR, 0.16; 95%
CI, 0.02–1.50, respectively).
For the important outcome of need for respiratory support, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for serious risk of bias) from 1 observational study114 including
56 patients showing benefit in a slower over a rapid rewarming
strategy (OR, 7.50; 95% CI, 2.14–26.24).
For the important outcome of episodes of hypoglycemia,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
serious risk of bias and very serious imprecision) from 1 randomized controlled trial111 including 36 patients and 1 observational study114 including 56 patients showing no benefit to
rapid versus slow rewarming (RR, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.01–1.81
and OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.01–4.06, respectively).
For the important outcome of episodes of apnea, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias and very serious imprecision) from 2 randomized clinical trials111,112 including 66 patients showing no
benefit to rapid versus slow rewarming (RR, 0.44; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that a recommendation for either rapid (0.5°C/hour or greater) or slow
rewarming (0.5°C/hour or less) of unintentionally hypothermic newborns (T° less than 36°C) at hospital admission would
be speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
It was considered important to distinguish the warming of
infants where hypothermia is iatrogenic after birth, which in
general is of a short duration, from hypothermia that is therapeutic and has been intentionally induced over 72 hours. The
latter rewarming is generally recommended to be slow.
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Knowledge Gaps
• Attempts should be made to study a more homogenous
patient population with specific inclusion criteria stratified by gestational and postnatal age, severity of hypothermia on admission, and common outcome measures.
• Addressing these factors with attention to power of the
study by using a multicenter study design will generate
useful data on which to base decisions on the rewarming
strategy for hypothermic newborns.
Babies Born to Mothers Who Are Hypothermic or
Hyperthermic in Labor—Prognosis (NRP 804)
In newborn babies (P), does maternal hypothermia or hyperthermia in labor (I), versus normal maternal temperature (C),
result in adverse neonatal effects (O)? Outcomes include mortality, neonatal seizures, and adverse neurologic states.
There is substantial literature from observational studies indicating an association between maternal hyperthermia and
neonatal mortality and morbidity (see NRP 589). However,
the mechanisms linking these associations remain unclear.
In addition, the impact of maternal hypothermia on neonatal
outcome remains unclear. This PICO question attempts to
address this issue.
Consensus on Science
Maternal Hyperthermia
For the critical outcome of mortality, we identified lowquality evidence from 2 nonrandomized clinical trials (downgraded for risk of bias) showing an increased risk with
maternal hyperthermia.115,116
For the important outcome of neonatal seizures, we identified low-quality evidence from 7 nonrandomized clinical trials (downgraded for risk of bias) showing an increased risk
with maternal hyperthermia.115–121
For the important outcome of adverse neurologic states
(encephalopathy), we identified low-quality evidence from 4
nonrandomized clinical trials (downgraded for risk of bias)
showing an increased risk with maternal hyperthermia.122–125
Maternal Hypothermia
For the critical outcome of mortality and the important outcomes of seizures or adverse neurologic states (encephalopathy), we identified very-low-quality evidence from 5
randomized clinical trials (downgraded for very serious indirectness) that showed no significant risk of these outcomes
with maternal hypothermia.126–130 However, the above studies
did not specifically examine these outcomes.
There are no studies of neonatal outcomes after interventions to keep mothers normothermic.
Treatment Recommendations
Although maternal hyperthermia is associated with adverse
neonatal outcomes, there is insufficient evidence to make
a recommendation regarding the management of maternal
There is insufficient evidence to make a treatment recommendation about maternal hypothermia.
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
There was discussion as to whether this is a prognostic versus
a therapeutic question. The worksheet authors used observational studies, because the randomized clinical trials did not
focus on the outcomes targeted. There was discussion as to
whether it was possible to separate hypothermia from the
cause of hypothermia.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
are no randomized controlled trials of neonatal outcomes after interventions to keep mothers
• Do interventions to achieve normothermia in mothers
who are hyperthermic decrease risk of adverse outcomes
for newborns? (Lack of randomized clinical trials)
• Do interventions to achieve normothermia in mothers
who are hypothermic decrease risk of adverse outcomes
for newborns? (Lack of critical/important outcomes)
Maintaining Infant Temperature During Delivery
Room Resuscitation—Intervention (NRP 793)
In newborn infants (greater than 30 weeks of gestation) in
low-resource settings during and/or after resuscitation/stabilization (P), does drying and skin-to-skin contact or covering
with plastic (I), compared with drying and no skin-to-skin or
use of radiant warmer or incubator (C), change body temperature (O)?
The ability to maintain temperature in a resource-limited setting after birth is a significant problem (see NRP 589), with a
dose-dependent increase in mortality for temperatures below
36.5°C. Moreover, premature infants demonstrated a 12-fold
increase in mortality compared with term babies. Therefore,
avoiding hypothermia at birth would seem to be a relatively
simple intervention to reduce mortality.
Consensus on Science
Plastic Wraps With or Without Skin Drying and Swaddling
Compared With Cot or Crib With or Without Initial Use of
Radiant Warmer
For the important outcome of normothermia or preventing hypothermia during resuscitation, we could not find any
studies reporting on use of plastic bags. During transition
(from birth to 1–2 hours after delivery), we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) from 3 randomized clinical trials131–133
enrolling 409 newborns of greater than 30 weeks of gestation,
showing either a reduction in incidence of hypothermia with
plastic after drying131,132 (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.65–0.90) or no
difference in temperature133 with plastic with or without drying compared with cot bed or open crib and swaddling with or
without initial use of radiant warmer.
Skin-to-Skin Contact Versus Cot or Crib With or Without Use
of Radiant Warmer
• During
transition (birth to 1–2 hours after delivery),
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 7
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randomized clinical trials134–140 enrolling 600 newborns
of greater than 30 weeks of gestation showing a reduction in the number of babies with hypothermia when
nursed with skin-to-skin contact after delivery134,136,137,140
or similar body temperatures135,138,139 when compared
with cot or crib and swaddling with or without initial use
of radiant warmer.
Skin-to-Skin Contact Versus Incubator
For the important outcome of normothermia or preventing hypothermia during resuscitation, we could not find any
studies reporting on skin-to-skin contact. During transition
(birth to 1–2 hours after delivery), we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 2 randomized clinical trials136,141 enrolling 66 newborns of greater than 30 weeks of gestation showing reduction in incidence of hypothermia by about 90%141 or
a 50% reduction in drop in body temperature136 with skin-toskin contact compared with incubator.
Treatment Recommendations
There are no data examining the use of plastic wrap during
resuscitation/stabilization. To maintain body temperature or
prevent hypothermia during transition (birth to 1–2 hours of
life), we suggest that after a well newborn infant of greater
than 30 weeks of gestation has been dried, his or her trunk and
limbs may be put in a clean food-grade plastic bag and swaddled compared with open crib or cot and swaddling (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There are no data on skin-to-skin contact during resuscitation/stabilization. To maintain normal body temperature
or prevent hypothermia during transition (birth to 1–2 hours
after delivery), we suggest well newborns of greater than 30
weeks of gestation be nursed with skin-to-skin contact or kangaroo mother care compared with a cot/open crib and swaddling or incubator (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this suggestion on plastic wrap, we considered the
decrease in hypothermia with plastic. However, clean plastic
may not be available and could be costly, and use of unclean
plastic may lead to infections.
In making this suggestion on skin-to-skin contact, we valued the prevention of hypothermia by using a free and effective intervention.
An issue was raised about the quality and the safety of
occlusive wrap, and the suggestion was made to include foodgrade quality. The question was raised with regard to the availability of thermometers.
Knowledge Gaps
• The feasibility of skin to skin during resuscitation
• Using plastic with or without drying during resuscitation
The respiratory management of the newly born infant in part
depends on whether the infant is making some respiratory
effort or not. In the breathing term or preterm infant, application of CPAP may be sufficient to augment endogenous
effort. In the absence of respiratory effort, establishment of
FRC may be more difficult to establish in some cases. In the
term infant, positive inflating pressure may be sufficient to
establish FRC, whereas in other cases PEEP and/or an SI
may be helpful. In this section, we will review the evidence
for the use of CPAP in the spontaneously breathing infant,
and the use of SI and/or PEEP in the nonbreathing infant.
This section will also examine the important question of
whether a nonbreathing infant delivered in the presence of
MSAF needs to be intubated for suctioning or not. Finally,
the starting oxygen concentration in a premature newborn
will be reviewed.
CPAP and IPPV—Intervention (NRP 590)
In spontaneously breathing preterm infants with respiratory
distress requiring respiratory support in the delivery room (P),
does the use of CPAP (I), compared with intubation and IPPV
(C), improve outcome (O)?
CPAP was introduced to neonatology in the 1970s for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome. However, because of
equipment limitations, this treatment modality was not part
of the early recommendations for neonatal resuscitation
at birth. Over the past decade, the use of CPAP rather than
the immediate intubation and ventilation for preterm babies
who do not breathe well spontaneously after birth has been
explored. Initially, this controversy was also complicated by
the common teaching that babies born very preterm (less than
32 weeks of gestation) should be intubated electively at birth
for the purpose of administering surfactant. There was also a
concern that the use of CPAP in the delivery room might lead
to a higher incidence of pneumothorax. Several randomized
controlled studies have tested these concerns, which prompted
the following 2 PICO analyses.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of death or bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 3 randomized clinical trials142–144
enrolling 2358 preterm infants born at less than 30 weeks of
gestation showing potential benefit to starting treatment with
CPAP in the first 15 minutes after birth (RR, 0.91; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of death, we identified moderatequality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision)
from the same 3 randomized clinical trials142–144 showing no
benefit to starting treatment with CPAP (RR, 0.82; 95% CI,
0.66–1.03). However, we recognize that while the point estimate would suggest potential for benefit, the confidence intervals cross unity to 1.03, suggesting that the potential for harm
is minimal.
For the critical outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness) from the same 3 randomized clinical trials142–144
showing no benefit to starting treatment with CPAP (RR, 0.92;
95% CI, 0.82–1.03). However, we recognize that while the
point estimate would suggest potential for benefit, the confidence intervals cross unity to 1.03, suggesting that the potential for harm is minimal.
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For the critical outcome of air leak, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency and very
serious imprecision) from the same 3 randomized clinical trials142–144 showing no benefit to starting treatment with CPAP
(RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 0.91–1.69).
For the critical outcome of severe IVH, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency and
serious imprecision) from the same 3 randomized clinical trials142–144 showing no benefit to starting treatment with CPAP
(RR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.86–1.39).
For the important outcome of necrotizing enterocolitis,
we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision) from the same 3 randomized clinical trials142–144
showing no benefit to starting treatment with CPAP (RR, 1.19;
95% CI, 0.92–1.55).
For the important outcome of severe retinopathy of prematurity, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for very serious imprecision) from 2 randomized clinical trials143,144 enrolling 1359 infants showing no benefit to starting
treatment with CPAP (RR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.77–1.39).
Treatment Recommendation
For spontaneously breathing preterm infants with respiratory
distress requiring respiratory support in the delivery room,
we suggest initial use of CPAP rather than intubation and
IPPV (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this suggestion, we recognize that the absolute
reduction in risk of adverse outcome associated with starting
with CPAP is small and that infants recruited to the trials had
a high rate of treatment with antenatal steroids but we value
the less invasive approach.
CPAP was introduced in the 2010 CoSTR13–15 as an option
to be considered for babies who are breathing, but breathing
with difficulty. The previous recommendation had been to
simply administer blow-by oxygen. The current PICO question did not address the option of using no support. There was
a consensus that, in the absence of contrary evidence, administration of CPAP, with or without supplementary targeted
oxygen, is preferable in this situation if resources permit.
Knowledge Gaps
• The
balance of risks and benefits of this approach in
infants who have not received antenatal steroids is
• A further trial of CPAP versus intubation and IPPV in
high-risk preterm infants at lower gestations is required
to determine the risks and benefits more clearly. It is
not clear whether there is a significant effect on mortality. The CIs for the other morbidities of prematurity
leave open the possibility that any benefit in relation
to bronchopulmonary dysplasia might still be balanced
by a small increase in risk of severe IVH or necrotizing
• The utility of using an intubation-surfactant-extubation
sequence (INSURE) approach145 to facilitate early stabilization on CPAP soon after birth has been compared
with CPAP alone in at least 2 trials. This should be the
subject of a future worksheet.
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
Ventilation Strategies in the Delivery Room
The most effective method for establishing an FRC in the
fluid-filled lung of a newborn who does not breathe spontaneously has been debated for many decades. In the 1980s, Vyas
et al146 suggested a technique of administering an SI of up to
5 seconds in duration. Both standard IPPV with or without
PEEP and inflation breaths up to 3 seconds in duration are
currently initial strategies advocated to initiate ventilation
(Neonatal Resuscitation Program, European Resuscitation
Council). Several recent animal studies have suggested that
a longer SI may be beneficial for short-term respiratory outcomes. The following 3 PICO analyses reflect an in-depth
analysis of the different strategies that have been suggested
for this initial establishment of FRC after birth.
Sustained Inflations—Intervention (NRP 809)
In term and preterm newborn infants who do not establish
spontaneous respiration at birth (P), does administration of 1
or more pressure-limited sustained lung inflations (I), compared with intermittent PPV with short inspiratory times
(C), change Apgar score at 5 minutes, establishment of FRC,
requirement for mechanical ventilation in first 72 hours, time
to heart rate greater than 100/min, rate of tracheal intubation,
overall mortality (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of need for mechanical ventilation
in the first 72 hours after birth, low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 3
randomized clinical trials enrolling 404 newborns showed significant benefit of sustained lung inflations.18,147,148 In addition,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for variability of interventions in SI and control populations) from 2 cohort studies
with a total of 331 patients also showed benefit of sustained
lung inflations as compared with intermittent PPV with short
inspiratory times.18,149 One randomized clinical trial151 was
excluded from analysis due to methodological concerns pertaining to differences in the various interventions between the
study groups of which sustained lung inflation was merely one.
For the critical outcome of mortality, low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from
3 randomized clinical trials enrolling 404 newborns18,147,149
and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for variability
of interventions in sustained lung inflation and control populations) from 2 cohort studies with a total of 331 patients
showed no benefit as compared with IPPV with short inspiratory times.18,147,149
For the critical outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 3 randomized clinical trials enrolling 404 patients showed no benefit.18,147,149 Very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for variability of interventions
in SI and control populations) from 2 cohort studies with a
total of 331 patients showed significant benefit of sustained
lung inflations as compared with IPPV with short inspiratory
For the critical outcome of air leak, low-quality evidence
(downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision)
from 3 randomized clinical trials enrolling 404 newborns18,147,148
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and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for variability of
interventions in SI and control populations) from 2 cohort studies with a total of 331 patients showed no effect of sustained lung
inflation as compared with IPPV with short inspiratory times.147,148
For the important outcome of Apgar score, there was no
difference between groups in any studies reviewed.18,147,148,149
For the important outcome of need for intubation, verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for lack of controls) from
1 cohort study18 showed that the need in the delivery room was
significantly lower in infants who received an SI compared
with conventional management.
For the important outcome of heart rate greater than
100/min, no evidence was found.
For the important outcome of establishment of FRC, no
evidence was found.
For the important outcome of FIO2 in the delivery room,
no evidence was found.
For the important outcome of chest compressions in the
delivery room, no evidence was found.
Additional comments:
• No
human studies evaluated time to heart rate greater
than 100/min, establishment of FRC, FIO2 in the delivery room, or need for chest compressions in the delivery
• In a small case series of 9 asphyxiated term infants (verylow-quality evidence), a prolonged initial inflation of 5
seconds produced a 2-fold increase in FRC compared
with historic controls.146
• Comparison of all studies (randomized clinical trials
and cohort) was compromised due to the heterogeneity
of methodology, ie, wide differences in duration of the
initial SI (5–20 seconds) as well as the peak inspiratory
pressure (20–30 cm H2O) and use of a variety of interface
devices to deliver the SI (endotracheal tube, face mask,
or nasopharyngeal tube). Three studies repeated the initial
sustained lung inflation once,18,149,150 1 at a higher positive
inflating pressure,18 whereas 1 study repeated the SI twice
with increasing positive inflating pressure.148
• No studies compared the efficacy of a single SI with
multiple SIs.
• Animal studies of the effects of SI on alveolar recruitment
have shown in lambs151 and preterm rabbits152 more uniform lung inflation and better lung compliance, if animals
received an SI before initiation of mechanical ventilation.
However, a study by Klopping-Ketelaars153 showed no benefit after an initial SI in preterm lambs, and another study
showed that stepwise increases in PEEP resulted in better
overall lung mechanics than treatment with an initial SI.154
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest against the routine use of initial SI (greater than
5 seconds duration) for preterm infants without spontaneous
respirations immediately after birth, but an SI may be considered in individual clinical circumstances or research settings
(weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, and in the absence of longterm benefits, we place a higher value on the negative aspect
involving lack of clarity as to how to administer sustained
lung inflations versus the positive findings of a reduced need
for intubation at 72 hours.
Although the studies reviewed showed that administration
of an SI reduced the need for mechanical ventilation in the
first 72 hours of life, the use of SI did not change the incidence of important long-term outcomes related to lung function, including risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia or overall
mortality. Studies thus far are likely underpowered for these
There was much debate about the use of SI. The methods
used in delivering SI varied among studies. It was stressed
that different devices varied in their ability to generate pharyngeal pressures. Moreover, a recent animal study suggests that
there may be unintended glottis closure associated with SI.
There was also concern that the current wording of the treatment recommendation may be viewed by some as limiting the
potential for future clinical studies.
Evidence evaluators were asked to decide whether
to include the te Pas article.155 The decision was made to
exclude it because of multiple confounding interventions.
It was thought that more detail in the consensus on science
was needed to reflect that studies used SI ranging from 5 to
25 seconds. There was debate about the use of the wording
suggest against. Several members were in favor of using
this term, because there is insufficient evidence regarding
how to administer sustained lung inflation, how many such
breaths should be applied, or whether it should be used with
or without PEEP. It is difficult to extrapolate from animal
data, because the animals in the studies were nonbreathing and had tracheostomies, so that the anatomy, physics,
and physiology are different. Although there was consensus
agreement on the current wording, it was noted that individual councils may choose to interpret the recommendations differently.
Knowledge Gaps
• The duration of an SI, the appropriate peak initial inflation pressure, the number of SIs to be administered, and
an early measure of response remain unclear.
• Further studies are essential to determine the optimal pressure and duration of SI that would allow the
establishment of FRC while minimizing the risk of
barotrauma in the newly born infant and long-term
Outcomes for PEEP Versus No PEEP in the
Delivery Room—Intervention (NRP 897)
In preterm/term newborn infants who do not establish respiration at birth (P), does the use of PEEP as part of the
initial ventilation strategy (I), compared with no PEEP (C),
improve Apgar score at 5 minutes, intubation in the delivery
room, chest compressions in the delivery room, heart rate
greater than 100/min by 2 minutes of life, time for heart rate
to rise above 100/min, air leaks, oxygen saturation/oxygenation, FIO2 in the delivery room, mechanical ventilation in
the first 72 hours, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, survival to
discharge (O)?
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In the 2010 CoSTR, new recommendations were introduced
regarding the use of CPAP for babies exhibiting breathing
difficulty and for using PEEP whenever IPPV was required.
But problems have continued because of an inability of selfinflating bags to reliably deliver PEEP, and self-inflating bags
are the most common devices used for neonatal resuscitation
worldwide. This PICO question and the one immediately following (NRP 870) were constructed to examine the value of
using one device over another and the need for PEEP when
administering IPPV during resuscitation.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality before discharge, we
identified low-quality evidence from 2 randomized trials of
596 preterm newborns showing no benefit (RR, 0.616; 95%
CI, 0.274–1.382) to providing PEEP compared with no PEEP
(downgraded for serious imprecision and risk of bias).156,157
For the critical outcome of chronic lung disease, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 2 randomized trials of
596 preterm newborns showing no benefit (RR, 1.153; 95%
CI, 0.711–1.871) to providing PEEP as compared with no
PEEP (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias).156,157
For the critical outcome of need for cardiac drugs or
chest compressions in the delivery room, we identified lowquality evidence from 2 randomized trials of 596 preterm newborns showing no benefit (RR, 1.468; 95% CI, 0.550–3.917)
to providing PEEP as compared with no PEEP156,157 (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias).
For the important outcome of oxygen saturation at 5
minutes after birth, we identified moderate-quality evidence
from 1 randomized trial of 80 preterm newborns showing no
benefit (P=0.55) to providing PEEP (median SpO2, 49%; interquartile range [IQR], 25%–90%) versus not providing PEEP
(median SpO2, 59%; IQR, 33%–66%) (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias).156
For the important outcome of maximum concentration
of oxygen used during resuscitation, we identified lowquality evidence from 1 randomized trial of 516 preterm newborns showing moderate benefit (P=0.005) to providing PEEP
(mean, 48%; standard deviation [SD], 0.2) versus not providing PEEP (mean, 53%; SD, 0.2).157
For the important outcome of heart rate greater than
100/min at 2 minutes of age, we identified low-quality
evidence from 1 randomized trial of 516 preterm newborns
showing no benefit to providing PEEP versus not providing
PEEP (RR, 1.656; 95% CI, 0.938–2.923) (downgraded for
imprecision and risk of bias).157
For the important outcome of time for heart rate to rise
to greater than 100/min, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1 randomized trial of 516 preterm newborns showing no benefit to providing PEEP (median, 1 minute; IQR,
0.5–1.8) versus not providing PEEP (median, 1 minute; IQR,
0.5–1.9) (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias).157
For the important outcome of need for intubation in the
delivery room, we identified moderate-quality evidence from
2 randomized trials of 596 preterm newborns showing no
benefit (RR, 1.208; 95% CI, 0.907–1.609) to providing PEEP
(downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias)156,157 versus not
providing PEEP.
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
For the important outcome of need for mechanical ventilation in the first 72 hours, we identified low-quality evidence
from 1 randomized trial of 80 preterm newborns showing no
benefit (RR, 0.317; 95% CI, 0.093–1.086) to providing PEEP
(downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias) versus not providing PEEP. We identified only 1 randomized clinical trial
that included term infants,157 which provided insufficient data
to address this question as a secondary outcome measure in
a subgroup analysis (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded
for serious imprecision and risk of bias).
For the important outcome of pulmonary air leaks, we
identified low-quality evidence from 2 randomized trials of
596 preterm newborns showing no benefit (RR, 1.401; 95%
CI, 0.414–4.735) to providing PEEP (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias)156,157 versus not providing PEEP.
For the important outcome of Apgar score less than 6 at
5 minutes, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1
randomized trial of 516 preterm newborns showing no benefit
to providing PEEP (RR, 0.813; 95% CI, 0.472–1.402) (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias)157 versus not providing PEEP.
For the less-important outcome of Apgar score at 5 minutes, we identified moderate-quality evidence from 1 randomized trial of 80 preterm newborns showing no benefit (P=0.18) to
providing PEEP (median, 7; IQR, 6–8) versus no PEEP (median,
7; IQR, 6–9) (downgraded for imprecision and risk of bias).156
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest using PEEP ventilation for premature newborns
during delivery room resuscitation (weak recommendation,
low-quality evidence).
We cannot make any recommendation for term infants
because of insufficient data.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this suggestion, we are considering the small
reduction in maximum oxygen concentration needed during
resuscitation with 5 cm H2O PEEP compared with those not
receiving PEEP shown in 1 human study, and considering the
evidence from animal studies (see NRP 809). Interpretation
of human studies is further complicated by varying interfaces
(eg, face mask versus endotracheal tube) and methods of generating PEEP (eg, self-inflating bags with PEEP valve versus
T-piece resuscitator).
Only 1 study was available to indirectly address the specific PICO question,157 where a subgroup comparison was
applied. Good animal studies are available but are classified
as low levels of evidence from the point of applicability due
to indirectness (see NRP 809). There was concern that the
evidence based on the GRADE criteria was regarded as low
quality. There was a major struggle to come up with a recommendation when the evidence was weak. The only positive
effect found was a 5% change in FIO2 (see comments after
NRP 870).
Knowledge Gaps
• Properly powered, well-designed randomized trials specifically addressing important outcomes for the effects
of PEEP in the delivery room are necessary.
• It remains unclear as to the optimal level of PEEP to use.
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• The question of static PEEP versus dynamic PEEP needs
to be delineated.
• Differential effects of PEEP at different gestational ages
and for different pathologies remain to be determined.
T-Piece Resuscitator and Self-Inflating Bag—
Intervention (NRP 870)
In newborns (preterm and term) receiving ventilation (PPV)
during resuscitation (P), does using a T-piece resuscitator
with PEEP (I), compared with using a self-inflating bag without PEEP (C), achieve spontaneous breathing sooner and/or
reduce the incidence of pneumothorax, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, and mortality (O)?
The T-piece resuscitator has replaced the self-inflating and flowinflating bag in many institutions. One major reason for this
change has been the inability of the self-inflating bag to deliver
either CPAP or PEEP reliably. Advantages of the T-piece include
ease of use and ability to deliver CPAP, PEEP, and/or IPPV.
However, it also requires a pressurized-gas source to drive the
device. This PICO question is intended to review the evidence of
the utility of self-inflating bags versus T-piece resuscitators.
Consensus on Science
For the following consensus on science statements, the analysis is based on all patients (n=80) from 1 study156 and from a
subgroup analysis (n=453) in a second study.157
For the critical outcome of death before discharge, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 2 randomized clinical trials156,157 enrolling 532 patients showing no benefit to the use of a T-piece
resuscitator as compared with a self-inflating bag (OR, 0.68;
95% CI, 0.31–1.56).
For the critical outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, which was only assessed for infants of less than 1500 g,
we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 2 randomized clinical trials156,157
enrolling 151 patients showing no benefit to the use T-piece
resuscitator as compared with self-inflating bag (OR, 0.92;
95% CI, 0.59–1.43).
For the critical outcome of air leaks, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 randomized controlled trials156,157 enrolling 532
patients showing no benefit to the use of T-piece resuscitator as compared with self-inflating bag (OR, 1.72; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of achieving spontaneous
breathing or reducing intubation in delivery room, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, imprecision, and inconsistency) from 2 randomized
clinical trials156,157 enrolling 532 patients showing no benefit to
the use of T-piece resuscitator as compared with self-inflating
bag (OR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.59–1.07).
Treatment Recommendation
There is insufficient evidence, so the recommendation of one
device over another would be purely speculative because the
confidence in effect estimates is so low.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
The current studies suggest a benefit to using PEEP to assist
establishment of an FRC during transition of the fluid-filled
lung to an air-breathing organ. However, the evidence to date is
not sufficiently compelling to recommend against using a selfinflating bag (in which reliable administration of PEEP is not
achievable with current devices) during neonatal resuscitation,
particularly in regions where pressurized gases are not readily
available. PEEP is recommended when the facilities and equipment permit it to be given reliably (approximately 5 cm H2O).
Knowledge Gaps
• One cluster randomized controlled trial157 showed benefit of using T-piece resuscitator for achieving spontaneous breathing in the late preterm (mean gestational age
36 weeks) population. Further research in this population would be important.
• There are no studies comparing the flow-inflating bag
to either the self-inflating bag or the T-piece resuscitator (with or without PEEP) for neonatal resuscitation.
Theoretically, the flow-inflating bag should be similar to
the T-piece resuscitator, although ease of use may prove
it to be less effective.
• Studies comparing the flow-inflating bag to the other 2
devices would be helpful.
Intubation and Tracheal Suctioning in Nonvigorous
Infants Born Though MSAF Versus No Intubation
for Tracheal Suctioning—Intervention (NRP 865)
In nonvigorous infants at birth born through MSAF (P), does
tracheal intubation for suctioning (I), compared with no tracheal intubation (C), reduce meconium syndrome or prevent
death (O)?
For more than 30 years, it has been recommended that newborns with MSAF should receive endotracheal intubation,
with tracheal suctioning using the endotracheal tube as a suction device. Approximately 15 years ago, as a result of a multicenter randomized clinical trial, the recommendation was
restricted to babies who appeared to have respiratory compromise at birth (ie, were nonvigorous). It remains controversial
as to whether even nonvigorous babies benefit from this procedure. This PICO question is intended to address this issue.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality and/or meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), we identified 1 randomized study
involving 122 infants (low-quality evidence, downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision)17 comparing tracheal intubation
for suctioning versus no tracheal intubation for suctioning in
nonvigorous infants showing no benefit to suctioning in either
reduced mortality and/or MAS.
For the critical outcome of mortality and/or MAS, we
identified very-low-quality evidence from 3 studies158–160
including 12 389 MSAF infants showing higher incidence of
MAS in depressed infants (268/1022, 26%) who had tracheal
intubation for suctioning compared with vigorous infants
(34/11 367, 0.3%) who were not intubated (downgraded for
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For the critical outcome of mortality and/or MAS, we
identified evidence from 7 very-low-quality observational
studies161–167 demonstrating improved survival and lower incidence of MAS when infants (including depressed and/or vigorous infants) born through MSAF were intubated for tracheal
suctioning (downgraded for indirectness and inconsistency).
For the critical outcome of mortality and/or MAS, we
identified evidence from 9 very-low-quality observational
studies158–160,168–173 demonstrating no improvement in survival
and/or incidence of MAS (including depressed and/or vigorous infants) when infants born through MSAF were intubated
for tracheal suctioning (downgraded for indirectness).
Treatment Recommendation
There is insufficient published human evidence to suggest
routine tracheal intubation for suctioning of meconium in
nonvigorous infants born through MSAF as opposed to no tracheal intubation for suctioning.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this suggestion, we place value on both harm avoidance (delays in providing bag-mask ventilation, potential harm
of the procedure) and the unknown benefit of the intervention
of routine tracheal intubation and suctioning.
Routine suctioning of nonvigorous infants is more likely
to result in delays in initiating ventilation, especially where the
provider is unable to promptly intubate the infant or suction
attempts are repeated. In the absence of evidence of benefit
for suctioning, the emphasis should be on initiating ventilation
within the first minute of life in nonbreathing or ineffectively
breathing infants.
Much of the deliberations focused on the wording of the
treatment recommendation. There were 3 different treatment
recommendation options. First “We suggest against the routine intubation of nonvigorous infants born through MSAF.”
Second “We suggest that routine tracheal intubation for suctioning of meconium in nonvigorous infants should not be
considered as a standard of care but may be considered a
reasonable alternative to no tracheal intubation in some settings.” Third “We suggest that routine tracheal intubation for
suctioning of meconium in nonvigorous infants should not be
considered as a standard of care but may be considered a reasonable alternative to no tracheal intubation if a meconium
plug is suspected.” There was concern that the legal profession
could misinterpret the term standard of care. Consensus was
reached on the final treatment recommendation.
Knowledge Gaps
• Tracheal intubation or no tracheal intubation for suctioning in nonvigorous infants: Is there a benefit or harm?
Oxygen Concentration for Resuscitating Premature
Newborns—Intervention (NRP 864)
Among preterm newborns (less than 37 weeks of gestation)
who receive PPV in the delivery room (P), does the use of
high O2 (50%–100%) as the ventilation gas (I), compared with
low concentrations of O2 (21%–30%) (C), decrease mortality,
decrease bronchopulmonary dysplasia, decrease retinopathy,
decrease IVH (O)?
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
The fact that high oxygen concentrations can be toxic to the
newly born lungs has been recognized in all CoSTR statements
since 2000. The original studies examined only 21% oxygen
versus 100% and led to a recommendation that blended oxygen be used to titrate the concentration to achieve an oxygen
saturation that is reflective of what healthy babies born at term
experience (ie, targeted saturation). There has been an ongoing controversy as to what the initial oxygen concentration
should be. Babies born at term should be started in air (21%),
but there has been uncertainty as to whether the preterm baby
should be started in a high concentration (50%–100%) versus low concentration (21%–30%) of oxygen while the pulse
oximetry is being attached. This PICO question was intended
to examine only the starting concentration of administered
oxygen, not the targets.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality before discharge, we
found moderate-quality evidence from 7 randomized clinical
trials enrolling 607 subjects showing no benefit to beginning
resuscitation with high-oxygen as compared with low-oxygen
concentration (RR, 1.48; 95% CI, 0.8–2.73). The quality of
evidence was downgraded for imprecision.174–180 When limited to randomized clinical trials with concealed allocation
and oxygen targeting as a cointervention, we found moderatequality evidence from 5 trials enrolling 468 subjects showing
no benefit to beginning resuscitation with a high-oxygen concentration as compared with low-oxygen concentration (RR,
1.33; 95% CI, 0.68–2.62). The quality of evidence was downgraded for imprecision.175,177–180 We found very-low-quality
evidence from 1 cohort study including 125 subjects showing no benefit to beginning resuscitation with high-oxygen as
compared with low-oxygen concentration (RR, 1.31; 95% CI,
0.41–4.24). The quality of evidence was downgraded for serious imprecision.181
For the critical outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, we found low-quality evidence from 5 randomized trials enrolling 502 subjects showing no benefit to beginning
resuscitation with a high-oxygen as compared with lowoxygen concentration (RR, 1.08; 95% CI, 0.59–1.98). The
quality of evidence was downgraded for inconsistency and
For the critical outcome of intraventricular hemorrhage, we found moderate-quality evidence from 4 randomized clinical trials enrolling 400 subjects showing no benefit to
beginning resuscitation with a high-oxygen as compared with
low-oxygen concentration (RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.47–1.72). The
quality of evidence was downgraded for imprecision.175,178–180
For the important outcome of retinopathy of prematurity, we found moderate-quality evidence from 3 randomized
trials enrolling 359 subjects showing no benefit to beginning
resuscitation with a high- as compared with low-oxygen concentration (RR, 1.28; 95% CI, 0.59–2.77). The quality of evidence was downgraded for imprecision.175,178,179
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend against initiating resuscitation of preterm
newborns (less than 35 weeks of gestation) with high supplementary oxygen concentrations (65%–100%).
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We recommend initiating resuscitation with a lowoxygen concentration (21%–30%) (strong recommendation,
moderate-quality evidence).
chest, versus 2 fingers placed vertically on the lower sternum.
This PICO question is intended to evaluate which technique
is preferable.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place value on not
exposing preterm newborns to additional oxygen without
proven benefit for critical or important outcomes. Our preference for each outcome, therefore, was to describe the risk
of high-oxygen relative to low-oxygen concentration. In all
studies, irrespective of whether air or high oxygen including
100% was used to initiate resuscitation, by the time of stabilization most infants were in approximately 30% oxygen. We
recognize that all but 1 included study allowed adjustment of
oxygen concentration based on pulse oximetry and/or heart
rate response.
Concerns were expressed about the practical implications
of recommending separate and simultaneous monitoring of
both heart rate and oxygen saturation, although accurate measurements of both variables are important (see NRP 898). The
chosen range for the low oxygen starting point (21%–30%) was
also questioned, but the available articles defined it. Whether
the high oxygen should be greater than 60% was also discussed.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of time to ROSC, survival rates, or
neurologic injury, we found no data.
For the critical outcome of improved perfusion and gas
exchange during CPR, we identified low-quality evidence
from 9 randomized controlled trials (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision)182–190 and 6 nonrandomized controlled
trials (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and high
risk of bias)191–196 identifying higher blood pressure generation
with the 2-thumb versus the 2-finger method.
For the important outcome of compressor fatigue, we
identified low-quality evidence from 4 randomized controlled
trials (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision), with
2183,197 identifying less fatigue with the 2-thumb versus the
2-finger technique, and 2 studies finding no difference.189,198
New compression methods:
• Thumb
Knowledge Gaps
• The
most appropriate time-specific oxygen targets for
premature newborns need to be defined.
• Neurodevelopmental outcomes for preterm newborns
resuscitated with low- and high-oxygen concentrations
need to be determined.
Circulatory Support
Circulatory support focused on the most effective method of delivering chest compressions and included comparison of the 2-thumb
versus the 2-finger techniques as well as comparing various
compression-to-ventilation ratios. During the evidence evaluation
in 2010, it was decided to continue recommending a chest compression–to–ventilation ratio of 3:1 as opposed to 15:2 or 30:2,
predominantly because profound bradycardia or asystole in the
newly born period is invariably secondary to an asphyxial rather
than a primary cardiac event. Evidence in this review was sought
to determine whether there was any recent evidence to change this
recommendation. Moreover, factors important to the ergonomics
of CPR for enhancing blood flow during chest compressions were
identified. The evidence below summarizes these findings.
2-Thumb Versus 2-Finger Techniques for Chest
Compression—Intervention (NRP 605)
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does the use
of a 2-thumb technique (I), compared with a 2-finger technique (C), result in return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC),
improved neurologic outcomes, improved survival, improved
perfusion and gas exchange during CPR, and decreased compressor fatigue (O)?
Two different techniques for administering chest compressions during resuscitation of neonates have been suggested:
2 thumbs, with fingers surrounding the lateral and posterior
and index finger (TIF)199 compared the new
method versus the 2-thumb and 2-finger methods on manikins. Cardiac compressions lasted for only 5 minutes while
recording rate, hand location, depth, incomplete recoil,
excessive depth, and error rate during CPR. Two-thumb
and TIF had less decay in “suitable chest compressions”
over the 5 minutes compared with the 2-finger method.
Adhesive glove200 compared using the adhesive glove
with conventional CPR in 4 groups, including an infant
group in a manikin model. The 2-thumb method was used
as standard in the infant group versus adhesive 2-thumb
method. The theory is that the glove enables active compression-decompression. Rate, compression, and decompression depth were measured. No differences in fatigue
variables were found amongst groups. Results showed
more active decompression with the adhesive glove group.
Summary: No evidence was found supporting the new
thumb and index finger technique as superior to the 2-thumb
method. The adhesive glove enhanced active decompression
but did not reduce fatigue.
Other issues:
• Does the CPR technique cause fractures? Franke201 performed a 10-year retrospective survey to determine whether
the 2-thumb technique causes rib fractures. All infants
received CPR plus chest x-rays. Median age was 9 days.
Summary: There was no evidence of rib fractures in
any case.
• Best
location on the sternum: Using 4 assessment
methods over a wide age range of infants,202 it was confirmed that the heart lies under the lower third of the sternum. In addition, blood pressure readings were higher
when cardiac compressions were applied to the lower
versus the middle third of the sternum. Use of the infant
computed tomography (CT) scan data (mean age, 4.4
months) and adult thumb side-by-side measurements on
manikins203 confirmed that the left ventricle lies mostly
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under the lower quarter of the sternum. No functional
data were collected to confirm better outcomes if compressions focused on that area. An assumption was made
that the lower third of the sternum was the best position
for compressions.204
Term and preterm babies: Correct positioning on the
chest was determined to be much better with the 2-thumb
method in both groups of babies, although incorrect
placements were found for both techniques in infants
less than 1500 g. Chest x-ray analysis of term and preterm babies205 found the heart to be under the lower third
of the sternum. Chest CT scans of infants (mean age, 4.7
months), compared with adult thumb measurements on
a manikin, comparing the 2-thumb method side by side
or superimposed,206 demonstrated that the side-by-side
method increases the likelihood of other organs (lungs
and liver) being under the points of compressions application. A manikin study looked at fatigue levels with the
2-thumb technique, comparing side-by-side or superimposed thumb position207 demonstrated that the superimposed thumb technique generated higher simulated blood
pressure and pulse pressure but had a higher fatigue-rating
score. Physiologic indices of fatigue showed no difference
between groups. CT scans of the chest to compare thumb
(side-by-side)/fingers measurements placed on manikins
were conducted to determine which method avoided compressing other structures when using the lower third of the
sternum.208 Both methods compress other structures, but
the 2-thumb method (side-by-side) performs better than
the two finger method. The accuracy of using the nipple
line to the xiphisternum landmarks for 2-finger chest compression was examined by Clements.209 They concluded
that this method could result in abdomen and xiphisternum compression in all infants and suggested an alternate
method of determining position.
Summary: The lower one third of the sternum remains the
best location to press over the newborn heart. Superimposed
thumbs may be the better technique.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that chest compressions in the newborn should be
delivered by the 2-thumb, hands-encircling-the-chest method
as the preferred option (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
We suggest that chest compressions should be delivered
over the lower third of the sternum (weak recommendation,
very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
None are noted.
Knowledge Gaps
• No studies of any kind regarding the most critical outcomes were available.
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
3:1 compressions to ventilations (C), increase survival rates,
improve neurologic outcomes, improve perfusion and gas
exchange during CPR, decrease time to ROSC, decrease tissue injury, or decrease compressor fatigue (O)?
Chest compressions administered in a ratio of 3 compressions
to 1 ventilation have been recommended for resuscitation of
neonates at birth. The concept has been that newborns are born
with lungs filled with fluid, much of which is absorbed directly
across the alveolar membrane with the first few breaths. If a
newborn is compromised sufficiently to prevent spontaneous
breathing, resulting in bradycardia or cardiac arrest, successful
resuscitation must achieve adequate lung aeration and ventilation to reverse an asphyxial pathophysiology. Thus, the focus
of newborn resuscitation efforts must be primarily aimed at
establishing ventilation first and cardiac support second. This
PICO question is meant to identify which compression-to-ventilation ratio will be most effective at achieving this.
Consensus on Science
Animal studies demonstrate no advantage to higher compression-to-ventilation ratios (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for potential bias, indirectness, and imprecision)
• Short-term
survival (2 randomized controlled trials
including 54 pigs)210,211
• Gas exchange during CPR (2 randomized controlled
trials including 54 pigs)210,211
• Time to ROSC (2 randomized controlled trials including 54 pigs)210,211
• Markers of tissue injury (lung/brain) (2 randomized
controlled trials including 54 pigs)212,213
There was no evidence identified to address the critical
issue of neurologic outcome.
Manikin studies demonstrated a disadvantage to higher
compression-to-ventilation ratios (5:1, 9:3, 15:2) (very-lowquality evidence, downgraded for potential bias, imprecision,
and indirectness) with regard to
• Compressor fatigue (better depth of compression, less
decay in depth over time; 1 randomized controlled trial
including 32 resuscitation providers)214
• Minute ventilation (1 randomized controlled trial
including 32 resuscitation providers)214
• A single manikin study demonstrated higher minute
ventilation for asynchronous compressions (120 compressions: 40 ventilations) compared with 3:1 (90 compressions: 30 ventilations) (1 randomized controlled trial
including 2 resuscitation providers with 5 different sessions per treatment arm)215
• No data from good transitional models were found.
