Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Volume 6 Issue 2
Real Time Object Detection of Melon Leaf Disease
Shivani Kamble1, Nishant Ovhal2, Ganesh Patil3, Suhas Chavan4
Assistant Professor Computer Engineering, Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering
and Technology / SavitribaiPhule Pune University, India
*Corresponding Author
E-Mail Id:
[email protected]
This study suggests a deep convolutional network model for quick and accurate automatic
identification using several films of melon leaf disease. The signs of plant melon infections
can differ. Expert plant pathologists may be better at recognising diseases than inexperienced
farmers. Farmers could benefit greatly from an autonomous system designed to recognise
agricultural illnesses by the appearance of the crop and visual symptoms as a verification
mechanism in disease detection. The development of quick and accurate techniques for
identifying leaf diseases has taken a lot of effort. With the aid of neural networks and digital
image processing techniques, plant leaf disease can be detected. Deep learning has advanced
greatly during the past few years. Now, it can retrieve pertinent feature representations within
deep learning. It can now extract pertinent feature representations from a big dataset of input
photos. With the ability to swiftly and precisely identify agricultural ailments made possible
by deep learning, plant protection accuracy will increase, and computer vision applications
in precision agriculture will become more widespread.
Keywords:-Convolutional Neural Network, Deep learning, melon leaf Disease detection,
image processing
In India, there were around 1.38 billion
inhabitants as of April 2020. Estimates
place the number of farmers in India at
95.8 million. It should be remembered that
the agriculture sector accounts for 18% of
India's GDP early. Therefore, it would be
safe to infer that modernizing agriculture
would have a significant positive impact
on the country and, in addition to
improving conditions for local farmers,
would also create a number of
opportunities for employment and
economic growth in the agricultural
sectors. in India
made significant progress in the study and
creation of herbicides, fungicides, and
insecticides. However, tonnes of produced
crops are squandered each year as a result
of natural factors, including the spread of
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various known illnesses among crops.
Early and timely diagnosis of plant
diseases can help remedy this issue. It will
assist farmers across the country in
overcoming their challenging financial
Viruses that cause melon leaf disease pose
a threat to sustainable agriculture and
generate significant financial losses.
International trade, climate change, and
viruses' capacity for fast evolution are the
primary causes of the frequent appearance
of novel viral illnesses. The technique of
identifying each leaf separately in
agricultural applications is the most
Paper Name: Tomato Leaf Disease
Page 1
Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Volume 6 Issue 2
Techniques Author: Surampalli Ashok ,
Gemini Kishore , Velpula Rajesh , S.
Suchitra4 , S.G.Gino
Sophia , B.Pavithra
From India Early plant leaf detection is
essential in a developing agricultural
economy like India. In order to make
plants safe and prevent losses to the
agricultural economy, it is essential that
leaf diseases in plants are identified at an
early stage and predictive mechanisms are
This is true not only for the agricultural
economy but also for the large population
that needs to be fed. Using image
processing methods based on picture
segmentation, clustering, and open-source
algorithms, this study proposes to identify
the Tomato Plant Leaf disease, therefore
all contributing to a trustworthy, secure,
accurate system of leaf disease with
thespecialization to Tomato Plants.[1]
Thejuswini.V, Swarnareka.R
Contrast, Correlation, Energy, and
Homogeneityó are derived from it, This
allows us to assess the precision
Paper Name :Hierarchical Learning of
Tree Classifiers for Large-Scale Plant
Species Identification
Author: Jianping Fan, Ning Zhou, Jinye
Peng, Ling Gao
In this paper, a hierarchical multi-task
structural learning algorithm is developed
to support large-scale plant species
identification. To do this, a visual tree is
constructed for categorising a large
number of plant species in a coarse-to-fine
manner and automatically identifying the
inter-related learning tasksFor a given
parent node on the visual tree, it contains a
set of sibling coarse-grained plant species
categories or sibling fine-grained plant
species for a given parent node on the
visual tree, and a multi-task structural
learning algorithm is developed to train
their inter-related classifiers jointly for
improving their discrimination power.
Agriculture is under serious threat, and
this threat includes illnesses that affect
plant leaves. Our technique identifies both
the illness that infected the leaf and the
damaged area of the leaf. Image
processing is used to accomplish this;
systems exist that can forecast illnesses in
leaves. Our approach employs K-Medoid
clustering and the Random Forest
algorithm to increase the accuracy of
illness identification in leaves. The
afflicted area of the leaf is first located
using pre-processing, and then the
clustering method is used. Then, 13
A relationship constraint is formally
defined and used to learn more
discriminating tree classifiers over the
visual tree, For example, the requirement
that a plant image must first be correctly
assigned to a parent node (high-level nonleaf node) before it can be assigned to the
most relevant child node is an example of
a relationship constraint, which is formally
defined and used to learn more
discriminating tree classifiers over the
visual tree (low-level non-leaf node or leaf
node.The experimental results have
demonstrated the effectiveness of our
hierarchical multi-task structure learning
strategy in training more discriminative
tree classifiers for thorough plant species
Mean, SD, Entropy, RMS, Variance,
Smoothness, Kurtosis, Skewness, IDM,
Paper Name: An Individual Grape Leaf
Disease Identification Using Leaf Skele-
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Page 2
Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Volume 6 Issue 2
tons and KNN Classification
The technique of identifying each leaf
separately in agricultural applications is the
most difficult. This research proposes a
categorization of grape leaf diseases and
identifies the leaf types. The leaf skeletons
are initially recognised using grape
pictures. Since estimates of the positions
and dimensions of the leaves are made
using leaf skeletons.
