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174 pages
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Journal of Modern Physics, 2022
Conformational states of microtubules and proteins have typical spatialspectral arrangements of atoms, called spatial coherence, that are characteristic for building, homeostasis, decay, and apoptosis. Microtubules show a principle of a self-organizing-synergetic structure called a Fröhlich-Bose-Einstein state. The spatial coherence of this state can be described by a toroidal quantum equation of coherence. In this space, microtubules and proteins have typical discrete frequency patterns. These frequencies comply with two proposed quantum wave equations of respective coherence (regulation) and decoherence (deregulation), that describe quantum entangled and disentangled states. The proposed equation of coherence shows the following typical scale invariant distribution of energy: E n = ħω ref 2 q 3 m. The proposed model supports quantum entanglement and is in line with the earlier published models of Fröhlich, Davydov, and Chern. A meta-analysis shows a semi-harmonic scale-invariant pattern for microtubules, stem cells, proteins, and EEG-and MEG-patterns. A fit has been found for about 50 different organizing frequencies and 5 disorganizing frequencies of measured microtubule frequencies that fit with the calculated values of the proposed quantum equations, which are positioned in a nested toroidal geometry. All measured and analysed frequencies of microtubules comply with the same energy distribution found for Bose-Einstein condensates. The overall results show a presence of an informational quantum code, a direct relation with the eigenfrequencies of microtubules, stem cells, DNA, and proteins, that supplies information to realize biological order in life cells and substantiates a collective Fröhlich-Bose-Einstein type of behaviour and further support the models of Tuszynski, Hameroff,
Journal of Differential Equations, 1996
Investigation of segregation of polymer coils in open channel was extended relative to previous studies from flexible chains to semiflexible chains. Our results are based on simulation of confinement free energy of a chain in channel and on direct simulation of coil segregation process. For confinement free energy, we confirm the predicted opposite trend with increasing chain stiffness for the weak and for strong confinement regimes. Results of two different approaches are consistent, in agreement with theoretical analysis and indicate a stronger segregation tendency of flexible chains in channel relative to semiflexible chains both in its extent and dynamics. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
Revista Campo-Território
Los pueblos originarios de Milpa Alta son parte de la zona rural de la Ciudad de México. Estos pueblos están agrupados en un núcleo agrario del mismo nombre, el cual posee una extensión de 17000 hectáreas, la mayor parte de la cual es bosque. Los objetivos de este artículo son a) identificar cuáles han sido los principales acontecimientos en la lucha de estos pueblos para evitar el despojo de su territorio y b) analizar cómo se construye el territorio en sus diferentes dimensiones a partir del manejo del bosque comunal. Para lograr los objetivos se utiliza el enfoque de ecología política y una metodología cualitativa. Los resultados indican que en Milpa Alta, desde antes de la revolución mexicana hubo una lucha por la tierra. Aunque fue hace cinco décadas cuando estos pueblos originarios se conformaron como un movimiento social, el cual ha defendido su territorio y se ha vinculado con otras organizaciones campesinas, indígenas y rurales a nivel nacional. No obstante, desde hace 12 a...
Συνέδριο Μικρασιατικής Μνήμης: «Οι πρόσφυγες της Μικρασιατικής Καταστορής εγκαθίστανται στην αττική γη» Ένωση Σπάρτης Μικράς Ασίας Νέα Ιωνία, 4-6 Οκτωβρίου 2024
Revue française de science politique, 2018
A great deal of work has enquired into the benefits that could result from a more frequent use of random selection in politics. Most proposals see sortition as complementary to elections rather than as a substitute. This article aims first at highlighting the properties and virtues that make these selection mechanisms appear as complementary rather than rival. Secondly, it makes a distinction between some uses of sortition able to take advantage of this complementarity, and others more likely to generate issues of compatibility and possibly mutual delegitimation dynamics.
Gender Studies - Wissenschaft oder Ideologie?, 2019
Der Feminismus gehört zu den erfolgreichsten sozialen Bewegungen der neueren Geschichte. Seine neueste Form wird als Genderfeminismus, das mit ihm verbundene Forschungsfeld als Gender Studies bezeichnet. „Gender“ bedeutet im Gegensatz zum biologischen Geschlecht (Sex) das soziale Geschlecht. Für die Gender Studies ist „Gender“ die wichtigste soziale Kategorie und somit der zentrale Forschungsgegenstand. Ihr Siegeszug in der Wissenschaft scheint unaufhaltsam zu sein. An fast jeder deutschen Universität gibt es Professuren und Institute für Gender Studies. Der Einfluss der Gender Studies erstreckt sich jedoch nicht nur auf die Wissenschaft, sondern auf alle relevanten Bereiche der Gesellschaft. Doch wie kam es zu dem beispiellosen Aufstieg der Gender Studies? Genügen ihre Begriffe, Konzepte und Methoden den in der Wissenschaft herrschenden Standards? Lassen sich ihre Thesen durch Fakten belegen oder handelt es sich um ideologische, d.h. nicht faktenbasierte weltanschauliche Annahmen? Wie beeinflussen Gender Studies unsere Gesellschaft? Wie politisch sind sie? Der vorliegende Band versammelt Beiträge namhafter Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler: mit Beiträgen von Hans Peter Klein, Axel Meyer, Adorján Kovács, Sabine Beppler-Spahl, Markus D. Meier, Alexander Ulfig, Heike Diefenbach, Wolfgang Tischner, Dagmar Lorenz, Heinz-Dieter Pohl, Tomas Kubelik und Harald Schulze-Eisentraut.
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Palaeohispanica. Revista sobre lenguas y culturas de la Hispania Antigua
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