1. Introduction: an important industry?
Aerospace is often claimed to be an important industry. Is it important
and, if so, why is it important? This chapter addresses these questions. It
considers whether there is an economic case for government support for
the industry or whether some of the arguments are spurious and examples
of special pleading. The task of the economist is to identify myths and
special pleading and subject them to rigorous and critical economic
analysis and assess the supporting evidence. The chapter presents a
preliminary review of these arguments, many of which are addressed in
more detail elsewhere in the book. A starting point requires a definition
of the industry.
Government official statistics provide definitions of the industry. For
example, the official European statistics (Eurostat) defines the industry as
the manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery. This
classification includes the manufacture of aeroplanes for the transport of
goods or passengers for use by defence forces, for sport or for other
purposes; the manufacture of helicopters, gliders and dirigibles. It also
includes the manufacture of parts and accessories for the aircraft of this
class, including engines and their parts, major assemblies (e.g. fuselages;
wings; doors; landing gear; fuel tanks), propellers and helicopter rotor
blades as well as aircraft seats. Further sectors included are the manufacture of ground flying trainers, spacecraft, launch vehicles, satellites and
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) as well as the overhaul and
conversion of aircraft or aircraft engines. There are some interesting
exclusions comprising the manufacture of telecommunications equipment
for satellites, the manufacture of aircraft instruments, the manufacture of
air navigation systems and the manufacture of lighting equipment for
aircraft (Eurostat, 2012). The advantage of using official statistics is their
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The political economy of aerospace industries
international comparability. Also, the official statistics comprise information from enterprises whose main activity is the manufacture of
aerospace products. Other data from industry trade associations use
different definitions of the industry, including firms whose main activity
might be classified elsewhere.
For our purposes, a broad working definition will be used. The
aerospace industry comprises all those firms involved in the research,
design, development, manufacture, repair, maintenance and disposal of
aerospace products. These comprise military and civil aircraft and
helicopters, business and pleasure aircraft, missiles and space systems.
Also included are the firms supplying parts and components including
aero-engines, avionics equipment, flight simulators for pilot training and
ejector seats for combat aircraft. Examples include combat aircraft such
as the American F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning; Airbus A380 and
Boeing 747 airliners; Bombardier and Embraer regional jet airliners;
Tomahawk cruise missiles; space rockets such as the European Ariane
series and their associated satellites. Elsewhere, firms specialise in
supplying aero-engines (e.g. Pratt and Whitney (USA) and Rolls-Royce
(UK)); major parts and components (e.g. wings; centre fuselages); seats
and interiors for civil aircraft; undercarriages; and avionics equipment,
including cockpit displays.
Major firms or prime contractors and systems integrators focus on
R&D and manufacture. These activities embrace the design, development
and testing of an aircraft, helicopter or missile followed by its manufacture. Manufacture comprises final assembly using a range of parts and
components which are ‘bought-in’ from specialist suppliers of equipment
(e.g. aero-engines) and a range of other suppliers and subcontractors
which form an extensive supply chain. Similar organisational arrangements apply for the manufacture of motor cars which focus on final
Aerospace involves two alternative forms of industrial organisation.
First, the typical industrial model in the USA, Europe and other nations
involves prime contracting firms undertaking R&D, design, testing and
manufacture. Second, some industries separate design and production. In
such cases, there are separate and specialist design bureaux which
specialise in the design, development and testing of an aircraft with
separate and specialist production plants manufacturing the final design
(e.g. Russia). These alternative forms of industrial organisation represent
efforts to minimise a firm’s transaction costs (the costs of doing
business). The first organisational form has operated in competitive
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markets and its survival and predominance suggests its superiority. Next,
questions arise about whether aerospace is an important industry and
In private enterprise economies, any industry and its component firms
survive on the basis of market forces and the profitability of its firms. But
left to themselves, private markets might fail to work properly in the
sense of failing to fully and accurately reflect consumer preferences.
