Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 33, No 4, pp. 471-482, December 2014.
Universidad Católica del Norte
Antofagasta - Chile
Topological indices of Kragujevac trees
Roberto Cruz
Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Iván Gutman
University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Juan Rada
Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Received : May 2014. Accepted : November 2014
We find the extremal values of the energy, the Wiener index and
several vertex-degree-based topological indices over the set of Kragujevac trees with the central vertex of fixed degree.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification : 05C90, 05C35.
Key Words : Topological indices; Kragujevac trees.
Roberto Cruz, Ivan Gutman and Juan Rada
1. Introduction
The class of Kragujevac trees emerged in several studies addressed to solve
the problem of characterizing the tree with minimal atom-bond connectivity
index [6,11,12]. In this work, we are interested in finding the maximal and
minimal value of several topological indices over a subset of Kragujevac
trees of order n.
Let G be a simple graph on n vertices. By uv we denote the edge
connecting the vertices u and v. A vertex of degree one is referred to as a
pendent vertex. An edge whose one end-vertex is pendent is referred to as
a pendent edge.
The formal definition of a Kragujevac tree was introduced in [15]:
Let B1 , B2 , B3 , . . . be branches whose structure is depicted in Figure 1.
A proper Kragujevac tree is a tree possessing a central vertex of degree at
least 3, to which branches of the form B1 and/or B2 and/or B3 and/or
. . . are attached. The set of all proper Kragujevac trees of order n will be
denoted by Kgn . An improper Kragujevac tree is a tree obtained by inserting a new vertex (of degree 2) on a pendent edge of a proper Kragujevac
tree. The set of all improper Kragujevac trees of order n will be denoted
by Kg∗n .
Figure 1 : The branches of Kragujevac trees
Let K̃gn,m be the class of proper Kragujevac trees of order n with the
central vertex of degree m, and no branches of type B1 . In this case, the
values of n and m have different parity and are related by the formula
n=m+1+2 m
i=1 ki , where 3 ≤ m ≤
5 . The branches attached to the
central vertex are of the form Bk1 , Bk2 , . . . Bkm where ki ≥ 2 for all i =
Topological indices of Kragujevac trees
1, . . . , m. An interesting property of this class is the fact that from any
specific tree one can obtain any other tree of the family by moving pendent
edges from one branch to another.
Given two branches Bki and Bkj , the gap between them is defined as
|ki − kj | and the gap of a tree T ∈ K̃gn,m is defined as g(T ) = max |ki − kj |.
The tree with maximal gap is the tree, denoted by U , with m − 1
branches of type B2 and one branch of type Bh , where h = n+3−5m
Figure 2 : Trees of K̃gn,m with maximal and minimal gaps
On the other hand, the tree with minimal gap is the tree, denoted
by V , in which all the branches Bk1 , Bk2 , . . . , Bkm satisfy the condition
|ki − kj | ≤ 1. In this case g(V ) ≤ 1 and V has
l type Bmh1 and
j m1 branches
, h2 = n−1−m
m − m1 branches of type Bh2 , where h1 =
Figure (2). Here btc denotes the greatest integer less
m1 = (3+2h1 )m−(n−1)
than t and dte denotes the lowest integer greater than t.
Note that if a specific topological index is monotone with respect to the
variation of gaps between branches, one extremal value of this index over
K̃gn,m is attained in V and the other extremal value is attained in U .
One of the indices which is monotone with respect to the variation of
gaps in K̃gn,m is the energy. Given a graph G, its characteristic polynomial,
denoted by ΦG , is defined as the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency
matrix A of G, i.e., ΦG = det(x I − A), where I is the n × n identity matrix.
The eigenvalues of G are the eigenvalues of A. Note that for a graph G, its
Roberto Cruz, Ivan Gutman and Juan Rada
adjacency matrix A is a real symmetric matrix and therefore the eigenvalues
of G are real numbers λ1 , . . . , λn . The energy of G is denoted by E(G)
and defined as E(G) =
|λi |. This concept was introduced in [9] and
it is related to the total π-electron energy in a molecule represented by a
(molecular) graph. For the chemical applications and the mathematical
properties of the energy of a graph we refer, respectively, to the review [10]
and the recent book [16].
