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2023, Characteristics of computers
10 pages
1 file
Yet another lesson in introduction to computers. I’m this lesson we discuss the characteristics of computers, which can also me considered as advantages of computers
Differentiate between port, expansion slot and expansion card Explain the input/output, processing and storage operations Define operating system, device drivers, utility programs and language processors Identify the use of productivity, business, entertainment and education software Elaborate open source software, shareware and freeware UNIT INTRODUCTION This Unit "Fundamentals of Computer" covers a foundational understanding of computer hardware and software along with how to get the most value and impact from computer technology. In this unit the history of computer is described so that students can understand how have computers evolved from very simple calculating devices to the modern electronic computing. It also provides material on application of computers in various fields to describe the role of computer in modern society and its impact on our daily life. 1 9 1 Fundamentals of Computer TITBITS Abacus is still seen at some toy shops, made of plastic or wood for small children.
A reading of the fourth volume of Heidegger's Nietzsche book (on nihilism), contrasting the two thinkers' conceptions of metaphysics and nihilism, and their antidotes to them.
LA CAPPELLA DEL SANTO, DOPO JACOPO SANSOVINO In questo capitolo si ripercorre la storia della Cappella di Sant'Antonio dalla fine degli anni venti del Cinquecento, con l'approdo di Jacopo Sansovino e dei suoi, fino al compimento del cantiere, all'aprirsi del XVII secolo. L'esame stilistico e la revisione dei documenti interessano gli stucchi di Silvio Cosini; i quattro rilievi compiuti da Sansovino, dallo stesso Cosini e da Girolamo Campagna; l'altare antoniano, originariamente popolato da undici statue bronzee di Tiziano Aspetti.
This paper discusses a form of Neolithic monument found in Ireland and western Britain. It is argued that ‘dolmens’ are a distinctive type of monument, where the key characteristic is the use of enormous capstones which were lifted up and displayed on smaller upright supporters. These monuments were not built in order to create a chamber area, but were displays of important stones and astonishing feats of engineering. Considerable social prestige could be gained or lost through the construction of these monuments, and the paper details some examples which clearly ended in disaster. Finally, this paper suggests that dolmen construction originated in France, amongst communities who had a long tradition of building with big stones. The idea that these monuments were part of a Neolithic package introduced into Britain some time around 4000 BC is also challenged.
Sebagai salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati dunia, Indonesia memiliki Indeks Keanekaragaman Hayati (Biodiversity Index) tinggi. Walaupun kepulauan Indonesia hanya mewakili 1,3% luas daratan dunia, tetapi memiliki 25 species ikan dunia, 17% spesies burung, 16% reptil dan amphibi, 12% mamalia, 10% tumbuhan dan sejumlah invertebrata, fungi, dan mikroorganisme (Gautam, 2000). Keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-lima dunia. Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 38.000 jenis tumbuhan. Pada tiap 10.000 kilometer persegi lahan di Jawa, terdapat 2.000–3.000 jenis tumbuhan. Pada tiap 10.000 km persegi lahan di Kalimantan dan Papua terdapat lebih dari 5.000 jenis tumbuhan (Kompas, 24-5-2010) . Sayangnya Guinness Book of Record edisi 2008 mencatat, Indonesia sebagai pemegang rekor deforestasi tertinggi di dunia. Indonesia juga menempati urutan ke-4 sebagai negara yang kini terancam memiliki jumlah tumbuhan terancam kepunahan paling banyak, yaitu setelah Ekuador, Malaysia, dan China, berdasarkan kriteria The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). IUCN juga mencatat Indonesia memiliki 3.682 spesies fauna (IUCN, 2010). Dari jumlah itu, ada 6 spesies telah punah serta 701 digolongkan sebagai spesies terancam, yang terdiri atas 63 spesies berstatus kritis, 157 terancam, dan 481 dikualifikasikan rentan kepunahan. Konservasi merupakan suatu faktor keberlanjuitan yang mutlak. Dalam hal sumberdaya terbarukan, konservasi menjamin ketersediaan (continuous) fungsi sumber daya tersebut. Konservasi memperpanjang usia manfaat sumberdaya dengan jalan meng-efisienkan dan meng-anekaragamkan penggunaannya (Notohadiningrat, 1992). Konservasi merupakan suatu tindakan yang terencana dan terkoordinasi dalam suatu kelembagaan. Konsep konservasi dan keberlanjutan mengandung petunjuk bahwa pengelolaan ruang dan waktu mendasari segala tujuan maupun kegiatan. Perencanaan dan koordinasi merupakan soal kelembagaan, bilamana kegiatan tersebut berkaitan dengan wujud-wujud yang memakan ruang dan waktu (Notohadiningrat, 1992). Wilayah ruang dan waktu sangat dipengaruhi oleh persyaratan sosial, perspektif ekonomi dan pertimbangan politik. Maka dari itu pengelolaan SDA secara konservasi dan keberlanjutan hanya dapat divapai dengan tindakan yang terlembaga dengan baik.
Кулаков В.И., 2018. Датировка уникального вещевого комплекса из могильника Skardelies Wald/Aлейка-7 // Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie, Nr 2 (300), Olsztyn: Ośrodek Badań naukowych im. Wojciecha Kętrzyńskiego, с. 378-387.
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