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2013, The Astrophysical Journal
6 pages
1 file
We report the discovery of a remarkable ultra-compact dwarf galaxy around the massive Virgo elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 (M60), which we term M60-UCD1. With a dynamical mass of 2.0×10 8 M but a half-light radius of only ∼ 24 pc, M60-UCD1 is more massive than any ultra-compact dwarfs of comparable size, and is arguably the densest galaxy known in the local universe. It has a twocomponent structure well-fit by a sum of Sérsic functions, with an elliptical, compact (r h = 14 pc; n ∼ 3.3) inner component and a round, exponential, extended (r h = 49 pc) outer component. Chandra data reveal a variable central X-ray source with L X ∼ 10 38 erg s −1 that could be an active galactic nucleus associated with a massive black hole or a low-mass X-ray binary. Analysis of optical spectroscopy shows the object to be old (10 Gyr) and of solar metallicity, with elevated [Mg/Fe] and strongly enhanced [N/Fe] that indicates light-element self-enrichment; such self-enrichment may be generically present in dense stellar systems. The velocity dispersion (σ ∼ 70 km s −1) and resulting dynamical mass-to-light ratio (M/L V = 4.9 ± 0.7) are consistent with-but slightly higher thanexpectations for an old, metal-rich stellar population with a Kroupa initial mass function. The presence of a massive black hole or a mild increase in low-mass stars or stellar remnants is therefore also consistent with this M/L V. The stellar density of the galaxy is so high that no dynamical signature of dark matter is expected. However, the properties of M60-UCD1 suggest an origin in the tidal stripping of a nucleated galaxy with M B ∼ −18 to −19.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006
This paper presents further results from our spectroscopic study of the globular cluster (GC) system of the group elliptical NGC 3923. From observations made with the GMOS instrument on the Gemini South telescope, an additional 50 GC and Ultra Compact Dwarf (UCD) candidates have been spectroscopically confirmed as members of the NGC 3923 system. When the recessional velocities of these GCs are combined with the 29 GC velocities reported previously, a total sample of 79 GC/UCD velocities is produced. This sample extends to over 6 arcmin (>6 R e ∼30 kpc) from the centre of NGC 3923, and is used to study the dynamics of the GC system and the dark matter content of NGC 3923. It is found that the GC system of NGC 3923 displays no appreciable rotation, and that the projected velocity dispersion is constant with radius within the uncertainties. The velocity dispersion profiles of the integrated light and GC system of NGC 3923 are indistinguishable over the region in which they overlap. We find some evidence that the diffuse light and GCs of NGC 3923 have radially biased orbits within ∼130 ′′ . The application of axisymmetric orbit-based models to the GC and integrated light velocity dispersion profiles demonstrates that a significant increase in the mass-to-light ratio (from M/L V = 8 to 26) at large galactocentric radii is required to explain this observation. We therefore confirm the presence of a dark matter halo in NGC 3923. We find that dark matter comprises 17.5 +7.3 −4.5 % of the mass within 1 R e , 41.2 +18.2 −10.6 % within 2 R e , and 75.6 +15.4 −16.8 % within the radius of our last kinematic tracer at 6.9 R e . The total dynamical mass within this radius is found to be 1.5 +0.4 −0.25 ×10 12 M ⊙ . In common with other studies of large ellipticals, we find that our derived dynamical mass profile is consistently higher than that derived by X-ray observations, by a factor of around 2.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2011
We present the first direct measurement of the central black hole mass, M • , in NGC 6086, the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) in Abell 2162. Our investigation demonstrates for the first time that stellar dynamical measurements of M • in BCGs are possible beyond the nearest few galaxy clusters. We observed NGC 6086 with laser guide star adaptive optics and the integral-field spectrograph (IFS) OSIRIS at the W.M. Keck Observatory, and with the seeing-limited IFS GMOS-N at Gemini Observatory North. We combined the IFS data sets with existing major-axis kinematics, and used axisymmetric stellar orbit models to determine M • and the R-band stellar mass-to-light ratio, M ⋆ /L R . We find M • = 3.6 +1.7 -1.1 × 10 9 M ⊙ and M ⋆ /L R = 4.6 +0.3 -0.7 M ⊙ /L ⊙ (68% confidence), from models using the most massive dark matter halo allowed within the gravitational potential of the host cluster. Models fitting only IFS data confirm M • ∼ 3 × 10 9 M ⊙ and M ⋆ /L R ∼ 4 M ⊙ /L ⊙ , with weak dependence on the assumed dark matter halo structure. When data out to 19 kpc are included, the unrealistic omission of dark matter causes the best-fit black hole mass to decrease dramatically, to 0.6 × 10 9 M ⊙ , and the best-fit stellar mass-to-light ratio to increase to 6.7 M ⊙ /L ⊙,R . The latter value is at further odds with stellar population studies favoring M ⋆ /L R ∼ 2 M ⊙ /L ⊙ . Biases from dark matter omission could extend to dynamical models of other galaxies with stellar cores, and revised measurements of M • could steepen the empirical scaling relationships between black holes and their host galaxies.
