FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
Cytotoxic T cells and mycobacteria
Celio L. Silva a; *, Vania L.D. Bonato a , Karla M. Lima a ,
Arlete A.M. Coelho-Castelo a , Lücia H. Faccioli b , Alexandrina Sartori a ,
Ana O. De Souza a , Sylvia C. Lea¬o c
Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, School of Medicine of Ribeira¬o Preto, University of Sa¬o Paulo, Avenida Bandeirantes 3900,
14049-900 Ribeira¬o Preto, SP, Brazil
Department of Clinical Analyses, Bromatology and Toxocology, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeira¬o Preto, University of Sa¬o Paulo,
Ribeira¬o Preto, SP, Brazil
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Federal University of Sa¬o Paulo, Sa¬o Paulo, SP, Brazil
Received 6 December 2000; received in revised form 13 February 2001; accepted 13 February 2001
How the immune system kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still a puzzle. The classical picture of killing due to phagocytosis by activated
macrophages may be only partly correct. Based on recent evidence, we express here the view that cytotoxic T lymphocytes also make an
important contribution and suggest that DNA vaccines might be a good way to enhance this. ß 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords : Cytotoxic T lymphocyte; Macrophage activation; Cellular immune response; DNA vaccine ; Gene therapy; Mycobacterium tuberculosis
1. Introduction
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of the most successful
bacterial parasites of humans, infecting over one-third of
the population of the world. This remarkable success is
because pathogenic mycobacteria can survive in the hostile
habitat of a macrophage, even in the face of a speci¢c T
cell immune response. As a result, a small number of viable mycobacteria may persist at the site of infection. After
years of dormancy, this organism may start to replicate,
leading to the reactivation of infection and clinical disease.
Despite many years of research, the e¡ector mechanisms
by which M. tuberculosis is killed, when the immune response mounts its most successful form of defence, remain
contentious. Bacteriostasis is the most prominent feature
of immunity, and is essential in the absence of e¡ective
bactericidal processes, but it probably also contributes to
bacterial dormancy and persistence. Stronger bactericidal
processes would be preferred in order to minimize the
problems posed by reactivation of dormant infection
many years later.
Adoptive transfer experiments have established beyond
doubt that protection is cell-mediated and not antibodymediated in tuberculosis. However, the evidence that protection requires activation of macrophages by antigen-speci¢c T lymphocytes so that the macrophages acquire an
ability to kill the mycobacteria remains less than compelling. New evidence suggests that cytotoxic T cells may
also directly kill the bacteria, depending on the ability to
deliver potent bactericidal proteins such as granulysin
from their granules. Elucidation of the host^pathogen interactions involved during the disease process is critical to
the development of new antimycobacterial treatment options. The development of new strategies to inhibit mycobacterial pathogenesis or augment the host response
against mycobacteria is crucial in order to curtail this
global health crisis. Here we discuss that a DNA vaccine
used therapeutically provides a new means of exploring
these processes showing its ability to induce the immune
system to kill both actively multiplying and dormant bacteria.
2. Pathogenesis and the role of macrophages
* Corresponding author. Tel. : +55 (16) 602-3228;
Fax: +55 (16) 633-6631; E-mail:
[email protected]
M. tuberculosis infections are acquired through inhala-
0378-1097 / 01 / $20.00 ß 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
phages for mycobacteriostasis [11,12], rather than for killing, but it also impacts on many other aspects of immunity
besides macrophage activation [13]. Similarly, there is
compelling evidence for the importance of macrophage
NO in protection [14,15], but this might be more due to
a regulatory function of this key intracellular signaling
agent [16,17], upstream of the actual lethal events, rather
than due to direct toxicity of NO for the bacteria. However, there is evidence that RNIs do play an important
role in controlling M. tuberculosis infection in the murine
model [18]. At an in vivo level iNOS gene knockout mice,
that are de¢cient in mounting a RNI response, exhibit
chronic disease when infected with M. tuberculosis, in
comparison to control mice [19]. Moreover, treatment of
M. tuberculosis-infected mice with the iNOS inhibitor (LNMMA) has also been shown to increase bacterial burden, tissue damage and mortality [18]. Recently, however,
con£icting reports suggesting that RNIs are not bene¢cial
in the murine response against mycobacteria have emerged
[20] showing that the iNOS gene knockout mice has increased levels of IFN-Q in serum, increased granuloma
formation and increased survival of CD4 T cells. Also,
the actual production of NO by human macrophages remains a controversial issue. Previously it was thought that
human macrophages did not produce NO and that this
accounted for their general inability to control infection
with virulent mycobacteria in contrast to mice that are
innately resistant. However, with the onset of new and
improved molecular technology, many reports have
emerged discounting this theory [21]. Notwithstanding
the controversy regarding the role of NO in mice or human host defence against tuberculosis, it seems highly
likely that other macrophage antimycobacterial e¡ector
mechanisms are involved, since many reports show reduced viability of M. tuberculosis within human macrophages that are not a¡ected by NO inhibitors [22]. Thus,
we can question, in fact, whether active killing by macrophages has a major role in either the initial arrest of bacterial population growth or in the subsequent slow decline
in population.