• There are very limited human neonatal data.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest continued use of a 3:1 compression-to-ventilation
ratio for neonatal CPR (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Chest Compression Ratio—Intervention (NRP 895)
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We prefer to retain our prior recommendation of 3:1 compression-to-ventilation ratio for neonatal CPR, because there is
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), do other
ratios (5:1, 9:3, 15:2, synchronous, etc) (I), compared with
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no compelling evidence suggesting a benefit to other ratios
for the newborn. Since asphyxia is the predominant cause of
cardiovascular collapse in the newborn, effective resuscitation
requires significant focus on ventilation. In addition, we value
consistency in the resuscitation algorithm and education programs unless new evidence drives the change.
All studies were done in young posttransitioned piglets
(no human or animal data in a transitioning model). Since
there is no evidence in either a human or animal with fluidfilled lungs, we need to be clear when communicating with
other groups (pediatrics and basic life support providers) that
neonates have unique cardiopulmonary physiology, prompting our unique 3:1 ratio.
Some may not agree, but the values and preferences statement expresses why we still favor a 3:1 ratio.
Knowledge Gaps
• Specific research is required, such as clinical and appropriate animal model studies.
• We need neonatal human data.
• How many compressions in a row are required to achieve
forward blood flow and adequate coronary perfusion
pressure during newborn asphyxial arrest?
• How many interposed ventilations are needed to achieve
and maintain normocapnia during cardiac compressions
due to newborn asphyxial arrest?
• Asynchronous technique deserves more investigation.
• Is ventilation adequate with SI cardiac compressions?
• How should we limit interruptions in compressions to
assess efficacy?
Oxygen Delivery During CPR (Neonatal)—
Intervention (NRP 738)
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does 100%
O2 as the ventilation gas (I), compared with lower concentrations of oxygen (C), increase survival rates, improve neurologic outcomes, decrease time to ROSC, or decrease oxidative
injury (O)?
Neonatal resuscitation has historically focused on achieving
adequate oxygenation as quickly as possible. Recently, it has
been recognized that excessive oxygen administration can be
toxic. Current guidelines recommend starting resuscitation
with low inspired oxygen and then increasing inspired oxygen
as necessary as guided by pulse oximetry. However, once the
resuscitation has reached the need for chest compressions, it
has been suggested to increase the FIO2. This PICO question is
intended to consider evidence to determine if this is the correct or incorrect practice.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of ROSC, we found 8 animal studies (lambs/pigs/rats)216–223 all demonstrating no advantage
to 100% over 21% during CPR (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for bias and indirectness).
For the critical outcome of survival, we found 8 of 9 animal
studies (lambs/pigs/rats) reporting on survival demonstrated
no advantage to 100% over 21% during CPR.216–223 However,
1 study (mouse) of 9 studies evaluating this outcome found an
advantage to 100% O2224 (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for potential bias, inconsistency, and indirectness). All
studies combined showed 80/100 (80%) versus 74/102 (73%)
survival for 100% O2 versus air (not different). Eight studies
with no advantage showed 70/77 (91%) versus 71/79 (90%)
survival. One study with advantage for 100% showed 10/23
(43%) versus 3/23 (13%) survival (P=0.02).
For the critical outcome of neurologic outcome, we
found 4 animal studies (pigs/rats/mice),218,221,222,224 reporting
on neurologic outcome with varying results (very-low-quality
evidence, downgraded for potential bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision). One demonstrated no difference
in neurologic deficits at 72 hours, and ischemic neurons in
hippocampal were not different.218 One demonstrated worse
4-hour neurologic examination in the 100% O2 group.221 One
demonstrated more hippocampal apoptosis in the 100% O2
group.222 One demonstrated more rapid restoration of cerebral blood flow but no difference in histologic brain injury
For the critical outcome of oxidative injury, we found
10 animal studies reported on oxidative injury with varying
results212,213,216,219–223,225–227 (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for potential bias, inconsistency, and indirectness).
Six studies (pigs/mice) demonstrated no difference in various
oxidative injury markers,212,213,219–221,224 3 (lambs/rats) demonstrated more oxidative damage from using 100% O2 including
apoptosis,216,222,226 and a pig study reported less striatal and hippocampal apoptosis with 100% O2 compared with 21% O2.227
Treatment Recommendation
There are no human data to inform this question.
Despite animal evidence showing no advantage to the use
of 100% oxygen, by the time resuscitation of a newborn baby
has reached the stage of chest compressions, the steps of trying to achieve ROSC using effective ventilation with low-concentration oxygen should have been attempted. Thus, it would
seem prudent to try increasing the supplementary oxygen concentration (Good Practice Guidance).
If used, supplementary oxygen should be weaned as soon
as the heart rate has recovered (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Although most of the available animal evidence suggests
that resuscitation using air during neonatal chest compressions is feasible and that 100% O2 as the resuscitation gas
may increase oxidative injury, we remain concerned that we
have no human data to prove feasibility and none of the animal studies have evaluated use of room-air CPR for more than
brief asystole. We value balancing the desire to prevent ongoing hypoxic injury in these profoundly asphyxiated neonates
with the desire to prevent subsequent hyperoxic injury.
This was a much-debated topic. In the case of hypotension and bradycardia, the experimental evidence is clear: You
only need to use room air. Thus, in this case, we are making
the recommendation independent of the evidence. Perhaps,
we say, “Despite no evidence, for the following reasons, we
recommend….” In training scenarios, once chest compressions are started, failing to turn up O2 is a common error of
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the learner. But is it a serious error? The indirectness does not
inform the recommendation. We are not even following lowlevel animal evidence. We are making a conscious decision
to take no notice of the evidence. Can we say why this group
values giving oxygen for asystole? The task force considered
the option of making a neutral recommendation (with either
21% or 100% O2) and allowing councils to decide what to do.
Is this a place where we do not want to suggest air or oxygen?
We have no data, but we need to say something.
Knowledge Gaps
• Specific research is required, ie, studies in good transitional animal model of asphyxia-induced severe bradycardia or asystole and any neonatal human data.
Assist Ventilation Devices and
CPR Feedback Devices
There are numerous techniques used and advocated to ventilate effectively. In addition there are devices used to assess
respiratory function and to provide feedback during CPR.
The following reviews were undertaken to assess the role of
alternative techniques to ventilate effectively when intubation
is not feasible or unsuccessful and to ascertain the evidence
of feedback devices on resuscitation skill performance and
Laryngeal Mask Airway—Intervention (NRP 618)
In newborn infants at near term (greater than 34 weeks) or
term who have indications for intermittent positive pressure
for resuscitation (P), does use of a laryngeal mask as a primary
or secondary device (I), compared with mask ventilation or
endotracheal intubation (C), improve response to resuscitation
or change outcome (O), including indicators of neonatal brain
injury, achieving stable vital signs, increasing Apgar scores,
long-term outcomes, reducing the need for subsequent intubation, or neonatal morbidity and mortality?
Endotracheal intubation is the most difficult skill to learn
and teach in neonatal resuscitation. The laryngeal mask has
recently been suggested as an alternative, either as a primary
device, replacing face-mask ventilation, or as a secondary
device for failed or not-possible endotracheal intubation.
This PICO question is intended to review the evidence for
the utility and efficacy of the laryngeal mask for neonatal
Consensus on Science
For comparison of laryngeal mask airway to face mask as a
primary device (ie, use of laryngeal mask ventilation rather
than bag-mask ventilation for infants at term requiring PPV
for resuscitation) we identified 3 randomized controlled trials enrolling a total of 469 patients:
• For
the critical outcome of achieving vital signs, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for very
serious risk of bias) from 2 small randomized clinical
trials and 1 large quasi-randomized clinical trial228–230
showing that the laryngeal mask was more effective than
the face mask (OR, 11.43; 95% CI, 4.01–32.58).
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
• For
the critical outcome of need for subsequent endotracheal intubation after failed laryngeal mask or face
mask, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias) from the same randomized clinical
trials228–230 showing that the laryngeal mask was more effective than the face mask (OR, 0.13; 95% CI, 0.05–0.34).
• For the critical outcome of increasing Apgar Score, we
have identified low-quality evidence from the same randomized controlled trials (downgraded for very serious
risk of bias); the method of reporting precluded analysis
of this outcome.
• We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of indicators of brain injury or long-term
• For the important outcome of morbidity (gastric distention or vomiting), we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision and very serious risk of
bias) from the same randomized clinical trials228–230 showing no difference for any variable between the laryngeal
mask and the face mask (OR, 5.76; 95% CI, 0.7–47.32).
For comparison of laryngeal mask to endotracheal tube as
a secondary device (ie, laryngeal mask or intubation when
bag-mask ventilation has failed) for infants at term requiring
PPV for resuscitation, we identified the following evidence
(1 randomized clinical trial with 40 patients)231:
• For the critical outcome of achieving vital signs or successful resuscitation, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision, risk of bias) from 1
randomized clinical trial231 showing that laryngeal mask
airway was as effective as the endotracheal tube.
• For the critical outcome of need for subsequent endotracheal intubation after failed bag-mask ventilation,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for imprecision, risk of bias) from the same randomized
clinical trial231 showing that the laryngeal mask was as
effective as the endotracheal tube.
• For the critical outcome of increasing Apgar score, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
imprecision and risk of bias) from the same randomized
clinical trial231; the method of reporting precluded analysis of this outcome.
• For the critical outcome of mortality, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and
risk of bias) from the same randomized clinical trial231
showing no difference between the laryngeal mask or the
endotracheal tube.
• We did not identify any evidence to address the critical outcome of indicators of brain injury or long-term
neurologic outcomes comparing laryngeal mask airway
or endotracheal tube as a secondary device.
• For the important outcome of morbidity, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision and
risk of bias) from the same randomized clinical trial231 showing more trauma to tissue when comparing laryngeal mask
versus endotracheal tube (OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 0.51–11.51).
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the laryngeal mask may be used as an alternative
to tracheal intubation during resuscitation of the late-preterm
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and term newborn (more than 34 weeks) if ventilation via
the face mask is unsuccessful (weak recommendation, lowquality evidence).
In the unusual situation where intubation is not feasible
after failed PPV, the laryngeal mask is recommended for
resuscitation of the late-preterm and term newborn (more than
34 weeks) (strong recommendation, good clinical practice).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we place a moderate value
in the proven safety and feasibility for a laryngeal mask to
provide ventilation in newborns while recognizing the necessity for more studies in other clinical settings (eg, premature
infant). We also place high value on the idea that an alternative
airway is a potentially lifesaving intervention when face-mask
ventilation has failed and/or endotracheal intubation is unsuccessful or not feasible. There is now reasonable evidence to
add a recommendation for the late-preterm infant.
Knowledge Gaps
• The effectiveness and safety of laryngeal mask airway
compared with mask ventilation as the primary interface
in term and preterm infants; insertion technique, which
model, and how to teach its use
Newborn Infants Who Receive PPV for
Resuscitation, and Use of a Device to Assess
Respiratory Function—Diagnostic (NRP 806)
In newborn infants who receive PPV for resuscitation (P), does
use of a device to assess respiratory function with or without
pressure monitoring (I), compared with no device (C), change
survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome,
IVH, time to heart rate greater than 100/min, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pneumothorax (O)?
Resuscitation of babies at birth often involves assisting ventilation with positive-pressure devices. Current guidelines for
this technique have always involved recommending a specific
pressure range to inflate the lungs. Recent research has indicated that excessive pressure can seriously injure the lungs,
particularly in babies born preterm, and some have advocated that resuscitation guidelines should be based on volume
rather than pressure. It has also been suggested that measuring
exhaled CO2 might indicate adequate ventilation. Devices for
measuring both of these variables have been developed. This
PICO question is meant to assess the advisability of recommending their use during resuscitation.
Consensus on Science
Flow and Volume Monitoring
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge and
IVH, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 pilot randomized controlled
trial enrolling 49 babies showing no benefit.232
For the critical outcome of time to heart rate greater
than 100/min and neurologically intact survival, we found
no evidence.
For the important outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and pneumothorax, we found no evidence.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge
and IVH, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 pilot randomized clinical
trial enrolling 48 babies showing no evidence.233
For the critical outcome of time to heart rate greater
than 100/min and neurologically intact survival, we found
no evidence.
For the important outcome of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and pneumothorax, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
pilot randomized clinical trial enrolling 48 babies showing no
Treatment Recommendations
Although a feasible technique, we suggest against the routine
use of flow and volume monitoring for babies who receive
PPV at birth, until more evidence becomes available (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Although a feasible technique, we suggest against the
routine use of capnography for babies who receive PPV at
birth, until more evidence becomes available (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
We should consider revising future PICO questions to
embrace new technologies for more reasonable outcomes and
benchmarks rather than death and disability. It was stressed
that it is important to point out the human factors piece of
the equation. The devices are only as useful as how well the
human care provider can interface with and incorporate them
appropriately into care. Another point raised is that we have
process outcomes, but do they impact actual performance? Do
we need this to be a more stepwise approach? What other process outcomes should be included? In the future, we need to
look at device design, types of alarms (visual or audio, color,
font, etc). If this were a medication, we would suggest against
something with such resource implications.
Knowledge Gaps
• There is a need for large studies powered for important
clinical outcomes to determine the role of flow and volume monitoring and capnography in improving response
to and outcomes of newborn resuscitation.
• There is a need for further research to determine whether
routine use of flow and volume monitoring for task training in newborn resuscitation improves training or clinical outcomes.
• There is a need for specific research to determine whether
continuous monitoring of flow and volume or exhaled
CO2 levels compete with other essential auditory and
visual cues that need to be appreciated and responded to
by resuscitation teams.
Use of Feedback CPR Devices for Neonatal Cardiac
Arrest—Diagnostic (NRP 862)
In asystolic/bradycardic neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does the use of feedback devices such as endtidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitors, pulse oximeters, or
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automated compression feedback devices (I), compared with
clinical assessments of compression efficacy (C), decrease
hands-off time, decrease time to ROSC, improve perfusion,
increase survival rates, or improve neurologic outcomes (O)?
The current measure for determining successful progress in
neonatal resuscitation is to assess the heart rate response. Other
devices such as CO2 monitoring and pulse oximetry have been
suggested as more sensitive measures. This PICO question is
designed to determine the current evidence regarding this issue.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of improved perfusion, decreased time
to ROSC, decreased hands-off time, increased survival rates,
or improved neurologic outcomes, we found no specific data.
Increased exhaled CO2: Five small observational studies
(2 piglet posttransitioned models,234,235 2 dog posttransitioned
models236,237 (these latter 2 articles were the identical sample
of dogs and data but published in separate journals), and 1
human study238 of very low quality (downgraded for indirectness and risk of bias) assessed the ETCO2 levels associated
with the onset or presence/absence of ROSC.
• One piglet study234 and the dog studies236,237 associated
the presence of decreased time to ROSC with an ETCO2
of 27 to 28 mm Hg. CPR in these studies was started
after 5 to 10 minutes of cardiac arrest.
• One piglet study235 associated the presence of a heart rate
greater than 60/min with an ETCO2 of 14 mm Hg (sensitivity, 93%; specificity, 81%). CPR was started at onset
of asystole.
• One human study covered a wide age range of children,
1 week to 10 years.238 The majority were out-of-hospital
arrests. ETCO2 levels in all patients who did not attain
ROSC never rose above 15 mm Hg.
Treatment Recommendation
In asystolic/bradycardic neonates, we suggest against the
routine reliance on any single feedback device such as ETCO2
monitors or pulse oximeters for detection of ROSC until more
evidence becomes available (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Several questions were raised: Should detection of ROSC be
the only real outcome for the question because identifying this
is the first step to recovery? Thus, it is a critical tool for determining if your actions are effective or if you need to consider
other interventions. Was there a need to rate the effectiveness
of the equipment as the critical outcome, or is the effect on
the patient what is important? Does the device measure what
it is supposed to measure? What about human factors issues?
Can providers effectively use the equipment? Does it impact
Knowledge Gaps
• There is a need for large studies powered for important
clinical outcomes to determine the role of flow and volume monitoring and capnography in improving response
to and outcomes of newborn resuscitation.
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
• There is a need for further research to determine whether
routine use of flow and volume monitoring for task training in newborn resuscitation improves training or clinical outcomes.
• There is a need for specific research to determine whether
continuous monitoring of flow and volume or exhaled
CO2 levels compete with other essential auditory and
visual cues that need to be appreciated and responded to
by resuscitation teams.
Postresuscitation Management
ILCOR previously reviewed postresuscitation strategies that
focused on glucose control and the implementation of therapeutic hypothermia to minimize or avoid reperfusion injury
from intrapartum hypoxia-ischemia in well-resourced settings. For this cycle, we only reviewed the potential role of
therapeutic hypothermia to minimize or avoid reperfusion
injury from intrapartum hypoxia-ischemia where resources
are limited.
Limited-Resource–Induced Hypothermia—
Intervention (NRP 734)
In term infants with moderate/severe hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy managed in resource-limited countries (P),
does therapeutic hypothermia to core temperature of approximately 33.5°C for 72 hours delivered by passive hypothermia
and/or ice packs (I), versus standard therapy (C), improve the
rates of death, neurodevelopmental impairments at 18 months
to 2 years (O)?
Therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to reduce mortality
and morbidity in term and near-term newborns who have had
a hypoxic-ischemic insult and are at risk for evolving encephalopathy. This therapy has generally been restricted to developed countries where resources and regional systems permit
the therapy to be administered under a strict protocol. This
PICO question is intended to determine if therapeutic hypothermia can practically and effectively be practiced in countries with limited resources.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of death or disability, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
indirectness) from 2 randomized controlled trials239,240 enrolling 338 infants showing benefit to the use of therapeutic hypothermia (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.26–0.7).
For the critical outcome of death to latest follow-up, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, inconsistency, and indirectness) from 4 randomized
controlled trials239–242 enrolling 416 infants showing no benefit to the use of therapeutic hypothermia (OR, 0.72; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that newly born infants at term or near-term with
evolving moderate-to-severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in low-income countries and/or other settings with limited
resources may be treated with therapeutic hypothermia (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence).
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Cooling should only be considered, initiated, and conducted under clearly defined protocols with treatment in neonatal care facilities with the capabilities for multidisciplinary
care and availability of adequate resources to offer intravenous therapy, respiratory support, pulse oximetry, antibiotics,
anticonvulsants, and pathology testing. Treatment should be
consistent with the protocols used in the randomized clinical
trials in developed countries, ie, cooling to commence within
6 hours, strict temperature control at 33°C to 34°C for 72
hours and rewarming over at least 4 hours.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the demonstrated effectiveness of simple cooling methods and
the lack of harm associated with these methods over the paucity of evidence specific to resource-limited settings.
It is difficult to define a low-resource setting. Even within
a country (eg, India) resources may vary widely. Simple methods of cooling are successful in lowering body temperature.
There was a concern that passive cooling may not be so harmless (eg, extreme hypothermia, inappropriate hypothermia).
Low-resource areas do not have nursing care to monitor the
babies closely.
Knowledge Gaps
• Further adequately powered randomized controlled trials of simple methods of cooling in resource-limited
settings are required to improve the quality of evidence
relating to this question.
• Specific regional guidelines should take account of public health system priorities for allocation of available
resources and the availability of sufficient nursing and
ancillary resources to safely and effectively deliver cooling therapy in the facility.
Discontinuing Resuscitation
Deciding how long resuscitative efforts should continue in a
newly born infant with no heart rate and/or absent respirations
with a very low heart rate after sustained resuscitative efforts
remains a critically important and difficult management decision. In recent years, long-term outcomes have shown some
Delivery Room Assessment for Less Than 25 Weeks
and Prognostic Score (NRP 805)
In extremely preterm infants (less than 25 weeks) (P), does
delivery room assessment with a prognostic score (I), compared with gestational age assessment alone (C), change survival to 18 to 22 months (O)?
Antenatal assignment of prognosis for survival and/or disability of the neonate born extremely preterm has generally been
made on the basis of gestational age alone. Recently, scoring systems for including additional variables such as gender,
use of maternal antenatal steroids, and multiplicity have been
developed in an effort to improve prognostic accuracy. This
PICO question was developed to examine the utility of these
Consensus on Science
There is no evidence that addresses the clinical prospective
use of prognostic scoring (the use of composite survival data
using gestational age and other parameters) in infants of less
than 25 weeks of estimated gestational age.
There is increasing retrospective evidence that prognostic
accuracy is improved by using additional information such
as birth weight, appropriateness of weight for gestational
age, use of maternal antenatal steroids, multiplicity, and gender243–247 (low-quality evidence), but there are no prospective
studies showing the postnatal effect of such improved accuracy in predicting outcome.
Treatment Recommendation
There is insufficient evidence to support the prospective use of
any delivery room prognostic score presently described over
estimated gestational age assessment alone in preterm infants
of less than 25 weeks of gestation. No score has been shown
to improve the ability to estimate the likelihood of survival
through either 30 days or in the first 18 to 22 months after
In individual cases, when constructing a prognosis for survival at gestations below 25 weeks, it is reasonable to consider variables including perceived accuracy of gestational
age assignment, the presence or absence of chorioamnionitis,
and the level of care available for location of delivery. It is
also recognized that decisions about appropriateness of resuscitation below 25 weeks of gestation will be influenced by
region-specific guidelines established by regional resuscitation councils.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this statement, we put a higher value on the lack
of evidence for a generalizable prospective approach changing important outcomes over improved retrospective accuracy and locally validated counseling policies. For antenatal
counseling, the most useful data would give outcome figures for babies alive at the onset of labor, not just those born
alive or admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. In reality, many are already using such extended data in antenatal
counseling to try to provide parents and healthcare professionals with the most accurate estimates for mortality (and
It would obviously be preferable if there were studies to
show that using such data can prospectively improve the outcome for these babies: Does using the most accurate information have a positive influence on the difficult decisions made
about whether intensive care should be implemented?
There was agreement to amend the treatment recommendation to include consideration of possible inaccuracy
of gestational age assessment, as well as to include evaluation for chorioamnionitis, and level of subsequent care that
may be available. A question was raised with regard to the
fact that we included weights in previous statements about
prognosis; however, those were taken out to allow councils
to make independent recommendations. Should antenatal
steroids be mentioned in the treatment recommendation?
The list may become exhaustive as more factors are added
(eg, gender).
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Knowledge Gaps
• Insufficient or absent data concerning timing of death,
ie, early versus later death
• Lack of information on factors other than gestational age
known before birth
• Limited information on use of combined antenatal and
postnatal information
to fully distinguish between outcomes driven
by practice (eg, belief that mortality is universal below
a certain gestational age), surrogate decision making by
parents, and physiologic limitations
• Inability
Apgar Score of 0 for 10 Minutes or Longer—
Prognosis (NRP 896)
In infants with a gestational age of 36 weeks or greater and
an Apgar score of 0 for 10 minutes or longer, despite ongoing resuscitation (P), what is the rate of survival to NICU
admission and death or neurocognitive impairment at 18 to
22 months (O)?
There has been an ongoing controversy as to how long after
one has been attempting resuscitation after birth, and a heart
rate cannot be detected, should one continue or discontinue
resuscitation efforts. The balance must be between ceasing
too early, when ROSC and long-term survival may still be
achievable, and continuing too long, when ROSC may occur,
but early death or an unacceptable degree of neurologic
injury may have occurred. The Apgar score of 0 has classically been the criterion, because it indicates no detectable
signs of life. The recommended duration of resuscitative
efforts after birth has variously been 15, and more recently
10 minutes, after birth.
The controversy has been generated from the following
uncertainties: (1) It is often not clear whether resuscitation
efforts have taken place throughout the 10-minute period,
(2) There may be questions about whether the score has
indeed been 0 throughout the 10 minutes and not just at
10 minutes, and (3) Have resuscitation efforts been optimal throughout the 10 minutes? Recently, the 10-minute
guideline has been subjected to further controversy, with
published reports from therapeutic hypothermia trials of an
increasing number of intact survivors after 10 minutes of an
Apgar score of 0.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of death up to 22 months, very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency,
and imprecision) from 6 studies encompassing 8 case series
showed that 75 of 129 infants (58%) with an estimated gestational age of 36 weeks or greater and an Apgar score of 0 at
10 minutes of life died before 22 months of age.248–253 Results
from 3 of these studies performed after 2009 that included
nested observational series of cases from 3 randomized clinical trials of therapeutic hypothermia and a series of infants
who received therapeutic hypothermia outside a randomized
trial (low-quality evidence, downgraded for risk of bias) found
that 46 of 90 infants (51%) with an Apgar score of 0 at 10
minutes died before 22 months of age.250,251,253
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
For the critical outcome of death or moderate/severe
neurodevelopmental impairment at 22 months of age or
older, 6 studies (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for
risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision)
showed this outcome in 106 of 129 infants (85%) with a gestational age of 36 weeks or greater and an Apgar score of 0 at
10 minutes of life.248–253 Results from 3 of these studies performed after 2009 (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded
for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision)
that included nested observational series in randomized clinical trials of therapeutic hypothermia and series of infants who
received therapeutic hypothermia showed that this adverse
outcome occurred in 68 of 90 infants (76%) with an Apgar
score of 0 at 10 minutes. Among the 44 survivors of these
studies, 22 (50%) survived without major/moderate disabilities. Among the 56 cooled infants in these studies, 15 (27%)
survived without major/moderate disabilities250,251,253 (verylow-quality evidence, downgraded for risk of bias).
No studies differentiated between severe and moderate
None of the studies described the resuscitation procedures
that were provided.
Treatment Recommendation
An Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes is a strong predictor of
mortality and morbidity in late-preterm and term infants. We
suggest that, in babies with an Apgar score of 0 after 10 minutes of resuscitation, if the heart rate remains undetectable, it
may be reasonable to stop resuscitation; however, the decision
to continue or discontinue resuscitative efforts should be individualized. Variables to be considered may include whether
the resuscitation was considered to be optimal, availability
of advanced neonatal care, such as therapeutic hypothermia,
specific circumstances before delivery (eg, known timing of
the insult), and wishes expressed by the family (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this statement in infants of 35 weeks or greater with
an Apgar score of 0 for 10 minutes or longer, the likelihood
of dying or having severe or moderate developmental disabilities at 18 to 24 months is very high. Studies that included
69 infants with an Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes after birth
who were successfully resuscitated and randomly assigned to
hypothermia or normothermia, and case series of 21 additional
infants who were managed with therapeutic hypothermia,
suggest improvement in outcome compared with previously
reported cohorts. Among these 90 infants, 45 (50%) died and
22 (24%) survived without major or moderate disability at 18
to 24 months. However, the number of infants with no heart
rate at 10 minutes who died in the delivery room is unknown.
This topic resulted in a long and spirited debate. A question
was raised as to how can we say that we should consider stopping with a 24% possibility of survival without major handicap? Is 10 minutes sufficient time to make this decision? It was
suggested not to use the word adequate, because the resuscitation was not assessed. What would the adults do with 20%
chance of survival? However, it was pointed out that it is not
a 20% chance, because not all babies got to cooling. Someone
advocated using the term discontinue instead of withdraw. The
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term adequate caused a lot of debate. What do we mean by it?
Can it be clearer? Concern was expressed that providers will
likely not use science to guide the decisions for this situation
and will likely use their own judgment. Parents tend to choose
continuation even when the data are presented to them. The
decision to continue or discontinue should be based on consultation with the family. The optimal way to restore circulation
can be in the qualifier. An Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes is a
strong predictor of disability at all gestations.
Knowledge Gaps
The major flaw in the available scientific evidence regarding
outcome of term neonates with asystole after 10 minutes of
adequate resuscitation is the absence of data regarding
• Number of infants born in the study centers or the transferring centers with asystole at 10 minutes who were not
actively resuscitated (in the hypothermia studies many
were transfers)
• Number of infants born in the study or the transferring
centers with asystole at 10 minutes in whom delivery
room resuscitation was attempted and unsuccessful
• Data regarding the quality and extension of resuscitation
of these infants
• Only a prospective international registry with all needed
information of infants with asystole/heart rate less than
60/min after 10 minutes of adequate resuscitation may
provide evidence of sufficient scientific merit to answer
this prognostic question
Predicting Death or Disability of Newborns of
Greater Than 34 Weeks Based on Apgar and/or
Absence of Breathing—Prognosis (NRP 860)
In newborn infants of greater than 34 weeks of gestation,
receiving PPV at birth in settings where resources are limited
(P), does presence of heart rate with no spontaneous breathing or Apgar scores of 1 to 3 at greater than 5 minutes predict
mortality or morbidity or cerebral palsy (O)?
The Apgar score is intended to be a retrospective predictor
of outcome, particularly at 5 minutes of age. It has been suggested that an Apgar score of 0 at 10 minutes of age is an indication to consider discontinuing resuscitation efforts (see NRP
896), but there have been no other levels of Apgar assessment
by which one might make discontinuation decisions, such as
Apgar score of 3 or less at 20 minutes. This PICO question is
intended to review the recent evidence regarding these additional predictors.
Consensus on Science
Apgar Score at 20 Minutes
For all the outcomes, we could not find studies that reported
on individual Apgar scores (1, 2, or 3) beyond 10 minutes.
One very-low-quality study (downgraded for indirectness)
reported on Apgar scores at 20 minutes but included patients
with an Apgar score of 0.254 This study reported that in babies
weighing greater than 2500 g with an Apgar score of 0 to 3
at 20 minutes, the mortality was 59%, and 57% of survivors
developed cerebral palsy.
Apgar Score at 10 Minutes
For the critical outcome of death, we identified low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 2 randomized
studies involving babies who participated in induced-hypothermia studies.251,255 One study251 reported mortality of 64%,
47%, and 39% for Apgar score of 1, 2, and 3, respectively,
with an OR of 1.42 (95% CI, 1.19–1.69) at 18 to 22 months.
The other study255 reported outcomes from the same study, but
at 6 to 7 years. Babies with Apgar scores of 1, 2, and 3 had
mortality rates of 67%, 43%, and 27%, respectively, if they
were managed with induced hypothermia and 63%, 57%, and
62% if they were not cooled.
For the critical outcome of moderate/severe disability, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision)
from 2 randomized studies involving babies who participated
in induced hypothermia studies,251,255 one251 reporting the outcome in 50%, 63%, and 38% for Apgar scores of 1, 2, and 3,
respectively, with an OR of 1.30 (95% CI, 1.06–1.58) at 18 to
22 months. The other study255 reported at 6 to 7 years of life
that 100%, 75%, and 9% of babies with Apgar score of 1, 2,
and 3, respectively, had moderate/severe disability if managed
with induced hypothermia and 67%, 67%, and 71% if not managed with hypothermia, although the sample size was small.
No Spontaneous Respiration
For the critical outcome of death, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 2 observational studies256,257 that time to spontaneous respiration
of more than 30 minutes was associated with 52% to 77%
For the critical outcome of cerebral palsy or abnormal
neurologic findings, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision)256–258 that time to respiration of
more than 30 minutes was associated with 35% cerebral palsy
and 67% to 100% abnormal neurologic findings.
For the critical outcome of death and/or moderate-tosevere disability, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision) from 2 observational studies259,260 that time to spontaneous respiration of 10 to 19
minutes and more than 20 minutes was associated with this
outcome in 56% and 88% of patients, respectively,259 and time
to spontaneous breathing of 30 minutes or more was a predictor of this outcome (OR, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.27–4.27).
Treatment Recommendation
Absence of spontaneous breathing or an Apgar score of 1 to
3 at 20 minutes of age in babies of greater than 34 weeks of
gestation but with a detectable heart rate are strong predictors of mortality or significant morbidity. In settings where
resources are limited, we suggest that it may be reasonable to
stop assisted ventilation in babies with no spontaneous breathing despite presence of heart rate or Apgar score of 1 to 3 at
20 minutes or more (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this statement, in infants of greater than 34 weeks
with an Apgar score of 0, 1, 2, or 3 for 20 minutes or more, the
likelihood of dying or having severe or moderate developmental
disabilities at 18 to 24 months is very high. Importantly, each
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of the studies reviewed was conducted in a resource setting
where therapeutic hypothermia was likely to be available (see
NRP 734).
Perhaps there is a publication bias when those babies who
did not respond at 20 minutes are not included in the numbers.
The question was raised, if the prognosis is the same, why
would we recommend something different for resource-limited settings? A response was that in resource-limited regions,
there will likely not be the regional systems and postresuscitation neonatal intensive care facilities and subspecialty personnel that were available in the recent studies reviewed in
the Consensus on Science. If such facilities are available, this
treatment recommendation may be less applicable.
Knowledge Gaps
• No studies identified from low-resource settings
• Outcome of babies with delayed onset of breathing who
are managed with induced hypothermia in low-resource
• Outcome of babies with gasping or irregular breathing
and a heart activity at 20 minutes of life
Educational Techniques for Teaching,
Assessing, and Maintaining
Resuscitation Knowledge and Skills
Resuscitation Training Frequency (NRP 859)
For course participants including (a) trainees and (b) practitioners (P), does frequent training (I), compared with less frequent
training (annual or biennial) (C), change all levels of education
or practice, prevention of adverse outcomes, overall mortality,
scenario performance, medical knowledge, psychomotor performance, provider confidence, course satisfaction (O)?
Training in the cognitive, technical, and behavioral skills necessary for successful neonatal resuscitation has historically
been conducted at varying intervals of time, and there is little
evidence to support the use of one interval over another. As an
example, the national steering committee of the US Neonatal
Resuscitation Program has recommended that trainees complete the program once every 2 years, but in the United
Kingdom, 4 years is the recommended interval; there is no
objective evidence to validate these intervals. It is intuitive
that individual trainees will require different training intervals
to facilitate optimal acquisition and maintenance of different
skills. This PICO question is intended to update the evidence
as to what may be the most effective strategy.
Consensus on Science
Sixteen studies were identified that have investigated this
PICO question. Ten randomized controlled studies261–270 and
6 nonrandomized controlled trials271–276 were identified for
The evidence for frequency of resuscitation training is very
low quality (downgraded for high risk of bias, inconsistency,
and imprecision), with the exception of studies of psychomotor performance, which are of moderate quality (downgraded
for risk of bias). Meta-analyses were greatly limited by the
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
heterogeneity between studies of training frequency, educational interventions, and outcomes.
For the critical outcome of patient outcomes, 2 studies271,275 of very low quality (downgraded for high risk of
bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) looked at endotracheal
intubation success. Both studies included psychomotor skill
training on an airway simulator, and Nishisaki275 included
simulation-based training. There was no significant difference
in first-time intubation success (RR, 0.879; 95% CI, 0.58–
1.33) or any intubation success (RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.65–1.17)
between the providers who were exposed to frequent training
and controls.
For the important outcome of prevention of adverse
events, the Nishisaki study also included the important outcome of prevention of adverse outcomes and airway injury
as a secondary outcome. No significant difference was seen
between groups (RR, 1.097; 95% CI, 0.747–1.612).275
For the important outcome of performance in simulation, 3 studies264,267,273 of very low quality (downgraded for
high risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) investigated
the important outcome of performance in simulated scenarios
using both validated and nonvalidated evaluations. In all studies, subjects in the intervention groups trained more frequently
than controls. The range of time between initial course completion and first additional training session was 1 to 4 months.
The educational interventions were heterogeneous, including
independent and facilitated practice on airway simulators,264
didactic lectures, skill station practice, mock codes,273 and
periodic review of course material and case-based study.267
Kovacs264 and Stross267 found no significant difference between
frequent and infrequent practice with respect to simulationbased performance. Only 1 of these studies (Nadel273) offered
quantitative data: After averaging of multiple outcomes, there
was a trend to improved performance in those exposed to
increased frequency of training compared with controls (RR,
1.51; 95% CI, 0.971–2.35).
For the important outcome of psychomotor performance,
there were 8 studies261,262,266,267,269,273,274,276 of moderate quality
(downgraded for risk of bias) that evaluated the important outcome of impact of frequent training on psychomotor performance, demonstrated on a task trainer or simulator. With the
exception of O’Donnell276 and Stross267 (which were neutral to
the question), studies demonstrated improvements in psychomotor performance with no negative effect. The range of time
between course completion and first additional training session
was 1 week to 6 months. The educational interventions were
again heterogeneous. Psychomotor task trainers were used
to achieve competency in a specific technical skill, including
practice on a chest compression task trainer (Niles274), neonatal airway management task trainer (Ernst262), or a CPR task
trainer where both chest compressions and ventilation were
emphasized.261,266,276 The study by Stross267 included periodic
review of course material and case-based study.267 The educational intervention in the Nadel273 study used didactic lectures,
skill station practice, and mock codes. Although 8 studies
were identified, only 1 randomized273 and 2 observational
studies267,276 with dichotomous quantitative data were included
in the analysis. The 1 randomized study273 demonstrated a significant improvement in psychomotor skills in subjects in the
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intervention group when compared with controls. One randomized study266 with multiple outcomes showed significantly
improved performance of the important outcomes of manual
ventilation volume and chest compression depth after practice
every 3 months. However, an improvement in psychomotor
skills in the intervention groups was not seen when 3 studies267,273,276 were included in a meta-analysis after averaging of
scores (RR, 1.38; 95% CI, 0.87–2.2).
For the important outcome of knowledge, 5 studies263,268,270,273,276 of very low quality (downgraded for high risk
of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision) investigated the relationship between frequent training and the important outcome
of acquisition of medical knowledge assessed by written tests
or oral exams. Studies by Nadel,273 O’Donnell,260 and Turner254
demonstrated sustained knowledge with refreshers when compared with controls, whereas Kaczorowski263 and Su252 were
neutral to the question. The educational interventions for these
studies have been described previously except for 2 studies: Su
used a knowledge exam and mock resuscitation at 6 months,
and the Kaczorowski263 study included subjects in the intervention groups either watching a newborn resuscitation education video or hands-on practice. The range of time between
course completion and first additional training session was 1
to 6 months. Although 5 studies were identified, only 2 had
quantitative data.270,273 The analysis of the 2 observational
studies was not possible because it was difficult to average the
means ± SDs and then pool the 2 studies for a meta-analysis.
The Nadel273 study found a significant improvement in knowledge with more frequent training in a short answer test (mean
scores 73±11 versus 60±10; P=0.0003). The Turner254 study
showed significant improvement in 2 out of 3 test scores in
the intervention group (mean scores 7.1 versus 6.2 and 29.0
versus 25.8, respectively; P<0.05 in both cases). O’Donnell260
demonstrated lower test scores in the control group than in the
intervention group (P<0.04).
For the nonimportant outcome of provider confidence,
Montgomery265 found that subjects who practiced CPR for 6
minutes every month were more likely than controls to report
that they felt confident (RR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.27–2.01), and
Nadel273 found improved confidence in both leadership and
technical skills.
No study demonstrated a negative or detrimental effect
from more frequent training. Publication bias was difficult to
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that training should be recurrent and considered
more frequently than once per year. This retraining may be
composed of specific tasks and/or behavioral skills, depending
on the needs of the trainees (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In drawing our conclusions, we place value on improved psychomotor skills, knowledge, and provider confidence during
more-frequent training versus less-frequent training (and versus the established and unproven practice of training every 1
to 2 years).
The debate included the fact that the PICO question
does not specify that it is resuscitation training, although the
search did restrict itself to this. Should the costs of training be addressed? However, it was noted that it was hard
to comment on cost based on studies, because the interventions themselves were so different. Could the follow-up programs be briefer and more focused on needs? What is best
for the patient? What is the cost to the child and family when
the patient does not receive adequate resuscitation? What
is a technical proficiency program? How do we achieve it?
There is no assessment of translation of increased training
to improved outcomes. We need data to show that improved
education is worth the staff time. The PICO question specifically avoided looking at studies about decay of knowledge
and skills.
Knowledge Gaps
• Although some outcomes are of critical importance, the
quality of evidence is very low. Serious methodological
flaws occur, such as lack of randomization, multiple primary outcomes with inadequate sample size and power
analysis, lack of blinding, controls that consist of no
educational intervention resulting in a comparison of
training to no training, insufficiently validated evaluation tools, and significant heterogeneity of outcomes and
• There is a need for well-designed and well-powered
clinical trials, possibly cluster randomized, that answer
key questions with critical outcomes: How frequently
should learning occur? What type of intervention is most
effective? What validated tools are available to measure
educational outcomes?
• How do high-opportunity versus low-opportunity environments differ in their need for frequent training?
◦ Did we take experience into account?
◦ What about knowledge, skills, and behaviors?
◦ Are patient outcomes lacking?
◦ Is cost impact lacking?
◦ Is high-frequency, low-dose training effective?
◦ Decay and boosting rates?
◦ Should we add “within the constraints of local
◦ Reinforcement from other domains, for example
Neonatal Resuscitation Instructors (NRP 867)
In neonatal resuscitation instructors (P), does formal
training on specific aspects of how to facilitate learning
(I), compared with generic or nonspecific training (C),
change clinical outcome, improve all levels of education
or practice (O)?
Around the world, millions of healthcare professionals bear
the responsibility for resuscitating neonates in the delivery
room, and they must not only acquire the necessary cognitive, technical, and behavioral skills but also maintain them
over time, often for decades. The precise roles and mandatory skills of the instructors charged with training healthcare
professionals have yet to be defined, and thus how to best
prepare instructors to fulfill these roles and acquire these
skills is not yet objectively described. It is intuitive that
training of instructors should be based on specific learning
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objectives targeting the specific instructor skills that are necessary to facilitate the acquisition of specific skills in specific populations of learners. Comprehensive assessment
of resuscitation instructor training requires identification
and development of (1) objective markers of performance
for instructors, (2) appropriate objective markers of performance for the trainees who are trained by the instructors,
and (3) objective markers of patient outcome that are directly
related to how well they were resuscitated. This PICO question is intended to identify literature that is pertinent to these
and other issues involving the preparation of instructor of
neonatal resuscitation.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of improvement in patient outcome,
we identified no evidence.
For the critical outcome of improvement in learner
performance in the real clinical environment, we identified
very-low-quality evidence from 1 randomized clinical trial277
(downgraded for indirectness, risk of bias, and imprecision)
that providing structured self-reflection and peer group feedback to psychiatry registrars improved their students’ performance of standardized psychiatric interviews.
