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2005, RNA
6 pages
1 file
Human tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase from mitochondria (mt-TyrRS) presents dual sequence features characteristic of eubacterial and archaeal TyrRSs, especially in the region containing amino acids recognizing the N1-N72 tyrosine identity pair. This would imply that human mt-TyrRS has lost the capacity to discriminate between the G1-C72 pair typical of eubacterial and mitochondrial tRNATyr and the reverse pair C1-G72 present in archaeal and eukaryal tRNATyr. This expectation was verified by a functional analysis of wild-type or mutated tRNATyr molecules, showing that mt-TyrRS aminoacylates with similar catalytic efficiency its cognate tRNATyr with G1-C72 and its mutated version with C1-G72. This provides the first example of a TyrRS lacking specificity toward N1-N72 and thus of a TyrRS disobeying the identity rules. Sequence comparisons of mt-TyrRSs across phylogeny suggest that the functional behavior of the human mt-TyrRS is conserved among all vertebrate mt-TyrRSs.
Structure, 2007
We report the first structure of a human mitochondrial synthetase, namely tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (mt-TyrRS) in complex with an adenylate analog at 2.2 Å resolution.
Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 2007
Human mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase and a truncated version with its C-terminal S4-like domain deleted were purified and crystallized. Only the truncated version, which is active in tyrosine activation and Escherichia coli tRNA Tyr charging, yielded crystals suitable for structure determination. These tetragonal crystals, belonging to space group P4 3 2 1 2, were obtained in the presence of PEG 4000 as a crystallizing agent and diffracted X-rays to 2.7 Å resolution. Complete data sets could be collected and led to structure solution by molecular replacement.
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2006
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression, 2000
Human mitochondrial phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (mtPheRS) has been identi®ed from the human EST database. Using consensus sequences derived from conserved regions of the a and b-subunits from bacterial PheRS, two partially sequenced cDNA clones were identi®ed. Unexpectedly, sequence analysis indicated that one of these clones was a truncated form of the other. Detailed analysis indicates that unlike the (ab) 2 structure of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cytoplasmic forms of PheRS, the human mtPheRS consists of a single polypeptide chain. This protein has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Gel ®ltration and analytical velocity sedimentation centrifugation indicate that the human mtPheRS is active in a monomeric form. The N-terminal 314 amino acid residues appear to be analogous to the a-subunit of the prokaryotic PheRS, while the C-terminal 100 amino acid residues correspond to a region of the b-subunit known to interact with the anticodon of tRNA Phe . Comparisons with the sequences of PheRS from yeast and Drosophila mitochondria indicate they are 42 % and 51 % identical with the human mtPheRS, respectively. Sequence analysis con®rms the presence of motifs characteristic of class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. K M and k cat values for ATP:PP i exchange and for the aminoacylation reaction carried out by human mtPheRS have been determined. Evolutionary origins of this small monomeric human mtPheRS are unknown, however, implications are that this enzyme is a result of the simpli®cation of the more complex (ab) 2 bacterial PheRS in which speci®c functional regions were retained.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2014
Background: Translation of Tyr codons is highly prone to Phe misincorporation during amino acid limitation in CHO cells. Results: CHO TyrRS is error-prone and readily aminoacylates tRNA Tyr with Phe. Conclusion: Mammalian TyrRS has evolved to be significantly less accurate than its bacterial counterpart. Significance: Different evolutionary constraints determine the accuracy of translation quality control in eukaryotes and bacteria. . 2 The abbreviations used are: aa-tRNA, aminoacyl tRNA(s); aaRS, aminoacyl tRNA synthetase; TyrRS, tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase; PheRS, phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase; EMAP, endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide. Downloaded from FIGURE 5. Hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interaction between TyrRS and tyrosyl-adenylate. A, the image shows a comparison of the hydrogenbonding interaction between TyrRS and substrate tyrosine. The image corresponds to a superposition of G. stearothermophilus and human TyrRS from PDB files 1tyd (chain E) and 1q11 (chain A). G. stearothermophilus TyrRS is in gold, human TyrRS is in cyan, and substrate tyrosine in the active site is in green. Amino acids making hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions are numbered with human TyrRS numbering in parentheses. B, hydrogen bonding between the tyrosyl adenylate and TyrRS in the active site of G. stearothermophilus with CHO TyrRS numbering in parentheses. MC, main chain.
Journal of nucleic acids, 2011
In animal mitochondria, six codons have been known as nonuniversal genetic codes, which vary in the course of animal evolution. They are UGA (termination codon in the universal genetic code changes to Trp codon in all animal mitochondria), AUA (Ile to Met in most metazoan mitochondria), AAA (Lys to Asn in echinoderm and some platyhelminth mitochondria), AGA/AGG (Arg to Ser in most invertebrate, Arg to Gly in tunicate, and Arg to termination in vertebrate mitochondria), and UAA (termination to Tyr in a planaria and a nematode mitochondria, but conclusive evidence is lacking in this case). We have elucidated that the anticodons of tRNAs deciphering these nonuniversal codons (tRNA(Trp) for UGA, tRNA(Met) for AUA, tRNA(Asn) for AAA, and tRNA(Ser) and tRNA(Gly) for AGA/AGG) are all modified; tRNA(Trp) has 5-carboxymethylaminomethyluridine or 5-taurinomethyluridine, tRNA(Met) has 5-formylcytidine or 5-taurinomethyluridine, tRNA(Ser) has 7-methylguanosine and tRNA(Gly) has 5-taurinomethylu...
