Brain Sci. 2013, 3, 239-261; doi:10.3390/brainsci3010239
brain sciences
ISSN 2076-3425
Stem Cell Transplantation for Neuroprotection in Stroke
Kazutaka Shinozuka, Travis Dailey, Naoki Tajiri, Hiroto Ishikawa, Yuji Kaneko and
Cesar V. Borlongan *
Center of Excellence for Aging & Brain Repair, Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Repair,
University of South Florida College of Medicine, 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa,
FL 33612, USA; E-Mails:
[email protected] (K.S.);
[email protected] (T.D.);
[email protected] (N.T.);
[email protected] (H.I.);
[email protected] (Y.K.)
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:
[email protected];
Tel.: +1-813-974-3988; Fax: +1-813-974-3078.
Received: 7 December 2012; in revised form: 22 February 2013 / Accepted: 26 February 2013 /
Published: 7 March 2013
Abstract: Stem cell-based therapies for stroke have expanded substantially over the last
decade. The diversity of embryonic and adult tissue sources provides researchers with the
ability to harvest an ample supply of stem cells. However, the optimal conditions of stem cell
use are still being determined. Along this line of the need for optimization studies, we discuss
studies that demonstrate effective dose, timing, and route of stem cells. We recognize that
stem cell derivations also provide uniquely individual difficulties and limitations in their
therapeutic applications. This review will outline the current knowledge, including benefits
and challenges, of the many current sources of stem cells for stroke therapy.
Keywords: stem cells; stroke; cerebral ischemia; transplantation
1. An Overview of Tailoring Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke
Different tissue-derived adult stem cells can be employed as donor cells for transplantation therapy in
stroke. An important factor in considering stem cells for therapy is their use as autologous versus
allogeneic cells. Autologous stem cell treatment involves procuring the cells from the same individual in
which the cells will be used, compared to receiving cells from an unrelated donor in the case of
allogeneic stem cell transplantation. A potential limitation of allogeneic stem cell grafts includes their
predisposition for eliciting an immunogenic complication from the host, such as graft rejection. On the
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other hand, autologous stem cell transplantation also has limitations. The current research for favorable
outcomes suggests an optimal combination of intravenous administration, 48 h post-stroke, and a
therapeutic dose of 1 million cells [1–3]. This short period of opportunity poses a challenge in generating
an ample supply of enough stem cells from freshly harvested autologous tissue sources. Ease of harvesting
also has a great influence over the practicality of therapeutic potential, regardless of autologous or
allogenic cells. Some of the techniques require highly invasive procedures or present ethical problems
with acquiring the stem cells, such as neural stem cells and embryonic stem cells, respectively.
Immunological reactions, such as graft vs. host, along with complications secondary to adjunctive
immunosuppression, impart another barrier of stem cell treatment for stroke. The immunosuppressant
cyclosporine A promotes endogenous neural stem cell activity and migration, thus aiding in the recovery
of cortical injury following a stroke [4]. Stroke research in immunocompromised animals has documented
elevated endogenous neurogenesis via a CD4+ T cell, but not a CD25+ T cell-dependent mechanism [5].
Despite the possibility for stem cells to produce an immunogenic response, it is evident that the more
naive or less lineage-specific a cell, the less likely it is to invoke an immune response. For example, due
to immunological immaturity, umbilical cord blood transplantation is less likely to require
immunosuppression. Subsequently, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching is less strict preceding
transplantation while cell viability remains high compared to the requirements for bone marrow
transplants [6]. Mesenchymal stem cells, which can be harvested from a variety of mesenchymal tissues,
have different characteristics in an immune response depending on its origin. For example, chorionic
plate-derived mesenchymal stem cells show higher expression of HLA-G, which is a contributing factor
to induce a stronger immunosuppression [7] and a prognostic indicator of graft tolerance [8], in
comparison with bone marrow-derived and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells [9].
Placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells show less inhibition of CD4+ T cell stimulation than bone
marrow-derived stem cells [10].
In this review, we will provide insights on the different tissues used to harvest stem cells, along with
both their limitations and advantages, for stroke neuroprotection. An overview of stem cells currently
being investigated for neurorestoration has previously been published [11].