It seems likely that appropriately activated macrophages
can indeed sometimes kill virulent M. tuberculosis [23,24]
but that this is not usually su¤cient for sterilizing immunity. E¡ects seen in vitro are generally modest and the
target is clearly a di¤cult one for macrophages to kill.
Extensive e¡orts have produced only sporadic claims to
demonstrate substantial killing and independent con¢rmatory evidence is sparse, particularly for human cells [25].
Possibly the right combination and sequence of di¡erentiation and activation signals and a high rate of replacement of expended macrophages occur in vivo, particularly
in the high turnover granulomas characterizing the earlier
stages of the immune response [1]. This might give major
and sustained bactericidal action but has not yet been
reproduced in vitro.
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tion of infective bacilli. Bacteria are internalized by alveolar macrophages and set up infection foci in the lung tissue. These foci expand through bacterial growth and recruitment of macrophages and lymphocytes that build the
granuloma that de¢nes this infection. The granuloma
seems to support limited bacterial growth and prevents
metastasis of the infection. Nonetheless, the granuloma
also protects the bacterium from the immune response
and is probably responsible for the persistent or latent
nature of the infection. Clinical disease develops when
this immune-mediated constriction is abrogated through
immune compromise. Even in individuals in whom infection is controlled at the granulomatous state or earlier,
any later imbalance of the host's immune system may
promote reactivation of the disease.
Macrophages play a multiplicity of roles in tuberculosis
including antigen processing and presentation and e¡ector
cell functions. Amongst the best characterized antimicrobial e¡ector functions of macrophages are lysosomal enzymes that are delivered to the phagosome during phagosome^lysosome fusion, the generation of reactive oxygen
intermediates (ROIs) by the oxidative burst, the production of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs) and apoptosis [1].
Recently, two transgenic murine models of chronic
granulomatous disease have been developed. These transgenic mice are de¢cient in gp91phox or p47phox, phagosome oxidase components critical for the activity or assembly of the functional oxidase, respectively [2,3].
Cooper et al. [4] reported 10-fold higher bacterial numbers
in the lungs of p47phox knockout mice, compared to wildtype controls, after aerosol challenge with M. tuberculosis.
These ¢ndings provide evidence that ROI-mediated control is important early during infection. In particular, they
are consistent with a role for ROIs in host defense against
M. tuberculosis prior to the emergence of interferon-Q
(IFN-Q)-mediated macrophage activation, nitric oxide
(NO) production and phagosome acidi¢cation. However,
M. tuberculosis has evolved strategies to avoid oxidative
killing mechanisms. For example, CR1- or CR3-dependent
uptake does not trigger the oxidative burst [5]. Mycobacteria also produce catalase and superoxide dismutase, two
gene products capable of degrading reactive oxygen species [6], and de¢ciency in the katG gene encoding the mycobacterial catalase results in increased susceptibility to
peroxidative killing [7].
IFN-Q is now known to be essential for protection [8]
and is produced by CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, NK cells
and the M. tuberculosis-infected macrophage itself [9]. The
importance of IFN-Q is demonstrated by the high susceptibility to mycobacterial infections of patients with defective IFN-Q receptors [10]. A major factor of IFN-Q and
other Th1 cytokines in the antituberculous host response
is their macrophage activating and recruiting properties.