We present the first direct measurement of the central black hole mass, M • , in NGC 6086, the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) in Abell 2162. Our investigation demonstrates for the first time that stellar dynamical measurements of M • in BCGs are possible beyond the nearest few galaxy clusters. We observed NGC 6086 with laser guide star adaptive optics and the integral-field spectrograph (IFS) OSIRIS at the W.M. Keck Observatory, and with the seeing-limited IFS GMOS-N at Gemini Observatory North. We combined the IFS data sets with existing major-axis kinematics, and used axisymmetric stellar orbit models to determine M • and the R-band stellar mass-to-light ratio, M ⋆ /L R . We find M • = 3.6 +1.7 -1.1 × 10 9 M ⊙ and M ⋆ /L R = 4.6 +0.3 -0.7 M ⊙ /L ⊙ (68% confidence), from models using the most massive dark matter halo allowed within the gravitational potential of the host cluster. Models fitting only IFS data confirm M • ∼ 3 × 10 9 M ⊙ and M ⋆ /L R ∼ 4 M ⊙ /L ⊙ , with weak dependence on the assumed dark matter halo structure. When data out to 19 kpc are included, the unrealistic omission of dark matter causes the best-fit black hole mass to decrease dramatically, to 0.6 × 10 9 M ⊙ , and the best-fit stellar mass-to-light ratio to increase to 6.7 M ⊙ /L ⊙,R . The latter value is at further odds with stellar population studies favoring M ⋆ /L R ∼ 2 M ⊙ /L ⊙ . Biases from dark matter omission could extend to dynamical models of other galaxies with stellar cores, and revised measurements of M • could steepen the empirical scaling relationships between black holes and their host galaxies.
A recent study of ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) in the Virgo cluster revealed that some of them show faint envelopes and have measured mass-to-light ratios (M/Ls) of 5 and larger, which cannot be explained by simple population-synthesis models. It is believed that this proves that some of the UCDs must possess a dark matter halo and may therefore be the stripped nuclei of dwarf ellipticals rather than merged star cluster complexes.
Astrophysical Journal, 2006
We present a Chandra study of mass profiles in 7 elliptical galaxies, of which 3 have galaxy-scale and 4 group-scale halos, demarcated at 10 13 M ⊙ . These represent the best available data for nearby objects with comparable X-ray luminosities. We measure ∼flat mass-to-light (M/L) profiles within an optical half-light radius (R eff ), rising by an order of magnitude at ∼10R eff , which confirms the presence of dark matter (DM). The data indicate hydrostatic equilibrium, which is also supported by agreement with studies of stellar kinematics in elliptical galaxies. The data are well-fitted by a model comprising an NFW DM profile and a baryonic component following the optical light. The distribution of DM halo concentration parameters (c) versus M vir agrees with ΛCDM predictions and our observations of bright groups. Concentrations are slightly higher than expected, which is most likely a selection effect. Omitting the stellar mass drastically increases c, possibly explaining large concentrations found by some past observers. The stellar M/L K agree with population synthesis models, assuming a Kroupa IMF. Allowing adiabatic compression (AC) of the DM halo by baryons made M/L more discrepant, casting some doubt on AC. Our best-fitting models imply total baryon fractions ∼0.04-0.09, consistent with models of galaxy formation incorporating strong feedback. The groups exhibit positive temperature gradients, consistent with the "Universal" profiles found in other groups and clusters, whereas the galaxies have negative gradients, suggesting a change in the evolutionary history of the systems around M vir ≃ 10 13 M ⊙ .