2. Embryonic Stem Cells
Embryonic stem (ES) cells have arguably been used as the yardstick of “stemness” properties,
providing access to an indefinite supply of stem cells that populate all three germ layers. Two major
caveats that hinder the use of ES cells for transplantation therapy relate to the ethical concerns and risk of
tumorgenicity [12,13]. In this section, ES cell-derived cell transplantation is discussed and not direct
transplantation of ES cells per se. ES cell-derived neural progenitor cells transplanted in stroke mice
models have been shown to contribute to the repair of neuronal damage [14]. Transplantation of
endothelial cells and mural cells derived from ES cells have the potential to contribute to therapeutic
vascular regeneration and subsequent reduction of infarct area after stroke in mice [15]. With specific
manipulations, human ES cells can be differentiated into neural stem cells called SD56, which do not
form tumors after transplantation [16]. Additionally, gene manipulation of ES cell-derived cells have
been reported to facilitate therapeutic effects by overexpressing neuroprotective factors such as Bcl-2,
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adenosine, and myocyte enhancer factor 2C [17–19]. Such transplantation of ES cell-derived cells also
results in functional recovery in animal ischemic models [17,18,20–22].
3. Adult Stem Cells
A primary challenge with sources for adult stem cells is the purification of a homogeneous stem cell
population, since the adult tissue source contains non-stem cells that have already been committed to
specific lineages. The nature of stroke and stem cell mode of action are both diverse. Because of this,
there is special consideration given to the use of specific stem cell derivatives to treat specific
stroke conditions.
3.1. Bone Marrow-Derived Stem Cells
Diverse populations of cells constitute the bone marrow. These cells are purified to harvest an
isolated cell type or used as a mixture. Research emerging within the last decade suggests the feasibility
of bone marrow-derived stem cells for stroke therapy. Data demonstrate that, upon injury, bone
marrow-derived stem cells can mobilize from the bone marrow (BM) and migrate into the peripheral
blood. Once in systemic vasculature, they then can enter the central nervous system to influence
neuronal injury [23]. Cell constituents of bone marrow include: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs),
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), and very small embryonic-like
stem cells (VSELs) [24]. We will outline the therapeutic potential of these bone marrow-derived stem
cell lines in the following sections.
3.1.1. Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), of the phenotype CD34+ [25] with additional surface markers
CD150+, CD244−, and CD48− [26], can differentiate into all blood cells. In response to a cerebrovascular
incident such as stroke, the CNS can produce cytokines that induce HSC mobilization [27–30].
Neurotransmitters, most notably catecholamines, can induce HSC mobilization through a nerve ending
paracrine signal directly into bone marrow or through sympathetic release into blood circulation [31].
Current treatment protocols, such as granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), apply this
cytokine-mediated recruitment [29,30]. Human clinical data of acute stroke shows an abundant
mobilization of peripheral blood immature hematopoietic CD34+ cells, colony-forming cells, and
long-term culture-initiating cells [32]. The magnitude of mobilization appears to correlate with the
recovery of function [33]. More so, the infusion of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells containing
HSCs, in addition to cell types including mesenchymal stromal cells and lymphocytes, has been reported
in human stroke patients [34–37]. Those studies, which include the acute, subacute, and chronic phases
of stroke, show no adverse effects of transplantation. Transplantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells
increases plasma β-nerve growth factor [34]. The amount of CD34+ cells in mononuclear cells
transplanted shows a trend of positive correlation with rate of functional recovery [34].
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3.1.2. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
Mesenchymal stromal cells, of the phenotype SH2+, SH3+, SH4+, CD29+, CD44+, CD14−, CD34−,
and CD45− [38], are found in nearly all tissues of the body and can differentiated into mesenchymal
tissues such as osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic cells. In this section, we will first discuss the
use of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from bone marrow (BM) for the treatment of stroke, but also
describe the use of the non-bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells.