This could be largely due to its role in activating macro-
C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
3. Which T cells confer protection ?
Although adoptive transfer of protection with T lymphocytes from infected or immunized rats into naive animals established over 20 years ago that acquired immunity
against tuberculosis is cell-mediated [26], attempts to de¢ne the phenotype and function of the protective T cells
have given con£icting results. CD4 , CD8 , CD1-restricted and QN-TCR T cells have all been implicated, as
have IFN-Q and cytotoxicity, without establishing how
they actually contribute to protection [27]. The importance
of the T cell response was also illustrated by Doherty and
Sher [28], who reported that athymic nude mice, which
have no mature T cells due to defective formation of the
thymic stroma, show a similar pattern of increased susceptibility to mycobacterial infection to that of SCID (severe
combined immunode¢ciency) mice, in which neither antibody nor T cell responses are made. The importance of the
CD4 subset of T cells in antituberculous immunity is
seen in HIV patients, in which depleted CD4 T cell numbers correlate with extreme susceptibility to tuberculosis.
The protective CD4 T cell response in active tuberculosis
in humans is of the Th1 type and demonstrates the char-
acteristic Th1 cytokine pro¢le (secretion of IFN-Q, IL-12,
IL-2 and TNF-K) [29]. Thus, the accepted paradigm has
been that protection is mainly due to antigen-speci¢c
CD4 Th1 cells that produce IFN-Q to activate macrophages that then kill the mycobacteria during phagocytosis. Bacteria that are not killed by this process have their
multiplication inhibited inside IFN-Q-activated macrophages. A subsidiary function is then served by cytotoxic
CD8 T cells that release intracellular bacteria from infected cells so that they can be killed during phagocytosis
by activated macrophages [11] (Fig. 1). Even allowing for
some crossover between the activating and cytotoxic functions of CD4 and CD8 T cells, it is now clear that this
is not the whole story. How do these T cells really function
in protection? First, there is general agreement that activation of antimicrobial activities in macrophages by T cell
cytokines is involved. Accordingly, IFN-Q, which is a major macrophage activating cytokine, and other Th1 cytokines are critical as stated above. Second, direct killing of
mycobacteria by T cells has been demonstrated. Third,
mycobacteria-reactive T cells lyse infected macrophages.
Macrophage lysis appears to be a prerequisite for killing
by T cells of microbes residing inside macrophages. More-
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Fig. 1. The basic traditional view of the expression of acquired protective immunity against tuberculosis. The bacteria that are engulfed by monocytes
and tissue macrophages prior to the onset of the speci¢c immune response are able to multiply within those cells. When speci¢cally sensitized T cells arrive, they release large amounts of IFN-Q on contact with antigen that is appropriately presented on cell surfaces. IFN-Q cannot activate the infected
cell for killing, only for bacteriostasis, but it is able, probably in conjunction with other factors, to activate freshly arriving monocytes su¤ciently to
kill M. tuberculosis during phagocytosis. Killing may involve discharge of toxic macrophage products such as superoxide, NO and granule (lysosome)
contents into the phagocytic vesicle. The bacteria are made available for phagocytic killing through lysis of the infected macrophages by antigen-speci¢c
cytotoxic T cells. Abbreviations: IFN-Q, interferon-Q; CD4 , T cell di¡erentiated to CD4 and release of a type 1 cytokine pro¢le (Th1) on recognition
of antigen; CD8 , T cell di¡erentiated to CD8 and expression of cytotoxicity (Tc1) on recognition of antigen.
C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
showed that, individually, the most protective were indeed
CD8 cells, although CD4 and Q/N T cells also protected
and marked synergy occurred with all three types transferred together [45,46]. Protection partly re£ected the ability of the cells to produce IFN-Q; IL-4 producing cells
were not protective and protection with IFN-Q producing
cells was decreased by administering antibody against
IFN-Q. However, the most protective CD4 and CD8
T cell clones also displayed antigen-speci¢c cytotoxicity
in vitro and selectively lysed macrophages that were infected with M. tuberculosis [46,47]. This is consistent
with the view that cytotoxicity also has a positive role in
protection [11].
4. The microbicidal proteins of cytotoxic lymphocytes
Since killing by macrophages seems to be ine¤cient we
should take note of the increasing evidence that some T
lymphocytes can directly kill the bacteria. Macrophages
may not even be the main source of bactericidal products
in protection against tuberculosis after all. Perhaps the
¢rst pointer in this direction came from evidence that intracellular BCG could be killed when human monocytes
containing the bacteria were lysed by speci¢c lymphocytes
that induced apoptosis by releasing ATP [48,49]. Killing of
virulent M. tuberculosis has not been reported by this
mechanism and other inducers of apoptosis or necrosis
were ine¡ective. It has not been established what the toxic
factor is which is generated under these conditions. Similarly, Oddo and associates [50] have reported that cytotoxic CD4 T lymphocytes from man killed virulent M.
tuberculosis when they lysed infected macrophages by the
Fas^FasL pathway. The bacteria were also killed when
apoptosis was induced with TNF-K, suggesting that the
lethal product came from the macrophage rather than
the lymphocyte.