The Astrophysical Journal, 2015
We use imaging from the Next Generation Virgo cluster Survey (NGVS) to present a comparative study of ultra-compact dwarf (UCD) galaxies associated with three prominent Virgo sub-clusters: those centered on the massive, red-sequence galaxies M87, M49 and M60. We show how UCDs can be selected with high completeness using a combination of half-light radius and location in color-color diagrams (u * iK s or u * gz). Although the central galaxies in each of these sub-clusters have nearly identical luminosities and stellar masses, we find large differences in the sizes of their UCD populations, with M87 containing ∼ 3.5 and 7.8 times more UCDs than M49 and M60, respectively. The relative abundance of UCDs in the three regions scales in proportion to sub-cluster mass, as traced by X-ray gas mass, total gravitating mass, number of globular clusters, and number of nearby galaxies. We find that the UCDs are predominantly blue in color, with ∼ 85% of the UCDs having colors similar to blue GCs and stellar nuclei of dwarf galaxies. We present evidence that UCDs surrounding M87 and M49 may follow a morphological sequence ordered by the prominence of their outer, low surface brightness envelope, ultimately merging with the sequence of nucleated low-mass galaxies, and that envelope prominence correlates with distance from either galaxy. Our analysis provides evidence that tidal stripping of nucleated galaxies is an important process in the formation of UCDs.
The Astrophysical Journal, 2001
A Chandra ACIS S3 observation of the X-ray faint elliptical galaxy NGC 4697 resolves much of the X-ray emission (61% of the counts from within one effective radius) into 90 point sources, of which ∼80 are low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) associated with this galaxy. The dominance of LMXBs indicates that X-ray faint early-type galaxies have lost much of their interstellar gas. On the other hand, a modest portion of the X-ray emission from NGC 4697 is due to hot gas. Of the unresolved emission, it is likely that about half is from fainter unresolved LMXBs, while the other half (∼23% of the total count rate) is from interstellar gas. The X-ray emitting gas in NGC 4697 has a rather low temperature (kT = 0.29 keV). The emission from the gas is very extended, with a much flatter surface brightness profile than the optical light, and has an irregular, L-shaped morphology. The physical state of the hot gas is uncertain; the X-ray luminosity and extended surface brightness are inconsistent with a global supersonic wind, a partial wind, or a global cooling inflow. The gas may be undergoing subsonic inflation, rotationally induced outflow, or ram pressure stripping. X-ray spectra of the resolved sources and diffuse emission show that the soft X-ray spectral component, found in this and other X-ray faint ellipticals with ROSAT, is due to interstellar gas. The cumulative LMXB spectrum is well-fit by thermal bremsstrahlung at kT = 8.1 keV, without a significant soft component.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2008
We analyse intermediate-resolution VLT FLAMES/Giraffe spectra of six ultracompact dwarf (UCD) galaxies in the Fornax cluster. We obtained velocity dispersions and stellar population properties by full spectral fitting against models. Objects span a large range of metallicities (-0.95 to -0.23 dex), 4 of them are older than 8 Gyr. Comparison of the stellar and dynamical masses suggests that UCDs have little dark matter at best. For one object, UCD3, the Salpeter initial mass function (IMF) results in the stellar mass significantly exceeding the dynamical one, whereas for the Kroupa IMF the values coincide. Although, this object may have peculiar dynamics or/and stellar populations, the Kroupa IMF seems more realistic. We find that UCDs lie well above the metallicity-luminosity relation of early-type galaxies. The same behaviour is demonstrated by some of the massive Milky Way globular clusters, known to contain composite stellar populations. Our results support two following UCD formation scenarii: (1) tidal stripping of nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies; (2) formation of tidal superclusters in galaxy mergers. We also discuss some of the alternative channels of the UCD formation binding them to globular clusters.