The use of BM-derived mesenchymal stromal cells prompts functional recovery of neurological
deficits succeeding cerebral ischemia in stroke models [39–41]. Mesenchymal stromal cell
transplantation benefits are imparted by the introduction of neurotrophic factors that activate
endogenous brain tissue. These factors include: hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) [39,42], vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [43], nerve growth factor (NGF) [44], brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF) [44], basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) [43], and insulin growth factor-1
(IGF-1) [45]. In addition to secreting such factors, the presence of MSCs may promote endogenous
induction and migration of primary stem cells from their usual locations (SVZ and SGZ) to the location
of injury, while also reducing apoptosis in the penumbral zone of the lesion [43,44]. Whether or not
mesenchymal stromal cells differentiate into functional neurons, there is an indication that these cells
promote neurogenesis after a stroke injury, but do not have long-term survival after transplantation [43].
Much like neural stem cells, the benefits may also arise from the production of neurotrophic factors such
as BDNF, β-NGF [46], and the modulation of vasculature observed equally from four different sources:
bone marrow, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and myocardium [47]. A clinical trial of intravenous
infusion of autologous BM-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in ischemic stroke patients shows
significant functional improvement in infused patients without adverse effects in comparison with
non-infused patients [48]. Five-year follow-ups of mesenchymal stromal cell-infused patients also show
a higher survival rate and functional improvement than non-infused patients [49].
Mesenchymal stromal cells are the most commonly studied stem cell derived from extraembryonic
tissue. Unlike neural stem cells from the ectoderm-derived tissue of the nervous system,
mesoderm-derived mesenchymal stromal cells can be isolated from nearly all mesenchymal tissues of
the body, including bone marrow, placenta, teeth, and adipose tissue. The abundance of potential
harvesting sites makes mesenchymal stromal cells a favorable line for autologous transplantation.
However, potential discrepancies have prompted the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT)
to define minimal criteria for definition of a stem cell as a mesenchymal stromal cell. Plastic adherence,
cluster of differentiation (CD) expression, and differentiation ability are some of the characteristics
considered [50].
Although mesenchymal stromal cells are harvested from mesenchyme-derived tissues, evidence
reports that mesenchymal stromal cells from different locations may impart specific roles as a function
of the various ways they are extracted, isolated, and proliferated [51–55]. To this extent, one site of
tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells may be better qualified for a specific therapy than cells
derived from another. Differences also exist between mesenchyme-derived stromal cells and other stem
cells. For example, research in bone marrow-derived stem cells in horses established that these cells
reach senesce at earlier passages than adipose and umbilical cord-derived cells in mesenchymal
tissue [56].
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Much like neural stem cells, described later in this paper, the risk of mesenchymal stem cells
developing into tumors must be considered. The literature notes a sarcoma developed in the lungs after
mesenchymal stem cells were transplanted in mice [57]. Also, secretions from mesenchymal stem cells
affect tumors. The combination of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF)
secreted from mesenchymal stem cells increases the ability of breast cancer cell lines to migrate [58].
Breast cancer cells stimulate de novo secretion of the chemokine CCL5 from mesenchymal stem cells,
which then acts in a paracrine fashion on the cancer cells to enhance their motility, invasion, and
metastasis [59]. Consequently, mesenchymal stem cells of specific derivations may have a greater
propensity for tumorigenesis and encouraging metastasis. This may not be the case for all
mesenchyme-derived stromal cells, however. Research suggests umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells
do not appear to develop into tumor progenitor cells in the presence of tumor cells, unlike bone
marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells [60].
3.1.3. Endothelial Progenitor Cells
Stroke is multifactorial in etiology. One such factor involves the disruption in vascular integrity,
causing vessel vulnerability that predisposes the region to a stroke-like event. The endothelium
modulates the permeability of the blood-brain-barrier and thus stroke recovery. Endothelial progenitor
cells (EPCs) are precursors for the mature endothelium that lines the vascular system, a role that has long
been established [61]. EPCs are defined as cells that express HSC markers such as CD34 or CD133 and
the marker protein vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGRF2) [62]. In an early study,
transplanted EPCs were found in newly vascularized endothelium of surgically induced ischemic hind
limb injury in rabbits [63]. More recent research indicates that circulating BM-derived EPCs are
signaled to sites for neovascularization, where they will differentiate into endothelial cells [64,65]. A
correlational study in human ischemic stroke patients indicates that the level of circulating EPCs relates
to improvement on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale [66]. An animal model of stroke shows
that tail vein injection of EPCs reduces infarct induction through middle cerebral artery occlusion
(MCAO) in diabetic mice [67]. Also, intravenous infusion of autologous EPCs after MCAO in rabbits
shows functional improvement, decreasing the number of apoptotic cells, increasing microvessel density
in the ischemic boundary area, and diminishing the infarct area [68]. The research of EPCs and
stroke-related vascularization is still sparse, but the evidence is surmounting that they could play a
constitutional role in the prevention of stroke and the treatment after an injury.