In Theorem 2.1 we find that the maximal value of the energy over K̃gn,m
is attained in the tree V while the minimal value of the energy is attained
in U .
The Wiener index also appears to be monotone with respect to the
variation of gaps in K̃gn,m . Let u and v be two vertices of the connected
graph G. The distance between u and v is the length of a shortest path
connecting u and v. The Wiener index of the graph G, denoted by W (G),
is the sum of distances between all pairs of vertices of G.
The Wiener index of trees has been extensively studied (see review [2]).
In the case of K̃gn,m we find that the maximal value of the Wiener index
K̃gn,m is attained in the tree V while the minimal value of the Wiener
index is attained in U (see Theorem 3.1).
In the last section of this work, we find the extremal values of several
vertex-degree-based topological indices over the set K̃gn,m . We consider
indices of the form ([5], [8], [14]) :
T I = T I (G) =
mij Ψ (i, j)
where mij is the number of edges of the graph G connecting a vertex of
degree i with a vertex of degree j. For instance, the following special cases
of the function Ψ (x, y) have been extensively used: Ψ (x, y) = √1xy , for
the Randić index [17] ; Ψ (x, y) = x+y−2
xy , for the atom-bond connectivity
(ABC) index [3] ; Ψ (x, y) = x+y, for the first Zagreb
index [13] ; Ψ (x, y) =
2 xy
xy, for the second Zagreb index [13] ; Ψ (x, y) = x+y , for the geometric1
, for the sum-connectivity index [21]
arithmetic index [19] ; Ψ (x, y) = √x+y
; Ψ (x, y) =
x+y ,
for the augmented Zagreb index [4] ; and Ψ (x, y) =
for the harmonic index [22].
Topological indices of Kragujevac trees
In Theorem 4.1 we find that the maximal value of the Randić index,
the geometric-arithmetic index, the sum-connectivity index and the harmonic index over K̃gn,m is attained in V while the minimal value of these
indices is attained in U . Conversely, the maximal value of the atom-bondconnectivity index, the first Zagreb index and the second Zagreb index is
attained in U and the minimal value is attained in V.
2. Extremal values of the energy over K̃gn,m
In order to determine the maximal and minimal value of the energy over
K̃gn,m , we use the method to compare the energy of bipartite graphs consisting in defining a quasi-order relation which depends on the expression
for the characteristic polynomial (see [7]). More precisely, G is a bipartite
graph if and only if
ΦG = x +
(−1)k c2k (G) xn−2k
where c2k (G) is a nonnegative integer for every k = 1, . . . ,
can define the relation
. Then we
G1 ¹ G2 if and only if c2k (G1 ) ≤ c2k (G2 )
¥ ¦
for every k = 1, . . . , n2 . If, in addition, there exists a k such that c2k (G1 ) <
c2k (G2 ) then we write G1 ≺ G2 . Now, based on Coulson’s integral formula
[1], it can be shown [7] that for a bipartite graph G, the energy is increasing
with respect to the quasi-order relation. In other words, if G1 ≺ G2 then
E(G1 ) < E(G2 ).
Theorem 2.1. The maximal (resp. minimal) value of the energy over
K̃gn,m is attained in the tree V (resp. U ).
Let X ∈ K̃gn,m with branches Bk , Bl where k > l. Let Y ∈
K̃gn,m obtained from X replacing the branch Bk by Bk−1 and the branch
Bl by Bl+1 (see Figure 3).
