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2012, arXiv (Cornell University)
6 pages
1 file
We discuss the impact of recent Belle data on our description of the pion transition form factor based on the assumption that a perturbative formalism and a nonperturbative one can be matched in a physically acceptable manner at a certain hadronic scale Q0. We discuss the implications of the different parameters of the model in comparing with world data and conclude that within experimental errors our description remains valid. Thus we can assert that the low Q 2 nonperturbative description together with an additional 1/Q 2 term at the matching scale have a strong influence on the Q 2 behavior up to very high values of Q 2 .
The European Physical Journal A, 2012
We discuss the impact of recent Belle data on our description of the pion transition form factor based on the assumption that a perturbative formalism and a nonperturbative one can be matched in a physically acceptable manner at a certain hadronic scale Q 0. We discuss the implications of the different parameters of the model in comparing with world data and conclude that within experimental errors our description remains valid. Thus we can assert that the low Q 2 nonperturbative description together with an additional 1/Q 2 term at the matching scale have a strong influence on the Q 2 behavior up to very high values of Q 2 .
The European Physical Journal A, 2010
Recent BaBaR data on the pion transition form factor, whose Q 2 dependence is much steeper then predicted by asymptotic Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), have caused a renewed interest in its theoretical description. We present here a formalism based on a model independent low energy description and a high energy description based on QCD, which match at a scale Q0. The high energy description incorporates a flat pion distribution amplitude, φ (x) = 1, at the matching scale Q0 and QCD evolution from Q0 to Q > Q0. The flat pion distribution is connected, through soft pion theorems and chiral symmetry, to the pion valance parton distribution at the same low scale Q0. The procedure leads to a good description of the data, and incorporating additional twist three effects, to an excellent description of the data.
Proceedings of The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(EPS-HEP 2013), 2014
We investigate the form factors for pseudoscalar-meson-photon transitions by means of dispersive QCD sum rules and demonstrate that most of the measurements done so far (in particular, those by BABAR for η, η ′ and η c and by Belle for π 0) are, on the one hand, compatible with each other and with the saturation required by factorization theorems obtained from perturbative QCD and, on the other hand, give a hint that saturation is effective already at relatively low momentum transfers Q 2 ; this hypothesis is supported by experimental data for the charged-pion elastic form factor available in the range Q 2 ≈ 2-4 GeV 2. The only exception are the BABAR results for the π 0 γ transition form factor, which do not fit into such picture. We point out that results expected from SHMS at JLab on the pion elastic form factor in the region Q 2 ≈ 5-8 GeV 2 will provide the ultimate test of saturation and factorization and strongly impact our general view of the form factors up to infinitely large Q 2 .
Physical Review D, 2002
In many years ago, Isgur and Llewellyn Smith addressed that PQCD is inapplicable to exclusive processes , such as the pion form factor. The main problem is that the asymptotic of PQCD is only about one fourth of the experimental value . We reexamine this PQCD deep problem. By including NLO power corrections to the pion form factor, we may arrive at a perturbative explanation for the data. The key realization is that we need to interprete that the strong interaction coupling constant involved in the PQCD result should be taken as an effective coupling constant under nonperturbative QCD vaccum. This implies that one can equally identify the relevant scale for the effective coupling constant as the factorization scale about 1 GeV. We also find that the average momentum fraction variable locates about 0.5, which is in favor of the asymptotic pion wave function. By employing photon-pion form factor with NLO power corrections to factorize out the nonperturbative effects involved in the effective coupling constant, we can extract an effective running coupling constant, which represents an effective coupling involving in the hard scattering subprocesses. The difference between the effective running coupling constant and the usual perturbative running coupling constant (Λ QCD = 0.3 GeV) is very small for Q 2 > 1 GeV 2 . The effective running coupling constant αs/π is smaller than 0.2 for Q 2 > 1 GeV 2 . This directly showes that PQCD is applicable to exclusive processes at energy Q 2 > 1 GeV 2 . In summary, with NLO power corrections, PQCD can completely explain the Q 2 spectrum of pion form factor.
Physics Letters B, 1996
The pion wave function is discussed in the light of the recent CLEO data on the πγ transition form factor. It turns out that the wave function is close to the asymptotic form whereas wave functions strongly concentrated in the end-point regions are disfavoured. Consequences for other exclusive quantities, as for instance the pion's electromagnetic form factor, are also discussed.
In the presence of a momentum cutoff, effective theories seem unable to faithfully reproduce the so-called chiral anomaly in the Standard Model. A novel prospect to overcome this related issue is discussed herein via the calculation of the γ Ã π 0 γ transition form factor G γ Ã π 0 γ ðQ 2 Þ, whose normalization is intimately connected with the chiral anomaly and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB). To compute such transition, we employ a contact interaction model of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) under a modified rainbow ladder truncation, which automatically generates a quark anomalous magnetic moment term, weighted by a strength parameter ξ. This term, whose origin is also connected with DCSB, is interpreted as an additional interaction that mimics the complex dynamics beyond the cutoff. By fixing ξ to produce the value of G γ Ã π 0 γ ð0Þ dictated by the chiral anomaly, the computed transition form factor, as well as the interaction radius and neutral pion decay width, turn out to be comparable with QCD-based studies and experimental data.
In this work we present the features of the hadron-quark phase transition diagrams in which the pions are included in the system. To construct such diagrams we use two different models in the description of the hadronic and quark sectors. At the quark level, we consider two distinct parametrizations of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) models. In the hadronic side, we use a well known relativistic mean-field (RMF) nonlinear Walecka model. We show that the effect of the pions on the hadron-quark phase diagrams is to move the critical end point (CEP) of the transitions lines. Such an effect also depends on the value of the critical temperature (T 0) in the pure gauge sector used to parametrize the PNJL models. Here we treat the phase transitions using two values for T 0 , namely, T 0 = 270 MeV and T 0 = 190 MeV. The last value is used to reproduce lattice QCD data for the transition temperature at zero chemical potential.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 1981
We show that all adjustable parameters of our previous pion form factor model, which were essential in the description of all existing data, have a direct physical meaning. The last, not specified free parameter of our model is found to be in an unambiguous interrelation with the product of the coupling constants gin' and fQ~. The numerical value of this parameter perfectly agrees with the world averaged values of gev and fe~.
Physical Review C, 2008
The charged pion form factor, Fpi(Q^2), is an important quantity which can be used to advance our knowledge of hadronic structure. However, the extraction of Fpi from data requires a model of the 1H(e,e'pi+)n reaction, and thus is inherently model dependent. Therefore, a detailed description of the extraction of the charged pion form factor from electroproduction data obtained recently at Jefferson Lab is presented, with particular focus given to the dominant uncertainties in this procedure. Results for Fpi are presented for Q^2=0.60-2.45 GeV^2. Above Q^2=1.5 GeV^2, the Fpi values are systematically below the monopole parameterization that describes the low Q^2 data used to determine the pion charge radius. The pion form factor can be calculated in a wide variety of theoretical approaches, and the experimental results are compared to a number of calculations. This comparison is helpful in understanding the role of soft versus hard contributions to hadronic structure in the intermediate Q^2 regime.
Physical Review Letters, 1990
We reexamine the determination of the pion form factor at. large spacelike Q 2 via the reaction ep-• enn* and find that, because of the magnitude of the pion-nucleon form factor and the existence of competing hitherto uncalculated processes in QCD, the pion electromagnetic form factor is not sufficiently well determined at higher Q 2 to compare with the expected scaling prediction of QCD. Instead, we conclude that the best way to get information about the pion electromagnetic form factor is to study K° production.
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