With this third paper of a series we present Johnson-Gunn B, g, V, r, i, z multicolour photometry for 79 objects, including a significant fraction of the faintest galaxies around NGC 5044, assessing group membership on the basis of apparent morphology (through accurate Sérsic profile fitting) and low-resolution (R = 500 − 1000) optical spectroscopy to estimate redshift for 21 objects. Early-and late-type systems are found to clearly separate in the Sérsic parameter space, with the well-known luminosity vs. shape relation being mostly traced by different morphological types spanning different ranges in the shape parameter n. A significantly blue colour is confirmed for Magellanic irregulars (Sm/Im's), while a drift toward bluer integrated colours is also an issue for dE's. Both features point to a moderate but pervasive star-formation activity even among nominally "quiescent" stellar systems. Together, dE's and Im's provide the bulk of the galaxy luminosity function, around M (g) ≃ −18.0 ± 1.5, while the S0 and dSph components dominate, respectively, the bright and faint-end tails of the distribution. This special mix places the NGC 5044 group just "midway" between the high-density cosmic aggregation scale typical of galaxy clusters, and the low-density environment of looser galaxy clumps like our Local Group. The bright mass of the 136 member galaxies with available photometry and morphological classification, as inferred from appropriate M/L model fitting, amounts to a total of 2.3 10 12 M ⊙. This is one seventh of the total dynamical mass of the group, according to its X-ray emission. Current SFR within the group turns to be about 23 M ⊙ yr −1 , a figure that may however be slightly increased facing the evident activity among dwarf ellipticals, as shown by enhanced Hβ emission in their spectra. Lick narrow-band indices have been computed for 17 galaxies, probing all the relevant atomic and molecular features in the 4300-5800Å wavelength range. Dwarf ellipticals are found to share a sub-solar metallicity (−1.0 [Fe/H] −0.5) with a clear decoupling between Iron and α elements, as already established also for highmass systems. Both dE's and dS0's are consistent with an old age, about one Hubble time, although a possible bias, toward higher values of age, may be induced by the gas emission affecting the Hβ strength.
Anais do II Congresso Brasileiro de Pedagogia e Performance Coral da UFRJ, 2024
The technique of vowel modification is an essential point in the construction of choral sonority. This work presents partial results of an applied action-research in progress in the area of choral practices’ systematization and aims to evaluate the conflict between the configuration of frontal articulators in the spoken vowels and the physiological conditions required for the development of choral sonority. This analysis will result in the clarification of the concepts related to the adjustment technique and an initial proposal for systematization of the articulation of the sung vowels, comparing the results of the practical application of this technique with the research of Johan Sundberg (2018) and Richard Miller (2019), as well as the premises of Henry Leck (2020), Shirlee Emmons and Constance Chase (2006).
Objects with sizes and masses between those of globular clusters and compact ellipticals (r h ∼ 10-100 pc; M V ∼ −9 to −14) were first discovered in spectroscopic surveys of galaxy clusters (Hilker et al. 1999;Drinkwater et al. 2000). They were quickly dubbed "ultra-compact dwarf" galaxies (UCDs), even though their galaxian nature was unclear. Large populations of UCDs have been discovered in Fornax, Virgo, and other galaxy clusters, as well as in group and field environments-see reviews in Chilingarian et al. (2011), Norris & Kannappan (2011), and Brodie et al. (2011).
UCD formation scenarios have coalesced around two poles: star cluster or galaxy. In the former scenario, UCDs form the massive end of the normal sequence of globular clusters (Mieske et al. 2012). Further, if some star clusters form in gravitationally-bound complexes, these can merge to make objects that are larger and more massive than single clusters (Brüns et al. 2011).
