Extension To Corba Event Service For a Conference Control System
João Orvalho1, Tiago Andrade2 and Fernando Boavida2
Departamento de Engenharia Informática, Universidade de Coimbra - Pólo II
Communications and Telematic Services Group
Tel.: +351-39-790000, Fax: +351-39-701266, E-mail:
[email protected]
Conferencing applications require an efficient
conference control service. The present paper introduces
the main features of a conference control service based
on the CORBA Event Service using the Java platform,
under development at the Communications and Telematic
Services Group of the University of Coimbra. This
framework is based on the ITU T.120 recommendations,
with reliable multicasting communication for both data
and control information. The control service extends the
CORBA Event Service architecture with mechanisms for
reliable IP multicast communication, with total ordering
fragmenting/reassembling of large messages.
1. Introduction
Conference applications rely on groups of
geographically dispersed linked nodes that are capable of
information, through different types of communication
At present, conference applications play a key role in
workgroup tools. An efficient conference service is
fundamental to facilitate the development and control of
this type of applications. A nuclear aspect of conference
applications is their ability to use multipoint
communication in heterogeneous environments.
In the scope this work, a conference framework was
conceived using the JavaTM platform [1], based on the
ITU T.120 recommendations, with reliable multicasting
communication for both data and control information.
The control information is managed by a service
implemented in Java, according to the CORBA Event
Service model [2].
The present paper introduces and discusses the main
features the proposed conference control service. In
section 2, the state of the art and related work are
presented. Section 3 provides a general description of the
conference framework architecture, with some emphasis
College of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Informatics Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra
on reliable multicasting communication and on system
synchronism. Still in this section, the specification and
the implementation of the proposed framework are
presented. Finally, section 4 presents some concluding
remarks and lines for further work.
2. State of the art and related work
There are several proprietary architectures for this
type of collaborative applications, some of which are
referenced below. However, the proposal under
consideration in the present paper is based on solutions
institutions (basically, ITU-T and IETF) and, thus, we
will focus our attention on systems that somehow relate
to these standardised solutions.
There are two basic types of conference control:
tightly-coupled/formal and loosely-coupled/informal,
which, some times, can be combined into hybrid control
The tightly coupled approach is based on a central and
authoritative control mechanism, managing the members
and the conference access. On the other hand, the loosely
coupled approach uses a distributed control that does not
require an explicit control mechanism for members and
applications. These two control models are so different
that interaction between conference applications using
different control models is, in practice, ruled out.
These two approaches are proposed by two
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). Typically, a loosely
coupled conference consists of multipoint sessions with
audio and video streams, supported by RTP and RTCP
protocols, using IP Multicasting, as it is the case of
MBone [3] in the Internet community. ITU defined two
standards for tightly coupled conferences: T.120 [4-12]
recommendations for data conferences and H.323
recommendations [13] for multimedia conferences. The
increasing interest in more formal conferences lead IETF
to the development (still as work in progress) of a tightly
coupled model - “SCCP, Simple Conference Control
Protocol” [14] - with functionalities that are similar to
ITU T.120 and H.323 functionalities.
A great number of characteristics of conference
applications are common to various scenarios. The use of
generic functionalities simplifies the development of this
type of applications, creating conditions for the use of
normalised models which, in turn, makes possible the
interconnection of different systems.
Generally, typical conference systems (whiteboard,
audio and video) are characterised by the following
functionality, in addition to security, streaming and
application-specific functionalities [15]:
unicast/multicast, data serialisationmarshalling, priorities, addressing and
transparent localisation,
conference set-up and termination,
database administration, conference
merging and splitting, resource
management, etc.
synchronization, conductorship
Some of the nuclear aspects in a conference service
are the multipoint communication between different
users in heterogeneous environments, and the scalability
directly associated to the resource control.
One of the factors that has more influence on the
model scalability is the resource request response time,
as it is the case for the channels and tokens. The response
time can be used as a measure of the system
effectiveness, and has a direct influence on the maximum
number of users/systems participating in a conference
and on the amount of exchanged information.
In the T.120 case, a central database in a top server is
used, which can result in high response time both in
terms of resource requests and information update. In the
case of the Internet community, IETF bases its solution
on a distributed database, obtaining smaller resource
request response times. However, the IETF proposal
implies a high load in the data updating in all conference
ITU T.120 protocol stack includes multipoint
communication and generic control of tightly coupled
conferences through different types of networks (ISDN,
TCP/IP, etc). Conferences have a tree topology, based on
a top provider node with dedicated control functions,
which leads to high response times in terms of resource
requests and an insufficient updating mechanism of the
conference database [9] [16]. Additionally, they do not
provide support for real-time multicasting, for both
control information and data [17], and they have poor
flexibility in terms of conference merging/splitting
Surely, ITU T.120 based conference systems are more
evolved, as reflected by the market of "desktop
conferencing". Nevertheless, they exhibit some
scalability limitations [15], which arise from the above
mentioned high resource request response times, from the
mechanisms used for replication/updating of conference
data control and also from the lack of support of realtime reliable multicasting communication, for both data
and control information.