For the critical outcome of improvement in learner
performance in educational settings, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and risk of bias) from 1 randomized clinical trial278
in which 18 emergency medicine instructors were randomly assigned to 2 intervention groups and trained 193
medical students. The study found that learners trained by
instructors who underwent a 2-day teacher training course
focused on education principles performed at an equal or
lower level of proficiency in technical skills when compared with those trained by instructors who did not attend
the 2-day course.
For the critical outcome of improvement in all levels of
education or practice, we identified low-quality evidence
(downgraded for indirectness and bias) from 5 randomized
clinical trial278–282 enrolling 271 participants (not estimable).
Several studies did note at least temporary deterioration in
instructor performance after commencement of new instructor training intervention.
For the critical outcome of improvement in clinical outcome, we identified no evidence.
For the important outcome of improvement in instructor performance, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for indirectness and bias) from 5 randomized clinical trials278–282 and 2 nonrandomized trials.283,284 No
meaningful numerical summary of the results of these studies
could be performed. These studies indicate that preparation of
instructors produces inconsistent results in terms of instructor performance. While it does seem that written and verbal
feedback, delivered in a constructive and timely manner, often
produces improvement in instructor performance, in other
instances posttraining deterioration in aspects of instructor
performance was seen, at least initially.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that training of resuscitation instructors incorporate timely, objective, structured, individually targeted verbal
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
and/or written feedback (weak recommendation, low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
While common sense dictates that instructors be properly prepared before engaging learners, it is clear that such instruction must be based on specific learning objectives targeting
the specific skills that are necessary to facilitate learning.
Definitions of these skills will require collaboration with colleagues in fields such as human factors and ergonomics who
have experience in examining human performance in highrisk domains (similar to the delivery room) rather than relying
solely on those with expertise in traditional education settings
such as the classroom.
Deliberations of the Task Force and Writing Group
The PICO question may be too global/broad. Perhaps we
need to be more specific in the future. We may need to move
away from dependence on traditional methodologies and look
to those industries where adults are trained to be proficient
in specific tasks. Instructors need to know how to do specific
tasks and give feedback to improve performance. Perhaps we
have made instructors poor trainers. People who develop curricula need to address this critical deficit. How do we teach
task proficiency? That is what is most needed.
Knowledge Gaps
• How is optimal instructor performance defined?
• What are the skills necessary to achieve this?
• What are the optimal methods for selection of candidate
instructors, initial skill acquisition by instructors, ongoing maintenance of instructor skill, and (objective and
subjective) assessment of instructor skill?
2010 PICO Questions Not Reviewed in 2015
• Suctioning (other than meconium)
• Inflation pressures
• Face mask characteristics
• CO2 detectors to confirm endotracheal tube placement
• Epinephrine dose and route
• Volume expansion
• Sodium bicarbonate
• Glucose
• Therapeutic hypothermia
• Personnel needs at elective cesarean delivery
• Briefing and debriefings during learning activities
We thank the following evidence reviewers (the Neonatal
Resuscitation Chapter Collaborators) for their great effort, due diligence, and expertise with regard to the reviews contained in this
section: David W. Boyle, Steve Byrne, Chris Colby, Peter Davis,
Hege L. Ersdal, Marilyn B. Escobedo, Qi Feng, Maria Fernanda de
Almeida, Louis P. Halamek, Tetsuya Isayama, Vishal S. Kapadia,
Henry C. Lee, Jane McGowan, Douglas D. McMillan, Susan
Niermeyer, Colm P. F. O’Donnell, Yacov Rabi, Steven A. Ringer,
Nalini Singhal, Ben J. Stenson, Marya L. Strand, Takahiro Sugiura,
Daniele Trevisanuto, Enrique Udaeta, Gary M. Weiner, and Cheo
L. Yeo. We also acknowledge the comments received during the
public period.
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October 20, 2015
2015 CoSTR Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation: Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group
Jeffrey M. Perlman
Jonathan Wyllie
Khalid Aziz
Weill Cornell Medical College
James Cook
University Hospital
University of Alberta Pediatrics
Ruth Guinsburg
Federal University
of Sao Paulo
John Kattwinkel
University of Virginia
Health System
Han-Suk Kim
Seoul National University
College of Medicine
Helen G. Liley
Mater Mother’s Hospital
Lindsay Mildenhall
Middlemore Hospital
Wendy M. Simon
American Academy
of Pediatrics
AAP staff†
Edgardo Szyld
University of Oklahoma
Masanori Tamura
Saitama Medical Center
Sithembiso Velaphi
Resuscitation Council
of Southern Africa
UT Southwestern
Myra H. Wyckoff
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10,000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of
the entity, or owns $10,000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding
CoSTR Part 7: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 7
NRP 589
Temperature Maintenance
in the Delivery
In nonasphyxiated babies at birth (P), does maintenance of normothermia (core
temperature 36.5°C or greater and 37.5°C or less) from delivery to admission
(I), compared with hypothermia (less than 36°C) or hyperthermia (greater than
37.5°C) (C), change survival to hospital discharge, respiratory distress, survival
to admission, hypoglycemia, intracranial hemorrhage, or infection rate (O)?
Jonathan Wyllie,
Jeffrey Perlman
Part 7
NRP 590
CPAP and IPPV—Intervention
In spontaneously breathing preterm infants with respiratory distress
requiring respiratory support in the delivery room (P), does the use of
CPAP (I), compared with intubation and IPPV (C), improve outcome (O)?
Tetsuya Isayama,
Ben Stenson
Part 7
NRP 599
Maintaining Infant
Temperature During
Delivery Room
Among preterm neonates who are under radiant warmers in the hospital delivery
room (P), does increased room temperature, thermal mattress, or another
intervention (I), compared with plastic wraps alone (C), reduce hypothermia (less
than 36°C) on admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (O)?
Maria Fernanda
de Almeida
Part 7
NRP 605
Thumb Versus 2-Finger
Techniques for Chest
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does the use of a 2-thumb
technique (I), compared with a 2-finger technique (C), result in return of
spontaneous circulation (ROSC), improved neurologic outcomes, improved
survival, improved perfusion and gas exchange during CPR, and decreased
compressor fatigue (O)?
Myra Wyckoff,
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
(Continued )
Perlman et al
Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation
CoSTR Part 7: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 7
NRP 618
Laryngeal Mask
In newborn infants at near term (greater than 34 weeks) or term who have
indications for intermittent positive pressure for resuscitation (P), does
use of a laryngeal mask as a primary or secondary device (I), compared
with mask ventilation or endotracheal intubation (C), improve response
to resuscitation or change outcome (O), including indicators of neonatal
brain injury, achieving stable vital signs, increasing Apgar scores, longterm outcomes, reducing the need for subsequent intubation, or neonatal
morbidity and mortality?
Edgardo Szyld,
Enrique Udaeta
Part 7
NRP 734
In term infants with moderate/severe hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
managed in resource-limited countries (P), does therapeutic hypothermia
to core temperature of approximately 33.5°C for 72 hours delivered by
passive hypothermia and/or ice packs (I), versus standard therapy (C),
improve the rates of death, neurodevelopmental impairments at 18 months
to 2 years (O)?
Peter Davis
Jeffrey Perlman
Part 7
NRP 738
Oxygen Delivery During CPR
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), does 100% O2 as the
ventilation gas (I), compared with lower concentrations of oxygen (C),
increase survival rates, improve neurologic outcomes, decrease time to
ROSC, or decrease oxidative injury (O)?
Myra Wyckoff,
Part 7
NRP 787
Delayed Cord Clamping in
Preterm Infants Requiring
Resuscitation (Intervention)
In preterm infants, including those who received resuscitation (P), does
delayed cord clamping (greater than 30 seconds) (I), compared with
immediate cord clamping (C), improve survival, long-term developmental
outcome, cardiovascular stability, occurrence of intraventricular
hemorrhage (IVH), necrotizing enterocolitis, temperature on admission
to a newborn area, and hyperbilirubinemia (O)?
Tamura, Susan
Part 7
NRP 793
Maintaining Infant
Temperature During
Delivery Room
In newborn infants (greater than 30 weeks of gestation) in low-resource
settings during and/or after resuscitation/stabilization (P), does drying and
skin-to-skin contact or covering with plastic (I), compared with drying and
no skin-to-skin or use of radiant warmer or incubator (C), change body
temperature (O)?
Velaphi, Hege
Ersdal, Nalini
Part 7
NRP 804
Babies Born to Mothers
Who Are Hypothermic
or Hyperthermic in
In newborn babies (P), does maternal hypothermia or hyperthermia in labor
(I), versus normal maternal temperature (C), result in adverse neonatal
effects (O)? Outcomes include mortality, neonatal seizures, and adverse
neurologic states.
Henry Lee,
Marilyn Escobedo
Part 7
NRP 805
Delivery Room Assessment
for Less Than 25 Weeks and
Prognostic Score
In extremely preterm infants (less than 25 weeks) (P), does delivery room
assessment with a prognostic score (I), compared with gestational age
assessment alone (C), change survival to 18 to 22 months (O)?
Steven Ringer,
Steve Byrne
Part 7
NRP 806
Newborn Infants
Who Receive PPV for
Resuscitation, and Use of a
Device to Assess Respiratory
In newborn infants who receive PPV for resuscitation (P), does use of a
device to assess respiratory function with or without pressure monitoring
(I), compared with no device (C), change survival to hospital discharge with
good neurologic outcome, IVH, time to heart rate greater than 100/min,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, pneumothorax (O)?
Helen Liley,
Vishal Kapadia
Part 7
NRP 809
In term and preterm newborn infants who do not establish spontaneous
respiration at birth (P), does administration of 1 or more pressure-limited
sustained lung inflations (I), compared with intermittent PPV with short
inspiratory times (C), change Apgar score at 5 minutes, establishment of
FRC, requirement for mechanical ventilation in first 72 hours, time to heart
rate greater than 100/min, rate of tracheal intubation, overall mortality (O)?
Jane McGowan,
David Boyle
Part 7
NRP 849
Umbilical Cord
In very preterm infants (28 weeks or less) (P), does umbilical cord milking
(I), in comparison with immediate umbilical cord clamping (C), affect death,
neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 to 3 years, cardiovascular stability, ie,
need for pressors, need for fluid bolus, initial mean blood pressure, IVH
(any grade, severe grade), temperature on admission, hematologic indices
(initial hemoglobin, need for transfusion), hyperbilirubinemia, need for
phototherapy, or need for exchange transfusion (O)?
Marya Strand,
Takahiro Sugiura
Part 7
NRP 858
Warming of Hypothermic
In newborns who are hypothermic (temperature less than 36.0°C) on
admission (P), does rapid rewarming (I), compared with slow rewarming
(C), change mortality rate, short and long-term neurologic outcome,
hemorrhage, episodes of apnea and hypoglycemia, or need for respiratory
support (O)?
Cheo Yeo,
(Continued )
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October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 7: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 7
NRP 859
Training Frequency
For course participants including (a) trainees and (b) practitioners (P),
does frequent training (I), compared with less frequent training (annual
or biennial) (C), change all levels of education or practice, prevention
of adverse outcomes, overall mortality, scenario performance, medical
knowledge, psychomotor performance, provider confidence, course
satisfaction (O)?
Part 7
NRP 860
Predicting Death or Disability
of Newborns of Greater
Than 34 Weeks Based on
Apgar and/or Absence of
In newborn infants of greater than 34 weeks of gestation, receiving PPV at
birth in settings where resources are limited (P), does presence of heart
rate with no spontaneous breathing or Apgar scores of 1 to 3 at greater
than 5 minutes predict mortality or morbidity or cerebral palsy (O)?
Velaphi, Nalini
Singhal, Hege
Part 7
NRP 862
Use of Feedback CPR
Devices for Neonatal Cardiac
In asystolic/bradycardic neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P),
does the use of feedback devices such as end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2)
monitors, pulse oximeters, or automated compression feedback devices (I),
compared with clinical assessments of compression efficacy (C), decrease
hands-off time, decrease time to ROSC, improve perfusion, increase
survival rates, or improve neurologic outcomes (O)?
Takahiro Sugiura
Part 7
NRP 864
Oxygen Concentration for
Resuscitating Premature
Among preterm newborns (less than 37 weeks of gestation) who receive
PPV in the delivery room (P), does the use of high O2 (50%–100%) as the
ventilation gas (I), compared with low concentrations of O2 (21%–30%)
(C), decrease mortality, decrease bronchopulmonary dysplasia, decrease
retinopathy, decrease IVH (O)?
Part 7
NRP 865
Intubation and Tracheal
Suctioning in Nonvigorous
Infants Born Though
MSAF Versus No
Intubation for Tracheal
In nonvigorous infants at birth born through MSAF (P), does tracheal
intubation for suctioning (I), compared with no tracheal intubation (C),
reduce meconium syndrome or prevent death (O)?
Velaphi, Jeffrey
Part 7
NRP 867
Neonatal Resuscitation
In neonatal resuscitation instructors (P), does formal training on specific
aspects of how to facilitate learning (I), compared with generic or
nonspecific training (C), change clinical outcome, improve all levels of
education or practice (O)?
Helen Liley,
Louis Halamek
Part 7
NRP 870
T-Piece Resuscitator
and Self-Inflating
In newborns (preterm and term) receiving ventilation (PPV) during
resuscitation (P), does using a T-piece resuscitator with PEEP (I), compared
with using a self-inflating bag without PEEP (C), achieve spontaneous
breathing sooner and/or reduce the incidence of pneumothorax,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and mortality (O)?
Yacov Rabi,
Han Suk Kim
Part 7
NRP 895
Chest Compression
In neonates receiving cardiac compressions (P), do other ratios (5:1, 9:3,
15:2, synchronous, etc) (I), compared with 3:1 compressions to ventilations
(C), increase survival rates, improve neurologic outcomes, improve
perfusion and gas exchange during CPR, decrease time to ROSC, decrease
tissue injury, or decrease compressor fatigue (O)?
Qi Feng,
Myra Wyckoff
Part 7
NRP 896
Apgar Score of 0
for 10 Minutes or
In infants with a gestational age of 36 weeks or greater and an Apgar score
of 0 for 10 minutes or longer, despite ongoing resuscitation (P), what is the
rate of survival to NICU admission and death or neurocognitive impairment
at 18 to 22 months (O)?
Ruth Guinsburg,
Jane McGowan
Part 7
NRP 897
Outcomes for PEEP Versus
No PEEP in the Delivery
In preterm/term newborn infants who do not establish respiration at
birth (P), does the use of PEEP as part of the initial ventilation strategy (I),
compared with no PEEP (C), improve Apgar score at 5 minutes, intubation
in the delivery room, chest compressions in the delivery room, heart rate
greater than 100/min by 2 minutes of life, time for heart rate to rise above
100/min, air leaks, oxygen saturation/oxygenation, FIO2 in the delivery
room, mechanical ventilation in the first 72 hours, bronchopulmonary
dysplasia, survival to discharge (O)?
Yacov Rabi,
Colm O’Donnell
Part 7
NRP 898
ECG/EKG (I) in Comparison to
Oximetry or Auscultation for
the Detection of Heart Rate
In babies requiring resuscitation (P), does electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)
(I), compared with oximetry or auscultation (C), measure heart rate faster
and more accurately (O)?
Marya Strand,
Hege Ersdal
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Chris Colby,
Khalid Aziz
Gary Weiner,
Perlman et al
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learner-centered teaching skills. Teach Learn Med. 2007;19:278–286.
doi: 10.1080/10401330701366739.
KEY WORDS: cardiopulmonary resuscitation ◼ delivery room ◼ newborns
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Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Jeffrey M. Perlman, Jonathan Wyllie, John Kattwinkel, Myra H. Wyckoff, Khalid Aziz, Ruth
Guinsburg, Han-Suk Kim, Helen G. Liley, Lindsay Mildenhall, Wendy M. Simon, Edgardo
Szyld, Masanori Tamura, Sithembiso Velaphi and on behalf of the Neonatal Resuscitation
Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S204-S241
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000276
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Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
With Treatment Recommendations
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment
Farhan Bhanji, Co-Chair*; Judith C. Finn, Co-Chair*; Andrew Lockey; Koenraad Monsieurs; Robert
Frengley; Taku Iwami; Eddy Lang; Matthew Huei-Ming Ma; Mary E. Mancini; Mary Ann McNeil;
Robert Greif; John E. Billi; Vinay M. Nadkarni; Blair Bigham; on behalf of the Education,
Implementation, and Teams Chapter Collaborators
The GRADE Process
Current evidence demonstrates considerable variability in cardiac arrest survival in and out of hospital and, therefore, substantial opportunity to save many more lives.1–3 The Formula
for Survival4 postulates that optimal survival from cardiac
arrest requires high-quality science, education of lay providers and healthcare professionals, and a well-functioning Chain
of Survival5 (implementation).
The Education, Implementation, and Teams (EIT) Task
Force of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR) set out to define the key PICO (population, intervention, comparator, outcome) questions related to resuscitation education (including teamwork skills) and systems-level
implementation that would be reviewed by 2015. The selection of questions was supported through the use of an online
anonymous task force member–only voting process where the
results were considered in the ultimate consensus decisions
of the task force. Topics from the 2010 evidence review process were scrutinized for relevance, the potential to improve
outcomes, and the likelihood of new evidence being published since 2010. Finally, PICO questions for which the
Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation (GRADE) process was not as well developed
at the time of PICO selection were deferred until at least
after the 2015 cycle. We planned to reduce the total number
of PICO questions reviewed to provide more in-depth and
evidence-based reviews of the included questions. New topics
were determined on the basis of the evolving literature and
changes in resuscitation practice. Input on the selection of
PICO questions was sought from the general public through
the ILCOR website and from ILCOR member resuscitation
councils through their council chairs and individual task force
The EIT Task Force performed detailed systematic reviews
based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine
of the National Academies6 and using the methodological approach proposed by the GRADE Working Group.7
After identification and prioritization of the questions to be
addressed (using the PICO format),8 with the assistance of
information specialists, a detailed search for relevant articles was performed in each of 3 online databases (PubMed,
Embase, and the Cochrane Library).
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles
were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for each
question created a reconciled risk of bias assessment for each
of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools: Cochrane
for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),9 Quality Assessment
of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2 for studies of
diagnostic accuracy,10 and GRADE for observational studies
that inform both therapy and prognosis questions.11
GRADE Evidence Profile tables12 were then created to
facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of each of
the critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high, moderate, low, or very low,13 based on the
study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk
of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other
considerations (including publication bias).14
These evidence profile tables were then used to create a
written summary of evidence for each outcome (the Consensus
on Science statements). Whenever possible, consensus-based
treatment recommendations were then created. These recommendations (designated as strong or weak) were accompanied
by an overall assessment of the evidence and a statement from
the task force about the values and preferences that underlie
the recommendations.
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Bhanji F, Finn JC, Lockey A, Monsieurs K, Frengley R, Iwami
T, Lang E, Ma MH, Mancini ME, McNeil MA, Greif R, Billi JE, Nadkarni VM, Bigham B; on behalf of the Education, Implementation, and Teams
Chapter Collaborators. Part 8: education, implementation, and teams: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 1):S242–S268.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S242–S268. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000277.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000277
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Bhanji et al
Further details of the methodology that underpinned the
evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence
Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
To our knowledge, this is the first time that GRADE has
been applied on a large scale to education literature in health.
Detailed review of the evidence, the Consensus on Science
statements, and treatment recommendations occurred within
the task force, and most final recommendations reflect the
consensus of the task force. In some instances, the task force
could not reach consensus and a vote was required; greater
than 50% agreement was adequate for standard decisions
on wording, and 70% agreement was required for treatment
recommendations that were discordant with the quality of
The EIT Task Force spent considerable time deliberating
on the scoring of the importance of outcomes according to
the GRADE approach, particularly with respect to educational
studies. In contrast to clinical studies, where direct patient
outcomes are commonly measured, in educational research,
which often include manikin studies, participant learning outcomes are very common. After considerable task force discussion, for education PICO questions, patient-related outcomes
and actual performance in the clinical setting were deemed the
critical outcomes, with learning-related outcomes (immediate
and longer retention) classed as important. Kirkpatrick’s classic model of Program Evaluation15 as well as McGaghie’s16
T1 to T3 for simulation research both align with the notion
that patient-related (and system-related) outcomes are more
relevant than transfer of learning from the education programs
to the clinical environment, which in turn is more important
than isolated demonstration of learning in a training setting.
Recognizing the considerable body of evidence demonstrating
a decay of resuscitation skills within weeks to months after
a course, long-term retention of learning was considered a
more robust outcome than learning assessed at the time of the
training. Similarly, resuscitation is considered a (psychomotor
or leadership/teamwork) skill; therefore, “skills” were considered to be higher-level outcomes than “knowledge.” The
published resuscitation education literature and subsequent
GRADE analysis were frequently limited by the heterogeneous nature of the interventions (with frequent downgrades
for inconsistency) and the quality of the assessment tools
(outcome measures). In keeping with systematic review methodology, meta-analysis was conducted in specific PICO questions only when studies of similar design, interventions, and
target populations reported comparable outcomes.
The EIT Task Force reviewed 17 PICO questions, which
was a reduction of 15 questions from 2010. The questions
selected included the following:
Basic Life Support Training
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instruction methods (self-instruction versus traditional) (EIT 647)
external defibrillator (AED) training methods (EIT 651)
• Timing for basic life support (BLS) retraining (EIT 628)
• Resource-limited settings (EIT 634)
• BLS training for high-risk populations (EIT 649)
• Compression-only CPR training (EIT 881)
• Automated
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
Advanced Life Support Training
• Precourse preparation for advanced life support (ALS)
courses (EIT 637)
• High-fidelity manikins in training (EIT 623)
• Team and leadership training (EIT 631)
• Timing for advanced resuscitation training (EIT 633)
• Implementation of guidelines in communities (EIT 641)
• Cardiac arrest centers (EIT 624)
• Social media technologies (EIT 878)
• Measuring performance of resuscitation systems (EIT 640)
• CPR feedback devices in training (EIT 648)
• Debriefing of resuscitation performance (EIT 645)
• Medical emergency teams (METs) for adults (EIT 638)
Summary of New Treatment Recommendations
The following is a summary of the most important new
reviews or changes in recommendations for education, implementation, and teams since the last ILCOR review, in 2010:
• High-fidelity
manikins may be preferred to standard
manikins at training centers/organizations that have the
infrastructure, trained personnel, and resources to maintain the program.
• CPR feedback devices (providing directive feedback)
are useful for learning psychomotor CPR skills.
• One- to 2-year retraining cycles are not adequate to
maintain competence in resuscitation skills. The optimal retraining intervals are yet to be defined, but more
frequent training may be helpful for providers likely to
encounter a cardiac arrest.
Systems Level
• You can’t improve what you can’t measure, so systems
that facilitate performance measurement and quality
improvement initiatives are to be used where possible.
• Data-driven performance-focused debriefing can help
improve future performance of resuscitation teams.
• Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) victims should
be considered for transport to a specialist cardiac arrest
center as part of a wider regional system of care.
• There have been advances in the use of technology and
social media for notification of the occurrence of suspected OHCA and sourcing of bystanders willing to provide CPR.
BLS Training
BLS is foundational in the care of cardiac arrest victims. For
the OHCA victim, the goal is to increase rates of bystander
CPR and deliver prompt defibrillation, because these are the
major determinants of the community Chain of Survival.
Unfortunately, only a minority of cardiac arrest victims actually receive bystander CPR, and it is difficult for potential rescuers to overcome barriers such as panic, fear of harming the
victim, concern about the rescuers’ inability to perform CPR
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October 20, 2015
correctly, physical limitations, fear of liability or infection, or
in some instances the victim’s characteristics.17 Recent training in CPR,17–19 along with dispatcher-assisted CPR,20,21 may
help overcome these barriers and save more lives. For healthcare professionals, it is the quality of CPR delivered that is
critical, because poor compliance with recommended guidelines has been associated with lower survival.22,23 Suboptimal
CPR is common24 but should be considered a preventable
harm, and quality improvement processes should be implemented to try to minimize its occurrence.
The ILCOR EIT Task Force chose the following PICO
questions as part of the review of BLS training:
• Video- or computer-assisted self-instruction versus traditional courses
• Alternate methods to train in AED use
• Timing of BLS retraining
An additional PICO question on the use of CPR feedback
devices in training was also conducted and is documented
later in this article, along with the corresponding PICO questions on the use of feedback devices in clinical practice (BLS
361) and the use of feedback devices as part of the quality
improvement process (EIT 640).
CPR Instruction Methods (Self-Instruction Versus
Traditional) (EIT 647)
Among students who are taking BLS courses in an educational setting (P), does video or computer self-instructions (I),
compared with traditional instructor-led courses (C), change
survival, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion,
cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
No studies addressed the critical outcomes of skill performance in actual resuscitations or survival of patients.
For the important outcome of cognitive knowledge, we
have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious
risk of bias and imprecision) from 4 RCTs with a total of 370
students showing no differences between self-instruction and
instructor-led courses (using a multiple-choice questionnaire
at course conclusion and at 2 months to 1 year).25–28
For the important outcome of skill performance at course
conclusion, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision)
from 9 RCTs25,29–36 and 1 randomized cluster-controlled trial37
with a total of 2023 students showing no differences between
self-instruction and instructor-led courses based on failure to
pass total performance evaluation by instructors using checklists (relative risk [RR], 1.09; 95% confidence interval [CI],
For the important outcome of skill performance at 1
year, we have identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs with a total of
234 students showing no differences between self-instruction
and traditional instruction based on failure to pass the total
performance evaluation by instructors using checklists (RR,
0.91; 95% CI, 0.61–1.35).28,38
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that video and/or computer-based self-instruction
with synchronous or asynchronous hands-on practice may be
an effective alternative to instructor-led courses (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Despite heterogeneity in the delivery of video and/or computer-based instruction and in the evaluation methods among
different studies, we make this recommendation based on the
absence of differences in the outcomes between self-instruction versus instructor-led courses. In making this recommendation, we place higher value on the potential reduction in
time and resources with self-instruction, which could translate
to increased CPR training.
The EIT Task Force recognized the considerable heterogeneity in the interventions on self-instruction (computer
versus video assisted; with or without hands-on practice) and
challenge with lumping them together (ie, a poorly designed
computer-based learning activity is very different from a welldesigned one), yet they are grouped together in the GRADE
process. Nonetheless, the task force developed consensus that
this was an important PICO question that had the potential
to increase the number of lay providers available to respond
to cardiac arrests and potentially the subsequent survival for
victims in a time- and resource-wise manner.
Knowledge Gaps
• Do students receiving self-instruction courses have better skill performance in actual resuscitations and further
improve the rate of return of spontaneous circulation
(ROSC) and survival to hospital discharge of patients
when compared with those receiving traditional courses?
• The teaching material of the video or the computer and
different type of self-instruction teaching courses might
affect the learning effect.
AED Training Methods (EIT 651)
Among students who are taking AED courses in an educational setting (P), does any specific training intervention
(I), compared with traditional lecture/practice sessions (C),
change clinical outcome, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at
course conclusion, cognitive knowledge, use of AEDs (O)?
Consensus on Science
No study addressed the critical outcomes of skill performance in an actual resuscitation or patient outcome.
All studies for this PICO question were manikin based,
and all participants were adults.16,36,37,39–42 The included studies used manikin-based scenarios as the standard method for
assessment, and end points did not extend beyond skill retention after 6 months. Substantial heterogeneity was found for
interventions and controls, and for time points of assessment.
Except for 2 studies40,41 none investigated AED training in isolation. All other studies address the whole sequence of BLS
together with AED related outcomes.
To account for the nature of training, 4 subquestions were specified. For both groups of lay providers and
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healthcare providers, the question was subdivided into
(a) self-instruction without (or with minimal) instructor
involvement versus a traditional instructor-led course, and
(b) self-instruction combined with instructor-led versus a
traditional course.
For Lay Providers
For the subquestion of self-instruction without (or with minimal) instructor involvement versus a traditional instructor-led
course, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness) addressing the important outcome of skill retention after 2 to 6 months.16,36,40,41
For 2 of the investigated DVD-based teaching methods,
the RR to pass the overall test directly after the course was
only 0.36 (95% CI, 0.25–0.53), and 0.35 (95% CI, 0.24–0.51)
if compared with instructor-led training.40 No significant difference was found 2 months after training when comparing
a computer-learning-only course to instructor-led training.16
No significant difference was reported for AED performance (time to first shock and AED placement) for a video
self-learning intervention of 30 minutes in comparison with
instructor-led training of 3 to 4 hours.36 Training for senior
citizens (video self-training of 11 minutes plus 45 minutes
of manikin training plus minimal instructor) was not significantly different compared with the control group. This study
also suggests a saving of resources by the alternative training
For the subquestion of self-instruction combined with
instructor-led versus traditional courses, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) addressing the
important outcomes of skill retention after 2 months for the
following 2 studies:
• Interactive computer session of 45 minutes plus 45 minutes of instructor-based practice led to results comparable with those from a traditional course of the same
duration.16 AED skills remained rather stable over
2 months, while CPR skills deteriorated significantly.
• A 9-minute DVD plus manikin training plus scenario
training was inferior to traditional training, with an RR
to pass the overall test of 0.55, which increased to 0.84
after 2 months.40 This may indicate a potential learning
effect of the short postcourse test.
For Healthcare Providers
For the subquestion of self-instruction without (or with
minimal) instructor involvement versus traditional instructorled courses, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) addressing the
important outcome of skill performance at end of course, or
2 weeks after completion.
Isolated self-instructed training was as efficient as traditional training, but testing was limited to the end of the
course.37 No differences were found between groups, but significant time (and financial) savings were reported.39 However,
the sample size was very small. Another study showed worse
results for theory-only training, but this study was flawed
because the control group was inadequate.42
For the subquestion of self-instruction combined with
instructor-led versus traditional courses, we identified
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) for the
important outcomes of skill performance at end of course, or
2 weeks after completion. Training time was reduced while
performance was only slightly reduced. A 40-minute skills lab
training plus instructor was associated with a higher rate of
mistakes in AED operations.37 In another study, no differences
were found between groups, but significant time (and financial) savings were reported in the self-instruction combined
with instructor-training group39; however, the sample size was
very small.
Treatment Recommendation
For lay providers learning AED skills, we suggest that selfinstruction combined with short instructor-led training may
replace longer traditional courses (weak recommendation,
low-quality evidence).
For healthcare providers learning AED skills, we suggest
that self-directed training (as short as 40 minutes) may be used
in place of traditional training (weak recommendation, lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place value on pragmatic
considerations such that if instructor-led training is not available, then self-directed training (or no training at all [“just do
it”]) is an acceptable pragmatic option to use AED as stated
in the 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
With Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR).18,19
Very little research was conducted on AED teaching outside of the context of a (standard) BLS course (only 2 studies40,41 reported on that setting). All data were extracted from
studies in the context of BLS teaching.
The ILCOR 2010 CoSTR stated that laypeople and healthcare providers could use an AED without training16,43,44 and that
untrained individuals could deliver a shock with an AED.45–47
The current systematic review investigated whether a specific
training intervention in an educational setting changed clinical
or learning outcomes.
The original intent was to produce a single consensus on science with treatment recommendations based on
a single PICO question. As the literature was reviewed,
it became clear that there was marked heterogeneity in
populations studied and the types of interventions, so multiple subsections were developed with multiple treatment
Knowledge Gaps
• Properly powered studies are needed where the primary
outcome is AED use in the clinical setting and patient
outcomes are considered.
• The optimal duration of AED training is still unclear.
• The effectiveness and optimal timing of brief refresher
training should be evaluated.
• The most suitable methods to train children/adolescents
need to be determined.
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Timing for BLS Retraining (EIT 628)
Among students who are taking BLS courses (P), does any
specific interval for update or retraining (I), compared with
standard practice (ie, 12 or 24 monthly) (C), change patient
outcomes, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion,
cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For critical outcomes of patient outcome and skill performance during actual resuscitation, we found no published
For the important outcome of skill performance 3 to 12
months after initial training, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and
indirectness) from 3 RCTs48–50 and 2 non-RCTs51,52 evaluating
the effects of additional updates or retraining compared with
standard practice (12–24 monthly). The heterogeneous nature
of the studies prevented pooling of data. Two studies (1 RCT
and 1 non-RCT) evaluated the effect of high-frequency, lowdose training (6 minutes monthly practice and every-2-weeks
video reminder) after standard BLS courses and demonstrated
benefit on CPR performance (compression depth, 40.3±6.6
versus 36.5±7.7 mm)50 and on time to shock delivery (time
[mean±SD], 60.0±12.9 versus 73.6±22 s).52 Two other RCTs
and 1 non-RCT conducting a variety of retraining and evaluating 5 to 6 months after the retraining showed no benefit on
chest compression quality or time to shock delivery.48,49,51
For the important outcome of cognitive knowledge, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, inconsistency, and indirectness) from 1 RCT48 demonstrating improved self-reported confidence score (96 versus
92; P=0.038) after additional traditional BLS retraining and
1 non-RCT52 demonstrating increased willingness to perform
CPR (RR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.40–0.96) after high-frequency,
low-dose training (every-2-weeks video reminder).52
Studies evaluating BLS skill retention demonstrated rapid
decay in BLS skills (eg, chest compression quality and time to
defibrillation) within 3 to 12 months after initial training.18,19
Treatment Recommendations
There is insufficient evidence to recommend the optimum
interval or method for BLS retraining for laypeople.
Because there is evidence of skills decay within 3 to 12
months after BLS training and evidence that frequent training
improves CPR skills, responder confidence, and willingness
to perform CPR, we suggest that individuals likely to encounter cardiac arrest consider more frequent retraining (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place emphasis on the
need for individuals and organizations to determine the importance of BLS skill maintenance, based on their local context
and the feasibility of more frequent training.
The search strategy for this PICO question focused on lay
providers, but the results were considered to be generalizable.
The EIT Task Force debated at length whether to recommend
a specific interval for retraining, but opted to leave this to
the discretion of the organizations involved because the only
evidence is that CPR skills decay before the currently recommended 12- to 24-month retraining intervals.
Knowledge Gaps
• There is limited evidence evaluating the effect of shorter
intervals between BLS courses.
• High-frequency, low-dose training shows some promise,
and could potentially enhance BLS training and reduce
skill decay. More studies are needed to confirm the role
of such training.
• There is significant heterogeneity of initial training,
timing and contents of retraining, and outcomes among
current studies. There is a need for development of
guidelines to ensure uniform testing and reporting in
BLS training and simulation research.
Basic Life Support: Other Considerations
There are several issues that impact the optimal design and
implementation of BLS training within communities. The
ILCOR EIT Task Force chose to focus on PICO questions that
aligned with the GRADE methodology for intervention questions and that could have a relatively immediate impact to help
save more lives or could identify important knowledge gaps
that require further research.
For 2015, the ILCOR EIT Task Force chose to focus on
• Educational
approaches to resuscitation training in
resource-limited settings
• Focused training of likely rescuers for high-risk
• The impact of training communities to use compressiononly CPR
Resource-Limited Settings (EIT 634)
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in a
resource-limited educational setting (P), does any educational
approach (I), compared with other approaches (C), change
clinical outcome, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between
course conclusion and 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of change in clinical outcome and
skill performance in actual resuscitations and the important
outcome of skill performance at 1 year, we found no evidence in low-resource settings.
For the important outcome of skill performance at time
of course conclusion and 1 year, we found very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for serious risk of bias, imprecision,
and possible publication bias) from 2 RCTs.53,54 One study
tested cognitive and skill retention 3 weeks after ALS refresher
training in 3 arms, namely simulation (traditional course format) versus multimedia (computer-based learning) and selfdirected reading.53 In another study, students were tested at 3
and 6 months after training.54 This study involved BLS training
in a traditional course format versus limited instruction (larger
student-to-instructor ratio) and self-directed computer-based
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learning. All modalities were shown to be equivocal or to have
mixed but not constant benefit over traditional format.
For the important outcome of skill performance at
course conclusion, we identified 6 RCTs53–58 and 1 observational study.59 Studies varied significantly in the subject taught
from BLS to ALS, range of participants (paramedic students,
medical students in various stages of training, nursing staff,
general healthcare providers), duration of course, and training methods. Educational strategies included traditional
course format versus computer-based learning, telemedicine,
self-directed reading, limited instruction (larger student-toinstructor ratio), 4-stage skill teaching, video instruction, and
video-based group feedback. Studies ranged from very-lowquality evidence53 (downgraded for serious risk of bias and
imprecision) to moderate-quality evidence55–58 (downgraded
for imprecision).
Because the outcome of skill performance in all 7 studies53–59
demonstrated equivocal or minimal benefit in skill performance compared with traditional course format, we suggest
the possibility of using other training methods for teaching
BLS or ALS. However, the heterogeneity of the studies makes
it unclear what this alternative method might be (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
For the important outcome of cognitive knowledge, we
identified 4 RCTs: 2 were of very low quality (downgraded
for serious risk of bias, imprecision, and possible publication
bias),53,54 1 was of low quality (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision),57 and 1 was of moderate quality (downgraded for imprecision).55 These studies differed in the teaching methods used to compare cognitive outcome, including
simulation (traditional course format), multimedia (computer-based learning), self-directed reading, limited instruction (larger student-to-instructor ratio), and self-directed
computer-based learning. In comparing traditional course
format to alternative teaching strategies for BLS or ALS
training, there were some studies showing slight cognitive
knowledge benefit of various teaching strategies, but no constant benefit over the traditional method, and no studies could
be pooled together to strengthen a recommendation or quality
of evidence.
All of the RCTs included few participants. Therefore, we
suggest the possibility of using alternative educational strategies (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that alternative instructional strategies would be
reasonable for BLS or ALS teaching in low-income countries (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence). The
optimal strategy has yet to be determined.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we consider that cost of
and access to training may play a large role in the ability of
healthcare workers to receive training in BLS and ALS in lowincome countries.
Some of the alternative techniques for BLS or ALS teaching identified in this review may be less expensive and require
less instructor resource than a traditional teaching format, and
may enable wider dissemination of BLS and ALS training in
low-income countries.
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
The heterogeneity of the content taught (eg, BLS versus
ALS), the learner populations, and the different instructional
methods studied in resource-limited settings were challenging to summarize as a single systematic review. As the body
of evidence develops, this PICO question may benefit from
subdivision across content taught, learner populations, and
instructional methods.
Knowledge Gaps
• Educational resources vary from one country to another.
From the studied data in low-resource settings, there is
no one-size-fits-all approach, and therefore, specific educational strategies need to be developed and tested for
specific low-resource countries and settings.
Basic Life Support Training for High-Risk
Populations (EIT 649)
For people at high risk of OHCA (P), does focused training
of likely rescuers (eg, family or caregivers) (I) compared
with no such targeting (C), change survival with favorable
neurologic outcome at discharge, ROSC, bystander CPR performance, number of people trained in CPR, willingness to
provide CPR (O)?
Consensus on Science
We found 32 studies relating to CPR training in likely rescuers
(eg, family or caregivers) of high-risk OHCA groups. These
studies used varying methods for CPR training and assessment of outcomes.
In brief, there is insufficient evidence on patient outcomes
to support or refute the use of training interventions in highrisk groups.60–70 Existing evidence on educational outcomes
suggest likely rescuers are willing to be trained,63,71–77 are
likely to share training with others,71,74,75,78–80 are unlikely to
seek training on their own,63,79 and, after training, are competent in BLS skills and/or knowledge.33,71,73,74,78,81–90
For the critical outcomes of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge and ROSC, we have identified
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 3 RCTs60,61,64 and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 8 non-RCTs.63,65–70,91
The heterogeneous nature of the studies prevents pooling of
data. In individual studies, there were insufficient numbers of
events, with significant loss to follow-up, to be confident in the
direction of the survival estimates, particularly for adult cardiac patients.
The 3 RCTs followed high-risk patients for subsequent
OHCA events and survival as secondary outcomes, so were
not adequately powered for these outcomes.60,61,64 One study
reported 4 out-of-hospital deaths in 65 adult cardiac patients
at 6 months (2/24 in the control group and 2/41 in the CPRtrained group).61 A larger study, which was subject to high loss
to follow-up, documented 13 OHCA events among high-risk
children within 12 months after training of parents and other
caretakers; all of these children were successfully resuscitated,
and all were in the trained groups, with no events reported in
the control group.64 The third RCT reported 71 OHCA events
in the home among 7001 adult high-risk patients with training
(CPR or CPR with AED); survival was 12%, with an indirect
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comparison made to 2% survival for OHCA events in the
home from the literature.60
Eight non-RCTs were of very-low-quality evidence.63,65–70,91 The majority of these studies relied on selfreported outcomes and were subject to high loss to follow-up
or small sample sizes. One study documented higher survival
rates for OHCA events in centers offering CPR training for
high-risk children (28/41, 46%) when compared with centers
offering no training (0/24, 0%); however, it is not reported
whether the parents of OHCA children in either group had any
CPR training, including the CPR training offered.66 Two studies trained the parents of high-risk infants.33,69 The first study
reported 75% survival for 8 OHCA events,24 all with good or
stable neurologic status, and the second study reported 100%
for 7 OHCA events.59 Among adult cardiac patients, who were
followed-up for varying durations after training, there were
very few OHCA events: 1 very small study (n=33) reported no
events or deaths70; 3 studies report single OHCA events during
follow-up after training, all of whom died63,67,68; and 1 study
reported 14 OHCA events and 12 deaths among 97 OHCA
survivors after training (CPR or CPR with AED).65
For the important outcome of bystander CPR performance—subsequent utilization of skills, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision)
from 2 RCTs61,64 and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias) from 7 non-RCTs.63,66–70,91 The heterogeneous
nature of the studies prevents pooling of data. In individual
studies, there were too few events, with significant loss to
follow-up, to be confident in the direction of the estimates,
particularly for adult cardiac patients.
