Journal of Sensors
Volume 2022, Article ID 9070683, 11 pages
Research Article
Smart Garage Utilizing Internet of Things (IoT)
Mohamed A. Torad ,1 Belgacem Bouallegue ,2,3 Mahmoud M. Khattab ,2
and Abdelmoty M. Ahmed 2
Department of Communications and Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, High Technological Institute, 10th Ramadan City, Egypt
College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Electronics and Micro-Electronics Laboratory (E. μ. E. L), Faculty of Sciences of Monastir, University of Monastir, Tunisia
Correspondence should be addressed to Abdelmoty M. Ahmed;
[email protected]
Received 13 December 2021; Accepted 7 July 2022; Published 12 September 2022
Academic Editor: Stefano Stassi
Copyright © 2022 Mohamed A. Torad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
People in urban regions face a daily problem finding parking slot for their vehicles. So, this study develops a network architecture
based on Internet of Things platform. A system improves the efficiency of the current cloud-based smart-parking system. This
study suggested a system that assists users in automatically finding a free parking space at the lowest cost. With an application,
a user can request to reserve a parking slot. The application moves a driver directly into the free slot in a garage. Also, it
utilizes the distance and total number of free spaces in each garage to determine the user nearest parking slot and cost. The
garage slot cost will be charged by user credit once the user entered the garage or reserved a parking slot through the
application. The system proposed a novel system which picks up a parking slot, reserves, and pays for it through mobile
application. The proposed system can easily be deployed in the actual world.
1. Introduction
An intelligent parking system was developed as part of the
development of traffic management systems to lower the
expense of hiring personnel and to allow car-park owners to
make the most use of their resources. Currently, the most popular technique of locating a parking space is manual, in which
the motorist relies on luck and skill to find a spot in the street.
This process takes time and effort, and if the motorist is driving
in a city with a high car density, it may result in the worst-case
scenario of being unable to find a parking space. Finding a
predesignated high-capacity car park is an alternative. However, this is not the best option because the car park may be a
long distance from the user’s destination. In recent years,
research has focused on vehicle-to-vehicle [1] and vehicle-toinfrastructure [2] interaction using a variety of wireless network technologies including radio frequency identification
(RFID), Zigbee, and the wireless mess network [3], as well as
the Internet. The goal of this study was to give drivers information about nearby parking spots and to allow them to make a
reservation a minute ahead of time using approved devices
such as cellphones and tablet PCs. Furthermore, when renting
a parking space, the services use the RFID of each vehicle. The
existing intelligent parking system, on the other hand, does not
give an overall ideal solution for finding a suitable parking spot,
does not handle the problem of load balancing, does not provide economic advantage, and does not provide for vehiclerefusal service.
Smart parking is a method of using information and
communication technology to assist drivers in finding more
efficiently satisfying parking spaces, particularly in Western
countries. Big American cities like San Francisco and Los
Angeles have 75.5 percent [4] and 63 percent [5] of all parking spots on the street, while European cities have an average
of 37 percent [6], Beijing [7] only has 5%, and Tokyo has
limited on-street parking.
The IoT technology has generated a revolution in many
spheres of life, including smart-parking system (SPS) technology [8]; SPS acquired more interest recently, due to time and
fuel consumption finding park slot. These time and fuel translated into crowd and time delay; fuel consumption increased;
and global warming increased. To address the issues that arise
Journal of Sensors
Table 1: Summary of smart parking systems.