Such market failure provides a basis for government intervention to
‘correct’ these failures and ‘improve’ the operation of markets. Is there
evidence of market failure in aerospace markets?
Private markets can fail to work properly because of market imperfections and externalities. Imperfections comprise monopoly, oligopoly (a
few large firms in the industry) and entry barriers preventing new
entrants to a market. Externalities arise where there are benefits and costs
which are ‘external’ to the market. Examples of harmful externalities
include pollution, aircraft noise and traffic congestion. Beneficial
externalities include research and development which provides benefits to
other firms in an economy (spill-overs) and flood controls which provide
protection to large numbers of households. Some of the medical treatment for injured soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq has been beneficial to
the treatment of civilian personnel (a beneficial spin-off). Aerospace
examples include the application of military aircraft technology to civil
aircraft, including the jet engine, radar and composite materials.
A special class of externality comprises ‘public goods’ which have
some distinctive features. These goods differ from normal private goods
in that they are characterised by ‘non-rivalry’ and ‘non-excludability’.
Non-rivalry means that one person’s consumption of the good is not at
the expense of anyone else’s consumption of the good and nonexcludability means that once the good is provided, people cannot be
excluded from its consumption. Defence is a classic example of a public
good. For example, once a city is provided with air defence, one person’s
consumption of its air defence is not at the expense of anyone else’s
consumption; nor can any citizen be excluded from the protection
provided by air defence (Hartley, 2011; Tisdell and Hartley, 2008).
Where market failures are identified, government has to decide
whether to intervene to ‘correct’ such failures. At the outset, government
needs to determine whether the market failure is substantial enough to
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The political economy of aerospace industries
merit state intervention, bearing in mind that intervention is not costless.
The form and extent of state intervention will depend on the precise
causes of market failure. For example, where market failure results from
monopoly and entry barriers, state intervention to correct such failure can
embrace a variety of policy solutions. The options include competition
policy (e.g. breaking-up a monopoly or allowing foreign imports) to state
regulation (e.g. of prices or profitability) or state ownership of a private
monopoly. Some of these policy measures have been applied to the
world’s aerospace industries. For example, a number of the world’s
aerospace industries (e.g. USSR; Indonesia) have been acquired by
government whilst others have remained under private ownership (e.g.
USA; UK) although state ownership has not always been the solution to
a private monopoly problem. In some cases, state ownership has reflected
a government desire to control wartime profitability to prevent excessive
wartime profits being earned by aircraft firms. Or, state ownership has
reflected a government desire to own and control an important and
military strategic industry. This suggests that there are other arguments
for an aerospace industry. One view is that aerospace is a strategic
Aerospace is a strategic industry in two senses. First, it is a militarily
strategic industry and second, it is an economically strategic industry.
In the military–strategic sphere, aerospace products are a central
component of national defence. Combat aircraft, helicopters and missiles
provide both defensive and offensive air power. Transport aircraft and
helicopters provide a capability to carry military personnel and equipment to various locations in the world. The question then arises as to
whether a nation relies on the import of foreign aerospace equipment or
whether it depends on a domestic source of supply. A national aerospace
industry has a variety of military and economic benefits. These include
independence, security of supply and re-supply, especially during conflicts, together with the ability to obtain equipment specially designed for
the operational requirements of national air forces and the ability to be an
informed buyer. There are also claimed to be additional wider economic
benefits in the form of jobs, exports and advanced technology, including
technical spin-offs to the civilian economy. These benefits need to be
assessed critically identifying special pleading, myths, emotion and
nationalism. When evaluating these claims, economists need to consider
their underlying economic logic and the available empirical evidence. A
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key economic question concerns the alternative use value of resources.
Would the resources allocated to the aerospace industry make a greater
contribution to jobs, exports and technology and ultimately national
economic welfare if they were used elsewhere in the economy?