The 2 RCTs followed patients for OHCA events and
bystander CPR.61,64 One study found bystander CPR was not
performed in any of the 4 adult OHCA cardiac-related deaths
(2 in control, 2 in intervention).61 The other study reported 13
OHCA events in high-risk infants, all of whom received CPR
by trained parents, with no OHCAs occurring in the control
Seven non-RCTs followed patients for OHCA events and
determined whether bystander CPR was performed.63,66–70,91
One study documented higher bystander CPR rates for OHCA
events in centers offering CPR training to parents of high-risk
children (28/41, 68%) compared with centers providing no
training (0/24, 0%), but it is not reported whether the parents
in either group were CPR trained.66 Two studies documented
bystander CPR rates of 100% for 13 OHCA events in highrisk infants (bystander CPR status for 1 additional event was
unknown).69,91 In 2 small studies of adult cardiac patients,
there were single OHCA events, and trained individuals were
either not present at the time67 or physically unable to perform
CPR.68 A larger study describes CPR-trained family members
using CPR on 4 occasions; 3 were successful.63
For the important outcome of CPR skills performance
and retention, we identified moderate-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) from 3 RCTs33,71,81 and verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 12
non-RCTs.73,74,78,82–90 Although these studies used different
methods for CPR training and assessment, they consistently
report competent CPR performance and/or knowledge immediately after training,33,73,78,81–90 which is usually retained in the
short term71,73,85,88 but declines over longer periods of followup without retraining or reminders.84
For the important outcome of number of people
trained, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and indirectness) from 2 RCTs71,79 and verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 4
non-RCTs.74,75,78,80 The heterogeneous nature of the studies
prevents pooling of data, but overall the data suggest that family members and caregivers are unlikely to seek training on
their own63,79 but, when trained, are likely to share the training
with others.71,74,75,78
The 2 RCTs examined the question from different perspectives.71,79 The first study reported CPR kit sharing rates by
trained family members of cardiac patients, with a mean of 2.0
(SD ±3.4) additional family members in the continuous chest
compression CPR group versus a mean of 1.2 (SD ±2.2) in the
conventional CPR group (P=0.03).71 In the second study, adult
cardiac patients were more likely to follow prescribed advice
by a physician to purchase a CPR training kit than to take a
traditional CPR class (P=0.0004), although few followed any
advice (12/77 purchased a CPR training kit, and 0/79 underwent CPR training through a traditional CPR class).79
Five non-RCTs also used different methods to examine
the question.63,74,75,78,80 One study targeted 190 OHCA survivors, with 50 of 101 responding, and 20 patients and 71 family members and friends were subsequently trained.80 In 1
study, free mass CPR training sessions were provided, and an
increase in those attending training because of heart disease
after a targeted recruitment campaign (5.6% to 13.2%) was
documented. In 1 study,78 49% shared a CPR DVD with family and/or friends, and in another,75 79% shared the kit with at
least 2 family members/friends. One study documented that
only 18% of untrained family members sought training on
their own in the follow-up period of 21±6 months.63
For the important outcome of willingness to provide
CPR, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias) from 2 RCTs71,76 and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 6 non-RCTs.63,72–75,77
The heterogeneous nature of the studies prevents pooling of
data, but there was a strong signal toward willingness to provide CPR if required in all studies.
Two RCTs71,76 were identified as moderate quality of evidence. The first RCT documented that trainees in the continuous chest compression CPR group were more likely to rate
themselves as very comfortable with the idea of using CPR
skills in actual events than were the conventional CPR trainees (34% versus 28%; P=0.08).71 The second RCT found that
the majority “would absolutely” be willing to perform CPR if
Very-low-quality evidence was identified from 6 nonRCTs.63,72–75,77 In 3 of the studies,63,72,74 the vast majority
of trained individuals stated they would use CPR if needed
(79%–99%), and 1 study reported that all subjects felt neutral to somewhat confident in their comfort with providing
CPR.75 One study reported that 98% of those trained stated
that they “agreed” or that they “maybe” would perform first
aid (including CPR) correctly at 1-year follow-up.72 Another
study found a slight decrease in comfort level with CPR use
within 6 months after training.75
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Treatment Recommendations
We recommend the use of BLS training interventions that
focus on high-risk populations, based on the willingness to be
trained and the fact that there is low harm and high potential
benefit (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place higher value on the
potential benefits of patients receiving CPR by a family member or caregiver, and the willingness of this group to be trained
and to use skills if required. We place lesser value on associated costs and the potential that skills may not be retained
without ongoing CPR training. Because cardiac arrest is life
threatening, the likelihood of benefit is high relative to possible harm.
Knowledge Gaps
There is a need for
• Higher-quality research
• Adequately powered studies
reporting critical clinical
• Studies examining the cost-effectiveness of CPR training for family members of high-risk patients
• Studies examining innovative CPR training versus conventional CPR training (versus no training)
• Studies with standardized/objective methods of assessment for CPR performance (real-time data recording)
Compression-Only CPR Training (EIT 881)
Among communities that are caring for patients in cardiac
arrest in any setting (P), does teaching compression-only CPR
(I), compared with conventional CPR (C), change survival
rates, bystander CPR rates, willingness to provide CPR (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of neurologically intact survival
at hospital discharge, we found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for serious imprecision) from 2 observational
studies (n=1767)92,93 that documented survival to hospital discharge for adults receiving bystander CPR from the
same statewide database; one reported on events of cardiac
origin,92 and the other reported on events of noncardiac
origin.93 Both studies demonstrated no difference in neurologically intact survival (odds ratio [OR], 1.41; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of bystander CPR rates, we
found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for serious
imprecision and serious risk of bias) from 1 observational
study, which showed a higher proportion of bystander CPR
performed with compression-only CPR than with conventional
CPR over the 5-year study period (34.3% versus 28.6%).92
For the important outcome of willingness to perform
CPR, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias, very serious indirectness, and serious imprecision) from 1 randomized trial documenting that
family members of hospitalized adults who were given a compression-only CPR training kit were more likely to express
willingness to perform CPR (34%) than family members
given a conventional CPR training kit, but this difference did
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
not achieve statistical significance (28%; OR, 1.30; 95% CI,
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that communities may train bystanders in compression-only CPR for adult OHCA as an alternative to
training in conventional CPR (weak recommendation, verylow-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we took into account that
willingness to perform bystander CPR in the community may
be increased when compression-only CPR is offered as an
alternative technique.94–97
Accordingly, communities should consider existing
bystander CPR rates and other factors, such as local epidemiology of OHCA and cultural preferences, when deciding on
the optimal community CPR training strategy.
Compression-only CPR instruction has been proposed for
several reasons, including overcoming barriers to providing
CPR, simplicity in delivery so that all lay providers are able to
provide CPR, ease of instruction, etc. Recognizing that a proportion of cardiac arrests are caused by asphyxia (eg, drowning or with cardiac arrests involving children) and in these
cases compression-only CPR may not be as effective as conventional CPR, the EIT Task Force suggests that communities
consider epidemiology of cardiac arrest in their locale, their
bystander CPR response rates, and cultural preferences along
with this systematic review to decide on their optimal community CPR training strategy.
Knowledge Gaps
• Studies
with patient survival outcomes and bystander
CPR rates are needed.
Advanced Life Support Training
ALS training was established in the mid-1970s. Since this
time, the courses have evolved in design and have been
implemented in many different countries, training healthcare workers throughout the world. Unfortunately, the literature suggests that without ongoing education the skills
learned in these courses are lost over a period of months.17,98
There are also increasing pressures from administrators to
justify the time and costs of training away from the clinical
This section addresses issues associated with ALS training and key PICO questions that could supplement learning
and retention of resuscitation skills. If effective and transferable to the clinical environment, these interventions have the
potential to improve healthcare worker performance and help
save lives.
The questions reviewed include
• The
use of precourse preparation to determine if it
improves learning and clinical performance (EIT 637)
• The use of high-fidelity manikins (EIT 623)
• The effect of leadership and team training (EIT 631)
• Determine if there is any evidence for an alternate
retraining interval to affect learning and performance of
healthcare workers (EIT 633)
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Precourse Preparation for Advanced Life Support
Courses (EIT 637)
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational setting (P), does inclusion of specific precourse preparation (eg, eLearning and pretesting) (I), compared with no such
preparation (C), change survival rates, skill performance in
actual resuscitations, cognitive knowledge, skill performance
at course conclusion, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between course conclusion and 1 year (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the important outcomes of skill performance at course
conclusion and cognitive knowledge, we identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 1
RCT enrolling a total of 572 participants showing no benefit
for 1 specific format of precourse preparation (skill: mean
difference, −0.5; 95% CI, −2.81 to 1.81; knowledge: difference in pass rates, 1.8%; P=0.4).98a The study did not evaluate
the impact of precourse preparation on face-to-face or overall course time (eg, when used as part of a blended learning
Treatment Recommendation
The confidence in effect estimates is so low that the task force
decided a specific recommendation for or against precourse
preparation in ALS courses was too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
There is considerable ambiguity about the definition of precourse learning, particularly because some larger published
studies have used a blended learning model (independent
electronic learning coupled with a reduced-duration face-toface course) resulting in similar learning outcomes and substantial cost savings. In the end, the EIT Task Force decided
to focus purely on precourse preparation and remove studies
with hybrid training programs.
Knowledge Gaps
• There is a need for more research in this area, in particular precourse preparation with limited-resource
• This research needs to be conducted across various
groups. Studies could include different courses, different course participant groups (eg, physicians, nurses,
EMTs), and different precourse preparation methodologies (eg, manuals, testing, self-directed learning).
High-Fidelity Manikins in Training (EIT 623)
Among participants undertaking ALS training in an education setting (P), does the use of high-fidelity manikins (I),
compared with the use of low-fidelity manikins (C), change
patient outcomes, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between
course conclusion and 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of skill performance at 1 year, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious
risk of bias) from 1 RCT enrolling a total of 86 participants
showing no benefit for high-fidelity training compared with
low-fidelity training (standardized mean difference [SMD], 0;
95% CI, −0.42 to 0.42).99
For the important outcome of skill performance between
course conclusion and 1 year, we identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from
1 RCT enrolling a total of 47 participants showing no benefit
for high-fidelity training compared with low-fidelity training
(SMD, 0.08; 95% CI, −0.49 to 0.65).100
For the important outcome of skill performance at
course conclusion, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency and imprecision)
from 12 RCTs, enrolling a total of 726 participants showing a
moderate benefit for high-fidelity training compared with lowfidelity training (SMD, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.17–1.03).99–110 This
was supported by very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT enrolling a
total of 34 participants, which trended in the same direction
(SMD, 0.50; 95% CI, −0.19 to 1.18).111
For the important outcome of knowledge at course conclusion, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 8 RCTs enrolling a total
of 773 participants showing no benefit for high-fidelity training compared with low-fidelity training (SMD, 0.15; 95%
CI, −0.05 to 0.34).100–103,108,109,112,113 This was supported by
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency
and imprecision) from 1 non-RCT enrolling a total of 34 participants showing no benefit for high-fidelity training (SMD,
0.26; 95% CI, −0.42 to 0.93).111
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the use of high-fidelity manikins when training
centers/organizations have the infrastructure, trained personnel, and resources to maintain the program (weak recommendations based on very-low-quality evidence).
If high-fidelity manikins are not available, we suggest that
the use of low-fidelity manikins is acceptable for standard
ALS training in an educational setting (weak recommendations based on low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making these recommendations, we took into account the
well-documented, self-reported participant preference for
high-fidelity manikins (versus low-fidelity manikins) and the
likely impact of this preference on willingness to train.98 We
considered the positive impact of skill acquisition at course
completion, as well as the lack of evidence of sustained
impact on the learner. We also considered the relative costs of
high- versus low-fidelity manikins.
High-fidelity manikins can provide physical findings, display vital signs, physiologically respond to interventions (via
computer interface), and enable procedures to be performed
on them (eg, bag-mask ventilation, intubation, intravenous
cannulation).114 When considering physical realism, these
high-fidelity manikins are more expensive but are increasingly
more popular with candidates and faculty.
Determining the treatment recommendation for this
PICO question was challenging because of the marginal
benefits for the intervention. In reviewing the science, it was
clear that there was a benefit to high-fidelity manikins but
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less clear whether the incremental costs justified the added
Knowledge Gaps
Future research should
• Explore
methods for teaching resuscitation educators
how to optimally use high-fidelity simulation to enhance
educational outcomes
• Determine the effect of the various different aspects of
fidelity (manikin, environment, emotional engagement,
etc) on educational outcomes
• Determine the relative importance of debriefing in simulation-based education for ALS courses
• Assess the impact on clinical outcomes and measure
performance outcomes extending beyond the end of the
• Include adequately powered RCTs with sufficient sample size to detect the desired effect in each of the key
Team and Leadership Training (EIT 631)
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational setting (P), does inclusion of specific leadership or
team training (I), compared with no such specific training (C),
change patient outcomes, bystander CPR performance, skill
performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1
year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of patient survival, we found no randomized clinical trials but found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 2 observational studies.115,116 One study documented an increase in hospital survival from pediatric cardiac arrest over a 4-year period
after implementation of a hospital-wide mock code program,
which included team training.115 The other study documented
reduced severity-adjusted surgical mortality in 74 hospitals in
the United States that had implemented a surgical team training program, compared with 34 hospitals that had not introduced such a program.116
For the critical outcome of skill performance in actual
resuscitation, we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from
a single RCT that randomly assigned 32 internal medicine
residents to receive simulation training with a focus on
the role of the resuscitation team leader versus no additional training; there was no effect on CPR quality during
actual resuscitation of patients.117 We also found very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 2 observational
For the important outcome of skill performance at 4
months to 1 year (patient tasks), we found very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and
imprecision) from 2 randomized trials110,120 that showed that
team or leadership training improved CPR hands-on time
and time to initiation of various patient tasks at follow-up
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
For the important outcome of skill performance at 4
months to 1 year (teamwork performance), we found lowquality evidence (downgraded for bias and imprecision) from
a single randomized trial110 and very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) from a single observational
study121 that showed more frequent teamwork behaviors
demonstrated in the teamwork-trained learners at follow-up
For the important outcome of skill performance at 4
months to 1 year (leader performance), we found moderatequality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from a single
randomized trial120 and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from a single observational study122 that showed more frequent leadership behaviors
demonstrated in the leadership-trained learners at follow-up
For the important outcome of skill performance at
course conclusion (patient tasks) (assessed with time to
completion of various patient tasks), we found low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from
8 randomized trials110,120,123–128 and very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 4 observational studies128–131 that showed that team or leadership
training improved CPR hands-on time and time to initiation
of various patient tasks at course conclusion. A dose-response
gradient was found.
For the important outcome of skill performance at course
conclusion (teamwork performance) (assessed with teamwork
score), we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 6 randomized studies110,123–125,127,132
and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, inconsistency, and imprecision) from 3 observational studies121,130,133 that showed that teamwork-trained
learners demonstrated more frequent teamwork behaviors at
course conclusion.
For the important outcome of skill performance at course
conclusion (leader performance), we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 4
randomized studies120,126,128,134 and very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 2 observational studies122,131 that showed that leadership-trained
learners demonstrated more frequent leadership behaviors at
course conclusion.
For the important outcome of cognitive knowledge, we
found no evidence.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that team and leadership training be included as
part of ALS training for healthcare providers (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we have placed emphasis on
the potential benefit, lack of harm, and high level of acceptance of team and leadership training and lesser value on associated costs.
There are many ways that leadership and team behavior
training can be delivered. As such, there was considerable
heterogeneity in the studies analyzed. It was recognized that
there are multiple variables other than direct instruction on
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a life support course that contribute to the development of
leadership skills. There are numerous studies from outside
the medical literature that could have been included, but these
were considered not to be directly relevant to the PICO.
Knowledge Gaps
• Studies relating team and leadership training to patient
outcome are lacking.
Timing for Advanced Resuscitation Training
(EIT 633)
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational
setting (P), does any specific interval for update or retraining
(I), compared with standard practice (ie, 12 or 24 monthly)
(C), change/improve patient outcomes, skill performance in
actual resuscitations, skill performance between course completion and 1 year; skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the important outcome of skill performance at 1 year,
there were 4 studies135–138 using a variety of refresher techniques and unique outcome measures.
The refreshers included a simulation-enhanced booster
7 to 9 months after the course, a commercially available
eLearning tool used monthly, mail-outs of information related
to course objectives or a patient management problem every
3 months, or in situ monthly simulation for 6 months. The
outcome measures respectively used in the 4 studies were a
validated procedural skills and teamwork behavior assessment
tool; a previously validated composite score of a written test
and cardiac arrest simulation test (CASTest); mock arrest,
compression, and ventilation performance with no evidence
provided of validity/reliability of the tools; and the change in
score on the previously validated Clinical Performance Tool
(CPT) and Behavioral Assessment Tool (BAT).
One study used simulation boosters and demonstrated
benefit from the refresher in procedural skills and teamwork
behavior scores (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision).138 The studies that used periodic eLearning and mailings (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) demonstrated
no benefit from the refreshers except in the performance on
mock arrests. Only 1 of the studies related directly to the
research question comparing frequent refreshers to standard
retraining intervals, using manikin-based simulation137; this
study documented better scores on the CPT and equivalent
outcomes for the BAT while using less total time of retraining: 4.5 versus 7.5 hours (low-quality evidence, downgraded
for imprecision).
For the important outcome of skill performance beyond
course completion and before 1 year, there was 1 study
that compared a single refresher using video and self-guided
practice or a single 2-hour hands-on session with no retraining139; it showed no benefit for the refresher (very-low-quality evidence, downgraded for serious bias, indirectness, and
For the important outcome of knowledge, there were 4
studies135,138,139,139a using a variety of refresher techniques, such
as simulation-enhanced booster, video and self-guided practice, knowledge examination, and mock resuscitation training
or mail-outs as described above. The assessment tools varied from those with no reported validity/reliability evidence
to well-described psychometrics in 1 study.139a There was
no benefit of refresher training (very-low-quality evidence,
downgraded for serious bias, indirectness, and imprecision).
Treatment Recommendation
Compared with standard retraining intervals of 12 to 24
months, we suggest that more frequent manikin-based
refresher training for students of ALS courses may be better
to maintain competence (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence). The optimal frequency and duration of this
retraining is yet to be determined.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we consider the rapid decay
in skills after standard ALS training to be of concern for patient
care. Refresher training, in the form of frequent low-dose in
situ training using manikins, offers promise.137 The potential
cost savings of integrating these sessions into daily workflow
rather than removing staff for standard refresher training may
be important, as might a reduced total time of retraining. More
recent literature in resuscitation demonstrates improved learning from “frequent, low-dose” compared with “comprehensive, all-at-once” instruction and a learner preference for this
Ultimately, the question to be asked is, how frequently
should training be delivered? As yet, there is no definitive
answer to this question because it is dependent on the type of
training. For example, it has been shown in another systematic
review (EIT 623) that the use of different types of manikins
can lead to improved outcomes in the short term. However,
there is a paucity of published literature, so there was no consensus within the task force about an overall specified time
Knowledge Gaps
• To
date, studies addressing this PICO question are of
relatively poor quality and limited in sample size, without the use of consistent high-quality assessment tools.
• Larger, multicenter studies might be important to
answer this important educational question, particularly
to determine optimal retraining time periods and costeffectiveness of this model.
• Can initial spaced instruction alter the decay of ALS
• What is the relationship between clinical exposure and
skill maintenance?
The resuscitation literature is heterogeneous in its methods,
quality, and results. Studies conducted decades apart or in
different settings often demonstrate conflicting findings,
making comparisons difficult; yet resuscitation councils are
required to develop evidence-based guidelines for organizations to implement. Past guideline rollouts have demonstrated
that implementation is neither easy nor straightforward and
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can take years to accomplish.141 The barriers to implementing
a guideline within an organization may delay its entry into
practice by years, and modifying caregiver behaviors can take
years longer.141–143 Recognizing this, publishing clinical practice guidelines is not sufficient without including a discussion
of how to implement them.
Implementation: What We Should Do Versus What
We Say We Will Do
It remains unclear which strategies best translate knowledge
into practice. Several barriers delayed implementation of
the 2005 resuscitation guidelines among member organizations of the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium, including
delays in training providers, obtaining training materials and
instructors, reprogramming defibrillators, changing regulatory
frameworks, obtaining agreement from physician leadership,
and conflicting research interests.143 Similar delays were also
demonstrated in Europe.142
This section addresses issues associated with systems of
care for managing cardiac arrest both in- and out- of the hospital; the use of evolving technologies to implement resuscitation; and the use of feedback at the training, individual patient,
and systems levels. The section is also premised on the belief
that resuscitation outcomes will improve if guideline-based
care is implemented and that measurement of actual performance is a necessary component of resuscitation system
The questions reviewed include
• Implementation of guidelines in communities (EIT 641)
• Cardiac arrest centers (EIT 624)
• Social media technologies (EIT 878)
• Measuring performance of resuscitation systems (EIT
• CPR feedback devices in training (EIT 648)
• Debriefing of resuscitation performance (EIT 645)
• MET for adults (EIT 638)
Implementation of Guidelines in Communities
(EIT 641)
Within organizations that provide care for patients in cardiac
arrest in any setting (P), does implementation of resuscitation
guidelines (I), compared with no such use (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, bystander CPR performance, ROSC (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to 180 days with good
neurologic outcome, we found no data.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for imprecision, risk of bias, and indirectness) from 11 observational studies. Seven studies showed that implementation of
resuscitation guidelines improved survival (RR, 1.25; 95% CI,
1.16–1.35),144–150 and 4 studies were neutral.141,142,151,152
For the important outcome of ROSC, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision, risk of
bias, and indirectness) from 10 observational studies. Seven
studies showed that implementation of resuscitation guidelines
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
improved ROSC (RR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.11–1.20),144–150 and 3
studies were neutral.142,151,152
For the important outcome of CPR performance, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision, risk of bias, and indirectness) from 4 observational
studies that implementation of resuscitation guidelines
improved the hands-off ratio of emergency medical services
CPR performance (mean 0.28 versus 0.42).142,145,149,150
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend implementation of resuscitation guidelines
within organizations that provide care for patients in cardiac
arrest in any setting (strong recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this (discordant) recommendation, we placed a
high value on the notion that cardiac arrest care requires coordination of time-sensitive interventions and often involves
care providers who have not worked together before, potentially from multiple agencies or departments; guidelines may
facilitate coordinated action. Despite the very low quality of
evidence, the direction of effect is consistent, and pooled data
are statistically significant and clinically meaningful. A discordant recommendation is justified because cardiac arrest is
life threatening and the likelihood of benefit is high relative to
possible harm.153 We recognize that most of the authors of the
2015 CoSTR are involved in writing resuscitation guidelines
and that this should be considered a potential intellectual conflict of interest.
Knowledge Gaps
• The
optimal treatment components of resuscitation
guidelines are unknown.
• The optimal methods for knowledge translation are
• The optimal methods for implementation are unknown.
Cardiac Arrest Centers (EIT 624)
Adults and children in OHCA (P), does transport to a specialist cardiac arrest center (I), compared with no directed transport (C), change neurologically intact survival at 30 days,
survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome,
survival to hospital discharge, hospital admission, ROSC (O)?
Consensus on Science
There were no RCTs identified that specifically addressed
this question. Of the 26 observational studies included in the
evidence review, there was only 1 prospective study where
survival outcomes in OHCA patients transported to a critical
care medical center were compared with those transported to
a non–critical care hospital.154 There were 10 observational
studies that compared OHCA patient survival outcomes
between hospitals based on various hospital characteristics
such as hospital type, hospital size, hospital location, and
OHCA case volume.155–164 Six observational studies compared OHCA patient survival outcomes before and after the
implementation of a regionalized system of postresuscitation care.165–170 Six observational studies compared patient
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survival outcomes based on transport time to the hospital
and/or direct versus indirect transport to a major center.171–176
One observational study compared OHCA patient outcomes
across hospitals in those patients who received early coronary angiography or reperfusion and induced hypothermia
versus those who did not.156 Two observational studies did
not report any of the patient survival outcomes of interest and hence do not appear in the summary below.177,178
Heterogeneity in study design and inclusion criteria precluded meta-analyses.
For the critical outcome of neurologically intact
survival, we have identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for significant risk of bias and indirectness)
from 12 observational studies enrolling more than 23 000
patients.154,156,158,163,165,167–170,172–174 Three studies examined neurologic intact survival at 30 days.154,170,173 The other 9 studies
reported survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic
outcome.156,158,163,165,167–169,172,174,178a There was an association
between improved neurologic intact survival and patient transport to specialist cardiac arrest centers. The key study reported
improved 30-day neurologically favorable survival (Cerebral
Performance Category ≤2) in OHCA patients transported to a
critical care medical center compared with a non–critical care
hospital (6.7% versus 2.8%; OR, 2.47; 95% CI, 2.02–3.01;
For the important outcome of survival, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for significant risk
of bias and indirectness, with heterogeneity in reported hospital factors associated with differences in patient survival)
from 21 studies with more than 120 000 patients. Three studies examined survival at 30 days,159,161,173 18 studies with
more than 120 000 patients reported survival to hospital
discharge,155–160,163,164,166,168–172,174–176 and 1 study reported survival at 4.6 years.162
There was an association with survival and transport to
a cardiac arrest center; however, the specific hospital factors
most related to patient outcome were inconsistent in these
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that OHCA patients should be considered for
transport to a specialist cardiac arrest center as part of wider
regional system of care for management of patients with
OHCA (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we recognize the development of cardiac arrest centers may be considered as a health
improvement initiative, as has been performed for other critical conditions, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and
major trauma, without the evidence of randomized trials.
Knowledge Gaps
• What are the precise differences in postresuscitation care
received at cardiac arrest centers compared with non–
cardiac arrest centers?
• The safe journey time or distance for patient transport
under various conditions is unknown.
• The essential treatments that a cardiac resuscitation center should offer need to be defined.
• What is the role of secondary transport from receiving
hospital to a regional center?
• Is there sufficient clinical equipoise to conduct an RCT
of standard care versus transport to a cardiac resuscitation center?
Social Media Technologies (EIT 878)
For OHCA (P), does having a citizen CPR responder notified
of the event via technology or social media (I), compared with
no such notification (C), change survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge,
hospital admission, ROSC, bystander CPR rates, time to first
compressions (O)?
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical outcomes. We identified 1 RCT that addressed the important outcome of bystander CPR rates.
For the outcome of bystander CPR rates, we identified
high-quality evidence from 1 RCT178b involving a mobilephone positioning system which alerted lay responders
within 500 m of a suspected OHCA, demonstrating a rate of
bystander-initiated CPR of 62% (188 of 305 patients) in the
intervention group versus a rate of 48% (172 of 360 patients)
in a control group which did not receive such alerts, with an
absolute difference of 14% (95% CI, 6-21; P<0.001).
For the outcome of time to first shock, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
indirectness) from 1 case series (n=76) involving text-message alerts to lay responders within 1000 m of a suspected
cardiac arrest demonstrating a median call to first shock time
of 8 minutes (interquartile range, 6:35–9:49 minutes).179 In
the same study, the median time from call to first shock when
emergency medical services personnel arrived first was 10:39
minutes (interquartile range, 8:18–13:23 minutes).
For the outcome of first responder on scene, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and indirectness) from 1 case series involving computergenerated phone calls and text messages to lay responders
within 500 m of a suspected cardiac arrest, demonstrating that
responders notified via this system arrived first in 44.6% of
suspected cardiac arrest episodes, compared with emergency
medical services providers in 55.4% of the episodes.180
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that individuals in close proximity to suspected
OHCA episodes who are willing and able to perform CPR
be notified of the event via technology or social media (weak
recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place value on the timesensitive benefit of CPR and AED use in OHCA and the limitations of optimized emergency medical services systems to
improve response times. We also recognize that there are individuals willing and able to provide BLS in most communities
and these novel technologies can engage these individuals in
the response to cardiac arrest outside the hospital. Although
the evidence available to support this treatment recommendation is sparse, the relative benefits versus harms are judged to
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be in favor of the recommendation. Research into the effectiveness of these interventions is justified and required.
Knowledge Gaps
• What is the impact of notified versus unnotified bystander
responses on clinically meaningful patient outcomes
such as survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to hospital discharge, survival to
hospital admission, and ROSC?
• What is the impact of notified versus unnotified
bystander responses on bystander CPR rates and time to
first compressions?
Measuring Performance of Resuscitation Systems
(EIT 640)
Among resuscitation systems caring for patients in cardiac
arrest in any setting (P), does a performance measurement
system (I), compared with no system (C), change survival to
hospital discharge, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
survival to admission, system-level variables (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome survival to hospital discharge—
OHCA, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and inconsistency) from
4 observational studies enrolling 6983 patients.181–184 One of
these studies contributed a disproportional number of patients
(6331).181 Heterogeneity prevented calculating a pooled effect
and limited our confidence in the individual effects. Individual
effects appear weakly in favor of quality measurement.
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge—in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA), we identified
low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness, imprecision, and inconsistency) from 2 observational studies enrolling 318 patients showing no benefit in survival to hospital
discharge (data cannot be pooled).185,186 One study showed a
modest improvement in neurologic outcomes.186 There was
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness,
imprecision, and inconsistency) from 3 observational timeseries studies enrolling 105 003 patients.187–189 One of these
studies contributed a disproportional number of patients
(104 732).187 Heterogeneity prevented calculation of a pooled
effect. Individual effects were in favor of quality measurement
in 2 studies187,188 and showed no effect for the third study.189
For the important outcome of chest compression depth,
we have identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and inconsistency) from 3 observational studies enrolling 990 patients.182,185,186 Heterogeneity prevented
calculating a pooled effect and limited our confidence in the
individual effects. Individual effects appear weakly in favor of
quality measurement.
For the important outcome of chest compression rate, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and inconsistency) from 6 observational studies, enrolling 1020 patients in 4 of the studies, and an unreported number in 2 others.182–186,189 Heterogeneity prevented calculating
a pooled effect and limited our confidence in the individual
effects. Three of the studies appear to weakly favor quality
measurement, whereas 3 showed no effect.
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
For the important outcome of other system variables,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness) from 1 human observational study shows defibrillator-equipped resource response time decreased to 5.3
minutes from 6.7 minutes when an optimization strategy was
implemented.181 Across studies, the direction of the effect was
consistent, and at times the effect size was large and statistically significant. There is no evidence that data collection and
feedback are deleterious to patients in any way.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the use of performance measurement and quality improvement initiatives in organizations that treat cardiac
arrest (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place greater value on
the potential for lives saved and the idea that you can only
improve what you can measure, and lesser value on the
costs associated with performance measurement and quality
improvement interventions.
Once new guidelines have been approved and frontline
providers trained, their real-life integration is often overlooked. Assessing clinical performance and using a system to
continuously assess and improve quality can improve compliance with guidelines.
Knowledge Gaps
There is a need to
• Identify
the most appropriate approach to measure
• Better understand the influence of local community and
organizational characteristics
CPR Feedback Devices in Training (EIT 648)
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in an
educational setting (P), does CPR feedback device use (I),
compared with no use of CPR feedback devices (C), change/
improve patient outcomes, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at
course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of improvement of patient outcomes and skill performance at actual resuscitation, we
found no evidence that examined the use of feedback devices.
For the important outcome of skill performance at 1 year,
we found 5 studies (low-quality evidence downgraded for
imprecision, inconsistency, and risk of bias) that retested subjects after a period of time (6 weeks to 12 months) and showed
substantial decay in skills irrespective of whether a feedback
device was used.50,191,192,211,214 Meta-analysis was not possible.
For the important outcome of skill performance at
course conclusion, we found 28 low-quality studies (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) that
demonstrated some limited improvement in CPR quality.50,191–217 Compression depth, compression rate, chest recoil,
hand placement, hands-off time, and ventilation were used as
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markers of CPR quality. Heterogeneous reporting prevented
some meta-analyses.
There were 23 directive feedback studies50,191–207,212–216
showing that in comparison with no feedback devices, the use
of feedback devices
• Had
no effect on mean depth (SMD, −0.10; 95% CI,
−0.58 to 0.39; P=0.70).
• Increased the number of participants able to compress to
the correct depth (OR, 3.47; 95% CI, 2.55–4.73; P<0.001).
• Was associated with a compression rate closer to 100/
min, and increased number of subjects compressed at the
correct rate (OR, 4.10; 95% CI, 2.81–6.00; P<0.001).
• Volume and rate of ventilations improved in the majority
of studies.
• Hand placement was not shown to improve (1.38; 95%
CI, 0.88–2.15; P=0.16), but recoil was (OR, 1.63; 95%
CI, 1.10–2.42; P=0.02).
Five tonal guidance studies improved compression rate
(OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.13–2.64; P=0.01).208–211,217 One study
showed statistically significantly reduced mean compression
depth, but this may not be clinically significant (39.3±9.5 mm
to 35.8±8.2 mm; P<0.01).208 Two other studies showed a nonsignificant increase in the proportion of participants unable
to perform compressions to adequate depth (OR, 1.23; 95%
CI, 0.87–1.74; P=0.24).209,210 Two neonatal studies showed
improved compliance with chest compression rates and manual inflation rates, but results were limited to certain pieces of
music (“Radetzkymarsch”211 and ABBA’s “SOS”217).
For the important outcome of improvement of cognitive
knowledge, we found no evidence that examined the use of
feedback devices.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the use of feedback devices that provide directive
feedback on compression rate, depth, release, and hand position during training (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence). If feedback devices are not available, we suggest the
use of tonal guidance (examples include music or metronome)
during training to improve compression rate only (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Unfortunately, several of the tonal studies identified compression depth decreasing as the participant focused on the rate.
The positive effect of real-time feedback devices on CPR performance was found only at the end of training.
In making these recommendations, a higher value was
placed on the potential of improving CPR performance over the
potential costs. Used by BLS instructors, these real-time feedback adjuncts can provide accurate participant performance
information to give effective feedback during training.202
Real-time directive feedback devices provide immediate feedback on performance, including depth, rate, hand
placement, and release. Guidance feedback devices are tonal
devices that only prompt rate.
Knowledge Gaps
• The
effectiveness of different types of feedback is
• What is the role of instructors in combination with the
use of real-time feedback devices?
• The effect of real-time feedback on performance of ven-
tilations (currently limited by available technology) is
• The effect of real-time feedback on psychomotor skill
retention, attainment of cognitive knowledge, performance in actual resuscitations, and patient outcomes is
Debriefing of Resuscitation Performance (EIT 645)
Among rescuers who are caring for patients in cardiac arrest
in any setting (P), does briefing or debriefing (I), compared
with no briefing or debriefing (C), change survival, skill performance in actual resuscitations, improve quality of resuscitation (eg, reduce hands-off time), cognitive knowledge (O)?
Consensus on Science
There were no RCTs and no studies comparing briefing as the
sole intervention. Data from 2 in-hospital observational beforeafter studies, 1 in adults185 and 1 in pediatrics,186 involving a total
318 patients and 2494 epochs of chest compressions demonstrate improved outcomes after implementation of a data-driven,
performance-focused debriefing program for resuscitation team
members using CPR-quality defibrillator transcripts.
For the critical outcome of survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge in in-hospital cardiac arrest
(IHCA), very-low-quality data (downgraded for imprecision)
demonstrated an improvement with debriefing from 28.8% to
50.0% (RR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.04–2.43).
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency) yielded an insignificant improvement from 17% to
18.8% (RR, 1.35; 95% CI, 0.81–2.1).
For the critical outcome of ROSC, low-quality evidence
associated the intervention with an increase of 54.7% to
66.5% (RR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.06–1.41).
For the critical outcomes of compression depth and compression rate within target range, moderate-quality data
(upgraded for strong association) demonstrated an improvement for both (RR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.15–1.21 and RR, 1.25;
95% CI, 1.21–1.29, respectively).
For these same outcomes in the out-of-hospital setting, the
quality of evidence was further downgraded for indirectness,
resulting in very-low-quality evidence for the 3 survival outcomes and low-quality evidence for the 2 process outcomes.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend data-driven, performance-focused debriefing
of rescuers after IHCA in both adults and children (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence). We suggest data-driven,
performance-focused debriefing of rescuers after OHCA in
both adults and children (weak recommendation, very-lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making the discordant recommendation for IHCA, we
have placed a high value on the consistency and precision
of the improvement in CPR quality and short-term survival
as the proximal end points of the educational intervention.
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We have placed a lesser value on the potential costs of
Knowledge Gaps
• The benefit of data-driven, performance-focused debriefing for OHCA is unknown.
ideal format in which data-driven, performancefocused debriefing is delivered is unknown.
• The proper source of objective data for data-driven,
performance-focused debriefing (eg, CPR-quality transcript, video) needs to be determined.
• The optimal duration of data-driven, performancefocused debriefing is unknown.
• The most effective interval between event and datadriven, performance-focused debriefing remains to be
• The
Medical Emergency Teams (MET) for
Adults (EIT 638)
Among adults who are at risk for cardiac or respiratory arrest
in the hospital (P), does use of the Early Warning Score
(EWS)/response teams/MET systems (I), compared with no
such responses (C), change survival to hospital discharge,
in-hospital incidence of cardiac/respiratory arrest, survival to
hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome (O)?
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of survival to hospital discharge,
we have found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and inconsistency) from 2 RCTs218,219 and very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency,
and indirectness) from 33 non-RCTs.220–252 Of the 2 RCTs,
one demonstrated no significant difference between control
hospitals (functioned as usual) and intervention hospitals
(introduced a MET team) for both unadjusted (P=0.564; Diff,
−0.093; 95% CI, −0.423 to 0.237) and adjusted (P=0.752;
OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.84–1.28) survival.218 The other study
demonstrated a significant difference between control wards
and intervention wards (introduction of a critical care outreach service) with all patients (OR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.50–
0.97), and matched randomized patients (OR, 0.52; 95% CI,
0.32–0.85).219 Of the 33 nonrandomized studies reporting
mortality, no studies reported statistically significant worse
outcomes for the intervention; 15 studies with no adjustment demonstrated no significant improvement220–234; 6
studies with no adjustment demonstrated significant improvement235–240; 1 study with no adjustment reported on rates,
which improved with MET, but did not report on significance241; 1 study with no adjustment demonstrated significant
improvement for medical patients but not surgical patients
(combined significance not reported)242; 4 studies with adjustment demonstrated significant improvement both before and
after adjustment243,244,250,252; 2 studies with adjustment demonstrated no significant improvement both before and after
adjustment245,246; 2 studies with adjustment demonstrated
significant improvement before adjustment but not after
adjustment247,251; 1 study with adjustment demonstrated significant improvement before adjustment but not after adjustment27; 1 study that reported on both unexpected mortality
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
and overall mortality showed significant improvement both
before and after adjustment for unexpected mortality but no
significant improvement both before and after adjustment for
overall mortality249; and 1 before-after study that presented
“after” data for unexpected mortality in 3 separate time bands
demonstrated significant improvement in time band 3 before
adjustment and in time bands 2 and 3 after adjustment.248 The
heterogeneous nature of the studies prevents pooling of data;
however, there is a suggestion of improved hospital survival
in those hospitals that introduce a MET service, and a suggestion of a dose-response effect, with higher-intensity systems
(eg, higher MET calling rates, senior medical staff on MET
teams) being more effective.
For the critical outcome of in-hospital incidence of cardiac/
respiratory arrest, we found low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 RCT218 and very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and indirectness) from 31 further non-RCTs.220,221,224,225,227–230,232–247,249,250,253–256
For the 1 RCT,218 no significant difference between control hospitals and intervention hospitals, both unadjusted (P=0.306; Diff,
−0.208; 95% CI, −0.620 to 0.204) and adjusted (P=0.736; OR,
0.94; 95% CI, 0.79–1.13), was demonstrated. Of the 31 observational studies reporting on cardiac arrest rates, 1 before-after
study using an aggregated weighted scoring system (Modified
Early Warning Score [MEWS]) reported significantly higher
cardiac arrest rates in MEWS bands 3 to 4 after intervention, but
not in MEWS bands 0 to 2 or 5 to 15, and overall cardiac arrest
rate significance was not reported232; 7 studies with no adjustment demonstrated no significant improvement in cardiac arrest
rates after the introduction of a MET system224,225,228–230,233,234; 15
studies with no adjustment demonstrated significant improvement in cardiac arrest rates after the introduction of a MET
system220,221,227,235,236,238,239,241–244,247,253–256; 5 studies with adjustment
demonstrated significant improvement in cardiac arrest rates after
the introduction of a MET system both before and after adjustment237,240,250,252,256; 1 study with contemporaneous controls demonstrated no significant improvement in cardiac arrest rates after the
introduction of a MET system both before and after adjustment246;
1 study with adjustment demonstrated significant improvement
before adjustment for whole of hospital and non–intensive care
unit (ICU) cardiac arrest rates, but only for non-ICU cardiac arrest
rates after adjustment245; and 1 before-after study that presented
“after” unadjusted data for cardiac arrest in 3 separate time bands
demonstrated significant improvement in time bands 2 and 3.249
The heterogeneous nature of the studies prevents pooling of data.
However, there is a suggestion of a reduced incidence of cardiac/
respiratory arrest in those hospitals that introduce a MET service,
and a suggestion of a dose-response effect, with higher-intensity
systems (eg, higher MET calling rates, senior medical staff on
MET teams) being more effective.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that hospitals consider the introduction of an
EWS/response team/MET system to reduce the incidence of
IHCA and in-hospital mortality (weak recommendation, lowquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
This recommendation places a high value on the outcomes—the
prevention of IHCA and death—relative to the likely substantial
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cost of the system. Such a system should provide a system of care
that includes (a) staff education about the signs of patient deterioration; (b) appropriate and regular vital signs monitoring of
patients; (c) clear guidance (eg, via calling criteria or early warning scores) to assist staff in the early detection of patient deterioration; (d) a clear, uniform system of calling for assistance; and (e)
a clinical response to calls for assistance. The best method for the
delivery of these components is unclear.98 The “Recommended
Guidelines for Monitoring, Reporting, and Conducting Research
on Medical Emergency Team, Outreach, and Rapid Response
Systems: An Utstein-Style Scientific Statement”257 should be
used by hospitals to collect the most meaningful data to optimize
system interventions and improve clinical outcomes.
Knowledge Gaps
• What
are the ideal components of the “afferent limb”
of a rapid response system, eg, which vital signs, observations, and/or laboratory parameters, and with what
• What are the ideal components of an education program
in the recognition of a deteriorating patient?
• What is the ideal mechanism for escalation for assistance
(eg, conventional escalation versus automated electronic
• What is the ideal makeup of the efferent limb (the
response team)?
