Volume 78 - Special Edition - ARTICLE II - 2008
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To speak of the Symposium is to speak of the history of the Escola Superior de Educação Física of the Universidade
Federal de Pelotas, it is to speak of our own history as teachers of the physical education.
This study is part of a research whose objective was to analyze all of the registrations of the 25 editions of the Simposio
Nacional de Educação Física to identify the works presented that had as subject to the school physical education. In this article,
the data are presented regarding the studies found that problematized the teaching processes and learning in the physical
The option for doing a study of this nature is due the perception that the subject school has been receiving specialists'
of the area of the physical education great attention there are already some decades. Especially, in the Symposium the study
revealed that some subjects on the school are focus of the specialists' reflection from the first editions.
The National Symposium of physical education is an event promoted by the Superior School of physical education of
the Federal University of Balls. It is treated of an annual event, that had the first edition in 1980.
This study is of the bibliographical type (BARROS and LEHFELD, 1986). The main sources of search of the
information were the annals and the collections of the Symposium. The choice of those documents happened because they are
them that synthesize all the organization of the event and, in that way, they translate the subjects and actions that were prioritized
in each one of the editions. The whole rising process and analysis of the data was accomplished from April to September of 2007.
To accomplish the analysis of the data it was made a rising of all of the works initially found that made some discussion type on the
school. In the 25 editions of the Symposium was the subject in round tables, conferences, lectures, courses, subject-liberate,
oral communications, posters and panels.
Made the identification, it went to a classification of the works by subjects. In this article they are presented the
discussions that focused subjects regarding the teaching process and learning in the physical education.
The classification of the subjects
The following discussions were classified in the subject teaching process and learning in the studies about the school
physical education of the Symposium: planning, contents, evaluation, pedagogic practice (including the discussion theoretical
and practical classes) and pedagogic political project.
Of the modalities of presentation of the works in the Symposium prevailed, for those categories, presentations of
posters, round tables, conferences, scientific communications, courses, free subjects and reports of experience.
"Contents in the physical education" discipline, it went to the category with the largest number of works in the editions
of the Symposium. They were fourteen posters, three courses, nine scientific communications and twenty-six free subjects and
reports of experience.
The "Pedagogic" Practice was composed for twenty-three works, being four in posters, two round tables and seven
works of scientific communication. Nine works were presented as free subject and an as conference. This happened in the 6th
edition of the Symposium, in 1985, whose title was identical to the subject of that edition " School physical education in the day by
day ".
About "Evaluation" seventeen works were presented, eight between free subject and reports of experience, seven
posters and also a conference that happened in the 5° Symposium, in 1984. Was a scientific communication presented in the XIX
Simpósio whose title " In the universe of the School physical education, which is the space of the evaluation "? what was related
with the subject of that edition directly: " How to evaluate in physical education? Current " tendencies.
In compensation, the other subjects didn't present many works, only six were about Planning, nine on Pedagogic
Political Project and ten on Theory and Practices Pedagogic. In this last one, three works were posters, two were scientific
communication and still, five works were free subject and report of experience.
On Pedagogic Political Project, four works were presented as posters and two as free subject. One was scientific and
other communication a round table, both presented in the 18th edition of the Symposium. There is still the presentation of a
conference on the subject that happened in the 6th edition of the Symposium, in 1985.
In numbers, the category with less works presented in the editions of the Symposium was the related to the Planning
that had three posters, two scientific communications and a free subject presented in 1989 in the 10th edition of the event.
The exposed categories in this subject present subjects that are directly linked to the daily of the students and of the
teachers. They are defined subjects out of the space of the class, but that reflect her base the whole teaching process in the
To proceed they will be introduced each one of the categories gathered in this subject.
Theory and Practice
This subject can be analyzed under two perspectives: the relationship among the acquired theory for the teachers and
the practice that it is in force in their classes, or the relationship among the last theory to the students and the one that they
produce in the practical classes.
