The History of Humanity - Root Races Development
Course 120 – Short Paper on History of Humanity
Marilene Santos
Evolution is the universal process by which things change and grow and develop. The main aspects of
human evolution is described and taught in many traditions. “The Secret Doctrine” of Helena
Blavatsky’s, which is based on a series of stanzas from what she refers to as the Secret Book of
Dzyan, describes seven great stages of the evolutionary process, which are spoken of in the Bible as
the ‘Days’ of Creation.
The Ego or real Man evolves through experiences in different conditions. First, working out in spheres
of being very ethereal to the next step, on a plane of matter a little more dense until our present plane
of gross matter and so on. The whole process includes the general development of Man in all their
Each of the seven principles/rays relates to a planet or scheme of evolution, and to a race in which
that evolution was carried out. The Sevenfold Planetary Chain is intimately connected with Man’s
evolution. The universal evolution is septenary so the evolution of humanity, sevenfold in its
constitution, is carried on upon a septenary Earth. The phenomenal universe is the manifestation of an
eternal, boundless and immutable Principle. All souls are identical with the Oversoul. Thus all nature
can be seen as an assemblage of living beings whose History, can be explained through the Process
of the Soul's Evolution.
I - The History of Humanity
Every planetary evolution in the solar system is confined in its manifestation to the Four Lower Planes
of Cosmic Consciousness. The law of cyclic evolution – involving chains, globes, rounds, and root
races apply to all the planets of our solar system.
The Earth, along with the other planets, incarnates over many vast cycles called ‘rounds’ or
manvantaras. During each planetary Round on this planet, every kingdom or life-wave, including the
human soul passes through seven stages of development on each globe. In the human kingdom,
these stages are called root-races or humanities.
A root-race is therefore, a major phase in the development of the human consciousness that happens
through its interaction with the material world. Each root-race endures for a long period of time, going
through cycles of development and decline, during which seven distinct subtypes or sub-races are
manifested. Each root-race contains the same egos that were evolving in the preceding root-race.
Our planet Earth already developed five root-races and it needs to develop two more. After the seven
root-Race, the planet Earth, will become a new moon. The term root-race applies to one of the seven
great races. The term sub-race applies to one of its great branches. The term family-race applies to
one of the sub-divisions, which include nations and large tribes. Each branch is always brought
together by the Law of Karma. These karmic groups work out their existence and ancient relationship
through living their lives in close proximity and in essence work ever towards a closer group harmony.
‘The planets are called ‘schemes’ because behind the visible outer planet are a series of worlds in
more subtle matter called ‘globes’ and ‘chains’ (7 globes in a chain, 7 chains in a scheme), that
represent past and future incarnations of the life we call a ‘planetary logos’. (1)
We are half way through our evolution, in the 4th globe of the 4th chain, of the 4th scheme – and in
the 4th round or vast cycle that lasts 320,000,000 years in the Earth Scheme. "Now, as it is certain, on
occult data, that the time which has elapsed since the first sedimentary deposits = 320,000,000 years,
we are able to infer that the:-ROUGH APPROXIMATIONS.
Primordial lasted 171,200,000 years.
Primary lasted 103,040,000 years
Secondary lasted 36,800,000 years
Tertiary lasted 7,360,000 years (probably in excess)
Quaternary lasted 1,600,000 years (probably in excess).
Such estimates harmonize with the statements of Esoteric Ethnology in almost every particular." (2).
"With regard to the 320 millions of years assigned to sedimentation, it must be noted that even a
greater time elapsed during the preparation of this globe for the Fourth Round previous to
stratification." (3)
Each root-race, from Lemuria to the seventh root-race goes through a point of crisis each. There are
five points of crises (five racial crisis), which refers to a special event that mark the transfer of soul life
from one race to another, leading to a racial unfoldment by the race of another vehicle of expression.