Alternatively, UCDs could be galaxies that formed in individual dark matter halos-either "in situ", as unusual, extremely compact galaxies-or as the products of tidal stripping of more massive progenitor galaxies (e.g., Drinkwater et al. 2003).
A reasonable synthesis of these scenarios may be that the least-massive "UCDs", with ∼ 10 6 M , are largely star clusters, while the most massive objects ( 10 8 M ) are galaxies, or the tidally stripped remnants thereof. At intermediate masses both star clusters and galaxies may co-exist (e.g., Norris & Kannappan 2011;Brodie et al. 2011).
There is more at stake than the natural desire to understand these novel stellar systems. If a significant fraction of UCDs contain dark matter, then they form a populous class that must be included in counts of subhalos for comparisons to cosmological theory. Further, if some UCDs are formed by tidal stripping, their chemical and structural properties help trace galaxy transformation.
Here we report the discovery of an extraordinary UCD around the Virgo elliptical NGC 4649 (M60). It has a half-light radius of 24 pc but a stellar mass of 2×10 8 M , giving it the highest surface density of any galaxy in the local universe. We also present evidence that this UCD may contain a central supermassive black hole.
We discovered M60-UCD1 in the Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys imaging of Strader et al. (2012). We have a single orbit of imaging split between F 475W and F 850LP (hereafter g and z). M60-UCD1 is located at (R.A., Dec.) = (190.8999, 11.5347) arXiv:1307.7707v2 [astro-ph.CO] 14 Aug 2013 in decimal J2000 coordinates. This is at a projected distance of only ∼ 6.6 kpc from the center of M60 ( Figure 1; assuming a distance of 16.5 Mpc; Blakeslee et al. 2009). No mention is made of M60-UCD1 in previous Virgo surveys, including the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (Côté et al. 2004). It is present in the SDSS DR7 photometric catalog (Abazajian et al. 2009) as J124335.96+113204.6, and was classified by Simard et al. (2011) as a background galaxy.
Figure 1
HST /ACS color image of the central region of M60, showing the location of M60-UCD1 (solid circle). A typical UCD (A32, ∼ 3 × 10 6 M ; Strader et al. 2012) is also marked (dashed circle) for reference.
Aperture photometry of M60-UCD1 gives a total integrated magnitude of z = 15.86 ± 0.02 and g = 17.40 ± 0.02, yielding g − z = 1.54 ± 0.03 (the g and z magnitudes in this paper are AB). The measured half-light radius (see below) is r e = 24.2 ± 0.5 pc. The inferred total luminosities are: L g = (3.26 ± 0.06) × 10 7 L ; L z = (7.88 ± 0.14) × 10 7 L ; and L V = (4.12 ± 0.08) × 10 7 L . With M V = −14.2, M60-UCD1 is the most luminous UCD known (see §4.1 for further discussion).
We fit the optical imaging with one and two-component elliptical Sérsic models. These fits, shown in Figure 2, were performed by fitting two-dimensional models convolved with an empirical point spread function (PSF) using a custom software package as described in Seth et al. (2006). The PSF (10× subsampled) was derived from point sources in the images. The fits were performed on a 5 ×5 image centered on the UCD, with the background galaxy gradient from M60 itself removed. The fits are not very sensitive to the fitting box size.
Figure 2
Top panel:
From the residual map ( Figure 2), it is clear that a single Sérsic component provides a poor fit. In particular, the ellipticity of M60-UCD1 becomes more circular at larger radii, leaving a residual along the minor axis. The radial shape of the surface brightness profile is also poorly fit.
However, using a two-component Sérsic model, a very good fit (χ 2 ν =1.07 in g) is obtained. Table 1 gives the parameters for the single and double Sérsic g band fits and the double Sérsic z fits. For the two-component fits the Sérsic parameters n and r e are very similar between the filters. Because the g band provides a much better fit (probably due to PSF modeling issues in z), all structural values cited are from the g fits.