J Mol Biol, 2000
Sequence comparisons have been combined with mutational and kinetic analyses to elucidate how the catalytic mechanism of Bacillus stearothermophilus tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase evolved. Catalysis of tRNA Tyr aminoacylation by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase involves two steps: activation of the tyrosine substrate by ATP to form an enzyme-bound tyrosyl-adenylate intermediate, and transfer of tyrosine from the tyrosyl-adenylate intermediate to tRNA Tyr. Previous investigations indicate that the class I conserved KMSKS motif is involved in only the ®rst step of the reaction (i.e. tyrosine activation). Here, we demonstrate that the class I conserved HIGH motif also is involved only in the tyrosine activation step. In contrast, one amino acid that is conserved in a subset of the class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, Thr40, and two amino acids that are present only in tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases, Lys82 and Arg86, stabilize the transition states for both steps of the tRNA aminoacylation reaction. These results imply that stabilization of the transition state for the ®rst step of the reaction by the class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases preceded stabilization of the transition state for the second step of the reaction. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the ability of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases to catalyze the activation of amino acids with ATP preceded their ability to catalyze attachment of the amino acid to the 3 H end of tRNA. We propose that the primordial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases replaced a ribozyme whose function was to promote the reaction of amino acids and other small molecules with ATP.
“Turchia e Grecia: due paesi e due popoli con storie intramontabili e futuri incerti”. Con questa ricerca scientifica ho voluto approfondire le mie conoscenze riguardo agli interessi reali che uniscono e dividono i due Stati-nazione sulle sponde dell'Egeo. L’analisi è focalizzata sui rapporti intercorsi fra Atene e Ankara dalla Guerra Fredda ai giorni nostri, con particolare riguardo alla complessa questione cipriota. L'isola del Mediterraneo orientale, infatti, ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale per la convivenza tra i due paesi che hanno avuto ricorrenti momenti di forte incomprensione negli ultimi decenni. Attualmente Nicosia è all’origine del congelamento dell’ingresso della Turchia nell’Unione Europea. Se per la Grecia, la questione cipriota ha costituito la base del veto all’adesione turca, generando ulteriori polemiche, per Ankara Cipro ha creato problemi sia in politica estera che interna. Fino a quando la Turchia perseguirà l’entrata nell’UE, non potrà non riconoscere ufficialmente uno dei paesi, la Repubblica di Cipro, membri dell'Unione. Negli oltre quarant’anni di divisione, le due parti dell’isola hanno intrapreso percorsi nettamente distinti. Mentre l’autoproclamata Repubblica di Cipro Nord è diventata di fatto una provincia turca arretrata dal punto di vista dello sviluppo economico, la Repubblica di Cipro (quella greca) si è trasformata in una destinazione turistica Mediterranea molto ambita e in un’area di attrazione di investimenti stranieri. Dopo il fallimento del Piano Annan nel 2004, a seguito dell'esito negativo del referendum sulla riunificazione fra la popolazione greco-cipriota, le speranze di una soluzione definitiva del problema sono state deluse. Tuttavia la necessità di risolvere la faccenda è diventata impellente specie per la Turchia e le sue ambizioni in materia di politica estera. Se le Nazioni Unite sono da quasi mezzo secolo impegnate sul territorio alla ricerca di tentativi per giungere ad un accordo, l’UE ha sempre mantenuto un atteggiamento distaccato, nonostante la controversia abbia coinvolto due stati membri dell’Unione e uno che ambisce ad entrarvi. Il ruolo di Bruxelles si è, però, recentemente trasformato e oggi l’isola sembra aver riavviato i negoziati che dovrebbero portare ad una storica decisione entro quest’anno. Questo processo influisce in maniera notevole nella scacchiera regionale a seguito della crisi dei migranti e del declino del sogno europeo. I dialoghi tra i due fronti per tentare di riunificare una volta per tutte l’isola sono ripresi e ad aprire uno spiraglio nella questione è stato il problema dei migranti. Infatti in cambio di negoziati più incisivi per una soluzione della disputa cipriota, Bruxelles a marzo 2016 ha siglato con Ankara un accordo relativo all’intrattenimento sul suolo turco dei migranti, a fronte di alcune concessioni quali sei miliardi di euro, l’abolizione del visto per i cittadini turchi e l’accelerazione del processo di adesione all’UE. Questa mossa non ha fatto altro che confermare la debolezza dell’Unione Europea e rafforzare il ruolo di Ankara non sono nella regione mediorientale ma anche in quello europeo e internazionale.
T h i s i s t o c e r t i f y t h a t t h e p r o j e c t w o r k " HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN WIPRO TECHNOLOGY LTD." i s a b o n a f i d e r e c o r d o f w o r k d o n e b y Pooja Soni u n d e r g u i d a n c e o f M s . S a m a n M a t l o o b i n p a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r t h e p r o j e c t . M s . S a m a n M a t l o o b
Revista Brasileira de Sociologia do Direito, 2024
Medien und die Koordination des Handelns, 2017
Cretaceous Research, 2018
Results in Chemistry, 2021
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013
Journal of Virology, 2005
Journal of Development Economics, 1978
European Journal of Soil Biology, 2018