This happens because the Soul comes into incarnation to develop certain manifested qualities under
racial experience. “Just as there are five points of crisis in the life of a man as he achieves the goal of
initiation (which we call the five Initiations), so there are five similar points of crisis in the process of
taking form in the three worlds, with three being of more importance - the first, the third and the fifth”.
By the time the fifth round is reached, three-fifths of the human family will have their five senses fully
functioning on the three planes in the three worlds, leaving the two other planes to be subjugated
during the remaining two rounds. The two other rounds are synthetic. Their function is to gather up
and synthesize that which has been achieved in the earlier five as there are the two last races of each
“…Man, at the close of his long pilgrimage, will have passed through the five kingdoms of nature on
his way back to his source” (5)
1. The mineral kingdom,
2. The vegetable kingdom,
3. The animal kingdom,
4. The human kingdom,
5. The superhuman, or the spiritual kingdom, and will have developed full consciousness on the five
1. The physical plane,
2. The emotional or astral plane,
3. The mental plane,
4. The intuitional, or the buddhic plane,
5. The spiritual, atmic, or nirvanic plane, by means of the five senses and their correspondences on all
the five planes:
1. Hearing,
2. Touch,
3. Sight,
4. Taste,
5. Smell. (5)
II - The Seven Root-races - The Pre-Individualized Races of Proto-Humanity
First and second Root Race
“The First root-race probably originated 130 to 150 million years ago in the Silurian or Devonian
period, or possibly in the Carboniferous period, of the Paleozoic era, and ended in the Permian period”
(6) The first root-race was primarily spiritual (Astral/Etheric), and did not leave physical remains. The
first Pilgrims in the First root-race appeared in the formative stages of the earth's development, still a
primordial liquid. They were called Polarians because they existed around the North and South Poles.
The earth on which the first race lived was more ethereal than it is today, but relatively hard and
condensed in comparison with those non self-conscious ‘human’ protoplasts. They had huge
translucent or transparent bodies, ovoid though somewhat fluid in form, with no bones or organs, and
no hair or skin. They slowly grew more solid, but remained ethereal until the end.
The race was sexless and propagated by fission: a large portion of the body separated itself and grew
into a duplicate of its parent, much as happens with living cells today.
The second root-race originated in the late Carboniferous or in the Permian, and ended in the late
Triassic or early Jurassic of the Mesozoic (Secondary) era (some 25 to 30 million years ago). The
Second root-race was called the Hyperboreans. They too were more etheric having a loose-knit
watery. Their appearance is thought to have occurred in a mild climate. The watery bodies of these
Hyperboreans assumed remarkable diverse and monstrous shapes as they experimented with
existence in the physical world. They were semi-astral, but grew denser and more opaque with each
passing age. Towards its end, it became more gelatinous and filamentoid in structure, and developed
the rudimentary beginnings of bones and organs, hair and skin. Although still more or less ovoid in
form, it began to show the first outlines of the later human form. However, towards its end, its bodies
passed through many curious, part-animal forms.
The second race was asexual and reproduced by gemmation or budding, a method of reproduction
still found in certain unicellular organisms (e.g. certain bacteria, yeasts, and protozoans).
The first root-race and much of the second knew no death, as we understand it; each generation
melted into the next. Towards the end of the second race, its individuals fell asleep, as it were, and
faded out, and this was the beginning of what we now call death.
These first two races were not fully human, as they had no self-conscious minds. They were with a low
state or outward-going consciousness exercised through the one sense (hearing) possessed by the
first race, or through the two senses (hearing and touch) possessed by the second. Their
consciousness was like that of someone in a daze or deep daydream. They were guided by spiritual
instinct and antedated the appearance of the individualized, self-conscious primitive human being.
2- Lemurian Race
Third Root-Race
The third, Lemurian root-race appeared during the Triassic period of the Mesozoic era (the Age of
Reptiles). They inhabited Mu, which today is the Pacific Ocean. The Lemurians were the first with
physical bodies. The jelly-like substance of the second race had now become tender flesh composed
of cells. Some of the filamentoid parts grew more cartilaginous, and finally became bones, and others
became the muscles, nervous system, and blood vessels. The nuclei that existed in the bodies of the
second race condensed into true organs.
