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2007, Physical Review Letters
5 pages
1 file
The characterization of chaotic Hamiltonian systems in terms of the curvature associated with a Riemannian metric tensor in the structure of the Hamiltonian is extended to a wide class of potential models of standard form through definition of a conformal metric. The geodesic equations reproduce the Hamilton equations of the original potential model when a transition is made to an associated manifold. We find, in this way, a direct geometrical description of the time development of a Hamiltonian potential model. The second covariant derivative of the geodesic deviation in this associated manifold results in (energy dependent) criteria for unstable behavior different from the usual Lyapunov criteria. We discuss some examples of unstable Hamiltonian systems in two dimensions.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2021
This paper tackles Hamiltonian chaos by means of elementary tools of Riemannian geometry. More precisely, a Hamiltonian flow is identified with a geodesic flow on configuration space-time endowed with a suitable metric due to Eisenhart. Until now, this framework has never been given attention to describe chaotic dynamics. A gap that is filled in the present work. In a Riemanniangeometric context, the stability/instability of the dynamics depends on the curvature properties of the ambient manifold and is investigated by means of the Jacobi-Levi-Civita (JLC) equation for geodesic spread. It is confirmed that the dominant mechanism at the ground of chaotic dynamics is parametric instability due to curvature variations along the geodesics. A comparison is reported of the outcomes of the JLC equation written also for the Jacobi metric on configuration space and for another metric due to Eisenhart on an extended configuration space-time. This has been applied to the Hénon-Heiles model, a two-degrees of freedom system. Then the study has been extended to the 1D classical Heisenberg XY model at a large number of degrees of freedom. Both the advantages and drawbacks of this geometrization of Hamiltonian dynamics are discussed. Finally, a quick hint is put forward concerning the possible extension of the differential-geometric investigation of chaos in generic dynamical systems, including dissipative ones, by resorting to Finsler manifolds.
Physical Review E, 2008
We aim at assessing the validity limits of some simplifying hypotheses that, within a Riemmannian geometric framework, have provided an explanation of the origin of Hamiltonian chaos and have made it possible to develop a method of analytically computing the largest Lyapunov exponent of Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom. Therefore, a numerical hypotheses testing has been performed for the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam  model and for a chain of coupled rotators. These models, for which analytic computations of the largest Lyapunov exponents have been carried out in the mentioned Riemannian geometric framework, appear as paradigmatic examples to unveil the reason why the main hypothesis of quasi-isotropy of the mechanical manifolds sometimes breaks down. The breakdown is expected whenever the topology of the mechanical manifolds is nontrivial. This is an important step forward in view of developing a geometric theory of Hamiltonian chaos of general validity.
Physical Review E, 2010
An effective characterization of chaotic conservative Hamiltonian systems in terms of the curvature associated with a Riemannian metric tensor derived from the structure of the Hamiltonian has been extended to a wide class of potential models of standard form through definition of a conformal metric. The geodesic equations reproduce the Hamilton equations of the original potential model through an inverse map in the tangent space. The second covariant derivative of the geodesic deviation in this space generates a dynamical curvature, resulting in (energy dependent) criteria for unstable behavior different from the usual Lyapunov criteria. We show here that this criterion can be constructively used to modify locally the potential of a chaotic Hamiltonian model in such a way that stable motion is achieved. Since our criterion for instability is local in coordinate space, these results provide a new and minimal method for achieving control of a chaotic system.
Physical Review E, 1996
A nonvanishing Lyapunov exponent 1 provides the very definition of deterministic chaos in the solutions of a dynamical system; however, no theoretical mean of predicting its value exists. This paper copes with the problem of analytically computing the largest Lyapunov exponent 1 for many degrees of freedom Hamiltonian systems as a function of ϭE/N, the energy per degree of freedom. The functional dependence 1 () is of great interest because, among other reasons, it detects the existence of weakly and strongly chaotic regimes. This aim, the analytic computation of 1 (), is successfully reached within a theoretical framework that makes use of a geometrization of Newtonian dynamics in the language of Riemannian differential geometry. An alternative point of view about the origin of chaos in these systems is obtained independently of the standard explanation based on homoclinic intersections. Dynamical instability ͑chaos͒ is here related to curvature fluctuations of the manifolds whose geodesics are natural motions and is described by means of the Jacobi-Levi-Civita equation ͑JLCE͒ for geodesic spread. In this paper it is shown how to derive from the JLCE an effective stability equation. Under general conditions, this effective equation formally describes a stochastic oscillator; an analytic formula for the instability growth rate of its solutions is worked out and applied to the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam  model and to a chain of coupled rotators. Excellent agreement is found between the theoretical prediction and numeric values of 1 () for both models.