An approach from a completely di¡erent direction by
Robert Modlin and co-workers [31] has recently revealed
the existence, in man, of categories of cytotoxic CD8 T
lymphocytes that deliver highly microbicidal proteins into
infected macrophages. In so doing, they kill virulent M.
tuberculosis. These lethal cells can either be conventionally
MHC class I-restricted or recognize lipophilic antigens (a
prominent feature of mycobacteria) presented on CD1
structures. Their essential feature is that they lyse the target macrophages by the granule-mediated perforin mechanism of apoptosis and co-deliver bactericidal proteins. In
contrast to the ¢ndings of the Meylan group [50], T cells
that lysed targets by the Fas^FasL pathway to apoptosis
were not bactericidal. A key mycobactericidal protein delivered by the T cells has been identi¢ed as granulysin,
present in the same granules with perforin [51]. This protein is also found in NK cell granules and has known
potent lethal action against a range of microorganisms
and tumor cells.
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over, lysis of infected macrophages could promote release
of mycobacteria from incapacited macrophages to more
pro¢cient monocytes.
Although CD4 T cells are considered as the major
source of IFN-Q, other T cell populations have also been
shown to produce this and other Th1 cytokines. Similarly,
CD8 T cells are mainly responsible for the killing activities although additional T cell sets, in particular CD1restricted T cells, can perform these functions [30,31].
This redundancy should not be misinterpreted as meaning
that a single T cell population would su¤ce for protection.
These T cell populations di¡er in other capacities, including antigen speci¢city, genetic restriction and activation
requirements. Hence, it appears unlikely that any one T
cell population could fully compensate for another.
Involvement of CD8 T cells in protective immunity
against tuberculosis has been recognized for some time
[32^34] although the antigen speci¢city and function of
these cells were not clear. More recently, gene-targeted
mice with disrupted expression of key immunologic functions have provided new insights into the role of CD8 T
cells in host defence. When L2 -m and TAP1 knockout
mice, which cannot generate CD8 T cells, were infected
with M. tuberculosis, this resulted in an exacerbated course
of infection [35,36]. Moreover CD8 T cells from lungs of
infected mice produced IFN-Q in response to recognition
of antigen presented by M. tuberculosis-infected dendritic
cells or macrophages [37]. Short-term culture of the lung T
cells from infected mice with infected dendritic cells resulted in CD8 T cells capable of MHC class I-restricted
speci¢c lysis of macrophages infected with live, virulent M.
tuberculosis [38]. CD8 T cells from PPD-reactive human
subjects could also be expanded in vitro by macrophages
infected with M. tuberculosis or BCG [39]. These CD8 T
cells proliferated in response to live bacteria or mycobacterial antigens and produced IFN-Q. These data supported
the hypothesis that MHC class I-restricted CD8 T cells
are required for control of tuberculosis.
Recent studies also support the idea that stimulation of
the CD8 T cell population must be considered in vaccine
design against tuberculosis [40,41]. The discovery that immunization of mice with a single mycobacterial antigen
(65-kDa heat-shock protein ; hsp65) could give substantial
protection against tuberculosis challenge [42,43] led to
analyses in which the diversity of antigens recognized by
T cells responding to M. tuberculosis was no longer a
variable. The key to eliciting protection was in the use
of immunization procedures favoring presentation as an
endogenous antigen. Thus, in vivo expression from retroviral vector-transfected bone marrow cells or from a transfected macrophage-like cell line, or DNA vaccination of
muscle or skin, or intravenous cationic liposome delivery
of the protein were all e¡ective [44]. Endogenous antigen
favored responses from MHC class I-restricted CD8 T
cells. Adoptive transfer of protection with hsp65-speci¢c T
cell lines or clones raised from such immunized animals
C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
The di¡erences in the ¢ndings between these various
studies may be due to di¡erences in the way that macrophages were prepared from peripheral blood monocytes.
These cells can proceed from being undi¡erentiated immature monocytes through into widely diverse forms, including dendritic cells [52], in vivo and in vitro depending on
the environmental stimuli encountered. Cell adherence to
di¡erent surfaces and exposure to di¡erent cytokines prior
to apoptosis doubtless resulted in biochemically and functionally di¡erent cells in these studies. Hence we hypothesize that in some di¡erentiated states the cells have a mycobactericidal potential that is mobilized during apoptosis,
perhaps through autolytic generation of toxic products
(Fig. 2A). In other states they do not and killing during
apoptosis then depends on delivery of the toxic agent by
the lymphocyte (Fig. 2B).