Aerospace is also viewed as an economically strategic industry. These
are industries which are regarded as more important than others in
national economic development (i.e. leading industries). Examples
include civil aircraft, biotechnology, computers and telecommunications
(Siebert, 1997). These economically strategic industries have some
distinguishing economic characteristics. They are high technology and
R&D-intensive industries with technical spill-overs (external economies)
to the rest of the economy; they are decreasing cost industries reflecting
scale and learning economies; and they are imperfectly competitive based
on national monopolies and oligopolies (a few large firms) associated
with monopoly profits. These economically strategic industries are seen
as dominant in international trade: hence, the argument that governments
should intervene and support such industries with the aim of enabling a
nation to obtain a share of the monopoly profits.
Identifying a potential role for governments in strategic industries
creates two problems. First, there is a belief that strategic industries can
be identified by governments and that government should promote them.
The alternative view is that properly functioning private markets will
identify strategic and leading industries unless there are significant
market failures. Here, possible market failures include externalities (e.g.
technical spill-overs) and the short-termism of capital markets ‘failing’ to
fund strategic industries (an argument which needs to be evaluated
critically: see Chapter 10). Second, national governments will become
involved in strategic rivalry supporting their ‘national champions’. For
example, in civil aircraft markets, foreign governments may retaliate by
creating a new and rival civil aircraft industry (e.g. the original formation
of Airbus). Governments will also become involved in international trade
disputes (e.g. over subsidies). The outcome is highly complex ‘gameplaying’ involving governments and their ‘national champions’. It is not
clear that the eventual outcomes are efficiency improving: they might
well reduce efficiency through distorting international trade!
Civil aircraft is regarded as an economically strategic industry which
has received extensive government support. European examples of state
support include the funding of R&D, the finance of uneconomically low
production rates, the provision of long-term financial support, state
ownership, the provision of favourable export finance and government
requirements for national airlines to buy from the national aerospace
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The political economy of aerospace industries
industry. Overall, governments have changed market outcomes in the
civil aircraft market.
Airbus is a good example of the new international trade theory based
on imperfect competition, advanced technology, scale economies and the
notion that governments can create a nation’s comparative advantage.
The entry of Airbus into the world jet airliner market prevented Boeing
achieving a monopoly position enabling Airbus to obtain a share of these
monopoly profits. But, the creation of Airbus as a world class firm was
not costless (especially for French and German taxpayers). There also
arose a policy conflict between the USA and Europe with Boeing
accusing Europe of government subsidies for Airbus and Europe accusing
Boeing of receiving support from military procurement. These conflicting
claims were assessed by the World Trade Organization (WTO) which
found that Boeing had received between $3–4 billion of US subsidies and
that Airbus had received $18 billion in subsidies; but it did not view
European repayable launch investment as a subsidy.
Airbus is also an example of the traditional infant industry case for
state support of new entrants. Where there are significant scale and
learning economies, it is often argued that state support is needed to
allow an infant industry to enter a market and get started. It is claimed
that new entrants need to be supported until they become as efficient as
established foreign rivals and are able to compete on equal terms with
their more experienced foreign suppliers. State support can take the form
of subsidies, tariffs or preferential purchasing. Of course, the challenge
for policy-makers is to determine when the infant industry has become
established and is able to compete with its foreign rivals by achieving
scale and learning economies. Otherwise, state support becomes permanent and enables a protected industry to remain sheltered and less
efficient than its foreign rivals.
The analysis outlined above focusing on market failure and strategic
industries provides a basis for answering the question of whether
aerospace is an important industry and why it is important.
Typically, there are claims and assertions that aerospace is an important industry. Such claims focus on aerospace as a high technology and
leading industry for national economic development. They point to its
importance for jobs, technology, spill-overs and exports. Some of these
arguments fail to address the opportunity cost question concerning the
alternative use value of a nation’s resources allocated to the aerospace
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industry. Most economic activity creates jobs so to claim that aerospace
is important for jobs is not a convincing argument in this form: it has to
be shown that aerospace is better in the employment field than alternative
uses of resources. Typically, there are other industries which provide
more jobs (e.g. construction): the number of jobs provided by an industry
will be determined by its production technology and by wage rates.
