Article published online: 2022-09-20
Chronic subdural hematoma
Yad R. Yadav, Vijay Parihar, Hemant Namdev, Jitin Bajaj
Department of Neurosurgery, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the most common neurosurgical conditions. There is lack of uniformity
in the treatment of CSDH amongst surgeons in terms of various treatment strategies. Clinical presentation may vary
from no symptoms to unconsciousness. CSDH is usually diagnosed by contrast‑enhanced computed tomography scan.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is more sensitive in the diagnosis of bilateral isodense CSDH, multiple
loculations, intrahematoma membranes, fresh bleeding, hemolysis, and the size of capsule. Contrast‑enhanced CT or MRI
could detect associated primary or metastatic dural diseases. Although definite history of trauma could be obtained in
a majority of cases, some cases may be secondary to coagulation defect, intracranial hypotension, use of anticoagulants
and antiplatelet drugs, etc., Recurrent bleeding, increased exudates from outer membrane, and cerebrospinal fluid
entrapment have been implicated in the enlargement of CSDH. Burr‑hole evacuation is the treatment of choice for an
uncomplicated CSDH. Most of the recent trials favor the use of drain to reduce recurrence rate. Craniotomy and twist
drill craniostomy also play a role in the management. Dural biopsy should be taken, especially in recurrence and thick
outer membrane. Nonsurgical management is reserved for asymptomatic or high operative risk patients. The steroids
and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors may also play a role in the management. Single management strategy is
not appropriate for all the cases of CSDH. Better understanding of the nature of the pathology, rational selection of an
ideal treatment strategy for an individual patient, and identification of the merits and limitations of different surgical
techniques could help in improving the prognosis.
Key words: Chronic subdural hematoma, intracranial subdural hematoma, operative surgical procedure,
subdural hematoma
Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the most common
neurosurgical conditions. The preferred surgical method
continues to attract debate. There is lack of uniformity about
the treatment strategies, such as the role of burr hole, twist
drill, craniotomy, etc., in CSDH amongst various surgeons.
There is also disagreement about the use of drain, irrigation,
and steroid.[1,2]
The annual incidence of CSDH is about 1-5.3 cases per 100, 000
population. The incidence is increasing due to increase in aging
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Dr. Yad Ram Yadav, Department of Neurosurgery,
NSCB (Government) Medical College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
India. E-mail:
[email protected]
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
population, associated medical diseases such as hemodialysis,
anticoagulant, and/or antiplatelet therapy.[3,4] Although the
surgical techniques are simple, recurrences remain one of
the challenges in the treatment. This review is based on last
21 years search (upto May 2012) on Pubmed and Google.
The presentation of CSDH could vary from no symptoms to
headache, seizures, decreased memory, and confusion. Patients
could have difficulty in speech, swallowing, and walking.
There may be weakness or numbness of arms, legs, and face.
The CSDHs are usually characterized by history of head
trauma, which is usually a trivial trauma. Some cases
could be secondary to defective coagulation, after lumbar
puncture (LP), etc., CSDH should be suspected in a patient
who presents with unusually persistent headache after spinal
anesthesia or LP. CSDH should be taken into account as an
important differential diagnosis in reversible dementia. The
differentiation between CSDH and dementia could be difficult
when it is associated with the hallucinations.[5]
CSDH generally occurs in elderly although it may present
in young patients. It may rarely be seen in infants. The
presence of bilateral CSDH in an infant raises the suspicion
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
of non-accidental trauma and presents a difficult diagnostic
challenge because of the legal and social implications. Glutaric
aciduria type 1 should be considered in the differential
diagnosis of bilateral CSDHs in infants. Some CSDHs of infancy
may have a congenital etiology.[6]
The CSDHs are usually on the most curved frontal or occipital
convexity. Bilateral CSDH is common in patients with
symmetrical frontal and occipital cranial vault. In asymmetrical
cranium, CSDHs are usually on the side of the most curved
frontal or occipital convexity which is more frequently on the
left side.[7] Although CSDHs are usually on the convexities,
interhemispheric CSDH can also be seen.
Isolated third nerve palsy may also be seen in CSDH. Movement
disorders such as choreoathetoid and parkinsonism could
be associated with subdural hematomas (SDHs). Pressure
effects, neurotransmitter abnormality, and ischemia have been
postulated as reasons for this type of presentation. Elderly
people suffering from subacute progressive parkinsonism
should undergo computed tomography (CT) studies to
differentiate it from primary parkinsonism. This parkinsonism
is usually completely cured after successful evacuation of the
hematomas.[8] Catatonia could be observed in CSDH. Resolution
of the blepharospasm has been observed after evacuation of
CSDH. CSDH can cause voiding dysfunctions with small bladder
capacity and high-amplitude overactive detrusor contractions
with an intact sphincteric response. Spinal CSDH may co-exist
with intracranial SDH. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
of the spine is indicated in suspicious patients with cranial
CSDH is usually diagnosed by CT scan. Hematomas are
usually hypodense, but isodense or mixed density lesions are
also observed. Although these are usually concavo-convex,
rarely they may mimic acute epidural hematomas. These
CSDHs could be globular, rarely, due to severe craniocerebral
disproportion secondary to associated thin cerebral mantle.
