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Bipolar Affective disorder (BPAD)
OBJECTIVES Our primary aim was to describe unique correlates of functioning in bipolar disorder (BD). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN The study included the first 500 patients enrolled in the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD). Patients were 41.9 +/- 12.7 years old, and diagnosed with bipolar I, II or NOS, verified by structured interview. Overall functionality was determined by the Range of Impaired Function Tool (LIFE-RIFT). Stepwise multiple regression analysis tested the non-redundant-independent-association of 28 variables on functioning. PRINCIPAL OBSERVATIONS Severity of depression symptoms was significantly and uniquely correlated with impaired functioning in the context of a wide variety of demographic and clinical variables, contributing 60.9% to the total variance in overall functioning (ss = 0.254, p = 0.0001). Substantial variance in function remains unexplained. CONCLUSIONS Intensity of depressive symptoms is the major determinant of impaired f...
Bipolar Disorders, 2005
In this study we examined general assessment of functioning (GAF), and its relation to clinical and demographic factors in bipolar patients. A number of studies, mostly from specialized programs, show that bipolar disorder often leads to occupational and social impairment. Here we report data from patients in a primary care setting. A total of 252 patients from the Maritime Bipolar Registry with DSM-IV diagnoses of bipolar I or bipolar II disorder participated in the study. GAF ratings during maintenance treatment were compared across clinical and demographic variables. The mean GAF score in this sample was 67 +/- 17 (range 10-100). The GAF scores followed bimodal distribution with mean values of 50.5 +/- 10.3 and 79.0 +/- 10.3. Decreased functioning was found in patients with chronic illness course, history of rapid cycling, suicidal behaviour, psychiatric comorbidity, hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus, regardless of treatment of these conditions. There were no differences in the level of functioning between men and women, bipolar I and II patients, those with and without psychotic episodes, hypertension, treatment with antidepressants or antipsychotics. Functioning in primary care-treated bipolar patients in maintenance phase of treatment is decreased not only due to specific disorder-related variables, but also due to frequent comorbidity with other psychiatric and medical conditions.
Value in Health, 2010
Background: Bipolar disorder (BD) represents a chronic and recurrent illness that can lead to severe disruptions in family, social, and occupational functioning. The severity of mood symptomatology has been associated with functional impairment in this population. However, the majority of studies have assessed global functioning without considering specific domains. The main objective of the current study was to assess specific life domains of functioning as well as the overall functioning in patients with BD across different mood states ([hypo] mania, depression, or euthymia) compared with healthy controls by the means of a standardized scale validated for BD. Methods: The sample included 131 subjects with BD (68 in remission, 31 hypo [manic], and 32 depressed) and 61 healthy controls. The Functioning Assessment Short Test was used to assess overall and multiple areas of functional impairment (autonomy, occupational functioning, cognitive functioning, interpersonal relationships, financial issues, and leisure time).
Bipolar Disorders, 2007
Türk psikiyatri dergisi = Turkish journal of psychiatry, 2007
Even though quality of life and functioning are topics that are point of interest, they are not assessed adequately in mood disorders. In this study, it is aimed to develop a functioning assessment scale in bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorder Functioning Questionnaire (BDFQ) is developed by the Scientific Section for Mood Disorders of the Psychiatric Association of Turkey. The questionnaire contains 58 items, and consists of eleven subscales: emotional functioning, intellectual functioning, sexual functioning, feelings of stigmatization, social withdrawal, household relations, relations with friends, participation to social activities, daily activities and hobbies, taking initiative and self sufficiency, and occupation. In this study, 252 remitted bipolar patients from 15 centers were included. In addition, thirty subjects without any lifetime psychiatric, neurological or physical disease were recruited. The mean age of the patients was 38.6+/-12.1 and 56% (n=141) were female. The me...
Epigraphers have long appreciated that one of the distinguishing features of the developed linear alphabetic scripts of the first millennium Levant (e.g., Phoenician, Old Hebrew, Aramaic) is unidirectional writing from right to left in horizontal lines. Frank Moore Cross had determined that the shift to this new meta-script profile was complete by ca. 1050 BCE. 1 More recent epigraphic finds, such as the inscribed bowl fragment from Tell eṣ-Ṣ afi, 2 the ostracon from Khirbet Qeiyafa, 3 and the Meggido jug sherd, 4 require lowering this date by as much as a century or more, to 1000/950 BCE and possibly later. 5 The phase of alphabetic writing that leads up to this point witnesses the loss of iconicity in the shapes of individual letters as they become more cursive or schematized (linear) and an increased incidence of unidirectional, horizontal writing, though multidirectional writing still appears. 6 What
Ship Science & …, 2008
El presente trabajo discute la estabilidad de buques en olas con énfasis en el vínculo entre estabilidad y movimiento en olas, a fin de introducir una discusión sobre los modos dinámicos que conllevan a la zozobra en mar severo: pérdida simple de estabilidad, guiñada brusca, y resonancia paramétrica.
Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies, 2021
One expects that ancient Gnostic sources would be hostile towards Moses as the ignorant prophet of the deficient demiurge. While some ancient Gnostic sources uphold this perspective, others indicate greater ambivalence, as they both rely upon and resist Moses's authority. Other sources cite Moses positively and present him as a prophet of true, spiritual realities, even to the point of portraying Moses as a proto-Gnostic. This variety of attitudes, moreover, follows exegetical patterns stemming from New Testament writings, especially Matthew, and social patterns, providing an index to how Gnostics viewed themselves vis-à-vis other Christians and other Christian Gnostics.
Öz Annelik, doğuştan getirilen bir güdü değildir. Kadınların önceki kuşaklardan devraldığı bir roldür. Kadın ya da erkek olarak doğmak biyolojik bir olgu olduğu gibi, kişinin kadın ya da erkek olmayı toplumsallaşma süreci içinde öğrenmekte olduğu da kabul edilmektedir. Medya var olan toplumsal, kültürel statünün sürdürülmesinde koruyucu olarak yer almakla birlikte değişim ve dönüşüm için de kullanılabilecek bir gücü bulunmaktadır. Medyanın kadınların eve ve aileye ilişkin rollerinin önceliğini vurgulayan basmakalıp imgeler kullanmakta olduğunu bilinmektedir. Etkileşim yolu açılmış ya da araçlar çeşitlenmiş olsa da iletişim araçları ideolojinin bir parçası olarak işlevini sürdürmeye devam etmektedir. Anneliğin öğrenilme sürecinde de medyanın çok büyük önemi bulunmaktadır. Egemen ideoloji kitle iletişim araçları aracılığı ile kadınlar için biçilen rolü tekrarlamakta kadınlar da bu rolleri içselleştirmekte, sosyal yapılandırma olduğunun farkına varmaksızın kabullenebilmektedirler. Bu araştırma kapsamında akademisyen anneler ile görüşülerek, annelik rolünü öğrenme sürecinde medyanın, özellikle de internet, televizyon ve yazılı basının yeri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Nitel yöntem benimsenmiş, araştırma yöntemi olarak da derinlemesine görüşme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Kişisel deneyimleri belli bir sistematik içinde anlatmak, belirli kurallar, kuramlar çerçevesinde yorumlamanın da önemli olduğu düşünülerek çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. MEDIA’S ROLE IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING THE ROLE OF MOTHERHOOD Abstract Motherhood is not an innate drive. It is a role that women take over from previous generations. It is accepted that being born as a woman or man is a biological phenomenon and people learn to become a woman or man in the process of socialization. Media takes place as a protector in the maintenance of social and cultural status. On the other hand, it has a side which can be used for change. It is known that media uses stereotypical images emphasizing the priority of women’s role concerning home and family. Even though the path for interaction is opened or tools are varied, communication tools continue to operate as a part of ideology. In the process of learning motherhood, media has a significant part. The dominant ideology repeats the role assigned to women via mass communication tools and women internalize these roles and accept them without noticing that they are social structuring. Within the scope of this research, interviews are made with mothers who are academicians and media’s especially internets, TV’s and press’s place is tried to be detected in the process of learning the role of motherhood. In this research qualitative interviews is used. The research is implemented by considering that telling personal experiences within a certain system and interpreting them within particular rules and theories is important.
Modos de fazer/Ways of Making, 2020
Economics of climate change, 2023
Southeast Asian Transformations: Urban and Rural Developments in the 21st Century, edited by Sandra Kurfurst & Stefanie Wehner , 2020
Bedrohungen der Demokratie, 2009
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2001
D‟Antoni S., Battisti C., Cenni M. e Rossi G.L. (a cura di), 2011 – Contributi per la tutela della biodiversità delle zone umide. Rapporti ISPRA 153/11
TEKE (Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim) Dergisi, Sayı: 12/1, s. 1-21, 2023
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2024
Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia, 2004
Grassland Science, 2012
Addictive Behaviors, 2015
المجلة العلمیة لبحوث العلاقات العامة و الإعلان, 2017
Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria, 2017