Smart parking sensor
Systems used
Wireless interface
Mackey et al. [9]
Android app
Cloud server
Needs a continuous Bluetooth connectivity between
mobile and beacon to update database
The system works only for registered BLE beacons
Dixit et al. [10]
Android app
Cloud server
The CCTV cameras do not accurately take results in
dark times or foggy atmospheres
Android app
Cloud server
It used one ramp and RFID for each car slot, which is
considered to be a high cost and an impractical solution
Android app
Cloud server
RFID+Zigbee+Raspberry Pi
It is suited only in ceiling parking to mount light
indicator on the ceiling
It costs high compared to our proposed system
Android app
Cloud server
Arduino+Raspberry Pi
Cost is high compared to our system
Need a mouse and keyboard
Android app
Cloud server
It used one flap for every car slot, which increases the
total cost for the project
Hamzah et al. [15]
Android app
Cloud server
It used a PIR sensor to detect the presence or absence
of a car in a parking slot. The PIR sensor is not efficient
in temperature range higher than 35°C
Proposed system
Android app
Cloud server
It avoids aforementioned drawbacks mentioned above
Thanh et al. [11]
Mainetti et al. [12]
Mukadam and Logeswaran [13]
Ajchariyavanich et al. [14]
because of this, as well as to take advantage of significant technical breakthroughs, researchers proposed many solutions utilizing different microcontrollers and many sensors (e.g., RFID
reader) per parking slot. These researches will discuss later in
this section, showing its pros and cons. The goal of this research
is to propose and create a novel cloud-based SPS solution that
is based on the Internet of Things. There is no need to search
for empty places in the proposed system. A system user can
reserve a garage slot remotely (e.g., home, work, or street).
The system user (i.e., driver) keeps the parking slot as his wall
at pay per hour online. Each car parking slot is built as an
IoT network element in this system, and data such as vehicle
GPS location, distance between car parking areas, and number
of free slots in car parking areas is transferred to the data center.
The data center acts as a cloud server for calculating the
expenses of a parking request, and these charges are updated
on a regular basis and are available to vehicles in the network
at any time.
The SPS is based on various cutting-edge technologies
and can monitor and manage parking slots automatically.
Furthermore, each vehicle park in the proposed system can
operate independently as a regular car park. To verify the
feasibility of the proposed system, this research also implements a system prototype with wireless access in an opensource physical computing platform based on Arduino with
RFID technology using a smartphone that provides communication and user interface for both the control system and
the vehicles.
Mackey et al. [9] proposed a parking system based on
Bluetooth low-energy (BLE) beacons, as well as a filtering
method to improve accuracy. By using Bluetooth low energy
(BLE) to link to cellphones, the parking system may be created
and deployed with a unique BLE for each park space. But it
needs a continuous Bluetooth connectivity between mobile
and beacon for system update, and the system works only
for registered BLE beacons.
Dixit et al. in [10] employ ultrasonic sensors and a CCTV
camera. The sensors were connected to NodeMCU (microcontroller unit) and the Android app, which displays live
information about the situation from each parking area so that
the client may choose a parking spot for free automobiles. The
issue with this paper is that the CCTV cameras do not provide
reliable results in dark or cloudy conditions, and the parking
spaces cannot be reserved through the application and may
be taken by another customer. Thanh and colleagues in [11]
suggested a smart parking system based on IoT technology
for reserving a parking space using an RFID tag, using strategies based on a unique RFID tag for each automobile. The SPS
assumes that each park spot has a single ramp, which is not a
cost-effective option. The authors of another study in [12] presented an SPS based on RFID, UHF frequency, and IEEE
802.15.4 Zigbee wireless sensor network (WSN) technology.
Using the author application, this system may collect data on
the availability and absence of car parks in order to direct
the automobile driver to the nearest empty parking spot. However, the suggested architecture was for a small-scale parking
Journal of Sensors
Mobile application
Figure 1: Overview of the smart parking.
system that was both expensive and inconvenient. Mukadam
and Logeswaran in [13] utilize the Arduino UNO, NodeMCU,
Raspberry Pi 3, and Raspberry Pi. Additionally, an Android
application was created for customers using MIT app inventor
2 to assist them with bookings, modifying, and examining the
status of car parks. The issue with this study is that it uses a
Raspberry Pi device, which raises the cost owing to the need
for a keyboard, mouse, and screen. Ajchariyavanich et al.