Huge hemispheric CSDH, occupying whole cerebral hemisphere
and compressing the falx with almost complete obliteration of
ipsilateral lateral ventricle, has been reported.[10]
The calcified CSDHs, though rare, could mimic calvarial mass.
Contrast images are essential to find out any associated
primary or metastatic dural disease.[11] The formula 1/2abc
has been validated to be a relatively reliable method in the
estimation of acute subdural, intracerebral, and epidural
hematoma. This method could underestimate some CSDH.
The formula 2/3Sh can be used to estimate SDH volume.[12] In
this, the largest axial hematoma slice area (S) and depth (h)
are multiplied by 2/3. This is a simple, precise, and convenient
method for the estimation of volume in all the types of
Bilateral isodense CSDH may cause considerable difficulty in
diagnosis by CT scan. MRI could help in making the diagnosis
of such lesions.[13] MRI is more sensitive than CT in determining
the size and internal structures of CSDH, such as multiple
loculations and intrahematoma membranes. Fresh bleeding,
hemolysis, and hemoglobin changes can also be observed by
MRI. The diffusion tensor imaging can examine anisotropic
changes of the pyramidal tracts displaced by CSDH. These
anisotropic changes are considered to be caused by a reversible
distortion of neuron and vasogenic edema by the hematoma.
These changes in the affected pyramidal tract correlate to
motor weakness in CSDH.[14] The diffusion-weighted imaging
and enhanced MR imaging are useful for diagnosing infected
SDH. Contrast-enhanced MRI could detect neomembranes,
thick and extensive membranes, or solid clot.
Differential Diagnosis
SDH could be seen in association with primary dural diseases
or metastasis. Such lesions could be missed and could be the
cause of recurrence in CSDH. A contrast-enhanced brain CT scan
is recommended to diagnose dural metastases. Rosai–Dorfman
disease may be mistaken for a CSDH on imaging. This disease
is an uncommon, benign systemic histioproliferative disease
characterized by massive lymphadenopathy, particularly
in the head and neck region, and is often associated with
extranodal involvement. CSDH can also develop in multifocal
fibrosclerosis (MFS) which is a rare disorder of unknown
etiology, characterized by chronic inflammation with dense
fibrosis and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration into the connective
tissue of various organs. The mechanism of the formation of
CSDH is presumed to involve reactive granular membrane
together with subdural collection. On the other hand, the
extramedullary erythropoiesis within CSDH can be confused
with metastatic malignant tumors, such as lymphoma,
carcinoma, and malignant melanoma.
Although majority of the CSDHs are due to trauma, intracranial
hypotension and defective coagulations could also be
Definite history of trauma could be obtained in majority of the
cases. Majority of these cases have mild head injury, although
moderate to severe injury could be the causative factor in
some cases. This injury could be trivial and may go unnoticed.
Some cases could occur after neurosurgical operations. The
thin walls of bridging veins, circumferential arrangement of
collagen fibers, and a lack of outer reinforcement by arachnoid
trabecules contribute to the more fragile nature of bridging
vein in the subdural portion as compared to the subarachnoid
portion. Repeated injury on the head during play may be the
cause of CSDH in children.
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
CSDH can evolve from acute SDH or subdural effusion (SDE).[15]
Matrix metalloproteinase is thought to play a role in the
development of CSDH. About half of the asymptomatic traumatic
SDE ultimately evolve into CSDHs. Rupture of bridging veins,
bleeding from the hygroma wall due to neocapillaries, vascular
hyperpermeability, increased fibrinolysis, and increasing
protein content in the hygroma are some of the explanations
of the pathogenesis of traumatic SDE evolving into CSDH.
Inflammatory cytokines are elevated in SDE and CSDH, as
compared with peripheral venous blood. It is hypothesized that
SDE and CSDH are different stages, with different appearances,
of the same inflammatory reaction.[16]
Intracranial hypotension
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage could cause intracranial
hypotension which could lead to CSDH formation.
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension could be the cause of
CSDH, especially in young to middle-aged patients, without
preceding trauma or hematological disorders. MRI scans of
the spine and radionuclide cisternography are useful in the
evaluation of intracranial hypotension.[17] The presence of an
underlying spontaneous spinal CSF leak should be considered
in CSDH, even among the elderly taking anticoagulants.
CSF rhinorrhea
CSF rhinorrhea could be the cause of the intracranial
hypotension leading to CSDH.[18]
Intracranial hypotension following lumbar
puncture, spinal anesthesia, and spine surgery
The possibility of an intracranial SDH as a complication of
puncture of the dura mater should be suspected, especially
in post LP headache of more than 1 week. Neuroimaging is
necessary after 1 week of LP if the patient continues to have
headache. CSDH should be considered when postpartum
patients, who have received epidural anesthesia, present with
mild to severe, persistent, and non-postural headache.[19] CSDH
could occur after microdiscectomy complicated by delayed
CSF leak.
Intracranial hypotension due to the sudden
decompression of intracranial lesion
CSDH can develop due to intracranial hypotension secondary
to sudden decompression of intracranial pathologies, such as
suprasellar arachnoid cyst fenestration and endoscopic third
Coagulopathy, anticoagulants, and antiplatelet
CSDH could develop in the presence of potential hemorrhagic
diathesis due to the deficiency of clotting factors. Factor
XIII (FXIII) deficiency may play a pathophysiological role
in spontaneous CSDH. FXIII activity should be investigated
because it may predict rebleeding events after treatment.
