2023, Tyragetia. Arheologie. Istorie Antică, s.n., vol. XVII[XXXII], nr. 1, p. 269-294

STAMPED INSCRIPTIONS RECENTLY DISCOVERED AT APULUM, ROMAN DACIA Radu Ota, Cristian Titus Florescu, Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu Keywords: Apulum, stamped bricks and tiles, 13th Gemina legion. The archaeological context The subject of this article is the analysis of Roman tile material (CBM – tiles and bricks) from a rescue archaeological research carried out in 2022 in Alba Iulia, Nazareth Illit Street (fig. 1), approximately 1300 m northwest of the castrum of the 13th Gemina legion, outside the perimeter of the second Roman city from Apulum, municipium Septimium Apulense (Ota 2012) (fig. 2). This research was carried out as a result of an extensive project to develop modern facility platforms for the storage of household waste from Alba Iulia (Romania). In a NW-SE oriented 5.50×2.40 m section marked S155.1/99 (fig. 5), traces of Roman habitation belonging to a villa suburbana near the second Roman city of Apulum, municipium Septimium Apulense, were identified: the base of the foundation of a wall Z1 (fig. 4), made of river stone, sand and mortar fragments. It emerged near the western profile of the section, being revealed on 2.20×0.40 m and NW-SE oriented. Above it, the layer of demolition from the Roman era, in which the tegular materials analyzed here were discovered, was at a depth of -1.76-1.90 m compared to the ground level of the current street. A floor made of mortar was also identified. The cultural layer corresponds to the Roman habitation in this area, where at least one villa suburbana existed. The stratigraphy on the eastern profile (fig. 3) is as follows: 1. 0-0.06 m contemporary pavement level; 1b. -0.06-0.12 m sand with gravel; 1 c. -0.120.36 m gravel; 2. -0.36-0.82 m reddish-brown layer with loamy, alluvial appearance; 3. -0.821.02 m black-brown layer with lime and limestone pigments and ceramic pigments; 4. -1.02-1.42 m exploitation layer of Roman building material, dated to the modern era, containing Roman Tyragetia, s.n., vol. XVII [XXXII], nr. 1, 2023, 269-294. rubble (tile material, limestone fragments, river stone and mortar); 5. -1.42-1.72 m reddish-brown alluvial layer, with a sandy appearance; 5a. -1.721.76 m reddish-brown sand lens; 6. -1.70-1.76 m gravel lens belonging to layer 5; 7. -1.76-2.14 m demolition layer containing Roman rubble (tile material, limestone fragments, river stone and mortar); 7a. -2.14-2.22 m mortar floor and crushed limestone fragments; 8. -2.14-2.36 m black layer with brown shades, sterile from an archaeological point of view. Better said, nearby, just 100 m north, two decades ago, a small part of a stone building that was most likely part of a villa suburbana was investigated (Drîmbărean, Rustoiu 2003). It is known that villae suburbanae were built in the immediate vicinity of the Roman cities which belonged to the administrative and political elite of these settlements and had a largely agricultural character (Gudea 2008, 37, fig. 52/1-2). The authors of the research mentioned above identified tegular materials with a stamp bearing the name of the 13th Gemina legion alongside the anthroponym Aurelius Eudoxus (Drîmbărean, Rustoiu 2003, 241, pl. III/1-1a, 2-2a), and the building was dated starting with the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161180 p. Chr.) due to the presence of the nomen Aurelius on the numerous bricks and tiles with this anthroponym discovered in the area. This villa suburbana on Millenium Street belonged to a former soldier of the legion, as evidenced by the discovered parts of military equipment (bronze belt applique with pelta-shaped decoration, iron spearhead) (Drîmbărean, Rustoiu 2003, 242, pl. IV/1, 3). At this moment we question ourselves whether the discoveries in this area, on Nazareth Illit and Millenium streets, can be linked to one of the constructions that C.L. Băluță also mentioned in his 1999 published work, a Roman building located in the northern part of the Roman Plateau, where tegular materials with the stamp of 269 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 1. Area plan of the researched point. The location of the discovery on the satellite map of the city of Alba Iulia with the marking of the Roman fort (C) (processing after Google Earth, last accessed 24.03.2023). the 13th Gemina legion were recovered alongside the anthroponyms Antonius Maternus, Flavius Martinus, Iulius Iulianus, Lucretius Aquila and Ulpius Fronto (IDR III/6, nos. 134, 186-188, 207, 225, 245). The author did not provide details on the point of discovery or the stratigraphy. We believe that theese are observations made during the construction works of the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century (Ota 2012, 83). 