3.1.4. Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells
Much like the hematopoietic stem cells discussed above, very small embryonic-like stem cells
(VSELs), which have the phenotype Sca-1+, lin−, CD45- and also have pluripotent stem cell markers
such as SSEA-1, Oct-4, Nanog, and Rex-1 [69], are mobilized from adult tissues into the peripheral
blood following a stroke event [70–72]. The current hypothesis is that VSELs are epiblast-derived
pluripotent stem cells that are deposited early during embryonic development [73,74], serving as a
reserve within the tissue that can be utilized for rejuvenation. The brain is one such location that includes
a large number of cells displaying the VSEL phenotype [75,76]. The ability for VSELs to differentiate
into neurons, oligodendrocytes, and microglia to regenerate damaged CNS makes them an excellent
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candidate for stroke therapy [23]. However, limitations currently exist when considering the use of
VSELs. One such obstacle is the low yield of VSELs from harvesting. This restraint requires the
necessity for proliferation prior to transplantation [23]. Another restriction is the decrease in number of
VSELs with age, thereby exacerbating the difficulty in harvesting an adequate number of cells in older
individuals [77].
3.2. Neural Stem Cells
In terms of stroke injury, the use of neural stem cells (NSCs) seems like an apparent solution.
Endogenous stem cells are located in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus, the subventricular
zone (SVZ), and the subependymal zone (SEZ) of the spinal cord. As one may anticipate, the cellular
activity is upregulated in these zones following a stroke-like injury; yet, this action does not provide cell
replacement or full functional repair, despite NSCs being found at the site of ischemic lesions from
day 1 after stroke in human patients [78].
NSCs in the SVZ migrate into ischemic lesions after stroke. NSCs from the SVZ are redirected from
their normal route through the rostral stream into a redefined direction to reach ischemic regions along
blood vessels as a scaffold for migration [79–81]. Chemokine signals such as stromal-derived factor-1
(SDF-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and angiopoietin are released from ischemic
tissue, influencing the course of the SVZ NSCs toward a path along blood vessels to reach the infarcted
area [82–85]. In ex vivo cultures of rat brain cells, microglia from ischemic brain, but not from intact
brain, promotes differentiation of SVZ NSCs into neurons, suggesting that microglia might have a role
on differentiation of NPCs [86]. However, in vivo studies demonstrated that a very low number—or
even possibly none of the newborn cells—develop into mature neurons [87–89].
While endogenous NPCs migrate and differentiate into mature neurons, this may not be sufficient for
self-repair of ischemic brain. Current literature explores the idea of exogenous stem cell transplantation
eliciting endogenous stem cell production at the site of injury [90,91]. The intravenous infusion of neural
progenitor cells produces increased dendritic length and an increased number of branch points in host
neurons [92]. Transplanted NSCs have therapeutic effects without differentiating into mature
neurons [93], although there is a report that transplanted ES cell-derived NSCs in the ischemic rat brain
differentiated into neurons, into oligodendlocytes in stroke regions undergoing remyelination, and into
astrocytes extending processes toward stroke-damaged vasculatures [94]. Even with the beneficial
effects of NSC transplantation on endogenous stem cell proliferation, it still has limitations. A primary
limitation is the acquisition of these cells. An autologous treatment would require invasive surgery prior
to therapy and allogenic grafts would likely require a fetal source or derivation from an alternative cell
type. Another possibility would be harvesting the cells during other surgical procedures [95], but this
may not be very advantageous. One of the foremost concerning consequences is the potential of stem
cells to be tumorigenic. Somewhat contradictorily of immunogenicity, the less differentiated the cell, the
greater the potential for the cell line to generate aberrant proliferation. Thus, adult stem cells, due to
progressive differentiation, are less likely than embryonic stem cells to encourage tumorigenesis.