employed a servomotor as a parking flap in [14], using it to
open and close with the arrival and departure of the user who
reserves a parking spot, and they used ultrasonic sensor,
NodeMCU, and QR code to do so. The issue in this study is that
they are using a parking flap for every parking spot, which is
unworkable and will be too expensive, necessitating the creation
of a new database for cars based on QR codes. Hamzah et al. in
[15] designed and implemented a WSN/IoT smart parking
management system employing a PIR to sense the object’s
motion and three Arduino nanocoupled to an NRF24L01 module to communicate data to Arduino Mega. The issue with this
paper is that they employed a PIR sensor to detect an empty
space, yet this sensor does not measure temperatures beyond
35 degrees. Rovella et al. invented a parking system in [16] that
allows a driver to search for and obtain information about parking places, and when a person approaches a parking space, the
RFID will scan it. The gate will open if the data on the RFID
card is correct. The issue with this study is that they employ a
single gate and RFID for each parking space, which is a costly
and inefficient method. A new proposed system based on IoT
was introduced with the goal of eliminating the drawbacks of
the systems outlined above and inspired by [9] till [16], a system
that ensures seamless car mobility at a minimal cost while also
boosting the chances of finding a free parking spot.
By introducing four contributions, this work overcomes
the drawbacks of the systems outlined above as mentioned
in Table 1. Some studies employ CCTV, PIRs, and IR to detect
motion; however, CCTV cameras do not accurately collect
results in dark periods or foggy atmospheres, and the problem
with the IR sensor is that it does not measure long distances or
Barrier gate
RFID reader
Database (Firebase)
Figure 2: Overview of local unit.
dark objects, and it does not measure temperatures beyond 35
C. The most ideal sensor for unoccupied parking slots, according to the paper discussed earlier, is an ultrasonic sensor. It has
the advantages of not being affected by object color, working
well in dark environments, consuming less current/power,
and operating in temperatures up to 70°C, the first contribution in terms of data integrity, where some applications did
not attach user information and instead made the app just
show data, allowing open parking spaces to be grabbed by
another individual. In contrast to the previous application, this
problem was solved by tying user information to a cloud database, and when a user books an available spot, the reserved
Journal of Sensors
barrier gate
RFID reader
Sensor indicating empty space
Sensor indicating occupied space
Figure 3: Architecture of the proposed system.
Zone 3
Zone 1
Zone 4
Zone 2
Database storing the user
details and parking
Zone 5
Figure 4: System database architecture.
spot cannot be taken by another user, where count was decremented by one slot reserved by application. The paper’s second contribution was cost reduction. In terms of cost, some
publications employed an expensive and inefficient approach
which equipped every parking slot RFID gate or QR code gate.
On the other hand, our approach needs only two RFID gates
(at entrance and departure). Also, a number of related works
used a Raspberry Pi device that costs 90$, which is more
expensive compared with our approach microcontroller
Arduino that costs 24$ nearly. The paper’s third contribution
introduces a novel solution for open area garages and open
and large parking spaces (e.g., airport, stadium), where once
the user car enters the garage, the user car moves toward the
nearest empty slot utilizing the real-time map instead of
searching for an empty garage slot. The final contribution
automizing all steps of this proposed work leads to eliminate
human contact. This automizing helps users avoid disease
infection due to human contact like COVID-19.
The introduction is discussed in Section 1, the study
technique and the results are discussed in Section 2. Wraps
off and looks ahead to future development displayed into
Section 3.
Journal of Sensors
Figure 5: Arduino mega type.
Figure 9: RFID in the entrance and exit gate.
Figure 6: LCD that displays the empty and full places.
Figure 10: NodeMCU.
Figure 7: Ultrasonic sensor in parking.
Figure 8: Servomotor connected in the gate.
Figure 11: Prototype of the system.
Journal of Sensors
Figure 12: Registration and login processes, respectively.
Figure 13: (a) Shows different ways of recharging the balance, and (b) shows the reservation ticket.
2. Research Method
2.1. System Overview. The difficulty of getting a parking spot is
a serious challenge for people in underdeveloped countries.
Because the number of people who travel by automobile is
increasing, it will take longer for people to find a parking spot
for their cars as time goes on. This leads to additional issues
such as people parking their vehicles in another person’s
reserved parking spot, and it has been discovered that the
driver takes a long time to find parking, which increases the
Journal of Sensors
Check the garage until there is an empty location.
While (number of parking slot =0) ;the garage is full
While (entrance RFID=value)
scanning the RFID UID.
Check and match presence of UID in the database.
If (UID invalid)
Print invalid UID
Open the entrance gate and turn RGB led to green.