We thank the following individuals (the Education, Implementation,
and Teams Chapter Collaborators) for their collaborations on the
systematic reviews contained in this section: Janet E. Bray, Jan
Breckwoldt, Steven C. Brooks, Adam Cheng, Aaron J. Donoghue,
Jonathan P. Duff, Dana P. Edelson, Henrik Fischer, Elaine Gilfoyle,
Ming-Ju Hsieh, David A. Kloeck, Patrick Ko, Marion Leary,
Theresa M. Olasveengen, Jon C. Rittenberger, Robert D. Schultz,
Dion Stub, Zuzana Triska, Traci A. Wolbrink, Chih-Wei Yang, and
Joyce Yeung.
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Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
2015 CoSTR Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams: Writing Group Disclosures
Writing Group
Research Grant
Expert Ownership
Farhan Bhanji
McGill University
Judith C. Finn
Curtin University
Blair Bigham
Heart and Stroke Foundation
of Canada
John E. Billi
The University of Michigan
Medical School
Waikato District
Health Board
Robert Greif
Anesthesiology and Pain
Journal Trends in
Anesthesia and
Critical Care; Editor
in chief*
Taku Iwami
Kyoto University Health
Andrew Lockey
European Resuscitation
Huei-Ming Ma
National Taiwan University
Mary E. Mancini
The University of Texas at
Mary Ann
University of Minnesota
Antwerp University Hospital
Zoll Medical*;
Vinay M.
Children’s Hospital
Zoll Foundation/
Laerdal Medical*
University of Calgary
Emergency Medicine
Robert Frengley
Eddy Lang
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of
the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding
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CoSTR Part 8: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 8
EIT 623
Manikins in
Among participants undertaking ALS training in an education setting (P), does the
use of high-fidelity manikins (I), compared with the use of low-fidelity manikins
(C), change patient outcomes, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill
performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between course conclusion and
1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Adam Cheng,
Andy Lockey
Part 8
EIT 624
Cardiac Arrest
Adults and children in OHCA (P), does transport to a specialist cardiac arrest
center (I), compared with no directed transport (C), change neurologically intact
survival at 30 days, survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome,
survival to hospital discharge, hospital admission, ROSC (O)?
Judith Finn,
Dion Stub
Part 8
EIT 628
Timing for BLS
Among students who are taking BLS courses (P), does any specific interval for
update or retraining (I), compared with standard practice (ie, 12 or 24 monthly)
(C), change patient outcomes, skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill
performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive
knowledge (O)?
Taku Iwami,
Part 8
EIT 631
Team and
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational setting (P), does
inclusion of specific leadership or team training (I), compared with no such
specific training (C), change patient outcomes, bystander CPR performance,
skill performance in actual resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill
performance at course conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Koen Monsieurs,
Elaine Gilfoyle
Part 8
EIT 633
Timing for
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational setting (P), does
any specific interval for update or retraining (I), compared with standard practice
(ie, 12 or 24 monthly) (C), change/improve patient outcomes, skill performance
in actual resuscitations, skill performance between course completion and
1 year; skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion,
cognitive knowledge (O)?
Matthew Ma,
Chih-Wei Yang,
Farhan Bhanji
Part 8
EIT 634
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in a resource-limited
educational setting (P), does any educational approach (I), compared with
other approaches (C), change clinical outcome, skill performance in actual
resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between
course conclusion and 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive
knowledge (O)?
David Kloeck,
Traci Wolbrink
Part 8
EIT 637
Preparation for
Advanced Life
Support Courses
Among students who are taking ALS courses in an educational setting (P), does
inclusion of specific precourse preparation (eg, eLearning and pretesting) (I),
compared with no such preparation (C), change survival rates, skill performance
in actual resuscitations, cognitive knowledge, skill performance at course
conclusion, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at time between
course conclusion and 1 year (O)?
Andy Lockey,
Mary Mancini,
John Billi
Part 8
EIT 638
Emergency Teams
for Adults
Among adults who are at risk for cardiac or respiratory arrest in the hospital (P),
does use of the Early Warning Score (EWS)/response teams/MET systems (I),
compared with no such responses (C), change survival to hospital discharge,
in-hospital incidence of cardiac/respiratory arrest, survival to hospital discharge
with good neurologic outcome (O)?
Mary Mancini,
Robert Frengley
Part 8
EIT 640
Performance of
Among resuscitation systems caring for patients in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does a performance measurement system (I), compared with no system (C),
change survival to hospital discharge, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
survival to admission, system-level variables (O)?
Blair Bigham,
Robert Schultz
Part 8
EIT 641
of Guidelines in
Within organizations that provide care for patients in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does implementation of resuscitation guidelines (I), compared with no such
use (C), change survival to 180 days with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, bystander CPR performance, ROSC (O)?
Jon Rittenberger,
Patrick Ko
Part 8
EIT 645
Debriefing of
Among rescuers who are caring for patients in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does briefing or debriefing (I), compared with no briefing or debriefing (C),
change survival, skill performance in actual resuscitations, improve quality of
resuscitation (eg, reduce hands-off time), cognitive knowledge (O)?
Robert Greif,
Dana Edelson
Part 8
EIT 647
CPR Instruction
Methods (SelfInstruction Versus
Among students who are taking BLS courses in an educational setting (P), does
video or computer self-instructions (I), compared with traditional instructorled courses (C), change survival, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive
knowledge (O)?
Ming-Ju Hsieh,
Matthew Ma,
Judy Young
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Bhanji et al
Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams
CoSTR Part 8: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Part 8
EIT 648
CPR Feedback
Devices in
Among students who are taking BLS or ALS courses in an educational setting
(P), does CPR feedback device use (I), compared with no use of CPR feedback
devices (C), change improve patient outcomes, skill performance in actual
resuscitations, skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course
conclusion, cognitive knowledge (O)?
Joyce Yeung,
Mary Ann McNeil
Part 8
EIT 649
Basic Life Support
Training for HighRisk Populations
For people at high risk of OHCA (P), does focused training of likely rescuers
(eg, family or caregivers) (I) compared with no such targeting (C), change
survival with favorable neurologic outcome at discharge, ROSC, bystander CPR
performance, number of people trained in CPR, willingness to provide CPR (O)?
Janet Bray,
Marion Leary
Part 8
EIT 651
AED Training
Among students who are taking AED courses in an educational setting (P), does
any specific training intervention (I), compared with traditional lecture/practice
sessions (C), change clinical outcome, skill performance in actual resuscitations,
skill performance at 1 year, skill performance at course conclusion, cognitive
knowledge, use of AEDs (O)?
Jan Breckwoldt,
Henrik Fischer
Part 8
EIT 878
Social Media
For OHCA (P), does having a citizen CPR responder notified of the event via
technology or social media (I), compared with no such notification (C), change
survival to hospital discharge with good neurologic outcome, survival to
hospital discharge, hospital admission, ROSC, bystander CPR rates, time to first
compressions (O)?
Zuzana Triska,
Steven Brooks
Part 8
EIT 881
CPR Training
Among communities that are caring for patients in cardiac arrest in any setting
(P), does teaching compression-only CPR (I), compared with conventional CPR
(C), change survival rates, bystander CPR rates, willingness to provide CPR (O)?
Jonathan Duff,
Aaron Donoghue
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MH, Perkins GD, Rodgers DL, Hazinski MF, Jacobs I, Morley PT;
Education, Implementation, and Teams Chapter Collaborators. Part 12:
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on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular
Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation.
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20. Travers AH, Perkins GD, Berg RA, Castren M, Considine J, Escalante R,
Gazmuri RJ, Koster RW, Lim SH, Nation KJ, Olasveengen TM, Sakamoto
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on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
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KEY WORDS: automated external defibrillator ◼ cardiopulmonary resuscitation
◼ medical emergency team ◼ training
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Part 8: Education, Implementation, and Teams: 2015 International Consensus on
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With
Treatment Recommendations
Farhan Bhanji, Judith C. Finn, Andrew Lockey, Koenraad Monsieurs, Robert Frengley, Taku
Iwami, Eddy Lang, Matthew Huei-Ming Ma, Mary E. Mancini, Mary Ann McNeil, Robert
Greif, John E. Billi, Vinay M. Nadkarni, Blair Bigham and on behalf of the Education,
Implementation, and Teams Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S242-S268
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000277
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Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
With Treatment Recommendations
Part 9: First Aid
2015 International Consensus on First Aid Science With Treatment
Eunice M. Singletary, Co-Chair*; David A. Zideman, Co-Chair*; Emmy D.J. De Buck;
Wei-Tien Chang; Jan L. Jensen; Janel M. Swain; Jeff A. Woodin; Ian E. Blanchard;
Rita A. Herrington; Jeffrey L. Pellegrino; Natalie A. Hood; Luis F. Lojero-Wheatley;
David S. Markenson; Hyuk Jun Yang; on behalf of the First Aid Chapter Collaborators
Definition of First Aid
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
(ILCOR) First Aid Task Force first met in June 2013.
Comprising nominated members from around the globe
appointed by each ILCOR member organization, the task force
members first agreed to the goals of first aid and produced a
definition of first aid as it might apply to the international setting. Task force members considered an agreed-upon definition
essential for the subsequent development of research questions, evidence evaluation, and treatment recommendations.
First aid is defined as the helping behaviors and initial
care provided for an acute illness or injury. First aid can be
initiated by anyone in any situation.
A first aid provider is defined as someone trained in first
aid who should
• Recognize, assess, and prioritize the need for first aid
• Provide care by using appropriate competencies
• Recognize limitations, and seek additional care when
The goals of first aid are to preserve life, alleviate suffering, prevent further illness or injury, and promote recovery.
This definition of first aid addresses the need to recognize injury and illness, the requirement to develop a specific
skill base, and the need for first aid providers to simultaneously provide immediate care and activate emergency medical services (EMS) or other medical care as required. First
aid assessments and interventions should be medically sound
and based on evidence-based medicine or, in the absence of
such evidence, on expert medical consensus. The scope of
first aid is not purely scientific, as both training and regulatory requirements will influence it. Because the scope of
first aid varies among countries, states, and provinces, the
treatment recommendations contained herein may need to
be refined according to circumstances, need, and regulatory
One difference between this 2015 definition and that used
for the 2010 process is that the task force did not restrict first
aid to “assessments and interventions that can be performed…
with minimal or no equipment.” We acknowledge that, in most
cases, equipment might not be available to first aid providers,
particularly for bystanders and lay providers. However, the
First Aid Task Force noted that, in some countries, supplementary first aid supplies now include inexpensive and compact pulse oximeters, glucose meters, and other adjuncts never
before considered to be in the realm of first aid. In the 2015
treatment recommendations, we have striven to remain true to
the “minimal or no equipment” approach, but recognize that
addition of equipment, used by those trained to use and maintain it, may enhance care.
The task force strongly believes that education in first aid
should be universal: everyone can and should learn first aid.
How and Why Topics Were Chosen
In the autumn of 2012, ILCOR approved the First Aid Task
Force as a fully participating task force in the 2015 ILCOR
international evidence evaluation and appointed 2 international co-chairs. In the spring of 2013, each member council
of ILCOR nominated individuals for membership in the First
Aid Task Force. In addition to the co-chairs, 11 task force
members were appointed, representing the ILCOR member
organizations of the American Heart Association (AHA), the
European Resuscitation Council (ERC), the Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada, the Australian Resuscitation Council,
the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, and the Resuscitation
Council of Asia. Members included physicians specializing
in anesthesia, critical care/resuscitation, emergency medicine,
cardiology, internal medicine, and pediatric emergency medicine, as well as paramedics specializing in prehospital care
guideline development, specialists in first aid course education
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Singletary EM, Zideman DA, De Buck EDJ, Chang WT, Jensen
JL, Swain JM, Woodin JA, Blanchard IE, Herrington RA, Pellegrino JL, Hood NA, Lojero-Wheatley LF, Markenson DS, Yang HJ; on behalf of the
First Aid Chapter Collaborators. Part 9: first aid: 2015 International Consensus on First Aid Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation.
2015;132(suppl 1):S269–S311.
*Co-chairs and equal first co-authors.
This article has been co-published in Resuscitation. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
(Circulation. 2015;132[suppl 1]:S269–S311. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000278.)
© 2015 American Heart Association, Inc., European Resuscitation Council, and International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation.
Circulation is available at
DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000278
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October 20, 2015
and curriculum development, and a specialist in first aid evidence evaluation methodology and guideline development.
The task force convened in June 2013 to review the topics and questions that were evaluated in 2005 and 2010, past
research questions formulated in the PICO style (population,
intervention, comparator, outcomes) that were never completed, and the new questions that had been submitted since
2010 to the task force, and a priority list created. Topics were
reviewed for areas of controversy, known additional new science, and subject matter not previously evaluated. Task force
members created a priority list for review, and the top 10 priority-ranked PICO questions were assigned. After the successful commencement of the workflow, the task force co-chairs
added a further 12 PICO questions, including 5 new questions,
1 derived question, and 6 that had been previously reviewed.
Selected PICO questions that had been previously reviewed
were, in some cases, reworded to facilitate literature searches,
and outcomes were decided upon by group consensus.
Evidence reviewers were recruited through a call for volunteers distributed by ILCOR to stakeholder organizations around
the world. More than 30 individual reviewers were assigned
to topics, usually by preference or expertise, but avoiding any
direct conflicts of interest. In general, 2 evidence reviewers
were assigned to each PICO, supervised by a member of the
task force designated as the task force question owner. Evidence
reviewers included physicians with diverse specialties including
emergency medicine, EMS, wilderness medicine, critical care,
cardiology, occupational medicine, toxicology, anesthesia, pediatric emergency medicine, public health, and epidemiology, as
well as paramedics, nurse practitioners and first aid education
specialists with experience in guideline and curriculum development, and professional evidence evaluation and methodology
The Evidence Evaluation Process
For the 2015 international evidence evaluation process, the
AHA developed a new Web-based information and documentation platform, the Systematic Evidence Evaluation and
Review System (SEERS), to support the ILCOR systematic
reviews and to capture the data in reusable formats. This Webbased system facilitated structured reviews in a consistent format that would support the ultimate development of science
summaries and evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Each task force performed a detailed systematic review
based on the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of
the National Academies,1 using the methodological approach
proposed by the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group.2 After
identifying and prioritizing the PICO questions to be addressed,3
and with the assistance of information specialists, a detailed
search for relevant articles was performed in each of 3 online
databases (PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library).
By using detailed inclusion and exclusion criteria, articles
were screened for further evaluation. The reviewers for each
question created a reconciled risk of bias assessment for each
of the included studies, using state-of-the-art tools: Cochrane
for randomized controlled trials (RCTs),4 Quality Assessment
of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS)-2 for studies of
diagnostic accuracy,5 and GRADE for observational studies
that inform both therapy and prognosis questions.6
GRADE evidence profile tables7 were then created to
facilitate an evaluation of the evidence in support of each of
the critical and important outcomes. The quality of the evidence (or confidence in the estimate of the effect) was categorized as high, moderate, low, or very low,8 based on the
study methodologies and the 5 core GRADE domains of risk
of bias, inconsistency, indirectness, imprecision, and other
considerations (including publication bias).9
The GRADE evidence profile tables were then used to
create a written summary of evidence for each outcome (the
consensus on science statements). Whenever possible, consensus-based treatment recommendations were then created.
These recommendations (designated as strong or weak) were
accompanied by an overall assessment of the evidence and a
statement from the task force about the values and preferences
that underlie the recommendations. Strong recommendations
use the words “we recommend,” and weak recommendations
use the words “we suggest.”
Further details of the methodology that underpinned the
evidence evaluation process are found in “Part 2: Evidence
Evaluation and Management of Conflicts of Interest.”
The learning curve for use of the GRADE evidence
evaluation methodology was steep and resulted in a total of
22 PICO questions, including 6 new questions, being completed by the task force before the ILCOR 2015 International
Consensus Conference on CPR and ECC Science With
Treatment Recommendations in February 2015. The remaining topics not reviewed for 2015 have since been reprioritized,
with the addition of several new questions that were identified
during the ILCOR 2015 work process.
Very little research has been conducted in first aid, and most
of the recommendations are extrapolations from research in the
prehospital or hospital setting. The selected methodology for
evaluation of the literature led to the elimination of lower-quality
data from animal studies, case series, and case reports, except for
topics where no human studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria. These more stringent requirements led to the inclusion of studies with a higher initial quality of evidence, but most
studies were eventually downgraded due to indirectness for the
first aid setting. The gaps in knowledge have been identified by
the evidence reviewers and summarized at the end of each treatment recommendation. It is our hope that these knowledge gaps
will be filled through future research. In the absence of evidencebased medicine to support a treatment recommendation, the task
force has made many recommendations based on expert opinion,
perceived best practice, and the principle of “do no harm.”
PICO Questions Reviewed
First Aid for Medical Emergencies
• Recovery position (FA 517)
• Optimal position for shock (FA 520)
• Oxygen administration for first aid (FA 519)
• Bronchodilator use for asthma with difficulty breathing
(FA 534)
• Stroke recognition* (FA 801)
*Topics not previously reviewed.
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Aspirin for Chest Pain
• Aspirin for chest pain: administration† (FA 871)
• Aspirin for chest pain: early compared with late (FA 586)
Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis and Treatment of Hypoglycemia,
Exertion-Related Dehydration, and Chemical Eye Injuries
• Second dose of epinephrine for anaphylaxis (FA 500)
• Hypoglycemia treatment* (FA 795)
• Exertion-related dehydration and oral rehydration (FA 584)
• Eye chemical injury: irrigation (FA 540)
First Aid for Trauma Emergencies
• Control of bleeding (FA 530)
• Hemostatic dressings (FA 769)
• Use of a tourniquet (FA 768)
• Straightening of an angulated fracture (FA 503)
• First aid treatment for an open chest wound* (FA 525)
• Cervical spinal motion restriction (FA 772)
• Concussion* (FA 799)
• Cooling of burns (FA 770)
• Wet compared with dry burn dressing (FA 771)
• Dental avulsion (FA 794)
• First aid training* (FA 773)
First Aid for Medical Emergencies
Important medical topics reviewed for 2015 include use of supplementary oxygen for purposes other than patients with chest
pain, positioning for shock and recovery, use of bronchodilators
for asthmatics with acute shortness of breath, use of a second
dose of epinephrine for anaphylaxis, and the administration of
aspirin for chest pain. The exhaustive ILCOR literature search,
with the help of information specialists and the more rigorous
GRADE methodology, led to a few additional recommendations as well as differences in strength of recommendations.
• No evidence was found to support a change in current
practice for the use of supplementary oxygen by first aid
• The position recommended for the patient in shock remains
the supine position, although there is some evidence suggesting passive raising of the legs between 30° and 60°
may have a transient (7 minutes or less) benefit (Modified).
• There is a change in recommendations for the position of a
normally breathing, unresponsive person. Because a potential need has been shown for advanced airway management
in the supine position compared with a lateral recumbent
position, we are now recommending that the lateral recumbent position be used as a “recovery” position (Modified).
• Assisting with the administration of inhaled bronchodilators is recommended for asthmatics with acute shortness of breath (Unchanged).
• Although questions remain about the ability of a first aid
provider to recognize anaphylaxis, the use of a second
*Topics not previously reviewed.
†Topics derived from existing questions.
Part 9: First Aid
dose of epinephrine via an autoinjector is beneficial
when a first dose fails to improve symptoms. Adverse
effects were not reported in studies included, although
this may reflect the administration of epinephrine with
an autoinjector, thus limiting opportunity for an inadvertent overdose injection (Modified).
• The use of aspirin for chest pain has been previously
reviewed; however, the task force agreed that this topic
should be looked at again in light of the newly implemented GRADE methodology and the emergence of
newer medications used for acute myocardial infarction
(MI). Thus, the original question asking if aspirin should
be administered for patients with MI was reviewed, followed by a review of the early (ie, prehospital) use of
aspirin for chest pain versus delayed (ie, in-hospital)
administration of aspirin (Modified).
• A new review topic is the use of stroke assessment systems to aid with recognition of stroke, with findings that
will have enormous implications for first aid and public
health. This review found a significant decrease in time
between symptom onset and arrival at a hospital or emergency department with the use of these assessment tools;
use of such tools may reduce the degree of damage from
stroke when treatment is initiated early (New).
• A new review looks at use of oral dietary sugars for mild
symptomatic hypoglycemia in diabetics. The studies for
this review administered various forms of dietary sugars, such as specific candies, dried fruit strips, juice, or
milk, in a dose-equivalent amount compared with glucose tablets, to diabetics with symptomatic hypoglycemia who were conscious and able to swallow and follow
commands. It was concluded that, as a group, dietary
sugar products were not as effective as glucose tablets
for relief of hypoglycemia, but all studied forms showed
benefit and potential usefulness in cases where glucose
tablets are not available (New).
Recovery Position (FA 517)
Among adults who are breathing and unresponsive outside of
a hospital (P), does positioning in a lateral, side-lying, recovery position (I), compared with supine position (C), change
overall mortality, need for airway management, the incidence
of aspiration, the likelihood of cervical spinal injury, complications, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
In 2010, the treatment recommendation for this topic stated
that there was no evidence that moving an individual into
a recovery position was beneficial. It also stated that if an
individual with a suspected cervical spine injury had to be
turned onto his or her side, the high arm in endangered spine
(HAINES) position seemed to be safer.10 An extensive literature search and use of GRADE methodology resulted in some
studies from the 2010 review being excluded from the 2015
review and other newly identified studies being included. The
revised 2015 recommendations reflect this rigorous evidence
evaluation process.
Although some studies included in this review showed
no benefit to a recovery position over a supine position, there
were studies that demonstrated significant benefit in terms of
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October 20, 2015
maintaining an open airway. The task force thought a priority
outcome for any recovery position would be maintenance of
an open airway.
Consensus on Science
Lateral, Side-Lying Recovery Position Compared With Supine
For the critical outcome of the incidence of aspiration, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study with a total of 142 patients11
found in the left lateral decubitus or supine position demonstrating no benefit to being in the left lateral position (relative
risk [RR], 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.55–1.58). The
same observational study had a total of 132 patients found in
the right lateral decubitus or supine position and demonstrated
no benefit to being in the right lateral position (RR, 1.15; 95%
CI, 0.67–1.96).
For the critical outcome of need for airway management, only studies with indirect measures of potential need
for airway management were identified, including measures
of total airway volume and stridor scores. Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and
imprecision) from 1 observational study with 17 patients12
demonstrated the benefit of the lateral position by increasing
total airway volume (mean difference [MD], 2.7; 95% CI,
0.88–4.52), and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study
with 30 patients13 demonstrated the benefit of the lateral
position by decreasing stridor score (MD, −0.9; 95% CI,
−1.21 to −0.59).
HAINES Modified Recovery Position Compared With Lateral
Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of the likelihood of cervical spinal
injury, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational study
with 2 healthy volunteers14 demonstrating less overall lateral
cervical spine flexion with the HAINES position (MD, −17;
95% CI, −21.39 to −12.62), no difference in lateral flexion
of the upper cervical spine with the HAINES position (MD,
−4.5; 95% CI, −11.7 to 2.7), and less lateral flexion of the
lower cervical spine with the HAINES position (MD, −12.5;
95% CI, −21.52 to −3.47). We have also identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational study with 10 cadavers with
surgically created cervical instability15 demonstrating no difference in linear translation between the HAINES recovery
position and the 1992 ERC lateral recovery position in terms
of medial/lateral movement (MD, −1.1; 95% CI, −5.17 to
2.97), compression/distraction (MD, −1.06; 95% CI, −3.7 to
1.58), or anterior/posterior movement (MD, −0.24; 95% CI,
−2.96 to 2.48).
Left Lateral Position Compared With Right Lateral Position
For the critical outcome of the incidence of aspiration, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study with a total of 50 patients11
who were found in the left lateral decubitus or right lateral
decubitus position, demonstrating no benefit to the left versus
the right lateral position (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.42–1.6).
1992 ERC Recovery Position Compared With Old Left
Lateral, Semiprone Resuscitation Council (UK) Recovery
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1
observational study with 6 healthy volunteers16 demonstrating no difference in either position in terms of venous occlusion (RR, 5; 95% CI, 0.29–86.44), arterial insufficiency with
venous occlusion (RR, 5; 95% CI, 0.29–86.44), or left arm
discomfort (RR, 7; 95% CI, 0.44–111.92).
1997 Resuscitation Council (UK) Recovery Position
Compared With 1992 ERC Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 100
healthy volunteers17 demonstrating less pain/discomfort
with the 1992 ERC recovery position (RR, 3.25; 95% CI,
AHA Semiprone Recovery Position Compared With 1992
ERC Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 40
healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18 demonstrating less discomfort with the AHA recovery position
(RR, 0.36; 95% CI, 0.14–0.95).
Morrison, Mirakhur, and Craig Recovery Position Compared
With Rautek Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 20
healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18 demonstrating no difference in discomfort between the positions
(RR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.47–3.33).
AHA Semiprone Recovery Position Compared With Morrison,
Mirakhur, and Craig Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 30
healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18 demonstrating no difference in discomfort between the positions
(RR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.14–1.17).
AHA Semiprone Recovery Position Compared With Rautek
Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 30
healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18 demonstrating no difference in discomfort between the positions
(RR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.16–1.59).
1992 ERC Recovery Position Compared With Morrison,
Mirakhur, and Craig Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with
30 healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18
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demonstrating no difference in discomfort between the positions (RR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.53–2.23).
1992 ERC Recovery Position Compared With Rautek
Recovery Position
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 observational study with 30
healthy volunteers placed in 1 or both of the positions18 demonstrating no difference in discomfort between the positions
(RR, 1.38; 95% CI, 0.58–3.24).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcome of overall mortality or the important outcome of incidence of cardiac arrest.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that first aid providers position individuals who
are unresponsive and breathing normally into a lateral, sidelying recovery (lateral recumbent) position as opposed to
leaving them supine (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
There is little evidence to suggest the optimal recovery
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Due to the low-quality evidence, it was difficult to make a recommendation as to the best recovery position. In terms of the
HAINES position versus the standard left lateral position, the
task force chose to put more value in the outcomes of a study
that included cadavers with surgically created cervical spine
instability over a study involving 2 healthy volunteers. We
discussed the need for guideline developers to clearly address
situations in which a first aid provider should not move a person into a recovery position, such as in the presence of pelvic
or spinal injury.
Finally, discussions were held about the quality of breathing being used to help determine when it is appropriate to
move an individual into the recovery position. The qualifying term “breathing normally” was included in the treatment
recommendation so as to avoid the situation where a first aid
provider recognizes that an individual is breathing and moves
them into a recovery position when in fact chest compressions
should be initiated.
Knowledge Gaps
• Given the poor and outdated evidence available, further
research is needed as to the best recovery position.
• When should a first aid provider not move a person into
the recovery position?
Optimal Position for Shock (FA 520)
Among adults and children who receive first aid for shock (P),
does positioning of the patient (I), compared with not positioning the patient (C), change overall mortality, complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, vital signs, hospital length
of stay (O)?
Similar to many topics reviewed for 2015, the reviewers
for this PICO question were challenged by the paucity of
Part 9: First Aid
good-quality scientific studies and the need to extrapolate
data from studies in normotensive volunteers or from studies designed to determine fluid responsiveness in hypotensive
intensive care unit patients. The diversity of positions studied
and the varying time intervals between change of position or
maintenance in a position created difficulty with interpreting
results. Results often differed for the same position between
studies. The supine position remains a basic position that the
First Aid Task Force thinks is the most appropriate position for
an individual with signs or symptoms of shock.
Consensus on Science
After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 1 RCT
and 5 observational trials were included in evidence evaluation. For the critical outcome of vital signs, we identified 1
RCT and 5 observational trials.
In Normotensive Subjects (P), Passive Leg Raising to 60° for
5 Minutes (I) Compared With Supine Position (C)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study19 enrolling 43 subjects (12 healthy subjects and 31
subjects with heart disease) showing no significant changes in
systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP),
or heart rate (HR).
In Normotensive Subjects With Blood Loss (P), Passive Leg
Raising to 45° for 5 Minutes (I) Compared With Supine
Position for 5 Minutes (C)
We identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational
study20 enrolling 27 normotensive subjects with 500 mL blood
loss, showing no benefit from passive leg raising (PLR) with a
nonsignificant change in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP)
but a benefit from PLR, with a significant
• Increase in thoracic bioimpedance cardiac index (MD,
0.8; 95% CI, 0.75–0.85)
in stroke index (SI) (MD, 15.00; 95% CI,
• Decrease in HR (MD, −3; 95% CI, −3.56 to −2.44)
• Increase
Subjects without blood loss showed a significant increase
in cardiac index with PLR (MD, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.12–0.72) but
no significant change in MAP or difference in HR.
In Normotensive Subjects With Blood Loss (P), Standing
for 5 Minutes (I) Compared With Supine Position (C) for 5
We identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational
study20 enrolling 27 normotensive subjects with 500 mL blood
loss, showing a nonsignificant increase in MAP.
The standing position showed a statistically significant
decrease in cardiac index compared with supine position
(MD, −0.3; 95% CI, −0.38 to −0.22), and an increase in HR
(MD, 22; 95% CI, 20.84–23.16).
In Normotensive Subjects (P), Supine Position for 3 Minutes
Followed by PLR to 60° for 20 Seconds (I) Compared With
Supine Position (C) for 3 Minutes
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1
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October 20, 2015
observational study21 enrolling 10 normotensive subjects
showing a benefit from the supine position plus PLR, with
a significant increase in both cardiac output (CO) (MD, 0.6;
95% CI, 0.48–0.72) and stroke volume (SV) (MD, 7; 95% CI,
In Normotensive Subjects (P), Supine Position for 3 Minutes
Followed by PLR to 60° for 7 Minutes (I) Compared With
Supine Position for 3 Minutes (C)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study21 enrolling 10 normotensive subjects showing
no significant difference in MAP, CO, or HR. Thus, improvements in CO and SV seen with PLR at 20 seconds disappeared
by 7 minutes.
In Normotensive Subjects (P), PLR to 60° for 1 Minute (I)
Compared With Supine Position (C)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study22 enrolling 125 normotensive subjects. No cardiovascular benefit was shown for PLR to 60° for 1 minute.
In Hypotensive Patients (P), PLR to 45° (I) for 2 Minutes
Compared With Semirecumbent (Head at 45°) for 2 Minutes (C)
We identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT23 enrolling
35 hypotensive subjects. No difference was found in HR, but a
statistically significant benefit with PLR was demonstrated with
• An increase in MAP (median difference 7 higher, CI not
• An increase in SBP (median difference 12 higher, CI not
• An increase in central venous pressure (CVP) (median
difference 2 higher, CI not estimable)
In Hypotensive Patients (P), Supine Position (C) for 2
Minutes Compared With Semirecumbent (Head at 45°) for 2
Minutes (I)
We identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT23 enrolling 35 hypotensive subjects. Placing patients in the supine
position for 2 minutes compared with a semirecumbent 45°
position failed to show any benefit for MAP, SBP, or HR. A
significant increase in CVP was reported with transfer from
semirecumbent to supine position (median difference 1 higher,
CI not estimable).
In Hypotensive Patients (P), PLR to 45° for 2 Minutes (I)
Compared With Supine for 2 Minutes (C)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT23
enrolling 35 hypotensive subjects. No difference was noted
for HR, but a statistically significant benefit with PLR was
shown with
• An increase in MAP (median difference 5 higher, CI not
• An increase in systolic arterial pressure (SAP) (median
difference 8 higher, CI not estimable)
• An increase in CVP (median difference 1 higher, CI not
In Hypotensive Patients (P), Supine Position for 4 Minutes
(C) Compared With PLR to 45° for 4 Minutes (I)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study24 enrolling 15 hypotensive subjects. No statistically significant difference in MAP or HR was shown between
the supine position and PLR to 45° for 4 minutes. A statistically significant decrease in SAP was found for change in
position from PLR to supine (MD, −4; 95% CI, −16.88 to
8.88) and for diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) (MD, −3; 95%
CI, −14.81 to 8.81).
In Hypotensive Patients (P), PLR to 45° for 4 Minutes (I)
Compared With Supine for 4 Minutes (C)
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
inconsistency, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study24 enrolling 15 hypotensive subjects. There was
no statistically significant difference in MAP or HR between
PLR to 45° for 4 minutes and the supine position for 4 minutes. Statistically significant benefit with PLR was found for
SAP (MD, 7; 95% CI, −10.89 to 24.89) and DAP (MD, 3.0;
95% CI, −8.47 to 14.47).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, overall mortality, or length of hospital stay.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest first aid providers place individuals with shock in
the supine position as opposed to the upright position (weak
recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In regard to other positions studied, a review of the evidence suggests clinical equipoise in the first aid setting. For
individuals with shock who are in the supine position and
with no evidence of trauma, the use of PLR may provide a
transient (less than 7 minutes) but statistically significant
improvement in HR, MAP, cardiac index, or stroke volume.
The clinical significance of this transient improvement is
uncertain; however, no study reported adverse effects due
to PLR.
Because improvement with PLR is brief and its clinical
significance uncertain, this position is not recommended,
although it may be appropriate in some first aid settings as
a temporizing measure while awaiting more advanced emergency medical care. Studies included used PLR ranging
between 30° and 60° elevation. An optimal degree of elevation was not identified.
• Categories of hypotensive shock in studies included with
this review were septic shock, cardiogenic shock, and
hypovolemic shock.
• In making these recommendations, we place increased
value on the potential but uncertain clinical benefit of
improved vital signs and cardiac function by positioning
an individual with shock in the supine position or supine
with PLR position over the risk of movement to effect a
change in position.
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• The Trendelenburg
position was excluded from evaluation in this review due to the inability or impracticality of first aid providers to place a person into the
Trendelenburg position in an out-of-hospital setting.
Knowledge Gaps
Well-designed studies are needed to assess
• Clinical
effects of position change in hypotensive
• Effect of position change in patients without fluid
• Adverse effects of position change
Oxygen Administration for First Aid (FA 519)
Among adults and children who exhibit symptoms or signs
of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or hypoxemia
outside of a hospital (P), does administration of supplementary oxygen (I), compared with no administration of oxygen
(C), change survival with favorable neurologic/functional
outcome at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180
days, and/or 1 year; shortness of breath; time to resolution
of symptoms; or therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and
ventilation) (O)?
Administration of supplementary oxygen is traditionally
considered essential for individuals presenting with shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or hypoxemia. In certain circumstances, oxygen supplementation might have
potential adverse effects that complicate the disease course
or even worsen clinical outcomes. In this PICO question, we
sought to determine the impact of oxygen supplementation,
as compared with no oxygen supplementation, on outcomes
of patients who have shortness of breath, difficulty breathing,
or hypoxemia.
This review differs from the 2010 review in the targeted
population. In 2015, we focus on adults and children who
exhibit signs and symptoms of shortness of breath, difficulty
breathing, or hypoxemia in the out-of-hospital setting. In
addition, we attempt to identify specific medical conditions
that may benefit from supplementary oxygen administration
by first aid providers. We excluded chest pain from the conditions evaluated for potential use of oxygen. Oxygen administration for individuals with chest pain due to acute coronary
syndrome is separately reviewed by the ACS task force and
described in “Part 5: Acute Coronary Syndromes.”
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcomes of survival and therapeutic endpoints as measured by a composite of death, need for
assisted ventilation, and respiratory failure, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 retrospective observation study25 enrolling 232 patients with acute exacerbation
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease showing no benefit
from supplementary oxygen administration (odds ratio [OR],
1.4; 95% CI, 0.6–2.9).
Part 9: First Aid
For the important outcome of shortness of breath, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency and serious indirectness) from 1 RCT26 enrolling 14
terminal cancer patients with dyspnea and hypoxemia showing benefit with supplementary oxygen administration (MD in
visual analog scale score, −20.5; 95% CI, −27.6 to −13.5), and
low-quality evidence (downgraded for inconsistency and indirectness) from 1 meta-analysis27 and 4 RCTs26,28–30 enrolling
134 advanced cancer patients with dyspnea without hypoxemia who did not show benefit from supplementary oxygen
administration (standardized MD, −0.09; 95% CI, −0.22 to
0.04, P=0.16).
For the important outcome of oxygen saturation, we
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 3 RCTs, 1 enrolling 14 terminal cancer patients
with dyspnea and hypoxemia26 (MD in oxygen saturation,
8.6%; 95% CI, 7.0–10.3), 1 enrolling 6 patients with dyspnea
and hypoxemia29 (MD in oxygen saturation, 10.0%; 95% CI,
6.3–13.7), and 1 enrolling 51 advanced cancer patients with
dyspnea28 (mean increase in oxygen saturation, air 0.94% versus oxygen 5.43%; P<0.001), all showing benefit with supplementary oxygen.
For the important outcome of complete relief of decompression injury after first recompression, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
indirectness) from 1 retrospective observation study31 enrolling 2231 patients with decompression injury from a registry
database showing benefit from first aid supplementary oxygen
administration (OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.2–1.8).
We did not identify any evidence to address the outcomes
of survival, survival with favorable neurologic outcomes, or
time to resolution of symptoms.
Treatment Recommendation
No recommendation; the confidence in effect estimate is so
low that the task force thinks a recommendation to change
current practice is too speculative.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In this review, the administration of supplementary oxygen
was found to be of some benefit in the following specific
• Advanced cancer patients who exhibit symptoms or signs
of shortness of breath (dyspnea) and signs of hypoxia
• Individuals with decompression injury
The use of supplementary oxygen should be limited to
individuals with specific training in oxygen administration.
Public commenting requested an oxygen saturation target
for this review. We did not evaluate flow rates, but patients
with hypoxemia in the included studies were provided supplementary oxygen that helped them reach normoxemia.
Knowledge Gaps
• Is
oxygen beneficial to all patients with shortness of
breath or dyspnea with diverse etiologies?
• Does administration of oxygen improve survival
in patients presenting with shortness of breath or
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October 20, 2015
Bronchodilator Use for Asthma with Difficulty
Breathing (FA 534)
Among adults and children in the prehospital setting who have
asthma and are experiencing difficulty in breathing (P), does
bronchodilator administration (I), compared with no bronchodilator administration (C), change time to resolution of symptoms, time to resumption of usual activity, complications,
harm to patient, therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and
ventilation), need for advanced medical care (O)?
The 2005 review of asthma and bronchodilator therapy noted
that the incidences of severe asthma and deaths from asthma
are increasing and found bronchodilator therapy for wheezing to be safe and effective.32 Although evidence in 2005 was
extrapolated from prehospital and hospital studies, the potential benefit of decreased mortality led to the recommendation
that first aid rescuers assist with administration of bronchodilator therapy for asthmatics with acute shortness of breath.
The use of bronchodilators in the first aid setting can
take many forms, ranging from assisting someone with their
bronchodilator to administering a bronchodilator as part of an
organized response team with medical oversight. This review
did not compare methods of bronchodilator therapy but sought
evidence for or against patient outcomes with all inhaled
bronchodilator therapies that might be used for acute asthma
Consensus on Science
After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the
search strategy yielded 8 double-blind RCTs,33–40 2 observational studies,41,42 and 1 meta-analysis.43 It is important to note
that all of these trials involved administration of the bronchodilators in a healthcare setting (prehospital EMS setting,
emergency department, or in-hospital setting); because none
involved administration by first aid providers in a typical first
aid setting, all have been downgraded for indirectness.
Regarding the critical outcome of time to resolution of
symptoms, 2 RCTs were found. Very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT33 with 28 participants aged 3 months to
2 years showed benefit in reduction of respiratory rate (MD,
5.1; 95% CI, 0.45–9.75), wheezing score (MD, 0.8; 95%
CI, 0.36–1.24), accessory muscle score (MD, 0.85; 95%
CI, 0.45–1.23), and total clinical score (MD, 2.5; 95% CI,
1.06–3.94) when treatment (albuterol/salbutamol nebulization) was compared with placebo. Low-quality evidence
(downgraded for imprecision and indirectness) from another
RCT34 with 17 participants aged 18 to 41 years showed benefit in reduction of time to subjective improvement in dyspnea in participants treated with fast-acting β2-adrenergic
agonists (formoterol or salbutamol dry-powdered inhaler)
compared with placebo dry-powdered inhaler or the slowacting β2-agonist (salmeterol dry-powdered inhaler). This
study also demonstrated a reduction in time to return to baseline symptoms in the fast-acting β2-adrenergic agonist group
compared with the placebo or slow-acting β2-agonist groups
(MD indeterminable).
Regarding the critical outcome of time to resumption of
usual activity, there were no human trials found.
Regarding the important outcome of complications, verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT33 with 28 participants aged
3 months to 2 years failed to demonstrate a significant difference in mean HR between participants treated with nebulized
albuterol/salbutamol and those treated with placebo (MD,
7; 95% CI, −9.6 to 23.6). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from
a second RCT35 comprising 11 participants aged between 9
and 16 years failed to demonstrate a difference in mean HR
or mean blood pressure when albuterol/salbutamol metereddose aerosol was compared with placebo. A total of 4 patients
on the albuterol/salbutamol days reported tremors, compared
with 6 on the placebo days. All tremors were “fine” in quality. Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from a third RCT36 comprising
100 patients with an average age of 33 years failed to demonstrate a significant difference in potassium, SBP or DBP,
tremor, headache, nervousness, weakness, palpitations, or dry
mouth between the albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose aerosol
given once group (T0), compared with every 30 minutes for
4 doses group (T30), compared with every 60 minutes for 2
doses group (T60). There was a statistically significant difference in mean HR change between the T30 compared with T0
groups, where the T30 group’s HR (beats per minute [BPM])
increased and the T0 group’s decreased (MD, 9.2; 95% CI,
3.51–14.93). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from an observational
study41 comprising 52 participants with an average age of 33.6
years failed to demonstrate a significant difference in respiratory rate and HR between the treatment group (nebulized
isoetharine) and the control group. One participant in the treatment group reported headache and 2 participants in the control
group reported headache or nausea (MD undeterminable).
Regarding the important outcome of harm to patient, there
were no human trials found.