Additionally, when utilizing stem cells, it is essential to ensure that the transplantation consists of a
purified cell population [96,97]. A prior case identified this necessity when a child with ataxia
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telangiectasia was transplanted with a heterogeneous mixture of fetally derived neural stem cells and
was diagnosed with a glioneuroal neoplasm four years later [98].
A possible explanation for the potential reduction in tumorigenesis of adult-derived stem cells is due
to their reduced capacity to proliferate. A likely benefit for avoiding neoplastic events is, unfortunately,
a problem when attempting to achieve a sufficient number of stem cells for transplantation. To navigate
these limitations, researchers have developed methods such as long-term culturing, immortalization,
insertion of oncogenes, or even deriving neural stem cells from other tissues or from pluripotent stem
cells. However, each of the aforementioned methods has inherent limitations. Long-term culturing, for
instance, bears the risk of spontaneous conversion to a non-neural cell type, such as a tumor precursor
cell [99]. In spite of the teratocarcinoma-derived hNT neuron cell lines advancing into a phase II clinical
trial in stroke patients [100], no significant improvements were observed [101]. Oncogene insertion may
still have a favorable future. ReNeuron LTD, a stem cell therapeutics company based in England, is
using a c-Myc regulator gene and mutated estrogen receptor transgene to generate an immortalized
neural cell line [102]. This protocol is currently undergoing clinical trials for stroke in the
United Kingdom [103].
3.3. Extraembryonic Stem Cells
Tissues rich in extraembryonic stem cells include: umbilical cord, placenta, amnion, and Wharton’s
jelly. As discussed above, mesenchymal stromal cells are the most popular cell line for study, but
amnioitic epithelial cells, amnion-derived stem cells, placental-derived stem cells, and umbilical cord
matrix stem cells can also be found in extraembryonic tissue [104]. Extraembryonic stem cells, much
like NSCs and mesenchymal stromal cells, pertain to different germinal layers. The ectoderm gives rise
to the amniotic epithelium, while the amnion-derived mesenchymal stromal cells are found in the
mesodermal layer [105]. Therefore, amnion-derived stem cells appear to contain a higher capacity for
mesodermal cell lineages than the ectoderm [106]. Amnion mesenchymal stromal cells also exhibit less
endothelial capabilities, further demonstrating potential embryonic specificity [107].
Current studies with extraembryonic stem cells investigate transplanting animal models of stroke
with placental-derived mesenchymal stromal cells. In congruence with the proposed mechanism of
action, these cells do not appear to solely replace damaged cells. Rather, they appear to furnish the
microenvironment in a way that promotes endogenous neurogenesis [108–110]. Research with
umbilical cord lining mesenchymal stromal cells in rat stroke models demonstrates functional recovery,
increased vascular density, increased expression of vascular endothelial growth factor, and basic
fibroblast growth factor [111]. Mesenchymal stromal cells derived from the umbilical cord lining also
provide an immunosuppressive effect on the immune cascade and appear to have greater immunological
immaturity than aged bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells [112]. Additionally, Wharton’s
jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells differentiate into glial, neuronal, doublecortin+, CXCR4+, and
vascular endothelial cells to enhance neuroplasticity in the ischemic brain [113] and have an
immunosuppressive function by secreting leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) [114].
The popularity of umbilical cord banking has been increasingly steadily. Given their possibility for
both allogenic and autologous use, these stem cells could have broad therapeutic potential. Umbilical
cord blood routinely refers to the mononuclear fraction, which includes hematopoietic progenitors,
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lymphocytes, monocytes, and mecenchymal stromal cells. Even with its heterogeneity, these cells are
considered immunologically immature. Thus, these cells have been reported to modulate the immune
response and reduce proinflammatory cytokine levels [115]. In terms of transplantation of umbilical
cord blood in animal stroke models, there have been auspicious results. Transplantation of umbilical
cord blood-derived stem cells in animal models of stroke demonstrates functional recovery, reducing
infarct size, and higher expression of neuroprotective factors, such as BDNF and VEGF [1,2,116,117].