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) proposes the
SCCP (simple conference control protocol) [14], the
SCIP (simple conference invitation protocol) [18] and
multicast protocols like RTP (real-time protocol) [19].
The characteristics of the IETF protocol for tightly
coupled conferences control are identical to the
characteristics of ITU T.120. Unfortunately, at the
moment, the description of this protocol is sparing in
details, which constitutes an obstacle to its adequate
evaluation [17].
CCS (CORBA-based Conference Service) is a
conference control service with functionalities similar to
ITU T.120, but with high scalability and support for realtime reliable multicast. This framework is based on the
CORBA object model. The service is not tested and
presents limitations in terms of multicasting
communication, especially with the integration of
OrbixTalk [20], which is an implementation of the
CORBA Event Service specification normalised by OMG
[2]. OrbixTalk uses IP multicasting and a reliability
mechanism based on negative “acknowledgements”, in
order to provide delivery confirmation of each
information object. However, it doesn’t supply total
ordering of multicast data, which in certain high load
situations can lead to the loss of messages [21].
HORUS [22] is a distributed conference system
supported on CORBA platforms, that presents a
Synchronization [23]. In this model the data marshalling
is made by CORBA and it supports multipoint
communication through a non-standard proprietary
platform [17].
3. Conference System
3.1. General description of the architecture
The proposed system is based on the tightly coupled
conference paradigm, and has the aim to achieve a high
scalability degree. To reach such objectives we have
conceived two nuclear services, one for conference
control - Conference Controller (CC) - and another one
for multipoint communication between collaborative
applications (Figure 1). The CC service, as responsible
for the administration of the conference, implements a
minimal set of the basic functionalities of ITU T.124
recommendation (GCC- Generic Conference Control) [8]
[24] [25], and uses a reliable service for multicasting
communication. For the applications data multipoint
communication, we have chosen to use JSDT (Java
Shared Data Toolkit) [26]. JSDT is a framework based
on the ITU T.122 recommendation, “Multipoint
Communication Service” [6] [27], implemented in Java
with the option to use reliable multicasting
communication protocols (ex: LRMP – Light-Weight
Reliable Multicast Protocol [28]).
such, a conference information base. The resource
requests are made directly to the hierarchic superior,
working up in the chain until arriving at the top server.
To avoid high response times, proxies have the capacity
to give resources, as they keep a replication of the top
server resource database. To guarantee the information
updating, the top server and the proxies share a reliable
multicasting communication channel. This functionality
is provided by the CC module, based on the standard
OMG specification CORBA Event Service [2] (Figure 3).
Top Server
Conference Controller
Fig. 3 – Information updating using the underlying
CORBA Event Service
Transport service
Fig. 1 – Component stack of the proposed
conference system
The conference system relies on a hierarchy of nodes,
clients/customers and servers, organised in a tree
topology, supported by JSDT links (Figure 2). The
servers are the suppliers of the conference services, with
a top server and some proxy servers. The collaborative
applications are in the customer nodes, linked to one or
more servers, or in a server.
Top Server
Proxy Server
Proxy Server
Fig. 2 – Conference typical topology
The top server manages the conference resources −
sessions, channels and tokens, among others –keeping, as
The CC module provides high resource availability by
the use of group abstractions that comprise the top server
and the proxy servers. This functionality is supported by
replication processes that are based on reliable multicast
communication mechanisms.
As the conference scalability is directly related to
resource request response times, the servers must speed
up the resource response process by placing the answers
in a reliable multicasting communication channel with
capacity for message filtering.
Due to its nature, proxies can assume the conference
leadership, in case the top server becomes off-line for
any reason. This functionality is achieved through the use
of a keep-alive mechanism that is active between the top
server and its proxies.
Load balancing between top server and proxies can
also be implemented in systems that use the proposed
architecture, as a way to improve system performance.
Conferences also require a control information
database, holding information on their members and
applications. This database is distributed by all nodes and
keeps track of all the occurrences in each conference, as
for example the entrance of a new customer node or the
start-up of applications in a given node. All the changes
in each node are communicated to the direct hierarchic
superior, and they will progress up the server tree until
they arrive at the top server. When this happens, control
information will be updated in the top server and it will
be replicated back (in its totality or partially-delta) to all
nodes down the hierarchy through the CC channels
(CORBA Event Service).
In each node, the information base administration is
performed locally by the CC, which has the advantage of
having local information accesses and not accesses to the
direct hierarchic superior.
The applications data are transferred directly by JSDT
through public and private channels, with no need to
effect their routing through the conference structure.
Channels are managed by the server to which each
participating node is connected. JSDT can use several
transport protocols, namely reliable multicasting
protocols such as LRMP – Light-Weight Reliable
Multicast Protocol.
3.2. The CC reliable multicasting communication
The CC service was developed in Java, with the
implemented according to the CORBA Event Service
model [2] (Figure 4).
environments [17][21][30], communication reliability
[21][30], event filtering and correlation [29], event
ordering and prioritisation [21], and "bulk” data handling
[31]. In what concerns this last case, CORBA Event
Service was conceived for the diffusion of small
messages, so it has many limitations for non-real-time
bulk multicast communication (e.g. data replication).