Labour-intensive production and low wage rates will create larger numbers of jobs. However, the jobs argument for aerospace might be better
presented in terms of the quality of jobs (skills) rather than their quantity
(numbers). Here, it has to be shown that aerospace provides proportionately more high quality jobs than many other industries. Examples
include scientists, technologists, engineers and skilled production workers, including the numbers and proportions with university degrees (see
Chapters 8 and 10; Hayward, 1994).
A similar analysis applies to the technology, spin-off and export
arguments for the importance of the aerospace industry. Other industries
also contribute technology and exports benefits (e.g. computers; motor
cars; pharmaceuticals). Does aerospace make a greater contribution than
these other industries? This becomes an empirical question. The technology argument merits further exploration. Certainly, aerospace involves
advanced technology and it has demonstrated its ability to solve complex
technical problems reflected in the creation and development of manned
flight embracing combat aircraft, civil jet airliners, space exploration and
manned landings on the Moon. The new technology has been reflected in
new products which have emerged over the past 110 years (see Chapter
2). Technical progress has been both evolutionary and revolutionary (e.g.
the jet engine was a revolutionary technical change).
In addition to new advanced technology, some of the technology has
‘spilled-over’ into other fields. Examples of such ‘spill-overs’ include the
application of military jet engines to civil aircraft; the development of
radar; the application of composite materials from military aircraft to
civil airliners; the application of aircraft technology to racing cars and
motor cars; the use of jet engines on ships; and the application of
helicopter rotor blade technology to wind turbines. Whilst these and other
examples are impressive, they fail to address the key issue of the market
value of such ‘spill-overs’. A listing of numbers of examples is no
substitute for market values. Nor does the technology spill-over argument
identify the technology transfer mechanisms. These might include staff
mobility and the relationship between prime contractors and their supply
chains. Nevertheless, technical spill-overs form a beneficial externality
and hence a possible source of market failure.
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The political economy of aerospace industries
It is possible that aerospace markets are more likely to be characterised
by major market failures than other industries and markets. Two possibilities come to mind. First, technology and R&D markets are likely to fail
due to the costs of establishing property rights in valuable ideas and their
‘spin-offs’. Second, governments dominate the demand side of defence
markets and such dominance is a likely source of market failure (see
Chapters 3, 6 and 9).
The strategic industry analysis provides a basis for identifying the
importance of the aerospace industry. Aerospace is distinctive in that it is
strategic in both the military and economic spheres. It is an important
supplier of aerospace equipment for a nation’s armed forces and it is an
R&D-intensive and decreasing cost industry with beneficial externalities
through technical spill-overs. Governments are central to understanding
the industry, its behaviour and performance.
Aerospace is an advanced, high technology industry with an impressive
record of innovation and developing and producing high technology
products. These are believed to be a source of international competitiveness for modern developed economies which need to re-allocate
resources from labour-intensive industries to areas where they are more
competitive (creating new comparative advantages in international trade).
Aerospace is one such area which provides an R&D-intensive and
knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry capable of providing the
next generation of highly paid jobs able to sustain and raise living
standards. The rhetoric is impressive and the identification of aerospace
as a strategic industry provides a basis for identifying the industry as
important. But these are only qualitative arguments which are valuable as
a first stage in identifying aerospace as an important industry. However, a
convincing case showing the industry’s importance requires supporting
empirical evidence. How does aerospace compare with other industries
and the alternative use of its resources? Understanding of the issues
requires a brief overview of the history of the industry’s development and
its current position in the world market.
Eurostat (2012). Statistical Database: Classifications, NACE 30.3, European Commission, Luxembourg.
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Hartley, K. (2011). The Economics of Defence Policy, Routledge, London.
Hayward, K. (1994). The World Aerospace Industry, Duckworth and RUSI, London.
Siebert, H. (ed.) (1997). Towards a New Global Framework for High-Technology
Competition, JCB Mohr, Tubingen.
Tisdell, C. and Hartley, K. (2008). Microeconomic Policy: A New Perspective,
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA.
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