3.4. Other Sources of Adult Stem Cells
3.4.1. Adipose Tissue
Adipose tissue includes adipose-derived stem cells, which are a plastic-adherent cell population and
have a more than 90% identical immunophenotye compared to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal
stromal cells [118]. Studies with adipose-derived stem cells exhibited reduced infarct size, improved
neurological function, reduced level of cerebral inflammation, and chronic degeneration in an
intracerebral hemorrhage model [119,120]. Adipose-derived stem cells can differentiate into neural,
glial, and vascular endothelial cells, and also show higher proliferative activity with greater production
of VEGF and hepatocyte growth factor in comparison with bone marrow-derived stromal cells [121].
Treatment with adipose-derived stem cells in an ischemic stroke model of mice shows remarkable
attenuation of ischemic damage [121].
In spite of the potential benefits for stroke injury as previously noted, there are still side effects
associated with adipose-derived stem cells. Extensive passaging of adipose-derived stem cells might
cause spontaneous mutations within the cell line that may promote a cancerous state [122]. However,
this statement has since been retracted due to the inability to replicate the data [123]. Revisions to these
studies have now demonstrated that adipose-derived stem cells can promote preexisting cancerous cells
to produce tumors, but do not result in tumors alone [124]. A careful analysis of risk-to-benefit ratio
must be observed in order to advance a safe and effective cell therapy for stroke.
3.4.2. Menstrual Blood
With the endometrial lining in the uterus cycling monthly, it has been a location of interest for
researchers. Two separate groups have isolated stem cells in this region, although it is unsure if they are
the identical cell line due to differences in culturing protocols [125,126]. Menstrual blood-derived stem
cells exhibit multipotency. Menstrual blood-derived stem cells secrete trophic factors such as VEGF,
BDNF, and NT-3 in response to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD), an in vitro model of stroke.
Co-culture of rat primary neurons with menstrual blood-derived stem cells, or its conditioned medium
exposed to OGD, improved cell survival rate after OGD [127]. Both intracerebral and intravenous
transplantation of menstrual blood-derived cells into stroke model rats improved host cell survival and
behavioral functions [127]. These cells have also been implemented for in vivo surgical MCAO rat
studies without immunosuppression [127–129].
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3.4.3. Breastmilk
Mammary tissue includes stem cells. Stem cells and differentiated cells from the lactating epithelium
enter breastmilk either through cell migration and turnover and/or as a consequence of the mechanical
shear forces of breastfeeding [130,131]. Breastmilk stem cells show embryonic stem cell-like
morphology and phenotype, and can be differentiated into cell lineages from all three germ layers
in vitro [131]. The presence of stem cells in the breastmilk may provide a great advantage for harvesting
these cells while avoiding any invasive procedures [132]. Historically, the benefits of breast milk have
been considered nutritive and immunologic, but emerging research is attempting to elucidate the
potential effects of vertical transmission of stem cells from mother to offspring [125]. Accompanying
the ease of harvesting, breastmilk stem cells also present the potential for autologous transplantation.
3.4.4. Dental Tissue
Dental tissue could prove to be a useful resource in harvesting stem cells in the future. Dental
tissue-derived stem cells such as post-natal dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) [133], stem cells from
exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) [128], periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) [134], stem cells
from apical papilla (SCAP) [135,136], and dental follicle precursor cells (DFPCs) [137], which exhibit
mesenchymal stromal cells-like capabilities, have been identified (for review, see [138]).
Dental tissue-derived stem cells can differentiate into a variety of cell types including neural cells,
adipocytes, and odontoblasts [139]. Transplantation into intact mouse brain showed cell survival along
with expression of neuronal markers [139]. A rodent model of cerebral ischemia shows improved
sensorimotor function after receiving transplantation of dental tissue-derived stem cells [140,141].
Transplanted DPSCs differentiate into astrocytes in preference to neurons, suggesting secretion of
trophic factors for therapeutic effects [141]. Neurogenicity of dental tissue-derived stem cells is more
potent than that of bone marrow-derived stem cells [142], most likely due to their neural
crest origin [138].
