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Reconquista-a vicious series of campaigns in the Iberian peninsula between 8 th and 15 th centuries by Christians to get back the Spanish land from Muslims (Moors), is usually considered a crusading attempt. However, medieval Andalusian population was multiethnic and pluralistic in its very nature remarked with the establishment of Convivencia-a period of mutual tolerance and peaceful inter-communal relationship. The living of different faith communities in Andalusia made it a worthwhile subject of studying interfaith relationship, the area less studied in historical enterprise. No less significant is to study the relationship between Reconquista, Christianization of Iberian Peninsula and its impact on non-Christian natives of medieval Andalus. Using historiographical analysis as a strategy, this paper studies Reconquista, its ideology and its aftermaths on Muslim community. It points out that Church unification and reformation along with Iberian colonization were the main factors which gradually Christianized almost the whole Iberian land. Additionally, it is also emphasized that Reconquista was an actual event and not a myth as considered by some historians.
Revue archéologique de Picardie, 2009
Études sur les plantes cultivÉes pendant le Haut Moyen Âge en France septentrionale Corrie bakels études sur les plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen âge en France septentrionale. introduction Notre connaissance des plantes cultivées pendant le haut Moyen Âge se base, en principe, sur trois genres de source : les images, les textes et les carpo-restes provenant de fouilles, mais celles-ci ne sont pas équivalentes. les images n'ont pas assez de précision, les textes écrits sont rares et les restes des plantes ont leurs problèmes de conservation. De ces trois se sont les restes de plantes, surtout les restes de graines et de fruits, qui fournissent la plus grande part de l'information. en deuxième lieu il y a les textes. les images sont à négliger. après une série d'années d'étude, nous disposons d'assez d'informations pour dresser un compte rendu sur les plantes cultivées au haut Moyen Âge. Je me limiterai, dans ce qui suit, à trois aspects : le choix des plantes à cultiver, la relation entre l'information basée sur les carpo-restes et sur les textes, et les conditions des champs. le cHoix des espèces à cultiver Le choix est influencé par quatre éléments : 1. les espèces connues à l'époque, 2. les restrictions dues au climat et au sol, 3. les conditions socio-économiques et 4. les préférences culturelles. Je laisserai ici le premier point de côté.
Revista Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2017
El capitalismo dependiente latinoamericano se expresa materialmente en un lugar determinado, es decir, en un espacio. Ya desde la noción "centro-periferia", acuñada por Raúl Prebisch, se había sugerido el problema de la dimensión espacial o espacialidad, sin embargo poco se ha reflexionado al respecto. Frente a este vacío en el trabajo intelectual, se expondrán las diferentes propuestas explicativas adscritas a la teoría marxista para el análisis social desde una perspectiva espacial, con el objetivo de generar nuevos aportes teórico-metodológicos a la ciencia social, en especial a los estudios latinoamericanos, que contribuyan a superar las barreras disciplinarias. En concreto, el análisis espacial aportaría una perspectiva complementaria al concepto de subimperialismo propuesto por Ruy Mauro Marini para explicar la fase superior del capitalismo dependiente que Brasil alcanzó. Palabras clave: espacio social, escala, desarrollo geográfico desigual, análisis espacial, subim-perialismo. Resumo O capitalismo latino-americano dependente se expressa materialmente em um lugar determinado, ou seja, em um espaço. Desde a noção "centro-periferia", denominada por Raúl Prebisch, sugeriu-se o problema da dimensão espacial ou espacialidade, entretanto pouca reflexão houve ao respeito. Diante deste vazio no trabalho intelectual, serão expostas as diferentes propostas explicativas, vinculadas à teoria marxista, para a análise social a partir de uma perspectiva espacial, com o objetivo de oferecer novas contribuições teórico-metodológicas à ciência social, especialmente aos estudos latino-americanos, para que contribuam para superar as barreiras entre as disciplinas. Concretamente, a análise espacial promoveria uma perspectiva complementar ao conceito de subimperialismo proposto por Ruy Mauro Marini para explicar a fase superior do capitalismo dependente que o Brasil alcançou. Palavras chave: espaço social, escala, desenvolvimento geográfico desigual, análise espacial, subimperialismo.
A brief summary of Babylonian history from its beginnings to the end of the Kassite dynasty.
New Media and Mass Communication, 2020
The advancement of the present day technology enables the production of huge amount of information. Retrieving useful information out of these huge collections necessitates proper organization and structuring. Automatic text classification is an inevitable solution in this regard. However, the present approach focuses on the flat classification, where each topic is treated as a separate class, which is inadequate in text classification where there are a large number of classes and a huge number of relevant features needed to distinguish between them.This paper explores the use of hierarchical structure for classifying a large, heterogeneous collection of Afaan oromoo News Text. The approach utilizes the hierarchical topic structure to decompose the classification task into a set of simpler problems, one at each node in the classification tree. An experiment had been conducted using a categorical data collected from Ethiopian News Agency (ENA) using SVM to see the performances of the hierarchical classifiers on Afaan Oromoo News Text. The findings of the experiment show the accuracy of flat classification decreases as the number of classes and documents (features) increases. Moreover, the accuracy of the flat classifier decreases at an increasing number of top feature set. The peak accuracy of the flat classifier was 68.84 % when the top 3 features were used. The findings of the experiment done using hierarchical classification show an increasing performance of the classifiers as we move down the hierarchy. The maximum accuracy achieved was 90.37% at level-3(last level) of the category tree. Moreover, the accuracy of the hierarchical classifiers increases at an increasing number of top feature set compared to the flat classifier. The peak accuracy was 89.06% using level three classifier when the top 15 features were used.Furthermore, the performance between flat classifier and hierarchical classifiers are compared using the same test data. Thus, it shows that use of the hierarchical structure during classification has resulted in a significant improvement of 29.42 % in exact match precision when compared with a flat classifier.
Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2023
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ARTECH 2010 “Envisioning Digital Spaces” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Arts 22 & 23 April, 2010, School of Architecture University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal / coord. por Leonel Valbom, 2010, págs. 108-117., 2010
Molecules, 2022
International Migration Review, 2006
Journal of Education and Practice, 2023
IEE Proceedings - Communications, 1999
Revista Veterinaria, 2016
Intervention in School and Clinic, 2001
Cell Metabolism, 2009
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013