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Attribute values may be either discrete or continuous. Attribute selection methods for continuous attributes had to be preceded by a discretization method to act properly. The resulted accuracy or correctness has a great dependance on the discretization method. However, this paper proposes an attribute selection and ranking method without introducing such technique. The proposed algorithm depends on a hypothesis that the decrease of the overlapped interval of values for every class label indicates the increase of the importance of such attribute. Such hypothesis were proved by comparing the results of the proposed algorithm to other attribute selection algorithms. The comparison between different attribute selection algorithms is based on the characteristics of relevant and irrelevant attributes and their effect on the classification performance. The results shows that the proposed attribute selection algorithm leads to a better classification performance than other methods. The test is applied on medical data sets that represent a real life continuous data sets.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016
Real life problems handled by machine learning deals with various forms of values in the data set attributes, like the continuous and discrete form. Discretization is an important step in the pre-processing stage as most of the attribute selection techniques assume the discreetness of the input values. This step could change the internal structure of the input attribute values with respect to the classification problem, and thus the quality of this step directly impact the quality of the selected features. This work discusses the problems existing in the current discretization techniques and proposes an attribute evaluation and selection technique to avoid these problems. Attributes are evaluated in its continuous form directly without biasing its internal structure and enhances the computational complexity by eliminating the discretization step. The basic insight of the proposed approach relies on the inverse relationship between class label distribution overlap and the relative information content of a given attribute. In order to estimate the validity of this assumption, a series of data sets were examined using several standard approaches including our own implementation, and the approaches ranked with respect to the overall classification accuracy. The results, at least with respect to the testing data sets deployed in this study, indicate that the proposed approach outperformed other methods selected for evaluation in this study. These results will be examined over a wider range of continuous attribute data sets from nonmedical domains in order to investigate the robustness of these results.
Nowadays the use of computer technology in the field of medical diagnosis and prediction of disease has increased. In these fields the computers are used with intelligence such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural network and genetic algorithms. Many techniques of data mining are useful in the field of medicine and many algorithms have been developed. The main objective of this work is to find out the important attributes which are highly important for accuracy of the classifier and reduce the dimensionality of dataset for classification of disease dataset. The other objective of this work is to classify the dataset in cost effective manner. As many tests are redundant and also are highly expensive. We have used various approaches for feature selection as using Brute force approach and correlation based approach. We have also proved that accuracy of classifiers are improved using feature selection.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
Label Ranking (LR) problems, such as predicting rankings of financial analysts, are becoming increasingly important in data mining. While there has been a significant amount of work on the development of learning algorithms for LR in recent years, pre-processing methods for LR are still very scarce. However, some methods, like Naive Bayes for LR and APRIORI-LR, cannot deal with real-valued data directly. As a make-shift solution, one could consider conventional discretization methods used in classification, by simply treating each unique ranking as a separate class. In this paper, we show that such an approach has several disadvantages. As an alternative, we propose an adaptation of an existing method, MDLP, specifically for LR problems. We illustrate the advantages of the new method using synthetic data. Additionally, we present results obtained on several benchmark datasets. The results clearly indicate that the discretization is performing as expected and in some cases improves the results of the learning algorithms.
2009 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, 2009
In this paper, the precision of logistic regression, naïve-Bayes and linear data classification methods, with regard to the Area Under Curve (AUC) metric have been compared. The effect of the parameters including size of the dataset, kind of the independent attributes, number of the discrete attributes and their values have been investigated. From the results, it can be concluded that in datasets consisting of both discrete and continuous attributes, the AUC of the three mentioned classifiers are the same. With increasing the number of the discrete attributes, the AUC of logistic regression is increased and the precision related to this classifier become more than the other two classifiers. Also considering the impact of the discrete attributes it can be seen that with increasing the number of values in discrete attributes the AUC related to the logistic regression classifier increases and linear classifier's AUC decreases, but the AUC of the naïve-Bayes classifier remains constant. Therefore, the results of this research can help data miners in selecting the most efficient classifier by considering the characteristics of the datasets.