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
FXIII substitution may prevent recurrence in individuals
with considerably low FXIII activity.[21] CSDH could develop in
patients receiving antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy.[22]
CSDH consists of an outer membrane, hematoma cavity, and an
inner membrane. Hematoma fluid is usually liquid that does
not clot. Usually hematomas are liquefied, but mixed lesions
with solid components are also seen. The higher concentrations
of fibrinogen and D-dimer are seen in the layered and mixed
types of CSDH. The fibrinolytic factors appear to be associated
with evolution in CSDHs with heterogeneous density.[23]
Usually there is no infection in these hematomas, but the
CSDH is a potential site for bacterial infection. The possibility
of infected SDH should be considered when a patient has
features of infection.[24]
The developing hematoma capsule shows gradual changes
in cellular and vascular organization with progression
in hematoma age. Initial changes include angiogenic
and aseptic inflammatory reactions. It is followed by
fibroblasts-proliferation and development of collagen fibrils.
Young hematomas (15-21 days after trauma) show numerous
capillaries, suggesting formation of new blood vessels. Older
hematomas (40 days after trauma) usually show numerous
capillaries and thin-walled sinusoids accompanied by patent,
larger diameter blood vessels. Blood vessels are frequently
occluded by clots in the fibrotic outer membrane of 60 or
more days old hematoma.[25] The outer capsule may calcify or
ossify in some cases.
CSDHs cause decrease in the blood flow in the underlying brain.
The drainage of the hematoma results in the improvement of
cerebral blood flow and clinical recovery.[26] The CSDH could
be associated with reversible distortion of the underlying
nerve fibers and vasogenic edema.[14] Cranial CSDH could be
associated with spinal CSDH in intracranial hypotension.[9]
Expansion of Hematoma
The pathology of the enlargement of the CSDH is very
complex. It is likely that multiple factors are responsible for
the maintenance and enlargement of the CSDH, the relative
importance of which varies from case to case. There is a great
variety of subdural fluid types, ranging from bright red liquid
through to thick engine oil to light serous fluid. Similarly,
some CSDHs contain a very thick outer membrane, whereas
in others the membrane is hardly visible with the naked eye.
The complex nature of CSDH pathology can be explained by
the recurrence of hematoma even after complete removal of
hematoma and outer membrane where as even the partial
removal of the clot can lead to complete resolution of the
hematoma and the membrane.[27]
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
Rebleeding, exudates from the outer membrane, osmotic
theory, and rapid enlargement due to CSF entrapment are
considered as possible causes of expansion of hematomas.
The CSDH enlarges from recurrent bleeding in the subdural
space, caused by local angiogenesis, inflammation, defective
coagulation, and ongoing fibrinolysis. Rebleeding from
thin-walled sinusoidal blood vessels in the outer neomembrane
has been proposed. [28] Ito et al. estimated that the new
hemorrhages accounted for about 6.7% of the hematoma
Coagulopathy, anticoagulants, and anti‑platelet
Excessive coagulation in the hematoma is considered for the
progressive enlargement of CSDH. High fibrinogen degradation
product (FDP) has been detected due to hyperfibrinolysis
in CSDH. There is reduction in clotting factors II, V, VII, VIII,
IX, X, XI, and XII.[28] High tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
concentrations in the subdural fluid and outer membrane
could cause rebleed and such patients have a relatively high
probability of recurrence.[30] Plasminogen activator inhibitor
type I (PAI-1) deficiency could be responsible for recurrent
Local inflammation and angiogenesis
Local inflammatory process in CSDH results in the formation
of a granulation tissue often referred to as the external or
outer membrane.[16]
Significantly higher levels of the proinflammatory
(interleukin (IL)-2R, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-7) and anti-inflammatory
mediators (IL-10 and IL-13) have been reported in CSDH fluid,
as compared with systemic levels. The proinflammatory tumor
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, IL-1b, IL-2, and IL-4 are significantly
lower in hematoma fluid, compared with systemic levels.
The ratios between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory
cytokines are significantly higher in CSDH as compared
to systemic levels. These findings suggest that the local
hyper-inflammatory and low anti-inflammatory responses
exist simultaneously. They also suggest poorly coordinated
innate immune responses at the site of CSDH. This response
may lead to propagation of local inflammatory process which
could contribute to formation and progression of CSDH.[32]
Local inflammation seems to be responsible for continuous
bleeding by capillary exudation in the earlier phase. Various
inflammatory markers such as IL-6, IL-10, and chemokines
have been found to be elevated in CSDH and are implicated
in the genesis of CSDH.[33,34]
Angiogenesis appears to render maturation of the outer
membrane by sprouting vascular networks in the later phase
of CSDH formation. Enhanced expression of angiogenic
growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the
outer membrane is associated with expansion of CSDH and
recurrence.[33] Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) release
and VEGF could be responsible for excessive development
of fragile microvessels and hyperpermeability, resulting in
the enlargement of CSDH.[35] The cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)
pathway has been shown to influence angiogenic factors.