3.4.5. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Once thought to be unidirectional, recent experiments suggest stem cells can be manipulated into
their former multipotency. It was originally considered that stem cells progress through maturation to
become terminally differentiated. However, the literature indicates that through the transfection of
specific transcription factors, embryonic-like stem cells can be regenerated from fibroblasts through
retrograde manipulation [143]. This transfection technique has also been applied to umbilical cord,
placental mesenchymal stromal cells, neural stem cells, and adipose-derived precursor cells to increase
their potency [144,145].
A major benefit of retrograde conversion is the proliferation capacity of precursor cells. Some studies
demonstrated beneficial effects of transplantation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in an animal
model of stroke, including effects such as: improving sensorimotor functions [146,147], reducing infarct
size, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines, and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines [146].
However, the use of iPSCs appears to have some ramifications. As with many stem cells, both
immunogenicity and tumorigenesis are of concern. The transfection technique used to generate
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precursor cells utilizes transcription factors of known oncogencity. iPSCs, even when autologous, have
also provoked an immune response leading to rejection [148]. In fact, a higher rate of tumorigenesis
after transplantation of undifferentiated iPSCs is reported [149,150]. However, pre-differentiated
neuroepithelial-like stem cells derived from human fibroblast derived-iPSCs enhances recovery after
stroke without forming tumors by four months post-transplantation [151].
In terms of translational research, although iPSCs have the potential for autologous cell therapy, the
technology will need to be significantly improved before this becomes a viable option to treat the acute
phase of stroke, specifically the demonstration of feasibility that a well-defined population of IPSCs are
banked prior to injury due to the duration required to make enough stem cells for a therapeutic
dose. Moreover, any genetic manipulation to IPSCs needs to be regulated, particularly in the
post-transplantation period, in order to avoid any potential of tumorgenic or ectopic tissue formation.
4. New Stem Cell Approaches: Co-Transplantation, Combination Therapy, and Others
As evident by the literature thus far, individual stem cells confer discrete therapeutic potential. Thus
there is the potential for treatment with multiple stem cell lines, simultaneously. There is evidence of
co-transplantation providing synergistic effects on stem cell survival. One such study demonstrated
increased neural stem cell survival when neural stem cell delivery was combined with adipose-derived
stem cells [152]. An additional study reports that co-transplantation of bone marrow-derived stromal
cells with embryonic stem cells decreased the propensity for tumorigenesis [153]. With similar regard,
accompanying neural stem cells with epithelial cells increased survival and differentiation [154].
Combination therapy, similar to co-transplantation of two cell lines, can incorporate a non-stem-cell
substrate to increase the efficacy of transplantation. Examples include combining bone marrow-derived
stromal cells with trophic factors to enhance survival and potentiation [155] or providing a scaffold for
stem cell adherence [156]. The techniques of co-transplantation and combination therapy are still novel,
but the ability to enhance stem cell survival while decreasing adverse events is emerging with
current research.
Many of the persisting variables in stem cell techniques have recently been reviewed by us [157].
Factors including optimal dose, route of administration, and sex of donor/recipient are all likely to be
contingent upon the cell type being investigated. We have investigated many of these factors with
umbilical cord blood for conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and
Sanfilippo syndrome [157]; however, this information has yet to be resolved in regards to stroke. The
Stem Cell Therapies as an Emerging Paradigm in Stroke (STEPS) program was designed for the purpose
of study interpretation in an attempt to standardize procedures [158–161].
5. Conclusions
As we reviewed here, there is currently a vast number of sources available for stem cell harvesting,
and as the evidence is further substantiated, they may each impart their own benefits and have their own
native limitations. Many logistical considerations must be made for the use of stem cells for therapeutic
stroke treatment. Such factors include mode of action, immunogenicity, tumorigenicity, harvesting,
proliferation capacity, and overall feasibility of use. These variables must be addressed before
translational studies can proceed. However, despite the limitations identified and the considerations still
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needing concrete exploration, limited clinical trials of stem cell therapy for stroke patients are already
underway. Parallel laboratory investigations are necessary to further optimize the safety and efficacy of
stem cells for clinical applications.
Conflict of Interest
Cesario V. Borlongan holds patents in stem cell technologies for the treatment of
neurodegenerative disorders.
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