The framed works in this subject seek, in majority, to find relationships between the theory and the practice and, also,
to verify the difference among what is said and what is made in the physical education. Other works analyze the relationship
Volume 78 - Special Edition - ARTICLE II - 2008
theory and practice built by the physical education teacher relating with initial formation. In that case it is necessary to evaluate
two groups of teachers: the unidocentes (formed in universities or of medium level) and the specialists (formed in Courses of
Degree in physical education).
The teachers with teaching or the educators have a wider formation and, usually, they supply the physical education
classes based in a group of you know, knowledge, techniques and values learned along initial formation. However, such teachers
have a smaller existence of the practices of the physical education, as well as, a more limited knowledge of that that is more
specific of the area. Already the physical education teachers have a larger access to that that is more specific of the area, as well
as, a more restricted access to the widest discussions of the education field.
In the works found in the Symposium, that problematize the subjects of the theory and of the practice, the subject of
the responsibility for the physical education in the initial series is a present plenty subject. This because, several studies defend
the need of the specialist's presence for the possibility of accomplishing a work with more quality in the area, since this would
possess a more intense existence of the practices.
In fact, in this point it interests that the student has physical education classes and that he has development
possibilities as human being. The relationship theory and practice can be perfectly accomplished by the specialist or for the
teacher curricular. Like this, it imports that the right is preserved from the student to the access to that component curricular,
independently of who is the responsible for the accomplished work.
Political-pedagogic project
A subject that, during the 25 Symposium of ESEF/UFPel, it was present in the presented works was " Politicalpedagogic Project (PPP)". Para that the school is involved with the student and the community which belongs is necessary to
organize and to plan the pedagogic political project seeking the student and the search of the citizenship and also to address the
contents programáticos for the teaching not to be totally fragmented.
In the Symposium that subject was treated in an indirect way in studies that analyze the proposals for the physical
education in public schools. That happened in the 14th and 25th edition of the event.
Therefore, so that she can begin to formulate a PPP should be taken into account the student, the context in that the
school is inserted, the contents to be developed and mainly which the objectives the they be reached by this school.
Pedagogic practice
The Pedagogic Practice was a subject that was present in the works presented in most of the editions of the
Symposium analyzed. Some works treated about the problems and difficulties of the teacher's Pedagogic Practice as " Diagnosis
of the problems of the physical education teachers' pedagogic practice in the municipal net of teaching in Santa Maria " of KRUG,
H. N.; MENEZES, F. S.; BELTRAME, V. presented in the 17th edition of the Symposium. Others presented the difficulties found by
trainees in educational exercise as "The teaching practice in physical education in Santa Maria's Federal University: diagnosis of
the problems of the pedagogic " practice, of KRUG, H. N.; FERREIRA, F. .F presented in the same edition of the Symposium.
Another approach that involves this subject was the relationship teacher-student and his/her importance for the
process teaching and learning. To illustrate the work of SINOTT, E. C. it can be mentioned that has as title " Transforming the
relationship teacher-student ", presented in the 15th Symposium.
Another following line in the works classified in this category was the one of the differences of the classes supplied in
the public and private teaching, whose example is the research that has as title " Observations of daily of the school physical
education: a reflection on the types of classes ", of KRUG, H. N. presented in the 20th edition of the Symposium.
In agreement with GUIMARÃES and others (2001), the physical education collaborates for the children's formation as
a whole in the which the classes constitute an important space to contemplate and to discuss on the several present conflicts in
the school. Still for those authors, in the school space the formation process and transmission of values and attitudes, considered
desirable, it needs to be emphasized because one of the functions of the school is to develop in the children a formation for
citizenship. That implicates to have clarity of the as the teacher and pedagogic practice are important in the process of formation
of attitudes and the students' values.
The planning is a subject that, although approached in several ways, it has been deserving the attention of the studies
in the physical education there is a long time. This because, it seems there to be a consensus in the education way about the
relevance of the programming and of the reflection on the work the being accomplished at the school. (COLETIVO DE
AUTORES, 1992)
During the 25 editions of the Symposium, they were six works presented in this category, divided in three panels, two
communications and two free subjects. In those studies it was possible to verify that their authors looked for to investigate the
planning of the classes in the schools, discussing the differences among the nets municipal, state and private, looking for like this
to identify possible differences in the approach of the physical education.