COX-2 may play a crucial role during the development of
Chemokines as markers of local inflammation and
angiogenesis are elevated in CSDH. The biological activity of
chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2) and chemokine ligand CXCL8 may
promote neovascularization within the outer membrane,
and a compensatory angiostatic activity of chemokine
ligand 9 (CXCL9) and chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10) may
contribute to repairing in this disorder.[37]
Increased exudates from outer membrane
Exudation from microcapillaries in the outer membrane of
CSDH could play an important role in the pathophysiology
and the growth of CSDH.[38] The increased aquaporin 1 (AQP1),
responsible for water transport in the outer membrane of
CSDH, might be the source of the increased fluid accumulation
in CSDH enlargement.[39]
Osmotic theory
The osmotic theory of the maintenance and growth of CSDH,
introduced by Gardner and later modified by Zollinger and
Gross, has been largely abandoned after Weir’s publications.
CSF entrapment
The SDH’s enlargement could be due to flow of CSF through
some areas of the inner membrane and entrapment of CSF in
the cavity.[40]
Risk Factors for CSDH
The risk factors of CSDH include long-term heavy alcohol
use, long-term use of aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs such
as ibuprofen, or anticoagulant medication. The diseases
associated with reduced blood clotting, head injury, and old
age also increase the risk.
The incidence of CSDH is more in arachnoid cyst. The incidence
of this complication is about 6.5% in the temporal cysts.[41] The
patients with arachnoid cyst should avoid violent sports to
reduce the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage. Aneurysm
may rupture into an arachnoid cyst and may present as a
CSDH. Such aneurysms may rupture during burr-hole drainage
of CSDH.[42]
Surgery is the treatment of choice in most of the CSDHs. Some
of these patients could be managed conservatively, especially
small hematomas after antiplatelet drug use. There are
observations of the normal mean subdural pressure in CSDH.[43]
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
Some of the small CSDHs after antiplatelet drug use can
be managed conservatively by stopping the antiplatelet
drugs and follow-up with repeat CT scans. When surgery
is necessary, its delay, if patient’s condition permits, allows
metabolizing the drug and platelet renewal. This delay could
minimize the risk of hemorrhage. If urgent burr holes are
indicated, measures to improve platelet function should be
undertaken.[44] There is general agreement that significant
coagulopathy should be reversed expeditiously in CSDH before
surgery is undertaken.[45]
Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) has recently gained
popularity for rapid reversal of coagulopathy during CSDH
surgery. Some of the patients with normal International
Normalized Ratio (INR) can have excessive intraoperative
coagulopathic bleeding. Normal INR should not be a
deterrent for patients to receive rFVIIa in the setting of strong
neurosurgical suspicion for underlying clinical coagulopathy.[46]
There is increased risk of intraoperative bleeding in patients
who are on anticoagulants. There is also a risk of complications
if anticoagulants are stopped in some patients. The optimal
time to restart full-dose anticoagulation, when indicated, after
recently drained CSDH, is yet to be decided.[45]
Spontaneous Resolution
CSDHs with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura may
resolve spontaneously or with medical treatment. Surgery
might be deferred except in emergency conditions or in
patients with neurological deficit. Close neurological and
radiological observation along with the medical treatment
could be appropriate in patients with normal neurological
findings.[47] Nontraumatic SDHs or hygromas in infants can
often experience significant resolutions within several months
without surgical treatment.[48] Spontaneous resolution of
post-traumatic CSDH in patients without any associated
coagulopathy, though rare, can occur. Careful conservative
treatment can be considered if the patient’s neurological and
physical conditions allow.[49]
Administration of platelet-activating factor receptor
antagonist, Etizolam, can promote CSDH resolution, especially
in the stage of hygroma. Surgery is recommended if the patient
presents with motor weakness.[50] A Kampo medicine (Japanese
traditional herbal medicine), Gorei-san, has been found to be
a useful option in the conservative treatment of CSDHs, with
no or minimum symptoms in CSDH.[51] Coagulation factor
deficiency should be investigated and corrected to prevent
recurrence.[21] The development of anti-COX-2 treatment
options could reduce morbidity and recurrence rate in CSDH.[36]
Seizure Prophylaxis
Although there is conflicting evidence about seizure
prophylaxis in CSDH, anti-epileptic drug (AED) prophylaxis
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
could be given in higher-risk patients.[45] The mortality is high
in postoperative seizure cases, therefore seizure prophylaxis
should be given in high-risk patients (low Glasgow Coma
Scale (GCS) and preoperative cognitive impairment).[52] Lower
mean GCS on admission is predictive of seizures in CSDH.[53] The
preoperative AED prophylaxis is likely to reduce the incidence
of postoperative seizures in CSDH.[54]
Role of Steroid in CSDH
Although surgery is required in CSDH with moderate or
severe neurological deficit, corticosteroids could be used in
mild neurological deficit subgroups. The current evidence
neither supports nor refutes the use of corticosteroids in
CSDH.[55] Although there is a lack of well-designed trials that
support or refute the use of corticosteroids in CSDH, five
observational studies suggest that corticosteroids might be
beneficial in the treatment of CSDH.[56] Extended preoperative
corticosteroid use along with the burr-hole cranio stomy is
associated with a lower recurrence rate.[57] Postoperative use
of corticosteroid has been associated with better survival.[58]
The use of corticosteroids does not seem to be related to
higher incidence of complications and treatment-related
death.[57] Dexamethasone has been found to be safe option
and it has cured or improved two-thirds of the patients in
retrospective studies. The true effectiveness of the therapy
as compared to surgical treatment should be tested in a
prospective randomized trial.[59] Steroid treatment in patients
with co-morbidity is a good option.[60] The oral corticosteroid
therapy is very effective in CSDH due to MFS.