Roberto Cruz, Ivan Gutman and Juan Rada
Figure 3 : Kragujevac trees used in the proof of Theorem 2.1
Denote by ΦX the characteristic polynomial of the tree X. Removing
the edge ab using Schwenk’s theorem [18] we have ΦX = ΦX−ab −ΦX−a−b =
(x2 − 1)ΦZ − x(x2 − 1)k−1 ΦW ,
where Z is the tree obtained from X replacing the branch Bk by Bk−1 and
W is the tree obtained from X removing branch Bk . Now, removing the
edge cd from W we obtain
ΦX = (x2 − 1)ΦZ − x(x2 − 1)k−1 ΦT ΦBl − (x2 − 1)l ΦT 0 ,
where T is the tree obtained from X removing the branches Bk , Bl and T 0
is obtained from T removing the central vertex c.
If we apply the same procedure to the tree Y , removing first the edge
a b we have ΦY = (x2 − 1)ΦZ − x(x2 − 1)l ΦW 0 , where W 0 is the tree
obtained from Y removing branch Bl . Now, removing the edge c0 d0 from
W 0 we obtain the following expression for the characteristic polynomial of
Y :
(2.4) ΦY = (x2 − 1)ΦZ − x(x2 − 1)l ΦT ΦBk−1 − (x2 − 1)k−1 ΦT 0 .
It is easy to see that the characteristic polynomial of a branch Bs is ΦBs =
¢s−1 ¡ 2
x − s − 1 ; then replacing the characteristic polynomial of
x x2 − 1
Bl in (2.3), the characteristic polynomial of Bk−1 in (2.4) and taking the
difference ΦX − ΦY we obtain ΦX − ΦY = (l − k + 1)x2 (x2 − 1)k+l−2 ΦT .
Since T is a tree, i.e. bipartite graph, the polynomial ΦT is of the form
bip. It implies that the polynomial in the previous equation is also of the
form bip and its first coefficient is negative because l < k − 1. Then, using
the quasiorder relation qo we have that X ≺ Y , and E(X) < E(Y ).
Topological indices of Kragujevac trees
It means that when we have a tree in K̃gn,m with two branches with
gap greater that one, we can construct another tree in the same class with
greater value of the energy, by reducing the gap between branches, and with
less value of the energy, by increasing the gap between branches. Then, the
tree with maximal energy is V while the tree with minimal energy is U . 2
3. Extremal values of the Wiener index over K̃gn,m
Theorem 3.1. The maximal (respectively minimal) value of the Wiener
index over K̃gn,m is attained in the tree V (respectively U ).
Proof. Let X and Y be the trees in K̃gn,m depicted in Figure 3. To find
the difference W (X) − W (Y ) we use the following expression for a Wiener
index of a tree [20] :
W(T)= n1 (e)n2 (e), where T is a tree, summation goes for all edges of
T and n1 (e) and n2 (e) are the numbers of vertices lying on the two sides
of the edge e.
Hence, in the difference W (X) − W (Y ) we have only to consider the
edges ac and cd of X and the edges d0 c0 and c0 a0 of Y (see Figure 3):
W (X) − W (Y ) = (2k + 1)(n − 2k − 1) + (2l + 1)(n − 2l − 1)
−(2k − 1)(n − 2k + 1) − (2l + 3)(n − 2l − 3)
= 8l − 8k + 8 = 8(l − k + 1) < 0.
It means that when we have a tree in K̃gn,m with two branches with
gap greater that one, we can construct another tree in the same class with
greater value of the Wiener index, by reducing the gap between branches,
and with less value of the Wiener index, by increasing the gap between
branches. Then, the tree with maximal Wiener index is V while the tree
with minimal Wiener index is U . 2
4. Extremal values of some vertex-degree-based topological
indices over K̃gn,m
Theorem 4.1. The maximal (respectively minimal) value of the Randić
index, the geometric-arithmetic index, the sum-connectivity index and the
harmonic index over K̃gn,m is attained in the tree V (respectively U ).
Roberto Cruz, Ivan Gutman and Juan Rada
The maximal (respectively minimal) value of the atom-bond-connectivity
index, the first Zagreb index and the second Zagreb index over K̃gn,m is
attained in the tree U (respectively V ).