If (entrance gate sensor D>threshold 4cm)
Close the gate and turn RGB led to red
Start scanning the slots
If (empty slot number ≠0)
Decrement number of empty slots at Lcd
send the empty slot locations to
application via Node MCU
Print Garage is full at LCD
send the Garage is full in application
End if
End if
End if
End while
Algorithm 1: Entrance algorithm.
vehicle’s fuel consumption, so a smart parking system that
assists the driver in finding parking and reduces both fuel consumption and air pollution is required [16].
Smart phones are one of the most appealing solutions for
developing IoT applications due to their low cost and ability
to use easily available technologies such as 3G networks and
WiFi-based services. And the IoT is a vast field in which various sensors are connected over the Internet via data exchange
protocols. With the rising usage of smartphones and smart
devices, IoT applications have expanded to include customers’
daily lives. IoT applications are numerous, and a smart garage
is one of them [17, 18].
Technologies such as short-range wireless communication radio-frequency identification and wireless sensor networks (WSN) have permitted the Internet to dive into
embedded computing [19–22]. Various keywords were used
such as “internet”, “web of things”, “mobile computing”,
“web”, and concatenation of them. Existing surveys on the
IoT/WoT and mobile sensing [23–31] were also studied for
relevant efforts.
With the development of science and striving to develop
all services that facilitate human life, the Internet of Things
technology is one of the best things that makes it easier for
humans to control all their needs. Smart garage is one of
the projects that contribute to facilitating human life, As
shown in Figure 1, The smart garage projects follow this
form, where the empty slots are displayed on the mobile
application by taking data from the parking using the microcontroller and sending the information to the application
using the database.
Initially, the empty places can be determined by a set of
sensors at the parking garage, and they are sent to the Ardu-
1. While (departure RFID=value)
2. Open the departure gate and turn RGB led to green.
3. If (entrance gate sensor D > threshold 4cm)
Close the departure gate and turn RGB led to red
Start scanning the slots
Increment number of empty slots at Lcd
Send the empty slots to application via Node MCU
8. End if
9. End while
Algorithm 2: Departure algorithm.
ino that sends them to the data base by NodeMCU, and the
application receives data from the data base and shows the
available places on a map in a mobile application. The driver
selects the available places and enters some information like
name, national ID, and information for his payment card by
the application that sends it to the database and sends it to
the microcontroller; thus, the smart garage can know the
required car and when it arrived in the garage, it recognizes
the car RFID (electronic poster) by RFID reader, and the
gate opens, and this is also sent to the database, and the
application starts, estimating money every hour from entry
time to checkout time.
When a car is entering the park, the RFID sensor detects
the car’s Unique ID (UID) and sends it to the database via
Arduino. The system will check if this UID reserved a slot.
If so, signal is sent to the gate. If not, the gate will still be
closed. When the gate opened, RGB led emits green light.
Otherwise, it emits red light. The gate ramp is followed by
an ultrasonic sensor which is used to check if the car passed
Journal of Sensors
Empty space
Occupied space
Figure 14: The current empty slots in the garage as shown in mobile application.
the gate or not. When the car passed the ultrasonic sensor,
the sensor informs the system to close the gate ramp again
and convert RGB led color to red. LCD is mounted at the
entrance of the gate, to indicate the number of empty places
into the park for the driver. The condition of every parking
slot (i.e., clear/occupied) into the park is determined utilizing an ultrasonic sensor at each parking slot. If the parking
slot sensor detects the presence of the car, the proposed system will decrement the number of the empty places in this
park. And the updated number of free spaces will appear
onto the LCD. In case the park is full, the driver will not
be able to book a park slot, and the gate will not open.
And if the RFID will not recognize the car UID and the
RGB led on, it will still be red. Figures 2 and 3 show the proposed system block.
The database technology used in this system is Firebase.
The Firebase Realtime Database is hosted in the cloud. The
data is saved as a JSON tree and synchronized in real time
across all connected clients. When a crossplatform application is linked to the Android application SDKs, all clients
instantaneously share the same Realtime Database and
receive automatic updates to the most recent data [29].