The role of appropriate hydration in subarachnoid hemorrhage
is well recognized. Intravenous fluid administration of at least
2000 ml for 3 days postoperatively has been found to be
associated with better clinical outcome and reduced recurrence
in CSDH.[61] The appropriate fluid delivery may facilitate
brain re-expansion, thus avoiding hematoma recurrence and
accelerating patient recovery.
Surgery is the best option in moderate to large hematoma with
neuro deficit. One surgical technique may not be appropriate
for all CSDHs. The selection of an ideal treatment strategy for
an individual patient should be the target.[62] Removal of CSDH
is enough in most of the patients with associated arachnoid
Burr-hole surgery can be done under local anesthesia in
most of the patients. The surgery for CSDH under monitored
anesthesia using conscious sedation has been found to be
safe and effective in some cases. Conscious sedation using
monitored anesthesia care may facilitate patient comfort and
surgical competence in CSDH.[64]
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
Head Position After Surgery
The Subdural Evacuating Port System
The subdural evacuating port system (SEPS) is a technique
for the treatment of hygromas, chronic and subacute SDHs.
SEPS can be done at the bedside under local anesthesia using
a small drill hole. SEPS allows for the gradual re-expansion and
recovery of the brain. This port does not enter the subdural
space and avoids the risk of brain penetration. There is no need
for irrigation in this system. SEPS provides a closed system
for hematoma evacuation by gradual decompression using a
uniform negative extradural pressure. The SEPS is a safe and
effective alternative treatment option in elderly or sick patients
who might not tolerate the physiological stress of a craniotomy
or burr hole under general anesthesia. It is more effective in
the hypodense subdural collections as compared to the mixed
density collections. Significant bleeding after SEPS insertion,
though uncommon, can occur.[68] The efficacy and safety of SEPS
is similar to that of other twist drill or burr-hole methods.[69]
The appearance of the winged cannula in the diploic space
helps the radiologist to identify it.[70]
Another minimally invasive technique of placement of hollow
screws, under local anesthesia, could be an effective treatment
in most cases of the CSDH. About 20% may need burr-hole
surgery after treatment with hollow screws.[71]
Considerable body of evidence supporting the use of external
drainage after evacuation of primary CSDH exists in most of
the reported series.[72-77] Santarius et al.,[75] Ramachandran
et al.,[78] Wakai et al.,[79] Tsutsumi et al.,[80] Gurelik et al.[81] and
Sarnvivad et al.[82] reported 9.3%, 4%, 5%, 3.1%, 10.5%, and
16% recurrence rates, respectively, in the drainage group, as
compared to 24%, 30%, 33%, 17%, 19%, and 26%, respectively,
in without drain group [Chart 1]. Continuous drainage therapy
for CSDH is superior to the one-time drainage method, with
shorter post-op hospitalization and low recurrence.[73,74]
The incidence of the atelectasis, pneumonia, decubitus
ulcer, and deep vein thrombosis could be more if patients
are kept in supine position postoperatively, especially in
elderly. A 30° head-up position soon after operation in CSDH
does not significantly affect the outcome and recurrence.[65]
Early mobilizing after surgery could prevent postoperative
pneumonia and urinary tract infection without increasing
the risk of recurrence in elderly patients of 65 years or
more.[66] Some authors, on the other hand, do not recommend
upright position soon after surgery because the incidence of
postoperative atelectasis, pneumonia, decubitus ulcer, and
deep vein thrombosis is the same in 30°-40° sitting position
and supine position, but the recurrence rates are significantly
more in upright position.[67]
Chart 1: Recurrence rate with and without drainage
Santarius et al.[75] also reported lower 6 months mortality of
8.6% in the drain group, as compared to 18.1% when drain was
not used. On the other hand, there was no significant difference
in the postoperative recurrence and the complication rates in
drainage and without drainage groups in other studies.[83,84]
Advocates of no drain group argue that placing a drain could
lead to complications such as brain injury, hemorrhage from
neomembranes, and infection without reducing recurrence.
Subdural empyemas have been reported after subdural
drain.[84-88] Postoperative infection in the subgaleal space has
also been reported after drainage.[89]
Types of Drainage
Various types of the drainage, such as the subdural, the
subperiosteal, and the subgaleal drainage, are being used
for continuous drainage after surgery. Now there are reports
of better results when the drain is left above the skull
as compared to when it is kept under the dura. Both the
subdural and subperiosteal methods are found to be highly
effective, but the mortality and serious complications are
less in subperiosteal drainage.[90] The subperiosteal closed
drainage system is a technically easy, safe, and cost-efficient
treatment strategy for CSDH. The absence of a drain in
direct contact with the hematoma capsule may reduce the
risk of postoperative seizure and limit the secondary spread
of infection to intracranial compartments.[91] Although the
mortality and the complications of the subperiosteal drain
were lower than the subdural drain, the recurrence rate was
more in subperiosteal drain as compared to subdural drain
in some reports.[90,91]
Subgaleal suction drain is also an effective, simple, and safe
method. It significantly reduces the incidence of recurrence.[89]
Although subgaleal drainage generally avoids the risk of an
acute hemorrhage from neomembrane injury, which may occur
during introduction and the removal of a subdural drain, there
is a report of one acute SDH after drain.[89] It also reduces the
chances of brain parenchymal injury which could result from
a blind placement of the subdural drain.