270 The last three mentioned anthroponyms also appear in our research on Nazareth Illit Street. R. Kurzmann states that it cannot be specified definetly whether the name on the stamps that appear next to the one of the legion would denote a simple soldier (miles), a workshop supervisor (officina) or even an officer who had the role of supervising the work of the workshops of a legion (Kurzmann 2005, 407). R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 2. Map of Roman Dacia (made by V.-A. Lăzărescu; see Opreanu, Lăzărescu 2020, fig. 1). Fig. 3. Section S155.1/991. Eastern Profile. Fig. 4. Section S155.1/991. Plan. 271 II. Materiale și cercetări Catalogue Stamps with the name of the 13th Gemina Legion, without anthroponym 1. Brick (fig. 6/1-3, preserved dimensions: 32×15×6 cm) with the stamp in rectangular cartouche, with dimensions: 10.0×2.5 cm. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Stamps with the name of the 13th Gemina Legion, with anthroponym Aurelius Callistratus The cognomen is Greek. 1. Brick (fig. 7/1-3, preserved dimensions: 42.5×15.0×5.0 cm; 2 fragments) with the stamp in rectangular cartouche, complete, with dimensions: 11.0×3.3 cm; Callistratus is a Greek cognomen; ligature between T+R; interpunctio between Leg(io) and XIII, and between nomen and cognomen; in the first row, the M from Gem(ina) is smaller; the R from Callistratus aswell; [Leg(io) XIII] Gem(ina) Aur(elius, -elii) Cal[lis]tr(atus, -ati) Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. Analogies: Apulum – colonia Aurelia Apulensis, municipium Septimium Apulense, northern necropolis at the Stația de salvare – (Ambulance Station) (in secondary position) (IDR III/6, no. 145). Aurelius Enthimus The cognomen is Greek. 1. Tegula (fig. 8/1-3, preserved dimensions: 55.0×32.5×3.0 cm) fragmentary with the stamp in simple cartridge, partially preserved, with dimensions: 11.0×3.5 cm; palma after nomen. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Aur(elius, -elii) ⸙ Enthim(us, -i) Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. 2 Tegula (fig. 9/1-3, preserved dimensions: 42.5×15.0×5.0 cm; 5 fragments) fragmentary with the stamp in simple cartridge, with dimensions: 11.2×3.4 cm; palma after nomen. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Aur(elius, -elii) ⸙ Enthim(us, -i) Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. Analogies: Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; canabae/municipium Septimium 272 Apulense; colonia Aurelia Apulensis (IDR III/6, no. 151; Ota, Lascu 2011, 212, no. 5, fig. VII/4); Cenad (?) (IDR Appendix III, LIII/1, LIII/2, LIII/3). Aurelius Eudoxus The cognomen is Greek. 1. Tegula (fig. 10/1-3, preserved dimensions: 34.5×25.5×3.0 cm) fragmentary with the stamp in simple cartridge, partially preserved, with dimensions: 8.5×3.5 cm; interpunctio between Leg(io) and XIII, and between nomen and cognomen. Leg(io) XIII G[em(ina)] Aur(elius) Eud[oxus] Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. 2. Tegula (fig. 11/1-3, preserved dimensions: 15.3×11.8×2.5 cm) fragmentary with the stamp in simple cartridge, partially preserved, with dimensions: 9.5×3.5 cm; interpunctio between nomen and cognomen, and between Legio and XIII. [L]eg(io) XIII Gem(ina) [A]ur(elius) Eudoxus Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. 3. Brick (fig. 12/1-3, preserved dimensions: 29×15×6 cm) with the stamp in simple cartridge, with dimensions: 11.0×3.5 cm; interpunctio between nomen and cognomen. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Aur(elius) Eudoxus Dating: beginning with the reign of Marcus Aurelius due to the Aurelius nomen. Analogies for the three stamps: Ampoița (IDR III/4, no. 47, 3); Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; canabae/municipium Septimium Apulense (IDR III/6, no. 152); villa suburbana north of the municipium Septimium Apulense (Drîmbărean, Rustoiu 2003, 241, no. 1-2, pl. III/1-1a, 2-2a). Iulius Iulianus The cognomen is Latin. 1. Brick (fig. 13/1-3, preserved dimensions: 34.0×16.6×6.0 cm) with the stamp in simple cartridge, with dimensions: 10.8×3.5 cm; interpunctio between Leg(io) and XIII; palma after nomen; the XIII is overlined. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Iuli(us) ⸙ Iulianus R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Analogies: Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; the eastern and western sectors of the canabae/municipium Septimium Apulense (IDR III/6, no. 207; Ota, Lascu 2011, 212, no. 6, fig. VII/3). Lucretius Aquila The cognomen is Latin. 1. Brick (fig. 14/1-3, preserved dimensions: 22.0×15.5×5.5 cm) with the stamp in simple cartridge, partially preserved, with dimensions: 3.5×3.3 cm. [Leg(io) XIII G]em(ina) [Lucretius Aqu]ila 2. Brick (fig. 15/1-3, preserved dimensions: 28×15×6 cm) with the stamp in simple cartridge, partially preserved, with dimensions: 11.4×3.2 cm; interpunctio between nomen and cognomen. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Lucret(ius) Aquila Analogies: almost identical stamps discovered in Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; the eastern and western sectors of the canabae/ municipium Septimium Apulense; colonia Aurelia Apulensis the castrum of the 13th Gemina legion (IDR III/6, no. 225; Ota, Lascu 2011, 212, no. 9, fig. VII/6). Ulpius Fronto The cognomen is Latin. 1. Tegula (fig. 16/1-3, preserved dimensions: 40×38×3 cm) with the stamp in rectangular cartridge, complete, with dimensions: 11.1×3.5 cm; ligature between N+T. Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina) Ulpius Front(o) Analogies: Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; the western sector of the canabae/ municipium Septimium Apulense, colonia Aurelia Apulensis (IDR III/6, no. 251). 3. Brick (fig. 18/1-3, preserved dimensions: 23×15×6 cm) with the stamp in a rectangular cartouche, fragmentarily preserved, almost illegible, with dimensions: 6.5×3.0 cm. Leg(io) XIII [Gem(ina)] Ulp(ius) Fr[ont(o)] 4. Brick (fig. 19/1-3, preserved dimensions: 40×21×5 cm) with the stamp in a tabula ansata type of cartouche, fragmentarily preserved, with the dimensions: 13×5 cm. Leg(io) XIII Ge(mina) Ulp(ius) Fron[t](o) Analogies: Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; the western sector of the canabae/ municipium Septimium Apulense, colonia Aurelia Apulensis (IDR III/6, no. 251). Stamps with the legion’s name and anthroponym illegible or indecipherable. 1. Brick (fig. 20/1-3, preserved dimensions: 41.0×22.5×6 cm) with the stamp in a tabula ansata type of cartouche, fragmentarily preserved, with the dimensions: 10.0×4.5 cm. Leg(io) XII[I Gem(ina)] [---------------------------] Analogies: Apulum – seat of the governors of Roman Dacia; the western sector of the canabae/ municipium Septimium Apulense, colonia Aurelia Apulensis (IDR III/6, no. 249); Ampoița (Alba county) (IDR III/4, no. 47); villa suburbana from the north of the Roman Plateau (north of the municipium Septimium Apulense) (Băluță 1995, 225-226, no. 1-6). 2. Tegula (fig. 21/1-3, preserved dimensions: 17.5×17.5×3.0 cm) fragmentary with the stamp in simple cartouche, partially preserved, almost illegible, with the dimensions: 5.5×3.5 cm; XIII is overlined; interpunctio between XIII and Gem(ina); The nomen is missing, being erased, and the cognomen could not be fully reconstructed – possible a Greek cognomen Demetrius. [Leg(io) X]III Gem(ina) [----------------]u(?)dem(etrius)(?) This anthroponym has no analogies in Apulum or in Roman Dacia, being attested for the first time on the tegular epigraphic material of the 13th Gemina legion. 2. Tegula (fig. 17/1-3, preserved dimensions: 16.4×15.0×2.5 cm) with the stamp in a tabula ansata type of cartouche, fragmentarily preserved, almost completely degraded, with the dimensions: 4.4×3.0 cm. [Leg(io) XIII Gem(ina)] [Ulpius Fr]ont(o) Finger written Tegula (tegula digito scripta) 1. Tegula (fig. 22/1-3, preserved dimensions: 48.5×24.5×3.0 cm; 3 fragments) fragmentary, with graffiti; the letter N is preserved, incised in the soft paste, before burning; hletter – 5 cm; It is a semi-cursive writing, done with the finger (digito scripta). 