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2004, Review of Women's Studies
25 pages
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Urbanisasi di Indonesia membawa tantangan dan peluang bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan. Pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya diukur dari angka PDRB, tetapi juga harus memberikan manfaat merata bagi seluruh masyarakat dan memperhatikan keberlanjutan lingkungan. Urbanisasi yang cepat dapat menyebabkan masalah seperti kemacetan, polusi, dan tekanan pada infrastruktur jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Contoh Kota Tangerang Selatan menunjukkan bahwa meskipun PDRB meningkat, kualitas hidup tidak selalu sebanding. Oleh karena itu, perencanaan kota yang terintegrasi, partisipatif, dan berbasis data sangat penting untuk memastikan pertumbuhan ekonomi sejalan dengan peningkatan kualitas hidup dan keberlanjutan lingkungan.
the CALICO Journal, 2013
The Nihongo Tutorial System is an intelligent tutoring system designed to assist English-speaking scientists and engineers in acquiring reading proficiency in Japanese technical literature. The system provides individualized lessons by matching a student's technical area of interest and Japanese language ability with the available instructional materials which are derived from actual technical articles. This approach is designed to maximize comprehension through context by assuring an appropriate amount of new material and by drawing on the student's expertise in the subject matter. The instructional texts are encoded in a data structure that maintains syntactic, semantic, phonetic, and morphological information that can be delivered to the student upon request. The system also provides on-line supplementary materials including a character dictionary, a general dictionary, a grammar dictionary, and several technical dictionaries for additional information. Thus the Nihongo Tutorial System provides an efficient aid for acquiring the vocabulary, syntax, and style of Japanese texts from a specific technical discipline.
Las opiniones recogidas en este volumen no comprometen, en ningún sentido, a las instituciones involucradas en la edición de esta obra.
Ao meu querido Pai que me apoiou, amou e deu coragem em todos os momentos. A quem amo sem que palavras possam descrever.
This article presents the results of the evaluation of the exterior of the Holstein black-and-white and Simmental breeds by the linear method, the dairy productivity of animals has been studied, the relationship between the studied traits of the exterior and the productivity of animals has been determined. The linear evaluation of the first-calves of the Holstein breed in all traits was within the optimal value, while in the Simmentals almost all the indices were below optimal values. The cows of the Holstein black and white breed have a high correlation between body builds, while udder indices correlate poorly with each other, but are positively correlated with indicators of milk molds. In the Simmental breed, the correlation of the physique features was also an average positive. The productivity level of both groups corresponds to the breed standards. In both groups of breeds, a positive low correlation was found between the body build and udder ratio.
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