Despite the in vitro evidence from human cells, published studies with genetically modi¢ed mice have failed
to support a role for cytotoxicity in protection against
tuberculosis. Immunity during the ¢rst few weeks of infection was unimpaired in mice in which the genes for
either perforin or granzyme B (a cytotoxic granule protease that contributes to apoptosis) had been knocked out
[53]. Protection against BCG also appeared normal in Fasdefective mice [54]. However, since there are multiple pathways of cytotoxicity and multiple lytic and cytotoxic proteins in cytotoxic granules, some redundancy might be
expected. Furthermore, three research groups are reputed
to have evidence that, at later stages of infection, immunity is impaired in perforin knockout mice [51]. Thus, on
balance, it seems likely that similar systems contribute to
protection in man and mouse but that the relative importance of each may di¡er at di¡erent stages of infection.
5. Implications for vaccines and immunotherapy
Although CD4 T cells play a major role in the buildup of an optimal protective immune response against tuberculosis, CD8 T cells are needed as well. Thus, if cytotoxicity can make a contribution to protection, tuberculosis vaccines should be designed to promote this aspect
of cellular immunity, not just Th1 responses and macrophage activation. In particular, antigen-speci¢c delivery of
cytotoxic mycobactericidal proteins may be highly desirable. Unfortunately, little is currently known of the mechanisms of regulation of the development of cytotoxicity
[55], still less of the di¡erential development of cells expressing the Fas^FasL versus the perforin pathways. However, DNA vaccination seems pre-disposed to generate
responses with a strong bias towards cytotoxicity [56], including the phenotype most protective against tuberculosis. DNA vaccines actually generate antigens that are presented via endogenous and exogenous pathways and also,
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Fig. 2. Two potential routes to concomitant killing of intracellular M. tuberculosis during the death of infected macrophages. Route A: lysis mediated
by most CD4 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). The crosslinking of Fas on the CTL and FasL on the target cell induces lysis of the infected cell but
does not a¡ect signi¢cantly the viability of the intracellular bacteria, characterizing as a bacteriostase. Route B: lysis mediated by most CD8 CTL.
M. tuberculosis-reactive CTLs recognize bacterial antigen on the surface of an infected cell. Granular contents gain access to the intracellular compartment via the polyperforin pore. E¡ector molecules such as granulysin and granzymes can now exert their antimycobacterial activity and contribute to
the eradication of intracellular microbes.
C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
using the cytotoxic granule pathway were CD8 cells,
whereas most of cells that lysed targets using the Fas^
FasL pathway were CD4 cells. This suggests that cytotoxicity may generally serve di¡erent purposes in tuberculosis depending on whether it is triggered by endogenous
or exogenous antigen. Thus the cytotoxic CD8 T cells
may have a predominantly antimicrobial function against
this intracellular pathogen, whereas the cytotoxic CD4 T
cells may have a predominantly immunomodulatory role
in removing the cells that sustain immune `help' by presenting antigen on MHC class II [31]. However, this division of labor is not absolute, since a minority of cytotoxic
CD4 clones used the granule pathway and a minority of
the CD8 clones used the Fas^FasL pathway. Furthermore, at least in studies of human T cells, lysis of infected
target macrophages by non-granule-dependent pathways
may sometimes have direct antimycobacterial e¡ects [48^
50] and non-MHC-restricted cells may contribute signi¢cantly to granule-dependent killing [51]. These diverse and
somewhat contradictory ¢ndings may re£ect the plasticity
of the target cells as stated above. Hence we hypothesize
that in some di¡erentiated states the cells have a mycobactericidal potential that is mobilized during apoptosis,
perhaps through autolytic generation of toxic products. In
other states they do not and bacterial killing during cytolysis then depends on delivery of the toxic agent by the
6. Concluding remarks
In summary, several distinct bactericidal mechanisms
may operate in cellular immunity against tuberculosis.
Di¡erent mechanisms may feature at di¡erent stages of
infection, to kill both actively multiplying and dormant
bacteria, and cumulatively decrease the duration of persistence of the infection. It is likely that both cytokines,
released in response to speci¢c antigens, and direct cell:cell
interactions modulate di¡erentiation of these mechanisms.