Table 1
For the best-fit two-component model, the inner component is compact (r e = 14 pc), with modest ellipticity ( = 0.25), and has about 58% of the total luminosity of M60-UCD1. The outer component is more extended (r e = 49 pc), round, and with a nearly exponential profile (n ∼ 1.2). The overall half-light radius is r e = 24.2 ± 0.5 pc, empirically measured using the deconvolved g surface brightness profile. This value is similar to the radius derived from the single component Sérsic fit; within this radius we estimate Using the Keck/DEIMOS spectrum, the integrated velocity dispersion of M60-UCD1 was measured by crosscorrelating the region around the Ca triplet with a library of templates of the same resolution and wavelength coverage, as described by Strader et al. (2011). This value is σ p = 68 ± 5 km s −1 . The radial velocity of M60-UCD1 is 1290 ± 5 km s −1 ; the systemic velocity of M60 is 1117 km s −1 (González 1993).
We estimate a dynamical mass for M60-UCD1 using the virial theorem:
e r e /G. β is a parameter that depends on the structure of the galaxy and is smaller for more concentrated systems; σ e is the integrated velocity dispersion within r e . Following the results of Cappellari et al. 2006for a range of Sérsic profiles, we assume β = 7, intermediate between the applicable values for the n = 3.3 and n = 1.2 profiles (corresponding to the inner and outer components respectively). We further estimate that σ e = 71 ± 5 km s −1 , slightly higher than the measured value of σ p , by integrating over our DEIMOS extraction window (1.2 × 1.0 ) and accounting for seeing.
The dynamical mass determined in this manner is M vir = (2.0 ± 0.3) × 10 8 M . The systematic uncertainties are significant: we have assumed isotropy, sphericity, and mass-follows-light. Dividing this dynamical mass by the total luminosity of M60-UCD1 yields a mass-to-light ratio of M/L V = 4.9±0.7. The flexible stellar population synthesis models of Conroy et al. (2009), using Padova isochrones and a Kroupa initial mass function (IMF), predict M/L V = (3.5, 4.2, 4.7) for solar metallicity and ages of (8,10,12) Gyr, respectively 8 . If M60-UCD1 has a younger age, the dynamical M/L V could imply an elevation in lowmass stars or stellar remnants over Kroupa IMF model predictions. For older ages there is an excellent match between the observed M/L V and the model predictions. As discussed in §3.3, a modest increase in the central velocity dispersion (and hence M/L) could also be caused by the presence of a supermassive black hole with a mass ∼ 10% of that of the UCD (Mieske et al. 2013). Dark matter is not expected to contribute to the M/L ( §4.2).
M60-UCD1 is marginally resolved in our DEIMOS observations, and so some spatially-resolved kinematic information is available. The 5 slitlet was aligned close to the major axis of the object. Using the sky-subtracted two-dimensional spectrum, we determined the radial ve- locity and velocity dispersion on a pixel-by-pixel basis (one pixel is ∼ 0.12 ). There is clear rotation present, with an amplitude of ∼ 30 km s −1 to a projected radius of ∼ 1.1 . A decline of comparable amplitude in the velocity dispersion is also observed. Since the radial profiles are strongly affected by seeing, we do not attempt dynamical modeling. However, these data provide motivation to obtain improved kinematic maps in the future using integral-field spectroscopy.
A spectrum of M60-UCD1 was obtained on the night of 17 January 2012 with Keck/DEIMOS (Faber et al. 2003), utilizing the 1200 l/mm grating centered at 7800Å and a 1 slit (resolution ∼ 1.5Å). We obtained three 30min exposures in 0.8 seeing. Using the spec2d pipeline (Cooper et al. 2012), the spectra were extracted, calibrated, and combined in the standard manner to produce a final one-dimensional spectrum.
To improve stellar population constraints, further spectroscopy was undertaken with MMT/Hectospec (Fabricant et al. 2005) on 16 May 2012, using the 270 l/mm grating with wavelength coverage from 3700 to 9100Å and 5Å resolution. Three 20-min exposures were taken in 0.9 seeing. These Hectospec data were pipelinereduced in a standard manner as described in Mink et al. (2007).
