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2003, Revista de la Asociación Médica de Bahía Blanca
5 pages
1 file
Casuística RESUMEN RESUMEN RESUMEN RESUMEN RESUMEN Comunicamos un paciente afectado de paraganglioma maligno metastásico del glomus carotídeo, enfermedad excepcional y de tratamiento controvertido, operado en nuestro Servicio de Cirugía General. Puntualizamos el rápido crecimiento y los trastornos deglutorios observados, la infrecuencia de su transformación atípica, de las metástasis ganglionares regionales y la exéresis realizada. Efectuamos una breve reseña de las conductas diagnósticas y terapéuticas actuales.
Revista chilena de cirugía, 2011
Carotid body tumors (paragangliomas) are very rare, highly vascularized and usually benign tumors, originated in the carotid body chemoreceptors. We present the cases of two asymptomatic patients referred for left cervical mass; preoperative study was CT and CT angiography, respectively, which are consistent with carotid body tumors. The tumors were completely removed by subadventitial disection without complications; the biopsy was compatible with paraganglioma. No evidence of recurrence could be found.
Rev. argent. …
Resumen El tumor de cuerpo carotídeo, que se origina en los qui-miorreceptores de dicha estructura, representa hasta el 50% de los paragangliomas de cabeza y cuello. En forma frecuente, constituye un hallazgo incidental (asintomático), aunque en algunos casos los ...
Objective: To assess the epidemiological data, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods, type of treatment and its relation to in-hospital stay, post-operative morbidity and mortality of patients with tumors of the carotid body. Setting: Caja Nacional de Salud. Hospital Obrero No. 2. Cochabamba-Bolivia. Design: Retrospective, observational, descriptive study.
…, 2007
Introduction: Carotid body tumors are very unfrequent neoplasyas, originated from the quimiotactic organs, located in the adventicia layer in the carotid bifurcation. They are also known as carotid glomus, quemodectomas or paraganglyomas. The paraganglyomas are usually bening tumors, highly vascularized, their cells are originated from the embrionary neural crest, they are located along the arteries and cranial nerves of the brachyal arches, being seldom in the Cervico-facial region. It is very well stablished the early surgical treatment of these tumors, by the complete excision thoroughly subadventitial resection, that reaches low indexes of morbimortality. Objective: To analyze the experience in the management of patients with carotid glomus diagnosis in the department of angiology and vascular surgery. Methodology: By means of a descriptive observational and retrospective design, we reviewed the clinical files of the patients that were admitted with carotid body tumor diagnosis in the department of angiology and vascular surgery of the Regional Hospital Lic. Adolfo López Mateos from the institute of social security and services for state workers (ISSSTE). During the period between may 2003-may 2006. Outcome: 16 files were collected, but one were excluded, because it didnt have complete information, therefore 15 files were left to analyze, from which 14 were women, the mean age 56.53 years, interval between 29 and 78 years, in 100% of patients the clinical sign most recognized was is hypertrophy neck mass. The gold standard diagnostic study was the arteriography for all patients, supported in doppler dupplex ultrasound and CT. The management employed in the whole group of patients was subadventitial resection by anterior cervical approach. According to Shamblins classification 73.73% (11) of patients were grade II y 26.66% (4) grade III, the mean surgical time was 1 hour and 48 minutes. The transoperatory bleeding reported was between 200 and 1600cc.(mean bleeding volume 486.66 cc). Conclusions: Diagnosis of a carotid body tumor is very unusual, it is more frequent in women and it is detected by observation of a located hypertrophic neck mass. Arteriography is the most accurate diagnostic study, and its treatment always surgical, but delicate regarding the anatomic region operated. Thus is recommended to be performed by experienced and trained surgeons in surgery of the neck and trained in the management of vascular injuries which it is a warranty for the patient for a better prognosis, healing and less morbimortality.
Revista Cubana de Cirugía, 2015
Los tumores de cuerpo carotideo (paragangliomas) son neoplasias altamente vascularizadas, muy poco frecuentes y generalmente benignas, originadas en los quimiorreceptores del cuerpo carotideo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 54 anos, con aumento de volumen cervical derecho, asintomatico, con estudio preoperatorio y angiografia realizados por tomografia axial computarizada, que resultan compatibles con tumor de cuerpo carotideo. Se realiza diseccion subadventicial, informando la biopsia paraganglioma. El tumor fue completamente resecado, sin evidencia de recurrencia y sin complicaciones.