The early third root-race was hermaphrodite or androgynous. This method of reproduction is still found
in certain representatives of the lower kingdoms, in most flowering plants and in invertebrates such as
worms, snails, and slugs.
The first, second, and earliest third races did not eat as we do now, but took material into the body for
nutrition by osmosis, in much in the same way as our lungs draw nutrition from the air.
During the middle of the Lemurian period about 18.5 million years ago (near the Jurassic/Cretaceous
boundary), Human were members of the animal kingdom with animal instinctual awareness and no
mind. At that time magnificent pre-ordained spiritual event occurred on earth. It was the coming of the
‘Lords of Flame’ who were to impart the ‘spark of mind’ to Humanity. This period is known as
individualization, the transition of Animal Man into the 4th Kingdom of Nature, the human kingdom.
This represents the coming of the third Outpouring, the merging and the point of contact between the
Spiritual Triad and the Lower Quaternary.
“The Lords of Flame, The ‘Kumaras’, emanated from a chain within the Earth Scheme, which was
associated with the planet Venus. The advent of the Lords of the Flame, the electrical storm which
ushered in the period of man, was distinguished by disaster, chaos, and the destruction of many in the
Third kingdom of nature, the animal kingdom”. (7) The spark of mind was implanted and the strength
of its vibration, and the immediate effect of its presence caused the death of the animal form, thus
producing the immediate possibility of the newly vitalized causal soul bodies (soul) vibrating to such
purpose, that new physical vehicles were taken. When this event occurred, in the Jurassic Age the
death of the dinosaurs occurred.
The Individualization occurred in the third branch-race of the third sub-race of the third root-race
(Lemuria), expressed as 3.3.3, the number 3 relating to the mother or form aspect that births the new.
Australia is the largest surviving remnant of this once vast ‘super continent’. At about the same time
that the awakening of our self-conscious minds began (individualization), human bodies became fully
developed and physical Hermaphroditism died out giving place to the separation of the sexes. Then,
Individuals began to be born with the predominant characteristics of one or the other sex, until finally
only unisexual individuals were produced. The Lemurians were endowed with a third eye at the top of
the head. It was in fact the first eye. With the development of increasingly material bodies and the
separation of the sexes, the third eye began to lose its power and the two front eyes were developed
Lemurian Consciousness
Lemurian Point of crisis: The appropriation of the Physical Body, with its five senses.
In Lemurian human consciousness awoke, marking the beginning of individualization in man's
consciousness. The consciousness was physical, because there was only a complete identification
with the physical form and its activities. That was our first sense of the separate “I” existing with no
particular purpose, except to acquire experience. The centers below the diaphragm were the
controlling and dominant factor. It was the stage of dense materiality. The entire forces of the life were
concentrated in the physical body, and the desires expressed were physical desires.
With the Lemurian, the highest initiation was the 1 , where "control of the desires of the flesh" where
dominated. The significance of this type of initiation lies on the fact that the person of this initiation is
drawn towards eventual Soul fusion. For thousands of lifetimes, we acquired experience and a
measure of understanding and wisdom about who and what we are. Often the person is unaware of
this process. It is the Soul that is the driving consciousness, as his physical elemental no longer holds
That happens because the shifting of focus from the lower chakras to the higher is our spiritual goal.
On the course of the evolutionary process, as we develop spiritually, our focus (transference of
energy) moves from the lower Chakras to higher ones.
Parallel with the awakening of the centers happens the development of consciousness. In the case of
the 1 Initiation, the meaning is purification and control of the lower appetites. The sacral energies
begin to be raised to the throat centre passing through the Solar Plexus center, because the
identification of the soul with the form shifts from the physical to the astral form. The Solar Plexus
becomes the dominant chakra, which means the first recognition of the plane of the emotions (the
astral plane), in the consciousness of the candidate. As the Solar Plexus begins its activity, the
transference of the energy to the heart chakra procedes slowly.
