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TUBA-AR, 2024
As a result of archaeological research conducted in the Southern Caucasus, including Azerbaijan, a number of settlements belonging to the Late Chalcolithic period were discovered. A research has shown that the Late Chalcolithic culture in Azerbaijan has its own characteristics, and the “Ovçular Tepe culture” and “Leyla Tepe culture” were formed here. But despite this, many of Caucasian scholar’s studies generally named the Late Chalcolithic culture of the Southern Caucasus sometimes the Sioni Culture, sometimes Sioni-Tsopi Culture, sometimes Sioni ceramics, and sometimes Sioni-type monuments in textbooks. Recently, this culture has been named the Sioni-Tsopi-Ginchi Culture. According to all these facts it can be said that the Sioni Culture has become the synonym of the Late Chalcolithic culture of the Southern Caucasus. The investigation of Late Chalcolithic monuments located in the Southern Caucasus shows that they differ from each other in terms of their architecture and ceramics. The period and characteristic features of the Sioni Culture also are not fully defined. Ceramics belonging to the second group in the Tumbul Tepe settlement are similar to Sioni ceramics in some of their characteristics. However, researches show that this type of ceramics was not a separate culture, but a part of the Late Chalcolithic culture. We believe that the reason for such diversity of ceramics is related to their functional purpose. Even if it is possible to call a group of Late Chalcolithic monuments in the Southern Caucasus the Sioni-Tsopi-Ginchi Culture, it is not correct, in our opinion, to attribute this to all the monuments of the Southern Caucasus. It should be noted that this type of ceramics, distributed in different periods and monuments of different characteristics, differs from each other due to local characteristics. This shows that they do not spread from one center.
Философское мышление на пути к свободе, 2024
В статье рассматривается один из способов достижения философской истины – внутренняя свобода субъекта. Учения эволюционной эпистемологии и радикального конструктивизма рассматривают мышление как средство адаптации. Наилучшим мышлением оказывается такое, благодаря которому организм выживает и оставляет максимум потомства. Свобода мышления в таких учениях отсутствует, оно детерминировано мозгом и его адаптационными задачами. Однако на более высоком уровне анализа личности человека можно говорить о свободе. Хайдеггер устанавливает неразрывную связь между свободой и истиной: свобода есть допущение бытия сущего. Только допустив его бытие, познающий субъект может адекватно познавать. Это требует отказа от власти, от овладения миром, от его употребления в качестве инструмента. Аналогично рассуждает Марион в учении о насыщенном феномене. Однако такого рода свободу можно назвать внешней. Автор вводит понятие внутренней свободы. Она также неразрывно связана с истиной, и теперь это истина самопознания. Самопознание требует нетривиальных подходов, как это показал психоанализ. В статье рассматриваются учение Д. Винникотта об истинном и ложном Я и теория «сдачи» Э. Гента. Наибольшим препятствием к самопознанию, согласно Генту и другим теоретикам, являются психологические защитные барьеры. Они позволяют нам вытеснить мысли о себе, которые для нас неприятны и подрывают уверенность в себе. Тем самым мы отчуждаемся от нашего истинного Я. В теории «сдачи» Гента описано разрушение защитных барьеров и внутреннее освобождение Я. Внешне и внутренне свободное философское мышление – это не доказательство заранее известной истины, а блуждания (Хайдеггер). Подлинное философское вопрошание заранее не знает, куда придет, но на пути блужданий в созерцательном состоянии анализирует то, что ему открывается. Ключевые слова: эволюционная эпистемология, радикальный конструктивизм, психоанализ, экзистенциальная философия, свобода, внутренняя свобода, истина, Хайдеггер, Марион, Винникотт, Гент, бессилие, сдача.
Expresso, 2019
Official results of three exit polls show that in the second round of the presidential elections in Ukraine 73-75% of the voters voted for comedian Volodymyr Zelensky and 25-27% for incumbent president Petro Poroshenko. This is crushing defeat for Poroshenko, his divisive policies concerning the language, religion and the war in Donbas, and the economic hardship during his rule. Ukrainian voters demonstrated that Ukraine in not the same as Poroshenko and his policies. Poroshenko has admitted his defeat. A very large margin of victory of Zelensky makes it impossible to falsify the second round results. Four publicly known attempts to cancel elections failed. The latest one was on the eve of the second round, and involved a frivolous lawsuit by a Poroshenko-aligned election observer to cancel registration of Zelensky as a presidential candidate under claim that he bribed voters by offering them on Facebook free tickets to a stadium debate with Poroshenko. The official exit poll results and early official vote count confirm significant regional differences in Ukraine. Zelensky gets 88% in the East, 86% in the South, 72% in the Center, and 56% in Western Ukraine according to one exit poll. Zelensky won in all regions with likely exception of Galicia in the West. This former Austrian and Polish province is traditionally most nationalist, pro-Western, and anti-Russian region in Ukraine.
Es la etapa inicial, se recopila la información fundamental respecto al tema. Implica profundizar, buscar detalles y definir el problema o la situación para establecer una base de datos sólida.
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre arquitectura traducción de María enguix tercero Primera edición: octubre de 2010 título original: 50 architecture ideas you really need to know quercus, Londres realización: ā tona, s. L. © Philip Wilkinson Derechos exclusivos de la edición en español reservados para todo el mundo: © 2010: editorial Planeta, s. a. avda. Diagonal, 662-664 -08034 barcelona editorial ariel es un sello editorial de Planeta, s. a. isbN: 978-84-344-6937-2 Depósito legal: M. 38.095-2010 impreso en españa por Dédalo offset, s.L.
African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 2024
The rise of social media networks and their increasingly significant role in democratic life, epitomized by uprisings like the Arab Spring (Wolfsfeld et al., 2013), have revived hopes for democratization from below and the lively participation of the general population to produce dynamic system change. However, while social media allows for increased political awareness, it often inadvertently supports disseminating fake news and rumors that interfere with political reality. This article examines the most popular fake news stories, and rumors circulated during the 2018 presidential election in Cameroon through social media analytics. This research showcases the importance of homophily and echoes chambers in disseminating information on different political digital networks in Cameroon, revealing how fake news spread quickly during the campaign. Nevertheless, this research also shows that while specific fake news stories and rumors were not deemed plausible by the general public, they nevertheless shaped public perceptions and succeeded in maintaining the ruling party's political dominance, underscoring the profound impact of misinformation on public opinion and political control.
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Proceedings of the 5th conference on Creativity & cognition - C&C '05, 2005
Giornata di studio su Storia e Cultura dell’Oman (27 maggio 2021), 2021
Handbook on the Politics and Governance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, 2023
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2019
Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD)
International Journal of Population Data Science
Internal Medicine, 2011