Proof. Let X and Y be the trees in K̃gn,m depicted in Figure 3. Using
the expresion gen for the general vertex-degree-based topological index we
∆ = T I(X) − T I(Y )
= [Ψ(k + 1, m) + Ψ(l + 1, m) + kΨ(k + 1, 2) + lΨ(l + 1, 2)]
− [Ψ(k, m) + Ψ(l + 2, m) + (l + 1)Ψ(l + 2, 2) + (k − 1)Ψ(k, 2)]
= [Ψ(k + 1, m) − Ψ(k, m) + kΨ(k + 1, 2) − (k − 1)Ψ(k, 2)]
− [Ψ(l + 2, m) − Ψ(l + 1, m) + (l + 1)Ψ(l + 2, 2) − lΨ(l + 1, 2)]
= F (k) − F (l + 1)
where F(x)=Ψ(x + 1, m) − Ψ(x, m) + xΨ(x + 1, 2) − (x − 1)Ψ(x, 2).For
k = l + 1, T I(X) − T I(Y ) = 0. Assume that k > l + 1. Note that for each
of the indices considered in this theorem, for a fixed y the function Ψ is
continuous and differentiable as a function of x, for x > 0. It means that
the function F (x) is continuous in [l + 1, k] and differentiable in (l + 1, k).
By the mean value theorem there exists ξ ∈ (l + 1, k) such that
∆ = F (k) − F (l + 1) = F 0 (ξ)(k − l − 1)
(ξ + 1, m) + Ψ(ξ + 1, 2) + ξ
(ξ + 1, 2) (k − l − 1)
(ξ, m) + Ψ(ξ, 2) + (ξ − 1)
(ξ, 2) (k − l − 1)
= [G(ξ + 1) − G(ξ)] (k − l − 1)
Now, since for all the considered inG(x)= ∂x(x,m)+Ψ(x,2)+(x−1)
dices, ∂Ψ
∂x is also continuous and differentiable as a function of x, for x > 0,
the function G is continuous in the closed interval [ξ, ξ + 1] and differentiable in the open interval (ξ, ξ + 1). By the mean value theorem there
exists z ∈ (ξ, ξ + 1) such that
∆ = G0 (z)(k − l − 1)
(z, 2) (k − l − 1).
Topological indices of Kragujevac trees
If for a specific vertex-degree-based topological index,
T (x) =
(x, 2) ≤ 0
for all x ≥ 1, then ∆ = T I(X) − T I(Y ) ≤ 0 for every value of k > lIt
means that the tree with maximal index is V while the tree with minimal
index is U . Conversely, if for a specific vertex-degree-based topological index T (x) ≥ 0 for all x ≥ 1, then the tree with maximal index is U while the
tree with minimal index is V . In the next table we show that for Randić
index, the geometric-arithmetic index, the sum-connectivity index and the
harmonic index, T (x) ≤ 0, while for the atom-bond-connectivity index, the
first Zagreb index and the second Zagreb index, T (x) ≥ 0.
T (x)
m(m2 +6mx−3x2 )
− 2x√x(m+x)3
−x m−3(
√ m− 2)
4x2 2mx
2(x3 +15x2 −24x−4)
2x x(2+x)3
(m+x) 2 (11+x)−3(x+2) 2
4(x+2) 2 (m+x) 2
4[(3m3 +2x3 −8)+3x2 (3m−2)+3x(3m2 −4)]
(x+2)3 (m+x)3
4x2 (x+m−2) xm(x+m−2)
Atom-bond connectivity
First Zagreb
Second Zagreb
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Roberto Cruz
Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad de Antioquia
e-mail :
[email protected]
Ivan Gutman
Faculty of Science,
University of Kragujevac
e-mail :
[email protected]
Roberto Cruz, Ivan Gutman and Juan Rada
Juan Rada
Instituto de Matemáticas,
Universidad de Antioquia
e-mail :
[email protected]