Plagiarism Accusation About Turkish Physicists

2008, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Ethics-Law and History

De ar Edi tor, n an ar tic le pub lis hed in Na tu re da ted Sept 6, 2007, it was sta ted that ne arly 70 ar tic les of 15 sci en tists from 18 Mart, Dic le and Mer sin uni ver si ti es have be en re mo ved from a po pu lar prep rint ser ver by al le ga ti on of pla gi a rism. 1 So me po ints in the ar tic le such as va lu e-la den sta te ments, ge ne ra li za ti ons, and that not ta king in to con si de ra ti on of a system which ur ges aca de mi ci ans publis hing with an ori en ta lis tic po int of vi ew in anot her lan gu a ge that they ha ve not be en edu ca ted ap prop ri a tely, ge ne ra ted the tho ught of wri ting to the editor of Na tu re. I wo uld li ke to sha re this let ter, which was re jec ted by Na tu re, with our aca de mic com mu nity, and sen ding yo ur jo ur nal by ho ping it to be accep ted for pub lis hing.

-EDĐTÖRE MEKTUP Plagiarism Accusation About Turkish Physicists Dr. Murat CĐVANER Deontoloji ABD, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, BURSA Geliş Tarihi/Received: 22.02.2008 Kabul Tarihi/Accepted: 22.02.2008 Yazışma Adresi/Correspondence: Dr. Murat CĐVANER Uludağ Üniversitesi TIp Fakültesi, Deontoloji ABD, BURSA [email protected] Dear Editor, n an article published in Nature dated Sept 6, 2007, it was stated that nearly 70 articles of 15 scientists from 18 Mart, Dicle and Mersin universities have been removed from a popular preprint server by allegation of plagiarism.1 Some points in the article such as value-laden statements, generalizations, and that not taking into consideration of a system which urges academicians publishing with an orientalistic point of view in another language that they have not been educated appropriately, generated the thought of writing to the editor of Nature. I would like to share this letter, which was rejected by Nature, with our academic community, and sending your journal by hoping it to be accepted for publishing. “Sir, Certain issues raised by Mr.Brumfiel’s article (“Turkish physicists face accusations of plagiarism” Nature 449, 8, 2007) must be addressed. It mustn’t be overlooked that as yet there isn’t enough information to assess the situation thoroughly, and this essentially precludes the ability to make an ethical analysis of the situation. Although they contain some fallacies such as ad populum and non sequitor, some of the arguments made in their own defense by the accused academicians deserve to be considered seriously. For instance, they have publicly declared that some of the articles they have been accused of plagiarising were published after their work. Therefore language such as “allegedly” or “seem to be involved” is correct, not politically but factually. However, the sentence, “There are some cultures in which plagiarism is not even regarded as deplorable” is a counter-example. I’m not aware of any sociological research concerning this premise, perhaps it’s true; nevertheless, its inclusion makes the language value-laden. Since culture includes moral values which have been shaped and changed by various factors, it’s a mistake to discuss the moral atmosphere surrounding a certain scientific community without considering the factors which have shaped it, such as English barriers, as Mr.Smith mentioned (“Need to speak English puts burden on Asian scientists” Nature 445, 256, 2007), and local factors, such as those in Mr.Sarioglu’s formula: “They’re isolated, their English is bad, and they need to publish”. What Mr.Sarioglu didn’t include is ‘their work should interest Western editors’. If scientific work is assessed regarding editors’ interests per se, not the needs of a particular society, then publishing transforms to some kind of a price to pay, and end transforms to means.” KAYNAK Copyright © 2008 by Türkiye Klinikleri Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Ethics 2008, 16 1. Brumfiel, G. Turkish physicists face accusations of plagiarism. Nature, 2007. 449(7158):8. 53