"Therefore, in those early days, through the practice of Hatha Yoga, the human being reached the
portal of initiation. At that time the attainment of the third initiation, resulting in the transfiguration of the
personality, was the highest initiation that man was capable of achieving." (8)
Some more facts about this race:
- People with Lemurian consciousness are present today, but few in number. They have their focus on
the past and are concerned with the Physical Plane.
- In Lemuria the sacral centre was the controlling factor.
- Lemurian Race was governed by the 1
7 and 5 Rays.
- The 3rd Initiation was the objective of this Race.
- Hatha yoga was the yoga of Lemurian Race.
3 - The Atlantean Race
Forth Root-Race
“The fourth (Atlantean) root-race originated in the later Cretaceous (10 to 12 million years ago)”. (9)
‘The midpoint of the fourth round was reached in the middle of the fourth sub-race of the fourth rootrace, some 4.5 million years ago’. (10)
They developed bodies far coarser than our own, because it was in the middle of that race, some 4.5
million years ago, that the bottom of the arc of descent was reached and matter reached its fullest
development. Since then, the globe and its inhabitants has begun to slowly etherealize and become
more refined, and this process will continue as we progress along the ascending arc, until the end of
the seventh round, when the globe will have returned to the highly ethereal state that prevailed in the
first round.
The Atlanteans produced some of the most brilliant civilizations of a purely material character that this
globe has seen. However, they were unspiritual, with strong material instincts, worshipped the dark
and evil powers of nature, and misused their innate psychic powers for selfish ends. Toward the
middle period of the Atlantean civilization, in the fourth branch-race, fourth sub-race of this fourth rootrace - 4.4.4, emerged a great crisis caused by the abuses of magic, selfishness and materialism. In
4.5, which is the fifth sub-race of this fourth root-race, the seed for the fifth root-race, the Aryan race
sprang into being.
This period not only represented the middle point of the seven root-races but also the middle point of
the entire globe, chain and scheme periods. It represented the deepest point of incarnation into matter
for the Planetary Logos of Earth over a vast period.
Even so, many Atlanteans had this kind of materialistic behavior, some people among them were
wiser and opposed to such practices. The bulk of Atlantis was submerged and destroyed in the
Miocene epoch due to their abuse of psychic powers.
In Atlantean days, the progress of human was procured through the imposition of two Yogas: Laya
Yoga, the Yoga of the centres, which produced a stabilizing of the etheric body and of the centres in
man and the development of the astral and psychic nature. Later on, Bhakti Yoga, growing out of the
development of the emotional or astral body, was incorporated with Laya Yoga and the foundation of
that mysticism and devotion, which has been the underlying incentive during our particular Aryan rootrace, was laid.
Atlantean Conciousness
Atlantean Point of Crisis: The appropriation of the Astral Body.
From Lemurian, Man continued to evolve from the strictly physical to an emotional existence. In
Atlantean root-race the consciousness reaches its astral, emotional and sensuous level. The
Atlantean conscious characteristic is therefore kama (Astral). In Atlantis the centers below the
diaphragm become fully active, with the major emphasis in the Solar Plexus centre. They became
aware of the new emerging dualism existing between the physical constitution and the astral plane.
The physical body and the etheric body constituted a unity.
The Atlantean race was the second of the individualized root-races. The souls who came into
incarnation in old Atlantis individualized upon the moon chain. The Individualization upon the moon
chain took place in the fifth race of the third round. Christ was the first of our earth humanity to achieve
the goal, whereas the Buddha was the last of the moon chain humanity to do so.
Although the vast majority of early Atlantean forms has long disappeared, the majority of human
beings today are Atlantean in their consciousness because they are still purely emotional in their
reactions and in their approach to life. They are still governed predominantly by selfish desires and by
the calls of the instinctual life. Some more facts about this race:
- People with Atlantean consciousness have their focus is on the present and they are concerned with
the Astral Emotional Plane.