As the analysis of the works, was verified that the contents should be used intentionally, projected and gone back to
the learning of new elements for the students' life. Like this, the teacher has the capacity to accompany their students'
development, as well as, to have a permanent evaluation of the work that accomplishes. That means that the organization of the
teacher's work can be decisive to wake up in the student the interest for the learning certain content
It was also verified that a good planning should contain a wide idea of the contents, and that only the student will make
advantage of their classes when tenor presents a functionality, educational purpose and still, to correspond to their interests and
needs. That means to discard the idea of " free " classes that they are summarized it an extension of the recreation.
In one of the subjects free from the 24th Symposium - denominated " physical education: a panorama of the
organization Curricular in the space of the school ", of BLANCO, C.L.; BLANCO, R.A; AFONSO, M.R., - the curriculum of the
physical education should be organized in the sense of privileging the education in including sense, based in a wide conception
and not in the idea that the discipline would be summarized to run, to play ball, to do gymnastics and to play, without any
educational purpose.
In synthesis, the planning curricular of the discipline should be returned the promotion of the functionality, of the
progression of the contents, and of the student's interaction with the physical education.
Contents of the School physical education
In agreement with LIBÂNEO (1994), the didactic process is the interaction among the actions of to teach and to learn
whose connection happens through the contents. When thinking in the physical education, Melo (2007, 2007) after reflexive
Volume 78 - Special Edition - ARTICLE II - 2008
actions on the contents, says to be taken to disastrous considerations, because very a little it is being taught and almost anything
if learns. According to the author, nor games and traditional games in the school physical education, as the soccer and the
burning, they are taught because the students have already been learning them, they already know them, of house or of the
streets. In other words, they are activities that are already part of the children's life and, in that way, they are taken advantage by
the school.
We found in the documents of the Symposium a great amount of articles on the developed contents, from the infantile
education to the medium teaching. They were found fourteen posters, three mini-courses, nine oral communications and twentyfour free subjects. Surprisingly, there was not any Symposium with general subject on "contents".
With the intention of studying the years begin of the fundamental teaching, it was a group of works that approach the
children's games basically, as the work " is playing that it is learned ", of HECKTHEUER, C. and MEDINA, B, presented in 2006.
In a large part of the works presented that it study that age group, it is observed that in the daily of the schools activities
in an exaggerated way are happening, not having, in that way, in the work accomplished in the physical education.
The works found in the registrations of the Symposium are summarized, in larger part, for they be constituted from
critics to the physical education contents supplied in all of the levels of the education process. A lot of critics are made by the
reduction of the work in the physical education to the sporting content. This can be illustrated with the work of VIÉGAS, C. and
DUARTE G, exposed in 1993, entitled "Spaces for the school physical education in the municipal district of Canguçu: the
influence of the sport", presented in 1993.
Authors as MELO (2007) and SILVEIRA (2007), they corroborate such verifications to the they affirm that the sports
become practices hegemônicas in the school to the they be divided in modalities that end for constituting the content of work of
the physical education.
The sports are contents that allow the development of several aspects (values, knowledge, you know) in the students,
however we cannot forget that other contents are also part of the cultural universe of the movement to the which the students are
entitled of having access.
Many analyzed works affirm the need of the physical education to be significant in the students' life and they propose
new forms of ' educar'. In that sense, needs to abandon a ruled action in the ' to do for fazer' for the adoption of a work that has
sense and meaning for the students, whose goal is to educate for the life. In that case, they are works that propose the inclusion of
other contents in the physical education classes, as the games, the dances, the fights, the gymnastics.
The need to relate the physical education to the student's life, it is also mentioned in many analyzed studies. They are
works that propose the use of contents to be lived outdoors. Some still approach linked contents to the aspects cultural, historical
and social, through the use of dramatic games, of the capoeira, among others.
The subject "evaluation" assumes great importance in the physical education and it has been treated, during the
editions of the Symposium, in the most varied ways and with the most different approaches. The presented works discussed
visions as: evaluation x disapproval, methods and proposed of evaluation, school reality and evaluation in physical education.