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
Duration of Drainage
There are controversies regarding duration of drainage in CSDH.
There are reports in favor of 48-h closed drainage system, as
compared to longer period drainage.[92] Not only is the bed
rest reduced, but the rate of morbidities is also significantly
decreased.[93] On the other hand, high recurrence rate was
observed in less than 3 days drainage group as compared
to more than 3 days drainage group. Prolonged duration
of drainage did not increase the frequency of infection. The
3 days of drainage seem to be necessary, especially for elderly
patients of 60 years and more. It is presumed that it takes at
least 3 days of drainage for the termination of the vicious cycle
and resolution of the hematoma by the restoration of a normal
balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis after surgery.[94]
There is controversy regarding the use of irrigation in CSDH.
Irrigation and drainage are aimed to reduce recurrence in
CSDH.[81] The burr-hole drainage with irrigation is associated
with good outcomes and lower recurrence rate, as compared
to drainage alone.[95] Irrigation with large amount of fluid
during surgery may reduce the recurrence rate in CSDH.[96] On
the other hand, the outcome with or without irrigation has
been found to be the same in CSDH managed by the drainage
Twist Drill Craniostomy
The TDC drainage is indicated in high-risk surgical candidates
in non-septated CSDH.[45] TDC can be performed at the bedside
and is effective in treating CSDHs.[98] The results of TDC in terms
of recurrence rates, morbidity, and mortality, are the same as
compared to burr-hole craniostomy.[99,100]
Although TDC for evacuation of a CSDH is a rapid and
minimally invasive procedure, it carries the risk due to its blind
nature. Some of these patients can have inadequate drainage,
brain penetration, acute epidural hematoma, and catheter
folding. High recurrence rate was observed in TDC.[101] These
complications can be prevented by doing some modifications
in the technique. Size of the drill and irrigation catheter should
be more to avoid inadequate drainage. The increased angle of
skull penetration can reduce brain penetration chances. The
risk of extradural hematoma due to separation of dura mater
from skull can be reduced by pointed drill and entry of subdural
space by sudden push. Insertion of catheter with Kirschner
wire can prevent catheter folding.[102] Posterior positioning of
the drill at parietal tuberosity can reduce brain penetration
chances. Skull entry at the most curved position on the skull
could also prevent brain penetration. This allows direct entry
of the catheter in hematoma cavity only, rather than brain.
One of the major concerns in TDC is bleeding from dura mater,
especially from middle meningeal artery. Dural penetration at
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
the middle meningeal artery should be avoided by suitable
entry point 1 cm anterior to the coronal suture at the level of
the superior temporal line.[103]
Bur-hole craniostomy is the most efficient choice for
surgical drainage of uncomplicated CSDH [Table 1]. Bur-hole
craniostomy is associated with a low recurrence rate and
lesser complications.[100,104-107] Treatment of CSDH through a
burr-hole irrigation and closed-system drainage under local
anesthesia is simple, safe, and effective.[108] Surgeons differ in
their choice regarding usage of one or two burr holes. The one
burr hole craniostomy with closed drainage could be sufficient
to evacuate CSDH with lower or similar recurrence rate, as
compared to two burr hole group.[109-111] On the other hand,
treatment of CSDH with one burr hole has been found to be
associated with a significantly higher postoperative recurrence
rate, longer hospitalization length, and higher wound infection
rate, as compared to treatment with two burr hole.[112]
Biopsy of Dura Mater
Malignancy could be associated with CSDH. Resection of the
involved dura and biopsy is obligatory for the diagnosis and
appropriate palliative management of such patients. It should
be suspected especially in recurrent lesions.[113]
Craniotomy is indicated in CSDH with significant membranes,[45]
multiloculated,[114] organized,[115,116] and calcified or ossified
CSDH.[117-119] Although an ossified membrane could be excised[118]
or drilled by high-speed air drilling,[119] the optimal surgical
procedure for such CSDH has not been established because it is
hard to obtain brain re-expansion after surgery. The residual rigid
inner and outer membranes facilitate dead space and hematoma
recurrence. Multiple tenting procedures could help in obliteration
of the dead space in a large CSDH to prevent recurrence.[117]
Small craniotomy with irrigation and closed-system drainage
can be considered as one of the treatment options in CSDH.[120]
Duration of postoperative hospital stay, complications, and
recurrence rate have been found to be statistically lower
in small craniotomy group as compared to one or two burr
hole craniostomy group. Large craniotomy with extended
membranectomy technique could be required to reduce
the recurrence rate in non-liquefied hematoma, multilayer
intrahematomal loculations, and organized or calcified CSDH,
as compared to small craniotomy with partial membranectomy
Endoscopic Treatment
Endoscopic treatment is indicated in removal of solid clots
under direct vision in organized and multiloculated CSDH.[122,123]