DNA vaccines used either preventive or therapeutically
provide a new means of exploring these processes and
may lead to practical vaccines or immunotherapy that
bring bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic mechanisms
to the fore. The clinical impact of such developments
could be substantial. A recent publication of our group
reported successful therapy of tuberculosis in mice by
treatment with a DNA construct encoding hsp65 antigen
[40]. For tuberculosis, these issues deserve some reconsideration, one-third of the world population is already infected with M. tuberculosis, and thus living with a time
bomb, so there is a su¤ciently large group to be considered as targets for a post-infection immunotherapy. Moreover, with the increasing risk of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis and co-infection with HIV and tuberculosis,
therapeutic vaccines may warrant speci¢c consideration.
It can also be argued that microbial stress proteins do
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the induced cross-priming events where exogenous antigen
released by myocytes is taken up by antigen presenting
cells is an important mechanism for either stimulating
CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes and B cells to produce
antibodies. Huygen et al. [41] have recently shown that a
highly active tuberculosis DNA vaccine protects CD4
knockout mice but is not protective in CD8 knockout
mice. This result suggests that DNA vaccine induced protective CD8 T cells. We have also found precursors of
the protective hsp65-speci¢c CD8 /IFN-Q producing/cytotoxic/CD44hi phenotype to persist at elevated frequency in
spleens in parallel with persistence of protection for at
least 8 months after DNA vaccination [44]. This also occurs after BCG vaccination, or during M. tuberculosis infection, but then the persistent response is dominated by T
cells with the non-protective Th2 phenotype (IL-4 producing, CD44lo , non-cytotoxic) [47]. To better understand the
role of T cells in protection against tuberculosis we further
characterized 28 CD4 and 28 CD8 hsp65-speci¢c T cell
clones in vitro and in vivo and test whether lysis of
M. tuberculosis-infected target macrophages by these
clones can cause death of the bacteria by either the perforin- or Fas^FasL-dependent pathway [57].
Strikingly, only the T cell clones using the granule-dependent pathway showed clear evidence of killing intracellular M. tuberculosis when they lysed infected macrophages [57]. Those clones using the Fas^FasL pathway
had small e¡ects, equivalent to bacteriostasis. These might
be partly attributable to discharge of the bacteria into the
less favorable growth environment provided by the tissue
culture medium and partly to activation of non-lysed macrophages by IFN-Q. The close correlation between the degree of killing and the granule content of the clone, and
the selective inhibition of killing by prior degranulation,
are consistent with killing by the granule contents [57].
The mechanism is likely to be similar to that which was
recently revealed in studies of human cells [51]. Thus the
granule enzyme perforin may lyse macrophage membranes
to allow access of potent microbicidal granule enzymes
such as granulysin to the target mycobacteria. Attempts
to identify the mycobactericidal agent in the mouse cells
are underway. The correlation between the ability of the
cytotoxic clones to protect against challenge with M. tuberculosis in vivo and the clone's granule content is a
further indication that this mycobacterial killing mechanism has a role in protective immunity. It may account
for the major component of the protective e¡ect of these
clones that was resistant to neutralization in vivo by injection of antibody against IFN-Q [46]. Although others
found that knockout mice that do not express the perforin
gene did not have decreased resistance to the early stages
of tuberculosis [53,54], this defence mechanism may be
more important later in infection. Our high-dose intravenous challenge model probably resembles late-stage rather
than early-stage tuberculosis.
It was also striking that most of the cells lysing targets
C.L. Silva et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 197 (2001) 11^18
This study was supported in part by Fundac°a¬o de Amparo a© Pesquisa do Estado de Sa¬o Paulo (FAPESP) and
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient|¨¢co e Tecnolögico (CNPq).
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not make good candidates as vaccines because of the implication of the homologous mammalian proteins in autoimmune diseases [58]. However, there are possible alternatives to leaving these major antigens out of vaccines: the
epitopes involved might be readily engineered out of the
DNA, or the formulation and delivery might be selected to
direct the response away from a harmful type and towards
a bene¢cial one. Indeed, T cells recognizing mycobacterial
HSPs can either protect against or potentiate autoimmune
disease, depending on their phenotype [59]. It was recently
demonstrated that DNA vaccination with mycobacterial
hsp65 protected Lewis rats against induction of adjuvant
arthritis [60]. This may be the best approach in the long
run because, to the extent that an acquired immune response depends on recognition of `altered self' rather than
`foreign', essentially all antigens may have the potential for
autoimmune involvement.
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