The evaluation is a quite controversial subject in the physical education, for the difficulties found by the teachers to
definit it that and how to evaluate. Such difficulty doesn't seem so intense in the other disciplines of the curriculum for they have
not so many difficulties of defining what to evaluate.
The evaluation conceptions depend on more general visions of whole the teaching process as methodology and
planning. I eat mentioned already previously, along the 25 editions of the Symposium it was quite significant the number of works
presented about the subject evaluation. This indicates it as the subject still wakes up doubts and difficulties among the teachers
that act at the school.
Final considerations
It identified that some subjects that today they are concern source in the area, it has already been studied from the first
editions of the Symposium, what reveals that the problems because it passes the physical education are not new, but they are
quite current.
The subjects regarding the teaching processes were approached in 24 of the 25 editions of the event and treated in
several ways. It is concluded with the study that there is the professionals' of the area of the physical education great concern with
the subjects regarding the teaching. The study also demonstrated that problems with the evaluation and planning are appealing
in the area and that the difficulties faced at the present time are not different from those of the beginning of the decade of 80 when
they happened the first editions of the Symposium. Such verification demonstrates the need of urgent measures in the education
field that are to soften the problems faced in the school today.
Bibliographical references
ACCURSO, A. Capoeira na educação Física escolar. Mini-cursos. Anais do 14º Simpósio Nacional de Ginástica,
Pelotas, RS, 1993.
BRACHT, V. A dissociação institucional entre o desporto escolar e a educação física escolar. Anais do 4º
Simpósio Nacional de Docentes de Nível Superior na Área de Ginástica, Pelotas, RS,1983.
COLETIVO DE AUTORES. Metodologia do ensino de Educação Física. São Paulo: Cortez, 1992.
HECKTHEUER. C. e MEDINA. B. É brincando que se aprende. Pôster. Anais do 25º Simpósio Nacional de
Educação Física. Pelotas, RS, 2006.
LIBÂNEO, J. Didática. São Paulo: Cortez, 1994.
MARRAMARCO, C. Basquetebol escolar. Mini-cursos. Anais do 14º Simpósio Nacional de Ginástica. Pelotas, RS,
MELO, J. Perspectivas da Educação Física Escolar: reflexão sobre a Educação Física como componente
curricular. XI Congresso Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física dos países de língua portuguesa. Departamento
de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. < > Acesso em 20 jun 2007
PADILHA P. R., Caminho para uma Escola Cidadã mais bela, prazerosa e aprendente- Projeto Político Pedagógico. <>. Acesso em 20 jul 2007
RANGEL-BETTI, I. Reflexões a respeito da utilização do Esporte como meio educativo na Educação Física
escolar. In: Revista Kinesis. Santa Maria: nº 15, 1997, p. 37 - 43.
SAVIANI, N. Saber escolar, currículo e didática: problemas da unidade conteúdo/método no processo
Volume 78 - Special Edition - ARTICLE II - 2008
pedagógico. Campinas: Autores Associados, 1994.
SILVEIRA, J. A Educação Física escolar nas escolas públicas e os seus conteúdos: uma análise sobre a
postura dos educadores acerca de seu campo de trabalho. < > Acesso em 23
de jun. 2007.
VIÉGAS, C. e DUARTE G. Espaços para a Educação Física escolar no município de Canguçu: a influência do
esporte. Anais do 14º Simpósio Nacional de Ginástica, Pelotas, RS, 1993.
This study is part of a research whose objective was to analyze all of the registrations of the 25 editions of the Simpósio
Nacional de Educação Física to identify the works that had as subjects to the school physical education. In this article, the data
are presented regarding the studies found that you/they problematized the teaching processes and learning in the physical
education. The study is of the bibliographical type. The consultation sources were the annals and the collections and programs of
the event. After the rising of the information, all of the documents were analyzed and classified starting from an analysis by
categories. The subjects regarding the teaching processes were approached in 24 of the 25 editions of the event and treated in
several ways. It is concluded with the study that there is the professionals' of the area of the physical education great concern with
the subjects regarding the teaching. The study also demonstrated that problems with the evaluation and planning are appealing
in the area and that the difficulties faced at the present time are not different from those of the beginning of the decade of 80 when
they happened the first editions of the Symposium. Such verification demonstrates the need of urgent measures in the education
field that to soften the problems faced in the school today.