Regarding the important outcome of therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and ventilation), 1 RCT35 with verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, imprecision, and
indirectness) showed benefit in an improvement in percentage
maximal achievable forced expiratory volume over 1 second
(FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) at 60 minutes when
comparing inhaled albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose aerosol
or isoproterenol metered-dose aerosol to placebo and at 360
minutes (MD undeterminable). A second RCT37 with verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, imprecision, and
indirectness) enrolled 134 participants with an average age
of 8.3 years, which demonstrated a statistically significant
improvement in FEV1 after initial treatment dose (day 0) for
levalbuterol/salbutamol and albuterol/salbutamol compared
with placebo (33.1%, 29.6% versus 17.8%; P<0.05). Verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for serious indirectness
and imprecision) from a third RCT36 involving 100 patients
demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in FEV1
when albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose aerosol was given
every 30 minutes for 4 doses (T0, 30, 60, 90) or every 60
minutes for 2 doses (T0, 60) compared with when albuterol/
salbutamol metered-dose aerosol was given once at T0 (MD
undeterminable). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
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serious indirectness and imprecision) was identified in another
RCT38 enrolling 17 patients ranging in age from 18 to 41
years, who demonstrated a more rapid return to 85% of baseline FEV1 when treated with formoterol dry-powdered inhaler
or albuterol/salbutamol dry-powdered inhaler compared with
placebo (7.2 and 6.5 minutes versus 34.7 minutes, respectively). This study also showed benefit by demonstrating an
increase in FEV1 at 60 minutes with formoterol, albuterol/
salbutamol, and salmeterol all by dry-powdered inhaler compared with placebo (46.2%, 42.2%, and 41.2% versus 31.5%,
respectively) (MD undeterminable).
Further very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, very serious indirectness, and imprecision) was identified from an RCT39 enrolling 26 patients between 7 and 16
years of age, which showed a benefit in median recovery
time to 95% of baseline FEV1 of 5.0 minutes for formoterol
dry-powdered inhaler versus 44 minutes with placebo (MD
undeterminable). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
very serious risk of bias, imprecision, and very serious indirectness) from an RCT40 enrolling 17 patients with an average
age of 10.3 years demonstrated that formoterol dry-powdered inhaler and albuterol/salbutamol dry-powdered inhaler
resulted in a mean recovery time to within 90% of baseline
FEV1 that was shorter than that of placebo (8.3 minutes and
13.2 minutes versus 36.1 minutes, respectively) (MD undeterminable). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, very serious imprecision, and indirectness) from an
RCT33 showed an increase in arterial oxygen saturation in
nebulized albuterol/salbutamol treated patients compared
with those who were treated with placebo (MD of 1.6, 0.28,
and 2.92, respectively). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational
study41 demonstrated an improvement in percent recovery of
peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) when patients were treated
with nebulized isoetharine compared with placebo (MD, 55.3;
95% CI, 25.4–85.2). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and indirectness) from a second observational
study42 enrolling 208 participants with an average age of 43.7
years showed a reduction in first posttreatment PEFRs of less
than 120 L/min in the cohort given prehospital nebulized albuterol compared with a historic control (RR, 0.75; 95% CI,
0.58–0.98). In addition, the patient condition on arrival at the
emergency department was not as severe in the prehospital
nebulized albuterol group versus control (RR, 0.79; 95% CI,
Regarding the low priority outcome of need for advanced
medical care, very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias, very serious indirectness, and imprecision) from 1
RCT36 showed a benefit with a significant association between
early, frequent use of albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose aerosol and fewer subsequent albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose
aerosol treatments. Participants who received 30-minute or
60-minute albuterol/salbutamol metered-dose aerosol compared with a single dose placebo at study start required less
subsequent bronchodilation after study end at 120 minutes
(20.6%, 23.5%, and 42.4%, respectively; P<0.05).
Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for very serious
risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from an observational study42 showed no benefit, by failing to demonstrate
Part 9: First Aid
a difference in length of emergency department stay when
patients were administered prehospital nebulized albuterol/
salbutamol compared with those who were not. Very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision,
and indirectness) from a meta-analysis43 failed to demonstrate
a difference in clinical outcome or patient disposition in those
patients treated with nebulized ipratropium bromide and nebulized albuterol/salbutamol compared with those treated with
nebulized albuterol/salbutamol alone.
Treatment Recommendation
When an individual with asthma is experiencing difficulty
breathing, we suggest that trained first aid providers assist the
individual with administration of a bronchodilator (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place higher value in an
intervention that may reduce mortality in a life-threatening situation over the risk of potential adverse effects. This review found
evidence that use of a bronchodilator in asthmatics with acute
difficulty breathing is effective for reducing wheezing, dyspnea,
and respiratory rate, while improving measures of effectiveness
such as FEV1 or PEFR, and with few reported side effects.
As with the 2005 review and as noted above, no studies
of bronchodilator administration in the first aid setting met
the inclusion criteria; therefore, studies were used from the
EMS and hospital settings. While these studies support the use
of bronchodilators for asthmatics with difficulty in breathing,
caution is required in extrapolating our findings to a first aid
The task force recognizes that first aid providers may be
limited in their abilities to administer or assist with bronchodilator therapy due to clinical governance and local regulations. In addition, this recommendation must be appropriately
operationalized by first aid organizations with due consideration to the setting and scope of practice in which the first aid
is being applied.
Knowledge Gaps
• What is the optimal bronchodilator for administration?
• What is the optimal dose of bronchodilator?
• How should this bronchodilator be administered?
• Is there evidence that prehospital use of bronchodilators
for asthmatics with acute shortness of breath reduces
Stroke Recognition (FA 801)
Among adults with suspected acute stroke (P), does the use of
a rapid stroke scoring system or scale (I), compared with standard first aid assessment (C), change time to treatment (eg,
door to drug), recognition of acute injury or illness, discharge
with favorable neurologic status, survival with favorable neurologic outcome, or increased public/layperson recognition of
stroke signs (O)?
The use of stroke assessment systems has become widespread
by EMS and other healthcare providers to identify individuals
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Figure 1. Summary receiver operating characteristic plot of
stroke screening systems.
with possible stroke, but in many countries, it is often not an
educational component of first aid courses. In some regions,
simple stroke assessment systems have been the focus of
recent public campaigns, with the objective of raising public awareness of the signs of stroke and minimizing delays in
recognition, diagnosis, and definitive treatment. This review
evaluated the outcomes related to use of stroke assessment
systems and showed reduced time to recognition of stroke
with most stroke assessment systems, more accurate recognition of stroke, and increased public/layperson recognition of
signs of stroke.
The task force discussed the need to identify the relative
sensitivities and specificities of each included stroke assessment system to discern which may be most useful in the first
aid setting. The ideal stroke assessment system for use by first
aid providers would have high sensitivity, thereby “casting a
wide net” to identify possible stroke victims. Additional benefit may be gained if a stroke assessment system with both
high sensitivity and specificity is used by those with advanced
training (such as EMS providers). Thus, this review identified
stroke assessment systems that may be preferred, based on
sensitivity and specificity, to aid those developing guidelines
for stroke recognition in various first aid and out-of-hospital
settings (Figures 1 and 2).
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of time to treatment, we identified
6 studies with 6 different stroke assessment systems studied:
1. For the Face (facial drooping), Arm (arm weakness),
Speech (speech difficulty), Time (time to call 9-1-1/
EMS) (FAST) scale (measured as number of patients
with time from symptom onset to hospital arrival within
3 hours), we identified moderate-quality evidence from
1 observational study44 enrolling 356 patients showing
benefit where 48.2% patients who had the scale applied
arrived within 3 hours compared with 14.6% who did not
have the scale applied (RR, 3.3; 95% CI, 2.29–4.75).
For the Kurashiki Prehospital Stroke Scale (KPSS;
measured as number of patients with time from symptom onset to hospital arrival within 3 hours), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias) from 1 observational study45 enrolling 430 patients
showing benefit where 62.9% patients who had the scale
applied arrived within 3 hours compared with 52.3%
who did not have the scale applied (RR, 1.2; 95% CI,
1.01–1.43). In the same study, the mean time was 2.1
hours for those who had a stroke screening scale applied
compared with 2.7 hours for those who did not have
a stroke screening scale applied (MD, −0.6; 95% CI,
−2.45 to 1.25).
For the Ontario Prehospital Stroke Scale (OPSS; measured as number of patients with time from symptom
onset to hospital arrival within 3 hours), we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias)
from 1 observational study46 enrolling 861 patients showing no significant benefit where 52.3% patients who had
the scale applied arrived within 3 hours compared with
47.2% who did not have the scale applied (RR, 1.1; 95%
CI, 0.96–1.28).
For the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen (LAPSS;
measured in minutes from symptom onset to emergency
department arrival time), we identified low-quality
evidence from 1 observational study47 enrolling 1027
patients showing a mean time of 356 minutes for those
who had a stroke screening scale applied compared with
359 minutes for those who did not have a stroke screening scale applied (SMD, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.02–0.24).
For the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS;
measured with EMS on-scene time), we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 1
observational study48 enrolling 308 patients showing no
benefit, as the mean on-scene time was 17 minutes for
those who had a stroke screening scale applied compared
with 19 minutes for those who did not have a stroke
screening scale applied (MD, −2.00; 95% CI, −3.34 to
For the Face, Arm, Speech, Time, Emergency Response
(FASTER) protocol (measured with symptom onset to
emergency department arrival [door] time), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias) from 1 observational study49 enrolling 115 patients
showing no significant benefit where the mean time was
59 minutes for those who had a stroke screening scale
applied compared with 76 minutes for those who did not
have a stroke screening scale applied (P=0.180).
For the important outcome of recognition of stroke
(interventional studies, outcome defined as definitive stroke
diagnosis or administration of thrombolytic/fibrinolytic; the
publications varied in the term used), we identified 4 observational studies of 4 different stroke scales:
1. For FAST (measured as number of patients with confirmed stroke or transient ischemic attack), we identified
moderate-quality evidence from 1 observational study44
enrolling 356 patients showing benefit where 48.2%
patients who had the scale applied were diagnosed
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Part 9: First Aid
Figure 2. Forest plot of stroke assessment systems.
compared with 14.6% who did not have the scale applied
(RR, 3.3; 95% CI, 2.29–4.75).
2. For KPSS (measured as number of patients who received
fibrinolytic), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) from 1 observational
study45 enrolling 430 patients showing no benefit where
13.7% patients who had the scale applied were diagnosed compared with 14.4% who did not have the scale
applied (RR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.59–1.53).
3. For the FASTER scale (measured as number of
patients who received thrombolytic), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias) from 1 observational study49 enrolling 34
patients showing benefit where 19.1% patients who
had the scale applied received fibrinolytic compared
with 7.5% who did not have the scale applied (RR,
0.87; 95% CI, 0.78–0.98).
4. For CPSS (measured with patients who received fibrinolytic), we identified moderate-quality evidence from
1 observational study50 enrolling 308 patients showing
benefit where 45.7% patients who had the scale applied
received fibrinolytic compared with 2.1% who did not
have the scale applied (RR, 22.2%; 95% CI, 7.14–69.1).
For the important outcome of recognition of stroke (diagnostic studies, outcome defined as correct stroke diagnosis),
we identified low-quality evidence (all downgraded for risk
of bias) from 22 observational studies44,46–48,51–68 enrolling a
total of 30 635 patients, studying 8 different stroke screening
assessment systems, showing diagnostic performance across
all stroke screening systems of sensitivity ranging from 0.41
to 0.97 and specificity ranging from 0.13 to 1.00. These studies were divided into subgroups based on whether the stroke
scales included glucose measurement or not. For studies that
included stroke scales with glucose measurement (LAPSS,
OPSS, KPSS, and Recognition of Stroke in the Emergency
Room [ROSIER]), the pooled sensitivity was 0.84 (95% CI,
0.82–0.85) and pooled specificity was 0.97 (95% CI, 0.97–
0.97), compared with stroke scales without glucose measurement (FAST, Melbourne Ambulance Stroke Screen [MASS],
Los Angeles Motor Scale [LAMS], CPSS, Medical Priority
Dispatch System [MPDS]), which have pooled sensitivity of
0.82 (95% CI, 0.81–0.83) and pooled specificity of 0.48 (95%
CI, 0.46–0.49).
For the important outcome of increased public/layperson recognition of signs of stroke, very-low-quality evidence
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October 20, 2015
(downgraded for risk of bias) from 1 human study69 enrolling
72 participants (members of the public) showed benefit where
76.4% of participants (55/72) were able to identify signs of
stroke before training on a stroke screening assessment system
compared with 94.4% (68/72) immediately after training (OR,
5.25; 95% CI, 1.67–16.52), and 96.9% of participants (63/65)
were able to identify the signs of stroke 3 months after training
(OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 0.36–11.69).
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that first aid providers use stroke assessment systems (such as FAST or CPSS) for individuals with
suspected acute stroke (strong recommendation, low-quality
We suggest the use of FAST or CPSS stroke assessment
systems (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest the use of stroke assessment systems that
include blood glucose measurement, when available, such
as LAPSS, OPSS, ROSIER, or KPSS, to increase specificity of stroke recognition (weak recommendation, low-quality
In the absence of a glucometer, we suggest the use of
FAST or CPSS stroke assessment systems compared with
MASS, LAMS, or MPDS (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
The literature search was rerun in January 2015 to capture the most updated evidence possible. Two additional studies were added51,59 and incorporated into the consensus on
science and GRADE tables, both supporting this treatment
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place increased value on
the benefits of early stroke recognition, which could lead to
early treatment to minimize potentially devastating neurologic
Training first aid providers in stroke assessment systems
outweighs the risks, largely limited to false-positive identification by first aid providers. The cost of the intervention is
estimated to be low.
In this review of the literature, the stroke assessment systems include various components, such as looking for specific
signs and obtaining blood glucose levels. Our review found
that stroke assessment systems that included blood glucose
measurement had similar sensitivity and increased specificity to accurately identify stroke compared with those systems
that did not include glucose measurement. We recognize that
first aid providers may or may not have access to a properly
calibrated glucose measurement device. Although use of these
devices is not a standard component of first aid, glucose measurement devices are commonly available among the public.
Ideal stroke assessment systems for first aid use are accurate, have few steps, are easily understood and remembered,
and take minimal time to complete. Those developing local
guidelines for first aid providers can use the results of this
review to determine if the benefit of increased specificity with
systems that include glucose measurement would be desirable
in their settings, compared with using simpler stroke assessment systems that do not include glucose measurement, which
have similar sensitivity but lower specificity.
Knowledge Gaps
More research is required to determine how much training is
needed and what type of training should be used to enable
first aid providers to correctly apply stroke assessment systems and to compare the accuracy of use of stroke assessment
systems by first aid providers to the accuracy of use of stroke
assessment systems by healthcare providers. Research is also
required to determine accuracy of assessment and its effect
on survival and neurologic status at discharge. In addition,
future research could include investigating direct transport
to specified stroke centers when a stroke assessment system
measurement is positive (bypassing community/small emergency departments).
Aspirin for Chest Pain
Chest pain is one of the common symptoms of acute MI.
Antiplatelet agents such as aspirin play a large role in management. In 2010, the first aid treatment recommendation stated
that the administration of aspirin to individuals with chest discomfort was recommended.
In 2015, 2 PICOs were generated, 1 simply looking at the
administration of aspirin and the other looking at the timing of
this administration. The first PICO sought to determine if the
administration of aspirin in the setting of MI was beneficial.
Subsequently, the second PICO was used to determine if there
was a difference in outcomes when aspirin is given early, in
the first hours after symptom onset by a first aid provider, or
later, in the setting of chest pain symptoms due to suspected
acute MI. This same PICO was also used to see if there would
be benefit to early administration of aspirin to adults with
chest pain of unclear etiology.
Aspirin for Chest Pain: Administration (FA 871)
Among adults experiencing chest pain due to suspected MI (P),
does administration of aspirin (I), compared with no administration of aspirin (C), change cardiovascular mortality, complications, adverse effects, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac
functional outcome, infarct size, hospital length of stay (O)?
This 2015 PICO question asks if administration versus no
administration of aspirin changed outcomes in the setting of
suspected acute MI. There are no major changes from what
has been stated in previous treatment recommendations.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality (at 5
weeks), we identified high-quality evidence from 1 RCT70
enrolling 17 187 patients with acute MI showing benefit to
aspirin (162.5 mg, enteric-coated) administration (RR, 0.79;
95% CI, 0.73–0.87).
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality (at
3 months), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from
1 RCT71 enrolling 100 patients with acute MI showing no
benefit to aspirin (100 mg, capsule) administration (RR, 0.83;
95% CI, 0.4–1.75).
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality (at
28 days), we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
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risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 RCT72 enrolling 1705
patients with acute MI showing no benefit to aspirin (300 mg,
capsule) administration (RR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.81–1.19).
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality
(in-hospital), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational
study73 with a total of 22 572 patients with acute MI showing
benefit to aspirin (500 mg, oral or intravenous loading dose;
100 mg, oral; maintenance recommended) administration
(RR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.31–0.35).
For the critical outcome of adverse effects (bleeding),
we identified high-quality evidence from 1 RCT70 enrolling
16 981 patients with acute MI showing adverse effects (minor
bleeding) with aspirin (162.5 mg, enteric-coated) administration (RR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.04–1.51).
For the critical outcome of adverse effects (allergic reaction), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study74
with 219 patients with suspected acute MI showing no adverse
effects (allergic reaction) with aspirin (dose not available)
administration (unable to calculate RR as there was no control
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified high-quality evidence from 1 RCT70 enrolling 16 981
patients with acute MI showing benefit to aspirin (162.5 mg,
enteric-coated) administration (RR, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.52–
0.73). We also found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1
RCT71 enrolling 100 patients with acute MI showing benefit
to aspirin (100 mg, capsule) administration (RR, 0.11; 95%
CI, 0.05–0.98).
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational study73
with a total of 22 572 patients with acute MI showing no benefit to aspirin (500 mg oral or intravenous loading, 100 mg
oral maintenance recommended) administration (RR, 1.05;
95% CI, 0.78–1.42).
For the critical outcome of incidence of cardiac arrest,
we identified high-quality evidence from 1 RCT70 enrolling 16 981 patients with acute MI showing benefit to aspirin
(162.5 mg, enteric-coated) administration (RR, 0.87; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of infarction size, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT71 enrolling 89 patients
with acute MI showing no benefit to aspirin (100 mg, capsule)
administration (MD, −161; 95% CI, −445.57 to 230.57).
We did not identify any evidence to address the important outcomes of cardiac functional outcome or length of
hospital stay.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend the administration of aspirin to adults with
chest pain due to suspected MI (strong recommendation, highquality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
decreasing mortality and decreased complications of MI over
the risks of adverse effects, such as bleeding.
Part 9: First Aid
Public comments for this question requested a suggestion
for the optimal aspirin dose and form. Our PICO question
was not designed to look at changes in outcomes based on
various doses of aspirin, as all the articles selected for review
compared administration to no administration, as opposed to
1 dose compared with another. Due to the heterogeneity in
study design in the articles that were included in this review,
the dose and form (eg, chewable or nonchewable, entericcoated or nonenteric coated) of aspirin varied, and no recommendation could be made regarding the optimal dose or form
of aspirin administered. Where available, the dose of aspirin
used for each study has been identified in the consensus on
science statement.
Knowledge Gaps
• Is aspirin safe if given to patients with chest pain who are
not having an MI?
• Is aspirin safe when given by a first aid provider?
• Is there high-quality evidence to indicate that the administration of aspirin after MI is time critical?
Aspirin for Chest Pain: Early Compared With Late
(FA 586)
Among adults who are experiencing chest pain outside of a
hospital (P), does early administration of aspirin (I), compared
with later administration of aspirin (C), change cardiovascular
mortality, complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac
functional outcome, infarct size, hospital length of stay, chest
pain resolution (O)?
This 2015 PICO question asked if early administration versus later administration of aspirin changes outcomes, which
is different wording from the focus of the 2010 review. The
recommendation in 2015 differs from that in 2010 as a result
of the intent of the PICO question, as well as the studies identified after using the rigorous literature search techniques and
reviewed through the GRADE process.
Consensus on Science
In this review, early administration of aspirin is defined as
prehospital or administration in the first hours from onset of
symptoms of MI (ie, median 1.6 hours in 1 study).75
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality
(at 7 days), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 2 observational
studies75,76 with a total of 2122 patients with acute MI showing benefit to early aspirin administration (RR, 0.37; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality (at
30 days), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 2 observational
studies75,76 with a total of 2122 patients with acute MI showing benefit to early aspirin administration (RR, 0.45; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality (at
5 weeks), we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness) from 1 RCT70 enrolling 8587 patients with acute
MI showing no benefit to aspirin (162.5 mg, enteric-coated)
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administration within 2 hours of symptom onset (RR, 0.92;
95% CI, 0.76–1.11).
For the critical outcome of cardiovascular mortality
(at 1 year), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 1 observational study75 with
1200 patients with acute MI showing benefit to early aspirin
(160 mg, oral) administration (RR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.29–0.77).
For the critical outcome of complications, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness)
from 1 observational study76 with a total of 922 patients with
acute MI showing no increase in complication rate with early
aspirin (greater than 200 mg, chewable) administration (RR,
0.61; 95% CI, 0.46–0.81). We also identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from
1 observational study75 with a total of 1200 patients with acute
MI demonstrating an increase in complications (such as reischemia) in the group that received early aspirin (160 mg,
oral) administration (RR, 1.22; 95% CI, 1.09–1.37).
For the critical outcome of incidence of cardiac arrest,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness) from 1 observational study76 with a total of 922
patients with acute MI showing no benefit to early aspirin
(greater than 200 mg, chewable) administration (RR, 0.82;
95% CI, 0.56–1.2) and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational
study75 with a total of 1200 patients with acute MI demonstrating an increased incidence of cardiac arrest in the group
that received early aspirin (160 mg, oral) administration (RR,
1.53; 95% CI, 1.13–2.09).
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcomes of cardiac functional outcome, infarct size, or hospital length of stay or the low importance outcome of chest
pain resolution.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest the early administration of aspirin by first aid providers to adults with chest pain due to suspected MI (weak
recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is no evidence for the early administration of aspirin by first aid providers to adults with chest pain of unclear
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the benefits of aspirin, such as decreased mortality from MI,
which outweigh possible risks of complications.
The task force discussed concerns about first aid providers
being able to differentiate chest pain of cardiac origin from
other causes of chest discomfort. With any treatment recommendations naming a particular clinical pathology, such as in
this case with MI or chest pain of cardiac origin, it is very
important that guidelines or educational materials clearly indicate what signs and symptoms the first aid provider should
look for to recognize that clinical presentation.
Knowledge Gaps
• Is aspirin safe if given to patients with chest pain of other
etiologies, particularly gastrointestinal?
• Is it safe for a first aid provider to administer 1 dose of
• Is
there any high-quality evidence demonstrating that
there is a critical time window for the administration of
aspirin after the onset of acute MI in terms of reducing
morbidity and mortality?
• Is the prehospital administration of aspirin required if
the patients are fast tracked to percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI)?
Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis and Treatment
of Hypoglycemia, Exertion-Related
Dehydration, and Chemical Eye Injuries
This section includes the topics of a second dose of epinephrine for anaphylaxis and first aid treatment of hypoglycemia in
diabetics, exertion-related dehydration, and chemical injuries
of the eye.
Second Dose of Epinephrine for
Anaphylaxis (FA 500)
Among adults and children experiencing severe anaphylaxis
requiring the use of epinephrine (P), does administration of a
second dose of epinephrine (I), compared with administration
of only 1 dose (C), change resolution of symptoms, adverse
effects, complications (O)?
In 2010, evidence evaluation regarding effectiveness of
administration of a second dose of epinephrine for anaphylaxis concluded that there was insufficient evidence
to make a recommendation regarding the routine first aid
administration of a second dose of epinephrine. Use of a
more rigorous literature search strategy and of the GRADE
methodology for the 2015 review provided additional scientific evidence that has resulted in a change in the treatment
The question’s specific focus was on the benefit of a second dose of epinephrine for severe anaphylaxis when signs
and symptoms fail to respond to an initial dose. For the purpose of this review, if a study provided data for epinephrine
administered after a first dose, unless the study specified that a
second dose was given as part of a protocol, it was presumed
that doses administered after a first dose were administered
due to failure to respond.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of resolution of symptoms, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and confounding) from 9 observational studies77–85 showing
benefit for giving a second dose (or multiple doses) of epinephrine to patients not responding to a first dose (RR, 1.16;
95% CI, 1.13–1.20).
In addition, for the critical outcome of resolution of
symptoms, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 1 observational study86 showing
no significant difference between the percentage of resolved
reactions in an ambulance service routinely using 2 doses of
epinephrine versus an ambulance service using a single dose
(RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.9–1.04).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of adverse effects or complications.
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Singletary et al
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest a second dose of epinephrine be administered by
autoinjector to individuals with severe anaphylaxis whose
symptoms are not relieved by an initial dose (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place a higher value on
the resolution of life-threatening symptoms, such as airway
compromise, breathing difficulty, and circulatory collapse,
over the potential risk of adverse effects from an unnecessary
second injection.
When caring for a person with anaphylaxis, first aid providers should always call EMS (eg, 9-1-1 or 1-1-2) rescue
Public comments and discussion on this topic centered on
issues of dosing, interval time for a second dose, and the possibility of adverse effects should epinephrine be inadvertently
administered to a person not experiencing anaphylaxis. This
evidence review did not evaluate the time interval between doses
of epinephrine or the optimal dose. However, literature included
in the review suggests that a second dose of epinephrine may be
administered 10 to 15 minutes after the initial dose.80
While the included studies did not identify any adverse
effects, selection bias might have prevented those effects
from being identified. Adverse effects have previously been
reported in the literature when epinephrine is administered in
the incorrect dose or via inappropriate routes, such as the intravenous route. Use of autoinjectors by first aid providers may
minimize the opportunity for incorrect dosing of epinephrine.
Knowledge Gaps
In 2010, first aid worksheet 303B attempted to define if or can
“the First Aid Provider Appropriately Recognize the Signs and
Symptoms of Anaphylaxis.” The task force did not address
this PICO question in 2015, and thus the question “How can
a first aid provider determine that a victim needs additional
epinephrine?” remains.
• What
should the time interval be between doses of
• Would a higher concentration (0.5 mg) recommended
for standard therapy versus the injectable syringe dose
(0.3 mg) be more effective and decrease the need for
additional doses in the EMS setting?
• Should an initial injection be administered in the
early stages of anaphylaxis, before the onset of severe
Hypoglycemia Treatment (FA 795)
Among adults and children with symptomatic hypoglycemia
(P), does administration of dietary forms of sugar (I), compared
with standard dose (15–20 g) of glucose tablets (C), change time
to resolution of symptoms, risk of complications (eg, aspiration),
blood glucose, hypoglycemia, hospital length of stay (O)?
This is a new topic for the 2015 consensus on science.
Because glucose tablets may not be readily available in all
first aid settings, this task force performed a review to evaluate
Part 9: First Aid
the effectiveness of dietary (ie, food source) sugars compared
with glucose tablets for the management of symptomatic
The literature search for this review identified 5 studies
that compared glucose tablets to various commercial sugarcontaining dietary products. The named commercial products
cited in the consensus on science and in the treatment recommendation were specifically included in evaluated studies and
are not particularly endorsed by the First Aid Task Force. To
our knowledge, none of the product manufacturers contributed
to or were involved with the identified studies. Two tables listing the specific sugar content for each studied product are provided to assist with guideline development (Tables 1 and 2).
Consensus on Science
Dietary Sugars (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms,
none of the 4 studies identified87–90 showed that any form of
dietary sugar or glucose tablets improved the blood glucose
before 10 minutes.
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical
relief in 15 minutes or less), we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 3
randomized controlled studies88–90 with pooled data from 502
diabetic patients treated with dietary sugars (sucrose, fructose,
orange juice, jelly beans, Mentos, and milk) and 223 treated
with glucose tablets (15–20 g) that showed a benefit with glucose tablets, with slower resolution of symptoms 15 minutes
after diabetic patients were treated with dietary sugars compared with glucose tablets (RR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.83–0.96).
For the important outcome of blood glucose (diabetic
patients with at least a 20-mg/dL increase of blood glucose
by 20 minutes), we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational
study87 with 13 diabetic patients treated with dietary sugars
and 9 treated with glucose tablets that showed a benefit with
glucose tablets, with fewer diabetic patients demonstrating
a 20-mg/dL increase in blood glucose level 20 minutes after
treatment when treated with dietary sugars compared with
glucose tablets (RR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1–0.85). For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcome of risk of complications (eg, aspiration), and the
low-priority outcome of hospital length of stay, there were no
human trials found.
Sucrose (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
in 15 minutes or less), we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs88,90 with
pooled data from 177 diabetic patients treated with sucrose
(165 with sucrose candy [Skittles] and 12 with sucrose tablets) and 171 treated with glucose tablets that showed no difference in their effects on blood glucose. Sucrose (either as
sucrose candy [Skittles] or sucrose tablets) and glucose tablets
were equivalent in providing clinical relief of hypoglycemia
15 minutes after ingestion (RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.91–1.07).
For the important outcome of blood glucose (mean change
in blood glucose [mmol/L] after 15 minutes), we found lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision)
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October 20, 2015
Table 1. Major Dietary Sugars With About 20 g Carbohydrate From Sugar and
Number of People With Improvement in Hypoglycemia Within 15 Minutes
per Serving
Type of Food or Fluid
Glucose tablets
Measure Representing
20 g Carbohydrates*
Clinical Relief 15 Minutes
or Less After Ingestion
194/223 (87.0%)
0.9 g/candy
20–25 candies
150/177 (84.7%)
Fructose (fruit leather,
eg, Stretch Island)‡
10 g/strip
2 strips
111/165 (67.3%)
Orange juice (unsweetened,
from concentrate)§
1 g/10 mL
200 mL
35/50 (70.0%)
33/45 (73.3%)
Sucrose (Skittles)†
Jelly beans§
1.1 g/jelly bean
15–20 jelly beans
2.8 g/mint
5–10 mints
Whole milk¶
21.75 g/mL
435 mL
44/48 (91.7%)
Not reported
*These measurements may differ from those in the evaluated studies, because the amount was not
standardized across studies.
†Manufacturer label.
‡One study88 used fruit leather under the trade name Fruit to Go (Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada). We
were unable to find the nutritional information for this fruit leather, so we substituted another brand, Stretch
Island Cherry Flavor (Stretch Island Fruit Co, La Jolla, CA);
Products.html, accessed February 2, 2015.
║Manufacturer label.
¶Brodows, 1984.87
from 1 randomized controlled study90 with 6 diabetic patients
treated with sucrose (dissolved in water) and 6 treated with
glucose tablets that showed a benefit to glucose administration, with the MD (mmol/L) in blood glucose 15 minutes after
ingestion lower with sucrose (dissolved in water) than glucose
tablets (MD, −0.9; 95% CI, −1.78 to −0.02). A second arm of
this same study with 6 diabetic patients treated with sucrose
(chewed) and 6 treated with glucose tablets showed no benefit, with the MD (mmol/L) in blood glucose 15 minutes after
ingestion similar between sucrose (chewed) and glucose tablets (MD, 0.3; 95% CI, −0.8 to 1.41). For the critical outcome
of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcome of
risk of complications (eg, aspiration), and the lower-priority
outcome of hospital length of stay, there were no human trials
Fructose (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
in 15 minutes or less), we found low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT88 with 165
diabetic patients treated with fructose (Fruit to Go) and 165
treated with glucose tablets that showed benefit with glucose,
with a lower incidence of resolution of symptoms 15 minutes
after treatment for diabetic patients treated with fructose compared with glucose tablets (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.68–0.86). For
the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms, the
important outcomes of risk of complications (eg, aspiration)
and blood glucose, and the low-priority outcome of hospital
length of stay, there were no human trials found.
Orange Juice (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
in 15 minutes or less), we found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, inconsistency, and imprecision)
from 2 RCTs89,90 with the pooled data of 50 diabetic patients
treated with orange juice and 58 treated with glucose tablets that showed no difference in the resolution of symptoms
15 minutes after treatment for diabetic patients treated with
orange juice compared with glucose tablets (RR, 0.84; 95%
CI, 0.69–1.02). For the important outcome of blood glucose,
Table 2. Type of Dietary Sugar Representing 15 g of Carbohydrates and Number of People
With Improvement in Hypoglycemia Within 15 Minutes
Type of Dietary Sugar
Glucose tablets
Glucose solution*†
Glucose gel*‡
Cornstarch hydrolysate*§
Carbohydrates per
Measure Representing
15 g Carbohydrates*
Clinical Relief 15 Minutes or
Less After Ingestion
194/223 (87.0%)
1 g/10 mL
150 mL
5/6 (83.3%)
15 g of glucose in 40 g of
40% dextrose gel
15 g
2/6 (33.3%)
15 g cornstarch
15 g
4/5 (80%)
*Glucose solution, glucose gel, and hydrolysate were evaluated in 1 study.90
†15 g of glucose dissolved in 150 mL of water.
‡Hypostop, Novo Industries.
§15 g of cornstarch hydrolysate containing 2% to 3% glucose, 6% to 8% maltose, 89% to 92% oligosaccharides and
polysaccharides, and 0.15% protein (Glucides 19, Roquette Freres, Lestrem, France) diluted in 150 mL of water.
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Singletary et al
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT90 with 6 diabetic
patients treated with orange juice and 6 treated with glucose
tablets that showed no benefit with glucose tablets, with the
MD (mmol/L) in blood glucose 15 minutes after ingestion
lower with orange juice than with glucose tablets (MD, −0.7;
95% CI, −1.55 to −0.15). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational
study87 with 8 diabetic patients treated with orange juice and 9
treated with glucose tablets showed no difference in a diabetic
patient’s likelihood of having a 20-mg/dL increase in blood
glucose level 20 minutes after treatment with orange juice
compared with glucose tablets (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.18–1.26).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms,
the important outcome of risk of complications (eg, aspiration), and the low-priority outcome of hospital length of stay,
no human trials were found.
Jelly Beans (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
less in 15 minutes or less), we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
RCT89 with 45 diabetic patients treated with jelly beans and 52
treated with glucose tablets that showed no difference in the
resolution of symptoms 15 minutes after treatment, whether
diabetic patients were treated with jelly beans or glucose tablets (RR, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.69–1.04). For the critical outcome
of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcomes of
risk of complications (eg, aspiration) and blood glucose, and
the low-priority outcome of hospital length of stay, no human
trials were found.
Mentos (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
in 15 minutes or less), we found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT89
with 48 diabetic patients treated with Mentos and 52 treated
with glucose tablets that showed no difference in the resolution of symptoms 15 minutes after treatment, whether diabetic
patients were treated with Mentos or glucose tablets (RR,
1.06; 95% CI, 0.92–1.21). For the critical outcome of time
to resolution of symptoms, the important outcomes of risk of
complications (eg, aspiration) and blood glucose, and the lowpriority outcome of hospital length of stay, no human trials
were found.
Milk (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of blood glucose (diabetic patients
with at least a 20-mg/dL increase of blood glucose by 20 minutes), we found very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study87 that
included 5 diabetic patients treated with whole milk and 9
treated with glucose tablets, showing no difference in likelihood of a 20-mg/dL increase in blood glucose level 20 minutes after treatment, whether diabetic patients were treated
with milk or glucose tablets (RR, 0.11; 95% CI, 0.01–1.62).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms,
the important outcomes of risk of complications (eg, aspiration) and hypoglycemia, and the low-priority outcome of hospital length of stay, no human trials were found.
Part 9: First Aid
Glucose Gel (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief in
15 minutes or less), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT90
that included 6 diabetic patients treated with glucose gel and 6
treated with glucose tablets, finding no difference in the resolution of symptoms 15 minutes after treatment (RR, 0.5; 95%
CI, 0.14–1.77).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcomes of risk of complications (eg,
aspiration) and blood glucose, and the low-priority outcome
of hospital length of stay, no human trials were found.
Glucose Solution (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief in
15 minutes or less), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT90
that included 6 diabetic patients treated with glucose solution
and 6 treated with glucose tablets, finding no difference in the
resolution of symptoms 15 minutes after treatment (RR, 1.25;
95% CI, 0.64–2.44).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcomes of risk of complications (eg,
aspiration) and blood glucose, and the low-priority outcome
of hospital length of stay, no human trials were found.
Cornstarch Hydrolysate (I) Compared With Glucose Tablets (C)
For the important outcome of hypoglycemia (clinical relief
in 15 minutes or less), we found very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT90
that included 5 diabetic patients treated with cornstarch
hydrolysate 15 g and 6 treated with glucose tablets, finding
no difference in the resolution of symptoms 15 minutes after
treatment (RR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.59–2.45).
For the critical outcome of time to resolution of symptoms, the important outcomes of risk of complications (eg,
aspiration) and blood glucose, and the low-priority outcome
of hospital length of stay, no human trials were found.
The following dietary sugars were evaluated in the
included studies:
• Skittles: ~90 g carbohydrate per 100 g, sugar (sucrose)
corn syrup, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, fruit
juice from concentrate (grape, strawberry, lemon, lime,
orange), citric acid, dextrin, natural and artificial flavors,
gelatin, food starch–modified coloring, ascorbic acid
• Fruit to Go: apple pure concentrate; apple, cherry, and
elderberry juice concentrates; wild berry concentrate
(concentrated cherry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry and
boysenberry juices, natural flavor); citrus pectin; natural
flavor; lemon juice concentrate
• Mentos: 2.8 g carbohydrate in each mint (71% glucose
and 29% oligosaccharides), 91.6 g carbohydrate per 100
g, 69.3 g sugar per 100 g, sugar, glucose syrup (corn),
reconstituted fruit juices (strawberry, orange, lemon;
2.5%), hydrogenated vegetable oil (coconut), acid (citric
acid), rice starch, thickeners (gum arabic, gellan gum,
flavorings, glazing agent [carnauba wax]), emulsifier
(sucrose esters of fatty acids), colors
• Glucose gel: 15 g of glucose in 40 g of 40% dextrose gel
(Hypostop, Novo Industries)
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October 20, 2015
• Glucose solution: 15 g of glucose dissolved in 150 mL
of water
• Cornstarch hydrolysate: 15 g of cornstarch hydrolysate containing 2% to 3% glucose, 6% to 8% maltose,
89% to 92% oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, and
0.15% protein (Glucides 19, Roquette Freres, Lestrem,
France) diluted in 150 mL of water.
Treatment Recommendation
We recommend that first aid providers administer glucose tablets for treatment of symptomatic hypoglycemia in conscious
individuals (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
We suggest that if glucose tablets are not available, various
forms of dietary sugars such as Skittles, Mentos, sugar cubes,
jelly beans, or orange juice can be used to treat symptomatic
hypoglycemia in conscious individuals (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence to make a recommendation
on the use of whole milk, cornstarch hydrolysate, and glucose
solution, or glucose gels as compared with glucose tablets for
the treatment of symptomatic hypoglycemia.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we acknowledge the likelihood that glucose tablets will not always be available and that
other dietary sugars are often more accessible.
In the 4 studies, most individuals had symptom improvement 10 to 15 minutes after treatment.
A rerun of the original literature search was performed
in January 2015. No new studies were identified that subsequently altered the treatment recommendation.
This review generated a number of excellent questions
within the ILCOR task forces and via public commenting.
Several of the comments asked if alternative forms of candy or
dietary sugars could be substituted for those listed in the tables.
Although alternative dietary sugars and candy may be effective in treating hypoglycemia, the forms of sugars listed in this
review are the specific dietary sugars that have been evaluated,
with the specific amount used (ie, number of candies or amount
of orange juice) equating to glucose 15 to 20 g. Those who
commented also asked if there is any harm from giving more
than the tested amount of dietary sugars. While this review did
not look at adverse effects of administering more sugar than
needed, it is well known that providing more sugar than needed
to diabetics with symptomatic hypoglycemia can lead to “overshooting” of blood glucose goals, which, when repeated over
time, may be as harmful as recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia.
Concern was expressed over administration of oral sugars
to diabetics with symptomatic hypoglycemia, particularly if
they have altered mental status. The recommendations made
by this task force apply to individuals with symptomatic hypoglycemia who are conscious, able to follow commands, and
able to swallow. If these criteria are not present, oral treatment
should be withheld because there is risk of aspiration, and
EMS (eg, 9-1-1 or 1-1-2) rescue services should be contacted.
The evidence reviewers for this topic were asked if some
guidance could be provided in terms of the time required for
resolution of symptoms of hypoglycemia after treatment using
dietary sugar supplements as tested, to help determine when
a repeat treatment may be necessary. For all tested dietary
Change in glucose (mmol/L)
Glucose tablets
Just Juice (orange)
Jelly beans
Mentos dragees
Time (minutes)
Glucose (mmol/L)
Glucose tablets
Just Juice (orange)
Jelly beans
Mentos dragees
Time (minutes)
Figure 3. Change in blood glucose from baseline for 4 treatment
groups. A, Mean change in blood glucose from baseline by time
for 4 treatment groups (P=0.034 at 10 minutes and P=0.005
at 15 minutes, respectively, between groups). B, Mean blood
glucose by time for 4 treatment groups (P=0.099 at 10 minutes
and P=0.026 at 15 minutes, respectively, between groups). From
McTavish L, Wiltshire E. Effective treatment of hypoglycemia in
children with type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled clinical
trial. Pediatr Diabetes. 2011;12:381–387.89
sugars, blood glucose levels did not improve substantially
until 10 to 15 minutes after treatment (Figure 3).
Glucose gels and paste are not directly equivalent to oral
glucose tablets in terms of dosing and absorption, and, therefore, we did not include them in the control arm of this review.
Instead, these agents were included as interventions compared
with glucose tablets, with the finding of a single study with a
very small number of subjects, showing them to be suboptimal
as compared with oral glucose tablets. The task force strongly
believes that further studies are needed with glucose gels and
paste to determine if they are absorbed through the buccal
mucosa or sublingually (versus swallowed), and to determine
any dose equivalence to glucose tablets. We are aware of studies evaluating dextrose spray, gel, or paste for neonates or
children, but without a glucose tablet comparison; thus, these
studies were excluded from this review.
Knowledge Gaps
More evidence and well-designed studies are needed regarding
• Complications associated with various oral hypoglycemia treatment options
length of stay for various oral hypoglycemia
treatment options
• Other dietary forms of sugars that patients or providers may have readily available (eg, high-fructose syrup
drinks or soda pop soft drinks)
• Glucose gels, pastes, and spray
• Dietary sugar snacks containing gelatin (jelly beans, jelly
lollies, or candies), honey, and sweetened condensed milk
• Hospital
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Exertion-Related Dehydration and Oral
Rehydration (FA 584)
Among adults and children with exertion-related dehydration
(P), does drinking oral carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) liquids
(I), compared with drinking water (C), change volume/hydration status, vital signs, development of hyperthermia, development of hyponatremia, need for advanced medical care, blood
glucose, patient satisfaction (O)?