Endoscopic treatment could make the procedure safer with
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
Table 1: Summary of the management of chronic subdural hematoma
Head position after surgery
Burr hole
Twist drill
Endoscopic management
Biopsy of dura mater
Type of drain
Complications and
Recurrence and its
Surgery is the treatment of choice in most of the symptomatic patients with neuro deficit
Nonsurgical management is reserved for small asymptomatic or high operative risk patients, especially in small
hematomas associated with antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs use
Significant coagulopathy should be reversed expeditiously before surgery is undertaken
The steroids and ACE inhibitors may also play a role in the management of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH)
Controversy exists about ideal head position after surgery
Early mobilizing and 30°-40° sitting after surgery could prevent postoperative complications without increasing the risk
of recurrence, especially in elderly patients
Bur-hole craniostomy is the most efficient choice for surgical drainage of uncomplicated CSDH
Craniotomy is indicated in significant membranes, in multiloculated, organized, calcified or ossified CSDH
Twist drill craniostomy drainage is indicated in high-risk surgical candidates in non-septated CSDH
Endoscopic treatment could be indicated in organized and in multiloculated CSDH
Biopsy is required for the diagnosis and appropriate palliative management, especially in recurrent lesions and thick
outer membrane
Most of the recent trials favor the use of drain to reduce recurrence rate
The drain above the skull (subperiosteal or subgaleal) is better as compared to subdural drain
The mortality is about 2% in CSDH. Long-term mortality continues up to 1 year after treatment in elderly patients due to
associated chronic diseases
The prognosis of CSDH depends on the age, GCS at presentation, and associated illnesses like cardiac and renal failure
Recurrence, development of new intracranial hematoma, infection, seizure, cerebral edema, tension pneumocephalus,
and failure of the brain to expand
Slow and simultaneous bilateral decompression of massive CSDHs is recommended to prevent secondary intracranial
Tension pneumocephalus can be prevented by saline replacement, use of suction drain, avoiding nitrous oxide
anesthesia, and positioning of burr hole at the highest point during closure. The risk of pneumocephalus can be reduced
by the skin closure immediately after cessation of spontaneous blood efflux, Valsalva maneuver, and use of gravity in 30°
Trendelenburg position
Recurrences could be due to primary or metastatic dural pathology, intracranial hypotension, thick outer membrane,
brain remaining at a depth at the end of evacuation of hematoma, high levels of tissue plasminogen activator in
the subdural fluid and outer membrane, lower GCS, pneumocephalus, high- or mixed-density hematoma, higher
concentrations of IL-6 in the fluid, enhanced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth
factor in the outer membrane, more linoleic acid concentration in fluid, antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs, and infection
Replacement of the hematoma with oxygen or saline, continuous postoperative drainage, treatment of intracranial
hypotension, embolization of vascular capsule, irrigation of the cavity with thrombin solution and tissue plasminogen
activator, and correction of defective coagulation in appropriate case could avoid recurrences
Continuous drainage, proper postoperative hydration, excision of the constricting thick membrane, prevention of
pneumocephalus, and use of gravity can help the brain to re-expand
GCS – Glasgow coma scale
enhanced intraoperative visualization. It may allow the
identification and destruction of neomembranes.
The mortality rate is about 2% in CSDH.[106] Although CSDH is a
benign disease, it is usually associated with other underlying
chronic diseases. Long-term mortality continues up to 1 year
after treatment in elderly patients due to these associated
chronic diseases.[124] The prognosis in CSDH depends on the
age, GCS at presentation, and associated illnesses like cardiac
and renal failure. Prognosis is superior in better preoperative
GCS[125] and in younger[126] patients. Duration of symptoms does
not have any effect on the mortality or morbidity.[78]
CSDH could be associated with recurrence, infection, new
intracranial hematoma, seizure, cerebral edema, tension
pneumocephalus, and failure of the brain to expand due to
cranio-cerebral disproportion.[127] Although there is a potential
risk of pneumocephalus after all surgical techniques in the
treatment of CSDH, it is seen in 11% of cases.[106] Tension
pneumocephalus could occur after evacuation of a CSDH.[128,129]
The amount of subdural air is correlated negatively with the
resolution of a CSDH.[130] It impedes the adhesion between
the inner and outer membranes, prolonging the widening
of the subdural space, thus promoting postoperative
re-accumulation. The subgaleal or subdural drain could
minimize recurrences by preventing the collection of subdural
air.[89] Intraoperative saline flushing, positioning of burr hole
at the highest point on the skull, and avoiding nitrous oxide
anesthesia could help in preventing pneumocephalus.[128,131]
The risk of pneumocephalus can be reduced by the skin closure
immediately after cessation of spontaneous blood efflux.