Applied Intelligence, 2017
This paper presents an improved version of a decision tree-based filter algorithm for attribute selection. This algorithm can be seen as a pre-processing step of induction algorithms of machine learning and data mining tasks. The filter was evaluated based on thirty medical datasets considering its execution time, data compression ability and AUC (Area Under ROC Curve) performance. On average, our filter was faster than Relief-F but slower than both CFS and Gain Ratio. However for low-density (highdimensional) datasets, our approach selected less than 2% of all attributes at the same time that it did not produce performance degradation during its further evaluation based on five different machine learning algorithms.
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1997
In this paper, we propose an extension of Fischer's algorithm to compute the optimal discretization of a continuous variable in the context of supervised learning. Our algorithm is extremely performant since its only depends on the number of runs and not directly on the number of points of the sample data set. We propose an empirical comparison between the optimal algorithm and two hill climbing heuristics.
Dimensionality reduction is one of the key data analysis steps. Besides increasing the speed of computation, eliminating insignificant attributes from data enhances the quality of knowledge extracted from the data. In this paper we have proposed an efficient, conditional probability based method for computing the significance of attributes. The algorithm is highly scalable and can simultaneously rank all the attributes. The proposed method can be used to analyze pre-classified data by exploiting the attribute-to-class and class-to-attribute co-relations. The effectiveness of the approach is established through the analysis of various large test data sets. The method can be extended to extract classificatory knowledge from the data.
Uluslararası Sanat ve Estetik Dergisi, 2024
Sanat ve teknoloji yüzyıllar boyunca sürekli olarak birbirini etkilemiş ve birlikte gelişmiştir, kültürel açıdan önemli değişimleri de beraberinde getirmiştir. Geçmişte tuvallerde sanat üretmek için aletler kullanılıyordu, oysa bugün, sanat yaratmak için bilgisayar kullanan sanatçılar, eserlerini yaratırken malzeme olarak çok çeşitli bilgisayar yazılım ve donanımlarını kullanmaktadırlar. Bu tür uygulamalar yeni sanat eserleri üretmek için teknolojinin karşılıklı taklitleridirler. Bu iki unsuru bir arada barındıran çok sayıda sanat eseri örnekleri görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla yeni sanat eserleri teknolojiyle uyum sağlarken, yapay zekâ, bilgisayar ve dijital teknolojide de bir arada paralel gelişmektedirler. Yapay zekâ teknolojiyle uyumlu bir yaşam tarzları ve kullanımlar bağlamında işlevini görürken aynı zamanda içinde bulunduğumuz tekno-kültürel yapı, sanat eserlerinin farklı yaratma biçimlerini de ortaya çıkartmaktadır. Yapay zekâ sanatsal çalışma alanının sınırlarını genişletirken yeni ifade biçimleri yaratmakta ve sanatçıların algılarını ve düşünme biçimlerini değiştirmektedir. Bu makale, ayrıca yapay zekânın sanat dünyasındaki rolü ve dönüştürücü gücünü araştırarak yapay zekânın algoritmik çalışma prensiplerini ve üretim süreçlerini değerlendirerek açığa çıkartmağa amaç edinmiştir. Sanat ortamı ve sanatsal yaratım arasındaki konuları, sanat ve gerçeklik arasındaki ilişkiyi, teknolojinin eserler üzerindeki etkisini ve bilgi teknolojisi ve çağdaş sanattaki gelişmelerini analiz edilerek yeni olanaklarını açığa kavuşturmaktır. Araştırmanın temel amacı, toplumsal yapı ve teknolojideki değişimlerin sanatçıların üretim sürecindeki, sanat algısına ve sanatsal olgularının etkisini yapay zekâ merkeze alınarak incelemektir.
El objetivo principal de una campaña de publicidad es conseguir una gran repercusión y a ser posible, convertirse en viral. Para conseguirlo, las marcas intentan buscar estrategias nuevas y creativas, que llamen la atención del usuario para así conseguir la tan ansiada notoriedad.
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