273 II. Materiale și cercetări 1 2 3 Fig. 5. Section S155.1/991. General images. Conclusions Bricks and tiles stamped in simple (rectangular border) and in tabula ansata cartouche with the anthroponyms of the supervisors of the workshops of the 13th Gemina legion were recovered. Six could be identified, and one could not be read completely due to its fragmentary state and the lack of analogies, an aspect that prompts us to believe that we are dealing with an anthroponym not attested until now on the stamps of the 13th Gemina legion. Is a tile with the name of the legion next to an anthroponym whose nomen is missing, and only three clear letters DIM or DEM(etrius) are preserved from the cognomen (in transcription [----------][---]u(?)dim or u(?)dem(etrius)). We also assume the existence of the letter u, before DIM or DEM(etrius)1. The other anthroponyms are well known in the inscriptions on the tegular material of the 13th Gemina legion: Aurelius Callistratus, Aurelius Enthimus, Aure274 lius Eudoxus, Iulius Iulianus, Lucretius Aquila and Ulpius Fronto. Last but not least, a graffiti tegula was also found, from which the inscription with the letter N is preserved. Analogies have been offered for stamps preserved in an at least satisfactory way. The discovery is so much important because we are dealing with seven anthroponyms that appear alongside the name of the 13th Gemina legion, on construction materials belonging to the same building, an aspect never seen before in Dacia2. Researching the habitable areas in the immediate vicinity of Roman cities is desirable for the future because we can learn important economic information and data. These villae suburbanae fulfilled both the role of residence and relaxation for rich families, and also the production of agricultural and handicraft goods. For now, we have too little data on such properties, and their research is at an early stage. R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 6. Brick stamped with the name of the 13th Gemina legion, without anthroponym. 275 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 7. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Callistratus. 276 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 8. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Enthimus. 277 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 9. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Enthimus. 278 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 10. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Eudoxus. 279 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 11. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Eudoxus. 280 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 12. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Aurelius Eudoxus. 281 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 13. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Iulius Iulianus. 282 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 14. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Lucretius Aquila. 283 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 15. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Lucretius Aquila. 284 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 16. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Ulpius Fronto. 285 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 17. Tegula stamped with the anthroponym Ulpius Fronto. 286 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 18. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Ulpius Fronto. 287 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 19. Brick stamped with the anthroponym Ulpius Fronto. 288 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 20. Brick stamped with the legion’s name and illegible or indecipherable anthroponym. 289 II. Materiale și cercetări Fig. 21. Tegula stamped with the legion’s name and illegible or indecipherable anthroponym. 290 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 22. Finger written Tegula (tegula digito scripta). 291 II. Materiale și cercetări Bibliography Băluță 1995: C.L. Băluță, Ștampile tegulare militare inedite descoperite la Apulum, I. Ștampile cu antroponim. Apulum XXXII, 1995, 205-229. Drîmbărean, Rustoiu 2003: M. Drîmbărean, G.T. Rustoiu, O villa suburbana de la Apulum. Sargetia XXXI, 2003, 241-251. Gudea 2008: N. Gudea, Așezări rurale în Daci romană (106-275 p. Chr.). Schiță pentru o istorie a agriculturii și satului daco-roman (Oradea: ed. Primus 2008). IDR Appendix III: I. Piso, A. Ardeț, C. Timoc, Inscriptiones Daciae Romanae (IDR). Appendix III. Inscriptiones laterum museorum Banatus Temesiensis (Cluj-Napoca: ed. Mega 2019). IDR III/4: I.I. Russu, Inscripțiile Daciei romane (IDR), III/4, Dacia Superior, zona răsăriteană (București: ed. Academiei RSR 1988). IDR III/6: C.L. Băluță, Inscripțiile Daciei romane (IDR), III/6, Apulum – instrumentum domesticum (București: ed. Academiei Române 1999). Kurzmann 2005: R. Kurzmann, Soldier, civilian and military brick production. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 24 (4), 2005, 405-414. Opreanu, Lăzărescu 2020: C.H. Opreanu, V.