- Atlantean Race was governed by the 2
and 6 Rays.
- In Atlantis the Solar Plexus was the controlling factor.
- The 4th Initiation was the objective of this Race.
- Laya and Bhakti was the yoga of Atlantean Race.
4 - The Aryan Race
Fifth Root-Race
‘The seeds of the fifth, Aryan or Indo-European, root-race began to emerge 7 or 8 million years ago’
(11). It became a distinct root-race about one million years ago in Central Asia, and like all major new
races, received guidance from divine instructors. The kali-yuga (cycle within the root-race) of the fifth
race began in 3102 BC. A series of migrations have taken place, since this period and many
civilizations have come and gone. We are now approaching the middle of the fifth race.
“India is the first sub-race of the Fifth Root-race - 5.1 and is the cradle of all the western sub-races that
have followed after: The Ancient Egyptians - 5.2, the Arab-Semitic - 5.3, the Latin-Celtic - 5.4 and the
Teutonic-Nordic - 5.5. Currently the Anglo-Saxons (German/British) are the fifth branch-race of the fifth
sub-race - 5.5 of the Fifth Root-race and this can be expressed as 5.5.5”. (12)
‘We are now in 5.5.5 and the period of world crisis emerges before we enter 5.5.6 (the sixth branchrace of the fifth sub-race of the fifth root-race), the period when the seed for the coming root-race,
springs into being. That will eventually be based in South America over the next 25,000 years’. (13)
“Under the law of evolution likewise, the mind, being the fifth principle, the fifth root-race must be
intimately concerned with it, and its corresponding fifth sub-race more intimately than any other.
Students would do well to bear in mind the following correspondences:
1. The fifth root race Aryan.
2. The fifth subrace Anglo-Saxon.
3. The fifth principle manas, or mind.
4. The fifth plane the mental.
5. The fifth ray concrete knowledge.”(14)
Aryan Consciousness
Aryan Point of Crisis: The appropriation of the mental body, with consequent intellectual unfoldment.
‘The term “Aryan” does not refer to race but to consciousness’ (15)
The fifth root race marks a point where higher and lower manas approximate, and where the concrete
mind, meeting its highest development of this round, gives place to the intuition. The subjugation of
the mental body and the control of the mind is brought about through the practice of Raja Yoga, and
the fifth Initiation, that of adept, is the goal for evolving humanity
Aryan root-race is the third of the individualized root-races. The modern and intelligent man belongs to
this race. The fifth principle of Manas is the vehicle to be developed and the expression of Aryan
consciousness. The throat chakra is of major importance as the centre of creativity in its higher
expression. The mind is seeking to dominate the emotional nature.
The state of the consciousness of the Aryan race is that of inherent ability to function with clarity upon
the mental plane (Aryan characteristic - manasic consciousness). The ability to focus on the mental
plane is not just with the intellect. It has to do, primary, with making connections, through alignment
with the Soul. Through the Soul connection, we are also bring in energies from the higher Spiritual
Triad, composed of Atma, Buddhic and Manas. These energies are the real energies of the Aryan
consciousness that we as esotericist want to bring into our consciousness. The higher purpose for the
Aryan consciousness is to not only integrate these energies, but allow them to become our
consciousness in performing service and carrying out the Plan.
Aryan people are the intelligentsia of the world, and the disciples and aspirants. They are passing
rapidly out of this stage, for they reached individualization on the moon chain, and were the Atlanteans
of past history. Some more facts about this race:
- People who are definitely Aryan in their state of awareness are mentally focused and occupied with
the future.
- In Aryan Root-Race the Heart Centre is the controlling factor.
- Aryan race is governed by the 3 and 5 Rays, bringing about fusion of spirit and matter.
- The 5 Initiation is the objective of Aryan Race.
- The yoga of the Aryan Race is Raja Yoga.