We constrain the stellar populations of M60-UCD1 using our MMT/Hectospec spectrum (with its wide wavelength range) and the models of Conroy & van Dokkum (2012a; with additions from Conroy & van Dokkum 2012b). These are stellar population synthesis models with variable abundance ratios for 11 elements. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is used to simultaneously fit the entire available optical spectrum.
The derived values are listed in Table 2. The uncertainties quoted are solely statistical, and do not include the substantial systematic uncertainties necessarily present in any integrated-light study of stellar populations. The rms residuals in the fit were < 1% over most of the spectrum. The formal age is 14.5 ± 0.5 Gyr, indicating an old stellar population.
Table 2
This abundance is largely determined by the resonance doublet at 589 nm, but the 819nm Na I line gives a consistent result.
M60-UCD1 is of solar metallicity with a mild elevation in [α/Fe] over solar. The abundances for C, O, and αelements appear very similar to the mean values for highσ local early-type galaxies determined in a similar manner (Conroy et al. 2013). However, the abundance of N is unusual: it is strongly enhanced, with [N/Fe] ∼ +0.6, comparable to the average value observed in globular clusters (e.g., Briley et al. 2004). The high abundance of N in globular clusters is generally attributed to selfenrichment by the winds of asymptotic giant branch stars (Gratton et al. 2012). Our results suggest light-element self-enrichment may also be present in UCDs, presum- The two-dimensional residuals of the bestfitting single Sérsic (left) and double Sérsic (right) fits. Contours show the g surface brightness at µg = 17 to 23 mag/arcsec 2 . Bottom panel: One-dimensional profile showing the results of our two-dimensional fits to the g surface brightness profile of M60-UCD1. The fit is shown in the top panel and the residual (data minus model, units of mag/arcsec 2 ) in the bottom panel. Open black diamonds show the data and residuals, green dashed and blue dot-dashed lines the inner and outer components, and solid red line the sum. All fits were performed in two dimensions; these profiles are for display only.
ably related to their high stellar densities.
We note [Na/Fe] varies strongly with σ in early-type galaxies, increasing from ∼ 0 to ∼ +0.4 for σ ∼ 140 to 300. The M60-UCD1 abundance ([Na/Fe] ∼ +0.4) is therefore difficult to interpret: it could be expected, or could represent a large enhancement over baseline.
As a check on these values, we performed a standard Lick index analysis using EZ Ages (Graves & Schiavon 2008). These values are also listed in Table 2, and the same caveats apply. This analysis gave a formal age of ∼ 9-11 Gyr and similar abundance values for most of the elements in common with the full-spectrum analysis (C, Ca, Mg, Fe). For N the EZ Ages analysis does not yield a reliable value, as the CN index strength is off the grids. The Lick CN 2 index for M60-UCD1 (0.24 mag) is comparable to that in most metal-rich M31 globular clusters, which are also thought to be self-enriched (Schiavon et al. 2012).
The very high abundance of N appears to be a robust conclusion of the analysis.
3.3. X-ray Data: Central Black Hole or X-ray Binary? An X-ray source at the position of M60-UCD1 is present in the Chandra/ACIS catalog of Luo et al. (2013). The central astrometric matching between the Chandra and HST data is excellent due to the large X-ray binary and globular cluster populations of M60, with an rms scatter of 0.17 . This X-ray source, termed XID 144 by Luo et al. (2013), has a position consistent with the optical center of M60-UCD1. There is evidence that it is variable, with its X-ray luminosity (from 0.3 to 8 keV) ranging from ∼ 6 × 10 37 to ∼ 1.3 × 10 38 erg/s over timescales as short as a few months. The X-ray spectrum is well-fit by a absorbed power-law with a photon index of 1.8.
There are two reasonable possibilities for this central X-ray source: it could either be an active galactic nucleus associated with a massive black hole or a low-mass X-ray binary.