-A. Lăzărescu, The Roman headquarters in the northern limes of Dacia: Porolissum (jud. Sălaj/RO) in the light of recent research. Archäologisches Korrespondenblatt 50, 2, 2020, 225-240. Ota 2012: R. Ota, De la canabele legiunii a XIII-a Gemina la Municipium Septimium Apulense (Alba Iulia: ed. Altip 2012). Ota, Lascu 2011: R. Ota, I. Lascu, Cercetări arheologice în canabae legionis XIII Geminae/Municipium Septimium Apulense – sectorul estic. Acta Musei Porolissensis XXXIII, 2011, 205-224. Inscripții ștampilate descoperite recent la Apulum, Dacia romană Cvinte-cheie: Apulum, cărămizi și țigle ștampilate, legiunea a XIII-a Gemina. Rezumat: În acest articol autorii analizează un lot de cărămizi și țigle ștampilate de epocă romană, descoperite recent în arealul centrului urban Apulum din Dacia romană. Este vorba despre un punct aflat la nord-vest de cel deal doilea oraș roman de la Apulum, municipium Septimium Apulense, în zona extramurană, pe str. Nazareth Illit, aproape de intersecția cu str. Detunata din municipiul modern Alba Iulia (România). În urmă cu două decenii a fost cercetată la 100 m înspre nord de acest punct o parte dintr-o clădire romană din sec. III p.Chr., care a aparținut unei vile suburbane (villa suburbana). Credem că aceste materiale tegulare prevăzute cu ștampilă au aparținut construcțiilor care făceau parte din această vilă. Aceste proprietăți aparțineau în bună măsură familiilor înstărite care dețineau funcții publice în conducerea administrativă a celor două orașe romane de la Apulum. Ceea ce este interesant este faptul că sunt ștampile care atestă șapte antroponime alături de numele legiunii a XIII-a Gemina: Aurelius Callistratus, Aurelius Enthimus, Aurelius Eudoxus, Iulius Iulianus, Lucretius Aquila, Ulpius Fronto și un anume [-----][---]u(?)dim sau [-----][---]u(?)Dem(etrius) (pe care nu am reușit să-l descifrăm în totalitate). Ultimul antroponim avea un nomen care nu s-a mai păstrat și un cognomen din care s-au păstrat în mod sigur literele DIM sau DEM(etrius). De asemenea a fost recuperată o tegula cu inscripție realizată cu degetul în pastă crudă (graffiti), înainte de ardere. Antroponimele aparțin supraveghetorilor care conduceau activitatea de producție din cadrul atelierelor (figlinae) de cărămidari ale legiunii a XIII-a Gemina. Complexul de clădiri aparținând acestei vile suburbane aflate în afara celui de-al doilea oraș roman de la Apulum, datează începând cu domnia lui Marcus Aurelius datorită prezenței numeroșilor Aurelii pe ștampile. Evident că locuirea a continuat și pe parcursul sec. III p.Chr. Descoperirea este cu atât mai importantă, deoarece sunt atestate șapte antroponime alături de numele legiunii, care apar pe materialul de construcție al unei singure clădiri, ceea ce constituie un fapt nemaiîntâlnit în provincia Dacia. Lista ilustrațiilor: Fig. 1. Plan de încadrare în zonă a punctului cercetat. Localizarea descoperirii pe harta satelitară a orașului Alba Iulia cu marcarea castrului roman (C) (processing after Google Earth, last accessed 24.03.2023). Fig. 2. Harta Daciei romane (concepută de V.-A. Lăzărescu; a se vedea Opreanu, Lăzărescu 2020, fig. 1). Fig. 3. Secțiunea S155.1/991. Profil estic. 1 2 A suggestion from my colleague Phd F. Matei-Popescu senior researcher at the Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan” Bucharest. The record from 2007 was broken, when six anthroponyms alongside the name of the 13th Gemina legion were identified in a public building of the Severian municipium, located east of the castrum, on 18 Decebal Street. See Ota, Lascu 2011. 292 R. Ota, C. T. Florescu, G. T. Rustoiu, Stamped inscriptions recently discovered at Apulum, Roman Dacia Fig. 4. Secțiunea S155.1/991. Plan. Fig. 5. Secțiunea S155.1/991. Imagini generale. Fig. 6. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu numele legiunii a XIII-a Gemina, fără antroponim. Fig. 7. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Callistratus. Fig. 8. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Enthimus. Fig. 9. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Enthimus. Fig. 10. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Eudoxus. Fig. 11. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Eudoxus. Fig. 12. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Aurelius Eudoxus. Fig. 13. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Iulius Iulianus. Fig. 14. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Lucretius Aquila. Fig. 15. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Lucretius Aquila. Fig. 16. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Ulpius Fronto. Fig. 17. Tegula cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Ulpius Fronto. Fig. 18. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Ulpius Fronto. Fig. 19. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu antroponimul Ulpius Fronto. Fig. 20. Cărămidă cu ștampilă cu numele legiunii și antroponim ilizibil sau indescifrabil. Fig. 21. Tegula cu ștampilă cu numele legiunii și antroponim ilizibil sau indescifrabil. Fig. 22. Tegula scrisă cu degetul (tegula digito scripta). Надписи на клеймах, недавно обнаруженные в Апулуме, Римская Дакия Ключевые слова: Апулум, кирпичи и черепица с клеймами, XIII Парный легион. Резюме: Статья посвящена исследованию кирпичей и черепицы римского периода, недавно обнаруженных в районе городского центра Римской Дакии Апулума. Речь идет о месте, расположенном к северо-западу от второго римского города в Апулуме – муниципия Септимиум Апуленсе, в зоне extra muros, на улице Назарет Иллит, недалеко от пересечения с улицей Детуната современного города Алба-Юлия (Румыния). Два десятилетия назад в 100 м к северу от этого места была исследована часть римской постройки III века н.э., принадлежащей загородной вилле (villa suburbana). Мы полагаем, что данный строительный материал с клеймами остался от строений, относящихся к этой вилле. Здесь были владения состоятельных семейств, занимавших государственные должности в административном управлении двух римских городов Апулума. Интересно, что вместе с названием XIII Парного легиона на клеймах запечатлены семь антропонимов: Аврелий Каллистрат, Аврелий Энфим, Аврелий Евдокс, Юлий Юлиан, Лукреций Аквила, Ульпий Фронто и некий [-----] [---]у(?)дим или [-----][---]у(?)Дем(етриус) (не удалось расшифровать полностью). Последний антропоним состоит из несохранившегося номена и когномена, от которого точно сохранились буквы ДИМ или ДЕМ(етриус). Также была обнаружена тегула с надписью, начертанной пальцем по сырой глине (граффити), до обжига. Антропонимы принадлежат лицам, надзиравшим над производством в мастерских кирпичников (figlinae) XIII Парного легиона. Комплекс зданий этой виллы за пределами второго римского города Апулума относится к временам правления Марка Аврелия, судя по наличию многочисленных клейм с именем «Аврелий». По-видимому, это место использовалось для проживания на протяжении III века н.э. Находка представляет тем большую важность, что здесь на строительном материале одного здания наряду с названием легиона присутствуют семь антропонимов, чего раньше не встречалось на территории провинции Дакия. Список иллюстраций: Рис. 1. План зоны с указанием расположения исследуемого участка. Локализация находки на спутниковой карте города Алба-Юлия с обозначением римского каструма (С) (по данным Google Earth, последний доступ 24.03.2023). Рис. 2. Карта Римской Дакии (автор В.-А. Лазэреску; см. Опряну, Лазэреску 2020, рис. 1). Рис. 3. Раскоп S155.1/991. Восточный разрез. Рис. 4. Раскоп S155.1/991. План. Рис. 5. Раскоп S155.1/991. Общие снимки. Рис. 6. Кирпич с клеймом XIII Парного легиона, без антропонима. Рис. 7. Кирпич с антропонимом «Аврелий Каллистрат». Рис. 8. Тегула с антропонимом «Аврелий Энфим». Рис. 9. Тегула с антропонимом «Аврелий Энфим». 293 II. Materiale și cercetări Рис. 10. Тегула с антропонимом «Аврелий Евдокс». Рис. 11. Тегула с антропонимом «Аврелий Евдокс». Рис. 12. Кирпич с антропонимом «Аврелий Евдокс». Рис. 13. Кирпич с антропонимом «Юлий Юлиан». Рис. 14. Кирпич с антропонимом «Лукреций Аквила». Рис. 15. Кирпич с антропонимом «Лукреций Аквила». Рис. 16. Тегула с антропонимом «Ульпий Фронто». Рис. 17. Тегула с антропонимом «Ульпий Фронто». Рис. 18. Кирпич с антропонимом «Ульпий Фронто». Рис. 19. Кирпич с антропонимом «Ульпий Фронто». Рис. 20. Кирпич с названием легиона и неразборчивым антропонимом. Рис. 21. Тегула с названием легиона и неразборчивым антропонимом. Рис. 22. Тегула с надписью, сделанной пальцем (tegula digito scripta). 13.04.2023 Dr. Radu Ota, National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia, Romania, 12-14 Mihai Viteazul str., Alba Iulia, Romania,, e-mail: [email protected] Cristian Titus Florescu, National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia, Romania, 12-14 Mihai Viteazul str., Alba Iulia, Romania,, e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu, National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia, Romania, 12-14 Mihai Viteazul str., Alba Iulia, Romania,, e-mail: [email protected] 294