Paper Name: Classification of Cotton Leaf
Spot diseases using image processing edge
detection technique
Author’s Name: N. Kaithika, DR.A.Grace
This Proposed Work reveals cutting-edge
computing technology that has been
created to assist farmers in making better
decisions on many different areas of crop
development. For enhanced output, a
proper examination and diagnosis of crop
disease in the field is essential. Foliar is
the most common and serious fungus
disease of cotton, and it affects all cottongrowing regions in India. Using photos of
cotton leaf spot symptoms collected on
mobile devices and novel technical
methodologies, we identify the diseases in
this work using the proposed algorithm of
The classifier is being taught to enable
intelligent farming, which includes early
disease detection in the groves and targeted
fungicide application, among other things.
The recorded images are first processed
for enhancement In this proposed study,
which is based on Image RGB feature
range algorithms used to identify the
disorders, the captured images are initially
processed for enhancement (using Ranging
values) Then target zones are obtained by
colour picture segmentation (disease
HBRP Publication Page 1-5 2023. All Rights Reserved
spots). The edges are then identified using
homogenise techniques like the Sobel and
Canny filter; the retrieved edge features
are then employed in classification to find
the illness areas. The farmers are then
provided pest recommendations to protect
their crop and lower yield loss.
The model is created using photographs in
the current system. For the retrieval of
skeletons, the Tangential Direction (TD)
based segmentation approach is suggested.
The histograms of the H and a colour
channels are formed after the melon leaf
images are identified, and the pixel values
are then examined to discriminate between
healthy and diseased tissues. Then, in order
to identify the leaf illnesses, extract the
features and classify using the KNN
classification algorithm.
For the purpose of detecting melon leaf
disease in the suggested system, we
employ the CNN algorithm since, given a
solid dataset, it offers the highest degree of
accuracy. In the suggested system, we
record the video, process it, and determine
whether or not the leaf is infected. Here, a
dataset is used, and after preprocessing,
training is performed on the data. The
pictures of the
Diseased plants are in a separate folder
since we can train and predict the model
easily if the data is of this type. The
trained data is divided into two groups:
one for validation and another for
verification that is into training and testing
data that to be in the 80:20 ratio. A model
is created once the data is trained, and the
developed model is then used along with
the CNN algorithm to predict disease. With
the help of CNN, we can reach the highest
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Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Volume 6 Issue 2
Requirement analysis is the stage of the
SDLC that is most important and
fundamental. The senior team members
carry it out with input from all the
stakeholders, domain experts, and SMEs in
the industry. Planning is also done at this
time to identify project-related hazards and
to meet the requirements for quality
assurance. The business analyst and
project manager arrange a meeting with
the client to gather all the relevant details,
such as what the customer wants to build,
who will be the end user, and what the
product's purpose is. Before creating the
product, it is essential to have a basic grasp
of it.
The subsequent phase will expose all of
the information on the requirements,
analysis, and design of the software
project. The outcomes of the preceding
two phases, include
Requirement collection and client input.
Here, the SDLC's actual development
phase begins, and programming is
produced. The process of implementing a
design begins with coding. The coding
standards provided by their supervisors
must be followed by developers.
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Testing: After the code has been created, it
is examined to verify if it complies with
the specifications. This makes sure that the
items' solutions deal with the demands
discovered and gathered throughout the
requirements stage. At this level, testing is
done using unit testing, integration testing,
system testing, and acceptability testing.
When the programme is certified and there
have been no reported errors or
malfunctions, deployment takes place.
Depending on the evaluation, the software
may subsequently be given either as is or
with suggested changes to the object
section. After the software is deployed,
maintenance work begins. Maintenance Once the client begins utilising the built
systems, the real problems appear and
necessitate periodic resolution. This
process, when the developed is cared for
This paper provides a very accurate deep
learning solution for melon leaf disease
detection using convolutional neural
network for classification. The model that
was given was trained using a dataset with
a large number of images. As we increase
the number of input images after training
the model, it will be able to recognise
melon leaf disease from new input images,
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Advancement in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Volume 6 Issue 2
enhancing model performance accuracy.
researchers are all to be thanked by the
writers for making their priceless resource
available. We also acknowledge the
assistance of our lecturers. We would like
to sincerely thank our mentor, Professor
Suhas Chavan, for providing the
motivational leadership and guidance
necessary to complete this project. We
sincerely appreciate Nutan Maharshtra
Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Pune, for making it possible for us to
further our research in this way.
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