Valsalva maneuver and use of gravity in 30° Trendelenburg
position, rather than suction, are helpful in avoiding
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
pneumocephalus.[86] Brain herniation through membrane can
also be seen.[132] Microorganisms like Klebsiella pneumoniae
may directly infect the subdural space.[133]
New Intracranial Hematoma
Intracerebral and intraventricular hemorrhages can develop
after removal of CSDHs. Possible mechanisms include
a sudden increase in cerebral blood flow within fragile
cerebral vessels, defective vascular autoregulation, and
damage to the cerebrovascular tree. Asymmetrical and rapid
decompression could lead to vascular disruption and/or
sudden increase in cerebral blood flow.[134] Combined epidural
and intracerebral hemorrhage can occur immediately after
evacuation of bilateral CSDH.[135] Hematomas could develop
on the opposite side[136] or at any remote[137] place. Slow
and simultaneous bilateral decompression of massive
CSDHs is recommended to prevent secondary intracranial
Incidence of recurrence is between 5 and 33% after
surgery.[72,106,138] Late recurrences are more common in the aged
patients. Recurrence is significantly more common in the thick
hematomas. Early recurrence is defined as return of symptoms
or re-accumulation of the hematoma after a surgery within
3 months. Late recurrence can be defined as reappearance
or enlargement of a liquefied hematoma or persistent CSDH
3 months after surgery.[139]
Etiology of Recurrences
The etiologies of hematoma recurrence are not exactly known.
Many factors seem to be responsible for the recurrence.
Removal of outer membrane does not eliminate the risk of
recurrence while partial removal of hematoma could lead
to total disappearance of membrane and hematoma. [27]
Postoperative midline shift of 5 mm or more, diabetes mellitus,
preoperative seizure, and preoperative width of 20 mm or more
are the predictors of recurrence in CSDH. The rate of recurrence
is lower in the homogeneous and the trabecular type, as
compared to the laminar or multilayered type hematoma.[138]
High- and mixed-density lesions are associated with a high
incidence of recurrence.[140]
Primary and metastatic diseases of the dura mater can give rise
to malignant SDE and recurrence.[113] Intracranial hypotension
could give rise to recurrence in CSDH.[141] MRI of the spine
and/or radionuclide cisternography is useful in the evaluation
of intracranial hypotension and to avoid recurrences.[17] Thick
subdural membranes visualized during surgery and brain
remaining in the depth at the end of surgery are associated
with increased recurrence.[78] Lower GCS and presence of
intracranial air 7 days after surgery are related with increased
recurrence in CSDH.[142,143]
Asian Journal of Neurosurgery
Vol. 11, Issue 4, October‑December 2016
High levels of tPA in the subdural fluid and outer membrane
have a relatively high probability of recurrence.[30] Angiogenic
growth factors and inflammatory cytokines are associated
with increased recurrence. Higher concentration of IL-6 in
the subdural fluid or enhanced expression of VEGF and bFGF
in the outer membrane is more likely to be associated with
recurrence. Local inflammation seems to be responsible for
continuous bleeding by capillary exudation in the earlier
phase, whereas angiogenesis appears to render maturation
of the outer membrane by sprouting vascular networks in
the later phase.[33,144]
Change in fatty acid composition with more linoleic acid is
associated with rebleeding.[145] Antiplatelet or anticoagulant
drugs might facilitate the recurrence of CSDH.[146] Irrigation
with small amount of fluid during surgery may increase the
recurrence rate of CSDH.[96] Poor brain re-expansion rate could
be responsible for a higher recurrence rate in CSDH, especially
in bilateral hematoma.[147] Continuous drainage, proper
postoperative hydration, prevention of pneumocephalus, and
use of gravity can help the brain to re-expand. Excision of the
constricting thick membrane in selected patients can help the
brain to re-expand. The recurrence could be due to entrapment
of CSF in the hematoma cavity through some areas of the inner
membrane.[40] Campylobacter fetus infection could play a role in
the recurrence of hematoma because of its vessel tropism.[148]
Methods to Reduce Recurrence
Replacement of the hematoma with oxygen is a useful method
for the treatment of CSDH, which has been associated with
reduced recurrence rate.[149] A subgaleal suction drainage
allows continuous drainage of the remaining hematoma and
has been found to be associated with low rate of recurrence
and complications. It is relatively less invasive and can be used
in high-risk patients.[89] Intravenous fluid administration of at
least 2000 ml for 3 days postoperatively has been found to
be associated with reduced recurrence in CSDH.[61]
Simultaneous closure of the CSF dural fistula at the time
of evacuation of a coexisting CSDH should be the optimal
management. Management of only CSDH without repair of CSF
leak could result in recurrence.[18] Embolization of the middle
meningeal artery is considered to be useful to eliminate the
blood supply to hematoma capsule and prevent recurrence in
intractable recurrent cases.[150,151]
The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
treatment lowers the risk of recurrence in CSDH. This
could be due to an anti-angiogenic mechanism of ACE
inhibitors.[152] It has been seen that the inadequate amount
of hematoma evacuation is associated with recurrence:
Irrigation with thrombin solution[153] and the addition of
tPA in the irrigation fluid[154] reduced the recurrence rate.
This increases the amount of drainage after hematoma
Yadav, et al.: Chronic subdural hematoma
evacuation, especially in residual solid clot. Irrigation
with large amount of fluid during surgery reduces the
recurrence rate in CSDH.[96] Deficiency of coagulation factors
such as factor XIII could be responsible for the recurrence.
FXIII substitution may prevent recurrence in individuals with
considerably low FXIII activity.[21] Recurrent CSDH could be
due to PAI-1 deficiency. PAI-1 deficiency can be treated with
an oral course of aminocaproic acid.[31]
Santarius T, Lawton R, Kirkpatrick PJ, Hutchinson PJ. The
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How to cite this article: Yadav YR, Parihar V, Namdev H, Bajaj J.
Chronic subdural hematoma. Asian J Neurosurg 2016;11:330-42.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.