Firebase is used here to link between the Android application and the microcontroller utilized (Arduino) as shown
in Figure 4. Database includes all user data (e.g., name, drive
license number, email, and address). It includes many fields
such as the price per parking hour, the number and condition of the parking slots, and their location. Also, it includes
the number of reservation hours and the total money value
per user, payment method, and user wallet balance.
The proposed system (i.e., smart parking system) contains software and hardware sections. To launch this helmet
(Arduino, Android, and Firebase), tools were employed; the
functionality of the proposed system is finding an empty slot
to park in.
The main microcontroller in the hardware section is the
Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller. It is based on the
New user
Log in
Book a slot
Select pay method
Select garage
Slot booked in DB
Figure 15: Flowchart of the sequence of application.
ATmega2560, which can be seen in Figure 5. It contains 54
digital input/output pins, 16 analogue inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It was
used as the major MC in this paper to manage park entrance
and exit via ramp, as well as the quantity of unoccupied slots
each park [31–34].
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel display or
other electronically modulated optical device that exploits
the light-modulating characteristics of liquid crystals paired
with polarizers, as well as other components, shown in
Figure 6. It is used to display characters and digits in addition to user-defined characters. LCD is utilized in this paper
to show the total parking slots of the garage and the number
of the empty slots, and if any car entered or left the parking
slot, the number of the empty slots changes [35].
Journal of Sensors
Figure 16: The circuit diagram for the hardware component utilized into the system.
The ultrasonic sensor is the most important sensor in the
hardware segment. It is an electronic gadget that uses ultrasonic sound waves to measure the distance between a target
item and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal, as shown in Figure 7. Ultrasonic sensor is utilized for
two functions: one to determine the condition of each slot
in the park and second utilization for ultrasonic sensor at
the entrance and departure gates to close the ramp (gate)
after the car passes [32, 36].
To open or close entrance and departure gates, servomotor was utilized in this paper. It is a rotary actuator or linear
actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear
position, velocity, and acceleration; the servomotor is shown
in Figure 8. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback [37].
Cars are classified at the gates based on detection of
RFID tag using radio-frequency identification (RFID). RFID
uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and
track tags attached to objects, as shown in Figure 9. A radio
transponder, a radio receiver, and a transmitter make up an
RFID system. The tag delivers digital data back to the reader
when triggered by an electromagnetic interrogation pulse
from a nearby RFID reader device. In the prototype, an
RFID reader scans the car’s UID, after which an Arduino
checks the UID against a database to see if the driver or user
reserved a parking place or not and then allows the car to
pass through the gate [22].
At the gate ramp, RGB LED is mounted to indicate the
condition of the gate (e.g., open (green)/close (red)). RGB
LED means red, blue, and green LEDs. RGB LED product
combination of these three colors is used to produce over
16 million hues of light. Note that not all colors are possible.
The RGB LED is a form of LED that emits multiple colors,
specifically red, green, and blue, as shown in Figure 8. It will
be green when the gate is open and red when it is closed.
To store variables value at the database, NodeMCU was
utilized. It is an open-source firmware for which opensource prototyping board designs are available as shown in
Figure 10. The name “NodeMCU” combines “node” and
“MCU” (microcontroller unit). NodeMCU is responsible
for exchanging information (e.g., empty slots, reservation,
and user UID) between hardware prototype and Android
application [38, 39].
After assembly, all previous components are mentioned.
Figure 11 shows the constructed prototype for the hardware
section in this parking system.
2.2. System Mobile Application. The user can reserve, cancel,
and modify information using the Android application.
Android is a touchscreen mobile operating system based
on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other opensource software, built primarily for smartphones and tablets.
The Android application is utilized by car users to reserve
and pay online without any human interaction. So, car information should be located at the database before any other
process; this is done through first-time registration. At the
registration process, information is stored in a manner to
be utilized in later processes. After registration, the car user
can log in to the application. Figures 12(a) and 12(b) show
the registration and login processes, respectively.
The paper proposed three garages as a proof of concept.