A review of this topic was performed in 2010 and concluded
that CE beverages are recommended for rehydration of individuals who become dehydrated through sweating in hot
climates and/or exercise. For the 2015 review, the task force
used an extensive literature search combined with GRADE
methodology, resulting in a much larger number of included
studies. In addition, we included several alternative beverages
with varying CE content compared with water. The authors
of some included studies noted that a relatively lower urine
volume is considered an indicator for increased intravascular volume during the immediate postexercise rehydration
period.86,89,91 The physiologic basis of this relates to a fall in
plasma osmolality and sodium concentration with plain water
ingestion after exercise, which stimulates urine production
and reduces the stimulus to drink, both of which delay the
rehydration process. Addition of sodium chloride to plain
water has been shown to increase fluid intake while reducing urine output. Thus, for this review, a lower urine output
in the first several hours after ingestion of studied fluids is
considered a beneficial effect for rehydration. The rehydration index is an indication of how much of the fluid ingested
was actually used in body weight restoration,92,93 with a lower
number reflecting a higher amount of ingested fluid used in
body weight restoration.
Consensus on Science
After the application of inclusion and exclusion criteria to the
1751 initial citations, a total of 12 studies were included. A
summary of the evidence from these 12 studies is provided
(Table 3).
12% CE Solution (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT91 with 30 subjects showing a benefit with the use of CE solution, with increased fluid
retention (%) at 2 hours after exercise (MD, 16.1; 95% CI,
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, and
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes of
blood glucose, need for advanced medical care, and patient
5% to 8% CE Solution (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 8 studies including 204 subjects
showing an overall benefit to 5% to 8% CE solution compared with water in 10 of 15 outcomes, and 5 of 15 showing
no difference:
Part 9: First Aid
• Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study94 with 38 subjects
showing at 2 hours after hydration no difference for body
weight loss (kg) with CE solution compared with water,
a benefit with CE solution with increased rehydration
(%) (MD, 8; 95% CI, 6.09–9.91), and a benefit with CE
solution for increased blood volume response (%) (MD,
2.8; 95% CI, 2.26–3.34).
• Moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 RCT95 with 18 subjects showing no benefit
for CE solution compared with water for rehydration (%)
at 4 hours after hydration (MD, −1.6; 95% CI, −11.12
to 7.92).
• Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 2 RCTs91,96 with 54 subjects
showing no difference in fluid retention (%) at 2 hours
after hydration for CE solution compared with water;
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 2 RCTs96,97 with 44 subjects showing
a benefit of CE solution for increased fluid retention (%)
at 3 hours (MD, 15.6; 95% CI, 12.44–18.8); very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1
observational study98 with 26 subjects showing a benefit with CE solution for increased fluid retention (%)
at 3 hours (MD, 21.7; 95% CI, 9.89–33.51); very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1
observational study99 with 26 subjects showing a benefit
with CE solution for increased fluid retention (%) at 4
hours (MD, 22; 95% CI, 9.6–34.4); low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
RCT100 with 22 subjects showing no difference in fluid
retention (%) at 4 hours.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 RCT97 with 20 subjects
showing a benefit with CE solution compared with
water with decreased mean urine volume by weight
(g) between 1 and 2 hours after hydration (MD, −175;
95% CI, −206.37 to −143.63) and a benefit of CE
solution with decreased mean urine volume between
2 and 3 hours after hydration (MD, −41; 95% CI,
−64.27 to −17.73); very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study94
with 38 subjects showing at 2 hours after hydration
a benefit with CE solution with decreased mean
urine volume (mL) (MD, −160; 95% CI, −198.15 to
−121.85); very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for imprecision) from 1 observational study98 with
26 subjects showing a benefit with CE solution
with decreased mean urine volume (mL) at 3 hours
after hydration (MD, −465.3; 95% CI, −700.73 to
−229.87); low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT100 with 22 subjects showing no difference for mean urine volume
(mL) at 4 hours after hydration; and very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study99 with 26 subjects showing a benefit
with CE solution with decreased mean urine volume
(mL) at 4 hours after hydration (MD, −277; 95% CI,
−458.26 to −95.74).
• Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study98 with 26 subjects
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October 20, 2015
Table 3. Effectiveness/Beneficial Effects of Various Rehydration Solutions
PICO Outcome
Studies (RCT/Obs)
Benefit CE
12% CE
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
5%–8% CE
Volume/hydration status
8 (5/3)
No Difference
Benefit Water
Total Outcomes
5%–8% CE
Vital signs
3 (2/1)
5%–8% CE
1 (1/0)
5%–8% CE
1 (1/0)
5%–8% CE
Advanced medical care
1 (1/0)
5%–8% CE
Patient satisfaction
2 (1/1)
3%–4% CE
Volume/hydration status
3 (3/0)
3%–4% CE
Patient satisfaction
2 (2/0)
Coconut water
Volume/hydration status
3 (3/0)
Coconut water
Patient satisfaction
2 (2/0)
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
3% Na + Coconut water
3% Na + Coconut water
Patient satisfaction
1 (1/0)
Coconut water (conc)
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
Coconut water (conc)
Vital signs
1 (1/0)
Coconut water (conc)
Patient satisfaction
1 (1/0)
Green tea- 4.2% CE
Blood glucose
1 (0/1)
Lemon tea-CE
Volume/hydration status
1 (0/1)
Lemon tea-CE
Vital signs
1 (0/1)
Lemon tea-CE
Patient satisfaction
1 (0/1)
Chinese tea - caffeine
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
2% Milk
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
2% Milk + Na/K
Volume/hydration status
1 (1/0)
CE indicates carbohydrate-electrolyte; conc, from concentrate; K, potassium; Na, sodium; Obs, observational; PICO, population, intervention, comparator, outcome;
and RCT, randomized controlled trials.
showing no difference in plasma volume change (%) at 3
hours after hydration with CE solution; 1 observational
study of very-low-quality evidence99 (downgraded for
imprecision) with 26 subjects showing a benefit with CE
solution with increased plasma volume change (%) at 4
hours (MD, 11; 95% CI, 9.42–12.58).
For the critical outcome of vital signs, we identified the
• Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study99 with 26 subjects
showing no significant difference for HR (BPM) at 1
hour after hydration and at 3 hours after hydration with
CE solution.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT101 with 36 subjects showing no
difference in HR (BPM) 20 minutes after hydration or
respiratory rate (BPM) 20 minutes after hydration with
CE solution.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 subjects showing no
benefit with CE solution for HR (BPM) at 3 hours after
hydration (MD, 7; 95% CI, −0.02 to 14.02).
For the critical outcome of development of hyperthermia, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT101 with 36 subjects
showing no difference in core temperature (°C) after hydration with CE solution compared with water.
For the critical outcome of development of hyponatremia (a potential complication of endurance exercise), we
identified moderate-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 RCT95 with 18 subjects showing an increased
serum sodium (mmol/L) at 2 hours after hydration (MD, 3;
95% CI, 2.08–3.92), at 3 hours (MD, 3; 95% CI, 2.08–3.92),
and at 4 hours after hydration (MD, 4; 95% CI, 3.08–4.92)
with CE solution compared with water.
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcome of need for advanced medical care.
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified the following:
• Very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 observational study95 with 26 subjects
showing no difference in abdominal discomfort ratings (1–10) with CE solution compared with water at
2, 3, and 4 hours after hydration, and no difference in
stomach fullness ratings (1–10) at 2, 3, or 4 hours after
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 participants showing
no difference in stomach upset ratings (1–5) at 2 or 3
hours after hydration with CE solution compared with
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Singletary et al
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcome of blood glucose.
3% to 4% CE Solution (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified the following:
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 2 RCTs92,93 with 36 subjects showing
no difference in the rehydration index for CE solution
compared with water.
• Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 3 RCTs91–93 with 66 subjects
showing a benefit with CE solution with increased fluid
retention (%) at 2 hours after hydration (MD, 8.97; 95%
CI, 7.54–10.4).
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing a
benefit of CE solution with decreased cumulative urine
output (mL) at 2 hours into the hydration period (MD,
−174.5; 95% CI, −220.89 to −128.11).
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified the following:
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing no
difference for nausea scores (1–5) at 90 minutes after
hydration with CE solution, and low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2
RCTs92,93 with 36 subjects showing no difference for
nausea scores (1–5) at 2 hours for CE solution compared
with water.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing no
difference for stomach upset scores (1–5) at 90 minutes
after hydration with CE solution compared with water,
and low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 2 RCTs92,93 with 36 subjects
showing a benefit with CE solution with a decrease in
stomach upset scores (1–5) at 2 hours after hydration
(MD, −0.3; 95% CI, −0.45 to 0.16).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, and
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes of
blood glucose and need for advanced medical care.
Coconut Water (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified the following:
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 2 RCTs92,93 with 36 subjects showing no difference in rehydration index for coconut water
compared with water.
• Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 3 RCTs92,93,96 with 60 subjects
showing a benefit with coconut water with increased
fluid retention (%) at 2 hours after hydration (MD, 5.81;
95% CI, 4.35–7.27), and very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1
RCT96 with 24 subjects showing no difference in fluid
Part 9: First Aid
retention (%) at 3 hours after hydration with coconut
water compared with water.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing a
benefit with coconut water with decreased cumulative
urine output (mL) at 2 hours into the hydration period
(MD, −76.9; 95% CI, −120.34 to −33.46) compared with
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified the following:
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing no
difference for nausea scores (1–5) with coconut water
compared with water at 90 minutes after hydration and
at 2 hours.
• Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 randomized trial93 with 20
subjects showing a benefit with coconut water with
a decrease in stomach upset scores (1–5) at 90 minutes after hydration (MD, −0.4; 95% CI, −0.54 to
−0.26), very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 RCTs93,96 with
44 subjects showing benefit with coconut water with
a decrease in stomach upset scores (1–5) at 2 hours
after hydration (MD, −0.41; 95% CI, −0.55 to −0.28),
and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 subjects showing no benefit with coconut water with an
increase in stomach upset scores (1–5) at 3 hours after
hydration with the coconut water compared with water
(MD, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.08–2.6).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, or
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes of
blood glucose or need for advanced medical care.
3% Sodium Plus Coconut Water (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 RCT93 with 20 subjects showing a
benefit with 3% sodium plus coconut water compared with
water, with a decreased rehydration index (MD, −0.7; 95%
CI, −0.81 to −0.59), a benefit with 3% sodium plus coconut
water with increased retained fluid (%) at 2 hours after hydration (MD, 10.5; 95% CI, 9.09–11.91), and a benefit with 3%
sodium plus coconut water with decreased urine volume (mL)
at 2 hours after hydration (MD, −150.3; 95% CI, −187.39 to
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 randomized trial93 with 20 subjects
showing a benefit with 3% sodium plus coconut water compared with water, with less nausea (1–5) at 90 minutes after
hydration (MD, −0.2; 95% CI, −0.38 to −0.02).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, and
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes of
blood glucose or need for advanced medical care.
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October 20, 2015
Coconut Water From Concentrate (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 subjects showing
no difference in mean fluid retention at 120 minutes after exercise (MD, 10.7; 95% CI, −6.39 to 27.79) for coconut water
from concentrate compared with water, but higher mean fluid
retention with coconut water at 180 minutes after exercise
(MD, 17; 95% CI, 0.86–33.14).
For the critical outcome of vital signs, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 subjects showing no difference
in mean HR (BPM) at 180 minutes after exercise with coconut
water from concentrate compared with water.
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT96 with 24 subjects showing
no difference in mean stomach upset score (1–5) for coconut
water from concentrate compared with water at 120 minutes
(MD, 1.84; 95% CI, 0.91–2.77) and at 180 minutes (MD,
1.47; 95% CI, 0.6–2.34).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of development of hyperthermia or development of
hyponatremia, or the important outcomes of blood glucose or
need for advanced medical care.
Green Tea–Based 4.2% CE Solution (I) Compared With
Water (C)
For the important outcome of blood glucose, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 observational study102 with 48 subjects showing that a green tea–based 4.2% CE solution was
associated with increased mean glucose (mg/dL) at 2 hours
after hydration compared with water (MD, 6.9; 95% CI,
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of volume/hydration status, vital signs, development of hyperthermia, and development of hyponatremia, or
the important outcomes of need for advanced medical care
and patient satisfaction.
Lemon Tea–Based 12% CE (t-CE) Solution (I) Compared
With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified of very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study99 with 26
subjects showing no difference in mean retained fluid (%) at
4 hours after hydration (MD, 6; 95% CI, −5.15 to 17.15) with
t-CE solution compared with water and no difference in mean
urine volume (mL) at 4 hours after hydration.
For the critical outcome of vital signs, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study99 with 26 subjects showing
no difference in mean HR (BPM) at 60 minutes after hydration with t-CE solution compared with water.
For the important outcome of patient satisfaction, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study99 with
26 subjects showing no difference in mean abdominal discomfort scores (1–10) at 120 minutes after hydration with
t-CE, no benefit with t-CE with an increase in abdominal
discomfort scores at 180 minutes (MD, 1.3; 95% CI, 0.69–
1.91), and no benefit with t-CE compared with water with an
increase in abdominal discomfort at 240 minutes; also, there
was no difference for mean stomach fullness scores (1–10)
with t-CE solution at 120 minutes after hydration, and no
significant difference for mean stomach fullness scores with
t-CE solution at 180 minutes or at 240 minutes as compared
with water.
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcome of development of hyperthermia and development of
hyponatremia, or the important outcome of blood glucose and
need for advanced medical care.
Chinese Tea Plus Caffeine (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias and imprecision) from 1 RCT97 with 20 subjects showing no difference with Chinese tea plus caffeine compared
with water in mean total body water loss (%), no difference
in mean fluid retention (%) at 3 hours after hydration, and
no significant difference in mean urine volume by weight (g)
between 60 and 120 minutes or between 120 and 180 minutes
after hydration.
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, or
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes
of blood glucose, need for advanced medical care, or patient
Milk (2% Fat) (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 RCT100 with 22 subjects showing a
benefit with milk (2% fat) compared with water at 4 hours
after hydration for fluid retention (%) (MD, 33; 95% CI,
24.64–41.36) and for urine volume (mL) (MD, −594; 95% CI,
−742.34 to −445.66).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, or
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes
of blood glucose, need for advanced medical care, or patient
Milk (2% Fat) Plus High Sodium (Na+) and Potassium (K+)
Concentration (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of volume/hydration status, we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 RCT100 with 22 subjects showing a
benefit with milk (2% fat) with high Na+/K+ concentration
compared with water at 4 hours after hydration for fluid retention (%) (MD, 36; 95% CI, 29.64–42.36) and benefit with
urine volume (mL) (MD, −655; 95% CI, −773.26 to −536.74).
We recognize that this beverage is not a standard commercial
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of vital signs, development of hyperthermia, or
development of hyponatremia, or the important outcomes
of blood glucose, need for advanced medical care, or patient
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Singletary et al
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that first aid providers use 3% to 8% CE drinks for
treating exertion-related dehydration. If 3% to 8% CE drinks
are not available or not tolerated, alternative beverages for
rehydration include water, 12% CE solution, coconut water,
2% milk, tea, tea-CE, or caffeinated tea beverages (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we recognize that first aid
providers are commonly recruited to assist at first aid stations
located at sporting and challenge events and that exerciseinduced dehydration is a common problem. It may not be possible to determine the exact quantity or percent of fluid loss in
the first aid setting.
Public comment was made about the potential mortality
associated with ingestion of water only during ultramarathons.
The reviewers for this PICO question specifically looked at
sodium levels reported after rehydration in the included studies and agreed that oral rehydration with CE liquids may
assist in preventing hyponatremia, although this review did
not specifically address exercise-associated hyponatremia. In
addition, all included trials conducted exercise in a controlled
environment and time period. Extreme events such as ultramarathons were not included in the evidence evaluation.
Knowledge Gaps
How can a first aid provider determine the amount of liquid
required for rehydration?
Eye Chemical Injury: Irrigation (FA 540)
Among adults and children who have a chemical or other
unknown substance enter the conjunctival sac (P), does irrigation with isotonic saline, balanced salt solution, or other
commercial eye irrigation solutions (I), compared with irrigation with water (C), change tissue healing, functional recovery, pain, complications, time to resumption of usual activity,
restoration to the preexposure condition, time to resolution of
symptoms (O)?
The 2010 review of eye injuries focused on irrigation of eyes
after exposure to an unknown toxic substance, with a recommendation to use copious amounts of water unless a specific antidote is available. For 2015, the First Aid Task Force
looked at which solutions might be compared with water for
the management of ocular injuries from chemicals or other
substances. This use of water as a comparator made the literature search extremely difficult, and no human comparative trials were identified. Thus, animal studies were later introduced
into the search strategy, and 1 comparative animal study met
all our inclusion criteria.
Consensus on Science
Saline (I) Compared With Water (C)
For the critical outcome of pH level, studied as maximum pH
of the anterior chamber after alkali application to the cornea,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 in vivo observational animal
study103 using the eyes of 16 rabbits divided into 4 groups of
Part 9: First Aid
4 rabbits (8 eyes) in which twice normal sodium hydroxide
(2N NaOH) was applied to the corneas, demonstrating benefit
(ie, in reduction of the high, alkaline pH) with irrigation using
water, including
• A statistically significant higher maximum pH when irrigating with 0.5 L of 0.9% normal saline versus 0.5 L of
tap water (MD, 0.62; 95% CI, 0.25–0.99)
• A statistically significant higher maximum pH when irrigating with 1.5 L of 0.9% normal saline versus 0.5 L tap
water (MD, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.035–1.105)
• A statistically significant higher maximum pH when irrigating with 0.5 L of 0.9% normal saline versus 1.5 L of
tap water (MD, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.119–0.881)
No significant difference in maximum pH was found after
irrigation using 1.5 L of 0.9% normal saline versus 1.5 L of
tap water (MD, 0.45; 95% CI, −0.09 to 0.994).
We did not identify any evidence to address the outcomes
of intraocular penetration, risk of secondary glaucoma, corneal thickness (swelling), or intraocular pressure.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that first aid providers use continuous, large volumes of clean water for irrigation of chemical eye injuries
(weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
We did not identify any studies evaluating the use of irrigation for other substances entering the eye comparing irrigation solutions with water.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we value the preservation of
We recommend that the local poison center be called to
assist with identification of any chemical involved in an ocular injury. Because of the dangers associated with chemical
eye injuries, a healthcare professional should evaluate these
injuries immediately.
Public comments expressed concern that our recommendation could be made based on a single animal study. This is
a valid concern. However, although the included animal study
is of a very-low-quality evidence, it is important because it
demonstrates the extreme caustic nature of an alkali injury
to the cornea and the need to irrigate with large volumes of
water. The included study showed persistently high pH levels
of the alkali-injured corneas at 3 hours after irrigation with
1.5 L of either saline or water. Thus, based on this single
study, we again recommend continuous irrigation of corneal
injuries caused by alkaline substances with clean or tap water
and to continue until a healthcare professional evaluates the
injury and determines that the pH of the eye has returned to
Knowledge Gaps
Well-designed studies are needed to evaluate
• Irrigation with commercial eye-rinsing solutions versus
tap water (controlled trial)
• Comparison between different types of commercial eye-
rinsing solutions and tap water, including irrigation times
• Civilian first aid setting
• Control for confounders, type of toxin, or other substance
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October 20, 2015
First Aid Trauma Emergencies
Important trauma topics reviewed for 2015 included the first
aid management of hemorrhage, angulated fractures, open
chest wounds, burns (cooling of burns and burn dressings),
and dental avulsion. Two additional important trauma topics
were cervical spinal motion restriction and the recognition of
concussion by first aid providers.
The correct management of hemorrhage and the enhancement of hemostasis in the first aid setting are essential to
maintaining the circulating blood volume in acute trauma.
Three PICO reviews focused on critical interventions for
severe bleeding:
• There
was inadequate evidence to support the use of
proximal pressure points or limb elevation to control
bleeding. The use of localized cold therapy is suggested
for closed bleeding in extremities to aid hemostasis, but
there was no evidence to support this therapy for open
bleeding (Revised).
• The use of hemostatic dressings in first aid is supported
when standard first aid hemorrhage control (eg, direct
wound pressure) fails to control severe bleeding or cannot be applied (Revised).
• Similarly, the evidence supports the use of tourniquets in
the civilian setting when standard first aid hemorrhage
control (eg, direct wound pressure) fails to control severe
external limb bleeding (Revised).
The task force recognized that the use of hemostatic dressings and tourniquets will have cost and training implications.
However, the task force thought that these costs would be
moderate and justified considering the benefit of maintaining
circulating blood volume in the management of trauma.
• There was no evidence to support the straightening of an
angulated fracture in the first aid situation, and the task
force did not make a recommendation. The task force
recognized the need to protect the victim from further
injury by splinting the fracture in position to reduce
pain or to enable safe extrication and transportation
• The application of an occlusive dressing or device by
first aid providers to an open chest wound may lead to an
unrecognized tension pneumothorax. The task force suggested that these wounds be left open with local control
of bleeding rather than risk occlusion (New).
• There is a growing body of scientific evidence showing
complications related to use of cervical collars. When
combined with concern for potential secondary injury
due to neck movement during attempts to apply a collar, this has led to a suggestion (weak recommendation)
against the use of cervical collars by first aid providers. The task force acknowledges that first aid providers may not be able to distinguish between high- and
low-risk criteria for spinal injuries, and recognizes the
possible need for alternative methods of cervical spine
motion restriction or stabilization, but these were not
formally reviewed. The task force believes that formal
spinal motion restriction in high-risk individuals is best
accomplished by trained emergency medical rescuers or
healthcare professionals (Revised).
• The
recognition of concussion after head trauma is a
common challenge of first aid. No simple concussion
scoring system was found that would assist the first aid
provider in making this important diagnosis; however,
there are more advanced scoring systems for use by
healthcare professionals (New).
• The correct first aid management of burns is critical to
their eventual outcome. Cooling burns is a widespread first
aid practice, but it is only supported by low-quality scientific evidence. No evidence was found as to the preferred
method of cooling, the temperature of the coolant, or the
duration of cooling. It was recommended that active cooling begin as soon as possible by using cool or nonfreezing
water or cooling adjuncts such as gel pads (Revised).
• A comparison of wet dressings with dry dressings for
thermal burns yielded no recommendation. There were
no studies comparing plastic wrap, considered a dry
dressing, with a wet dressing (Revised).
• It is widely recommended that an avulsed tooth be
replanted immediately in the conscious victim. However,
first aid providers may not have the skills or the willingness to undertake this procedure. This review suggests a
series of commercially available storage solutions and
simple household mediums, when available, for the
short-term storage of an avulsed tooth until reimplantation can be accomplished (New).
Control of Bleeding (FA 530)
Among adults and children with bleeding (P), does application of localized cold therapy, elevation of extremity, and/
or application of pressure over proximal pressure points (I),
compared with direct pressure alone (C), change overall mortality, hemostasis, major bleeding, complications, hospital
length of stay (O)?
For 2015, this review compared direct pressure with either
localized cold therapy (such as a cold pack), elevation of an
extremity, or proximal pressure points. The absence of literature on all interventions except localized cold therapy, and
the interpretive caution required when generalizing results
from hospital to first aid settings, limited the treatment
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of mortality, we identified no
For the critical outcome of hemostasis, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT104 showing a benefit
in the reduction of femoral hematoma formation in post-PCI
patients receiving cold pack (vasoconstriction) compared with
sandbags (compression). This study enrolled 50 patients and
reported a statistically significant reduction in femoral hematoma formation, but no quantitative data were provided to
calculate the MD and CI. The publication included an illustration suggesting that cold compression reduced the size of the
hematoma by approximately 20 cm2 over 180 minutes in the
cold compression group and by less than approximately 10
cm2 in the compression-only group.
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Singletary et al
For the critical outcome of major bleeding, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT,105 which enrolled 80
patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty and reported
an MD in calculated total body blood loss in the cold compression group of 610 mL (95% CI, 415.6–804.4) and an MD
in extravasation of 357 mL (95% CI, 184.6–529.3).
For the important outcome of complications, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 RCT105 showing a nonsignificant reduction in complications of the occurrence of deep
vein thrombosis in the cold compression group (1/60 knees)
compared with the non–cold compression group (2/40 knees).
For the important outcome of hospital length of stay, we
identified no evidence.
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest that localized cold therapy with or without pressure may be beneficial in hemostasis for closed bleeding
in extremities (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
There is inadequate evidence to make a treatment recommendation concerning the use of proximal pressure points,
localized cold therapy for external bleeding, or the elevation
of an extremity for control of bleeding.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this weak recommendation, we do so cautiously
because we are generalizing results from the healthcare setting to the first aid setting.
Public comments on this topic expressed concern about
the application of localized cold therapy to pediatric patients
and the risk of hypothermia. The task force thought that local
application of cold therapy to an area of closed bleeding, such
as a bruise or hematoma, is intended to be directed at a relatively small, limited-size injury and would not result in hypothermia (eg, an instant cold pack applied to a bruise).
Knowledge Gaps
There is a paucity of literature comparing different bleedingcontrol strategies commonly used by first aiders. Studies
assessing the relative effectiveness of cold therapy, elevation
of an extremity, and proximal pressure in addition to manual
compression in the first aid setting are needed, as are studies
assessing the effectiveness of combining these strategies with
other interventions such as hemostatic agents and tourniquets.
In addition, further research exploring how much pressure
is required to control bleeding by using a proximal pressure
point is required to determine if this is feasible by a first aid
Hemostatic Dressings (FA 769)
In patients with severe external bleeding (P), does the application of topical hemostatic dressings plus standard first aid
(I), compared with standard first aid alone (C), change overall
mortality, vital signs, hemostasis, complications, blood loss,
major bleeding, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Hemostatic dressings are commonly used to control bleeding
in the surgical and military settings. Early-generation powder
Part 9: First Aid
or granular hemostatic agents were poured directly into the
wound and were associated with exothermic reactions that
could exacerbate tissue injury. These products have improved
in recent years, and hemostatic agent–impregnated dressings
are now believed to be associated with fewer adverse effects.
Their use in the civilian setting is becoming more common.
The objective of this review was to evaluate the current
evidence for the use of hemostatic dressings and to identify
if their use by first aid providers can be safely recommended.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of overall mortality, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and
indirectness) from 1 human case series106 enrolling 26 patients,
demonstrating that 7.7% of patients with hemostatic dressings
(2/26) died (no comparison group). We also identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from
7 animal RCT studies107–113 showing benefit, where 29.1%
(25/86) of subjects who were treated with hemostatic dressings died, compared with 65.8% (54/82) who were not treated
with hemostatic dressings (RR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.31–0.64).
For the critical outcome of hemostasis, very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 4 human case series106,114–116 enrolling 130 participants demonstrated that hemostasis occurred in 90.8% of
participants (118/130) (no comparison group). We also identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 3 animal studies112,113,117
showing benefit where hemostasis occurred in 74.2% (23/31)
who were treated with hemostatic dressings, compared with
50% (13/26) who were not treated with hemostatic dressings
(RR, 1.48; 95% CI, 0.96–2.30).
For the critical outcome of complications, very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 4 human case series studies106,114–116 enrolling 96
participants demonstrated that complications from hemostatic
dressings occurred in 3% of participants (3/96) (no comparison group).
For the important outcome of time to bleeding cessation,
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 human case series114 demonstrated that 73% of participants (25/34) achieved hemostasis
in under 3 minutes after a hemostatic dressing was applied (no
comparison group).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest hemostatic dressings be used by first aid providers
when standard first aid hemorrhage control (including direct
pressure with or without a dressing) cannot control severe
external bleeding (weak recommendation, very-low-quality
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place increased value on
the benefits of hemostasis, which outweigh the risks (including infection and/or burns). The cost of the intervention is
This PICO question specifically addressed hemostatic
dressings and does not apply to other agents (such as granules)
that may be applied alone or followed by a gauze dressing.
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A rerun of the literature search performed in January 2015
found no new studies that would change the treatment recommendation or strength of recommendation.
The 2010 consensus on science treatment recommendation stated that application of topical hemostatic agents to
control life-threatening bleeding not controlled by standard
techniques was “reasonable,” although the best agents and the
conditions under which it should be applied were not known.
For 2015, it remains unclear when hemostatic dressings compared with other interventions, such as direct pressure with or
without gauze dressing and/or tourniquets, should be used for
the control of severe bleeding. However, the task force thinks
that hemostatic dressings may be of greatest use in severe
external bleeding in locations where a tourniquet cannot be
applied, or when a tourniquet is not available and standard
hemorrhage control (direct pressure with or without gauze
dressing) is not effective. Effective use of hemostatic dressings requires that first aid providers be trained in proper application techniques.
Knowledge Gaps
More research is required to establish how much training is
required and what type of training should be used for first aid
providers to apply hemostatic dressings to bleeding wounds,
what should be used, and when it should be used. Specific
questions include
• Which specific hemostatic dressings should be used by
first aid providers?
• In humans, how do hemostatic dressings compare with
properly applied standard first aid for effective bleeding
cessation, time to cessation, and complications?
• How do hemostatic dressings compare with tourniquet
application by first aid providers?
• Compared with standard hemorrhage control, does the
use of hemostatic dressings lead to differences in mortality in humans?
Use of a Tourniquet (FA 768)
Among adults and children with severe external limb bleeding
(P), does the application of a tourniquet (I), compared with not
applying a tourniquet (C), change hemostasis, overall mortality, vital signs, functional limb recovery, complications, blood
loss, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Tourniquets have been used in military settings for severe
external limb bleeding for many years. Various types of tourniquets have been used, including improvised and commercially available devices. Until recently, there have been little
data from the use of tourniquets in the civilian setting to establish their safety and effectiveness, and their use has remained
In 2010, the evidence was reviewed for the following
questions: When direct pressure fails to stop bleeding, does
the application of a tourniquet improve outcome? In which
circumstances is the application of a tourniquet appropriate?
At that time, no studies were found on the use of tourniquets
to control hemorrhage in a civilian setting by first aid providers. However, evidence was reviewed from military settings.
In civilian settings, tourniquets were only recommended for
control of extremity hemorrhage if direct pressure is not adequate or possible (eg, multiple injuries, inaccessible wounds,
multiple victims). Further, specifically designed tourniquets
were found to be superior to improvised ones, but they could
be used only with proper training. There was insufficient evidence to determine how long a tourniquet could remain in
place safely.
The objective of the 2015 question was to review the current evidence in the prehospital setting on the use of tourniquets for control of severe external limb bleeding compared
with standard hemorrhage control (such as direct pressure
with or without a dressing) alone. Evaluated studies were
from both civilian EMS and military settings and included
a mix of commercial, improvised, and unspecified types of
tourniquets. The evidence remains unclear regarding which
type of tourniquet (improvised or commercially available)
or specific brand of tourniquet is most effective. The body of
literature on this topic is continuously growing and includes
large civilian series, but controlled studies with a comparison
group are lacking.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of hemostasis, we identified lowquality evidence from 1 human study118 with a comparison
group enrolling 70 patients showing benefit where 83%
of those who had a tourniquet applied (35/42) achieved
hemostasis compared with 61% of those who did not
have a tourniquet applied (17/28) (RR, 10.54; 95% CI,
6.55–16.96), and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and indirectness) from 6 human case
series69,119–123 enrolling a total of 750 patients demonstrating that 74.7% of patients who had a tourniquet applied
(560/750) achieved hemostasis (MD not estimable because
control group was lacking).
For the critical outcome of mortality, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 3 human
studies118,124,125 with a comparison group enrolling 1768
patients showing no difference, where 12% of patients who
had a tourniquet applied (91/791) died compared with 9% of
patients who did not have a tourniquet applied (89/977) (RR,
1.08; 95% CI, 0.82–1.43) and 7 very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) human case series120–122,126–129
enrolling 903 patients, where 10% of those patients who had a
tourniquet applied (92/903) died.
For the critical outcome of vital signs, we identified lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 3 human
studies with a comparison group118,124,125 enrolling 1642 participants demonstrating no benefit, with an MD in HR of 3 BPM
more (95% CI, 0.21–6.91) if a tourniquet was applied, and
low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 human studies with a comparison group118,124
enrolling 284 participants demonstrating no benefit, with an
MD in SBP of 9 mm Hg less (95% CI, −14.13 to −3.43) if a
tourniquet was applied.
For the critical outcome of complications, low-quality
evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision)
from 1 human study with a comparison group118 enrolling 165 patients showed benefit to tourniquet application,
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Singletary et al
where 6% of patients who had a tourniquet applied (6/67)
had complications compared with 9% who did not have
a tourniquet applied (9/98) had complications (RR, 0.19;
95% CI, 0.06–0.55), and very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 4 human case
series studies121,122,126,128 enrolling 846 patients documented
that complications from tourniquets occurred in 4.3% of
patients (36/846).
Treatment Recommendation
We suggest first aid providers use a tourniquet when standard
first aid hemorrhage control (including direct pressure with or
without a dressing) cannot control severe external limb bleeding (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place increased value on
the benefits of hemostasis, which outweigh the risks (such as
compartment syndrome, nerve palsy, or secondary amputation). The cost of the intervention is moderate.
The tourniquets used in the studies evaluated included a
mix of improvised and commercial devices. The maximum
length of time for leaving a tourniquet in place was not
The literature search was rerun in January 2015, and 2
additional studies were added to the consensus on science
and GRADE table, 1 from the military setting125 and 1 from
the civilian EMS setting,121 both supporting our treatment
The task force believes that application of a tourniquet will
be most effective and safe if the provider is trained with the
type(s) of tourniquet to be used and if the tourniquet is applied
properly and rapidly. Other situations when a tourniquet might
be used instead of direct pressure were discussed. Such situations are thought to include mass casualty incidents, an unsafe
scene, a complex or prolonged transfer, inability to access an
injury, and caring for someone with multiple injuries requiring
triage of injuries.
A major finding in this review is that the rate of adverse
events with tourniquet application is low, and the rate of successful hemostasis is high. However, we did not find a relationship between the application of tourniquet and improved
Knowledge Gaps
More research is required to establish how much training is
required and what type of training should be used for first aid
providers to apply tourniquets to bleeding wounds.
Specifically research should focus on
• Tourniquet
use versus no tourniquet versus double
• Use in the civilian setting
• Control for confounders, such as concurrent use of
hemostatic dressings
• For major external bleeding, a prospective registry study
would be useful, including a comparison between types
of tourniquets and between commercial tourniquets,
and including injury severity, provider types, time to
surgery, etc.
• Can instructions be given by EMS dispatchers?
Part 9: First Aid
Straightening of an Angulated Fracture (FA 503)
Among adults and children who receive first aid for an angulated long bone fracture (P), does realignment of the fracture
prior to splinting (I), compared with splinting as found (C),
change neurologic injury, vascular injury, splinting, pain, time
to medical transportation (O)?
Angulated extremity fractures vary in etiology and outcomes.
In some circumstances, the degree of angulation of a long
bone fracture may limit the ability to splint the extremity or
to move the patient. We sought to learn what outcomes may
result from attempts to gently realign a severely angulated
fracture to facilitate splinting or transportation. Understanding
outcomes from first aid procedures will help in developing
Consensus on Science
For the question of straightening an angulated fracture, compared with splinting as found, the literature search initially
returned 458 citations. After application of inclusion and
exclusion criteria by title and abstract (inclusion: care provided before definitive treatment; exclusion: hospital settings,
use of analgesics), 9 studies were identified for full review.
Upon full review, all 9 studies were excluded because they did
not completely meet criteria for inclusion; thus, no evidence
was found to address the critical outcomes of neurologic
injury, vascular injury, or splinting, nor was there evidence for
the important outcome of pain.
There is no published evidence for or against the realignment of angulated long bone fractures as a first aid procedure
in terms of neurologic or vascular injury, pain, or time to medical transportation outcomes.
Treatment Recommendation
No recommendation; we found no evidence regarding the
risks and benefits of straightening an angulated fracture by
first aid providers.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Consistent with the first aid principle of preventing further
harm, and based on training and circumstance, providers may
need to move an injured limb or person. In such situations,
first aid providers should protect the victim, which includes
splinting in a way that limits pain, reduces the chance for further injury, and facilitates safe and prompt transport.
Knowledge Gaps
As ethical and practical considerations prohibit RCTs, highquality non-RCTs comparing realignment versus nonrealignment are important. Describing confounders is important for
developing future outcomes to be studied. If or when realignment is appropriate, what instructions or training might be
given to first aid providers to optimize outcomes?
First Aid Treatment for an Open Chest
Wound (FA 525)
Among adults and children who are being treated for an open
chest wound outside of a hospital (P), does occlusive bandage
application or occlusive device (I), compared with a nonocclusive dressing (C), change or improve survival, respiratory
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October 20, 2015
arrest, oxygen saturation, vital signs, the rate of cardiac and
respiratory arrests, improve therapeutic endpoints (oxygenation and ventilation) (O)?
This is a new PICO question for 2015. The management of an
open chest wound in the out-of-hospital setting is challenging.
The most worrisome issue is the improper use of an occlusive dressing or device that potentially could lead to a tension
pneumothorax. In this PICO question, we sought to compare
the effects of an occlusive measure as opposed to a nonocclusive measure in individuals being treated for an open chest
wound. Occlusion was the complete sealing of the wound,
and nonocclusion was the maintenance of an open wound in
communication with ambient air. In this review, we included
animal studies because human comparative studies could not
be identified.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of respiratory arrest, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 animal study130 showing
benefit from using a nonocclusive device (RR, 0.059; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of oxygen saturation, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 animal study130 showing
benefit from using a nonocclusive device (P<0.05, MD and CI
not available).
For the important outcome of therapeutic endpoint
(tidal volume), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision)
from 1 animal study130 showing benefit from using a nonocclusive device in tidal volume (mL) (MD, 34.7; 95% CI,
28.8–40.6 mL).
For the important outcome of vital signs, we identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from the same animal study130
showing benefit from using a nonocclusive device in HR
(BPM) (MD, −32.0; 95% CI, −42.8 to 21.2) and respiratory
rate (respirations per minute) (MD, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.5–4.5).
Finally, for the important outcome of vital signs, we also
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from the same animal
study130 showing no significant benefit from using a nonocclusive device in MAP (mm Hg) (MD, 4.6; 95% CI, −0.4 to 9.6).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcome of survival. We did not identify any evidence to
address the important outcome of rate of cardiac and respiratory arrests.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest against the application of an occlusive dressing or
device by first aid providers to individuals with an open chest
wound (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place higher value on the
avoidance of the potential life-threatening complication of
tension pneumothorax, compared with other risks associated
with an open chest wound.
Public comments expressed concern about making a
recommendation based solely on a single animal study. The
task force took into consideration the potential life-threatening complication of an unrecognized tension pneumothorax
associated with the use of an occlusive dressing or device in
the first aid setting. In addition, the review recognized the
long-standing accepted clinical practice of treating a tension
pneumothorax by creating and maintaining an open communication between the pneumothorax and ambient air.
Furthermore, while this will require a change for some
in current teaching, there was recognition of the practicality
and acceptance in the first aid setting of leaving an open chest
wound exposed to ambient air without a dressing or seal.
The task force discussed the reality that many dressings,
both initially and over time, may themselves produce inadvertent partial or full occlusion and that this needs to be recognized as a serious potential complication.
Knowledge Gaps
• Does the application of nonocclusive dressings or chest
seals to patients with open chest wounds outside of a
hospital improve survival and the rates of cardiac arrest
and respiratory arrest (out-of-hospital or in-hospital)?
• Do nonocclusive chest seals differ in effects as compared
with nonocclusive dressings?
• Does the application of nonocclusive devices delay the
activation or transportation of EMS?
Cervical Spinal Motion Restriction (FA 772)
Among adults and children with suspected blunt traumatic
cervical spinal injury (P), does cervical spinal motion restriction (I), compared with no cervical spinal motion restriction
(C), change neurologic injury, complications, overall mortality, pain, patient comfort, movement of the spine, hospital
length of stay (O)?
For more than 30 years, the cervical collar has been routinely
applied by healthcare providers for patients with suspected
cervical spine injury, with the aim of avoiding additional
injury due to movement of the victim. However, there is no
good quality evidence available showing clinical benefit of
this intervention for injured patients, and this practice is based
primarily on expert consensus and tradition. The 2010 consensus on science for the topic of spinal immobilization noted
that there were no published studies to support or refute the
benefit of spinal immobilization by first aid providers.10 For
2015, the task force evaluated all available evidence focused
on the use of cervical collars and/or sandbags relevant for
patients with blunt traumatic cervical spinal injury.
Consensus on Science
Cervical spinal motion restriction was defined as the reduction
or limitation of cervical spinal movement. This definition may
not be consistent with definitions used in some countries or
by some organizations. Spinal stabilization was defined as the
physical maintenance of the spine in a neutral position before
applying spinal motion restriction devices. This evaluation
was limited to mechanical cervical immobilization devices
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Singletary et al
accessible to first aid providers, including cervical collars and
sandbags with tape, but did not include spine boards.
(Semi)rigid Collar (I) Compared With No Collar (C)
For the critical outcome of neurologic injury, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 nonrandomized study131 with 5138
motorcycle crash victims, showing no difference in neurologic injury (no significant difference according to the article;
however, we were unable to calculate the MD and CI, because
the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the intervention and
control group were not reported).
For the critical outcome of complications (intracranial
pressure), we identified low-quality evidence from 5 nonrandomized studies132–136 with 107 patients in total, showing increased intracranial pressure with the use of a cervical
collar (MD [mm Hg], 4.69; 95% CI, 1.95–7.43; MD [mm
H20], 20.48; 95% CI, 5.62–35.33). We also identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 1
nonrandomized study137 with 42 healthy volunteers showing
increased intracranial pressure (MD [internal jugular vein
cross-sectional area], 0.19; 95% CI, 0.05–0.33) with the application of a cervical collar.
For the critical outcome of complications (tidal volume),
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk
of bias and imprecision) from 1 nonrandomized study138 with
38 patients, showing no decrease in tidal volume (a significant
decrease was reported in the publication; however, we were
unable to calculate the CI because the SD of the intervention
and control group was not reported).