Chemical Physics Letters, 2003
This Letter deals with the stability of nonlinear Hamiltonian dynamics. The Jacobi-Levi-Civita equation for the geodesic spread is shown to be a powerful tool for the characterization of the so called Hamiltonian chaos. The special case of two degrees of freedom is analyzed and used to study the origin of the instability properties of the NeÁ Á ÁI 2 molecule. Results are compared with those of the conventional methodology, resulting in complete agreement. Advantages of the geometrical framework are shown. It is demonstrated how the instability of geodesics is only determined by the projections of the curvature tensor on the transverse directions of the geodesic tangent vector. The relevant role of the phenomenon of parametric resonance in the explanation of the origin of instability in Hamiltonian systems was confirmed.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
By identifying Hamiltonian flows with geodesic flows of suitably chosen Riemannian manifolds, it is possible to explain the origin of chaos in classical Newtonian dynamics and to quantify its strength. There are several possibilities to geometrize Newtonian dynamics under the action of conservative potentials and the hitherto investigated ones provide consistent results. However, it has been recently argued that endowing configuration space with the Jacobi metric is inappropriate to consistently describe the stability/instability properties of Newtonian dynamics because of the non-affine parametrization of the arc length with physical time. To the contrary, in the present paper it is shown that there is no such inconsistency and that the observed instabilities in the case of integrable systems using the Jacobi metric are artefacts.
Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 2001
Recently a geometric description of chaos in Hamiltonian systems has been formulated using the tools of Riemannian geometry. Here, Hamiltonian chaos is explained in terms of the curvature properties of the configuration space manifold. In particular, it has been claimed that the average of an appropriately defined sectional curvature (K((2))) over a constant energy manifold is a measure of the global extent of chaoticity for systems with a small number of degrees of freedom. We investigate the relations between this quantity K((2)) and the maximal Lyapunov exponent lambda for some Hamiltonian systems of physical interest with two degrees of freedom. We find that there is a close relation between K((2)) and lambda(2). Both the quantities scale as E(1/2) for quartic potentials, where E is the energy. They are expected to scale as E((n-2)/n) for a general potential of degree n. However, we find that though K((2)) is a global indicator of chaos, it is not a sufficiently accurate measure...
Frontiers of Physics, 2016
We show that there exists an underlying manifold with a conformal metric and compatible connection form, and a metric type Hamiltonian (which we call the geometrical picture), that can be put into correspondence with the usual Hamilton-Lagrange mechanics. The requirement of dynamical equivalence of the two types of Hamiltonians, that the momenta generated by the two pictures be equal for all times, is sufficient to determine an expansion of the conformal factor, defined on the geometrical coordinate representation, in its domain of analyticity with coefficients to all orders determined by functions of the potential of the Hamiltonian-Lagrange picture, defined on the Hamilton-Lagrange coordinate representation, and its derivatives. Conversely, if the conformal function is known, the potential of a Hamilton-Lagrange picture can be determined in a similar way. We show that arbitrary local variations of the orbits in the Hamilton-Lagrange picture can be generated by variations along geodesics in the geometrical picture and establish a correspondence which provides a basis for understanding how the instability in the geometrical picture is manifested in the instability of the the original Hamiltonian motion.
The aim of this article is to highlight the interest to apply Differential Geometry and Mechanics concepts to chaotic dynamical systems study. Thus, the local metric properties of curvature and torsion will directly provide the analytical expression of the slow manifold equation of slow-fast autonomous dynamical systems starting from kinematics variables (velocity, acceleration and over-acceleration or jerk). The attractivity of the slow manifold will be characterized thanks to a criterion proposed by Henri Poincaré. Moreover, the specific use of acceleration will make it possible on the one hand to define slow and fast domains of the phase space and on the other hand, to provide an analytical equation of the slow manifold towards which all the trajectories converge. The attractive slow manifold constitutes a part of these dynamical systems attractor. So, in order to propose a description of the geometrical structure of attractor, a new manifold called singular manifold will be introduced. Various applications of this new approach to the models of Van der Pol, cubic-Chua, Lorenz, and Volterra-Gause are proposed.
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
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New Literary History, 2024
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Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 2018
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Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2018
Journal of animal science and products, 2022
Східноєвропейський історичний вісник, 2018
Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2011