Hardware prototype represents one of three garages with 8
parking slot capacity. The other two garages are proposed
to be virtual at the database. After the login process, the user
can select a garage to book a slot into it and in addition
determine the expected time to stay at the garage to perform
the booking process. If the user wants to recharge his balance via a master card, as shown in Figure 13(a), after the
booking process is done, a ticket will be generated for the
user as shown in Figure 13(b).
2.3. Results and Discussion. The user creates an account on the
Android application by recording some information (e.g.,
name, car UID, email, and mobile number), then start to
reserve a slot via the Android application by monitoring all
garages listed with corresponding empty slots. Car users select
the proper garage and monitor empty slots at the garage map,
which solve the problem of looking for an empty slot inside
the open area garage by going directly toward the desired
empty slot. When the car reaches the garage entrance gate,
the LCD displays the number of empty slots at the garage. If
there is at least one empty slot, the RFID reader scans car
UID. NodeMCU scans if UID matches with user information
at the database; if so, an entrance gate will open and RGB LED
will emit green. The entrance gate will still open till the car
moved inside the garage; this is done through an ultrasonic
sensor at the entrance gate. When the car parked at an empty
slot, the Realtime Database updates the status of empty slots
and LCD at the entrance decrement number of empty slots.
If the garage is full, the entrance ramp is still closed when
the car tries to reserve and enter the garage. Algorithm 1 shows
the entrance algorithm.
At the departure gate, when the car needs to leave the
database, calculate the car charge according to time remaining into the garage. When departure RFID scans car UID,
the departure gate opens and RGB LED turns green. When
the ultrasonic sensor detects that the car moved away, the
departure gate closes and RGB LED turns red. Algorithm 2
shows the departure algorithm.
At the proposed system, supposing a scenario where the
user selects a desired garage then books a garage slot into this
one. Once the slot is booked, the prepaid credit covers reservation fees. In addition, the database will decrement by one.
When the driver reaches the desired garage, the driver can
move directly toward the empty slot, as shown in Figure 14.
Another scenario is when the user tries to reserve an empty
slot, while the garage is full. Reservation process is failed due
to zero empty slots in this garage. So, the user can go back to
garage list and select another garage to reserve a garage slot.
This paper introduces for the first-time knowledge of garage
empty slots into an open area garage. There is no need for
the driver to search for empty places, which allows the driver
to move directly to the exactly empty slot. This technique saves
the driver’s time and fuel which minimizes carbon dioxide
emission decreasing global warming.
The proposed system can easily be implemented with
minor limitation. Signal can fade in long-distance implementation. But this limitation can be skipped by utilizing a
repeater to regenerate signal with its original amplitude.
Android mobile application is initiated and connected to
the proposed system at the garage through Firebase Realtime Database (DB), as shown in Figure 4 with the overall
architecture. Figure 15 shows the overall flowchart of the
Android application. According to the previous sequence
described above, DB works as a hub for both hardware
and software sections. DB is utilized by the Android application to save the user data acquired from the app. Finally,
the complete hardware circuit diagram for the system is
shown in Figure 16. It includes Arduino Mega 2560, LCD,
RFID reader, servomotors, ultrasonic sensors (HC-05), and
3. Conclusion
This paper provides a perfectly viable approach for addressing and resolving some of the major challenges that people
in underdeveloped countries suffer as a result of current
parking arrangements. Unlike the discussed related work,
there’s no need to search for garage empty places in this proposed system. The proposed solution not only saves time for
consumers, but it also ensures that they will find a garage
Journal of Sensors
parking spot to park their automobile, even before they
arrive at the location. The garage smart parking system confirms booking and charges booking process without any
human interaction, in addition to allowing the car owner
to go directly toward the garage parking spot without any
searching at the empty garage spot. The proposed system
is expected to eliminate harmful gases from cars and fuel
consumption which led to aid overall environment around
the garage areas. Implementation of this proposed system
in real world can integrate this paper as a future work. Some
addition like multiplexer and repeaters will be added to
overcome limitations like long distance and a large number
of sensors.
Data Availability
The data is available any time if needed from author Abdelmoty
M. Ahmed, Email:
[email protected], and author
Mohamed A. Torad, Email:
[email protected].
Conflicts of Interest
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University for funding this
work through large groups (grant number RGP.2/208/43).
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