For the important outcome of cervical spine movement,
we identified low-quality evidence from 1 nonrandomized
study139 with 18 head-injured children showing no significant
limitation of flexion (MD, −2.20; 95% CI, −7.75 to 3.35). For
the same outcome, we also identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 13 nonrandomized
studies140–152 with 457 cadavers or healthy volunteers showing significant decrease in flexion, extension, lateral bending,
axial rotation, and flexion/extension (flexion: MD, −12.50;
95% CI, −13.13 to −11.87; extension: MD, −0.91; 95% CI,
−1.18 to −0.64; lateral bending: MD, −1.99; 95% CI, −2.33
to −1.65; axial rotation: MD, −4.73; 95% CI, −5.16 to −4.3;
flexion/extension: MD, −19.13; 95% CI, −19.89 to −18.36]).
Seven additional studies153–159 were not included in the final
analysis because they were missing data (mean and/or SD of
intervention and control group not reported).
For the important outcome of patient comfort, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 nonrandomized study158 with
26 healthy volunteers, showing no change in patient comfort score.
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcomes of overall mortality and pain and the less important
outcome of hospital length of stay.
Soft Collar (I) Compared With No Collar (C)
For the important outcome of cervical spine movement,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness) from 3 nonrandomized studies140,147,151 with 36
cadavers or healthy volunteers showing a significant decrease
Part 9: First Aid
in flexion and axial rotation (flexion: MD, −3.04; 95% CI,
−5.64 to −0.4; axial rotation: MD, −9.07; 95% CI, −14.17 to
−3.96). The same studies showed no significant difference
in terms of limiting extension, flexion/extension, and lateral
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of neurologic injury and complications; the important outcomes of overall mortality, pain, and patient comfort;
and the less important outcome of hospital length of stay.
Sand Bags and Tape (I) Compared With No Motion
Restriction (C)
For the important outcome of cervical spine movement, we
identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness) from 1 nonrandomized study140 with 25 healthy volunteers showing a significant decrease in flexion, extension,
axial rotation, and lateral bending (flexion: MD, −35.60; 95%
CI, −38.69 to −32.51; extension: MD, −6; 95% CI, −9.53 to
−2.47; axial rotation: MD, −73.30; 95% CI, −75.99 to −70.61;
lateral bending: MD, −19.40; 95% CI, −21.62 to −17.18).
We did not identify any evidence to address the critical
outcomes of neurologic injury and complications; the important outcomes of overall mortality, pain, and patient comfort;
and the less important outcome of hospital length of stay.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest against the use of cervical collars by first aid providers (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Consistent with the first aid principle of preventing further
harm, the potential benefits of applying a cervical collar do
not outweigh harms such as increased intracranial pressure
and the consequences of unnecessary neck movement.
We recognize that first aid providers might not be able to
discriminate between high- or low-risk individuals. We also
recognize the potential value of manual stabilization in certain
circumstances, but this was not evaluated in this review.
Task force discussion about this review included the recognition that, although evidence from the few studies that
are available comes primarily from healthy volunteers and
cadavers, there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating
harmful effects, such as the development of raised intracranial
pressure. In addition, there was concern expressed that the
process for application of a cervical collar by a first aid provider to an individual with cervical spinal trauma could result
in further injury. Application of a cervical collar requires
training and regular practice to be performed properly, and
such training may not be a component of every first aid course
curriculum. Another important discussion topic was whether a
first aid provider is able to distinguish between high- and lowrisk injury criteria. As a result of these concerns and the consensus on science findings, the task force suggests against the
routine application of cervical collars by first aid providers.
Knowledge Gaps
More evidence is needed on manual stabilization (using
hands/knees to restrict motion), trauma patients in the prehospital setting, high-risk versus low-risk patients, other forms of
physical cervical spinal stabilization, and implementation and
education. A review of the adverse effects as a consequence
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of application of a cervical collar could be interesting in the
Concussion (FA 799)
Among adults and children with suspected head injury
without loss of consciousness (P), does use of a simple concussion scoring system (I), compared with standard first aid
assessment without a scoring system (C), change time to
recognition of the deteriorating patient, the likelihood of
a poor neurologic outcome, survival to 30 days with good
neurologic outcome, need for advanced medical care, time
to medical transportation, or likelihood of differentiating
between minor head contusion and more serious concussion (O)?
This is a new topic for the 2015 consensus on science.
First aid providers are commonly faced with the need to
identify concussion. The identification of concussion can be
complex, and if concussion is missed, this can lead to a delay
in receiving proper postconcussion advice and a delay in formal assessment and definitive treatment that can result in lifechanging or even life-threatening consequences.
The task force sought to evaluate the effectiveness of early
clinical recognition of concussion by first aid providers using
a simple scoring system.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of likelihood of differentiating
between minor head contusion and more serious concussion (brain injury), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and indirectness) from 1 observational study160 with 19 408 patients in a trauma registry using
a secondary analysis of rescoring prehospital Glasgow Coma
Scale (GCS) scores showing no significant difference between
a simple derived motor score versus the GCS score to determine brain injury.
For the important outcome of need for advanced medical care (neurosurgical intervention and emergency tracheal
intubation), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for imprecision) from 1 nonrandomized study160 with
19 408 patients in a trauma registry using a secondary analysis
of rescoring the prehospital GCS scores showing no significant difference between a simple derived motor score versus
the GCS score for neurosurgical intervention (MD, 0.04; 95%
CI, 0.01–0.09) and the need for emergency tracheal intubation
(MD, 0.05; 95% CI, 0.01–0.11).
For the critical outcome of change in time to recognition
of the deteriorating patient, for the important outcomes of survival to 30 days with good neurologic outcome, and for the
likelihood of a poor neurologic outcome, we did not identify
any evidence.
Treatment Recommendations
No recommendation; we acknowledge the role that a simple,
validated, single-stage concussion scoring system could play
in the first aid provider’s recognition and referral of victims
of suspected head injury. However, review of the available literature shows no evidence regarding the application of such
scoring systems by the first aid provider.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Failure to properly recognize concussion can result in delay or
absence of referral for definitive evaluation and care or inappropriate release to activity, which has the potential to worsen
outcomes. We did identify concussion assessment tools currently recommended for use in sports medicine, but these
require a 2-stage assessment, before competition and after
concussion, and were thought to be inappropriate for use in
the standard first aid setting.
Our extensive search strategy yielded 1837 publications,
but subsequent review resulted in the selection of only 1 published manuscript. Despite the finding of 1 prehospital scientific publication supporting a simplified motor score, it was
decided that this single article, a retrospective observational
study where prehospital GCS scoring extracted from an urban
Level 1 trauma registry was rescored by using a 3-point simplified motor score and compared with 4 hospital-based outcomes, did not formally address the PICO question and was in
itself a very weak level of scientific evidence.
Many of the studies identified in our literature search
used the adult and pediatric GCS to grade concussion. The
GCS was designed as a tool for use by advanced prehospital
and hospital care providers, and it is not commonly used by
first aid providers. The task force thought that this was not
an appropriate tool to be used by first aid providers to assess
Our search and analysis did not identify any evidence to
support or refute the use of a simplified scoring system, such
as Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT); the GCS; or
Alert, responds to Voice, responds to Pain, Unresponsive Scale
(AVPU), versus standard first aid without a scoring system. It
was thought that the serious consequences of not recognizing
concussion in the first aid environment warranted an approach
whereby any individual with a head injury and any alteration
of level of consciousness requires immediate evaluation by an
advanced healthcare provider or at a hospital.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
is a need for a clearer definition of concussion
supported by clinical data that can be used to support
assessment made in the first aid environment.
• There is a need for RCTs to access the efficacy of scoring systems as used by non–healthcare professionals in
prehospital environments.
• There is a need for RCTs to assess the efficacy of SCAT
in the clinical environment and whether it can be applied
to nonsport environments.
Cooling of Burns (FA 770)
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does
active cooling of burns (I), compared with passive cooling
(C), change pain, complications, wound healing, need for
advanced medical care, patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy, depth or breadth of burn (O)?
The evidence for the first aid care of thermal injuries is limited. For this review, we focused on human studies that used
active forms of cooling, defined as any method undertaken to
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decrease local tissue temperature. Limited evidence was found
to support cooling of thermal injuries for decreasing the depth
of burns, decreasing the need for advanced medical care, and
improving healing times. It remains unclear what effect cooling may have on the potential for contamination or infection.
Consensus on Science
After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the
search strategy yielded 1 single-blind RCT and 5 observational studies. One of the observational studies was withdrawn
from publication due to inconsistencies in data and was, therefore, withdrawn from the evidence review, leaving a total of 5
studies for inclusion.161–165
For the critical outcome of pain, 1 RCT and 1 observational study were found. Low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias) from a single RCT161 with 24 subjects showed
no benefit in reduction of tactile pain measurements in cooled
versus noncooled first-degree burns (MD undeterminable).
Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from a
prospective observational study162 with 48 subjects showed no
benefit in reduction of pain at 2, 4, and 24 hours in patients
with active cooling of burns caused by electric cardioversion
versus those without cooling (MD undeterminable).
For the important outcome of depth of burn, 1 RCT and
3 observational studies were found. Low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) from a single RCT161 with 24
subjects showed no difference in the amount of erythema
between cooled and noncooled burns (MD undeterminable).
Low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from a
prospective observational study162 with 48 patients showed
a reduction in the number and depth of burns in those with
cooling versus those without (12.5% versus 83.3%) (RR, 0.15;
95% CI, 0.05–0.44). Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for indirectness) from a retrospective observational study163
with 695 patients reported an association between superficial
burns and cooling and between deep burns and a lack of cooling (33.2% versus 48.5%) (RR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.55–0.85).
Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from
a third observational study164 with 268 patients found no benefit in reducing depth of burns, as measured by the need for
skin grafting, in the cooling versus control group (9.4% versus
10.7%; RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.35–2.21).
Regarding the important outcome of need for advanced
medical care, 3 observational studies were identified. Verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias) from 1
observational study164 with 268 patients showed no reduction
in the need for advanced medical care after scald burns (including number of follow-up visits and need for scar management)
for patients who received 20 minutes or more of cooling versus those who did not (scar management 20.8% versus 20.9%;
RR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.55–1.78). Very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision)
from another observational study165 comprising 125 patients
showed an association between the use of water for first aid
cooling of burns and decreased average length of hospital stay
(10.3 days versus 5.3 days) for patients with less than 20%
body surface area burns. It also showed a higher percentage
of inpatient stays of less than 10 days in patients receiving
first aid cooling of burns with water (88.5% versus 67.2%)
Part 9: First Aid
(RR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.09–1.6). In this study, adequate cooling
time was defined as 10 minutes or more. Very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from a
third prospective observational study166 enrolling 244 patients
showed a benefit of cooling by demonstrating that a community and media campaign that increased use of first aid cooling
for burns from 40% to 59% was associated with a decreased
percentage of burns requiring hospital admission (64.4% precampaign versus 35.8% postcampaign) (RR, 0.55; 95% CI,
Regarding the important outcome of wound healing, 1
observational study was found. Very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias) from a single observational
study164 showed no benefit in reducing re-epithelialization
time for patients who received 20 minutes or more of cooling
versus those who did not (MD undeterminable).
Regarding the critical outcome of complications, and the
low-priority outcomes of patient satisfaction and rates of fasciotomy, there were no human trials found.
Treatment Recommendations
We recommend that first aid providers actively cool thermal
burns (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we place higher value on
decreased burn depth over the potential risk of infection or
• Method/temperature of cooling: Forms of active cooling
evaluated in this review included cool/cold nonfreezing
water and mechanical devices (eg, cold probes, cooled
gel pads), but there is no evidence to recommend a specific temperature or method of cooling.
• Time of cooling: Literature from this review suggests
that active cooling should take place as soon as possible
for a minimum of 10 minutes.
The risk of hypothermia from cooling large burns or in
special populations is also unknown and was a topic of discussion within the task force.
Knowledge Gaps
• When is a burn sufficiently large that cold application
creates risk of hypothermia?
• What is the optimal temperature of cold application for
cooling burns?
• What is the optimal cooling duration?
Wet Compared With Dry Burn Dressings (FA 771)
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does
the use of a wet dressing (I), compared with dry dressing (C),
change complications, pain, tissue healing, need for advanced
medical care, patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy (O)?
“Wet” and “dry” dressings were difficult to define for this
review. After careful consideration of the PICO wording and
the various available dressings that may be applied to a burn,
the First Aid Task Force thought that this question would
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benefit from a future revision to one that compares specific
dressings, rather than an arbitrary wet or dry categorization.
Consensus on Science
There are no studies directly evaluating wet versus dry dressings in the first aid context. All studies were performed in a
healthcare professional setting, and caution should be used in
generalizing findings to the first aid situation.
For the critical outcome of complications (infection), we
identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT enrolling 104 subjects with superficial burns167 showing benefit with application of honey compared with silver sulfadiazine–impregnated
gauze dressings, with resolution of infection at 7 days (RR,
12.40; 95% CI, 4.15–37.00). A second RCT enrolling 100
patients with partial thickness burns168 found benefit with
application of honey compared with potato peel dressings,
with resolution of infection at 7 days (absolute risk reduction,
0.90; 95% CI, 0.74–0.95).
We also identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision) from a non-RCT169 with 262
enrolled patients with partial thickness burns of less than 15%
total body surface area, evaluating the difference in infection rates with a topical, nonpenetrating antibacterial agent
(Polysporin, wet; n=102); a topical, penetrating antibacterial
agent (silver sulfadiazine, wet; n=58); and a petrolatum gauze
dressing (Xeroform, dry; n=112). This study showed no statistically significant difference in infection rate for the silver
sulfadiazine wet dressings compared with the dry Xeroform
dressing or for the Polysporin wet dressing compared with the
dry Xeroform dressing.
For the critical outcome of complications (hypergranulation tissue, postburn contracture, or hypertrophic scar),
we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of
bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT167 showing benefit for honey dressings compared with silver sulfadiazine–impregnated gauze dressings (RR, 0.13; 95% CI,
For the important outcome of tissue healing, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias,
imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT167 showing benefit with honey (wet) compared with (dry) silver sulfadiazine–impregnated gauze dressing. This study enrolled 104
subjects and showed a decreased mean duration of time to
healing when a honey dressing was used (MD, −7.80; 95%
CI, −8.78 to −6.63). In addition, further low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias, imprecision, and indirectness) from 1 RCT168 enrolling 100 subjects also showed a
decreased mean duration of time to healing with honey (wet)
compared with (dry) potato peel dressings (MD, −5.80; 95%
CI, −6.68 to −4.92).
We did not identify any evidence to address the important outcome of pain and the less important outcomes of need
for advanced medical care, patient satisfaction, and rates of
Treatment Recommendations
No recommendation; there is insufficient evidence to show
any benefits of wet compared with dry dressings applied to
thermal burns in the prehospital setting.
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Studies included in this review evaluated out-of-hospital use
of dressings and assumed that cooling had taken place before
a dressing was applied. Public comment was made about the
use of plastic wrap for burns. Plastic wrap (a dry dressing) was
included in the search strategy, but no comparative studies to
a wet dressing were identified.
Knowledge Gaps
Further research is needed on the use of burn dressings in the
prehospital setting. Specifically, it is unknown what type of
dressing is optimal for use by first aid providers.
Dental Avulsion (FA 794)
Among adults and children with an avulsed permanent tooth
(P), does storage of the tooth in any solution prior to replantation (I), compared with storage in whole milk or the patient’s
saliva (C), change success of reimplantation, tooth survival
or viability, infection rate, pain, malfunction (eating, speech),
color of the tooth (O)?
Immediate reimplantation of an avulsed tooth is thought by
the dental community to result in the greatest chance of tooth
survival. The First Aid Task Force believes that, in reality, few
first aid providers have the skills or willingness to attempt
this painful procedure, especially without protection from
exposure to blood or possible sharp bone spicules. Therefore,
if an avulsed tooth is not immediately reimplanted, the priority is to quickly transfer the patient and the avulsed tooth to
a healthcare professional capable of reimplanting the tooth.
Placing the avulsed tooth in a temporary storage solution
such as milk or saliva has been reported to extend the viability of the tooth before reimplantation. This PICO question
evaluates the effectiveness of alternative solutions to whole
milk or saliva.
Consensus on Science
We did not identify any evidence to address the important
outcomes of infection rate, pain, malfunction, and cosmetic
Egg White (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 2 randomized studies170,171
with 10 extracted teeth in each study, showing benefit in 1
study170 (MD, 91.80; 95% CI, 90.53–93.07 for cell viability after 1 hour of immersion; MD, 90.00; 95% CI, 87.87–
92.13 for cell viability after 2 hours of immersion) and not
showing any benefit in the other study171 (MD, −4.03; 95%
CI, −10.39 to 2.33 for cell viability after 1 hour of immersion; MD, 15.74; 95% CI, −9.76 to 41.24 after 3 hours of
Ricetral (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 1 randomized study172 with 20 extracted
teeth, showing benefit (MD, 44.3; 95% CI, 12.82–75.78) for
cell viability after 45 minutes of immersion.
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Coconut Water (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 1 randomized study173 with 30 extracted
teeth, showing benefit (MD, 339.4; 95% CI, 331.65–347.15)
for cell viability after 45 minutes of immersion.
Lactobacillus reuteri Solution (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study174 with 12
extracted teeth, but the MD for cell viability was not estimable
(median difference 116 000).
Saliva and Thereafter Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (I)
Compared With Saliva and Thereafter Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study175 with 10
extracted teeth. The study found a lower MD for cell viability
(MD 1% lower) after 30 minutes and a higher MD (MD, 2.4%
higher) after 60 minutes, but the CI was not estimable.
Saliva (I) Compared With Saliva and Thereafter Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study175 with 10
extracted teeth. The study found a lower MD for cell viability
(MD, 8.4% lower after 30 minutes, 2% lower after 60 minutes), but the CI was not estimable.
Eagle’s Medium (aMEM) (I) Compared With Saliva and
Thereafter Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 observational study175 with 10
extracted teeth. The study found a higher MD for cell viability
(MD, 5% higher after 30 minutes, 12.5% higher after 60 minutes), but the CI was not estimable.
EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate) (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 randomized study176 with 20
extracted teeth, showing no benefit (MD, 0.1; 95% CI, −0.09
to 0.28) for cell viability after 2 hours of immersion.
Tap Water (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 1 observational study,177 but the MD
for cell viability was not estimable (mean percentage of
45.17±12.03 SD for intervention group compared with the
mean percentage of 90.59±3.77 SD for control group).
Propolis 10% (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 randomized study171 with 10
extracted teeth, showing benefit for cell viability after 1 hour
of immersion (MD, 14.73; 95% CI, 9.53–19.93), and for cell
viability after 3 hours of immersion (MD, 45.33; 95% CI,
Part 9: First Aid
Propolis 50% (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 2 randomized studies171,178 with 24 and
10 extracted teeth, showing benefit for cell viability after 45
minutes of immersion (MD, 1 192 290; 95% CI, 720 274.12–1
664 305.28), for cell viability after 1 hour of immersion (MD,
13.96; 95% CI, 4.9–23.02), and for cell viability after 3 hours
of immersion (MD, 29.36; 95% CI, 2.37–56.35).
Propolis 100% (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified verylow-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 1 randomized study178
with 24 extracted teeth, showing benefit for cell viability
after 45 minutes of immersion (MD, 1 077 710; 95% CI,
266 920.68–1 888 499.32).
Phosphate Buffered Saline (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 1 randomized study179 with 10 extracted
teeth, showing no benefit for cell viability after 30 minutes
of dry time followed by a 15-minute immersion (MD, 8.31;
95% CI, −0.09 to 16.71), but showing benefit for cell viability
after both 60 minutes (MD, 8.76; 95% CI, 4.03–13.49) and
90 minutes of dry time (MD, −5.17; 95% CI, −9.93 to −0.41)
followed by a 15-minute immersion.
Saline (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
and imprecision) from 1 randomized study with 24 extracted
teeth178 showing no benefit for cell viability after 45 minutes of immersion (MD, −143 540; 95% CI, −210 604.01 to
−76 475.99). We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational
study180 with 24 teeth in which benefit for cell viability was
not shown after 2 hours of immersion (MD, −161 000; 95%
CI, −362 186.91 to 40 186.91). We identified very-low-quality
evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from
2 other observational studies174,177 in which the MD for cell
viability was not estimable (median difference 376 000; mean
percentage of 77.8±2.92 SD for intervention group versus
mean percentage of 90.59±3.77 SD for control group).
For the critical outcome of viability (periodontal healing), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded
for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study181
with 25 avulsed teeth showing no benefit (RR, 0.99; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of success of reimplantation
(replacement resorption and extraction due to replacement
resorption), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study181 with 25 avulsed teeth showing no benefit (RR,
1.07; 95% CI, 0.33–3.46; and RR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.09–8.50,
Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution (I) Compared With Milk (C)
For the critical outcome of viability, we identified very-lowquality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness,
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and imprecision) from 4 randomized studies170–173 including
10 to 30 extracted teeth, showing benefit for cell viability
after 45 minutes of immersion (MD, 261.13; 95% CI, 249.7–
272.56),173 for cell viability after 45 minutes of immersion
(MD, 64.2; 95% CI, 32.59–95.81),172 for cell viability after
1 hour of immersion (MD, 93.4; 95% CI, 91.81–94.99),170
for cell viability after 2 hours of immersion (MD, 89.8; 95%
CI, 87.95–91.65),170 and for cell viability after 3 hours of
immersion (MD, 25.59; 95% CI, 1.13–50.05).171 We identified
very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias, indirectness, and imprecision) from 3 studies171,176,178 that did not
show benefit for cell viability after 45 minutes of immersion
(MD, 22 090; 95% CI, −64 812.53 to 108 992.53178; MD, 0.85;
95% CI, −9.31 to 7.61171; MD, 0.05; 95% CI, −0.16 to 0.25176).
We identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision) from 1 study, from which the
MD for cell viability was not estimable (mean percentage of
87.04±5.7 SD for intervention group versus mean percentage
of 90.59±3.77 SD for control group).177
Another’s Saliva (I) Compared With Storage in the Patient’s
Mouth (C)
For the critical outcome of viability (pulpal healing), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias
and imprecision) from 1 observational study182 with 10 avulsed
teeth, showing no benefit (RR, 1; 95% CI, 0.08–11.93).
Saline (I) Compared With Saliva (C)
For the critical outcome of viability (pulpal and periodontal
ligament healing), we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 2 observational studies182,183 with 24 and 66 avulsed teeth, showing
no benefit (RR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.18–1.97 for pulpal healing
and RR, 0.67; 95% CI, 0.21–2.15 for periodontal ligament
Storage in Another Person’s Mouth (I) Compared With
Storage in the Patient’s Mouth (C)
For the critical outcome of viability (periodontal ligament
healing), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational
study183 with 18 avulsed teeth, showing no benefit (RR, 1;
95% CI, 0.27–3.96).
Dentosafe Box Compared With Milk
For the critical outcome of viability (periodontal healing),
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study181
with 24 avulsed teeth showing no benefit (RR, 1.33; 95% CI,
For the critical outcome of success of replantation
(replacement resorption and extraction due to replacement
resorption), we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study181 with 24 avulsed teeth showing no benefit (RR,
0.40; 95% CI, 0.06–2.87 and RR, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.11–9.44,
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest the use of Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution, propolis, egg white, coconut water, or ricetral in comparison with
Table 4. Composition of Temporary Storage Solutions for
Avulsed Tooth, in Order of Preference*
Temporary Storage Solution
Hank’s Balanced Salt Solution
Group of salts rich in bicarbonate ions:
0.14 g/L CaCl2, 0.40 g/L KCl, 0.06 g/L KH2PO4,
0.10 g/L MgCl2-6H20, 0.10 g/L MgSO4-7H2O,
8.00 g/L NaCl, 0.35 g/L NaHCO3, 0.048 g/L
Na2HPO4, 1.00 g/L glucose, 0.01 g/L
phenol red
Resinous mixture that honey bees collect
from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical
Egg white
Coconut water
Clear liquid from young green coconuts
Sodium chloride, sodium citrate, potassium
chloride, extruded rice
Whole milk
Sodium chloride: 9.0 g/L NaCl; home-made
saline: dissolving approximately half a
teaspoon of table salt into 240 mL of clean
tap water
Phosphate-buffered saline
Water-based salt solution containing sodium
phosphate, sodium chloride: 8.0 g/L NaCl, 0.2
g/L KCl, 1.44 g/L Na2HPO4, 0.24 g/L KH2PO4
*Based on the evidence alone, it was not possible to decide which solution
will result in the longest tooth survival. The order of preference proposed in this
table is based on the evidence evaluated, availability, and feasibility.
whole milk as a temporary storage solution for an avulsed
tooth that cannot be immediately reimplanted (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence). The solutions used
and the order of priority for tooth storage are listed in Table 4.
We suggest the use of whole milk in comparison with
saline as a temporary storage solution for an avulsed tooth if
none of the above solutions are available (weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence).
There is insufficient evidence for or against temporary
storage of an avulsed tooth in saliva compared with alternative
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
In making this recommendation, we recognize that survival
of an avulsed tooth requires that it must be reimplanted as
soon as possible, but this procedure may not be possible in
the first aid setting. The use of a suitable temporary storage
solution for an avulsed tooth should not delay efforts at reimplantation, but it may aid in the survival of the tooth before
No treatment recommendation was formulated regarding the use of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) as a storage
solution, as in the PBS study there was a dry time from 60 to
90 minutes, which is not representative of a typical situation.
However, this could be relevant for settings where it is not
possible to immediately store the tooth in a storage solution.
Knowledge Gaps
• There
is a lack of observational studies with avulsed
teeth (instead of extracted teeth), measuring tooth viability (not cell viability), and success of replantation.
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• In a future PICO question, reimplanting the tooth in the
mouth (in dental socket) versus storage in a temporary
storage medium could be compared.
• Is training in dental reimplantation for first aid providers
feasible and effective?
Education in first aid continues to be a topic with few scientific studies. In the 2010 review of educational topics, no
evidence was found to support or recommend any method of
evaluating or monitoring a first aid trainee’s educational progress or the specific frequency of retraining to retain skills and
knowledge.10 The task force decided to investigate the basic
question, “Is there documented evidence of benefit in terms of
patient outcomes as a result of first aid training?”
Many questions remain, and research is desperately
needed, particularly in the realm of teaching techniques for
first aid and methods to evaluate the retention of skills.
First Aid Training (FA 773)
Among adults and children receiving first aid (P), does care
from a trained first aid provider (I), compared with care from
an untrained person (C), change survival rates, recognition
of acute injury or illness, prevent further illness or injury (ie,
harm), time to resolution of injury, the likelihood of harm (eg,
infection), time to resolution of symptoms (O)?
In the ILCOR 2015 review process, first aid is defined as the
helping behaviors and initial care provided for an acute illness or injury. Training is, therefore, an essential core element
of the practice of first aid. The task force thought that it was
important to verify the impact of both formal and informal
first aid training of individuals and communities.
Consensus on Science
For the critical outcome of increased survival rates from
trauma, we identified low-quality evidence (downgraded for
risk of bias) from 1 observational study184 enrolling 1341
patients showing a reduced mortality rate among patients initially managed by trained first aid providers of 9.8% (32/325)
compared with 15.6% (158/101) for patients without trained
first aid support (OR, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.40–0.89).
For the important outcome of time to resolution of
symptoms, we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational
study174 with 125 subjects with burns of less than 20% total
body surface area showing benefit from first aid training, with
88.5% of patients who received first aid treatment of cooling
the burn with water requiring hospitalization of less than 10
days, compared with only 67.2% who received no treatment
requiring less than 10 days’ hospitalization (RR, 0.35; 95%
CI, 0.16–0.76).
For the important outcome of preventing further injury,
we identified very-low-quality evidence (downgraded for
indirectness and imprecision) from 1 observational study175
with 244 patients (121 precampaign, 123 postcampaign) with
acute burn injury treated either before or after a burn first aid
treatment public education campaign, showing benefit with
Part 9: First Aid
burn first aid treatment by reduction of the percent of those
burned requiring inpatient wound care or surgery from 64.2%
(78/121) precampaign compared with 35.6% (44/123) postcampaign (OR, 0.307; 95% CI, 0.18–0.52).
Furthermore, we identified very-low-quality evidence
(downgraded for risk of bias and imprecision) from 1 observational study185 with 39 subjects without formal/advanced
medical training who performed reduction of shoulder dislocations in a wilderness environment. This study found no
statistically significant difference in the rate of successful
reduction by laypersons without first aid training (17/24,
70.8%) compared with the successful reduction rate when
individuals with either wilderness first aid or first responder
training were present or performed the reduction (11/15, 73%;
OR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.21–3.74).
For the critical outcome of recognition of acute injury or
illness, and the important outcome of the likelihood of harm,
there were no studies identified.
Treatment Recommendations
We suggest that education and training in first aid is undertaken to improve morbidity and mortality from injury and illness (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Values, Preferences, and Task Force Insights
Positive outcomes were identified in both public health campaigns for specific injuries and course-based training for
general trauma. Although no other formal PICO questions
related to first aid education were evaluated, the review of
stroke assessment systems (above) incidentally discovered
that training of lay providers in a stroke assessment system
led to improved ability to identify the signs of a stroke when
assessed immediately after training (94.4% in those trained
versus 76.4% in untrained lay providers), and that 96.9%
of the trained lay providers were able to identify signs of
stroke when assessed 3 months after training.69 This study
supports the recommendation in this review, and specifically shows that public health campaigns aimed at first aid
for specific illnesses and injuries, as well as course-based
first aid training, can positively impact outcomes of morbidity and mortality.
Knowledge Gaps
Individual domains of first aid (eg, recognizing an emergency,
calling for additional help, specific skills such as direct pressure) have not been studied as to what contributes to a victim’s
health outcomes. Future reviews comparing first aid education modalities and context of first aid settings may contribute
to developing training guidelines. Additionally, the period of
time between a first aid provider’s initial training and refreshing those first aid skills to maintain competency needs to be
identified. Along with patient outcomes, public health outcomes and cost-analysis of training versus no training may
help prioritize resources. These questions and opportunities
for research can also be valuable as new modalities emerge for
learning (eg, social media or just-in-time).
We acknowledge the helpfulness of the insightful comments received
during the public comment period. We thank the following individuals (the First Aid Chapter Collaborators) for their collaborations on
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October 20, 2015
the systematic reviews contained in this section: L. Kristian Arnold,
Richard N. Bradley, Barbara C. Caracci, Jestin N. Carlson, Pascal
Cassan, Athanasios F. Chalkias, Nathan P. Charlton, Justin M.
DeVoge, Tessa A. Y. Dieltjens, Thomas R. Evans, Jeffrey D. Ferguson,
Ryan C. Fringer, Christina M. Hafner, Kyee H. Han, Anthony J.
Handley, Bryan B. Kitch, Danita N. Koehler, Amy Kule, Andrew I.
MacPherson, Daniel Meyran, Michael A. Nemeth, Catherine Patocka,
Nele S. Pauwels, Michael J. Reilly, Richard C. Rusk, Susanne
Schunder-Tatzber, Samuel R. Seitz, Ralph M. Shenefelt, Chih-Hung
Wang, and Jae-Hyug Woo.
The authors acknowledge the outstanding assistance of Emmy
DeBuck in the production of numerous GRADE Summary of
Evidence tables for the 2015 First Aid science reviews.
The authors also acknowledge the contributions of Jorge Neira,
MD, of the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, to the early work of the
ILCOR First Aid Task Force.
2015 CoSTR Part 9: First Aid: Writing Group Disclosures
Advisory Board
American Red
University of
Wei-Tien Chang
National Taiwan
University Hospital
Research grants
from government
and university
Patent for
ACD CPR device*
Emmy D. J. De
Belgian Red
Belgian Red
Writing Group
Research Grant
Eunice M.
University of
David A. Zideman
Imperial College
Healthcare NHS
Ian E. Blanchard
Other Research
Rita A. Herrington
Indiana University
Natalie A. Hood
Monash Medical
Jan L. Jensen
Health Services,
Emergency Health
Luis F.
Swiss Hospital
David S.
Sky Ridge Medical
American Red
Jeffrey L.
Kent State
Janel M. Swain
Emergency Health
Hyuk Jun Yang
Gachon University
Tualatin Valley
Fire & Rescue
American Heart
Jeff A. Woodin
This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the
Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person
receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of
the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding
Downloaded from by guest on October 25, 2015
Singletary et al
Part 9: First Aid
CoSTR Part 9: PICO Appendix
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 9
First Aid
FA 500
Second Dose of
Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis
Among adults and children experiencing severe anaphylaxis
requiring the use of epinephrine (P), does administration of a
second dose of epinephrine (I), compared with administration
of only 1 dose (C), change resolution of symptoms, adverse
effects, complications (O)?
Athanasios Chalkias,
Barbara Caracci,
Emmy De Buck
Part 9
First Aid
FA 503
Straightening of an
Angulated Fracture
Among adults and children who receive first aid for an
angulated long bone fracture (P), does realignment of the
fracture prior to splinting (I), compared with splinting as found
(C), change neurologic injury, vascular injury, splinting, pain,
time to medical transportation (O)?
Ryan Fringer,
Catherine Patocka
Part 9
First Aid
FA 517
Recovery Position
Among adults who are breathing and unresponsive outside
of a hospital (P), does positioning in a lateral, side-lying,
recovery position (I), compared with supine position (C),
change overall mortality, need for airway management, the
incidence of aspiration, the likelihood of cervical spinal injury,
complications, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Janel Swain, S Seitz
Part 9
First Aid
FA 519
Oxygen Administration for
First Aid
Among adults and children who exhibit symptoms or signs
of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or hypoxemia
outside of a hospital (P), does administration of supplementary
oxygen (I), compared with no administration of oxygen (C),
change survival with favorable neurologic/functional outcome
at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or 1 year;
survival only at discharge, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days, and/or
1 year; shortness of breath; time to resolution of symptoms; or
therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and ventilation) (O)?
Michael Nemeth,
Chih-Hung Wang
Part 9
First Aid
FA 520
Optimal Position for Shock
Among adults and children who receive first aid for shock
(P), does positioning of the patient (I), compared with
not positioning the patient (C), change overall mortality,
complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, vital signs, hospital
length of stay (O)?
Anthony Handley,
Luis Lojero-Wheatley,
Justin DeVoge
Part 9
First Aid
FA 525
First Aid Treatment for an
Open Chest Wound
Among adults and children who are being treated for an
open chest wound outside of a hospital (P), does occlusive
bandage application or occlusive device (I), compared with
a nonocclusive dressing (C), change or improve survival,
respiratory arrest, oxygen saturation, vital signs, the rate of
cardiac and respiratory arrests, improve therapeutic endpoints
(oxygenation and ventilation) (O)?
Wei-tien Chang, Kyee Han
Part 9
First Aid
FA 530
Control of Bleeding
Among adults and children with bleeding (P), does application
of localized cold therapy, elevation of extremity, and/or
application of pressure over proximal pressure points (I),
compared with direct pressure alone (C), change overall
mortality, hemostasis, major bleeding, complications, hospital
length of stay (O)?
Richard Bradley,
Jae-Hyug Woo
Part 9
First Aid
FA 534
Bronchodilator Use for
Asthma with Difficulty
Among adults and children in the prehospital setting who
have asthma and are experiencing difficulty in breathing (P),
does bronchodilator administration (I), compared with no
bronchodilator administration (C), change time to resolution of
symptoms, time to resumption of usual activity, complications,
harm to patient, therapeutic endpoints (eg, oxygenation and
ventilation), need for advanced medical care (O)?
Andrew MacPherson,
Nathan Charlton,
Ian Blanchard
Part 9
First Aid
FA 540
Eye Chemical Injury:
Among adults and children who have a chemical or other
unknown substance enter the conjunctival sac (P), does
irrigation with isotonic saline, balanced salt solution, or other
commercial eye irrigation solutions (I), compared with irrigation
with water (C), change tissue healing, functional recovery,
pain, complications, time to resumption of usual activity,
restoration to the preexposure condition, time to resolution of
symptoms (O)?
Ralph Shenefelt,
L. Kristian Arnold,
Janel Swain
(Continued )
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October 20, 2015
CoSTR Part 9: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Part 9
First Aid
FA 584
Exertional Dehydration and
Oral Rehydration
Among adults and children with exertion-related dehydration
(P), does drinking oral carbohydrate-electrolyte (CE) liquids (I),
compared with drinking water (C), change volume/hydration
status, vital signs, development of hyperthermia, development
of hyponatremia, need for advanced medical care, blood
glucose, patient satisfaction (O)?
Rita Herrington, Amy Kule,
Jestin Carlson
Part 9
First Aid
FA 586
Aspirin for Chest Pain (Early
vs. Late)
Among adults who are experiencing chest pain outside of a
hospital (P), does early administration of aspirin (I), compared
with later administration of aspirin (C), change cardiovascular
mortality, complications, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac
functional outcome, infarct size, hospital length of stay, chest
pain resolution (O)?
Janel Swain,
Thomas Evans
Part 9
First Aid
FA 768
Use of a Tourniquet
Among adults and children with severe external limb bleeding
(P), does the application of a tourniquet (I), compared with not
applying a tourniquet (C), change hemostasis, overall mortality,
vital signs, functional limb recovery, complications, blood loss,
incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Jan Jensen, Michael Reilly
Part 9
First Aid
FA 769
Hemostatic Dressings
In patients with severe external bleeding (P), does the
application of topical hemostatic dressings plus standard first
aid (I), compared with standard first aid alone (C), change
overall mortality, vital signs, hemostasis, complications, blood
loss, major bleeding, incidence of cardiac arrest (O)?
Jan Jensen,
Richard Bradley
Part 9
First Aid
FA 770
Cooling of Burns
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does
active cooling of burns (I), compared with passive cooling (C),
change pain, complications, wound healing, need for advanced
medical care, patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy, depth or
breadth of burn (O)?
Natalie Hood,
Nathan Charlton
Part 9
First Aid
FA 771
Wet Compared With Dry
Burn Dressings
Among adults and children with thermal injuries (P), does
the use of a wet dressing (I), compared with dry dressing (C),
change complications, pain, tissue healing, need for advanced
medical care, patient satisfaction, rates of fasciotomy (O)?
Emmy De Buck,
Ian Blanchard
Part 9
First Aid
FA 772
Cervical Spinal Motion
Among adults and children with suspected blunt traumatic
cervical spinal injury (P), does cervical spinal motion restriction
(I), compared with no cervical spinal motion restriction (C),
change neurologic injury, complications, overall mortality,
pain, patient comfort, movement of the spine, hospital length
of stay (O)?
Tessa Dieltjens,
Jeff Woodin
Part 9
First Aid
FA 773
First Aid Training
Among adults and children receiving first aid (P), does care
from a trained first aid provider (I), compared with care from
an untrained person (C), change increase survival rates,
recognition of acute injury or illness, prevent further illness or
injury (ie, harm), time to resolution of injury, the likelihood of
harm (eg, infection), time to resolution of symptoms (O)?
Jeffrey Pellegrino,
Danita Koehler
Part 9
First Aid
FA 794
Dental Avulsion
Among adults and children with an avulsed permanent
tooth (P), does storage of the tooth in any solution prior to
replantation (I), compared with storage in whole milk or the
patient’s saliva (C), change success of reimplantation, tooth
survival or viability, infection rate, pain, malfunction (eating,
speech), color of the tooth (O)?
Nele Pauwels, Bryan Kitch
Part 9
First Aid
FA 795
Hypoglycemia Treatment
Among adults and children with symptomatic hypoglycemia
(P), does administration of dietary forms of sugar (I), compared
with standard dose (15–20 g) of glucose tablets (C), change
time to resolution of symptoms, risk of complications (eg,
aspiration), blood glucose, hypoglycemia, hospital length of
stay (O)?
Jestin Carlson,
Susanne Schunder-Tatzber
(Continued )
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Singletary et al
Part 9: First Aid
CoSTR Part 9: PICO Appendix, Continued
Task Force
Part 9
First Aid
FA 799
Part 9
First Aid
Part 9
First Aid
Short Title
PICO Question
Evidence Reviewers
Among adults and children with suspected head injury
without loss of consciousness (P), does use of a simple
concussion scoring system (I), compared with standard first
aid assessment without a scoring system (C), change time to
recognition of the deteriorating patient, the likelihood of a poor
neurologic outcome, survival to 30 days with good neurologic
outcome, need for advanced medical care, time to medical
transportation, or likelihood of differentiating between minor
head contusion and more serious concussion (O)?
Richard Rusk,
Christina Gruber
FA 801
Stroke Recognition
Among adults with suspected acute stroke (P), does the use
of a rapid stroke scoring system or scale (I), compared with
standard first aid assessment (C), change time to treatment
(eg, door to drug), recognition of acute injury or illness,
discharge with favorable neurologic status, survival with
favorable neurologic outcome, or increased public/layperson
recognition of stroke signs (O)?
Pascal Cassan,
Jeffrey Ferguson,
Daniel Meyran
FA 871
Aspirin for Chest Pain:
Among adults experiencing chest pain due to suspected MI (P),
does administration of aspirin (I), compared with no administration
of aspirin (C), change cardiovascular mortality, complications,
adverse effects, incidence of cardiac arrest, cardiac functional
outcome, infarct size, hospital length of stay (O)?
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Kleindorfer DO, Miller R, Moomaw CJ, Alwell K, Broderick JP, Khoury
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KEY WORDS: anaphylaxis ◼ asthma ◼ burns ◼ hypoglycemia ◼ shock
◼ trauma emergencies
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Part 9: First Aid: 2015 International Consensus on First Aid Science With Treatment
Eunice M. Singletary, David A. Zideman, Emmy D.J. De Buck, Wei-Tien Chang, Jan L. Jensen,
Janel M. Swain, Jeff A. Woodin, Ian E. Blanchard, Rita A. Herrington, Jeffrey L. Pellegrino,
Natalie A. Hood, Luis F. Lojero-Wheatley, David S. Markenson, Hyuk Jun Yang and on behalf
of the First Aid Chapter Collaborators
Circulation. 2015;132:S269-S311
doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000278
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