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The state of information security as a whole is a disaster, a train wreck". This view is given by describing the state of information security towards the end of the first decade of the 21 st century. Amongst solutions offered, the view that security programs have to be holistic is proposed indicating that technical controls are of little value without the workforce understanding the risks of their irresponsible behavior. Another solution proposed by them is the role of awareness and education. All levels of users should be targeted letting them understand their role and responsibility in information security. Password related behavior is often highlighted as a key component of information security awareness. However, studies have shown that password hygiene is generally poor amongst users .
Journal of Information Privacy and Security, 2008
Since passwords are one of the main mechanisms used to protect data and information, it is important to ensure that passwords are managed correctly and that those factors which will have a significant impact on password management are identified and prioritized. Therefore, in order for an information and communication technology (ICT) overall security program to be successful it must include a security awareness program or component. The aim of this paper is to perform an exploratory study with the objective of introducing certain fundamental causes that may impact password management. Empirical results, followed by a survey as well as the application of several management science techniques are presented.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013
Development and integration of technology give organisations the opportunity to be globally competitive. However, the potential misuse of Information Technology (IT) is a reality that has to be dealt with by management, individuals and information security professionals. Numerous threats have emerged over time in the networked world, but so have the ways of alleviating these risks. However, security problems are still imminentas highlighted by the plethora of media articles and research efforts. The insider risk is stated as being around 80% of security threats [1] in a company. With this statistic in mind, management has to plan how to allocate resources to counteract the risks. Very often, simple measures such as good password behaviour are overlooked or not rated high enough to include in all security awareness programmes. This paper will focus on a study that assesses password management of future IT professionals. It will be demonstrated how management and educators can use these results to focus their efforts in order to improve users' password practices and thereby enhancing overall IT security.
Password Knowledge versus Password Management Practice, 2018
User authentication is one of the most important security characteristics of any system given today's globalized digital life style. The safety and security of sensitive data, privacy and also critical infrastructure relies primarily on authentication. Amongst all authentication schemes, text-based passwords are the most deployed across various platforms, thus the importance of evaluating user password management practice cannot be overemphasized. This research via a case study aimed at establishing the theoretical password knowledge in comparison to actual password management practice of staff and students from Information Technology (IT) inclined departments of the Federal University of Technology, Minna. Results from the survey reveal that the target respondents are knowledgeable on good password management policies. However, actual password practice results by the respondents showed that they do not comply and effectively implement the theoretical password knowledge they possess. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between what respondents know compare to their actual practice. Numerous implications abound when this is the case as it makes users more vulnerable to security risks of unauthorized access by unauthorized users.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 2008
This paper is about the design and implementation of techniques and strategies to improve end user behavior in the utilization of passwords within a formal setting. The researchers were requested to investigate the issues inherent in the password management and utilization procedure within the client organization and thereby improve end user behavior in utilization of passwords within the organization. The researchers completed an action research study and successfully implemented a training program to improve system users’ behavior related to passwords. They used a unique approach by designing training for creating passwords to fit with theories pertaining to human memory. In addition, the researchers also created and delivered security awareness training. The end users of the target information systems reported that after training they were able to use strong passwords (A strong password in our organization is one that has 15 characters with at least two numbers and one symbol) without writing them down. Requests to the help desk for password resets decreased. Users also reported that they are much more aware of security threats.
Die Einwohner von Valdrada wissen, dass jede ihrer Handlungen immer gleichzeitig diese Handlung und ihr Spiegelbild sind, dem die besondere Würde der Bilder zukommt, und dieses Wissen verbietet ihnen, sich auch nur für einen einzgen Augenblick dem Zufall und dem Vergessen zu überlassen.
This paper evaluates the contribution of creativity to entrepreneurship theory and practice in terms of building an holistic and transdisciplinary understanding of its impact. Acknowledgement is made of the subjectivist theory of entrepreneurship which embraces randomness, uncertainty and ambiguity but these factors should then be embedded in wider business and social contexts. The analysis is synthesised into a number of themes, from consideration of its definition, its link with personality and cognitive style, creativity as a process and the use of biography in uncovering data on creative entrepreneurial behaviour. Other relevant areas of discussion include creativity's link with motivation, actualisation and innovation, as well as the interrogation of entrepreneurial artists as owner/managers. These factors are embedded in a critical evaluation of how creativity contributes to successful entrepreneurship practice. Modelling, measuring and testing entrepreneurial creativity are also considered and the paper includes detailed consideration of several models of creativity in entrepreneurship. Recommendations for future theory and practice are also made.
Tergabungnya Indonesia –suka-tidak suka dan sadar-tidak sadar– dengan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) atau ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) saat ini sudah menjadi sebuah keniscayaan relasi yang harus segera dihadapi melalui aksi nyata dan tidak hanya sekadar disikapi secara skeptis. Selain harus meningkatkan atau bahkan memaksimalkan keunggulan (strengthen) dan meminimalisir kelemahan (weakness) dalam berbagai aspeknya, bangsa Indonesia juga harus menjadikan ketergabungan dalam MEA ini sebagai peluang (prospects) dan sekaligus tantangan (challenges), spesifiknya melalui pendidikan Islam. Makalah ini berupaya mendeskripsikan tentang urgensitas keteladanan atau metode keteladanan dalam pendidikan Islam melalui penelitian kualitatif (qualitative method) dengan pendekatan studi pustaka (library research) melalui teknik dokumentasi dan menggunakan analisis isi (content analysys) secara deskriptis. Dari makalah disimpulkan bahwa keteladanan sangat diperlukan sebagai sebuah ketahanan moral pendidikan dalam menghadapi peluang dan tantangan MEA, karenanya harus dilakukan revitalisasi atau penguatan.
Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia, 2022
En este artículo se estudiarán las características y prácticas de la guerra de conquista y el mando militar y adoptadas por los capitanes castellanos durante las fases iniciales de la expansión atlántica ibérica entre el final de la Edad Media y el inicio de la Temprana Modernidad. A partir de los relatos de las campañas contra los aborígenes por el dominio de las islas Canarias en las crónicas reales castellanas, se profundiza en las continuidades del discurso militar elaborado en torno a la guerra contra los musulmanes en la Península Ibérica pero también en sus adaptaciones a un nuevo horizonte espacial, social y cultural, luego proyectado sobre la experiencia de la conquista americana. This paper examines the features and practices of military command during a war of conquest, as exhibited by Castilian captains at the dawn of Iberian Atlantic expansion between the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age. Focusing on Castilian royal chronicles of military campaigns against the aboriginal people of the Canary Islands, such texts demonstrate continuities with the military discourse developed during the war against the Muslims in medieval Spain, as well as adaptation to a new geographical, social and cultural context, embodied in the experiences of the conquest of the Americas.
E. Laflı, Frühbyzantinische Fresken aus Hadrianoupolis in Paphlagonien, in: N. Zimmermann (ed.), Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kolloquiums der AIPMA (Association internationale pour la peinture murale antique). 13.-17. September (Vienna 2014), 735-740., 2014
Pós-Limiar, 2023
Springer eBooks, 1990
Homeland Security Today, 2019
Iranian Journal of Neonatology IJN, 2016
The Malaysian journal of pathology, 2019
Journal of Cancer, 2015
Italia linguistica anno mille - Italia linguistica anno duemila, 2003