Revista médica de Chile, 2007
Carotid body tumors: Report of ten cases Background: Carotid body tumors arise from a cellular conglomerate located at the carotid bifurcation. Progressive enlargement can involve the arterial wall and neighbor cranial nerves. Aim: To report a series of 10 patients treated of carotid body tumors and review national experience. Patients and methods: Between 1984 and 2006, we operated 8 women and 2 men, aged 19 to 75 years, with this type of tumor. Results: The most common cause for consultation was a cervical mass in 90%, with a mean evolution lapse of 13.2 months (range 3 to 126). In all cases, diagnosis was confirmed with angiographic imaging and histopathology. Ten tumors were surgically removed with no complications. Eighty percent of tumors were in stage II according to Shamblin classification. During long term follow up all patients have remained asymptomatic. Only 31 carotid body tumors have been reported in Chilean medical literature during a 43 year period. Conclusions: Paragangliomas of the carotid body can be diagnosed in clinical grounds, requiring vascular imaging. These infrequent lesions are generally benign, early surgical removal by surgeons with vascular expertise avoids neurological and or vascular complications
Revista Mexicana de Angiolog�a
Revista de otorrinolaringología y cirugía de cabeza y cuello, 2012
Los tumores de glándulas salivales representan el 3%-10% de las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello. La localización más común es en la glándula parótida, representando el 50%-85% de los casos, siendo 20%-30% de ellos malignos. Los siguientes son indicadores de malignidad: Crecimiento acelerado, masa dolorosa, parálisis facial asociada y linfoadenopatía. La mayoría de las neoplasias de parótida derivan de un único tipo histológico, pero eventualmente puede ocurrir el desarrollo de más de un tipo en la misma glándula. Este trabajo presenta un caso de una neoplasia en parótida con dos tipos histológicos diferentes, con una presentación clínica atípica. El paciente se presentó inicialmente con otalgia y otorrea, al examen destacaba un tumor en el canal auditorio externo. El estudio complementario evidenció una neoplasia de parótida y se realizó resección total de la glándula. La biopsia informó un carcinoma adenoideo-quístico con áreas basaloideas diferenciadas. Se administró radioquimioterapia adyuvante, y el control imagenológico con PET-TC mostró la ausencia de recurrencias o diseminación del tumor. Palabras clave: Cáncer parótida híbrido, tumor híbrido glándula salival.
An Med (Mex), 2008
We report our experience in diagnosis, treatment and follow up of 13 cases of carotid body tumors, from January 2002-June 2007. All our patients were female, with ages ranging between 27 to 74 years, with an average of 50.7 years. The evolution time from detection to surgical resection was from 6 months to 15 years. The symptoms they presented were local pain in 23% of the cases, vertigo (15.3%), neck paresthesia and tinnitus in 7.6%. As a diagnosis method, angiography and axial computerized tomography were performed in 12 patients, and magnetic resonance in one. The tumor was located in the right side in 6 patients, left side in 5 and in 2 patients it was bilateral. According to Shamblin's classification, 1 patient was located in Type I, 8 patients in Type II, and the rest in type III. Tumor size was between 3 x 2 x 1 cm to 6.8 x 4 x 4.2 cm. The average bleeding was 756.1 cc with a range between 150 to 3000 cc. During the procedure, there was the need to clamp vessels: external carotid, internal jugular artery, lingual, facial and thyroid arteries. The histological diagnosis was benign in all the cases. Only one patient had considerable post-operative sequelae: a thrombotic vascular cerebral accident with right face-body hemiparesia. The patients were kept on vigilance, but 3 of them abandoned the follow-up.
İdealKent (Kent Araştırmaları Dergisi), 2021
Journal of world prehistory, 2024
Linguistic Landscape. An international journal, 2015
PALLAS, 119, 2022, pp. 43-74
SolarPACES conference proceedings, 2024
Revista Chilena de Literatura, 2021
Journal of Rural Studies, 2020
Franciscan Studies, 2008
Addiction, 1991
Journal of thoracic disease, 2018
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2003
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2008
T.1.3.Ruang Kolaborasi_Literasi Dasar_Fitra Yogi Aditiya, 2024