The case for a central black hole is straightforward. If the black hole occupation fraction of dwarf galaxies is high, and if UCDs are the products of tidal stripping of dwarf galaxies, then a significant fraction of UCDs should have "overmassive" black holes that could be detected through dynamical or accretion signatures. If UCDs have been stripped of 99% or more of their original mass (we estimate in §4.2 that the progenitor of M60-UCD1 was ∼ 50-200 times more massive), then they could host supermassive black holes that are 10% of their presentday masses (Mieske et al. 2013). Frank et al. (2011) constrain a putative black hole to be < 5% of the total mass of one Fornax cluster UCD through integral-field spectroscopy.
The observed X-ray luminosity would be consistent with a ∼ 10 7 M black hole accreting at 10 −4 of the Eddington rate with a radiative efficiency of 10 −3 . This Eddington ratio of 10 −7 would be typical of nuclei with old stellar populations (Ho 2009).
We can also estimate the odds that M60-UCD1 contains a bright X-ray binary. Sivakoff et al. (2007) derive formulae to estimate the probability that a globular cluster contains a low-mass X-ray binary with L X > 3.2 × 10 38 erg/s. The odds are higher for metal-rich clusters and those with high encounter rates. Applying their results, but extrapolating to the fainter luminosity observed, suggests a ∼ 25% chance of having observed a low-mass X-ray binary in M60-UCD1. However, these results are of uncertain relevance for an object with a different structure and formation history than a globular cluster (since what is pertinent is the integratednot instantaneous-collision rate). Dabringhausen et al. (2012) suggest UCDs have a lower occurrence of lowmass X-ray binaries than expected on the basis of the Sivakoff et al. (2007) results. vs. log L V for dispersion-supported stellar systems (GC=globular cluster; cE=compact elliptical; E=early-type galaxy; dE=dwarf elliptical). The inner component and overall parameters for M60-UCD1 (red stars) are marked, as are the comparison objects M32 and the luminous M31 cluster G1 (blue squares). Globular clusters (the union of objects with re < 10 pc and non-dwarf galaxies with M V > −9; Brodie et al. 2011) are small points; galaxies are large points. M60-UCD1 has a higher Σ than any other galaxy. The black arrow represents the proposed evolution of the progenitor of M60-UCD1 as it was tidally stripped. The principal data source for this figure is the spectroscopically-confirmed compilation of Brodie et al. (2011) a , with updates from Forbes et al. (2013).
a See
Future observations can help clarify the nature of the X-ray source. For example, if M60-UCD1 hosts a 10 6 M black hole that lies on the radio-X-ray fundamental plane for black holes (Plotkin et al. 2012), it should be detectable with the Very Large Array. Figure 3 shows a plot of log Σ vs. log L V for dispersionsupported stellar systems. Σ is the mean surface luminosity density within r e . Globular clusters are plotted with different symbols than galaxies. It is clear that M60-UCD1 is an unusual object: it is much denser than any other object classified as a galaxy. It is more massive than any UCD or star cluster of comparable size, but is much more compact than other galaxies of similar luminosity.
Figure 3
log Σ (mean surface luminosity density within re)
The Densest Galaxy?
M60-UCD1 is not the densest stellar system known. That honor goes to any of a number of nuclear star clusters, which can reach mean surface densities of > 10 5 M pc −2 within r e (Walcher et al. 2005; these are not plotted in Figure 3). Many massive globular clusters are also extremely dense. However, M60-UCD1 is arguably the densest galaxy known in the local universe. Using the M/L V from §3.2.1, its mean effective surface density is Σ = 5.4 × 10 4 M pc −2 , a factor of 2.5-3 higher than for M32. The inner component of M60-UCD1, with r e ∼ 14 pc, has a mean Σ ∼ 9 × 10 4 M pc −2 , comparable to that of many nuclear star clusters. The central volume density of M60-UCD1 is not well-constrained by the present data.
The object most similar to M60-UCD1 is HUCD1, a Hydra Cluster UCD, which has r e = 25 pc and M V = −13.4 (Misgeld et al. 2011), though M59cO (Chilingarian & Mamon 2008) and several Coma Cluster UCDs (Chiboucas et al. 2011) are also similar, if less extreme. It seems likely that ongoing surveys for UCDs will turn up additional objects with properties comparable to M60-UCD1.
Table 1 Surface
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