Our CC service was developed having in mind the
need to overcome some of the above mentioned
limitations. For this, some additional features were
introduced, namely mapping mechanisms for native IP
Multicasting (for a more efficient multicast
communication), reliability process optimisation,
filtering and total ordering of events/messages and
fragmenting/reassembling of large messages. Moreover,
as the CORBA Event Service is based on a centralised
architecture, a channel is not more than another CORBA
object that introduces a single point of failure [31]. With
the implementation of multicast communication using
native IP multicasting, channels are mapped for a
specific IP multicasting address, which does not
introduce a single point of failure [31], contributing for
the increase of system availability.
With these refinements, we intend to provide the
developed conferencing system with high scalability and
performance, maintaining full compatibility with ITU
T.120 recommendations.
3.3. Synchronisation
ORB - Object Request Broker
Event Server
Event Service
Fig. 4 – Conference system communication
The CORBA Event Service simplifies application
communication (event messages) between consumers
and suppliers, without the need to know in advance the
communicating parties, which makes it very attractive for
group distributed communication [23][29].
However, this service has some limitations that span
the following important issues: multicast communication
Data synchronisation is carried out by the JSDT
service. This service uses a synchronisation mechanism
based on a client/server architecture, i.e. all the data sent
for a channel finishes being sent to the server, which
redistributes them by all of the channel consumers. As
the server side implementation is “single threaded” and
the channels are ordered, this guarantees that the
consumers receive the messages in their respective order
but not at the same time. In the case of unordered
channels, synchronisation can be made by a “token”,
which is identical to functionality of the T.120 model. In
this case, the management of the "token" is made by one
central object located at a server.
3.4. Implementation
Figure 5 shows the considered object model and its
relationships, in Unified Modelling Language (UML).
The conference structure is initiated by the Node
object. This object has the responsibility for creating the
Generic Controller and the ChatApplication and the
WhiteBoardApplication. The Generic Controller is the
core of the model, having the tasks of conference
management, and creation and management of all of the
Generic Controller
system architecture introduces some innovative
mechanisms, as is the case of reliability features and the
mapping of IP multicasting. Other features such as
filtering mechanisms, total ordering of events/messages,
and fragmentation/reassembling of large messages were
also introduced. These mechanisms are at the basis of the
improvement of the conference system scalability and
performance. Another key aspect of the proposed system
is its database replication/delta-updating process. This
feature is considerably improved in the present proposal,
which is due to the use of reliable multicasting
communication channels. In addition, the use of group
abstractions and of IP multicasting grants a highavailability to the system.
Fig. 5 – Object model of the conference service
remaining objects that constitute the physical resources
and support the data communication mechanisms. When
a conference is initiated by a Top Provider the Generic
Controller interacts with the jEventsASuplier,
jEventsBConsumer objects. These objects are defined
using Java-IDL mapping. In addition to communicating
via ORB, the conference system uses another type of
communication that is based on JSDT objects. In this
way, the Generic Controller also has the task to create a
session (JSDTSession) and a channel (JSDTChannel) for
the control of information exchange. When it is intended
to have a private channel or when synchronisation is to
be carried out in disordered channels, the system creates
a JSDToken object. To be able to consume the available
information in the channels, it is necessary to have one
object that acts as a client (JSDTClient), which will be
joined to JSDTSession object, and thus will be in position
to “hang” one JSDTConsumer object for each channel
that will be interested in “listening”. All the interactions
with databases are executed by the DBExecute object.
A conference prototype was developed to operate with
two different types of Java collaborative applications:
WB (WhiteBoard) and Chat (Figure 6). In this CC
development we used the jEVENTSTM product [32], that
is a Java implementation of the CORBA Event Service
specification, without the functionalities previously
specified for the CC.
4. Conclusions and guidelines for further
In the present paper we introduced the main features
of our conference control service based on the CORBA
Event Service, and also a description of its specification,
conception, and related prototype work. The underlying
Fig. 6 – View of the prototype conference system
Thus, the proposed conference control service based
on the CORBA Event Service is characterised by the
following main contributions:
(1) scalability refinement of tightly-coupled
conference models based on the ITU T.120
(2) extension of CORBA Event Service with reliable
multicasting communication capabilities (mapping of
native IP multicasting, reliability process optimisation,
environments where data replication/updating actions are
involve, as it is the case of conference control
information according to ITU T.120 model;
Our following steps will be the fine tuning and
evaluation of the proposed CC CORBA Event Service.
The evaluation of the implementation will be very
important for the future service integration in Web
environments. In addition, we plan to investigate and
explore streams treatment mechanisms [33][34] for both
audio and video, and for environments with "bulk" data
replication. The implementation of T.122/125
recommendations in Java (API and classes) and the
exploration of the group abstraction for resource servers,
as well as the respective performance studies, will be
addressed in subsequent phases of the work.
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