WORD-KEY: teaching processes, physical education, research
Cette étude fait partie d'une recherche dont l'objectif était analyser toutes les inscriptions des 25 éditions du Simpósio
Nacional de Educação Física pour identifier les travaux qui avaient comme thème à l'éducation physique scolaire. Dans cet
article, les données sont présentés concernant les études trouvez ce probleme du l'enseignement traite et apprendre dans
l'éducation physique. L'étude est du type bibliographique. Les sources de la consultation étaient les annales et les collections et
programmes de l'événement. Après le soulèvement de l'information, tous les documents ont été analysés et ont classé
commencer d'une analyse par les catégories. Les sujets concernant les processus de l'enseignement ont été approchés en 24
des 25 éditions de l'événement et ont traité dans plusieurs chemins. Il est conclu avec l'étude qu'il a les professionnels de la
région de l'éducation physique grande inquiétude avec les sujets concernant l'enseignement. L'étude a aussi démontré que
problèmes avec l'évaluation et organiser demande dans la région et que les difficultés ont fait face à présent n'est pas différent de
ceux du commencement de la décennie de 80 quand ils se sont passés les premières éditions du symposium. La telle vérification
démontre le besoin de mesures urgentes dans le champ de l'éducation que les sont adoucir les problèmes fait face dans l'école
MOT CLEF: apprenant processus, éducation physique, recherche
Este estudio es parte de una investigación cuyo objetivo era analizar todas las registraciones de las 25 ediciones del
Simposio Nacional de Educación Física para identificar los trabajos que tenían como el tema a la educación física escolar. En
este artículo, los datos se presentan con respecto a los estudios encuentre ese problematized del los procesos instrucción y
aprendiendo en la educación física. El estudio es del tipo bibliográfico. Las fuentes de la consultación eran los anales y las
colecciones y programas del evento. Después de la subida de la información, todos los documentos se analizaron y arranque
clasificado de un análisis por las categorías. Se aproximaron los asuntos con respecto a los procesos instrucción en 24 de las 25
ediciones del evento y trataron de varias maneras. Se concluye con el estudio que hay los profesionales del área de la educación
física la gran preocupación con los asuntos con respecto a la enseñanza. El estudio también demostró que los problemas con la
evaluación y planeando están apelando en el área y que las dificultades enfrentaron en la actualidad que no es diferente de
aquéllos del principio de la década de 80 cuando ellos pasaron las primeras ediciones del Simposio. La tal comprobación
demuestra la necesidad de medidas urgentes en el campo de educación que los son ablandar los problemas enfrentado en la
escuela hoy.
PALABRAS LLAVE: los procesos instrucción, la educación física, la investigación
Este estudo é parte de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi analisar todos os registros das 25 edições do Simpósio
Nacional de Educação Física para identificar os trabalhos que tiveram como tema à Educação Física escolar. Neste artigo, são
apresentados os dados referentes aos estudos encontrados que problematizaram os processos de ensino e aprendizagem na
Educação Física. O estudo é do tipo bibliográfico. As fontes de consulta foram os anais e as coletâneas e programas do evento.
Após o levantamento das informações, todos os documentos foram analisados e classificados a partir de uma análise por
categorias. As questões referentes aos processos de ensino foram abordadas em 24 das 25 edições do evento e tratadas de
diversas formas. Conclui-se com o estudo que há grande preocupação dos profissionais da área da Educação Física com as
questões referentes ao ensino. O estudo demonstrou também que problemas com a avaliação e planejamento são recorrentes
na área e que as dificuldades enfrentadas na atualidade não são diferentes daquelas do início da década de 80 quando
ocorreram as primeiras edições do Simpósio. Tal constatação demonstra a necessidade de medidas urgentes no campo
educacional que sirvam para amenizar os problemas enfrentados na escola hoje.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: processos de ensino, Educação Física, pesquisa.