5 - The Coming 6 and 7 Root-races and the Scope of their Consciousness
Point of Crisis in the 6 Root-race: Conscious appropriation and integration of the threefold
Point of Crisis in the 7 Root-race: The expression, in fullest measure, of the soul and its vehicles,
plus some measure of spiritual manifestation.
“The seeds of the sixth root-race will appear largely in the Americas, and will become fairly numerous
towards the end of our kali-yuga. The sixth race will last for about a maha-yuga (4,320,000 human
years), and a half, or something over 6 million years, and the seventh root-race will be shorter”. (16)
The next 6 Root-race will be buddhic or intuitional (sixth sense developed) because within that race,
the intellect will work automatically and will express itself through the qualities of the heart and right
human relationships. In our days, is possible to see some signs of the emerging sixth root race within
the present fifth or Aryan root-race. Many humans today are able to work well on the mental plane and
have great capability to organize and work individually in different fields, because intellect is unfolding.
They are those that sense the plan of God and cooperate with it. Some more facts about this race:
- The throat centre will be the controlling factor of this Race. The outstanding characteristic of the 6
will be use of the abstract mind.
- Sixth Race will be governed by the 2
and 4 Rays.
- The 6 Initiation is the objective of the 6 Root-race.
- The Agni yoga will be the yoga of the 6 Race.
The 7 root-race marks the end of the evolution of human consciousness on earth before humanity
migrates to Mercury to continue its evolution. The 7 root-race will be the first truly divine race - the
final race.
Hermaphroditism will again appear, but in a more refined form. Children will be produced by will and
imagination – passively in the sixth race, and consciously and actively in the seventh. The flesh of the
sixth root-race will be very tender and soft, and that of the seventh root-race will be almost translucent.
These races will be smaller than us in size, but greater in intellect and spirituality.
The Ajna Centre will be the controlling factor of this Race.
The 7th Race will be governed by the 1 , 7 and 2
The yoga of this Race is Unknown.
"That is to say that all those who, in any scheme, achieve the needed expansions of consciousness
(such as will be achieved by the majority of the human family prior to the middle of the next great
cycle, or round), will be considered "saved," whilst the remainder will be held to be failures, and will be
held over for further development during later periods, or will be transferred to those planetary
schemes which from the point of view of time are not so far advanced as our Earth scheme. These
three major schemes are the absorbers and synthesizers of the energy of the others." (17)
“In this fivefold evolution of man and in this solar system, the two remaining rounds in any planetary
cycle, and the sixth and seventh root-races in those cycles are always synthetic; their function is to
gather up and synthesize that which has been achieved in the earlier five. For instance, in this rootrace, the sixth and seventh sub-races will synthesize and blend that which the earlier five have
wrought out. The analogy lies in the fact that in this solar system the two higher planes (the logoic-and
the monadic) are synthetic”. (18)
The historical and chronological study of the deepest roots of planetary and human evolution, which
have been described in many traditions and ancient scriptures, is of great importance for the students
of Ageless wisdom. It allows us to locate ourselves within these vast cosmic and planetary processes
and to know what lies ahead in our journey as Soul to back to the source.
- Quest Universal Course – Year 1 - Student Reference Material
- The Secret Doctrine - Helena Blavatsky (1888)
(1) 19
December 2015
(2) The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky Vol. 2, p. 710
(3) The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky Vol. 2, p. 715.
(4) Esoteric Psychology II, by Alice Bailey p.52
(5) Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice Bailey p.163 -164
(6) 19 December 2014
(7) 19
December 2014
(8) Light of the Soul, by Alice Bailey, iix
(9) Studies in Occult Philosophy, by G. de Purucker p.164-6
(10) Studies in Occult Philosophy, by G. de Purucker p.20-1, 638-40
(11) 20 December 2014
(12) The
Shamballa Impacts, by Phillip Lindsay 20 December 2014
(13) 20
December 2014
(14) Light of the Soul, by Alice Bailey, ix
(15) Rays and Initiations, by Alice Bailey p.593
(16) 22
December 2014
(17) Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice Bailey p.96
(18) Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice Bailey p.164