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1981, Open Dissertations and Theses
175 pages
1 file
Este programa es de carácter público, no es patrocinado ni promovido por partido político alguno y sus recursos provienen de los impuestos que pagan los contribuyentes. Está prohibido el uso de este programa con fines políticos, electorales, de lucro y otros distintos a los establecidos. Quien haga uso indebido de sus recursos en el Distrito Federal, será sancionado de acuerdo a la ley aplicable y ante la autoridad competente. Distribución gratuita, prohibida su venta.
The core purpose of this study was to investigate the practice of social media consumption among people of Pakistan. This consumption of social media generates the trend of participatory culture in Pakistan. Data is collected by online analyses of three highly trafficked Facebook pages which are 'zindabadpakistan', 'pakarmyfanpage' and ''. To check active participation number of shares and comments were analyzed on these pages and numbers of likes were analyzed to check passive participation of internet users in Pakistan. Frequency of production of stories on these pages was also analyzed. The researcher analyzed six months data from January 2014 to July 2014. The results showed only 2.7% people are actively participating while 7.2% visitors of these pages are passively participating on these pages. The study does not support the notion of trend of participatory culture in Pakistan.
Purpose: Aim of the current study was to investigate the relation between self-efficacy and academic achievement in high school students. Method: In this study, 250 students in the academic year 2010/2011 were selected by means of multistage cluster sampling and completed self-efficacy scale. To measure achievement score grade point average in classes was used. To analyze data correlation coefficient and regression analysis was used. Results: analysis of data revealed that self-evaluation, self-directing and self-regulation are correlated with academic achievement. Among all variables entered in the equation model only self-evaluation and self-regulation entered the regression model explaining 10 percent variance of academic achievement in 2 steps. Conclusion: according to the results, self-efficacy is a considerable factor in academic achievement.
working papers in Economic History, Instituto Figuerola, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2010
Recent literature on sharecropping has emphasized its importance in reducing problems associated with moral hazard in cultivation (Tuscany), or in providing an important 'rung' on the farm ladder (US South). Yet despite these and other important features, sharecropping is surprisingly absent in many, if not most other settings. Using case studies associated with French wine production, this paper argues that a number of factors have often been overlooked in the literature: 1) the need for landowners to be able to offer farms that were both sufficiently large to employ full time the sharecropper's family, and allowed them to produce a variety of products to minimize risk; 2) measurement problems associated with the division of the harvest, especially when quality was an important factor in determining farm price; 3) and the nature of vertical cooperation and integration associated with the production and marketing arrangements of individual crops explains that landowners were not indifferent to receiving payment in cash or kind, and this affected contract choice. This paper incorporates these ideas to explain not just the presence and absence of sharecropping in different geographical localities, but also the wide variety of different forms of the contract that existed in Europe.
As a pre analysis, numerical simulation at airfoil more cheaper and efficient compared to experiment, because flowfield and geometrical conditions can be managed easily to get the results. Elliptic grid generation transform the physical domain to computational domain. Flowfield equations transformed to computational domain too. Vortex methods with line Gauss-Siedel and ADI iteration used to get flowfiled equations. Airfoil assumed infinite to breaks problem from three dimensional to two-dimensional flow. This numerical simulation research verify by experiments result to get accuration, so it can get as a pre analyze in research. The vortex method examines flowfield of the NACA four-digit airfoil, adding the flap variations. Results from this study suggest that at low Re this simulations have good accuration. Lift coefficient of plain-flap bigger 20.4% compared to without flap or with flaperon, followed by increase of lift coefficient along increasing angle of attack till 13,4% at an...
bosnischen Franziskaner, osmanischen Bosnien, 1700-1878, Seelsorge
Artykuł analizuje Heglowską konstrukcję wiedzy zmysłowej: empiryczną treść przedmiotu oraz jego ogólny charakter. Zdaniem autora, Heglowskie stanowisko musi być do pewnego momentu zgodne z podstawową tezą realizmu epistemologicznego na poziomie świadomości zmysłowej. Heglowska filozofia doświadczenia wskazuje jednocześnie na pojęciowy charakter treści percepcyjnych. Możliwe jest to dzięki stopniowemu procesowi rozpoznawania nieempirycznych elementów świadomości oraz modelowi, w którym realność świata doświadczenia funkcjonuje tylko w ramach idealnej rzeczywistości myślenia Ducha. Takie rozumienie stanowiska Hegla wymaga jednak wyróżnienia tego, co jest realnością niewłaściwą (I rzędu) i właściwą (II rzędu) w procesie doświadczenia. Zaproponowana tutaj interpretacja wydaje się dobrze pasować do Heglowskiej koncepcji syntezy poszczególnych rodzajów i poziomów wiedzy, w tym również wiedzy zmysłowej.
Environmental Technologies to Treat Rare Earth Elements Pollution: Principles and Engineering
Rare earth elements (REE) are a class of 17 metals consisting of 15 lanthanides (La), yttrium (Y) and scandium (Sc) (Balaram, 2019; Mikołajczak et al., 2017). There are two types of REE: light rare earth elements consisting of lanthanum (La), praseodymium (Pr), cerium (Ce), neodymium (Nd) and samarium (Sa), and heavy rare earth elements consisting of yttrium (Y), europium (Eu), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), holmium (Ho), erbium (Er), gadolinium (Gd), lutetium (Lu), ytterbium (Yb) and thulium (Tm) (Ambaye et al., 2020). REE are naturally occurring elements and their unique physicochemical properties make them applicable in different sectors, including the electronics, medical, renewable energy and manufacturing sectors (Balaram, 2019; Du & Graedel, 2011). Rare earth elements are present in abundance and global demand is majorly fulfilled by countries like China (61.97%), the United States (12.2%), Myanmar (10.32%), Australia (9.85%) and India (1.41%) (Zhang et al., 2017). REE are used in the preparation of Mg-alloys or titanium-alloys due to their high solid-solubility, structural integrity, and corrosion resistance (by scavenging undesirable contaminants and stabilizing the oxide/hydroxide surface)an ideal property in weight-sensitive and biomedical applications (Biesiekierski et al., 2020; Willbold et al., 2015). The Pt-REE alloy has been adopted as an active and durable electrocatalyst as its negative alloying energy or enthalpy of formation
Previous studies show that men with masculine facial characteristics are perceived as more dominant than men with less masculine facial characteristics. This study investigated whether facially dominant men behaved more dominantly and were more prone to sexual jealousy. Participants were 115 males enrolled in UTA introductory psychology classes. Dominant behavior constituted the number of times participants stuck to their position in a series of cooperative decision making trials; sexual jealousy was measured using a modification of Buss et al’s. (1992) jealousy scenario, and facial dominance was measured using subjective ratings. Results indicated a significant positive correlation between facial dominance and sexual jealousy but no equivalent correlation between facial dominance and behavioral dominance. Associated findings revealed significant positive correlations between facial dominance and each of the four variables of trait dominance, height, self-presentation bias, and directional asymmetry. Results were discussed in the context of measurement validity and androgen exposure.
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